Absolutely negative test at 11 dpo. Why is it better not to test before the delay? ovulation is

Is it 10 DPO? Is the test negative? What does this mean for a couple planning to become parents? Is there any hope for pregnancy? Or in this case, you can not hope for a successful conception? Every girl, even a teenager, should know the answers to all these questions. The thing is that pregnancy, ovulation and the timing of the pregnancy test are closely related. If you do not take this into account, you may encounter an unexpected unplanned pregnancy.

Ovulation is...

10 DPO - the test is negative, should I be upset or is it too early? To correctly answer such a question, you will have to figure out what ovulation is.

In the body of a woman with the onset of the next menstruation, a cyclic process begins - the maturation of the egg with the preparation of the body for fertilization. Ovulation is the moment when the follicle ruptures. An egg ready for fertilization comes out of it. This is the most favorable moment for conception.

But when will the test show the exact result? And is it worth it to be upset if on the 10th day after ovulation the girl does not see the second bright line?

Important: ovulation occurs approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

What does the test respond to?

10-11 DPO - negative test? Before you get upset or rejoice, you need to understand, Everything is extremely simple and clear even to a schoolboy.

Modern express tests allow you to determine pregnancy in the early stages. They respond to an increase in the level of hCG in the urine. In a healthy body, this hormone is absent.

Accordingly, the second strip will appear during pregnancy when the level of hCG rises to a sufficient level. Usually, modern express tests make it possible to judge the onset of pregnancy approximately by the first delay in menstruation.

When to do the test?

10 dpo test negative? Unfortunately, it is difficult to answer why this is so. This is due to the fact that each organism is individual. And girls may not see the second strip on a pregnancy test for a very long time due to individual characteristics.

Therefore, it is better to find out when is the best time to check the body for the success of conception. There are different opinions about this.

In fact, it's best not to take a pregnancy test until your period is missed. On the first or second day, the test may not give the desired result. And, the earlier the girl does the test, the less likely it is that the diagnosis will be effective.

The sensitivity of the test is to blame

Day 10 DPO test negative? Do not get upset ahead of time! It is not a fact that the indications of the device for home confirmation of pregnancy are not false.

The thing is that modern pregnancy tests have different sensitivities. The smaller the number on the test package, the more accurate it will be.

To date, you can find devices with a sensitivity of 25, 20 and 10 Mme / ml. Most of the tests have the first "type of accuracy". This is enough to determine pregnancy in the first days of a missed period in most cases.

The low sensitivity of the test often leads to the fact that a woman sees a false result - the device "says" that there is no pregnancy, but in fact it does occur.

Test types

It is hard to believe, but practice shows that the type of device used to determine pregnancy plays an important role. This is due to the fact that some types of pregnancy tests have a high probability of errors. To determine the success of conception in the early stages, this is an extremely important nuance.

In pharmacies, you can find the following pregnancy tests:

  • strip strips;
  • tablet;
  • jet;
  • electronic.

They are all used in approximately the same way - urine is applied to the receiving end of the device, after which a chemical reaction occurs and information about the level of hCG is displayed.

Is there any hope?

Going 10 dpo? Is the test negative? Is there any hope for a successful conception of a child? As already mentioned, a definite answer will not work under any circumstances. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body of a particular girl.

Theoretically, there is hope for pregnancy. Many claim that 10 days after ovulation is too early to diagnose the success of conception. Before menstruation, on average, another 4-5 days. So, most likely, the test results will be negative.

From the foregoing, it follows that there is a hope for pregnancy in the situation described, and rather big. The main thing is to be patient and wait a bit.

Watching in dynamics

10 dpo pregnancy test negative? As we found out, there is hope for the successful conception of a child in one or another menstrual cycle. The main thing is not to rush and be patient.

Moreover, in order not to be nervous once again, you can trace the changes in the test results over time. For example, buy a few strips and check daily.

So often you can see first a negative test, then a "ghost", and after a few days - a clear second strip. Unfortunately, many factors can contribute to a false test result. Because of them, women often experience false negative and false positive results.

