Discharge from the mammary glands after the cessation of feeding. Breast pain after stopping breastfeeding: why it occurs, how to get rid of it and what not to do. What Not to Do

How long should milk be released from the breast after the baby stops feeding

Up to three months on average, but in general it depends a lot. how you stopped feeding - whether the child himself refused to breastfeed, or you drank pills, or were overtightened.

Kindly answer my three questions as I can't find answers to them:
1. Can I have again genital infection, if my husband and I have recently recovered from ureaplasma, but there are no more infections? (And how).
2. Does the decrease in the level of prolactin (I have been taking Parlodel for only 2 months) indicate that the pituitary adenoma is decreasing, or is it only for the time being that the symptoms are being treated (in fact, no convincing data for prolactinoma have been found on MRI), and does such a rapid decrease in prolactin indicate that there really is no tumor? (I plan to have a baby in the near future, could it really affect my health in connection with such an analysis).
3. Can the color fields of vision be narrowed by themselves if pituitary adenomas are not detected? (The optometrist confirmed the narrowing of the color fields, but the peripheral ones are normal

1. If you and your husband have cured everything, used contraception during treatment, and you do not have other sexual partners, then there should not be a new infection. What could be: an old untreated infection may worsen, dysbacteriosis (), which you mistakenly consider an infection, may develop against a background of reduced immunity.
2. Parlodel - a special drug that blocks the synthesis of prolactin. Naturally, against the background of its intake, the level of this hormone decreases. Pituitary adenoma, if present, decreases only against the background of long-term use. Another important indicator is the disappearance of symptoms of hyperprolactinemia: secretion of milk from the mammary glands, disorders menstrual cycle, headaches. if they were .. If there is an adenoma, plan a pregnancy before it complete cure undesirable, because all tumors grow and progress during pregnancy. Still, the most accurate way to diagnose a tumor is NMR, it is on its data that one should be guided. But if the symptoms have completely disappeared, parlodel can be canceled and the level of prolactin should be monitored. Taking parlodel will not affect pregnancy, but it is better to cancel it before the planned conception.
3. Narrowing of color fields of vision is specific feature pituitary adenomas. It's just that they can't be narrowed down. If there is no adenoma, then there is some other pathology of the pituitary gland.

My prolactin is constantly elevated. If any other factors are eliminated, how likely is the effect of alcohol (particularly beer) on this increase. The fact is that I very often (about 3 bottles a day) take it, but only now I accidentally found out about it possible impact for hormones. And in the chart basal body temperature after its fall during ovulation, the temperature in the second half is almost equal to the temperature in the first half of the cycle. I can’t find an answer to this question anywhere, and I may already be prescribed parlodel. Wouldn't like to accept hormonal agent, if the reason is only in alcohol.

Not described in the literature similar action alcohol. However, beer increases the level of female sex hormones estrogen, and they increase the level of prolactin. If in doubt, you can try to stop drinking beer and retake prolactin in a month. It all depends on how high the level is. If it's strong, then beer has nothing to do with it. In general, an increase in the level of prolactin requires a comprehensive examination. Only exclusion of the rest, more common causes may allow beer to be seen as the cause. Features of the temperature graph are caused by increased prolactin. If you are prescribed parlodel for the treatment of infertility, then, firstly, it is all the more necessary to be examined, and secondly, in any case, beer should be abandoned (in such quantities). If, nevertheless, it turns out that the increase in prolactin does not depend on external causes, hormones cannot be avoided. Today there is a more modern drug than parlodel - dostinex. It is less commonly taken and causes fewer side effects. In general, hormones are not evil. If there is a hormonal disorder, it can only be cured with hormones. When properly administered, hormones sometimes become the only way infertility treatment.

How long should Parlodel be taken for pituitary prolactinoma? What is the criterion for cure?

The criterion of cure is the normalization of the level of prolactin and the disappearance of prolactinoma. Microprolactinomas can disappear on their own during treatment with Parlodel, macroprolactinomas usually decrease significantly in size under the influence of Parlodel.

Why is fluid running from the chest

Discharge from the chest can be a manifestation of hormonal disorders. In case of dysfunction thyroid gland or the pituitary gland in the blood increases the level of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for milk production. The release of fluid from the chest may be a consequence of mastopathy, oncology cannot be ruled out. Contact a mammologist immediately. Endocrinologist deals with hormonal abnormalities.

