Where can you send your dog forever? How to put a dog in good hands. How to put a dog in good hands

We see them often, but we pass by, deciding that it is too difficult: to attach a puppy, kitten, cat or dog. NU_online will tell you how, under minimal conditions, to help our little brothers find a home.

Don't think, but act

It would seem that a fun and easy mission is to accommodate several homeless animals in a week. But you know, having completed the task assigned to me, it did not become easier for me. Now I know firsthand how difficult it is to solve this problem.

You never know when and how your life will change. We are all in constant search of ourselves, endlessly trying to be needed by someone, not noticing how we spend energy in vain every day. Someone does not get out of computer games all day long, someone does not see life without the Internet - everyone is different, but you must admit that everyone has enough time to do a good deed.
Over the past week, I have met people who make happy and give meaning to the lives of thousands of homeless animals. Nobody pays them, moreover, they support them at their own expense until they find a home. “We find them everywhere: in porches, under houses, in boxes, under garbage. All of them are looking for a home and good owners who will not offend them, will protect and give affection. All animals have the right to a decent life. Unfortunately, the picture today is that there are a lot of homeless animals, and we are few. We need help, because if not us, then who else? ‒ with these words, enthusiasts of the Society for the Protection of Animals opened my eyes.

So my life has changed. I realized that you do not need to spend a lot of time thinking, you need to act.

Step 1. Understand that they are not to blame for anything

I decided to distribute animals at the entrance to the Park of Culture and Leisure. Some people passed by and snorted, parents told the children: "Don't touch him, he's nasty," teaching them from childhood to treat homeless animals inhumanely.

“The problem has not arisen now, it has existed for a long time. Its roots lie in the mentality of not even the Yakut, but the entire Russian people - in our irresponsible attitude towards our pets. Due to our carelessness, a deplorable situation has developed, which will be very difficult to resolve. Everyone has heard of the terrible tragedy in Berkakit - to prevent such cases from happening again, tough measures are needed. First of all, measures are needed in relation to dog owners: mandatory registration, vaccination of pets, a fine for throwing them out into the street, etc. The implementation of all this should be controlled by the state, and each violator should be severely punished. Secondly, tough measures are needed in relation to homeless animals on the streets. Harsh measures should be understood as trapping and destruction by specialized organizations. This is cruel, but otherwise the problem cannot be solved, ”says Innokenty Mordosov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of NEFU. Is this measure really necessary? Indeed, extermination is the easiest way to make a city "cleaner and safer." But who will we be with hands bloodied from the deaths of innocent animals? Is this a humane society? And after that, how can we assert at various hearings that we are developing and that our society is civilized?

Step 2. Take on overexposure

If you see a kitten or puppy, you can take him to your home. Naturally, with the permission of the rest of the household and provided that they do not have allergies.
You sheltered a homeless animal - you have already done a good deed. Now, taking into account his age, you need to choose food. If the baby is not yet a month old, his teeth are still erupting, you need to feed him with milk. If the pet is already a month old, you can buy dry food.

I have a lot of experience when it comes to overlays. As a child, playing football or chasing, I picked up puppies and kittens more than once. I see - I take. Only years later I realized that even overexposure is a big responsibility. Until you find a home and good owners for the baby, you are responsible for it.

I have an adult dog at home, so when I adopted the puppies, I was worried about their safety. But my protector made great friends with them and, moreover, shared almost all his food.
Doctors do not recommend bathing puppies until the age of three months, but if you picked up a puppy near the garbage bins, under the barn, then you need to wash it as carefully as possible. First, the ears should never be wet. Secondly, the water should be at room temperature. Thirdly, immediately after bathing, you need to wrap the baby in a clean and dry towel and keep it in it until the baby dries.

Also, the host must understand that they are still very small, respectively, helpless and vulnerable. To take on overexposure and forget about their existence is irresponsible. They, like newborns, require attention and care.

Step 3. Finding a New Home and a Responsible Owner

The first thing the host should be guided by is the search for a kind and responsible host. You have several ways to install:
1. Submit ads on various forums, blogs, communities, as well as in newspapers, on radio and television;
2. Call relatives and friends. If they can't, ask them to look for a pet home too;
3. Hang ads with a photo of an animal around the city;
4. Go outside and offer your puppy to passers-by.

