Dream interpretation vanga new things. Dream Interpretation - Material creation. Putting together things to create

Without things it is impossible to imagine the life of a modern person. Therefore, their appearance in dreams is natural. But due to the wide variety, answering the question of why things are dreaming is far from easy. The interpretation of night dreams depends entirely on what object was dreamed of in a dream.

For the interpretation of dreams with things, actions with things are very important. This allows you to generalize to combine a variety of things into separate groups, regardless of their nomenclature.

Why dream of collected things?

Very often there is a question of what the collected things dream about. This is a sign that you need to prepare for the journey. But it is possible to more accurately understand what such a dream can portend only after a complete analysis of the entire plot of the dream.

To pack things

If the storyline of nightly sins reflects the process of packing things, then this focuses on the fact that the dreamer cannot stand still in real life. Now is not the time to rest, so we need to move on. Only with this approach can you become a successful person. But when you have to clean up. collecting scattered things, this symbolizes the disorder of the dreamer's life. Therefore, first streamline it, and then move on.

Collect things - dream book

If in night dreams you have to collect things and shift them, for example, from a wardrobe to a wardrobe, then this indicates that you are trying to put things in order in your own life.

Suitcase with things

But if you see a suitcase with things in a dream, then you need to prepare for a quick trip. In addition, such a dream symbolizes your readiness for change. And this is very good, so start boldly. To do this, you can change your place of residence, change the environment and work, in general, do everything that will bring you joy.

Dreaming of packing for moving

If you dream that you are methodically and measuredly collecting and packing things for moving, then this focuses on the fact that there is a need to clarify your affairs and put your own thoughts in order. The dream contains advice, as soon as possible, to determine life priorities. It is also desirable to systematize all your routine affairs, and for this you should accustom yourself to keeping a diary. This approach will allow you to achieve incredible success, because you will not get tired, and you will always have time for what you love.

If in reality they were going to move, and at that moment you dream of packing things for the move, then this is a very favorable sign. Such a dream is a harbinger that moving with things in real life will go well. But if in reality you have no plans to change your place of residence, then collecting things for this purpose in night dreams is not a very good omen. This portends the emergence of family conflicts that have deep roots and can lead to a break in relations.

wash things

When in a dream you have to wash things before packing them, this means that you are about to have very serious life changes. In addition, such a dream advises that if something is not working for you at the moment, just wait it out. After a short time, you will be able to overcome circumstances and succeed.

Why dream of buying things?

Very often, dreamers are interested in the question of why they dream of buying things. This is a sign that in real life you will have to get into a situation in which you will have to stop being yourself and try on a different role. But this is a generalized interpretation, and a more accurate interpretation of the dream can only be obtained by fully analyzing the plot.

New things

When you have to acquire new things in night dreams, this indicates that in real life there will be many obstacles on the way to the goal. But if you immediately start trying them on, then this predicts that life will provide you with a lot of profitable opportunities, the main thing is to be able to use them. It is very good if, according to the plot of the dream, you buy things that you really like. Such a dream indicates that you will be able to achieve everything in life that you dreamed about. Also a favorable sign is the purchase of inexpensive, but very high-quality things in a dream. This is a sign that you will soon be able to make a good profit at minimal cost.

Old things - interpretation of sleep

If, according to the plot of a dream, you acquire old things, then this portends that you will make a very original decision that will allow you to stabilize the situation that has developed in reality. But if you didn’t notice and bought things in holes, then minor troubles will haunt you for some time.

If, according to the plot of the dream, you choose things for a long time during the purchase, then this portends a change in lifestyle, and sometimes directly in the image of the dreamer. Also, such a dream indicates that life will be filled with small household chores, which will not be a burden at all. There comes a time when you will often have to participate in friendly gatherings with friends and have fun.

