Paradise apple fruit useful properties. Adam's apple recipes and methods of treatment

The whole truth about: adam's apple for joints recipe and other interesting information about the treatment.

With joint diseases, patients often suffer from pain, there is a limitation of limb mobility, and inflamed tissues swell. As part of complex therapy, not only medicines are used, but also herbal remedies.

One of the exotic fruits, on the basis of which several effective remedies have been created, is the Adam's apple. The use in folk medicine for joints of an unusual fruit resembling an orange, only green in color, is positively evaluated by phytotherapists and patients.

  • Adam's apple: what is it
  • Compound
  • Action
  • Indications for use
  • Contraindications
  • Tincture
  • Instructions for use
  • Osteochondrosis
  • Dosage
  • Price
  • Patient reviews

Adam's apple: what is it

Adam's apple (Chinese orange, maclura) is the fruit of a tree of the mulberry family, homeland - South America. In Russia, orange maclura grows in the Caucasus, in the Krasnodar Territory.

Sufficiently large fruits are similar to an orange, but the color is light green, the surface is uneven, bumpy. Under the dense peel there are many dry fruits located near the fleshy axis of the inflorescence.

Chinese orange is inedible, fruits are used as raw materials for the pharmaceutical industry. Adam's apple is used to make medicinal ointments and tinctures.

The beneficial properties of an exotic fruit have long been known to traditional healers. The active effect on the body is manifested due to the rich composition of the Adam's apple.

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Valuable Ingredients:

  • saponins;
  • bile acids;
  • sterols;
  • pectins;
  • fatty acid;
  • sugar;
  • lemon acid;
  • flavonoids, reminiscent of vitamin R.


Medicinal properties of Adam's apple:

  • accelerate the elimination of toxins;
  • have a powerful antioxidant effect;
  • prevent cancer;
  • normalize metabolic processes;
  • prevent the deposition of salts;
  • the mobility of diseased joints is restored;
  • reduce tissue swelling in the problem area;
  • reduces pain in the affected tissues in articular pathologies and diseases of the spine.

Indications for use

Maclura orange fruits are used to prepare healing tinctures and ointments. What does the Adam's apple heal? The herbal remedy is effective in diseases of the musculoskeletal system, in the treatment of large and small joints, and the spine.

Indications for the use of Adam's apple:

  • polyarthritis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • salt deposits;
  • rheumatism;
  • radiculitis;
  • gout.


A folk remedy for the treatment of articular pathologies is prepared using alcohol-containing components. The phytopreparation is not allowed to be used by all categories of patients.


  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy;
  • childhood;
  • lactation period;
  • allergy to the components of the herbal preparation.


Maclura fruits can be purchased during a trip to the southern regions of the country. Adam's apple is also sold in phytopharmacies. Some patients are looking for exotic fruits and make a healing tincture on their own, others buy a ready-made herbal remedy in pharmacies. In any case, the effectiveness of the composition will be high.

How to make maclura tincture

Traditional healers offer several recipes for Adam's apple tincture. The difference is in the duration and nuances of cooking.

Adam's apple tincture recipes for joints and a sore back:

  • method number 1. Twist a medium-sized fruit in a meat grinder or grate, put in a glass container, add high-quality vodka (500 ml). Remove the mass for 14 days in a warm room. An important condition - during preparation, the tincture should be in a dark place. You do not need to touch the jar with a home remedy when insisting.
  • method number 2. The method is similar to the first, but during cooking it is necessary to shake the container every day. The duration of the infusion of the remedy with maklura is also 2 weeks;
  • method number 3. The home remedy takes longer to prepare, but the shelf life of the healing product also increases. You will need 10 Chinese oranges and good vodka. Cut the Adam's apple not too finely (3-4 pieces from one fruit are enough), put in a glass jar, pour vodka. A strong drink should be 2 times more in volume than orange maclura fruits. The minimum preparation time is 2 months. Many herbalists recommend infusing the remedy for 6-8 months.

Another healing remedy for the treatment of diseased joints is easy to do on your own. To prepare an ointment with active analgesic properties, you will need the remains of the fruits from which the tincture was previously prepared.

Grind the cake in a blender, combine with olive oil in a ratio of 1: 1, rub again. Store healing ointment in a cool place. Apply daily to painful areas. The active properties of the components of the Adam's apple reduce joint pain with gout, relax the muscles of the back, and help during attacks of sciatica.

Folk remedy is used daily, after treatment, the problem area is insulated. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

Instructions for use

Adam's apple tincture is an excellent remedy for the treatment of joints and a sore back. The method of application depends on the type of disease.


Rules for using the tincture:

  • moisten a cotton swab with an active agent, rub the agent into painful places on the back for several minutes;
  • redness appears on the affected area, pleasant warmth spreads inside;
  • it remains to go to bed, cover yourself with a warm blanket;
  • the optimal time for the procedure is evening;
  • it will take 10–14 days for a lasting effect to appear;
  • be sure to wash your hands after handling.

Gout, sciatica, polyarthritis, salt deposits

Application rules:

  • rub a small amount of tincture into the affected area, warm with a scarf or scarf;
  • the duration of a useful session is no more than ten minutes;
  • after two or three procedures, the patient will feel relief;
  • for a lasting effect, you will need a course of 10-15 sessions;
  • an important condition is the daily treatment of problem areas (morning, afternoon and evening).


To enhance the beneficial effects on the body, herbalists recommend not only external, but also oral use of a remedy based on orange maclura fruits. Before starting the course, you need to consult a doctor: alcohol tincture is not suitable for all patients.

Mode of application:

  • the first week - 3 drops during breakfast;
  • the second week - the number of drops is the same, but often it increases up to two times a day;
  • the third week - 3 drops three times a day;
  • fourth week - 4 drops four times throughout the day;
  • duration of treatment - 1 month, a second course is allowed after six months;
  • the use of healing tincture not only improves the condition of cartilage and bone tissue, but also has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular, nervous system, improves metabolism, removes toxins, and activates cell regeneration.

Information for patients! Some herbalists recommend increasing the dosage to 30 drops per day, but too high a concentration of active substances is not suitable for all people. The first course is conducted according to the scheme proposed above. With good tolerability of the drug, the absence of side effects, after consulting with your doctor, you can slightly increase the dosage (by 20-30%), observe the action and reaction of the body. An individual approach is important.


Herbal remedy has an average cost - a bottle of 100 ml costs 400 rubles. Considering the minimum consumption of the composition for each day (only in drops), the financial costs of the therapeutic course are quite acceptable.

Fresh fruits are sold in the markets of the Caucasus and the Krasnodar Territory. Chinese orange can be ordered in the online store. If there is no desire to prepare the tincture, at any time you can purchase a ready-made orange maclura tincture. In herbal pharmacies, a healing agent for the treatment of joints and a sore back is always on sale.

