Psychotherapist - who is he? How to get this profession? How is it different from a psychologist? What is the difference between a psychotherapist and a psychologist Positive psychotherapy training

The question of how a psychiatrist differs from a psychologist is of interest to two categories of people: those who are simply interested in it, and those who wish to be seen by one of these two specialists. It is unlikely that a happy person would like to find himself in the second group. At the same time, everyone should probably know about the differences between these workers.

Mental problems

It would seem that the course of history presupposes the constant evolution of society. Society is developing, and therefore people should have fewer problems. But is it really that simple? Not really. A modern person is at the mercy of a frantic pace of life, which, in turn, is fraught with constant stress and stress on the nervous system. There is probably not a single individual that would not be subjected to powerful mental stress.

Many are accustomed to coping with their problems on their own. However, it is very wrong to be completely sure that all difficulties can be solved without anyone's help. Unfortunately, modern society has developed a stereotype about people who seek mental help from specialists as very weak people. A psychologist, psychiatrist or psychotherapist - all these people are united by work with the human psyche. However, how do they differ from each other?

About psychologist

The first thing to note about the presented specialist is that the psychologist is not a doctor. This is the main difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist. What follows from here? A psychologist, due to the specifics of his professional activity, is not capable of diagnosing or treating. He has a completely different task: to help the patient restore his normal mental state. A person must gain peace of mind, self-confidence and their abilities, develop social and communication skills. If this or that individual has the negative consequences of overstrain (physical or mental), then the psychologist should also come to the rescue.

Psychologists cannot be found in hospitals or clinics. As a rule, they are in private labor or educational organizations, conduct trainings, test people for the level of intelligence, etc. Married couples, growing children, people who have lost someone close to them and other categories of people can get professional psychological advice.

Thus, the tasks of a psychologist include working with healthy people who have some problems in life. It is with healthy people - because otherwise it would be necessary to make a diagnosis and carry out treatment.

When should you contact a psychologist?

It is worth imagining a situation where a person with a certain set of life problems does not know which specialist to turn to. What should be the reasons for an individual to turn to a psychologist for help?

There can be a huge number of reasons. A person who wants to see a psychologist may experience:

  • extreme degree of dissatisfaction with one's own life;
  • constant stress and depression;
  • post-traumatic complications;
  • difficulties with adaptation at the place of study, work, etc.;
  • difficulties in finding a common language with the family;
  • misunderstanding on the part of the family or any other people, etc.

There are many reasons to visit a psychologist. Who is a psychiatrist and why is he needed? What is the difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist? These questions can be answered below.

About the psychiatrist

The difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist lies primarily in the fact that the latter is a qualified doctor. He is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of really serious mental illnesses, including:

  • various types of psychoses;
  • obsessive states;
  • forms of schizophrenia;
  • manic disorders and many other types of mental illness.

The importance of these disorders should not be underestimated. These are really serious ailments that can be removed or corrected only with high-quality treatment. A psychologist leading "soul-saving" conversations is unlikely to help out here. The only professional that could help a person in this case is a psychiatrist. It is worth telling a little more about the forms of its activity.

Activities of a psychiatrist

A psychiatrist, unlike a psychologist, has much broader and more complex functions. This is not just consultations and conversations, but also the determination of an accurate diagnosis, competent treatment and constant monitoring of the patient's condition. At the same time, problems may arise already at the first stage.

Diagnosing mental illness is often much more difficult than identifying physical illness. Not only does the patient have to be under observation for a long time, he also needs to establish the main treatment. The psychiatrist often deals with inadequate people. It is very difficult to work with them. This is the main difference between specialists such as a psychiatrist and a psychologist. The difference between them can be said to be colossal. However, there are some common points. This includes, for example, tests. So, the patient is invited to answer a series of questions, talk about something, create an associative series, etc. This technique is the most qualitative diagnosis of any deviations.

About the psychotherapist

Another specialist who must be noted is called a psychotherapist. In Russia, he is often confused with a psychiatrist, mistakenly believing that these two persons perform the same functions. At the same time, it is still worth noting that the psychotherapist, as well as the psychiatrist, is a doctor. And therefore, there are still some common points between the presented professionals.