Dream of stealing things

If you dream of stealing things, then this is a bad omen. This is a symbol of future failures, and, possibly, great grief. Moreover, their own rash acts will lead to a collapse in life. But if you steal one insignificant thing in a dream, then this may indicate that you will be able to avoid trouble.

When the storyline of night dreams develops in such a way that you have to lose things in a dream, this portends losses and disappointments in real life. A very bad omen is the loss of things due to theft. The dream indicates that the situation in reality will develop in such a way that your material well-being will suffer. In the coming period, unforeseen expenses are possible, which will cause serious financial difficulties.

According to the interpretation of Miller's dream book, losing any item from your own wardrobe is an unfavorable sign. It can indicate problems in the business sphere and troubles in amorous affairs. Also in real life, something special can happen that will significantly damage the dreamer's reputation.

A plot in which a lost thing is dreamed of is considered a very good omen. That is, it was first lost, and a little later found. It is believed that the things found indicate that the dreamer's authority in society will be significantly strengthened. In addition, such a dream emphasizes that you are on the right track, therefore, despite any obstacles, you should move on.

Of course, their belonging plays an important role in the correct interpretation of dreams with things. This sign leaves its mark and allows you to understand what needs to be changed in reality in order for life to be prosperous.

Many things

If you saw in a dream a lot of things new or in good condition, then this indicates that undoubted success awaits you in life. But, despite the fact that you will be lucky in this life period, you will definitely need to show diligence and stubbornness in overcoming difficulties.

Sometimes there is a question of what other people's things are dreaming of. When interpreting such a dream, the following should be considered:
    The collection of other people's things symbolizes the dreamer's forward movement towards the goal. Putting things in a suitcase portends an unplanned and undesired trip. Drying other people's things portends a lucky chance in reality.

When deciphering dreams in which things of adults appear, the following should be considered:
    The torn things of a husband or another man for a woman are a symbol of life changes. But they will be positive only if they make an effort for this. Worn out things with patches promise deceit and warn that you can be harmed. Stains on things symbolize minor obstacles to the goal. But they can be easily overcome. White things always enhance the positive direction of sleep. Colorful things symbolize stupidity and predict unreasonable acts by the dreamer.
When, after a dream in the soul, the dreamer has a feeling of irritation from the things he saw, this reflects the fact that an unbearable burden of problems has fallen on a person in real life, perhaps they arose in the past, but were not resolved in a timely manner. But if, against the background of negative emotions, you realize that you see all things in perfect condition, then this indicates that, despite all the difficulties, you will be able to achieve your goals. In such a life period, you do not need to refuse the help that close people offer you. Their support will allow you to gain confidence in yourself and believe in your natural talents.

Kids' things

When you dream of children's things, you should expect positive changes in your personal life. In addition, some dream books emphasize the positivity of such a dream for men. In the coming period, we should expect the strengthening of well-being associated with the completion of a successful project. A dream with children's things is also considered favorable for a pregnant woman. It indicates that the pregnancy will proceed normally, and the birth will be successful. But if you have to buy children's things in night dreams, then in reality you should expect a deterioration in relations with a partner. But if you can find compromise solutions to the problems that have arisen, then the relationship can be restored very quickly. If, according to the plot of the dream, children's things are accidentally found in their own house, then this portends the birth of a very successful project. The dreamer will have the opportunity to demonstrate his strong abilities, which are based on natural talents. The main thing during this period is to stop any throwing and act according to a strictly planned plan. It is very important to remember your emotions when you saw children's things in your night dreams. If you reacted negatively to this, then in real life you will have to do something that you do not like. And if after such a dream you have a positive mood, then you will in reality do what you love.