Why is there no stripe?

10-11 DPO test negative? This is quite normal. It is recommended to simply repeat the diagnosis after a few days. It is advisable to wait for the delay of menstruation.

Why doesn't a second line appear on a pregnancy test? The reasons may be different. For example:

  • early diagnosis;
  • fetal pathology;
  • the presence of chronic diseases that reduce the production of hCG;
  • violation of the verification procedure;
  • defective test device;
  • no pregnancy.

If the test is negative at 10 DPO, there is no need to worry, get upset or panic. Most often, this is too early to assess the success of conception in a particular menstrual cycle.

short cycle

All of the above information is great for women with normal or long menstrual cycles. In these cases, the level of hCG in the urine on the 10th day after ovulation is low enough to be recognized at home.

Sometimes there are girls with a short menstrual cycle. They have about 20-21 days from menstruation to menstruation. This is a rare occurrence, but it does happen.

Under such circumstances, ovulation occurs on the 10th day after the onset of menstrual bleeding. And a new cycle should come in another 10-11 days. What does it mean?

If the test is negative at 10 DPO in a girl with a short menstrual cycle, you can often not hope for a successful conception. It is recommended to wait. If after a week the menstruation does not come, it is necessary to repeat the express check.

And in this case, the testimony does not allow us to judge the onset of pregnancy? Then it's time to go to the doctor - the delay in menstruation is not caused by pregnancy. You can not even hope for its onset from the last cycle.

Electronic tests and early diagnosis

10 dpo test negative? Pulling the lower abdomen? This can be a sign of pregnancy, and approaching menstruation. This is how a woman's body reacts to most hormonal changes.

Modern highly sensitive tests, according to manufacturers, help determine pregnancy 2-3 days before the delay. Usually these are electronic devices. They also allow you to see the approximate duration of pregnancy.

The girls assure that some tests really show the exact result 2-3 days before the expected menstruation. However, it is not recommended to rely on this. Before the delay of critical days, the level of hCG in the urine is not high enough. Ideally, do the test on the 14-15th day after ovulation. This way you will be more likely to get an accurate result.

Signs of pregnancy

Negative test at 10 dpo? Pulling the lower abdomen? As emphasized earlier, the girl will have to be patient. The specified period of time is small enough to be used to judge successful conception or its absence.

Pregnancy in some women begins to manifest even before the delay of menstruation. How exactly?

Here are the signs of early pregnancy:

  • an increase in the abdomen;
  • constipation;
  • bloating;
  • heightened sense of smell;
  • nausea;
  • general malaise;
  • drowsiness;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • pulling pains in the abdomen and lower back;
  • craving for certain products, not characteristic of a girl.

In addition, with a successful conception, implantation bleeding may occur. Some confuse them with the onset of menstruation.


Girl on day 10 DPO? Is the test negative? Based on the foregoing, it follows that this situation is normal. No modern pregnancy test can determine a successful conception 10 days after ovulation. This is an extremely rare occurrence, which can be considered an exception.

Only those who conduct careful health monitoring can judge early pregnancy. The thing is that immediately after the conception of a child, the basal body temperature rises. If you make a graph, you will see that the temperature indicators will be higher than usual. This pattern will continue longer than usual.

In this case, you can go to the gynecologist, for an ultrasound scan and donate blood for hCG. So, even with a negative pregnancy test, it will be possible to find out as accurately as possible whether the conception took place or not.

Negative test at 10-11 dpo? This, as already mentioned, is normal. A woman's body may not show any signs of pregnancy even after a missed period. In order to judge pregnancy as accurately as possible, you will have to take a blood test for hCG after the menstruation has not come. Only analysis and ultrasound can, with a 100% probability, answer the question of whether a woman is pregnant or not.