Causes of hyperprolactinemia and modern methods of treatment of this disease? My 20 year old daughter has twice the normal prolactin levels. What can be recommended in this case?

Hyperprolactinemia can be functional (this is how the pituitary gland works), may be the result of a pituitary tumor ( endocrine gland, located in the brain), as well as with reduced function thyroid gland. At the same time, ovarian function suffers, the likelihood of infertility is high, not to mention the danger of a brain tumor. It is necessary to check the level of thyroid hormones, to do a tomography of the skull and the Turkish saddle. After identifying the cause of the disease, the doctor will prescribe treatment.

I have galactorrhea for 4 years after giving birth with pressure on the nipple in both mammary glands. Prolactin is normal. In one center, according to smears in both glands - CFM and in the left - intraductal papilloma. In another center - only CFM was found. Here they prescribed the grass to drink 3-6 months. and 2 weeks Parlodel 2 t/day. What should I think and why is papilloma dangerous (it was said to be removed, where it was found)? What other symptoms should be with papilloma? Is it possible to replace Parlodel with Bromocriptine or Bromergon due to the high cost, or are they different in efficiency? Also, hysteroscopy revealed hyperplasia of the uterine cavity and cervical canal. Maybe it will give you more full information about the reasons I have galactorrhea?

Papilloma can cause discharge from the mammary glands. If the papilloma really exists, it must be removed. Papilloma increases the risk of developing oncological diseases. The presence of hyperplasia indicates the presence hormonal disorders, which could cause galactorrhea. You need to be carefully examined. The cause of galactorrhea - hyperprolactinemia is functional (this is how the pituitary gland works), may be the result of a tumor of the pituitary gland (an endocrine gland located in the brain), as well as with reduced thyroid function. In this case, ovarian function suffers, hence hyperplasia. It is necessary to check the level of thyroid hormones, to do a tomography of the skull and the Turkish saddle. As for the replacement of Parlodel, the drugs you listed are quite suitable. However, it is necessary to find out the cause of the disease for better treatment.

Please tell me what threatens me with the diagnosis of hyperandrogenism and hyperprolactinemia made by the endocrinologist against the background of neuroendocrine syndrome?

This diagnosis indicates a violation of the hormonal status. The symptoms of the disease are the separation of colostrum from the breast, increased hair growth, ... unpleasant complication this disease is infertility. And when pregnancy occurs against the background of pathology, there is a high probability of miscarriage. However, such manifestations can be cured or reduced through special therapy.

I am 34 years old, for 5 years now I have been taking "bromergon" at 0.25 per day, the level of prolactin is 19.4 ng / ml, I tried not to take it for one month and the level of prolactin immediately increased. There was a heartbeat in calm state pulse-95-100. A year ago, 2 nodes appeared in the thyroid gland. I take thyroxine 100, 1 tablet a day. Please tell me what are the consequences of this long-term treatment"bromergon", my endocrinologist said that I might take this medicine for the rest of my life.

An increase in prolactin can be caused either by a malfunction of the pituitary gland (the endocrine gland in which prolactin is synthesized), or due to a malfunction of the thyroid gland. In the second case, with the normalization of thyroid function, the level of prolactin can return to normal. In the first, it is necessary to find out the cause of the dysfunction of the pituitary gland. The duration of treatment depends on the causes of the disease, so you should be more carefully examined.

I am 23 years old, my husband and I want to have a baby, the examination revealed an increased content of prolactin, what is the reason for this? Can this adversely affect the development of the fetus during pregnancy?

Elevated levels of prolactin may be due to dysfunction of the thyroid gland, dysfunction of the pituitary gland (brain structure), as well as a consequence of a pituitary tumor. With an increased level of prolactin, there may be problems with conception, as well as with carrying a pregnancy. If the function of the thyroid gland is impaired, then the lack of thyroid hormones. May adversely affect development nervous system fetus. Dysfunction of the thyroid gland and pituitary gland is corrected with drugs. In the presence of a tumor, therapy depends on its size. Microadenoma should be treated conservatively, i.e. also with the help of drugs, the macroadenoma is removed promptly.

