About the Dalmatian - an elegant and fearless hound. Character of the Dalmatian breed Characteristics of the Dalmatian

After the cartoon "101 Dalmatians" many people not only learned about this breed, but also became eager to buy it. Dalmatians are considered one of the most charming dogs in the world, but they have their own behavioral characteristics that you should think about in advance, before purchasing a puppy. Caring for a Dalmatian is not difficult.

History of appearance

Dalmatians, Dalmatians or Dalmatians were bred in Croatia, but do not consider this breed young. During excavations in Greece, archaeologists found paintings in which dogs were depicted near people, with spotted colors and build similar to modern dogs.

This suggests that Dalmatians have been living with humans for several thousand years.

In 1955, the breed was listed in the classification of the FCI (International Cynological Federation) under number 153 in section No. 6 "Beagles and related breeds". Dalmatians are also inscribed in the KC (Kynological Club) of Great Britain and the AKC (American Kennel Club) in the "Unsporting Group" in 1888.

It is believed that the name of the breed appeared at the end of the 18th century in Dalmatia on the Balkan Peninsula. There lived a piebald hound with spots on its coat, which was used to accompany crews and guard cargo and passengers. In 1791, Thomas Bewick named her a Dalmatian.

In the first half of the next century in England, such dogs were used as guards for elite crews, hunters, and household helpers. They also often accompanied the fire brigades, helping to disperse the crowd, and helped pull people out of the fire. Due to the huge popularity of the breed, today England is considered the second homeland of the Dalmatians.

According to the second version, the breed appeared in ancient Egypt, from where it penetrated into India, and after some time came to Dalmatia. During such a “journey”, “particles” of the Pointer and the Great Dane, as well as some other breeds, got into the breed.

Gallery: Dalmatians (25 photos)


Since the Dalmatian dog breed was of interest to English aristocrats at one time, this also determined the appearance of animals. The description of the Dalmatian breed, which is still used today, was compiled by the Englishman Vero Shaw in 1882:


The above description refers to ideal, fully breeding dogs. Reasons for disqualification can be any deviations, even the most insignificant. These include:

  1. Incorrect bite or incomplete set of teeth;
  2. Heterochromia (different eye color) or blue eyes. In the US, this feature is not considered a marriage;
  3. Deafness;
  4. Spots of different colors (both black and brown at the same time);
  5. Nose color that does not match the color of the spots;
  6. In males, both testicles should descend completely into the scrotum, preferably they should also be pigmented;
  7. Unusual behavior: aggression or cowardice.


The Dalmatian is an active, friendly, outgoing and intelligent breed.. The Dalmatian loves movement and play and will require constant attention from the owner. It can be both walks (dogs tolerate temperatures down to -20 degrees, at lower temperatures they will need clothes), and games in an apartment, even a small one.

If the Dalmatian is left alone for a long time, his character may deteriorate: he will become irritable and naughty, sad. In the absence of proper training, the dog will begin to splash out energy, spoiling the furniture. At the same time, they feel the mood of the owner well and get upset if he is dissatisfied: sometimes it is enough to raise his voice to punish the pet.

Mostly Dalmatians are used as a hunting and family dog, as a companion. They lend themselves well to training, have a certain independence and are extremely smart. It is important that the breed is good with children: with proper training, even a small child can be left with a dog. Children and dogs that have grown up together will have a particularly warm relationship.

Advantages and disadvantages

The first ones are:

  1. Loyalty to the owner and family;
  2. Friendliness, especially to children, a high level of socialization;
  3. Patience and endurance;
  4. Mind: This is one of the smartest breeds;
  5. Lack of aggression, including towards other animals. He is indifferent and friendly to strangers, but in case of danger he will immediately stand up for the owner;
  6. Playful nature;
  7. Funny facial expressions: Dalmatians can even smile.

The disadvantages include:

  1. Stubbornness, the desire to do things one's own way, vindictiveness;
  2. The requirement for regular walks, games and physical activity, otherwise the dog’s character deteriorates greatly;
  3. The need for constant contact with a person: they can be patient while the owner is at work, but leaving the pet alone during a vacation or business trip is not recommended;
  4. Year-Round Shedding and Allergies: The breed is prone to the latter, especially to strawberries, apricots, bananas, honey, oatmeal, oily fish, brewer's yeast and certain foods. Collars, shampoos and other care products, insect bites, pollen or even dust can also be the cause;
  5. They can be cowardly due to their character traits.

