When the winter holidays end. School holidays awaiting reform? School trimesters - why are they needed

The school year is a crucial period for both students and parents. It is already important to understand when children will attend school and when to rest. This is especially important for working parents to plan a joint vacation. It is also important for those families in which children are engaged in any additional activities - sports, dancing, music, etc. It is often important to plan the participation of children in various competitions, but in such a way that this does not interfere with general education. Let's try to find out school holidays schedule for the 2017-2018 academic year in Russia.

It is expected that some adjustments will be made to the mechanism according to which the vacation schedule is compiled at school 2017-2018, their terms can be the same in each region. Is it so?

Indeed, it is planned that from the next school year the regions of the country will accept the dates of uniform vacation periods. So, for example, voting and discussions on this proposal are taking place in Moscow. It was presented at the final press conference of the educational system in August last year. The proposal for a unified school vacation was voiced by the Minister of Education of the Moscow Government Isaac Kalina. The final decision will be made after revealing the opinion of Muscovites on this issue. In many educational institutions, voting was announced and passed using the Active Citizen electronic system. Many Muscovites have already supported the idea of ​​a unified vacation schedule. Once a final decision has been made, the school vacation schedule for the 2017-2018 academic year in Russia will also be drawn up.

Let us tell you some features in the formation of a new system of recreation for schoolchildren. Parents will have to choose one of the options for the distribution of study time and rest time for students. The first option is classic, in quarters. So children have four academic quarters and three non-academic periods in between, plus a long summer vacation.

The second option proposes to divide the academic year into trimesters, there are three of them, and between them there are three longer vacation periods.

The fourth option for the distribution of time suggests that parents divide the school year into five parts, approximately the same in time, and between them there are four periods of rest, short in duration - 6-7 days each.

It is assumed with all these options that the total amount of vacation time allotted to the child for the school year will be saved.

Recall that in Russia a certain scheme for scheduling rest between studies has been working for a long time. The Ministry of Education determines the number of vacation days for the autumn, spring, winter and summer school holidays, and also recommends certain dates for school holidays. Vacation periods, therefore, are advisory in nature. The charters of each educational institution regulate such a moment that schools have the right to independently set rest periods for their students. At the same time, the school must comply with the number of days allotted for certain holidays.

So far, no regulations have been adopted for the next year's academic period. But traditions and many years of practice allow us to guess what the vacation schedule for the 2017-2018 academic year will be like.

Vacation schedule for 2017-2018 in Russian schools

So, we bring to your attention the preliminary dates and days of the school schedule for the next academic year.
1. Schedule of the quarter holidays 2018:
The usual scheme of school education is the division of the entire academic year, consisting of nine months, into four quarters. Each quarter is separated from the other by a small period of time free from academic employment. In Russia, the longest holidays are in the summer months.

The terms of the autumn school holidays are from October 26 to November 4, 2017 inclusive (8 days). The training sessions will start on November 5th.

The terms of the winter break are from December 26, 2017 to January 9, 2017 inclusive (14 days). School days will start on January 11th.

For first-graders and students of classes of correctional development and education, the approximate dates for additional winter holidays are set - from February 22 to February 29, 2017 (7 days).
The terms of the spring break are from March 21st to March 29th, 2017 (9 days). The training sessions will start on March 30, 2017.
The terms of the summer holidays are set by the educational school in accordance with the schedules of the curricula. In summer, they cannot be shorter than 8 weeks, and at the same time, all study hours planned according to the study schedules must be issued to schoolchildren before the end of the year of study.

2. Vacation schedule 2017-2018 when studying in trimesters:

Estimated dates for the autumn period - from October 5 to October 11, 2017 inclusive (7 days). Coming out on October 12th.

The terms of the second autumn vacation are expected from November 16 to November 22, 2017 inclusive (7 days). Classes begin November 23rd.

In winter, there will be an opportunity to rest from December 31, 2017 to January 9, 2017 (10 days). Back to school January 10, 2017.