What is characteristic of a psychotherapist? Just like a psychiatrist, the presented specialist is engaged in high-quality treatment of mental illness. However, methods in the field of psychotherapy are used quite differently. So, in order to treat various kinds of phobias, addictions or depression, the psychotherapist tries to use not only medications and pharmaceuticals, but also some other types of treatment. In fact, the psychotherapist combines the functions of both a psychologist and a psychiatrist. At the same time, psychotherapy is only an integral part of psychiatry.

Thus, a person who seeks qualified help from a psychiatrist can be referred to a specialist in the field of psychotherapy. This usually happens when the patient has a transitional or borderline disorder.

Differences in learning

Having dealt with each specialist individually, it is worth paying attention, finally, to the main question: what is the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist and a psychotherapist? There are really a lot of differences here, and therefore they should be divided into two main groups: according to the form of training and according to the form of work.

How is the training of psychologists? At the moment in Russia there are a number of branches in the direction of psychology. Here it is necessary to distinguish the following types of psychologists:

  • educational psychologist - focused on working with children and their parents;
  • social psychologist - focused on working with adults;
  • legal psychologist - works in the field of committing offenses and crimes;
  • clinical psychologist - works with seriously ill people in hospitals.

What is the difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist? In the field of education, a psychiatrist goes through a fairly large number of disciplines, including medicine, psychoanalysis, psychodrama, the basics of behaviorism, cognitive therapy and many other branches of science. However, the practical activity of a psychiatrist is much more important. It is worth talking about it further.

Differences in work

What is the difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist? How does each of the designated specialists carry out their labor activity? It is unlikely that it will be possible to briefly answer these questions, but it is still possible to identify some points. So, the psychotherapist works with problems that are, as they say, "at the junction of the body and the psyche." As an example, various kinds of mania can be cited. For example, the patient suffers from gambling, food or some other addiction.

Against this background, he develops neuroses, apathy and insomnia, panic attacks or sexual dysfunction appear. In fact, existing emotional problems began to affect physical health. This is where the psychiatrist comes to the rescue.

A specialist in the field of psychology is engaged in ordinary counseling. This is the main difference between specialists such as a psychiatrist and a psychologist. The differences here are obvious.

About the duration of treatment

Having dealt with the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist today, it is worth paying attention to the topic of the duration of treatment by the specialists presented. Of course, the duration of the treatment period depends only on the individual indicators of the patient. Usually the duration of simple therapy is several weeks. But if we are talking about some kind of psychoanalysis, then the treatment can last for years.

Here it is worth noting another important difference between such specialists as a clinical psychologist and a psychiatrist. What is the difference regarding the duration of the course of treatment? Sessions with a psychologist almost always last less. The reason for this is the voluntary nature of visiting this specialist. In the case of a psychiatrist, everything is exactly the opposite: patients do not come to him of their own free will, and therefore often interfere with treatment. Because of this, the duration of the course also increases.

In everyone's life there are physical and mental stresses, and not everyone is able to cope with them on their own. Often a person finds himself alone with a lot of problems that he does not know how to solve. Sometimes the intensity of the loads is such that even his psyche is under threat, because this is the most subtle and complex mechanism created by nature.

In such cases, people need the help of a qualified specialist to maintain balance, and sometimes mental health. But who do you turn to for help and support? What is the activity of a psychologist, psychotherapist and psychiatrist aimed at, what is the difference between them?

Psychologists do not have medical degrees. They study at humanitarian universities with a degree in psychology, where they study in detail the features of work and the mechanisms of the psyche of a healthy person. In the future, they are encouraged to specialize in a particular area, so there are a huge number of places where these specialists can work.

Teacher consultants monitor the educational process in kindergarten, school and university. A school psychologist provides psychological support to students, works with children's groups, helps students increase their learning efficiency and overcome internal problems. The conclusion of a psychologist is necessary for admission to certain children's educational institutions.

Developmental psychologists are indispensable in children's development centers and organizations. The advice of a psychologist in such institutions is relevant when it comes to working with children with disabilities. In kindergarten, consultations of such an employee help all kids to adapt to a new social environment and not feel lonely without their parents.

General psychologists are engaged in scientific research, studying the features of functioning and the diversity of mental processes, both individuals and groups of people.

A family psychologist will help every couple if the partners have difficulties in the relationship that they cannot overcome on their own. Consultation of such a specialist is necessary in case of family conflicts or emotional dependence on another person. The family psychologist also works with women who have experienced violence.

