Tooth extraction during pregnancy in the first trimester. The safest time to delete. How is the procedure

Toothache occurs throughout life, most often when you do not expect it. Problems can begin even for those who carefully and constantly care for their teeth. But there is life span when the teeth are especially vulnerable - this is pregnancy. Carrying a child for female body- difficult times in which various changes. Teeth are no exception. The depletion of calcium, which is consumed for the needs of the formation and maintenance of the fetus, which is almost impossible to replenish during gestation, leads to problems with teeth that have no place in ordinary life women.

Is it possible to extract a tooth of a pregnant woman

The question is relevant and ambiguous. There is different opinions about this, both in the medical world and in the society of people far from medicine.

Why do pregnant women spoil their teeth, and they fall into a high-risk group?

Table. Causes of dental problems in pregnant women


First and main reason. Because of it, the enamel is destroyed, dental tissue subjected to caries.

To hygiene procedures oral hygiene should be taken seriously at any age if you care about dental health. But during pregnancy, care should be special. This is often not taken into account by expectant mothers, continuing to brush their teeth in the same way as before pregnancy.

However, during the gestation period, it is necessary to choose special pastes- on herbs, calcined, fluorinated. You also need to clean the oral cavity additionally using dental floss, conditioners.

If your doctor has prescribed vitamins and mineral complexes, do not neglect their reception. The additional intake of these substances compensates to some extent for their lack and reduces the likelihood of problems with the teeth, although it does not completely remove it.

Eat whatever you want - this prerogative of a pregnant woman, adopted as a rule in our society, often leads to violations mineral metabolism. Reasonable consumption harmful substances and the obligatory intake of useful ones into the body - here the only way provide everything necessary not only for your body, but also for the body of the unborn child, without prejudice to the state of your own organs.

Dentists and gynecologists have already agreed that it is possible and necessary to treat teeth for pregnant women. Yes, there are limitations and features, but in general, treatment is indicated for almost the entire period of gestation. But, unfortunately, too often, obeying public opinion, a pregnant woman does not go to treat her teeth, postponing the decision dental problem for later, after childbirth. In this regard, situations arise when, in the midst of pregnancy, it is necessary to remove a tooth, since it is already too late to treat it.

And here, dentists, gynecologists, obstetricians and surgeons voice conflicting opinions about the feasibility and safety of this procedure.

Important! Pregnancy is not a contraindication to dental intervention if it is carried out according to the rules, in compliance with all safety standards and the use of drugs that do not harm the fetus. But tooth extraction is a surgical operation that takes place with the use of anesthesia. And here already there are significant limitations.

First trimester - last trimester

Most high risks from dental intervention - the initial and final phases of pregnancy, called the first and last trimester.

But what to do if the condition of the tooth is brought to an extreme, the tissue is destroyed, an exacerbation occurs, fraught with inflammation, festering, the pregnant woman experiences constant pain and stress? After all, pain, fear, stressful conditions are transmitted to the baby and can become factors that provoke violations of his psyche.

Important! Modern medical practices are increasingly inclined to tolerate severe pain and to be exposed to the risks of purulent inflammatory processes for a woman bearing a fetus is much more dangerous than to survive surgery and an operation to eliminate the source of infection.

Pregnancy today is not a 100% ban on either treatment or tooth extraction, if therapeutic or surgical intervention is deemed necessary.

Gynecologists-obstetricians, who are wary of dental interventions in the body of a pregnant woman, strongly recommend that treatment / extraction of teeth be carried out only after the gestational age reaches 14 weeks. At this time, the placenta is practically formed, minimally vulnerable and can protect the baby from external influences. The period in which it is most favorable to perform dental manipulations ends with the onset of the 34th week of pregnancy. Later, on the eve of childbirth, the likelihood of developing pathologies increases sharply, and the stress experienced by a pregnant woman in the dentist’s office highly likely can provoke premature birth.

All of these reasonable limits apply to cases where the position is tolerable and dental or surgical intervention can wait until resolution from the fetus. But if it is not possible to postpone the treatment or extraction of a tooth, if the pain is unbearable, or the process of eruption of the wisdom tooth is accompanied by the onset of pericoronitis, or other situations dangerous to the health of the woman arise, a surgical operation to remove the tooth should be performed immediately and at any time.

