Proper diet - a schedule for every day. Meal time with proper nutrition

Eating (there is(verb), food or meal) - directly the process of taking prepared food by a person, performed in a certain period of time, usually several times a day. Meals usually take place at home or in catering establishments, but can also take place in any other place (for example, picnics). In addition, festive meals are scheduled for a special occasion (wedding, birthday, and so on). However, sometimes a joint meal occurs in connection with mournful events or dates.

Depending on the country and lifestyle, there are various breakfast traditions:

  • European continental breakfast;
  • English breakfast;
  • cantonese breakfast.


Lunch - a meal in the middle of the day, usually the second or, less often, the third meal of the day (usually after the first or second breakfast), the most plentiful. As a rule, hot dishes are served for lunch.


Dinner - the Slavic name for the evening meal - the last meal at the end of the day, usually in the evening or at night. Dinner is one of the main meals. Dinner is also called the food itself, prepared for the evening meal.

Additional meals (snacks)

Lunch (eng. Lunch) (in Soviet literature, the transliteration " lunch"") - in English-speaking countries, an abbreviation formed from Luncheon and denoting a meal at noon - a second breakfast or light snack in English-speaking countries.

afternoon tea- a light meal between lunch and dinner, also the name of the food prepared for this.

Table setting

Table setting is not just preparation for breakfast, lunch, dinner or tea - it is an art that largely depends on the taste of the person setting the table.


  1. Ozhegov S. I. Dictionary of the Russian language. - 8th ed., stereotype. - M.: "Soviet Encyclopedia", 1970. - S. 182. - 900 p. - 150,000 copies.
  2. Ozhegov S. I. Dictionary of the Russian language. - 8th ed., stereotype. - M.: "Soviet Encyclopedia", 1970. - S. 180. - 900 p. - 150,000 copies.
  3. Ozhegov S. I. Dictionary of the Russian language. - 8th ed., stereotype. - M.: "Soviet Encyclopedia", 1970. - S. 795. - 900 p. - 150,000 copies.
  4. Ozhegov S. I. Dictionary of the Russian language. - 8th ed., stereotype. - M.: "Soviet Encyclopedia", 1970. - S. 195. - 900 p. - 150,000 copies.
  5. Breakfast in Ushakov's dictionary (inaccessible link from 06/14/2016)
  6. Ozhegov S. I. Dictionary of the Russian language. - 8th ed., stereotype. - M.: "Soviet Encyclopedia", 1970. - S. 412. - 900 p. - 150,000 copies.
  7. Ozhegov S. I. Dictionary of the Russian language. - 8th ed., stereotype. - M.: "Soviet Encyclopedia", 1970. - S. 814. - 900 p. - 150,000 copies.
  8. Bulyko A. N. Modern dictionary of foreign words. - 2nd ed., corrected. and additional - M.: "Martin", 2006. - S. 385. - 848 p. - 5000 copies. - ISBN 5-8475-0265-6.
  9. Ozhegov S. I. Dictionary of the Russian language. - 8th ed., stereotype. - M.: "Soviet Encyclopedia", 1970. - S. 542. - 900 p. - 150 thousand copies.
  10. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language (Ozhegov S., Shvedova N.)


  • Alexandre Grimaud de La Renière. Almanac Gourmets. - UFO, 2014. - 621 p. - (Culture of everyday life). - ISBN 978-5-44484-153-6.
  • B. V. Markov. Food culture // Culture of everyday life. Tutorial. - Peter, 2008. - S. 226-242. - 350 s. - ISBN 978-5-91180-180-9.
  • Feast - a meal - a feast in the Slavic and Jewish cultural tradition. Collection of articles / O. V. Belova (editor-in-chief), V. V. Mochalova, V. Ya. Petrukhin, L. A. Chulkova. - M.: Sefer, 2005. - 255 p. - (Academic series. Issue 17). - 400 copies. - ISBN 5-8125-0729-5.


Between breakfast and lunch what is it called?

    Leave England and America alone.... In Russia there were several breakfasts - interceptionsquot ;, and early kus - any Russian-speaking person understands the meaning of these words, he can easily determine which of them was the first and which was the second; Yes, and by the volume of food, it is extremely clear ... that there was no hearty breakfast in Russia.

