Why do newborns and babies cry in their sleep? Why does a child cry in his sleep? 5 month old baby crying in his sleep

Most parents are familiar with the problem when a child cries in a dream, screams, wakes up, or the process of falling asleep a baby is associated with restless crying.

The reasons can be both physiological and psychological. Crying can be caused by:

  • Nervous tension. The daily load for the nervous system of the crumbs is enormous. Through crying, the baby tries to release unused energy. Therefore, parents should treat the child’s prolonged hysterical crying calmly.
  • Increased nervous excitability. Quite often, toddler tantrums force parents to see a doctor who diagnoses increased nervous excitability. In fact, the child relieves nervous energy in this way, and then, as a rule, calmly falls asleep.
  • Violation of the daily routine. Parents should strictly adhere to the baby's sleep schedule. It is unacceptable to allow the child to go to bed when he wants. Compliance with the regimen creates a feeling of calm and stability in the child's psyche.
  • Night terrors and fear of the dark. When there is no mother in the dark, it can cause fear and sleep disturbance in the child. Therefore, the best solution for regulating sleep is to be near the mother.
Teething in infants is always accompanied by pain, which leads to the baby crying at night.

Also possible physiological causes of sleep disorders in children:

  • At teething in. This process is accompanied by swelling of the gums, itching, which leads to sleep disturbance.
  • At intestinal colic. In the first months of a baby's life, intestinal colic is very frequent. To calm the child, you need to apply warm compresses to the stomach, drink tea with fennel. When such measures do not help, drug therapy is used on the advice of a doctor.

In order to normalize the condition of the baby, it is important to understand the cause and neutralize the physiological circumstances that interfere with normal falling asleep. It is necessary, there is a need:

  • change diaper;
  • change the position of the body for comfortable sleep;
  • replace tight clothes with looser ones;
  • protect from the cold by covering with an extra blanket;
  • feed the baby;
  • consult a doctor to find out a possible disease.

A well-fed baby, and even next to his mother, will fall asleep much faster

Why does a baby cry when he wants to sleep?

There are also a number of reasons that interfere with restful sleep. It is possible that mother's milk is not enough for the baby to eat and fall asleep peacefully. Therefore, children up to six months of age are fed with milk mixtures, and after six months - with adult food.

Here possible emotional problems when a child protests that he is put to bed without his mother.

The baby needs to feel the closeness of the mother, the warmth of her body. This helps the child feel safe and secure.

Baby crying after bath before going to bed

It happens that children happily take a bath, but immediately after the end of the bath, they begin to scream and cry.

Reasons for this protest:

If a child cries in a dream after bathing, then this may be due to temperature changes, the duration of the bathing process itself, or a common whim
  • Sensation of temperature change. The child liked hot water, and then his body immediately came into contact with the cold air of the room. This caused discomfort, which was expressed by crying.
  • Bathing is quite a tiring process for a baby. He is tired of this procedure.
  • Overheating. The child bathed in hot water, and after bathing he was dressed warmly. The baby may be worried about the heat.
  • keep bothering colic and after swimming. In the aquatic environment, the baby was relaxed, there was no pain. Then she returned, and the baby expresses this state by crying.
  • whims because of the desire to still be in pleasant water.

Actually, crying baby - a signal of any discomfort, this is normal, because the first year of life is a great test for the functioning of a small organism.

The child cries in a dream ... How to calm him down?

The first rule for parents when a baby is crying is to take the baby in his arms so that he feels that mom and dad are nearby.

If the baby continues to cry, you may need to feed him or shake him a little in your arms. Check if a change of clothes is needed, inspect and fix the children's bed.

An important rule of parental behavior is a calm attitude towards the baby: do not scream, do not get annoyed, so as not to frighten him with your reaction.

When you have tried all means, and the child does not calm down, you need to consult a pediatrician. At night, in such cases, it is necessary to contact the ambulance service.

After kindergarten, the child cries at night

Kindergarten attendance is one of the rather difficult problems for children and parents. All babies go through a period of adaptation, which can be expressed in different ways in different cases. For some, this period goes smoothly, without complications, for others it turns into a big test.

