How to make a small dog house. Outdoor booth for a dog: a house and a kennel, summer, winter, for a brood and others. Drawings and necessary materials

All owners of country houses make sure that it is warm and cozy in winter. But what about a pet - a dog guarding the yard from ill-wishers? Is she cold too? Yes, that's why her booth needs to be insulated. So, today we will tell you how to insulate a dog house.

Do you need to insulate your dog house?

Do dogs have enough wool to stay warm in winter? Let's make a reservation right away that at this time of the year the dogs are definitely cold, especially if they are not long-haired, and the booth can not only freeze, but also, for example, leak, drafts may appear in it. And if your dog is really your best friend, then treat him properly and make sure that he has the appropriate conditions for wintering.

First, it is checked whether the booth is located correctly, or whether it needs to be moved. The main requirements are listed below.

  1. If possible, the entrance to the booth should be located where there is calm (that is, minimal wind movement).
  2. Ideally, the house should be made of natural wood.
  3. During precipitation, water should not flow inside the booth, so two options are possible: place the structure on a hill or take care of high-quality insulation.
  4. The dimensions of the house should fit the size of the dog: it is important that he is not cramped in it, but excessive spaciousness is also inappropriate.
  5. It is impossible that the kennel was unprotected from the sun, but excessive shading is also unacceptable - look for the "golden mean".

How to insulate the hive for the winter

Earlier we talked about how to properly insulate the hive, what materials should be used, in addition to this article, we advise you to read this information.

When insulating a booth, you need to act the same way as when insulating other structures: all the nuances are taken into account, including wind protection, protection from moisture and cold. Internal insulation is advisable for structures that can be easily dismantled / assembled back.

Note! If the kennel is already ready, and there is no way to disassemble it, then give preference to external insulation. In this case, you will need a final finish so that the booth looks good on the site.

Finally, for greater confidence in the results, insulate everything at once - the roof, walls and floor.

Basic requirements for thermal insulation of the kennel

First, one important point needs to be clarified: we are talking about a creature that is guided, first of all, by its own instincts. You can't tell him what to do and what not to do. Therefore, certain requirements must be followed.

The walls of the insulated kennel should not be such that they can be easily damaged.

It is better to give preference to natural heat insulators, which emit a minimum amount of harmful substances into the atmosphere.

A great idea is the arrangement of the canopy. It is important that it is very durable, because the dog will most likely want to play with it. Vinyl or a regular tarp, most likely, will not be able to hold out for a long time (more on the canopy in the next paragraph of the article).

Finally, the insulation should be qualitatively isolated from the interior of the kennel. Mineral wool, for example, irritates the human respiratory system, and there is nothing to even talk about a sensitive dog's sense of smell.

Now let's find out how to insulate a dog house and what materials to use for this.

Installing a curtain (canopy) in a kennel

The hole in the kennel should be protected from the penetration of precipitation - this will require a special curtain. Often, tarpaulin or rubber is used for its manufacture. Also, the curtain should be somewhat weighted so that it does not sway from the wind. You can, for example, sew small pockets to the bottom of it and fill them with sand.

By the way, ready-made canopies or curtains are also sold today, they can be found in many specialized stores.

How to insulate a frame house

Earlier, we talked about several options for warming a frame house and described the whole process in detail, in addition to this article, we advise you to read this information.

Choosing insulation for a dog house

When choosing one or another insulating material, one should be guided, first of all, by what the booth itself is made of (these can be plates, wood, and so on). Consider the possible options.

Option number 1. mineral wool

This is perhaps the most popular insulating material today, which, however, should be used with extreme care to isolate the kennel. This is explained by the fact that the dog can destroy the insulating layer, because of which it will lose its original characteristics. Moreover, it can harm the health of the animal itself. Finally, due to the small size of the dog house, the isolation procedure will be troublesome and time consuming.

However, if you still prefer mineral wool, then use it in accordance with the following requirements.

  1. Never use glass wool.
  2. The insulation layer must be waterproofed without fail.
  3. Finally, there must be a cladding, no matter what the exterior / interior finish is.

Option number 2. Styrofoam

An excellent heat insulator for use in a kennel. First of all, its thermal insulation parameters are not worse, and in some cases even better than those of mineral wool. In addition, the foam is not so susceptible to external influences, therefore, it does not need waterproofing in principle.

If you liked polystyrene foam for warming the booth, then you should know what types of it exist. Here they are:

  • penoplex;
  • expanded polystyrene.

