What breeds of cats are suitable for young children? What breed of cats to choose for a child? Cats that love children

Today there are more than 200 officially registered cat breeds. In addition to purebred animals, various mestizos appear annually, which often combine unique qualities. How to choose a cat breed for an apartment among such a variety and be sure that you are right is a very controversial issue. Probably the best way is to clearly define 2-3 basic requirements, and navigate the rest intuitively.

Advice: try not to put the cat's appearance at the forefront, you have a responsible step and life together with an animal that has character and skills ... these are the characteristics that need to be taken into account in the first place.

Statistically, almost twice as many cats live in apartments than dogs. There are two main reasons: cats tolerate loneliness better and they do not need to be walked. A cat is more suited to the role of an ideal pet for an owner with a busy work schedule.

Probably all breeds are suitable for living in an apartment, except for the first generations of hybrids with wild cats. Such four-legged animals should be kept in a separate room (room), preferably with an aviary. Naturally, there are breeds that are more adapted to living in an apartment than others, but it is not entirely correct to consider this characteristic separately. When choosing a breed, try to consider the following nuances:

  • Stress tolerance- the ability to quickly adapt to living conditions, endure loneliness, noise, strangers, etc.
  • Necessary physical activity level- if you have a busy schedule, you should not get a very active cat ... or you need to get two active cats at once - at your discretion.
  • How calm and friendly the representatives of the breed are in attitude of people. If you are choosing a cat for a child, this characteristic should be given special attention.
  • Capriciousness in care- a long-haired cat is more troublesome to maintain than a short-haired one, and this is obvious. However, the length of the coat is far from the main aspect of care, some cats need regular cleaning of the ears, clipping of the nails, monitoring of the respiratory tract and skin.

So, the best cat breed for an apartment is an individual indicator and it depends only on your lifestyle. If you like to invite guests, a quiet one will not suit you, and if a dog lives in the house, then a sissy cat will feel uncomfortable.

Choosing joy in the house

Best Breed – Favorite Breed (Mongrel Cat)

If you are not a breeder and have no special requirements, a four-legged dog rescued from the street or a shelter is ideal. With outbred animals, you cannot count on a certain character or skill, but you can be sure that the pet will remember your kindness for the rest of his life. Let's not dissemble, among purebred cats there are enough “harm” with a difficult character, but only they can boast of a number of advantages:

  • Most of the "nobles" unpretentious in feeding and are not prone to food allergies.
  • Developed intellect- in the absence of a sharp mind and innate cunning, a cat cannot survive on the street.
  • Hunting Skills- most thoroughbred cats do not hunt, but mongrel tailed cats successfully exterminate pests.
  • Good health and a good gene pool provided by natural selection.

Outbred animals (having no pedigree) are not subject to breeding, therefore, in the interests of maintaining health, it is recommended that animals be spayed and castrated at a young age.

canadian finx

Probably one of the most desirable breeds for an apartment. The reason for the popularity is obvious, the Sphynx does not have hair. The breed was bred by selecting representatives with genetic mutations. The fact is that even purebred cats rarely give birth to naked or “velor” kittens.

The appearance of the Sphinx made a splash among cat lovers. It must be said that the Sphynx had many fans, but there were also people who did not understand the beauty of bald cats. Most people who don't like Sphynxes change their minds when they stroke the cat's soft, velor, unusually hot back.

It is interesting! The appearance of the Sphinxes is often compared with an alien, there is even an alien version of the origin of the breed.

Hairless cats are not exactly feline in nature. Most of them are incapable of aggression, are very attached to the owner and behave a little like a dog.. Sphynxes lend themselves to learning tricks, tolerate walks in a harness, and quickly establish contact with other animals. The breed is not talkative, which is important for housing maintenance.

Hairless cats are odorless and relatively easy to keep. Compared to other breeds, Sphynx cats are more calm during the period of sexual hunting, cats do not scream too loudly, cats almost do not mark. With balanced feeding and providing a comfortable stay, representatives of the breed rarely get sick or cause inconvenience.

Note! In addition to the Canadian Sphynx, the very rare Bambino, the Ukrainian Levkoy, the Don and St. Petersburg Sphynxes belong to the hairless breeds.

