Verbena tea useful properties. Traditional medicine recipes with verbena officinalis. Benefits of verbena herb

Verbena officinalis - herbaceous plant or a shrub with an erect or creeping stem, growing up to 100 cm. The leaves of the plant are small, opposite, oblong. Small flowers are collected in inflorescences-panicles. Vervain flowers can be different colors and shades. Verbena blooms from early summer to mid-October. It grows in North America, Europe and Asia, in Russia (except for the northern part of the middle lane). Stems, leaves and flowers are harvested during the flowering period, the roots are harvested in autumn or spring.

Cultivation of verbena

Growing verbena does not require special knowledge and effort, but there are still some features of its cultivation. To get seedlings, seeds must be sown in February, after germination, sprouts can be planted on the site in March. The soil is desirable to use loamy, containing humus. It needs to be lightly fed in advance with nitrogenous fertilizers, an overabundance of them will lead to the fact that the plant will not bloom well. Verbena loves bright and warm places and abundant watering.

Useful properties of verbena

The chemical composition of verbena differs in the content of iridoid glycosides, flavonoids, tannins, steroids, carotene, alkaloids. Beneficial effect mucous substances, essential oil, bitterness, soluble silicic acid exert on the human body.

Verbena has antispasmodic, analgesic, choleretic action. Its restorative and tonic properties help to easily cope with various diseases. Verbena officinalis normalizes metabolism and improves performance digestive tract. AT postpartum period taking vervain-based products enhances uterine contraction and stimulates lactation.

The use of verbena

In folk medicine, verbena is used for colds, headaches, colic in the intestines. Tea and decoction of leaves and flowers of vervain - excellent medicinal potion. Verbena is able to excite appetite, is used for cholecystitis, neurodermatitis, cholelithiasis, gastritis, hepatitis: 1 tablespoon of the herb must be poured with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Take an infusion of 100 ml 2 times a day.

The use of vervain promotes speedy recovery with laryngitis, inflammation of the lungs, acute respiratory diseases, bronchitis, due to the diaphoretic properties of the substances contained in the plant. it useful plant effective for improving well-being and getting rid of acne, boils, psoriasis, ulcers, eczema. The herb has an excellent effect on the body when chronic gastritis, increases the content gastric juice.

For cooking medicinal decoction you need 1 tablespoon of chopped herbs, pour 0.5 liters of water, cook over low heat for 5 minutes. The broth is set for 45 minutes, filtered, added boiled water to get the original volume. It is recommended to take this medicine 1/2 cup 4 times a day.

External use of the plant in the form of compresses, lotions for inflammatory diseases skin, rashes and difficult to heal wounds provides the body with antimicrobial protection, helps to cleanse the skin. For inflammation of the oral mucosa, verbena infusions are used in the form of rinses, this is also effective in getting rid of bad smell. The root is brewed in the treatment of scrofula, mumps, used as a resolving agent for abscesses.

Cleaning vessels with vervain

Verbena is an excellent raw material for cooking miracle cures, allowing to strengthen and cleanse the walls of arteries and veins, restore damaged capillaries and vascular tone. The saturation of each cell of the organs with oxygen and useful substances depends on the ability of the vessels to pass blood. If these functions are impaired, health problems arise.

Verbena preparations reduce blood viscosity, increase vascular elasticity and efficiency. complex therapy while strengthening immunity, improve microcirculation, normalize metabolic processes at the cellular level, reduce cholesterol levels.

Verbena tea

Verbena tea is effective for cardiovascular diseases, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis. passes fast fatiguability and chronic fatigue in the treatment of vervain diseases of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, violations cerebral circulation. In case of peripheral circulation disorders, dystrophic, sclerotic eye diseases, health improves, headache is eliminated.

Verbena essential oil

Fragrant essential oil of verbena has a positive effect on irritability and apathy, helps to eliminate spasms of cerebral vessels, dizziness and nausea. It is an excellent remedy for asthenia and vegetative dystonia. Regenerating properties essential oil verbena promote quick recovery tissues after bruises, fractures and sprains, accelerate the process of resorption of hematomas.

Applying the oil to the skin may cause slight tingling, a feeling of warmth, and redness. If it lasts only 2-3 minutes, then the oil can be used. It is forbidden to use essential oil on an empty stomach and more than 3 drops per day. It should be taken mixed with honey or washed down with acidified water.

verbena tincture

Tinctures from the aerial part and roots of verbena contain essential oil, ascorbic acid, bitterness, tannins, flavonoids, verbenamine, aucubin, silicic acid, vitamins, trace elements and many others. useful material. The medicinal properties of verbena infusions are used for tumors of the genital organs and for sexual weakness.

