What are the sensations before menstruation. The main signs before menstruation. Signs of PMS before menstruation are

Signs of menstruation are different for every woman. Even siblings can experience a different set of symptoms on the eve of an upcoming period. The intensity and severity of each manifestation differs, which is due to the physiological characteristics of the body and the presence of concomitant diseases.

The development of each symptom has its own clinical explanation and does not pose a threat to health. The exception is cases when the symptoms have a pronounced course and reduce the woman's quality of life.

Signs of menstruation

Menstruation is a part of every woman's life between the ages of 12 and 45. Every woman, even not following her cycle, always feels the approach of menstruation. A week before their onset, changes in the body develop, which are called premenstrual syndrome. These symptoms, in varying degrees of severity, are noted by all women. Their presence is a variant of the norm, provided that they are not associated with disorders in the body.

The regulation of the reproductive system is carried out at the organic, biochemical and physiological levels. With PMS, there are changes in the work of several systems and organs of the female body:

  1. 1. nervoussystem: headaches, general malaise, increased fatigue, some aggressiveness, decreased mood, anxiety, emotional lability, absent-mindedness.
  2. 2. Sex organs: brownish scanty discharge from the genital tract, pain in the lower abdomen, enlargement and soreness of the chest.
  3. 3. Other internal organs: flatulence, nausea, swelling, increased appetite, frequent urge to urinate.
  4. 4. Leather: the appearance of rashes.

After menarche, when the menstrual cycle stabilizes, girls experience approximately the same signs of the onset of menstruation. But the set of symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and the degree of their severity are changing.

Symptom Reason for the appearance
HeadacheAn increase in estrogen causes fluid retention and swelling of tissues, including the brain, causing headaches. Hormonal changes cause changes in the central nervous system
FatigueWhen the work of the central nervous system is disturbed under the action of hormones, a change in the nutrition of soft tissues and muscles occurs. The body accumulates metabolic products and excess fluid
Aggression and emotional instabilityThe changes are due to the production of the hormone progesterone, which affects the emotional sphere of the central nervous system. Increased excitability is short-term, after which it is replaced by tearfulness and loss of strength
Brown, scanty vaginal dischargeThey may be a symptom of ovulatory bleeding and are common in adolescents and premenopausal women.
Lower abdominal painThe pain is caused by rejection of the functional layer of the endometrium, rarely by the incorrect position of the uterus. Also, the cause may be various diseases, adhesions or cysts.
Painful breast engorgementDue to the increase in progesterone production, proliferation (growth) of the glandular epithelium and breast enlargement occur. An increase in estrogen levels causes swelling and compression of nerve endings.
FlatulenceDue to the rush of blood to the pelvic organs, intestinal motility is weakened, which causes indigestion
NauseaThere is compression of the nerve endings of the celiac (solar) plexus by the enlarged uterus
puffinessEstrogens contribute to fluid retention, and if a woman is obese, the hormonal background is even more saturated, since adipose tissue is a depot of estrogen
Appetite increaseIncreased progesterone synthesis causes an increase in appetite, preparing the body for pregnancy. The level of "stress hormones" (cortisol, ACTH) rises - energy consumption increases, causing a constant feeling of hunger
Frequent urge to urinateThe pressure of the enlarged uterus on the bladder is carried out. On the day of the onset of menstruation, the removal of accumulated fluid begins
Skin rashesUnder the influence of estrogens, the production of sebum increases, combined with the existing pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, smoking, beriberi, and stress. All this causes acne.

Monitoring your feelings can be supported by maintaining a menstrual calendar, in which you should mark the time of the beginning of PMS, the first day of menstruation and their duration. This will allow you to carry out preventive measures to relieve symptoms a few days before they appear.

Harbingers of menstruation in different periods

Most often, a woman experiences several of the above symptoms. With age, the harbingers of menstruation become more pronounced, and their number grows. Because of this, a woman may be forced to consult a specialist.

PMS during puberty

The first menstruation - menarche - appears at the age of 11 - 14 years and is a manifestation of puberty. About a year before, the girl develops clear vaginal discharge, which becomes abundant just before menarche, and pubic hair growth is determined.

