Pinscher dog breeds with photos and names. Pinscher: a separate breed or a group? Miniature Pinscher. Characteristics of the breed

Miniature Pinscher (miniature pinscher) is one of the most popular breeds in Europe. These animals have an energetic character, elegant appearance, strength and endurance, which famous writers and artists admired, making these miniature dogs the heroes of their works.

Origin story

According to some reports, the first mention of the Miniature Pinscher breed was registered in 1471 in Germany. Then this dog was recognized as the best accompanying charioteer, which not only served as a companion, but also served as a horse guard.

It is known that it was customary to keep the ancestors of the pygmy pinscher at the stables as guard and hunting dogs. Despite their rather modest size, these animals performed their functions perfectly: they were excellent catchers of rats and mice, and, if necessary, they could scare off intruders.

It was in Germany at the beginning of the 19th century that breeders began to breed a purebred dwarf pinscher breed. The first breed standard was adopted by the famous breeder Richard Strebel in 1880, and in 1900, at an exhibition in Stuttgart, these miniature representatives of the breed were shown to the world.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, miniature pinschers have become very popular not only in their historical homeland, but also far beyond its borders, having completely turned into domestic dogs.

Description of the Miniature Pinscher breed

The Pinscher breed includes three types of dogs: dwarf pinschers (miniature pinschers), German pinschers and.

  1. Unlike their counterparts, miniature pinschers are the smallest in size: their height reaches only 25-30 cm at the withers, and the weight of an adult dog does not exceed 5 kg.
  2. These dogs have an elongated muzzle with fairly strong jaws.
  3. If the ears of the animal are docked, then they should stand high, if not, then hang slightly.
  4. The eyes of the miniature pinscher are dark in color, set straight, have an oval shape.
  5. The neck has a beautiful curved shape. According to the breed standard, it should be neither short nor fat.
  6. The physique of these animals is slender, rather dense, the muscles are well developed. Chest broad, slightly oval.
  7. The limbs are straight and muscular, in proportion to the length of the body.
  8. The tail should be docked at the level of the third vertebra. However, at European shows there is a ban on docking, so if you plan to take part in competitions, you should take this into account.
  9. The coat of the Miniature Pinscher is close to the body, smooth and short, shiny.

FACT! Since miniature pinschers are very similar in appearance to their Doberman counterparts, they are often called dwarf Doberman pinschers or mini Dobermans. However, the Miniature Pinscher breed appeared much earlier and, in fact, became the progenitor of the Doberman Pinscher.


According to the standard, dwarf pinschers can be one-color or two-color (bicolor).

  1. Unicolour: Fawn or brown-red dogs.
  2. Two-tone: black and tan, while above the eyes, on the throat and on the chest there should be clear boundaries of tan.

It is curious that there used to be another color - brown and tan. Now dogs of this color can only be found in the United States, where they are currently bred.


The Miniature Pinscher is very cheerful and energetic, has high intelligence, attentiveness and passion. On the one hand, these dogs are affectionate and loyal, on the other, stubborn and wayward.

  1. Miniature Pinschers get along well with children and all family members.
  2. Despite the selfless love for their master, these animals do not tolerate excessive manifestation of feelings and are not happy with the constant "tenderness" and stroking. Therefore, they can behave a little aggressively at such moments.
  3. Very distrustful of strangers.
  4. In relation to other pets, dwarf pinschers are friendly, provided that they have known them since childhood. If you are planning to get a new pet after the appearance of the miniature pinscher in the family, you should take some time to adapt and establish contact between the animals.
  5. These dogs are very curious and are happy to get acquainted with everything new that surrounds them.
  6. It is better to keep your pet on a leash during walks, because despite their miniature stature, miniature pinschers are very cocky towards other dogs, even if they are larger than them.

A feature of the breed of these, at first glance, cute dogs, is a very loud bark. They meet with them all the guests and animals that visit the master's house.


The miniature pinscher is exactly that breed of dog, the training of which needs to be given great attention. And the sooner the educational process of the animal begins, the easier it will be for you to cope with the stubborn and slightly capricious nature of your pet.

After the appearance of a miniature pinscher in your family, you must immediately establish that the main thing in the house is the owner. Otherwise, in the future it will be very difficult for you to cope with this small wayward animal. You can train both at home and ask for advice and help from specialists.

  1. Start training when the pet is 3 months old, it is at this time that the dog is able to perceive and remember commands.
  2. The most favorite and understandable task for a dog at this age will be the “fetch” command.
  3. Next, it is worth learning such commands as: “to the leg” and “next”. Before you go for a walk with your puppy, be sure to accustom him to the collar and leash.
  4. Designate a separate place in the house for the dog and gradually, from the first days of the appearance of the pet, teach it with the help of the command: “place”.
  5. Be sure to study the commands with the dog: “fu” and “face”, so that his communication with your friends takes place in a calm atmosphere. Or, if necessary, to scare off intruders.
  6. Due to their natural tendency to hostility, the process of raising miniature pinschers can take place in a rather harsh form. Sometimes, if a puppy is acting aggressively, it needs to be stopped with strict commands or even slapped in order for it to feel who the leader is.