    In the Belarusian language, by the way, the name of breakfast is preserved as

    As far as we know, this snack was invented in England. But in different countries of the world it is called differently. In Russia they call it second breakfast, in England lunch, in the USA brunch. Brunch is a combination of the words breakfast and lunch. Usually, light food is prepared for a second breakfast in order to survive until dinner, so to speak. Something similar to an afternoon snack, where they drink compote, kefir or milk with a bun. At least that's how we were fed in the camp. There were lunches and afternoon snacks. We called it a second breakfast, apparently that's how it is in Russia. Although if you have a hearty meal at breakfast, then lunch or second breakfast is not needed. I usually went to pick up only fruits.

    As we all know, the British once coined the word lunch (lunch) to refer to a meal after breakfast and before lunch.

    And yet the Americans have the word Brunch. This is a fusion of the words breakfast (breakfast) and lunch, and is used to refer to a weekend brunch. That is, the time is already, as it were, lunch, and this is only the first meal after waking up.

    This snack between breakfast and lunch among Russians is simply called second breakfastquot ;.

    Usually, so rarely does anyone do it because it is harmful, which is probably why they didn’t come up with names for it.

    A light snack between lunch and dinner is called and it is more useful than second breakfast.

    In English, this is lunch. But in Russia it is not. Because the breakfast is heavy. Often we drink tea or coffee at this time so there is a coffee break. But sometimes Americans have lunch as dinner, so dinner is called dinner and there is no real supper dinner

    Different nations have their own names for these snacks.

    It happens in our family on weekends and first breakfast, that is, just early morning tea, and lunch, this is oatmeal, which I cook in 3 minutes from a pack where it says does not require cookingquot ;. And third breakfast, which my husband usually cooks - a Spanish tartilla, that is, almost our omelette, but more filled: diced potatoes, onions, ham, a lot of greens and eggs.

    Now we will call LUNCH!

    Foreigners call it lunch, and we have a simple lunch, regular tea or coffee with biscuits, sweets and other sweets, and many are simply used to drinking only coffee.

    The second breakfast is usually at 10 am, two hours before lunch.

    Second breakfast - but there is no officially accepted name

Speaking about proper nutrition, we mean not just eating healthy foods, but also eating in small portions, every 2-3 hours. Accordingly, the daily diet will consist not only of breakfast, lunch, dinner, but also accommodate small snacks between them. Our task is to make these snacks useful for our body. A proper snack should not be done on the run, it should be regarded as a full meal.

Why is snacking so important?

Eating a lot and in large portions is harmful to the body. When a person eats 3 times a day and at the same time overeats heavily, the metabolism can slow down. Food that enters the body very slowly and is poorly absorbed. A person thinks that he enriches his body with vitamins, but in the end it only harms him.
It is much easier for the body to process food that comes into the body gradually. For example, it is advisable to eat about six times a day, but in small portions.
With six meals a day, the volume of food decreases, the stomach does not stretch.
Here is a simple example. The man came home from work hungry. In the morning I didn’t eat anything and didn’t have time to have lunch. He eats a large portion of food, and the body stores a certain amount of fat in reserve. And then the person is perplexed and indignant where the sides on his waist come from, the sagging belly, because I only eat once a day.

With a healthy diet and snacks, there will be no painful feeling of hunger, especially since there will always be a light snack at hand.
A person can plan his own diet. To be both useful and tasty.

When is the best time to eat?

You have to eat properly. This is done when you are already hungry, or between breakfast and lunch. For people who may forget to eat, you can use small reminder stickers, or just set an alarm on your cell phone.
For a snack, it is not necessary to allocate too much time, it will be enough for you to devote 5-10 minutes to it. Even if you have a lot of work, you need to be distracted and thus it will turn out that you will rest and replenish your body with useful substances and vitamins.

Approximate power scheme:

  • 6:00-9:00-breakfast
  • 11:00 - snack (second breakfast)
  • 13:00-15:00-lunch
  • 16:00-17:00 - snack (afternoon snack)
  • 18:00-19:00 dinner
  • 21:00 - snack (second dinner)

What foods can be eaten for a healthy snack?

Nutritionists say that for a snack, foods rich in proteins and carbohydrates should be used. They are not very high in calories, and will give you a lot of energy for the whole working day.

These products are:

  • cottage cheese, yogurt;
  • citrus;
  • nuts, dried fruits, berries;
  • eggs;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits.

But the most important thing is to watch the portion, and in no case overeat.

First snack or second breakfast or lunch

If in the morning, in a hurry getting ready for work, you did not have time to have breakfast and your breakfast consisted only of a cup of coffee, then during your snack you should definitely eat something substantial. The ideal option in this case would be the use of oatmeal, cheesecakes or scrambled eggs. But if the breakfast was hearty, then you can have a snack with some kind of fruit, fresh or in the form of dried fruits. They are good for snacking. For people working in an office, or in a crowded place, these products will be very appropriate, because they do not interfere with others with unnecessary odors.