How is tooth extraction during pregnancy

The procedure differs from the usual removal, but not drastically. The extraction of the tooth itself occurs in the same way as in the implementation of a standard operation. Differences - at the stage of diagnosis, preparation, and during anesthesia.

  1. Firstly, you need to inform the gynecologist who is leading your pregnancy about the planned visit to the dentist.

  2. Secondly, the dentist at the reception must immediately inform you that you are pregnant, name the exact date and all the problems, pathologies, nuances that will be recommended for voicing by your gynecologist.
  3. Thirdly, the physician must complete diagnostics condition of the oral cavity of a pregnant patient, not limited to visual inspection or verbal descriptions of the nature of the problem.

  4. Fourth, diagnosis should be carried out safe methods. You can't do x-rays. Need to take a picture oral cavity radiovisiograph. The device also produces radiation, but it is much lower than that of an X-ray machine.

  5. Fifth, deletion is made only under local anesthesia and only with the use of drugs approved during pregnancy. General anesthesia invalid.
  6. Sixth, the selection of anesthetics must be approached as carefully as possible. It is better if the drug for anesthesia is selected by the joint efforts of a gynecologist, dentist and surgeon. Dosing should be done strictly in accordance with the duration of pregnancy and the physical parameters of the patient.

  7. In modern dental practice there are anesthetics that do not harm the fetus because they do not cross the placenta. But this is the case when the placenta is formed. In addition, the stress from tooth extraction can maximally disrupt the course of pregnancy, up to its termination, at the first and last month gestation.

    By the way. Molars - "eights", the so-called wisdom teeth, are removed from pregnant women only in case of serious complications related to their condition and growth. After their removal, there is a high probability of developing complications that, in order to cope with them, will require the use of antibiotic drugs. This must be considered before deciding to remove a wisdom tooth from a woman carrying a child.

    Indications for removal

    Of course, just like that, not a single person goes to the surgeon to remove a tooth. But, being pregnant, a woman should especially think carefully before deciding to have an operation. In any case, the final decision on whether to perform surgery should be made by doctors. But going to the dentist if you have a toothache is a must, especially if you are pregnant.

    Indications for an operation to remove a tooth in a pregnant woman.

    1. Persistent, prolonged, acute toothache. It can provoke pain shock.

    2. The presence of a chronic or acute inflammatory process.

    3. Progressive caries with pain syndrome (in carious cavity may be present Staphylococcus aureus which will bring problems to both mother and baby).

    4. Flux, purulent inflammation dental or gum tissue.

    5. Accompanying pain syndrome fever.

    Advice. It is necessary to carry out tooth extraction during pregnancy, focusing not on the patient's condition (pregnancy), but following the indications for urgent dental or surgical intervention.

    How to avoid tooth extraction

    Of course, if there is an opportunity not to carry out the removal, it is better to avoid it. How can I do that? Prevent a condition that leads to surgery. Everyone should take care of their health, but especially heightened attention requires health during pregnancy.

    High-quality prevention of dental diseases before and during pregnancy will not only help improve the condition of the mother's oral cavity, but also prevent the development of dental pathologies in the unborn child.

    Advice. A year before the planned pregnancy, it is necessary to start visiting the dentist, especially if earlier visits to the doctor were irregular and the condition of the oral cavity is not ideal.

    It is necessary to take care of dental health by following a plan of various preventive measures.

    1. Brush your teeth properly so that it becomes a habit.

    2. Use pastes that contain (individually) fluorine, calcium, medicinal herbs(anti-gingivitis effect), alternating them with each other and the usual prophylactic paste.

    3. Do not use whitening pastes before pregnancy and during pregnancy, as they can destroy the enamel, and the body will not have enough resources to restore it.