The period of the second winter holidays is expected from February 15 to February 22, 2017 inclusive (7 days). Coming to class February 24, 2017

For first-graders and classes of correctional development and education, the period of additional vacations is set - from March 9 to March 15, 2017 inclusive (5 days).
The spring break period is expected from April 04 to April 12, 2017 inclusive (7 days).

The summer break when studying on the principle of trimesters is also determined according to the accepted study schedules, but for a period of not less than 8 weeks.
Around this time, school holidays for the 2017-2018 academic year await us, the exact schedule of which, we recall, will be approved by each specific institution by the beginning of the new year of study. At the same time, the number of vacation days will be the same for everyone. In the Russian Federation, the total number of days determined for the 2017-2018 vacation schedule at school is 34-35 days. This is for the entire year of study, from September to May. Summer holidays are not included in this number.

Student holidays 2017-2018

Students live according to somewhat different educational schedules. As you know, students of both secondary and higher institutions study on a half-year system, between them they are given days to rest. University students most often have a session once at the end of the academic year. University students take the reporting session twice during the academic year, at the end of the academic semesters.

We also offer you approximate vacation schedule 2017-2018 for students students studying in institutions of vocational secondary education:
On winter holidays, students will be able to relax from December 28, 2017 to January 11, 2018 inclusive (14 days).
The institution determines the schedule of summer vacations independently. The study subject schedules and the period of the summer session are taken into account. The summer vacation of a student of a secondary vocational educational institution must be at least 6 weeks according to the calendar.

Students of higher educational institutions have, perhaps, the shortest breaks between studies. In senior years, part of the summer holidays of students is occupied by professional practice. But, as experience shows, not a single student suffered from such employment.

The vacation schedule for 2017-2018 at higher educational institutions will look something like this:

The winter session will have to be completed by January 22nd, and from the 25th, students will be dismissed for vacation, which will last 14 days, until February 8th. On this day, you will need to go to study for the second semester

The period of summer vacation for students of higher education is at least 35 days. The start and end dates are determined independently by the educational institution, individually for each course, according to the curriculum, schedule of sessions and student practices.

Look clearly on the calendar how the schedule of all vacations for schoolchildren in 2017-2018 looks like, the photo is made up of calendar periods from September 2018 to August 2018.

Some features of the preparation of school holidays

Many schools, in accordance with the Statutes of institutions, as well as the new law on education adopted in Russia, have received the right to independently choose the number of school days per week. Until recently, a six-day school week in general education schools was accepted as the norm in Russia. In the last academic year, almost every educational institution conducted a survey among students and their parents on this topic. After the poll, according to the majority of votes, many schools in the country switched to a five-day week of study. vertimo biuras Vilnius http://www.lingvobalt.lt

The number of school days per week also determines the period for rest and what the final vacation schedule for the 2017-2018 school year will be at school. This is because weekends (always Sunday and Saturday if there is a five-day study period) are not included in the number of days that are considered holidays.

Enrollment for first-graders begins in June. If you are the parents of a future first-grader, then you are already thinking about the child's adaptation to school, worrying about his physical condition, future grades and academic performance. Mandatory rest between academic quarters will allow you to correctly distribute the load both for training and for additional classes. Therefore, it would be appropriate if, immediately in June, at the time of enrolling your first grader, you will also find out the exact school vacation schedule for 2018.

We remind you that holiday schedule for 2018, which we have presented in such detail today, is not final. These are preliminary dates, but there will be no significant changes or shifts. Therefore, you can safely focus on these dates when planning a joint holiday with children, and also consider all the opportunities for your young talents to participate in various competitions. Good luck in reaching new heights!

It's no secret that the rest schedule throughout the year is no less important than the work schedule. Not only an office employee, but also any schoolchild and student will agree with this. Moreover, the latter are waiting for vacations much more than any adult - vacations. Therefore, the rest time calendar begins to concern students and schoolchildren at the very beginning of the school year and even earlier: vacations, internships abroad or work can and should be planned in advance.