A good option for a snack is boiled corn. She is useful and nutritious. During heat treatment, corn does not lose all its beneficial properties. People love to snack on a couple of apples. It is better not to do this, because apples cause the secretion of gastric juice, and you may feel hungry. If you have enough free time, you can prepare snacks for yourself in advance. Apple baked with cottage cheese, with the addition of honey; cottage cheese balls with dried fruits and nuts; milkshakes with berries and cottage cheese and much more. Let your imagination fly and you will be surprised to see how many tasty and healthy snacks she will give you.

Second snack or afternoon snack

The second snack is very important for people adhering to proper nutrition. It is especially important for those who have a habit of having dinner late or often staying late at work. It is thanks to this snack that you will not be overtaken by the feeling of hunger by surprise. It will allow you to stretch the feeling of satiety until dinner and will not let you overeat. For an afternoon snack, protein and carbohydrate foods with a high fiber content are well suited. Fans of fermented milk products can please themselves with kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt or low-fat cottage cheese. Vegetable salad with cheese and olive oil, vinaigrette with a minimum content of potatoes, will serve as a source of fiber for your body.

Evening snack

Evening snack is the last meal before bed. Adhering to the principles of proper nutrition for an evening snack, it is advisable to use predominantly protein foods. You need to have a snack no later than three hours before bedtime. Going to bed preferably with an empty stomach. For an evening snack, a glass of low-calorie kefir or unsweetened yogurt is perfect. You can snack on boiled egg whites or make an omelette out of them by mixing a couple of egg whites with 40 grams of milk. Fans of dairy products can afford a glass of warm milk as a snack. If in your refrigerator there is only milk with a high percentage of fat content, you can dilute it with warm boiled water, in a ratio of 1 to 1.

Snacks for people with limited time.

Many people who do not have enough time to eat quietly do it on the run. They run into a fast food restaurant on the way to work, throwing another burger into themselves, and after a while they are surprised that the feeling of hunger overtook them again. Products in such establishments are not only far from the principles of proper nutrition, but also extremely harmful. If you don't have time for a normal snack, you can eat a banana, a handful of nuts, or drink drinking yogurt.

Wrong snack

The 21st century is the age of information technology. A time when people have less and less free time. The time when food materializes on your table in minutes. All you need is a smartphone with internet access. But unfortunately this food can hardly be called healthy. And the wrong snacks are harmful to our health. They give us a short-term feeling of satiety and after a while our body demands to satisfy its needs again. All those who monitor their health and their figure should avoid eating foods such as

  • fast food
  • soda
  • cakes, pastries, sweets and cookies
  • sausages
  • noodles, potatoes and instant soups
  • crackers, chips, salted nuts and salted fish

The right snack can not only preserve health, but also the figure and nerves of a person. Adhering to a certain diet and not forgetting about the right snacks, you will feel like a person full of energy day after day. Extra pounds will go away, and health will be much stronger. Therefore, you need to eat right and at the same time have fun.

By all accounts, a healthy diet is one that contains no fat at all, is low-calorie and tasteless food. In reality, things are a little different, and even healthy food can be very tasty. How to draw up a schedule and regimen, what are the principles of a balanced diet?

Healthy eating rules

Organizing a proper diet is very important. Scientists have proven that adults who use quality products for cooking live longer and get sick much less often than others. If you are seriously concerned about the state of your health or the diet of loved ones, then first learn the basic rules of nutrition:

  • Be sure to include protein in every meal. However, this does not mean that you should eat only meat and fish all day long. Dairy products, legumes, or eggs are also great sources of protein.
  • Make a regime and the correct daily routine. Try to eat strictly at certain hours and do not skip lunch or dinner.
  • Try to eat as little fat as possible. If cooking in oil, then use products with no more than 10% fat. This rule does not apply to the so-called healthy fats, which are part of avocados, nuts, seafood.
  • Eat whole grain cereals. They will have to be boiled a little longer, but they have more vitamins.
  • Drink mineral water. There is no need to make special calculations, just replace your regular drinks during the day with a glass of drinking water.

List of products for proper nutrition

In addition to following the basic rules of nutrition and regimen, you will have to learn about the correct ratio of products, as well as learn how to combine them. Conventionally, all food is divided into three types. It:

  • protein;
  • neutral;
  • starchy.

