How to prepare an infusion of wild rose. How to brew dried whole rose hips. Rules for brewing wild rose fruits in a slow cooker


infusions and decoctions from wild rose used to treat many diseases. The plant has a tonic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and choleretic properties. With the exhaustion of the body, infectious diseases and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, rose hips can be used as additional remedy treatment. To extract maximum benefit from " wild rose”(namely, this is what the people call rose hips), you need to cook it.

Preparation of a decoction begins with the collection of fruits. It is important to do this before frost, otherwise medicinal wild rose will be destroyed. The fruits must be dried in the oven (90-100 ° C) or dryer. The resulting raw material should be yellow or brown. There is another way to dry the fruits, or rather, their shells. To do this, cut the berries lengthwise into halves, remove the hairs and, and dry the shells for outdoors, decomposing into thin layer.

Rinse 100 grams dried berries and drop them into a liter of boiling water. Close the pan with a lid and simmer the broth over low heat for 10-15 minutes. To make the broth more saturated, it must be insisted for 12-24 hours. Place the pan where there will be no access to light, as this will destroy vitamin C. Strain the broth through a sieve and consume it chilled. If desired, you can add sugar or honey, this will not affect the healing properties of the drink. But an unleavened broth will quench your thirst better, and you will drink it with great pleasure.

A decoction can be made not only from the fruits, but also from the roots of the plant. Such a drink has a beneficial effect on and. Roots wild rose dug in early autumn, washed in cool water, crushed and dried. Two tablespoons of raw materials are poured into a glass of water and boiled for 15 minutes. The cooled broth is filtered and taken in a third of a glass three times a day.

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Rosehip is the most valuable medicinal plant. It has anti-inflammatory, healing, tonic, diuretic, choleretic, anti-sclerotic effect and improves metabolism. Infusion from fruits can be used mainly as a poly vitamin remedy in the treatment of diseases caused by a deficiency in the body ascorbic acid and other vitamins, with anemia, as tonic with exhaustion of the body and with various other diseases.


Rinse one tablespoon (20g) of dry, peeled rose hips with water and chop or rub them before eating them. Pour them with two glasses of boiling water, and then boil the wild rose in a sealed container for 10 minutes.

Leave it to infuse for 22-24 hours. After that, strain the infusion through a dense cloth to remove all the hairs that are inside the berry, and squeeze.

Drink this infusion 3-4 times a day for half a glass 15-30 minutes before each meal. The course lasts from 4 to 6 months. With regular use of rosehip infusion or tea, you can improve your health and improve the functioning of almost all systems and organs of your body.

For heart disease, in particular atrial fibrillation, recommended rosehip with hawthorn, which is the heart muscle, eliminates arrhythmia and tachycardia, as well as hypertension, while rosehip increases the elasticity of blood vessels. To prepare this infusion, pour 2 tablespoons into a thermos. berries, then pour 1/2 liter of boiling water. Leave for 12 hours and then add 2 tbsp. hawthorn.

Rosehip is a popular plant that is widely used in traditional medicine. Commonly applied useful fruits this shrub. Of these, it is customary to make teas, decoctions, infusions, which are highly valued for many vitamins and useful trace elements in their composition. It is customary to drink rose hips not only to increase the body's immune resources. It turns out that the fruits of this plant contribute to the removal of toxins and help to lose weight. The main thing is to brew this unique natural remedy. So, what are the ways of preparing rose hips? And what are the benefits of these drinks?

Useful properties of wild rose

To begin with, it is worth understanding why drinking decoctions and infusions of rose hips. These berries have long been actively used in folk medicine. It's all about the unique biochemical composition this tool. Scientists managed to find out that the berries of this common plant contain:

  • carotene;
  • vitamin C;
  • complex of mineral salts;
  • pectin substances;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • flavonoids;
  • vitamins PP, B, K;
  • set of organic acids.

This is a unique storehouse of vitamins that benefits the entire human body! Such a rich composition of fruits has a general strengthening effect. However, rose hips are also valued for their anti-inflammatory effect.

Researches of scientists allow us to state: the intake of tea based on this gift of nature leads to the activation of redox processes in human body. The use of such drinks is especially beneficial for the work of enzymatic mechanisms. It is not surprising that rose hips are an excellent solution for normalizing body weight and losing weight. Herbal remedy leads not only to the burning of fats. Reception of decoctions and teas based on it helps to stabilize weight. The secret is that this product normalizes the secretion of bile and increases diuresis.

