The best pumpkin seeds. The benefits of pumpkin seeds for the body and how to take them. In what form is it better to use and how much can you afford per day


Health 04.09.2013

Dear readers, today I continue the topic for our health. I already wrote about the benefits of pumpkin on my blog. For those who have not read the article, I invite you to get acquainted with the material. You can go to the article on this.

Today we will talk about the benefits of pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin seeds. Probably, there is no family that would not know about their existence. Some buy them on the market, many harvest them themselves from pumpkin. The fact that these are seeds just determines a very large concentration of irreplaceable nutrients and vitamins in them. After all, this is what should give growth to a new organism. That is why they are so beneficial for our health and beauty. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Pumpkin seeds. Benefit.

  • They contain vitamins A and E - vitamins of youth.
  • They contain zinc, which is very important for the formation of the tone of our blood vessels. In terms of zinc content, pumpkin seeds are second only to oysters. Zinc also has a beneficial effect on the condition of our skin, so for everyone who has skin problems (facial rashes, acne, etc.) advice: include raw pumpkin seeds in your diet.
  • They contain vitamins of group K, which are important for blood clotting.
  • Prevent the development of hypertension.
  • Pumpkin seeds contain arginine, an amino acid that is involved in vasodilation.
  • The composition of pumpkin seeds includes manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper and other essential trace elements.
  • Reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood.
  • Increase immunity.
  • Antihelminthic.
  • They have a choleretic effect.
  • Seeds have an anti-inflammatory effect, eliminate the processes of gas formation in the intestines.
  • Studies have shown that adding pumpkin seeds to daily ration people with arthritis positive effect on the condition of their joints. Help prevent osteoporosis.
  • Improve metabolic processes in the human body.
  • Useful pumpkin seeds for men's health. Great remedy to prevent prostatitis and maintain health prostate.
  • Pumpkin seeds contain L-tryptophan, which helps to cope with depression and normalize healthy sleep.
  • Contains excellent quality protein. There are 30 grams of protein in 100 grams of pumpkin seeds. This is why pumpkin seeds are so loved by raw foodists and vegetarians. Pumpkin seeds normalize protein metabolism in the body. Excellent protein, many vitamins and minerals, high nutritional value.
  • Prevents kidney stone formation.
  • Remove cadmium and lead from the body.
  • Prevention of oncological diseases.

It is best to prepare pumpkin seeds yourself. To do this, select the seeds from the pumpkin pulp with a spoon, rinse them thoroughly, freeing them from pulp and fibers. You can use a colander for this. Then dry them. Best to dry natural way spread out on parchment paper or a linen towel. It is not necessary to use the oven at the same time, otherwise we will simply lose all the useful properties of the seeds.

How to choose pumpkin seeds?

They should not be chunky, burst, cracked and should not be wet. They should be smooth, dry and odorless. Spoiled seeds have the smell of rancid oil.

How to store pumpkin seeds?

They should be stored in a glass jar, which must be hermetically sealed and placed in the refrigerator. Peeled seeds are stored in this way for 2 months.

How to eat pumpkin seeds to bring health benefits?

We eat seeds pure form. You can add them to salads. Do not boil, do not fry, so as not to lose useful properties. Pay attention to this. After all, how we love to fry the seeds. It seems delicious, but at the same time all the vitamins and useful material are destroyed. We actually oxidize the oils, they become harmful. And if we add salt to this, then we definitely won’t get anything useful for our body.

How to use pumpkin seeds?

  • There is in its purest form.
  • Add to salads. They go especially well with green salads.
  • Add to vegetable stews.
  • Prepare sauces with them: mix crushed pumpkin seeds with garlic, cilantro, parsley, dill, add a little lemon juice and olive oil- the sauce is ready! Most importantly, creativity good mood. Choose your favorite ingredients and let your imagination run wild.
  • You can add crushed pumpkin seeds to cereals.
  • And even your favorite sandwich can be topped up and given a new taste by sprinkling crushed pumpkin seeds.
  • Homemade bread with pumpkin seeds added has an interesting taste.

Pumpkin seeds. Calorie content.

The calorie content of pumpkin seeds is quite high. In 100 grams - 559 kcal.

Harm of pumpkin seeds. Contraindications.

Pumpkin seeds are so good for both kids and adults. They can and should be included in the diet of pregnant women. So there is no need to talk about harm. The only thing we need to be aware of is the high calorie content. Therefore, who cares about the figure, eat seeds no more than 60 grams per day. But you can afford pumpkin pulp without such restrictions.

You also need to remind everyone, probably, that it is best to clean the seeds with your hands so as not to damage tooth enamel. Frequent husking of seeds can harm our teeth, up to the appearance of tartar.

Pumpkin seed oil.

On the basis of pumpkin seeds, the drug "Tykveol" was developed, which can be found in pharmacies and health stores. It is available in both capsule and liquid form. It is good to use it for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, externally for burns, eczema, dermatitis, herpes, periodontitis and many other problems. Pay attention to it if you are not already familiar with it. Consult your doctor before using it.