Dalmatians should be taken by active people who prefer outdoor walks and have the opportunity to often engage with a dog. It is also desirable that the owner has experience with dogs and children at least 2 years old. The latter must be taught how to handle a dog, since Dalmatians do not like familiarity.

The Dalmatian will not suit overly busy people, homebodies and the elderly, that is, those who cannot devote enough time to him. Also, you should not start such a breed of phlegmatic people who will not pay attention to the pet.


In addition to games and walks, dogs will need training - on their own or with a trainer.. Previously, this breed was often used as circus animals, as they perfectly understood commands, memorized tricks well and took great pleasure in performing them. Owners can choose one of the following courses, depending on the requirements for a particular pet:

  1. General course of training;
  2. obedience course;
  3. Rescue dog training
  4. Coursing (field test with a lure imitating an animal);
  5. Frisbee (catching a thrown disc);
  6. Agility (overcoming obstacles);
  7. Running (ideally, the dog needs to walk 8-10 km every day);
  8. Swimming.

It is important to remember that due to the inability to sit still for a long time, Dalmatians often suffer from distracted attention. This has led to the erroneous conclusion that this breed is poorly trained and unwilling to learn. This is not true, Dalmatians are very smart, but too energetic.

Features of care

Caring for Dalmatians is quite simple:


Breeding can be done when the male is 15-20 months old, and the bitch is 18-24 months old (by 3 estrus). It is necessary to draw up a list of applicants, analyze it, identify all the advantages and disadvantages.

If a dog has a defect, do not mix it with a dog with the same defect. For example, a short tail on both parents can result in an even shorter tail on a puppy.

For mating, 9-14 days of estrus are suitable. To do this, the bitch is brought to the male for two days in a row: for the main mating and control.

Pregnancy lasts 60-64 days. At this time, it is worth prohibiting the bitch from jumping and communicating with other dogs, but you should not deprive her of all physical exercises - they will not cause harm and help maintain energy and health.

Newborn puppies weigh 350-400 grams, usually 6-7 babies are born in a litter.

The Dalmatian captivates at first sight. If you meet this amazing dog with an unusual color on the street, a smile immediately appears on your face and your mood rises. Of course, everyone has seen the popular Disney cartoon featuring spotted pets, which left in the memory the devotion and good nature of these dogs. However, not everyone knows how a Dalmatian behaves in real life. Description of the breed, character and much more, we just consider in this article.

The history of the breed

Until now, scientists have not been able to determine exactly where the Dalmatians originated from. However, almost all researchers are sure that this is a very ancient breed of dogs that existed even before our era. There are several versions of the origin of these amazing dogs. The most popular version is that the Dalmatians appeared in Dalmatia, from which they actually got their name. However, some believe that this breed originated in India, and came to Dalmatia a little later. But Dalmatians became especially popular only in the 18th century, in England, which is why many scientists consider this country to be the second homeland of spotted dogs. Here, these dogs immediately earned the recognition of noble people, and they began to be put in escort of the carriages of the elite of Britain. They also became excellent hunters and household helpers.

Dalmatian: description of the breed

The Dalmatian belongs to the group of large dogs. Outwardly, he is graceful, elegant with well-developed muscles. In nature, there are two colors of Dalmatians: white with black spots and white with dark brown spots. It is mandatory that representatives with black markings have dark brown eyes and a black nose, and dogs with brown spots have an order of magnitude lighter eyes and a dark chestnut nose. Surprisingly, the Dalmatian, whose breed description is very unusual, is born snow-white without any marks, and the spots appear over time. And also, if you look into the mouth of an adult representative of this breed, you can also see spots there.

The coat is very thick, short, with a noticeable shiny sheen. The height of the Dalmatian reaches: 55-60 cm - a boy, 49-58 cm - a girl. Their weight is not very different, it ranges from 23 to 27 kg, respectively, males weigh a little more. Spotted dogs have a rather long head with rounded ears of medium size. Their tail is not curled and almost reaches the hocks.

Dalmatian character

Dogs of this breed are friendly, very active, intelligent and sociable. The Dalmatian will become a good companion for his master. He is very energetic and does not like to be bored, so he constantly needs to devote enough time. If you are not ready to play with him, run around and constantly give him your attention, then think about it before you get yourself such a pet. Representatives of this breed are very devoted to their master and are always ready to follow him, while strangers are treated with all caution. However, they also tend to be independent and can sometimes make their own decisions. But all the same, the owner for them is the meaning of life, they seem to be created in order to please him.

