Sleep norms: from a year to two. How much sleep should the baby. Typical sleep at this age

Parents all over the world tend to look for problems where there are none and heroically solve them. Even if their baby is completely healthy, cheerful and has good appetite, mom can always find a reason for alarm. An incomprehensible speck on the skin, a slightly reddish throat, changed behavior, waking up too early or, on the contrary, unusual long sleep. Systematically, pediatricians are forced to answer questions about the duration baby sleep. We will also talk on this page “Popular about health” about how much a child sleeps at 1 year old during the day.

Scientists say that daytime sleep is extremely important for babies and one year old, and older. Such rest helps prevent the development of hyperactivity, anxiety and various nervous disorders. In children who do not sleep during the day, such conditions are much more common. Pediatricians are sure that it is a necessary factor for the full development of the child's psyche. And if the kids do not rest during the day, they develop fast fatiguability, which is fraught with developmental delay, and exposure to colds and infectious diseases. Let's try to figure out what norms of daytime sleep are typical for children at the age of one year.

How much should a child sleep per year during the day?

Of course, the duration of daytime sleep at this age depends on many factors: both on the individual characteristics of the baby, and on the regimen of his day as a whole, and on the organizational abilities of the parents. Pediatricians say that children of one year of age should sleep twice a day. Total duration such a rest is an average of four hours. If the baby does not sleep during the day so much at one time, then this time is divided approximately equally into two laying down. After a quality daytime sleep, the child should sleep well at night - at least ten hours.

Some sources indicate other norms for daytime sleep for children of one year of age. According to these recommendations, the baby sleeps about two and a half hours a year during the day, which again can be divided into two sleeps if the parents feel the need for it, and if such a regimen suits the child.

If the child refuses to sleep?

Many children refuse daytime sleep, and look quite cheerful. Unfortunately, this visibility often leads parents to the conclusion that their baby may well not sleep during the day or sleep much less. But in fact, in such a situation, the child's body is faced with a lack of sleep, which, as we have already found out, negatively affects the general state of health.

Many children forgo naps because they simply want to be with their parents and be like them. The only way out of this situation is to show the baby that sleeping during the day is quite normal for adults. At the same time, it is not necessary to lie down near the child for all four hours a day. It is enough just to lie down next to the time until the baby falls asleep. This usually takes fifteen to twenty minutes, after which you can calmly and quietly rise, and then go about your business.

Sometimes children do not sleep during the day for the reason that they are simply uncomfortable: they cannot relax completely and fall asleep. And parents may well correct this situation. The first step is to organize the right room for sleeping. temperature regime. The room should be cool, it is best that the thermometer readings be within sixteen to twenty degrees. It is also important to provide a sufficient level of humidity, because during the heating season it is very dry in the apartment, which makes good rest simply impossible. Optimal Level humidity - not less than 50%.

In order for the child to fall asleep well, sleep soundly and really rest, his sleepwear should be comfortable and comfortable enough. It should not restrict movement, and be pleasant to the touch, made from natural materials.

Also, parents should make sure that in the children's bedroom there is a minimum of things that can accumulate dust. This applies to carpets, heavy curtains, soft toys etc. It is also worth systematically carrying out wet cleaning.

By itself, important condition good daytime sleep is subdued lighting and lack of loud sounds.

If you try to put your child to sleep in an unfamiliar place, he is also likely to have trouble sleeping during the day. Some thing with a familiar smell, for example, a toy or a blanket, will help to correct the situation. Also, the baby will sleep better in an unfamiliar bed if the mother lies next to her.

Why do babies sleep too long?

If the child suddenly strays from the usual rhythm of sleep and wakefulness, and sleeps for too long during the day, do not immediately panic or immediately wake him up. Children often sleep more than they should if they are overworked and go to bed later than usual (or wake up early). The duration of sleep can be affected by emotional overexcitation or especially intense physical activity, for example, a long walk.

In addition, a violation of the usual sleep schedule can also be explained by ill health, which should also be taken into account by mothers who are faced with such a phenomenon. The malaise can be explained by the developing cold, and other problems. Therefore, parents should take the condition of the baby very carefully.

Thus, high-quality and sufficient daytime sleep plays an extremely important role in the full development of children of one year of age.


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Sometimes children as young as 1 year of age have trouble falling asleep or wake up crying at night. One-year-olds should sleep about 13 hours a day. Daytime sleep at this age can be single, but long or short, but repeated several times.