British cat

One of the most common breeds, bred in England by interbreed mating between native felines and Persian cats, already known at that time. The purpose of breeding a new breed was to obtain an apartment version of a cat, unpretentious in care and without obvious health problems.

Adult British cats are large and heavy, but at the same time the muscular cat is harmoniously built. The British are loved for their round, bright eyes and sweet cheeks. By the way, the cheeks are much more developed in cats. British cats are famous for their noble, blue printed coat. Only one color is prescribed in the breed standard, but recently breeders have begun active work on expanding the color palette and recognizing the supplemented standard.

Cats count moderately active, mobile with a balanced character. The experience of the owners proves that the British tend to be strongly attached to the owners. With regard to children, representatives of the breed are very affectionate and patient. Representatives of the breed can boast of a strong nervous system and stress resistance.

Representatives of the breed do not need complex care, minus the exactingness of nutrition. many british prone to food allergies with consequences in the form of skin diseases.

Scottish cat (fold and straight)

From its inception until recently, Scottish cats were considered a separate breed. A certain external similarity with British cats led to the fact that dishonest breeders often crossed animals of different breeds. Today, as a result of this chaotic activity, the question of uniting the breeds into one - the British one, has been bluntly raised.

Straight-eared (Straight) Scottish cats very similar to the British, lop-eared (fold) have only one difference - curved ear cartilage. The highlight of the breed is the result of a genetic mutation. According to the breeding rules, mating of two Scottish folds is strictly prohibited, but since such manipulation allows you to increase the number of lop-eared kittens in the litter, dishonest breeders often resort to it.

Most cats born from fold-backs disabled from birth, although an inexperienced cat owner may not notice deviations. If you decide to buy a Scottish Fold kitten, opt for babies with proven breed value (with a pedigree), otherwise you are at great risk.

Purebred Scottish cats are healthy breeds. Many owners note a very good appetite for pets. In terms of character, Scottish cats are almost the same as British cats, they are mobile, sociable and not too active.

Like British cats, Scots are not very picky about care, but need balanced diet. With food allergies, the cat suffers from itching, which is fraught with scratching and the formation of purulent wounds. Mestizos are prone to problems with bones, spine, joints, the work of the hormonal system, in particular, they are prone to diabetes.

Maine Coon

A breed that is not suitable for a small apartment, because in adulthood, cats weigh about 10 kilograms, cats are slightly smaller, usually up to 8 kilograms. The history of the breed stretches from America, where the ancestors of Maine Coons were called raccoon cats.

The appearance of Maine Coons is probably their main trump card. Against the background of power and nobility, representatives of the breed captivate with bewitching grace. In adults, tassels are developed on the ears, like a lynx, the tail is pubescent and looks very heavy, the withers and mane are well developed in cats. Against the background of solid dimensions, representatives of the breed, by nature, remain adolescents up to 4–5 years of age. Due to late maturation, Maine Coons are bred rarely and late, which explains the price and rarity of kittens.

From the outside, the Maine Coon may seem dangerous, since it has highly developed claws and, hypothetically, such a cat can cause serious injuries. In fact, purebred representatives of the breed are distinguished by true kindness, they are polite with adults, affectionate with children, indulgent if someone behaves intrusively. In adolescence, Maine Coons are easily trained in tricks and accustomed to wearing a harness. Such large cats need a lot of space and love to walk on the street, but self-walking is dangerous for them. Despite external power, Maine Coon fighters are mediocre.

It is interesting! Maine Coons do not cause inconvenience meowing, but they constantly purr.

The pet will need several beds located in convenient places, since Maine Coons tend to sleep anywhere (even if it is inconvenient). During the period of active growth and throughout life, representatives of the breed need an enhanced, but balanced diet. Quadrupeds need to be given enough time, and in childhood, a cat needs to be taught to play on its own.

Exotic Shorthair (Exotic)

A favorite breed of cats with a very interesting appearance. So original quadrupeds were bred by crossing Persian cats and native quadrupeds from America. Due to the stronger genes of American native cats, Exotics have a short coat, which is undoubtedly convenient for apartment keeping.