I suggest to look footage. The benefits and harms of pumpkin seeds.

Pumpkin seeds. Treatment.

Pumpkin seeds for worms.

Probably, many of us have heard about such an antihelminthic property of pumpkin seeds. The fact is that they contain cucurbitin. It is a harmless poison for humans. Eat raw pumpkin seeds on an empty stomach for 7-10 days.
There are also recipes with pumpkin seeds for worms when mixed with honey, and then taking a laxative. But I am always very careful about such recipes. And I advise you to be wise.

Pumpkin seeds for men

For the prevention of prostatitis and to maintain male strength, eat about 60 grains of raw, not fried pumpkin seeds daily.

pumpkin seeds for women

They are very useful both for health and for preserving our beauty. The main thing is to be wise. I personally have such a need for them, I can eat a couple of handfuls, and sometimes I can’t look at them. Honestly. So listen to your body.

Pumpkin seeds during pregnancy.

Pregnant women often want something special. And very often it is from toxicosis that many women are saved by seeds. Use pumpkin seeds for this. And again, I repeat, not fried seeds and without salt. And everything needs a measure. Remember that they are high in calories!

Pumpkin families - the benefits and harms of the root crop may depend on the type of product chosen. There are decorative, fodder and dining - the last one that is useful for the human body. But what is hidden in it, from what can it be good or dangerous for a person who eats a root crop?

Pumpkin seeds - composition and properties

If you study pumpkin seeds, as an element rich in microparticles, it can be noted that they contain a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Pumpkin seeds - composition per 100 g of the product contains:

  • 8 amino acids;
  • 12 famous antioxidants;
  • Vitamin PP;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Magnesium.

But most useful are raw (fresh) seeds that have not passed heat treatment. The following are the elements daily allowance that a person needs. To replenish all the substances, you need to eat only 0.33 g of the product.

For 100 g of the root crop, the total total part of the seeds is 50 g, where 6 g is the pulp and alimentary fiber, 30 g is occupied by water and minerals, dried seeds (5.23 g) contain the least amount of vitamins. The properties of the seeds are healing, in the literal sense - they literally raise the sick to their feet, heal the children without taking antibiotics. Contain powerful substances, which act on the affected areas of soft tissues with oncological diseases.

Pumpkin seeds: calories and nutritional value

Depending on the product supply, storage and processing method, the energy value may vary. So, pumpkin seeds: calorie content and product value per 100 g:

  • Fresh group - 446 kcal;
  • Dried - 559 kcal;
  • Steamed with water - 215 kcal.

How to clean pumpkin seeds?

For the preparation of any dishes, the seeds are thrown away. But sometimes the insides are left for more savory liqueurs, delicious raisins for simple pies, and more. How to clean pumpkin seeds and preserve their properties?

fruit cutting

Cut the fruit in half, use a spoon to pry off the layer of seeds.

To completely separate the seeds from the pulp and fibers, place them in a bowl or colander. Under running water, clean the seeds with your hands.

To completely get rid of the pulp, separate each seed with your fingers. If the pulp dries along with them, it will burn during roasting, and the seeds will no longer be suitable for consumption.
rolling pin

With a rolling pin, you need to lightly rinse the seeds in order to completely separate the fibers from them. It will also help squeeze out the mucus that forms in unripe fruits.

For thorough processing, it is necessary to squeeze the edges of the seeds to a characteristic crunch. When doing this, make sure that the core is not damaged.

Tip: If you are not able and do not want to mess around with seeds, you can buy ready-made, peeled ones in the store. Carefully study the packaging - imported seeds from the Far East - will not bring you anything good.

How to dry pumpkin seeds?

After cleaning the seeds, some immediately roast them or bake them in the oven. Often they make stocks for the winter, and some are left for long-term storage. But after washing and processing with a rolling pin, they need to be dried. If the moisture does not leave enough, the insides of the seed will rot, trace elements will enter the body, nausea and vomiting will appear. As a result, hospitalization with suspected food poisoning. The main sources of poisons will be the components of iron and magnesium, which are abundant in the fetus.

How to dry pumpkin seeds correctly?

  1. Lay out a towel and spread the seeds on it.
  2. You can use natural drying in the sun, but not under direct UV.
  3. The cracked shell (husk) has already dried up, you can remove it.
  4. Seeds open easily.

After opening, carefully remove them, then rinse cold water. Further drying takes place in a dark place that has fairly good ventilation. Dry them completely within 4-5 days.

How many pumpkin seeds should you eat per day?

When answering the question of how many pumpkin seeds you need to eat per day, consider your diet. For obese or well-fed people, it is not recommended to exceed the norm of 60 g. Fatty components, especially in fried processing, will add several hundred kcal to you, and if you do not spend them, fat reserves will be replenished. For athletes who want to enrich the body with protein, you can increase daily dose up to 300 g, but they need to be eaten raw, without additional absorption of moisture.

A child under 5 years old can be given such seeds in the amount of 4-5 pieces per week!

Can you eat pumpkin seeds with the skin?