Why not test before delay? yes, at least out of economy, and if your chickens don’t peck money, out of common sense. I'll explain why. The test reacts to the beta subunit of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), which begins to be produced only after implantation of such a still tiny fetus of your love into the endometrium, and this happens 3-12 days after conception. Of course, if this fruit belongs to sprinters, then the chance to see the coveted second stripe is greater than ever. But I will immediately cool your possible ardor: the value of this chance is 0.68%.

3-5 dpo - 0.68%

6 dpo - 1.39%

7 dpo - 5.56%

8 dpo - 18.06%

9 dpo - 36.81%

10 dpo - 27.78%

11 dpo - 6.94%

12 dpo - 2.78%

Table original: http://www.babyplan.ru/biblioteka/populjarnye_temy/preg_test#ixzz1ibDyUsr1

And if the fruit of love is slow? why get upset ahead of time? after all, it is enough to wait only a few days to know for sure. O! I can directly see the indignant faces of those who are especially suffering (I myself was in their place!), because in these few days you can die of impatience! they will say so and they will be right, of course, but for me it is much more terrible to die of disappointment. And good tests are not cheap pleasure. It’s better to buy yourself an extra kilogram of apples, the right word!

I mentioned GOOD tests for a reason. Let's talk about this in more detail. The famous "ghosts" that the suffering are so happy to believe .... Oh, these ghosts that make you sob into the pillow! In bad, cheap tests, the reagent can also be bad. And it reacts to everything...

By the way, the same good tests can falsely show the second strip, and in vain many sin on tests, they themselves are "guilty". Wikipedia kindly shared with me the following information: human chorionic gonadotropin has the biological properties of both LH and FSH, and binds to both types of gonadotropin receptors, but the luteinizing activity in CG significantly predominates over the follicle-stimulating one. CG in luteinizing activity significantly exceeds the "normal" LH produced by the anterior pituitary gland.

Next, turn on the logic. And if LG, so to speak, is not ordinary? Well, that is, its level goes off scale for the normal for the second phase of LH or what kind of cyst? or some other bug? this is a test for a healthy woman just like that, the "ghost" will not show! and how many of those who have been waiting for a stork for years are really healthy? hmmm .... here are the tears in the pillow. But the fact is that the test reagent reacts (sorry for the tautology) to abnormal LH and instead of pregnancy shows hope for her, which is immediately and ruthlessly taken away by the menstruation that has come. And the waiting stork thinks, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! It broke! I was pregnant! It's just an early miscarriage, because there are a lot of them! but I felt, I knew, I felt! I've been pulling / stabbing / chest / shooting for 7 days already! and in general I the fish have already dreamed twice!" It's not that I don't believe in omens or reject unconventional ways. Not! what do you! I was screaming myself. I just want to give food for thought. And finally: there are indeed early miscarriages. Yes, they are. But what's the point of shedding tears? it is much easier to go to the laboratory and find out your level of hormones, so that you can sleep peacefully in a pillow, and not sob into it, exclaiming “Why do I need this, Lord! gives birth to a third healthy child after six abortions, ahhh!"

Okay, let's move on. There are no problems with hormones, we have already figured it out. And there is impatience. Moreover, there are some insidious tests, expensive and good, which already 4 days before the delay promise to show the result, if any. Is it necessary?

Remember about hCG during implantation? Take, for example, the sprinter. Well, yes, the very same sprinter, who already at 3 DPO screwed into mommy with all the dope and let's produce hCG. So, for the first 2-3 weeks, the value of hCG in the blood doubles every 24-48 hours. Well, if our baby is a sprinter, let's take it as a truth that his hCG doubles every 24 hours. Wow!

At 4 DPO, the hCG value is 2, at 5 DPO - 4, at 6 DPO - 8, at 7 DPO - 16, at 8 DPO - 32 - oops! at 8 dpo, a test with a sensitivity of 25 will show clear two stripes. But this is only if the woman clearly knows the day of ovulation (not according to the schedule, but according to the ultrasound!), Her baby is a sprinter - 0.68% probability, and even hCG produces at a breakneck pace. The probability of such a scenario is less than 1%.