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Patient reviews

Chinese orange tincture for the treatment of back and joints is often used by patients suffering from rheumatism, polyarthritis, sciatica. Reviews about the use of the Adam's apple are often positive. An exotic fruit helps with severe pain in the joints and back, saves from bouts of sciatica. Many people write that the healing remedy puts on its feet even with the moderate stage of articular pathologies.

Maclura orange or Adam's apple tincture is a proven folk remedy for the effective treatment of diseases of the back and joints. Prepare a medicine based on exotic fruits yourself or buy a ready-made remedy at a pharmacy. After a course of procedures, pain will decrease, swelling will subside, it will be possible to move calmly without limping on a sore leg.

Attention! Only today!

Green, wrinkled, orange-like fruits are actively offered by street vendors in the Caucasus, the Crimea or the Krasnodar Territory. They are popularly known as the Adam's apple. The scientific name of the fruit is maclura. They grow on tall trees of the mulberry family.

The list of active substances that make up the plant is unique in its medicinal properties:

  • Phytosterols strengthen the immune system, regulate blood cholesterol levels, and help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. They are powerful antioxidants.
  • Cholic (bile) acids have a beneficial effect on the liver.
  • Fatty acids prevent the formation of blood clots, normalize blood pressure, reduce inflammation in the body, increase immunity.
  • Organic citric acid improves metabolism.
  • Phenolic compounds have antitumor activity
  • A large number of macro and microelements are sources of vitamins, regulate the functioning of internal organs.

The healing qualities of the Adam's apple have been known since ancient times.

The list of diseases that Maclura successfully copes with is extensive.

These are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and inflammation of a different nature, problems with the heart and blood vessels. Early stages of oncological diseases are successfully treated.

Maclura is widely used as a folk remedy for the treatment of various joint diseases.

It relieves inflammation, has an analgesic effect. Therefore, the plant is effective in the treatment of osteochondrosis, sciatica, gout, various arthritis and arthrosis.

Maclura alcohol tincture is easy to prepare at home.

Not only fruits are used, but also young leaves and branches of the plant.

Important! Fruits should be chosen large and ripe. They have a yellowish tint. Maclura should be collected independently no earlier than October. Be careful, the tree has long, sharp spines.

Get ready for work

  • Wash the Adam's apple thoroughly with a brush in running water.
  • Be sure to wear thick rubber gloves. The fruits secrete milky juice. It's sticky and stingy. Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes.
  • Cutting board is better to use glass or ceramic. It will be almost impossible to wash plastic or wooden.
  • Maclura fruits are hard and hard to cut. The knife should be sharp, with a strong wide blade. You can use a meat grinder.
  • Use only glass jars for tincture. It is advisable to sterilize.

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Best Recipes

  • Grate maclura together with the peel on a coarse grater. Transfer the resulting slurry to a jar (approximately up to the shoulders). Fill with 95% medical alcohol to the top. Put the jar in a dark place. You can use it after two weeks. But it is better if the tincture is prepared for at least six months.
  • 500 gr. finely chop the fruit, pour an equal amount of vodka. Insist in a dark cool place for three weeks. Strain, keep in the refrigerator. The disadvantage of this recipe is the short shelf life of the resulting tincture. After six months, it will lose its medicinal properties.
  • Pass young leaves and branches through a meat grinder. Pour alcohol with a strength of 70% in a ratio of 1 to 5 (for one part of the plant, five parts of alcohol). Keep warm for two weeks. When using strained tincture, dilute with water by half.
  • An easy way to prepare, but it will take at least a year to insist. Take some Adam's apples. Cut into large pieces. Place tightly in a glass container and pour vodka so that it completely covers the fruit. The recipe is good just for the duration of cooking. It is believed that the longer Maclura is infused, the more active its beneficial properties are.
  • Very finely chop the fruits and leaves of the maclura, add the side shoots of the golden mustache, Pour with alcohol diluted to 50%. Leave at room temperature for three months. A powerful tool that quickly relieves joint pain.

Important! With any method of preparing the tincture, air must not be allowed to enter. Lids must be tight. Banks must be turned over daily.

If the tincture has been prepared correctly, it will turn a yellow-orange or amber color. Long-term aging of the tincture (at least a year) retains the healing properties of the plant for more than five years.

When filtering, do not throw away the fruit. They can be applied to sore joints. If you add olive oil, you get a wonderful ointment. It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

How to use the tincture?

Use the tincture of Adam's apple should be correct:

  • With radiculitis, arthritis and arthrosis, the tincture is carefully rubbed into the sore spot. After that, a warming bandage is applied. This compress can be kept for up to thirty minutes. Then treat the joint with clean water and wrap it with a woolen scarf. It is permissible to leave the compress overnight. But it is necessary to monitor the allergic reaction. The duration of treatment is one month.
  • With severe pain, the tissue is abundantly moistened and applied to the problem area. Be sure to insulate. Additional cellophane wraps are not necessary. Keep the compress for 15-30 minutes, then rinse. Repeat the procedure three times a day. Until the pain disappears completely.
  • With osteochondrosis, the tincture is carefully rubbed over the painful area until redness appears. The procedure is carried out before going to bed for one and a half to two months.

Important! Outwardly, the tincture is strictly forbidden to be used by pregnant women and children.

Maclura tincture can be taken orally. She is able to relieve joint pain in a month. You should consult your doctor and be careful. The plant is poisonous! The course of treatment is 30 days.

Scheme of intake:

  • In the first week, every morning with food, take three drops of tincture in one tablespoon of water.
  • After seven days, the amount is increased to six drops (three in the morning, three in the evening).
  • In the third week, three more drops are added to lunch.
  • In the last week of the course, drops are taken three times a day, but their number is increased to four for each dose. Only 12 drops.

There is another scheme for taking the medicine:

  • Within a month on an empty stomach, drink three drops of tincture diluted in a small amount of water.
  • For the second month, increase the dosage to six drops.
  • Every thirty days, add three drops until their number is thirty. Then they take a break

Important! Adam's apple contains a lot of glucose. The tincture should not be used by patients with diabetes mellitus.

Antibiotics should not be taken while treating Maclura. Alcohol must be completely eliminated from the diet.

Despite the fact that Adam's apple tincture relieves pain and restores joint mobility, it should be remembered. That any folk remedy is auxiliary. You should consult with your doctor.

Today, about 25% of people suffer from joint problems that cause pain, inflammation, stiffness, and aches. A few decades ago, rheumatism and osteochondrosis caused poor living conditions, hard physical labor, and a lack of nutrients in the body. And the elderly were subject to them. But today, even young people involved in sports and leading an active lifestyle are not immune from such diseases. Unfortunately, the destruction of joints, bone and cartilage tissues cannot be stopped, but a large number of medicines have been developed to combat this, including traditional medicine recipes. One of such effective methods of treatment is tincture of maclura fruits.

Maklura, God's Tree and False Orange

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Maklura is also known under other interesting names: Adam's apple, false orange, dye mulberry, God's tree, Indian orange.