Although the dog, be that as it may, will gnaw and scratch the heat insulator, which means that you still have to cover it with something.

Option number 3. Roll type heat insulators

Another option suitable for warming the kennel is rolled thermal insulation materials. It can be, for example, ordinary polyethylene, which is quite easy to fix on the surface even with a stapler (although there are also such modifications of the film that are already on an adhesive basis). Penofol has similar characteristics.

All of these materials have excellent thermal insulation properties, but, again, they need additional sheathing.

Option number 4. Felt

It is a material of natural origin, characterized by safety, affordable price. In a word, for a kennel, this is an ideal option.

We also note that it is vapor-tight, which means that moisture will not accumulate (it will always be dry in the booth). It is not blown by the wind. Finally, it does not need to be covered with something, and ordinary nails can be used for fixing (the main thing is that the caps are large).

Video - Thermal insulation of the pet booth

Instructions for warming the booth

Now let's talk directly about how to insulate a dog house. The procedure consists of several stages, we will get acquainted with each of them in more detail.

Stage number 1. Bottom and floor of the kennel

Step one. First, the floor is insulated and the bottom is protected. To this end, the structure is turned upside down, all surfaces are treated with a special substance (it will protect them from destruction) and covered with roofing material (the latter, by the way, can be fixed with wooden blocks). So, the outer floor protection in the kennel is ready.

Step two. The booth is turned back, the warming procedure continues. First, the floor is covered with a waterproofing film (as an option, you can take the same roofing material for this). The material is laid with a slight overlap in order to avoid the appearance of cracks. The joints are shot through with a mounting stapler. It is also desirable that the film be wound up a few centimeters on the walls.

Step three. After that, a layer of insulation is laid, which, in turn, must be closed. If a soft heat insulator or a large volume is used, then it is preferable to fill a miniature analog of lags from the bars so that a finishing floor can be built.

Step four. The finished floor is laid. It can be built from pre-finished boards or, alternatively, plywood, OSB boards.

Step five. It is also desirable to carry out additional insulation work that will protect the kennel from freezing or leakage. Where the structure will be installed, a hole 20 centimeters deep breaks out along its perimeter, expanded clay or gravel “cushion” is poured there, an insulating layer (roofing material or ordinary film) is laid on top with a slight entry to the surface. If the insulation is made from the outside, the film is hemmed under the facing material. When installing the kennel on this kind of base, the freezing of the floor, as well as the flow of moisture inside, is minimized.

Stage number 2. Construction walls

Immediately make a reservation that the procedure for wall insulation depends on the specific material that is used for this. Simply put, you need to act in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Below is just a short step by step guide.

Step one. The walls are cleaned and processed.

Step two. If necessary, a waterproofing layer is laid.

Step three. Insulating material is installed.

Step four. If necessary, additional material for vapor barrier is attached.

Step five. The walls are finished (if required by the type of heat insulator used).

Note! The main condition for the thermal insulation of a dog kennel is as follows: it is unacceptable for the structure to have blown areas, as well as for moisture to penetrate inside.

Stage number 3. Ceiling, roof

The ceiling-roof (that is, a single structure, in one design) is suitable for a kennel, which will be located under a canopy in a special enclosure (where water cannot leak), but if not, it is preferable to build a pitched roof for the booth, but in a mandatory detachable type. This is one of the obligatory moments of how to insulate a booth for a dog.

A kind of "attic" of the roof is insulated in the same way as the floor was insulated. First, a polyethylene film for waterproofing is attached, after which - a warming material. An important point: here the insulation installed in the roof does not need to be protected, since the dog will not have access to it in principle. It is also recommended to protect internal slopes from water and wind - to beat them with insulation or insulation around the perimeter floor.

Video - Insulation of the booth

Can a dog kennel be heated?

Let's make a reservation right away that even the highest quality insulating material is unable to properly heat the booth (although there is an exception - if the design has a door with locks and heat insulators). The curtain will protect the pet from wind and precipitation, but it will also not be able to warm it. Therefore, the question arises: is it possible to somehow heat this house? Of course, taking into account the achievements of modern technologies, we can confidently say that this is also possible, but this will require special heaters.

There are three main methods that are suitable for this case:

  1. using a panel heater;
  2. through film;
  3. using the underfloor heating system.

Let's get acquainted with each of the options in more detail.