In fact, training a dog is a long and painstaking work. Conduct training in the form of outdoor games, communicate more and talk with your little friend and then the educational process will be easy.

Care and maintenance

The life expectancy of the Miniature Pinscher breed is 13-17 years, depending on the heredity of the dog and the conditions of its maintenance. In care, these animals are very unpretentious, since this breed does not require any additional conditions for maintenance.


  • for dogs of this breed, long active walks in the fresh air are simply necessary, otherwise their behavior in the apartment may become uncontrollable;
  • It is important to know how to wash your pet so that the dog does not catch a cold. To do this, bathe the Pinscher only as needed and in a warm room;
  • monitor your pet's eyes and ears and clean them regularly;
  • several times a week the animal must be combed using a special brush for smooth-haired dogs. It is especially important to do this during the molting period;
  • on a walk, monitor the well-being of the animal: in the hot season, walk in shady parks to avoid overheating, and in the cold season, dress your pet in warm clothes, as pinschers do not tolerate cold well;
  • cut the dog's nails regularly with a special nail cutter;
  • pay attention to the prevention of teeth - brush them regularly once a week with a special brush;
  • Puberty in miniature pinschers begins at 10 months. At this time, dogs become aggressive, may not obey the owners and behave restlessly. It is best to make the first mating during this period.

Before you get a miniature pinscher, take care of its comfortable content in your home.

  1. Allocate a separate place for sleeping and resting the dog. At the height of the pet, try to remove all the wires and secure the sockets.
  2. Purchase all the necessary items for the care of the pinscher.
  3. Buy a variety of toys for your puppy, and if you live in a cool climate, then also clothes, as these dogs are sensitive to cold.
  4. Get a comfortable leash and collar in advance.
  5. Prepare a separate corner in the kitchen for feeding the baby. Buy bowls for water and food.

Keep in mind that the Miniature Pinscher is a very active dog breed, so get ready for frequent daily walks.


In order for your pet to live a long and healthy life, it is necessary, first of all, to familiarize yourself with the list of the most common diseases of the breed.

The most dangerous diseases that occur in these dogs:

  • glaucoma and cataract;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • joint problems, fractures and dislocations of the limbs (due to the high activity and curiosity of the breed);
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • deafness;
  • epilepsy.

In general, the Miniature Pinscher is a very healthy and hardy dog. However, do not forget about the prevention of the animal. From the very first day your pet enters your home, find a good veterinarian and have your dog checked regularly. Get all the necessary vaccinations and follow your doctor's recommendations.

IMPORTANT! Rabies vaccination is mandatory. It should be carried out no earlier than 7 months of age of your pet.

Even before the appearance of the miniature pinscher in your home, you will need to decide: what will you feed the dog? It is very important that the diet is balanced.

When purchasing a Pinscher, find out from the breeder what and how your future pet was fed and stick to the already built schedule. If the puppy has just been weaned from mother's milk, then goat's milk should be his first complementary food.

What to feed a miniature pinscher puppy:

  • the basis of the diet is raw beef or horse meat (40%). Occasionally you can give a bird, no pork at all;
  • dairy products and cottage cheese;
  • raw or boiled vegetables (30%);
  • cereals: oatmeal, buckwheat and others. You can cook in meat broth without salt.

An adult dog can be transferred to a premium professional food. It contains all the necessary substances and vitamins for the full development of your pet. It is best to choose such food with an experienced veterinarian. And if any signs of an allergy appear, the food will need to be changed.

It is important to remember that in no case should you give your pet products from the master's table, as our food is very fatty and salty for the animal. Also, do not follow the dog's lead if he starts to beg or, which is generally not acceptable, steal food. Stick to a strict feeding schedule and always give your Pinscher equal portions. And do not forget about clean water, which should always be in the dog's bowl.

Loving and energetic, the Miniature Pinscher is the smallest service dog in the world. Bred in Germany, the breed is distinguished not only by its external grace, but also by its energetic disposition. Tireless dogs have an amazing dancing gait and proudly look around, as if showing everyone that they are not just anyone, but real miniature pinschers.

Description of the breed - photo

With its appearance, a dwarf pinscher resembles a Doberman, although there is no relationship between these breeds. A dog weighing from 4 to 5 kg, the height at the withers can be 25-30 cm. Official breed standards were adopted at the end of the 18th century. The first club of breeders of a dwarf Dobermann was opened in 1895 in Germany. Since then, the breed began to develop, and the Pinschers began to be taken to exhibitions in other countries. At an exhibition in France, a miniature dog with a cheerful disposition was presented as a smooth-coated terrier, and she immediately became a favorite of the public.

Breed standards include:

  1. Well developed muscles and bones.
  2. High strong paws.
  3. The hind legs should be slightly longer than the front.
  4. head in proportion to the body.
  5. Thick and moderately long neck.
  6. Dark, oval eyes.
  7. Shiny and smooth coat. It can be brown-red or black and tan. In this case, the tan should be on the inside of the hind legs, above the eyes, on the throat and in the form of two triangles on the chest. It must also have clear boundaries.

In addition, the pinscher ears and tail must be cropped However, many breeders do not torture animals and refuse docking.