Clear vacation schedules usually become known at the beginning of the school year. And they are independently determined by the administrations of educational institutions. However, the general patterns and practice of making such decisions are known to everyone. Therefore, the vacation periods for both schoolchildren and students in the 2016-2017 academic year, although with some relativity, can still be predicted. But remember: the schedule is still subject to change!

Educational institutions will form the final vacation schedule in September

School holidays in 2016-2017

Rest time for school students depends on what parts the academic year is divided into in this institution. As you know, two options are possible: traditional quarters and less familiar, but firmly established in practice, trimesters. In schools that divide the school year into quarters, rest periods are:

  • per week in late October and early November, for a total of two weeks;
  • the last days of December and the first 10 days of January, for a total of two weeks;
  • 1 week at the end of March;
  • 3 months in summer.

In addition, first-graders and children who study in correctional classes rest longer than others. In winter they get an extra week of vacation.

School holidays depend on how the school year is divided

In schools that divide the academic year into trimesters, the schedule is much simpler - after every five working weeks, a week of rest is arranged. However, there is an exception to this rule. In 2016-2017 New Year holidays for all students will be held at the same time. The vacation schedule may still be adjusted, but the preliminary dates are as follows:

  • In autumn, schoolchildren go on vacation on October 29, and return to their desks on November 7;
  • Winter holidays begin on December 24, the first school day of the new term is January 10;
  • Additional winter rest for first-graders and students of correctional classes will begin on February 18, and they will return to school on February 27;
  • Spring break will begin on March 25, and you will need to sit down at your desks on April 3;
  • Children will go to the long-awaited summer vacation at the end of May (the date depends on the specific school, usually it happens on May 24-25 or 30), and they will enter the new school year, as usual, on September 1.

Holidays for students in 2016-2017

School years, and with them the usual four vacation periods in the school year, are left behind. Students are content with only two - winter and summer. And even those are often small, since the session can “eat up” the lion's share of student leave. It is impossible to name specific dates for student vacations - such decisions are made by the university itself, based on specific curricula for 2016-2017.

Student holidays are closely related to the curriculum and session schedule

If we talk about the winter period of rest, then it usually begins at the end of January. The date depends on the exam schedule. Students return to the classroom around the second week of February. If a student passes the session successfully and does not pull up his "tails", he can rest for almost the whole of January! However, it is possible that the university decides to send students on vacation before the New Year and Christmas holidays. Then the session begins immediately after them, and there is no break between it and the new semester.

In the summer, history repeats itself. With a successful or early delivery of the session, you can rest for three months, but in practice this happens very rarely. Classes, sessions and defense of term papers and theses are stretched to June. After that, practice is possible, although it may be scheduled for August. When exactly to release students, the university decides at the beginning of each academic year. So those who are planning a trip for vacation, work, internship or study for the summer or winter can already in September ask a question about the schedule of the administration of the educational institution.

Holidays at school Autumn holidays 2016 Spring break

How the school holiday calendar is formed

Order of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow dated 07.07.2014 No. No. 01-50 / 02-1485 / 14 "On recommended vacation periods": download
Holidays are an unusually “tasty” and pleasant topic for discussion. Children (and parents too - to be honest!) are waiting for them almost from the first day of school. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to discuss what the school holidays will be like in the 2016-2017 academic year even in the midst of hot summer days.
All vacations of the 2016-2017 academic year will, as before, be regulated by the Ministry of Education. Rather, the Ministry of Education makes recommendations, and it is up to the school to follow them or not. As a rule, this issue is resolved at the beginning of the year at the School Council and fixed by order of the director. The choice largely depends on the internal routine of the educational institution, namely: in quarters or trimesters, there is training in one or another alma mater.
Now a little more specific.