Option number 1. Panel type heaters

Such heaters, intended for dog kennels, are produced in metal cases and are characterized by small dimensions (thickness - 20 millimeters, length / width - 600/600 or 500/900 millimeters). Such devices are safe and environmentally friendly, they are easy to install, and the surface in them does not heat up above 50 degrees. Such a panel can be fixed both on the roof and on the walls of the structure. There are several advantages to such heating.

First of all, these are the several installation methods just mentioned.

  • The devices work completely silently, which means they will not irritate the dog.
  • They don't burn oxygen.
  • They consume a small amount of electricity.
  • They do not require special maintenance.

Finally, today there are panels with a thermostat installed inside a protective box (this is required to avoid mechanical damage).

Option number 2. Film type heaters

A unique ultra-thin heater, the principle of operation of which is based on thermal infrared radiation. In fact, this device is a roll of a flexible film, which provides heat transfer of infrared rays. Today, this kind of technology is actively used in a variety of premises, so why not use it to heat a dog house?

Among the main advantages, the following should be highlighted:

  1. increased efficiency;
  2. the strips are connected in parallel, due to which the ultimate durability of the unit is achieved (even if one of the elements is mechanically damaged, the rest will continue to function normally after that);
  3. film-type heaters are completely safe (they transmit thermal energy, but they themselves do not heat up);
  4. heat in space is distributed as evenly as possible;
  5. models are very economical;
  6. they have a positive effect on the immune system (and this is very important!);

several installation methods are possible at once (same as in the previous version).

By the way, you should know about all this even before you insulate the dog house.

Option number 3. "Warm floor"

If you plan to use a “warm floor” in the kennel, then by doing so you will provide the most comfortable living conditions for your pet. Here you will need to install a heating wire that needs to be connected to the power supply. Tellingly, you can either buy a ready-made design or do it yourself (of course, in strict accordance with the requirements for installing electrical appliances).

Are there alternative heating sources?

There are certainly some. For example, even all convector-type heaters are quite suitable for a dog kennel, it is only important that even before installation you familiarize yourself in detail with the technical characteristics of the selected device (such as safety, heating temperature, and so on). Most of all, the so-called convector-mat is suitable for the booth, the main advantage of which is that it does not heat up to a high temperature during operation, which means it is completely safe for your pet.

As a small conclusion

As a result, it remains only to add that there are a lot of options, as you yourself were able to see. But if you have not yet decided how and how you will insulate the booth for your dog, then we advise you to watch the video below, which has a lot of information on a given topic. That's all, warm winters to you and your pet!

Video - Making an insulated dog house

In order to build a booth for a dog with your own hands, first of all, you need to understand the intricacies of creating this garden building. The place for dog housing should be chosen correctly, and the material should be warm and cozy. In general, it is better to sort out all the nuances of creating a dog house with your own hands, which we will do now.

Choosing the size of the booth for the dog

The first step is to determine the size of the booth for the dog. To do this, we determine what size dog you have. There are 3 types of dogs: small, medium and large. Accordingly, dachshunds and similar dogs are classified as small, German shepherds as medium, and Caucasian shepherds as large. Based on this classification, it is customary to make booths of the following sizes:

  • For small dogs: 700*550*600mm (where length is first and height is last)
  • For medium dogs: 1200*750*800mm
  • For big dogs: 1400*1000*950mm

The dimensions of the dog house are allowed to be adjusted based on the dimensions of your own dog.

In order to correctly determine the size of the booth, you must adhere to this technique:

  • In order to correctly select the width of the manhole, measure the width of the dog's chest and add 5-8 cm to this value.
  • The ideal height of the manhole is 5 cm below the height of the withers of the dog.
  • The height of the booth should be the height of the dog at the withers + 5-8 cm.
  • The depth of the booth is equal to its height (with the exception of some dog breeds, which dictate their own size of the booth)

As mentioned earlier, the size of the booth can be “moved” a little, but only to a larger value, especially if the booth is being built for a puppy.