Each category is absorbed by the body in different ways: some products require more energy for processing, while others almost immediately enter the intestines from the stomach. In order not to give the body an extra load, the exact compatibility of products for proper nutrition is very important. The following table will help you combine the ingredients. In one meal, you need to eat foods from the first and second columns or from the second and third columns:

Protein food

Neutral food

Starchy foods

Nuts and seeds


Cream and butter

Vegetable oils


Vegetables and mushrooms (carrots, beets, celery, legumes, cabbage, etc.)

Dairy products

Sour fruits (oranges, lemons, strawberries, cherries, apples, others)

Sweet fruits (bananas, pear, Jerusalem artichoke, raisins)

Sauces and dressings for dishes based on vegetable oils, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, mayonnaise

Tomato juice

Salad dressings: sour cream, cream.

How to cook the right foods

To preserve all the nutrients in vegetables, it is better to fry or stew them at a temperature not exceeding 60 degrees. Steaming, baking or frying at 100 degrees will help maintain the nutritional value of meat, poultry and fish. At the same time, the process of baking a kilogram of beef tenderloin is long - from 60 minutes to two hours. Marinades help shorten this time. High-temperature cooking with proper nutrition is unacceptable, and fried foods can be eaten extremely rarely.

Proper nutrition mode

Even a dieting adult should follow a reasonable diet:

  1. Ideally, food should enter the body every four hours, but if this does not happen, digestive disorders begin, eventually leading to more serious problems.
  2. The correct mode of eating is five times a day: three main meals and snacks.
  3. The diet must contain fats, proteins, carbohydrates and fiber.
  4. Every day you need to drink water in the amount of 40 ml per kilogram of weight.

Diet plan for weight loss

The basic rule for those who want to lose weight is that the diet should be balanced. The total calorie content of meals per day for losing weight is 1700 kilocalories. It is advisable to eat three times a day:

  • Eat half an hour after you wake up. At breakfast, the body should receive about 25% of the daily calories, so the food should be dense: cereals, muesli, cheese, eggs, dairy products and fiber.
  • For lunch, calories should be in the amount of 50%. The plate needs to be filled a quarter with protein food (meat or fish), the same amount with a side dish of carbohydrates (rice, buckwheat or potatoes), and half with fiber (cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes).
  • For dinner, determine 25% of calories. A good option is seafood with vegetables, cottage cheese, lean fish dishes. Do not eat carbohydrates at night: while you sleep, they will turn into fat.
  • The right diet for weight loss can not do without snacks. The first time you can eat a light snack 2 hours after breakfast, the second - after dinner. Any snack should be within 100 kcal.

Meal time with proper nutrition

After you have mastered all the rules and purchased the necessary products, you will need to draw up a schedule where to schedule proper nutrition by the hour:

  1. Remember that healthy carbohydrates will enter the intestines after 4-6 hours. Therefore, it is better to eat dishes such as cereals, pasta and bread for breakfast in order not to feel hungry for a longer time. Be sure to make your right breakfast tastier, add fruits, berries, honey to ordinary cereals.
  2. It is desirable to have lunch at about 12 o'clock, while the diet should include all types of products: proteins, fats, carbohydrates. In the middle of the day, be sure to eat the first course and a small lean side dish. Give up fast food from packages, crackers, chips and fast food.
  3. It is better to have dinner at about 5-6 pm with protein foods. It will be digested in the stomach in just 2-3 hours, so it will not disturb your sleep. Cook lean fish or meat, eat a piece of chicken or a cup of cottage cheese.

Intervals between meals

Snacking is an important part of a healthy diet and routine. A light lunch will feed you at the stage of slightly noticeable hunger, and at lunch or dinner you will not exceed the norm. For good health, the interval between meals should be 2-3 hours, and when a person takes long breaks in eating, his blood sugar level drops and his health worsens. To prevent this from happening, nutritionists advise snacking. There are several options for healthy nutrition:

  • eat one or two fruits or a glass of berries in the morning;
  • after dinner, you can have a snack with a plate of salad or a glass of smoothie;
  • a quarter cup of seeds or 20 grams of nuts will satisfy hunger in the interval between breakfast-lunch or lunch-dinner;
  • half a pack of cottage cheese, a glass of milk or kefir will be an excellent afternoon snack or snack after dinner.