Verbena works great as a diaphoretic and contraceptive. The plant increases the secretion of gastric juice, tones the nervous system, normalizes the functioning of the liver, helps with acute respiratory viral infections and pneumonia.

Contraindications to the use of verbena

Treatment with preparations of verbena officinalis is contraindicated in hypertension, with individual intolerance to any of the components. Not recommended for children under 14 years of age. Pregnant women are advised to refrain from using infusions and decoctions, teas and essential oils. Long term use preparations based on vervain can lead to irritation of the intestinal mucosa.

Verbena officinalis has been known for its powerful beneficial properties since time immemorial, as soon as this herb was not called: Juno's tear, Venus vein, holy herb, pigeon herb, witch's herb, etc. This plant was widely used by healers and healers, it was advised to be treated with it for thrombosis, diseases liver, scrofula, scabies. What is the power and benefit of verbena? What are the benefits of this herb?

About the benefits of verbena

Due to its unique composition and the presence of essential oil, verbena herb is used as a tonic, tonic and normalizing metabolism agent. In this grass large doses contains glycosides useful for humans and. It has been proven that verbena has the ability to reduce body temperature (in case of fever and fever), increase the secretion of bile and sweat. Also, this plant has antibacterial properties and is able to relieve muscle spasms.

When using verbena, the healing process is significantly accelerated. various wounds and lesions on the skin, this plant is used externally in the form of lotions for many skin diseases: ulcers, rashes, eczema, furunculosis, scabies, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, acne, boils, etc. For inflammation of the gums and bad breath, verbena decoction is used as a rinse.

Many mental health problems and nervous system can be eliminated by using preparations of verbena officinalis. With strong emotional experiences and stress, with nervous disorders and strong tension, with insomnia, hysteria, depression and even epilepsy, verbena is used. It is this herb, which the Celtic druids called "holy", that will help fight chronic fatigue, exhaustion and loss of strength. In ancient times, it was believed that a child who carries vervain grass with him is an “excellent” student.

Verbena - beautiful perennial which reaches a height of up to one meter. It has inflorescences in the form of balls, which make up small flowers of blue, purple, white flowers. The plant blooms in summer, bears fruit in early September. There are more than 230 types of verbena, in our country the plant is found in the Urals, the Caucasus, in the European part. Verbena grows on old ruins, along gorges, along the banks of streams, on the edges of the forest. In the Caucasus these beautiful flowers can be seen high above sea level.

Verbena: composition and useful properties

All parts of the plant have healing properties in verbena. Basically, the ground part is harvested, this happens during flowering, the plant accumulates during this period a large number of essential oil. Dryers are used to dry raw materials, you can dry the grass on fresh air. It is better to store verbena grass in paper bags.

In the composition of verbena officinalis: tannins, essential oil, steroids, bitterness, silicic acid, mucus, aucubin, vitamins, flavonoids and trace elements. Most often, verbena is used in folk medicine in Asia and Europe.

Beneficial features verbena have been known since time immemorial. In the Middle Ages, almost all diseases were treated with it, considering it a panacea for all ailments. In times of epidemics, vervain was worth its weight in gold. It was used to treat leprosy, skin diseases, scrofula, tonsillitis, fever. AT Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece verbena was considered a sacred herb. It was called "Grass of Hercules" and "Blood of Mercury". The Gauls gave her another name - "Devil's Poison" for the fact that verbena was used in witchcraft rites and in the preparation of love drinks. A bouquet of vervain was given only to those who wished health and wellness, she was kept in the house, believing that she would drive out evil spirits and protect the house. Other names for verbena officinalis: holy grass, iron ore, Juno's tear and others.

Among the therapeutic actions that verbena has:

  • anti-inflammatory,
  • blood-purifying,
  • antiviral,
  • restorative.

Verbena officinalis is able to improve digestion, increase appetite, increase the secretion of gastric juice. It reduces body temperature during fever, relieves spasms, and helps to normalize metabolism. The essential oil contains the substance citral, which has reserpine-like and hypotensive action, can lower blood pressure.

The use of verbena in medicine

In Tibetan, Chinese and Korean medicine, verbena officinalis is used for eczema and ulcers, as well as a diaphoretic for tumors. Indians use it like contraceptive. A decoction with verbena in European countries is considered useful for colds, headache, toothache.

In folk medicine, verbena is part of herbal preparations in the treatment of many diseases:

  • chronic hepatitis,
  • cholecystitis,
  • laryngitis,
  • bronchitis,
  • hypotension,
  • with thrombosis,
  • anemia,
  • with atherosclerosis.