During the construction of the booth, it is necessary to be aware of the following points:

  • Housing for the dog should be comfortable so that it can lie down, turn around or stand up.
  • The inlet should not be narrow, it is better, on the contrary, to widen it slightly for convenience.
  • The booth must be covered with insulation so that the dog does not freeze in the winter
  • Walls and roofs must provide reliable protection from wind and precipitation.
  • The material for making the booth must be environmentally friendly so that the dog does not spoil his health while living in the booth (it is best to use wood)
  • The booth should be correctly located on the backyard territory (the side should not be windy, and the dog must see everything that happens on the territory)
  • The roof can be both single-pitched and double-pitched, there is not much difference
  • For convenience, make a small attic under the roof of the booth in which you can put toys for the dog, dishes and other accessories.
  • The manhole must be built in the direction of the long wall so that the dog can more easily climb into the booth

After we have decided on the size of the booth, we proceed to sketching a drawing, with which it is easier to build a booth with our own hands.

Drawings of a booth for a dog

As soon as the drawing, and hence the type of housing for the dog, is selected, we proceed to create a booth with our own hands.

Materials and tools needed to make a do-it-yourself dog house

In order to make a booth with your own hands, you need to use environmentally friendly materials, it is best to use wood (coniferous species). For construction, lining is used, 12.5 mm thick (external skin), as well as fiberboard, chipboard, plywood and floorboard. You will also need bars with dimensions of 100 * 100, 40 * 40 and 100 * 50. To create external corners and decor of the booth, a wooden corner is used, as well as a symmetrical plinth and decorative slats.

To insulate the booth (and this must be done), glassine, polystyrene and mineral wool are used. The roofing material of the booth will be a galvanized profiled sheet or slate. It is not recommended to use shingles and roofing material for these purposes, because. out of habit, the dog will gnaw them and thereby harm his health.

The tools that we need to make a booth with our own hands are as follows:

  • Shovel
  • A hammer
  • Pencil
  • Building level
  • Roulette
  • Hacksaw or circular
  • Galvanized nails
  • Paint (Pinotex)
  • Drying oil
  • Antiseptic impregnation for wood

How to make a dog house: step by step instructions

First of all, we cut the boards. In the event that the roof is shed, the back wall of the booth should be shorter than the front, so that the rainwater slope is behind the booth.

We prepare wooden blocks for the frame of the booth. It is better to make the length of the bars with a small margin.

We knock together the frame of the booth in accordance with the previously prepared drawing

We sheathe the frame of the booth from the inside with boards, it is immediately recommended to build a roof. In order for the dog not to get hurt, the boards must be sanded.

In the front wall of the booth we build a manhole, the ends of which also need to be processed

Now we turn to insulation: we must insulate the floors, walls and roof with foam plastic, on top of which the outer wall of the boards will be fixed.

After that, we sheathe the outer part of the booth using the material of your choice (fiberboard, chipboard, lining, etc.). If resources permit, wood siding is recommended.

Next, we proceed to sealing the cracks and seams, so that the wind and precipitation do not worsen the cozy location of the dog. As a sealant, you can use slats, plinths, glazing beads, etc., as long as they are wooden.

After sealing, we move on to the roof of the roof. For this, it is best to use slate sheets.

Well, in the end, it remains to process the finished dog booth with an antiseptic and install the building on bricks or a pallet so that the floor does not rot on damp ground

That's all, the do-it-yourself dog house is ready! It remains only to paint it and install it in a suitable place!

What should be the shape of the kennel?

The roof for the dog house is made in any way. It is desirable that it be flat and have a slight slope for water flow. This is done for a healthy life of the dog. So that he has some kind of fitness in his area. When the roof of the kennel is even, the dog happily jumps on it. She performs such procedures hundreds of times a day. Also, four-legged people like to rest on the roofs of their houses, basking in the sun, or after rains, when there are puddles and mud all around. And those who choose a gable kennel from prof. flooring deprive the pet of joy. The gable roof is good because under it you can place an attic in which you can store dog supplies, and the appearance is more aesthetic. However, if you are going to make a do-it-yourself dog house, lay out the roofing material under a layer of plywood, then water will not get inside, and the ceiling will become more comfortable for the animal. If the roofing iron sticks out from under the plywood, then jumping onto the roof, the chain will begin to rattle unpleasantly. You can simply cover with linoleum, but, most importantly, that there is plywood on top.

What should be a dog house in winter?

Another important thing is that the doghouse in winter must be closed with a special curtain so that snow does not get into the kennel, and during the rest the dog feels comfortable without drafts. The curtain can be made by yourself using jute bags (fabric potato) to match the size of the loophole. Either you can we have. Screw it over the loophole for the winter so that it covers the entrance by touching the floor. If the dog does not sit idle and often tears this curtain, you will have to change it from time to time. In cold weather from December to April, this curtain is necessary, the dog loves normal conditions.