These wonderful creatures are capable of sadness, they are very worried when they part with their master. They are also visibly offended when they are shouted at or punished for something, but rather not at the owner, but at themselves for upsetting him. Dalmatians, a description of the breed, the nature and history of which we have already examined, love everything new, they quickly get bored with the same type of life, so keep this in mind when acquiring such a friend.

The intelligence of spotted dogs

They are easy to train, learn a lot in everyday life, which they then willingly use. Dalmatians have a very good memory, they can remember not only commands, but even some events. Spotted dogs can even work in the circus and perform various amazing tricks. Agree, not every dog ​​is capable of this.

The Dalmatian accumulates most of its experience from its owner. These dogs are able to find a "common language" with people who have a very different character. They grasp everything on the fly and quickly get used to human habits. As noted above, the Dalmatian is a relatively obedient dog, but if you do not play with him and come up with something new for him, he may get bored, as a result of which he will stop listening to you and turn into a restless dog.

Dalmatian care

Spotted pets are very clean, they will never get into the mud or puddle, so you will have to bathe your pet only 2-3 times a year, using a special mild shampoo. The peculiarity of these dogs is that they shed all year round. It seems that their coat is short and there will be no problems with this, but this is not entirely true. This wool will be with you everywhere, since the pet is very energetic and does not sit still, therefore it is recommended, if possible, to comb the Dalmatian almost every day, because in this case the main part of the wool cover will remain on the brush, and in the apartment it will be at a minimum . Do not buy a brush that is too hard, as this can lead to injury to the pet's skin.

There is nothing difficult in caring for such a dog, the main thing is to get used to it. In no case should we forget that the Dalmatian, a description of the breed, the photo and character of which you can learn from this article, requires constant walks. Rest on a picnic, walks by the river and even simple jogging will only benefit him, otherwise the pet may get bored and start spoiling your things.

There are a huge number of types of dogs: large and small, smooth-haired and fluffy, various types of colors.

But among them there is a particularly distinctive breed, which you will not confuse with anyone due to the special color and energetic disposition - this is the Dalmatian breed.

breed standard

The origin of the breed is based only on assumptions, but the first images of Dalmatians were depicted in paintings and church frescoes of the 16th-18th centuries. The first descriptions were found in the Diakovo Bishopric in Croatia in 1737. The dog was called by the Latin name Dalmaticus.

The first Dalmatian standard was drawn up in 1882 by the Englishman Vero Shaw, and officially published by the FCI in 1890 under the name "Dalmatian hunting dog".

Reference. The general appearance of the Dalmatian is perfectly balanced, with a characteristic spotted coloration. It has a high strength and muscular physique, but lacks massiveness, has elegant lines of the body.

adult dog size

A pet of this breed can be described as organically built, even graceful: the length of the body to the height is 10/9. The proportion of the length of the skull to the muzzle is 1/1.

Male height and weight: 56–62 cm, 27–32 kg.

Female height and weight: 54–60 cm, 24–29 kg.

head shape

The head of these animals is quite long, but in proportion to the body. You can also note other characteristic features:

  • the cranial part is not too wide;
  • the line of the skull and the line of the muzzle are gently divergent;
  • chewing muscles and cheekbones are not expressed.

Skull: flat, rounded. The widest part is between the ears. Weakly expressed frontal furrow. Stop moderately pronounced.

Front part:

  • The nose is large, with wide open nostrils, the bridge of the nose is straight.
  • The muzzle is long, wide, with well developed jaws.
  • Lips closely adjacent to each other, not thick.
  • Jaws/Teeth : Correct scissor bite. The upper incisors overlap the lower ones without a gap, and the teeth stand vertically in the jaws. The teeth are well formed and white in number 42.
  • The eyes are oval, set subfrontally, at an angle of 10–15°. The color of the eyes and eyelids corresponds to the color of the spots. Eyelids fit well and do not droop.
  • The ears are set high, close to the sides of the head. Their length reaches the inner corner of the eye or stop. The tips are softly rounded. Thin and soft to the touch. Colors match the body, not monotonous.


Dalmatians have short hair hard and thick, main color - white with black or brown spots.