I chose the fourth option. I was pleasantly surprised by the kindness of people, residents of our republic. Everyone, seeing the puppies and kittens, smiled, and some came up and played with the puppies. I watched this miracle and wanted to thank everyone whose heart skipped a beat at the sight of the little ones.

Activists of the society for the protection of animals "Mammoth" helped me. They are real heroes. If not for their kindness and constant concern for homeless animals, Yakutsk would have become a city of broken lives. Of all the babies that I adopted, only a puppy remained.

After I failed to attach it at the Animal Fair, which was held near the entrance to the Park of Culture and Leisure, I posted an ad on the Yakut portal Ykt.ru. But this method did not find the owner's baby. Then I decided to call my friends and found one lucky man who took her.

Step 4. Test for strength and conscience

Before giving away a puppy/kitten/other animal, take a phone number, take a picture of it, ask about its location at home, and find out if everyone in the household agrees to adopt an animal. If you were answered at least one of these questions rudely or wished to remain silent, then interrupt the conversation with this person and do not give the pet away. You must be sure when choosing a host.

And so, you attached a little one. But your mission does not end there. You must control how the four-legged now lives. To do this, call the new owner and arrange a meeting with the already pet. In case of any suspicion of unfavorable living conditions, take it away.

A drop in the sea

I am eternally grateful to all those who decided to get a pet. I believe that all puppies whose lives were in question have now found their place and the happiness of being loved. But what I have done is just a drop in the ocean. The situation of Yakutsk in terms of homeless animals is still critical. What to do?

Yegor Neustroev, teacher of the YAGSKhA, veterinary doctor of the Aibolit clinic, gave his assessment of the situation in the city of Yakutsk: “This problem has not been resolved throughout Russia.

We, as a humane society, must take care of our smaller brothers. Nowhere is it as cold as ours. In winter, homeless animals suffer: starve, freeze, die.

Therefore, we doubly need to create specialized places for homeless animals to live. In civilized countries you will not find a pack of stray dogs anywhere, there are special services for this. We do not have these services. The second problem is the manifestation of aggression not even in a stray animal, but in a domestic one. I think it is necessary to impose serious fines on the owners, because in most cases they evade responsibility, leaving only their pet to blame.”

Indeed, we can meet careless owners on every street, and, for example, in Germany you will not find a homeless animal anywhere. There, the release of an animal into the street is a strict administrative violation, which is punishable by a fine of 25 thousand euros.

In Italy, in this case, criminal liability is provided for up to a year in prison. Unsupervised walking is also prohibited, when the dog can harm passers-by. For owners of fighting dogs, special fines are provided for violation of walking and maintenance - up to 50 thousand euros.

At one of the conferences, the representative of the animal protection organization "First Step" Ruslan Raenko informed that 90% of the homeless are discarded animals. “We need to fight this problem. We need a program to sterilize pets. We need a law that will provide for the powers of the same veterinary control to persuade owners to sterilize their animals, even if they are not purebred. There should be an alternative to municipal shelters. It may be difficult, but it must be achieved,” he said.

Indeed, the most humane way is to keep animals in shelters. In many civilized countries, homeless animals are caught and placed in shelters, where they are waiting for new owners, and if there are none within a certain period, they are painlessly euthanized. The World Society for the Protection of Animals believes that euthanizing an animal is more humane than leaving it on the street.

Time goes by and there are more and more animals on the street. If we do not take measures for a decent life for our smaller brothers, no one will dare. The opening of the shelter will solve almost all the problems associated with the wandering life of animals, people will be able to come to the shelter and choose a pet, the cases of attacks on people will be reduced many times over, and the city will become kinder.

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How to put a dog in good hands

So, you have a dog in your arms that you cannot take for one reason or another. We have analyzed some of the reasons in this article. There are other reasons when the question arises - how to put a dog in good hands. For example, you found a dog on the street, you could not find its former owners. It becomes clear that we need to look for a new family for the dog. How to do it?

First of all, it would be nice to go to veterinary clinic and check the dog's health. Now I will give "bad advice" to Muscovites. If the dog does not look neglected, is in a satisfactory condition, do not report to the veterinarian that the dog has been found. Otherwise, you will be sent to the state veterinary station, that is, you will have to wander around. Say that you adopted a dog from a shelter and want to check its general condition. Then the doctors of the clinic will not mind checking her health.