I breastfed my baby for 7 months. Then the amount of milk began to gradually decrease. By the 8th month feeding stopped. I did not "tighten" as is usually done so that the milk burns out. I didn't have mastitis. But until now (already 6 months), when squeezing the nipple with droplets, a liquid very similar to colostrum is released). pain no. What should I do: sound the alarm or calm down? If this serious problem, then which specialists to contact?

After the end of lactation, milk can be excreted in very small quantities for up to a year. This is completely normal. If the discharge continues for a longer period or other concerns arise, a mammologist should be consulted. In Moscow - to the mammological dispensary

My son is 4.5 years old. Milk continues to flow. The analyzes revealed Prolactin 24.9 and a prolactinoma was found (sizes that do not require surgical intervention). Now it turned out that I am 4 weeks pregnant. Tell me how it will affect the child and maybe it is worth terminating the pregnancy?

Elevated levels of prolactin do not affect the development of pregnancy, even if the increase in the level of this hormone is suppressed by drugs such as bromocriptine. It is very difficult to say how pregnancy will affect the state of prolactinoma, whether it can provoke the growth of a minitumor.

I am 27 years old and want to have children. Until July 1997, it was protected by MARVELON, then it ceased to be protected at all. Until September 98, I could not get pregnant. In September, she was checked at the REDNOR center, they said that she was healthy, they recommended drinking MERCELON for three months. In October - November, she suffered nervous breakdown and another in March. April 99. donated blood for analysis. It turned out to be high prolactin 36.32 ng / ml. They prescribed DOPERGINE and a sedative. Two months later, despite taking DOPERGINE, PROLACTIN rose to 114.19 ng / ml. X-rays and mammography of the brain of the Pituitary Physiology were done in perfect order.

I continued to take medications and check PROLACTIN every month.
July - 37.99 ng/ml

August - 65.1 ng/ml

September - 118.67 ng/ml

PARLODEL was prescribed and in October PROLACTIN dropped to 0.32 ng/ml. Now I drink PARLODEL half a tablet at night, but I'm not sure of anything. If you stop taking the medication, then PROLACTIN will increase again, and if you manage to get pregnant, then such hormonal dysfunctions of the body can affect the child. At the age of 20, she suffered from pyelonephritis, it turned into a chronic form, maybe this or the fact that I changed my place of residence affected the functions of the pituitary gland. Now already more than a year I live permanently in Istanbul.

There are several factors that cause hyperprolactinemia. The cause of this condition can be both functional disorders of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, and organic, for example, pituitary adenoma. Other hormonal diseases(, polycystic ovary syndrome) lead to the so-called symptomatic hyperprolactinemia. Cancellation of long-term hormonal contraceptives, severe stress, living in a climate with high insolation, could also provoke the disease. Elevated prolactin levels can cause menstrual irregularities, infertility, miscarriages early dates pregnancy. The data in your letter is insufficient to draw any definitive conclusion about the causes of the suffering. However, Parlodel is the drug of choice for the treatment of hyperprolactinemia. In symptomatic forms, this drug is used if the therapy is not enough. The drug is taken for a long time, and if necessary, it is continued during pregnancy. The need and duration of admission is determined by the attending physician. negative impact Parlodel does not affect the fetus.

Half a year passed after the abortion, as symptoms appeared - discharge from the chest, and in the second half of the cycle, painful engorgement of the mammary glands and fever bodies 37.0-37.1. Still - after the abortion on the third day they were like menstruation and the condition as if I was pregnant immediately disappeared. Tell me what it is and how to treat it.

After termination of pregnancy, a disruption of the hormonal regulation of the body is possible and the occurrence of fibrocystic mastopathy. You need to conduct an ultrasound examination of the mammary glands and donate blood for prolactin hormone, which is responsible for preparing the mammary glands for lactation during pregnancy.

I am 35 years old. About three months ago, she found discharge from the nipple in her right breast, opaque, similar to colostrum, but more concentrated, odorless, slightly sticky to the touch. When examined by a gynecologist, I was diagnosed with mastopathy. Before menstruation, I feel dull, mild pain that disappears immediately after menstruation. I did an ultrasound of the uterus - everything is normal. Tell me, please, what examinations need to be done and where, in order to establish true reason my problem.