The things of newborns seen in a dream are a good omen. A dream can be the starting point for a new life. In addition, they can symbolize the birth of a new life or the beginning of a new successful project. Often dreamers are interested in the question of why the things of the deceased are dreaming. Such a dream is always alarming and is unlikely to cause positive emotions. When the things of a deceased person appear very often in a variety of plots of night dreams, this portends worries, possibly associated with litigation. Also, such a dream can be a harbinger of a long and very hard work. It is important who dreamed of the things of a deceased person:
    For a woman, such a dream can be prophetic. That is, you need to analyze the entire plot as a whole and find a hint about what to do in a certain life situation. For a man, a dream is a harbinger of dubious entertainment. For a young girl, night dreams predict money spending. In addition, the dream warns that her behavior can upset loved ones.
A good sign is a dream in which the dreamer takes things from the deceased. In the near future, you will be able to make a good profit or an influential person will provide you with very timely help. Giving things to the dead that belong to you is a bad omen. In real life, after such a dream, misfortune may occur that will affect the entire family of the dreamer. Also a bad sign is a dream in which the dreamer watches other people give things to a deceased person. This portends in reality a complete failure in the work begun. And if you have to collect things for the deceased, then this predicts the development of a serious illness. It is very bad if the dream in which the deceased's things were dreamed was during the growing moon. This may be a harbinger of great grief or major financial losses. In addition, such a dream often warns that the dreamer will become a victim of gossip.

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In life, we are surrounded by things all the time. Without them it is difficult to imagine an ordinary existence. But, there is no single interpretation of what things are dreaming of. The interpretation directly depends on what exactly the object seen in the dream was. The following are the most common options for interpreting a dream, taken from different dream books.

Collect and pack

Collecting things in a dream is a sign that you need to move forward and in no case stand still. The modern dream book is convinced that this is the only way to get exactly what you want from life. If you dream that you are putting things in a suitcase, you will soon go on a trip. Putting scattered wardrobe items in a closet means, in reality, bringing clarity and order into your life and into your thoughts. Only a pure mind can help you achieve the successes you are making. Had a dream that you choose what you need from a large pile of things and put it in a bag? The universal dream book believes that such a plot is a symbol of the fact that you will be able to understand what is most important for you and discard everything else. To sort clothes and various little things and carefully put them in their places - to success in the workplace. Moreover, success will be earned through hard work.

Gain and lose

To lose something dear and valuable to you in a dream - to sorrows and disappointments. Ate dreamed that they found a lost thing - this, to joy and happiness. Also, a loss can dream of waking confusion. Buying new things in a dream means facing obstacles. Dream Interpretation Grishina believes that trying on new things means that life will provide many profitable opportunities. If you want to achieve something, try not to miss a single lucky opportunity. Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya is convinced that measuring things in a dream, and then buying the ones you like the most, will achieve absolutely all your goals. Events both in the service and at home will turn out exactly as you planned. If you dream that you are buying a lot of children's things, then in reality get ready for replenishment in the family. Selling bonnets and sliders in a dream - to a series of happy events. The interpretation of dreams also promises new impressions and emotions.

Get lost because of a thief

If in a dream a bag with things was stolen from you, then in reality the material side of life will make you pretty worried. The Wanderer's Dream Interpretation promises waste and financial difficulties. Another option for dreaming of such a theft is a great danger. If it was you who were stealing and stole something valuable from someone, then in reality it will be possible to make an extremely profitable acquisition. The female dream book believes that stealing bread and things necessary for survival in night dreams means, in reality, taking a justified risk. Searching for stolen items in a dream means making attempts to change the current state of things.

Things of the deceased

If you dream that the deceased asks for a thing to be put in his coffin, then you should be as careful as possible in deeds and judgments. Putting on the things of the deceased - to new achievements, success. Dream Interpretation Grishina warns that if a dead person gives a thing in a dream, then you should not take it, otherwise, a series of troubles and troubles cannot be avoided. If the deceased takes the thing, then good luck will come to life. The universal interpreter also describes what dreams of returning the things of the deceased. This dream book believes that such a plot is a harbinger of material profit.

