What is the analogue of "Atarax"? Analogues or substitutes for "Atarax": prices and reviews. Atarax analogues: choosing the best substitute drug

The term "anxiolytics" from Latin literally translates as the dissolution of an anxiety state. Anxiolytics are included in the group of tranquilizers, otherwise they are referred to as "small tranquilizers", "ataracts", anti-neurotic and psychosedative drugs.

Anxiolytics lead to the "calm" of those areas of the brain that are responsible for emotions. Some drugs also lead to relaxation of the muscles of the skeleton, they have a muscle relaxant effect on the striated muscles. When using anxiolytics to treat people with vegetovascular dystonia achieve:

  • reducing anxiety and fear;
  • reducing emotional instability and tension;
  • eliminate intrusive thoughts, phobias and hypochondria;
  • decrease in excitability.

A number of anxiolytics are endowed with hypnotic properties. At systemic use drugs improves falling asleep, increases the duration of sleep.

The muscle relaxant effect of drugs is considered positive in the treatment of vegetovascular disorders. Anxiolytics relieve mental and motor excitation. At the same time, such action of drugs may limit their prescription to patients whose work requires an instant response.

Of the anxiolytic drugs in the treatment of vegetative neurosis, benzodiazepine derivatives are used. In addition to the anti-anxiety effect, they are endowed with a sedative, anticonvulsant, muscle relaxant and light hypnotic effect.

Anxiolytics are classified as follows:

Most of these drugs have side effects increased drowsiness, weakness, memory loss. Therefore, their use in treatment of VVD limited in some cases.

A small sedative, hypnotic and muscle relaxant effect is endowed with:

  • dipotassium clorazepate;
  • Tofisopam;
  • Mebicar.

Therefore, these drugs are used as daytime tranquilizers.

Patients with VVD are mainly prescribed:

  • Phenazepam;
  • Grandaxin;
  • Adaptol.

Treatment with these drugs over a long period leads to addiction and dependence. To prevent this from happening, the course of therapy should be minimal or intermittent, that is, with the cessation of taking the drugs for several days and then using them at the same dosage.

Anxiolytics suitable for the mechanism of action are prescribed at the beginning in the smallest dosage, then it is gradually increased until a therapeutic effect is achieved. Dose reduction is also carried out gradually. These medications should only be taken as directed by your doctor.

Anxiolytics are incompatible with alcohol and can enhance the effect of other drugs. A doctor should prescribe these drugs, evaluating all manifestations of VVD and the psycho-emotional status of a person.


Phenazepam is prescribed to patients with VVD if the disease is accompanied by:

Phenazepam is used as a one-time to eliminate anxiety, as well as a specially selected course. More often it is used in tablet form. Standard scheme treatment - 0.5 g (one tablet once a night). In case of severe disorders, the medicine is taken 3 tablets per day during the first days, then, after the removal of the main symptoms, they switch to a maintenance dose.

The above dosages, depending on the condition of the patient, may be reduced or increased by the doctor. Self-selection of the dose is fraught with increased anxiety or even confusion due to an overdose.

Phenazepam has an extensive list of contraindications. The drug is not prescribed:

  • pregnant women;
  • during lactation;
  • children under 18;
  • in a state of shock;
  • with myasthenia.

It is used with caution in depression and in the treatment of the elderly and patients after a stroke.


Main active ingredient Grandaxina - Tofisopam. The drug is endowed with anti-anxiety action. This feature of Grandaxin allows you to assign it patients with VVD in daytime.

The drug does not lead to a deterioration in concentration and does not inhibit reactions, which allows not to limit the use of an anxiolytic for people working in transport and complex mechanisms.

Continuous course use Grandaxin does not cause addiction and withdrawal syndrome. The medicine stabilizes psychological balance and is used for prevention. panic attacks.

Grandaxin is prescribed if VVD is accompanied by:

Grandaxin is not used:

  • if the VSD proceeds with pronounced manifestations depression, unmotivated aggressiveness, psychomotor agitation;
  • in the first three months of pregnancy;
  • if fixed sleep apnea symptoms, including sleepy;
  • when taking medication for psoriasis;
  • against the background of organic pathology of the brain (oligophrenia, encephalopathy).