In addition, rose hips have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and the synthesis of hormones. Also, berries have a positive effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels. They soothe and strengthen the body. It is possible to describe the positive properties of this inexpensive and affordable herbal remedy indefinitely. However, the main thing is to brew it correctly. You can take both dried and fresh fruits. This is not a fundamental factor.

On a note! Thanks to the proper intake of rose hips, you can effectively cope even with bleeding different nature origin, disease skin, cholangitis, beriberi, ulcers, hepatitis, cholecystitis, fissures, eye diseases, hemorrhagic diathesis, atherosclerosis.

How to brew rose hips to preserve vitamins

In order for the use of wild rose to be beneficial, it is necessary to preserve all the vitamins that nature itself contains in it. That is why it is so important to properly brew fruits. It can be done various methods: in a thermos or in other dishes. In addition, prepare an infusion with unique benefit You can use both fresh and dried berries.

Fresh rose hips in a thermos

The easiest way to make a decoction is to brew fresh rose hips in a thermos. It's very simple.

As for the proportions of preparing such an infusion in a thermos, they are as follows:

  • 4-5 art. l. rose hips;
  • 1 liter of pure water.

In order for the infusion with unique benefits to be prepared faster, the rose hips should be pre-chopped. Then it will take only a couple of hours to prepare the broth.

  1. You will need to put fresh fruits in a thermos. However, beforehand, whole berries should be thoroughly washed with water, and the container should be scalded with boiling water.
  2. Then dry agent steep brew.
  3. Leave the infusion in a thermos for 10-12 hours. It is best to do this in the evening. A drink for the night in a thermos is perfectly infused.
  4. In the morning, you just need to drain it from a thermos into another container and you can start laying rosehip berries for a new portion of tea.

Note! Rose hips can be brewed repeatedly. But it is not recommended to do this more than twice!

It is important to consider that when brewing berries in crushed form, the finished rosehip infusion should be carefully filtered several times. Otherwise, the decoction will great amount villi, which not only make drinking a drink unpleasant. They can strongly irritate the mucous membranes of the mouth and cause negative reactions.

You can dilute the finished drink from a thermos with honey or lemon juice. Such additional components will not only give the tea a more refined and pleasant taste. They will enrich the composition of the rosehip drink with vitamins and valuable substances that have a beneficial effect on health.

Drinking the infusion is recommended daily. Tea from a thermos can be consumed both cold and warm. It equally benefits the body in any form. Reception is best done before meals. Daily serving - 1 cup. Children under the age of 12 years are offered a different dosage. They should drink ½ cup a day.

The vitamin infusion obtained from a thermos is diuretic and choleretic action. It benefits everyone, especially those with bowel, kidney, liver or stomach problems.

How to brew fresh rose hips without a thermos

cook healing drink, enriched with the most different vitamins, based on fresh rose hips, it is possible without a thermos. But this method of brewing requires close attention. Otherwise, the drink will simply lose all its healing natural power.

To cook not just flavored drink, but really useful decoction, it is recommended to maintain the correct proportions. The option of brewing rosehip berries without a thermos involves the use of:

  • 100 g of peeled berries;
  • 1 liter of water.

To prepare a decoction without a thermos, you should properly brew and use berries that were previously picked and dried a little at home. It is recommended to remove all hairs from fruits before treatment with boiling water.

  1. Berries should be laid out on a towel and lightly kneaded with a rolling pin or a kitchen hammer. You can also use a special mortar.
  2. It is recommended to brew wild rose in enameled or ceramic dishes. The prepared rosehip is laid out in the selected container and poured with clean cold water.
  3. It should be put on the stove and boiled. The composition must be brought to a boil. Then the product is removed from the stove.

On a note! Before drinking the resulting tea, it should certainly be filtered.

However, this tea should not be drunk immediately. It is necessary to give him time so that he thoroughly insists and enriches the water with all vitamins and other healing substances that nature put into it. This will take about 3 hours.

How to brew dry rosehip

In order to preserve all the vitamins and other beneficial substances contained in rose hips, it can also be brewed with boiling water in dried form. By the way, the preparation of a decoction of such fruits is practically no different from the processing of fresh rose hips.