Now consider the average scenario. Implantation at 8 DPO and doubling hCG every 48 hours. At 9 DPO - 2, at 11 DPO - 4, at 13 DPO - 8, at 15 DPO - 16, i.e. on the first day of the delay, the test will show a faint line! and on the third it is already clear and bright.

Well, if the baby was delayed with attachment? At 10 DPO, as many as 27% of cases occur. We count!

11 DPO - 2, 13 DPO - 4, 15 DPO (first day of delay) - 8 in total, 17 DPO (3rd day of delay) - 16, i.e. a weak strip can be seen only on the 2-3 day delay, but not before it. And is it worth it to cry?

Say it's hard not to cry, not to worry, not to count? Yes, it is difficult. I know. She cried, she worried. Yes, just to pull myself together and get distracted (it helped me), it's enough to know the following: "British scientists have conducted studies on the effect of stress on the ability of women to conceive. Studies have shown that in women experiencing the most stress, the ability to conceive is reduced by 12%. The study involved 274 women aged 18 to 40. Moreover, there is the fact that after several unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant, a woman begins to experience even more stress and the chances of conception from this fall even more.

Why reduce the chances of becoming a mother with tears and hassle? this is the answer to the question, why do alcoholics give birth easily, and we, who want and wait so much, cry into the pillow? because alcoholics don’t sweat, they don’t have stress. Therefore, it is necessary, if not to completely "uncycle", then at least not to do tests before the delay. Since disappointment is very likely, which is oh so undesirable for those planning a pregnancy!

I'm not talking about those who are in the IVF protocol, who have serious problems that require the earliest determination of pregnancy. But as a rule, in these cases, a woman is under the supervision of a doctor and donates blood for the determination of hCG, and does not look out for ghosts on tests.

It's a long article. Thanks to those who have read to the end! maybe someone will help. At least this knowledge helped me a lot. And I'm plushkin, I like to save money. A pregnancy test costs at least 50 rubles. If you do not do tests after 10 DPO, in total this is at least 5-6 tests = 250-300 rubles, with a year of planning experience, you can save 3000-3600 rubles and a lot of nerves to boot. For 3000 rubles it will be possible for the baby to buy new sliders!

And pregnancy comes when you least expect it. This is no longer from the Internet, but word of mouth has worked. Of all my acquaintances concerned about the problem (I'm not talking about those who simply said "let's try" and scored, living on and rejoicing), only one couple managed to get pregnant according to the plan the first time, and then in the IVF protocol. The rest went through all the circles of hell until they learned to live without thoughts of pregnancy. And then it worked!

Thirteenth day after ovulation (13 DPO) and the test is negative? You should not unequivocally assume that “it didn’t work out again”, and get upset in advance. At such a short time, not all tests to determine the concentration of the hCG hormone in the urine will show an accurate result.

From what day to count the delay of menstruation?

Many mistakes in the early diagnosis of pregnancy occur only because women do not know how to calculate the menstrual cycle. Be sure to have a special calendar. In it, regularly mark the days when menstruation begins and ends. A few months of work with a regular paper calendar or a special smartphone application will allow you to study the features of your menstrual cycle well. This is important for determining the moment of ovulation and delay.

The duration of a normal cycle is on average 28-30 days. Periodicity is an individual indicator. Therefore, for every woman, menstruation can be both short (3 days) and long (7 days).

Menstruation may begin a little earlier or later, and this is not a cause for concern. The moment of the onset of menstruation directly depends on external and internal factors: hormonal failure, stress, climate change or time zones, malnutrition, women's diseases and, of course, pregnancy.

To understand whether this is a delay, or the cycle has been rebuilt a little, you need to refer to the calendar. It marks the end date of the last menstruation. From this day you need to count the usual duration of the cycle. For women with irregular periods, another option has been developed. Here the longest and shortest cycles are added up, and then the resulting figure is divided by two. For accuracy, you can calculate the arithmetic mean of the last three to six menstrual cycles. By the way, all this is done independently by a mobile application.