Laundry and ironing

If the fair sex dreamed that she was washing her clothes, then she really wants to replenish her wardrobe with new items. Washing children's things indicates the desire to give birth to a baby. Hanging pre-washed things on ropes is a happy occasion. The universal dream book promises that the circumstances themselves will turn out exactly the way you need. If you dream that you are ironing the laundry that has already dried up, then in reality you can create comfort in the house. Households will be pleased to be in their native walls. If, after all the manipulations done, things remained dirty, then your reputation will be seriously damaged, and it will not be possible to correct the situation with all efforts.

Throw away or forget

Throwing away old things in a dream - to the deterioration of life in reality. Aesop's dream book predicts difficulties with money, problems at work. You will have to give up many familiar things. Another option for explaining why you dream of throwing away old things is moving or renovating a house. If you dreamed of forgotten objects, then you definitely want to forget about the past and start everything from scratch. If you forgot things on the train in a dream, then get rid of many unnecessary people. Shereminskaya's dream book recommends communicating only with those who evoke sympathy. Otherwise, you will have to constantly stay in a stressful situation. If you dreamed that you forgot about your property and never found it, then you lose something important and you won’t find it again. Intentionally leaving your things in a dream somewhere or to someone - to the beginning of a new life stage. What it will be depends almost entirely on you. Giving something voluntarily - to the changes that you yourself will provoke. A female dream book warns of an estimate of work, an apartment, a friendly environment.

Some more descriptions

Had a dream that you lost your suitcase? Get ready for a series of family quarrels. If you do not want separation from your beloved, make every effort so that disagreements do not develop into a serious conflict and a strip of alienation. Communicate more heart to heart. To take your things from somewhere - to the attempts made to change fate. Another option for describing what this dream is about is family conflicts. Dreamed knitted things promise new acquaintances and meetings.

Collecting and transporting property in a dream promises new impressions and emotions. Burning other people's things in a dream - to reassess your views and values, distribute them to those in need - for profit. If the little things were gold, then you will be able to move far ahead on the path to recognition and honors, if they were white, then a completely new stage will begin in life. If you dream that you are going through old things, then the past will make itself felt. The older the dreamed things were, the more forgotten events of the past will make themselves felt.

comments 12

  • Today I had a strange dream, hectic. I'm lying in the house on the bed and as if the roof was crushed. But it turned out to be a lot of clothes. A classmate came out beside me. And the clothes are hers and her mother's. And I, in anticipation of some kind of danger, looked out the window and I don’t remember, it seemed that I started to shoot and wanted to shoot. To get into a flying plane above us (I was waiting for this plane). In my thoughts I represented him, big wide). Then my sister dreams about her and strawberries grow on her windowsill and raspberries are strewn with berries. Raspberries small bushes. I began to think about how to plant raspberries in my house. How can you cut (it's all in the head). Not a dream, but a whole mess.