Holidays at school 2016-2017 academic year: autumn, winter, spring

Autumn holidays 2016from 31 October to 6 November.
For those who study in trimesters, autumn will give a short rest twice: from 6 to 12 October and from 17 to 24 November.

New Year holidays we have in common: all schoolchildren have a rest for two weeks, regardless of whether they study in quarters or trimesters. From December 26, 2016 to January 9, 2017 students will be completely free.

While the little ones are enjoying an extra vacation that starts on February 21 and ends on February 28 in 2017, everyone else will try to endure the stress of the third quarter - the longest and hardest.

Spring break
- this is the beacon to which all school ships aspire, sailing on the sea of ​​\u200b\u200bknowledge. In 2017, spring pleases with relaxation from March 27 to April 2 those who study in quarters. BUT April 5 to April 11 Holidays for students in trimesters will begin.
Summer rest begins with the calendar beginning of summer and continues until September 1.

How is the school holiday calendar formed?

So, if the school studies in quarters, the children rest 4 times a year:>
Autumn: 9 days in the last week of October and the first week of November (including holidays)
In winter: the last days of December and 10 days in January - a total of 14 days.
Spring: last 7 days of March
Summer: three summer months
For first-graders and students of correctional classes, an additional winter week of vacation is provided.
If an educational institution is engaged in trimesters, then students will study for 5 weeks and rest for 1 week. With the exception of the New Year holidays - they are the same for everyone.
However, I repeat: the school has the right to adjust the rest time itself, therefore, vacation periods may vary in different cities and in different schools. Of course, if the school is private, then it decides this issue absolutely independently and has the right not to be guided by the recommendations of the Ministry of Education. The vacation time of such schools may differ significantly from public schools.
I would like to wish everyone a good rest, but I wish you good work, because whoever is in harmony with difficulty is not in dispute with rest. Right?
Judge: Yulia Belka

By the way, to plan your vacation calendar holidays.

Holidays are the most desired period of school life, and most students begin to wait for it from the very first days of study. In the 2016-2017 academic year, as in the previous one, the vacation period is chosen by the educational institution, guided by the recommendations of the Ministry of Education.

As practice has shown, many educational institutions adhere to these recommendations, since if school holidays coincide, it becomes possible to hold a lot of urban entertainment events for children and adolescents: theatrical performances, themed holidays and competitions.

Why is the vacation period different in different schools

The school holidays in the 2016-2017 academic year are influenced by the choice of the method of education in a particular educational institution:

  1. By quarters.
  2. By trimesters.

If the school is teaching quarters, then holidays are set for students:

  • 9 days in autumn: last week of October and first of November;
  • two weeks for the New Year: the last days of December and 10 days in January;
  • 7 days in spring: end of March;
  • additional holidays for first-graders and students of correctional classes: 7 days in winter;
  • three summer months.

If the school has chosen a trimester schedule, then the children will study for 5 weeks and rest for 1 week.

The exception is the winter holidays, which in the 2016-2017 academic year last 2 weeks for all students.

Already the sky was breathing in autumn ...

Golden autumn - the charm of the eyes, gives children the first vacation in the 2016-2017 academic year - autumn. Since this period covers a holiday - November 4, the first day of rest is set on October 31, the last - November 6. The children will go to school on November 7th.

When studying in trimesters, children will be given 2 weeks of rest in the fall:

  • first week from 6 to 12 October 2016;
  • second week from 17 to 24 November 2016.

Most festive

It's the middle of the school year - it's time for a big break! Winter holidays are the perfect time for a family vacation, because most parents also have a rest during these days. The most magical holidays fall on these holidays - New Year and Christmas! Well, how can you not make plans! It is accepted in all schools, regardless of the training schedule, to rest for two weeks in winter.

In the academic year 2016-2017, school holidays will begin on the last Monday of December - the 26th - and continue until January 9th. Students will return to school on January 10.

After the end of the New Year holidays, the children, rested and satisfied, will begin the storm of knowledge with renewed vigor.