Negative impressions after visiting kindergarten can cause a child to cry at night

There are cases when a child after kindergarten cries in his sleep at night. The reason lies in the fact that in the psyche of the baby there were episodes of being in the kindergarten, in which he experienced negative emotions: fear, uncertainty, anxiety, sadness.

In the process of adaptation to kindergarten, the role of parents and educators is enormous. It is important to take into account the individual qualities of the child's personality.

Maybe, it is necessary to establish a short stay in the kindergarten in the first days gradually increasing the time. Such kids need an individual approach: more attention, specially selected games and activities involving other children.

Baby crying at night for no reason

Good sleep is very important for a child's development. The crying and anxiety of the baby have reasons that parents have to find out. Causes may include health problems:

Otitis - inflammation of the ear - worsens at night, so the child cries
  • if the nose is blocked, breathing is difficult, the child may cry in his sleep;
  • sore throat, difficulty swallowing;
  • Earache. With otitis media, fluid accumulated in the middle ear presses on the eardrum and causes pain;
  • concerned about intestinal colic.

Also, the causes of poor sleep can be fatigue and nervous tension, quarrels of parents, a feeling of lack of attention and care.

At night the child cries when he wants to pee

This is absolutely normal. After all so the baby gives a signal for you to approach him. During the day, this situation can occur calmly, without crying.

The child cannot pee at night and cries

The child may cry in his sleep due to the fullness of the bladder.

The crying of a child in a dream when urinating is a reason to immediately consult a doctor

If any warning signs are noticed, when crying repeatedly accompanies urination, you should consult a specialist.

The child gets up at night in the crib and cries

A fairly common problem for parents. Such behavior of the baby can be explained by all the reasons listed above: both physiological and psycho-emotional.

We can only add that if, after all physical problems are eliminated, and the child's crying continues, then it means that the child cries in his sleep, gets up at night and has difficulty falling asleep, thus reflecting daytime unresolved psychological problems.

In this case, parents need more attention, care and participation in daily situations, activities, games, walks, that is, in the process of communication with the child.

If the physiological causes of the child's night crying are excluded, you should think about the psychological

The child often wakes up, sobs and cries

Up to 3 months, the baby's wakefulness time is negligible. During the neonatal period, he sleeps about 16-18 hours a day, in subsequent months, reducing the duration of sleep to 15 hours.

By 6 months, the baby can sleep for about 10 hours at night and about 6 hours with intervals of wakefulness during the day.

But it happens that This mode is violated for the following reasons:

  • Bad habits. The baby is used to feeding and motion sickness immediately after waking up .. Or he has developed the habit of falling asleep in a stroller, in a car seat ...
  • Tired during the day. Insufficient daytime sleep disrupts normal sleep patterns.
  • Violation of the biological clock. For children of different ages, age-appropriate bedtimes should be developed. Failure to comply with the biological clock disrupts the child's normal nighttime sleep.

For a child, and at any age, the daily routine is very important, in particular, the time of going to bed

Why does the child sleep poorly and wakes up every hour

Only caring parents can protect the health and tranquility of their beloved children. Whether a child cries in a dream, sleeps badly or wakes up every hour - it does not matter at all for loving parents, whose patience is boundless just like their love for a child.

To overcome negative influences, to eliminate constant nightly risings, crying and anxiety, tireless attention and care will help.

Why does the child shudder sharply, wake up and cry a lot

According to experts, shuddering baby in a dream can occur when:

  • Sleep phase change. When the slow phase is replaced by a fast one, the children's brain starts to work faster. And the baby can see dreams, due to which a startle occurs.
  • Overwork. Every day, crumbs receive new knowledge and impressions that need to be processed by the fragile children's nervous system.

The fragile nervous system of a baby who receives new knowledge every day often cannot stand it, and this is manifested in the fact that the child cries in his sleep

Sometimes in a dream, some inhibitory mechanisms of the nervous system are turned on so that the baby can fully relax. It is these moments that can be expressed through a wince. Therefore, often the child cries in a dream, he is restless.

  • Physiological diseases: colic, teething, otitis. As a rule, the symptoms of diseases worsen at night, which leads to anxiety, startling and crying.