A dog with a proud look has a pleasant character, loves affection and attention of the owners. When purchasing a Pinscher, you should be prepared for the fact that an energetic and playful pet in the first year of life will require a lot of attention from a new family.

Puppies of dwarf Dobermans are mischievous, so their education should be dealt with from a very early age. The naturally suspicious breed is prone to excessive barking. It is necessary to eliminate this problem even from puppyhood, constantly communicating with the pet and teaching it to calmly receive guests who are friends of the owner. When taking your dog for a walk, be sure to must be kept on a leash.

Miniature Pinscher puppies are easy to train, but only the owner they fully trust can raise and train him. In order not to harm the psyche of the pet, you need to start dealing with it gradually and very carefully. The breed is very fond of various activities and new knowledge, so simple rules of behavior and new commands will bring great pleasure to it.

Since pygmy Dobermans are by nature independent and very curious, they need constant supervision. But in the nature of the breed there are such features as affectionateness, tenderness and energy, so the pinscher get along well with children who understand that the dog is not a simple toy. The pet will get along well with other pets, but in relation to foreign dogs can be aggressive.

Designed for hunting small animals, the breed can easily keep company on a walk or amateur hunt.

Miniature Pinscher: maintenance, care, photo

The unpretentious breed needs a mobile lifestyle and constant attention. Dobermans do not like to be left alone at home, and if they are not paid attention to for a long time, they begin to play with things belonging to the owner.

Dogs with short hair are constantly cold, so their place in the house must be given special attention. It should not be in a draft or cold floor. The Doberman requires good and thick bedding, or even a special house. For winter walks, a pet must buy or sew warm clothes Otherwise, the dog may get sick. The paws of the breed begin to freeze already at -7C. Therefore, for walking, it is recommended to purchase boots.

Pinchers also feel bad in the heat. In such weather, they are threatened with heat stroke. To avoid this, you need to take drinking water with you for a walk, and in very hot weather you can even wet your pet.

Even if your pet is litter box trained, it needs to be walked every day. It is best to do this twice a day for at least 30 minutes. During the walk, the dog must actively move, as the breed is prone to obesity.

Smooth-haired dogs need to be combed with a brush several times a week. They consider this procedure a manifestation of affection and love it very much. But bathing pinschers is not recommended, because the pet can easily catch a cold. Wash your dog only as needed.

The breed cannot be taken by the scruff and front paws. These actions can damage the tendons. Therefore, it is better to carry a pet by holding it under the stomach. A dog with a small weight does not have time to grind off its claws while moving, so they need to be trimmed on time.

Features of feeding

You can feed the breed with natural products or dry food. If the owner's choice fell on natural nutrition, then 40% of the pet's diet should consist of raw meat. It is best to feed the Pinscher with beef or horsemeat. A third of the diet should consist of buckwheat, oatmeal or wheat porridge, which is mixed with meat. The dog's diet should also include steamed and fresh vegetables, which can be seasoned with a drop of sour cream or a small amount of vegetable oil.

The pinscher must receive food strictly according to the schedule and in such quantity that nothing remains on the plate. If the dog stands near the bowl with sad eyes, then the portion can be slightly increased. For the prevention of worms in the pet's food from time to time it is necessary to add garlic.

If the pinscher will eat dry food, then it must be taught from puppyhood. It is recommended to choose premium or super premium class food special for small breed dogs. Feed your pet strictly according to the instructions on the package. Do not overfeed dogs as this can lead to obesity and various other diseases.

Feeding puppies

If your pet has whelped, then from the age of 4 weeks, puppies should be weaned from mother's milk, and natural food should be introduced into their diet. Approximate diet for puppies:

  • the first food should be milk, preferably goat;
  • gradually the puppy is transferred to oatmeal cooked in milk;
  • from 6 weeks, beets, carrots, greens and minced meat are added to the diet;
  • the puppy must eat cottage cheese;
  • vegetable salads can be seasoned with vegetable oil or sour cream;
  • special vitamins are added to the diet, which are intended only for puppies.

Up to two months, little pinschers are fed 6 times a day, then 5 times a day, and six-month-old puppies - 4 times a day. In a year, a pet should eat three times a day, and an adult dog is transferred to two meals a day.

Where to buy a miniature pinscher?

There are no problems with buying dogs of this breed. Anyone who will not take a pet to various exhibitions can buy a dog through an ad on the Internet. Dogs with a breeding marriage or without a pedigree usually cost no more than 10,000 rubles.

In nurseries, dwarf pinschers are sold with documents, and cost from 10,000 to 20,000 thousand rubles. If the puppy has titled champion parents, and the smallest dog has excellent show prospects, then the price for it can reach 30,000 rubles.

Choosing a puppy

Anything can grow out of a small red or black and tan puppy, so it is not recommended to purchase it at the bird market or from the hands of a pet. To ensure the purchase is guaranteed, it is best to choose a small Doberman from a reputable breeder.

The puppy must be active, nimble and courageous. It is better not to take a cowardly running and aggressive dog. Crouching in front of the whole litter, you need to call all the puppies, and the dog that happily runs up to you first, shows curiosity and friendliness, may turn out to be your pet. In addition, it is necessary pay attention to the following points:

Having chosen a puppy, you need to ask the breeder what he fed the pinscher, what vaccinations were given to the pet and what parents have genetic diseases. You also need to remember to take all the necessary documents for a new family member.