It is necessary to conduct an ultrasound of the mammary glands, analyze the discharge for cytological studies and take a blood test for hormones (prolactin)

My wife does not stop lactating, although she stopped breastfeeding her child three months ago. Fed for a year. What could it be? Since giving birth, she has had two mini-abortions. Could this be related? On your pages, I read that it can be treated with medication. What preparations exist and what of them is more preferable? I ask this question, because. my wife's gynecologist elderly woman and seems to be poorly versed in modern medicines and treatments.

The continued secretion of milk may be due to an increase in the production of the hormone prolactin (you can donate blood from a vein to it). Although, usually in the background advanced level prolactin may cause infertility. The woman does not get pregnant. Failures in the "tuning" of lactation may be associated with frequent abortions) for 1 year - 2 abortions and childbirth - huge pressure to the hormonal system). Lactation can be blocked with bromocriptine preparations (parlodel, serocriptine) 0.005 g 2 times a day for 10 days.

At excess level prolactin hormone, bromocriptine was recommended. I have been taking it for 5 years now. cycles. The discharge from the mammary glands has stopped, but pregnancy has not occurred, and ovulation is still not observed on the basal temperature chart. Tell me how long it should be taken and whether the drug is harmful to the body. Thank you.

Hyperprolactinemia is a situation that requires treatment by a gynecologist - endocrinologist. Treatment is usually long. Depending on your age, plans for childbearing, general condition treatment also changes.

hello! I am 19 years old. at the age of 18 in April 1998 I had an abortion at 1.5 months. due to a concussion, the doctors did not allow me to give birth. already at the beginning of pregnancy, I had milk in my left breast, I found it with a slight pressure on the chest. after the abortion, the amount of milk decreased, but for half a year a small amount of it is present, I am not bothered by pain, by itself it does not stand out, only when pressed no more than 2 drops. in a warm climate (Egypt, Cyprus, Central Africa), these phenomena disappear completely, as soon as I return from trips, everything resumes and the amount of milk increases. Is this related to the climate and will it go away completely? thank you in advance.

It is not milk that is excreted, but colostrum. This can persist up to 1 year after the abortion. If there is still discharge from the nipple, then you will need to see a doctor. Sometimes abortions, as a trauma, give disturbances in the hypothalamic-pituitary regulation, the so-called secondary hyperolactinemia occurs (the level of the hormone prolactin in the blood rises).

Hormone analysis gives elevated prolactin(several times higher than normal), while doctors are very surprised that milk does not come out. Could this be an incorrect test result or is milk not always secreted with elevated prolactin?

With an increase in the level of prolactin, discharge from the mammary glands may not be. A significant excess of the level of prolactin (several times) is usually not associated with errors in the collection and processing of the analysis.

What is galactorrhea. How dangerous is this disease, what are its symptoms and how can it affect a future pregnancy?

Galactorrhea or hyperprolactinemia - secretion of milk fluid from the mammary glands, may be accompanied by amenorrhea (absence of menstruation). Hyperprolactenemia can be primary or secondary. Primary is a lesion of the hypothalamic-pituitary system ( inflammatory processes in the area, injuries of the pituitary stalk, prolactin-synthesizing pituitary tumors, acromegaly, etc.). Secondary - hypothyroidism, chronic stress, kidney failure, frequent abortions, etc. Along with pathological lactation, menstrual irregularities, infertility, obesity can be noted. It needs examination and treatment.

I had a miscarriage at 18 weeks. Since then (already 8 months) excreted from the mammary glands white liquid. How abnormal is this, how to get rid of it and can it somehow affect the next pregnancy? Thank you.

Most likely we are talking about hyperprolactinemia, which was the cause of the miscarriage. And a white liquid is released from the mammary glands due to the increased content of prolactin in the blood. A more detailed examination is needed to establish the diagnosis. Hyperprolactinemia can be primary or secondary. There are many reasons for its occurrence and all of them can cause habitual miscarriages.

what can cause lactation in a non-pregnant and non-lactating woman?