It is especially important to diagnose a puppy under the age of six months for infection and, if health is normal, get vaccinated. Remember that dogs and puppies that have veterinary passport.

The next very important step is photographing dogs.

How to take a photo of a dog if you want to put it in good hands

A photo of a dog for an attachment is best done in at home. Thus, you show potential owners that the dog is domestic, she already knows how to live in a house, apartment. At the same time, you can provide the dog with some funny "tricks" in the form of scarves, headbands, bows. For example, here is how I photographed the shelter dog Pippi, who lived in my apartment for some time before I placed her in a very good and kind family.

If you attach puppy, then it is better to take a photo, again, in an apartment or in a room where you can create a good, homely background. Here, for example, how this photo is - note that a cat appears in the background, that is, the photo itself demonstrates that the puppy will get along well with other pets in the house.

Of course, puppies, as it were, attract various funny little things to themselves - in the form of hats, bows, toys, baskets in which you can put puppies and let out their chubby paws. Be sure to take pictures of them with these extras because it's cute and heart warming. And when we get a dog at home, we want some of these emotions.

At the same time, you can additionally take a picture of a dog and against the backdrop of nature, just to demonstrate how she walks. For this purpose, you can even shoot a video. Photos and videos set against a backdrop of lush greenery or beautiful nature can be quite advantageous, in addition, in freedom, you can properly show the size and shape of the dog.

A photo in nature conveys the size well and become a dog. Shelter dog Monica is waiting for good owners!

But, if you can, don't limit yourself to nature photography. Again, shooting indoors has the added benefit of showing the dog as ready to live at home.

Before photographing, be sure to comb the dog, if necessary, wipe it with cleaning wipes.

Rules for a good photo shoot for a dog in good hands:

1. Don't Forget Before Shooting remove the flash- if you frighten the dog with a bright flash, he may further strain when shooting, which will not allow you to take good shots. If you invited a photographer to shoot, warn him about the same - not all photography professionals know how to shoot animals, or they can simply forget about this factor.

2. No need to shoot the dog above. This is usually an unfavorable angle when the dog seems a little intimidated or stunned. In addition, a picture from above will not convey either the appearance of the dog or its size, that is, it will be minimally informative.

The top shot is not a PR win.

3. Before shooting first take a walk dog, give her the opportunity to walk around, do all her business. Pet your dog with soothing gestures, give him a treat. All this will allow you to make her more calm on the set, and in addition, draw her attention to you, and therefore to the lens.

4. Try to have at least one photo convey dog looking into the lens or almost to it. Dogs are mobile creatures, so it can be difficult to achieve calmness and look into the camera lens. If you are shooting together, then take the dog on a short leash and plant it at the foot. Thus, you will achieve results faster.

Get the dog looking at or near the lens. Dog Kid is looking for good owners!

5. If you are filming a dog by oneself, then tie her to a tree on a long leash. Squat side by side and just quietly and calmly observe. When the dog stops chaotic movements, sniffing and calmly sits down or stands up, take pictures at that moment.

6. If you are filming video, do not remove the dog from the back, it is also not informative and not interesting for those who will watch this video. Make a short video of the dog playing or following commands. Video with the game can be supplemented with music if you know how to edit video in simple programs.

7. Do not film the dog while sniffing and generally with the head down. The best shots are taken when the dog's head is raised, ears too.

8. If there is an opportunity to shoot a dog in a photo studio, use it!

A photo in the studio against the background of a soft warm fabric or in elements of a home environment will add a plus to PR.

When you take a picture of a dog, you need to think about text ads.

How to write a PR text to put the dog in good hands

Text writing rule in order to attach a dog to good hands is very simple - you should not be indifferent. Feel free to add your emotion, after all, if you took a dog, messed around with it so much and wholeheartedly want good owners for it, it means that you have already invested enough mental strength in this pet! You got a good look at him, saw the smallest features of his character, ten times already thought about how and in what family it would be best for him to get. So write all this, trying to proceed, of course, not only from interests of the dog, but also from needs of those who will take this dog. It is not necessary to write only about the needs of the dog (good family, home, love and affection). Think about what the owners will get by purchasing such a pet. Read other people's ad texts on websites, boards and think about which of these ads would attract you personally and why.