Grandaxin is one of the best drugs for the treatment of vegetative neurosis. But the drug can cause unwanted side effects in the form of headaches, sleep disturbances, allergic reactions, and digestive problems. To reduce the likelihood of their occurrence, the drug is taken in the dosage prescribed by the doctor. Evening reception of Grandaksin should be no later than 17 hours.


At VSD drug used if the disease is accompanied by neurosis and anxiety. The tranquilizing effect of the drug is not accompanied by weakness in the muscles and a deterioration in attention, and this is what makes Adaptol a daytime anxiolytic.

The medicine, in addition to the main action, has the following effect on the body:

  • nootropic, that is, improves the functioning of brain cells;
  • cerebroprotective - protects brain cells from exposure adverse factors;
  • antioxidant (reduces peroxide stress).

With a course intake, Adaptol normalizes the content of endogenous, that is, its own alcohol in the body. This action of the drug allows it to be used if the VVD occurs against the background of alcohol or alcohol. nicotine addiction. When taking Adaptol, getting rid of bad habits happens easier.

The drug is not addictive and drug addiction, but cancel it in the same way as another tranquilizer, gradually, over a week.

The course of taking Adaptol - from several weeks to 3-4 months. It is possible to take a single pill to eliminate anxiety, the therapeutic effect begins after 30 minutes.


Atarax also belongs to the group of tranquilizers used in the treatment of VVD. A medicine is prescribed if the manifestations of dystonia are accompanied by:

  • increased irritability;
  • psychomotor agitation;
  • anxiety;
  • skin itching.

Atarax is endowed with antiemetic and hypnotic effects. Therapeutic effect occurs even when the drug is used in a small dosage. Eliminates withdrawal syndrome in chronic alcoholics.

Contraindications for the appointment of Atarax include:

  • the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • galactose intolerance;
  • myasthenia.

Atarax helps if urticaria and eczema develop against the background of VVD. The medicine copes with night terrors, improves the depth of sleep and increases its duration.

The dosage and course of use of anxiolytics are prescribed only by a doctor. When treating, it is important to take into account all the nuances of the use of small tranquilizers; you cannot interrupt or refuse therapy on your own. When prescribing drugs, the doctor takes into account contraindications, the use of other medications and the main manifestations of VVD.

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Cheap analogues and substitutes for the drug Atarax: a list with prices

The Belgian sedative drug Atarax is used to treat mental or neurological conditions associated with increased irritability, chronic anxiety, sleep disorders, and stress.

The active ingredient is hydroxyzine, which performs an anxiolytic, sedative and antiemetic effect.

Indications for the appointment of atarax include neurosis, irritability, emotional stress, anxiety, withdrawal symptoms in alcoholism, organic lesions of the central nervous system, stopping vomiting, pruritus.

The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation, prostatitis, closed angle glaucoma. For children, the drug is prescribed after 1 year, under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Analogues of Russian production

The table contains prices and descriptions of medicines from a domestic manufacturer, which are characterized as cheap analogues drug atarax.

The use of the drug is practiced in the symptomatic treatment of allergic itching, chronic anxiety and emotional stress, as a sedative.

Tablets have a positive effect on cognitive skills, improve attention, memory, eliminate anxiety, itching, normalize sleep.

The drug performs antihistamine, antispasmodic, sympatholytic, local anesthetic, muscle relaxant function.

The remedy is indicated for neurosis-like, anxiety-depressive states, mental disorders ah, chronic anxiety and excitement, sleep disturbances and allergic itching.

The composition of the medicine includes the raw material of lemon mint, which is known for its sedative, anticonvulsant, antiemetic, antispasmodic properties.

The infusion is drunk for neurosis, allergic dermatitis, as well as in the treatment of a number of diseases. of cardio-vascular system and gastrointestinal tract.