Note! Outwardly, the Shorthair Exot differs from the Extreme Persian only in long hair.

Exotic shorthair cats are very intelligent, sociable, gentle and responsive. Unlike the Persian, exotics are more mobile, curious and playful. Another undoubted plus is high stress resistance. Exotic shorthair cats quickly get used to people even in adulthood. In terms of care with exotics, there are no special problems if the cat is healthy. Representatives of the breed need a balanced diet, are prone to respiratory ailments and ophthalmological problems.

Persian cat

One of the most famous breeds in the world. Quadrupeds were bred in Asia, attracted the world with luxurious wool and a very docile character. The Persian, without exaggeration, is the ideal cat breed for an apartment if you are ready to provide your pet with decent care and nutrition.

Representatives of the breed are well built, muscular, harmonious and very graceful. The coat is long, luxurious, elongated at the withers and tail. A small, slightly depressed nose and huge, expressive eyes give the cat a special charm. In terms of colors, the breed standard is almost not organic, but the contrasting tabby, Himalayan and color-point are considered the rarest.

persian cats the most calm and homely in the direct sense of the word. The breed was originally bred as a pet, spoiled, not deprived of care, attention and love. Quadrupeds are distinguished by their affectionate nature and absolute trust in the owner. Representatives of the breed quickly become attached to the family, sincerely love people, treat all members of the family very kindly.

The intellect of the Persians is also striking, they are able to analyze the situation for a long time and make their own, most often, correct decisions. A big plus of the breed - it is fully adapted to living in an apartment. Most Persian cats will not agree to walk on the street, even if their freedom is unlimited. If you like to walk cats, the kitten should be taught to the harness and the street from early childhood (immediately after receiving vaccinations).

If you don't like combing cats, Persian is not for you. Many people are calmed by the process of caring for their pet's coat, which is why representatives of the breed are so popular. The fur coat of the ward must be carefully combed every day! If the cat does not receive proper care, it becomes covered in tangles, and this is not only ugly, it is painful. There is a lot of hair during shedding from Persian cats, even if you do grooming every day. Some members of the breed snore in their sleep and are prone to breathing problems, this is due to the structure of the skull.

Important! It is better to buy a Persian cat kitten only from trusted breeders recommended by your friends.

Cornish Rex

The first impression does not deceive, the Cornish Rex is an oriental cat, one might say, one of the interpretations of the orientals. The birthplace of the breed in England, which is not surprising, the breeders of this country have always strived for a kind of perfection in the feline appearance.

The Cornish Rex stands out among its relatives with a short, very pleasant to the touch, plush and wavy coat. The mustache of the representatives of the breed is also wavy. Quadrupeds are built very harmoniously, despite the high-legged and well-developed muscles. On the move, the Cornish Rex is graceful and very confident. Distinctive features include an elongated head shape and very impressive ears. Due to the short coat, the tail of the Cornish Rex looks very thin, and due to the pet's sociability, it constantly wriggles and curves in a funny way.

Note! Cornish Rexes do not shed, sweat, smell, and with proper care do not leave traces of sebum.

If you live in a one-room apartment and for this reason alone cannot get a dog, choose a Cornish Rex. This cat has a truly canine devotion and somewhat character. The Cornish Rex becomes attached to the owner quickly, the change of the owner is extremely painful. Without any problems, representatives of the breed get along with dogs and other animals. In relation to children, Cornish Rex are patient and affectionate, towards strangers, a little distrustful.

The Cornish Rex is a very intelligent, intellectually demanding breed. Quadrupeds are well trained in commands, walk on a leash with pleasure, and have fun with interactive toys. Against the background of mobility and curiosity, the Cornish Rex is unobtrusive, and if the pet sees that the owner does not have the mood or time to play, he simply observes life.

Probably the biggest plus of the breed in its unpretentiousness. With the right choice of diet, cats eat well, do not pick and choose, normally tolerate constancy in the diet. There is only one caveat - the pet must have conditions for leisure, otherwise he will eat out of boredom and gain weight.


Oddly enough, such calm cats are the descendants of the Siamese, who have a very lively disposition. However, when breeding the character of the Siamese was not a secret. therefore, many specially selected, most docile Persian cats participated in breeding work. Some experts still do not recognize that Siamese cats and Ragdolls are relatives and believe that the complaisance of the latter is the result of a gene mutation.