Some consultants work with police officers and forensic scientists to help them investigate crimes and to assess the identity of people who have committed crimes.

The work of a psychologist in enterprises and large companies is to recruit staff, increase productivity and create a favorable psychological climate in the workplace.

A special category - a clinical psychologist - studies in close relationship with doctors, and in the future has the right to work in medical institutions of various profiles or emergency psychological services. For example, a free psychologist at any time of the day will listen to any of those who called the helpline. His advice is available to anyone in a crisis situation.

Working methods

The profession of "psychologist" is necessary for working with healthy people who do not have pathological deviations in the psyche. A psychologist is prohibited from diagnosing mental disorders and prescribing medication.

Some consultants may use a non-medical model of psychotherapy in their post-graduate work. For example, with its help, a family psychologist effectively solves midlife crisis issues that lead to conflicts between spouses and negative parent-child relationships (when children get negative experiences in kindergarten and school due to problems in the family).

What methods does this specialist use in his practice?

  1. Conversation - in group or individual work with clients. During the consultation process, the advice of a psychologist helps a person find a solution to their problems and overcome certain limitations on the path of internal growth.
  2. Observation (Observation) - used to characterize the behavior of an individual or a team under certain conditions (third-party assessment without interfering with what is happening).
  3. Experiment - involving people in the study of psychological and social phenomena.

During work, it is proposed to be tested in order to compile a psychological portrait of a person. They examine the intellect, as well as the personal qualities of the person who applied for help. Then, after processing the data, the client receives certain recommendations.

The advice of a psychologist is aimed at solving specific life difficulties. To achieve results, the joint work of a person and a consultant is required (a family psychologist works with both spouses).

Medical psychologist

Medical psychologists study at the relevant faculties at medical universities or under special programs at humanitarian universities - but even there they spend part of their training in medical institutions.

A clinical psychologist works with a psychiatrist or psychotherapist. He does not have the right to diagnose and engage in pharmacotherapy, but evaluates the mental characteristics and personality traits of healthy people and those with various psychological pathologies.

The advice of a clinical psychologist is taken into account when choosing treatment for patients in psychiatric hospitals and dispensaries.

The essence of the work of such specialists:

  • Providing assistance to hospital staff;
  • Assistance to palliative patients;
  • Conducting groups of psychological rehabilitation for those who have suffered serious illnesses.

Provocative questions in their work are kept to a minimum. This unit is designed to direct its activities to help suffering people.

Psychologist, psychotherapist, psychiatrist, psychoanalyst - what's the difference?


The psychiatrist has a higher medical education. It includes 6 years of general medical education followed by 1 year of internship or 2 years of residency in psychiatry.

Psychiatrists treat serious mental disorders, and also provide assistance to people with borderline conditions (depression, neuroses, phobias, eating disorders, etc.). In their practice, there are cases when a psychologist referred a patient to them.

For therapy, this doctor primarily uses drugs that affect the mental processes of the individual. If a psychiatrist undergoes additional training, he receives a license to conduct psychotherapy.

Such a doctor assesses the mental health of a person and makes a conclusion about his legal capacity. He may ask provocative questions to reveal violations of logical thinking, mental instability or hidden pathologies of nervous activity.

A certificate from a psychiatrist is required for anyone wishing to purchase a firearm, pass a driver's medical examination, or adopt a child.

Sometimes psychiatrists take into account the advice of a psychologist in their work in order to improve the effectiveness of the treatment of a particular patient.


Psychotherapy is a psychological impact on the patient's personality in order to help in solving problems of a mental and personal nature, experiencing traumas and shaping desired personality traits.

A psychotherapist is a doctor who has received additional training, completed a course in psychotherapy (or completed a residency in this specialty) and has received a license from the Ministry of Health to conduct psychotherapeutic activities.

Psychotherapists work with diseases of the so-called minor psychiatry - depressive and anxiety disorders, psychosomatic diseases, sleep and eating disorders. To alleviate the acute forms of the above conditions, a good psychotherapist can prescribe medications, but the main method of treatment for him remains psychological influence in personal communication with the patient.

Who treats depression better - a psychologist or a psychotherapist, whom to choose? To do this, a person must understand the difference between a psychiatrist, a psychotherapist and a psychologist. Proceed from the severity of your condition and the reasons that caused it.

