Invisible braces. Invisible braces Invisible braces systems

Installing an invisible bracket system will be an ideal solution for those who do not want to wear massive and flashy metal structures. It quickly corrects malocclusion, uneven teeth and at the same time does not cause any discomfort and does not spoil the smile area with ugly braces. Modern dentistry presents several options for transparent caps, so it is worth considering the advantages of each model.

As for the price of orthopedic devices, it will directly depend on the material and model. But in any case, the cost of white structures is always higher than metal ones, but much lower than that of lingual braces. To understand which model is better, you need to consult with a specialist: only he can choose the really best option. Moreover, he will do this only after he has carried out a diagnosis and assessed the degree of complexity of the dental anomaly.

In addition, each type has its own period of wearing. It can vary from eight months to three years. Much depends on the material from which the bracket system is made, on the person's age data, as well as on the existing defect. It should be noted right away that it is possible to correct a bite or irregularities only if you undergo a full course of treatment, even if there are improvements, you should not give up the dental apparatus. The fact is that this result needs some more time to be maintained in order for it to be fixed.

Actually this period is called retention. As a rule, it lasts almost twice as long as the treatment. But this system is much more convenient, so there should be no problems while wearing it. Only if you follow all the recommendations of the orthopedist, you can get really even and beautiful teeth. If this is not done, then it is quite possible that they will return to their original position.

Features of care

The hygiene procedure should be carried out at the proper level, and even more so when wearing orthopedic devices such as braces. To thoroughly clean the transparent elements, you must use additional tools:

  • toothbrush;
  • irrigator;
  • single tufted toothbrush.

Tooth enamel and places where braces are fixed are thoroughly cleaned with brushes and special brushes, moreover, such procedures must be carried out more often and longer. After that, you need to thoroughly rinse your mouth to clean hard-to-reach places, since it is in them that food residues often accumulate. Such activities are required to be done after any meal, it is best to do this with solutions that have an antiseptic property.

In addition, it is worth reconsidering and correcting the diet, excluding from it products that can stain braces. Refuse for the time of wearing from seeds, nuts, crackers and other solid foods. It is also highly undesirable to eat too hot or, conversely, cold dishes. The fact is that sudden temperature changes that occur in the oral cavity adversely affect dental appliances, after which they cease to function normally.

It should be added that an effective result in the form of a beautiful smile can only be obtained if the specialist professionally installed braces, and the patient strictly followed all his recommendations.

A beautiful smile is the main weapon of a person. Sometimes the teeth are far from ideal, and then they have to be aligned. Braces are the only effective way to do this naturally and painlessly, but many are embarrassed to wear them. Especially teenagers and adults who, because of work, have to constantly communicate with people. Today this is no longer a problem, as modern orthodontics has found a solution - invisible braces. From this article you will learn what it is, what are their features, advantages and disadvantages, and you can also verify their invisibility by looking at the photo of invisible braces.

Lingual braces

Their name is directly related to the Latin word "lingua", which is translated into Russian as "language". Lingual braces, unlike traditional systems, are installed on the inside of the teeth, thus hiding them from the gaze of others.

The essence of the treatment is the same as before - pressure is applied to the teeth with the help of metal brackets and an arc, and they gradually take the correct position. The installation and correction of lingual systems during bite correction is much more difficult, since the specialist has to work almost blindly, so not every clinic will be able to find a similar service and an orthodontist who can provide treatment at the highest level.

In the photo below you can see what invisible braces already installed look like. They are invisible even at close inspection. This is an excellent solution for those people for whom the psychological side of the issue is a serious problem.


  1. No need to worry about the beauty of your smile, removing the system before each solemn event (as, for example, is the case with aligners). This increases both the speed and effectiveness of the treatment.
  2. The whole design is completely made taking into account the individual characteristics of a person - this is a huge plus for braces, since the quality of treatment with this approach increases significantly.
  3. There are practically no age restrictions. They should only be installed with caution in children under 13 years of age. In other cases, it does not matter how old you are - 20 or 60.
  4. The risk of developing inflammation of the gums, gingivitis is much lower than when using classic vestibular braces.