Lactation at non-pregnant woman associated with increased production of the blood hormone prolactin. This may be due to the following reasons:

pituitary tumor;

endocrinological diseases: hypothyroidism, polycellular ovary syndrome;

hyperprolactinemia while taking medications;

It is necessary to contact a gynecologist, undergo a complete clinical and laboratory examination and conduct treatment.

AT normal situation in the mammary gland, milk is produced and excreted. Galactorrhea is a process in which colostrum is released after the cessation of feeding after six months. This period of time is considered normal, but if there is a discharge in the future, you need to go to the doctor.

Types of secretions

The occurrence of secretions is carried out with the help of milk holes. Each nipple contains about ten holes. The fluid comes out of the glands when pressed, but it happens that it is released on its own. It can be watery, thick, white, yellow or greenish in color.

If there are wounds inside, then the liquid may be Brown color and have blood streaks. Women rarely experience this condition, and women who have experienced several periods of pregnancy and childbirth - quite often.

If colostrum is secreted while expecting a baby, then this is normal. In this way, female body preparing for breastfeeding. In the middle of pregnancy, there is discharge from the chest in a small amount they are transparent or white. Colostrum appears before the process of childbirth or after their implementation.

Levels of intensity of pathological secretions:

  • the presence of discharge when pressing on the chest;
  • independent appearance of liquid;
  • liquid appears with medium intensity;
  • secretions come out in a jet.

The intensity determines the identification of the reason why, after completion breastfeeding colostrum remains. An important point is to keep the breasts clean, underwear should be comfortable, fit in size, the material is only natural without bones.

The reasons

The hormonal sphere regulates the production of colostrum. We are talking about prolactan, and the pituitary gland controls how this hormone is released into the plasma.

Reasons for violations:

  1. side effects of contraceptives;
  2. the presence of pathologies in the ovaries;
  3. diseases of the adrenal glands;
  4. injuries or tumors of the pituitary-hypothalamic system;
  5. the use of certain herbal tinctures;
  6. liver failure;
  7. wrong underwear;
  8. disorders in the thyroid gland.

There are times when a secondary symptom is cancer. But such situations are quite rare.

How to stop colostrum:

  • wear closed clothes so that the baby does not get to the breast;
  • send the child to his grandmother for a few days so that he does not see his mother;
  • seal the nipples with adhesive tape and tell the baby that there is no more milk;
  • smear nipples with products bad taste that will not harm the health of the child;
  • gradually stop feeding.

Milk after the cessation of lactation may occur for other reasons. Such a process is called idiopathic. Its causes have not been fully elucidated. This kind of galactorrhea can manifest itself in different ages, as well as in the male half.


It should be remembered that for pathology, many take the usual release of colostrum after the end of breastfeeding. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the female body.

There are certain factors that indicate pathological processes:

  • unstable periods;
  • acne on the surface of the skin;
  • violation in the functioning of the senses, circling and pain in the head;
  • decrease in sexual desire;
  • the presence of discharge from the nipples of a yellowish tint;
  • appearance hairline on the chest, face.

As a result, if colostrum after feeding occurs as a pathology, then this indicates a violation in the hormonal sphere. It must be remembered that more than one system in the body is affected.

How long does colostrum flow after a feed is stopped? Allocation is observed up to six months. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the female body. The release of colostrum after the cessation of feeding can last up to two years. Accordingly, you need to consult a doctor if two symptoms are observed.

How much colostrum is released after lactation is stopped? Liquid occurs in the process of pressing the nipple, and sometimes there is spontaneous discharge. Most often it is a couple of drops or a very intense flow of milk.


For the treatment process pathological form Galactorrhea is influenced by the cause of its occurrence. For any disease, there is a narrow range of specific remedies. In the treatment of infertility, pituitary tumors, diseases of the adrenal glands and the thyroid gland, colostrum is a consequence of this therapy.

Preparations. If the release of colostrum is a side effect of taking medications, then such drugs should be excluded from therapy and consult a doctor. For regulation hormonal background the most commonly used are Bromocriptine, Pergolide, Cyclodinone, Cabergoline. Medications lower prolactin levels and colostrum production stops.

Change of contraceptives. If oral contraceptives are used, then other methods should be selected. When it comes to antidepressants, they are present in a wide range, and you can easily find an analogue.

Some women claim that they have not been feeding for a year, but they have colostrum. it normal process, since fluid is released during the pumping movement even after the end of feeding.