The calmness, complaisance and humility of the representatives of the breed is so unshakable that groups of breeders struggled to overcome this feature. the fact is that when the Ragdolls appeared in Europe, a myth was born about the fearlessness of these four-legged animals and their inability to feel pain. The study of behavior has shown that the phlegmatism of the representatives of the breed in some way conflicts with the survival instinct - the strongest instinct of any creature.

Note! According to the breed standard, the Ragdoll is far from phlegmatic, but affectionate, accommodating, demanding of communication, calm and intelligent.


A phenomenal breed of short-legged cats that have been compared to basset hounds, dachshunds and even kangaroos. The last comparison is due to the fact that Munchkin tends to rise on his hind legs and stand in a column for quite a long time. Munchkins are very alert, curious and often impress their owners with their level of intelligence.

Note! Quadrupeds differ in the length of the coat, but to the touch it is always velvety and very soft.

By nature, representatives of the breed are very affectionate, responsive and complaisant. Munchkins very attached to the owners sometimes even too much. For example, Munchkin owners say that until the pet grew up, he followed everywhere, even to the bathroom and toilet, and if you close the door in front of his nose, the ward began to worry and seriously panic. For some owners it is very important that the cat does not climb everywhere and Munchkin fully complies with this requirement, due to his physique, he simply cannot jump high. By the way, on claws, on a porous surface, these cats can climb quite high.

munchkin not quite adapted to long interruptions alone, but representatives of the breed perfectly tolerate travel and change of scenery. Quadrupeds love to walk on a leash and the attention of strangers, believe me, many will not be able to pass by such a pet without emotion. With appropriate upbringing, you can grow a full-fledged companion from a Munchkin, and even though a pet will not be able to bring you slippers, console you in grief or make you laugh on a gray day, he is quite capable of it.

Cats of these breeds are famous for their peaceful, affectionate, indulgent and playful temperament. They are less likely to become attached only to certain family members, which means that they will treat the newborn with the same love as the rest of their family members. All breeds that we present to you are socially oriented.

Abyssinian breed(Abyssinian). These cats are extremely friendly and outgoing and love to play. They are large and usually red. The coat is short.

american shorthair(American Shorthair). These happy, social, energetic cats also get along well with dogs. They have short hair in three colors: black, gray and white. Very cute and playful breed.

Burmese breed(Burmese, "Burmese"). Playful and adaptable, these cats are equally attached to all members of their family. Short-haired breed with a monotone coat color: black, gray, brown, the latter a very pretty color.

Burmese breeds(Birman). Friendly and people-oriented, Burmese cats are very affectionate with children. It is characterized by medium length hair. The recognizable color of the breed is white “gloves”, a black muzzle with gray and a little brown color, a white (more precisely, a little grayish) body and a dark tail, which is similar in color to the muzzle. These cats have more round eyes with a blue color, which looks unusual and beautiful.

Maine Coon(Maine Coon). These large cats are very sociable and get along well with children. However, there is a small minus in their content - their hair should be combed out daily with a brush.

Manx cat(Manx "Manx"). These tailless cats are very social and friendly. They come in both short hair and moderately long hair.

Persian(Persian). Like the Maine Coon, Persian cats need daily grooming, so keep that in mind. If you take on such obligations, you will not regret it - the Persians will give you a lot of love and attention.

ragdoll(Ragdoll). If you are dreaming of a semi-longhair cat that does not require very much maintenance, this breed is perfect for you. These are very gentle cats that perfectly tolerate children's hugs and kisses.

Note: Choosing a cat exclusively by breed does not guarantee an excellent result. If you are looking for a specific breed, you may be missing out on some mixed breeds, many of which are great for children and will be tolerant of other pets. And believe me, they will love you no less than purebred felines.

