What carbohydrates are pasta. Slow carbohydrates for weight loss. Slow carbs and training

The human body is a very complex system that has its own rules of existence. One of these rules is that proteins and fats in the human body are not processed without the presence of carbohydrates.

What are carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are of two types:

  • complex or slow, with a glycemic index below 40;
  • fast, with a glycemic index above 70 (as a rule, they are not used in weight loss diets).

Complex carbohydrates are processed much more slowly, and when they break down, more glucose is formed. They give a person the energy that the body needs to perform daily work. That is why nutritionists strongly recommend eating foods that contain slow carbohydrates in the morning.

There are products that must be included in the daily diet so as not to feel incomprehensible fatigue and mood swings.

The fact is that when eating foods that contain slow carbohydrates, it gradually ensures the flow of sugar (glucose) into the blood, which contributes to good health, mood and performance.

This feature of complex carbohydrates must certainly be taken into account for people who suffer from diabetes. After all, a sharp rise in blood sugar levels is highly undesirable for them. That is why you need to pay attention to such products that will not cause its sharp jump.

Complex or slow carbohydrates - what is it?

Complex or slow carbohydrates are also called polysaccharides. These are molecules consisting of several chains of simple saccharides (monosaccharides). These include:

  • starch;
  • cellulose;
  • glycogen.

Starch is made up of long chains of glucose. It is found in legumes, cereals, rice, potatoes, and beans. It is found in many baked goods.

Fiber refers to non-starchy polysaccharides. it alimentary fiber, which are found in nuts, legumes, vegetables, fruits and grains. They also help to remove waste and toxins from human body. It is foods that contain fiber that nutritionists advise to use in diets for weight loss.

Glycogen is the same glucose, but stored by our body “for the future”, in case, for some reason, it does not receive enough slow carbohydrates on time. Then the glycogen is transformed back and replenishes the reserves of lost energy in our body. Draw your own conclusions about how useful carbohydrates are for weight loss.

Something About No Carbs

There are products that do not contain carbohydrates in their composition at all or in very small quantities:

  • in seafood and fish (river and sea);
  • Poultry products (chicken, duck, turkey and other types of poultry meat), eggs;
  • pork, beef;
  • vegetable and animal fats;
  • green and herbal teas.

These products contain proteins and fats that our body needs no less than carbohydrates, but without their help they are not digested and make our liver work with great overloads and failures.

It is necessary to balance the amount of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates (especially slow ones) in the diet.

Table of products containing slow carbohydrates

We will look at the complex carbohydrates list of products in order to know exactly what you need to eat during the day so as not to lose efficiency and be in good shape by the evening.


Fruits, berries

Name Number of carbohydrates
1. Date fruit 74.97
2. Rose hip 38.22
3. Banana 22.84
4. figs 22.18
5. Pomegranate 18.7
6. Persimmon 18.59
7. Watermelon 10
8. Melon 10
9. Pear 9.6
10. Peach 9.5
11. Apple 9.2
12. Plum 8.8
13. Orange 8.5
14. Mandarin 8.3
15. Currant 7
16. Strawberry 6.5
17. Gooseberry 6.2
18. Blueberry 5.5
19. Lemon 5

Legumes, nuts

Name Number of carbohydrates
1. chickpeas 60.65
2. Lentils 60.08
3. Cashew nuts 30.19
4. pistachios 27.51
5. Almond 21.67
6. Peanut 16.13

Greens, vegetables

Name Number of carbohydrates
1. cilantro 52.1
2. Garlic 21.2
3. Potatoes 19.7
4. Horseradish roots and leaves 16.3
5. Green pea 13.3
6. parsley root 11.2
7. Beet 10.8
8. turnip onion 9.5
9. parsley leaves 8.1
10. Swede 8.1
11. Leek 7.3
12. Carrot 7
13. red cabbage 6.1
14. Sweet red pepper 5.7
15. Sweet pepper green 4.7
16. White cabbage 5.4
17. Cauliflower 4.9
18. Green beans (pods) 4.3
19. Tomato 4.2
20. sorrel leaves 5.3
21. dill greens 4.5
22. lettuce leaves 2.2


Name Number of carbohydrates
1. Creamy ice cream 6-15
2. Milk 4.7
3. curdled milk 4.1
4. Ryazhenka 4.1
5. Kefir fat 4.1
6. Cream 4.1-3.6
7. Kefir low fat 3.8
9. Yoghurt natural 3.5
10. Sour cream 3.2-2.9
11. Sour cream 2.9
12. Low-fat cottage cheese 1.5
13. Curd is bold and fatty 1.3
14. Butter 0.9

Complex or slow carbohydrates have great importance for the human body. They are used in diets for weight loss, in complex nutrition for building up. muscle mass in powerlifting. But most importantly, without them, our body cannot absorb either fats or proteins.

For normal life man needs balanced diet, which will give the opportunity to fully work and relax.

What are slow carbohydrates? List of products, table for weight loss, sources. The benefits and harms of slow carbohydrates. Postulates proper nutrition. Diet "Week".

Many of you have probably heard that in order to lose weight, you need to remove carbohydrates from your diet. But not everyone knows that it is impossible to completely abandon their use. What carbohydrates are useful and how to recognize them, experts advise.

A list of products, a weight loss table, specialized menus are important components not only of a diet, but also of proper nutrition. However, before making your diet, it is worth exploring the issue in more depth.

why people get better from some food, seemingly non-caloric, and vice versa. The thing is that food consists of easily digestible components, and those that are slowly “digested”. Here we will talk about the latter. For people who are losing weight, slow or complex carbohydrates are extremely beneficial. They are able to satisfy hunger for a long time, because they launch complex processes in the human body that take a lot of time. At the same time, the sugar level remains stable, energy is consumed evenly.

To recognize complex carbohydrates, such a concept as the glycemic index (GI) will help. This indicator allows you to determine how a particular product affects changes in blood sugar levels. For people with overweight it is desirable to include foods with a GI of less than 40 units in the diet. The table will help determine the GI of products:

What are the benefits of slow carbohydrates?

To begin with, it is worth understanding the question of why a person is gaining weight. The truth is that the body converts excess sugar into fats, which are deposited on problem areas. This is the peculiarities of the metabolism of the human body. If a person is hungry, he often snacks on sweets. As a result, the body receives a mass of calories that the body processes and converts into energy. And because of the excess sugar, a lot of insulin is released. It is involved in the absorption of food, but on the other hand, its excess through a short time again provokes hunger.