Maclura orange is a tall (about 20 m) deciduous tree from the mulberry family. Most often found in South America, Central Asia, Crimea and some regions of Russia. It loves light, tolerates drought, wind well, and can even put up with salty soil. Its fruits begin to ripen in October, attracting attention with their round shape and wrinkled skin of a pale yellowish or greenish hue.

How useful is the Adam's apple?

Despite the fact that the fruits are called either an apple or an orange, none of the properties of these fruits are characteristic of them. By smell, they are similar to a fresh cucumber, and the use of food is strictly prohibited - maclura causes vomiting and poisoning. And they should also be collected carefully, with gloves, avoiding an oily, adhesive film. Nevertheless, the milky sap of the tree contains many substances useful for the joints:

  1. Pectin. Removes slags, toxins and salts from the body; lowers cholesterol levels.
  2. Sterols. Needed to get vitamins.
  3. Isoflavones. Activate and normalize metabolic processes.
  4. Saponins. Restore water, salt and mineral balances; help the absorption of other substances.
  5. Bioflavonoids. They increase the tone of the walls of blood vessels, relieve pain and stop premature tissue destruction. It is believed that Adam's apple treatment is most effective precisely because of the presence of these substances, which have anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating and analgesic effects.

Tinctures and ointments from Adam's apple have long been used in folk recipes for the treatment of the liver, spleen, nervous system and, in particular, diseases of the bones and joints: arthrosis, sciatica, polyarthritis, gout.

Useful properties of maclura, successfully used in traditional medicine:

  • Relieves inflammation in all types of joint diseases;
  • Destroys viral infections;
  • Stimulates the liver and cardiovascular system;
  • Tones the body;
  • Prevents the development of atherosclerosis of blood vessels;
  • Increases immunity.

Due to its little study, treatment with this fruit is not used in modern medicine. Use it carefully and only externally. Adam's apple is contraindicated in people with allergic diseases, diabetes and pregnancy.

Types of tinctures

Healing tinctures, oils and ointments are prepared from Adam's apple, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or made independently. For these purposes, only ripe fruits are used, with an intact peel.


For cooking, you need half a kilogram of fruit, 50% alcohol or vodka without artificial colors and additives, a liter jar. Bake the jar in the oven for two minutes. Cut fruit into small pieces and put in a jar. Fill to the top with alcohol, checking that there are no small bubbles left. Close the lid tightly and infuse for 2-3 weeks. After the expiration date, use as a compress: moisten a gauze cloth, wrap it with a scarf, leave for 20-30 minutes. Rub the sore joints twice a week for 7-14 days. Shake well before use.

Ointment for rubbing joints

You will need an Adam's apple and pork fat. If not, you can use vegetable oil mixed with beeswax. Cut the fruit into small pieces, mix with fat 5: 1 and put in a sealed container. It must be covered with dough on top. Melt the mixture in a water bath or in the oven. Transfer the resulting mixture to another jar. Keep in refrigerator. Use every other day as an ointment or compress for 1.5-2 months. Warm up before use.

“Doctors hide the truth!”

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Maklura treats not only diseased joints, but is also useful for various other pathologies:

  1. If there are problems with the rectum (hemorrhoids, fissures), make rectal suppositories from the chilled Adam's apple ointment and insert every night.
  2. To treat mastopathy, take a leaf of cabbage or plantain, beat it off, scald it with boiling water, apply ointment on it and apply it to your chest (preferably all night).
  3. With nasal congestion (sinusitis, sinusitis), bring the ointment to a liquid state. Bury twice a day for 2-3 drops. This treatment will help to remove pus and mucus from the sinuses. Spend 20 days, then 7-10 days off.
  4. Fish oil in the ointment will help speed up the treatment of osteochondrosis, hernia, arthritis and prevent the destruction of intervertebral discs.

Adam's apple oil

We put the fruit pieces in a jar. Completely fill with oil (olive, orange or jojoba). We leave for two months in a dark place. Use for massage, rubbing damaged joints.

Tincture for internal use

There are several options for preparing tinctures to improve joint function and treat pathologies.

  • A tincture is being prepared, like a compress. Grinded on a grater or meat grinder, pour Adam's apple with 50% alcohol solution and place in a dark, warm room for two weeks.
  • For this recipe, you need at least 8-10 fruits. Without crushing, cut the maclura, put it in a jar and fill it with vodka. In this case, the volume of the fruit should be equal to the volume of the liquid. You can use the tincture after two months. By this time, all its healing properties will begin to appear. And if time permits, it is better to leave for six months.
  • Grind the fruit finely. Fill with a bottle of vodka and leave for 2 weeks. Then separate the thick part and use the remaining liquid for treatment.

For the preparation of tinctures, take only ripe fruits collected in October - November. This tincture will have the color of strong black tea. Also try to prevent the solution from oxidizing - tightly screw the lid of the jar. The used fruits are also well treated - they can be twisted and applied to sore spots.

How to take the tincture

For sciatica, arthrosis, joint pain or salt deposits, rub and insulate. Leave for 15 minutes. Repeat 2-3 times a day for a month, without a break.

For the treatment of damaged joints, make lotions and compresses. Treatment should be complex, in combination with medications.

With osteochondrosis, you need to moisten a cotton swab in tincture and rub it just above the sore spot, until redness and a feeling of warmth appear. After that, you should cover yourself with a blanket and go to bed. Therefore, it is advisable to use the tincture at night.

To enhance the effect, you can take maclura inside, but this should be done very carefully and only after consulting a doctor, since the Chinese orange fruit is poisonous and can be harmful to health.

The course of treatment lasts 1 month 2 times a year. The tincture is drunk 15 minutes before meals according to the following scheme:

  1. 1 week - 3 drops once a day.
  2. Week 2 - 3 drops twice a day.
  3. 3 weeks - 3 drops 3 times a day

Then every week you should increase the intake of tincture by 1 drop until it equals your age. That is, if you are 25 years old, the maximum number of drops should be 25. This rule applies up to 30 drops. Above this limit, you can not use. After a week of maximum dosage, reduce the number of drops in the opposite direction.

Taking the tincture inside has a beneficial effect on the body, strengthens the cardiovascular system, and heals sore joints. However, despite its effectiveness, maclura fruits cannot replace a full-fledged medical treatment. Also, before use, a specialist consultation is necessary, since the plant has a number of contraindications and side effects.

For the treatment and prevention of DISEASES OF THE JOINTS and SPINE, our readers use the method of fast and non-surgical treatment recommended by the leading rheumatologists of Russia, who decided to oppose pharmaceutical lawlessness and presented a medicine that REALLY TREATS! We got acquainted with this technique and decided to bring it to your attention. Read more…

How to forget about pain in the joints?

  • Joint pain limits your movement and life...
  • You are worried about discomfort, crunching and systematic pain ...
  • Perhaps you have tried a bunch of medicines, creams and ointments ...
  • But judging by the fact that you are reading these lines, they did not help you much ...