Miniature Pinschers are ideal for living in a small apartment. Easy to train and quick-witted dogs take up little space and practically do not shed. But so that the masterful and stubborn dog does not turn out to be a spoiled pet, from an early age you need to engage in his upbringing. As a result, the family pet will become not only a watchman and guard, but also a kind and affectionate friend.

Miniature Pinschers

Breed miniature pinscher (zwergpinscher) was released in Germany. This is a small dog with a height of 25 - 30 cm. Its weight ranges from 4 to 6 kg, depending on the sex. Can live 15 or more years.

The character of a tireless puppy and an amazing dancing gait are the first things that lovers of these dogs will notice. An elegant toy dog ​​moves like a little horse, gracefully puts his strong legs and proudly looks around, because he is not just anyone, but a miniature pinscher!

According to the FCI classification, the miniature pinscher belongs to the group of service dogs. This is one of the smallest along with the miniature schnauzer. Strong physique allows it to be widely used in various types of sports training (freestyle, agility, IPO, etc.)

Initially, a thoroughbred dog was supposed to have a docked tail and ears. But lately, pinscher ears have been cropped less and less.

Guard qualities
Security qualities
The size
Attitude towards children

Photo: Miniature Pinscher or Miniature Pinscher

From the history of miniature pinscher

Germany is considered the birthplace of this breed, which is often called a miniature or dwarf pinscher. It is difficult to say for sure when the history of these tiny dogs begins, but it is known that the mention of dogs similar to pinschers appeared in the 15th century!

Having arisen in the region of German Württemberg, pygmy pinschers quickly won people's love: living at the stables, small dogs regularly caught rats and guarded the master's property. It was for this that they were affectionately called "griffins of the stables."

A little later, brave and hardy kids began to accompany carriages and stagecoaches, announcing the surroundings with perky barking throughout the entire journey, and thereby frightening possible ill-wishers. Often, the crumbs were also taken for hunting: in a word, despite the miniature size, it was a universal dog that successfully completed any tasks assigned to it.

Miniature Pinscher standard: height, weight

Interestingly, the Miniature Pinscher is very similar to the Doberman, but there is no relationship between them. In fact, a certain Mr. Doberman by the name of Doberman once admired miniature pinschers so much that he decided to breed a similar dog of a larger size.

With its appearance, the mini-pinscher really resembles a miniature Doberman: the height of the dog does not exceed 30 cm, and the weight is 5 kg.

Slender, with well-developed bones and muscles, the pinscher has high strong legs, the hind legs are somewhat longer than the front ones, a small but proportional head with a very noticeable transition from the forehead to the nose, an elegant, moderately long and thick neck, dark oval eyes and smooth, shiny coat. In addition, classic Miniature Pinschers should have cropped tails and ears, but more and more owners and breeders do not do this in order not to torment the animals.

The breed standard was officially adopted in 1880, and 15 years later the first miniature pinscher breeders' club opened in Germany. Thanks to them, the breed began to develop and increasingly appear at exhibitions in other countries. So, in Europe, they learned about mini-pinchers after an exhibition in France, where the dog was presented as a “smooth-haired terrier from the stable”. And right there, tiny dogs with a cheerful disposition became the favorites of the public, however, as was the case with many breeds, world wars threatened the existence of miniature pinschers. Only thanks to the efforts of breeders and lovers, it was possible to save these wonderful animals.

By color, one-color, namely brown-red, and two-color, black and tan, dwarf pinschers are distinguished, and the tan must have very clear boundaries: on the throat, above the eyes, on the inside of the hind legs, at the base of the tail and two identical triangles on the chest . It is interesting that earlier the standard allowed a third color - brown and tan, but now dogs with this coat color are bred only in the USA.

The nature of the miniature pinscher

The Miniature Pinscher is well suited for keeping in an apartment, but requires experienced dog breeders who will not go along with the dog. Early and correct education is of great importance for this breed, which will help to avoid problems with such character traits as stubbornness and spoiledness.

But in the character of the dwarf pinscher there is also tenderness, affection, energy. They get along very well with children, but it is necessary to teach children that these little dogs are not toys at all and, due to their size, are very vulnerable and need personal space.

As a rule, miniature pinschers get along well with other animals in the house. Pinschers can be aggressive towards other dogs. They only get along well with dogs they know from an early age.

Naturally suspicious, these dogs are prone to excessive barking. Therefore, if there are frequent guests in the house, the dog must be specially trained to calmly receive guests who do not threaten the owner. In public places, this baby must be kept on a leash.

On the one hand, they are cheerful and loyal dogs, but on the other hand, they are demanding and strong-willed. But their negative traits can be successfully dealt with through timely training. Fortunately, pinschers. When the Pinscher recognizes his owner, he will be happy to learn what the owner wants.

This dog is ideal for people living even in a small city apartment, because it takes up little space and rarely sheds, moreover, it is a very smart and easy to train breed.