Things in a dream - Brother in a dream things in debt- to friendship with those from whom you take them.
Dirty things dream of strife in the family.
Giving things in a dream or giving them to the poor- to profit.
Children's things dream of empty chores.
Expensive things dream of meeting interesting people.
If you are given an old thing in a dream, this is a sign of poverty.
If you dreamed of things that are scattered, then trouble awaits you in reality, but your friends will protect you and save you in a necessary situation.
If you dreamed about how you put things, then in reality you have a mountain of worries in front of you. this suggests that someone can conspire against you and slander.
If you dreamed that things were given to you, then in reality a feast awaits you.
If you dreamed that you gave your life- such a dream for unexpected and pleasant purchases.
If you dreamed that you were sorting or laying out things, then in reality everything will work out for you soon.
If you dreamed that you received expensive things as a gift, in real life it means that you have high hopes and expectations, and in the end you will not get the result you expected.
If you dreamed that you handed over things to a pawnshop- in real life, good news awaits you.
If you dreamed that you were packing things into bags, it means that soon you will have a long or long trip.
If you dream of a mountain of different things- then you should remember your unfulfilled promises. Very soon you will have to answer for them in reality.
If you dream about how you give someone a thing- in real life, be vigilant and careful, in everything and everywhere you can make a mistake and miss. But all these small slips are temporary and soon you will overcome all obstacles.
If you dream that you are looking at a new thing for a long time, then in real life prosperity awaits you.
If you dream that you are excavating gold things, then today is your day.
If you dream that you are buying some thing, then such a dream suggests that in reality you have some obstacles to conquering your goal.
If you dream of old, long-forgotten or unnecessary things, or simply dilapidated items, then this dream symbolizes a decline in business, portends need and poverty.
If the things in the pile are dirty- wait for clarification of relations with your spouse.
If in a dream you were presented with an old, outlandish thing, it means that soon you will receive unexpected profits.
If you dreamed of things in a dream, then such a dream must be recognized as a reminder that you must remember what to do with your things.
If in a dream you throw away old things, it means that in reality you will have new plans.
If in a dream you are patching things, then in reality you will have to work hard to achieve your goal.
If in a dream you buy some things, then in reality you will encounter some obstacles.
If in a dream you buy old things, then this dream does not bode well. Soon you will have a very unsuccessful deal, the result of which will be disastrous for you.
If in a dream you diligently get rid of old things, then the dream portends the improvement of your affairs, you can get rid of need and get on your feet.
If in a dream you stole things, then in reality losses await you. Such a dream also portends deception on the part of acquaintances.
If you walk around the market or shop, and choose some things, asking the price and comparing, then the dream speaks of your superstition. Your unconditional belief in omens becomes an obstacle for you in many matters, so you should reconsider your attitude towards superstitions. Pawning things in a dream means waiting for very important news in reality. Soon you will learn something very important for you.
If the old one in real life, expect minor setbacks and problems, but all these problems are solvable.
Pawn things in a dream- to a quarrel.
Treasury items dream of certain obligations on your part.
Things scattered on the floor in a dream- to the news.
The dream in which you dreamed of antiques indicates that you have spiritual values ​​\u200b\u200bin the first place.
Old things, torn or broken, dream of gossip.

  • Seeing clothes in a dream is a dream prediction. The success of your affairs depends on what the clothes were like in a dream: whole and clean, or soiled and torn.
  • Seeing great but unfashionable clothes portends that you will be lucky, but neglect valuable ideas.
  • If you refuse clothes that are out of fashion, then soon you will move away from your current environment, start new business, make new love relationships. All this will completely change you.
  • Seeing yourself and others dressed in white means change, and almost always sad.
  • Walking with a man in white means illness and grief for him, unless it is a young woman and a child. In the latter case, pleasant events can be expected.
  • Seeing yourself and others - portends quarrels, disappointments and unwanted companions on a trip. Commercial activities will not justify your desires.
  • Seeing yellow clothes portends interesting entertainment and financial success. If you see a silently moving ghost in yellow, in unnatural lighting, then you should expect a change for the worse. Good luck will accompany you if you see a beautiful yellow fabric in a dream.
  • Seeing blue clothes in a dream means that your energy will help you achieve your desires. Friends will support you.
  • Seeing crimson clothes in a dream means that you will get rid of terrible enemies by changing your intentions in time.
  • Seeing green robes is a sign of hope for prosperity and happiness.
  • Seeing multi-colored robes portends drastic changes and the interweaving of good and bad in the future.
  • Seeing clothes that do not fit well on you in a dream means the end of some of your attachments. It is possible that you make a mistake in some enterprise.
  • Seeing an old man or a young man in well-tailored suits means that you will undertake some unpleasant and troublesome business.
  • If a woman sees in a dream that she does not like her clothes - the dream portends that she will meet unpleasant rivalry in achieving social success.
  • If she admires the clothes of others, the dream promises jealous suspicions of her friend.
  • Seeing in a dream the loss of some detail of the toilet means interference in commercial affairs and obstacles in love.
  • For a young woman to see herself in a dream in a black suit - a dream portends sadness and disappointment.
  • If she sees in a dream another woman in crimson clothes with a crepe mourning veil on her face, this means that she will be surpassed by a rival whom she did not consider equal to herself; bitter disappointment will embitter her against all women.
  • Interpreting a dream about clothes. You should pay attention to whether the objects you see are natural. If the faces are distorted and the light is unnatural, although the colors are bright, be careful, because failure to implement important plans will harm you.
  • Dirty and torn clothes always portend deceit and warn of caution in dealing with strangers. Such a dream may also portend an act with which you can tarnish your reputation. But clean clothes are for well-being.
  • If you dream that you have a lot of bright and beautiful outfits, this dream warns you: be careful, otherwise wrong actions will lead you to losses, as a result of which you will not have enough even the most necessary things.
  • For a young lady, this dream promises unfulfilled hopes.
  • Light, pleasant cotton clothing promises that circumstances will soon turn out not in your favor. Weaving cotton in a dream is a harbinger of a successful marriage with an enterprising and economic person, for married women it is a promise of comfort in the house and harmony.
  • Seeing yourself undressed portends gossip around your name.
  • To see in a dream an important person undressed - portends grief and pain for people dear to you.
  • Seeing others undressed is a harbinger of joy stolen from you.