The child cries in a dream and talks

In most cases, somniloquia is a normal process.

What factors influence this deviation:

  • Newborns are characterized by cooing, groaning. The baby is worried about something: colic, uncomfortable posture, folds in clothes, the absence of a mother.
  • In the case when the child experienced some stress or emotion during the day, he will experience this state at night.
  • Any changes in life can affect impressionable children.

Impressive children rethink their new knowledge during a night's rest and can still talk in their sleep
  • New knowledge and fresh impressions. A 3-4-year-old child, gaining new knowledge, can pronounce learned words or phrases in a dream. In this way, children experience the world around them.

The child cries in a dream, arches, rolls over and twitches his legs

This problem can be explained by both physiological and psychological problems. Depending on the age of the child this condition may be associated with the period of teething, nocturnal colic, but maybe it's daytime overexcitement.

If such restless behavior is of a prolonged nature, no doubt there is a reason to contact a pediatrician or a neurologist.

A child in a dream cries and crawls

In the case when this happens from time to time, there is no reason for concern, such a phenomenon is within the normal range, since the new skills that the baby has acquired in the waking state are being developed.

If crawling in a dream is rare, do not worry - this is how the baby works out new skills acquired during the wakefulness period

If the movements in a dream are active and disrupt sleep, interfere with others, the mother should take the baby in her arms and, hugging tightly, lie down with him. The child will calm down and fall asleep.

The child cries and scratches his ass at night

The causes of this problem are various, including neurotic ones. You should contact your pediatrician may need to be tested.

What should parents do if the child complains of leg pain at night?

The most common cause of nighttime leg pain is the growth of the child. This is usually observed in children 3-9 years old.

But an indispensable condition in such cases is the absence of swelling or redness on the child's legs, there is no increase in body temperature, during the day the child is cheerful and active, pain is observed in the late afternoon and at night.

If a child complains of pain in the legs at night or at other times, first of all, any injuries and diseases should be excluded.

In such cases, massage helps, and the pain is wandering, i.e. changes in the location of pain. You can make warm compresses, use Butadion or Diclofenac ointments. The pain continues indefinitely and disappears spontaneously.

Pain is also possible due to orthopedic pathology or pathology of the joints, diseases of the cardiovascular system. That's why, in any case, a visit to the pediatrician is necessary.

A child with a fever cries in his sleep

A high temperature at night can be a sign of infections, poisoning, or some kind of childhood illness. Each of these diseases is individual, therefore it is recommended to see a doctor in the morning. The specialist examines and selects a treatment method.

Gotta know what with any infection, a temperature increase of up to 38.5 degrees is considered the norm, because the body's defenses are triggered to fight microbes.

At a temperature of 39 degrees, you must consult a doctor. In such cases, the baby needs enhanced care and the adoption of the necessary measures to normalize the condition.

If the child is shaking and crying in his sleep

What reasons can cause such a process in a baby? This happens to a child when:

  • daytime overexcitation;
  • fatigue;
  • teething;
  • problems of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • rise in temperature;
  • dreams.

In such cases, the child may be frightened and cry with his eyes closed.

If your baby cries frequently and loudly in their sleep, contact your doctor for advice.

However, you need to know that there are a number of serious reasons for this condition. If the problem does not go away for a certain time, and the child wakes up several times at night with a fright, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

The child cries in a dream and groans

The kid is trying to get rid of the mental stress associated with:

  • wet or tightly stretched diapers;
  • position discomfort in the crib;
  • colic or fatigue;
  • hunger;
  • lack of oxygen if the air is too dry and hot;
  • extraneous noise;
  • illness or pain;
  • dreams.

The child cries in a dream and does not wake up

If a child cries in his sleep several times at night, this, according to Dr. E.O. Komarovsky, there may be an increased tone of the nervous system.

A developing baby needs calcium for the formation of the skeletal system and the formation of teeth. Its intake with food may be defective. That's why calcium gluconate is recommended to support the nervous system of the child.

Why does a child cry after sleeping

The crying of a child 2-3 years old after sleep is considered normal by pediatricians. Perhaps the baby is hungry or he had a dream. Or maybe crying is a transition from sleep to wakefulness, when the body is rebuilt.

