The best tool for memory and brain function. Preparations for improving memory and brain function for adults. Vitamins and preparations for memory for students

In 2011, Neil Burger's film Fields of Darkness, based on the 2001 novel by Alan Glynn, was released. The main role in the film was played by Bradley Cooper, whose character accidentally became the owner of a drug to improve memory and brain function - a whole stock of small NZT pills that fabulously expanded the boundaries of human intellectual capabilities:

  • activated cognitive functions,
  • increased resistance to excessive loads,
  • improved the ability to analyze and find new non-standard solutions.

These drugs to improve memory and cerebral circulation brought the movie hero quick success, recognition and wealth, but also quick noticeable problems - including health. For a super-efficient brain, I had to pay with addiction and severe headaches. Despite the fact that the discovered superpowers for learning themselves seemed fantastic and unrealistic, the “retribution” for efficiency looked very realistic.

In fact, both superpowers and the relationship between efficiency and danger were taken by the author from life. In reality, there are powerful pills to improve memory, and neurostimulants, and drugs that dramatically increase intellectual endurance without the need for sleep (for example, Modafinil). Only they appeared much earlier than the events shown in the film. The first nootropic drug (from the Greek mind + change), created for widespread use - Piracetam - was synthesized by Belgian pharmacologists back in 1963. And about "closed" studies aimed at boosting intellectual abilities, most often one can only guess from circumstantial evidence.

Three rules for the operation of memory and intelligence activators

Neurotransmitters (mediators) are biologically active substances. With the help of these mediators, an electrical impulse is transmitted from a nerve cell and communication is carried out between neurons through the synaptic space. Traditionally, there are three groups of neurotransmitters:

  • amino acids,
  • peptides,
  • monoamines.

Depending on what (with what composition) drugs a person uses to improve brain activity and improve cerebral circulation, the mediating role of the neurotransmitter will be determined. At the same time, there are several general rules that apply to any means that improve memory and brain function.

Rule number 1: the slower - the safer

The optimal ratio of risk and effectiveness determines the best drug to improve memory (if, as in this case, we talk about the needs of students of different ages). However, the rule remains unchanged until now, according to which the fastest and “strong” drug is the most dangerous by side effects and unforeseen consequences. There is a conditional division into groups of more and less dangerous means:

  1. Fast-acting (dangerous).

Adderall, Ritalin, Dexedrine, etc. The risk is that these nootropics interfere with the production of their own neurotransmitters and hormones, which leads to dependence on the next dose. In addition, such drugs as, for example, Modafinil exhaust the energy resources of the body.

Experiments regularly conducted in the army (including in real combat conditions) demonstrate a high interest in Modafinil from the US Air Force and the Indian Air Force, the French Foreign Legion, and the British Ministry of Defense. Military pilots after the forced intake of this drug in various dosages showed high performance and performance for 40 hours (with side effects), 37 hours and 88 hours (in a state of combat readiness). Modafinil has been used by astronauts on the ISS during protracted missions. To restore memory, it is prescribed after sleep deprivation (it improves short-term memory).

And although this nootropic is approved by the US FDA for the treatment of drowsiness, in Russia for the past few years (since 2012) Modafinil has been on the list of narcotic drugs and psychotropics. As a prohibited stimulant, it is also included in the list of the World Anti-Doping Agency.

  1. Average degree of performance and danger.

Phenibut, Phenotropil, Forskolin, Cerebrozilin, Sunifiram, As a rule, drugs in this group are allowed for no more than 3 weeks. Some of these funds are actively used by athletes and bodybuilders, not so much for or as for increasing energy potential. So, 1,3-dimethylamylamine, which is also known as geranium extract, was originally patented by the pharmaceutical manufacturer Eli Lilly as a nasal decongestant. And the greatest popularity was brought by its inclusion in the pre-workout complex 3 from (due to the pronounced ability to increase the flow of oxygen to the muscles). Only relatively recently, studies of the drug have confirmed its ability to release the neurotransmitter norepinephrine, which is responsible for the state, depth of attention and concentration. There is evidence that is involved in the production of dopamine, also responsible for concentration, concentration and feelings of euphoria.

  1. Slow with a low degree of danger.

Noopept, Piracetam, Semax, Glycine, Idebenone,. such can be up to 2 months (depending on the specifics of a particular nootropic). With long-term use, their effectiveness remains high, and the likelihood of side effects is minimal.

Rule #2: Brain activator is just a tool

This rule has two implications:

  1. Medications to improve memory create conditions for deeper, broader and faster memorization. But in order to take advantage of these conditions, it is necessary to independently initiate the educational process, choosing the most urgent task. That is, if the necessary information does not arrive during the activation period, the brain uses the resource randomly without a tangible result in achieving the goal. In practice, in rough terms, this means that when taking pills for memory in order to improve academic performance, one should not watch TV at that moment, but learn lessons.
  2. Means for improving human memory, like any medicine, can bring both benefit and harm, depending on how competently a person uses this “tool”. Therefore, the result of application directly depends on the choice of dosage, the time of taking the drug and taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.