Things in a dream symbolically reflect current affairs and problems, the baggage of knowledge and experience, as well as the moral state, thoughts, and hopes of the dreamer. To understand what they dream of, dream books recommend taking into account the specific variety and personal actions.

Decoding according to the general dream book

Did you dream that you put things in a travel bag or suitcase? Get ready for a long journey. Putting things in a closet means that it's time to put things in order in your affairs and head. Why dream if you had to unpack things? The dream book prophesies: you will be presented with a completely useless present. In a dream, were you lucky to buy things? Be prepared for obstacles in the business field.

What does it mean if you happen to throw things in a dream right on the floor? In the near future you will receive information that you absolutely do not need. If other people's things appeared in the indicated plot, then you will find out about the real attitude of those around you and, according to the dream book, this will not please you at all.

Why dream if in the night it happened to pawn, sell things in order to get some money? quarrel with loved ones for a short time. Seeing relatives in the same situation means that a grandiose scandal with relatives awaits you. Had a dream that a friend or acquaintance pawned all things? The dream interpretation suspects that it is you who will cause the failure of another person or a loud conflict.

Interpretation according to the symbolic dream book

Things in a dream are identified with the burden of life, which can mean anything, from knowledge, memories and ending with problems, relationships. Why do things dream most often? They reflect the burden, the dreamer's workload, emotions, problems. The dream interpretation is sure: things usually symbolize negative life accumulations that are already tired, but there is no way to get rid of them.

Why dream of things packed in travel bags, suitcases? In a dream, this is a well-known omen of a close road, travel, trip, or long-term relationships, projects, connections. Dreamed of things in a suitcase or bag? They reflect the emotions and experiences that await you in the future. This image is also associated with the female uterus and hints at what needs to be nurtured for a long time: plans, ideas, thoughts, children.

Dreamed of things in a shopping bag? For women, the dream book promises more trouble and household chores, for men - success or difficulty at work. The full interpretation depends on the things themselves. Why dream of small things, such as a comb, wallet, handkerchief? The dream interpretation is sure: in a dream, they are a reflection of personal hopes, aspirations, experiences and hint at change.

All old, antique things are related to the past and warn of rare but important events. The dream interpretation believes that their appearance in a dream indicates a spiritual connection with the ancestors and reflect the influence of the past on today or even tomorrow. In some cases, old, broken, worthless things call for getting rid of everything unnecessary, including relationships, obligations, stereotypes, worldview.

Why do you dream of your own things, strangers, for a newborn

Dreamed of your own or other people's things? In a dream, most often they indicate the available prospects. If your own or other people's things are dirty and torn, then you should not expect joys from the future. The image promises deception, irritation, failure of plans, difficulties.