Colostrum can be released for up to three years, but it is still advisable to consult a doctor and get tested for prolactin.

So that during the period breastfeeding there were no cracks on the nipples; at the end of bearing the baby, it is necessary to rub the chest with a coarse towel. Then there will be no wounds. If they come out of the chest purulent discharge, the temperature rises, which means that an infection has entered the milk ducts.

Infrequently, diseases occur due to the breast, because the body regulates the work of the mammary glands well, they quickly respond to therapy. The appearance of discharge from the chest is not always a pathology, despite the fact that women complain that colostrum does not pass. Thus, one should not forget that various non-standard manifestations in the form strange smell, shade, a large number require medical attention and treatment.

Indeed, nursing mothers confirm that colostrum is released a year after feeding. In fact, bad moment but what can you do. The main thing is that it does not contribute to the manifestation of diseases.

It is called involution and implies a physiological process in which the natural completion of breastfeeding occurs. Usually, involution occurs during the period when the baby reaches 1.5 - 2 years. At this age, he no longer feels an urgent need for mother's breast milk.

The scheme of action of this physiological process can be described as follows: the pituitary gland begins to produce the hormone prolactin less, as a result of which the female body ceases to respond to the increasing need of the child for milk. At the same time, it continues to be produced for some time, but in much smaller quantities.

A reasonable question is how long does this process take? Total duration involution can be from 1.5 to 3 months.

Important. You should know that if the signs of involution appeared much earlier than the established period, then the woman may have a hormonal deficiency. This problem should be treated.

Initiated by mother

Quite often there are situations when a woman of her own free will decides to stop breastfeeding. We can list a few of the most typical reasons such a solution:

  • the illusion that the baby does not have enough milk;
  • the inability to accurately determine how much the baby drank milk;
  • the child does not take the breast, and the mother does not have the patience to teach him this process;
  • chronic fatigue and postpartum depression;
  • the desire to preserve the original shape of the mammary glands.

Forced stop feeding

Assumes the presence of circumstances that force a woman to switch to artificial feeding. So, here are a few of the reasons:

  • Exit to work.
  • The child has galactosemia (lactose intolerance).
  • Mom's presence infectious diseases(for example, chickenpox, measles, hepatitis, etc.). AT this case breastfeeding is stopped only for a while while the woman is being treated.
  • The child was born prematurely or has severe pathologies(violation cerebral circulation, metabolic problems, etc.).

Thus, of all the above options for stopping breastfeeding, the most preferred way to end lactation is involution. Only she is able to provide the most soft and smooth care from the breast.

How to stop lactation?

First of all, to stop breastfeeding, you need to choose the most appropriate period. You should not do this during the illness of the child or if there have been accidents in his life. drastic changes(for example, mom went to work, etc.).

After the most favorable period to complete lactation is selected, you must proceed to the following steps:

  1. First, you should stop daytime feedings. Alternatively, the child can be offered juice, an apple, or a cookie.
  2. Next, you need to remove the morning feeding. In order to distract the baby, you can call dad or, for example, offer a new toy.
  3. Eliminate feeding before bed. This step is the final one. Instead of a breast, you can read a fairy tale to your child or sit near his crib.

It should be noted that at the same time a woman should take care of her breasts, making the process of completing lactation as painless as possible. For this you need:

  • Gradually express the chest, and this should not be done until it is completely empty. Otherwise, milk production will be stimulated.
  • Wear a bra that is supportive but not tight.
  • With the appearance of edema of the mammary glands, compresses can be applied.

You should know that impossible in safe ways stop lactation for short span time. The amount of milk produced decreases gradually. It is best to stretch this process for 2-3 months.

We offer you to watch a video on how to properly stop lactation:

When does it disappear?

The very concept of "burnout" implies a decrease in the amount of milk in the breast. At the same time, the hormones prolactin and oxytocin are responsible for its production. If their level decreases, then, accordingly, the amount of milk produced also decreases. This directly depends on the frequency of attachment of the child to the breast.

How much time exactly will it take to this moment it is not known, that is there are no clearly established time limits within which milk burns out. This process is highly individual. For one woman, milk burns out a week after breastfeeding is completed, for another, after a couple of months.

