Dry eye syndrome, treatment with folk remedies. Treatment of dry eye folk remedies

Dry eye syndrome in official medicine is called xerophthalmia. It is a disease of the organ of vision, in which the lacrimal gland secretes an insufficient amount of fluid. As a result, the properties and chemical composition of the tear film on the surface of the cornea are disturbed, which can lead to the development of inflammation of the eyes and a decrease in visual acuity.

Treatment of dry eyes with folk remedies can be effectively used in the early stages of the disease as an independent method of getting rid of the disease. In severe forms of the disease, home recipes favorably complement drug therapy.

A thin film on the cornea and tear fluid that bathes the eye perform a protective function. They protect the organ of vision from drying out, prevent injury to the mucous membrane by foreign bodies, and inhibit the development of pathogens. In a healthy person, the tear film has several layers:

  • external - consists mainly of fats, protects against excessive loss of moisture;
  • intermediate - consists of proteins that nourish the cornea, is involved in the processes of light refraction;
  • inner - the base layer, which is adjacent to the mucous membrane of the eye and has protective properties.

In case of violation of the integrity and composition of the layers, the first manifestations of the disease occur, which require qualified medical assistance.

With age, the processes of synthesis of tear fluid worsen, which leads to the gradual development of the disease. After 45 years, up to 30% of people complain of a feeling of discomfort and dryness of the mucous membrane of the organ of vision. In addition to physiological causes, there are external factors that can cause pathology in the lacrimal gland. These include:

  • lack of intake of vitamins from food;
  • (chemical, mechanical);
  • surgical interventions on the eyes;
  • improper hygiene when wearing contact lenses;
  • systemic diseases (Sjögren's syndrome);
  • harmful professional factors;
  • long work at the computer;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions.

In the last decade, dry eye occurs in childhood, which is associated with prolonged use of the computer and frequent TV viewing.

Clinical manifestations, symptoms

The first manifestations of the disease usually do not cause much concern. Dryness of the mucosa is associated with eye fatigue, foreign bodies, or infection.

However, it is at the initial stages of the development of the disease that it is possible to quickly and effectively prevent and maintain healthy vision. Dry eye symptoms are divided into several types:

  • fast fatigue when reading;
  • doubling, reduced image clarity;
  • loss of visual acuity;
  • focusing disorder.
  • hyperemia of the conjunctiva;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • burning sensation, feeling of "sand";
  • pain in the orbital region;
  • intolerance to tobacco smoke, hot and cold air.

Periodically, profuse lacrimation may occur. This is due to the compensatory response of the lacrimal glands to dryness and irritation of the cornea.

Traditional medicine methods that help with xerophthalmia

The fight against the disease at home includes many methods that must be applied at the first symptoms of the disease. The sooner medical care is provided, the better the prognosis for a full restoration of eye health.


  1. For lotions, decoctions of medicinal herbs are recommended. They relieve inflammation, pain and discomfort. Chamomile flowers, marshmallow root, eyebright stems are dried, finely chopped and used to make infusions. Raw materials can be used as a collection or each plant separately. To do this, 2-3 tablespoons of the mixture or one ingredient is poured with a glass of boiling water, cooled to room temperature. Cotton pads are moistened with a filtered solution and placed on the eye socket area. The duration of the procedure is at least a quarter of an hour. It is applied twice a day until the condition is completely improved.
  2. A strong infusion of green tea effectively reduces dry eyes, has a calming effect. To prepare the product, 40 grams of leaves are brewed with 220 ml of hot water, hermetically sealed with a lid and infused for an hour. Moistened with cotton pads cover the eyelids for 20 minutes, at the end of the procedure, the corneal mucosa and conjunctiva are washed with a solution.


