Rmzh whether an operation is needed. Examinations before breast reconstruction surgery. Contraindications for sectoral resection

Very often, the operation in the treatment of breast cancer is carried out as a complete mastectomy. Surgery includes complete removal mammary gland, regional lymph nodes and complete or partial excision of the pectoralis major muscle.

After breast cancer surgery patients are strongly recommended to have routine checkups once every 3-4 months (the first 5 years after mastectomy). After the five-year period, the number of visits to the gynecologist should be once a year. During scheduled inspection the doctor finds out if the patient has complaints, prescribes additional methods of examination. Such studies as ultrasound diagnostics, mammography and cytological analysis can determine the presence of a recurrence of the disease.

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Possible complications after breast cancer surgery

After exclusion of recurrence of the disease, a complex medical measures including: self-massage, bandaging with an elastic bandage, physiotherapy exercises, elevated position lower extremities at night and prevention of skin inflammatory processes.

  • Rachiocampsis:

The complication occurs due to a decrease in the load on the spinal system on the side of the removed gland.

The inferiority of the immune system develops due to the loss of regional lymph nodes, in which immune cells (lymphocytes) accumulate.

  • Pathology of the pulmonary system:

Radiation therapy of oncology mammary gland sometimes causes pathological expansion of the bronchial tract. Treatment of complications consists in the use of aerosol therapy, which includes exposure to the alveoli and bronchi with particles medicinal substance. Therapeutic drug entered into lung tissue with wet inhalation.

A woman will be restless and excited if breast cancer is discovered. Questions immediately arise about breast surgery and its complications as a result of treatment.

It is better to meet with the attending physician in a few days, listen to him, ask questions of interest. After such conversations, the patients are ready for surgical treatment.

Diagnosis of breast cancer

Treatment for breast cancer is encouraging. Modern methods diagnosis and treatment will help to resist disease, even in anxious and pessimistic cases.

Surgery for breast cancer is performed when a malignant or benign tumor large sizes; at inflammatory process; if chemotherapy failed positive result. Surgery involves lumpectomy, when part of the breast is removed, and mastectomy, removal of the mammary gland. There are several types of mastectomy: modified radical, total (simple), radical, bilateral.

During a modified radical operation, the diseased mammary gland is completely removed. Together with it, the nipple, part of the skin of the mammary gland and muscles, axillary The lymph nodes. This type of surgery is the most common.

Simple mastectomy involves the complete removal of the mammary gland along with the pectoral muscle tissue.

Radical mastectomy involves the removal of the pectoral muscles and axillary lymph nodes. As a result, in order not to disturb the muscles, thoracic nerve leave unaffected.

Bilateral mastectomy – removal of mammary glands.

A mastectomy is performed with a large tumor, if the mammary gland is small, and after the operation, the breast is deformed. At the request of the patient, in order to protect himself from possible relapse and metastasis of the tumor, perform a mastectomy.

Choose surgery, depending on the stage of cancer, the location of the tumor and the presence of metastases. The size of the malignant neoplasm and the size of the mammary gland are taken into account. Equally important is the age, condition and presence of other diseases of the patient.

When determining the type of operation, it is necessary to take into account the results of the diagnosis, how much the malignant process affected the lymph nodes. In some patients, after removal of the lymph nodes, there are side effects. If the facility has the facility, a lymphatic system scan may be performed prior to surgery.

As a result of the advent of technology, the technique for performing operations to remove the mammary gland has changed. Organ-preserving operations have appeared, in which the tumor is removed, and the breast is preserved.

During an organ-preserving operation, the tumor and part of the diseased gland are removed. Saved appearance and breast structure. For women of reproductive age, the functional activity of the mammary gland is restored.

With all the advantages of organ-preserving surgery, there are contraindications. Such operations are not performed on late stages diseases, if the tumor is large and small breasts, if the tumor is near the nipple, when malignant formations a lot of.

Organ-preserving surgery for cancer

Lumpectomy - method surgical intervention, which is used for a small tumor. The mammary gland is preserved and the likelihood of depression is reduced, which worsens the prognosis of treatment. Continue with radiotherapy. It is carried out in order to destroy the remaining cancer cells and for prevention. Such combined treatment leads to a complete cure.

With a quadrantectomy a quarter of the mammary gland, in which a malignant process develops, and lymph nodes of I-III levels are removed from the armpit. After the operation, radiation therapy is performed.