Reference. The specks are round, distinct, 2–3 cm in diameter, do not merge with each other, and are evenly distributed throughout the body.

When do spots appear?

Dalmatian puppies are born completely white, and their characteristic spots appeared during domestication and are due to a gene that suppresses the formation of pigment cells.

INTERESTING! Despite their white color, the skin and even the mouth already have dark spots, and by the 7-10th day of life the coat is colored in the same place, individual spots may appear throughout the year.

Other characteristics

IMPORTANT! What is the correct breed name? Dalmatian? Dalmatian? Dalmatian dog? There are various names in the people and in printed publications, but the correct name is Dalmatian.

Behavior and character

Dalmatians have a pleasant disposition, they are friendly, not shy, without nervousness or aggressiveness. The Dalmatian loves water and outdoor play.

It is easy to train and train, if you choose the right approach, given its stubbornness. Such a dog should be carefully interested and generously praised for success.

These pets are happy when they communicate with the owner and his family. They love active games and are not at all afraid of people. Frustrated due to a long absence of communication and sensitively feel the disapproving tone in the voice.

Life expectancy is 10-12 years on average, but there are times when, with proper care, Dalmatians continue to live up to 16 years.

Care includes the basic rules:

  • wash 2-3 times a year;
  • regularly comb out dead hairs;
  • trim overgrown claws with special tongs;
  • dental care - remove yellow plaque, carefully approach the change of milk teeth.


Miniature dog breeds are very popular, especially among residents of apartment buildings. They need little space, they are very mobile, they do not need daily walks, they look very cute, like puppies.

Important! Among Dalmatians, dwarfism is a deviation.

Animals have a genetic disorder - a lack of growth hormone, so dwarfism can occur, but only within the framework of a deviation from the norm. Any pathology brings physical disadvantages: dogs often have problems with teeth, atrophy of internal organs, and increased trauma.

In England, breeding was carried out to breed dwarf Dalmatians, but this is not a large-scale phenomenon, and is not recognized by the FCI standard. However, similar breeds are found, but their cost is very high due to their exceptional rarity.

The closest in appearance and type of structure to the Dalmatians are its progenitors - merle great dane and english pointer.

Great Dane (marble)

The Great Dane is a dog of enormous size and is recognized as one of the largest dog breeds, but its inner world is different from its appearance. Dogs are very friendly, peaceful, excellent with children. They are connected with Dalamatin by a marble color: a white background with black spots.

Initially, the breed was bred for hunting large animals, protecting estates and for service.- its large size and steep temper disposed to this. But over time, they lost their aggression and became great friends for humans.

Height at the withers in males is not less than 80 cm, in females, at least 72 cm. Weight reaches 90 kg.

The appearance of Great Danes combines a powerful muscular appearance with elegance of movement. Main features:

  • Head expressive and long, the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is clearly defined. The upper lip is drooping, the triangular ears are set high, close to the cheeks. The eyes are medium, slanting, usually dark in color.
  • Back broad, muscular, strong. The tail is set high, long and carried down.
  • limbs straight, long, parallel to each other.
  • Wool short, dense. There are several types of color: marble (harlequin), brindle, blue, black, tan, raincoat.

Unfortunately, life expectancy this breed is not great - about 7–8 years.

Reference. According to its size, the Great Dane is majestic and graceful. He has excellent intelligence and a good memory.

Training lends itself well if you start it from childhood and pay enough attention to it. It is imperative to train the dog so that the dog does not react to external provocations, because of its size it can cause serious harm to others, this will require a lot of strength and patience.

Great Danes are unpretentious in care, but, since the dog is large, there are some nuances:

  • You need to walk a lot and be active. Walks are best arranged on solid ground, so as not to harm the paws, alternating between running and walking.
  • You need to eat a lot. Which is understandable given the size.
  • daily brushing, bathing no more than once a month.

By choosing a Great Dane, you will find a true friend, who will spend evenings at your feet, play with children, and show energy on walks.

english pointer

The Pointer is one of the oldest breeds in England, bred for hunting. Smart and loyal dogs, excellent hunters, do not tolerate competition. In the family, they are very gentle and calm.

They got their name from the English word "indicate", thanks to the hunting stance(raised front paw), with which they indicate in which direction the game is.

Height at the withers in males up to 62 cm, in females up to 60 cm. The weight of dogs is 20–30 kg.