Milk is stored in the mammary glands for 40 days from the end of breastfeeding. In addition, residues can be allocated for a whole six months.

For illness and stress

There are among the people misconception that diseases (flu, SARS, etc.) contribute to the burning of milk in the breast. Moreover, this is associated with an increase in body temperature, engorgement, or vice versa, a feeling of emptiness in the mammary glands. However, this is a fundamentally wrong assumption.

The point is that as the temperature rises, human body begins to experience a greater need for water, as a result of which dehydration occurs quickly. At the same time, due to the fact that breast milk almost 90% consists of water, then, accordingly, its deficiency negatively affects lactation. Temperature has nothing to do with it.

If the mother is ill, breastfeeding should not be interrupted. However, in order to protect the child from viruses, it is necessary to wear a mask and keep all contacts to a minimum (kisses, hugs, etc.).

Often, a nursing mother experiences stress, overwork and a breakdown. At the same time, a decrease in lactation can also be observed. Faced with similar situation, many women believe that they have had a burnout of milk due to stress. However, this opinion is erroneous. Under the influence of stress, lactation can be disturbed, but not completely disappear. Therefore, in this case, it is recommended to overcome stress and continue breastfeeding. In time, everything will return to normal.

What can not be done at the end of the GW?

Exists whole list warnings that a woman must take into account when deciding to wean a child from the breast. So, the main ones are:

  1. You can not stop breastfeeding suddenly, as this will be a serious stress for a fragile baby.
  2. For the purpose of weaning a child, it is not worth leaving him for for a long time. This could be bad for psycho-emotional state and mother and baby.
  3. In no case should you tighten the breast in order to reduce lactation. Such actions can lead to swelling of the mammary glands, as well as the development of lactostasis and mastitis.
  4. You can not smear the nipples with brilliant green or mustard, so that the child no longer wants to take the breast.
  5. You should not leave the breast unexpressed, as this will contribute to the formation of stagnation, which will ultimately lead to lactostasis and mastitis.

In this way, the issue of stopping breastfeeding should be approached with all responsibility. In addition, it is recommended that you first consult with a breastfeeding specialist. The process of completing lactation should go as smoothly and painlessly as possible for both the baby and the mother.

Good morning.
I apologize for not answering for a long time, due to the pre-holiday hustle and bustle, now is a very busy schedule.
Spontaneous separation of milk from the nipple (the so-called "leakage") - it can normally occur within 3-6 months after the last application, provoked trigger factors prolactin and oxytocin reflexes (hot drinks, baths, thoughts about a child, etc.).
This or that degree of discharge from the mammary gland (including white drops, transparent drops, a trickle, etc.) can remain NORMAL FOR 3 YEARS after ANY pregnancy (ending in childbirth or interruption at any time).
About prolactin - this analysis is done to exclude galactorrhea.
If you are concerned about the following:
Constant or intermittent discharge from the nipples, similar to milk, without traces of blood;
Allocations can appear both on their own and as a result of pressure on the nipple;
One or both breasts are affected;
Absence of menstruation or irregular periods;
Headaches and/or blurred vision
Prolactin analysis.
Donate blood from a vein:
For 1 day to exclude sexual intercourse and thermal effects (sauna), for 1 hour - smoking. Since the level of prolactin big influence render stressful situations, it is desirable to exclude factors that affect the results of research: physical stress(running, climbing stairs), emotional arousal. Therefore, before the procedure, you should rest for 10-15 minutes in the waiting room, calm down.

Biomaterial for research must be taken on an empty stomach. Between the last meal and blood sampling, at least 8 hours should elapse (preferably at least 12 hours). Juice, tea, coffee (especially with sugar) are not allowed. You can drink water.
About the hormone itself:
Prolactin is produced in the pituitary gland. During pregnancy, it is also produced in the endometrium. During pregnancy, prolactin maintains existence corpus luteum and the production of progesterone, stimulates the growth and development of the mammary glands and the formation of milk. This is one of the hormones that contribute to the formation of sexual behavior. Prolactin regulates water-salt exchange, delaying the excretion of water and sodium by the kidneys, stimulates the absorption of calcium.