But orthopedist Valentin Dikul claims that there is a really effective remedy for joint pain!

There is a legend that in the Garden of Eden Eva was seduced not by an apple, but by a maclura fruit. After all, its second name is Adam's apple or God's tree. This is quite likely, since the maclura fruit in the past was called "God's gift."

"Adam's apple" is the fruit of the orange or apple maclura, a plant that is a deciduous tree and belongs to the mulberry family. The homeland of the orange maclura is South America, where it grows to this day. However, this plant can also be found in America, Central Asia and the Crimea.

Description and medicinal properties of maclura fruits

Maklura is well known under other names: Adam's apple, Indian and Chinese orange, God's gift. Maclura fruits are quite large and look very non-standard: they resemble an orange in shape, only they have a rougher surface, they have a light green color, and inside the fruit there is orange pulp, which gave it another name - false orange. However, the most popular name for the maclura fruit is Adam's apple. The plant was first described by the Austrian botanist Camillo Karl Schneider at the beginning of the 20th century. Despite the fact that the fruits are similar to an orange, their smell and pulp resemble cucumbers, but unlike oranges and cucumbers, they are not edible, and even poisonous. However, nature, having made the fruits of maclura inedible, rewarded them with medicinal properties. The medicinal properties of the Adam's apple have been well known since ancient times, and for many centuries the fruits of the plant have been used as an effective remedy for the treatment of both joints and other organs.

At the same time, the poisonous juice of the Adam's apple has medicinal properties, and the fruits of the plant are literally saturated with juice, which contains:

  • saponins, which are used as tonics and also help other substances to be better absorbed;
  • sterols, substances that are used to produce vitamins;
  • bile acids are used to reduce the negative effects of poisons and toxins on the body;
  • fatty acids are necessary for the life of the body;
  • pectin substances are a source of fiber for the body;
  • citric acids are rich in alkaline elements;
  • sucrose is a source of energy for the body.

But the most useful and important ingredients contained in maclura fruits are flavonoids, which are similar to P-vitamins in structure. These components are included in the group of antioxidants that have strong anti-carcinogenic properties, help prolong life, speed up metabolism.

A storehouse of nutrients allows you to actively use the fruits of the Adam's apple for medical purposes. Its beneficial properties are used both in official and traditional medicine. They strengthen the immune system, destroy bacteria and viruses, have anti-sclerotic and antitumor effects, relieve intoxication and chronic fatigue, positively affect the functioning of internal organs, strengthen the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

What does the Adam's apple heal?

The most popular tinctures and ointments based on Adam's apple. Such ointments are very effective when used externally for the treatment of the following ailments:

  • arthritis
  • arthrosis
  • rheumatism
  • polyarthritis;
  • radiculitis;
  • gout;
  • varicose veins.

Also, ointments and tinctures based on the Adam's apple are successfully used in the treatment of skin diseases:

  • dermatitis;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • skin cancer.

The antitumor properties of this fruit are well known, but in this case, drugs must be taken orally. There is an opinion that taking a tincture based on maclura fruits can help even in cases where a malignant tumor metastasizes if taken for a sufficiently long time.

Thus, Adam's apple tincture has the following therapeutic effect:

  • antioxidant;
  • antirheumatic;
  • antidiabetic;
  • antitumor;
  • immunostimulating;
  • anti-allergic;
  • anticarcinogenic;
  • antimicrobial;
  • bactericidal;
  • anti-sclerotic;
  • neuroprotective;
  • vascular strengthening;
  • vasoprotective;
  • cardioprotective;
  • wound healing.

Adam's apple is especially effective in the treatment of the following ailments:

  1. For the treatment of joints and spine. A tincture of alcohol from the maclura fruit can soothe pain in radiculitis, osteochondrosis, polyarthritis, enthesitis (spurs on the heels), salt deposition, rheumatism and gout.
  2. With diseases of the cardiovascular disease. Since the milky juice of the fruit contains a lot of polyphenols, they help strengthen blood vessels and capillaries. A remedy based on Adam's apple is prescribed for circulatory disorders, atherosclerosis, varicose veins, capillary fragility, to stimulate cardiac activity, increased pressure, and a decrease in the tone of the venous network.
  3. In the treatment of benign tumors. Maclura fruit has antitumor and absorbable properties, so it is taken in gynecology for uterine myoma, ovarian cyst, polyps, mastopathy, fibromyoma.
  4. For the treatment of skin diseases. In this case, the tincture is taken orally to treat psoriasis, eczema, skin cancer, and dermatitis. Skin wounds can be effectively treated with the help of external bactericidal agents based on Adam's apple.

The most common form of use for Adam's apple is as a tincture. Lotions and compresses are made from the tincture for the treatment of joints and muscles. Also, tincture as a compress is applied to inflamed lymph nodes, hernias, to the Achilles tendon area (with spurs on the heels), rubbed into joints, into places of bruises and sprains. With sinusitis, tampons with tincture of the fetus are put into the nose, and with hemorrhoids, candles are made from the ointment.

How to make a tincture

There are several recipes for Adam's apple tincture, which will have a positive effect on the joints and, moreover, treat other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Each of these recipes is an effective remedy for the treatment of joint diseases. In order to choose the most suitable recipe, you can try to cook each of them.

Recipe No. 1

Grind one maclura fruit (you can grate, chop in a blender or twist in a meat grinder), then pour a bottle of vodka and place in a dark place, protected from the sun for two weeks.

Recipe No. 2

This recipe is time consuming. It is necessary to take about 10 maclura fruits, cut them into small pieces, place them in a glass jar and pour in such an amount of vodka that the volume of the fruits is equal to the volume of vodka. This mass is insisted for a long time (two months), then used.

Recipe No. 3

Grind one fruit on a fine grater (in a blender or in a meat grinder), then pour the resulting mixture with a bottle of vodka and insist for two weeks in a glass jar, not forgetting to shake it thoroughly every day. Strain the prepared tincture and then use.

It should be noted that the longer the tincture is prepared, the higher its therapeutic effect will be. Sometimes it is kept even for a year, in which case the tincture can be used for 5 years.

Recipe No. 4

This recipe is prepared with alcohol. To do this, cut the maclura fruits into slices. Then put the fruit in a glass jar and pour 70% alcohol to the top. Close the jar tightly. Insist from 4 months to six months. Strain before use.

How to use the tincture

In order for the tincture to have a therapeutic effect, it is necessary to choose the right fruits. They should be yellow in color and harvested in autumn in October - November. The tincture prepared according to all the rules has the color of strongly infused tea. It is this color that the tincture will have healing properties. When storing a medicinal agent, the jar should be carefully closed to limit the interaction of its contents with oxygen. Otherwise, the tincture may oxidize and lose its medicinal qualities.