The kid grew up, the daily routine gradually began to change, and daytime sleep is being rebuilt with it. one year old baby. The baby is more awake during the day, and sleeps less compared to the infantile period. Children's body useful mode. How much should a 1 year old baby sleep? is one of the important questions.

Sleep disturbance in a 1 year old

One of the common phenomena at this age is sleep disturbance, which causes great difficulties for parents. The approximate duration of the total sleep time of a one-year-old child should be 13 hours. And how many times a child sleeps in one year will depend on his temperament. Some children sleep once a day for several hours, others can sleep for 40 minutes several times. bad dream in a child of 1 year is due to some factors. These include:

  • emotional condition;
  • somatic problems;
  • neurological problems;
  • external factors and change in diet.

Children with a balanced nervous system are cheerful, they cry a little. Their sleep is deep and prolonged. Other children are more excitable, whiny. Their sleep is very sensitive, shallow, falling asleep lasts a long time. It also affects why one year old baby often wakes up at night. It is necessary to follow the entertainment before bedtime, which directly affects the quality of sleep. Somatic problems are based on diseases and ailments. It is necessary to consult a pediatrician to rule them out. The most common reason is gastrointestinal problems. Another reason why a child after a year does not sleep well at night is a lack of vitamin D. From this, he worries and shudders in his sleep. There may also be teething, which directly affects the quality of sleep. It happens that a child of 1 year old wakes up at night with a tantrum. These phenomena during sleep can be repeated quite often. There is always a sleep disturbance when changing the diet. Babies are very sensitive to weaning. Such a violation is temporary and improves when the diet is established. External stimuli directly affect the quality of sleep. The baby will wake up from heat, cold, bright light, uncomfortable pillows. This may be the reason why a child wakes up every hour at night every year. It is also necessary to observe how extraneous sounds affect it.

How to put a baby to sleep at 1 year old?

Many children do not fall asleep well, and the main reason is the wrong sleep pattern. A disorderly regimen during the day is the reason why a year old child does not fall asleep well in the evening. It is necessary to accustom him to sleep at certain hours. You need to watch him, notice when and after which he falls asleep faster. Over time, a well-established habit of sleeping at the same time is formed. Laying techniques should be familiar to the child. Ideally, if it will be laid by one person. The environment must be calm. Best of all, if you find a way out, how to teach a child to fall asleep on his own in a year. You can come up with a certain ritual and immediately after it put the child to bed. After these steps, it will already be set to sleep. For example, evening swimming or reading.

Why did a child begin to fall asleep badly in a year?

Insomnia has its reasons. The first is the lack of desire to sleep. common cause is thirst, hunger. Perhaps the baby was missing daily ration. The child will not fall asleep if he feels hungry and uncomfortable. Uncomfortable clothes, wet diapers, bright lights, noise - negative factors that interfere with sleep. Noticed if before going to bed there was an increased physical activity It will be difficult for the child to fall asleep. Of course, the baby will not fall asleep if he is in pain. Teeth, ears, tummy can hurt. In a healthy, calm baby, the process of falling asleep always goes smoothly.

Sleep rate for children different ages is different. Rest needs are greatest infants. During sleep, the baby not only gains strength, but also grows. However, even an older child needs a full healthy rest in different time days.

Sleep time for a newborn

The sleep of a newborn child takes place almost around the clock: from 15 to 20 hours a day, it all depends on individual development baby. Medium daily requirement at this age is 19 hours. Such a long rest is necessary for full growth, strengthening nervous system.

The periods of wakefulness of the baby fall mainly on feeding, their duration is up to 2.5 hours.

In order for the baby to regain strength, have a good rest, parents must create comfortable conditions in his room. It is important to pay attention to the parameters of humidity and temperature. For babies, the optimal temperature is 22 degrees.

Parents should learn to recognize signs of drowsiness in order to put their child to bed on time.

Basically, babies begin to act up, rub their eyes and actively yawn. From birth, it is important to accustom the baby to proper routine: more time to be in a noisy and bright environment during the day, and in the evening create a cozy, calming atmosphere, ideal for relaxing.

Sleep of a month old baby

On the question of how much sleep a small child should normally month old baby, it is necessary to focus on the state of health of the child, his individual characteristics. In general, the duration of rest differs little from the time in the first days and weeks after birth - about 16 hours.

You can’t let the baby overwork during the day, so wakefulness intervals should be no more than an hour and a half.