A decoction of the leaves and flowers of verbena is useful for inflammation of the mucous membranes, and is used for rinsing. The essential oil of the plant is an excellent antiseptic, anti-inflammatory agent that is beneficial in the treatment of eye diseases.

Verbena contraindications

Verbena has much more useful properties than contraindications, but they exist. With caution, it should be taken by people prone to allergies. Individual intolerance is possible. Pregnant women, children under 12, hypertensive patients and nursing mothers should not include verbena tea in their diet.

cooking recipes

Healing verbena tea

Method of preparation: 20 g of crushed verbena flowers, 1 cup of boiling water. The mixture should be infused and cooled. It is recommended to drink at one time.

Verbena tea improves blood circulation, eliminates headaches and fever, restores menstrual cycle, lowers the temperature.

Verbena infusion

10 g of raw material is poured into 300 ml of boiling water. The mixture must be heated in a water bath for about 30 minutes. Wait until it cools down and drink 1/4 cup before dinner for colds, furunculosis, scrofula.

2 tsp herbs and flowers pour 400 ml of boiling water. Infuse the mixture for several hours. For thrombosis, it is recommended to use 5 grams of infusion every two hours.

A decoction of verbena

10 g of raw materials are poured into 500 ml of water and put on fire. It is enough to bring the mixture to a boil and let it cool. Strain through a strainer and restore the original volume by adding boiled water. For diseases of the liver and spleen, sclerosis and thrombosis, it is recommended to take this decoction about 300 ml per day, divided into 4 doses.

Soothing verbena infusion

20 g of herbs brew 200 ml of water. Insist. Drink the resulting infusion, dividing it into two doses during the day.

Infusion for rinsing

1 st. l. raw materials brew 300 ml of boiling water. After a couple of hours, when the mixture is infused, you can gargle with it, oral cavity to get rid of inflammation.

Verbena officinalis is not only an attractive plant. Beyond the beautiful appearance she has unique composition, for which, in fact, she is valued. Due to its healing properties, the plant is often used in folk and traditional medicine. Vervain is popularly called a magical plant, holy herb, coolant, iron. With the help of this herb in the old days, all evil spirits and evil spirits were expelled.

Description of the plant, procurement of medicinal raw materials.

Verbena officinalis is a herbaceous perennial that can reach a height of fifty or more centimeters. The plant is equipped with: an erect, tetrahedral stem, branching upward, covered along the edges with adpressed hairs, opposite leaves located on short petioles and beautiful small flowers collected in large and sparse panicles. The verbena fruit is a wrinkled, dihedral-convex oblong nutlet of a brown or brown color.

This plant has a very powerful rhizome, which is called a korelishnik, gruel or korplisnik. Verbena officinalis blooms in the middle summer period- the month of July, and the fruits ripen at the beginning autumn period- in September.

This medicinal herb is distributed almost throughout the globe, but it is more common in Europe. It grows, as a rule, on the edges of forests, in meadows, along streams and on the shores of the seas.

For the preparation of medicines, almost all parts of verbena are used: the aerial part, rhizomes. It is advisable to start harvesting raw materials during the period of the most intense flowering - in the month of August. By this period, the grass will have time to accumulate in itself maximum amount healing substances, in particular essential oil, which has a specific camphor aroma.

After collecting the raw material, it must be thoroughly dried. This is best done either in a well ventilated area or on outdoors. You can also use special dryers. But in this case, it is important to adhere to the recommended temperature, not exceeding fifty degrees. The prepared raw materials should be stored in a dry room, preferably in special boxes.

Verbena officinalis - composition, healing properties

As already mentioned, the plant has wide application in alternative medicine, and this is due, first of all, to its rich chemical composition and arsenal healing properties. In this medicinal herb contains a certain amount:

  • glycosides;
  • essential oils;
  • carotene;
  • tannin;
  • bitter substances;
  • silicic acid;
  • mucous substances;
  • steroids;
  • flavonoids;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • verbenamine.

Concerning pharmacological properties, then this plant has:

  • diuretic;
  • vasodilating;
  • disinfectant;
  • antimicrobial;
  • sedative;
  • expectorant;
  • diaphoretic;
  • antiseptic;
  • astringent;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antipyretic;
  • choleretic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • wound healing;
  • antiallergic;
  • bactericidal;
  • stimulating;
  • enveloping;
  • anticarcinogenic;
  • antitoxic effect.

