Lullaby verses. Russian folk songs

Sleep rhymes are a great alternative to lullabies. Especially if mom does not have singing talent. How useful nursery rhymes and rhymes for falling asleep, when you can start reading them and how to tell them correctly, read in our material.

The benefits of sleep rhymes

Our grandmothers knew a lot about folk art. No wonder they actively used all kinds of rhymes, nursery rhymes and pestles to acquaint children with the world around them, as well as to captivate necessary occupation- washing, eating or sleeping. It was believed that rhymes and nursery rhymes help to raise a calmer and smarter child, to establish a close relationship with family members. In addition, rhymes help early development the speech of the child, help to accustom the baby to the daily routine and establish close emotional contact between mother and baby.

Sleep rhymes are also indispensable when you need to calm your child - for example, before going to bed. In the future, when the baby hears the familiar intonations of “sleepy nursery rhymes”, he will already know that it is time for rest. So if all the lullabies are already covered, sleep rhymes will diversify communication with the child.

When to start reading poetry

You can read poems for falling asleep already from birth, and some psychologists generally advise you to start doing this even during pregnancy (when your baby already starts to push in the stomach). Of course, the baby is unlikely to understand your words, but intonation, gentle touches and eye contact they will have a beneficial effect on the little one, calm him down if he is overexcited.

First let it be short poems, which will not overload the attention of the baby: they should contain no more than two quatrains.

How to read nursery rhymes for falling asleep

In order for nursery rhymes to have their “soporific” power, they must be read correctly. So, do not just read the lines of text, but sing them like a lullaby, or even whisper in recitative. Remember, the main thing in reading "sleepy" nursery rhymes is a measured rhythm, a quiet voice and gentle lulling intonations. They already help the baby to fall asleep.

Poems for falling asleep

For the little ones, short rhymes for falling asleep are ideal.

1. Bye-bye, sleep, Katyushka,
My funny bunny
Close your bunny eyes

2. Sleep sweetly my child,
Close your eyes quickly.
Bye-bye, chick, sleep!
Your mother will rock you
Daddy protect the dream!

3. Grandpa-Wrecker
Grandpa Pest
Don't come to us!
Grandpa Pest
Walk around our house.
We don't have
Capricious children -
No no no!
See, we're going to bed?
You see - turn off the light ?!

4. Sleep, my baby, sweet, sweet,
Let the chocolate dream
Or a bunny, or a bear,
Or a funny monkey.
Sleep, son, sleep.
Close your eyes, honey!

5. This finger wants to sleep,
This finger is jumping into bed
This finger has already taken a nap,
This finger is already asleep.
This one is fast asleep
And he tells you to sleep.


For older children, read longer rhymes. In addition, with kids from a year old, you can play a kind of game before going to bed. When telling a nursery rhyme, do not say some phrases, but invite the child to guess them himself.

1. Five puppies want to sleep,
And the sixth is not sleeping.
Five puppies want to sleep
And the sixth is naughty!
tail wags,
Loud, loud barking!
He would bark until the morning
Yes, I thought ... ("it's time to sleep!")
Peacefully wagged his tail
And - faster than anyone ... (fell asleep)
And to you, by the way,
Wished ... ("Good night").

2. Three little hedgehogs
They lie in a row on the bed.
Next to mummy hedgehog
He tells them softly:
"It's time for you to sleep,
To get up early in the morning
See how in the meadow
White horse in the fog
Quietly wakes the clouds.
Like a silent river
Willow branches washes
Like mist melting under the sun
How, dispelling the shadow,
A new day is coming to us.
In the meantime, hedgehogs, sleep,
On a new day, fly in dreams.

3. Our legs told us today:
"We are so tired today,
We jumped so much today
What we don't want anymore
For us to be thrashed again.
We want to lie down, relax,
To be on the road again tomorrow!”
And the pens said:
"We are also very tired,
We dressed, fed and washed,
And also painted
Do you know how tired we are?
And each finger said:
"I am also tired!
I also worked and helped!
And keep a spoon and wash your eyes!
Let us sleep now!"
And ears suddenly whispered:
And we are tired too
We are all day
Everyone listened carefully
We have learned so much...
We would be happy,
If only they could sleep!”
And the eyes said:
“Oh, how tired we are!
We were so tired that we pinched.
We've seen so much today
And now we want to sleep
Let's shut us down!"
And the little mouth said and yawned:
"I am also tired,
I chewed, I bit and screamed.
Let's have some rest
To tomorrow again
Good morning" to tell!
And the tongue murmured:
"How much did I say?
He chuckled, chugged and growled,
I am also very tired!”
And only the nose said:
"I'm not tired!
You all lie quietly
Rest and sleep
And I will protect you
Calmly breathe and breathe ... ".