Serious experiences after the loss of a loved one, professional failure, problems in the family or lack of relationships that lead to the desire to commit suicide can be cured by a psychotherapist. With a tendency to suicide, which torments the patient for more than 1-2 months, the help of a psychiatrist is indicated.

Difficulties of a temporary nature, the inability to correctly behave in certain situations, or the desire to become better as a specialist, are optimal for contacting a psychologist.

A family psychologist will help in resolving conflicts with a soulmate or children. A school psychologist will help to establish relationships with peers and feel more confident in a teenager. A specialist teacher is called upon to teach the crumbs the rules of interaction in kindergarten.

There are various methods and schools of psychotherapy:

  • Analytical;
  • cognitive;
  • behavioral;
  • Body-oriented;
  • Gestalt therapy and others.

Therefore, each person can find what suits him.


A psychoanalyst is a psychotherapist who uses in his work psychoanalysis, a direction created by Sigmund Freud. There is no such medical specialty in Russia, so people who want to become psychoanalysts study abroad. Training in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy itself according to this method lasts for many years.

A psychologist, psychotherapist and psychiatrist are specialists who study and correct the human psyche. Be careful when choosing, be sure to assess the seriousness of your condition in order to receive adequate assistance and come to harmony.

Psychiatrist, psychologist, psychotherapist or psychoanalyst?

The place seems to be where we should only have fun, and then problems arise.

You can traditionally complain to a friend or girlfriend, ask your mother for advice, or even “fill in” troubles with a dose of alcohol. Yes, only a friend and a friend are in the same condition, mom's advice only exacerbates the situation, and after a “corkscrew” in the morning, life in general looks gray. So the thought comes to mind for the first time: “Will you turn to a specialist for advice?” But just to what?

Of course, trendy series and exciting films offer us images of either psychologists or omniscient clairvoyant supermen. But what about in real life? Psychologist and psychotherapist - what's the difference? In what cases it is worth giving preference to consultation with one, and in which - with another?

Vladimir Levy. color of fate

Psychologist where you didn't even suspect

A psychologist is, first of all, a specialist with a psychological education. And this means that he devoted four or five years to the study of a person's personality, methods and criteria for its assessment.

For example, when boarding a train, plane or subway car, people may not even think that the machinists or pilots who now drive the transport are the same living people, with their own problems, bank debts and unrequited love. And, in order for all passengers to safely reach their destination, psychologists have been working in many transport enterprises for a long time.

They not only help in solving personal problems, but also carry out professional selection of people. For example, they study the ability to cope with tasks in emergency situations, be resistant to monotonous work and have a good reaction rate. By the way, IT-specialists, salespeople, managers, and many other employees are now undergoing professional selection. And one of its stages is psychological selection.

In addition, a separate layer of the work of a psychologist can be child or developmental psychology. In this case, specialization will include exactly work with age crises or characteristics of people who were provoked by age regressions. This includes a school psychologist and a nursing home psychologist.

Therefore, if you are worried about your child - a teenager, it seems to you that you have ceased to fully understand him, then you need to see a psychologist. He will not only deal with the age crisis and personal experiences, but, perhaps, will conduct programs to set the inclinations of your child.

What if he does not understand what he will realize or what choice of future specialty to make? Or, perhaps, he has already determined this for a long time, but does not dare to voice it to you, and the psychologist only confirms the correctness of the choice, and inspires confidence?

It is worth remembering the most important postulate: a psychologist works with mentally healthy people who are aware of or assume their problem and are ready to make contact with a specialist.

In addition, the psychologist works:

  • as a practical psychologist with personal experiences, psychological trauma;
  • with family problems
  • in a company or team (for rapprochement, climate improvement, to increase efficiency);
  • can conduct programs to rethink motivation in an enterprise or organization;
  • offer trainings or individual work on self-organization;
  • at the request of the client, work with the emotional and volitional sphere;
  • in addition, assist in marketing and advertising;
  • and be an assistant for professional and novice athletes.
Sometimes a psychologist needs help too.
author unknown

What does a psychologist do

What heals a person? We tend to think that medicine, exercise, massage, or meditation can heal us. Psychotherapists often treat with various methods and exercises. But what really heals?

It is the personality of a psychologist or psychotherapist that brings a beneficial effect and, as a result, positive changes. We are helped not by methods, but by the person himself, who, indeed, can use some kind of technique.