But the sugar converted into fats can no longer be used, it is deposited in fat and will come out only in an “emergency mode”, which is difficult and dangerous to achieve. Therefore, it is worth controlling the quality of food, making the diet more balanced. The beauty of slow carbs is that they take at least 2.5 hours to break down and absorb. As a result, they do not cause sugar surges, and energy is immediately spent on daily activities.

Types and sources of slow carbohydrates

We will not give a list of products in the table for weight loss. But consider what complex carbohydrates are found in the food that is often on our table. There are many varieties of them. It:

  • Starch;
  • Glycogen;
  • Cellulose;
  • Chitin;
  • Dextrin.

Experts advise to make a diet in such a way that half daily ration were carbohydrates.
Sources of slow carbohydrates are:

  1. Starch is found in large quantities in cereals (buckwheat, pearl barley, oats), legumes, and pasta. It actively maintains the level of monosaccharide in the blood, slowly turning into glucose.
  2. The body can get glycogen from pork or beef liver. Its amount is high in seafood, yeast.
  3. Insulin is a polysaccharide found in artichoke and chicory. It is essential for diabetics.
  4. Fiber is an important component of nutrition, despite the fact that it is not digested. Found in legumes and nuts. It helps cleanse the digestive tract, remove toxins, toxins, poisons and decay products from the body. Fiber increases bile secretion, which increases the feeling of satiety.

How to consume carbohydrates during training?

Trainers advise taking slow carbohydrates before starting strength training. Slow carbs allow you to evenly supply the body with energy during the entire load, which increases endurance and burns body fat faster.

You should also consider the portion sizes that are consumed. Naturally, the consumption of carbohydrates should correspond to the energy expended. If you exceed the number of incoming calories, then the old scenario will work, and excess sugar will again go into body fat. It is believed that stress mental activity can be equated to good physical activity.

Slow carbohydrates for weight loss

You can lose weight different ways. For example, make a list of products and stick to it, or find a specialized table and follow its advice. There are purely protein diets, which strictly limit the intake of carbohydrates. But they are not very useful, it is impossible to refuse them completely. The absence of carbohydrates in the diet is fraught with a deterioration in mood, the appearance of discomfort.

It is important not to give up carbohydrate foods, but to replace the "bad" with "good" fast carbohydrates. For weight loss, you only have to slightly reduce the amount of food and carefully consider the foods that make up the diet. Some of them can simply be replaced with useful ones for weight loss.

Snacks should also be planned wisely. Most often, sweets and sandwiches are used for them, but they will have to be abandoned if a diet is planned. Use as snacks fresh vegetables and fruits and nuts.

If a person likes to indulge in pasta, then they can be changed to oatmeal, buckwheat and raw rice. Mashed potatoes can be replaced with vegetable stew, and instead of buns, whole grain bread should be eaten.

The right breakfast for those who want to lose weight

When catering for losing weight, the focus should be on the right breakfast. The first meal should be the heaviest. It is better to include cereals with milk in the morning menu. A good option- buckwheat or barley.

Advice! For making cereals, you should choose cereals with a shell, rather than processed grains. They have a lower glycemic index.

Porridges can be flavored with a piece of butter, since the complete exclusion of fats from the menu will lead to a violation of the absorption of fat-soluble fats. And with fats the body receives polyunsaturated acids, which are not synthesized in the body and come only from the outside. In order not to violate metabolic processes, you need to add oil to food. One spoon olive oil will prevent dry skin.

You can cook your favorite omelette. But as a filler, you should use not sausage or bacon, but vegetables. Drink only unsweetened drinks in the morning and during the day.

Diet on cereals "Week" to get rid of body fat

Slow carbohydrates are widely used in diet food. Cereal diets are widely known, in which you can use almost any cereal, with the exception of semolina. In cereals, you can add low-fat cheese, dried fruits, fresh berry and fruits, honey.

The essence of the “Nedelka” diet is to eat one type of porridge every day. For example:

  • Monday - millet;
  • Tuesday - oatmeal;
  • Wednesday - millet;
  • Thursday - cells;
  • Friday - barley;
  • Saturday - Fig.

On Sunday, any porridge of your choice, or a mixture of cereals, can be used. Kashi is prepared according to the following rules:

  1. Porridge is cooked only on water.
  2. Salt is not added.
  3. Porridge can be eaten in unlimited quantities.
  4. Everything is removed from the diet a few days before the start of the diet. harmful products(sharp and fried foods, fast food, alcoholic drinks).

Details here:

How to make a slow carb gainer?

What it is? This is a cocktail of products based on complex carbohydrates. In order not to make a mistake in choosing products, first use already ready recipes. Which? For example, a cheerful guy in the video will tell you in detail here):

weight loss table

This table contains most of the GI values ​​\u200b\u200bof food. Take note! (clickable)

Slow carbohydrates are a real find for losing weight. They give the body energy, while not deposited in the form of fat. Make your favorite food list, draw a weight loss chart and you will never have weight problems! This makes it possible to create tasty and varied menu for every day, while not being afraid for your figure!

Not only specialists, but also ordinary people who know the value of their health, the ability to smile at the world from the very early morning, are sure that fast carbohydrates- these are enemies of a taut figure and an active and active human body as a whole.

Words: "fast" and "harmful" in the context of not ideal, but healthy eating and carbohydrate products are synonyms. Their splitting is very fast - as a result, glucose makes a jump up, and then "comfortably" is located in the body as subcutaneous fat!

What foods are rich in fast carbohydrates, so detrimental to the figure, mood and general condition in particular? (See the full table below.)

  1. Flour "white" products (bread, pizza, buns);
  2. Sugar and honey;
  3. Confectionery delights and carbonated drinks;
  4. Watermelon, banana, persimmon and grapes;
  5. mayonnaise and ketchup;
  6. Alcohol (beer in particular).

Any nutritionist classifies all of the above products as taboo! Fast carbohydrates cannot be called a deadly poison that tirelessly kills a person, but their daily savoring creates an unbearable burden for the pancreas that produces insulin - the endocrine system is under threat. In the blood, sugar begins to "jump" up and down, as rubber ball, provoking mood swings and body tone. If such food takes the niche of the "holiday" menu, you will feel a radical change in your body and morale ...