In women, there is emotional lability, irritability, more likely associated with pubertal hormonal changes than with menstruation itself.

Features of menarche:

  • the appearance of secretions - usually scanty, brownish in color;
  • duration - 2-5 days, with the most abundant discharge in the first 2 days;
  • slight pain in the lower abdomen;
  • dyspeptic disorders - nausea, vomiting, stool disorders.

In the future, the pain syndrome may become more pronounced, especially in the first couple of years, when the menstrual cycle is established. Also subsequently appears painful engorgement of the mammary glands.

Postmenopause in women - symptoms and recommendations of doctors to improve the quality of life

Menstruation after childbirth

There are no periods during pregnancy. Even after childbirth, it takes some time to restore hormonal levels. Menstruation appears after 2-3 months if the woman is not breastfeeding. After a caesarean section, the physiology of the menstrual cycle proceeds in the same way as after a natural birth.

If there was a spontaneous interruption due to a missed pregnancy or a habitual miscarriage, the restoration of the cycle occurs in the same way as after the physiological gestation of the fetus. While it was developing, the woman's hormonal background underwent some changes. Usually, menstruation resumes a month after a missed pregnancy or abortion.

Many factors affect the rate of recovery of the cycle: sleep disturbances, poor nutrition, late or early birth, comorbidities, postpartum complications.

Features of the first menstruation after childbirth:

  • copious character, a large number of blood clots;
  • the occurrence of pain, if before pregnancy, menstruation was not accompanied by pain, and vice versa - painless menstruation, if before childbirth they were not;
  • the appearance of precursors - nausea, swelling, dizziness, emotional lability.

After childbirth, a woman's body undergoes some irreversible changes that indirectly or directly affect the course of premenstrual syndrome. The structure of the reproductive organs, the concentration of hormones are changing. Often, in the process of giving birth, complications arise, due to which emergency surgical interventions are performed, tears are sutured, adhesions of the small pelvis are formed.

As a rule, they manifest themselves in the form of pain in the abdomen and chest, irritability. Some women may experience spotting before their period. In our article, we will try to figure out what are the main reasons for the sensations before menstruation.

Manifestations of PMS

The main signs of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) are:

  • an uncontrollable desire to cry, a state of severe depression, a feeling of depression;
  • inexplicable anxiety and aggression;
  • feeling of worthlessness or hopelessness;
  • desire to hide from the world;
  • lack of interest in what is happening around you;
  • severe fatigue and headaches;
  • distraction, inability to concentrate on solving everyday issues;
  • increased appetite;
  • constant drowsiness or insomnia;
  • swelling of the extremities and tenderness of the chest
  • bloating.

As a rule, a woman manifests several of these symptoms at once. If they bring you considerable discomfort, visit a doctor, because PMS is easily treatable. Further in the article, we will talk in more detail about the sensations before menstruation and the reasons that cause them.

Delay before menstruation fluid in the body

An increase in the weight of a woman before the onset of critical days, as a rule, is due to the fact that fluid accumulates in the body. The delay before menstruation of fluid in the body occurs due to changes in the blood levels of the hormones progesterone and estrogen.

Feelings before menstruation, which manifest themselves in the form of swelling of the limbs and bloating, may indicate that you have this problem. When the period ends, the fluid is usually excreted from the body in the urine and the swelling subsides.

Blood before period

Blood before menstruation may appear in women who use an intrauterine device. Bloody discharge can also be caused by a doctor's examination or sexual intercourse. If it smears before menstruation with blood, a few days before they begin, then this is not a deviation from the norm. But it happens that bleeding before menstruation is profuse and accompanied by pain. Diseases such as fibroids and uterine polyps, insufficient blood clotting, inflammatory processes, endometriosis, and gynecological diseases can cause these sensations before menstruation.

The cause of severe bleeding can also be an imbalance of hormones in the body and stress. Therefore, if severe bleeding occurs, do not hesitate to visit a doctor.

Daubing before menstruation

Daubing before menstruation, as a rule, is not a sign of serious violations. But it is still worth knowing the factors that cause this phenomenon. It is also necessary to consult a doctor if the situation recurs.