  1. The high price of invisible lingual braces makes them out of reach for many people. They cost from 100 to 250 thousand rubles, depending on the region and the prices of the dental clinic.
  2. Complicated brushing of teeth and constructions - hygiene takes much more time.
  3. At first, diction is noticeably disturbed, the adaptation period can last up to a month, depending on your individual characteristics.

Manufacturing and installation

Innovative lingual braces are made much longer than conventional designs for the simple reason that the system is individual for each individual person. On average, this process takes up to a month.

Before proceeding with the development of the design, the orthodontist will make a cast of your both jaws, direct you to an x-ray, and perform a complete sanitation of the oral cavity. Then the locks are fixed on each tooth and only then the arc is installed.

As we have already mentioned, lingual discreet braces require more careful maintenance. You will need more than just a special toothbrush and toothbrushes. An irrigator is highly desirable - a device that supplies a stream of water to the teeth under high pressure, due to which the most inaccessible places are cleaned.

Features of ceramic braces

Invisible ceramic braces have a more affordable price. Today they remain the most popular option. Made from an opaque material that mimics the natural color of your teeth, they are virtually invisible. You can see for yourself by looking at the photo.

Benefits of ceramic braces:

  • do not cause friction and therefore do not irritate the gums;
  • completely identical to the color of the teeth, do not darken over time, no matter how much you wear them;
  • they are more expensive than classic, but much cheaper than lingual braces;
  • comfortable to wear, practically do not interfere and painlessly correct the bite.

The only significant disadvantage of ceramic systems is the long treatment period. Ceramics has no other weaknesses, since it has an optimal combination of price and quality.

Aesthetic sapphire braces

Invisible braces made of medical sapphire can be called not only a wonderful tool for correcting an overbite, but also a stylish decoration. The stones are crystal clear, but as soon as the light falls on them, they immediately begin to shimmer. The only thing that can spoil the external impression is the arcs, but they turn white and become almost invisible. In order to appreciate the attractiveness of invisible braces, just look at the photo.

Benefits of sapphire braces:

  • almost invisible, look very attractive;
  • very durable compared to ceramics and plastics;
  • do not violate diction;
  • do not rub or injure the mucous membrane of the oral cavity;
  • Invisible sapphire braces correct the bite completely painlessly, and adaptation to them takes place quickly.

Not everyone can buy this design. How much you have to pay, it is definitely difficult to answer. It depends on the clinic and the individual characteristics of your teeth. But be guided by the average cost of about 80-100 thousand rubles.

Which braces to end up choosing?

Each of the types of braces described above is able to cope with both mild and complex types of malocclusion. Therefore, the choice depends only on your preferences and what cost of construction you can afford.

No matter how much experts praise ceramic and sapphire braces, still only lingual constructions can be objectively considered absolutely invisible. Although their cost is quite high, if you have to work with people, then this is an ideal option for you. If convenience is more important to you, then new generation sapphire braces are more suitable for you.

In this article, we told you about the varieties of discreet braces to correct an overbite. At the end of the article, we suggest that you get acquainted with another way to discreetly correct an overbite without using braces. Sound interesting? Then be sure to watch the final video.

Pros and cons of orthodontic invisibles

Daria Viktorovna, orthodontist: In order to start treatment, we need to make a diagnosis.

We take intraoral, frontal, profile pictures of the patient in order to assess the position of the teeth, send these pictures to the laboratory. And this is one of the stages of predicting treatment.

This allows us to evaluate the position of the teeth and also create a virtual setup to see how the teeth move during each stage of the aligner treatment. After we sent all the necessary information for diagnosis to the laboratory, we invited the patient to evaluate the final result, as well as see how the teeth move at each stage of treatment, and confirm the production of the aligners.

Patient: Actually I was very happy and I was happy with the result. According to the number of medical caps, I was told that there would be about 19 of them, and the treatment would take nine months. Compared to braces, this is, of course, much faster, which is a big plus! And convenience is not only in the fast terms of treatment.

Invisible braces are necessary in order to eliminate malocclusion, curvature and unevenness of the dentition, but at the same time they should be as visually invisible as possible. Typically, such products are used by adults whose professional activities are associated with frequent meetings and popular personalities (models, actors, politicians, and so on).