"Soothing" nursery rhymes

If the baby is afraid to fall asleep alone, sing him one of the soothing nursery rhymes, as well as rhymes that will set you up for good dreams.

1. Bye, bye, bye, bye,
Doggy, don't bark.
Belopapa do not whine
Don't wake our daughter.
Dark night, can't sleep
Our daughter is afraid.

2. The distant forest stands as a wall,
And in the forest, in the wilderness of the forest,
An owl sits on a bough
Sleep grass grows there.
They say sleep grass
Knows sleepy words.
How he whispers his words
The head will drop right away.
I'm at the owl today
I'll ask for this herb.
Let you sleep-grass
Say sleepy words.

Help your baby fall asleep and also instill cultural traditions Russian folk rhymes for falling asleep.

Lullaby nursery rhymes for babies 4-5 years old, which can be read before bedtime:

T. Prokushina

Bom-bom, bomb-bom
Someone knocked on the house.
It's a good old gnome
She visits before bed.

The girl does not sleep in the house.
There is a night light on the wall.
Mom sits next to me
Quietly - quietly says:
"Sleep, baby, I'm with you.
Close your clear eyes.
The fish are sleeping, the mouse is quiet.
Why aren't you sleeping?"
The gnome worked, did not get bored:
I sang a song, rocked the bed,
Put the toys away in the closet
Magical dreams included ...
Everyone fell asleep until morning.
It's time for the dwarf to sleep too:
Tomorrow again like yesterday
Do good deeds.

R. Shemerova

Sleep with a fluffy warm paw
Touched my hair.
What dad read to us during the day,
You will see yourself in a dream.
Thirty knights in chain mail
They line up on the beach.
From adversity, from illness
Save my little one.
Bye-bye, bye-bye.
Let's sail to the magical land.
To the land where fairy tales live
Vanechka is invited to visit.
You will be in small hands
Keep a red squirrel.
On unknown paths
Run to a new fairy tale.
If the good Pushkin is with us
Spoke this afternoon
The night is full of colorful dreams.
Sweetly we will fall asleep with you!
Bye-bye, bye-bye.
Let's sail to the magical land.
To the land where fairy tales live
Vanechka is invited to visit.

M. Lukashevich Sea lullaby.

The moon came up and soon
Drowsiness enveloped the sea.
fluffy mist
From fairy lands
Sheltered from bad weather and grief.
A tired flock of fish sleeps,
The noisy seagull fell silent,
On a light wave
Cozy wave
You, the sea, rock her.
The monsoons subsided for a while,
The trade winds sniffle half asleep,
And you, like the wind
Sleep until the morning
My son is restless.

O. Drago

Water drips from the faucet.
The moon is floating up.
The floorboard creaked
This dream is coming...
wrapped in blankets,
Children rub their eyes
And soft pillows
Heads are laid...
Shadows dance on the wall
Branch outside the window.
And colorful dreams
Filling the house...
The cat is sleeping. And two dogs
Sleep without hind legs...
Even a fly slumbers quietly
Sitting on the ceiling...
The clear moon laughed,
Looking out the window
And silver paint
Sprayed on glass...
And when they struck in the morning
Old clock -
These splashes have turned
In drops of dew...

A. Kerzhenevich

Somewhere beyond the Arctic Circle
In the ice edge
Penguin grandfather cradled:
Baiushki bye.
Close your eyes soon
Sleep, please.
I tell you, my boy, a fairy tale
I'll tell you at night.
There, at the far pole,
Among the high ice floes
There is, in a strict milk tailcoat,
Albino penguin.
As if painted in chalk
From head to toe
He walks along the edge of the white
Follow the sunset.
And stands by the ocean
As if rooted into the ground
The one and only, strange
Snow albino...
Didn't have time to finish the penguin
Your song -
The baby sleeps in the arms of the night.
Baiushki bye.
Dreaming like a timid beam
The sunset touched the ice.
And they are with a white penguin
Standing side by side...

