What to eat the day after overeating. If you overate: what to do with a feeling of heaviness, how to avoid excess weight. Fasting day rules after overeating

During festive feast it can be difficult to deny yourself the desire to try all the delicious and mouth-watering dishes specially prepared for the occasion of the festival.

And for this pleasure you will have to pay with the appearance of puffiness and extra pounds The next morning. Fasting day after overeating will help to quickly recover former form and cleanse the body of all that is superfluous.

Unloading day after overeating: benefit or harm ^

If you overeat, start the morning with unloading, otherwise a couple of kilograms eaten will be fixed on your hips and waist for a long time. A fasting day after a festive feast is a quick and effective help to the body.

The principle of such a day is a specially selected menu consisting of one or more products.

  • Food should be taken in small portions, five or six times a day. Thanks to this, hunger will not be particularly felt, and it will not be so difficult to transfer the fasting day.
  • Such a diet and fractional nutrition will allow not only to find temporarily lost forms, but also to improve digestion, speed up metabolism, remove toxins and waste products from the body.
  • In addition, sticking to a mono-diet is very simple and convenient, because it does not have time to get bored or bored in a day.
  • The recipe for this day can be chosen to your liking from a variety of options. Preference should be given to low-calorie foods - vegetables, fruits, cereals.
  • If you have eaten too much fat festive table, then the next day it is better to refrain from food and arrange a day therapeutic fasting with a diet of mineral water with lemon juice or kefir unloading. As a result, digestion is normalized, heaviness and other unpleasant symptoms disappear.
  • If all last evening you could not tear yourself away from salty food, then this led to the accumulation of excess fluid and the appearance of edema. Cabbage or rice unloading will help to cope with them.
  • Excessive consumption of sweets can be neutralized with vegetable unloading or kefir-berry diet.
  • If you have consumed too much alcohol, then the morning will meet you with a headache, unquenchable thirst and nausea. good help in this situation will sour cabbage, dairy products, citrus fruits, oatmeal cooked in water or boiled poultry meat. They normalize digestion, help remove poisons and toxins from the body.
  • If you ate something stale, then the next day it is better to refuse food altogether. Only a few baked apples are allowed and plentiful drink(water, green tea) up to 2.5 liters. The main rule is to drink plenty of water (ordinary drinking or mineral). The recommended volume is 1.5 or 2 liters.

Contraindications for cleansing days are:

  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Diabetes;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • Recovery period after an illness.

It must be remembered that a fasting day is a stress for the body and weakness or other ailments may occur during the day. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor in advance.

Unloading day after gluttony: recipes and menus ^

Those who want to quickly get back in shape can choose from a variety of recipes to their liking.

Unloading day after overeating on kefir

One-day unloading on kefir is a rather tough, but extremely effective diet.

  • On the day of kefir unloading, the diet will consist of only 1.5 liters or 2 liters of kefir (yogurt) and 1.5 liters of non-carbonated mineral water.

Unloading day on rice

Rice unloading day normalizes the work of the stomach and intestines and removes all toxins from the body. Rice is easily digestible and provides a long-lasting feeling of fullness, so that an acute feeling of hunger is unlikely to appear on this day.

  • A glass is enough for a day boiled rice without salt and sugar.
  • You can not be limited to water, but also drink green tea or herbal decoction.

Unloading day after gluttony on oatmeal

  • Do not eat during the day large portions boiled in water without sugar and without oil oatmeal - 700 g.
  • Plentiful drinking is recommended (1.5 l).

Unloading day on apples

  • You need to stock up on two kilograms of green apples. Eat apples as you feel hungry and drink water.
  • You can also add green and herbal tea, and apples for a change can be baked in the oven with honey.

Unloading day after the holidays on water and tea

  • Pour green tea (2 tablespoons) with boiling water (2l), divide into five servings, and drink cold or hot.
  • You can eat some raisins or prunes, dried apricots or nuts.
  • When acute attack hunger, you can eat a piece of rye bread.
  • In addition to tea, only non-carbonated mineral water is allowed to drink.

Unloading day after a food breakdown

After a food breakdown, it would be appropriate to spend the day on low-calorie foods. A stew of stewed vegetables (zucchini, tomatoes, carrots, beets) is ideal, and as a main dish - baked fish, boiled eggs or boiled poultry meat.