Often a woman smears brown before menstruation, two days before they begin. This is normal and should not be cause for concern.

If it's still a week before your period and you have a brown spot, it could be a sign of pregnancy (implantation bleeding). If such sensations appear, conduct a pregnancy test and contact the antenatal clinic.

Also, a daub before menstruation can indicate the formation of cervical erosion. Many medical experts consider this disease a prerequisite for the development of cervical cancer. This disease has practically no symptoms, and only a doctor can determine its presence.

Smears before menstruation? Perhaps the reason is taking hormonal contraceptives. They often cause a violation of the monthly cycle. In this situation, you should contact a gynecologist, you may need to take a break in taking these funds or choose another drug.

Green mucous discharge before menstruation may be signs of purulent cervicitis. If these symptoms occur, do not delay a visit to the gynecologist.

uterus before menstruation

Before the approach of menstruation, the cervix is ​​slightly open and softened. There is an opinion that the uterus before menstruation increases in the same way as during pregnancy. Outwardly, this fact cannot be determined, as a rule, this refers to bloating, which is one of the signs of PMS. This symptom, as a rule, does not cause a woman severe discomfort and disappears immediately after menstruation.

Thrush before menstruation

Often, thrush in many occurs just before menstruation. And the reason for its appearance are hormonal jumps in this period. Thrush before menstruation has a number of features. If you have sensations before menstruation in the form of itching and severe burning, this may indicate the presence of this disease. Thrush leads to irritation of the vaginal mucosa. In the chronic form of the disease, discharge during menstruation may have an unpleasant odor caused by the intensive growth of bacteria due to the use of tampons and pads during this period. On the days of menstruation, it is extremely necessary to monitor personal hygiene so as not to provoke an exacerbation of candidiasis and the appearance of inflammatory processes.

Mammary glands before menstruation

Before ovulation, the amount of epithelium in the lobules and ducts of the mammary glands increases. Blood to the chest begins to arrive in a larger volume, as a result of which the mammary glands slightly increase and swell, their sensitivity increases, and pain appears. According to medical experts, these symptoms in a healthy woman, as a rule, are mild and do not cause her severe discomfort.

In addition, chest pains are associated with the growth of glandular tissue before menstruation. If fertilization does not occur, the glandular tissue atrophies, and when the menstruation ends, all discomfort disappears.

Sore chest, a week before menstruation? If the pain is not strong, this is not a deviation from the norm. But the causes of severe and persistent pain in the chest can be:

  1. oncological diseases;
  2. taking antidepressants;
  3. hormonal imbalance;
  4. mastopathy;
  5. taking hormonal drugs.

If the sensations before menstruation are manifested by severe pain in the chest, be sure to go to the doctor for an appointment.

Abdominal pain before period

Weak pulling pains are evidence that menstruation will come soon, and are one of the signs of PMS.

A week before your period, and your lower abdomen hurts? This is probably due to ovulation. This kind of pain occurs in five percent of women every month, and appears due to rupture of the follicle. This condition is not considered a deviation from the norm and does not require any treatment.

Other causes of abdominal pain before menstruation include:

  1. decrease in the level of endorphins in the blood;
  2. inflammatory processes in the body;
  3. severe stress;
  4. gynecological diseases;
  5. genital infection.

If you experience severe pain, be sure to consult a doctor.

Ovulation before period

As a rule, ovulation before menstruation should not occur, because the egg is released during the bleeding period, but sometimes this is possible. The timing of egg maturation may change from time to time. The main signs of ovulation are:

  1. Increased mucus secretion from the vagina;
  2. Strong sexual desire;
  3. Small cramps in the abdomen.

Sometimes these signs are confused with the symptoms of PMS. Unfortunately, the appearance of ovulation before menstruation may indicate that a woman has gynecological diseases. In addition, stress, addictions, chronic lack of sleep, poor nutrition, excessive physical activity negatively affect our body and can cause menstrual irregularities.

If you have a stable menstrual cycle, then the appearance of ovulation before menstruation may be evidence of malfunctions in the body.