The main thing in communicating with an animal is not to spoil the pinscher, since he can be very stubborn and self-willed if he is not educated from early childhood. Otherwise, this is a sweet and gentle dog that adores its family, always strives to please the owner in everything.

She is able to become a great friend for your children, if only they understand that a tiny dog ​​is not a toy. Pinschers also get along well with other pets, but can only be aggressive towards dogs if they are not familiar with them from an early age.

But this breed is very wary of strangers. Being a born watchman, the Miniature Pinscher will greet strangers with an angry bark, his coat will immediately stand on end, and his eyes will sparkle, because this dog is not a coward and is ready to bravely defend his masters and their home.

On a walk, the miniature pinscher is more calm and explores everything that surrounds it with interest. Surprisingly, such a kid is always full of desire to fight, and even if the opponent surpasses the mini-pinscher in size and strength, this will not stop the brave dog!

Miniature Pinschers are excellent companions for single people, cheerful, playful and curious. They love to play with any household items, which sometimes poses a danger to the animal.

In general, the miniature pinscher is a fairly healthy breed of dog, but it also has its own predispositions to such diseases as: diabetes mellitus, urolithiasis, pannus, shoulder dislocation, glaucoma, cataracts and other eye diseases, as well as a tendency to deafness and epilepsy.

Care and maintenance of miniature pinscher

It is a very easy breed to care for. It is enough to comb the miniature pinscher several times a week and sometimes remove dead hair with a damp towel.

A small dog does not need much food, but its quality is all the more important so that the dog is always active and healthy.

It is necessary to protect miniature pinschers from cold and drafts, and in the cold season they need to walk in clothes. However, it should be borne in mind that due to its mobility, the miniature pinscher does not get very cold in a slight frost. Only at minus 7-10 degrees does his paws begin to freeze. Therefore, for winter walking, you need not only overalls, but also boots.

In the heat, a small pinscher is threatened with heat stroke. Therefore, it is necessary to take water for drinking on a long walk, and in especially hot weather, the dog should be slightly moistened, especially if the dog is black and tan.

They also need to provide a fairly mobile lifestyle, since this breed is quite prone to obesity. An apartment dog, even one accustomed to a tray, must be regularly, ideally twice a day, actively walked for at least half an hour. It is better to constantly offer him active games: Frisbee, etc.

Miniature Pinschers do not like to be left at home alone without some kind of activity. Therefore, he should not be left alone for a long time, or he will do something without the special permission of the owners, playing with things that are not intended for this.

This and in order to avoid the development of destructive behavior, they need constant mental activity. You can teach them something all your life.

The Miniature Pinscher is also a great friend because representatives of this breed live in our climate for quite a long time, have good health and need the simplest care.

Miniature dogs need to be brushed several times a week, and they accept brush strokes as a kind of petting and love to be brushed.

You can not take the Pinscher by the front paws or scruff, so as not to damage the tendons, it is better to carry the dog, holding it under the stomach. It is also necessary to protect the baby from the cold and not let go of the leash in public places. But you need to walk the baby several times a day, since this breed is prone to obesity, which means that constant physical activity is simply necessary for the pet.

It is undesirable to wash miniature pinschers, because after this procedure the dog can easily catch a cold. So bathe arrange as needed - not more often.

It is important to shorten the nails in time, because the dog is light, and they do not have time to wear down when moving, and this can even lead to dislocation of the paw.

In order for the Miniature Pinscher to remain healthy and vigorous throughout his life, it is important to monitor his nutrition. Natural food is preferred for this breed, with most of the diet being raw beef and horse meat, as well as poultry.

The Pinscher should receive food strictly according to the schedule, after which, ideally, he licks the plate and rests. If the dog has not finished eating or, on the contrary, stands near the plate with sad eyes, then the portion should be reduced or, accordingly, increased. Sometimes fresh chopped garlic can be included in the menu to prevent worms and intestinal diseases.

The history of miniature pinschers goes back more than 300 years, and during this time they have repeatedly proved that, despite their miniature size, they are brave and faithful companions. And if you don't believe me, check it out!

Price of puppies and where to buy

How much does a miniature pinscher cost? Currently, the price of miniature pinscher puppies varies from 10,000 to 30 000 rubles. The cost depends on several factors. The cheapest puppies are without pedigrees or breeding marriage. Their value will not exceed 10 000 rubles. From 10,000 to 20,000 you can buy puppies with pedigree documents in kennels. And for the price from 20,000 rubles to 30,000 rubles you have to pay for a puppy that has titled champion parents and the puppy itself has brilliant show prospects.

Where is the best place to buy a miniature pinscher puppy so as not to be mistaken?

In no case do not buy a dog from your hands or in the bird market. Also, be wary of private ads in newspapers or the Internet. It is best to choose a puppy from real breeders who have their own kennel. These specialists know everything about the breed and will select the best puppy for you based on your wishes.

Photo of miniature pinscher or miniature pinscher

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The Doberman Doberman is the oldest breed of dog. The first animal of this breed was registered by the German state in the 15th century. Mini animals accompanied carts, carriage carriages, turned out to be good rat-catchers, mouse hunters, guarded yards, warning their owners with loud barking about the proximity of unwanted visitors. In the modern world, this type of animal is popular, but miniature creatures live in apartment buildings, they are deservedly the most beautiful animals for the family. It is a misleading judgment that pygmy Dobermans are cowardly creatures who are all the time on the couch.