The concept of contact therapy can be attributed not only to Gestalt therapy as a method of psychology. In fact, any professional psychologist treats with his presence. Just like the touch of hands, attention and care heals.

I remember how at one of the sessions I realized that I was already supported by the fact that I could come to the psychologist's office. The thought that I had a place on this planet where I could be helped was already healing. But the most powerful effect is given by communication, interaction, the therapist.

A psychologist, unlike our friends and even parents, is able to accept us without judgment or criticism. This person can listen to us without interrupting and remain in a relationship with us, despite the anger, irritation, sadness that may arise during therapy for both.

The therapist is essentially an ideal parent, a wise adult and a spontaneous child all rolled into one. This is the therapeutic effect, the psychologist's office for many of us is practically the only place where you can be real. And it's worth it.

But what does a psychologist do? I do not think that the main task of a psychologist is to solve a specific problem. The task of a psychologist, especially in long-term psychotherapy, is to teach a person to understand his states, to see the ways in which the client spoils his life. And as a result, it teaches you to live, revealing your capabilities to the maximum and being realized. Ideally, each of us should become his own psychologist.

However, in reality this is hardly achievable. The other helps us quickly understand what we are doing wrong and gives us the opportunity to correct ourselves. A psychologist is a mirror, it is an opportunity to get adequate feedback. So, choose a psychologist not by methodology, but by personal sympathy.


  • Does not make a psychiatric diagnosis. If he has suspicions, then he can only advise to consult a psychiatrist.
  • He does not prescribe medications because he has no medical education. Of course, there are cases when a psychologist can additionally receive a medical education, but this is already from a different field.
  • Does not work without the client's request. You should not flatter yourself with the illusion that one visit to a psychologist will solve, for example, the problem of addictions or drastically change a person.

    The psychologist does not hypnotize anyone and does not “wash” the brains. Working with him is a difficult, and often a long and painful process of rethinking yourself and your life. And without the active work of the client himself, nothing will work.

What are the benefits of being a psychologist?

  • The psychologist has in stock a large number of psychological methods and techniques that he can offer to the patient.
  • Psychological intervention is always at the level of the word, therefore, it completely eliminates various allergic and other side effects, as in the case of drug therapy.

Therapist: Do you prefer "heavy artillery"? Please!

A psychotherapist in Russia and in many post-Soviet countries is a specialist with a medical education. And to him - plus additional special education at the rate of "psychotherapy".

Often he leads an appointment in a medical institution and is an employee of the hospital. His efforts are aimed at overcoming a person's conditions. It does not diagnose your inclinations, ambitions and attitudes. And it is unlikely to take your baby to prepare for school.

A psychotherapist is a magician who can easily make a person fall in love with the world with all its shortcomings.
author unknown

What are the benefits of being a psychotherapist?

Most importantly, he is essentially a doctor, and accordingly:
  1. can supplement their work with prescribing drugs;
  2. better distinguishes and works with vegetative and somatic manifestations;
  3. often works in close cooperation with other doctors of the medical institution and is able to quickly and easily obtain the necessary consultation of a narrowly specialized specialist.

When should you see a psychotherapist?

  1. In severe cases: situations of acute grief, suicidal attempts, prolonged and severe depression.
  2. In remission of psychiatric patients.
  3. With severe phobias with active vegetative manifestations (suffocation, involvement of the cardiovascular system, hyperemia, convulsions, fainting, etc.).
  4. With psychosomatic diseases.
  5. With dependencies.
  6. If you prefer, in parallel with the sessions, pull up the “heavy artillery” in the form of drug therapy.


Still, the final choice is yours. Many psychologists are now successfully dealing with psychosomatic patients, and psychotherapists with age-related crises.

It is important that the specialist inspires confidence, and the desire to interact is with you. And it does not matter, at the same time, whether he is a well-deserved and recognized specialist.

Look for your psychologist or psychotherapist. If working with him is productive, you will contact him more than once. But, remember that half of the success is in your desire and readiness. So, going to any specialist, do not expect a miracle in one session.

Last update: 12/07/2014

Questions like “What is the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist?” sound like the start of a good joke. But the answers to them, in fact, are very important to know.
The terms "psychologist" and "psychiatrist" are commonly used interchangeably to describe those who provide psychotherapy services. But in reality, the services provided by each of these specialists differ from each other in content and volume. Both psychologists and psychiatrists engage in psychotherapy and research, but there are significant differences between how they do it.