In the same way, the day of ovulation is determined. However, with an irregular cycle, it will be more difficult to understand this issue. If the number of days between periods is approximately the same, then it is enough to subtract 12-14 days from this figure. This will be the approximate day of ovulation. Sometimes the release of the egg from the follicle can occur closer to the end of the last menstruation or to the beginning of the next. With an irregular cycle, ovulation can only be determined with the help of special tests.

Why you should not believe the results before the delay?

When will the test show pregnancy, if any? Most special strips can be used from the first day of delay. However, you should be aware that there may be a negative test at 13 DPO. This is not surprising, since with a cycle of 28 days, it falls just on the last one. That is, in fact, there is no delay yet. The concentration of hCG might not yet have reached the required minimum for the test to “react” to it.

The strips have a sensitivity of 20-25 mIU ml. Before the delay, only expensive and high-quality pregnancy tests can recognize an interesting situation. As early as seven to ten days after the intended conception, strips with a sensitivity of 10 mIU ml can determine whether a woman will become a mother in the next nine months.

Will a test show pregnancy on the 13th day after ovulation (DPO)? After all, almost two weeks have passed, and it seems that this time is enough to determine an interesting situation. In fact, this is a very short period of time. When there is no delay in menstruation (including at 13 DPO), a negative test should not be taken seriously. To get a reliable result, it is better to wait a few more days.

Pregnancy tests for home use respond to the hormone hCG, which begins to be produced only after the embryo has attached. Implantation in 18% of cases occurs at 8 DPO, in 36% - at the ninth, and in 27% - at the tenth. On the remaining days from 3 to 12 after ovulation, the probability of implantation is less than 10%. After attachment, the fetal egg should begin to produce hCG - a specific pregnancy hormone (chorionic gonadotropin). In order for the test to accurately determine pregnancy, the hCG level must reach at least 20 mIU ml.

"Ghost" strip

A negative test at 13 DPO can also occur during pregnancy. It’s just that the level of the hCG hormone is still insufficient for the reagent to react and clearly show the second strip. But at the same time, some women see a pale line on the tests. This result cannot be considered reliable either. The test should be repeated in a couple of days.

The stripe "ghost" is also called the evaporation line, when the colored trace was, but after a while it became completely invisible. The "Phantom" has the same width and length as the control sample. It is painted in blue, pink or lilac, but is more pale, barely noticeable. Somehow the "ghost" resembles a smoky trail where there should be a brightly colored second stripe.

Negative test at 13 DPO: is there any hope?

Since there is no delay on this day, such a result does not mean that there is no pregnancy. Of course, it's hard not to worry when there have already been several unsuccessful attempts to conceive a child. However, you will have to wait. In order to worry less, it is recommended to be distracted. The results of numerous studies prove that a woman who experiences stress, the chances of successful conception are reduced by 12%.

In the first two weeks after implantation, the hCG level doubles every 1-2 days. If the fetal egg entered the uterine cavity on the fourth day after ovulation, then at 13 DPO the hCG level will be only 2 mIU. At 5 DPO, this figure will increase to 4, at the sixth to 8, at the seventh to 16, and at the eighth to 32. An ultrasensitive test will show pregnancy a week after ovulation. Normal - on the eighth day. But this is only if the woman knows exactly the day of ovulation, having determined it not by the schedule or tests, but by ultrasound. After all, the probability of attachment to the third - fifth DPO is only 0.68%. Yes, and the fetal egg can produce hCG at different rates.

If we take the average data, everything will go even slower. For example, implantation occurred on the eighth day after conception, and hCG increases 2 times every two days. Therefore, at 9 DPO, the hormone concentration will be only 2 mIU, at 11 DPO - 4, at 13 DPO - 8, and at 15 DPO - 16. On the first day of the delay, even a qualitative sensitive test will show only a weak second strip. But on the third day it will be possible to admire a bright and clear line.

It happens that pregnancy develops even more slowly. It's quite normal. Conception at 10 DPO occurs in 27% of cases. Then hCG will “grow” to 16 mIU only on the third day of the delay, or at 17 DPO.