Medicines based on this magical plant contribute to:

  • normalization metabolic processes;
  • excretion from the body toxic substances and slag;
  • restoration of damaged areas of mucous membranes;
  • protection of blood vessels from the formation of plaques and deposits;
  • inhibition of enzymes that break down hyaluronic acid;
  • strengthening vascular walls;
  • neutralization free radicals;
  • removal of oxidized products;
  • neutralization harmful substances and compounds that provoke the formation malignant neoplasms;
  • revitalization defensive forces organism;
  • increased secretion of sweat and bile;
  • elimination of muscle spasms;
  • lowering the temperature;
  • restoration of damaged capillaries;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • increase the elasticity of blood vessels.

Verbena is used to treat: ulcers, various skin ailments (rashes, acne), eczema, furunculosis, scabies, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, insomnia, epilepsy, hysteria, thrombophlebitis, rheumatism, angina pectoris, gout, varicose veins veins, bronchitis, hepatitis, laryngitis, hypotension, tracheitis, cholelithiasis.

Verbena officinalis - use in alternative medicine

Teas, decoctions, infusions, tinctures, oil are prepared from this miraculous plant. Also, verbena is used in the form of lotions, compresses, baths and washings.

Preparation of healing verbena tea. This remedy will help lower the temperature, eliminate fever and fever, restore the menstrual cycle, increase lactation, eliminate headaches, improve blood circulation. To make tea, take twenty grams of crushed verbena flowers and brew in a glass of boiled water. Let the remedy cool down and infuse. Filter and consume the tea in one go.

Preparation of verbena tincture. This drug has antitumor, diaphoretic and restorative properties. It is recommended to use it for: normalizing the functioning of the liver, increasing the production of gastric juice, relieving inflammation. Take six tablespoons of dried flowers of the plant, cut into smaller pieces and pour 1 liter of vodka. Place the container in a dark, cool room for twenty days. Use a spoonful of filtered medicine no more than three times a day. Do not forget to dilute the product in water before taking.

Verbena infusion helps to eliminate furunculosis, scabies, scrofula. Ten grams of finely chopped inflorescences pour 300 milliliters of boiling water. Then put the container on the stove and simmer in a water bath for half an hour. Cool and drink ¼ cup of medicine before meals. The same medicinal product can be used to treat colds.

Decoction for the treatment of diseases of the spleen and liver, thrombosis and sclerosis. Place ten grams of dried, finely chopped grass in an enamel saucepan, pour half a liter of water. Put the container on the stove, boil the product. Set the container aside for an hour, then filter and bring the resulting volume of broth with boiling, slightly cooled water to the original. Use 50-70 ml of medicine four times a day.

Compresses will get rid of trophic ulcers, rheumatism, fistulas, scabies. First, take twenty grams of plant grass, pour it into a bag of gauze, and dip the raw material into boiled water for literally a minute. Cool the product and apply to the affected areas skin twice a day, cover with cellophane, compression paper on top, and secure the compress with a bandage. The duration of the procedure is an hour.

Atherosclerosis, thrombosis: treatment with verbena infusion. Brew two spoons of flowers and herbs of the plant in 400 ml of boiled water, let it brew for several hours, filter. Take five grams medicinal product every two hours.

Preparation of a soothing infusion. Brew twenty grams of chopped herbs with one glass of boiling water, leave to brew, strain and drink half a glass of medicine twice a day.

Stomatitis, tonsillitis: treatment with verbena. Brew a spoonful of finely chopped raw materials in 300 ml of boiled water, then let it brew for a couple of hours. Take 50-70 ml of infusion three times a day. The same tool can be used to rinse the mouth.

Since ancient times, verbena officinalis has been famous for its various beneficial properties. The Celtic Druids called her "saint". Vervain was used by healers and doctors in their medical practice.

In this article, we will look at chemical composition, useful medicinal properties verbena, restrictions on its use, its use in cooking, collection and storage of verbena raw materials.

The chemical composition of verbena officinalis

Each part of verbena is rich in essential oils, has bitterness and mucus, steroids (sitosterol), tannins, flavonoids (artemetin), iridoid glycoside (verbenalin), chastatoside, triterpenoids (lupeol, ursolic acid), carotenoids, verbenamine, aucubin, silicic acid, vitamins , micro and macro elements. Verbena leaves contain ascorbic acid.

Did you know?About two hundred species of verbena are known, but only one - verbena officinalis - is used in medicine.

Medicinal properties of verbena officinalis

The range of medicinal properties of verbena is very large. Verbena acts as a blood purifier, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and tonic. It can also improve liver function, digestion of food, increase appetite and restore body cells, the secretion of gastric juice increases, and metabolism is normalized.

Preparations containing vervain help to lower the temperature, increase the secretion of sweat and bile, and remove muscle spasms. Citral is able to lower blood pressure, has a reserpine-like and hypotensive effect. Verbena is used to treat thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, rheumatism and gout.