Water and rose hips should be used in the following ratio:

  • 0.5 liters of water;
  • 1 teaspoon rosehip.

Before brewing fruits, the raw materials must be washed with water. Rose hips are recommended to grind. A blender or coffee grinder is great for this.

  1. The resulting useful mass is transferred to a thermos. Well, if his flask is made of glass. The workpiece is poured hot water.

Note! For brewing dried rose hips, you can not use boiling water. It is enough to take hot water, the temperature of which is about 60 degrees.

  1. The mass, which turned out in a thermos, should be infused. For this, 45-50 minutes will be sufficient. Usually, there is no need to infuse rosehips filled with boiling water in a thermos.
  2. The resulting infusion must be filtered. The “residue” remaining as a result of decanting must be boiled for about 30 minutes.
  3. The finished broth will need to be filtered a second time. The filtered drink is cooled and mixed with the infusion. In healing useful tool honey is added if desired.

It is important to realize that such a remedy is preventive. This is not a drug. That is why, if you want to get rid of certain disease it is recommended to consult with your doctor. You definitely shouldn't drink it mindlessly!

How to brew dry rose hips for immunity

There is another way to brew rose hips. This recipe allows you to save all the beneficial properties of berries and vitamins. The result is a tea that carries great benefit immunity and the whole body.

To prepare a drink you will need:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 tablespoon rose hips.

To activate the activity of the immune system with this drink, the fruits should be properly brewed with boiling water. To do this is quite simple.

  1. To begin with, the dried fruits will need to be poured with hot water and insisted for about 10 minutes.
  2. Then it is necessary to express the resulting infusion through dense fabric or several times folded gauze.

This composition is recommended to drink warm. However, tea should be a little infused. The resulting tea should be drunk 3 times a day. It is recommended to use after meals. It is this approach that provides beneficial and effective impact composition on immune system.

By the way, prepare healthy tea for immunity, you can not only from rose hips, but also from its roots. This recipe is quite easy to make. It is necessary to take the rose hips and pour boiling water over them. The composition must be well brewed. To do this, he is given a few hours. It is recommended to put in the composition for brewing not only berries, but also the roots of the plant, which are thoroughly crushed beforehand. After insisting, the healing drink is brewed for a quarter of an hour. Then the same amount he still insists. Before drinking it, be sure to strain the tea.


The attractiveness of the use of wild rose lies in the fact that this herbal remedy has very few contraindications. These include:

  • allergy;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • exacerbation of diseases associated with the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • thrombophlebitis.

Video: how to brew rose hips

There are a lot of rosehips in the fruits useful substances. It is used not only in folk, but also in official medicine for the treatment of diseases.

To get the maximum therapeutic effect you need to know some features when brewing and drinking a drink, otherwise there will be no benefit.

Before talking about positive qualities product, it is important to know about the unique chemical composition. Both in dried and fresh rose hips contains a significant amount of vitamin C, which allows enriching the human body with ascorbic acid all year round.

There are also other elements:

  • calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, etc.;
  • ether compounds;
  • organic acids;
  • vitamins A, group B, E, etc.

Based on this, the following useful properties are distinguished:

  1. Brings blood pressure back to normal.
  2. It has a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels, preventing the development of atherosclerosis.
  3. Strengthens the immune system, acts prophylactic from colds, influenza.
  4. Normalizes the level of iron in the blood.
  5. It has a diuretic and choleretic effect.
  6. Anti-inflammatory actions.
  7. Removes harmful, toxic compounds from the body.
  8. Accelerates metabolism, reducing excess weight.
  9. Stabilizes arterial pressure.
  10. Accelerates the healing process of wounds, burns, frostbite.

Rosehip also improves performance digestive system, vision. For treatment, not only fruits are used, but also the root system, leaves.


Despite such a large number positive properties, the plant product has a number of negative, in which the use should be stopped:

  • manifestation of an allergic reaction;
  • intolerance;
  • removal of the gallbladder;
  • decompensated diabetes mellitus;
  • kidney disease (severe);
  • thrombosis and tendency to appear;
  • high acidity of the stomach;
  • myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle);
  • excess intake of vitamin C in the body.

With the manifestation of chronic diseases, it is allowed to consume berries after consultation with a specialist. Self-medication is strictly prohibited.