Treatment of discomfort before menstruation

Treatment of discomfort before menstruation involves the elimination of those factors that cause them. The doctor at the reception conducts a survey and examination of the patient and prescribes the necessary examination methods. If the sensations are associated with a violation of the monthly cycle, the following can be prescribed for diagnosis:

  • tests to detect the level of hCG in the blood;
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland;
  • examination for venereal diseases;
  • hormonal studies;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • urine and blood tests;

To determine the causes of chest pain, mammography and ultrasound may be prescribed.

If the cause is a hormonal imbalance, hormone therapy is usually given for 12 weeks. In the presence of infectious diseases, a course of antibiotics may be prescribed. To treat bleeding before menstruation, curettage is often performed.

To treat the manifestations of PMS, psychotherapy is used, which includes: a confidential conversation and auto-training. It is very important in the treatment of this syndrome:

  • get more rest;
  • eat right (you can not eat spicy and salty foods, coffee);
  • exclude intense sports training;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • avoid stress.

With drug treatment, the duration of the disease, the presence of pathologies, and the age of the patient are taken into account. In addition, the following are assigned:

  • sedative and psychotropic drugs;
  • antihistamines to treat swelling;
  • drugs that improve the blood supply to the brain (nootropil, aminalon);
  • hormonal agents.

Treatment of patients with premenstrual syndrome is carried out for 3 monthly cycles, after which a break is made for 2 or 3 cycles. If signs of PMS appear again, treatment can be repeated. If it was effective, tranquilizers and vitamins can be prescribed as maintenance therapy.

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Period or menstruation (lat. mensis - month, menstruus - monthly) is a monthly process of cleansing the female body, during which girls bleed from the vagina.

Scientifically, menstruation is the shedding of the endometrium (the inner lining of the uterus) and its removal along with blood from the vagina.

Often, when talking, instead of “monthly” you can hear: critical days, cases, monsters, bloody Mary, guests from Krasnodar, guests from Krasnoarmeysk, guests on a red Cossack, days of closed doors, days of the red army, a hedgehog in tomato sauce, a ship gave flow, crimson rivers, friends have come, red days of the calendar, accident, revolution.

The color of menstruation. Blood clots during menstruation

The blood during menstruation in the first days is bright scarlet, at the end it is dark, with a specific smell. If you find lumps and clots in the blood during menstruation - do not be alarmed, these are areas of the inner layer of the uterus - the endometrium, which is released along with the blood. If a woman is not pregnant, the endometrium is constantly updated: the old layer dies off and comes out during menstruation, and a new one grows in its place.

First period (menarche)

The first menstruation is called Menarche. Menstruation begins between the ages of 9 and 16 and indicates the body's ability to become pregnant. Often, the age at which the first menstruation occurs in a girl depends on the age at which her mother's menstruation began, i.e. - established by inheritance.

Signs of the first period can begin a couple of months before the onset. White or mucous discharge becomes more frequent, the lower abdomen pulls a little and the chest aches.

The first menstruation can appear in the form of just a couple of drops of blood, which eventually develop into regular and equal discharges.

Symptoms during menstruation

Before and during menstruation, almost all women experience the same symptoms, only in some they are less pronounced, in others in full:

- pulling pain in the lower abdomen;
- swelling, heaviness and pain of the chest;
- back pain;
- irritability;
- fatigue;
- heaviness in the legs;
— ;
- apathy.

Cycle and duration of menstruation

The cycle of menstruation is the period from the first day of the onset of menstruation to the first day of the onset of the next period. The norm of the monthly cycle is 20-35 days. The duration of menstruation is from 3 to 7 days.

After the first menstruation during the year, the cycle may not be regular, but then it gets better and is clearly repeated every time.

You can track your menstrual cycle using the calendar, simply by marking each day of your period. There are also special applications for PC and smartphones, by installing which you can mark and track your cycle.

In order for women to feel less discomfort during menstruation, scientists have come up with some hygiene products - pads, tampons, and even such a device that I think not everyone knows about yet - a menstrual cup.

Both pads and tampons are classified by the amount of discharge capacity. This capacity is indicated by the number of drops on the package. The more drops, the longer the tampon / pad lasts until the next change.