Daily nutrition schedule

Even if you stick to four meals a day, resorting to a rational distribution of calories is worth it. If you correctly draw up a nutrition schedule, the stomach will not be overly overloaded, and the body will gradually get used to such a routine. Violating the regime is strictly prohibited even when losing weight. Even if you do not have time to have lunch, you should not eat a double portion for dinner: it is better to have a hearty breakfast.

An approximate daily routine should look something like this:

  • 8.00 - 9.00 - breakfast. You should try to eat more carbohydrates and less protein foods.
  • 12.00-14.00 - lunch. Here, on the contrary, it is worth protecting yourself from carbohydrates and paying attention to nutritious dishes: cream soups, vegetable broths, stews, poultry.
  • 16.00 -17.00 - afternoon snack. Do without fatty foods, flour or sweet confectionery.
  • 19.00 - dinner. The menu will be appropriate low-fat fish, stewed vegetables, dairy products.

Approximate nutrition menu

If you follow the right diet and a clear schedule, you can bring your body into excellent physical shape in a few weeks. It is important not only to eat healthy food, but also to exercise and be sure to sleep 7-8 hours a day. Beginners can make a proper nutrition menu for the day, and make small adjustments to it the next day. An example plan should be:

  • Have a hearty breakfast in the morning. Eat milk porridge, muesli with yogurt, a piece of tofu with an egg, or some lean fish.
  • After two hours, have a snack at work: drink a glass of milk or make a smoothie.
  • At noon, indulge in seafood soup, beef and rice.
  • For lunch, dried fruits, nuts, a bun.
  • In the evening, give preference to chicken with vegetable salad, you can drink a glass of red wine.

Video: The principles of proper nutrition

It seems that there are good reasons for this - there is little time, there is no time to think about it, and, at first glance, it is much more important for health to visit a fitness center or have a rest in a sanatorium every year. Indeed, the rules of daily food intake are simple, but by violating them, a person drastically reduces the positive effect of all other wellness procedures.

Before moving on to practical steps to normalize eating habits, you need to remember 2 basic rules, not following which, you can complicate your life.

1. It is necessary to wean from bad habits and get used to good ones gradually.

2. Despite the fact that human nutrition has always been dealt with, and is currently being dealt with by many people, there have not yet been developed (and are unlikely to be developed at all) universal rules for eating that would suit all people. Therefore, starting to master new habits, we must rely on common sense, our own well-being and basic knowledge of the physiology of our body.

To cover all the rules of proper eating, you need to answer 3 questions.

1. When to eat or how many meals to eat during the day?

2. How much food to eat at one meal?

3. How to eat?

How often does he sit down at the table?

There is no consensus among experts on this issue. Some advise eating the entire daily amount of food in 3 meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner). Other experts advise to “dilute” 3 main meals with 2 to 3 more snacks. Both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages. The traditional three meals a day is more in line with the rhythm of modern life. In the morning I woke up - I had breakfast, at work I had a planned lunch - I ate again and came home - dinner. Another advantage of such a diet is this: there is enough time between meals for the digestive system to fully absorb the foods eaten.

The main advantage of fractional meals- the body receives fewer products at a time, and it is easier for it to absorb them. But this approach also has disadvantages - in today's "fast" life, it is difficult to follow the regimen of five or six meals a day (you will forget, then you will not prepare the products). The second drawback is that with frequent eating of hard-to-digest foods (meat products, bread, potatoes), the gastrointestinal tract simply does not have time to absorb one serving of food, and a person is already starting to eat a second one. The best option in this case is to make snacks from fruits and vegetable salads or other easily digestible foods.

The timing of the meal also matters. It is advisable to have breakfast between 6 and 8 o'clock in the morning, lunch between 12 and 15 o'clock, and dinner between 18 and 20 o'clock in the evening. Snacks are best organized equidistant between breakfast and lunch and lunch and dinner.

How much food to eat at one time?

It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously, there are several options for solving this problem.

1. Get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger. With fractional meals (5-6 times a day), this rule applies only to the main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner). For many people, following this rule does not benefit simply because they eat quickly and practically do not chew their food. With fast food, when a person feels “light hunger”, the stomach is already full. Compliance with this rule is very useful for the body, but only if a person chews food slowly.

2. Eat as much food at a time as can fit in two folded palms. This method of measuring the volume of food came to us from India from yogis, but at the moment it seems to be greatly simplified. Indeed, with the modern variety of food in one volume, you can fit products that are very different in quality and effect on the body. However, as an appetite control option, this method is also suitable.

3. Another way to clean up your own diet is to eat 25% for breakfast of the estimated daily amount of food, for lunch - 50% and for dinner - 25%.