The peel of pumpkin seeds is very rough and can cause inflammation of the intestines or stomach. If you suffer from gastrointestinal diseases - give up such an undertaking. Children are strictly forbidden to give them with a peel. This will cause suffocation, and since it cannot be pushed out, you will have to work on the operating table with the patient.

It is not advisable for adults to get carried away with the husk - it scratches the walls of the tract, causes discomfort. Appendicitis is an ideal result of the constant use of seeds with skin. After the removal of the organ, you will be forbidden to eat any seeds, because they may have small remnants of husks, crusts, etc. Is it possible to eat pumpkin seeds with a peel - no, it's better not to try.

pumpkin seeds for men

Pumpkin seeds for men are a real find because of high content zinc. The element is responsible for everything male functions organism. The most important of these are potency and urination. They are directly dependent, and they need to be adjusted - to treat the first without the second, but vice versa, it makes no sense. The seeds also perform a strengthening function:

Many men are interested in two things - how it works with the prostate and erectile dysfunction?

pumpkin seed for prostatitis

A man, as a rational being, will never agree to treat diseases from healers and whisperers. Women favorably treat such homemade health and beauty recipes. But one thing remains unchanged - the fact of usefulness in prostatitis. Pumpkin seed from prostatitis not only relieves temporarily, but also treats the disease. Is not extra help, which reacts with expensive substances, and miraculously only in this way has an effect.

biological property seeds - the saturation of the delta-7 substance, which affects men as follows:

  • It is a substrate for the development of the genital organs;
  • It is an assistant for the release and production of androgen and testosterone;
  • Has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Eliminates purulent discharge from the urinary canals in case of damage Bladder;
  • Improves the condition of prostatic hyperplasia, but does not cure!

There are several ways to treat pumpkin seeds.

Pumpkin seeds for potency

Pumpkin seeds for potency should be prepared according to these recipes:

  1. Half a kilo raw seeds grind with a blender.
  2. Stir 200 g of liquid honey into the resulting mass.
  3. Cool the homogeneous mass in cold store within 6 hours.
  4. Make balls or cubes from the resulting mass, which are stored in the refrigerator for 1-2 months.

Take 1 piece daily on an empty stomach, drink warm water. After that, you can have breakfast, but not earlier than after 2 hours. The size of each serving is about 20-35 g. After the end of treatment, take a break for 1 year.

Another recipe:

  1. Dried seeds (0.7 kg) are placed in a dry place for 2 weeks.
  2. Grind them to a homogeneous gruel with a coffee grinder or a fine grater. Then walk with a rolling pin and grind again. You should get a liquid consistency.
  3. Divide the fine powder into portions, each of which will contain 2 tbsp. l. substances.
  4. There are three times a day before meals, drink water. You can add 1 tablespoon of honey for taste.

The course of treatment depends on the type of disease - with chronic prostatitis drink the prescription for 3-4 months.

pumpkin seeds for women

Pumpkin seeds for women are useful for their properties: strengthen life cycle uterus, contribute to the prolongation of youth. Zinc provides a young woman tightened skin, elasticity and beauty of the body. They are useful at any age, which is very important for the menopause period. At constant menstrual cycles a woman can increase the chance of fertilization by 69%, while the risk of miscarriage is reduced.

pumpkin seeds during pregnancy

It is difficult for pregnant women to refuse any delicacy, especially that. Which contains the very ingredient for the development of the fetus - folic acid. To indulge in them or not is a definitely positive answer. Pumpkin seeds during pregnancy work wonders:

  1. From the 5th month (2nd trimester), a woman has difficulty with natural management needed. Since the seeds contain amino acids, they act on smooth muscle, relaxing it. The effect is the same as after taking glycerin suppositories- laxative.
  2. Groups of vitamins A, E, K and P alleviate emotional outbursts due to hormones. If you want to sleep peacefully next to a pregnant woman, feed her seeds. Deep sleep is good for both. It also reduces the risk of miscarriage due to stress and nervous breakdowns.
  3. Lignans - help protect the fetus from inflammatory processes. As you know, during pregnancy you can not get sick. You can not drink antibiotics, strong antidepressants, painkillers, nothing! A woman may be panicky afraid of a simple SARS. To calm the emotional "pillow", for prevention, use 1 spoonful of seeds per week.
  4. L-tryptophan - helps to cope with insomnia. Does not guarantee deep dream while pushing the baby, so it helps only the woman, and only sometimes. But she can fall asleep quickly, the main thing is to eat the seeds 2 hours before bedtime in the 3rd trimester, otherwise everything eaten due to the inability of the valve to close completely will come out.

Fact! Only 20 seeds will help save a woman from toxicosis for a week.

pumpkin seeds while breastfeeding

Breastfeeding mothers need balanced diet throughout the lactation period. But it is important to remember that in the first 2-3 months a woman must follow a diet. pumpkin seeds at breastfeeding allowed only from 4 months after birth. If the child does not have any allergic reactions, no colic, 1 teaspoon without a slide of finely grated seeds is allowed.