Unloading day after overeating sweets

  • After overeating sweets, the next day is best to eat vegetables, fruits, cereals cooked in water, or prepare a kefir-berry smoothie (1 liter of kefir and half a kilogram of berries).
  • All day long you can eat boiled or baked potatoes (1.5 kg), or the same amount of steamed vegetables, or soup-puree made from them.

Unloading day after heavy overeating

It is unlikely that your body will thank you for a hearty festive dinner. After all, it has not yet been revealed that overeating brings any benefit to the body. Rather, on the contrary, the celebration of the belly will only bring health problems and excess weight.

Unloading day will have a quick and effective help after the feast. It can be protein, carbohydrate, mixed and even water.

  • First of all, you need to exclude salt in order to get rid of the fluid accumulated in the tissues.
  • For a day, the total calorie content of food should not exceed 800 kcal.
  • The volume of fluid consumed should be one and a half liters.
  • Active training on this day is best minimized, and sleep for 9-10 hours.

Reviews and weight loss results ^

The excellent results of fasting days after the holidays have long been pleasantly pleasing to the beautiful half of humanity. But it is worth remembering the regularity of this procedure.

Such unloading will need to be repeated (maximum 2 times a week) in order to consolidate and improve the result. On ordinary days after unloading, you need to eat sensibly, do not overeat, exclude fast food, minimize sweets, confectionery and salty foods.

Feedback from our readers

Elena, 37 years old:

“Yes, I am familiar with this situation. The main thing is not to be very upset after you realize that you overate, and the next day to pull yourself together. I sat on kefir somehow after new year holidays. In a day I successfully got rid of 1.2 kg.

Natalia, 44 years old:

“Good and efficient way. The next day, as a rule, you don’t feel particularly hungry, because you made supplies for the week ahead. Therefore, to sustain one day on a diet is quite simple. I cleaned myself on rice. Rice without salt and oil does not have a special taste, so you won’t be able to eat a lot of it. Result - good cleaning body and losing weight per kilogram.

Liza, 29 years old:

“Apples are just what the doctor ordered! I buy 2 kg of sweet and sour apples and chew them all day, drinking mineral water. They say that they cause appetite, but I didn’t really notice. Both tasty and healthy. After unloading, some lightness appeared, and the weight decreased by about one kilogram.

Eastern horoscope for March 2019

The Russian feast is always plentiful, and even during the popularly beloved New Year's celebrations, the tables are completely bursting with dishes. Since the holidays drag on for a long time, a week, or even more, flowing one into another, gaining too much after winter holidays quite possible. Long lunches and dinners, meetings with friends, night meals, gatherings in a cafe - all this will negatively affect not only the waist and hips, but also the well-being and general condition organism. Such overloads are definitely harmful to him, they often bring with them a number of troubles in the post-New Year period:

  • metabolic disorders, slowing it down, constipation, accumulation of toxins and toxic substances in the intestines;
  • liver overload due to uncontrolled consumption of fatty, salty, spicy and sweet foods;
  • deterioration of the skin condition, unhealthy complexion, acne, blackheads;
  • alcohol poisoning.

Psychological attitude

Standing on the scales for the first time after the holidays, most of girls and women are horrified. Depression and despondency begin, ladies reproach themselves, scold in every possible way, threaten to stop eating and constantly complain to everyone around. In fact, there are a few things worth understanding that will help you stay upbeat, clear mind and lose weight after the New Year.

  • Don't blame yourself. Any person can be wrong. What you ate and gained too much is fixable, but dismissive attitude to his person, most likely, will make you give up and wallow in "self-digging".
  • Almost everything can be fixed. People who weigh much more than you lose weight successfully and feel great. Treat your body with respect and it will thank you.
  • When you complain to others, especially to your loved one, you draw his attention to something that he most likely did not notice. It is best to avoid this tactic.

Unloading day: features

It must be said that this method cleansing the body therapeutic diet. And in no case should it be used as a way of constant nutrition in order to lose weight. In this case, the body will lack nutrients and vitamins. Such a mono-diet in order to lose weight after the New Year holidays should not last more than one day. But if you like this method unloading, it can be used regularly, optimally - once a week.

