Establishing the circumstances of the incident in the wake of blood: Methodological recommendations. Red blood spots on the body in the form of hemorrhages

Hemorrhage is called the accumulated blood coming out of the vessels and filling the cavity eyeball and his fabrics. Blood in the eye, what to do? Accurate Diagnosis established by specialists - doctors working in microsurgery and ophthalmologists. Hemorrhage in the eye, the causes and treatment of which must be carried out in a timely manner, is divided into several types.

These include:

  • Hemophthalmos;
  • Hyphema;
  • Preretinal, subretinal and subconjunctival influence, called hyposphagma.

The primary signs of the phenomenon include cluster headache and the appearance of a characteristic spot, swelling under the eye, which impairs vision.

This pathology will not affect vision, but will reduce its sharpness. The appearance of complications is possible if the eyes are regularly filled with blood.

Causes of bruising

Many are interested in what causes hemorrhage in the eye area. Glasses are often replaced with lenses which, if not properly selected, can cause bruising. At such a moment, mechanical irritation of the mucous membrane occurs, the corresponding symptoms appear.

A person has a feeling of sand in the eye, but small vessels are injured. The bruising will disappear without treatment if you do not use lenses for a certain period of time, and in the future choose the appropriate option so that the phenomenon does not appear again.

During the period of bearing a child, a woman's body is subject to strong stresses that can lead to breaks. small vessels In eyes. Over time, they disappear without the intervention of specialists. Why floods, pressure or other factors? Sports and heavy physical labor may cause an unpleasant event. In order for smudges to disappear, it is necessary to reduce the intensity of stress on the body.

With long and frequent flights, eye pressure changes, which negatively affects the vessels. They are damaged, causing hemorrhage, which disappears in a few days without medical procedures.

Another reason why eyes bleed is straining cough caused by an infection or allergy. The small red dot in the eye will disappear with the treatment of the underlying disease.

Bleeding eyes can terrify a person, but you should calm down and understand the cause of the phenomenon. In most cases, the appearance of a problem is observed with a head injury, after a blow to the head and torso area.

The hematoma of the eyeball is formed due to the rupture of small capillaries, which is not uncommon with sharp temperature fluctuations, adverse weather conditions, chronic lack of sleep, eye strain, bad habits, ingress of a foreign body and uncontrolled intake of drugs that affect blood clotting.

With one of these factors, you can notice a blood clot in the eye.

This list of reasons is referred to as harmless manifestations, indicating that it is necessary to change the way of life. Regular filling of the eye with blood leads to the development of blood clots in the retinal area.. If the problem goes away for a long time, then some may mistake it for pronounced vessels in the eyes. This judgment is erroneous.

Attention! Injury is not the only cause of hemorrhage in the eye in an adult. Diseases and pathologies of organs can lead to the formation of bruising.

The main cause of hemorrhage is considered to be circulatory disorders and a low level of blood clotting. Over time, blood vessels lose their elasticity and become brittle., so the blood will enter the sclera of the eye. The treatment of such a phenomenon is much higher than with a normal bruise. When the eye is swollen with blood, it is not uncommon for complicated diabetes mellitus, hypertension, endarteritis and atherosclerosis.

Such a nuisance can be caused by inflammatory processes in the eye.

With inflammation of the main choroid, iris, iritis and uveitis, the blood supply is disturbed, and blood appears in the eye. In a person with myopia, cracks appear in the vessels of the eyes, which lead to the fact that the eye is filled with blood. It occurs after the birth of a child, due to coughing and physical work.

Rare pathologies include tumors of various etiologies. They lead to blood pressure, which provokes rupture of blood vessels, rises. A decrease in the number of platelets and the occurrence of anemia have become one of the rare reasons why the eye is swollen with blood.

The appearance of such a problem in the eyeball should not go unnoticed. It is recommended to immediately contact a specialist, who picks up effective methodology treatment. In this case, the doctor takes into account all factors, especially the size of the lesion. By severity, the phenomenon is divided into small, medium and strong.