How to brew wild rose

You can use fresh fruits to make a fortified drink. The main thing is to handle them very carefully and carefully.

The ratio of rose hips and water for prevention should be taken at the rate of 200 ml 1 teaspoon of finely chopped berries.

  1. Rinse the main ingredient under cold water. Cut into 2 parts and remove all hairs, which, when settling on the mucous membranes, cause itching and coughing.
  2. Rinse and dry. Put in a separate bowl, knead.
  3. Transfer the resulting mass into a thermos and pour warm water(but not hot).
  4. Close the vessel tightly, let it brew for 40 minutes. Filter.
  5. The used rosehip is laid out in a small saucepan and poured with water (500 ml per 1 tsp of cake), heated for 30 minutes.
  6. Ready broth is filtered, mixed with infusion. For improvement palatability it is allowed to add a honey product.

The above technique first of all carefully extracts vitamins and elements that have high sensitivity to an increase in temperature, and prolonged cooking draws out the remaining components.

How to brew dried rosehip

To get the most healthy drink, it is recommended to use whole dry fruits.

  1. Rinse the berries.
  2. Put 1.5 tablespoons in a saucepan and pour 250 ml of boiling water over it.
  3. Wrap up with a warm blanket.
  4. Leave for 6-12 hours.

Ready infusion is filtered and consumed 100 ml twice a day.

Rosehip decoction

This method of preparing a drink retains all the beneficial properties vegetable product.

So that the berries are not lost healing properties, boil them over low heat is not recommended.

  • dry fruits - 50 g;
  • boiling water - 2 cups.

Rinse the main component. Finely chop, put in a bowl. Pour hot liquid, close, warm over water vapor for a quarter of an hour, filter. In the finished infusion, add water to the original volume. The decoction is taken half a cup twice a day for 2 weeks.

How to cook in a thermos

To save maximum number elements and minerals, it is best to prepare a drink in a thermos with a glass flask. The metal type of the flask significantly reduces the usefulness of the infusion, so it is not recommended to use it for brewing.

  1. Wash dry berries (130 g) and dry a little.
  2. Share in clean vessel and pour hot boiled water.
  3. Leave for 8-12 hours.

It is allowed to reuse the fruits, but not more than 2 times. In the finished infusion, you can add lemon or flower honey. Consume 1 glass a day before meals for 30 minutes.

Welding without a thermos

It is forbidden to take aluminum dishes for cooking, as it quickly reacts with vitamin C. It would be better to prepare an enameled container (steel).

  1. Pour liquid and boil.
  2. Remove from the stove, pouring dry berries at the rate of 1/2 cup per 1 liter of water.
  3. Cover and wrap with a warm cloth for 30 minutes.
  4. Grind soft fruits directly in the pan, cover again, leave for 4 hours.
  5. The infusion is filtered. Pour into a convenient container and put in the refrigerator.

The shelf life is 4 days. Take 250 ml per day in a diluted or pure form.

The rhizomes of the shrub are used in the inflammatory process of the excretory system, for a better outflow of bile, and also as an anesthetic.

  1. Preparation of raw materials. Rinse and thinly cut off the outer skin.
  2. Grind, pour 1 tbsp into a saucepan and pour in boiling water (1 cup).
  3. Cover with a blanket and leave for 6 hours.
  4. Filter by pouring into a convenient container.

Consume herbal remedy half an hour before meals, 50 ml during the day. Not subject to storage.

shrub leaves

Used mainly in dermatology and ophthalmology. They have an analgesic and disinfectant effect, relieve inflammation.

Rinse the collected fresh petals, finely chop with a knife. A glass of hot liquid will require 1 tbsp. main ingredient. You can brew both in a thermos and in a saucepan (heat-resistant dishes), in time - half an hour.

Drink in a multicooker

For delicious and healthy drink in the multicooker, modes such as "Extinguishing" or "Steaming" are used.

  • dried (fresh) berries - 250 g;
  • water - 2 l;
  • slice of lemon.

Rinse the fruits and pour into a bowl, add lemon and water. Close, set the mode "Extinguishing / Steaming", time - 60 minutes. After preparation, we leave the drink on heating for another 4-5 hours. We filter the infusion, we accept.

Traditional medicine recipes

To eliminate diseases in ancient times, healers developed many various options drinks based on rose hips. Today it is proposed to consider only the most effective and popular of them.