So that losing weight after a feast does not turn into torture, eat in small portions, but five to six times a day. Such a regimen will allow you not to break loose if you are tormented by the feeling of hunger. In addition, frequent digestion of food, even light and healthy, as on a fasting day after overeating, is work for gastrointestinal tract and the whole body, which forces him to spend calories, including those that were "eaten" during the holidays.

An important and invariable rule is the use a large number water. Juices, even freshly squeezed, fruit drinks and compotes with sugar, any purchased drinks are not suitable here. Only pure non-carbonated water is a guarantee that you will remove all unnecessary from the body during the day of unloading after the holidays. You need to consume at least one and a half to two liters per day. Do not drink large portions to reduce the burden on the kidneys. It is better to do this about once every one and a half hours, in a small glass, in small sips and slowly. Water should be at a comfortable room temperature.

A one-day diet after the New Year holidays does not imply a decrease in activity. It is recommended to work or study as usual, play sports or your favorite hobby, be on fresh air. Walking on this day is a great idea, you should not deny yourself this, especially if you have the opportunity to spend an hour more time with the children in the park or walk home from work.

You need to prepare for unloading in advance. The day before, go to the store, buy everything you need and cook. For example, bake apples to work, steam buckwheat in a thermos, put everything in containers. If you are afraid to break loose, try to remove products from your field of vision that will tempt you. For the same reason, during unloading day It's better not to shop.

Contraindications and restrictions

There are various answers to the question of how to lose weight after the holidays, and a one-day mono-diet is one of them. There are a number of diseases and conditions that exclude this method, since putting a figure in order to the detriment of health is both unreasonable and dangerous.

  • Pregnancy. No hunger during childbearing is not justified. This can do a disservice to the development of the baby and the well-being of the mother. However, if you decide to slightly lighten your diet for one day, you should consult with an obstetrician-gynecologist who is in charge of pregnancy.
  • Diabetes. Violation of insulin production requires regular food intake, and a sloppy attitude to yourself can lead to dire consequences. To lose weight after the New Year, it is better to choose a different, less extreme way.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially gastritis. It is important to think over the diet so as not to aggravate your condition. For example, people with this disease should not choose citrus mono-diets, because the acid that enters the stomach will irritate and injure it.
  • Diseases of the liver and kidneys. Be sure to consult a specialist, because some products will increase the load on these organs.
  • Recovery after infectious and other diseases. Here it is better to simply improve nutrition, excluding fatty, sweet, flour and fried foods, but not to arrange a fasting day, because the body needs strength to recover.

Types of fasting days

most literate and the best option There will be a choice of the product that is right for your situation. It is necessary to determine what problems with well-being exist on this moment what was eaten the most and how to get rid of it most effectively.

Eat a lot of fat

Products richly poured with sauces with large quantity oils flavored with fats or containing them are difficult to digest. The excess begins to ferment in the esophagus, the processes of decay start. Enzymes secreted by the liver and pancreas are simply not enough for absorption. Such a load on the organs is fraught with pain in the abdomen, bloating, heartburn, and a feeling of heaviness.

The best one day diet after the holidays during which you overeat fatty foods- starvation. That is, during the day you only drink clean water. You can alternate warm and cold, and also, if there is no gastritis or other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, add a little lemon juice. No need to buy ready-made - just squeeze a slice into your glass. It will speed up the metabolism and help to remove harmful substances and toxins.

Eaten a lot of salty, pickled, spicy

These dishes contribute to the accumulation of fluid in the cells, which causes swelling. In order to bring yourself back to normal, you will need foods with fiber and magnesium salts. There are two options for a fasting day for this case.

  1. 1.5 kilograms of steamed cauliflower and broccoli without salt, water with cranberry juice.
  2. Boiled unpolished rice (1 cup). Salt, oil and seasonings, of course, can not be added. The right level of fiber will provide White cabbage, which needs to be chopped and mashed so that the juice stands out. The addition will serve without sugar.