In an optimal diet is preferred. Especially on weekdays, when concentration and an active attitude are necessary at work. At the same time, high-carbohydrate foods are best eaten during breakfast and midday lunch. Prepare a protein "table" for dinner.

A list of fast carbohydrates or a high GI is not the guardian of health!

The concept of "glycemic index" (GI) is directly related to the value of blood sugar. The GI value shows how quickly the carbohydrates eaten are digested and enter the bloodstream. The higher the GI, the “faster” carbohydrates and the more actively a person gets fat! The calculation is carried out from the standard of 100 units - glucose. But amazing indicators above this "ideal of harmfulness" have dates (146 units).

Fast carbohydrates with an average glycemic index (55-70 units) - a list of products:

  • Bread and pastries from rye flour(coarse grinding);
  • Apricot, pineapple, kiwi, banana and melon;
  • Cooked carrots, beets, peas;
  • Cereals: rice, semolina;
  • Corn (popcorn);
  • Potatoes in uniform.

Fast carbohydrates with a high GI (above 70 units) - a list of foods that interfere with the good functioning of the body:

  • Any baked goods wheat flour, puff and yeast dough. For example, morning toast has a GI of 100.
  • Sweet juices and cola (75);
  • Boiled or fried potatoes (95) and mashed potatoes (90);
  • Pumpkin (75) and watermelon (103);
  • Dried fruits and grapes (75);
  • Sugar and milk chocolate (70);
  • Bars (snickers, kit-kat, mars) and chocolate candies (70);
  • Rice, muesli with sugar and cornflakes (80-90);
  • Chips (85).


To keep health, positive ideas and actions your companions, reduce the consumption of foods with fast carbohydrates, so you prevent the release of insulin into the blood. Let cakes and jams on top of a slice of white bread, sweets and fried potatoes become your "weekend" diet. Especially beware of fast carbohydrates in the afternoon, when they pose the greatest threat to your figure.

The low glycemic index will promote weight loss and lightness throughout the day. Lose weight with a menu in which the list of products consists of useful things with a GI not exceeding 55 units! Great mood and a taut figure - for the sake of this it is worth abandoning excesses ...

Fast carbohydrates: food list - table

Click on the table to enlarge it. And then right-click and select "Save Image As..." to save the spreadsheet to your computer.

All people want to be healthy and beautiful. But not everyone knows how to achieve this. Our first action is to analyze your diet. It's not for nothing that they say: "We are what we eat." Carbohydrates are the direct fuel for the human body. But how to choose the right and useful? What are they? What products contain?

The biological role of carbohydrates

The human body is a kind of perpetual motion machine that requires a constant supply of fuel. The last is food, or rather, carbohydrates (sugars or saccharides) contained in it. As a result of the oxidation of one gram of it, a little more than 4 kcal of energy and 0.4 g of water are released. This is enough for 1 second of running at maximum speed. In general, it is believed that the vital activity of an average person requires from 1500 to 1700 kcal per day. But the energy function of carbohydrates, although the most important, is not the only one.

Saccharides provide regulation osmotic pressure blood. This is manifested in the fact that it contains more than 100 mg /% glucose (the simplest form of carbohydrates).

These organic substances are part of the complex molecules involved in building DNA. And they perform a plastic function.

Cellular receptors responsible for the perception of external stimuli are formed from carbohydrates.

Concerning support function, then in the human body their proportion ranges from 2-3% of body weight. For comparison, the dry weight of plants is 80% carbohydrates. That is why the main source of these organic substances for humans is plant food.

Classification of carbohydrates

The indivisible structural units of each carbohydrate are saccharides. Depending on their number, there are:

  • monosaccharides, or monomers (contain one structural unit);
  • disaccharides (contain two monosaccharides);
  • oligosaccharides (contain from two to ten structural units - monosaccharides);
  • polysaccharides (contain more than ten monosaccharides).

In addition, according to the ability to split into the smallest components, all types of saccharides are divided into slow and fast carbohydrates or simple and complex. Oligo- and polysaccharides are classified as slow, and mono- and disaccharides are classified as fast.

The most famous monosaccharides are glucose and fructose, disaccharides - sucrose (ordinary sugar), polysaccharides - starch and cellulose (component cell membranes higher plants).

Glycemic index: the rate at which carbohydrate foods are converted into glucose

Chemical processes in the body convert any type of carbohydrate into the end product of digestion - glucose. In order to characterize the rate of its production from foods containing sugar, the concept of the glycemic index (GI) was introduced.

For glucose, it is equal to the maximum, that is, 100. As for the rest of the products, the higher the GI, the faster the blood sugar level rises after they are consumed. And vice versa. It is customary to share three gradations of the glycemic index:

  • low (10-40);
  • medium (40-60);
  • high (60-100).

For people, it is preferable to consume foods with slow carbohydrates, that is, with a low GI. Unfortunately, domestic producers do not care about what GI their products have, but on the packaging of European food products this index can be found quite often.

Slow carbohydrates - the basis of the food pyramid

The food pyramid (or food pyramid) developed by nutritionists suggests that the food that forms its base should be most(about 65%) daily diet person.

At the very bottom of this pyramid are three food groups, namely fruits, vegetables, and grains. As we already know, the mentioned plant sources nutrition gives a person such desirable slow carbohydrates that smoothly saturate the blood with glucose. This ensures a measured supply of energy between regular meals. In this case, the processing of proteins and fats occurs without failure, and the pancreas does not overdo it, since there is no need to produce excess insulin to “process” glucose.

The best thing carbohydrate food absorbed by the body in the morning - for breakfast and lunch. Dinner is recommended protein food.

To facilitate the formation rational menu, you can make a list of food products containing slow carbohydrates. The list of such products is a kind of cheat sheet, having which before your eyes every day, it will not be difficult at all to prepare a varied and nutritious menu. Over time the choice right food will become a habit.

Slow carbohydrates: a list of products

Vegetables, fruits, legumes, and grains are sources of complex sugars.

For the smooth functioning of the body, the products of each of the above groups are recommended to be consumed for breakfast and lunch. The ratio of vegetables and fruits is taken equal to 3:2. One serving is 150 g, so you need to eat about 450 g of vegetables and 300 g of fruit per day.