In the ad, do not forget to place all the important information, preferably at the beginning of the ad - weight and (or) height, approximate age of the dog, the presence of a veterinary passport.

No need to write about the fact that the dog was "betrayed" is too beaten a cliché, which is more likely to cause rejection. It is clear that the dog went through some kind of misfortune before being in a situation where it needs to be housed. But it is not necessary to focus people's attention on this - they do not like longing, oppression and hopelessness. All this must not be in your ad! Avoid other clichés like: "will brighten up your loneliness, will be a good friend to you", from them your ad becomes like thousands of other faceless ads.

Well, if you have a poetic gift or know how to write in various genres - detective, parody, and so on. Such a presentation will hook the eye of the reader, perhaps draw attention to the dog. But in most cases, we are all not writers, so try to simply and honestly, amusingly, and maybe with humor convey character, habits, appearance and other features of your ward!

How and where to place an ad to get a dog in good hands

C there are many boards, where you can place an ad about the adoption of a dog in good hands. The most popular of them:




Understand the rules for submitting ads on these boards - in some you need to register, in others you don't. Various rules for raising ads to the first places in the issue. On some sites, you can resubmit an ad every day, and thus it will rise again. On others, such as Avito, they will block you for resubmitting ads. So be careful!

You can also advertise on social media.. On Facebook and VKontakte, in Odnoklassniki there are a huge number of pages on which animals are attached. However, if you look closely, there are no likes or upvotes under the posts, which means that these pages are only popular in the sense that a lot of people go there, ADVERTISING. From this point of view, I cannot judge the usefulness of these pages. There are really promoted pages that the search engine gives out, for example, this page In contact with. If you are registered in this network, give an announcement there as well.

But it's best if you have own social media page. Place your ad on it asking for repost. After that, go to any promoted pages of individuals who have many friends or subscribers - asking for a repost. This way you will spread your ad across the networks. There is confidence that the owners of promoted pages will treat you loyally if the dog is found by you, cured, rescued from difficult conditions. In short, if the announcement has a pronounced charitable character.

Of course, it's best if you have your own promoted page, but this is not always the case.

if you once engage in PR, then here you can find an assistant in order to attach the dog to good hands. It will cost 2-3 thousand per month. I can not judge the effectiveness of this service, but you can try at least a month and see if the result is.

Posting ads As a rule, it does not have any result, but it takes a lot of time and effort. So I can hardly recommend this method, it is good for those who are looking for the owners of a missing dog, but not for an attachment.

How not to make a mistake in choosing the owner, attaching the dog to good hands

All of you wish the best for the dog you are adopting. Otherwise, you wouldn't be doing it. That is why it is very important to give the dog to good hands, and not to someone who will bring additional misfortune to the dog, or even death.

Types of villains, hunting free dogs, is very wide. It can be:

a. Resellers looking for puppies or dogs that look like breeds.

b. Beggars who need a dog for income.

in. Employees of eateries and restaurants of Korean cuisine, do not disdain dog meat.

Mr. Zhivoders, as well as other mentally abnormal people, including those with bestiality.

e. People with an alcohol or drug addiction, which may be quite normal on the days of "enlightenment", but pose a real threat to the animal in moments of intoxication or while under drugs.

Be vigilant, giving the dog into the wrong hands!

You ask, how to distinguish these, in general, not numerous, but such dangerous representatives of the human race? Sometimes it's easy to tell them apart, sometimes it's hard. Therefore, it is better to do a few rules To make sure your dog is in good hands:

    1. Do not give the dog away immediately on call. Check the phone, the name of the caller on all search engines, social networks, break through his phones on all search engines and on various "black lists" available on the Internet.

    2. During the conversation, try to find out as much as possible details about the future owner dogs - the number of family members, whether all of them agree to have a dog, place of residence (house, apartment), whether there were animals before, what kind, what is happening with them now. Try to find it out gently and unobtrusively, but if a person refuses to talk about it, wriggles or avoids answering, this is not your option. A reasonable person - even if he is an introvert and a sociophobe - should understand that you are not asking out of empty curiosity. Does not understand - goodbye, look further.