Rosehip tea

Brewing a simple tea and adding a few berries to it will not be difficult. The drink can be drunk to increase immunity, with influenza, SARS and acute respiratory infections.

Cold tea leaves - 5 g;

wild rose (dry) - 5 pcs.;

viburnum - 10 g;

flower honey - 1 tsp;

boiling water - 1 cup.

Combine all ingredients in a thermos, leave for a quarter of an hour. warm drink divide by 2 times. Remove weakness and inflammatory processes, improve performance. The bee product is best added to a drink before bed.
Heat tea leaves - 5 g;

raspberries (berries) - 7-8 pcs.;

raspberry leaves - 3 pcs.;

wild rose - 8 pcs;

water - 400 ml.

Mix, hold for 20 minutes. Strain and consume warm. Reduces high temperature, has a warming effect.
Immunostimulating tea leaves - 1 tsp;

boiling water - 300 ml;

bush berries - 5 pcs.

Brew for 15 minutes, filter and take 200 ml per day.
Insomnia, fatigue, nervous tension tea leaves - 5 g;

fruits (crushed) - 1 tsp;

hot water - 1 glass;

slice of lemon.

Stand for a quarter of an hour, filter and take once a day in a warm form.

Making compote at home

This version of the drink is the fastest, not expensive and delicious.

  • dried berries - 250 g;
  • liquid - 1.5 l;
  • granulated sugar (optional) - 50 g.

Wash the fruits of the shrub, dry slightly, chop. Pour into the prepared container, fill with water and set on the stove, turning on the strong heat. After boiling, reduce heat, continue to cook for 10 minutes. Soak under the lid, wrapped in a blanket for 1.5 hours. Sugar is added at the end.

Tip: compote can be made with fresh berries hawthorn, apples, raisins and other dried fruits.

Weight loss with rose hips

To prepare a drink you will need:

  • fruits - 90 g;
  • water - 1.5 l.

Process the berries, cut into 2 parts, pour liquid. Warm the container with the contents over water vapor for 60 minutes. Then wrap under a blanket, hold for 1 hour. For achievement good result per day you need to drink 1.5 liters of the drink, and also eat 2 baked apples with cinnamon and honey.

The second option for weight loss is sorbitol and rosehip.

  1. Combine 100 g of berries with 2 cups of boiling water, brew for 8 hours.
  2. Filter, dissolve 3 tablespoons of sorbitol in 200 ml of drink, consume.
  3. After half an hour, drink the remaining drink.
  4. After 60 minutes you are allowed to eat fresh vegetables or fruits (unsweetened).

Conduct this procedure it is possible 1 time in 2 days, a course - 6 sessions.

Rose Hips and Oats: Liver Cleanser

It is used for preventive purposes no more than 2 times a year, and for people with liver disease - 1 time in 3 months (after consulting the attending physician).

  • onion peel (chopped) - 10 g;
  • oat grains - 50 g;
  • pine needles - 20 g;
  • drink from berries - 1 l.

All ingredients are mixed and poured with hot broth. The remedy is infused for 12 hours, filtered and taken during the day. Keep no more than a day.

How to drink for children

Plant-based drinks should be introduced into the diet no earlier than 6 months. Moreover, the concentration should be minimal. It is best to mix with tea, other fruits or prepare a weak compote - no more than 50 ml per day.

At an older age, the drink can be taken 1 glass per day. The course of taking a fortified drink is 7 days, after a break and can be repeated again.

When allergic rash it is necessary to exclude a plant product.

Rosehip during pregnancy

When carrying children, it is allowed to take decoctions and infusions from the fruits of the bush. Per day - no more than 400 ml of tea or compote.

Concentrated formulations are taken in courses of 10 days. After a mandatory break for a week and you can continue. With regular use, rosehip helps to normalize water balance in the body of the expectant mother and strengthen the immune system.

In contact with

Rosehip (or wild rose) - very common medicinal plant. It is unpretentious, grows in many latitudes, it is easy to use in Everyday life. All decoctions, infusions, teas and preparations with the addition of wild rose have a complex beneficial effect for the whole body. Not only berries are used, but also the roots, stems, leaves and flowers of this plant.


Rosehip, thanks to the vitamins and nutrients it contains, can quickly put a person on his feet. This berry brings many benefits, helps in strengthening the immune system, fights viruses and pathogenic bacteria. Decoctions, infusions are made from it, dried, boiled and even added to some dishes.