Of course, it is desirable to have these hygiene items of various capacities. For example, at the beginning and at the end of menstruation, it is better to use a tampon or pad for 2-3 drops, at the height - 4-6.

What to use - pads or tampons, you choose. You can alternate, for example, if you go to the pool, then you can’t do without a tampon, but you can use a pad at night. For some girls, pads create diaper rash, while for others, a huge discomfort from a tampon. Therefore, try and look for the most convenient option for yourself.

As I said, there are also menstrual cups in the world that are reusable. They need to be removed and poured out. True, this is not always convenient.

During menstruation, must be strictly observed. Wash your hands at least 3 times a day, and when changing a pad or tampon, be sure to wash your hands, both before and after contact.

If you put a tampon or a pad on yourself and you suddenly feel very bad, immediately take out this care product, and if you do not feel better, consult a doctor immediately.

What not to do during menstruation

During menstruation, you should refrain from:

- going to the beach or solarium;
- facial cleansing;
- depilation;
- Do not drink alcohol, coffee and spicy food.

All these factors can increase bleeding and increase the duration of menstruation.

When should you see a doctor?

For questions about menstruation, please contact.

You should contact your gynecologist if:

- the first menstruation appeared before 9 years;
- You are already 17 years old, and the first menstruation has not yet appeared;
- menstruation lasts 1-2 days or more than 7 days (period failure);
- the discharge is very scarce (a couple of drops) or very abundant (change the pad or tampon more often than after 2 hours);
- the menstrual cycle lasts less than 20 days or more than 40 days;
- feel severe pain during menstruation;
- when using a tampon, you suddenly began to feel unwell;
- there is bleeding between periods;
- after the cycle settled down, the failure began;
- no periods for a couple of months.

Video: All about menstruation

Before menstruation in the body of every woman and girl, changes occur at the hormonal level. Signs before menstruation can be very different. Usually, critical days are accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, in the chest, fever and irritability. Often these symptoms are nothing serious, but they can also be witnesses of serious diseases. Regular menstruation speaks of the good health of a woman and a girl, and their timely onset is a sign of a healthy reproductive system.

Typically, a woman's menstrual cycle is 23 to 35 days long. It consists of two phases. From the first day of menstruation to ovulation - the phase of egg maturation. In the second phase, when a sufficient amount of sex hormones is produced in the body, one egg matures in one of the ovaries. The mature egg leaves the ovary and travels to the fallopian tubes. This is the process of ovulation. During this period, fertilization of the egg may or may not occur. If it is fertilized, then menstruation stops until the birth of the child.

The menstrual phase is directly monthly, which lasts from 3 to 6 days. During them, the excess endometrium is separated from the surface of the uterus, to which, in the event of fertilization, the egg should have attached.

Menstruation is a complex physiological process. Throughout each month, a number of changes occur in the body of girls that cannot be felt.

Signs before menstruation

Signs of approaching menstruation are different for every woman. Because the symptoms depend on the physiological characteristics of each organism. Many girls do not experience any unpleasant and painful sensations at all, but the body still gives signals about the approach of critical days. In addition, it depends on various external circumstances, such as the birth of a child, diets, stressful situations. It depends on the choice of contraceptives.

Mostly in women before menstruation, the following changes occur:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • pulling periodic pain in the lower abdomen;
  • pain and swelling of the breast;
  • anxiety, irritability;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • increased appetite;
  • headache occurs, periodic dizziness, nausea begins;
  • diarrhea, diarrhoea, disorders or, conversely, constipation.

Signs of the onset of menstruation may appear in a week. In women with pronounced symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), there is not such a significant change in hormonal levels as in girls with no such symptoms. This means that hormone changes are not the main cause of the symptoms.

The fact that menstruation will begin soon is indicated by chest pain. It increases in size and becomes very sensitive and hard. During the second phase of the cycle, blood rushes to the chest, so it swells. There may be irritation on the nipples and various seals in the chest may be felt. These signs, even strongly pronounced, are considered the norm.

