So summer is over: how to deal with autumn depression. How the great Russian poet defeated the autumn blues. What to do if you succumbed to the autumn blues

Autumn is traditionally associated with rain and sadness. But it seems strange to experience longing when the sun is shining outside the window, and the wind is playing with the same “sunny” foliage that has fallen at your feet.

But is it strange or similar condition is there an explanation?
And is it possible to make autumn blues step back and let you enjoy this beautiful time of the year?

Where does the autumn blues come from: reasons for a bad mood

The main sources of longing that overcomes us in the autumn months are the following circumstances:

    Short daylight hours. Hormones and neurotransmitters responsible for good mood and vitality are produced mainly in daytime. Accordingly, the longer the day, the better the mood. As the sun lingers less and less in the sky, the tone also decreases.

    Avitaminosis. It is generally accepted that during the summer we replenish our reserves of vitamins, and therefore in the fall they do not threaten us with a deficiency. But this is only relevant for fat soluble vitamins that are stored in the body. BUT water soluble vitamins and minerals(in particular, B vitamins, magnesium, potassium - responsible for the functions nervous system) are quickly washed out. Especially quickly these substances leave the body in the heat, when we consume a lot of fluid and sweat - not only excess fluid is excreted through the skin and kidneys, but also the substances we need.

    The habit of moping. This is the most paradoxical and at the same time - a common cause of autumn melancholy. Many people believe that it is normal to fall into apathy as autumn approaches, and that it is even romantic to some extent. By attuning themselves to this "wave", they can really feel a sharp decline vitality, noticing the first fallen leaves and hearing the cry of migratory birds.

    chronic diseases. Together with a decrease in air temperature and a decrease in the duration daylight hours many chronic diseases may escalate. Deterioration of well-being inevitably entails a deterioration in mood.

These reasons are the most common, but not the only ones. So, for a student or schoolchild, a source of autumn blues can be abrupt change habits. The lack of a day regimen in the summer, when you can sleep until noon, and the need to get up early with the onset school year may cause constant fatigue and blues.

How to cope with the autumn blues: simple ways

The fact that the autumn melancholy - normal phenomenon, does not mean that it does not need to be fought.

A slight correction of the daily routine will increase the duration of sleep and help to cope with drowsiness in the morning. But there are several "active" ways to forget about autumn sadness and fatigue.

Light up the sun at home

You can’t save on lighting in the fall. Replace light bulbs in the apartment with more powerful ones, lamps with "cold" white light - with "warm" yellow. Add zonal lighting, for example, put a floor lamp near your favorite armchair or sofa or hang a wall lamp - this will add coziness to the room, and you - a sense of harmony.

Make autumn beautiful

Even if it’s raining outside the window, and slush is in your soul, this is no reason to dress in inconspicuous clothes and look at the “dull” world. Match your favorite coat with a bright neckerchief and gloves, surround yourself with colorful interior details and see that autumn can turn into your personal fairy tale.

And for those who are fond of handmade, it is enough to look around: sunny pumpkins, late autumn flowers and other gifts of nature will allow you to decorate the interior with amazingly beautiful compositions. And the process of making decor will bring no less pleasure than the result.

Cook tasty and bright

Autumn is not the time for diets. The body struggles with drowsiness and fatigue, and it needs strength for this. Make sure your menu has enough "healthy" fats ( vegetable oils, fatty varieties sea ​​fish) and squirrel ( dairy products, eggs, meat and poultry). And take the time to beautifully decorate the dish and set the table. Such a meal will bring not only gastronomic, but also aesthetic pleasure and will cheer you up.

But if no methods and means help to cope with the blues, consult a doctor. They can disguise themselves as autumn blues various diseases and states, from hormonal disorders to depression and chronic fatigue syndrome.

In social media feeds - solid puddles, umbrellas, falling leaves ... "Summer, come back!" - asks the soul. But the next vacation stop is only the New Year holidays. No, there are, of course, those among us who enjoy gloomy weather, but most still dream of the sun.

“That's it, I have autumn depression,” I read the status of a friend the other day. Well, what was required to prove! Of course, she is not depressed at all. Those who are at least a little interested in psychology know that depression is a disease that is treated with pills, not chocolate and shopping. Experts call our dull mood, when you want to “get ink and cry”, autumn blues. Not a diagnosis that needs to be dealt with here and now, but it interferes with life. It's good that there is an almighty Internet, and it has a lot of advice on how to deal with bad mood. Among them there are both rather banal and very fresh ideas. Does it work? We tested several life hacks and asked psychologist Oksana Savchuk to comment on how effective they are.

Buying a colorful scarf

In the fall, I want to update my wardrobe. Firstly, it is noticeably colder outside, and secondly, shopping still cheers up even avid skeptics. But not always a tempting plan can be implemented: there is no money, there are enough things in the wardrobe, there is no time to walk around shopping malls. In a word, there can be a lot of reasons to postpone shopping.