Daily secretion of prolactin has a pulsating character. During sleep, its level rises. After awakening, the concentration of prolactin decreases sharply, reaching a minimum in the late morning hours. After noon, the level of the hormone increases. In the absence of stress, daily fluctuations in levels are within normal values. During the menstrual cycle in the first phase, the level of prolactin is higher than in the second. From the 8th week of pregnancy, the level of prolactin rises, reaching a peak at 20-25 weeks, then decreases immediately before childbirth and increases again during lactation.
By the way, scientists from the Kimmel Cancer Center have found a mechanism by which the hormone responsible for milk production blocks the oncogene that makes breast cancer more aggressive. (I wrote in the topic about weaning that long-term preservation of breastfeeding protects the mother from breast cancer).
You can also ask me questions about the analysis, but it's better to write in a personal, since the matter is confidential

Galactorrhea is considered to be the excretion of milk or colostrum after cessation of feeding, when more than four or six months have passed. This period of time is considered the norm, and if the discharge continues, you should consult a specialist. What could be the reasons for normal and abnormal colostrum discharge after lactation?

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Causes of galactorrhea

The production of milk and colostrum during and after lactation is regulated by a complex of hormones and a number of glands. internal secretion. The main of them is prolactin, and its release into the blood plasma is controlled by the hormones of the pituitary and hypothalamus. This delicate balance can easily be upset. The main reasons for such violations are:

  • injuries or neoplasms of the pituitary-hypothalamic system;
  • side effects of some combined oral contraceptives;
  • pathological process in the ovaries;
  • damage to the adrenal system;
  • liver or kidney failure;
  • taking decoctions of certain herbs (for example, anise or fennel);
  • side effect of others medicines(antidepressants, antihypertensives);
  • type of underwear, overly tight bra or irritating fabric;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland.

The main difference between normal and pathological galactorrhea is that the normal one lasts six months after the cessation of lactation and is associated with high content prolactin in the blood, and pathological is associated with a particular disorder in the body.

milk in mammary glands ah after cessation of lactation can also appear regardless of all of the above factors. This galactorrhea is also called idiopathic. Its reasons are not completely clear. It can occur at any age and even in men. Treatment consists only in a pathogenetic decrease in the concentration of prolactin in the blood plasma.

Clinical signs of pathological galactorrhea

Galactorrhea is characterized by the following clinical symptoms:

  • Violation of the menstrual cycle (delays, irregular periods);
  • Neurological manifestations in the form of dizziness, headache, disruption of the senses;
  • Decreased libido;
  • Discharge opaque, yellowish;
  • Hair growth in atypical places (chest, face, and so on).

In this way, pathological discharge milk or colostrum after lactation is characterized by a rather bright clinical picture mainly due to hormonal imbalance. It is important to understand that such a process affects several body systems and may not be associated with the place of external manifestation.

For staging differential diagnosis using a range of laboratory and instrumental research. The main examination includes: ultrasound procedure breast and pelvic organs, mammography, blood test to determine the level of thyroid hormones and prolactin, computed tomography brain.

Abnormal secretion of colostrum after cessation of feeding can have four levels of intensity. At the first level, the liquid is released only when you press the breast in the nipple area. The second level - milk or colostrum itself is allocated in drops. The third level - the liquid itself is released medium intensively. And finally, at the fourth level, colostrum is spurted out.

The intensity of the release is also important. diagnostic value, as it allows you to determine the cause of galactorrhea in a number of doubtful cases.

However, do not forget that often normal is taken for pathological galactorrhea. physiological excretion milk or colostrum after stopping breastfeeding. In some cases, considering individual characteristics women, the discharge can be observed up to six months. Therefore, you should consult a gynecologist only if you have at least two of the above symptoms.

Treatment of galactorrhea

Treatment of pathological galactorrhea consists in finding out the cause and the corresponding effect on the primary affected system. For every disease it's a narrow circle specific drugs. For example, in the case of identified hypothyroidism, a replacement is prescribed. hormone therapy and if the problem is kidney failure, again, its causes are clarified or hemodialysis is prescribed.

If galactorrhea is due side effect medications taken, they should be discontinued. When it comes to combined oral contraceptives, find an analogue or a drug of another line is not difficult. When antihypertensive drugs or antidepressants, the situation is similar, today they are presented in a fairly wide range.

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