Where to put a dog house?

After you have purchased a dog house or made it yourself according to the norms described above, you need to plan and choose a place for a dog house.

The location of the kennel and the pet site itself must be placed under a slight slope so that the rain does not flood it with water. The place where the pet moves is preferably concreted or asphalted. In winter, the pet finds sunny areas where he can lie outside. Given this, provide a special tray and place it in the place where the dog most often rests. Having chosen the tray, the pet will remain lying there further, if he refuses it, then it is worth removing the tray and not putting it on again.

When the pet's house is next to the fence of the neighbors, jumping on her, she will spy on them. If you do not want this, consider the location of the house in another place. It is important to correctly place a four-legged friend on the chain, taking into account the norms of dog breeding, then the pet will not get tangled in the chain.

If the kennel is at the fence, the lower part of it should not be blown. Animals do not like drafts.

Summer shade condition.

In summer, in sunny time from 11.00 to 17.00, the pet needs a guaranteed shadow within the radius of its movement. In winter, the leaves will fall off and the tree will block out the sunny area that the dog needs so much. Therefore, if you create a canopy next to the pet's house, then it must be at the height of human growth. Part of the canopy should cover the dog yard, creating shade, and part not, so that there is a sunny area in winter. Therefore, a shadow at the height of the navel is not recommended. There should be no trees within the pet's travel radius that it can tag. In a year, such a tree will die. Therefore, the rhizome zone should not fall into the radius of its movement.

Drinking dogs on a chain.

The drinking zone, the drinking bowl, must be placed where it will be difficult to overturn it with a chain. In the corner of the house of a four-legged friend, we advise you to install a special mount on which a shelf with a fence is installed where the bowl is placed. A four-legged friend is fed from such a bowl and he will not overturn it. Feeding and watering should come from separate dishes. Water must always be supplied. If the water freezes in winter, then there must be a place where the dog will eat pure snow, which is quite enough for him.

These are simple ways to accommodate four-legged friends. Do as smart people advise, put likes and leave comments.

A dog is not only a friend of a person, but also a full member of the family. Of course, in a city apartment it is not always possible to have a shaggy pet. But if you live in a private house, then most often you have a dog that plays the role of both a watchman and a friend.

In this case, you should definitely provide your beloved dog with housing - comfortable, practical and warm.

Today you will learn how to make a kennel in which the dog will feel cozy and comfortable in any weather.

Today we will consider all the nuances of building and equipping a dog house with our own hands, from preparing for work to installing a roof.

Determine the size of the booth for the dog and its location

First of all, choose the place where the booth will be located. This is a kind of guard post, and the location must comply with certain rules:

  • when installing the structure, consider the direction of the wind, since the booth should not be blown;
  • the place should be well lit, but located nearby a shaded area where the dog will rest from the heat;
  • avoid moisture that may accumulate under the booth, install the kennel on a hill in a dry place;
  • the kennel should be close enough to the front door of the house, optimally on the south side;
  • from the side of the booth, the gate, the entrance gate and most of the site should be clearly visible.

The last point is justified by the fact that the dog by its nature requires a maximum view of the space, which allows it to detect danger and provide protection.

Now let's move on to the next task. Whatever the shape of the booth for the dog, the dimensions should be calculated optimally for the pet. Therefore, the indicators of the size of a dog with allowances are taken as the basis for calculations.

For the construction of the booth, the following dimensions are traditionally used:

  1. Booth for a small dog (for example, a dachshund) - 700 mm long, 550 mm wide, 600 mm high;
  2. Kennel for a medium dog (Laika, German Shepherd) - 1200 mm long, 750 mm wide, 800 mm high;
  3. Booth for a large dog (Alabay, Caucasian Shepherd Dog) - 1400 mm long, 1000 mm wide, 950 mm high.

Since the size of the dog, even within the same breed, can vary, the size of the kennel can be customized.

And to determine them optimally, use this technique in the calculations. To determine the width of the hole, measure the width of the dog's chest, and add 5-8 cm to the resulting value. The height of the hole should be 5 cm lower than the dog at the withers, and the height of the entire booth should be 5 cm higher. The depth of the booth should be the same as the height.

Do-it-yourself drawing for a booth

So, having decided on the size of the booth and the additional conditions for its installation, we proceed to the exact image on paper.