Ukrainian substitutes

Modern preparations of Ukrainian production will tell you how to replace atarax if there are contraindications to taking it.

  • Gidazepam. Anxiolytic tranquilizer used for neurotic or psychopathic disorders, accompanied by anxiety, irritability, suspiciousness, fear, sleep disturbances, as well as chronic alcoholism.

The drug is prohibited for pregnant women, with breastfeeding, in childhood. average price 120–220 rubles.

  • Valevigran. The cheapest Ukrainian close substitute for atarax based on valerian extract. Sedative drug, effectively coping with increased nervous excitability, insomnia, depressive and anxiety states. The average price is 45–55 rubles.
  • On Sleep. Inexpensive pills Based on valerian root, they have a calming effect on the central nervous system, normalize sleep and general emotional condition. The average price is 40–65 rubles.
  • Belarusian generics

    Belarusian generics, as a replacement for a cheap sedative drug, are presented in the table below:

    It is used as a mild sedative, hypnotic.

    The tool is used in conditions of neurasthenia, sleep disorders.

    Indications for use: anxiety-neurotic conditions, sleep disorders, Meniere's disease, stuttering, tics, alcohol withdrawal syndrome.

    Other foreign analogues

    For more complete review analogues of atarax should consider its import synonyms:

    1. Grandaxin. Tranquilizer based on tofisopam. Indications include neurosis, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, premenstrual stress syndrome, climacteric syndrome, secondary neurotic symptoms, alcohol withdrawal.

    Country of origin - Hungary. The average price is 340–920 rubles.

  • notta. homeopathic remedy in the form of drops for oral administration with a pronounced anxiolytic effect. Helps effectively with psycho-emotional stress, sleep disorders, anxiety, tension, fatigue, attention disorders.

    The drug is produced in Austria. The average price is 210–500 rubles.

  • Persen. Capsules with valerian, lemon and peppermint in the composition with a sedative and antispasmodic effect. It is used for increased nervous excitability, irritability, insomnia. Inexpensive imported sedative drug.

    Country of origin - Slovenia, Switzerland. The average price is 195–590 rubles.

  • Atarax and its close substitutes are drugs that affect the central nervous system. Drugs have side reactions and contraindications, so you should carefully read the instructions. Primary appointment sedatives must be agreed with the doctor.

    Atarax - analogues

    Atarax is a drug with a sedative, anxiolytic and antiemetic action. The medicine itself is an oblong white tablet that is washed down with milk or water. The main substance is hydroxyzine hydrochloride, and the following are used as auxiliary:

    • cellulose microcrystalline;
    • colloidal silicon anhydride;
    • magnesium stearate;
    • lactose monohydrate.

    The drug is used for psychomotor agitation, with increased irritability of a neurological nature, with chronic alcoholism, against skin itching and as a sedative.

    Atarax is quite popular, but still it may not be suitable for treating a patient for some parameters, so they are looking for analogues of the drug, so the question arises: “What can replace Atarax?”.

    Which is better - Atarax or Teraligen?

    First of all, it should be noted that Teraligen is an antipsychotic drug, therefore it is used to treat various diseases nervous system, including mental disorders, depression, neuroses, and allergic reactions. From which we can conclude that Teraligen has a wider range of effects than Atarax, while it relieves any manifestation of allergies, and Atarax - so much from skin itching, which means it is more effective.

    Which is better - Atarax or Adaptol?

    Adaptol is a tranquilizer and is used to symptomatic treatment, restoring sleep, cardialgia and to improve the patient's tolerance to antipsychotics and tranquilizers, and is also used in the treatment of neuroses. Indications for the use of drugs have differences, but the specifics are similar, so each of the drugs has its own advantages, which are taken into account when choosing a medicine. Therefore, it is difficult to answer the question of which of the drugs is better, since their purpose is different.

    What is better Atarax or Phenibut?