Attention! Minor to moderate hemorrhage can be cured, and severe bruising causes loss of vision, which in many cases cannot be restored.


The localization of the accumulation of blood is different, therefore, they secrete main affected areas:

  • Eye socket. The cavity of the orbit is filled with blood due to contusion of the orbit of the eye resulting from vasculitis or blood diseases. The problem is accompanied by partial loss of vision, bulging eyes, displacement of the eyeball forward, limited mobility of the organ. Eyes, bloodshot, indicate a fracture of the base of the skull, if the bruise resembles glasses in shape.
  • Anterior chamber of the eye. With hyphema, a red color formation with smooth edges appears. Blood spreads to the entire cavity of the eye chamber, or covers the bottom. There is no loss of vision, and the bloody smudge will disappear with time.
  • Retina. Accumulation of blood leads to blurring of the contours of objects, which makes it difficult to recognize objects. The phenomenon that affects the retina is accompanied by a headache in the region of the temple of the affected eye. At the same time, a bloody veil appears before the eyes.
  • vitreous body. Hemophthalmos is a brown formation that is located behind the lens. This is due to injury to the vessels, without affecting the lens. With complete hemophthalmos, vision is lost. Partial vision loss is often caused by retinal detachment or eyeball atrophy.

Hemorrhage is observed with thin and fragile walls eye vessel, while the elasticity of the tissues is lost. A bruise on the squirrel indicates their damage.

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Healing procedures

When a bruise is found in the eye should visit the doctor immediately as long and serious treatment may be required. If the eye is congested with blood, or there is a slight hemorrhage without pain, then special drops are used for hemorrhage to relieve redness.

Of the pharmaceutical preparations are usually used:

  • Octilia;
  • Naphthyzinum;
  • Vizin;
  • Okumetil.

Eye drops from hemorrhage have vasoconstrictor effect and prevent blood flow. Often they are used to reduce intense redness.

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Folk remedies

How to treat bruising at home? Treatment of hemorrhage in the eye must be handled carefully. Among the main methods are the use of ice, compresses from herbal decoctions, brewing tea or juice of domestic plants.

Bruising is treated:

  1. Compress from strong tea . The seal must be strong. After it has cooled, a cotton ball is moistened in it, wrapped in a bandage and applied to the eye for a quarter of an hour. This will help remove redness.
  2. Chamomile compress. For 2 st. l. dry flowers will need a glass of boiling water. The mixture must be infused and cooled. The infusion is filtered. Further actions are carried out in the same way as in paragraph 1.
  3. Curd curd. A teaspoon of the product is placed in a bandage or a piece of natural tissue and applied to the eye, which is filled with blood.
  4. lotion from cabbage juice or cabbage. Cabbage leaf is crushed to a puree consistency. The slurry is placed in a cloth and applied to the eye. Fresh cabbage juice has a similar effect, eliminating a red spot in the eye.

All procedures should be carried out several times a day until the intraocular condition of the victim improves. Vitamin C will help increase the elasticity of blood vessels. To do this, it is enough to use complex vitamin preparations with the content of vitamins of groups P and C, ascorutin and ascorbic acid.

Attention! In summer, people suffering from vascular permeability should eat fruits, vegetables, berries, and in winter - sauerkraut and citrus.

Blood from the eyes is not only a cosmetic defect, but also a cause for concern. Treatment should be timely, and not only folk remedies. Vitamins, drugs, drops, surgical methods will eliminate both the phenomenon itself and its consequences.

Bruises of various sizes that occur without obvious injuries and bumps can be a manifestation of serious blood diseases, metabolic disorders, oncological pathology.

It will be able to accurately determine the cause of such bruises, as well as how to treat them. qualified specialist(hematologist, endocrinologist or family doctor).

A single hematoma (bruise), even of considerable size, is not yet a cause for concern. It is possible that the injury was minor and therefore not remembered. Serious concern should cause the systematic appearance of bruises of any size. What is important in such a situation is not so much the size and localization as the absence of a visible cause.