Eaten a lot of sweets

A sharp increase in blood glucose levels, and then its decrease, is a guarantee that you will soon want sweets or a cake again, only more will be eaten. To exit from vicious circle, overcome heartburn and nausea from excessive use simple carbohydrates, the following fasting days are recommended:

  • On fruit smoothies. It is good to add fiber or bran to their composition. The choice of fruit is up to you.
  • On baked or boiled potatoes without oil and salt. Don't forget to drink water!

alcohol poisoning

overcome nausea, headache and weakness, which are signs of an excess of poisons in the blood, sauerkraut, boiled oatmeal and citrus fruits will help. Distribute these products evenly throughout the day, drink clean water. It has long been known that the habit of getting drunk improves well-being only for a while, but in general, such a decision aggravates the situation.

Food poisoning

The New Year holidays drag on for a long time, and an attempt to eat a salad that has been in the refrigerator for three days can end in failure - diarrhea, fever, weakness, nausea and vomiting. During the first day, it is not recommended to eat at all, and many cannot, because the body does not take food. It is better to make the second day unloading, adding only a few drops to clean water. baked apples, which will help get rid of poisons that enter the bloodstream during poisoning.

Visiting is always a holiday!

Overeating - "it's nothing, it's a matter of life", as another cartoon character said. It happens to everyone. And if the hospitable Rabbit helped Winnie the Pooh to eliminate the consequences of overeating, then tips from Shape magazine will help us.

Today, blog readers will learn how to behave the next day after overeating. It turns out that this behavior should be different depending on what exactly we overate. It is interesting that very often in these cases like is treated with like.

So let's talk today about fasting days and first aid after overeating.

After overeating, Shape magazine advises us to spend 1 to 3 fasting days, which ones depends on what we overeat the day before.

Fasting days contribute:
1) weight loss (due to low calorie intake);
2) normalization of metabolism;
3) Removal of metabolic products and toxic substances from the body.
Asserts the Shape log.

We ask ourselves the question: "What happened?" and looking for an answer.

1. Overate fat.

Traditional holiday foods tend to be high in fat and protein. Such food lingers in the stomach and is difficult to digest, hence the feeling of heaviness and discomfort. In addition, fatty and high-protein foods require the production of a large amount digestive enzymes, and our liver and gallbladder often fail to cope with such an attack. As a result, food is not completely digested, the pH of the intestine changes, and putrefactive processes develop. This can be manifested by indigestion, including food poisoning that lead to diarrhea. Bitterness in the mouth is one of the symptoms of gallbladder dysfunction.

Ambulance. To normalize acid-base balance in the body, which, in case of overeating of fatty and protein foods, shifts to the side acid environment, you need to eat apples, carrots, oranges, dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes), celery - they help maintain in the body alkaline environment and restore acid-base balance in the intestine. Vegetables and fruits are best eaten raw alimentary fiber improve digestion and excretion of metabolic products from the body

Unloading day after an excess of protein-fat food: kefir.
- Divide into 5-6 doses (200 ml each) and drink 1.2 liters of 1% kefir or unsweetened drinking yogurt throughout the day.
- If you prefer cottage cheese (400-600g) for unloading, then it should also be fat-free and it is better to supplement it with fruits or berries (blueberries, strawberries - can be frozen).

2. Overate sweets.

This can also negatively affect your well-being. The next day, you may feel heartburn, belching, and mild nausea. Excess sugar will raise your blood glucose levels, and reducing the intake of sugars from food will cause glycemia (low blood sugar), which will again make you want sweets and cakes.

Ambulance. The next day after overeating sweets, try to do without simple carbohydrates - sources of "fast" energy, which, if not urgently used up, will inevitably turn into fat folds on problem areas.

To maintain blood sugar levels and avoid glycemia (reducing blood sugar), you should arrange a fasting day for yourself on “slow” carbohydrates. fast carbohydrates should be replaced with non-sugar vegetables and fruits. Eat cereals boiled with water, which can be enriched with inulin, which significantly lowers blood sugar levels.

Unloading day after overeating sweets is carried out on slow carbohydrates. It can be 1.5 kg of baked potatoes or 1.5 kg of vegetables / fruits in the form of soups-puree in 4-5 doses.

3. Overate salty and spicy.

An excess of water has formed in the tissues of the body, which is why you are horrified by the sight of your own swollen face in the mirror. Our task is to bring excess liquid from the intercellular space.

Ambulance. Rice-compote fasting day due to the normalization of potassium-sodium balance in the body, excess fluid was removed from the body. Also, vegetables rich in magnesium salts (a natural diuretic and laxative) are suitable for such unloading, for example, cauliflower, cabbage broccoli and spinach. Drink green tea, lingonberry or cranberry juice, do not add salt to dishes and limit the amount of servings.