    Phenibut is used for asthenic and anxiety-neurotic conditions, psychopathy, fears and obsessive states. It also helps with insomnia and nightmares. In some aspects, the indications for the use of Atarax and Phenibut are the same, but their contraindications are significantly different. So, the first is not recommended for porphyria, pregnancy, lactation, labor activity and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, and the second only in case of intolerance to phenibut. Therefore, choosing between two drugs, the scales are shifted towards Phenibut, in which the list of contraindications is much shorter.

    Which is better - Atarax or Grandaxin?

    Grandaxin tablets are intended for the treatment of:

    In contrast to this drug, Atarax has a narrower profile and does not treat diseases, but its manifestations or initial stages, therefore, for treatment complex diseases, the doctor most likely will prescribe Grandaxin.

    But still, you should not make a choice between Atarax and its analogue on your own, it is better to contact a specialist.

    What is the analogue of "Atarax"? Analogues or substitutes for Atarax: prices and reviews

    All people periodically experience increased irritability and anxiety. However, most do not even try to mitigate such phenomena, completely forgetting about the harmful effects of constant stress on the body. But anxiety can signal a mental or neurological disease. In this case, it should definitely be stopped.

    To cope with such symptoms allows the drug "Atarax". The medicine is a tranquilizer. It eliminates psychomotor agitation a feeling of anxiety. And for those patients for whom this drug is not suitable, the doctor will recommend an excellent analogue of Atarax.

    a brief description of

    The drug "Atarax" belongs to the class of anxiolytics. The drug is in demand for the treatment of neurosis, allergic pathologies. The drug is well tolerated by patients and has a small amount adverse reactions and contraindications.

    The drug "Atarax" is distinguished by the ability to relax smooth, skeletal muscles, as a result of which the patient's spasms are relieved. This property has a beneficial effect on a person with panic attacks.

    The drug does not cause CNS depression. However, it can affect certain areas of the subcortical region. The active substance of the drug is hydroxyzine dihydrochloride.

    The drug has an antihistamine, bronchodilating effect. In the usual dosage, it does not affect the functioning of the stomach. This is very effective remedy in the treatment of eczema, urticaria, itching different forms allergic dermatitis. The drug is able to increase the duration of sleep. In addition, Atarax does not cause memory impairment. The antidepressant is well absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and quickly enters the bloodstream.

    The average price for the drug (No. 25) is 323.30 rubles.

    Indications for use

    To be able to talk about the analogue of Atarax, one should consider under what pathologies this remedy applied.

    The drug in tablet form, according to official instructions, assigned when:

    1. The need to stop psychomotor agitation, increased irritability, feeling internal stress, anxiety.
    2. Somatic, mental, neurological pathologies.
    3. Chronic alcoholism.
    4. Skin itching.

    The medicine "Atarax" in the form of a solution is in demand for:

    1. Struggle with neurotic states, neuroses, which are manifested by a feeling of emotional stress, anxiety, increased excitability.
    2. Elimination of the patient's withdrawal syndrome, provoked by chronic alcoholism.
    3. Treatments organic lesions CNS, accompanied by increased excitability.
    4. Preparations for surgical interventions(acts as a sedative).
    5. Prevention and relief of vomiting in the postoperative period.
    6. Elimination of itchy skin.

    Main contraindications

    This medication should only be taken as directed by a doctor. Since there are some contraindications to the use of the drug "Atarax". Analogues or substitutes will be required for patients who, due to certain conditions, are prohibited from taking the original remedy.

    The instruction gives the following contraindications:

    • hereditary galactose intolerance;
    • porphyria;
    • pregnancy, lactation period;
    • angle-closure glaucoma;
    • malabsorption of galactose and glucose;
    • Availability hypersensitivity to active substance or ancillary components.

    With extreme caution, under the supervision of a physician, a medicine may be prescribed for the following pathologies:

    • myasthenia gravis;
    • difficulty urinating;
    • hyperplasia prostate;
    • predisposition to arrhythmia;
    • increased intraocular pressure;
    • dementia;
    • prone to seizures.

    Patient opinion

    About the drug set positive feedback. Patients, long time insomniacs claim that the drug Atarax gave them back a normal 8-hour rest. The product is very soothing. Some people use the drug not regularly, but with strong anxiety. Such consumers notice that a favorable result comes quickly enough.