Positive qualities of invisible corrective structures:

  • the main advantages comes from their purpose - braces are completely invisible;
  • usually these products are small in size and do not affect the appearance of a person;
  • after passing the full period of treatment, there are no signs of their use, there are no various destructions on the surface of the teeth;
  • have a hypoallergenic basis, so all structural elements include components that do not cause allergic reactions and are suitable for each patient;
  • invisible products can correct deep bite defects no less effectively than classic ligature ones;
  • due to the fact that the locks have a round, high-quality processed shape, there is no injury to the tongue;
  • fast addiction - in a week the patient will not feel discomfort and inconvenience when using the design.

However, there are several disadvantages:

  • when worn, inconspicuous braces can cause problems with diction, but this problem will disappear quickly enough;
  • they have a rather complicated installation, therefore the doctor who installs these structures must have professionalism and experience;
  • high cost of products.

Today, such inconspicuous braces for teeth, the manufacture of which involves the use of medical sapphire, have begun to be actively introduced into the process. Such a system serves not only to eliminate problems with malocclusion, but can also become a stylish decoration. The stones are crystal clear, but if light hits them, the tones immediately begin to shimmer.

The underlying reason that can affect the overall impression remains arcs. But their coloring can occur in white, which makes it possible to give them an inconspicuous appearance. To understand how attractive such orthodontic systems are, it is necessary to appreciate their positive qualities:

  1. They are almost invisible on the teeth, they have a very attractive appearance.
  2. They have high strength, if we draw an analogy with ceramics and plastic.
  3. There is no violation of diction.
  4. Sapphire braces do not rub or injure the oral mucosa.
  5. Invisible sapphire systems allow you to painlessly correct the bite, and the addiction process lasts very quickly.

While there are so many benefits, sapphire constructions can come with some downsides. This should include the following:

  1. High price. Today, not everyone can install such products. It is impossible to accurately determine the cost of such an installation. It all depends on the clinic where the braces will be installed, as well as on individual characteristics. The approximate price of the structure will be 80 -100 thousand rubles.
  2. Invisible sapphire systems cause discomfort to the patient in the first days after their installation. But, as practice shows, discomfort occurs in patients when installing various orthodontic systems.

The best lingual (invisible) braces

Surely each of the readers at least once in his life saw braces installed on the outside of the teeth. Staples fixed in this way are classic and are called vestibular. Depending on the material of manufacture of vestibular braces, they can be more or less noticeable.

Lingual braces are installed not from the outside, but from the inside. They are made of metal, but this does not prevent them from being highly aesthetic. Corrective devices are not visible during a conversation or a smile, their presence can only be detected with the help of a mouth mirror.

In Russia, lingual braces made in the USA are installed Stb (STB), In-ovation-L (Innovation), and the German systems Incognito (Incognito) and Win (Win).

Invisibility is the main advantage of internal braces. The disadvantages include: a long period of adaptation, difficulty in care, relative fragility and high cost of structures

White braces are a type of invisible corrective devices that are made of a crystalline material. Two types are produced:

  • monocrystalline;
  • polycrystalline.

These systems are designed for people whose professional activities are related to other people. They are invisible on the dentition. Often produced with a white arc, which is also not visually visible. Can be used for children from 13-14 years old and adults up to 60 years old.

The period of wearing these products is long - up to 2 years. Also, the cost of white braces can be quite high, from 30-40 thousand for a complete set. Installation is carried out in the same way as other corrective devices.

Lingual structures are installed on the inner surface of the teeth - this is the main difference from the installation of traditional systems.

They are absolutely invisible to the eyes of the surrounding people, but the effect of these structures is standard.

By means of a metal arc and brackets, a certain pressure is exerted on the teeth, as a result of which, from constant exposure, they stand in a natural physiological position.

The process of bite correction with inconspicuous systems, namely, the installation and adjustment procedure, is somewhat more complicated than working with conventional structures.

The orthodontist has to work almost by touch. The price of such a system depends on several factors, and the complexity of the work is one of them. Installed options for braces are shown in the photo in the article.

Advantages of lingual invisible systems for bite correction:

  • those who are concerned about the appearance do not need to remove the structure before important events or photographing. The effectiveness of treatment in these conditions increases;
  • The main advantage of lingual braces is that they are made taking into account the individual characteristics of each patient;
  • there is no age limit to use this design. Only for children under 13 years of age it is installed with some caution;
  • the risk of inflammation of the gum tissue is significantly lower than during the use of outdated systems.