How else can you find out if you're pregnant?

When will the test show pregnancy? It is possible to reliably find out whether an interesting situation caused the delay only on the third or fifth day of the delay. By this time, the level of hCG will reach the required minimum, even if implantation occurs late, and the embryo is in no hurry to synthesize the hormone. If you are impatient to find out if there is a pregnancy, you can do a blood test to detect hCG in the clinic. Blood is taken from a vein in the morning on an empty stomach. The laboratory will also determine the exact gestational age.

Medical support

For certain diseases or unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant, the doctor may prescribe a medication. For example, Duphaston. And at 13 DPO, the test was negative. Cancel "Dufaston" in this case or not? Before making a decision, the doctor will send you to the laboratory for a blood test. Further actions will depend on its result. If the pregnancy is confirmed, then Duphaston is usually not canceled for some time. If conception did not take place in this cycle, then the medication should be discarded.

I am 10dpo today! Well, there are no signs at all, it seems to me, except for some fictitious or something.

Last night, at 9DPO, I took a test, well, I’m a test addict, yes) And he gave me a weak second line) I run to my husband with shaking hands) And he sees her! Ahh! Barely lived until the morning!

Made in the morning, the same pale! And right now I did the test again, I'm still afraid that the strip is gone) And then I see that it has become brighter)

Upper test is last night at 9dpo, at 9 o'clock, lower one just now, at 10dpo)

I track ovulation by tests, so I can probably say for sure that she was last Monday)

Until menstruation 4 days! should not come on Monday now!)

Girls, when did you test for pregnancy??

Ouch. He lied about cleable, he showed me 2-3 weeks. And then again on the 23rd day it showed 2-3 weeks. I was very scared. Lied such a poop.

Hi all! I just found out today, 13 DPO 2 strips, Mom Test test. What to do next?

VikaFawal, I have not had my period yet, and the test showed 2 strips ...

My first weak line was drawn at 11 dpo, and at 12 dpo it was already clear

Hello! I have eco. Ghost - 5 dpo with five days (like 10 dpo), the next day is already brighter and brighter

I have girls before the delay for another 5 days, and my test shows 2 strips, one is bright, and the second is not ... is this possible? and is everything okay? Is there a pregnancy or something wrong?

At about 12 DPO, I did it in the afternoon, the strip was pale, two days later both strips were already equal in brightness.

The very first ghost appeared at 14 dpo, but quickly darkened - a day later there were 2 clearly visible

The first day of the delay was a weak ghost of the strip, and on the 7th day after the delay there was already a bright second strip.

I did a test on the 7th day of delay, immediately showed a second obvious strip, not the same in brightness as the control, but bright)))

Girls, at 11 DPO, I took the test around 6 in the morning. Negative. there wasn’t even a ghost .. in the afternoon I made an inkjet (also evi) - a second strip immediately appeared. Pretty clear, albeit pale. But she looked good. At 12, 13 DPO, the tests are negative.. there is not even a ghost.. how can this be explained, can anyone tell me?

Is there nothing else to do? if there is a B, it won’t get away from you, is it really impossible to wait for a delay and take a test, and then go for hCG? Well, what's on the coffee grounds - then guess? New21 July 2013, 12:37

You know, sometimes people take pills, and it is very important to know in advance, otherwise there may not be a delay. The sharpness is always amazing, you might think someone is forcing you to count the days until the delay New July 21, 2013, 12:42

Then they go to the doctor and decide this issue, they go to take hCG on the appointed day. Well, what can we see from the photo? I always have this test before my period. But I'm not pregnant. New21 July 2013, 12:45

So the doctor says to do tests until there is a ghost, and immediately on hcg. There has never been a false positive, by the way, this is not good