    However, almost all patients testify that the drug causes increased drowsiness.

    Effective analogues

    Despite the high popularity of this tool, according to certain parameters, it may not be suitable for treating a patient. There is a need to consider the drug "Atarax" analogues, the price of which is not very high.

    However, do not forget that it is dangerous to make an independent decision to change the prescribed drug. This is possible only with the permission of the doctor and at his direction.

    So, if the Atarax medicine is not suitable, how to replace it? Below is a list of effective analogues:

    Let's look at some of them

    The drug "Grandaxin"

    This drug is an anxiolytic short action. The drug does not lead to muscle relaxant, sedative, anticonvulsant manifestations. It is an excellent antidepressant that helps the patient to protect against pernicious influence stress, improves intellectual, psychomotor functions.

    The doctor may prescribe the drug "Grandaxin" in case of neurosis, somatic and mental disorders, which are accompanied by fear, anxiety, low mood, apathy, obsessive feelings. The drug is in demand in patients with post-traumatic stress disorder, reactive depression.

    The drug is contraindicated in psychopathy, psychosis, aggressiveness. Do not prescribe this remedy to pregnant and lactating mothers. Do not use the medicine for deep depression.

    The following side effects can sometimes be observed: gastralgia, nausea, skin itching. Among undesirable manifestations, sleep disturbance, excitability, aggressiveness are noted.

    Price this drug(No. 20) averages 307.20 rubles.

    Patient opinion

    What are the reviews about this analogue of Atarax? Opinions about the drug are quite contradictory. Some people who use the drug "Grandaxin" as prescribed by a doctor testify to the significant effectiveness of the remedy. Such patients notice that the drug helped to normalize the condition, stabilize mood, and relieve memory lapses.

    Other patients complain about the occurrence side effects. They note that the long-term use provoked irritability. Although the initial effect was positive.

    What to choose: Atarax or Grandaxin?

    Initially, you should remember what purpose each of these drugs is intended for. If the choice arose: to take the medicine "Grandaxin" or "Atarax", then it should be understood that last resort have a narrower profile. It cannot cure diseases. The drug is effective against initial stages and unpleasant manifestations of pathologies.

    For the treatment of complex diseases, most likely, the doctor will recommend the medicine "Grandaxin".

    However, remember that the choice of drug affects not only the effectiveness of therapy, but also general state. So don't do it yourself. Contact a specialist.

    The drug "Teralijen"

    The drug is a neuroleptic, which has a moderate antihistamine, antispasmodic, serotonin-blocking effect. In addition, the drug is characterized by hypnotic, antitussive, antiemetic, sedative activity.

    To determine how effective the Atarax substitute is, consider the indications for its use.

    The medicine "Teralidzhen" is used for the following pathologies:

    1. neurotic states.
    2. Neuroses of organic and endogenous origin with a predominance of hypochondriacal, senestopathic, psychovegetative, phobic disorders.
    3. Anxiety and depression.
    4. Psychopathy with psychasthenic and asthenic disorders.
    5. The state of anxiety, excitement in somatic pathologies.
    6. Senestopathic depression.
    7. Allergic reactions.
    8. Mental somatic disorders.
    9. Sleep disturbance.

    While taking the drug, there may be some adverse reactions. Among them: drowsiness, fatigue, irritability, asthenia, agitation, nightmares, dry mucous membranes, increased sweating.

    This medicine (No. 50) will cost the patient an average of 702.60 rubles.

    Consumer opinion

    Most patients, speaking about Teraligen, emphasize that the drug really has a beneficial effect on the body. It allows you to normalize the heartbeat, improve appetite, eliminate anxiety state. In addition, the drug relieves the patient of sleep disturbance.

    Although this quality is often referred to as a minus, since this remedy causes drowsiness in the patient. It is extremely difficult for the patient to wake up in the morning.

    Teraligen or Atarax?