  1. Horseradish root must be poured over with boiling water and grated on a fine grater. Finely chopped onion is added to the resulting gruel. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied to the eye socket area, hold for no more than 3-4 minutes. A vegetable compress improves the blood flow of the organ of vision and has an irritating effect, increasing the release of lacrimal fluid.
  2. Fresh potatoes are peeled, washed in running water and rubbed on a fine grater. Squeeze out the juice, place on the eyelids, wash off after 7-12 minutes. Starch reduces burning sensation and has anti-inflammatory properties. To improve the effect, a few drops of freshly squeezed dill juice are added to the vegetable gruel.

Lubrication of the eyelids

The application of irritating substances to the eyelids promotes the synthesis of tear fluid, thereby preventing dryness of the cornea. To do this, use mustard oil, which lubricates the upper eyelids. Liquid is evaporated from camphor oil by heating over a fire in a metal spoon. The resulting powder is mixed with two drops of olive oil and applied to the area around the eyes daily in the morning and evening.


  1. For the normal function of the body, including the organ of vision, it is necessary to consume at least one and a half liters of water per day.
  2. Nutrition should be balanced, include the required amount of trace elements and vitamins.
  3. Eye protection should be worn when working with dangerous machinery or engaging in extreme sports.
  4. In sunny weather, it is recommended to wear goggles for protection.
  5. It is important to follow the rules of working at a computer: rest every 40 minutes, reduce the brightness of the monitor, use local lighting.
  6. Timely treatment of etiological diseases, the correct use of contact lenses significantly reduces the likelihood of developing the disease.

Dry eye therapy with homemade recipes should be carried out after diagnosis and consultation with an ophthalmologist. Self-medication can lead to a deterioration in the condition and significantly reduce visual acuity.

Under the current working and living conditions, the eyes are affected by many different factors, which are far from always positive. For this reason, questions such as dryness, eye, causes and treatment are becoming more and more relevant, can vision fall in this condition or not? In order to give a complete answer, you need to consider the essence of the problem.

Why do eyes get dry

A topic such as "Dry eye: causes and treatment" concerns many ordinary people. Often the cause of such manifestations is a pathological condition, which is called "xerophthalmia". The essence of this problem is reduced to insufficient hydration of the conjunctiva and cornea of ​​​​the eyes due to a lack of tear fluid and instability of the tear film.

This film covers the anterior surface of the eye. Its thickness is approximately 10 µm. The key task of this film is to protect the eye from environmental influences, the ingress of various small foreign bodies and dust, inclusive. Moreover, it is with her participation that the cornea is supplied with oxygen and nutrients, due to which a natural immune defense against infections is formed.

The structure of the tear film

When studying dry eyes, the causes and treatment of this disease, it is worth paying attention to the structure of the tear film, which consists of three layers:

The deepest is the mucin layer. It is produced by the conjunctiva. In addition, it is this layer that covers the cornea, due to which its surface is even and smooth. The main function of this layer is to hold the tear film itself on the corneal epithelium.

Water layer. It is produced by the lacrimal glands. This layer consists of dissolved electrolytes and biologically active substances. It supplies the epithelium of the conjunctiva and cornea with oxygen and nutrients. Moreover, thanks to the water layer, metabolic waste products, carbon dioxide molecules and epithelial cells that have died out are removed.

lipid layer. It is produced and coats the outer side of the aqueous layer. Its key function is to protect and glide the upper eyelid. It also prevents excessive heat transfer from the epithelium of the water layer and its evaporation.

Within the framework of the topic: “Dry eye: causes and treatment”, attention should be paid to the fact that every 10 seconds the tear film breaks, stimulating blinking. As a result, there is an update leading to the restoration of the film.

In one minute, approximately 15% of the entire tear film is renewed. In this case, evaporation of 8% occurs.

It can develop if the above-described gaps have a multiple form. Various factors lead to breaks of this type: a violation of the secretion of mucins, lacrimal fluid and lipids, as well as a very rapid evaporation of the film itself.

Causes of Dry Eye Syndrome

There are various conditions in which there is a decrease in the production of tear fluid. The most common include the following:

Endocrine disorders during menopause and premenopause. This is a deficiency in the production of estrogen.