Let us consider in more detail the list of food products containing slow carbohydrates. List of products - a table that includes not only the relevant food sources but also their glycemic index. To proper food Let's list those foods that have a low and medium GI, because they do not lead to sharp jumps in blood sugar.

Healthy vegetables and fruits

Possessing a low GI level, vegetables and fruits supply the body with vitamins, minerals, trace elements and fiber, which contributes to effective work gastrointestinal tract. Such products quench appetite, give little energy and thereby stimulate the body's resources to break down existing fats. Thanks to sharing vegetables and fruits can reduce the calorie content of foods with a high glycemic index.

Slow carbohydrates: a table of vegetables (legumes) and fruits


Glycemic index

Parsley, basil

Mushrooms, garlic, leaf lettuce, lettuce, tomatoes, green peppers, raw onions, fresh cabbage, broccoli, greens

Brussels sprouts, sautéed squash, stewed and sauerkraut, boiled cauliflower, green onion, leek, red pepper, radish, turnip, black currant, soybeans, asparagus, stewed cauliflower, spinach

Fresh apricots, cherry plum, cranberries, cherries, sweet cherries, crushed yellow peas, grapefruit, blackberries, sea kale, fresh cucumbers, plums, soybeans, blueberries, prunes, lentils

Dried apricots, oranges, green bananas, black beans, white currants, dry green peas, pomegranate, pear, sprouted rye grains, figs, cauliflower, strawberries, red currants, raspberries, young peas, raw carrots, nectarine, sea buckthorn, green beans, apples

Grapes, blueberries, canned green peas, green beans, green pea, strawberries, strawberries, coconut, gooseberries, tangerines, white beans,

Bananas, sweet potato, canned sweet corn, mango, papaya, persimmon

Healthy cereals

Cereal products can be called the “golden mean” among food products, since they provide a lot of energy, but at the same time saturate the body with it rather slowly.

But it should be remembered that cereal cereals fast food and flavored cereals lose their "useful" properties due to the presence of simple sugars and excessive grinding of the grain.

Slow carbs: a list of grain products


Glycemic index

Barley porridge on the water, rice bran

Quinoa, maize

Buckwheat porridge crumbly, oatmeal viscous on water, cereals raw, wheat groats, barley groats

Buckwheat porridge on the water, brown rice, oatmeal cookies, bran, barley porridge crumbly, millet viscous and crumbly porridge on the water, wild rice, barley porridge

Fast Carbs - Potential Fat

The tip of the iceberg called the "nutrition pyramid" consists of food ingredients that should be consumed extremely rarely, as they say, on holidays. And these foods are rich in fast carbohydrates, which contribute to the set excess weight. Yes, it turns out that 90% of body fat is formed by saccharides, and not fats from food, as we all used to think.

The harm of fast carbohydrates lies in the fact that they very sharply increase the level of sugar in the blood, provoking the release of an excessive amount of insulin, the main task of which is to reduce the concentration of glucose in the blood. At the same time, the pancreas begins to suffer, since excessive production of insulin exhausts it.

Insulin is also called the “weight hormone”. And not in vain. Having started working with glucose, it catalyzes its conversion into glycogen - a reserve carbohydrate that settles in the liver and muscles. If a new portion of fuel does not enter the body for some time, glycogen will again decompose into glucose and provide the person with the necessary energy. But constant overeating over time will provoke its transformation into fat, and weight gain is guaranteed.

To keep your "bad" carbs under control, keep a list of fast and slow carbs within easy reach.

Foods that contain fast carbohydrates

Foods with a high (above 60) GI include mainly white flour products (bakery and pasta), refined rice, confectionery, carbonated drinks, alcohol and ... potatoes, due to the high concentration of starch.

List of foods containing fast carbohydrates


Glycemic index

Couscous, instant oatmeal, croissants, instant vermicelli, pasta, wheat flour, dried fruit compote, boiled potatoes

Semolina porridge, millet, millet, steamed white rice, pancakes, wheat bagel, biscuit cake, custard, shortbread, donuts, carbonated drinks, fried zucchini, beets

Popcorn, long loaf, rolls, muesli, tapioca, rice bread, corn flakes, boiled carrots

Instant rice porridge, white bread, hot dog bun, fried white croutons, rice flour, beer, fried potatoes, baked potatoes

The Benefits of Fast Carbs

Despite the high GI, simple sugars still have some positive qualities. The most important thing is their ability to quickly fill the body with energy and provide a surge of strength. Athletes often use this property.

After a grueling workout, muscle glycogen stores are depleted, which can lead to trembling in the arms and legs, a general breakdown and the appearance of cold sweats. Insulin surge will help to quickly replenish glycogen stores. As mentioned earlier, this can be provoked sharp increase blood sugar concentration. Together with insulin, amino acids and other useful substances enter the muscles that contribute to the formation of protein - a building material. It is these features carbohydrate metabolism used by bodybuilders to build muscle mass.

carbohydrate diet for weight loss

The principle of a carbohydrate diet is quite simple: it is necessary to control the amount of sugars consumed with food so as not to cause an excess of unused energy, which subsequently settles in the form of body fat.

In no case should you skip the main meals, since a prolonged lack of fuel will give the body a signal to store it for future use. And this, again, is overweight.

Choose more often products with low and medium GI, limit the use of ordinary sugar and other sweets, increase physical activity.

At first, a special table of fast and slow carbohydrates will help, and over time, taking care of your health will become an invariable part of a new life.

All people want to be healthy and beautiful. But not everyone knows how to achieve this. Our first action is to analyze your diet. It's not for nothing that they say: "We are what we eat." Carbohydrates are the direct fuel for the human body. But how to choose the right and useful? What are they? What products contain?

The biological role of carbohydrates

The human body is a kind of perpetual motion machine that requires a constant supply of fuel. The last is food, or rather, carbohydrates (sugars or saccharides) contained in it. As a result of the oxidation of one gram of it, a little more than 4 kcal of energy and 0.4 g of water are released. This is enough for 1 second of running at maximum speed. In general, it is believed that the vital activity of an average person requires from 1500 to 1700 kcal per day. But the energy function of carbohydrates, although the most important, is not the only one.