It must be remembered that the medicinal properties of the fruit are manifested when it interacts with alcohol. Therefore, many herbalists recommend taking medical alcohol 96% as the basis. Only in this case, the vascular-strengthening, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-sclerotic effects of the fruit are revealed. In the process of ripening the tincture, when the fruit releases the juice, the alcohol concentration will drop, and it will be about 50-55 degrees.

Do not throw away the solid part of the fruit that remains after the preparation of the tincture. It can be applied to sore spots, after rubbing into gruel. Also, on the basis of the solid parts of the fetus, medicinal oil preparations are prepared.

Adam's apple tincture can also be bought ready-made in the online store, if you do not want to cook it yourself.

For the treatment of joints

Tincture is used externally in the form of lotions and compresses. The course of treatment will be long, at least a year. Tincture for the joints has a warming, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. It is able to eliminate joint pain in arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis and muscle pain. However, such treatment is symptomatic and can only temporarily relieve pain. Therefore, the tincture must be taken in the complex of general medical therapy. Make no mistake, maclura fruit tincture is not a panacea. To prevent the further development of the disease, adequate medical care using pharmacological agents is necessary.


Using a cotton swab dipped in tincture, rub the liquid into the skin on the affected joint until redness appears and the patient feels warm. Then cover yourself with a warm blanket or blanket, and go to bed. It is advisable to do the procedure at night. After handling the joints, do not forget to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

It should be remembered that during the period of treatment with Adam's apple tincture, it is worth refraining from using other alcohol tinctures, as this can lead to very undesirable consequences.

Also, simultaneously with external use to enhance the therapeutic effect, you can take the tincture inside, but only after consulting a doctor. Remember, Adam's apple tincture is very toxic, its uncontrolled and independent use can harm much more than any drug used in medicine.

A course of treatment

The course of treatment with this tincture is carried out twice a year for one month. The tincture is taken orally three drops during breakfast, along with food. So take the tincture during the first week. The second week is also taken three drops before meals, but already twice a day, dissolving the medicine in a tablespoon of water. The third week, the dosage is kept, but the intake is increased up to three times a day. The fourth week is already taken four drops, three times a day. Thus reach up to 10 drops three times a day. In the same way, the daily dosage is reduced in the reverse order: one drop per week. You should not take more than ten drops orally at a time, even though you can find different dosage options in different sources. On the Internet, you can find recommendations to bring the dosage up to 30 drops per day. However, you should not do this. This dosage can be dangerous and harmful to health.

Taking the tincture orally with proper dose compliance contributes not only to the speedy recovery of the joints, but also to the improvement of the cardiovascular system, an increase in overall tone, and an improvement in the psycho-emotional state of the patient.

However, even such a universal healing tincture has contraindications for use. It should not be taken orally if a person is allergic, suffers from diabetes, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. The tincture is contraindicated in children under 16 years of age.

So, you can draw up a diagram of the use of Adam's apple tincture inside:

  • tincture should be used only diluted with water (preferably boiled);
  • start treatment with three drops before meals, twice a day;
  • in the future, the dosage is increased by one drop;
  • treatment continues until an increase of 10 drops per tablespoon of water at a time;
  • from the next day, the dosage is reduced by one drop in the reverse order;
  • at the end of the course of treatment, a week break is necessary.

How to make a compress

Especially for compresses, a tincture of Adam's apple fruits is prepared as follows:

  • half a kilogram of maclura fruits is poured with 50% alcohol or vodka without additives and dyes;
  • everything is placed in a liter jar, which must be calcined in the oven for 2 minutes;
  • the fruits are finely chopped and put in a jar;
  • the contents of the jar are filled to the top with alcohol, but so that there are no small air bubbles left in it;
  • tightly close the lid and insist 2-3 weeks.

With gout, sciatica, salt deposition, polyarthritis, you can make compresses with alcohol tincture. To do this, you need to rub the tincture into the sore spot, then cover yourself with a warm cloth or blanket. Sore joints should be rubbed once a day (for severe pain three times a day) for two weeks. The course of treatment is long, the main thing is not to interrupt it.

Also use tincture as compresses for bruises, sprains and pain in the joints. The jar must be shaken well before use.

How to prepare an ointment from maclura fruits

The medicinal properties of maclura also successfully manifest themselves in the form of an ointment for external use. You can also cook it yourself. The ointment is effective for muscle and joint pain, sprains, treatment of hemorrhoids and inflammation of the lymph nodes.

The ointment is prepared on a fatty basis. Homemade butter, lard, baby cream or synthomycin ointment can act as a fatty base.

The ointment is prepared as follows:

  • Adam's apple tincture is mixed with a fatty base in proportions: for 500 ml of fat - 250 ml of tincture;
  • The resulting mixture is poured into a glass jar and stored in the refrigerator.

The second method of preparing the ointment is more laborious, however, the ointment prepared in this way is more effective due to the presence of a large amount of active substances in it, and its structure is more uniform in consistency.

Prepare the ointment in the following way:

  • high-quality lard is laid out in a glass container no more than 1.5-2 cm;
  • peeled maclura fruits are poured onto it with a layer of 1 cm;
  • then again a layer of lard, and then another layer of fruit;
  • when filling the jar, the top layer should be fat.

The container filled in this way is closed with an airtight lid (you can also coat the lid with steep dough) and languish for 24 hours in a water bath or in the oven. Then the ointment is transferred to another smaller container, but also tightly filled to the brim. A tightly closed jar is stored in the refrigerator.

The resulting ointment is used for compresses. I do it this way: with a warm spoon (heated over a fire), collect the right amount of ointment and distribute it on a clean natural tissue. The fabric is applied to the diseased joint, and tied with a warm woolen scarf. The compress is kept for 4 hours, after which it must be removed. For a therapeutic effect, a course of two months is carried out every other day.

The ointment can also be used for hemorrhoids and mastopathy. In the first case, cold ointment is used to make candles 2 cm long and 1 cm in diameter. In the second case, a scalded cabbage leaf is smeared with ointment and applied to the mammary gland at night. I also use the ointment for sinusitis. Only in this case, the ointment must be melted and dripped into the nose 2-3 drops twice a day for 10 days.

There is also a variant of fish oil ointment. Fish oil in the ointment is effective in the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis and osteochondrosis.

Adam's apple oil extract

Such an extract is very useful for burns (at the healing stage), psoriasis, eczema and other skin diseases that are accompanied by rashes and itching. The oil in the extract promotes the release of active substances that do not dissolve in alcohol. Alcohol tincture has a certain therapeutic effect for the treatment of certain diseases, and the oil extract has its own scope. Do not think that alcohol tincture can achieve the effect that an oil extract has. Conversely, the effect that an alcohol infusion has is impossible when using an oil extract.

Thus, the extract is prepared as follows:

  • the fruits of the plant are cut in parts and poured with any vegetable oil (corn, olive, sunflower, linseed);
  • the resulting mixture is kept in a dark place for 10 days;
  • the cake is squeezed out, and the liquid is poured into a dark vessel.