Severe neurological disorders, Parkinson's disease, kidney disease, pregnancy, inflammatory eye diseases and various disorders in the functioning of the organs of vision, severe malnutrition, infectious and skin diseases.

Autoimmune conditions (Sjögren's disease) and connective tissue diseases. In this case, uncontrolled proliferation of connective tissue in the body is implied, accompanied by blockage of the excretory ducts of the lacrimal glands. The ducts block fibrous foci, which leads to a violation of the full production of tear fluid. As a result, its incorrect distribution over the cornea occurs.

Considering dry eyes, the causes and treatment of this disease, it is necessary to pay attention to the negative effects of antiarrhythmic and antihypertensive drugs during their long-term use. The result of this practice can be a decrease in the production of fluid in the body or dehydration. As a result, the total volume of tears decreases and their viscosity increases. The use of eye ointments and drops that contain anticholinergics, beta-blockers and anesthetics can negatively affect the production of tear fluid.

Various conditions that result in the inability of the eye to close completely can also lead to dryness. For proper hydration, the eyelids must be closed completely.

Using contact lenses that are the wrong size or poor quality.

Properly selected contact lenses do not contribute to the development of myopia, but can affect the change in the tissues of the eye surface, which is often accompanied by discomfort and dry eye syndrome. A comprehensive solution helps - the use of ophthalmic gel and eye drops.

Helps to eliminate the causes of discomfort gel "Korneregel". It contains carbomer on a soft gel base, which retains full hydration, and dexpanthenol, which has a healing effect. When taking Korneregel, contact lenses should be removed or, using a prophylactic gel, applied at the end of the day, at night.

Those who feel discomfort and dryness throughout the day should choose Artelak Balance drops, which combine a combination of hyaluronic acid and vitamin B12. Hyaluronic acid forms a film on the surface of the eye that provides moisture. The moisturizing effect of hyaluronic acid prolongs the special protector. Vitamin B12 is an antioxidant that protects cells from free radical damage.

For those who experience discomfort occasionally and usually by the end of the day, Artelak Splash drops, which contain 0.24% hyaluronic acid, are suitable.

There are contraindications. It is necessary to read the instructions or consult with a specialist.

Violation of the rest and sleep regimen, environmental factors can also play a negative role in the development of the dry eye symptom.

The cause of dry eyes in the morning may be directly related to one or more of the factors mentioned above.

In general, the development of dry eye syndrome is more typical for people living in such climatic zones that require the use of air conditioners and heating systems. This is due to the fact that exposure to dry air leads to the evaporation of fluid from the surface of the eyes.

Who is at risk

Considering dry eye, causes and treatment of this disease, it is important to determine who should be wary of such a problem. First of all, such a disease can manifest itself in residents of megacities, since the level of air pollution has a direct impact on the incidence of dry eye syndrome.

Residents of high mountainous areas may also face a similar problem. As for living conditions that can affect the condition of the eyes, they include prolonged work at the computer. According to studies, more than 70% of women and 60% of men working in the office at the PC have problems with the function of the lacrimal glands.

The topic "Dry eye - causes and treatment at the age of 50" is also relevant. , since women of this age group are faced with a decrease in the level of estrogen in the blood. This, in turn, leads to inadequate hydration of the eye.

Dry eye syndrome - symptoms

In most cases, the symptoms of this problem are not clear, but sometimes, due to the development of complications, quite noticeable disturbances in well-being can appear.

These are the following signs of the disease:

redness of the eyes;

Clumping of the eyelids in the morning;

Feeling of "sand in the eyes" and dryness, which may increase during the day;

When blinking, visual clarity is lost.

If the eyes in this condition are exposed to heat or smoke, the severity of symptoms may be much higher.