Treatment will be aimed at preventing bruising on the body, and not at eliminating existing ones. The prognosis can be either favorable or not (for example, with amyloidosis) - depending on the disease.

The causes of bruises on the body for no reason in women and men are, in general, the same.

With this problem, contact a hematologist.

Pathology of the vascular wall

Rendu-Osler disease

it hereditary disease, which is characterized by a systemic violation of the vascular wall - the vessel does not have a muscular and outer shell, therefore it is easily damaged. As the disease progresses, the vessels dilate, forming an expansion of the vessels of the skin in the form of a small spot.

The leading symptom of the disease is spider veins and bruises of various sizes that can appear anywhere on the body. Their greatest number is noted on the face, mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestive tract.

For any physical stress the number of bruises increases, bleeding may occur. 90% of patients have repeated episodes of nosebleeds.

Therapy is aimed at stopping bleeding, after which it is prescribed local funds that promote skin healing and resorption of bruises. The prognosis is favorable, as massive, life threatening patient bleeding is rare. A complete cure is not possible.

Congenital connective tissue diseases

it large group diseases of a hereditary nature, which are based on a violation of the synthesis of collagen - the main protein that forms vascular wall. These include Marfan and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, elastic pseudoxanthoma, osteogenesis imperfecta.

Symptoms may appear as early as the newborn and progress as the child ages. In addition to bruising on the skin, defects in the formation of bones and joints are noted, for example, too long limb bones in both the male and female populations with Marfan syndrome.

Cardinal cure of any of the above birth defects development is impossible. Treatment consists in the possible elimination or reduction of the intensity of the patient's symptoms. For example, drugs that improve vascular blood flow can be used to reduce the severity of bruising.

The prognosis can be both favorable and unfavorable. Everything is determined by the severity of other malformations, since increased bleeding in itself does not pose a threat to the life of the patient.

Acquired connective tissue damage


This term refers to a pronounced deficiency of vitamin C (ascorbic acid). This substance is not synthesized in the human body, therefore, its insufficient intake in the composition diet or complete absence leads to severe metabolic changes. First of all, this concerns a violation of the synthesis of collagen - a protein that forms the vascular wall and connective tissue.

  • the appearance of bruises on the body (from small to large in a few centimeters);
  • loosening of the gums and their bleeding;
  • loosening and loss of teeth;
  • muscle pain due to massive bruising;
  • 75% of patients develop severe anemia.

The treatment of scurvy is quite simple: prescribe synthetic vitamin C and a diet enriched with ascorbic acid. With timely treatment, the prognosis is favorable. In advanced cases and in the absence of necessary therapy, massive bleeding can lead to the death of the patient.

Purpura caused by long-term steroid use

Some patients are prescribed drugs glucocorticosteroids, for example, in autoimmune processes. Possible side effects include increased vascular fragility and bruising.

There is no serious threat to life, since massive bleeding is usually not observed.

The prognosis is favorable with successful treatment of the underlying disease and a decrease in the dose of corticosteroids.


This is a group of diseases in which the wall of blood vessels becomes inflamed and subsequently destroyed (necrosis). The most frequently recorded systemic vasculitis (it is also called Schonlein-Henoch disease).

The first signs of the disease occur in early childhood or adolescence. Infectious diseases, autoimmune processes, and taking a number of antibiotics can provoke their appearance.

The following symptoms of Schonlein-Genoch vasculitis are known:

  • bruises and other elements of the rash that occur suddenly;
  • after them, foci of pigmentation appear on the body;
  • the eruption is more profuse on the legs than on the arms;
  • the general condition worsens (weakness, moderately elevated temperature);
  • swollen and painful joints (often ankle and knee);
  • there may be diarrhea and catarrhal symptoms.

Dapsone, sulfasalazine, plasmapheresis, glucocorticosteroids are prescribed for treatment.

The prognosis is favorable, the symptoms that appear once do not completely disappear, but repeated episodes of deterioration are possible.