Why do you dream of things that are already out of fashion that you decide to throw away? In the near future you will make new acquaintances, radically change your social circle, your own image, and plans.

Children's things in a dream hint at family troubles, and things for newborns predict a rather troublesome but successful undertaking. Why dream of your very fashionable things? The period of pleasant meetings, idle idleness is approaching. Seeing new things is possible before participating in completely new things.

What do the things of a deceased, deceased mean in a dream

If you dreamed about the things of the deceased, then it's time to cleanse the soul and the house of everything superfluous, literally - obsolete. This is a call to movement, determination, activity. It is necessary not only to get rid of the unnecessary, but also to completely change yourself, your lifestyle, and thoughts.

If in a dream the deceased gives some things, then in reality wealth and prosperity await you. Giving things to the dead yourself is bad. This is an omen of life's trials, losses, illnesses and even death. Why dream, did you have to wash the dead man and put on his things? You are destined for a great loss or illness. But if, after the dressing procedure, you successfully buried the deceased, then you will be returned the debt, the existence of which you managed to forget.

Dreamed of things in the store

Seeing and buying things in the store means that significant changes are approaching, which will have a direct connection with the financial situation. Dreamed of a lot of things in the store? Success awaits both in business and in personal life. If the store is empty, then the interpretation of sleep is the opposite.

If a lady finds herself in a store full of beautiful and expensive things, then soon she will have a generous admirer. For men, the same plot promises career and business growth thanks to the support of an interested person. If you dreamed that you could not find the necessary things in a store rich in cool goods, then your financial situation would worsen through your own fault.

What do things symbolize in the closet, in the house, on the hanger

Did you dream that the closet and the whole house were crammed with things? According to the law of inversion, you will soon experience a need for money. For those in love, the indicated plot is filled with disappointment, the collapse of expectations. Seeing a lot of things in a closet and house in a dream means: you should not believe other people's promises, you will certainly be deceived.

Why dream that there are no things in the closet at all? If you get involved in an adventure or bad company, you risk losing everything you had. Did you see things hanging on a hanger? Overnight, a lot of problems of varying degrees of importance will pile up and they will have to be solved without delay. Things on a hanger also warn of receiving news from a person who is far from home.

Things in a dream - examples of interpretation

It is very important to note not only the appearance and purpose of things, but also to decipher your own actions in a dream.

  • fix things - easily cope with difficulties
  • patching holes - short-term deprivation
  • giving things to someone - windfall income
  • erase - a disadvantage, the collapse of plans
  • repaint - pleasant leisure, fun
  • alter - household chores, communication with household members
  • tear - gossip and slander will disturb peace of mind
  • wear other people's things - the loss of a loved one
  • walking in leaky things - fear, revealing a secret
  • buy new ones - obstacles in business, plans
  • pawn things in a pawnshop - news
  • receive as a gift - a dubious future
  • borrow from someone - friendship, support
  • dirty things - deceit, gossip, trouble
  • vintage - booze, spree, meeting with an old friend
  • dilapidated, torn - difficulties, trials
  • things in the dust, cobwebs - the consequences of a harmless event
  • piled up - showdown
  • scattered - support friends
  • new things - success, achievements
  • beautiful - well-being, prosperity
  • sweaters, shirts - feelings, the possibility of their manifestation
  • dresses, jackets, coats - relationships with strangers
  • skirts, trousers - care for the image, dissatisfaction with life
  • underwear - secrets, innermost feelings, desires
  • hats - plans, reflections, ideas
  • government things - obligations, payment of a debt
  • uniform - subordination, performance of duties
  • terry - betrayal, affectionate friend
  • leather - protection, callousness, good luck in the game

If in a dream you had a chance to burn unnecessary things or distribute them to the poor, then in reality you will receive money from an unexpected source. It is possible that you will be returned a long-standing monetary debt.

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