  • lingual invisible braces are not available to many patients, as their price is too high (about 150 thousand rubles);
  • cleaning the structure is a complex and lengthy process;
  • at the beginning of use, diction is disturbed in patients. People get used to a foreign object in the oral cavity in about a month.

Lingual braces take longer to make than conventional dental braces.

This allows you to take into account and adjust them to the characteristics of the jaw apparatus of any patient. Lingual systems can be designed for about one month.

Before proceeding with the design, the orthodontist will make a complete examination of the oral cavity, direct the patient to an x-ray and take a cast of the jaws. After that, the doctor will fix the locks on the teeth and install the arches of the braces.

Lingual invisible braces are structures that must be cared for not only systematically, but also carefully.

A special brush is needed, and a regular brush is suitable for cleaning the outside of the teeth.

It is better to use an irrigator - jets of liquid under pressure most thoroughly remove plaque and food debris between the bracket arches and the surface of the teeth.

Ceramic braces differ from previous generation systems in the material used to make them. They use polycrystalline alumina.

The price of invisible ceramic braces is more affordable for patients in comparison with the cost of a lingual construction.

Now this is the most common way to correct the bite, despite the fact that the design is almost opaque.

Ceramic braces are hardly noticeable, since they are made using a solution that has the natural color of the patient's teeth.

The positive aspects of inconspicuous ceramic braces:

  • This orthodontic bite correction system does not rub or irritate the gums. As a result, inflammation of the oral cavity does not develop;
  • in the process of wearing, they do not change color and do not darken: they do not stain from tea, coffee and other food products;
  • match the color of the teeth. The color of ceramics is selected for each patient individually;
  • the cost of these systems is lower than lingual braces, but higher than classic ones;
  • they practically do not interfere during operation, thanks to this they are quite convenient;
  • bite adjustment occurs with minimal pain.

The main disadvantage of this design is the lengthy process of adjusting the dentoalveolar apparatus. To clean the system, you will need a brush and a brush for orthodontic systems.

Invisible ceramic braces are fixed on the outer side of the teeth. This is their difference from metal structures, fastened both from the outside and from the inside.

In terms of strength, ceramic systems are similar to metal ones and have good aesthetic qualities.

Bite correction systems are made either entirely of ceramics or a combination of several materials.

There are several types of such braces:

  • all-ceramic - have the greatest aesthetics;
  • ceramic with a metal lock - the groove for the arc and the body of the bracket are made of ceramic, and a metal latch is used for fixing;
  • ceramic with a metal groove - the groove is made of metal. These braces use a ligature type of archwire fixation;
  • ceramic with a combination of "metal groove and metal lock" - these braces have slightly worse aesthetics than the previous ones.

1500 21 ARTICLES

Do you know how long the treatment of malocclusion with braces can last? Up to five years! Naturally, not everyone is satisfied with wearing an extraneous, clearly visible and outwardly not very attractive design during all this time. Yes, and in the most visible place. For patients with high requirements for aesthetics, we are ready to offer a special device for correcting malocclusion: invisible braces.

Invisible lingual braces are installed on the inside of the dentition, and therefore are visible only when the mouth is opened very wide. And if the treatment of malocclusion with conventional braces can no longer be called some kind of exotic - this method is very common and widely practiced in dental practice, then invisible braces are still considered as a very unusual device.

An alternative to them can only be plastic, ceramic and sapphire braces. But the first are not strong enough and durable, and the second and third are very expensive. Lingual braces do not suffer from these shortcomings, although they have their own: discomfort in the oral cavity during the adaptation period, diction is disturbed in a number of patients - all these problems resolve themselves within the first 2 weeks of wearing the system, after getting used to it.

Types of invisible braces

Braces invisible It's not a separate design. This is a whole class of braces, sorted into two large categories:

  • lingual, or internal braces, which are fixed from the side of the tongue and are completely invisible due to this from the side
  • ceramic vestibular braces, which are located on the outside of the teeth and are plastic, ceramic and sapphire. It uses the technology of disguising the bracket to match the color of the teeth, which makes them less noticeable (but upon closer examination, they are still quite visible).


Michel Cassagne:
Specialist in working with the Incognito bracket system.