Appearance true hunter - athletic and strong physique:

  • Head in proportion to the body, the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is pronounced. The nose is large, the color corresponds to the color. Thin pointed ears, hanging, are located at eye level. Round, large dark eyes.
  • Back strong, sloping. The tail is medium, tapering towards the end.
  • limbs straight and long, with well-developed muscles. Paws are rounded.
  • Wool short, dense and shiny. Color black, black and white, lemon white, orange and white, liver, chocolate piebald.

Life expectancy 12–14 years, which is average for dogs.

Reference. By nature, the English Pointer is very intelligent, obedient and loyal. He loves hunting, and therefore energetically spends time in open areas, while clearly executing the commands of the owner. He gets along well with children, loves to spend time actively, run and play. It is hard to endure loneliness, so from childhood it is necessary to teach the dog to stay at home alone, without fear of separation.

Training and education are important, as in any dog's life. To prevent the Pointer from growing up naughty and shy, you need to pay special attention to it. You can not offend the dog: raise your voice, speak with a threatening tone, and even more so - raise your hand to her. You must be persistent, but kind and patient. From childhood, the puppy must be introduced to the environment: other dogs, people, terrain.

Caring for a pointer is quite simple and will not cause any difficulty to the owner. All standard procedures:

  • Comb once a week and during the molting period, wipe with a rubber glove to remove dead hairs.
  • Inspect regularly skin for redness, rashes. These dogs have very sensitive skin.
  • Wipe the skin 2 times per week.
  • Trim nails once every 2 weeks.
  • walks- daily, preferably 2 times a day.

The English Pointer will be an excellent companion for athletes and lovers of long walks, Children will love him very much for his playful and active character.

Mestizo Dalmatian

The concept of "mestizo" means a mixture of breeds, it refers to dogs of unknown genes. When the genes of mestizo parents are mixed, a “cocktail” of four dogs is obtained in a dog, so it is impossible to predict which breed traits will dominate in such a mestizo.

Dalmatian mestizos can come from completely different breeds. For example, mixing with dachshund, labrador, husky and husky.

The advantages of such "new" breeds is their cheapness, since they lack the purity of genes, and they have no value in the dog market. They are also in excellent health. because they do not inherit genetic diseases, unlike purebred individuals.

The downside is that it is impossible to guess the future appearance and size of the puppy. Even if both parents are known, it is impossible to predict which of them will look like a dog to a greater extent. In addition, Dalmatians are born white, and spots can appear throughout life, the type of dog will also change as it matures.

The main plus of the Dalmatian breed is that he will forever become your friend and companion, he is always ready to be with the owner: walk, run, ride next to him. Active games and walks are the best entertainment for such dogs. Smart, energetic, restless - it's all about the Dalmatian.

The Dalmatian is a charming, seemingly slightly frivolous dog with black spots all over its body. These spots are really scattered all over the place. If you open their mouths, you will be surprised to see that there are spots there too.

The Dalmatian is a big dog with an even bigger personality. This is a very active breed of dog, and some individuals are overly active. They love to have fun and love to play and play and play.

Guard qualities
Security qualities
The size
Attitude towards children

Temperament and characteristics

- a charming, seemingly slightly frivolous dog with black spots all over his body. These spots are really scattered all over the place. If you open their mouths, you will be surprised to see that there are spots there too. Imagine, at birth, they do not have these points. Puppies are born completely white. The spots appear as they get older.

The Dalmatian is as funny as a toy. The Dalmatian became especially popular after its release. But this popularity came at a cost to the owners, who thought they were getting a loving creature, like in the movies. But these friends are not Hollywood. There were so many unwanted crosses in the Dalmatian that the offspring factory became unpredictable. They are overly aggressive.

But this does not mean that all Dalmatians have problems. When properly bred and trained, these lovable dogs can make great friends. This is one of the few breeds that have been bred as carriage dogs. The task of the Dalmatian was to run ahead of the carriage and clear the way from people. These dogs first protected the wealthy in their carriages and then came to be used to guard horse-drawn fire carts.

If you don't like it when a dog pounces on you with all his love and bulk while you get out of the car, then the Dalmatian is not for you.

Dalmatians need serious daily exercise and take a long time to tire. They enjoy running, playing with the ball. They can run after you for hours while you are cycling nearby. Usually Dalmatians love water. If a Dalmatian does not get enough exercise, his behavior can become destructive. For this, it is necessary to take a course of obedience at an early age.