  • ”I would be glad ... it’s just that last month the tests also striped, but menstruation began 2 days earlier ((there was a miscarriage along the way, they were striped even after M ... and then they stopped, and now they are starting to give out again // ...
  • 09/14/12 21:38 "yeah, maybe when there is a pregnancy, this hCG appears immediately, and not after a delay, just then its concentration is already high! You can be congratulated!
  • 09/14/12 20:01 "And why not =) my test sparkled at 9 DPO .. and a non-pale streak, but a distinct one, and the ultrasound showed 3 days before the CD =) Now I have a streak next to me hehhe =)

Well, it happens that it is so visible, but not in the photo. Make the next one at 12dpo... I already had bright ones at 6-8-10dpo, you can look in my gallery, even in the photo you can clearly see everything.. And what is the sensitivity of the test? Mine just let me do them from 5dpo already.. April 3, 2013 — 08:12

Well, it happens that you can see it that way, but not in the photo. Make the next one at 12dpo ... I already had bright ones at 6-8-10dpo, you can look in my gallery, even in the photo you can clearly see everything .. And what is the sensitivity of the test you have “Mine just allowed them to be done from 5 dpo already .. This is an evitest, the sensitivity is 20, I also didn’t show the test for a long time during my first pregnancy, only on the first day of the delay there was a barely visible line, I even threw it out at first)) April 3, 2013 — 08:35 Sorry, but I don’t see the second line either, and a test with a sensitivity of 20 is unlikely to show it so early. Buy at least with a sensitivity of 10 and do it in two days. Although I understand you perfectly, I want to know everything quickly, I myself recently went through this. I looked nervously at the tests. By the way, you can take a blood test for hCG, it will definitely show if you are pregnant or not. I ended up doing exactly that. April 3, 2013 — 08:45

Sorry, but I don’t see the second line either, and a test with a sensitivity of 20 is unlikely to show it so early. Buy at least with a sensitivity of 10 and do it in two days. Although I understand you perfectly, I want to know everything quickly, I myself recently went through this. I looked nervously at the tests. By the way, you can take a blood test for hCG, it will definitely show if you are pregnant or not. I ended up doing exactly that. Thank you, don’t apologize) I really don’t have enough patience, it’s just that our first baby turned out right away, and with this I want something to work out right away, so that the kids don’t have a big difference in age.

Old thread HERE. Warning: WITHOUT FLUD! NO CHEEKS! CONGRATULATIONS without fanaticism!!(and better in a personal!) Tests come with different sensitivities. 10 mIU / ml recognizes the pregnancy hormone (hCG) at a lower concentration. Such a test can determine pregnancy at an earlier date. Typically, most pregnancy tests have a sensitivity of 20-25 mIU/mL. There are 4 types of pregnancy tests: Test strips. Attention! spoiler! (strip test) You need to lower the test strip for 10-20 seconds to a certain mark in a container with urine. The strip strip is impregnated with a reagent (antibodies to hCG). Morning urine contains the maximum amount of the pregnancy hormone (hCG). After that, put the strip on a horizontal surface and evaluate the result after a few minutes. If one red stripe - you are not pregnant, if two stripes - congratulations! (test cassettes) This is most often the same test strip, but in a plastic tablet. It does not need to be immersed in liquid. On the front side of the test are two windows. In the first window of a small box, you should drop a little urine with a pipette that is attached to the test, and the second (control) window will show you the result within a few minutes. Sensitivity and quality are the same as those of the test strips, but the price is higher. Attention! spoiler! The most modern tests. You just need to substitute the receiving end of the test under the stream of urine at any time of the day and after a few minutes - the result is ready, two strips or one. Inkjet tests are more expensive than tablet tests. In an electronic test, instead of a strip, the inscription “pregnant” appears if you are pregnant, and “not pregnant” if you are not pregnant. The electronic test is convenient because you do not need to break your eyes to see if there is a strip or not. Electronic tests are the most expensive. In what cases are there incorrect results? False negative: 1. if the test is done too early when the hCG level is very low2. if the rules of the instructions are not followed and the test is carried out incorrectly3. if you drink too much liquid, which can dilute your urine and reduce the concentration of pregnancy hormone in it if the test is expired
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