Platelet pathologies

This group of diseases includes thrombocytopathies functionality platelets - cells responsible for blood clotting - when they normal amount) and thrombocytopenia (a decrease in their number during normal function). Women and men get sick equally often. These diseases also cause bruising for no reason.

their increased breakdown

Bruises of various sizes

Increased bleeding time

General clinical blood test

Pinch and other special tests

In 80% of patients, the positive dynamics of the disease is noted after removal of the spleen.

Massive bleeding can lead to death of the patient

Coagulation factor deficiency

More than 10 coagulation factors are known, which, simultaneously with platelets, stop bleeding. The most well-known is hemophilia, a rare disease associated with impaired blood clotting.

There are no specific symptoms. There are bruises on the body, internal bleeding and hemorrhages in large joints. Diagnosis is difficult, as sophisticated equipment is required.

A complete cure is not possible. Therapy includes blood transfusions, hemostatic agents.

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Bruises on the body for no reason - there is still a reason

Bruises are common. Sometimes it even seems that bruises appeared on the body for no reason, because it is often difficult to remember when and why a bruise appeared on the body. A bruise is formed as a result of trauma or tissue damage, which leads to hemorrhage and discoloration of the skin. Injuries of varying severity do not always involve scratches, wounds or tears, damage can affect tissue under the surface of the skin, in particular, blood vessels directly.

As a result of damage to blood vessels, a closed injury or bruising is formed, the skin at the site of a bruise or injury becomes bluish or even black. Such closed injuries are called bruises. Over time, the color of the bruise changes, it may become reddish, then green or yellow. Bruises disappear on average two to five weeks after they appear.

Bruises on the body can appear for a variety of reasons: hitting a door or furniture, an accidental collision in a crowd, and so on. Often they do not pay attention to these events, this is quickly forgotten, and when a bruise is noticed at the site of the bruise a few days later, they wonder where it could come from. Episodic bruising is quite normal, but if bruising occurs systematically for no reason, this may signal serious problems with health. If you notice that bruises are almost constantly present on your body, but you are not able to remember the reason for their appearance, consult a doctor immediately.

Symptoms of "unexplained" bruising

The bruise can have a different size and color, small reddish dots can stand out against a bluish background. As a rule, bruises are not accompanied by pain, but in some cases there is pain and swelling. Blood from damaged vessels enters the tissues and is excreted after a while, as the bruise resolves, the bruise changes its color. It is the color of the bruise that is an indicator of its “age”.

On the initial stage, in the process of hemorrhage, the bruise may have a reddish tint, after a few days, as a result of a change in the color of hemoglobin, the bruise becomes black or blue-violet. After six to ten days, a greenish-yellow tint appears and already at the final stage, after about two weeks, the bruise becomes light brown. Everyone knows that the stronger the bruise, the bigger and more painful the bruise can be, but bruises also have their own “secrets”. So, according to statistics, bruises often appear on the arms and legs, and as they heal closed wound under the influence of gravity, the bruise falls slightly below its original location.

Bruises appear not only in pathologically clumsy people and athletes, the causes of bruising can be different. For example, the susceptibility of tissues to bruises may be due to genetics or gender - women bruise more often than men; age - as a person ages, capillaries become thinner and weaker, the skin loses its elasticity and fatty layer, which protects blood vessels from bruises and damage. Bruising can be caused by circulatory disorders, blood thinners (aspirin, warfarin) or corticosteroids, some dietary supplements, such as ginkgo, garlic, fish oil, ginger and other substances that affect the density of the blood.

Among the causes of bruising, it is also important to highlight the following medical conditions.

it vascular disorder associated with increased fragility and sensitivity of blood vessels, resulting in lower limbs bruises systematically appear for no apparent reason. This problem is more common in women than in men.

It is accompanied by the appearance of black and brownish spots on the skin, especially in places where the skin often folds: in the armpits, on the neck, in the groin. This hyperpigmentation is the result advanced level insulin that leaks into the skin as a result of insulin resistance associated with diabetes.

People who systematically suffer from infections, increased thirst, visual impairment, fatigue, as well as permanent appearance bruises, doctors strongly recommend to undergo medical examination for diabetes.