Education, additional training and credentials

First of all, these differences lie in the education required for each of the professions. Most often, a psychiatrist has a degree in medicine, a psychologist - in the field of psychology. However, there are a number of other differences that make each profession completely unique.
Psychologists must complete postgraduate training in psychology and earn either a Ph.D. in Philosophy or a Ph.D. in Psychology in Clinical or Counseling Psychology. Typically, a doctoral program is designed for 5-7 years, in addition, in most states, additional training is required for 1-2 years to obtain a license. Also, in some states, additional controlled practice is required (also for 1-2 years) before issuing a permit for the provision of services.
Only those who have completed higher education, completed additional training and received a state license can be called a psychologist. Informal titles such as "counselor" or "therapist" are used quite often, but other mental health professionals (such as social workers) may also apply.
Psychiatrists are precisely doctors who have received special training in the assessment, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental illness. In order to become a psychiatrist, students first receive a bachelor's degree, enter a medical school, where they receive a master's degree. After completing their medical education, they receive four more years of community-based mental health education. In addition, some psychiatrists receive additional training in a specific area of ​​interest - geriatric psychiatry, child and adolescent psychiatry, addiction treatment, and other areas.

Prescribing medications

Another important difference between the two professionals is the fact that psychiatrists can prescribe drugs, while most psychologists do not. However, there has been a recent trend in which some psychologists are getting the opportunity to prescribe drugs. Some states (such as New Mexico and Louisiana) have similar privileges for medical psychologists with a doctorate or equivalent degree in clinical psychopharmacology.
Kevin McGuinness, Chairman of the Mental Health Counseling Group, writes: “For those interested in a career as a prescribing psychologist, it is important to know that some federal employees and officers (Army, Air Force, Public Health Services, Military navy, etc.) who are licensed as a medical psychologist in one of the states may prescribe drugs in any other state, provided they have received a federal government appointment there.”

What's better?

If you want to build a career in psychology, you will need to determine what is best for you. Are you interested in therapy, psychological tests and scientific research? If so, you might be better off opting for a career in psychology.
On the other hand, if you are interested in medicine and want to be able to prescribe medications to your patients, psychiatry is ideal for you.
If you don't want to spend 5 to 8 years on postgraduate education, choose a career as a licensed social worker or counselor. These professionals are qualified to provide mental health services, although much depends on training and experience. Both social work and counseling typically require postgraduate study of 2-3 years.
The psychiatric nursing service is another interesting option for students interested in medicine. A psychiatric nurse has a master's degree or higher in psychiatric nursing and is qualified to assess patients, diagnose disorders, provide psychotherapy, and prescribe medications.

In the articles we analyzed what it is psychotherapy. In this article we will try to understand what is psychotherapist.

If you have read the previous articles, you will have noticed that the founders of well-known psychotherapeutic trends were general practitioners, neurologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, and one (who completed courses in psychology).

Psychotherapy appeared at the intersection of psychiatry and psychology. Most of the founders of psychotherapeutic schools were physicians, as, for example, all members International Psychoanalytic Association at the dawn of its formation. It was believed that psychotherapy is a branch of medicine, and only a doctor can deal with it. This has been the rule for a long time.

If you read the previous article “”, then you noticed that nothing is said there about the brain, nervous system, human anatomy and physiology. That is, it cannot be said that special medical knowledge is required for psychotherapy.

Psychotherapy is a treatment

concept psychotherapy unites under itself the whole diverse range of methods of treatment with the help of the word (and without drugs).

Only in a word Key words: psychoanalysis, group analysis, cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, Rogers' client-centered psychotherapy, Jung's analytical psychotherapy, Berne's transactional analysis, existential analysis, etc.

Word and action: child psychoanalysis, psychodrama, gestalt therapy, body-oriented psychotherapy, dance-movement psychotherapy, art therapy, etc.

Medications are sometimes prescribed in the process of psychotherapy as support, but it is better if another specialist does this (to maintain the purity of the method, despite the fact that the therapist may be a doctor who has the right to prescribe drugs).

Psychologists and doctors - what's the difference?

Psychologist and doctor- these concepts characterize the education received.