It's snowing outside the window.
Gloomy winter evening.
The cat sings a song:
Moore, moore, moore.
But not just singing
In the evenings he
He, purring, calls to the house
Dream, dream, dream.
They haven't rustled for a long time
Book and notebook.
Teddy bear, doll - everyone wants
Sleep, sleep, sleep.
The dump truck is tired of hauling
Goes to a corner.
The ball then jumped -
Jump, jump, jump.
The kids go to sleep.
The house is in darkness.
Do you hear? Quiet hours:
Tick, tick, tock.
This time flows in them,
Ticking inside.
Close your eyes to the score
One two Three.

S. Ustabekov Winter lullaby

Snow flies without a break
Sweet bears sleep in lairs.
Quiet in the fairy forest -
dozing fox
The tracker will not find either.
No paths from hooves
For moose and deer
Inaccessible, like shadows.
It can be seen in the white kingdom of dreams
Both pleasant and necessary.
Good, snowy winter
Likes to sleep on her own.


The seed is buried
And washed with water
For a tree to come out
Linden Lilac!
To make an elephant?
Need a good sleep..
If the elephant is very big
It is very good.
Well, if the elephant is a baby-
So you are not sleeping yet.
For a man to come out?
Need a moment .. Or maybe a century ..
You don't want to sleep at all?
Song again, again?
Here comes the big elephant
you will sing in uni-SLEEP...
"The seed is buried
And washed with water ... "

R. Gorenburgova

Quietly, the night comes to the threshold.
The breeze flew into his bed.
He has a bed on a soft cloud,
because even the wind needs to sleep.
Bye-bye. Fall asleep arms, legs,
close your eyes.
Dreams come to us along the paths, along the paths
and bring us stories.
In the blue sea-ocean, a kind whale
He also sleeps in warm flannelette pajamas.
And the waves are rocking him: bye-bye,
sleep good, sleep big, rest!
Animals sleep in zoos and forests,
the bugs are sleeping, the birds are sleeping on the branches.
Only a month walks, golden wanders,
so that dreams find their way to you and me.

Surely, many families are familiar with the situation when active games, entertainment and cartoons lead to the fact that children cannot calm down in the evening. To help their child cope with overexcitation, experienced parents begin evening ritual in advance, usually 1.5-2 hours before the time when it is time to go to bed. You can take this time with quiet, calm games, as well as reading children's lullabies.

On our site, we have already told you about the best bedtime poems. They can be read aloud to everyone together, or you can encourage children to tell poems for their toys during the game, for example, when a nanny doll puts her baby to bed or cars drive into the garage to rest until the morning.

We present you a selection of new baby lullabies with a few comments to make it easier for you to choose a few to your liking.

Lullabies for daughter

1. A fabulous lullaby for your beloved little princess from Elena Stekvashova. It can be both sung and simply read in verse.


The night was covered with a black blanket, warming in the light of the stars.
And weaves reality and fiction from the land of magical dreams.
The night shows the tales and legends of antiquity
Naughty in gray colors, cute - pink dreams.

Close your eyes, princess, bye-bye, my angel.
Believe, someday from a fairy tale, the prince will come for you too.
A gilded carriage will take you to your dream -
To meet the morning dawn, to the clear morning star.

Troubadours, kings come to life in old books,
Boys are always looking for something on the edge of the earth.
And all over the world princes roam the villages and forests,
And they find their love, because they believe in miracles.

2. A kind and imaginative lullaby from the storyteller Nadia Hilton from London, which tells about the magic and beauty of the world around.


Black velvet outside the window.
star pictures...
Intoxicate with a sweet dream
Milky Way Kristinka.

Enchanted rain
We wash our feet
And follow the fairy tale
Lunar path.

I ask the clouds
Lay down a diaper
Get down from above
And cover the child.

An angel with a gentle wing
She will close her eyes.
Warming up with your warmth
Will calm the soul.

The wind blows outside the window
The rain is pounding on the roof.
My daughter is fast asleep
Doesn't hear anything.

3. A small lullaby for my daughter from the Ukrainian poet Platon Voronko. It is suitable for all the mischievous girls who run back and forth all day looking for something interesting.