Why the child wakes up, screams, screams hysterically and cries

The main reason for this behavior is nightmares.

It is also possible that a stressful day, an unfavorable situation in the family, a change of residence, a violation of the daily routine, a lack of attention from parents, who are obliged to create favorable conditions for strengthening the nervous system of the child, affected the baby.

A child who cries in his sleep after anesthesia can be served soothing teas

The child cries at night after anesthesia

A special case if the child cries in a dream after anesthesia. The effect of anesthesia may last for a certain time. During this period, children can sleep restlessly, eat poorly, act up.

The attention and care of parents is important to overcome this temporary phenomenon. The baby can be offered a glass of milk for the night, please with reading a new fairy tale or have a light massage. Also doctors recommend giving the baby sedative herbs and fees.

The residual phenomenon in the form of restless sleep after anesthesia depends on the individual tolerance of the body and the type of anesthetic. But as a rule, after a few days, the child's body capable of rapid recovery will return to normal functioning.

Sleep is a vital necessity for a child's body. It is difficult for a baby to adapt to new conditions, which are a huge burden for him. Sleep helps relieve fatigue, gives new strength and strengthens the health of the baby.

A good sleep of a child is a guarantee of his health and the well-being of his parents.

Why does a child cry in a dream:

It is important for parents to know why the child cries in his sleep. Possible causes at each age - we distinguish the pathology from the norm. Pediatric advice.

Your active and inquisitive toddler has finally fallen asleep. Quiet sniffling, pink cheeks, slightly trembling eyelashes, a fleeting smile on her lips - there is nothing more touching than a calmly sleeping baby. And for a loving mother, this is also a signal that everything is in order with her baby: he is healthy, calm, grows and develops normally.

Therefore, any anxiety of the crumbs in a dream is perceived by parents as an unkind sign. It, like an unexpected night call, fills the soul with anxiety, concern and even fear. But before you get nervous and worried, you should figure out why the child is crying, and only then take adequate measures to eliminate the problem.

Why don't you sleep

Violation of children's sleep, which is on a par with food intake, is very disturbing for parents. If lack of sleep becomes a habit, it immediately affects the well-being of the crumbs. He becomes lethargic, capricious and apathetic, coordination of movements, reaction speed are disturbed, appetite worsens and immune defense decreases. It is important for parents to know the possible causes of poor sleep at each age in order to distinguish the pathology from the norm.


Being in the mother's tummy, the baby is dozing almost all the time. Immediately after birth, he is not able to adjust to a new rhythm of life due to the immaturity of the body and nervous system, so he continues to sleep 18-20 hours a day. Only the following can disturb the baby’s peaceful sleep and make him cry:

Heat or cold in the room, wet diapers or overfilled diapers, swaddling too tight can also cause discomfort and poor sleep in newborns.


The first year of a baby's life is a time of rapid development. In a short 12 months, an active inquisitive explorer of the world around him grows out of a defenseless fool. The basic skills that a little man will use all his life are laid down during infancy. The faster the motor, speech and mental activity of the baby develops, the rhythm of his life changes, the more the need for quality rest increases, as a means of emotional, physical and nervous unloading. To the former causes of sleep disturbance, new ones are added:

At the age of up to a year, the stages of sleep are formed in an infant: a slow phase is replaced by a fast one, then a short awakening occurs. An adult does not notice him, immediately falling asleep again, and the baby still does not know how to do this and calls his mother for help with a loud cry.

Child after a year

Sleep disturbances at this age are mainly associated with weaning, which has long been the best sleeping pill for the baby. Now you need to start other, more “adult” mechanisms for laying down the crumbs: conduct a sleep ritual, read a book at night, sing a lullaby. Of course, a one-year-old child will be worried, nervous, wake up out of habit and demand a favorite treat.

It is important for parents to be patient, gentle and understanding during this period: do not scold the little one, offer a bottle of water, communicate with him affectionately and try to calm him down by gently stroking his back.

A change in diet almost always causes temporary problems with the digestive system and a lack of vitamin D, which also affects the quality of sleep in a bad way.