  • Going for a cat - take your children with you. Let them choose a pet that appeals to them.
  • The cat must approach the children quite calmly and show their affection. Purring is a great sign.
  • Try to scratch and hug the cat - it should not scratch and bite.
  • Never hit your cat. She can become very aggressive and take out her anger on the baby.
  • Does your cat cringe and try to hide at loud noises? If so, it may not be the best choice for families with small children.
  • If a cat lurks or hides in a corner, it is also not suitable for a large family.
  • If you take into the house an adult cat with a formed character, it will not be difficult for you to understand how she will behave with children. If you take a kitten, it's hard to say anything. The playful nature can be associated both with age and be a feature of his personality.
  • If you have small children, adult cats are the best choice, as a child can accidentally harm a kitten (up to and including death).
It is preferable to have castrated and sterilized animals. They are more calm in nature. In addition, you will show the children that sterilization is a very responsible part of pet owners.

Communication with cats will teach your children to treat animals with love and respect.
Try to choose a cat that matches the temperament of your family - only in this case you will provide a rich and rewarding experience with the animal.

Mom, let's get a kitten? And now happy parents are already looking for a four-legged friend who will not only have to keep the baby company, but also teach him responsibility, compassion and love for animals. Does it exist and how to choose the very playful and good-natured kitten?

If you are going to give your child a tailed playmate, it is important to remember that the responsibility for the kitten lies on the shoulders of adult family members. Parents will have to feed, comb and bathe the mustachioed baby. If you are not ready to sacrifice your free time, you should not get a pet in the hope that the child himself will perform all the necessary care manipulations.

Cats live on average for about fifteen years. And all these years the cat is a member of the family with its own character and habits. A shy or aggressive kitten and a small child are an explosive combination that will not lead to anything good. A mustachioed baby weighing half a kilo is capable of seriously biting or scratching a noisy child, acting within the framework of natural instincts. It does not matter which kitten to choose for a child, one month old or six months old, if he was born from a street cat and spent the first weeks of his life without contact with a person. Therefore, you should not look for a friend for the baby in the yards and basements: semi-wild kittens born on the street are very wayward and independent.

Kitten "from hands"

Popular cat breeds for young children are a very expensive purchase. A thoroughbred kitten, born from quality sires, healthy and raised in compliance with all the rules, will never end up in the market, in a pet store or a subway crossing. You should not save on the safety and health of the child - contact only professional nurseries to breeders with a felinological or veterinary education.


"Waaaaaa!" the baby screams and does not even imagine how much has changed in the lives of parents with his appearance. Now “can” can be counted on the fingers, while “can’t” has become a familiar set of letters. The once beloved cat or dog vegetate their gray days with the current happy grandparents, while young parents run around the little owner of the house for days. Or maybe ... Maybe in vain they did this to the cat? Yet he is also a member of the family, serious and pot-bellied, and lived side by side for many years.

When it comes to children and pets, many people, without thinking for a minute, immediately deny any possibility of the presence of the latter next to the former. It's dust, dirt, germs, fleas. But, sorry, the animal can be clean. Especially being under some guardianship. Cats need to be washed 2-3 times a week and regularly wet cleaned at home. Visit the veterinarian regularly for timely detection of fleas and other diseases. By following these simple rules, it is easy to avoid the occurrence of an allergy to an animal and other troubles.

Dealt with hygiene. But what about possible scratches? Children are very wayward and active people. Without a twinge of conscience, they can drag the unfortunate cat by the tail from one corner of the house to another. Carrying out such operations with a domesticated, but predatory animal, there remains the possibility of a retaliatory strike. Therefore, when choosing a future furry friend for your child, you should rely on well-known and proven character traits of different breeds of cats. It's no secret that each breed has its own set of qualities for which some can love and adore it, while others prefer to bypass it. Below is a brief description of cat breeds suitable for keeping with children.

A breed is a breed, but each cat has its own, individual character. Therefore, we advise you to consider a few more criteria when choosing a pet:

  1. Buy a cat with your child. Let the child himself choose a friend to his liking and do not hesitate to check friendship from the very first minutes of meeting. Let him touch, stroke behind the ear. This is the easiest way to understand if an animal is suitable or not;
  2. If the cat purrs, she undoubtedly liked you;
  3. Check your response to noise. If the animal shrinks, it means that being in the same house with the child will become stressful for him;
  4. After the acquisition, in no case do not beat the cat, for any faults. Otherwise, she may bear resentment against a small child, since he is defenseless.