Before menstruation, many women have a brutal appetite. Due to a violation of hormones, a decrease in the amount of carbohydrates is observed, which provokes hunger. There is nothing dangerous in this, and it is impossible to deny yourself food, being afraid to gain excess weight. You can replace the diet with products containing carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables.

Tearfulness, a sharp change in mood and a feeling of disappointment in life are clear harbingers of menstruation. You need to try to reduce yourself to stressful situations, because this affects the menstruation itself. In some girls, before menstruation, hair begins to grow fat faster, rashes appear on the skin, or legs swell.

Another unpleasant sign of the onset of menstruation can be diarrhea. It is very rare that diarrhea is a harbinger of some disease.

This is mainly due to the relaxation of the vaginal muscles and due to the production of progesterone by the uterus. Thanks to this, you can lose weight in a couple of days by a kilogram, or even two. In addition, the body conducts additional cleaning, which is an indisputable plus.

Often before menstruation and during menstruation, sexual desire increases. This is due to pressure on the clitoris and genitals. A few days after they start, it becomes moderate. And it is this property that explains irritability and mood swings.

PMS and pregnancy

The first signs of menstruation can be similar to the first signs of pregnancy. Some women begin to feel sick from any unpleasant odors. Strange food preferences appear, so girls can confuse these symptoms. Pregnancy has:

  • bloating;
  • sleep disorders;
  • nausea, dizziness;
  • pulling pains in the lower abdomen;
  • irritability and depression.

It is almost impossible to guess or feel whether it is menstruation or pregnancy. So the best way to be sure is to take a blood test for hCG. But if you observe your well-being before menstruation from month to month, then you can find differences between these two states. Do not cost yourself to bring yourself to stress if there is a delay. It can occur against the background of hormonal imbalance, climate change and in other situations. With a delay, you need to do an ultrasound and find out the exact result.

Treatment for painful periods

Many women experience unpleasant and painful sensations not only immediately before menstruation, but also when they begin. Many are concerned about heavy bleeding, which may deviate from the norm.

During menstruation, blood loss is not significant. On average, during one menstruation, a woman loses 250 ml of blood, which is approximately equal to one tablespoon. All other secretions are various tissues and unprocessed blood. It is worth knowing that the intrauterine device provokes more abundant and painful menstruation. And when using oral contraceptives, menstruation, on the contrary, becomes more scarce.

Often, abdominal pain during menstruation is not a harbinger of any disease. During menstruation, a piece of endometrium separates from the uterus. Muscles contract because of what such unpleasant sensations appear. Although abdominal pain is normal, sometimes they indicate a hormonal imbalance or a disease of the ovaries or uterus.

During menstruation, the ovaries may enlarge, as a result of which pain may occur.

You should consult a doctor in such cases:

  • if the pain is accompanied by copious discharge;
  • the body temperature rises sharply;
  • pain during menstruation is not constant, but comes periodically;
  • the pain in the abdomen is too unbearable.

To get rid of pain, it is recommended to carry out procedures related to relaxation of the uterus and elimination of spasms. It is strictly forbidden to engage in intense physical exercises during menstruation or overheat. This can not only worsen the condition, but also harm the body.

The heat greatly relaxes the uterus and helps to cope with pain faster. You can put a heating pad or a bottle of heated water on your stomach. Taking a warm (warm, not hot) bath with oils will help. There are many medications available to relieve pain. Basically, they include ibuprofen and paracetamol, which reduce the level of prostaglandin in the uterus. Tablets are advised to be taken before the onset of menstruation, then the action will be faster and better. In addition to medical solutions, soothing teas or sedatives can be taken.

But it is worth remembering that the physical condition of a woman is directly related to her emotional state. Therefore, it is very important before menstruation to try to think positively and not expose yourself to stress.

Menstruation is one of the phases of the cycle in the female body, during which the functional layer of the uterus is rejected due to the onset of pregnancy and is excreted through the vagina, which externally manifests itself as bleeding. This phenomenon normally occurs with a clear periodicity, but deviations in the cycle can happen to everyone. You can navigate when the next menstruation comes by the first signs or symptoms that precede the active phase.

Signs of the first menstruation in girls

The first menstruation in girls has a special term in medicine - menarche. On average, today the cycle begins to be established from the age of 13, then the first menstruation “comes”, however, this period may differ depending on the individual characteristics of the organism.