This disease also has more severe forms of manifestation:

Severe pain in the eyes that is difficult to endure;

visual impairment;

Increased sensitivity to light;

Significant redness of the eyes that does not go away for a long time.

In some cases, even trauma to the cornea is possible. Therefore, when such symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor.

Treatment methods

If dry eyes appear, the causes and treatment in children and adults should be established by a qualified doctor. Therefore, diagnostics are initially carried out: cytology of a smear from the conjunctiva, analysis of the tear fluid, biomicroscopy, as well as the Norm and Schirmer tests (they determine the rate of formation and subsequent evaporation of the tear fluid).

After the cause of the development of the disease is determined, various methods of treatment can be used, from to surgical intervention.

Within the topic of "dry eye, causes and treatment", drops deserve special attention, since they can be used to neutralize the problem at various levels of development.

Doctors often prescribe medications that restore a stable tear film to the surface of the eyes. If you have to deal with a mild form of the syndrome, drops that have a low viscosity level are often used. If the patient has a moderate and severe form, then drops and gels of medium ("Lakrisin") and high viscosity ("Oftagel", "Vidisik", "Korneregel", "Lakropos") are prescribed.

It should be noted that gels with high viscosity turn into a liquid state in the process of blinking. This allows you to provide the desired level of hydration of the cornea.

Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents

Often, dry eyes are inflamed. In this case, antibiotics may be prescribed, as well as immunosuppressants. We are talking about such drugs as hormonal drops "Dexamethasone", "Oftan", "Maxidex" and drops with cyclosporine "Restasis".

Studying dry eye, causes, treatment and effective impact on this problem in general, you need to pay attention to antibacterial agents. They are used to neutralize inflammatory diseases, which often cause dry eyes. We are talking about ointments with tetracycline and erythromycin. Assign them, as a rule, a course for 7-10 days. They are used before bed.

There are other methods that can effectively treat dry eyes. Causes and treatment (reviews confirm this) often imply such an effective method of influencing the disease as an implantable container in which the tear fluid is located. Install it in the lower eyelid.

Surgical impact

There are several types of minor surgeries that can affect dry eyes. With their successful implementation, the normal production and maintenance of the required amount of tear fluid is restored.

An example is the occlusion of the tear ducts, which drain fluid from the eyes. If they are blocked, then the liquid will begin to accumulate on the outer surface of the eye, which leads to its moistening. To block the ducts, plugs are used, which are removed if necessary. This procedure is not complicated, but it can significantly improve the patient's condition.

If after this operation the problem has not been resolved, cauterization of the tear ducts can be used.

Folk methods

There are a few more methods that are worth mentioning when studying the topic "dry eye - causes and treatment." Folk remedies overcome many common diseases and this syndrome is no exception.

Here are a few examples of this approach:

Chamomile decoction. It is necessary to brew chamomile. In the resulting broth, cotton pads are moistened and applied to the eyes for 10-20 minutes. It is advisable to do this while lying down.

Tea lotions. The same principle is used with the use of cotton pads, only ordinary tea is brewed, and strong.

The use of honey This healing product dissolves in water and is used in the form of compresses.

In general, when studying dry eyes, the causes and treatment of this disease with folk remedies, it is worth noting that it is important not to forget about an integrated approach to the recovery process.


In order to prevent the appearance of dry eyes or to consolidate the result of treatment, you need to follow a few simple principles:

Make sure that the humidity level in the house is approximately 30-50%;

In the cold season, use humidifiers;

Protect your eyes from exposure to direct air currents and especially strong winds;

Use sunglasses.


Obviously, dry eyes can be the result of a whole group of different factors. For this reason, both before and after treatment, it is important to ensure that the cause of the problem does not continue to have a negative impact on the shell of the eye.

Dry eye syndrome is a fairly common ophthalmic disease, which is characterized by insufficient moisture in the conjunctiva and cornea. According to statistics, about 20% of people suffer from this disease, most often women and people of mature age.