Time to sleep.
The night is coming.
You are tired, daughter.
Legs have been running since morning
It's time for the eyes to sleep.
The bed is waiting for you.
Sleep, sweetie, baby.

3. Village lullaby by Sergey Glushkov, very kind and touching. This poem is especially well read in gloomy cold weather.

Sleep in the rain

Rain drips on the roof.
Annie is sleeping. Quiet! Quiet!
The dog slumbers at her feet.
The rain is knocking on her window.

And it's sad outside.
And around everything is damp, damp.
Anya sweetly, gently sleeps.
The dog sniffs at her feet.

The cat jumped lazily.
Stretched nice, nice.
And lay down on their bed
To take a sweet nap.

Lullabies for a boy

1. Lullaby for a tiny son from Irina Osinina. This poem is suitable for babies and toddlers up to 1.5 years.

My baby sleeps on a pillow
But still not sleeping soundly
He grabbed his ear,
Slightly fidgeted.

I'll approach him quietly.
I'll stand by the bed
Kiss on the forehead lightly
I'll get a warm blanket.

I will screw my son's legs,
(Something the night is frosty)
And, leaning towards him, I whisper:
Sleep, it's already so late!

At night you are different
Mouth opened like a chick!
Sleep, dear baby
My dear baby!

2. Kind lullabies for future captains and other young adventurers from Marina Muller, author of the collection of poems "My Good Book".

Good night my baby!

Hello my sweet baby!
Why aren't you sleeping yet?
Eyes must be closed
We have to get up early tomorrow.

Today was a hard day,
You have done many important things.
My beloved son is tired,
Lie down on the side rather.

In a dream you are a brave captain,
You will see many different countries
You control all the seas
And oceans and winds.

Make friends with a big whale
You will sit on an ice floe with a walrus,
Play ball with dolphins
Swim with the penguins.

And know, my dear son,
That mom is next to you,
I will be in your heart
To protect you from evil.

Well, son fell asleep,
Calm, good night!

3. Another lullaby poem from Elena Stekvashova. It tells about miracles, courage and, of course, about mother's love and care. This lullaby can also be hummed as a song.

Outside the window, the town is silent,
Like turning off the music of the day.
Don't be afraid, son
The night itself is afraid of fire.
The moon smiled at you and me
A round dance circles the stars.
This is the good fairy dream
He calls you after him.

Sleep baby, close your eyes.
An unusual path awaits you.
Waiting for mysteries and miracles
And for this you need to sleep.

A snow-white horse rushes you
To your distant beautiful land,
Put your hand on the mane
And trust him for everything.
Kings live in that land
Little gnomes keep forests
And huge ships
Raise their sails.

Here you are already flying
You have two wings behind you
And it keeps you warm, baby
Sea of ​​solar heat.
You are brave and brave, son -
Away with worries and fears.
I'm with you, you're not alone
And this night is not so terrible.

4. This is not exactly a lullaby poem, but it fits into the evening ritual so well that it is impossible not to mention it. Surprisingly beautiful, heart-wrenching lines from Sergey Kozlov.

Clouds in the sky are frowning

Clouds in the sky are frowning
Clouds are clouding in the sky,
Thunder is coming soon.
The rain will fall down the street
With a tin bucket.

They will knock on the bottom
Droplets of water.
thin necks
Pull out flowers.

Gorlinka, oriole
The porch will sing.
At the willow basket
Wet face.

The sun will dry the tears
The distance will become clear -
It's in an embroidered dress
Spring has come to us.

And dusk will come
The moon will float.
Out of the fog in shoes
Silence will come.

At the cat under the stairs
The light will come on.
It's a pity our song
There is no continuation.

Short lullabies for boys and girls

Well, a fur coat -
Softer fluff!
At the head -
The edge of the floor.
The cat is purring
Right in your ear
cat purrs,
Murly cat...

Timofey Belozerov

Napping and Yawning

Wandered along the road Slumber and Yawn.
Drowsiness ran into gates and gates,
I looked into the windows
And in the cracks of the doors
And she said to the children:
- Lie down quickly!
Yawning said: who would rather go to sleep,
That's why she, Yawn, Good night will say
And if someone does not lie down
Now on the bed
So she will order
Yawn, yawn, yawn!