Therefore, in social networks they advise: buy one multi-colored scarf. Indeed, what could be more comfortable than this cute accessory? It will not only warm, but also make the world a little more comfortable and kinder. By at least so advised experienced. And you know, the advice works! In the nearest store, I chose one for myself and did not regret it, the mood really became a little better.


Color therapy is widely used in psychology. It is believed that shades affect us in different ways. I will give you the most notable examples: green calms, red excites, etc. Therefore, the advice has a place to be: a bright thing can really cheer you up. When we wrap ourselves in a bright scarf, surround ourselves with beautiful and colorful things, it seems that the gray autumn landscape is no longer so sad and dreary.

Going to the park for a morning run

Yes, the advice is banal, but sport definitely distracts from sad thoughts. Rather nowhere! So go ahead - to fitness, yoga or to the gym. And this is what I read on one of the forums: “I have been in sports since I was seven years old. At first she was engaged in gymnastics, then dancing. Now I'm 30 gym I'm on schedule. And that's what I noticed: as soon as I started running in the park in the morning, my mood became just great. Doing sports in a stuffy gym is not so invigorating and does not give so many positive emotions.


Here everything is simple and at the same time effective. When playing sports on the street, especially in the park, the blood is more actively saturated with oxygen, complex biochemical processes take place in the body, there is even such a term as “jogger's euphoria”. After such training, one gets the feeling that any business can be done, and nothing is impossible in this world.

Watching entertaining talk shows

Many Internet users, talking about ways to deal with the autumn blues, agree that the eternal classics will not help. For example, if you wrap yourself in a blanket and take a volume of Dostoevsky, then, alas, you can plunge into the abyss of hopelessness. It's raining outside, and here Raskolnikov with his gloomy theory or tragic fate Sonechka Marmeladova.

“I come, I turn on the series - and I forget about everything”, “I’m ashamed to admit it, but I don’t fall asleep without “House Two”. It helps to disconnect from all problems, ”such revelations are very common on the Web.


Why does spleen occur? We begin to take life too seriously. And the participants of a talk show or some light, unobtrusive series are the same as you and me. They are not afraid to laugh at themselves, quarrel, say something strange or even stupid. In addition, we can simply observe their actions and mentally engage in this game ourselves: we come to understand that life, in general, is not as difficult as it seems, there are many positive, funny and ridiculous moments in it. Watching them from the side, their problems no longer seem so global. You begin to look at things happening around you easier, with a smile and humor.

Playing with children and animals

Probably all parents and owners will agree with this four-legged pets. Both children and animals are equally affectionate, they meet us from work or school with joy, they are full of energy and positive. "Hugs" warm and make you smile.


Children and animals are spontaneous, for them life is a game. And we involuntarily join in it, adopt from them lightness, a positive attitude towards the surrounding reality, change before our eyes, become more joyful. And the world outside the window no longer seems so alien and hostile. Also, touching a child or pet, we get a portion tactile sensations which we all need to peace of mind and harmony.

We organize photo walks

“Is everything tired and you want to hide from others somewhere far away? - I read it in a friend's feed recently. - Take a walk with a camera around the city - it will remove longing like a hand!

Don't have a camera? Now every second smartphone with an excellent camera. The other day I was not too lazy to get up half an hour earlier and go to work without haste. I didn’t rush to the stop at full sail, but calmly walked to the office - fortunately, I live 30 minutes away. On the way I came across a wonderful fluffy dog, a bunch of golden leaves, a funny showcase, which is simply impossible to pass by. Yes, I pass by that store every day. Keyword I’m just “running through”, because I’m always late. But, lo and behold, if you don’t rush, and even do creativity on the way, that is, shoot something beautiful and unusual on camera, then the day starts in a completely different way.

Summer full of sun and vitamins is behind us. Autumn has come (by the way, favorite time year of Pushkin), and with it the seasonal ailment - the autumn blues. How to deal with it, and why does it occur? It is recognized by doctors that thousands of people are exposed to this disease every year. The reason lies in the restructuring of the body on winter period associated with a deficit sunlight and, accordingly, vitamin D, a sharp reduction in the consumption of seasonal fruits and vegetables. These are the main reasons why autumn blues occur.