    3. Analyze what has been said - if a person has not informed other family members about his desire to adopt a dog, or does not consider it necessary to treat his dogs, or believes that his 80-year-old mother will walk the dog, or some other details from which it becomes clear to you, that this person is frivolous and not suitable - it is better to refuse such an option.

    4. When meeting, carefully examine the future owners, draw a conclusion for yourself about their financial situation and lifestyle.

All family members agree to have a dog.

The family understands who will take the dog for a walk at least twice a day.

People have sufficient material wealth to feed and, if necessary, treat the dog.

The family has enough living space so that a dog of a certain size does not get in the way, causing everyone's annoyance.

People do not have pronounced signs of alcoholism or drug addiction.

People have a good idea of ​​what it means to take a dog and take care of it.

What situation am I in? never give up a dog, even if they look like very good people:

People over 60 years old, unless there is a very clear idea of ​​who will take care of the dog in case of illness or in the event that the owner can no longer take care of the pet. If there is a son or daughter who confirms that they will take the dog with them, then there are no questions.

Young people under 25 years of age. At this age, a dog is often taken "in the mood", but you need to understand that such a young man or girl will sooner or later have his own life: friendly meetings, moving, trips, the birth of a child. All this in almost one hundred percent of cases will make the dog unnecessary, they will return it, throw it out, or it will become an annoying factor.

Lonely men. For various reasons. At the same time, a single woman is, on the contrary, the preferred option, provided that I also understand who will take the dog if something happens.

- for a gift. Attention! Never give a dog or puppy as a gift! Make sure that you are dealing with the future owners of the dog, that they take it for themselves!

On a chain to a country house. The dog must live in the house, or have its own insulated enclosure. There should be a good fence around the house. The dog must not walk independently outside the site. In a conversation with the owners of a country house, it is very important to understand that the dog will not be an "expendable material" for them, as is often the case in the countryside. That is, they will treat her and feed her normally. In general, the adoption of a dog outside the city is a special risk: dogs run away, their neighbors poison them, they are thrown out as unnecessary. Pay attention to this.

Use all your experience, all your knowledge of life in order to properly evaluate those in whose hands you entrust a living being. Do not immediately take the dog yourself - let people come to you (make such an effort), at the same time you can once again look at them. If you have a car, help with transportation after the future owners get to know the pet in your area. At least once you must visit the place where the dog will live.

If you enough figured out about future owners on the Internet and in a conversation on the phone, or in mail correspondence, then, as a rule, you will not have any difficulties when meeting in person. However, if something confuses you - do not be shy, say that you cannot give the dog away now. Remember that in the matter of housing, the main thing is still the ward dog, and not the rules of decency. It’s better to apologize to people ten times than to squabble later with doubts, but did the dog fall into the wrong hands.

How to supervise a dog after an apprenticeship

It is clear that people do not acquire a dog in order to have a former guardian of the dog settle in their lives with it. People have their own private lives, they do not care about your fears and desires, this must be taken into account. But still, some unobtrusive control after the attachment is necessary. Agree with the owners that you will call them the next day to find out how the dog gets used to the house. At the same time, you will be able to answer some additional questions if the owners have them. If you have never been to the place where the dog went for permanent residence, agree (and it is better to do this at the stage of the show) that you will come to visit once.

In the future, you can make a couple more calls - let's say after a week and after a month the dog stays in a new house. After that, agree with the owners that if there are questions or any circumstances that require your intervention, they will immediately inform you. And that should leave people alone. By the way, attaching a telephone to its collar when attaching a dog. Let it be on the dog until the owners make their own.

By following all these tips, you will be able to place the dog in good hands, feel the joy that the dog has found a home and family, and the satisfaction that YOU DID IT!

Quite often it turns out that people, finding a homeless animal on the street, try not only to provide him with food, but also try to find a home for this creature. This involuntarily begs the question: where to attach a homeless dog?

To solve these problems, there are many quite real solutions. However, finding a full-fledged housing with loving owners for an adult held dog is quite difficult, but quite possible. In general, the procedure for finding a host for such animals is a complex and time-consuming process that only real lovers of four-legged friends can do.

Think about it, maybe you yourself decide to shelter a homeless dog. Why are they better than purebreds? See in .

What is not desirable to do?