Rule number 3: for each specific task - its own drug

The choice of means, among other things, should determine the specific need. For example:

Means for improving human memory may include not one, but several neurotransmitters, each of which is "responsible" for its own reaction. Most frequently mentioned:

  • Glycine is the amino acid that gave its name to the nootropic of the same name. It has a dual effect. On the one hand, glycine has an inhibitory effect on neurons and reduces the release of glutamate and other excitatory amino acids, provoking an increase in GABA (an inhibitory neurotransmitter amino acid). On the other hand, glycine promotes signal transduction from glutamate and aspartate (excitatory neurotransmitters).
  • Norepinephrine, a catecholamine, is one of the most important wakefulness neurotransmitters.
  • Dopamine - also a catecholamine, is considered a chemical factor in the reward and internal reinforcement system. Causing feelings of expectation and satisfaction, it creates a state of high motivation and starts the learning process.
  • Anandamide - is considered a neuroregulator involved in the mechanisms of the origin of depression, pain, working to improve memory, reproductive function. At the same time, it increases the resistance of the heart muscle to the action of ischemia.

Some exceptions to the rules

There are exceptions to the above rules - memory improvement products that combine high safety (which is achieved by the natural plant base of the components) with high efficiency, subject to long-term course intake. Due to the complex composition, such drugs have a complex effect:

  • increase clarity and speed of thinking,
  • restore memory,
  • relieve headaches,
  • improve coordination,
  • have a beneficial effect on the emotional state.

Optimentis, like HeadBooster, contains ginseng and gingo biloba (expands blood vessels, due to which the functional characteristics of the brain should improve rapidly). However, the effect of this remedy is enhanced by chemical additives:

  • pyridoxine (activates metabolism, increasing efficiency),
  • tocopherol (responsible for the supply of oxygen to the brain),
  • biotin (normalizes metabolism, providing a general healing effect).

Super-Pill for the development of brain activity and memory: an overview of the safe trio

  1. Glycine commonly named among the first drugs prescribed to improve brain activity and memory for both adolescents and the elderly. It is especially popular with students during session loads, which is explained not so much by its high efficiency as by the wide dissemination of information about it among the student community.

Among the side effects, individual allergic reactions are most often called, which are possible when using any, tinnitus, drowsiness (with overdoses). Produced in the format of sublingual tablets and is designed for three times a day.

  1. Piracetam is also often used to restore memory in the elderly, with dizziness, Alzheimer's disease, in cases where the brain receives insufficient blood supply, as well as with atherosclerosis, intoxication, and depression. It ranks second in popularity among students, as it improves blood circulation in the brain, thereby improving attention and memory.

Side effects include tremor, insomnia, irritability, anxiety. the patient may pay attention to gastrointestinal disorders, heart problems. Among the contraindications are allergies to the use of essences and fruit juices, acute renal failure. Piracetam for 8 weeks (including,). Available in the form of granules (for children), tablets, capsules, ampoules (designed for and age).

  1. Noopept. In search of a way to form a perfect memory, this tool is called one of the first, because it optimizes all stages of the memorization process:
    • the initial phase of information processing,
    • secure storage of received information,
    • timely and easy extraction of the desired material.

The effect is associated with the formation of cycloprolylglycine, which has antiamnestic activity, and with the anticholinergic effect of Noopept. The drug increases the amplitude of the transcallosal response, which facilitates associative connections in the cortical structures that occur between the hemispheres.

The course of admission lasts from one and a half to three months. If necessary, a second course can be carried out after a month. But among the contraindications is a fairly common lactose intolerance. Other restrictions include pregnancy, age (up to 18 years), severe disorders of the kidneys and liver, glucose-galactose malabsorption.

The human brain is equipped with many impulses that arrive at a speed of up to a trillion operations per second from the subcortical layer of the head to the muscles. What reasons lead to slowdown in speed and memory loss, how to check it yourself and try to restore it, especially for older people who suffer from brain dysfunctions- we will consider in more detail in this article.

Memory types

The types of memory are:

  • visual (visual);
  • auditory;
  • verbal and logistical;
  • emotional, when a person is able to remember many moments against the background of emotions and experiences for a lifetime;
  • genetic, some moments of thinking can be passed on to new generations;
  • motor;
  • muscle due to prolonged physical exertion, which resulted in the restructuring of cells and muscles.

Ask your doctor about your situation

Why is memory lost?

The human brain is a complex and multifunctional organ. Violation of memory functions, a decrease up to a complete loss is possible due to:

  • cranial trauma;
  • oncological diseases with the localization of the tumor in one of the structures of the brain;
  • diseases against the background of the development of infection (meningitis, encephalitis)
  • stroke with damage to the lining of the brain;
  • failure of cardio-vascular system;
  • violations metabolism;
  • stress, lack of sleep;
  • reception junk food, including endogenous;
  • age, memory lapses most often affect older people;
  • lack vitamins in the body, due to the lack of their entry into the brain in sufficient quantities;
  • smoking, alcohol, drug use, heavy metals (detrimental to brain structures);
  • bad ecology, which inevitably leads to memory deterioration with age.