As we can see, there are several options for controlling the food you eat: you can experiment and choose the right one for yourself.

How to eat?

For the body, it is important not only what we eat, but also how we do it. There are several habits that you should develop in yourself in this regard.

2. Drink a glass of warm water 15-20 minutes before each meal- this normalizes appetite and helps to wean from such a bad habit as drinking water after eating.

3. Good habit: when you have already sat down at the table, sit quietly for 30 - 60 seconds, to distract from extraneous thoughts and focus on food. Thus, the body is tuned to the digestion of food. It is customary for Christians to read a prayer before eating, and in Eastern culture they repeat a special mantra - as we can see, this habit came to us from ancient times.

4. After eating, do not immediately get up and start vigorous activity, you need to sit quietly for a few minutes.

5. Do not eat very cold or hot food, This also applies to water and drinks.

6. The gastrointestinal tract works much worse if a person is in a highly agitated or depressed mood while eating. Eat in a calm state of mind.

7. Solid food should be drunk(that is, chew it to a liquid consistency), and chew the liquid (that is, do not immediately swallow, but perform several chewing movements). This habit facilitates the work of the gastrointestinal tract and protects a person from many diseases.

Every person has habits, and it depends only on us whether they will be good or bad.

Proper nutrition by the clock is not only a guarantee of good health, but a great way to lose weight, find the optimal weight for your body and age.

For weight loss, many people put their bodies under severe torment and stress, sharply limiting food intake and all products, sticking to only one type of food or a few fruits.

This approach not only does not give the desired result, but also injures the psyche, makes the subconscious turn even more energy into fat. Eating by the hour is the only solution for maintaining the health of the stomach and intestines, effective, gradual weight loss.

What are the advantages and disadvantages

The hourly diet has its advantages and disadvantages. Advantages of the power system:

  • beneficial effect on the stomach;
  • facilitating digestion;
  • normalization of blood sugar;
  • low calorie content of the food used, due to small portions;
  • restoration of normal metabolism;
  • the ability to eat your preferred food;
  • slow weight loss and no tendency to re-gain.

Despite such a wide list of beneficial effects of hourly eating, this lifestyle has some negative sides.

Among the shortcomings, you can find such phenomena:

  • at first it is difficult to get used to eating so often and in small portions;
  • it is difficult to find time for frequent snacks;
  • the schedule of hours of eating may not coincide with free time from work;
  • excess weight loss occurs quite slowly and little by little;
  • a feeling of constant hunger is possible;
  • a small portion of food for most is not enough to satisfy.

Still, the right diet by the clock is useful for many people. Along with other positive characteristics, it teaches the body to discipline and order.

Meal time with proper nutrition in the table

Proper nutrition in time does not limit a person in the use of any products, it accustoms to discipline and proper routine.

In the table, you can indicate the approximate time for breakfast, dinner, lunch and other snacks:

As can be seen from the table, you can independently orient yourself in time.

What should be the daily routine

Breakfast time is marked from 7.00 to 9.00. However, this does not mean opening your eyes and eating right away.

It is best to do some physical activity before breakfast. You can run, do exercises, clean the house. Then you will want something to eat.

A person who is accustomed to playing sports, training, can have breakfast after class.

For breakfast, you need to refresh yourself with some kind of porridge without sugar, scrambled eggs, fresh vegetables in the form of a salad, drink your favorite drink. Lunch or second breakfast should be no less satisfying.

It's time for soup, borscht. If it is difficult to eat a hearty meal a short time after the first breakfast, you can just have a snack with yogurt or fresh fruit.

Reception of the main, most satisfying and rich in proteins, carbohydrates food comes from one in the afternoon to 3 hours. During this period, it is necessary to eat food rich in proteins, combine it with vegetables.

After lunch, it's time for a light snack. Like an afternoon snack, this meal consists of a small amount of fruit or natural fruit juice. It is forbidden to eat sweets at this time.

If there is no special desire for a snack, you can skip it. Depending on the calorie content and satiety of the lunch, the first dinner can be skipped. The body will better determine whether you want to eat or not.

Dinner time is from 18.00 to 20.00. Contrary to the erroneous opinion that they don’t eat after 6 pm, the last dinner is quite hearty and voluminous. You can eat fish with vegetables or meat.

The bulk of the diet consists of protein. Can be replaced with sour-milk products in combination with fruits.

To lose extra pounds, and not gain weight, you should give up carbohydrates and sweets for dinner. If you want to lose weight, you should definitely count the calories of the dish in the evening.