Pumpkin seeds for worms

At the same time, they note:

  • Large worms tolerate poisoning only at the stage of formation of a destructive effect.
  • Then they are paralyzed for some time, there is a movement with the products of human vital activity.
  • The ability to reproduce is non-existent.
  • They cannot cling to the walls of the intestine.

Cucurbitin also has prolonged action- for a long time, the eggs of worms cannot resume their life process. This leads to a complete cleansing of the body, from which the recurrence of helminthiasis is impossible.

pumpkin seeds for diabetes

Even after roasting, pumpkin seeds for diabetes are very useful - they have glycemic index to the entire circulatory system. For type I and II diabetes, it is customary to add seeds to food as an additive to a side dish. Suppress fatigue and induce sharp falls blood sugar. You should not get involved in them, because addiction can occur when frequent use. Since they are not the main source of health, breaks should be made small, but not for a year, as is the case with " male favor».

Pumpkin seeds for pancreatitis

Pumpkin seeds for pancreatitis, like any other species, are completely prohibited. If the syndrome worsens, a specific diet is needed, without fried foods. When using seeds of any origin, there is a load on the gland responsible for cleaning the stomach and intestines. Under normal conditions, patients may feel flatulence, nausea and spasmodic pain. Also, the seeds have a choleretic effect, and when acute condition- this is Right way to the activation of pancreatic enzymes, which are already slightly able to work.

But during remission, they are useful, since the body receives nourishment "from the outside", due to which there is a fight against spasms. Impact assessment for chronic disease is 2.0, and the suitability of the substance at acute pancreatitis- 10.0. The severity in spasms and palpitations indicates the undesirable use of such products.

Pumpkin seeds for gastritis

Gastritis requires a strict sparing diet, without salty and spicy, fried and smoked. Pumpkin is very useful during such periods, and its products replace permanent full tricks food. Refresh, but do not get enough - the main task during illness. And pumpkin seeds for gastritis will be a direct confirmation of this. They destroy hyperacidity stomach without changing the properties of nutrients.

pumpkin seeds for the liver

The liver is the filter of the whole body, so nutrition should be adjusted for it. cleansing circulatory system- the main task of the body, so purposefully pollute it is not worth it. If a person drinks alcohol, smokes, loves delicious fried meatballs and spicy Korean carrots, then over time the liver will be weakened. Assistance is needed to restore all functions.

In addition, the root crop helps to carry out following processes:

  • withdrawal of cholesterol;
  • Purification of patency for the biliary tract;
  • Normalization of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism;
  • Strengthening the work of the intestines;
  • Performance improvement urinary system generally.

Will also be helpful pumpkin dishes steam or oven. You can treat yourself to a delicious sugar-free pie, taste for an amateur. But healthy ingredients help you quickly forget about sweet and tasty buns. As soon as you feel a surge of strength and vivacity, you will begin to savor pumpkin delicacies with pleasure.

It is worth noting that not all peeled pumpkin seeds are healthy. Store-bought products of this variety may not have those beneficial trace elements as fresh fruits of their own cleansing. Always cook your own meals, stay healthy, but don't neglect the benefits of simple ingredients.

Almost everyone knows that pumpkin is useful vegetable. However, like pumpkin seeds benefits and harms for the body of men and women which will be described in this article.

There are three types of pumpkin:

  • aft;
  • Canteen;
  • Decorative.

It is the table type of pumpkin that is suitable for human consumption.

Pumpkin is a melon culture native to America. People have been eating for centuries. According to historical data, even the ancient Aztecs added different parts of the pumpkin to their diet. Special attention was given to seeds, as they made it possible to cure various diseases.


Most of the substances necessary for human life in a pumpkin are fats. The second place is occupied by proteins. 100 g of dried seeds contain:

  • about 50 g of fat;
  • 30 g of proteins;
  • 6 g of dietary fiber;
  • 5.23 g water;
  • 5 g carbohydrates;
  • about 5 g of ash substances;
  • 12g of essential amino acids;
  • 8g of non-essential amino acids;
  • 14.59 mg of vitamin PP (73% DV);
  • almost all B vitamins;

Interesting! Many micro and macro elements almost completely cover daily requirement human in these substances. And you need to eat only 100 g of pumpkin seeds.

Many micro and macro elements are very important for the body man and his proper functioning. Pumpkin seeds in this regard are considered a champion.

In 100 g of seeds:

  • 1233 mg of phosphorus - 153% of the norm;
  • 592 mg of magnesium - 148% of the daily requirement for an adult;
  • 809 mg of potassium - 40% of the norm;
  • 8.82 mg iron;
  • 7.81 mg of zinc - 80% of the daily value.

Interesting! Only 50 g of pumpkin seeds saturate the body with manganese and cover its daily requirement.

Others, no less important elements, make pumpkin seeds effective tool necessary for the maintenance of the human body.