The pulp of rose hips contains the following useful components:

  • Vitamin C- about 20%. Among other vitamins, this one is considered the most powerful and useful against colds. He fights with free radicals in the body, binding them and preventing them from destroying tissues. Vitamin C also enhances the properties of other vitamins in the human body. It contains interferon, regulates lipid levels, carbohydrate metabolism and blood clotting, strengthens connective and bone tissues;
  • Tannins. It is tannins that help the body stop blood in case of blood loss, fight viruses and bacteria;
  • Vitamin B2. Contains riboflavin, which saturates the blood with oxygen, helping cells absorb it;
  • fruit acids. Renew the cells and skin of the human body;
  • Vitamin P Blood vessels must be elastic and work smoothly, it is vitamin P that helps them. It also contains the substance rutin, which equalizes pressure, expanding or constricting blood vessels. Helps relieve puffiness, allergies and fights viruses;
  • Flavonoids. In combination with vitamin C, flavonoids acquire the properties to strengthen and increase the resistance of body tissues. This means that the amount of edema will decrease, and it will be more difficult for infections and bacteria to enter the body;
  • Vitamin P.P. Vitamin PP helps the body absorb better vegetable protein. Improves coal metabolism, peristalsis and stomach function;
  • Tannins. A very strong natural antidote that can even reduce the effects of mercury and lead poisoning on the body;
  • Vitamin K Helps to quickly heal tissues, enhancing regeneration and blood clotting. Contains the substance phylloquinone, which helps the work of the liver, heart, intestines and stomach, and also participates in the work of "breathing" of cells;
  • Linoleic acid. Aligns hormonal and water balance in the body, helping to reduce weight;
  • Carotene. It is carotene that most strongly enhances human immunity, due to which it is less susceptible to colds, viral and infectious diseases. Participates in reproductive function organism;
  • pectin substances. Balances blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Reduces the risk of cancer.

Rosehip seeds contain fatty oil, vitamin E, salts of potassium, iron, magnesium, manganese and phosphorus, as well as carotene. The leaves and roots contain a lot of tannin.

It is thanks to ascorbic acid and beneficial trace elements that this berry has established itself in official and folk medicine as one of the strongest natural antioxidants. Rosehip infusions and decoctions are often prescribed for people with anemia, as it helps to better absorb iron.

Medicinal properties of rosehip decoction

According to the content of vitamins (especially ascorbic acid) and nutrients, rose hips are far ahead of currants, lemons and many others. healthy fruits and berries. Rosehip tea can be drunk as a prophylaxis, it has a pleasant taste. But even with plain tea it is better not to overdo it in order to avoid oversaturation, besides, the berries have a strong diuretic effect.

Rosehip has the following medicinal properties:

  • Has an antihistamine effect;
  • Improves liver function;
  • It has antispasmodic and bacteriostatic effect;
  • Stimulates fibrinolysis, brain activity, physical performance and collagen production;
  • Cholagogue antioxidant;
  • Prevents the formation of kidney stones, blood clots in the body;
  • Normalizes the balance of water and salt in the body, metabolism;
  • Reduces cholesterol levels;
  • Helps with deficiency of vitamins and microelements;
  • Protects the body, strengthening the immune system;
  • Accelerates regeneration, helping to heal wounds;
  • Relieves tension in the walls of blood vessels, regulates their permeability and blood clotting;
  • Quickly restores the mucous membrane of the mouth.

The highest content of vitamin C (sometimes more than 18%) falls mainly on bushes and plants growing in the eastern and northern regions.

Useful decoction, tea and infusion of wild rose for teenagers and schoolchildren in the spring. After winter beriberi, with chronic fatigue, berries and decoctions strengthen the body and help fight diseases.

For what ailments should the decoction be used?

Thanks to chemical composition rosehip, it helps in the treatment of various colds, flu, SARS, tonsillitis, etc. However, these diseases are not all that the berry is useful for.

The use of berries or rosehip leaves in decoctions and tinctures is advisable when the following pathologies and diseases:

In addition to the listed rosehip broth, it is recommended to drink with exhaustion and dehydration. It is also important to remember that the berry does not cure the listed diseases, it strengthens the immune system and helps the body fight the disease on its own. For the treatment of all of these diseases, it is recommended to consult a doctor. The doctor will also tell you if rose hips can be taken along with prescribed medications and in what form it will be most effective for the patient.