The eye of a healthy person has a special tear film, about 10 microns thick, which is designed to protect it from external environmental influences and other particles flying in the air. In addition, the film saturates the eye with essential nutrients and supplies oxygen to the cornea of ​​​​the eye. It is a kind of barrier to infectious agents. However, due to the weakening of the body's defense system, there is a rupture or multiple ruptures of the tear film, as a result of which the cornea does not receive enough lubrication and nutrients. Thus, dry eye syndrome occurs.

Dry eye: causes

There are several reasons that are the main provocateur of the development of dry eye syndrome:

  1. Avitaminosis.
  2. Endocrine system disorders.
  3. Autoimmune disease - Sjögren's disease.
  4. Connective tissue disease.
  5. Parkinson's disease.
  6. Incorrectly selected contact lenses and their prolonged wearing.
  7. Intoxication of the body against the background of prolonged use of drugs.
  8. Dehydration of the body.
  9. Long-term treatment of ophthalmic diseases.
  10. Wrong way of life.
  11. Prolonged stay in an air-conditioned room.

A number of the above diseases can provoke dry eye syndrome, which, if not addressed to an ophthalmologist in time, can develop into something more serious - chemosis. Chemosis is a severe inflammatory disease that leads to swelling of the tissues of the eyelids and the entire surface of the eye. Thus, the dry eye becomes swollen so much that the person sees almost nothing. Folk remedies that have proven their effectiveness through centuries of tests can prejudice the appearance of complications.

Dry eye symptoms

Dry eye does not always have pronounced symptoms and often manifests itself in a mild form. At the same time, the symptoms can be so general that many simply do not pay attention to them. In the later stages of the disease, the symptoms become more pronounced and noticeable. First of all, a person begins to notice that his eye is dry, then a mote sensation appears, which is accompanied by burning or severe itching. Also, a symptom of a dry eye can be morning redness of the eyes, visible swelling of the eyelids, which lasts for several hours and their sticking together.

Dry eye can also be accompanied by photophobia, unbearable pain, sharp deterioration in vision, burning sensation and a constant sensation of a foreign body.


The basis of the treatment of this syndrome are drugs, the action of which is aimed at moisturizing the dry tear film and restoring all its functions. In the fight against this disease, “artificial tears” preparations and ointments with a low and high degree of viscosity are especially popular among patients. They provide the necessary hydration of the cornea and compensate for insufficient reproduction.

However, along with a quick effect, many medications have a large number of side effects. For this reason, folk remedies are gaining more and more popularity, which are in no way inferior in effectiveness to medicines and at the same time, do not harm.

Dry eye: an alternative to medical treatment

Folk remedies are an excellent alternative to medical treatment. They have practically no contraindications and side effects. Thanks to centuries-old secrets, folk remedies guarantee a lasting positive result and overall strengthening of the whole organism.

Eyebright grass is considered the most highly effective plant in ophthalmology. It can be used both for external use and for ingestion. It helps to quickly eliminate dry eye syndrome and contributes to the complete restoration of the tear film.

Also, as a treatment, folk remedies suggest using ordinary onions. This is a rather radical method, however, at the same time, it is extremely effective. With its help, you can quickly and permanently cause natural lacrimation, which in turn will moisturize the eye and eliminate its dryness.

Natural honey, chamomile, calendula and green tea are considered to be no less effective means in the fight against dry eyes. These funds are able to stop the inflammatory processes and provide natural hydration to the eye.

Folk recipes

There are a huge number of folk recipes that are passed down from generation to generation. They are time-tested and highly effective. However, folk remedies must be combined with lifestyle changes and special exercises for the eyes.