Dwarf Doberman - the oldest breed of dog

In Germany, the pygmy dog ​​was called the rat catcher. This breed was originally intended for this type of occupation. The miniature pinscher gained popularity in 1880. The official standard of this type of dog was recognized in 1967. The variety was ennobled to the maximum. In Russia, the pinscher did not take root for a long time. Pocket Dobermans became popular in European countries and continued to develop.

Representatives of the pygmy pinscher were again brought to Russia in the last century. Miniature dogs began to gain worldwide popularity. They have received distribution in the USA, Great Britain, Canada, Sweden. The Japanese Doberman Club aimed to raise the standard by crossing them with American and German varieties. The English black and tan terrier, the forerunner of the current Manchester Terrier, was originally brought to Germany, and this dwarf variety of dog was bred in its image with the richest variety of colors: light red, brown, chocolate and shiny black.

Miniature Pinschers are miniature analogues of the most famous Dobermans, but they are completely unrelated to them. Animals are playful, energetic, the most beautiful companions for various games, long walks and hikes. The Pocket Pinscher is a kind of dog that does not cause resentment and irritability, does not experience any hesitation or fear. The dog has an innate intelligence and quickly learns skills, thanks to this it can withstand the test of a guard dog, a miniature appearance is not a hindrance at all.

The creator of this popular species of animal, Carl Friedrich Louis Dobermann, admired miniature pinschers, and was able to breed a similar kind of dog of impressive size.

When buying a puppy of this type, you must be prepared for constant resistance. Miniature Dobermans are very wayward creatures, requiring an educational process from the first moments of their appearance in the house. If the puppy is not brought up, then a spoiled animal with an unbearable character can grow up. Puppies of the miniature pinscher breed are intelligent creatures, they quickly find understanding with their owners, adopt norms of behavior and discipline.

In the modern world, this type of animal is popular, but miniature creatures live in apartment buildings, they are deservedly the most beautiful animals for the family.

It is quite possible to accustom a dog to a tray in the winter. Pygmy Great Dane puppies are recommended to eat natural food as food. The daily diet must necessarily include meat products in raw or boiled form (exclude pork), fish, boiled yolk, fermented milk products can be given once a week. It is necessary to add a small amount of vegetable oil to food to improve the functioning of the stomach and a beautiful coat. Pinscher should receive various vitamins.

Miniature Pinscher puppies are a miniature image of Pinschers and Schnauzers. Now this variety is popular, interest is growing, the annual number of nurseries breeding this type of puppies is increasing.

Miniature Pinscher (video)

Gallery: pygmy doberman (25 photos)

Distinctive features of the appearance of pinchers

The miniature pinscher is a small, smooth-haired representative of a wonderful family, characterized by external differences:

  • proportional physique, head with a flat forehead, narrow skull, parallel lines of the forehead and muzzle;
  • flat, slightly pronounced cheekbones, dark dry lips, tight to the jaws;
  • cropped, high-set ears;
  • eyes mostly dark, expressive, small, oval-shaped;
  • scissor bite standard, 42 teeth in the mouth;
  • height - up to 30 cm, weight - 5-6 kg;
  • hard, smooth, short, glossy coat, close fitting;
  • color black and tan and red;
  • well developed muscles.

The miniature Doberman has high and strong limbs, his hind legs are longer than his front ones. The fingers are short, arched, in a ball, with black claws. The dwarf pinschers of the classic look have their tail and ears docked.

Puppy miniature pinscher, slender, has the right appearance among the rest. Only America breeds the type of brown and tan miniature pinscher. This kind of animal appears to be a mini-copy of the German Pinscher. The nervous system of a dwarf dog is stable, it does not allow cowardice, anger. The dog moves quite easily and freely.

Features of the dwarf Doberman breed

Dwarf Dobermans are intelligent, cheerful creatures. These dogs can be adopted both as family pets and as companions for lonely elderly people. It is only necessary to remember that it is not worth pampering your pet too much, so that it does not turn into a wayward, uncontrollable animal. An affectionate pocket dog in the circle of his own can be aggressive towards strangers. The dog is loyal, fearless, perfectly trainable, clean. Miniature dogs are recommended to be combed several times a week, stroking with a brush is a kind of caress for the pinscher.

These beautiful creatures have a special gait. When moving, they raise their front legs high. Mini Dobermans are naturally energetic. To do this, it is recommended that the dog be given physical activity in the form of long walks with play activity, with training.

You can not take the animal by the forelimbs or scruff, this can lead to damage to the tendons, so to transfer the dog, you must hold it under the stomach. Be sure to protect the Pinscher from hypothermia, do not let go of the leash in public places.

These mobile, playful pets easily get close to children and are good friends for them. But they do not tolerate familiarity. Living a dwarf pinscher in a yard, garage or aviary is unacceptable. The life expectancy of a pygmy Doberman is 13-15 years.