Saccharides regulate the osmotic pressure of the blood. This is manifested in the fact that it contains more than 100 mg /% glucose (the simplest form of carbohydrates).

These organic substances are part of the complex molecules involved in building DNA. And they perform a plastic function.

Cellular receptors responsible for the perception of external stimuli are formed from carbohydrates.

As for the support function, in the human body their proportion ranges from 2-3% of body weight. For comparison, the dry weight of plants is 80% carbohydrates. That is why the main source of these organic substances for humans is plant food.

Classification of carbohydrates

The indivisible structural units of each carbohydrate are saccharides. Depending on their number, there are:

  • monosaccharides, or monomers (contain one structural unit);
  • disaccharides (contain two monosaccharides);
  • oligosaccharides (contain from two to ten structural units - monosaccharides);
  • polysaccharides (contain more than ten monosaccharides).

In addition, according to the ability to split into the smallest components, all types of saccharides are divided into slow and fast carbohydrates or simple and complex. Oligo- and polysaccharides are classified as slow, and mono- and disaccharides are classified as fast.

The most famous monosaccharides are glucose and fructose, disaccharides - sucrose (ordinary sugar), polysaccharides - starch and cellulose (a component of the cell membranes of higher plants).

Glycemic index: the rate at which carbohydrate foods are converted into glucose

Chemical processes in the body convert any type of carbohydrate into the end product of digestion - glucose. In order to characterize the rate of its production from foods containing sugar, the concept of the glycemic index (GI) was introduced.

For glucose, it is equal to the maximum, that is, 100. As for the rest of the products, the higher the GI, the faster the blood sugar level rises after they are consumed. And vice versa. It is customary to share three gradations of the glycemic index:

  • low (10-40);
  • medium (40-60);
  • high (60-100).

For people, it is preferable to consume foods with slow carbohydrates, that is, with a low GI. Unfortunately, domestic producers do not care about what GI their products have, but on the packaging of European food products this index can be found quite often.

Slow carbohydrates - the basis of the food pyramid

The food pyramid (or food pyramid) developed by nutritionists suggests that the food that forms its base should make up the majority (about 65%) of a person's daily diet.

At the very bottom of this pyramid are three food groups, namely fruits, vegetables, and grains. As we already know, the aforementioned plant food sources provide a person with such desirable slow carbohydrates that smoothly saturate the blood with glucose. This ensures a measured supply of energy between regular meals. In this case, the processing of proteins and fats occurs without failure, and the pancreas does not overdo it, since there is no need to produce excess insulin to “process” glucose.

Carbohydrate food is best absorbed by the body in the morning - for breakfast and lunch. Dinner is recommended protein food.

To facilitate the formation of a rational menu, you can make a list of food products containing slow carbohydrates. The list of such products is a kind of cheat sheet, having which before your eyes every day, it will not be difficult at all to prepare a varied and nutritious menu. Over time, choosing the right food will become a habit.

Slow carbohydrates: a list of products

Vegetables, fruits, legumes, and grains are sources of complex sugars.

For the smooth functioning of the body, the products of each of the above groups are recommended to be consumed for breakfast and lunch. The ratio of vegetables and fruits is taken equal to 3:2. One serving is 150 g, so you need to eat about 450 g of vegetables and 300 g of fruit per day.

Let us consider in more detail the list of food products containing slow carbohydrates. The food list is a table that includes not only the relevant food sources, but also their glycemic index. To the right food, we rank those food products that have a low and medium GI, because they do not lead to sharp jumps in blood sugar.

Healthy vegetables and fruits

Possessing a low GI level, vegetables and fruits supply the body with vitamins, minerals, trace elements and fiber, which contributes to the efficient functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Such products quench appetite, give little energy and thereby stimulate the body's resources to break down existing fats. By eating fruits and vegetables together, you can reduce the calorie content of foods with a high glycemic index.

Slow carbohydrates: a table of vegetables (legumes) and fruits


Parsley, basil

Mushrooms, garlic, leaf lettuce, lettuce, tomatoes, green peppers, raw onions, fresh cabbage, broccoli, greens

Brussels sprouts, sautéed squash, stewed and sauerkraut, boiled cauliflower, green onion, leek, red pepper, radish, turnip, black currant, soybeans, asparagus, stewed cauliflower, spinach

Fresh apricots, cherry plum, cranberries, cherries, sweet cherries, crushed yellow peas, grapefruit, blackberries, sea kale, fresh cucumbers, plums, soybeans, blueberries, prunes, lentils

Dried apricots, oranges, green bananas, black beans, white currants, dry green peas, pomegranate, pear, sprouted rye grains, figs, cauliflower, strawberries, red currants, raspberries, baby peas, raw carrots, nectarine, sea buckthorn, green beans , apples

Grapes, blueberries, canned green peas, green beans, green peas, strawberries, strawberries, coconut, gooseberries, tangerines, white beans,

Bananas, sweet potato, canned sweet corn, mango, papaya, persimmon

Healthy cereals

Cereal products can be called the “golden mean” among food products, since they provide a lot of energy, but at the same time saturate the body with it rather slowly.

But it should be remembered that instant cereals and flavored cereals lose their "useful" properties due to the presence of simple sugars and excessive grinding of the grain.

Fast Carbs - Potential Fat

The tip of the iceberg called the "nutrition pyramid" consists of food ingredients that should be consumed extremely rarely, as they say, on holidays. And these foods are rich in fast carbohydrates, which contribute to weight gain. Yes, it turns out that 90% of body fat is formed by saccharides, and not fats from food, as we all used to think.

The harm of fast carbohydrates is that they very sharply increase the level of sugar in the blood, provoking the release of an excessive amount of insulin, the main task of which is to reduce the concentration of glucose in the blood. At the same time, the pancreas begins to suffer, since excessive production of insulin exhausts it.

Insulin is also called the “weight hormone”. And not in vain. Having started working with glucose, it catalyzes its conversion into glycogen - a reserve carbohydrate that settles in the liver and muscles. If a new portion of fuel does not enter the body for some time, glycogen will again decompose into glucose and provide the person with the necessary energy. But constant overeating over time will provoke its transformation into fat, and weight gain is guaranteed.

To keep your "bad" carbs under control, keep a list of fast and slow carbs within easy reach.