What affects memory?

A person's memory is influenced by many different external factors that can enhance or, conversely, reduce it. Factors that negatively affect brain structures lead to memory disorders. Pretty important information can be quickly and permanently forgotten? It is important to find out why this happens, and what exactly affects memory.

Memory disorders are different in nature. Psychological, gynecological ailments can lead to a decrease. For example, in women against the background of hormonal failure, thyroid disorders.

Some internal diseases contribute to the decrease, deterioration, and inhibition of memory. Negatively affects memory:

  • prolonged being in a nervous state of tension;
  • heavy life cases when disorders are inevitable in the future;
  • flaw sleep (gradually and irrevocably reduces the functionality of memory);
  • depression that hurt and exhaust not only the soul. Constant negative thoughts in the head in the same way are reflected in the brain. Depression, according to doctors, is a disease that needs to be treated, otherwise memory can be lost completely and without the possibility of recovery.

Among the diseases leading to memory disorders can be identified:

Memory check

You can check your memory with the help of special tests. Many different ones can be found today on the Internet by entering similar phrases into a search engine. After passing the tests, everyone will be able to determine for themselves how successfully they are passed and what is the state of memory at the moment.

How to restore memory in adults and the elderly?

To restore memory, many different exercises, medications and folk remedies are known. Also, a diet that, with the right selection, has a beneficial effect on all cells and structures of the brain, contributes to improving memory.


In case of disorders of memory and thinking, in order to increase the efficiency of the brain, improve blood circulation and normalize sleep, experts advise taking:

  • cerebrum compositum to increase brain activity and immune system activity;
  • golden iodine to normalize blood circulation in the brain, also for older people with weakened memory, lack of sleep, frequent headaches and dizziness;
  • memorial, normalization of metabolic processes of brain activity;
  • polymnesin in order to improve the work of thought processes.

Plant-based preparations, completely harmless to people of any age, should be preferred:

  • periwinkle;
  • dietary supplement, the composition of which contributes to the maintenance of memory in the elderly;
  • ginger to enhance blood circulation, increase concentration;
  • black pepper to activate, revitalize the mind, increase the digestibility of substances;
  • club moss to improve memory, equip the brain with oxygen, glucose and antioxidants.

The body (in particular, the brain) is unable to fully function with a lack of vitamins.

  • Intellan to increase intellectual capabilities, eliminate stress, depression, improve memory;
  • Tsikovit indicated for admission to schoolchildren, the elderly to enhance mental capabilities (especially during the off-season);
  • Vitrum Memory, memory forte to enhance the digestibility of information entering the brain.

You can also learn more from another article on our website.


diets(low-calorie in particular) are indicated for older people with memory problems. Properly selected can increase brain function up to 30%.

To retain information, increase the efficiency of the brain, one cannot do without including glucose and sugar in the diet to rejuvenate memory, as well as spices to normalize brain function:

  • anise;
  • turmeric;
  • ginger;
  • cumin;
  • dill;
  • cardamom;
  • basilica.

You can combine different types of spices.

The main thing is to achieve through the use of a diet developed by a doctor or nutritionist, equipping the supply of oxygen to the brain, normalizing one's metabolic processes, and improving blood circulation.

Folk remedies

At home, you can cook some good recipes to improve memory:

  • clover tincture. Dry the flowers, chop. To 2 tbsp. l. add boiling water (0.5 l), let it brew for up to 2 days. Take 0.5 cup 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 2 months;
  • rowan bark. Prepare a decoction of dry bark. 1-2 tbsp pour boiling water (1 glass), leave for 2-3 hours, then drink 1-2 tbsp. l. up to 3 times a day;
  • pine buds. It is better to collect in the spring. You need to chew raw up to 4 pieces a day for 1 month.


Training is the best and most effective way to train and improve memory, it is:

  • solving crosswords;
  • learning foreign languages;
  • also poems, songs, tongue twisters;
  • chess games, for the development of logic and thinking.

In order to preserve and increase memory, the brain must be constantly loaded with work. Only a thinking and interested person is able to think diversified. Unfortunately, with age, brain cells die off, irrevocably reducing memory to 7% by the age of 65-70.

Sedentary, inert, withdrawn people often suffer from such ailments. Only constant brain training, reading, writing, studying a computer, solving logical problems, needlework, learning new previously unknown activities of various kinds will not allow the degradation processes in the brain to begin.

From training, memory and thinking will only gradually improve. Medications and diets can only speed up, revive and activate all important processes in the brain.

physical training shown to people over 40 years of age. They help to improve blood circulation, equipping the brain with oxygen. Otherwise, psychomotor functions will gradually decrease, the aging process will only accelerate.

Elderly people are shown cyclic sports to saturate blood cells with oxygen, normalize thinking processes, improve abstract thinking:

  • swimming;
  • easy running;
  • a ride on the bicycle;
  • walks on foot.