Unloading day after overeating salty and spicy: rice-compote. 750g of dark rice in 4-5 doses and 1.5 liters of compote from dried apricots or cranberries - drink throughout the day.

4. Drank too much alcohol.

Most likely, you are experiencing a severe headache, which may be accompanied by nausea, dizziness, and sweating. Brain cells want to drink, because. alcohol caused them to become dehydrated.

Ambulance. Drink plain or mineral non-carbonated water and sorbents. Natural sorbents- legnins - are found in carrots, peaches, potatoes, tomatoes, and pectins - in apples, bananas, beets, cabbage, carrots.

Succinic acid and others organic acids contained in fermented milk products, sauerkraut and citrus fruits, will accelerate the excretion of toxic products of alcohol metabolism from the body. If you feel hungry, eat a portion of boiled poultry, pasta or a bowl of oatmeal with water. Oatmeal will soothe irritated stomach lining.

Unloading day: Optimal - starve and drink water. In case of severe hunger, eat a bowl of oatmeal with water.

5. Ate something not fresh.

Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, weakness, chills, fever up to 37-36C and the need to visit the toilet every 15 minutes are common companions of food intoxication.

Ambulance. On this day, it is better to starve and drink plain or mineral non-carbonated water at least 2-2.5 liters. The amount of water you need to drink will depend on the amount of fluid you are losing.

In such conditions, drinking plenty of water or weak green or black tea, the pulp of baked apples, rich in pectin substances that can bind and remove toxins, help well, and eterosorbents such as Activated carbon, for example, at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight.

Fasting day. It is better to refuse food altogether for the day. During the day, drink 2-2.5 liters of water.

The cake in the refrigerator was superfluous, and you had to quickly destroy it in the most reliable way? Dinner at friends turned into a late-night meal to the bone? Scales are now showing terrible numbers, and thoughts are swarming in my head about what to do after overeating, how to quickly put the body in order, how to minimize the harm done to the figure. Problems now more than enough.

The morning after overeating is overshadowed by various feelings: guilt for forgetting about healthy eating, anger at myself for having crossed out all the results of training, depression due to weak strength will, for not being able to resist the temptation. Be that as it may, it is necessary to act urgently in order to have time to prevent the harm done to the body and return to healthy eating. Various holidays are remembered to us not only by excellent mood.

First of all, you can not succumb to masochistic desires to weigh yourself. The number obtained on the scales will not convey the real state of affairs, because the night before, a lot of salty or sweet food could have entered the body. carbohydrate food, and this led to water retention in the body. No need to fall into despair at the sight of a terrible figure. It is best to hide the scales and get down to business.

To remove excess water from the body, it is necessary to refuse salty foods. No soups, nuts or crackers. After evening overeating you need to eat protein, such as eggs or chicken breast. In the process of assimilation of proteins, the body removes water. Also, in order to support the body, it is necessary to eat foods containing fiber: grain bread, bread with bran. Ginger tea will help remove excess fluid and improve metabolism.

But in no case should you limit yourself, fearing that extra calories will come out sideways. If the body is not yet capable of eating in the morning and it is difficult even from one glance at a full refrigerator, you can safely wait a few hours. But you need to be guided by the feeling of hunger. Light breakfast Still, it does not hurt and it will save you from the desire to overeat at lunchtime. A light lunch will help rejuvenate. Let it be light low-fat food. Chicken breast and a light salad are perfect for a lunch meal.

Overeating is stressful for the body. A hearty dinner affects not only the numbers on the scales. First of all, the heart suffers. After overeating, the organs enlarge and the heart has to work hard to provide more space with blood. As a result, there are problems with pressure and hypertension. Another organ that suffers from overeating is the liver. When the required level of fat is exceeded, the liver cells are filled with it. In this case, not only the liver suffers, but also the intestines. And this carries with it gastritis with low acidity, cholecystitis and chronic pancreatitis.

A fasting day after overeating will help restore the body. There are several iron rules for fasting days. During unloading, you can consume up to 800 kilocalories per day and unloading should last no more than two days. Shouldn't get carried away fasting days, they can be carried out no more than twice a week. Unloading is recommended on the third day after overeating. The effectiveness of unloading is explained by the fact that reducing calories helps speed up metabolic processes.