Foods that contain fast carbohydrates

Foods with a high (above 60) GI include mainly white flour products (bakery and pasta), refined rice, confectionery, carbonated drinks, alcohol and ... potatoes, due to the high concentration of starch.

List of foods containing fast carbohydrates


Couscous, instant oatmeal, croissants, instant vermicelli, pasta, wheat flour, dried fruit compote, boiled potatoes

Semolina porridge, millet, millet, steamed white rice, pancakes, wheat bagel, biscuit cake, custard, shortbread, donuts, carbonated drinks, fried zucchini, beets

Popcorn, long loaf, rolls, muesli, tapioca, rice bread, corn flakes, boiled carrots

Instant rice porridge, white bread, hot dog bun, fried white croutons, rice flour, beer, fried potatoes, baked potatoes

The Benefits of Fast Carbs

Despite the high GI, simple sugars still have some positive qualities. The most important thing is their ability to quickly fill the body with energy and provide a surge of strength. Athletes often use this property.

After a grueling workout, muscle glycogen stores are depleted, which can lead to trembling in the arms and legs, a general breakdown and the appearance of cold sweats. Insulin surge will help to quickly replenish glycogen stores. As mentioned earlier, this can be provoked by a sharp increase in the concentration of sugar in the blood. Together with insulin, amino acids and other useful substances enter the muscles that contribute to the formation of protein - a building material. It is these features of carbohydrate metabolism that bodybuilders use to build muscle mass.

carbohydrate diet for weight loss

The principle of a carbohydrate diet is quite simple: it is necessary to control the amount of sugars consumed with food so as not to cause an excess of unused energy, which subsequently settles in the form of body fat.

In no case should you skip the main meals, since a prolonged lack of fuel will give the body a signal to store it for future use. And this, again, is overweight.

Choose more often products with low and medium GI, limit the use of ordinary sugar and other sweets, increase physical activity.

At first, a special table of fast and slow carbohydrates will help, and over time, taking care of your health will become an invariable part of a new life.


The main source of energy in our body is glucose. It is into this substance that all the calories received from food are ultimately converted. The glycemic level measures the rate at which the body metabolizes pure glucose, resulting in an increase in blood sugar levels.

Any product has its own specific index, its size is influenced by a number of factors:

  • Type of carbohydrate;
  • The level of protein content;
  • The level of fat content;
  • The amount of fiber;
  • Heat treatment method.

With the use of slow carbohydrates, due to the low glycemic index, the increase in blood glucose levels is slow. Due to this, the body does not experience stress from sudden changes Sahara. Elements with high index have the opposite effect, sharp rise glucose content, however, such an effect is rather short-lived.

The list of products containing slow carbohydrates includes those whose glycemic index does not exceed 40 units.

The composition of any carbohydrate includes saccharides, they can be conditionally called "units". The composition of slow carbohydrates includes at least three units, these substances are polysaccharides. They contain the following elements:

  • Cellulose. Improve metabolism, digestion processes and normalize blood sugar levels.
  • Starch. It maintains the concentration of blood glucose due to the fact that it is broken down in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Glycogen. Broken down in the liver into glucose. Also, with a lack of carbohydrates in food, it can be produced from fats and proteins in the liver.
  • Insulin. It is derived from fructose residues and is used as a sugar substitute. Performs a stabilizing function in the body.

Eating foods from the list of slow carbohydrates helps to satisfy hunger for a long time and maintain the required level of energy. Thus, the number of calories consumed is reduced and the process of losing weight with excess weight occurs.

It is best to consume slow carbohydrates in the morning. At this time, they are well absorbed by the body and will help to get a boost of energy for the whole day.

Exists special lists and tables of products containing slow carbohydrates that are used for weight loss. Low glycemic foods include:

  • Greens (parsley, basil, lettuce);
  • Legumes (lentils, beans, beans, peas, etc.);
  • Cereals and various cereals. It is better to give preference to oatmeal, barley and millet. On the contrary, you should refrain from using semolina. It has a fairly high glycol. index;
  • Pasta from durum wheat;
  • Wholemeal bread;
  • Fruits with low content fructose (apples, pears, oranges, kiwi). It should be noted that the glycemic index of dried fruits is significantly higher than their fresh counterparts (usually by 10-15 units). Also, the index increases significantly with heat treatment. In this regard, fruits are best consumed raw. Fruit juices, even freshly squeezed without added sugar, also have a value close to the upper limit. This is due to the lack of fiber in them.
  • Berries (cherries, cranberries, plums);
  • Natural yoghurts without additives;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Nuts, chocolate, sunflower seeds. Despite the fact that these products are quite high-calorie, the process of their breakdown in the body is quite slow. However, this only applies to chocolate with high content cocoa, above 75%.
  • Vegetables (cabbage, zucchini, spinach, leek, tomatoes, peppers, leaf salad, onion);
  • Mango, papaya, persimmon, sweet potato and corn have the most high performance glycemic index among slow carbohydrates. Their use in food should be approached quite carefully.


Connection types

Carbohydrates are often broken down into two groups as follows:

  • Fast and slow carbohydrates.
  • Simple and complex.
  • Harmful and useful.

Let's see where this classification came from. The action of a certain type of these compounds depends on its chemical structure. These compounds are sugar molecules different nature connected to each other. All of them are eventually broken down by the body into glucose. It is she who serves as a source of energy for all types of body cells.

What are slow carbohydrates? Generally, the more complex the bonds between sugar molecules, the more complex, beneficial, and slower (in terms of digestion speed) they are. There are three types of these compounds, differing in the number of sugar molecules they contain:

  1. Monosaccharides are made up of one sugar molecule. Monosaccharides include glucose, galactose and fructose.
  2. disaccharides are made up of 2 sugar molecules. Examples of disaccharides are sucrose (table sugar), lactose and maltose.
  3. Polysaccharides are made up of several sugar molecules. Polysaccharides are found in pasta, potatoes, cereals, and many other foods.

A simple (fast) type of carbohydrate compounds are monosaccharides and disaccharides. Due to their simple molecular structure, they are easily digested, and their metabolic products quickly enter the bloodstream. This type is present, for example, in fruits, milk, sweets.