For breast cancer, a biopsy of the neoplasm must be done, which is pierced with a special needle. The whole process is controlled by ultrasound or mammography. The obtained material is necessary for the implementation of histological and immunohistochemical studies.

The results of the study serve the doctor for understanding biological features tumors. Such data make it possible to determine the degree of aggressiveness of the tumor, to predict in advance how the tumor will respond to hormone therapy or chemotherapy.

Patients should not eat anything the day before surgery.

Before the operation, the anesthesiologist conducts a conversation with the patient, warning about the risk of anesthesia.

Surgery to remove breast cancer

Before the operation, the patient is injected with drugs and anesthesia into a vein. If necessary, it can be entered into Airways endotracheal tube for artificial ventilation lungs. work of the heart and arterial pressure checked with an ECG.

Operations for breast cancer are performed under general anesthesia in which a person falls into an artificial sleep. The operation to remove breast cancer lasts 2-3 hours. If breast cancer has spread to axillary lymph nodes, then the nodes must be removed. The removed lymph node is sent for a biopsy and examined. When identifying cancer cells in the lymph nodes, spread to other parts of the body is possible, where metastases can form.

Postoperative and rehabilitation period

After the operation, the patient is placed in the postoperative ward, where she will be, depending on the complexity of the operation, under the supervision of the attending physician. Then the patient is transferred to a regular ward until complete recovery.

It is allowed to get out of bed after the operation in a day, then you can start moving, exclude physical exercise. Until the stitches are removed, it is not allowed to take a bath, swim in pools or ponds, sunbathe. The first month is forbidden sexual intimacy. Patients are advised to wear a special chest bandage, which will help reduce tissue swelling.

With organ-preserving surgery, hospitalization is not required. The patient is operated on the appointed day, if there are no complications, they are discharged.

Early rehabilitation period is to restore active movements in the hand. The finiteness must be developed by performing special exercises. This is necessary to prevent swelling that may occur after the operation, as well as to make compacted soft tissues arms.

Food should be light and high in calories. Foods contain iron to restore blood. Fatty or spicy dishes contraindicated.

The recovery period for each patient is individual. It is determined by the doctor depending on the type of surgical treatment, the duration of the operation and the amount of work performed. surgical intervention.

If the patient decides on breast plastic surgery, then the recovery time increases. After the operation, it is possible to restore the lost mammary gland with the help of special silicone prostheses. Competent comprehensive program rehabilitation taking into account individual pathology.

Patients may have postoperative complications. Patients after surgery feel pain, burning and discomfort in the area of ​​the operated breast. They are removed with the help of painkillers.

Sometimes there is numbness or tingling at the site of the operation, but these symptoms go away. If nerve endings were damaged during surgery, then patients experience frozen shoulder syndrome, when the patient's hand movements are limited.

Some patients complain of bleeding or suppuration of the wound. In some patients, there are cases of skin inflammation and the appearance of a hematoma. Lymphedema may begin, which causes numbness and swelling of the hands. In such cases, assigned additional treatment to eliminate complications.

Surgical treatment is combined with other therapies that can destroy cancer cells. These include: radiation and radiotherapy, chemotherapy and hormone therapy, targeted and immunotherapy.

Radiation therapy is carried out after surgery to remove the mammary gland with a size malignant tumor more than 5 cm, if more than four lymph nodes are affected by cancer and metastases are detected, if breast cancer is spread in different places.

A second consultation of the surgeon and mammologist is mandatory two weeks after the operation. They discuss the patient's health status, check the results and histological examination. If necessary, prescribe treatment.

After the removal of the breast, the woman is in a depressed state. The trauma inflicted on her body causes both psychological and aesthetic dissatisfaction, especially if the patient is young. You can improve your appearance after surgery and improve your psychological state with the help of recovery operations. They are part of a comprehensive treatment for breast cancer and will help recreate the appearance of the breast.

It is necessary to consult with your doctor. Plastic surgery is performed by an oncologist together with a plastic surgeon, who coordinate all the nuances of the reconstructive operation.

Breast plastic surgery is done some time after the mastectomy. Breast reconstruction depends on the anatomy and wishes of the woman. There are several types of reconstruction: saline implant; silicone breast and the use of body tissues belonging to the patient as a plastic material.

For every woman, the loss of any organ affects the change in self-esteem, the restoration of which is part of the rehabilitation process. The main thing - you can not belittle the significance and positively perceive the world around you.