By combining our recommendations, your unique taste and intuition, you can choose the right cat for your family. The main thing is that the animal gives only warmth and bright moments to your child. And no matter how much care the cat requires from you, it is worth it anyway. After all, with animals, children grow up affectionate and understanding, from childhood they learn to take care of someone who is smaller than them.

Why do people get cats? There are many reasons, one of them is loneliness. Many residents of densely populated cities often experience an urgent need for the company of someone close and understanding - companion animals come to the rescue in this case. And if the daily routine or living conditions do not allow many to get a dog, then with cats in this case everything is much simpler - they are much more “autonomous”, require much less attention and feel great even in a small space. In a word, if you decide to get a cat and want to know which breed is best suited for living in an apartment, this article will help you decide.

What should you pay attention to when choosing a cat?

Experts agree that for cats living in an apartment, a calm, friendly character is optimal. Important is the ability to "occupy yourself" with something non-destructive, while the owner leaves the apartment. It is advised to choose breeds that are not characterized by increased energy - in a confined space it will manifest itself in the form of various pranks.

The cat wants to be played with

We have conducted our own research on this topic, so before giving specific recommendations on choosing the right breed, it is necessary to describe some common features of the animals and the possible problems associated with them. This is worth doing before bringing a cat into your home. Thus, you can be sure that the selected cat will fit your lifestyle, and you will "find a common language."

Agree, taking responsibility for a living being is a serious step and it is best to carefully prepare for it.

Potential difficulties of living with a cat

1. Cats go to the toilet. Yes, and "in a big way" too. Of course, cats are much cleaner than dogs, they cannot go to the toilet out of negligence or from an excess of emotions, but cats also happen to shit in the wrong place. There can be many reasons for this, but in this case the essence is different - the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment is small, and the smell of cat feces is quite sharp. This can cause problems with neighbors or homeowners. Therefore, it is preferable to choose animals already accustomed to the tray.

Cat litter box and kitten

If you think that cats are easy to train, and instincts themselves will push them in the right direction - you are mistaken. Our editor is the proud owner of two large mongrel cats, one of whom refuses to remember that a trash can is not the right place for his toilet. And even if you manage to convince him of this today, it is not a fact that tomorrow the situation with the surprise found in the trash will not happen again.

2. cats shedding. And this is also a problem. Are you ready for your entire apartment to be littered with cat hair? It will get everywhere: on clothes, in food, on all surfaces. In a small space, especially during periods of seasonal molting, cat hair turns into a real punishment.

Combing a long-haired white cat

Moreover, some cats periodically develop dandruff, which you or your family members may be allergic to. So, when choosing an animal, you need to remember about the upcoming “war” with its coat, and if this is a problem for you, it is better to take smooth-haired breeds or sphinxes in general. On the other hand, with proper care, problems with wool will practically not arise. In any case, it is worth paying attention to this issue.

3. cat temperament or character. In some cases, it can also bring very unpleasant surprises. If you live in a relatively small apartment, you should choose a furry friend of a breed that is characterized by the following traits:

  • lack of a pronounced instinct for one's own territory;
  • easy perception of loneliness;
  • sociability;
  • friendliness to strangers;
  • not too active.

The latter is worth explaining - cats with high activity require a lot of space for their games. They physically need to spend their energy somewhere, so they rush around the apartment like mad, turning over various objects, spoiling furniture, knocking you down. Such animals need to be outdoors, so keeping them in an apartment will be problematic for you.

What are the best breeds for apartment living?

Knowing now what to look for when choosing a pet, you can consider specific breeds of cats and the reasons why you would be comfortable living with them in an ordinary small apartment. We hope that you will like one of the cats below.

Maine Coons are a very friendly cat breed. They will give you their attention and warmth, regardless of the circumstances. They have a very friendly nature, which allows them to easily get along with other pets and find a "common language" with all family members. In addition, they are very smart, so there should not be any problems with the tray or pranks.