    4. It is necessary to heal all teeth, remove the slightest damage.

    5. AT preventive measures make a long-term protective coating of enamel against caries.

    6. Follow the regime proper nutrition, as a result of which the body will be saturated with all the necessary elements.

    7. Replenish the deficiency of minerals by taking special complexes recommended by the gynecologist.

    Expectant mothers need to remember that the health of a child's teeth begins with the right prenatal development. When the formation of all organs of the fetus begins, including the formation of its dentition. And the health of the baby's teeth largely depends on how healthy the mother's teeth will be.

    Video - Is it possible to remove teeth during pregnancy

Any medical intervention in the body of the expectant mother is undesirable during the period of bearing a child. Going to the dentist for a pregnant woman can also become additional stress, which affects the well-being of the baby. That is why it is recommended to carry out all medical manipulations even before planning for conception.

Some expectant mothers still refuse treatment and start using folk remedies. In some cases, this can help, but chronic inflammatory processes should not be allowed, as they will bring more harm than a tooth extraction procedure.

Wisdom tooth: possible complications

It is believed that problems with wisdom teeth are exacerbated during pregnancy. At any other time, such a tooth would be removed immediately, but in a pregnant woman, this procedure can cause an exacerbation, requiring antibiotics. And this, of course, is undesirable.

So, we come to the conclusion that all the same women. It is not recommended to do this during the first trimester because of the threat to the health of the child and in the last month before childbirth. As for wisdom teeth, they are not advised to be removed. The procedure may cause infection and therefore additional treatment, which may have negative consequences for the baby.

Dental treatment in pregnant women is a painstaking and responsible occupation, since many procedures and drugs can harm the life that has arisen. Most women visit doctors and dentists in particular before planning a baby to prevent the occurrence of complex pathologies and diseases.

But, unfortunately, it happens that the imbalance of trace elements and violation hormonal background leads to a rapid deterioration of the condition of the teeth up to the need for extraction.

Can expectant mothers have their teeth removed?

Violation of the hormonal background and weakening of the immune system leads to an exacerbation of a number of diseases (caries, gingivitis, osteomyelitis, periodontitis, pulpitis, etc.).

A destroyed crown is not always amenable to restoration, especially if serious ones are running around the area. Untimely removal of an infected tooth leads to blood poisoning and sepsis.

To avoid this, dentists decide to amputate the diseased tooth. Sometimes removal is necessary as soon as possible, and then the session is carried out with minimal use of anesthesia. Are used dosage forms that contain adrenaline only in safe minimum doses(ultracaine, novocaine, etc.). The disintegration period of such anesthetics is fast, and absorption through the placenta is minimal. It is forbidden to use drugs, the main component of which is adrenaline. It can develop hypertension in a pregnant woman and even increase the tone of the uterus. But doing without anesthesia is also prohibited, since sharp pain can cause miscarriage, premature birth, or increase uterine tone.

It is advisable to postpone the removal until the 2nd trimester (starting from the 4th month) or even postpartum period. In the first trimester, it is undesirable to pull teeth, since a weakened mother's body, under the influence of pain and stress, can provoke a miscarriage. Also in the first months are formed internal systems fetus, so intervention in the form of anesthetics and can turn into unexpected consequences. By the way, it is undesirable to do an x-ray in the first and third trimester, but if necessary, you should use a special visiograph, the level of radiation of which is safe for the baby.

How is the procedure for amputation of a tooth in a future mother.

  1. The nurse makes conduction injections with an anesthetic drug in the gum tissue.
  2. After the onset of the analgesic effect (the gums in the area become numb and lose sensitivity), the doctor begins to expand the hole.
  3. Using a special tool, the dentist loosens the tooth in different directions by applying the necessary pressure. This allows you to separate the tooth from the connective tissue.
  4. The tooth is extracted (completely or in parts in case of complex removal), and a hemostatic and antiseptic medicine is placed in the remaining hole.

Wisdom tooth extraction in pregnant women

If the figure eight cuts through incorrectly, damages the mucous membrane, violates the position in a row neighboring tooth or deforms the bite, doctors decide to remove it.

If it is possible to temporarily correct the pathology or weaken inflammatory process, then the amputation of the molar is prescribed for the second trimester or after the birth of the baby. In the first and third trimester, they try not to resort to removal.