    Let's compare both drugs. Initially, it should be emphasized that Teraligen is an antipsychotic drug. That is why it is used to combat various pathologies nervous system. The drug perfectly treats neurosis, depression, mental disorders, allergic manifestations.

    Therefore, it is quite easy to conclude which of the drugs - Atarax or Teraligen - is the most effective. Of course, the latter remedy has a wider range of effects. In addition, the Teraligen medicine can relieve various manifestations of an allergic reaction. Means "Atarax" eliminates exclusively skin itching. Therefore, Teraligen is more effective.

    Regardless of whether you decide to take an analogue of Atarax or the drug itself, take care of your health in advance and consult your doctor.

    It is common for every person to experience a feeling of fear, anxiety, and anxiety at certain moments. These emotions are a natural reaction to certain kinds of events: public speaking, passing the session, worrying about loved ones.

    But, it is quite another matter if these emotions become difficult to control. They haunt a person constantly, becoming sources of various disturbing and depressive states.

    Such disorders require medical correction. Of the drugs prescribed by specialists to eliminate uncontrolled pathological reactions of the nervous system, Atarax and Grandaxin can be distinguished.

    "Atarax": a description of the drug

    anxiolytic(tranquilizer) non-benzodiazepine series. It is used for the treatment of neuroses, elimination of anxiety, relief of symptoms of psychomotor agitation.

    In addition, the drug has sedative, antihistamine and antiemetic effects. Improves quality and total duration sleep.

    The drug is produced in two forms: film-coated tablets, ampoules for intramuscular injections.

    The main active ingredient is hydroxyzine. In tablets, its content is 25 mg in each piece. In ampoule solution 100 mg per 2 ml.

    In the form of ampoules, the drug is used in the clinic.

    Indications and contraindications

    The assignment is shown under the following conditions:

    • Chronic alcoholism.
    • withdrawal syndrome.
    • postpartum depression.
    • Neurosis, accompanied by strong excitability, anxiety, emotional stress.
    • Skin itching with dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis.

    As a sedative, Atarax is used before preparing for surgical operations.

    After surgical interventions, it is used as an antiemetic.

    Contraindications are: pregnancy, lactation period, intolerance to components, impaired absorption of galactose, porphyrin disease, glaucoma, age up to 1 year.

    Side effects are manifested by a decrease in blood pressure, nausea, constipation, headache, general weakness and fatigue, blurred vision, fever.

    This medication is produced in Belgium by the pharmaceutical company USB Pharma. Available in pharmacies by prescription.

    "Grandaxin": a description of the drug

    "Grandaxin" - class tranquilizer benzodiazepine derivatives. It differs from classical benzodiazepines in its atypical chemical structure.

    His main active ingredienttofisopam is an atypical derivative of diazepam. The molecular formula of the drug has been changed in such a way that it does not contain the properties of classic benzodiazepines. negative manifestations as the development of addiction, withdrawal syndrome.

    The drug has an anxiolytic effect, without having a sedative and muscle relaxant effect. It is a daytime tranquilizer.

    The action of the drug is aimed at eliminating various violations activity of the autonomic nervous system. It also has a stimulating effect on the body.

    Produced "Grandaxin" only in the form of tablets. One tablet contains 50 mg of tofisopam, the main active ingredient.

    Indications and contraindications

    Indications for use are:

    • Asthenic syndrome.
    • Neurasthenia.
    • Neuroses and neurosis-like states.
    • Severe PMS.
    • Psychovegetative disorders.
    • Panic and anxiety states.
    • Asonmias provoked by neurological causes.
    • climacteric syndrome.
    • somatic disorders.
    • Cardialgia of neurotic origin.
    • withdrawal syndrome.
    • Unmotivated fear.
    • Myasthenia gravis and myopathy with neurotic symptoms.

    Given the ability medicinal product stabilize psychological balance, it is often used in the prevention of panic attacks.

    Contraindications to the appointment are:

    1. Sleep apnea.
    2. Respiratory failure syndrome.
    3. Early pregnancy.
    4. lactation period.
    5. Hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug or other benzodiazepines.
    6. Psychopathological states accompanied by aggressiveness, motor-speech excitement.
    7. Severe depression.
    8. Lactase deficiency.
    9. Galactose intolerance.
    10. Concomitant use of immunosuppressive drugs.