Maine Coon kitten is bored

However, Maine Coons grow very large compared to other domestic cats. They weigh an average of 6-7 kg, reach 40 cm in height and over a meter in length, measured from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail. So they need a lot of space - this is important to consider. In addition, they require careful maintenance. But if this does not bother you, the Maine Coon will become your best, most devoted and gentle friend.

Siamese cats are considered the most sociable among other breeds, so if your neighbors cannot stand excessive noise, cat songs are unlikely to please them. But if you have thick enough walls in your apartment, this will not be a problem. At the same time, Siamese cats are very smart, they are easy to train and even perform various tricks, which makes them a very interesting company.

Beautiful blue-eyed Siamese cat lies on a pillow

In ancient times, Siamese cats guarded some temples in Tibet, but modern representatives of this breed are very affectionate. They are excellent companions for single people. Adult cats rarely weigh more than 4 kg, they are very graceful and not very active. Most Siamese cats have short hair, so in this sense there should be no problems.


Representatives of this breed are both long-haired and short-haired. A characteristic feature of these cats is that in some cases they are tailless, although there are Manx cats with a full tail. But despite such anatomical features, cats of this breed are very playful and dexterous. They have small dimensions - the weight of males rarely exceeds 5 kg, females are even smaller.

Tailless cat from the Isle of Man

For life in an apartment, it is preferable to choose short-haired representatives of this breed. Manx cats love to live indoors, so the constant stay in the four walls does not cause them any stress. They are wonderful companions - there is an opinion that nature compensated for the absence of a tail with a special charm.

A soft plush coat and a very friendly disposition make this breed one of the best candidates for a vacant seat in your lap. They are very similar in appearance to Persian cats, but do not require such careful care due to their short hair.

Exot (or exo) - a short-haired cat with a dog character

Exotics have an amazing calm character for cats. They are very attached to a person and need his constant presence. Some traits of their character are more characteristic of dogs - they are very devoted and loving. However, exotics are not averse to playing, and some of them are excellent mousers. But, in general, they are very soft, affectionate and calm. The only difficulty in keeping them is that they will miss you in moments of loneliness.


Despite their strange appearance, these "naked" cats are very friendly even to strangers. The features of this breed make Sphynxes ideal domestic cats - they do not shed, do not cause allergies, have a gentle nature and literally need to be constantly indoors so that ultraviolet radiation does not injure their delicate skin.

Sphynx - "bald" gentle non-shedding hypoallergenic cat

These cats, by the way, are very pleasant to the touch - their skin is soft and warm. They avoid unnecessary activity, which also makes them excellent tenants in the apartment. The weight of an adult sphinx can reach 5 kilograms. These cats are very devoted to their owner, but also do not avoid the attention of other family members or guests of your house.

These cats have amazing beauty - bright blue or green eyes and a rich bluish-gray color of short hair. They are very intelligent and delicate in their behavior. Representatives of this breed feel great in an apartment and are not at all inclined to be naughty or arrange “races on the walls”.

The Russian Blue is a smart cat who does great in an apartment.

Russian Blue cats are great with other pets and children. But in relation to strangers, they are shy and avoid contact, preferring to hide somewhere. If you do not often invite guests, such cats will become your wonderful friends and trouble-free roommates.


The name of the breed can literally be translated as "rag doll" - these cats limp funny when you try to pick them up and do not resist active "hugs" from a person at all. The character is quite phlegmatic, however, cats of this breed are smart and strongly attached to the owner. In addition, they are very friendly to children and get along well with dogs. Caring for them is quite easy, despite the fluffiness of this breed.

Ragdoll - very large, fluffy and friendly cats

Cats of the Ragdoll breed sometimes grow very large - males can weigh up to 9 kg, so, despite their calm nature, it can be uncomfortable to cohabit with such a beast with a very small living space. But this breed is exclusively domestic - they are not adapted for life on the street due to their trusting and non-aggressive nature.


Small delightful cats with a more or less standard long body and legs 2-3 times shorter than usual. Munchkins weigh 3-4 kg. Due to their size, they are perfect for living in an apartment. In addition, these cats are very friendly and invariably cause tenderness thanks to their short paws. They come in both long and short hair.