If there are few of them, the body most likely will not gain weight, but will spend more calories and effort on digesting foods.

Why is it so important for weight loss

Proper nutrition on time implies at least 5 meals a day. For weight loss, there are certain diets on schedule. They are a little different from proper nutrition.

The main menu is based on low-calorie foods. Instead of a morning breakfast, you should drink carrot juice or salad.

Soup recipes on proper nutrition,.

How to cook cheesecakes from cottage cheese in the oven on proper nutrition,.

For a diet, eating by the clock is quite rich in nutrients and a variety of foods. For weight loss, it is important first of all to follow the daily routine.

Take the next portion of food, snacks do strictly at a certain time. This will help you slowly but regularly lose weight.

If there is a need to get rid of a dozen kilograms, then you should definitely combine a diet with exercise. Without them, you will not be able to lose weight well.

If, however, there is no special need for a quick loss of kilograms, then an hourly diet will completely cope with the task. The result should not be expected in a matter of days or weeks. Only a month and a half of strict adherence to the hourly regimen will make you feel weight loss.

Any mode failures, busting with a portion, violation of hourly nutrition, can lead to the opposite result.

This diet is only for punctual and attentive people. Too busy with work or other activities, the method will not help. They simply do not have enough time for such frequent snacks.

What foods can you eat at what time of the day?

Using the table, you can show a list of the main food for each meal:

Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snack Dinner
Porridge without sugar Liquid soup Fish Fresh fruits Meat
Wholemeal bread Soup puree Seafood tea glass Fish
Yogurt Meat Vegetable stew
Muesli with skim milk one apple Chicken Vegetable Salad
Scrambled eggs A glass of milk vegetable salad with vegetable oil Fruit
Fresh Juice
Green tea

Listed are the main types of foods suitable for each meal in time. If you want to lose weight quickly and without harm to the body, you should adhere to the hourly meal. You can always count calories, eat enough food and not gain weight.

Nutrition plays an important role in human health. Proper nutrition allows a person to feel good, be in a great mood and live for many years without problems. The essence of proper nutrition is to follow simple rules and recommendations in your diet every day.

Many people begin to take care of their health only when problems with well-being begin - and this is not right. It is necessary to take care of your health and strengthen it when you are absolutely healthy, so that diseases and problems bypass you. Eating right doesn't mean you have to box yourself in and eat multiple foods. Below you will find 8 basic recommendations for proper nutrition and make sure that a healthy diet is varied, tasty and balanced.

8 basic rules for a healthy diet

Eat vegetables and fruits every day. The basics of proper nutrition - they say that vegetables and fruits contain many vitamins and nutrients that the human body needs for a healthy lifestyle. Fiber, which is part of their composition, improves metabolic processes in the human body. A couple of fruits or a couple of vegetables will cost you about 50 rubles, and the benefits you will receive are 10 times more than this amount. Vegetables and fruits are useful for the prevention of many diseases. Fiber maintains a normal level of cholesterol in human blood, normalizes weight, improves the functioning of the digestive tract. In addition, fiber removes toxins from the body and controls the amount of sugar in the blood. Include vegetables and fruits in your proper diet and after a while you will notice how they positively affect your health.

Clean water - improves the functioning of all internal organs and not only. The correct diet involves drinking on an empty stomach in the morning 1 glass of water. So you prepare your stomach for the upcoming meal, improve the removal of toxins and toxins from the body. Daily to maintain the health of the whole organism, it is recommended to drink 1-2 liters of water. It is necessary to divide this volume into 5 parts. Remember these water nutrition basics, especially when you can drink water. It is necessary to drink water before eating for 15-20 minutes. You do not need to drink during meals, and after 40-60 minutes, after eating, you do not need to drink either. The body of an adult is 65-70%, in children it is 65-70%, and in older people the body is 55-60% water. Water helps fight excess weight, because if you drink 200-300 ml of water 30 minutes before a meal, your appetite will decrease. Sugary carbonated drinks and other unhealthy foods should be reduced to a minimum or eliminated from your diet completely.

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Follow the correct diet. Try to eat 4-5 times a day every day. Thus, you will accelerate your metabolism, you will not stretch your stomach, and you will feel light during the day. It turns out that every 3-4 hours you need to sit down at the table or take pre-prepared food with you and eat where it is convenient for you. Food in containers is convenient during work, leisure, etc., always at hand.