Michel Cassagne is the only doctor in Moscow who has been trained in the USA on the use of Incognito braces.

Incognito - an elite bracket system, the leader in lingual orthodontics!

  • Gold alloy does not cause allergies.
  • Invisible. Fixed on the inside of the teeth.
  • They are made in the TOP-Service laboratory in Germany especially for you at the request of your orthodontist.

Different invisible braces differ from each other not only in design, but also in price. The cheapest option would be a plastic ceramic vestibular bracket. The most expensive and effective (both in terms of durability and aesthetics) is sapphire. Sapphire braces are a type of ceramic braces. The differences are in the structure of the material: ceramic brackets are made on the basis of polycrystalline material, while sapphire ones are made of single-crystal.

The disadvantage of plastic is also its ability to change its color over time (this happens under the influence of food dyes, juices, tea, coffee and cigarette smoke). Insufficiently high strength, coupled with a gradual change in the initially ideal color, causes frequent trips to the dentist: to replace, correct, restore individual braces.

Many clinics in Moscow offer the possibility of installing all types of invisible braces. At your service are highly qualified specialists from Europe, experts in aesthetic dentistry, for whom the very concept of "dentistry" sounds like "full correction of the bite and restoration of the attractiveness and aesthetics of a smile."

Appreciate the European quality and style,
without leaving Moscow

The convenient location of French dentistry and the availability of secure free parking make visiting the Clinic as simple and convenient as possible in a big city.

Location within walking distance
from Moscow City

Near metro station Ulitsa 1905 Goda

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The problem of malocclusion is familiar to many. But not everyone tries to fix it in early childhood, and the older a person gets, the more inconvenience this problem can bring.

But it's never too late to start treatment. But the problem is that many do not want to install braces because of the appearance. "Metal smile" few people like it. However, the development of dentistry does not stand still, the best solution to the bite problem is invisible braces.

Lingual braces are only visible when the mouth is opened wide. A photo

Lingual invisible braces

Lingual invisible braces (translated from Latin “lingua” - language) is one of the types of orthopedic system, which differs from corrective devices in that the installation takes place on the inside of the dentition, due to which they are completely invisible to others. This system helps to correct the violation of occlusion, as well as to correct the curvature of the dental units. In addition to its medicinal properties, the invisible bracket system is good because it is hardly noticeable from the outside. So what is so special about this system?

The main positive qualities of lingual invisible braces are, firstly, its complete invisibility; at the end of the treatment, there are no traces of its use; it is absolutely hypoallergenic, which allows it to be used by all patients; Hidden braces will help in correcting deep bite defects as effectively as ligature braces. Thanks to the rounded shape of the locks, there is no risk of injury to the tongue. The convenient form helps to quickly get used to it, in no more than a few days the feeling of discomfort will disappear.

But, like any other remedy, inconspicuous braces have some drawbacks: at first, after installation, there may be a problem with diction, however, and it disappears soon; the installation system of these braces is not easy, therefore the competence and experience of the doctor installing the system is mandatory; Also, the disadvantage of invisible braces is their high cost.

How invisible braces work

Regardless of the type of braces, the principle of operation is unchanged. The main element of lingual invisible braces is made of metal, which has the function of "shape memory". The material for this arc is nitinol, an alloy of nickel and titanium. When this metal is heated, at a critical temperature, it hardens and henceforth, with any defects, takes its original shape.

Varieties of invisible braces

Invisible braces can be:

  • plastic

Thanks to a wide range of types of invisible braces, everyone can choose the type of construction they need. Therefore, before installation, it is better to consult with a specialist and select the required type of construction.

Invisible bracket system

Features of lingual constructions

This system is installed on the inner surface of the dentition, which allows them to be completely invisible, however, their healing function is standard. With the help of pressure exerted by metal arcs and braces on the teeth, they become in their correct natural position.

The manufacturing process is longer than with other dental structures, which allows for more accurate bracket sizing. On average, fitting a lingual system takes about a month.

Before starting the design, the orthodontist must make a careful examination of the oral cavity, take an x-ray and take a cast of the jaws. Next, the doctor fixes the locks and arches of the braces on the teeth.

The installation system of inconspicuous systems is a little more difficult than conventional designs. Due to the location of the arches of the braces on the inside of the dentition, the doctor has to work blindly.