The first signs can be described in two aspects - physiological and psychological:

  • during puberty, behavior changes, the girl begins to consider herself, her breasts begin to develop, she can brag to her friends and mother about her changing body;
  • as for physiological factors, the skin on the genitals begins to darken a little, pubic hairs appear, whitish discharge, clots from the vagina (whites) may appear;
  • just before the onset of menstruation, both tangible and almost imperceptible pain in the lower abdomen, headache, general weakness, loss of appetite, heaviness in the chest, etc., may appear.

The time of menarche depends on many conditions, and this period may vary under the influence of certain factors:

  • physical development - if a girl, according to other criteria, overtakes her peers in her development, then menstruation may begin earlier;
  • genetic predisposition - you can roughly navigate by the fact when the first menstruation began in the mother;
  • with improper and inadequate nutrition, the ripening period may be delayed;
  • previous serious illnesses at an early age can also affect the timing of the onset of menstruation.

What is characteristic of adult women?

Approaching menstruation, an adult woman with an already established cycle can be identified a week before the onset of "X-day" by the following symptoms:

  • engorgement, compaction of the mammary glands. The breast becomes full, increases in size, becomes more sensitive. Some even experience pain during this period when touching the mammary glands;
  • up to 35 years old, almost every woman has an acne rash a week before menstruation - more rashes appear on the face compared to the usual state;
  • change in taste sensations. This sign can be tracked by every woman, following several cycles in a row for what days of what food she most wants;
  • many complain that 2-3 days before menstruation, the stomach hurts. The intensity of discomfort can be different, from a slight pulling to severe discomfort with aching pain in the lower back.

What is PMS and how does it manifest itself?

PMS (or premenstrual syndrome) is a complex of negative deviations in a woman's well-being, which manifest itself in 50-75% in the period from 2 to 10 days before the onset of menstruation. Such a condition, unlike the manifestations described above, causes real and significant discomfort, and can develop in several forms.

Consider the main signs of PMS:

  • the first form of the syndrome- neuropsychiatric. In this case, the woman suffers from increased irritability, aggressiveness, or vice versa - tearfulness and depressed mood, becomes depressed. Among the physiological manifestations within this type of problem, increased gas formation in the intestine is noted;
  • cephalic form always accompanied by severe headaches, nausea, dizziness and increased irritability to any impact. There may be tingling in the region of the heart, as well as numbness of the extremities;
  • edematous type syndrome is a combination of acute soreness of the enlarged mammary glands when touched and even walking and the formation of edema of the face, ankles, hands. Itching of the skin may appear, sweating may become more active;
  • the heaviest form- crisis. Complemented by an increase in pressure, heaviness in the chest when breathing, and even a panic fear of death.

Video about the hidden dangers of PMS

Premenstrual syndrome is not a common occurrence for the female body. It is important to clearly understand what exactly belongs to the category of PMS symptoms and, if present, it is correct to deal with the problem to alleviate your condition.

Symptoms are present, but no menstruation

There are situations when women have all the symptoms on time, but there is still no menstruation. This may be due to such reasons:

  • cycle shift, which can be triggered by stress, climate change and other factors. In this case, menstruation will definitely begin, but a little later;
  • possible pregnancy. Many women have early signs of this condition, manifested just by slight pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, breast swelling and a change in emotional state. So it will be enough to conduct a test;
  • diseases of a gynecological nature (inflammation of the vagina, fallopian tubes, ovaries, endometrium of the uterus, cysts in different locations, tumors, fibroids) or the genitourinary system (for example, cystitis or pyelonephritis).

In what cases should you be concerned?

If menstruation does not occur, pregnancy is not detected, and the symptoms are still relevant, then you should consult a gynecologist. In addition to simple reasons, this condition can also be caused by diseases that require proper and timely treatment.

Even healthy girls experience 1-2 delays per year, but not more than 7 days. If the situation worries more often, the delays are longer and the menstrual cycle has not been established after two years after the first menstruation, then you also need to go to the doctor to find out the reasons for this condition.

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