During unloading, you need to consume a lot of vitamins and fluids. When combining fasting days and workouts, the latter need to be reduced in intensity. We should not forget about sleep - during unloading, sleep should last 9-10 hours.

No need to run to the scales immediately the next day after unloading. Extra pounds will not disappear immediately, but if unloading is carried out systematically after a certain period of time, then weight loss will not take long.

In addition, fasting days are suitable not only for those who wish to ask overweight but also for those who are satisfied with their weight. Unloading allows the body to cleanse and relax.

There are many types of fasting days. The most popular are cottage cheese, kefir, apple, cucumber, fruit and vegetable, watermelon, buckwheat fasting days. Just as popular daily fasting, during which you can not use anything but water, and that in an amount of at least two liters.

Eating disorder, which is a response to stress, is overeating and leads to excess weight This is a disease called psychogenic overeating. Such a disease can occur due to the loss of loved ones, accidents, surgical operations or emotional disorders.

human stomach in normal condition about the size of cupped palms, but when filled with food, it stretches due to folds. At strong stretch By eating the stomach, less blood enters it than necessary. At the same time, they can be very deplorable and backfire- gastritis. But how to start eating less to protect your body from the harm of regular overeating?

First you need to try to eat half as much as usual. At first it will be difficult, but later, when the stomach is reduced to an acceptable size, this will only benefit the body.

The atmosphere is also important - calm music, classical or jazz, beautiful table setting and food cooked with love. It only calms and, of course, prevents overeating.

You need to put food on a plate as much as it can visually fit in the palms folded in a boat. If the body protests with a hungry rumbling against such small portions, you can try to deceive it: small plates will visually increase the amount of food, and blue and black dishes will calm the feeling of hunger.

Spices, salt, and flavor enhancers are the main culprits for overeating. They increase appetite several times. Therefore, it is recommended to reduce the use of spices, salt and flavor enhancers, and if possible, eliminate them altogether.

It is not necessary to forget about the famous expression: “Eat breakfast like a queen; dine like a princess; eat like a beggar." The main thing is to be careful with high-calorie foods.

Sweets are also the culprit of overeating and, as a result, health and figure problems. There are people for whom one candy is enough, and for some even a kilogram is not enough. This is the alarm signal. Sweet tooth should control themselves and not get carried away with sweets through the measure.

Not only regular overeating is harmful to the body. On holidays, you need to especially monitor the amount of food consumed. A lot of dishes and I want to try everything, but how to cram it all into yourself? And you don't need everything. Going on a visit, you need to set yourself the goal of enjoying communication with friends, and not from food. The body will be grateful for it.

Overeating, whether it is regular or only on holidays, is harmful to the body, both young and older. A whole bunch of diseases (gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, hypertension and pressure problems) accompanies those who like to eat too much, not to mention problems with the figure, including obesity. Abundant evening meals it is better to replace it with a light snack a few hours before bedtime and a workout, whether it's yoga, aerobics, dancing or exercising in gym. And the body will be happy, and the figure is in order.

Everyone knows that you can’t overeat, but sometimes it can be very difficult to resist. Many are not even worried about discomfort, abdominal pain and digestive difficulties, but whether this will affect the figure, whether it will add extra pounds. Here you can immediately calm down: a single overeating will not bring harm to your appearance, unless, of course, it becomes a habit. If you overate, unloading and monitoring your nutrition in the future is a must. This will help restore digestion and prevent calories from being stored in fat.

  1. You can activate digestion natural remedies. The first thing to do is to pour yourself warm black or green tea, fruit infusion, preferably without sugar. Add mint leaves, grated a small piece of ginger to the drink. This will speed up your metabolism. But alcohol is contraindicated: it can provoke a new bout of hunger, besides, it additional load on the body.
  2. Make a drink with apple cider vinegar and honey (1 tablespoon per glass of water) to drink in small sips. Helps to produce gastric juice for the speedy digestion of food, relieves spasms.
  3. Nutritionists advise chewing gum if you overeat. Copious excretion saliva that occurs during this process will provide enough enzymes that, when ingested, will help digest heavy foods.
  4. When the discomfort recedes a little, go dancing. This will become an additional cardio load, speed up the metabolism, and help waste energy.
  5. You can not go to bed with a full stomach: this leads to the formation of stagnation, which, in turn, causes gas formation, fermentation and decay processes. All this leads to slagging of the body. Before going to bed, it is better to walk slowly at first, then faster, in the end, switch to an easy run.