Deterioration of well-being can be determined by frequent whims and weight loss. If the baby is comfortable, then there is no reason to worry about the lack of sleep on schedule. In any case, if a parent is worried about how much a one-month-old baby sleeps during the day, it is better to contact a pediatrician.

To set the correct day mode you can try to walk more often with the baby on fresh air. When the lungs are saturated with oxygen, rest will be deeper and more beneficial.

The total time for sleep during the day should be at least 8 hours (4 times), the same amount at night. In addition, the schedule of monthly children includes, on average, 6 meals a day and hygiene procedures.

Norms of daytime and nighttime sleep for children up to a year

As the baby grows, the interval of wakefulness gradually expands. This is due to improved adaptation to the environment. At the same time, rest time is reduced. From strong emotions and impressions, the baby quickly gets tired, therefore most he must sleep for days.

The goal of parents is to ensure that the sequence "activity - feeding - rest" is observed.

In the period up to 3 months, the time of night sleep should be increased, the duration of daytime sleep should be about 2 hours. Max Time without food, which is permissible at this age - 5 hours.

How much sleep Small child at 4-6 months and then up to a year:

  • from 17 to 18 hours at the age of 4-5 months;
  • 16 hours - from 5 to 7 months;
  • 15 hours, from 7 to 9 months;
  • 14 hours - from 10 to 12 months.

In the period when the baby is six months old and beyond, the duration of rest in daytime day is reduced to one and a half hours. The baby begins to actively show interest in everything around him, so he does not want to sleep as often as before. As children grow, they rest less often during the day: by the year, the number decreases to 2 times.

How many times should a 1 year old baby sleep

Despite the fact that the baby has become quite large, rest during the day is required. It is recommended to put him to sleep 1 time for at least 2 hours (this mode lasts up to 5 years). The transition from frequent daytime sleep is difficult for some children. Pediatricians advise at first to alternate days: if the baby gets tired quickly, put him to bed 2 times a day, if he is active and cheerful - 1 time.

The duration of the night rest is equal to the interval from 9 to 11 hours.

It is important to ensure that the night passes calmly, without awakenings. From the early age parents should try to follow the schedule, then the children will wake up in the morning exactly on time. If the baby is too active, and it is difficult to calm him down, you need to let him throw out all the extra energy: it can be running or outdoor games. Gradually, you need to move on to calm activities.

When waking up at night, due to excessively accumulated emotions during the day, you should try to calm him down and put him to bed again. Children at this age are actively developing, learning new things, so stress is inevitable. At right approach parents can avoid many problems.

How much sleep do children 2-4 years old

The recommended rest time at this age is about 13-13.5 hours. How much of this period should a child (aged 2 to 4 years) sleep at night? At least 11 hours. Accordingly, daytime rest accounts for about 2 hours. The difference between children's and adult sleep is frequent transitions from one stage of rest to another, that is, he wakes up more often. Therefore, parents should ensure that the baby lies down on his own in a calm state.

It is best to put the baby in the period from 8 to 9 pm, then he will wake up earlier, but it is worth preparing for the fight, because children are reluctant to go to bed.

At this age, fears may appear: fear of monsters, darkness, loneliness. It's just a part normal development. It is necessary to treat this with understanding, it is impossible for children to go to bed restless, otherwise sooner or later it will affect the psyche.

Sleep norms for children from 5-7 years old

Preschoolers do not need to rest during the daytime, it is enough to get enough sleep at night. The recommended time is from 9 am to 11 am. At the same time, you need to focus on his employment, activity level and physical condition.

Parents should take into account that due to hobbies computer games and frequent TV viewing, nightmares may occur at night, and difficulty falling asleep may occur. Inadequate restless sleep leads to learning difficulties sharp drops moods and moody behavior. Therefore, the role of rest cannot be underestimated.

Table - sleep norms for children

You can get acquainted with how much a child of different ages should sleep (newborn, infant, preschooler), according to the information from the table (time is indicated in hours). Try to adhere to the norms of daytime and nighttime sleep so that the child does not confuse day and night and stay awake in dark time days.