2-3 years and older

If the child is physically healthy, then the main causes of night crying in this age category are:

  • mode errors;
  • attempts to teach the baby to sleep in a separate bed;
  • awareness of the need to go to the toilet;
  • plentiful and late nutrition, which causes heaviness in the stomach, nausea and colic;
  • overwork and overexcitation, and emotions can be not only negative. The joy of a new toy, noisy fun at a later time can also do a disservice.

At 3 years old, the baby seems to be replaced. A stubborn and harmful rebel suddenly wakes up in an affectionate and accommodating little one, who does everything in defiance. An offer to go to bed will be met with protest, screams and hysteria, even if sleepy eyes are completely stuck together. This is how the growing up of the child, self-awareness as a person and the desire to understand and manifest one's own "I" are manifested.

unusual situations

Sometimes an awakened baby behaves very unusually. Parents, not understanding what is happening to the child, panic. Therefore, it is useful for moms and dads to know that often children:

It is important to remember that each child is a separate universe. Therefore, unusual behavior can be a manifestation of individuality and does not pose any threat to life and health.

Psychological problems

Psychological problems can disturb the baby's sleep, starting from the first days of his life:

In the third year of life, the leading position is occupied by the psychological causes of sleep disturbance. Just at this age, children are often sent to kindergarten, and the adaptation period is always stressful for the little man. Experiences and an excess of emotions result in various fears and nightmares - vivid, memorable, frightening. The kid cannot yet clearly distinguish between dream and reality, so he wakes up screaming and then, fearing a repetition, flatly refuses to go to bed.

How to respond to parents

Nightly children's crying should not be left without the attention of adults. You should definitely approach the baby, and then act depending on the age and circumstances:

It is always important to determine the cause of the child's loud crying, eliminating health problems in the first place, and, if possible, eliminate the external irritant.

Given the urgency of the problem, children's doctors talk a lot about how to make a child's sleep strong and healthy:

Coolness and fresh air in the room, diffused light, a comfortable bed, cozy pajamas and a high-quality diaper will help you relax and rest comfortably. The popular pediatrician Komarovsky notes that the fulfillment of these conditions will make the baby's sleep golden. And this means that it will bring health, peace and relaxation not only to the baby, but also to tired parents.

“Sleep like a baby,” they say about a soundly sleeping person. However, not all babies sleep well. Many mothers experience night crying and often cannot determine its cause. Today we will talk about why babies cry at night and what mom can do in this situation.

Crying babies are an ordeal for every parent. It is no secret that healthy sleep is very important for a small child, because it is during these hours that he accumulates strength for development. However, his mother also needs a good rest, only after resting, she will be able to give the baby her love and good mood. How to react to night tears and what does the baby want to say with them?

The child cries at night - the main reasons

Babies interact with their parents through crying - they talk about their needs and problems: hunger, thirst, pain or a desire to communicate.

Older children relieve stress through tears and try to restore a comfortable state.

Therefore, in each case, the age of the baby and its psychological characteristics should be taken into account.

Why is a newborn crying?

Very young children cry out in their sleep due to any inconvenience. Parents should not leave such emotional manifestations unattended.

You must definitely approach the little man, pick him up, examine him, check if he is cold. What can cause nighttime tears?

  1. The whimpering kid wants to tell you he's hungry. If you look at the clock, you will immediately understand by demanding cries that it's time for the next feeding. Usually, a newborn quickly falls asleep as soon as he has had his fill of milk.
  2. Newborns often suffer from intestinal colic, as their digestive system is not yet able to fully cope with its duties. The hardest thing is for artificial people, although breast-fed children are not immune from this scourge. Try to give the baby special drops and take them on your hands, warming them with your warmth.
  3. If you are sure that the baby is not hungry and does not suffer from colic, he probably just relieved himself and reports that he is uncomfortable, he wants you to change his diaper or diapers.
  4. Why does the baby cry in a dream? He just misses his mom. He is already used to falling asleep in his mother's arms, and when he ceases to feel her presence, he begins to whimper. In this situation, you can simply take the baby in your arms and wait until he closes his eyes again.
  5. The temperature in the room that is not always comfortable for you is ideal for babies. If he cries, spreads his arms and legs, and his skin is covered with perspiration, then the room is too hot. A baby with goosebumps and cold extremities is cold, you need to wrap him up warmer or turn on the heater.
  6. If a one-month-old baby cries around the clock and you cannot calm him down, perhaps the problem lies in the excessive sensitivity of the nervous system. Show the newborn to a neurologist and try to find a way out of this situation with him.
  7. If the baby wakes up at night crying and does not calm down for a long time, then he is sick. Obvious signs of malaise are high fever, wet or dry cough, runny nose.