Slow or long carbohydrates (complex) are polysaccharides, which, due to their complex molecular structure, are more slowly broken down into digestive tract. This type is found in large quantities in cereals and vegetables. You might think that fast carbs are bad and slow carbs are good. But everything is not so simple, so let's consider why fast and complex carbohydrates are needed by the body.

Functions in the body

Before understanding which carbohydrate compounds to consume, it is necessary to understand how they are used and stored in the body. In the process of splitting these compounds and absorption into the blood, increase in sugar levels(glucose) in the blood. This leads to an increase in the activity of the hormone insulin, which transforms blood glucose into energy for the muscles and into reserves in the liver.

What happens when your muscles and liver get clogged up with processed carbohydrates and you continue to consume them? Any excess glucose not used by the body as an energy source will be stored as fat. The more insulin sensitive your muscles are, the more glucose will be used for energy rather than being stored as fat. How to make your muscles more sensitive to insulin? The solution is regular physical exercises and eating slow carbs instead of fast carbs.

Slow vs Fast: Glycemic Index

Many nutritionists do not like to use the adjectives "bad" and "healthy" in relation to types of food. They note that there are no harmful or useful products and eat poorly or well-chosen diets. Usually, carbohydrate compounds that contribute to a rapid increase in sugar are considered fast (that is, harmful). At the other end are slow carbohydrates (healthy), their use does not lead to a rapid increase in sugar levels, as they are gradually digested and absorbed.

The glycemic index was developed as a measure of the rate at which these compounds are converted to glucose. The index ranges from 0 to 100. The higher the glycemic index, the faster products digested and increase sugar levels. Ensuring a smooth rise in sugar levels is important to minimize spikes in insulin levels, as they can lead to excessive development of hunger, hinder the fight against obesity. In case of chronic high levels insulin in the blood, observed with the regular use of fast carbohydrate compounds, insulin resistance and diabetes can develop.

While the glycemic index is useful for meal planning, it's not perfect. For example, some types of ice cream, as well as pasta can have low values glycemic index ( around 30), but at the same time, both of them contain a lot of calories with a minimum useful substances. A number of foods with a high glycemic index (for example, watermelons) have a high GI, but they rarely lead to a significant increase in sugar levels, that is, they have a low glycemic load. When combining fast carbohydrate compounds with fats, their digestion is slowed down, and the risk of increasing sugar levels is reduced.

Despite the apparent complexity, the situation is not so confusing. If you eat whole, natural, and unprocessed carbohydrates, then you can usually find them healthy. An exception may be some especially sweet varieties natural products(honey, sweet berries and fruits in large quantities, etc.). If the products were prepared in the factory and are a technologically processed type of food, then they often contain fast carbohydrates. Examples include sugary drinks, white flour products and products containing high fructose corn syrup, sweets.

Carbohydrates and exercise

It is useful to eat slow carbohydrates a couple of hours before physical training for endurance. In this case, the food will have time to leave the stomach before the start of training, but will continue to be in the intestines, supplying the body with energy for several hours. On the other hand, fast carbohydrates (high GI foods) recommended to use after training for quick recovery muscle glycogen stores.

There are two points of view regarding the role of these substances in the fight against obesity:

  1. Energy balance theory. According to this theory, when using more calories than the body can burn, there is an increase in body weight due to the formation of body fat. When eating fewer calories than required, weight loss occurs due to the burning of body fat. This theory is based on the law of thermodynamics, according to which energy cannot be created from nothing or destroyed. The conclusion from this theory is that you can eat as many carbohydrates as you like, provided that their total calorie content is no more than your daily allowance. energy needs. It is assumed that this will not increase fat mass. This theory is held by most medical professionals.
  2. Carbohydrate hypothesis. According to her, obesity is not caused by an excess of calories consumed, but by the nature of the carbohydrates eaten. Proponents of this hypothesis believe that the fight against excess weight can be ensured by reducing the amount of the fast type of these compounds in the diet.

It is possible that the truth lies somewhere in the middle. It is important not only to avoid excess calories in the diet, but also to consume in enough proteins and healthy fats. Undoubtedly, they are of great importance individual characteristics of each organism: genetics, features of work endocrine system, the intensity of physical activity.

sporadic use small quantities sweets and confectionery normally should not lead to obesity. But the active consumption of fast carbohydrates, combined with a high-calorie diet and a lack motor activity fraught with obesity.

The recommended amount of intake will depend on the individual, body type, height and level physical activity. The more active you are, the more carbohydrates you can consume without the risk of obesity. Endurance athletes should consume up to up to 300-400 grams of these compounds per day to ensure energy balance. Minimum recommended daily rate carbohydrate is 130 g, wherein 55% from total calories in the diet should be from the consumption of these compounds.

From the standpoint of metabolism, carbohydrates have only an energy function. If you do not eat them at all, then the body will receive energy by breaking down stored fats, as well as by digesting proteins and fats from food. However, eliminating carbohydrates from the diet can lead to insufficient energy production in the body, shortness of breath, an inability to concentrate, and a lack of a number of vitamins and minerals that abound in foods rich in the slow type of compounds.

Studies have also shown that eliminating slow carbohydrates from the diet does not contribute more intense fat loss, provided that the total calorie intake remains unchanged. Why arrange such tests for yourself, excluding slow carbohydrates from the diet? It is important to use common sense when using these compounds. Ideally, eat some fruits, plenty of vegetables (they are high in nutrients, but few calories) and a certain number of signs (this number can be increased with intense physical exertion).

Feelings of using slow and fast types

Feelings of eating slow and fast carbohydrates vary considerably. Try to observe how you feel after eating foods rich in these compounds. If within half an hour you feel a surge of energy, then these were fast (simple) carbohydrates. It is important to understand that this feeling often goes away with backfire caused by a spike in insulin levels. If, after eating, you did not experience a sharp surge of energy, but the feeling of hunger does not return for a long time after such a meal, then you consumed slow carbohydrates. They allow you to provide the body with energy for a longer period, although the fast type of compounds is sometimes useful for giving strength to the body in case of overload and the need for rapid mobilization.

Foods with slow carbohydrates

What is slow carbs? Widespread sources of slow carbohydrates are many of the foods we are used to.


  • Low fat yogurt.
  • Skimmed milk.

Nuts and legumes

  • Almond.
  • Peanut.
  • Pumpkin seeds.
  • Sunflower seeds.
  • Walnuts.
  • Lentils.
  • Common beans.
  • Split peas.
  • Soya beans.
  • Soy milk.