Lotions with oil extract are very effective for viral dermatoses and insect bites. Also, do not throw away the cake left after the preparation of the extract. It can be used for compresses against calluses or fungus. The pulp is used as follows:

  • place the mass in a plastic bag;
  • put on the feet in such a way that the mass envelops the sore spot, and socks are put on top;
  • the procedure is repeated several times at night for a week.

Also, with the help of cake, you can get rid of warts and boils. It should be remembered that the product leaves marks on the skin, since the plant sap itself is very corrosive and leaves the skin colored for a long time.

From the fruits of maclura, a cream is also prepared - a balm for the face. Its purpose is rosacea (a network of blood vessels on the face), rosacea (pink pimples), age spots. The antioxidants that make up the fruit rejuvenate the skin and improve its tone, give it a fresh and healthy look, restore firmness and elasticity, and smooth fine wrinkles.

Features of the use of tincture

  1. Before using the fruits of the Adam's apple, you need to visit a doctor in order to get his recommendations. It should be remembered that the fruits of this plant are very poisonous, and not everyone is useful. Therefore, the dosage and course of treatment must be agreed with the doctor. Also, with the help of a competent specialist, it is necessary to identify contraindications to the use of tincture, if they, of course, exist.
  2. It is also necessary to find out from a specialist in which cases the tincture can be taken orally, and in which - externally.
  3. It is necessary to take the tincture inside strictly according to the scheme, without self-medication and without setting the dosage on your own.

With the correct use of tincture, ointment, extract from the fruit of the Adam's apple, a remarkable therapeutic effect can be achieved. However, abusing a healing agent and taking it uncontrollably can cause irreparable harm to your health.

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The health of the family is in the hands of a woman - a Simple Queen in the home kingdom

Hello, friends. Every year, when I was vacationing in one Crimean city, I saw the same picture every time: an old grandfather with a cane stood by the side of the road and sold incomprehensible green balls. Funny fruits were simply laid out on a newspaper, and next to it was a cardboard box with handwritten information. This Adam's apple is now successfully used in folk medicine, and then, in the early nineties, only the local people knew about the unique fruits.

Gradually, interest arose among the vacationers, and grandfather willingly explained what this interesting gift of nature was intended for. True, they bought more from the exotic appearance of the fetus than from the desire to be healed. Even the name seemed funny to many - maklura, God's tree, or, as it is also called, Adam's apple.

It is strange that despite the huge number of positive reviews about the benefits of maclura, official medicine does not pay attention to the healing properties of the Adam's apple. The god tree has been cultivated for 200 years exclusively as an ornamental crop and a source of valuable wood. The fruits of this tree contain a huge supply of natural antioxidants and immunostimulants. The beneficial substances contained in maclura have such a powerful effect that cases of stable remission of cancer patients treated with Chinese orange fruits have been recorded. Unfortunately, there was not a single medical enthusiast who would study this plant and create effective drugs based on it.

Adam's apple: use in traditional medicine

Maklura is not included in pharmacopoeias, as it has been little studied by official medicine. But folk herbalists use Chinese orange to treat many serious diseases. These are mainly external means - rubbing, ointment, oil, tincture. Inside, Maclura preparations are taken with extreme caution strictly according to the prescription. The range of application of Adam's apple in folk medicine is huge, its healing properties are indispensable for:

  • problems of the heart and blood vessels;
  • fight against oncological and systemic diseases;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • to normalize metabolism;
  • pain in arthritis and sciatica;
  • treatment of hernias, including intervertebral;
  • treatment of skin diseases.

Adam's apple rub

Rubbing is prepared only from ripe fruits, choosing medium-sized apples for this. One serving of rubbing is one fruit. It is rubbed on a medium grater and the resulting mass is mixed with alcohol (70% strength) in a ratio of 1:1. They cork well and leave to infuse for 14 days, after infusion and straining use. This tool well regulates the water-salt balance in diseased joints. By the way, alcohol can be replaced with moonshine.

Maclura ointment

There are several ways to prepare the ointment. For one of them pork fat is taken as a basis, best of all interior and finely chopped maclura fruits. The fat is melted to a state of plasticity, and the fruits are finely cut. In a container of a suitable volume, these two ingredients are placed in layers. Close tightly and put in a water bath for a day. After 24 hours, the resulting liquid is drained and left to solidify.

There is another way when the base for the ointment, and it can be lanolin, glycerin or spermaceti, is mixed with a tincture of Adam's apple. If you want to enhance the effect of exposure, you can take ready-made pharmacy ointments - zinc or salicylic. You can also take ordinary ghee as a basis.

The healing properties of the Adam's apple are fully preserved in the ointment and are used in the treatment of purulent rashes and various skin inflammations, non-healing wounds and severe systemic diseases, such as lupus.


Ripe fruits are cut into strips and poured with oil. You can take sunflower, olive or corn. After 7 days, squeeze the cake thoroughly and drain the oil into a dark glass dish. Used for eczema, psoriasis, various lichen and dermatitis. Maclura oil will be even more effective if one or more plants are added to it when insisting:

  • St. John's wort;
  • birch leaf;
  • calendula flowers;
  • pharmaceutical chamomile.

Adam's apple tincture

Preparation of tincture is a long process. The fruits must be ripe, yellow in color and undamaged. They are removed from the tree in the middle of autumn, cut into several pieces, placed in a jar or bottle to the very top and poured with alcohol. Alcohol for pouring is taken at a lower strength than for grinding, not higher than 40%. And it is quite possible to replace it with vodka. The preparation time of the tincture is from 6 months to a year, and the shelf life of the finished product is 5 years. The readiness of the tincture is determined by the color - it should be red-brown, like strong tea. You can start using the tincture for treatment as soon as its color changes to a soft orange. Apply tincture as an external (lotions, compresses, turundas) and an internal remedy.

Outdoor use: gout, , violation of water-salt balance, heel spur, various hernias, mastopathy.

Internal application: in the treatment of tumors.

The benefit of maclura is that the tincture of its fruits is an excellent tonic that acts systemically, i.e. for the entire body as a whole. The action of the tincture will increase if you combine it with the intake of vegetable juices, especially carrot and cabbage.

Important! The finished tincture is stored in a dark place in a tightly sealed container without air access, as the product is subject to oxidation.

The use of maclura in folk medicine for joints

Adam's apple, although it is the closest relative of the mulberry (mulberry), is absolutely inedible, and besides, it is poisonous. Therefore, it is used in most cases as an effective external remedy. In the treatment of joints, he, perhaps, has no equal. In folk medicine, tincture of Adam's apple in alcohol or vodka is used to treat joints. Maklura is so healing that the beneficial properties of the cake are preserved even after the preparation of rubbing, tincture or ointment, so it can be reused. For example, if, after preparing the rubbing, grind the fruits and mix with any oil, you get a wonderful base for a compress.