The diet should be balanced every day. Proper nutrition includes a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. If you lead a normal lifestyle, then the amount of protein per 1 kg of your weight should be 1 gram, carbohydrates 3-4 grams, and fat 0.5-1 g per kilogram of your weight. As a percentage of total calories, it looks like this: proteins 20-30%, carbohydrates 40-50%, fats 10-20%. This ratio will allow you to get enough energy for the whole day, maintain your weight and feel comfortable. For example, if your weight is 70 kg, then to maintain your current weight, you need to eat 70 g of protein, 210-280 grams of carbohydrates, 35-70 grams of fat. If you are losing weight, then increase the calorie content of your diet, if the weight is increasing, then, accordingly, reduce the calorie content of your diet.

Chew your food well. Proper nutrition means not to overload the stomach, but to help it. If you chew food well, then already crushed food enters the gastrointestinal tract, and it is easier to digest and assimilate, and thereby reduce the load on the internal organs. Additionally, you will protect yourself from overeating and from excess body fat. Approximately 15 minutes after eating, the human brain understands whether you are full or not. Therefore, eat slowly, at an average pace at the table.

You should not fast for a long time. Each person has busy everyday life, work, study, training, and it is not always possible to eat on time - and you have to go hungry for 5 hours or more. If you often go hungry, then while eating, your body will take this into account and store food in subcutaneous fat in order to create a reserve when you are starving. Thus, a person can gain excess weight, namely fat. Metabolism is disturbed, the condition worsens with frequent hunger strikes. Try to take food in containers with you and do not starve. Then your weight will be normal, and your metabolism will be good.

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Don't get distracted while eating. Do not train yourself to eat while watching TV, laptop, etc. While eating, your brain and stomach should focus on the food. So your digestive system will work better and food will be better and faster digested and assimilated. Eat calmly, do not rush. There is no need to rush into proper nutrition.

Proper nutrition includes the separation of incompatible foods by chemical composition. Some scientists believe that you can not eat protein and carbohydrate foods together, and it should be separated in your diet. During the digestion of protein foods, an acidic environment is needed, and during the digestion of carbohydrate foods, an alkaline environment. Protein products, this is fish; chicken; bird; cottage cheese 0-2%; milk 0.5-1%; eggs without yolks, legumes, nuts and others. Carbohydrates predominate in rice, buckwheat, cereals, cereals, durum pasta, wholemeal bread, and others.

  1. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Proper nutrition means that in the morning the human body receives a sufficient amount of carbohydrates for a good energy boost for the whole day. It is advisable to eat porridge every day in the morning. Proteins of animal origin are also necessary, you can include cottage cheese, milk, eggs without yolks, chicken or fish fillet.
  2. Lunch - during lunch, the body got hungry, because about 3-5 hours have passed since breakfast. It is necessary to eat complex carbohydrates and proteins of animal origin. From carbohydrates, you can eat rice, buckwheat, durum pasta. From proteins, you can chicken, fish, lean meat. So you get enough nutrients until the evening.
  3. Afternoon snack - for an afternoon snack, eat a light fruit salad or fruit separately.
  4. Dinner - dinner should be light, contain protein products and complex carbohydrates, preferably vegetables. You need to have dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime. If hunger torments, then 1 hour before bedtime, drink a glass of kefir 0.5-1% fat.

Healthy food

Proper nutrition includes the following foods:

Animal proteins:

  • Curd 0-2%
  • Milk 0.5-1%
  • Kefir 0-1%
  • Chicken fillet
  • Fish fillet
  • Lean meat (pork, beef)
  • Turkey fillet
  • Chicken eggs without yolks

Complex carbohydrates in foods:

  • Rice (brown)
  • Buckwheat
  • Durum macaroni
  • Wholemeal bread
  • Lentils

Vegetable proteins:

  • Beans
  • Peas

Foods with vegetable fat and Omega-3 fatty acids:

  • Seafood
  • Vegetable oils
  • Olives
  • Corn
  • Pine nuts
  • Walnut
  • Peanut

Foods rich in vitamins and fiber:

  • Vegetables
  • Fruit

Harmful food

Proper nutrition excludes the following foods:

Animal fats:

  • fat meat
  • fat milk
  • fatty cheeses
  • egg yolks
  • fast food (fast food)
  • Crisps
  • sausages
  • Sausage
  • Mayonnaise

Simple carbohydrates:

  • sugar
  • chocolates
  • cakes
  • cakes
  • buns
  • baking
  • White bread

Other junk food:

  • Alcohol
  • Large amount of salt

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