Bread and cereals

  • Varieties of bread made from whole grains.
  • Varieties of pasta made from whole grains.
  • Buckwheat.
  • Brown rice.
  • Barley and products from it (for example, barley groats).
  • Oats and products from it (for example, oatmeal).
  • Sorghum.
  • Quinoa.
  • Corn.

Fruits and vegetables

It is important to understand that the sweeter the taste of a vegetable (for example, tomatoes, beets), fruit or berries, the more fast carbohydrates it contains in addition to slow ones. Foods containing slow carbs may also contain a significant amount of fast carbs.

  • Potatoes (this product should be used with caution, as it can contribute to obesity due to great content starch).
  • Tomatoes.
  • Carrot.
  • Radish.
  • Beet.
  • Zucchini.
  • Spinach.
  • Apples.
  • Pears.
  • Plums.

Improving the carbohydrate composition of the diet

Now that we know what complex carbohydrates are are not enemies, will be useful the following ways to increase their share in the diet:

  • Good to start the day with oatmeal or porridge from another cereal (oats, barley, buckwheat and others). It contains more slow carbohydrates than breakfast cereals (like corn flakes). By slower digestion of cereals, the body gets rid of spikes in insulin and glucose levels, and also receives a more stable and long-lasting source of energy.
  • Whole grain products should also be included in your dining table and in snacks.
  • It is useful to eat legumes and brown rice. Is rice a slow carb or a fast carb? Brown rice contains more slow carbohydrates than white rice, so it is more beneficial to consume it.
  • If you crave sweets, then it is better to satisfy this need with fresh fruits or berries, and not with sweets and pastries.
  • Try to avoid foods high in starch, such as potatoes.
  • Do not get carried away with bread, buy only varieties from low-grade flour with the addition of rye flour, grains and bran.

The transition from fast to slow carbohydrates for weight loss should be smooth and gradual so that you do not break your taste preferences abruptly and do not cause excessive stress.


What is the glycemic index?

Both simple and complex carbohydrates increase blood sugar levels. When they are consumed, the hormone insulin is produced, which regulates sugar levels. The glycemic index (GI) shows the degree of influence of each food on the increase in glucose. The higher this indicator, the more sugar is contained in the product.

This index (up to 40 bread units) have exactly slow carbohydrates, they are absorbed longer and saturate with energy for a longer period, hunger will come in 3-4 hours.

High GI foods, on the other hand, are quickly absorbed, and the unspent energy received from foods is stored as fat. The index of such products exceeds 70 units. As for the average GI (from 40 to 70), such products are allowed in moderation no later than 16.00. Excess sugar in evening time(this also applies to complex carbohydrates) provokes the processing of carbohydrates into fat, which is also deposited in problem areas.

You can find the menu of a low-carb diet for a week in this article.

We talk about the main principles of the carbohydrate alternation diet on our website.

More about simple and complex carbohydrates read this article https://hudelkin.ru/produkty/prostye-slozhnye-uglevody-spisok.html

Composition and properties

Slow carbohydrates include polysaccharides, the complex molecular chains of which are able to saturate the body with energy for a long time.

The composition of products with slow carbohydrates includes:

  • starch - a source of energy, a white viscous substance, with complete hydrolysis is converted into glucose;
  • glycogen - forms an energy reserve in the liver and muscles, is consumed by the body with a lack of glucose;
  • cellulose (fiber) - solid dietary fiber that is not absorbed by the body, but helps to cleanse the intestines;
  • pectins - polysaccharides plant origin capable of removing cholesterol and heavy metals from the body.

Daily rate

To maintain human life, 2-3 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of body weight is enough. Naturally, a pure carbohydrate, not a cooked product. See tables with BJU content per 100 g of product. It is advisable to write down the diet or keep an electronic diary. count up daily requirement simple, but not exceeding the norm is much more difficult.

Think over and calculate the diet the day before, so it will be easier for you to track your carbohydrate intake. Simple should be no more than 10-20% of the total caloric content of carbohydrates. 1 g is equal to 4 kcal. If your daily allowance is 150 g, then this will be 600 Kcal.

For weight loss in a short time, a low-carbohydrate diet is provided, in which the amount of carbohydrates is reduced to 1 g per 1 kg of weight. Such a diet is rigid and is given simply as an example. Under such conditions, the body experiences a lack of energy, respectively, weight loss occurs due to energy from glycogen, then from subcutaneous fat. Such a diet can destroy muscle tissue.

For a set of muscle mass, consumption of 3-4 g per 1 kg of weight is provided. For those involved in strength training, it is recommended to consume carbohydrates at any time, especially within 40 minutes after training. Nutrient deficiencies hinder mass gain.

Differences between fast and slow carbohydrates

Quickly digestible sugars include glucose, fructose, lactose, which are quickly absorbed and saturate with energy for short term. The absence of hard fibers (fiber) contributes to early offensive hunger. Eating such foods will lead to overeating and a constant feeling of hunger.

Complex molecules, on the contrary, take longer to digest, so they are not immediately transported to fat. For example, in the composition of brown rice there are B vitamins and trace elements that are not preserved during processing and cleaning of grain. White rice will no longer contain useful properties unpolished, will lose fiber, and only starch will remain in the composition. Thus, the processing and method of preparation affect the GI of foods.

Foods containing slow carbohydrates

These products are worth a look. Special attention because they are allowed daily use. Their GI daily calorie content, as well as the fat content is extremely low. You just need to distribute them correctly throughout the day, you can eat all vegetables at any time of the day, and cereals and fruits - only in the first half.

Table of foods containing fast carbohydrates

Such products are prohibited under diabetes, people who are overweight, as well as those who do not want to get better. Of course, you should not give up such products forever. Just reduce your intake to 1-2 times a week. Observe the measure in everything, the body also needs pure sugar. At complete failure sugar causes hypoglycemia.

Carbohydrates play important role in metabolism, so it is important to distinguish which are complex and which are simple. Remember simple carbohydrates You don't have to cut them out completely, just reduce your intake. Vegetables are allowed at any time of the day, besides, they go well with cereals and meat. By eating right, you can not only improve metabolism and look good, but also prevent the development of diabetes.

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