In many cases, removal of the breast (mastectomy) is an inevitable step in treatment. cancer given localization, and sometimes only possible way getting rid of an oncological problem or prolonging life. Although cancer is unpredictable, and even such an operation, alas, does not guarantee the cessation of the pathological process...

Indications for removal of the breast

The indications for removal of the mammary gland accepted in clinical mammology are mainly associated with malignant neoplasms. Most doctors insist on a mastectomy if:

  • the woman has tumors in more than one quadrant of the breast;
  • radiation therapy of the affected mammary gland has already been carried out;
  • the tumor is larger than 5 cm in diameter and has not shrunk after neoadjuvant chemotherapy;
  • biopsy showed that the initial segmental resection of the tumor did not remove all of the cancerous tissue;
  • the patient has such diseases connective tissue, how systemic lupus or scleroderma, which cause very severe side effects of radiation therapy;
  • the tumor is accompanied by inflammation;
  • the woman is pregnant, but radiation therapy is not possible due to the risk of damage to the fetus.

This method is recognized as the main way to prevent the recurrence of breast cancer, especially when a mutation in the BRCA genes is detected. At the same time, the world's leading experts in the field of mammology note that the complete removal of a cancer-affected breast reduces the risk of tumor recurrence in the same breast, but does not exclude the possibility of cancer in the other breast.

Preparation for breast removal

The operation is prescribed when the patient is diagnosed, that is, a mammogram was performed and a biopsy of the tumor tissue was performed. Therefore, preparing for a mastectomy is reduced to general analysis blood, repeated fluoroscopy of the chest and chest, as well as the removal of an electrocardiogram (ECG).

When referring a woman to an operation, the doctor must make sure that a few days before the scheduled operation (and preferably a couple of weeks before it), the patient did not take drugs that thin the blood (aspirin, warfarin, phenylin, etc.). Also, the surgeon and anesthesiologist should be informed about the patient's use of any drugs based on medicinal plants or herbal decoctions. For example, stinging nettle, water pepper herb, yarrow, ginkgo biloba leaves can increase the risk of bleeding and therefore should not be used at least two weeks before any surgical procedure.

A dose of antibiotics may be given to prevent inflammation. 8-10 hours before the operation, the patient should stop eating.

Surgery to remove the mammary gland

Such a surgical intervention as the removal of the mammary glands in women has various modifications that are designed to solve specific problems, taking into account the diagnosis of a particular patient, clinical picture and the stage of the detected disease, the degree of damage to the gland itself, as well as the involvement of the surrounding tissues and regional lymph nodes in the pathological process.

Removal of breast cancer, primarily large tumors in the later stages of the disease, or when tumors may occupy a significant area within the contours of the breast, can be performed by a simple or total mastectomy. That is, the surgeon removes the entire breast tissue and the skin ellipse (including the skin of the nipple), but does not remove the muscle tissue under the breast. In this type of operation, a biopsy of the nearest (control or sentinel) lymph node is mandatory. Postoperative scar usually transverse.

A skin-sparing approach to the removal of the breast (subcutaneous mastectomy) is practiced, in which the tumor, all breast tissue, nipple and areola are removed, but almost 90% of the skin of the breast is preserved, the incision and, accordingly, the scars are smaller. However, if the breast is large, then a downward incision is made, and then the scars after the removal of the mammary gland will be larger.

The gland is also resected with the preservation of the nipple and areola, but this is possible only when the tumor is at a considerable distance from the nipple zone. In this case, an incision is made on the outer side of the breast or along the edge of the areola and all tissues are removed through it. In modern clinics this method includes either simultaneous reconstruction of the gland, or placement of a special expander tissue expander in place of its removed structures for subsequent breast reconstruction.

With a radical resection of a common malignant neoplasm, it is necessary to remove not only all the structural parts of the gland, but also the underlying muscles of the chest, fiber from the armpits, axillary lymph nodes, and often deeper tissues. If the mammary gland is removed along with the internal mammary lymph node, then an extended radical mastectomy is performed.

All these operations have a clear methodology, and specialists know what is at stake when a Halstead, Paty, or Madden mastectomy is necessary.

When an anomaly such as an accessory mammary gland is formed in the armpit, the accessory mammary gland is removed. Usually glandular and adipose tissues predominate in the structure of the superfluous organ; they are cut out muscle tissues stitched, and a seam is placed on top, which is removed after about a week. With a significant size of the accessory gland, fat can be removed by pumping it out.