Allergic reactions in some cases may be accompanied by bruising. An allergen can be food, chemicals, insect bites, certain types of fabrics, medical preparations and so on.

With such a disease, the body is not capable of adequately forming blood clots. This disorder can be congenital or acquired for various reasons, including prolonged paralysis. This condition is accompanied by the appearance of reddish bruises on the surface of the skin.

This is a rare genetic disease that affects about 1% of the world's population. Patients suffer from systematic bruising and bruising, which are the result of a violation of blood clotting. This can lead to bleeding gums and frequent nosebleeds. In some patients, the symptoms are mild, almost imperceptible.

Anemia - low levels of hemoglobin in the blood can also lead to unexplained bruising.

Given oncological disease characterized by a low platelet count, which in turn causes bruising on the body without bruising or injury.

Adipose tissue provides the body with natural defenses against negative impact external factors especially from ultraviolet light.

However, prolonged exposure to the sun damages and even destroys these cells, the blood vessels lose their protection, and inexplicable bruising can appear on the body.

Heavy physical activity

Excessive hard training can have powerful pressure on blood vessels, which often leads to their rupture and bruising.

Lack of vitamins and nutrients

A lack of vitamins B12, C and K, as well as folic acid, can lead to unreasonable bruising. Folic acid - why is it needed? and iron.

Lack of body fat

The fat layer in the body plays the role of an air cushion that protects internal organs and tissues from bumps and bruises. If the fat layer is too thin, there is no softening effect and this often leads to bruising and damage to the skin. It is for this reason that children, the elderly, and underweight people are more prone to bruising than everyone else.

As we age, capillary walls and surrounding tissues become thinner and weaker, increasing the risk of capillary ruptures and bruising.

Side effects of taking medications

Certain drugs, such as steroids, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, pain relievers, blood thinners, antidepressants, topical corticosteroids, asthma medications, and birth control pills can cause bruising of the skin for no apparent reason.

Unreasonable bruising can be a sign of certain diseases, such as Hodgkin's disease, hemophilia, multiple myeloma, platelet abnormalities, liver and kidney diseases, connective tissue diseases (Marfan's syndrome), scurvy, Etler-Danlos syndrome, heavy and heavy periods , sepsis or lupus.

Methods of treatment and prevention

  • Bruises resulting from the presence of a particular disease are treated according to the treatment regimen for the disease itself, if it is diagnosed and an appropriate therapeutic program is prescribed.
  • Massage helps improve blood circulation and relieve pain. An ice compress or an elastic bandage can be used to prevent swelling in the bruised area.
  • Try to keep the damaged area elevated, put your hand or foot on a hill: this improves blood circulation and reduces the risk of swelling.
  • To prevent bruising, try to eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • Strengthen immune system by using physical activity, yoga Yoga - wellness self-knowledge, running and so on.
  • Episodic bruising that does not cause pain is not of particular concern, but in some cases it may be necessary health care. If you develop a fever after a bruise, show signs of infection (redness, pus) in the area of ​​the bruise, or start bleeding from the nose, contact your doctor immediately.

Why do bruises appear on the body for no reason

All of humanity has always usually treated the appearance of abrasions on the skin. This phenomenon is promoted swipe, pinching or scratching in which small capillaries burst under the skin and blood spills into the subcutaneous tissue. When bruises appear on the body for no reason, you should seriously think about your health.

General description of hematomas

Such bruises and hematomas have a bright red color due to the presence of hemoglobin in the blood. After a while, the bruise on the body changes its color from bright purple to yellowish. Such processes occur due to the destruction and loss of hemoglobin at the specified site. After its decay, bile pigments are formed, which give such an unusual color to the hematoma. At what rate the hematoma will heal depends only on its location.

Skin bruises that are on the legs do not last the longest, since the legs have the highest blood pressure. Therefore, to raise venous blood maximum effort must be applied to the heart muscle. This is a common process for the appearance of hematomas and bruises on the body. But experts note that cases have become more frequent when bruises appear on the body for no reason.