After installing lingual invisible braces, the system needs systematic and thorough care. The patient will need to purchase a special brush to clean the inside of the dentition. Dentists also recommend using an irrigator - a device that, by means of a jet of liquid under pressure, thoroughly removes plaque and food debris from hard-to-reach parts of the braces.

Characteristics of invisible ceramic braces

Ceramics is one of the more popular materials used in modern dentistry. It is made from polycrystalline alumina.
Ceramic braces are not only reliable, but also much cheaper than lingual braces. They are the most common way to correct the bite, unlike the rest of the presented line.

Advantages of hidden ceramic braces:

  1. This type of braces protects the gums from irritation and chafing. Due to this, inflammation in the oral cavity will not develop;
  2. Thanks to the ceramic coating, the braces will not change color and stain due to tea or coffee;
  3. The color of the ceramic coating is selected according to the color of the teeth in an individual way;
  4. They bring minimal discomfort in everyday life, due to a good fit, a person quickly adapts to them;
  5. For the entire time of bite adjustment, pain is minimized;
  6. The strength of the ceramic system is similar to braces made of metal. Also a big plus of this system, in its aesthetic qualities;

Basically, invisible braces are made either entirely of ceramics, or by combining with some metals.

There are the following types of ceramic braces:

  • All-ceramic, with the highest aesthetic qualities;
  • Ceramic, fastened with a metal lock;
  • Ceramic using a metal groove - fastened using a ligature type of arc fixation;
  • Ceramic with a set of combinations "metal groove and metal lock".

Description of sapphire invisible braces

A hidden system for correcting malocclusion is also made from medical sapphire, which was specially grown for the necessary medical purposes. In addition to its corrective qualities, the sapphire bracket is used as a fashion accessory.

A significant aesthetic property of such systems is the "play of light" of the crystal. The crystal itself seems transparent, however, at the moment the rays of light hit it, it begins to play with modulations.

It was also provided for the white coloring of the connecting arches, so they became invisible against the background of the teeth.

Benefits of hidden sapphire braces:

  1. Pleasant aesthetic appearance;
  2. Have no effect on the pronunciation of the patient;
  3. Sapphire systems are more durable constructions than plastic or ceramic ones;
  4. Do not bear discomfort of the oral mucosa, safe for gums;
  5. There is no period of adaptation to this type of system;
  6. The bite correction process is painless.

Cons of using sapphire bite alignment systems:

  • The high cost of the system, which not all patients can afford. The approximate price for a sapphire system is approximately 100,000 rubles. The cost also depends on the strength of the curvature of the bite and on the clinic itself, in which the treatment takes place;
  • For some time after the installation of braces, some discomfort may be felt, however, these are not so painful and quickly passing symptoms.

To care for sapphire discreet systems, you need to use a specialized toothbrush for braces, as well as a brush. They help to easily get to the most inaccessible places, and it will not be superfluous to clean the system with a jet of water from the irrigator.

Invisible braces: photo

Plastic braces

Another type of invisible system is the plastic braces system. A big plus of this type of system is a greater variety of colors, allowing you to choose the exact shade that suits your teeth. There are also a variety of color plates designed for children. These plates not only help in correcting teeth, but are interesting for the child. Also in the positive aspects of this system is its affordability, unlike other types of hidden braces. They are virtually invisible on the tooth surface.

The negative qualities of this system are: fragility of braces. Since the plastic is not strong enough, it is easy to damage it when worn, which leads to unnecessary costs for repairing the product and wasting extra time waiting for spare parts to be ready, the approximate cost of one system is about 15,000 rubles; long period of wear of the system. Another tangible disadvantage of such a system is easy staining when interacting with food and drinks.

White designs

Another type of invisible corrective systems made of crystalline material. There are two types: monocrystalline and polycrystalline. This system is designed for patients who are in close contact with other people. The system is completely invisible on the teeth. Most often, a white arc is made, which is not visible visually. Such systems are installed for children at the age of 13, as well as for adults about 60 years old. Such a system must be worn for about two years. The cost of such systems can be about 30-40 thousand rubles.

An example of invisible braces

These invisible braces are ready to help you get rid of both deep and medium misaligned teeth. Which system to use is up to you, the choice is yours. But do not forget, a beautiful even smile is one of the main keys to success.

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