Information This tooth is removed using special tools and using anesthesia. In some cases, x-rays of the jaw apparatus are necessary. In this case, they resort to the use of a radiovisiograph that is safe for mother and child. And yet, anesthesia and radiation (albeit minimal) are best done after 13 and up to 32 weeks.

Often, an incorrectly growing figure eight requires difficult removal due to randomly located or twisted roots.

To avoid this, doctors advise even before conception to track the stage of growth and make decisions about the need for removal.

Prevention of diseases and pathologies of the oral cavity during pregnancy

To avoid a stressful tooth extraction procedure, try to maintain good oral hygiene in a timely manner.

  1. Quit smoking. Nicotine constricts blood vessels in the oral cavity, disrupting the blood supply to teeth and tissues, reducing the supply of oxygen and useful components. In addition, resins form a dense yellow coating and black stone, which can only be removed with .
  2. Limit your consumption of coffee and tea. These drinks cause moderate harm the body, but the pigments in their composition are densely eaten into the enamel, creating an environment for the development of microbes.
  3. Adjust your diet. The body of the expectant mother should have enough calcium, fluorine and magnesium, so enrich the menu with appropriate foods and drinks. Take extra vitamins and nutritional supplements. Also reduce the load on the teeth and eat more soft foods, giving up hard fruits. Don't overdo the sweets simple carbohydrates in food residues provoke the development of cariogenic bacteria.
  4. Use for oral hygiene not only a brush, but also flosses, irrigators, interdental brushes, rinses.

When planning a pregnancy, do not forget to make an appointment with a dentist in advance. Also visit him being "in position" at least once every 3-4 months.

During the period of bearing a child, a woman's body undergoes significant changes. going on hormonal changes, appears hypersensitivity, in connection with which the opinion arises that a woman’s teeth cannot be torn during pregnancy. Is it so? Why do doctors advise treating all teeth and eliminating their problems during pregnancy planning? Let's try to figure it out.

Features of dental treatment during pregnancy

Pregnant - special group dentist patients. Their body carries additional load, and this, in turn, affects dental system. During this period, the risk of developing various diseases oral cavity.

During the bearing of a baby, a woman often has a lack of calcium. This is especially evident in first-time mothers. Thus, these women, in comparison with other people, have Great chance occurrence or exacerbation of caries, the appearance cervical defects dental tissue.

Pregnancy itself is not a contraindication to dental treatment. However, women need to remember that in the first trimester, all the organs and systems of the future baby are laid down, so just during this period there is great danger negative impact dental procedures. Gynecologists do not recommend such manipulations in the last month of pregnancy. After all, this period is characterized by an increase in the complications of its course.

If, for a number of reasons, the expectant mother did not manage to solve her problems with her teeth in time, then, of course, she should contact the dentist. But at the same time, certain nuances must be taken into account:

  1. Pregnant women should not be x-rayed. It is better to take a picture of a tooth for a future mother with the help of a radiovisiograph. This device produces minimal radiation. It is lower than that of an X-ray machine.
  2. Dental treatment during pregnancy, if necessary, should be carried out under local anesthesia using appropriate drugs. Impact local anesthetics on the unborn child is very insignificant, but general anesthesia is unacceptable in the treatment of the teeth of the expectant mother.
  3. As for drug therapy in dentistry, it is necessary to prescribe drugs strictly justified, dosed, taking into account the duration of pregnancy.
  4. It will be better if medications jointly appointed by a gynecologist, dentist and therapist.
  5. Is it possible to extract teeth during pregnancy?

    During pregnancy, tooth extraction is extremely rare, and then strictly according to medical indications. Teeth are removed in case of severe pain syndrome. In other situations, it is better to postpone the extraction of teeth for pregnant women. If this is necessary and possible, then optimal time for the extraction of teeth for expectant mothers is the period between 13 and 32 weeks of pregnancy. At this time, the formation and development of the organs of the fetus is already completed, the placenta is formed, the indicators of the immunological status of the mother are stabilized.

    You can not remove the teeth of the expectant mother at 1, 2 and 9 months of pregnancy. After all, a tooth extraction operation is a complex of measures with the extraction of the root of a destroyed or diseased tooth. Sometimes healthy people after that, complications arise, and in pregnant women, due to the psycho-emotional stress, such situations occur more often.