Eye wash tinctures:

  1. Sheepdog tincture. To prepare a tincture of sheepskin, you need to mix 1 tbsp. l. herbs with 1 tbsp. running water. After that, the resulting mixture must be brought to a boil and immediately removed. After cooling, the broth is filtered through several layers of gauze to eliminate small particles and grass residues that can injure the eye and is used as baths. To achieve the maximum effect, you need to add a few crystals of sea salt to the tincture. In the resulting broth, one or the other open eye should be lowered in turn.
  2. Chamomile tincture. To prepare chamomile tincture, pour 1 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers 1 tbsp. boiling water, then bring the resulting mixture to a boil in a water bath. After complete cooling, the resulting broth is filtered and used as an eye wash. Chamomile will help slow down and eliminate all inflammatory processes and provide effective hydration.


1. Honey drops. To prepare a drop, you need to mix 1 tsp. natural honey, preferably May, with 0.5 liters of distilled water. Honey is mixed with water until completely dissolved, after which the drops are ready for use. Drops should be instilled twice a day, 1 drop in both eyes. The prepared product should be stored in the refrigerator.

2. Sea buckthorn drops. As drops, you can use ready-made sea buckthorn oil bought at a pharmacy. It has excellent lubricating properties, has anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects. Drops should be instilled twice a day, 1 drop in both eyes. Alternatively, you can use olive, linseed and hemp oil.

Also, to eliminate the feeling of dry eyes, you can use regular tea leaves or a tea bag left after brewing. To do this, it must be squeezed out and laid on closed eyelids. During this procedure, it is advisable to take a horizontal position and lie down for 15 minutes. At the end of the procedure, you need to do gymnastics for the eyes, so the effect will be fixed.

Folk sages believe that the key to excellent health and well-being is the right lifestyle. Frequent walks, fresh air and proper nutrition are the key to a healthy body and moist healthy eyes.

As a preventive measure for dry eyes, you need to add a large amount of sea fish to the diet, which contains Omega 3 acids and walnuts. Do not exhaust yourself with constant work in front of the computer and neglect sleep. After all, healthy sleep is the key to the proper functioning of the whole organism.
Watch a video about dry eye syndrome.

Our eyes will not be dry if they are washed with tears. The eyeball must always be hydrated. The meibomian and lacrimal glands produce tears to make it comfortable for the eyes to look at. It enters the tear ducts and washes the eyes. These glands are located in the corner of the eye. Tears constantly protect and cleanse the eyes of foreign objects and irritating substances. Eye treatment will also have to be done in case of infection with bacteria, fungi and yeast microorganisms.

What is a tear? It is a mixture of enzymes, proteins, peptides, as well as fatty acids, water and electrolytes. Tears conditionally consist of three layers: oil, water and mucus. Oil is produced in the meibomian glands, while water and electrolytes are produced only in the lacrimal glands. Mucus helps to distribute oils and water evenly on the surface of the eyes. This is how a tear film is formed.

Causes of dry eye

Damage or damage to the composition of the tear film in the eyes causes dry eye syndrome. Eyes devoid of a tear film suffer from a chronic lack of moisture. Dry eyes in medicine are correctly called dry keratitis. The health of the eyes depends on whether they are sufficiently hydrated.

Dryness of the eyeball develops not only as a result of environmental factors, but also under the influence of other causes. The organ of vision becomes dry in such conditions:

  • metabolic disorders, especially with a lack of vitamin A;
  • endocrine diseases;

    hormonal imbalance during menopause;

    diseases of some internal organs;

    incorrect wearing of contact lenses;

    infectious diseases;

    paralysis of the facial nerve;

    cicatricial changes in the cornea.

Signs of dry eyes are also found during pregnancy. Dry eye symptoms occur when a bacterial or fungal infection of the eyeball occurs. Folk remedies will also help in this case. You will also have to think about moisturizing the eyes when the production of tears is disrupted or it quickly evaporates from the surface of the eyes.

You will have to resort to folk methods of treatment when you blink a little. Folk remedies should also be used when you wear contact lenses. Some groups of drugs (antihistamines, β-blockers, antidepressants and oral contraceptives) reduce the production of tear fluid. Elderly people also resort to alternative treatment methods, as their tear production decreases.