Age Daytime nap time Number of dreams during the day Total sleep time during the day Sleep time at night Sleep time per day
Newborn 2-2,5 At least 4 to 10 9-9,5 16-20
1-2 months 2-2,5 4 up to 9 8-9 16-18
3-4 months 2 4 up to 7 11 16-17
5-6 months 2 3 until 6 11 15-16
7-8 months 1,5-2 2 up to 4 11,5 14,5-15
9-11 months 1,5-2 2 until 3 11,5 14-14,5
1-1.5 years 1,5-2 1-2 until 3 10-11,5 13,5-14
2-4 years 1-2 1 up to 2 At least 10 12-13,5
5-7 years Optional 9-11

Newborn babies sleep almost all the time, waking up for feeding. The periods of wakefulness increase as the baby matures. Take care of correct mode sleep - the main task parents, because the successful development and growth of the child largely depends on this.

Sleep is physiological state rest, necessary for a baby at 1 year old for full growth, normal psychological and physical development. Sleep performs protective functions and enables all organs to recover for regulation metabolic processes and confront aggressive external influences. When answering the question of how long a baby should sleep per day, its age and character should be taken into account.

How much should a baby sleep at 1 year old

Some children have a stable daily routine almost from birth, which undergoes gradual changes as they grow older. They fall asleep without motion sickness and persuasion, sleep for a long time, fall asleep on their own, waking up at night. Their parents do not experience problems associated with the baby's sleep. Unfortunately, the number of such babies is small. In most cases, the child needs the help of loved ones to fall asleep.

Knowing how much the average baby sleeps per day will help to avoid the following problems:

  • lack of sleep for brain development and functioning various systems organism;
  • accumulation of fatigue (hyper-fatigue);
  • bad mood;
  • overwork;
  • reduced attention and speed of mastering new skills;
  • risk of future hyperactivity and behavioral difficulties.

Sleep should guarantee a quality rest for the baby, its average duration is an approximate guideline for parents. Lack of sleep can lead to nervous system disorders and chronic overwork. Excessive sleep also does not benefit, the child becomes lethargic, irritable, often wakes up at night.

Total one year old baby should sleep 12-14 hours a day, of which 2-3 hours during the day. With the positive behavior of the child, deviations of 1-2 hours from the norm are considered acceptable.

How to tell if it's time for your baby to sleep

A baby in a year does not always clearly show signs of fatigue. He can move energetically, play, smile cheerfully, when in reality he is already very tired and wants to sleep. If the baby has problems falling asleep, especially during the day, mommy needs to carefully monitor him during the period when bedtime is approaching. So she will be able to notice the individual characteristics of the manifestation of fatigue and avoid tears at the time of laying the crumbs in the crib. Sometimes for this you have to keep a diary, where you write down not only how much he sleeps and stays awake per day, but also how he spends time before going to bed. These notes will help you figure out what is preventing the baby, and how to change the sequence of actions in preparation for sleep.

You can determine that a child is tired at 1 year old by the following behavior:

  • he yawns;
  • rubs eyes and pulls ears;
  • cries for nothing;
  • he is not interested in toys and people around him;
  • refuses to eat, puts his head on the table, scatters food, pushes the plate away;
  • does not leave his mother a single step, constantly requires attention, asks for hands, whimpers;
  • becomes overly active;
  • makes clumsy movements unusual for him, bumps into objects, looks sleepy.

If you put the baby to bed at the first symptoms of fatigue, then he should fall asleep easily. Skipping this moment leads to overexcitation, whims, refusal of sleep. The child is again ready for games and communication, but such activity can lead to tantrums and sleep disturbance at night.

If there are no obvious changes in behavior during the day before bedtime, then you can note what time the little one falls asleep best, and start getting ready for bed 10-15 minutes before this time.

Parents often make the mistake of noticing that the child wants to sleep, they try to have time to feed him, remove toys or finish reading a fairy tale. It is better to postpone all affairs, reduce or cancel the ritual of going to bed in order to avoid whims and overwork.

How long should the baby be awake

The correct organization of wakefulness is often the basis sound sleep. The main criterion for determining how long a baby can stay awake is the behavior of the baby. If the child actively plays, communicates with others with pleasure, sleeps peacefully during the day and does not wake up at night in tears, then there is no need to adjust the daily routine.

For a baby at 1 year old, the time of continuous wakefulness is 3.5-4.5 hours, the total time is about 10 hours a day. Some children without prejudice to general condition able to stay awake longer. It depends not so much on age, but on the characteristics of the development of the nervous system, psychotype and temperament.

During wakefulness, the child should not be left to himself. It is necessary to deal with the crumbs every day. Mobile and educational games, reading rhymes, telling fairy tales, manipulating toys - all this contributes to its development. In a year, more than half of the children already know how to walk without support. Actively moving, the child not only learns the world, but also gets physical activity required for sound sleep.