Also, the following diseases can be causative of night tears:

  • pain in the tummy;
  • stomatitis;
  • discomfort during urination and bowel movements;
  • inflammation of the middle ear.

In this case, you should not hesitate and hesitate, but you must immediately contact a pediatrician.

Why does a one year old baby cry at night?

The reasons for crying children from a year and older are in most cases associated with the psychological characteristics of this age. Two-year-olds have nightmares caused by disruption of the daily routine or excessive activity before bedtime.

  1. Sleep problems can cause a heavy or late dinner. It is necessary to ensure that the last meal was about a couple of hours before bedtime. And, of course, food should be simple and light.
  2. Often the cause of restless sleep, interrupted by crying, is overexcitation. It leads to overly active games, excessive impressions throughout the day. To avoid such situations, practice soothing evening treatments - a warm bath, light massage, gentle strokes.
  3. Uncontrolled TV viewing, early accustoming to the computer can also lead to night crying. Young children do not need to see scenes of violence and cruelty, harmless cartoons in large numbers are enough. Blue screen communication should be reduced, especially in the evening.
  4. Excessively excitable kids react sharply to family scandals, conflicts with peers, fears, resentment, which results in sleep disturbances. Try to support, encourage, say kind words to the child.
  5. Another reason for night crying is the fear of the dark. Let the baby fall asleep with a night light if he is afraid to be alone in a dark room. So you will help the child feel safe and avoid the occurrence of children's neuroses.

The baby cries at night - what to do?

If you are faced with a similar situation, when a baby sobs in a dream, you must definitely find out why this is happening. And in order for your child’s nighttime rest to become calm and as long as possible, follow a few simple tips:

  1. Be sure to ventilate the nursery before going to bed.
  2. Remember that the preferred air temperature in the room where children sleep is from 18 to 22 degrees.
  3. Make sure that the baby is not disturbed by sharp and loud sounds (reduce the volume of the TV, install soundproof windows).
  4. Particular attention should be paid to lighting - night lights, lamps.
  5. Many babies sleep better with their favorite soft toy in the crib. Maybe you should buy a plush friend for your child?

Try to respond to every call of your child. The kid needs to understand that you are always there and will surely come to his aid.

If he whimpers but doesn't wake up, don't wake him up. Carefully check if he is cold, if something is bothering him, pat him on the head and calm him down.

There are actually many reasons why your baby or one-year-old child cries at night. Your main task is to look at it, determine the traumatic factor in order to respond to it correctly.

One baby needs the help of a pediatrician, another needs only your presence. However, all children, without exception, need mother's love and care.

Other related information

  • Notes for Parents of an Anxious Child

  • At what age does a baby start crawling? Pediatrician's opinion

  • How to become independent when you are still very young?

  • Grow confident!

Everyone knows that sound, healthy sleep is the best way to relieve fatigue and stress. A person who sleeps sweetly is said to sleep like a baby. But not all children sleep peacefully. Most young mothers know firsthand what a sleepless night with a baby is when a baby cries in a dream. To solve this problem, first of all, you need to understand why a baby cries in a dream.

Why does a child cry in his sleep?

Health problems

It is not uncommon for newborn babies to cry in their sleep due to health problems. When a baby is in pain, he will definitely not be able to sleep.

The child may be kept awake by a sore throat. Another reason why a child cries in a dream is an earache. For example, in the case of otitis. After all, it is in the supine state that the fluid accumulated in the middle ear area presses on the membrane, causes acute pain and the child screams in a dream. Runny nose is also most disturbing at night. It is difficult for the baby to breathe, so he constantly wakes up and cries loudly. A strong cough is another reason why a child cries at night.