For men

  • For normal operation prostate in male body enough zinc. Usually, men do not receive enough minerals with food. Lack of zinc leads to the development of inflammation in the prostate. This problem especially relevant for men over the age of 50 years. Therefore, to protect and prevent prostate adenoma and prostatitis, it is recommended to eat 50 g of pumpkin seeds daily.
  • In addition, zinc is part of the testosterone molecule, male hormone. The trace elements that make up pumpkin seeds increase the speed of spermatozoa and help fight male infertility.
  • Also for men the problem of baldness is very relevant, many of them begin to lose hair as early as early age. Pumpkin seeds can be used as a strengthening of hair roots and prevention of their premature loss.
  • Zinc helps to get rid of dandruff, which is considered a fungal disease and not a cosmetic defect.

Men before women susceptible to a disease such as atherosclerosis, which often causes heart attacks and strokes. It is pumpkin seeds that allow you to suspend this process. They include:

  • amino acids that strengthen the vascular wall;
  • iron increases hemoglobin;
  • arginine dilates blood vessels;
  • phytosterols reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood.

For women

For women, pumpkin seeds also play a big role, as they allow you to maintain beauty and health. Especially strongly calcium is washed out of the bones after 45 years and women suffer from osteoporosis to a greater extent than men. The minerals that make up the seeds stop this process, as they contain useful substances that help each other to assimilate each other.

Many women suffer from anemia. Pumpkin seeds contain a lot of iron.

Important ! !! Due to the high content of iron, eating 100 g of seeds per day, you can cover the daily intake of calcium by almost 100%.

Thanks to pumpkin seeds, you can:

  • strengthen hair and nails;
  • get rid of small wrinkles;
  • make the skin smooth and elastic;
  • relieve minor inflammation.

Fatty acids help moisturize the skin from the inside, prevent hair loss and get rid of dandruff.

The phytoestrogens included in the composition will help during menopause:

  • Improve mood;
  • Get rid of depression;
  • Fight insomnia.

Tryptophan helps to eliminate headaches and joint pain. Tryptophan is essential amino acid, which is used by the brain to produce serotonin (the hormone of joy).

Watch the video! Milk from Pumpkin Seeds

For pregnant

A handful of seeds a day will help:

  • reduce toxicity;
  • alleviate the acuteness of smell;
  • deal with nausea.

Recipes for treatment

Treatment with pumpkin seeds is to use them daily. If you regularly consume seeds, you can prevent the development of all kinds of diseases.

Even official medicine recognizes medicinal properties pumpkin seeds and their use in treatment. Sold in a pharmacy medicinal product Tykveol, which is based on oils pumpkin seeds . It is prescribed for the treatment of infectious diseases, the prevention of oncology and atherosclerosis.

There are many recipes traditional medicine based on pumpkin seeds.

Wounds and burns

Such a compress allows you to relieve pain and accelerate tissue regeneration.


Recipe 1:

  • Grind 500 g of seeds into flour;
  • Add 200 g of liquid honey;
  • Move and refrigerate to thicken;
  • Roll into balls and dissolve on an empty stomach for a month.

Recipe 2:

  • Dry and grind 500 g of seeds into flour along with the peel;
  • take the powder 2 times a day before meals, 2 tablespoons, washed down with a glass of honey water.

Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract

For the treatment of inflammation of the bladder and kidneys, it is recommended to take a mixture of pumpkin and hemp seeds, which are taken in equal proportions. Consume in 1 tsp 2 times a day with meals.

Pumpkin milk is used to treat cystitis.

  • 50 g of seeds are cleaned;
  • I mix with 20 grams of sugar;
  • Pour into 80 ml of water.

Take 3 times a day, 1 tsp before meals.

Insomnia and nervous tension

A decoction of seeds helps to normalize the nervous system. For this you need:

  • 3 tbsp seeds;
  • 0.3 ml of water;
  • the mixture is brought to a boil;
  • boil for 4 minutes;
  • cool down.

Take 50 g at bedtime or with increased nervousness.


All over the world, pumpkin seeds are used to treat worms, as they contain cucurbitin, which paralytically acts on the nervous system of pinworms, due to which they die.

Seeds, unlike medicinal antihelminthic drugs, do not have a toxic effect on the human body, preserving the mucous membranes digestive system. This treatment is recommended for adults and children.

It is necessary to peel the seeds and grind with water (adding 10 drops at a time). For 300 g of seeds take about 4 tbsp. l of water.

At one time you will need seeds:

  • For an adult -300 g;
  • Children over 10 years old 150g.
  • Children 5-7 years old 100 g;
  • Children under 4 years old - 50 g.

Important! It is necessary to ensure that a thin green film remains on the seed, and does not go to waste.

Porridge is consumed in the morning on an empty stomach. Eat the entire portion within an hour. After 3 hours, it is recommended to drink a laxative, and after another half an hour, make a cleansing enema.

This process helps to quickly and effectively remove worms from the body without using toxic drugs.

Seeds with honey

Pumpkin seeds with honey are used to treat prostatitis and prostate adenoma, from insomnia and to normalize work nervous system person.

Whole or crushed seeds (500 g) are poured with liquid honey (200 g). Store the product in the refrigerator in a glass container with a tight lid.