If, in addition to remorse, pain in the abdomen torments, one should resort to drugs containing enzymes: festal, mezim, panreatin, creon and the like. These drugs contain substances that actively break down fats, proteins and carbohydrates, speed up digestion. But you should not do this all the time, otherwise it will be addictive, the stomach will stop producing enzymes on its own. In addition, any medicines have contraindications, before using them, you need to consult a specialist.

Video: How preparations containing enzymes work. Why can't they be taken all the time?

The next day

The next day is the time to unload. The body needs cleansing. Start the day with a glass clean water You can add some lemon juice to it. It is best to eat when you feel hungry. This will happen later than usual: not for breakfast, but, for example, for dinner or even in the late afternoon. The feeling of hunger means that everything is assimilated. It is advisable to eat when you feel a slight hunger, otherwise it will become stronger, and the likelihood that you will overeat again is greater.

Prioritize better oatmeal or buckwheat, where it is recommended to add steamed bran, vegetables, unsweetened fruits: fiber will help the intestines cleanse faster. You need to watch the portion sizes. They should not exceed 300 g per meal, otherwise the stomach will stretch, and subsequently it will be much more difficult to control your appetite.

Three meals will suffice. Last time You need to eat no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime. If it is difficult to maintain such a regime, it is allowed to include an additional 2 snacks: green apples, a handful of nuts, dried fruits.

Secret: Sweets (including high-calorie chocolate, sweets) should be eaten before lunch so that they do not affect the figure.

It will be useful physical exercise. Jogging, exercising, going to the gym. But do not exhaust yourself with training for several hours in a row, because the deposits from yesterday's overeating have not yet had time to accumulate. If you follow the principles proper nutrition, then this will not happen.

Video: Why is it drawn to sweets in the program of E. Malysheva "Life is healthy". How to get out of a sugar binge

What not to do

You can not completely refuse food the next day, starve. This is additional stress for the body. He perceives any hunger strike as an alarming signal for himself and begins to store calories for the future. Therefore, kilograms, if they can be removed, will quickly return back. You need to eat regularly in small portions, it is better to use low-calorie foods.

It is also not recommended to induce vomiting if there is no urge. This leads to hit gastric juice in oral cavity which will adversely affect the condition of the teeth. Even a short stay of hydrochloric acid in the mouth leads to erosion of tooth enamel, caries. In addition, this method is addictive, threatening to develop into mental illness, bulimia.

If overate, do cleansing enemas no sense: without correct organized meals they will not bring the desired effect. This will help cleanse the intestines, but not the body, this method does not prevent the deposition of fat. Laxative pills, perhaps, will cope with this task, but will cause a long-term indigestion, a violation of the intestinal microflora.

How to prevent overeating

Knowing your ability to overeat, any feast must begin with vegetable salad. This will fill you up before the heavier food is served. A prepared stomach will already secrete the enzymes necessary for digestion, and fiber will improve the functioning of the digestive tract. Eat slowly, chew food thoroughly.

You can overeat not only at a party, it is quite possible at home for lunch, even in the evening, deciding to have a cup of tea. Too much tasty food or favorite cakes can lead to overeating. This does not mean that you need to cook tasteless or deny yourself a treat. It is enough to cook lunch and dinner at one time, so that one portion is enough for everyone. Of course, you will have to cook often, but the figure will be safe. And you should buy your favorite cakes one at a time, do not stock them up for the future, because there is a chance you won’t be able to resist and eat everything.

If overeating occurs constantly, you should observe yourself: why this is happening. Perhaps this is the body's reaction to stress, the habit of constantly chewing something. In any case, from bad habit need to get rid of. In the meantime, replace heavy snacks with something light: vegetables, unsweetened fruits, yoghurts without fillers, kefir.

And, of course, you can’t blame yourself, much less engage in self-flagellation. You need to love yourself and forgive small weaknesses, promising not to overeat again.

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