The Dalmatian can take on a dominant role in the family, so it is extremely important to let him know who is the leader in the house. The Dalmatian will take advantage if the owner does nothing about his bad behavior. However, they lend themselves well enough to home education. But even a well-trained Dalmatian can surprise his master with unusual (usually not very pleasant) behavior from time to time. Dogs of this breed quickly become attached to the owner and adore the family environment.

Dalmatians will try to follow you from room to room, and at night they will want to jump into your bed for you to hug them. If the Dalmatian is left aside from what the family is doing, then he begins to bark often and loudly, gnaw things and dig. Dalmatians were bred as a guard breed, so they zealously protect their family. They will always let you know when a stranger approaches. They almost never bite unless they are specifically provoked.

The ideal condition for the life of a Dalmatian is a warm climate and the opportunity to run a lot. Keeping such a dog in a city apartment is not recommended.

If you decide to get a Dalmatian, understand - this is a bunch of energy. It must match your lifestyle.

The size

The height of the male at the withers is from 56 to 61 cm.

The height of the female is from 54 to 59 cm.

Weight 27-32 kg. and 24-29 kg. respectively

Dalmatian training

Dalmatians can be independent and stubborn. But don't be fooled, the Dalmatian is extremely smart. Because of their mind, it sometimes seems that they think bigger and better than you. Early socialization is very important for a Dalmatian. Start classes as early as possible, from puppyhood, consistently and patiently. In general, if you follow the above, the Dalmatian is easy to train and learns new commands fairly quickly.

Controversial breed. Researchers are divided into 2 camps regarding the origin and history of the name Dalmatians. Some consider them their homeland, referring to the works of Aristotle.

In the annals, the Greek philosopher speaks of "brindle". The description of the dogs is close to the Dalmatians. They were seen in India by the troops of Alexander the Great. They made a trip to the eastern country in the 327th year.

From the campaign, presumably, the Dalmatians were brought to Greece. However, some scientists believe that the breed originated here. There are ancient Greek frescoes depicting whites in black spots.

No such artifacts have been found in India. No written evidence of the origin of the name of the breed has been found. Once in Europe, she fell in love with the inhabitants of Dalmatia. This is part of Montenegro.

Dalmatians were actively bred here, which, according to some, was the reason for their name. Others recall that several whites in black specks were presented to Yuri Dalmatin.

This poet lived in medieval Serbia. Having received Dalmatians as a gift, Yuri began to breed them. The breed began to be associated with the name of the poet. Now, the associations are lost, as well as the connection of the breed with Dalmatia. Let's get acquainted with the modern view of the Dalmatians.

Features of the breed and character of the Dalmatians

In film "101 Dalmatians" dogs are shown to be trusting and good-natured. This is objective. Because of the disposition to others, they refuse to be good watchmen. Dogs begin to protect their possessions only in critical situations.

But Dalmatians can be hunters. In this role, dogs of the breed act, for example, in ancient Greek frescoes. They show scenes of hunting for. In the drawings, also, dogs accompany the chariots.

Dalmatian dog, indeed, mobile, athletically built, capable of running both behind a chariot and behind a modern great. Even the beast will overtake the car. Dalmatians are active both indoors and outdoors and love to play.

Dogs frolic with both adults and children. Companion Dalmatian dog characteristics makes it a great option for families and people with an active lifestyle.

Buy a Dalmatian dog and not to provide her with communication means to doom the animal to melancholy. Representatives of the breed need something to occupy. So, Dalmatians successfully participate in rescue operations, competitions, and search operations. The ability to hunt has already been mentioned. Also, they are capable of being guide and shepherd dogs.

The versatility of the breed is explained not only by their activity, but also by their intelligence. Dogs are easy to train. In its course, it is worth abandoning aggression and punishment. Their dogs remember. Dalmatians are touchy and become goodies only in strict but gentle hands.

On the photo dog Dalmatian appears with an intelligent and wary expression. This is what the eyes of dogs have. Brown paint, sometimes, reaches amber. The last color of the iris is characteristic of individuals with light brown spots.

The eye rims match the color of the markings on the body. However, we will talk about the requirements of the International Canine Association standard in a separate chapter.