Daily rate

Any drinks containing rose hips are recommended to be stored open for no more than a day in a dark and cool place. It is not advised to use old or spoiled decoctions and infusions, they will not bring benefits to the body. During storage, it is impossible to allow oxygen to enter jars and bottles, since the oxidation process immediately begins. Due to the strong oxidation process, it is not worth storing decoctions and infusions in metal containers; it is advised to use clay and glass containers for storage.

It is recommended to take drugs, decoctions, infusions and teas with rose hips as follows:

  • It is recommended to drink rose hips in courses, there will be almost no effect from a single use. The course usually involves two to four weeks of medication;
  • The norm should be reduced only during pregnancy, since 10 berries already contain daily rate ascorbic acid;
  • Between courses it is advised to take a break of a month or more;
  • It is not recommended to drink rose hips on an empty stomach, as it can irritate the stomach lining, but doctors prescribe drinking it before meals, due to its ability to improve appetite.

Drink a decoction or infusion of wild rose should be in small portions three times a day. Tea is drunk twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.

Preparation of rosehip broth

Before cooking medicines, infusions or teas, it is important to carefully select the berries from the bush. It is not recommended to pick berries near roads or in cities, it is best to go to the forests when picking. The berries are dried in the oven. Watch the drying carefully, the fruits should not turn black. Dried berries can be stored for a long time, they are used in all rosehip recipes.

About 10 medium-sized berries are usually used per 250 ml. Do not boil decoctions and infusions, when bubbles appear, the water heating is turned off. Decoction and infusion should stand for at least 8 hours.

2 tablespoons of finely chopped fruit are poured into a teapot with about a glass of boiling water. This tea is infused for at least 10 minutes. You can drink it several times a day, but not more than three, you should not overdo it.

You can also drink regular rosehip tea. For one teaspoon of green, black tea or 3 tablespoons of crushed rose hips are used. All this is poured with boiling water and infused. Such teas are less effective than infusions and decoctions, but are useful for prevention.

A decoction of petals and leaves

A decoction of rosehip flower petals is used to treat colds and in many cosmetics. 100 grams of whole petals are poured into a glass hot water. This substance is kept on the stove over high heat for several minutes, and then poured into a glass or clay container with a tight stopper. The decoction is left for 12 hours. It is used to wash the face, or inside 50 ml three times a day.

There is a decoction of the leaves, it helps not only with colds, but also with pain in the gastrointestinal tract. 2 tablespoons of finely chopped rosehip leaves are poured into 400 ml cool water. For 15 minutes, this substance is cooked over low heat on the stove, then infused and filtered. Every 2 hours it should be taken 50 ml.

Alcohol tincture

For alcohol tincture, 1 full glass of dried rose hips is used. They are scalded with boiling water and soaked in 500 ml of water. After swelling, the water is drained, the berries fall asleep in glass jar. About 250 ml of 70% medical alcohol, seven tablespoons of sugar and a liter are poured into it. boiled water. The jar is hermetically sealed and placed in a cool dark place for infusion. The liquid is infused for a month, the jar should be shaken periodically.

Rosehip oil

Rosehip oil is quite simple to prepare and is used both in medicinal and in preventive and cosmetic purposes. It is dripped into shampoo to strengthen hair and into the nose with a runny nose. 100 grams of dried berries are crushed, poured into 500 ml of heated to a boil vegetable oil. The mass is poured into a glass container, shaken periodically, stored for 2 weeks in a warm place. After straining, it is ready for use.

Rosehip Root Bath

It is no secret that the best cosmetologists in the world use the wild rose. Many models and actresses take rosehip baths to improve the color and structure of the skin, to rejuvenate the body. For a full glass of rosehip roots, 2 liters of boiling water are used. This mass is cooked on low heat for 15 minutes. Then it is infused for about 2 hours, filtered and added to a bath filled with water.


A complete contraindication to the use of wild rose are diseases from the category of thrombophlebitis, endocarditis and heart failure in the stage of dystrophy. Of course, you can not use it in the presence of allergies or individual intolerance.

Since the berry contains a large number of ascorbic acid, reduce the dose and consult a doctor for people with stomach and intestinal ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis, etc.