For back pain, sciatica, osteochondrosis, arthritis, bruises or dislocations

Compresses or rubbing from maclura are recommended. For compresses, you can use the following tincture: cut several maclura fruits (3-4) into a 3-liter bottle, pour the resulting mass with vodka and leave for a month. After that, use as an external remedy. A clean cloth soaked in Adam's apple tincture is placed on the sore spot, then a piece of oilcloth, cellophane or compress paper of a suitable size, and finally something warm. Large terry towel, blanket or shawl. If for some reason it is impossible to make a compress, then you can rub the problem area with tincture and wrap it with a cabbage leaf, burdock leaf or coltsfoot leaf. Heat in this case will increase blood flow, which means that the therapeutic effect will increase.

Maclura: medicinal properties, recipes


In the treatment, you can use fresh fruits. Maclura is enough to cut in half and rub the halves on the chest. The milky juice released at the same time will be the active ingredient. A compress with a tincture of Adam's apple is applied to the chest for 2-3 hours. For the same purpose, you can use the ointment from the fruits of the "God's tree", but in this case, the compress should remain on the chest all night. Herbal tea from the collection of medicinal herbs (white acacia, sage, oregano and wild rose) will enhance the healing effect.

benign tumors

Maclura has many useful properties, it treats both benign neoplasms and malignant tumors. The process is long, requiring accuracy and patience. Most herbalists recommend applying the tincture using the harmonica method. What does it mean? The daily dose first increases (we are talking exclusively about drops!), And then decreases. For example, the reception of tincture begins with 3 drops 1 time per day during the first week. Further, in the second week, they take 3 drops 2 times a day, then the number of doses of the medicine increases to three, and the number of drops increases by one for each dose of the medicine. Having reached the maximum (30 drops), the dose and the number of doses every 7 days are reduced to the initial dose - 3 drops 1 r / day. The indicated number of drops is given for people over 30 years of age. If the patient is younger, then the maximum dose is equal to his age. The full course of treatment is 1 year.

With sinusitis, rhinitis, runny nose

Adam's apple tincture is diluted with water in a ratio of 10 ml of tincture to a quarter cup of warm water (50 ml) and turundas (cotton or gauze flagella) are moistened in the resulting solution, inserted into the nose and left for 15-20 minutes in the morning and evening for a week.

For fissures or cancer of the rectum

Any cleansing enema is done, and then a microclyster is placed from the fruits of the maclura (1 tablespoon of crushed fruits, filled with a glass of hot water and infused in a thermos for 12 hours).

Tincture of Adam's apple on alcohol, use for the treatment of various diseases

Maclura orange is not in vain called God's gift, because it successfully treats all the hopeless. Adam's apple tincture on alcohol is used mainly for the treatment of neoplasms of a different nature and systemic diseases.

  • Mastopathy, dermatitis, eczema, fibromyoma- externally in the form of lotions and compresses;
  • Cancer of the prostate, throat, lips, lungs- inside, by the "accordion" method, excluding alcohol and antibiotics during the reception;
  • Intervertebral, inguinal and other types of hernias- externally in the form of rubbing 2-3 times a day;
  • Osteochondrosis, salt deposition, polyarthritis- externally, rubbing and compresses, most often at night, warming the sore spot:
  • BPH- externally, as a basis for a compress on the perineal area;
  • polyps- externally, 1 teaspoon of tincture is mixed with the same amount of any oil (sunflower, olive). Turundas are impregnated with this mixture and placed in the nose for 30 minutes. After 2 hours, the procedure is repeated.

Using the fruits of the Adam's apple for treatment, it is important to follow a few rules. First, harvest the fruits no earlier than September. Secondly, the collection is best done with gloves. Thirdly, you need to beware of injections with dry spikes. Fourthly, follow the rules for taking and dosing the medication, and in no case combine Maclura treatment with antibiotics and drinking alcohol. In case of occurrence of unpleasant symptoms, treatment should be stopped immediately.

This is how it is, maclura - a cute round fruit that can both heal and harm if used ineptly. That is why it is so important to know all the subtleties and rules for using the Adam's apple in traditional medicine in order to avoid undesirable and life-threatening consequences.

Powerful antioxidant and immunomodulator. It is also used as an antitumor, firming, analgesic, sedative and wound healing agent. Maclura fruits are used to make ointments and tinctures.

How to make a tincture of maclura fruit

The recipe for this healing elixir is as follows: prepared fruits are cut into slices and tightly packed in a three-liter jar. Then vodka is poured into the container. Insist the drug from 6 to 12 months. After the healing composition is poured into dark glass bottles and tightly corked (there should be no air here, otherwise polyphenols and iron-containing substances will be oxidized).

Also, a tincture prepared with a prescription can be used for treatment. To do this, the maclura fruits are cut into small pieces and the juice is squeezed out of them (ointments are made from it and compresses are made), after which they are poured with vodka. For 1 kg of crushed false oranges take 200 ml of vodka. Infuse the mixture for 2-3 days, after which it is filtered. Store juice and tincture in the refrigerator.

Store juice no more than 2 weeks. The shelf life of the tincture is unlimited.

Features of the use of tincture from maclura fruits

The tincture can be used internally and externally. So, externally, it is used in the form of rubbing and compresses for rheumatism, sciatica, polyarthritis, spurs and other ailments. For example, when it is recommended to rub the chest and shoulder blades with this drug. And with rheumatism and osteochondrosis, they rub the affected area, make lotions and leave them all night. For inguinal, articular or rubbed with tincture 2-3 times a day or apply a compress for 7-10 minutes. But for greater effectiveness, tinctures are combined with the internal intake of the drug.
During treatment with tincture of maclura fruits, the use of alcoholic beverages and antibiotics is prohibited.

Internal reception of tincture is recommended for inflammation of the lymph nodes, metabolic disorders, oncological formations, dermatitis, arthrosis and other diseases. Take it by (before meals):
1 - 3 drops three times a day;
2 weeks - 4 drops three times a day;
3 weeks - 5 drops three times a day, etc.
And so increase until a single dose is equal to 30 drops. This is considered the maximum for those who have reached the age of thirty, and older people (for those under 30 years old, the maximum number of drops is equal to the number of years). Then gradually reduce the dose (every week by 1 drop) and reach 3 drops. This is a complete course of treatment. Then they take a two-month break and again start using this healing elixir.

But there is another tincture of maclura fruits inside. It is considered softer. On the first day, it is recommended to drink 1 drop of the elixir diluted with 20 ml of chilled boiled water. The dosage is increased daily, that is, on day 2 - 2 drops, on day 3 - 3 drops, etc. The maximum dose is 20 drops. Then gradually reduce the dose (1 drop per day). The full course lasts 39 days. It is recommended to immediately carry out 3 cycles of treatment without taking breaks.

Adam's apple (maclura orange) - an inedible fruit with a diameter of up to 15 cm. In Russia, it grows in the Krasnodar Territory, in Stavropol and the Caucasus. It is used to treat a huge number of diseases, but primarily for treatment of joints and oncology. Used for both external and internal use.