The human brain needs constant nourishment:

  • For students and the elderly of people, not only good nutrition is of great importance, but also regular training, performing simple exercises to improve and restore memory.
  • Equally important is the settlement sleep and work hours.
  • People-intellectuals leading an active lifestyle (especially if the work is associated with the daily receipt of large amounts of information), it is important to get enough sleep.

To help restore memory, increase mental stamina, many different nootropic drugs and vitamin complexes are on sale today. Medicines for the brain and memory improvement are indispensable for schoolchildren during the exam period, creative intellectually loaded people.

When choosing, of course, you first need to consult a doctor. Even the best nootropics have contraindications. It is important to understand that decreased memory and attention (which is often seen in older people) are symptoms of many serious internal diseases and often quite dangerous (brain cancer, diabetes).

Every mother wants her baby to bring only excellent grades from school. But, unfortunately, most children are inattentive and very active. It makes it difficult to concentrate on lessons.

Often the cause of deterioration of attention is stress or fear. With the help of special preparations, you can activate the work of the child's brain and improve his attentiveness.

Drugs to improve memory and attention are called nootropics. Their action is due to the supply of oxygen to the brain. Accordingly, brain activity improves. At the same time, the child concentrates better on the task and quickly remembers the information.

Nootropic preparations for children:

  • Glycine. This drug is sedative and may cause drowsiness. The action is aimed at activating the work of the brain
  • Pantogam, Aminalon. These drugs are analogues, they contain gamma-aminobutyric acid. This substance is involved in the transport of oxygen to the brain
  • Tenoten. It is a homeopathic medicine that supplies the brain cells with blood and oxygen.
  • Intellan. Used for emotional and physical overload. Relieves stress and calms
  • Phenibut. A drug to reduce the tone of cerebral vessels. Tissue tension disappears, which stimulates blood flow to all parts of the brain

All of these drugs can be taken by children from birth. They are often prescribed for hematomas and birth injuries. They reduce intracranial pressure, reduce the manifestation of epilepsy and hydroencephaly.

Preparations and vitamins for memory for teenagers

Teenagers need more than anyone drugs for growth and memory improvement. A growing organism needs to be nourished, since vitamins supplied with food may not be enough for the full functioning of the body.

Vitamins of group B, vitamin D, E and retinol can be considered the most necessary for brain function. Among microelements, selenium, zinc, iodine and iron favorably affect the brain. Please note that the composition of the drug contains omega unsaturated acids.

Vitamins for teenagers:

  • Pikovit Forte. This is a combined vitamin preparation containing the most essential trace elements and vitamins. The medicine has everything you need for the full growth and development of a teenager
  • Alphabet. This is a special vitamin complex for children 8-16 years old. The composition contains unsaturated fatty acids, trace elements and selenium
  • VitaMishki. Gummy vitamins. The drug is indicated for children 3-15 years old. The vitamin complex contains herbal extracts that strengthen the immune system

What drugs to take to improve memory for students?

At the institute, 70% of all time is devoted to self-study. Accordingly, the load on the brain is significant. To memorize a lot of information well, you need to help the brain and stimulate its work.

Vitamins and preparations for memory for students:

  • Gingko Biloba Forta. This medicine is based on the plant extract of Gingko. This plant has a positive effect on the state of blood vessels. Analogues are Ginos, Bilobil
  • Biotredin. As part of the drug L-threonine and vitamin B6. L-threonine is an amino acid that is not produced in the body, but is involved in the functioning of the brain
  • Aminalon. Contains gamma-aminobutyric acid, which stimulates the brain and improves vascular permeability

All these drugs are sold without a prescription, so they can be purchased at any pharmacy.

What to drink to improve memory in adults?

There are two types of drugs that improve memory and attention: vitamin or medicinal. The first can be purchased at any pharmacy, they usually contain vitamins, minerals and amino acids. The second type of medication is stimulants, which are prescribed exclusively by a doctor. You can only buy them with a prescription.

Medications to improve memory:

  • Cerakson, Somazina. These are preparations based on sodium cycolitin. It prevents the destruction of brain cells. Often prescribed for traumatic brain injury. Often prescribed to infants with ICP and encephalitis. Allows you to speed up the process of regeneration of brain cells. Sold by prescription only
  • Piracetam. A drug that is prescribed for Parkinson's disease, atherosclerosis. It is often recommended to take people with disorders in the functioning of the nervous system. Improves blood supply to the brain. In high doses, it has a psychostimulating effect.
  • Phenotropil. Assigned to people with brain diseases or to stimulate mental abilities in emergency situations. Improves the transfer of information between the hemispheres of the brain, improves memory and attention. Increases the body's resistance to stress

Older people do not have enough vitamins, therefore, first of all, they are recommended to take vitamin complexes. Usually, with sclerosis, the appointment is made by a doctor, since serious drugs are sold by prescription.