Having picked up a stray dog ​​from the street, most people with experience in this matter are not advised to place this animal in dubious shelters. Since under such a harmless name of this organization, dealers and trapping dogs can actually be successfully disguised. Here, all animal care comes down to banal euthanasia.

As for conscientious shelters, they often simply cannot provide a free place for a dog. They are overcrowded and do not have sufficient funding to create vacancies. Therefore, if you really want to help a homeless friend, you should rely only on your own strength, look for other ways and possibilities to resolve the current situation.

What should be done

In order to present the dog in front of potential owners in a favorable light, first of all, the animal must be redeemed and brought into a neat appearance. Thus, the four-legged friend will win over and he will have more chances for a guardian.

The next and mandatory step should be a visit to the veterinarian. Since the animal, living on the street, may have a wide variety of diseases. If there are any, if the disease allows it, it must be treated, of course, if you are ready for it. Well, if the dog is quite healthy, you can start looking for a future owner with a clear conscience.

Where to take a stray dog?

One of the possible ways to provide a homeless animal with home conditions is to search for an owner among your relatives and friends. The option is certainly unlikely, but not without meaning.

A sure and reliable option for solving this problem is to place ads in all known social networks, local newspapers, and even post leaflets on poles.

To do this, you need to take a photo of the dog from a favorable angle and write a short but meaningful sentence, where all the data of this animal will be indicated. Many people claim that this method really works. Since there are a lot of kind and helpful people who are able to provide a home and become the owner for such a pet.

From the above information, it becomes clear that the question of how to adopt a stray dog ​​is quite solvable if you approach it with responsibility and love for your younger brothers.

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Contact or volunteer organizations that work in your city. The chance of getting your four-legged find into the good hands of those who help animals is not really great - usually both catteries and private overexposures are overcrowded, but you can try. Volunteers will be more willing to take either a small one, since the chances that these animals will find permanent owners are higher than they would be for a huge elderly dog.

There are also paid outings. You can identify the hotel you found (as a rule, they are organized at veterinary clinics) or for overexposure to a private person who earns his living from this. In order to be accepted, you will have to part with a certain amount of money, which will depend on the conditions of detention: you yourself can, what the dog will be, whether it needs additional procedures - an examination by a veterinarian, cleaning its ears or teeth.

Place ads in newspapers and on city forums that you are giving away a dog. Specify the gender of the animal, its approximate age, color, height at the withers. If you have noticed that the dog is trained, or he has funny habits, write about it. The information that the animal brings slippers or sleeps on its back, comically tucking its paws, can attract a potential owner. Take a few pictures and accompany the note with the photo that will come out best.

You may have found a lost dog, and somewhere there is a person who yearns for her. In addition to advertising in and in a newspaper that not all city dwellers read, print out a few leaflets and hang them on poles and near bus stops. Perhaps this measure will help you to give the dog directly into the hands of its owner.

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Pets that are left without owners or live on the street have little chance of a normal and safe life. And dogs can become victims of capture and subsequent euthanasia. If you care about the fate of a street dog, you can try to give it to shelter or for a retreat.


Every city has municipal shelter s for . Aggressive or old dogs caught on the street fall into them. Not territories shelter and there are enclosures in which animals are kept. As a rule, all enclosures are outside, and in cold weather there is no way to warm up. Many dogs do not survive the cold. Food in shelter oh, rather meager, they give little meat. To somehow brighten up the life of animals in shelter Yes, the volunteers are coming. They are trying to find new owners for them. If the animal is old or sick, then after a couple of months of life in shelter employees will put him to sleep. There are not enough places in the enclosures, and new animals arrive almost every day. If the dog is dear to you and you are worried about its future fate, then in shelter for animals it is better not to give it away. Sometimes it's better to live on the street than in a small cold cell starving.

A good alternative to municipal shelter we could become private shelter s who fund charitable organizations. On private shelter ows in units and they are usually overcrowded because they have a small area and limited financial capacity. In such shelter you can arrange an animal if you make some money or buy the necessary food or medicine.

Can be given away dog on the so-called overexposure. Overexposure is carried out by private individuals who care for the animal for a certain monthly fee. You pay for the dog in full. The amount of monthly payments can start from 3.5-5 thousand rubles and reach up to 7-10 thousand. This amount includes an animal in good condition, feeding, walking, possible veterinary services and caring for a sick animal, as well as the income of the temporary owner himself. On overexposure, the animal can live until it finds a new or old owner. Your task will be active people who want to take dog to the family.