Distinctive features of the character of the dwarf pinscher

The Miniature Pinscher dog breed is a gentle, affectionate creature that requires proper special care and training. Otherwise, an uncontrollable, dangerous creature will grow up. You should not start this type of dog just to caress and play with it. Dwarf Dobermans are created for other purposes. The animal is quite active and will not be able to stay in one place for more than 5 minutes. These creatures have one drawback - they love to bark. Sometimes the barking is so frequent and loud that it seems that there are several animals in the apartment.

One of the characteristic features of the miniature pinscher is excessive suspicion. But these pets calmly perceive visitors to the house when they understand that their owner is not in danger. Representatives of this breed are not afraid of large dogs either, they bravely rush into battle and do not give up until the end of the fight. A strong friendship with the rest of the dogs is tied up only when the acquaintance with each other took place at an early age.

Miniature Pinschers are reluctant to be on hand. Raising a domestic dog is not difficult, the Doberman quickly learns and understands everything that is required of him.

Miniature Doberman (video)

Care and maintenance of miniature pinscher

For the first step, it is recommended to give the pet a certain place. Suitable, perhaps, will be a soft small carpet or a small cozy house. Active pinchers, like people, sometimes want to relax, to be calmly alone. If, taking pity on the animal, take it to the master's bed, then the dog will continue to sleep on it until old age.

Pet care is easy. Features of caring for a dwarf Doberman:

  1. For a beautiful and well-groomed appearance of the “fur coat” of the miniature pinscher, it is advised to periodically wash it with shampoo, comb it twice a week.
  2. Pocket Dobermans are prone to obesity, they need to offer food in small portions up to three times a day. Nutrition should be balanced, fortified.
  3. Always remember to use a leash while walking. In winter and autumn, warm clothes should be worn on the animal, which will prevent hypothermia and frostbite of the limbs.

The dwarf pinscher cannot be left alone for a long time in the house, he is bored, it is necessary to take him with his favorite toys.

The miniature pinscher needs respect, attention from a person. This type of dog is remarkably trainable. These pets do not tolerate cold, but hot weather also affects them negatively, pinschers can get heatstroke. When going for a long walk, take a container of drinking water with you. An active, cheerful, kind creature will brighten up the life of lonely elderly people, and will become an excellent companion and friend. But this kind of dwarf pinscher cannot be suitable for those who want to purchase an animal as a living toy for a child.

It is necessary to educate a miniature pet consistently and persistently so that a dog does not turn out to be the owner of the house instead of a person. With proper care, the miniature pinscher will be ready for exhibition shows at any time and will take on the appearance of a well-groomed handsome man. The miniature pinscher loves long walks, but can get by with a short walk. This type of dog is picky about food.

Dwarf Great Danes are exceptionally adapted for people living in small apartments. The animal does not occupy a large territory, almost does not shed, the creature is savvy, remarkably learns the rules of behavior. Excessive pampering is not recommended for this type of dog. Pets have too much attachment to the owner and family members, it is difficult and difficult to experience separation from any of them. Worthy qualities of the most amazing type of miniature animal do not leave indifferent professionals and connoisseurs of this type of dog. In the modern world, mini dogs are a very famous decorative variety. Interest in pinschers is regularly increasing, the number of amateur cynologists involved in breeds is increasing.

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Miniature Pinscher. Characteristics of the breed

  • Adult growth: 25 to 30 centimeters.
  • The weight: 3.5 - 5 kilograms.
  • characteristic color: black and tan, fawn.
  • Wool length: short.
  • Lifespan: 12-16 years old.
  • Breed advantages: active, temperamental, courageous dog. Well trained.
  • The complexity of the breed: likes to bark very loudly, can't stand the cold, requires long walks.
  • average price: a miniature pinscher puppy from elite parents with RKF documents costs from 800 to 1000 dollars, a puppy without a pedigree - 200 dollars, a puppy with SCOR documents - 400-500 dollars.

Origin story

The Miniature Pinscher was known as a rat-catcher dog and wagon guard who raised incredibly loud barking when intruders try to approach to horses or wagons. With the disappearance of horse-drawn transport, the popularity of the Pinscher began to wane, and the war led to the almost complete extermination of the breed.

Miniature Pinschers appeared in Russia after the war, and quickly won the hearts of dog lovers. When in the seventies pygmy pinschers with a pedigree were brought to the USSR, a worthy livestock in terms of quality had already formed in the country. Currently at the exhibitions you can see fine-looking pinschers, as there are a lot of fans and enthusiasts of this breed.

The purpose of the breed

The modern miniature pinscher perfectly plays the role of a companion dog for active, sports-loving people. Pronounced choleric, miniature pinscher loves long walks and runs, he easily gets used to trips to exhibitions and likes to visit the training ground. Houses of dogs of this breed are always on the alert, they are excellent watchdogs, and do not give up even in front of an opponent much larger than them.

The nature of the miniature pinscher

A battery-powered dog is the truest nickname for the miniature pinscher. Indeed, in a small dog holds a huge amount of energy that needs an exit. These babies can live in an apartment, but a country house with a huge fenced yard is best suited for them.

Running without a leash and jumping are the favorite activities of dogs of this breed. Even in the car, during a long trip, the miniature pinscher constantly jumping on the seat unable to calm down.