    Children and adolescents under 18 years of age are not prescribed medication due to the lack of sufficient experience in this age category.

    Side effects may include: irritability, dizziness, sleep disturbance, headaches, loss of appetite, work disturbance digestive system, drying of mucous membranes oral cavity, allergic reactions, violation of the liver, myalgia.

    The drug is manufactured in Hungary by a pharmaceutical company EGIS Pharmaceuticals. Released by prescription only.

    Drug Similarities

    The similarity of the presented medicines can be traced in their belonging to the same group - tranquilizers.

    Also united by their absence negative impact on cognitive functions.

    They do not develop drug dependence, even with long-term use. Both pharmaceuticals are successfully used in therapy. neurotic states. Both have a prescription.

    The drugs are similar in cost. "Atarax" - from 283 rub. up to 360 rublesfrom 300 rub. up to 350 rubles.

    What are the differences

    The difference parameters are as follows:

    1. Possess absolutely different composition and mechanism of action.
    2. They differ in producing countries.
    3. "Atarax" has a pronounced sedative effect. The second remedy does not have such an effect.
    4. "Grandaxin" has more than wide list testimony. But he also has more "side effects" than the Belgian medicine.
    5. "Atarax" is allowed to appoint children from 1 year. "Grandaxin" only from the age of 18.
    6. Taking a Belgian Pharmaceutical Provides Management Restrictions vehicles and performance of work related to the speed of response.
    7. The Hungarian drug is stronger in pharmaceutical action.

    What is better to choose

    Competently say which of the drugs is better, only a specialist can. Each of them has both pluses and minuses. And they are prescribed in different clinical cases.

    "Atarax" acts softer and is better tolerated by patients. It is chosen for the treatment of anxiety or depressive lung conditions degree.

    It should also be preferred for treatment emotional disorders that appeared in the background mental illness or brain pathology.

    "Grandaxin" must be chosen when functional disorder autonomic nervous system. In other words, when there is no specific pathology, but only the activity of nervous structures is disordered.

    In some cases, according to the doctor's prescription, it is possible to take anxiolytics together. "Grandaxin" is used in the daytime to relieve anxiety without a sedative effect, "Atarax" is drunk in the evening to improve sleep.

    But, in each case, the dosage is selected strictly individually, and the intake of both tranquilizers is carried out under the supervision of the attending physician.

    Feelings of anxiety and fear are common to all people. In some cases, the emotions experienced are natural reaction person for certain events: before passing an exam, speaking in front of people and many other moments. In other cases, these sensations are pathological reaction when they go beyond control, they become constant "companions" of a person's life, provoking the development of anxiety and depressive disorders. At a certain point, it becomes clear to a person that he cannot cope with these conditions on his own and professional help is required, which includes psychotherapeutic measures and drug therapy.

    There are contraindications, consult a specialist

    For the treatment of anxiety-depressive disorders, several groups of psychotropic drugs are currently used:

    • Tranquilizers from the group of benzodiazepines (Phenazepam, Nozepam, Grandaxin).
    • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (fluoxetine, citalopram).
    • Nonbenzodiazepine anxiolytics (Atarax).
    • Tricyclic antidepressants (amitriptyline).
    • Antipsychotics in rare cases(chlorpromazine).

    Most of the drugs belonging to the above groups are potent, are issued strictly by prescription and, to varying degrees, have a number of adverse effects (withdrawal syndrome, development of drug dependence, etc.), which significantly limits their use in patients.

    Today, there are a number of requirements that apply to any anxiolytic (synonymous with anti-anxiety or tranquilizer):

    1. The speed of the effect.
    2. No impact on cognitive functions (memory, thinking, attention).
    3. No development of drug dependence.
    4. Minimal risk of adverse reactions.
    5. No withdrawal syndrome.
    6. Lack of addiction.
    7. Possibility of long-term use.