The most common memory medications in the elderly are:

  • Glycine
  • Pantogam
  • Phenibut
  • Neuroxon

Homeopathy for memory

Homeopathic substances need to be taken long enough. The effect is observed after 1-3 months of admission. The safest homeopathic medicines:

  • Memory. Contains organic acids and herbal extracts
  • BRAIN-O-FLEX. Homeopathic preparation containing vitamin E, omega unsaturated acids, ginkgo biloba extract and sturgeon oil
  • Sclero-Gran. This is a combined homeopathic remedy. Contains gingko biloba extract and trace elements

Herbal preparations for memory

Herbal remedies for memory:

  • Linseed oil. This substance should be taken in a teaspoon before each meal. Improves concentration and promotes memory
  • Bilobil. Preparation from gingko biloba - a tropical plant
  • Vermione. Ergot based drug. It is an alpha blocker

Vitamins for memory and attention

Vitamin preparations can be considered the safest. Usually these are complexes using amino acids and minerals. It is their lack that leads to disturbances in the functioning of the brain. Tissues tolerate oxygen worse, so a person always forgets something.

What impairs memory?

There are several main reasons that impair memory:

  • Information overload
  • Vitamin deficiency
  • Stress
  • Constant lack of sleep
  • Unhealthy food. These are mainly energy drinks and products containing aluminum.
  • Age-related changes in the body
  • Smoking and alcohol
  • Medications. Usually these are heart drops, antihistamines and antidepressants.

As you can see, many factors affect memory and brain function. Therefore, eat well, train your brain and lead a healthy lifestyle.

VIDEO: Improving memory

The brain is a unique information storage system that a person constantly uses throughout his life. In some cases, there is a need for drugs to improve memory and brain function. Each of them has features of application and a range of indications, which the doctor pays attention to when prescribing.

The ability of the brain to remember depends on a number of factors:

  • age;
  • gender;
  • health conditions;
  • nature of work;
  • temperament type;
  • the amount of information.

Until the age of 22-23, the brain experiences an increased load, as a person studies. This helps to maintain the level of concentration at a certain level. After 30 years, the need for rapid assimilation of information rarely occurs.

Therefore, the activity of the structures decreases, although the violations are also subjective. A person after the threshold of 30 years begins to be afraid of old age, and any episode of forgetfulness provokes a fear of change.

If at a certain moment a person changes jobs, and it goes into the category of mental work, then an increase in oxygen demand provokes the appearance of fatigue, forgetfulness, and a decrease in concentration.

A phlegmatic or melancholic person remembers information better because they are focused on the data received., interpret it and reflect on each phrase. But at the same time, they lose the speed of assimilation of the text.

Sanguine and choleric people quickly switch from one source to another, so they can catch the beginning of a phrase, but lose its ending. If the volume of text is large, then it may be necessary to re-read the information several times in order to assimilate it.

In some cases, brain activity is impaired due to pathological conditions.

It can be:

  • demyelinating conditions;
  • sclerosis of cerebral vessels;
  • hemorrhage;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • tumor structures;
  • inflammatory diseases of the brain.

The drug to improve memory and brain function helps to increase the flow of oxygen to the tissues, the volume of circulating blood. Such drugs are especially effective in cases where the cause is a chronic malnutrition of the structures.

Memory impairment can be caused by other, third-party factors:

  • if a lot of time has passed since the moment of remembering;
  • a large amount of information coming in a short period;
  • if the memories are too painful;
  • with partial preservation of information or its distortion;
  • if the brain cannot find the place where the data is stored.

Indications for taking tablets

The drug to improve memory and brain function is not a harmless remedy, so it is necessary to take into account the indications for its use. Means differ in strength, duration and mechanism of action.

They help in the following conditions:

  • if the ability to remember new information has deteriorated;
  • with a decrease in mental activity;
  • with inflammatory diseases of the brain;
  • with encephalopathy caused by poisoning with toxic substances;
  • impaired brain activity as a result of alcohol abuse;
  • consequences of TBI;
  • hyperkinetic activity;
  • age-related dementia, dementia.

Drugs from the group of nootropics to improve memory and brain function in pediatric practice are used in a number of cases:

  • if there are deviations in motor and mental development;
  • with speech delay;
  • when mental retardation is established;
  • if there is a congenital disorder of the central nervous system;
  • attention deficit disorder.

When prescribing funds, it is necessary to take into account the presence of contraindications so as not to worsen the patient's condition.


A drug to improve memory and brain function is not prescribed in a number of cases:

In some cases, the patient has no contraindications to the appointment of nootropic drugs, but side reactions appear when used.

It can be:

  • allergic reaction;
  • dyspeptic disorders (violation of the stool, nausea, vomiting);
  • the appearance of drowsiness;
  • irritability;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • BP fluctuation.

The appearance of these conditions indicates that it is necessary to replace this drug with another one with a similar effect, but this cannot be done on its own. Due to the fact that the active ingredients of different drugs may belong.

Review of pills to improve brain activity: top 10

Among doctors, not all drugs with nootropic effects are equally popular. More often than others, the following 10 drugs are prescribed.