How to deal with it? Find out why she appears first

As we have already found out, the reason is: a decrease in the duration of daylight hours, long dark nights, lack of sun, constant dullness and gloom, a decrease in the fruit and vegetable component of the diet. In addition, "turn on" The biological clock that put the body into hibernation mode. Hence, a decrease in physical activity, a decrease in energy flow, drowsiness, weakness, lethargy, apathy, inhibition of movements and a decrease in intensity brain activity. Added to these phenomena increased loads Everyday life typical for autumn: study, schoolchildren, activation of the work process after the holiday season. And these duties must be fulfilled, no one cancels them because a person has an autumn blues. But this matter is fixable and, most importantly, curable. Otherwise, with the advent of October, there would be no one to work and study.

autumn blues

How to deal with it? There are many recommendations, practices and trainings on this topic. Specialists from the field of psychology and medicine regularly appear in the mass media, urging people not to ignore the manifestations of autumn depression. After all, autumn is one of the most high interest suicide.

In addition, the number of heart diseases is increasing, chronic ailments weakened immunity. Against this background, new diseases develop, most often SARS, colds, etc. How to cope with the autumn blues in order to protect yourself and loved ones from such consequences? First, you need to understand that this is a temporary phenomenon. Secondly, one must try to find positive points and in this state. Thirdly, adjust your diet and physical activity. This will help you overcome such an ailment as the autumn blues.

How to deal with it? Tips

If the first point can be treated philosophically, then the second one is very practical. Try to analyze your life today and highlight those moments that make you happy. If this is a hobby, then give it a little more time than usual. In short, do what makes you happy as often as possible. It uplifts your mood, which means that depression will not come to you.

Try not to be nervous, not angry, not to conflict with colleagues, relatives, friends. Emotional condition not on now the best level and cursing will only make it worse. Indulge in theater, cinema and home movie screenings, receptions aromatic baths. Be on the street a lot, in parks, outside the city. Communication with nature and Fresh air - the best medicines from autumn depression.

At this time, pulls on cappuccino and White bread With butter. They are not banned, but it is better to be moderate, because then excess weight can also lead to depression. Replace high-calorie rolls with citrus, bananas and dried fruits, they cheer you up no worse than chocolate and cream. And, most importantly, remember that the winter holidays are ahead, plunging into which, you will forget about the villain-spleen. There will be no trace of her!

Fatigue and irritability, often "rolling" in the fall, do not arise from scratch. What to do if the world is seen in gray colors?

Insomnia at night and drowsiness during the day, bad mood, fast fatiguability, fatigue, apathy, frequent nervous breakdowns, it is not clear for what reason increased appetite - all this can be symptoms of the onset seasonal depression which may take several months. And if " sad time"leads melancholy and does not cause any positive emotions, then the situation must be urgently taken under control!

1. More light

One of the main causes of autumn depression is the lack of bright colors in nature, as well as the lack of sun and light. There are statistics that in autumn and winter depression, at least in mild degree, occurs in every second inhabitant of the Earth. In the Scandinavian countries, it is proposed to fight it with the help of light therapy, for which special heavy-duty lamps are used. Light therapy rooms (sometimes also called phototherapy) began to appear in some Russian clinics. A more affordable and easier alternative is daytime walks (especially if the sun is shining outside). But those who want to stay alert and in a good mood should avoid watching TV at night or sitting at a computer in a dimly lit room: constant dim lighting, especially at odd hours at night, causes desynchronization of life rhythms, and also stimulates increased production of the TNF protein, which causes depression. So sleep, as expected, at night, and in the morning and evening, try to ensure that the lighting is sufficient.

2. More delicious food and anti-depressant products

Among them are turkey, bananas, whole wheat bread and fermented milk products (contain the amino acid tryptophan, a precursor of the hormone Have a good mood serotonin, turkey is also rich in amino acids that increase the body's anti-stress resistance); spinach ( good source folic acid, a deficiency of which is found in about a third of those suffering from depression); dried apricots (rich in magnesium, which helps us fight stress), chocolate and cocoa (they also promote the production of serotonin). Do not forget to drink a sufficient amount of liquid: an organism suffering from a lack of moisture cannot be in good shape. And keep in mind that according to the observations of nutritionists, depression can also be triggered by tasteless and monotonous food.

3. Less "depressive" food

Give up fast food, free products and convenience foods, eat less fried foods. A joint study by scientists from the Canadian Research Center Canadian Obesity Network and the Spanish University of Navarra (Universidad de Navarra), which lasted six years and in which more than 12 thousand people took part, proved a direct relationship between the foods we eat and our mood and mental state. At wrong diet With large quantity Trans fats increase the risk of depression by 40% or more. And vice versa: when enough in the diet of polyunsaturated fatty acids, the main source of which is vegetable oils and sea ​​fish less likely to be depressed. Keep in mind: rank harmful products, rich in trans fats, also gets everything that contains margarine (primarily ready-made pastries, since margarine for baking can contain up to 40% of these fats).

4. Avoid drugs

Be careful with antidepressants and, moreover, do not "prescribe" them yourself. As shown by numerous scientific research, in the fight against seasonal autumn depression they are useless, as they treat the trace
action and do not eliminate the cause. Better drink mint tea in the evenings - natural antidepressant, which, moreover, normalizes sleep. You can also take a bath before bed. essential oil lavender.