The mixture is taken 1 tbsp a couple of times a day half an hour before meals. It is not recommended to consume more than 3 tablespoons of this mixture a day, as it is very high in calories.

Harm and contraindications

Seeds can harm the body if consumed in excessive amounts:

  • Exacerbation of diseases of the digestive system. You can not eat group food, including pumpkin seeds, during the treatment of gastritis, colitis, stomach ulcers, intestinal obstruction.
  • Intolerance to pumpkin seeds, allergies when eating these fruits.
  • Overweight. The seeds have high calorie content so they should be taken in moderation.
  • salty and roasted pumpkin seeds may lead to the development stagnant processes in the joints, causing them to become less mobile.
  • If you constantly zoom in on the seeds, you can damage the enamel.

How to dry pumpkin seeds

In order for the seeds to retain all the useful properties and be tasty, they must be properly dried:

  • To do this, the fruits are carefully peeled so that the green film remains on the seeds and washed under running water.
  • Spread the seeds on towels and serve from all sides to remove excess moisture.
  • If pumpkin seeds are planned to be roasted, then this will be the drying process. They are laid out in a pan and fried until golden brown for 15 minutes.
  • You can dry the seeds in an air fryer. For this, a temperature of 60 degrees is selected, 30 minutes are enough for complete drying.
  • If an electric dryer is used, then a temperature of 80 degrees is selected and the seeds are kept for 40 minutes.
  • In the oven, the seeds are dried for 20 minutes at 80 degrees.

Important! When drying the seeds, they must be stirred periodically.

You can also dry the seeds outdoors in a warm room with low humidity, but this process is very long and lasts at least 7 days. However, it is considered the most effective, because it allows you to save all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Important points:

  • An adult can eat 70 pieces of pumpkin seeds per day.
  • The peel of seeds is very useful, so it can be eaten if there are no contraindications.
  • When breastfeeding, the seeds can be taken in moderation. The main thing is to monitor the reaction of the body, at the slightest manifestation of an allergy, the seeds should be excluded from the diet of a nursing woman.
  • For pancreatitis, gastritis and diabetes you can eat the seeds in moderation.

Watch the video! Pumpkin seeds - benefits and harms

In contact with

Pumpkin is a storehouse of everything useful for human health. But today we are not talking about her, but about the seeds that we simply call pumpkin seeds. We all heard that pumpkin seeds are useful, but we don’t even think about the fact that they can harm someone.

So, the topic of today's article " The benefits and harms of pumpkin seeds ».

We eat pumpkin seeds as a treat. You probably remember newspaper bags with sunflower seeds interspersed with pumpkin seeds, which you could buy from grandmothers on the street. The memory of childhood evokes both aroma and unforgettable taste. Yes, now it is less and less possible to meet such a grandmother, because in every supermarket you can buy sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds of any taste: salted, deep fried and even peeled. You could try seeds from grandmothers before buying them. How about in a supermarket? You can't open the package.

How to choose, dry, store pumpkin seeds

Of course, it is better if you grow a pumpkin in your garden, extract seeds from it, rinse them thoroughly from pumpkin fibers, dry them on soft tissue, stirring occasionally. And you can also dry in a preheated oven, also stirring for even drying. What if there is no garden?

We buy pumpkin seeds at the collective farm market. There they are sold in large bags for cans. That is, banks measure. This is where you can select them. I pay attention to how dry, smooth and crumbly they are. By the way, high-quality pumpkin seeds do not have any smell. Only spoiled pumpkin seeds have a rancid smell.

In the apartment, raw pumpkin seeds are stored in a hermetically sealed container in the refrigerator for no more than two months. So fatty acid products are not oxidized there. They do not receive light, heat and moisture.

The benefits of pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are actively used for the treatment of certain diseases and their prevention. But before talking about the specific benefits of pumpkin seeds, let's pay attention to their composition.

Pumpkin seeds. Compound

100g of dried pumpkin seeds contains:

  • fat- 50g
  • vegetable proteins– 30g
  • carbohydrates– 5g
  • dietary fiber(fiber and pectins) - 6g
  • water- 5.23g
  • ash substances– 5g
  • Amino acids- 100g of pumpkin seeds contains daily rate all twelve essential and eight non-essential amino acids necessary for human life.
  • Fatty acid(omega 3 and 6) - they have anti-inflammatory properties, slow down the occurrence of tumors, lower cholesterol
  • natural acids
    • folic
    • argitine
    • linoleic
    • glutamine
    • L-tryptophan (β-(β-indolyl)-α-aminopropionic acid) - uplifting, is natural antidepressant; stimulates deep night sleep

Vitamins :

  • Groups B - B1, B6, B12
  • PP - nicotinic acid
  • Folic acid
  • K, D, A, E, C

Micro and macro elements:

  • Phosphorus- it is more in 100g of pumpkin seeds than in some varieties of fish
  • Magnesium- is included in the structure of DNA, proteins and bones; regulates muscle function and nerve fibers; stabilizes blood pressure; normalizes blood sugar
  • Manganese- participates in the growth and development of the skeleton; participates in hematopoiesis, supports reproductive functions, participates in the regulation of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism
  • Potassium- participates in the work of muscles; regulates the volume of fluid in the body, the balance of minerals; maintains blood pressure.
  • Iron- normalizes the composition of the blood, enriching it with oxygen
  • Zinc- by the way, WHO recommends the use of pumpkin seeds as good way replenishment of zinc, which strengthens the immune system, is involved in the prevention of prostatitis, strengthening bone tissue
  • Calcium- an active participant in the coordination of intracellular processes, nerve conduction, muscle contraction, maintaining the work of the heart and blood vessels, bone formation and mineralization of teeth, blood clotting.
  • Copper- necessary for the body to absorb iron, maintain the level blood pressure, participation in the metabolism of cholesterol and glucose.
  • Selenium– strengthens defensive forces organism, or human immunity

Pumpkin seeds. Beneficial features

After analyzing the composition of pumpkin seeds, there is no doubt that this product is very useful for humans as a means of preventing diseases and maintaining health. Pumpkin seeds have the following properties:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • antiseptic
  • Painkiller
  • Diuretic
  • Laxative
  • Eliminating gas
  • Improves metabolism
  • Immunity booster
  • Antihelminthic
  • Hepatoprotective

The use of pumpkin seeds is useful for the following diseases:

Pumpkin seeds, lightly toasted, many people really like the taste. They have a slight nutty smell. Peeled pumpkin seeds are used in the preparation of various dishes. They are added to ready-made dishes: salads, vegetable stews. Grind and add to pastes, sauces, dough.

But when using pumpkin seeds, you need to remember that it is very high-calorie product. And I never tire of reminding about moderation in everything, including nutrition.

Calorie table and nutritional value pumpkin seeds, per 100 grams

Product - pumpkin seeds Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates calories
Raw 24,50 45,80 4,70 538
Dried 24,54 45,85 13,91 541
fried 28,00 46,70 15,70 600
Salty 30,00 48,00 13,00 600

Harm of pumpkin seeds

Despite the obviousness that raw high-quality pumpkin seeds are useful for maintaining human health, one must remember both contraindications and their harm.

  • The most important! it their inappropriate use . Remember, in the article about sunflower seeds, it was said about the quick addiction to this product and the very process of cracking seeds. So, this applies to any seeds, including pumpkin seeds.
  • In addition, pumpkin seeds contain salicylic acid . This is an aggressive acid, if the stomach is not healthy, then inadvertently you can provoke an exacerbation of gastritis, stomach ulcers.
  • Because pumpkin seeds very high in calories, it is better not to use them for patients with

Pumpkin seeds - nutritional product, which contains 50% edible oils and the daily requirement of the body for zinc. Since ancient times, these seeds have been recognized as excellent anthelmintic, and in China they are still considered a natural cure for melancholy and depression.

Growing pumpkins to sell seeds is a profitable business. The benefits of pumpkin seeds are known all over the world: they produce the most expensive vegetable oil and are used as raw materials for pharmaceuticals.

The composition of pumpkin seeds includes:

  • beta carotene
  • Riboflavin
  • Ascorbic, folic, salicylic, linoleic, pantothenic acid
  • Thiamine
  • Niacin
  • Vitamins K, E, B6, PP, B3
  • Iron, zinc, selenium, manganese, copper
  • Phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium
  • Amino acids
  • fiber
  • Proteins fats carbohydrates

In terms of protein and phosphorus content, pumpkin seeds are superior to fish. In melon seeds huge quantities contains phosphorus, magnesium and iron. In terms of pectin content, pumpkin seeds are in the lead compared even with apples. 100 g of seeds provide the daily human need for manganese. According to zinc content, necessary for the body for blood vessels and skin, pumpkin seeds are second only to oysters.

The nutritional value of a product varies depending on how it is consumed. raw seeds contain about 350 kcal; dried - 540 kcal, fried - 600 kcal.


Pumpkin seeds: harm

There are practically no contraindications to the use of seeds. However, the harm of pumpkin seeds can be, if you use them in an immoderate amount. This is a high-calorie product, and people who want to lose weight should not get carried away with it.

The harm of pumpkin seeds is not excluded in diseases of the stomach. The seeds contain salicylic acid and if the product is abused, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the digestive organs may occur.

The seed coat is quite dense. This should be taken into account by people who like to chew them with their teeth. Remember: in this way you cause irreparable damage to tooth enamel. This is fraught with chips, caries, destruction of the structure of the teeth.

Fried pumpkin seeds: harm

You should carefully approach the processing of seeds - they will be most useful in their raw form. Toasted pumpkin seeds lack full volume useful qualities. Since they were subjected to heat treatment, the lion's share of the useful substances of the seeds simply disappeared. And if the delicacy is generously seasoned with salt, over time, you can get salt deposits in the joints.

Roasted pumpkin seeds are highly nutritious and viscous. Use a large number seeds can result in the deposition of fat in the body, constipation, heaviness in the stomach, indigestion. Some people have intolerance this product- if the use of seeds causes a rash, nausea, swelling, this delicacy will have to be abandoned.