It also applies to other conditions:

Tablets have several effects on the body:

  • reduces aggressiveness;
  • increases the ability of the brain to absorb information;
  • reduces fatigue;
  • normalizes sleep;
  • improves mood;
  • prevents the development of degenerative diseases of the GM.

Glycine is a non-essential amino acid involved in many biochemical reactions in the body. The drug is available in a dosage of 100 and 200 mg, the tablets must be dissolved under the tongue. For children under 6 years of age, it is recommended that the form be ground into a powder and mixed with liquid.

The drug is contraindicated only in children under 3 years of age, during pregnancy and lactation. The course of admission is from 2 to 4 weeks.


The active ingredient of the drug is piracetam. This is a popular tool, presented in different names.

The tool allows you to speed up metabolism, improve blood circulation, improve the rheological properties of blood. Due to this, the passage of fluid through the vessels is accelerated. The drug does not affect the state of the vascular wall, as it does not cause relaxation or contraction of the elastic wall.

The drug to improve memory and brain function Nootropil is often prescribed after traumatic brain injury or alcohol intoxication, with the appearance of age-related changes in the brain. The course of admission can be different and ranges from several weeks to months.

The list of contraindications for admission consists of several points:

  • intolerance to components;
  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • children up to a year;
  • severe form of HPN.

If the patient has massive bleeding, the postoperative period, then the doctor makes the decision to prescribe the drug individually.


The drug consists of extracts of plants, due to its natural origin, it is often used in neurology.

Includes herbs such as:

  • ginkgo biloba;
  • pennywort;
  • bacopa monnieri;
  • ammomum subulate;
  • phyllanthus.

It helps with:

  • increased fatigue;
  • excitability;
  • impaired attention and memory;
  • mild forms of changes in the activity of the central nervous system.

Intellan - solution, not used under 18 years of age, with allergies to plants that are part of or from cross groups.

Since the study of the effect on the fetus and infant, use in HB and pregnancy is not recommended. You need to take 2 tsp. after eating, the course is a month.


The tool improves cognitive functions, affects the propagation of a nerve impulse through the structures of the brain, and helps to restore the erythrocyte membrane. Due to this, it increases the functional activity of the brain. It also affects the properties of blood, diluting it.

Best of all, piracetam copes with conditions caused by:

  • oxygen starvation;
  • intoxication;
  • mechanical damage.

Penetrates through the blood-brain barrier, accumulates in the frontal, parietal, occipital part.


The active substance is phenyloxopyrrolidinylacetamide, abbreviated as phenotropil.

The tool has a number of actions:

  • improves memory;
  • increases the level of stress resistance;
  • makes it easier to assimilate new information in a larger volume;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • increase in visual acuity;
  • improves blood supply to the brain.

Presented in 2 dosages: 50 and 100 mg. This allows you to choose the amount of medicine that will have a therapeutic effect.


The drug is based on the relic plant Ginkgo biloba, which has a number of effects on the brain.

It is intended for the treatment of dementia, has a number of actions:

  • increases the supply of oxygen to the brain;
  • strengthens the wall of veins and arteries;
  • prevents tissue hypoxia;
  • prevents aggregation (gluing) of platelets;
  • fights the formation of free radicals.

Tanakan helps with encephalopathy, manifested by forgetfulness, episodes of amnesia, periods of inappropriate behavior.

Other indications for use are diseases of the peripheral circulatory system (arterioles, veins), sensory disorders (dizziness, ringing in the ears), asthenia caused by brain injury (GM).


The active substance of the drug is N-nicotinoyl-gamma-aminobutyric acid sodium salt.

It does a number of things:

  • stimulates mental activity;
  • prevents platelets from sticking together;
  • fights free radicals;
  • strengthens the wall of blood vessels.

When taken regularly, Picamilon relieves tension, headaches, and improves efficiency. It is used for acute alcohol intoxication, asthenia and encephalopathy as a result of chronic toxic effects on the brain. It is recommended for athletes and people with increased physical and mental activity as a means for the prevention of hypoxia, oxygen deficiency.


The basis of the drug is aminobutyric acid. It helps to restore brain function after a traumatic brain injury, an inflammatory disease, with encephalopathy. It can be caused by atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, or exposure to alcohol.

For children, the drug is prescribed for mental retardation, cerebral palsy, caused by birth trauma. The instruction warns that the medicine is contraindicated before the age of 6 years.


The active ingredient matches the name of the drug.

It has a number of effects:

  • helps to cope with convulsive syndrome;
  • increase the period between attacks;
  • stimulates the activity of neurons;
  • increases the threshold of tissue hypoxia;
  • reduces excitability;
  • activates activity both mental and physical.

In this regard, pantogam is prescribed for;

  • atherosclerosis of GM vessels;
  • schizophrenia;
  • epilepsy;
  • enuresis of a neurogenic nature;
  • if extrapyramidal disorders are observed.

In pediatric practice, pantogam is used for encephalopathy caused by birth trauma, mental retardation, delayed motor and neuropsychic development, cerebral palsy and hyperkinetic activity.