Description of the breed

Keeping in mind that Dalmatians accompany chariots, the FCI standard calls the breed "carriage". The epithet indicates endurance, muscularity, symmetry and balance of proportions. strong but not heavy.

The muscular body of the Dalmatian is about 1 lobe longer than the height at the withers. The latter ranges from 54 to 61 centimeters. Accordingly, the Dalmatian belongs to medium-sized dogs, being on the border with high ones.

In the standard description of the dalmatian dog includes weight. For males, it is 27-32-mind, and for females - 24-29 kilograms. These masses are worn by straight muscular legs. They are parallel to each other, pressed to the body. Shoulder joints are sloping. It is worth paying attention to the hock folds. They are pronounced.

A smoothly tapering tail approaches the hocks of the Dalmatian. It has a medium rise and a characteristic curve at the bottom. The tip turned up gives a positive look, although the tail is not worn vertically. The standard also denies bending into a bagel.

In terms of body Dalmatian dog breed characterized by a flat back with a slightly rounded loin. The slope of the croup is almost imperceptible. The belly below it is concave, like a greyhound. Against this background, a deep chest stands out. It reaches the elbows of the front paws, but does not protrude into the sides.

The muzzle of the Dalmatian differs in length. The ratio to the skull is 1:1. Quite well defined stop. This is the junction of the muzzle and skull. The latter, by the way, is wide and flat. At the end of the line are ears in the form of rounded triangles.

They are set high, pressed to the head. The skin on the face of the Dalmatian should be taut. Creases are not acceptable. Even the dog's lips are pulled tight and tightly pressed against the jaws. This eliminates the drooling of the dog.

Behind the lips of the hero of the article lies a perfect scissor bite. Dalmatian breed famous for its straight and white teeth. There are 42 of them in the mouth. A different number is considered a deviation.

Like a brown earlobe in a dog with black spots. The color of the nose should match them. The rule with the edging of the eyes is repeated. The latter in the breed, by the way, are rounded, medium in size, set wide apart.

Dalmatians have long necks. The neck narrows near the head. There is no suspension. So experts call the fold of skin under the larynx. In the standards of some breeds, for example, the Central Asian Shepherd Dog, suspension is mandatory.

Care and maintenance

Character breed Dalmatian has a pleasant appearance. Of the negative, it is worth noting the molt. Wool actively falls out, requiring daily combing.

A balanced diet can help reduce hair loss. In terms of its constituent requirements Dalmatians are small. From the meat of a dog, offal is excellent, they gnaw bones, they regale themselves. From cereals, representatives of the breed use buckwheat, millet, rice, oatmeal, barley. From dairy products, Dalmatians do not disdain kefir, curdled milk, cottage cheese.

Dalmatians are one of the few who enjoy eating citrus fruits. Oranges, grapefruits and tangerines are especially useful for dogs in winter. In summer, dogs eat apples. In addition, Dalmatians accept a mixed diet. It is not necessary to follow only a natural diet, or completely transfer the pet to dry food.

Dalmatian puppies eat about twice as much as adults. This is due to active growth. If the formed dog eats 2 times a day, then juveniles up to 3 months - 5. From 3 to 5 months, puppies eat 4 times a day, and from 5 to 10 3 times.

Dalmatians usually only need to wash their paws. Representatives of the breed are clean, they do not climb into the dirt themselves, they lick themselves. Therefore, a full wash of animals is carried out every six months.

Paws are rinsed after walking. During them, claws grind off. However, the activity of apartment dogs is limited. Completely stratum corneum does not grind off. You need to get a nail cutter and use it about once every 1-2 months.

Cut tissue over blood vessels. They are slightly translucent through the claws. It is especially important to trim them on time for puppies. Their body is formed, as is the shape of the paws. Fingers should be compressed into a "cam". It doesn't work with long nails.

Since the ears of the Dalmatian are pressed to the head, special attention is paid to the hygiene of the shells. They are cleaned every 5-7 days. Excess plaque can lead to hearing loss and irritate the skin of the ears. Too much plaque on the teeth. The oral cavity is cleaned daily.

Price and reviews of the Dalmatian

150-500 dollars. How much is worth dalmatian dog. Price indicated for puppies with a pedigree. In rubles, the cost is 9,000-30,000. The exact price depends on the region, the breeder's ambitions and, mainly, the stardom of the pedigree. If world champions are listed in it, and the puppy is ideal in terms of external parameters, they may ask for 40,000 rubles.

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