Often baby crying in sleep because he is being tortured colic in the stomach. In this case, simple and well-known remedies that are known to most caring mothers can help: dill water, a warm diaper on the tummy, tea with fennel, stroking the baby's tummy clockwise.

The baby is uncomfortable

The baby may be hot, cold, or wet. Perhaps he just pooped and feels uncomfortable. Often a baby cries in his sleep when he wants to drink or eat. Do not try to cover the baby too warmly, but also do not allow overheating. Sheets and diapers should always be dry, and the back under the clothes should be warm and in no case damp.


Fear is another common reason why babies cry in their sleep. Usually babies want to fall asleep with their mother. If the mother puts the child with her, and then shifts it to the crib, the baby may be frightened. Falling asleep, he looked at his mother, and waking up in the middle of the night, he finds himself in a new place, where he is completely alone. This frightens the baby and therefore he starts to cry. But here a difficult dilemma arises: should the child be put to sleep next to his mother, or is it better to teach the baby to sleep in his own crib?

Each mother needs to decide for herself what to do if the child cries in her sleep because of fear. The first solution is to go to bed with the child. Co-sleeping remarkably restores and preserves the process of lactation in a nursing woman. In addition, the child is pleased that both his beloved mother and sisya are always there. A defenseless baby gets used to falling asleep seeing his mother or even right in her arms.

However, it often happens that it is very uncomfortable for parents to sleep with a baby, and the baby himself is unsafe. If the mother teaches the baby to fall asleep on her own, then she will gradually be able to completely cope with the children's crying caused by night fears. The process of learning to fall asleep on their own is not easy for many mothers. After all, its essence is that even when a baby cries in a dream, the mother does not come up to him or comes up, but calms down very quickly and immediately leaves. Each time, the mother should approach the baby at night less and less, gradually ceasing to do this at all. The child will eventually understand that his mother will not come and get used to falling asleep on his own. Of course, if the baby learns to fall asleep on his own, then it will be much easier for parents, and therefore the advantages of the second method are obvious. Mom and dad of the baby will be able to sleep better and better perform their household chores. Accordingly, it will be easier for them to take care of their child.


It is no secret that it is children who are overexcited in the evening who cry in their sleep especially loudly and for a long time. To prevent crying at night, parents should try not to overexcite the child in the evening with active games. It is best that the evening time is always associated with the quietest and most peaceful environment and the most peaceful activities. Falling asleep in a calm state, the baby will sleep peacefully all night to the delight of the whole family.

Psychological reasons

Babies are very sensitive to changes in the state and mood of their parents. Often at night the children of those parents who do not have a close relationship with each other cry. Sometimes the crying of a child indicates a lack of love and care from loved ones.

Particular attention should be paid to increased nervous excitability in a child. Such an infant should be regularly observed by an experienced pediatric neurologist. After all, an early fight against hyperexcitability will help to avoid more serious diseases of the nervous system in the future.

“All babies cry” - a well-known oriental saying contains a similar meaning. Crying for a non-verbal infant is the only way to communicate to others about their needs and desires. Therefore, in most cases it would be wrong to leave the crying of a child without any attention. But not in all cases you need to react the same way, you should find out why the child cries in his sleep. A caring mother will always understand what to do if a child cries in a dream. Sometimes he may need feeding, treatment or games, and sometimes just a gentle word in his ear is enough. Don't skimp on showing love to your children, then they just won't have to cry.

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 6 minutes


Article last updated: 05/06/2019

When overcoming the first annual milestone in a child's life, parents already have a certain amount of knowledge about how to behave in a given situation. But if this is the firstborn, there are still many dark spots, one of which we will help shed light on. We will reveal to you the main reasons why your offspring cannot sleep peacefully at night.

Why does a one year old baby wake up every night and cry in his sleep?

Such a question often confuses new parents, and they shrug their shoulders, not knowing what to do. Should I see a doctor or look for the cause on my own?

The most ridiculous conclusion they can draw is to increase the load on the baby every day so that he (they believe) sleeps like a log all night.

This is a really effective way, but only if your baby is 3-4 years old or more. Despite the fact that doctors constantly warn about the dangers of this method, a huge number of new moms and dads make this mistake every year. After all, the only alternative is to understand the reasons, and not every parent wants to waste their time.