The drug is not used in children under 6 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, with kidney damage, intolerance to the components of the drug. The term of application of the drug is 1-3 months. At the discretion of the doctor, it can be extended up to 6 months. A single dose of Pantogam - 1-2 tons, daily - up to 3 g.


The medicine is based on the ginkgo biloba plant, the dosage of the main component is 40 mg.

It has several actions:

  • improves peripheral circulation;
  • affects the rheological properties of blood;
  • eliminates cerebral edema;
  • blocks oxidative processes, slows down the aging process of brain cells;
  • increases vascular tone;
  • expands the lumen of veins and arteries;
  • helps to regulate the normal release of neurotransmitters.

In this regard, the remedy is prescribed for:

  • age-related changes in the structure of the brain;
  • migraine;
  • change in concentration;
  • decline in intelligence.

The drug is not prescribed in the acute phase of myocardial infarction, stroke, in acute and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (chronic erosive gastritis, gastric ulcer). The effect of memoplant on the children's body has not been sufficiently studied, therefore it is not prescribed until the age of 12, during pregnancy and lactation.

All drugs can be presented briefly in the form of a table:

A drug Indications Action
Memoplantattention disorder; age-related dementia; migraine; peripheral circulatory disordersblood thinning, viscosity reduction, decongestant, increases vascular tone, stimulates the release of neurotransmitters
Glycineincreased mental activity; session period for students, stress, ischemic strokereduces aggressiveness, eliminates mental instability, increases efficiency, normalizes sleep, replaces the lack of amino acids
Nootropilviolation of the emotional-volitional sphere, intoxication, GM trauma, chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency, asthenodepressive syndromeaccelerates metabolism in brain tissues, increases the level of ATP in tissues, accelerates metabolism in GM, inhibits platelet aggregation
Picamilondepression in old age, asthenoneurotic syndrome, acute and chronic alcohol intoxication, migraine, TBItranquilizer, psychostimulant, antioxidant, antiaggregant
Pantogamschizophrenia, cerebrovascular insufficiency, extrapyramidal disorders, psycho-emotional overload, epilepsyanticonvulsant, sedative, detoxifying. Increases mental and physical activity, stimulates anabolic effects in neurons
AminalonTBI, stroke, cerebral atherosclerosis, alcoholic encephalopathy, cerebral palsy, birth traumarestores metabolism in tissues, removes intoxication products from the body, improves memory, thinking, normalizes blood pressure in hypertension, has an anticonvulsant effect
Tanakanencephalopathy, impaired peripheral circulation, signs of astheniaimproves blood supply to the brain, prevents erythrocytes from sticking together, antihypoxic effect, antioxidant effect, affects the metabolism of neurotransmitters
Phenotropilrecovery after CNS injury, abstinence, alcohol intoxication, acute and chronic alcoholism, schizophrenia, convulsions, the need to increase stress resistance, neurosis, asthenic syndromeincreases resistance to hypoxia, mental activity, pain threshold, has an anticonvulsant effect, calms, normalizes sleep, increases the ability to assimilate new information

How to choose pills depending on age?

As can be seen from the review, each drug has its own age restrictions. But the doctor takes into account not only this factor, but also indications for use, the presence of other diseases, compatibility with other drugs that the patient takes.

For adults

The list of drugs used in adults is the widest. When prescribing the most appropriate drug, one should proceed from the diagnosis, the degree of the disorder.

The general effects are the same for all drugs, some have additional actions (anticonvulsant, sedative, hypotensive). It is also necessary to take into account contraindications.

For children and teenagers

The child's brain is actively developing, but the psyche is not always able to cope with this stress. Nootropic drugs are often prescribed in pediatric practice to cope with the consequences of birth trauma, cerebral palsy, oxygen starvation. Thanks to such means, the child's speech develops, while they are safe, do not contain dangerous components.

Among the drugs prescribed in pediatric practice, glycine, preparations with Ginkgo biloba are in the lead. These are the most natural remedies that help with neurotransmitter activity.

For the elderly

At this age, a person develops chronic diseases that can become an obstacle to prescribing certain nootropics. Therefore, the choice of means is carried out taking into account data on clearance and other biochemical indicators. After 65 years, a dose adjustment of the drug and the frequency of administration is required. When prescribing, one should take into account the compatibility of different means with each other.

When signs of age-related changes in the brain appear, taking pills is not able to reverse the processes that have begun. Medicines can slow down the progression of processes, reduce the manifestations of dementia, atherosclerosis, but not eliminate them completely.

New generation drugs to improve memory and brain function, when properly selected, help to increase efficiency, eliminate anxiety and dizziness, and improve sleep. The list of funds is large, each has its own characteristics. Therefore, the doctor should determine which medicine will help in this case on the basis of laboratory and instrumental studies.

Article formatting: Mila Fridan

Video about drugs for memory and mind

Overview of drugs that improve brain function:

Greetings, friends! Want to give your brain a boost like that guy in the Nuts commercial? Still would! I also want to. Let's then analyze today such a topical topic as brain training using special tools. In this article, we will talk about what drugs are for improving memory and brain function, how effective they are and what you need to know about them? Interesting? Then let's find out a little more about what the pharmacy offers us.