Munchkin - a breed of cutest cats with short legs

Despite their toy appearance, Munchkins are very active and require attention, so it is better to have such cats for single people or families with children. In care, they are very unpretentious, but, not receiving enough human attention, these cute cats mope and get sick.

One of the oldest breeds, very popular all over the world. Persians have a very thick and long coat that requires careful care. Adult cats grow quite large, they can weigh 5-6 kg. Their nature is very peaceful and calm.

Persians are one of the most ancient cat breeds.

People are friendly, but do not feel an urgent need for human attention. As a rule, they choose one owner for themselves and are constantly somewhere near him or his things.

A very popular breed today. These cats are playful and friendly. Scots can grow quite large - up to 6 kg. They have a short, very soft coat. Caring for them is quite simple, they themselves are very smart and affectionate.

The perfect pet for your home - Scottish fold cat

An excellent candidate for apartment living. Especially for single people, because cats of this breed are very playful and love to be given attention. They are very attached to the owner, but at the same time they easily endure loneliness.

An old, unpretentious and very hardy cat breed that can adapt well to apartment life. The British are friendly and are a great choice for people who love petting and sitting on their laps.

British shorthairs are true friends of man

An interesting character trait is independence. For all their friendliness, the British perfectly endure loneliness and lack of attention to their person. They also do not like to climb high places, so things on the closet and shelves will definitely remain intact. This cat is ideal if you live in a small apartment and are often absent.


This is a very independent cat breed that will have no problems with entertainment, so when you leave for work, you don’t have to worry that your favorite animal will be bored. These are very curious and active animals, besides, they are quite large, so they will definitely make a little mess. At the same time, these cats are very smart, so with the right educational approach, you can mark your pet with all the boundaries that it cannot cross.

Javanese is a cute, lop-eared, big, smart, curious and very active cat.

Javanese do not require special care. They are mostly short-haired, practically do not get sick. Such cats are well suited for single people who are often away from home. They will provide a calm and undemanding company, uplifting with their funny appearance and behavior.

While we've just listed some cat breeds that do well in an apartment, it's important to keep your expectations realistic. Cats are living beings, so you will have to deal with some of the consequences of their life.

His feline majesty wants to play

By adopting a cat, you take responsibility for him, so you must be ready to care for him. So that there are no reasons for negativity, you should keep an eye on a few things:

  • the cat litter box must be cleaned regularly, because otherwise the cat may go to an unintended place;
  • if you have several cats living - each of them should have its own tray, since these animals are quite clean and picky;
  • if the cat's behavior changes and the animal suddenly scatters litter from the tray or goes to the toilet in the middle of the room, it is worth finding out the reasons for such actions, one of which may be a state of health.

If you don't want extra hassle, avoid using carpets in your home. Carpets are difficult to clean and the characteristic odor is not easily removed. In addition, cats love to sharpen their claws on carpets. By the way, you should also take care of the claw sharpener in advance and accustom the cat to it with the help of positive motivation from childhood.

You will need a few more useful devices to make cohabitation with a cat comfortable for both of you.

Self-cleaning tray

Self-cleaning cat litter box

Such trays are not very popular, but they can save you a lot of energy. Well, if you are away for a long time, and your pet is finicky - such a tray will allow you to avoid unpleasant incidents associated with uncleaned excrement on time.


There are many different configurations of such devices, but almost all of them allow your pet to play, sharpen claws and relax. Using such a house, you create a place for the cat to play, where he can spend his energy. In addition, you save upholstered furniture and wallpaper from cat claws.

automatic feeder

Ideal for those who leave their cat alone for a long time

Also an indispensable thing if you live alone and are often absent. Cats quickly become accustomed to such a device. You just need to check the availability of food and water in the storeroom and set the optimal time intervals for replenishing the cat's bowl on the timer.

When choosing a cat for living in an apartment, do not forget that the breed is important, but also the personality of the cat must be taken into account. No two cats are the same, even if they come from the same breed. So, for example, many people live in the houses of representatives of the "European" breed or simply ordinary yard cats - and they are smart, calm and affectionate. On the other hand, purebred cats suggest their future behavior and habits. In any case, it is worthwhile to soberly assess the living conditions, your routine and preferences, and then make an already conscious choice. A choice that will brighten up your future life.

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