Samuil Marshak

hare dream

The bushes are sleeping
And the winds sleep
Sleeping forester
In your hut.
And the hare until the morning
Ears sleep in turn

Vladimir Orlov

We hope you enjoyed our selection of nursery rhymes for and, thanks to which your evening ritual will become an even more pleasant time than before.

Singing long, sweet songs to young children is not unique to our culture. Intuitively, mothers of all times and peoples use lullabies to establish a special kind of contact with the baby. Falling asleep to the singing of the mother, the child gradually begins to distinguish the tonality of words, intonation mother tongue. Growing up, he begins to understand the meaning of individual words, and then the simple content of the song.

Ant-grass has risen from sleep,
The tit bird took up the grains.
Bunny - for cabbage,
Mouse - for the crust,
Children are for milk.

Musical folklore accompanied the Russian people all his life. Already over cradle unpretentious songs sounded in which the future of the baby seemed to be filled with work in the field, in the house:

Bay, beat, do not rock the cradle,
Sleep, sleep, grow faster!
You will grow big, you will begin to walk in gold ...
You will live, live, not be lazy - work:
You will plow wheat.
On the strip plowman,
In the dark forest - a forester,
You will catch a bird
And feed your parents.

However, even heavy summer suffering is called cheerful in such songs; without regret, it is sung that carefree childhood years will irrevocably pass:

You will wake up early
Send to work
To work for taka
Yes, to a joyful suffering.

In many lullabies the coming years of the baby seem to be a series of life successes (“You will walk in gold, wear gold and silver”). Did mothers in poor peasant families really believe that their child would "wear a brocade coat"? It turns out that it was believed that the words spoken over cradle, have the power of a spell, a conspiracy. Therefore, often in the songs there was a request from the mother to save her own child:

From all sorrows
From all the dirty tricks
From an evil man -

The mother's anxiety is also strong for the health of the child. The words lullabies in health, as a rule, are turned to the Mother of God, God's grace, guardian angel. However long years in Russia, the pagan faith was preserved in dark forces, which the mother sought to "deceive" by mentioning an imaginary imminent death your child. That's where such strange words of some lullabies:

Sleep, my dear child...
Today Vanyusha will die,
Bury tomorrow...

AT lullabies aiming, healthy sleep and soothing slumber often act as doubles:

Sleep says:
- I'll find - put to sleep.
Drema says:
- I'll find - I'll take a nap.

Sometimes a dream is a disembodied powerful creature that roams the street, the house, until it comes across cradle. Sleep, napping are desirable for both the child and the mother. They bring not only strength and health, but also a long-awaited rest from work and worries.

In vintage lullabies there are many motifs inspired by mystical and magical ideas about the mysterious and dangerous world around. In it, the home, maternal guardianship and intercession are saving for the child.

A kind of assistant to the mother in her tireless worries - domestic cat. A whole cycle is connected with the image of the cat lullabies. It was believed that a cat that loves to sleep can pass on its habits to a child. However, knowing well the obstinate disposition of cats and cats, mothers in their songs promised a "piece of cake" and a "tuesque of milk" and other gifts as a reward for a cat to cradle a child:

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,
I give my Verochka.
Come sleep the cat
Shake my daughter.
How do I like you, cat,
I will pay for the work:
I'll give you a piece of the pie
Yes, a jug of milk.
You eat, do not crumble,
More, kitty, do not ask!

Often, with a request to euthanize a baby, mothers turn to pigeons - ghouls. They fly in, coo, evoke dreams, but, unlike a cat, they do it disinterestedly.

No less often in the songs is the children's cradle - cradle. In passing, we note that in the old days it could be of two types: unsteadiness, completely made of wood, and the actual cradle, which is a wooden frame with a canvas loosely stretched over it. The cradle was suspended from an eyelet - a flexible pole, one end attached to the ceiling.

In conclusion, it should be noted that Russian folklore is characterized by the combination lullabies with nursery rhymes, jokes, pestles. Pestushki(from the word "nursing" - to nurse, educate, carry in your arms) - these are short rhymed sentences of nannies and mothers caring for a baby. For example, a child wakes up, they stroke him, saying:

Rothok - talkers,
Hands - grabbing
Legs are walkers.

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