Today we will look at recipes for making alcohol tincture from Adam's apple and tell you how to use them correctly. It is best to use pure medical alcohol for infusion, but vodka or moonshine (maximum strength) is quite suitable.


To prepare such a tincture, we need:

Appearance of the Adam's apple.

  • Fruits of Adam's apple - 1 kg.
  • Alcohol, vodka or moonshine - 1 liter (maximum strength).

Maclura fruits are washed, then cut into small pieces and filled with alcohol.

Ideally insistence must last exactly one year, but if there is no time and desire to wait, then hold the tincture for at least 1 month. At the end, filter the liquid through cheesecloth and store in the refrigerator.

Keep in mind that the fruits are very dirty dishes, knives and cutting boards. Use a glass cutting board, as wood or plastic cutting boards can't be cleaned even in the dishwasher.

Take the sharpest knives, but cheap ones, so that you don’t feel sorry for throwing them away.

Irina Volovik She did a great job in her Youtube video. You have a great opportunity to visually see how this tincture is made and how the maclura looks inside (when cut).

For benign tumors and oncology

The course lasts 60 weeks, so make more tinctures in advance. All dosages are indicated in drops, which are measured with a pipette and stirred in a glass with water half-filled into it. You need to drink it 30 minutes before eating.

Appearance of the finished tincture (6 months).

  • 1 week - 3 drops in the morning.
  • 2 weeks - 3 drops 2 times a day.
  • 3 weeks - 3 drops 3 times a day.
  • 4 weeks - 4 drops 3 times a day.
  • from the 5th to the 30th week, each dose is increased by 1 drop: in the 30th week - 30 drops 3 times a day.
  • from the 31st week, they are reduced drop by drop per dose, until at the 57th week it becomes 3 drops 3 times a day.

The tincture is extremely strong and the load on the liver is serious. Therefore, accelerate consumption slowly and do not rush anywhere.

With chronic fatigue, poor metabolism and pressure

Use an ordinary pipette to calculate drops.

  • 1 day - 3 times 1 drop;
  • 2 day - 3 times 2 drops;
  • Then every day the dose is increased by 1 drop per dose. 20th day - 3 times 20 drops;
  • from the 21st day, the dose is reduced by 1 drop per dose. 39th day - 3 times 1 drop.

"Adamovka" is also stirred in a glass half filled with clean water. It is absolutely not recommended to drink this infusion just like that, as there is a strong load on the gastrointestinal tract and liver.

Recipe for external use (compress, rubbing, warming)

By analogy with the previous recipe, a mixture of Adam's apple and alcohol is prepared. The proportions of ingredients 1 to 1 are infused from 1 month to 1 year. The finished liquid is used for compress and rubbing with osteochondrosis, salt deposition, arthritis, intervertebral, inguinal and articular hernia.

The most efficient rubbing for 10 minutes diseased area, after which it warming up for 20 minutes(wrap with a warm cloth). You can repeat this procedure no more than 3 times a day.

With varicose veins, the tincture is simply rubbed into the affected areas. These areas do not need to be heated.

Contraindications for use

Quite an obvious list of diseases and health problems in which it is better to refuse the Adam's apple and its tincture.

Maclura is a very strong plant. You should not use it if it could harm you.

  • Diabetes.
  • Pregnancy.
  • With a removed gallbladder.
  • during oncological chemotherapy.
  • When using antibiotics.

Avoid getting the juice of these fruits in the eyes and mucous membranes.

Maklura orange - deciduous tree with an interesting fruit, which is often called Adam's apple, false orange. This fruit is more valued not as a food product, but as an invaluable medicine. In folk medicine, maclura is prescribed high antirheumatic, vasodilating, anticancer, disinfecting and vasoconstrictive properties. What diseases can the Adam's apple cure, and what remedies can be prepared from it at home?

Adam's apple - useful properties and indications

Maklura has a balanced composition. It contains saponins, flavonoids, pectins, sugars and other beneficial nutrients. Thanks to them, the Adam's apple has a complex healing effect on the body.

Medicinal properties of maclura:

  • activates self-purification of the body from toxins and harmful bacteria;
  • exhibits a long-term antioxidant effect;
  • is a powerful anti-cancer agent;
  • restores defective metabolism;
  • restores joint mobility;
  • prevents the accumulation of salts;
  • relieves swelling of the lower extremities and restores the venot;
  • strengthens the vascular system.

Medical indications for taking drugs with maclura are various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and diseases of the vascular system. The herbal medicine is used in the treatment of polyarthritis, gout, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, varicose veins and sciatica.

Important! Maclura is prohibited in diabetes mellitus, allergies to herbal remedies, during gestation and breastfeeding, as well as in childhood.

Adam's apple tincture - recipe and method of application

Often an alcohol tincture is prepared from an Adam's apple. It is highly active in relation to diseases of the musculoskeletal system and has a general strengthening effect. For its preparation, only two components are needed - 500 g of alcohol and 1 maclura fruit.

The process of preparing the tincture is simple:

  1. Take a ripe fruit, wash it and chop it together with the peel using a blender or meat grinder.
  2. Transfer the pulp and all the juice to a glass container (preferably dark) and fill with alcohol.
  3. Then tightly cork the container and set aside for a period of 1 to 6 months.
  4. Shake the contents of the jar daily.
  5. After preparation, strain the tincture, use for grinding, compresses.

Maclura tincture can be taken orally. But here it is important to observe the dosage. You need to start taking 3 drops a day, after a week the dose is increased to 3 drops twice a day. The maximum daily dose is 30 drops.

Adam's apple ointment - how to prepare and use

You can prepare an ointment based on this fruit yourself or buy a ready-made remedy at a pharmacy. This form of medication is used to treat varicose veins, spinal hernia, mastitis, hemorrhoids, arthrosis, osteochondrosis.

To prepare an organic ointment with your own hands, you will need 400 g of soft pork fat and 200 g of maclura.

The ointment is prepared and taken as follows:

  1. Take a clean refractory dish, put a thin ball of lard on the bottom, put the maclura slices on top.
  2. In this way, alternate layers until all the ingredients are gone. The top layer should be from melted fat.
  3. Close the container with a lid, put on a steam bath and cook for 24 hours.
  4. Use the ointment to rub the affected areas, or make compresses out of it, distributing the ointment over the surface of the cotton fabric.

Maclura vegetable oil

Oil tincture of false orange is a universal remedy. It can be used for massage, preparation of cosmetics, instillation of ears and gargling, rubbing, warming compresses.


  1. For oil, take 1 liter of vegetable oil and 3-4 fruits.
  2. Cut the Adom's apple into pieces, pour into a glass jar.
  3. Fill the fruits with oil, close the jar.
  4. Shake the jar of oil for a month, and after this period, strain it.

If you decide to get rid of your diseases with the help of Adam's apple, do not forget to consult your doctor in order to make the treatment more effective.

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