To make a good, reliable booth with your own hands, the drawing must be drawn up correctly, taking into account not only the dimensions of the dog, but also its character traits and even the climate.

Take into account such additions that will make the kennel a good and convenient protective structure:

  1. There should be enough space inside the kennel for the dog to stand up, turn around or lie down stretched out. The same applies to the entrance hole. That is, when calculating, do not forget to add a few centimeters overgrowth, especially if the dog is still a puppy and will continue to grow.
  2. Use only natural, ecological materials for the construction of the booth. The optimal solution is wood: cheap, affordable and not harmful to your pet's health.
  3. If you live in a cooler climate, make sure your dog stays warm in the winter. Be sure to insulate the booth, and if possible, apply additional measures. For example, a booth can be two-room. The width of the booth will increase by about 2 times, while the access to the first room, or vestibule, is located from the courtyard, and the access to the second room will be made in the inner wall closer to the rear surface of the booth.
  4. You can also build a booth inside the aviary. This option is well suited for large dogs that are not used to sitting on a chain. Thus, the pet will not lose freedom of movement, and the booth will be provided with additional heat preservation. If you live in the southern, warm regions, it is still better to make the booth larger than the prescribed size: the dog will need more coolness than warmth.
  5. Decide what you want for the booth. On a shed roof, a dog can comfortably rest, and under a gable roof, you can equip a small attic for toys.

Taking into account all the nuances, draw up an exact drawing of your structure. It will also help you calculate the amount of materials needed.

Materials you will need

Before you build a dog house, arm yourself with everything you need and prepare the materials. So, in addition to the finished drawing, you need:

  • Pencil;
  • Saw;
  • Shovel;
  • Roulette;
  • Building level;
  • A hammer;
  • Nails;
  • Hacksaw;
  • drying oil;
  • Antiseptic for wood impregnation;
  • Dye.

The optimal choice of material for the body of the booth is wood, mostly coniferous.

Such wood breathes well, retains heat, is easy to process and durable in operation. Use the lining too. Floor board, plywood sheets, bars, and for finishing - decorative slats and corners.

Well, the booth is ready. To give it a finished beautiful look, coat it on the outside with varnish or paint.

Insulated booth for a dog: what to do to make the pet feel comfortable in winter

We have already said that additional insulation will not be needed in all cases. Your dog may be shaggy enough to do without a warm kennel, and the yard closed enough for cold winds and dampness. But still, the issue of insulation and waterproofing is worth a separate consideration.

  1. First of all, remember that you can not put the booth directly on the ground. Because of this, the floor will quickly begin to rot. Install logs on the ground - thick boards, logs or bricks, on which you raise the finished booth. This will be the first step towards .
  2. Turn the structure over so that it is installed upside down. Treat it properly from the outside with an antiseptic, cover it with roofing felt and nail additional 100 by 50 bars on top, also pre-impregnated with an antiseptic. Turning the structure over to its original position, cover the bottom with glassine, lay a layer of insulation (mineral wool or polystyrene), lay it again with glassine and fix the finished floor.
  3. The walls are insulated in exactly the same way and sheathed with clapboard on the inside. In this way, you will provide the design with the effect of a thermos, which allows you to keep warm from the inside.
  4. Remember that if you made a booth from a thick beam of 8-10 cm, then wall insulation is not necessary, but the roof and floor will still need to be insulated.

  5. If you do not have the opportunity to put the booth on a dais, or the area is characterized by high humidity, provide the booth: lay polyethylene between the surface and the insulation layer when you equip the floor, ceiling and walls.

All these methods will help you provide protection from moisture, drafts, dampness, which means that the pet will be comfortable and cozy in the booth.

How to properly care for a dog kennel

As you know, it is not enough to build a good building, you need to take care of it in order to extend the maximum service life and delay time. This is especially true for the dog house.

In order to simplify the subsequent care of the kennel, make it collapsible during construction.

For example, with a retractable roof or retractable walls. Thus, you can also simply brush off the snow from the surface of the booth in winter, and it will be much easier to disinfect from the inside of the structure.

In addition, in the event of a breakdown or damage to one, it is much easier to replace it if it is collapsible than to repair everything completely.

Video about building a dog house

Well, now on your site there is a place for your shaggy pet, a thunderstorm of the surroundings and a faithful watchman. The dog will surely be happy with such a cozy and comfortable home, and will feel the love and respect of his master! If you want to know more about building a booth, ask questions in the comments, we will be happy to help you with your work!
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