If the baby is awake less or more than average, but is in good mood then this is his natural rhythm. It is necessary to focus on the norms recommended by child psychologists if the child falls asleep with tears, sleeps without a break for no more than 40 minutes and wakes up crying.

Why does a one year old baby sleep during the day

A baby who is one year old is recommended to sleep twice during the day for 1.5-2 hours. The total duration of daytime sleep fluctuates around 3 hours per day. Optimal time for putting the baby to bed at about 10-11 and 15-16 hours. Such a sleep rhythm is considered the norm for crumbs under the age of one and a half years. Some children already in the year prefer one long afternoon nap per day. To understand that you can switch to such a mode, you can reduce the duration of each of the two periods of daytime sleep.

When the baby sleeps during the day, his brain, disconnected from external stimuli, processes a lot of impressions that he received over the past day. Daytime sleep, first of all, is necessary to restore and protect the nervous system from overwork, relieve muscle fatigue and stress from the spine.

It is wrong to think that if a child does not sleep all day, then at night his sleep will be stronger and longer. In fact, without a day's rest nervous system the baby will be physically and emotionally overwhelmed by the evening, which will make it difficult for him to fall asleep at night.

In order for the child to fall asleep more easily during the day, it is necessary that active games begin the period of wakefulness, and by its end the classes are calmer. Going to bed at the same time after eating will form a habit afternoon nap. Even if the baby is not sleeping, you should not let him get up and continue the game. Let him just lie quietly in the crib. You can help the little one mentally prepare for sleep with the help of toys, putting them to “sleep”. Persistence and methodicalness will allow him to accustom him to daytime sleep.

It's good if the baby sleeps during the day outdoors. Prolonged exposure to fresh air improves health and is effective tool prevention colds. How much time per day the baby can spend on the street depends on weather conditions. In summer, there are practically no restrictions, you just need to make sure that the child is in the shade, and insects do not bother him. In winter, sleeping outside is recommended when the temperature is above -15°C and there is no strong wind.

You can allow isolated cases of refusal of daytime sleep. If it is not possible to lay the baby within half an hour, he becomes more and more irritated and naughty, you should offer him quiet entertainment, such as drawing, and send him to bed a little earlier in the evening.

How to put baby to sleep

In order for the baby to fall asleep without problems, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions and work out a certain sequence of actions before putting him to bed.

The room must be prepared for sleep in advance, ventilated, and if necessary, carry out wet cleaning. AT summer period during sleep, the window can not be closed. In the nursery, the optimal temperature regime should be observed, it should not be cold or hot. You need to make sure that there is enough moisture in the air to allow the child to breathe freely and protect him from a cold. During the heating season, a humidifier should be installed in the nursery, maintaining the humidity at 60%.

Bathing before bed positive influence on the baby. He relaxes and calms down. At one year old, the baby should be bathed every other day. The water temperature is recommended to be maintained at 33 ° C, and the ambient air at least 21 ° C, bathing time is about 10 minutes. For hardening after a baby bath, you can pour water 1-2 degrees colder. On other days, before going to bed, the baby can wash the legs.

A baby should get used to going to bed at the same time every year. Consistent adherence to this rule does not give quick results, but eventually leads to the fact that the child gets used to the schedule and sleeps soundly at night.

It is necessary to first prepare comfortable night clothes that do not restrict movement, collect toys, choose a book, draw curtains, muffle the sound. You can use proven methods for centuries: good fairy tale, a quiet lullaby, light stroking of the arms and head. To relax and fall asleep an anxious, excitable child, mommy can lie down next to her. In such a peaceful environment, the baby sleeps deeply restful sleep all night long.

Typical sleep at this age

Your child is already quite big. But he also, as before, needs a lot of sleep. Up to two years, the child should sleep 13-14 hours a day, 11 hours of them at night. The rest will go into daytime sleep. At 12 months he will still need two naps, but by 18 months he is ready for one (one and a half to two hour) naps. This regimen lasts up to four or five years.

Going from two daydreams to one can be difficult. Experts recommend alternating two nap days with one nap days, depending on how much your baby slept the night before. If the child slept once during the day, it is better to put him down early in the evening.

At this age, there is almost nothing new that would help your baby become a good dormouse. Follow the strategies you've learned so far.

Follow a regular bedtime ritual

A proper bedtime ritual will help your child gradually calm down at the end of the day and get ready for bed.