There are only 5 main reasons. We will first list them, and then we will analyze them in more detail so that you can confidently find the one for which your child cries at night in his sleep.

  1. illness or indisposition;
  2. inconvenience and lack of comfortable conditions for sleep.
  3. children's fears and nightmares;
  4. overexcitation;
  5. psychological irritation.

Now let's look at each reason separately.

Health problems

It is clear that when the baby is in sharp pain, it is unlikely that he will fall asleep all night. Not to mention the tears. Even an adult, in pain, can cry. If the baby starts crying at night, when he goes to bed, the search for the disease narrows down to only four options: otitis media (ear pain), tonsillitis (sore throat), stomach cramps (stomach pain), teething. All four disorders are activated when the body is horizontal, this is due to the pressure on the head that rises when the baby goes to bed. In case of colic, it is not necessary to see a doctor, there are several simple ways to deal with them at home. Everything is clear with the teeth, the baby must endure the pain, you can only help him with an anesthetic gel, which will reduce the degree of discomfort. But in the case of otitis or tonsillitis, you will have to urgently consult a doctor. Self-medication can cause him irreparable harm.

Ways to deal with colic

If you are not in a hurry to disturb the doctor with digestive problems, you can first try the methods that he will advise you in the first place anyway, so that the child sleeps peacefully all night:

  1. Lay your baby on a flat surface, stomach down. Let him lie down in this position for a while;
  2. try to put pressure on his tummy when he is in your arms;
  3. learn how to feed him properly: air should not get into the throat. To do this, pay attention to the fact that the nipple is completely absorbed, and with it part of the areola. In the case of a bottle, the entire nipple must be captured;
  4. do not eat foods that stimulate gas formation: spicy, flour, peas, and so on;
  5. use only a quality formula if you do not feed him with his own milk;
  6. make sure that the baby does not overheat, especially at night.


It is important to create maximum comfort for the baby at night, otherwise do not be surprised when he wakes up and cries. There are many parameters here and all of them must be taken into account, for a year you were obliged to learn this already, if not, it's time to correct the situation. Maybe it's the uncomfortable pajamas, from which he has already grown and she presses him. Also, the cause may be stuffiness or a draft. Rough linens, crumpled pillows, obsessive pets, and so on. Analyze all possible triggers.

Why does a child suffer from fears and nightmares at night?

The most common cause of fear is broken contact with the mother. A year is just the age when many parents stop sleeping in the same bed with their child in order to develop in him such a character trait as independence. Naturally, he is frightened when he wakes up at night completely alone in the room, and there is no one nearby to caress and calm him down. In this case, there are two options. First, be patient and continue to sleep with him until he is no longer afraid. Second, leave him alone with his fears and wait for him to overcome them. It's hard to tell which type to choose. Different teachers recommend different approaches. Some say that in the second case a neurosis can develop for life. And others appeal to the fact that later it will be difficult for him to learn to develop on his own, without the support of his parents.

Why does a tired baby often wake up at night in the first year of life?

At first glance, it looks strange, but the solution is very simple. It's all about the hormone cortisol.. This is the hormone of cheerfulness, which our body, thanks to centuries of evolution, has learned to produce in stressful situations. Our distant ancestors constantly had to fight or run away from predators. It is thanks to cortisol that a person could overtake a lion or a tiger in the struggle for life. It is clear that all these dangers are long gone, but the body is being rebuilt for more than one hundred years.

In 80% of cases when moms go to the doctor with complaints that their baby, who is barely a year old, often wakes up at night, it is cortisol that is to blame.

The result is a vicious circle: at night, your baby cannot sleep and recuperate. The next day he overworks again and again does not sleep. Breaking this circle is simple - give his body a break, make him spend a couple of days in bed. Give him a tablet with his favorite games and cartoons in his hands so that such a vacation is not a burden. And in the future, you will have to make sure that the baby goes to bed early. Do not be afraid that he will get up early and ruin his day. Just in a dream at night, all the fatigue accumulated during the day is reset. And the longer it is, the less traces of it will remain by morning.

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