It should be noted that the cost of a mastectomy operation depends on the stage of the disease, the size and location of the tumor, and, of course, on the status medical institution and prices for used pharmacological agents.

Removal of two mammary glands

The above surgical methods also carry out the removal of two mammary glands - a double or bilateral mastectomy. The need for such an operation may be due to the presence of a tumor in one breast and the woman's fear about the risk of developing cancer in the other, contralateral breast. Most often, such fears haunt women who have a tendency to oncopathologies of the gynecological sphere in their family.

As you remember, for a long time the topic of Angelina Jolie and the removal of the mammary glands was discussed, since the operation of the contralateral mastectomy performed by the actress in 2013 was preventive, that is, the development of breast cancer. In addition to the fact that her mother and grandmother (Marcheline and Lois Bertrand) died of ovarian and breast cancer, the results genetic analysis BRCA confirmed a high (up to 87%) risk of malignant neoplasms in the breast of the actress. As reported, after the resection of both breasts, the likelihood of developing cancer in Jolie decreased to 5%.

According to the National Cancer Institute, even with a full double mastectomy, not all of the breast tissue that may be at risk of becoming cancerous in the future can be removed. In addition, during such an operation, the surgeon cannot remove the tissues of the chest wall and supraclavicular region, but they may contain breast stroma cells.

Sectoral removal of the mammary gland

Gland-preserving and less invasive surgical methods include sectoral removal of the mammary gland (segmental resection or lumpectomy), when the tumor itself and part of the surrounding normal tissues (which do not have atypical cells) are resected. In this case, the removal of regional axillary lymph nodes can be performed through a separate incision. This technique applicable in oncology I-II stages, and after surgery should be carried out 5-6 weeks of radiation therapy.

By resection of the mammary gland, it is possible to remove the focus of chronic purulent mastopathy, as well as a large hormone-dependent benign education cystic or fibrous. However, only phyllodes fibroadenoma of any size that threatens malignancy and significant fibrocystic neoplasia prone to degeneration are subject to mandatory resection. Although fibrosis of the breast tissue in almost 15 cases out of 100 reappear.

In other cases, enucleation (husking) or laser therapy is performed, and the removal of a breast cyst can be performed without excision: by sclerosis of its cavity by aspiration.

Removal of mammary glands in men

In case of cancer mammary glands removal of the mammary glands in men. Regardless of age, a mastectomy is considered medical necessity when there is concern that a male breast enlargement may be breast carcinoma. Naturally, the final decision on the need for surgical intervention is made only after a comprehensive examination - with mammography and biopsy.

Pathologically enlarged glandular tissues are also removed for gynecomastia in men over 18 years of age with the ineffectiveness of testosterone hormone therapy.

AT adolescence- due to hormonal imbalance puberty mastectomy is not performed, as this pathology may spontaneously regress over time. In addition, mastectomy before puberty is complete can cause recurrence of gynecomastia.

With elementary obesity in adult men, which is often manifested by excessive deposition of adipose tissue in the area of ​​​​the mammary glands, liposuction can be applied.

Consequences of breast removal

A natural consequence is pain after removal of the mammary gland, for the removal of which painkillers are taken (primarily NSAIDs). Also, this operation is characterized by the release and accumulation in the wound cavity and under the skin of significant volumes serous fluid. To remove it, the wound must be drained for at least seven days. In addition, a fairly tight bandage is applied around the chest. elastic bandage and wear it for at least a month.

Experts note such main complications after removal of the mammary gland, such as:

  • postoperative bleeding and hematomas;
  • associated with suppuration postoperative wound or necrosis of poorly supplied with blood tissues at the incision site temperature;
  • defeat skin chest with beta-hemolytic streptococcus, which develops erysipelas;
  • due to scarring of the dissected tissues, scars form, often this process causes discomfort and is painful;
  • development of a longer neuropathic pain syndrome, which appears stabbing pain, numbness and tingling in chest wall, armpit or arm;
  • depressed mood, feeling of inferiority.

Almost always, after a month and a half, a violation of the natural outflow of interstitial fluid is manifested and lymphostasis develops. This violation is especially pronounced due to the cessation of normal lymph flow when the axillary lymph nodes are removed. Lymphostasis leads to the fact that from the side of the remote organ, not only swelling of the hand appears, but also numbness of the skin is felt on inner surface arms. Frozen shoulder syndrome is also noted - a short-term or longer-term limitation of the range of motion of the arm in shoulder joint. This syndrome may appear within a few months after surgery, and its cause lies in damage nerve endings located in the surgical area.