Cleaning vessels with verbena is also effective. It is endowed with astringent properties, which is why it is used for indigestion, impaired digestion, and lack of appetite.

Verbena is great for anemia, various allergies, colic in the intestines, cholecystitis, gastritis, hepatitis, laryngitis, colds, pneumonia, and it also has antiseptic properties.

Important!In large doses, verbena stores useful for human body flavonoids and glycosides.

The use of verbena officinalis in diseases

Verbena officinalis is different huge amount medicinal properties, therefore it is used in the treatment of various diseases: colds and flu, cough, atherosclerosis, insomnia and migraine, headache and toothache, rheumatism, gout, nervous exhaustion, hypotension, scanty menses, general weakness organism and many others.

Did you know? Ancient magicians considered vervain to be a wish-fulfilling herb. They believed that if the body is rubbed with this herb, then everything desired will come true.


It will help you get rid of cough decoction and tea from verbena, which can be prepared by pouring a tablespoon of leaves and flowers of verbena with a glass of boiling water and leaving to infuse for 20 minutes. This infusion must be taken orally four times a day before meals.

Cold and flu

Verbena - very effective assistant in the fight against extremely unpleasant colds (bronchitis, pharyngitis, SARS and others). It lowers body temperature to normal. It also has expectorant properties Airways cleared of mucus).

Colds need to be treated verbena tea which is done like this: brew one tablespoon of verbena herb in half a liter of boiling water, boil for five minutes, then let it brew for twenty minutes, after which the broth is filtered and taken three to four times a day, 50 ml each.

Insomnia and migraine

Verbena herb tinctures simply invaluable in the fight against insomnia, headaches and migraines. With these ailments, an infusion prepared as follows is taken: pour two teaspoons of verbena potion with 200 ml of boiling water and after 10 minutes strain it, take 100 ml twice a day (an hour and a half before meals).


Probably, one of the most pronounced beneficial properties of verbena is anti-atherosclerotic. Verbena perfectly cleanses blood vessels from low-density cholesterol plaques. At the same time, blood circulation improves significantly, and the risk of developing cardiovascular ailments becomes much less.

The recipe for the infusion with this ailment is quite simple: pour a few teaspoons of herbs with one glass of boiling water and strain after a few hours. Take an infusion of one tablespoon every hour.

Physical fatigue and nervous tension

Verbena will perfectly help out with exhaustion, loss of strength and chronic fatigue, it invigorates, gives strength and improves the tone of the body. Also, the use of this herb eliminates many problems with the psyche and nervous system - intense emotional experiences and stress, nervous disorders and strong tensions, depressions, tantrums and epilepsy.

To do this, we prepare and accept such decoction:brew one tablespoon of verbena with a glass of boiling water, strain after a couple of hours and take 100 ml three times a day.

Menstrual irregularity

Essential oil and infusion of verbena officinalis will help with insufficient and short-term menstruation. Verbena normalizes the menstrual cycle in women and significantly reduces the symptoms of PMS and menopause, helps to overcome itching in the vagina. To do this, drink an infusion prepared according to the same recipe as for migraine and insomnia.

How verbena is used in dermatology

The medicinal properties of verbena are also used in dermatology. Lotions, washings and compresses from verbena are applied externally for purulent and infectious-allergic skin diseases - rashes, acne, boils, ulcers, eczema, scabies, furunculosis, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, scrofula, red lichen planus and difficult to heal wounds.

Infusion against skin diseases easy to prepare: three tablespoons of chopped grass are brewed in half a liter of boiling water, then it is wrapped up so that it does not cool down, and it settles for three hours. It is used as lotions and compresses, only in a warm form. Crushed verbena leaves are applied on top of wounds and bruises that are difficult to heal.

Important! The use of a decoction of vervain is possible in the form of a rinse to get rid of bad breath and gum disease.

Procurement and storage of medicinal raw materials

Medicinal raw materials of verbenathis is the entire aerial part of the plant and the root of verbena.

Going verbena officinalisduring its flowering period (July, August, September), it is then that the plant has the maximum amount of essential oil (source of citral).

Roots harvested in spring and autumn. The workpiece is dried in the shade in the fresh air, spread out thin layer or in special dryers. The medicinal raw material is stored in a dry place.

Did you know?Verbena was considered the seventh herb of Venus.

Verbena officinalis in cooking

The use of verbena in cooking is widely known. It is used to prepare marinades and pickles to give them a special spicy smell and strength, and the aerial part of verbena, when it blooms, is used as a substitute for tea.

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