Dry eye symptoms

The symptom of dry eye is the sensation of a foreign object in the eye. On the eyeball appears hyperemia of the sclera of varying severity. Patients report burning and pain in the eyes. The eyes become highly sensitive to light (it hurts the eyes to look at a light source).

There is rapid eye fatigue. Vision becomes blurry. Eyes hurt. The protective symptoms of dry eyes include excessive tear production.

Methods for the treatment of dry eyes with traditional medicine

Drugs to treat dry eye are not always acceptable to patients (for example, they are beyond their means). Alternative treatment of dry eye syndrome involves the use of a sufficient amount of liquid and the use of various moisturizers. Folk remedies for dry eyes - applying slices of cucumber to the eyes, instillation of castor oil and lavender oil.

A folk remedy for dry eyes is aloe vera gel. The cure for dry eyes is diet. Dry eyes can be managed by eating plenty of carrots, vegetable oil, and fruits. The best way to avoid the signs of dry eyes is to follow your doctor's recommendations. A means of preventing dry eyes - the correct mode when working with a computer.

You can forget about the symptoms of dry eye if you spend less time in front of the TV and computer monitor. You can comfortably look with your eyes even if there is sufficient humidity in the room, because a dry atmosphere causes discomfort in the eyes. It will be possible to forget about the treatment of the eyes if you reduce the consumption of coffee, alcoholic beverages and acidic foods.

There are many folk remedies for the treatment of dry eye syndrome. There are folk remedies for dry eyes in your kitchen. Putting a fresh cucumber on your eyes can give you coolness and relief for your eyes. It is necessary to cut a chilled fresh cucumber into thin slices and apply to the eyelids. This folk remedy helps to eliminate dry eyes and relieves patients of wrinkles around the eyes.

Flaxseed oil is used to treat dry eye syndrome. This is a good folk remedy for many diseases of the eyeball. It is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are extremely effective in treating dry eyes. In addition, linseed oil eliminates the inflammatory process in the eye. The eye begins to produce tears.

Eyes stop hurting if you use castor oil. This is a folk remedy that retains moisture well in dry eyes. It locks in moisture. Place one drop of castor oil in each eye. Lavender oil also relieves dry eyes. You must first add a few drops of lavender oil to a cup of water. Then you should soak a towel in this solution and apply to your eyes for ten minutes. This folk remedy perfectly treats dry eye syndrome. This gives the eyes a beautiful glow.

A gentle remedy for the eyes is rose water and milk. It is necessary to lower a piece of cotton wool into cool rose water or cold milk. Then put cotton on the eyelids and leave for fifteen minutes. Such compresses contribute to the fact that the eyes rest, and the dryness of the eyeball decreases.

Igor Aznauryan

Ophthalmologist, Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences. Chief Physician of the network of eye clinics "Yasny Vzor".

Modern ophthalmologists have found Computer Vision Syndrome who most often suffers from dry eye syndrome. These are those who spend a lot of time in front of gadget screens.

Perhaps many are not even aware of their diagnosis. We suggest symptoms:

  • feeling of sand and dust in the eyes;
  • cut;
  • burning;
  • causeless lacrimation;
  • I often want to rub my eyes.

Doctors test for dry eyes in another way, the Schirmer test. This is an examination that shows the amount of tears. Under the eyelids, special pieces of paper are inserted that absorb the tear. It is painless, takes a minute and gives an accurate result.

Before discussing directly the causes of dry eyes, let's figure out how it should be normal. Fully moistened - a tear is responsible for this, which constantly washes the eye. And here there is an important nuance - the quality of the tear.

Yes, and tears are of high quality, but they are not very good. There are two components in a tear: water and fatty (lipid). The balance of these components is a quality tear. If the balance is disturbed, dry eyes occur.

Now let's look at the causes of this condition.