First-graders will have an additional vacation in winter: the second winter vacation, which will begin on February 21 and end on February 28.

Spring is a time for rest

In the spring, it is especially difficult to concentrate on classes, so children are given the opportunity to relax before a busy period - the end of the school year, when they have many tests, exams and various competitive programs.

Spring break will begin on March 27 and will last until April 3. It's time to recharge before the final stage of the school year.

Holidays for the period 2016-2017 in schools in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia may take place at different times, it depends on the choice of the school administration.

Long awaited summer

With the onset of the first sunny days, study is already difficult, but in the summer, in general, children need a big vacation. Summer holidays begin and the school year ends. This is the most favorite period in the life of all schoolchildren and students. It lasts from two months.

And finally, all students should be reminded that holidays are a good thing, but do not forget that during this period you can replenish your knowledge in those sciences that are difficult to learn.

The academic year has not yet ended, and the Russian Ministry of Education is already drawing up a schedule for the next vacation.

Vacations take place at the same time: in autumn, winter and spring. In schools that study in trimesters, the order is simple: five weeks of classes - one week of rest. But most Russian schools work according to the quarter system, so we will consider just such a schedule.

The exact vacation dates for schoolchildren will be known at the end of summer, but for now we offer you approximate dates during which the holidays of the 2016-2017 academic year will take place. And at the same time and options for entertainment and joint recreation with children.

Autumn vacation

The fall break of the 2016-2017 academic year will begin around October 31st and end on November 6th. If the weather is good, spend the autumn days outdoors. Go on a family hike with your child, have a picnic in nature, grab a warm blanket, a thermos and home-cooked food. Songs with a guitar by the fire, heart-to-heart talks bring parents and a child very close.

An interesting activity will be the collection of leaves, cones, acorns and other natural materials, from which you can make beautiful crafts in the evenings. A photo session against the backdrop of golden trees is also a good option for family leisure.

In rainy weather, keep your child busy with creativity - now a variety of sets are sold in stores. Needlework, painting on ceramics, drawing, designing models of aircraft or tanks - something will definitely captivate your child.

Winter holiday

Winter holidays 2016-2017, according to, will last two weeks. The first day of vacation is December 26, the last is January 8 (January 9 to school). Parents should try hard so that such a long New Year's vacation does not tire the child and brings him benefits and impressions for life.

There are many options for leisure activities during the winter holidays. We list the popular types of entertainment:

  • Winter Games. Take your child to the skating rink, take a ski trip, go down the hill, or just go out into the yard and play snowballs! Do not be afraid to fool around with your child: be sure he will appreciate it.
  • Movie. During the winter holidays, they usually set the date for the premiere of children's films and cartoons. Take advantage of this and buy a ticket to the movie that your child has long dreamed of.
  • Aquapark. What could be better than a piece of hot summer among the snow and frost! In the water park you can swim to your heart's content in the pool, ride the slides, warm the bones in the sauna or the Russian bath. A worthy end to the program will be lunch in a family cafe.
  • The circus. Give your child unforgettable emotions from meeting fearless trainers, hilarious clowns, gutta-percha gymnasts.
  • Planetarium. To know the secrets of the starry sky - don't both adults and children dream of this? If the child is interested in the space theme, there will be a reason to think about buying a telescope to study the moon and stars at any time of the year.
  • Museums. What kind of museums are not there now: military equipment, vintage cars, dolls, Soviet toys ... Make a choice after consulting with your child - he will appreciate it.

Spring break

Spring break 2016-2017 will begin approximately on March 27 and end on April 2 (April 3 back to school). This time can be devoted to preparing for, and who is still far from them - to enjoy the spring days.

Before it will be interesting to take a master class on painting eggs. And on Palm Sunday, you can collect blossoming fluffy willow.

You can also go on a short tourist trip during spring break. Even a couple of days in an unusual environment will give the child the strength to make the last breakthrough - the fourth quarter.

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