Recovery after breast removal

Already 1.5 days after the operation, you can get up and walk, but speed up recovery motor activity not recommended: it should go gradually, as the stitches are removed after about 1-2 weeks from the day of the operation.

In most patients, recovery after breast removal lasts for 4-6 weeks, but it may take longer (this largely depends on the complexity of the operation and general condition health).

The list of what is impossible after a mastectomy includes prohibitions on:

  • showering (and bathing) before stitches are removed;
  • physical activity, heavy lifting and vigorous movement;
  • exposure to heat and UV radiation;
  • any injections into the arm from the side of the removed breast;
  • swimming in reservoirs and pools (at least two months);
  • sexual contact(within 1-1.5 months).

In connection with lymphostasis, breast surgeons give their patients the following recommendations after removal of the mammary gland:

  • observe personal hygiene and clean hands;
  • avoid damaging the integrity of the skin injuries of the hands, and in the case of the slightest scratch, use antiseptics;
  • do not sleep on the side of the operated gland;
  • wear a special elastic bandage (providing soft compression to improve lymph flow and reduce swelling);
  • massage regularly: in the form of upward strokes of the arm in the direction from the fingers to the shoulder joint.

After removing the sutures, it is necessary to purposefully develop the arm. Gymnastics consists of the following exercises:

  • in a standing or sitting position, lifting straight arms to the sides and up;
  • in the same position, placing a hand behind the head (at first, you can help with the other hand);
  • in a standing position, bend your elbows in front of chest and raise your elbows to the sides as high as possible;
  • in a standing or sitting position, putting your hands behind your back.

Nutrition should include enough calories, but be light, that is, fatty and spicy consumption is not recommended, as well as sweets. It is useful to eat more often, but in smaller portions, the diet should include ordinary foods (cereals, meat, fish, dairy products, vegetables and fruits). Animal fats should be replaced with vegetable fats, salt and sugar consumption should be reduced.

Treatment after breast removal

Cancer patients are treated after removal of the mammary gland - adjuvant therapy. At any stage of cancer, after complete or partial removal of the breast, in order to destroy the remaining atypical cells and avoid relapse, chemotherapy is prescribed (Cyclophosphamide, Fluorouracil, Mafosfamide, Doxorubicin, Xeloda, etc.) and a course of radiation therapy.

If the tumor is a hormone-dependent neoplasm, apply hormonal preparations. Tablet antiestrogen Tamoxifen (other trade names: Zitazonium, Nolvadex, Tamoplex, Cytofen, Zemid, etc.) are taken 1-2 times a day for 20-40 mg.

Toremifene (Fareston) is prescribed for women after menopause; standard daily dosage is 60 mg, but the doctor can increase it 4 times (up to 240 mg).

The drug Letrozole (Femara, Letrosan) also inhibits the synthesis of estrogen in the body; it is prescribed only to patients aged once a day on a tablet (2.5 mg). Anastrozole tablets (synonyms - Arimidex, Anastera, Selana, Egistrazol, Mammozol, etc.) are not prescribed for premenopausal women, the drug should be taken 1 mg once a day.

The anticancer effect of drugs for targeted therapy is achieved by acting precisely on the molecules of cancer cells that ensure the development of the tumor. Thus, drugs of this group are able to stabilize the pathological process and prevent the recurrence of the disease. The targeted drugs Bevacizumab (Avastin), Trastuzumab (Herceptin) are given intravenously every two or three weeks; Lapatinib (Tyverb) tablets (1000-1250 mg orally per day).

Life after breast removal

The main thing to remember is that life continues after the removal of the mammary gland, although for all women who have undergone such an operation, this is already a slightly different life ...

First, a woman gets a disability after a mastectomy. Specifically: according to the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (No. 561 dated September 5, 2011) “Instructions on the establishment of disability groups”, a unilateral mastectomy suffered by a woman due to a malignant neoplasm is an indisputable basis for establishing Group III disability - for life (that is, without the need for periodic re-examination).

Secondly, it concerns the reconstruction of the lost gland (plastic surgery) or the creation of the appearance of its presence. The second option is, of course, much cheaper and may be temporary.

You can choose or order breast pads, as well as removable prosthesis- textile or silicone.