On the street, these kids are most often active and cocky to other dogs, they can attack people, bark at them, and even try to bite.

Dog behaves quite friendly with pets living with him in the same room. Small children irritate dogs of this breed, and the activity of children is directly proportional to the activity of the dog, and in an agitated state, he can bite the child sensitively.

Miniature Pinscher-male after a year may start marking in a house or apartment, and this problem also applies to bitches: they just make puddles on upholstered furniture.

These dogs hate being alone, and when they are bored, they chew on wallpaper and master's shoes, chew on rugs, and tear up magazines and books. To prevent pogroms of a teenager often locked up in a special cage during the absence of household members.

The Miniature Pinscher never loses heart, he is always ready to joyfully play with any household member. A high level of intelligence and ability to imitate helps these dogs quickly learn different tricks and participate in agility competitions.

Video review of the breed

The video tells about the origin of the breed, the influence of ancestors on the character of the modern miniature pinscher. The health issues of pygmy pinschers are touched upon, tendencies to obesity and fragility of their bones. A separate story is about training and some typical character traits of these dogs.

How to choose a puppy

The Miniature Pinscher is prone to dominance in relations with the owner, so buying an adult dog can result in great disappointment. An adult dog has an established character, and if he has behavioral problems, then it will be very difficult to fix them..

For a potential owner who wants to get an obedient and faithful dog, the best option would be to buy a small puppy and the younger the better. This is explained by the fact that puppies, taken away from their mother early, are more attached to a person than pets that have lived with their mother for several months.

When purchasing a puppy, you should definitely look at how his mother behaves: a dog with uncontrolled, aggressive behavior should alert the buyer. Maybe, Excessive excitability will be passed on to puppies. Babies at the age of one month are still very small, but each already has its own character. You should not take a puppy that bursts into barking at the sight of a stranger, or seeks to run away. The kid should be active, self-confident and friendly, show curiosity.

It is advisable to ask the breeder to demonstrate the appetite of the kids, for which they are offered their usual food. miniature pinscher puppies love to eat, so it's better not to take someone who is not in a hurry to the bowl. You also don’t need to buy a puppy who flatly refuses to approach the future owner: maybe he is sick, or maybe he just doesn’t like the person.

As for the health and appearance of small pinschers, then they should have dark, clear eyes, shiny, smooth coat without bald spots and white spots, even paws and a compact physique. With age, the eyes will become lighter, the white spots will not disappear anywhere, and the crooked paws will not even out.

The miniature pinscher does not require special care, it is enough brush his thick, coarse coat once a week with a soft brush, wipe the ears and trim the claws that do not grind due to the small weight of the dog.

The miniature pinscher cannot live on the street, although he tolerates cold weather well and is active even at a temperature of minus five degrees. For a cold winter, he gets overalls and boots so that his paws do not freeze. Hot weather is also dangerous for these dogs., in summer they feel good in the shade of trees, as well as playing with water.

Dwarf pinschers are suitable for an apartment: they take up little space and they like comfort, but whether apartment miniature pinschers become pleasant neighbors for the rest living in this area depends on the magnitude and duration of physical activity.

Physical exercise

Miniature Pinschers are pronounced choleric and have a frenzied temperament. These dogs are very smart, stubborn and can make the life of their owners hell if the seething energy is not given an outlet. As soon as quarantine is passed, the baby is taken on a long leash and they go for a walk with him, and not once a day, but twice.

First the walk can last no more than one hour: the pet is led through the streets, allowed to run (on a long leash!) in a park or square. On the following days, the walk time is gradually increased, observing the condition of the dog: if after walking he lies and sleeps for a long time, then the duration is left the same. If after a walk the baby jumps cheerfully around the house, then you need to walk and run more. The goal of the owner: to tire the puppy so much that he did not engage in sabotage out of boredom.

Walking in order to let the dog recover in the first weeks is arranged at least five to six times a day, and they do it from the first day in the new house. In raising a miniature pinscher, time is of great importance: stubborn and arrogant dog grows very fast, and it is important to have time to accustom him to all useful skills while he is still small.

Briefly about training

It is necessary to train a miniature pinscher from four months, it is advisable to visit the site for this. Dogs of this breed are trained well, but one must keep in mind the temperament and increased activity of the pet. Before classes, the dog is well walked to tire him a little. Miniature Pinschers love to eat, so pieces of cheese are used to work out commands or special treats.

It is possible and necessary to scold these kids for disobedience, you should not allow yourself to be bitten, try to jump on your hands or on the sofa. An adult dog will bite the owner no longer with puppy teeth, but with sharp fangs. Any aggression towards household members must also be immediately and harshly extinguished. A trained, educated miniature pinscher is beautiful dog, smart and fearless, communication with which is a pleasure.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Unpretentious, does not require special care;
  • Very active, good, vigilant watchman;
  • Playful, fun and always ready to play;
  • Beautiful, graceful dog.


  • Stubborn and headstrong, has her own opinion;
  • Males are very temperamental, they can mark walls and furniture;
  • With the wrong upbringing, they are aggressive towards strangers, maniacally suspicious;
  • Very loud, unpleasant barking.
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