    Most of these criteria correspond to two drugs: Grandaxin (except for the 1st and partially 4th points) and Atarax.

    What is the difference?

    Both belong to the group of tranquilizers, successfully used in the treatment anxiety disorders, have relatively optimal ratio efficiency/safety. However, they are completely different in composition and mechanism of action.

    Belongs to the group of non-benzodiazepine anxiolytics. Medicine produced by USB Pharma (Belgium) in the form of tablets of 25 mg and a solution for intramuscular injection of 50 mg / ml.

    The active ingredient in the drug is hydroxyzine hydrochloride, which is a derivative of diphenylmethane. In terms of structure and mechanism of action, it is close to antiallergic drugs, but as antihistamine in the treatment of allergic manifestations is not used.

    The mechanism of action of hydroxyzine is associated with an effect on H1-histamine receptors in the central nervous system, which disrupts their binding to histamine. In the clinic, this is manifested by the development of a sedative, hypnotic and antipruritic effect. The effect of Atarax on M-cholinergic receptors was also noted, which is manifested by dry mouth, constipation, and disturbance of accommodation. These phenomena are considered as adverse reactions and occur infrequently while observing the dosing regimen.

    The drug is almost completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, the action occurs after 15-30 minutes. In the blood, it reaches peak values ​​2 hours after ingestion. The half-life is 12-24 hours, which allows you to take the drug once a day.

    The drug "Atarax" - 25 tablets

    The advantages of Atarax include:

    • Provides fast action.
    • Does not cause addiction and drug dependence.
    • Does not affect cognitive functions.
    • It has antipruritic, antiemetic, anti-anxiety and hypnotic effects.
    • Approved for use in children (from 3 years).

    By cons - following states, which are restrictions on its use:

    • Prostatic hyperplasia (history of prostatitis)
    • Tendency to arrhythmias
    • Hyperthyroidism
    • Chronic muscle weakness, convulsive disorders (including epilepsy)

    Grandaxin belongs to the group of benzodiazepines. This Hungarian drug (EGIS Pharmaceuticals) is only available as 50mg tablets.

    Active substance - tofisopam, which is an atypical benzodiazepine derivative (diazepam). The drug with a modified molecular formula is devoid of such negative manifestations of all benzodiazepines as withdrawal syndrome, the development of drug dependence, muscle relaxant and hypnotic effects.

    The mechanism of action is associated with the effect on the GABA-benzodiazepine complex in the central nervous system, which leads to the inhibitory effect of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) on nerve cells. Tofisopam has a high bioavailability and is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. In the blood, the maximum concentration appears 2 hours after ingestion. The half-life is about 8 hours, so the drug is taken 1-3 times a day.

    Grandaxin has the following number of positive qualities:

    • Does not affect human cognitive functions (memory, thinking, attention).
    • Does not potentiate the negative effect of ethanol (unlike other benzodiazes, such as Phenazepam).
    • There is no cardiotoxic effect.
    • There is no development of drug dependence.
    • There is no withdrawal syndrome.
    • Approved for use in myopathy and myasthenia gravis.

    But there are also negative ones, including:

    • In some cases, increased excitability, aggression, irritability may develop, the risk of suicide attempts may increase in obsessive-compulsive states, phobias and / or chronic psychoses, deep depressions.
    • Epilepsy increases convulsive readiness
    • It is not the drug of choice for organic disorders in the brain (for example, atherosclerosis) and depersonalizations, cessation of breathing during sleep
    • Tablets contain lactose as an excipient
    • Prohibited under 18 years of age

    What is safer and better?

    In each particular case, it is more correct to address this question to the doctor. In general, Atarax is considered a milder tranquilizer and is used more often for mild anxiety-depressive disorders. Grandaxin is considered stronger, refers to drugs that are used for moderate disorders. The indications for its appointment are more specific and require a preliminary thorough assessment of the person's condition and setting accurate diagnosis, almost never prescribed as monotherapy.

    Grandaxin and Atarax are in the same price segment, their cost is practically the same.

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