Before talking about well-known and traditional drugs, I want to draw your attention to a special memory development course from Stanislav Matveev - the record holder for memorizing the Book of Records of Russia. This guy knows his stuff.

His guide includes 7 effective memorization techniques that don't require cramming. An indispensable course for business people and those who work with numbers, rules, lists, lots of words. Try it. He's worth it.

Now let's look at a dozen of the most common pharmaceutical preparations designed to activate the work of our brain, at the same time improving memory.


You are probably familiar with this name. An over-the-counter drug is most often recommended for nervous tension and frequent. In addition to the calming effect, "Glycine" promotes mental activity, concentration. As a rule, this drug is preferred by high school students and students during periods of exams and sessions. The format of the medicine is tablets. Of the side effects, allergies are possible.


This tool is available only in dragee format and is a vitamin complex with a pronounced synergistic effect. It is more often prescribed for the elderly and during periods of convalescence. It should be borne in mind that the drug can cause allergic reactions.


This is a rather aggressive and powerful means of restoring dynamics. It also helps to reduce blood glucose and regenerate after traumatic brain injury. First of all, it is indicated for diabetics with disorders of brain activity. Contraindicated in insomnia.


The drug is exclusively for adults. Provides peripheral tissues of the brain with oxygen, improves microcirculation. It is sold in the form of capsules and is indicated for a decrease in brain activity, sleep disorders, and also in a state of increased anxiety. Like most chemicals, it can cause skin allergies, headaches, and other side effects.

Ginkgo biloba

Another popular remedy indicated for sleep disorders, headaches, memory impairment. In its composition, the drug contains an extract of a unique ginkgo plant. Presented in capsules. Contraindicated in women during pregnancy, children and allergy sufferers.


This medicine is herbal. It is often recommended to enhance mental activity, eliminate stress and forgetfulness. Usually available in capsule format. Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to one of the active substances in the composition of the drug.


This is a drug that requires a mandatory consultation with a doctor. With its help, migraine, kinetosis, frustrated memory and attention are treated. The medicine is presented in capsules. It is contraindicated for children under five years old, pregnant women and allergy sufferers.


This is a drug in the form of tablets, prescribed as an effective energy drink. Its active ingredients activate the blood supply in the lower extremities, conduct oxygen to the brain cells, due to which the remedy is recommended for people with insufficient brain activity. The peculiarity of "Phenotropil" is that the drug does not cause drug dependence. A contraindication to its use is insomnia.


Designed as an aid in the weakening of mental activity, reducing attention and memory. It also helps with insomnia, feelings of fear and anxiety. Contraindicated in kidney disease, pregnancy.


Another strong remedy, produced in the form of ampoules. More often prescribed in the complex treatment of Alzheimer's disease, ischemic stroke, childhood hyperactivity. The drug also neutralizes the negative effects of glutamate and prevents development. Taking this medicine (as well as all of the above remedies), you should follow the dosage and all the recommendations of your doctor.

Should medicines improve a child's memory?

Here it is worth stopping and paying attention to the way of life of the child. Of course, some drugs are also indicated for children, but, as a rule, there is no reason to take them.

In fact, the problem of poor memory in children can be caused by factors that are not related to the brain and memory at all. As you know, in childhood, the psyche is very vulnerable and a person is only developing abilities and hobbies.

It is possible that a great memory is just not your child's forte. Encourage him to develop creatively, for example, to take up music, sports, drawing or dancing.

Drugs and memory: how they interact

In fact, tools that directly affect memory have not yet been invented. Any drugs (of plant or chemical origin) have a psychotropic effect (influence on the nervous system), but not mnemotropic (learning and memory effects).

Yes, some pills really improve cerebral circulation, promote concentration and, accordingly, train memory. However, they do not directly restore memory.

The root causes of memory impairment and brain performance

And now it's time to deal directly with the factors that cause such urgent problems. With their elimination, it is worth starting treatment.

  • Unbalanced diet with insufficient clean water and natural products. And here are a few natural brain stimulants: dark chocolate, cereals, foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, ginseng tinctures and rose radiola.
  • Lack of a healthy load on the body, insufficient physical activity.
  • Lack of oxygen.
  • Problematic, out of the norm sleep pattern.
  • Psychological trauma, nervous breakdowns.

Having analyzed and dealt with these causes, you can eliminate the very problem of impaired brain processes. Tablets, capsules and drops in this case will only become an additional tool on the way to good health.

Of course, it would be useful to receive natural formulas that safely improve brain processes. This is one of the few remedies that gently affect the body. Natural ingredients distinguish them from the wide pharmacy assortment that doctors offer us.

What is the state of your memory? Have you dealt with special drugs to improve memory and brain function? Please share your experiences and thoughts on this topic in the comments below, and share the post with your friends on social media. networks. It may well be that such information will be very useful to someone now!

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Denis Statsenko was with you. Take care of your memory

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