If your child needs a burst of energy, let him run around for a bit before moving on to quieter activities (such as quiet play, a bath, or a bedtime story). Follow the same pattern every evening - even when you're away from home. Children love it when everything is crisp and clear. The ability to predict when an event will happen helps them to control the situation.

Make sure your child has a consistent daytime and nighttime sleep schedule

The baby's sleep will become more regular if you try to keep the regimen constantly. If he sleeps during the day, eats, plays, goes to bed every day at the same time, most likely it will be easy for him to fall asleep in the evening.

Let your child fall asleep on their own

Don't forget how important it is for your child to be able to fall asleep on their own every night. Sleep should not depend on motion sickness, feeding or lullaby song. If such a dependence exists, the child, waking up at night, will not be able to fall asleep on his own and will call you. What to do if this happens is up to you.

At this age, the child may have difficulty falling asleep and may also wake up frequently during the night. The cause of both problems is new milestones in the development of the child, especially standing and walking. Your toddler is so excited about his new skills that he wants to keep doing them, even if you say it's bedtime.

If the child resists and does not want to go to bed, most experts advise leaving him in his room for a few minutes to see if he calms himself down. If the child does not calm down, you can "let the child scream."

You will also have to decide what to do if the child wakes up at night, cannot calm himself and calls you. Try to go in and see: if he is standing, you must help him lie down. But if the child wants you to stay and play with him, don't give up. He must understand that night time is for sleep.

18 to 24 months

Typical sleep at this age

Now your baby should sleep approximately 10-12 hours at night plus a two-hour afternoon rest. Some children cannot do without two shorter naps until the age of two. If your child is one of them, don't fight it.

How to instill healthy sleep habits?

Help the child to break bad habits sleep related

Your child should be able to fall asleep on their own, without motion sickness, breastfeeding, or other sleep aids. If his falling asleep depends on any of these external factors, at night he will not be able to fall asleep himself if he wakes up and you are not around.

Experts say: “Imagine that you fall asleep lying on a pillow, then wake up in the middle of the night and find that there is no pillow. Most likely, you will be disturbed by its absence and start looking for it, thereby finally awakening from sleep. Similarly, if a child falls asleep every night listening to a specific CD, when he wakes up at night and does not hear music, he will wonder "what happened?". A puzzled child is unlikely to fall asleep easily. To prevent this situation, try putting him to bed, when he is sleepy but still awake, so that he can fall asleep on his own.

Give your child an acceptable choice before bed

These days your little one is starting to test the limits of his newly discovered independence, wanting to assert control over the world around him. To reduce bedtime confrontation, allow your child to make choices whenever possible during his or her evening ritual- what fairy tale he would like to hear, what pajamas he would like to wear.

Always offer only two or three alternatives and make sure you're happy with either choice. For example, don't ask, "Do you want to go to bed now?" Of course, the child will answer “No”, which is not an acceptable answer. Instead, try asking, "Do you want to go to bed now or in five minutes?" The child is happy that he can choose, and you win no matter what choice he makes.

What difficulties may arise?

The two most frequent problems with sleep in children of all ages - difficulty falling asleep and frequent nocturnal awakenings.

This age group has its own peculiarity. Sometime between 18 and 24 months, many babies begin to rise from their crib, potentially putting themselves in danger (falling out of a crib can be quite painful). Unfortunately, just because your little one can get out of his crib doesn't mean he's ready for a big bed. Try to keep him out of harm's way by following these tips.

  • Lower the mattress. Or make the walls of the crib higher. If it is possible of course. However, when the child gets older, this may not work.
  • Free the bed. Your child can use toys and extra pillows as coasters to help them climb out.
  • Don't encourage your child to get out of bed. If the baby gets out of the crib, don't get excited, don't swear, and don't let him get into your bed. Remain calm and neutral, say firmly that this is not necessary and put the baby back in his crib. He will learn this rule pretty quickly.
  • Use a bed canopy. These products are attached to the crib rails and ensure the safety of the baby.
  • Follow the child. Stand in a position where you can see the baby in the crib but he can't see you. If he tries to climb out, immediately tell him not to. After you reprimand a few times, he will probably become more obedient.
  • Do environment safe. If you cannot prevent your child from getting out of the crib, you can at least make sure he stays safe. Soft pillows on the floor around his crib and on nearby drawers, nightstands, and other objects that he might bump into. If he is completely unwilling to stop getting up and out of bed, you can lower the crib rail and leave a chair nearby. At least then you won't have to worry about him falling and hurting himself.
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