Modern psychological faculties provide a serious education for the future psychotherapist. Among the disciplines that are studied there:

cultural studies, anthropology, sociology, philosophy, logic, history and theory of religions, history of psychology, general, comparative, experimental, developmental, social and clinical psychology, personality psychology, developmental psychology, ethnopsychology, zoopsychology, psychogenetics, mathematical methods of statistics in psychology, anatomy , psychophysiology of the central nervous system, physiology of the central nervous system, physiology of VND and sensory systems, hormonal regulation of mental states, psychopathology, basics of psychotherapy, psychodiagnostics, trainings, etc.

We can say that all the disciplines studied in psychological universities, one way or another, prepare for psychotherapeutic activity. Bold the disciplines that were traditionally considered the domain of physicians, but now they are studied in the training of psychologists, are highlighted. Of course, these disciplines are not studied in such depth as in medical universities, as can be seen below.

Physicians in the process of their training study the following disciplines:

Latin language, medical biology, genetics, human anatomy, pathological and topographic anatomy, general, bioorganic and biological chemistry, biological physics, history of medicine, histology, embryology, cytology, normal physiology, pathological physiology, microbiology with virology and immunology, infectious diseases, pediatric infectious diseases, epidemiology, pharmacology, internal diseases, occupational diseases, general, pediatric, operational and military field surgery, surgical diseases, pediatrics, oncology, radiation diagnostics and radiation therapy, dermatovenereology, urology, obstetrics and gynecology, endocrinology, phthisiopulmonology, otorhinolaryngology, dentistry, ophthalmology, physiotherapy, traumatology and orthopedics, medical rehabilitation, forensic medicine, neurosurgery, neurology, narcology, psychiatry, logic, philosophy, fundamentals of psychology, medical psychology and etc.

As you can see, in the preparation of a doctor, the main attention is paid to anatomy and physiology, chemistry and, of course, medical practice. Modern medicine is a very complex and huge area of ​​natural science, and it turns out that when preparing a doctor, they practically try to "embrace the immensity." Accordingly, there is very little time left for the subjects necessary in the preparation of a psychotherapist (highlighted bold). And on basics of psychotherapy in medical schools, as a rule, hours are not allocated.

The general impression is that psychologists prepare to work with people, and physicians- with diseases.

Doctors can prescribe medications, psychologists can't. But for psychotherapy it is not necessary.

Who can become a psychotherapist?

Today in our country, a doctor or a psychologist can become a psychotherapist (social workers, sometimes philosophers, have such an opportunity abroad).

In order to clarify the status of psychotherapy, which traditionally belonged to medicine, in the law On psychological assistance to the population in the city of Moscow N 43 of 07.10.2009 in article 6 were deciphered The main types of psychological assistance to the population in the city of Moscow, among which psychological analysis and psychotherapy (non-medical) .

But, neither the basic education of a psychologist, nor the education of a doctor, today, in itself, is sufficient to engage in psychotherapy.

Psychotherapist is a psychologist or doctor who has continued his education (passed specialization or, as it is officially called in our country, professional retraining ) to get the opportunity to practice in the field psychotherapy.

Science degree ( candidate or doctor), as well as cathedral positions in higher education institutions ( docent or Professor), by themselves say nothing about qualifications in the practice area. The former testify to achievements in the field of science, the latter to achievements in the field of teaching in higher educational institutions.

Psychotherapy was born in the bowels of medicine, therefore, in its definition it has the word treatment. Psychologists tried to introduce their own term, similar to psychotherapy, - psychocorrection but he didn't stick around. But the term introduced by psychologists has taken root psychological counseling, which should be understood as short-term psychotherapy (1-7 meetings), as a result of which a certain result should be obtained. Psychological counseling is not a diagnosis at all, what we expect from medical advice(in psychology, it is generally not customary to make a diagnosis, there is no particular need and practical meaning for this).

But there is no "just" psychotherapy. Psychotherapy is a general concept. A particular psychotherapy always belongs to some school: psychoanalysis, group analysis, cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, psychodrama, etc.

Psychotherapy training (specialization or retraining) lasts several years. Any retraining (specialization) that takes several months, of course, cannot inspire confidence. Teaching, it would seem, such a "frivolous" type of psychotherapy as dance, in Institute of Practical Psychology and Psychoanalysis in total lasts 4 years.

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