What causes dry eye syndrome

1. Gadget screens

The screen means any - computer, tablet or phone. If you look too long in any, the eye begins to dry. The fact is that bright light makes us focus and peer more carefully. We are too involved, and the eyes simply "forget" to blink. The fact is that blinking is an unconditioned reflex, we don’t think about it. And this reflex slows down when our attention is overly focused on something.

2. Dry air

Dry air is everywhere. Batteries work in the office and at home in winter, and in summer -. And on the street: just remember what it's like to walk in the heat - it dries in the throat, not like in the eyes.

Dry air dries up the tear that should wash the eye. And it is even more dangerous than a computer screen.

Few people know that our cornea (this is the transparent outer shell of the eye) does not have blood vessels, that is, it feeds on tears. For example, a tear should deliver oxygen to her. And how will she do it if she dries out under the influence of dry air? The less oxygen and nutrients the cornea receives, the worse its condition.

3. Hormones

This reason is purely feminine. During menopause, which can begin at a fairly early age, the amount of estrogens in a woman's body decreases. These hormones affect the metabolism of fats. Including they reduce the amount of fatty component of tears. This means that the consistency of the tear changes, it becomes more liquid, it cannot stay on the eye. In such cases, women may begin causeless lacrimation.

4. Contact lenses

Even if you do not forget to take off at night, if you change them every day and are sure that your containers are sterile, you still cannot avoid dry eyes.

Long-term lens wear = dry eye syndrome. This is an axiom. Lenses disrupt the layers of tears, degrade its quality and dry out the eye.

Ideally, you should wear lenses not every day, but only when necessary. Of course, for a person with poor eyesight, this is simply impossible. Swap lenses for glasses? Again, this is inconvenient for many.

Therefore, with poor vision, there are two ways out:

  • Ask your doctor to prescribe an artificial tear for you and constantly drip it into your eyes.
  • Make laser vision correction if you have no contraindications, and forget about lenses. However, the preparation for the operation must be done correctly - see the next paragraph.

5. Laser vision correction

Often, dry eye syndrome worsens after laser vision correction. But this happens if the preparation for the correction was carried out incorrectly. Before the operation, the aforementioned Schirmer test, a dry eye test, should be done. And if necessary, treat this syndrome, but not with drops, but with more effective laser stimulation. If this technology is observed, then laser correction will pass without problems.

6. Medicines

Some medications cause dry eyes. These are usually antidepressants and oral. Drugs affect the hormonal background, which, in turn, affects the fatty component of the tear. The tear film loses its stability and the eye dries out. In parallel with taking these drugs, it is better to use artificial tears.

7. Chronic diseases: diabetes, conjunctivitis, blepharitis

Diabetes, in addition to many other unpleasant consequences, it also causes dry eyes. But with proper compensatory therapy, this problem does not arise.

During treatment conjunctivitis use antibiotics that disrupt the quality of tears. Therefore, after the treatment of this disease, it is imperative to be treated for dry eye syndrome.

Blepharitis- chronic inflammation of the eyelids, which also disrupts the quality of tears. Until it is treated, dry eyes will not go away.

How to treat dry eye syndrome

  • Apply drops with artificial tears. However, an independent choice of drops, although it will not bring harm, but also benefits: now there are drops with different compositions, so the doctor should choose the ones that are right for you.
  • Get laser treatment. Modern ophthalmologists treat dry eye syndrome not only with drops. Circulatory laser stimulation of the lacrimal glands is a type of physiotherapy that improves the production and composition of tears. Moreover, unlike drops, one course of treatment is enough for at least six months.
  • Treat comorbidities leading to dry eye syndrome.
  • Buy humidifier.
  • Set an alarm every 10 minutes while working on the computer. This will be a signal that it is time to blink properly.
  • For those who wear contact lenses - do laser vision correction if there are no contraindications.

And finally, let me remind you: anti-glare glasses for working at a computer, glasses with holes for relaxation - this is all a successful marketing ploy. They are completely useless to the eyes.

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