5. Rest and relax

If it becomes completely unbearable - make sure that a little summer appears in your life. If possible, take a vacation or time off and go to warm sunny climes for a few days, go to a spa for some exotic aroma massage, or start growing flowers: according to scientists, even a small home “greenhouse” on a windowsill of two or three plants (most importantly - flowering) can prevent depression.

6. Buy yourself a new bag

And the point here is not only the magical power of shopping therapy, which is familiar to almost every woman. As follows from the recently published results of a study by scientists from the National University of Singapore (National University of Singapore) and the University of Hong Kong (University of Hong Kong), constant wear a heavy bag negatively affects our subconscious and mood: the physical sensation of a “heavy burden” inevitably leads to “heaviness” in the soul. Therefore, in order to avoid autumn depression, we lay out everything superfluous and switch to a smaller and lighter bag!

One of the reasons for seasonal melancholy is the lack of sunlight. Scientists conducted an experiment on rats - rodents were kept in a dark room for six weeks. The scientists then examined the brains of the test subjects. Some of the brain cells were damaged. Moreover, the so-called pleasure centers, which help maintain a positive attitude, were most severely affected.

And if so, do not neglect walks on a sunny day. Ideally, you should walk at least two hours a day. If this is not possible, make sure that your home always has bright lighting. It has been proven that bright light, regardless of the source, improves mood.

Go in for sports

Regular exercise causes the body to produce serotonin - the so-called hormone of happiness, besides, when you exercise, the level of the stress hormone - cortisol decreases. There is another argument in favor of physical education. During training, a person begins to breathe deeply and correctly. BUT breathing exercises- one of the best sedatives. At deep breath and slow exhalation is formed carbon dioxide which has an anti-anxiety effect.

Watch your nutrition

During a period of nervous tension, the need for B vitamins increases five times. Therefore, cereals must be on your menu. Whole grain breads and cereals will do. Just don't try to save time and cook quick porridge from a sachet. The fact is that the speed of preparation is achieved pre-treatment steamed cereals, which leads to the loss of vitamins and trace elements.

Set up your daily routine

Sleep is essential for the body to rejuvenate. If there is too little rest, then any irritant will piss you off. Most people get enough sleep for 6-8 hours, but the need for sleep depends on individual features. Finding out exactly how much time you need is easy. Go to bed around 10-11 pm (in order not to violate the correct biorhythms, you need to go to bed no later than 12 at night) and sleep until the morning without turning on the alarm clock. If you wake up feeling energized, then you have slept enough.

Mood or disease?

It is necessary to distinguish between the usual seasonal blues from depression. Depression - serious illness requiring specialist treatment. It's almost impossible to deal with it on your own. Here are the criteria for this disorder.


  • Depressed mood, independent of circumstances, for a long time.
  • Loss of pleasure from previously enjoyable activities, fatigue.
  • Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, anxiety and/or fear.
  • Low self-esteem.
  • Inability to concentrate and make decisions.
  • Thoughts of death or suicide.
  • Loss of appetite, marked weight loss or gain.
  • Disturbed sleep (insomnia or drowsiness).

For a diagnosis to be made, at least two major and three additional symptoms, and their duration should be at least two weeks.

Family psychologist, art therapist, business coach Olga Zavodilina:

Go to the museum. The contemplation of pictures removes nervous tension and improves mood, this method of relaxation is often used in psychotherapy. At the same time, in order to correct the mood, it is not at all necessary to look at the pictures with positive story. Sometimes, on the contrary, a person needs a dark canvas to give vent to his negative emotions. Therefore, the advice is simple: look at the picture that is in this moment attracts you, even if the picture shows something unpleasant. When your state of mind changes, so will your preferences in painting.

nutrition specialist, medical psychologist, head of the weight loss clinic Elena Morozova:

In moments of bad mood, it is often drawn to eat something sweet. But cakes and pastries are not the most direct way to happiness. The more often we eat sweets, the more we need them to drown out sad thoughts. Thus, a person finds himself in a kind of trap: without sugar, it can be difficult for him to cheer up, and by abusing dessert, he risks spoiling his health and figure.

Doctor of the first category, therapist Irina Vechnaya:

Bring the body into tone, cope with apathy and drowsiness will help taking vitamins and herbal preparations based on eleutherococcus and ginseng. Just keep in mind, these plants increase arterial pressure Therefore, they are contraindicated for hypertensive patients.

But to fight the autumn blues with the help of alcohol is not worth it.

The fact is that every glass of alcohol increases the load on the liver. As a result, the brain does not receive the necessary nutrients, but in abundance receives toxins. It is no coincidence that all lovers of strong drinks are irritable, fussy, unable to make adequate decisions. All this is the result of the action of alcohol.

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