As already described above, it is worth limiting the use during pregnancy and lactation. An excess of vitamins can have a bad effect on the child, in addition, a strong diuretic effect can complicate the work of the kidneys.

Alcohol tinctures with rose hips increase pressure, so they should not be taken by people with. The constant use of the berry can worsen the functioning of the liver. Infusions and decoctions on the roots can provoke constipation.

Drink decoctions, infusions and rosehip teas in moderation, and then Negative consequences will be kept to a minimum.

rosehip decoction

Rosehip decoction and its beneficial properties. How to prepare a decoction of wild rose. How to prepare a rosehip infusion in a thermos. How to cook healthy and delicious drink from the rosehip. You will learn about all this from this article.

Most likely, you have already heard about the beneficial properties of rose hips, from which decoctions, infusions, syrups are prepared, compotes and even jam are cooked. Why is rosehip decoction so useful? Rosehip is a natural multivitamin remedy, the benefits of which have been known since ancient times.

Useful properties of wild rose, preparation of a decoction and infusion of rose hips, the use of infusion and decoction of rose hips

A drink made from rose hips will be especially useful in the cold season, when the body becomes susceptible to all sorts of respiratory problems. viral infections. Take for example, yesterday we had -20 on the thermometer, and today it is already +5. Not every organism can withstand such sharp drops temperature. Someone begins to squish, someone is overcome by coughing, fever and severe malaise. However, you should not immediately run to the pharmacy for expensive vitamins and powders, because there are ancient remedies that nature itself gave to man. You just need to know how to properly use its gifts.

Rosehip decoction and its beneficial properties

Infusions, decoctions, drinks and syrups prepared from rose hips are used:

  • as a tonic and anti-inflammatory agent for colds;
  • as a vitamin remedy for vitamin deficiencies, especially vitamin C deficiency (vitamin C in rose hips is more than in blackcurrant and even more than in lemon fruits);
  • as an immunostimulating agent that stimulates both the central and peripheral immune response. Promotes the release of immunoglobulin A, which provides local protection of the mucosa from infection;
  • as a means of improving metabolism;
  • as a diuretic in diseases of the urinary system;
  • has an astringent and fixing effect;
  • used for gastritis low acidity, with colitis, ulcerative colitis and fissure of the rectum;
  • used as a choleretic and hepatoprotective agent, used for liver diseases, cholecystitis, cholangitis;
  • in diseases of the heart and blood vessels, lower blood pressure, used for angina pectoris and atherosclerosis (reduces blood cholesterol);
  • with iron deficiency and applescience anemia;
  • as a hemostatic and wound healing agent.

How to cook rosehip broth at home?

For cooking we need:

dry rose hips (we take at the rate of 1 tablespoon of fruits per one glass of water).

1. Preliminarily grind dry rose hips. To do this, you can use a mortar or, if there is no mortar, then place the fruits on a towel.

2. We wrap them in a towel, grind them with a rolling pin or a kitchen hammer.

3. Unfold the towel.

4. Place the crushed rose hips in an enamel bowl (do not use metal dishes to avoid the destruction of vitamin C) and pour hot water.

5. Put on a slow fire and bring to a boil, leaving for 1-2 minutes on low heat. Turn off.

6. We close the rosehip broth with a lid and place it under the doll - a heating pad. If there is no such doll, then you can wrap the pan with a terry towel.

7. Leave in this form for 60 minutes. Then we filter. Rosehip broth is ready for use.

How to prepare a rosehip infusion using a thermos

A healthy vitamin drink can be prepared using a thermos with a glass flask. For this method, the fruits are not crushed. The proportions are preserved, that is, we take at the rate of 1 tbsp. dried fruits in 1 glass of water.


Pour rose hips into a thermos and pour boiling water over it. We leave for 5-6 hours. Then we filter, the rosehip infusion is ready for use.

From the resulting broth can be prepared healthy drink rosehip

How to make a rosehip drink

To prepare a drink, we need:

  • ready-made rosehip broth from fruits;
  • lemon;

rosehip drink

To the cooled rosehip broth, add freshly squeezed lemon juice and honey. Or you can do it even easier, pour the rosehip broth into glasses, add a slice of lemon and honey to each glass to taste. It is advisable to drink such a rosehip drink through a straw (to protect tooth enamel from destruction).

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