  • take the dog to a kennel

The first shelters designed to keep pets left without owners began to operate in the United States in the 19th century. In Australia, the first such institution was organized in 1912, and it operates to this day. In Russia, such shelters operate as municipal enterprises, but most of them exist on private donations or are created by public organizations where volunteers work.

How dog shelters work

Depending on the form of ownership, pet shelters have different purposes. Municipal shelters, of which there are not so many, are intended for the temporary keeping of homeless animals caught on the streets. The meager funds allocated for their maintenance make it possible only to place several dogs in rather cramped enclosures and provide them with a one-time meal, which is the cheapest food that contains nothing but bone meal.

The time of keeping an animal in a municipal shelter is limited to six months, and if during this time the owner is not found, the animal is simply euthanized. Naturally, in case of illness, the dog will not be provided with veterinary care. It is also not particularly necessary to count on the humanity of the staff - low-skilled workers mainly from the southern republics work in municipal shelters.

Those shelters that are created by public organizations are constantly experiencing difficulties. This is the lack of funds for maintenance, and the lack of a sufficient number of workers, and the unwillingness of the authorities to provide assistance, or at least officially allocate a land plot for shelter. But in such institutions, the animal can count on veterinary care, which is provided free of charge by specialized clinics, and on maintenance until old age. We must pay tribute - the volunteers of these shelters are doing everything possible so that the dog finds a new owner.

Private shelters employ professional cynologists who are able to provide qualified assistance to animals, but they also rely on the fact that the owners who have handed over the animal to the shelter will allocate him a financial allowance at least for a veterinarian and food.

How to pass

If your situation is really hopeless and you just can’t leave the animal with you, still try to first attach it to some kind-hearted people, there are still a lot of them. In the event that this did not work out, find out through the ubiquitous Internet which shelters for homeless animals operate in your city. If there is a choice, try to leave the dog in a private or public shelter and support the well-wishers from it with at least some material means or, perhaps, building materials for building an aviary, feed, and medicines. But you must understand that shelters are not the place where animals feel good, no matter how they are provided there.

Despite the constant talk of municipal authorities about the need to create shelters for homeless animals, only Moscow has moved from words to deeds. In the capital, normative acts regulating the issue of homeless animals and their maintenance have long been put into effect. In other regions, the main method of regulating their numbers is trapping followed by killing.

Laws on animals adopted by the government of Moscow

To date, Moscow is one of the few cities in Russia where a civilized attitude towards stray and abandoned pets is adopted and legally approved. The laws adopted by the government of Moscow bring to a new level the attitude of the authorities and citizens towards those for whom they should be responsible. The policy of humane treatment of homeless animals lies in the fact that the budget of the capital annually provides funds to regulate the number of animals and keep them in municipal shelters, as well as to help those shelters that operate on a voluntary basis and have private funding.

Since 2001, Order No. 403-RZP has been in force, on the basis of which castration and sterilization of animals living in the adjacent territories, their registration and registration are carried out. In order to increase the effectiveness of the measures taken, by the decree of the government of the capital No. 819-PP dated 01.10.2002, an official decision was made to organize shelters for homeless animals in each administrative district of the city. In accordance with this resolution, land plots were allocated, to which the necessary communications were connected, enclosures, administrative buildings and veterinary offices were built.

The city government also allocates funds for the maintenance of animals in such shelters, although only the first six months are paid, and then dogs and cats are kept at the expense of charitable contributions and private donations, just like in the West.

Capital for animals

Of course, despite the care shown by the authorities, municipal shelters cannot always provide animals with a decent content. Random people work in them, most often migrant workers, and not all of them are equipped with all the benefits provided for by the standards. But in these shelters you can often find volunteers who not only look after the animals, but also actively look for new owners for them.

At present, there are more than 30 shelters in Moscow and nearby areas (Odintsovo, Khimki and others), both municipal and those run by public organizations and private owners. Private shelters that accept both dogs and cats are located at Moscow addresses:
- st. Zorge, house 21a, tel. 8-916-024-36-40;

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