    Removal of wisdom teeth by pregnant women is generally not carried out because it increased risk the development of complications. The temperature may rise, worsen general well-being future mother, on which the peace of her baby depends.

    The opinion that it is highly undesirable to treat teeth during pregnancy is unfounded. After all, caries, which is present in the oral cavity of a woman during pregnancy, develops at a faster pace. He may not bother future mother. But if it is not healed, then after childbirth a woman can definitely lose bad teeth.

Pregnancy for a woman is not only a joyful expectation of a child, but also a lot of restrictions. Among them, undesirability surgical interventions including tooth extraction.

Any stress for the body, as well as the use of drugs during gestation, can cause irreparable damage to the health of the mother and baby. But what to do if a pregnant woman has a bad toothache, a cyst appears in the oral cavity, or a nerve becomes inflamed? In this case, it is still better to consult a doctor to avoid unpleasant consequences.

What to do if a pregnant woman has a severe toothache?

But care must be taken, because no one better than the expectant mother herself will take care of her and her baby.

Indications for tooth extraction during pregnancy

There are times when the lack of medical intervention for diseased teeth can turn into more backfire than removal or treatment. These include indications such as:

  • Acute pain lasting more than a week . In this case, the woman experiences severe torment, which negatively affects not only her, but also the development of the fetus;
  • The formation of a gum or tooth cyst;
  • Detection of malignant tumors;
  • oral infection;
  • Nerve inflammation.

Acute toothache for more than a week negatively affects the development of the fetus.

In any of the above cases, tooth extraction will best solution for woman. Otherwise, the body may develop dangerous infections that can lead to impaired development of the fetus and even to a missed pregnancy.

The safest time to delete

Do not remove teeth in the first weeks of pregnancy.

At this time, any interference can interfere with his normal development. And it is also undesirable to visit the dentist in the last two months of bearing a child. During this period, the stress caused by surgical operation may induce preterm labor.

The optimal time for safe manipulations with tooth extraction is the second trimester of pregnancy.

Already after the fourth month, the placenta around the child is fully formed, which ensures it maximum protection. In this case, it is likely that a visit to the dentist by a pregnant woman will cause minimal damage to the fetus.

After the fourth month of pregnancy, you can visit the dentist.

Precautionary measures

In order not to harm her health and the fetus, and at the same time not experience constant toothache, a pregnant woman must take precautions when visiting a dentist. For this you need:

  • warn the dentist about his interesting position;
  • ask what drugs the doctor will use during the operation . At the same time, it is desirable not only to learn the names of medicines, but also to study them. pharmacological properties, side effects, the presence or absence of contraindications during pregnancy, the recommended dosage;
  • avoid x-ray . Radiation can have a very negative effect on the development of the fetus. If you want to take a picture of the tooth, then you can use a radiovisiograph. Its radiation is weaker than that of an x-ray, and therefore the risk to the health of the baby is minimal;
  • removal only under local anesthesia . General anesthesia is contraindicated at any stage of pregnancy;
  • avoid hypothermia before tooth extraction and after surgery . Otherwise, an inflammatory process may develop in the oral cavity, to eliminate which the doctor will have to prescribe antibiotics. And these drugs should not be used categorically in the process of bearing a child.

When visiting a dentist, you need to warn him about your pregnancy.

Complications after removal

But even with all the above precautions, after a tooth extraction, a woman may experience complications in the form of fever or weakness.

After a tooth is removed, a woman's body temperature may rise.

For any symptoms of malaise, you should consult with your dentist and visit a gynecologist. And, of course, follow all the recommendations of doctors.


If it is impossible to avoid tooth extraction during childbearing, then the above tips will help a woman minimize harm to the health of the fetus and increase the chances of a successful pregnancy.

But anyway future mother it is very important to observe oral hygiene, brush your teeth twice a day suitable paste and floss throughout the day.

It is important to maintain oral hygiene and brush your teeth twice a day.

This will reduce the likelihood of caries and infectious inflammation, which means it will help to avoid a reason to visit the dentist.

Video about tooth extraction during pregnancy

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