To date, the so-called exoprostheses for women who have lost their breasts are produced by many companies in a large assortment: these are tissue prostheses for the first time, and silicone ones for permanent use, various sizes and modifications.

There is also a large selection of orthopedic underwear, as you will need a bra - to fix the breast prosthesis. These are quite elegant and at the same time functional and comfortable bras with "pockets" into which the prosthesis is inserted, and wide straps. Special swimsuits are also on sale.

Plastic surgeons themselves claim that plastic surgery after a mastectomy is a complex and rather expensive operation. It could be Plastic surgery for the installation of a silicone implant or mammoplasty using own tissues taken from other parts of the body (skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles). But in any case, a woman has a mammary gland that is very similar to a natural organ, which, of course, has a positive effect on the general emotional and psychological state of patients who have undergone breast removal.

Breast cancer is a fast growing, progressive malignant neoplasm with a high degree of metastasis. Moreover, metastases are already formed on early stage cancer, affecting nearby and distant organs.

it oncological disease increasingly diagnosed in women different ages. Scientists attribute this state of affairs to poor environmental conditions, numerous abortions suffered by patients, wrong choice oral contraceptives, heredity and other reasons.

Breast cancer is a life-threatening disease. However, when a tumor is found in initial stage development, percentage complete cure high enough. About how breast cancer is detected, symptoms, treatment, prognosis after surgery, the consequences of treatment, we will talk with you today:

How does breast cancer manifest itself? Signs of the disease

Signs of the development of the disease can be different. They depend on the development, stage of the disease, the size of the neoplasm and the degree of metastasis.

A woman should be alarmed by any unusual sensations in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary gland, her external changes. In particular, the occurrence of burning sensation, heaviness in the chest, darkening of hotel areas, acquiring skin of the form " orange peel”- should be the reason for an urgent visit to a mammologist. Moreover, if there is a change in the areola, retraction of the nipples, discharge from them appears.

How is breast cancer corrected? Condition Therapy

After the examination and confirmation of the diagnosis, treatment is prescribed. Traditionally, three main types of therapy are used: surgical treatment, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormone therapy. If necessary, these methods are combined. Let's briefly consider each of the methods:

Surgical intervention:

Carry out the removal of a malignant tumor along with nearby tissues. The axillary lymph nodes located on the side of the neoplasm are also removed.

The entire mammary gland affected by the tumor is removed. Removed along with it. adipose tissue and axillary lymph nodes.

If the tumor is large, spreads to neighboring organs, tissues, the affected mammary gland is completely removed, pectoral muscles, vessels, ribs.


This technique involves the use of drugs - cytostatics, the action of which is aimed at the death of malignant tumor cells.

Radiation therapy

With this method, the necessary radiation exposure of the tumor is carried out in order to kill its cells.

hormone therapy

The use of drugs that block sensitivity cancerous tumor to hormones.

What to expect for those with breast cancer? Prognosis after surgery

The probability of recurrence of the disease after treatment, after the operation depends on the degree of tumor growth at the time of treatment. Some patients sometimes experience local recurrences at the site where the operation was performed or immediately near it. After lumpectomy, neoplasm recurrence, metastasis can be diagnosed in the rest of the gland.

After removal of the tumor final stages its development, metastases can be found in the lymph nodes, skin, bone tissue, and even in distant organs - the liver, lungs, and brain.

Unfortunately, secondary cancer cannot be cured. However, it is possible to support normal level women with special medicines, treatment methods that suppress the development and growth of the tumor. As a result, you can maintain a state of remission long time. Thanks to the latest drugs, as well as other palliative measures, the patient can live normally.

What threatens breast cancer? Consequences of breast cancer treatment

Visible effects from past illness very noticeable. Women are especially sensitive to them. The appearance of the skin does not change with better side, hair falls out due to radiation and chemotherapy, nervous system exhausted. Surgical treatment cancer leaves a particularly deep mark on the soul of a woman. And, of course, on the body. But, realizing that everything is already behind, and self-treatment turned out to be successful, women find the strength to live on as normal, full life.


In conclusion, it must be recalled that breast cancer is very insidious. In the early stages, it may not manifest itself in any way. Therefore, without exception, doctors strongly advise all women to regularly, for the purpose of prevention, visit a specialist - a mammologist.

In addition, breast self-exams should be performed regularly before the days of menstruation. With menopause, the chest should be examined even more often. All this will help to identify the tumor on the very early stage and hold effective treatment. Be healthy!

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