What are the benefits of pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds - source natural vitamins and useful substances that strengthen blood vessels, arteries. The use of the product has a beneficial effect on the brain, memory, concentration. Regular intake of seeds cleanses the body of toxins and harmful elements (cadmium, lead), has a positive effect on potency, and lowers blood glucose levels. Seeds increase hemoglobin and reduce the likelihood of anemia, improve the activity of the heart muscle.

Benefits of pumpkin seeds:

Proper use of seeds allows you to normalize blood formation, tone blood vessels, cleanse the skin of acne and inflammation. The systematic use of the product leads to a decrease in cholesterol, an increase in immunity, and the elimination of flatulence.

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds: Benefits

In spite of possible harm, roasted pumpkin seeds are good for the body. Their contraindications are minimal, and they are recommended to be used in moderation to restore the body after illnesses and during the period of bearing a child.

The benefits of roasted pumpkin seeds:

  • Prevention of atherosclerosis
  • Appetite improvement
  • Rejuvenating effect
  • Relief from heartburn, nausea, vomiting
  • Normalization of the pH balance of the body
  • Improving the functioning of the liver, heart
  • Restoration of vascular elasticity
  • Elimination of constipation
  • Restoration of damaged bone tissues and muscles in case of fractures, dislocations

To reduce the harm of pumpkin seeds and get only the benefits, it is recommended to roast the seeds yourself. To do this, you need to purchase fresh seeds without signs of mold, spoilage (or extract from a ripe pumpkin). Raw seeds are recommended to dry. It is best to roast pumpkin seeds in the oven - this will preserve most of the nutrients.

The benefits of pumpkin seeds for women

Women should not bypass this useful product. Beneficial features seeds allow you to strengthen bone tissue and overcome this unpleasant disease like osteoporosis. With regular use of delicious treats, nails are strengthened, hair structure improves, and dandruff disappears. Antioxidants present in pumpkin seeds improve the metabolic process, protect against damaging environmental factors.

Useful pumpkin seeds during menopause. Their use helps a woman alleviate symptoms menopause, relieve irritation, improve sleep, get rid of headaches.

The benefits of pumpkin seeds for men

Since the concentration of zinc in the seeds is at high level, seeds are excellent remedy to improve male sexual health. It is this element that is the building block of testosterone molecules responsible for male power. Sufficient intake of zinc in the body blocks the growth of prostate tissue, protecting against such insidious diseases like prostatitis or prostate adenoma.

Men should eat 50-60 seeds daily. Please note that for medicinal purposes, pumpkin seeds cannot be subjected to heat treatment - it is better to dry them.

How to choose and store pumpkin seeds

It is advisable to use fresh pumpkin seeds for treatment - they should be packed in the pumpkin harvest season - the end of August, September or October.

Seeds packed in May-June are more likely to be bitter - due to the high content pumpkin seed oil, which begins to deteriorate during long-term storage. And in transparent packaging, this process is greatly accelerated, so buy seeds in a foil bag.

The larger and more whole the seeds, the better - if there are cracks in the shell, most likely they were mixed with the old crop.

It is better to store them for no more than 3 months in a dark place after opening the package, transferring them to an airtight container, for example, in glass jar.

Pumpkin seeds for worms

For treatment use 125 pcs. raw seeds and 5 teaspoons castor oil. This amount should be divided into 5 doses and taken throughout the day. First, the seeds are eaten, and after 30-40 minutes, 1 tsp is taken. oils.

It is worth considering that the substance cucurbitin is not in the seeds themselves, but in a thin greenish shell between the shell and the core. For treatment, change should not be fried.

Pumpkin seeds during pregnancy and breastfeeding

During lactation, it is recommended to introduce pumpkin seeds into the diet a month after childbirth. If the mother is not allergic to carotene, the seeds can be consumed daily, because they are a source of fiber and substances that contribute to the normal functioning of digestion and increase the amount breast milk.

Pumpkin seeds for weight loss

Pumpkin seed kernels are a high-calorie product, but they can be used in weight loss diet programs as a replacement for one of the meals.

The cleansing diet consists of 7 days. Breakfast is very light, carbohydrate - a bowl of oatmeal without sugar. Lunch is replaced by sunflower seeds that have not undergone heat treatment. Before going to bed, use pumpkin seeds for normal digestion and sleep.

How to use pumpkin seeds

Without harm to health, an adult can consume 100 g of peeled pumpkin seeds daily (you can eat a handful of pumpkin seeds). Of course, they cannot be fried and salted in order to preserve all the useful substances of the nuclei.

The use of seeds various diseases recommended in a certain amount:

With sexual weakness and prostatitis: 100 g of crushed kernels in combination with honey.
To get rid of bladder problems: 2-3 spoons at a time.
To get rid of nervous tension: 100 g of pumpkin seeds during the day.
For helminthiasis: for adults - 300 grams each, children 12 years old - 150 grams each, babies 3-4 years old - 75 grams each, up to 3 years old - 30-50 grams each.

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