Hematomas on the body

Hematomas, which by themselves, that is, independently appear on the body, indicate the development pathological process inside the human body.

Causeless hematomas on the body

There are many such violations, due to which bruises appear on the body for no reason. This can be caused by an insufficient amount of vitamins K, P and C. Such cases often occur due to the appearance of menopause in women, when the body does not have enough female hormones.

Also cause bruises on the body of a woman and a man can be pressure surges, ordinary tonsillitis, rheumatism, disturbances in the excretory, endocrine, circulatory system, as well as obvious disturbances of homeostasis. When such unreasonable hematomas occur on the body of a child, you must definitely show it to a pediatrician, who can easily distinguish bruises from a blow and the occurrence of beriberi in the body or more serious disorders internal organs.

When causeless bruising on the body of the child, you must definitely show it to the doctor

Hematomas on the legs

Hematomas on the legs in an adult or a child can often appear in healthy people, that is, those who do not suffer at all chronic diseases. Most often, bruises on the body for no reason occur in thin girls, whose skin is very thin. The thing is that with this type of skin, the capillaries are superficial and, accordingly, any mechanical damage, even touching leads to the formation of hematomas. But this type of skin is very rare and the recommendations for such people are the simplest - beware of damage.

In most cases, bruises on the legs in children and adults appear for a number of serious reasons:

  • Very often there are problems with hemostasis of the blood. That is, in the normal flow of blood and maintaining it in the form of a liquid. In this state, the maximum appearance of blood clots begins. Such a disease can be either congenital or acquired. Very often, such manifestations are detected during pregnancy or immediately after childbirth.

Bruises on the legs in women indicate that blood clotting is impaired. Such a failure in the circulatory system can be main reason miscarriages and premature births.

  • If such a problem is detected, a number of tests are prescribed and, upon receipt of their results, specialists prescribe effective treatment. This disease becomes the main cause of infertility. Doctors recommend that if a woman cannot get pregnant within a year and she has bruises on her legs, contact a specialist.
  • The presence of hemorrhagic diathesis. This term includes many symptoms. This is the fragility of blood vessels, this is a lack of hemoglobin in the blood (often after infectious diseases), the appearance of hemophilia. In the presence of such a disease, bruises often occur throughout the leg area.
  • Varicose veins in the legs. This disease occurs in middle-aged women. The causes of this disease are varied. This is pregnancy sedentary image life, standing work or leg strain. With this disease, severe pain and heaviness are manifested. When such symptoms appear, you should definitely consult a doctor for advice.
  • Diseases of the liver, in which intoxication of the body occurs
  • Lack of ascorbic and nicotinic acid. Vitamin C is responsible for blood clotting, and nicotine is responsible for the weakness of blood vessels and the elasticity of capillaries.

Hematomas on the legs

Treatment Methods

The patient is assigned next treatment with bruises on the body:

  • In some cases, a blood transfusion is prescribed.
  • When detecting hemorrhagic diathesis, glucocorticosteroid therapy is used. It contributes to the normal thickening of the capillary walls.
  • With varicose veins, venotonics are prescribed.
  • With increased blood clotting, anticoagulants are prescribed, which should prevent increased appearance blood clots in the vessels.
  • To strengthen the capillaries, ointments with vitamin K are prescribed.
  • To prevent the appearance of hematomas, doctors prescribe Arnica.
  • With beriberi, a complex of vitamins is prescribed to strengthen blood vessels.
  • In the presence of hematomas, heparin ointment proved to be excellent. It is she who needs to regularly smear the hematoma. With the help of heparin, blood is absorbed at the site of the lesion.
  • AT modern pharmaceuticals to eliminate hematomas, ointments "Troxevasin", "Rescuer", "Troxerutin" are used.

The use of medications and ointments give positive effect at early stages varicose veins. In advanced cases, only surgical intervention should be used.

Hematoma heals very quickly when treated with fresh potatoes. To do this, grate the potatoes with the skin on a fine grater and attach to the bruise. Secure with polyethylene on top and tightly bandage with a bandage.

Hematomas on the hands

Causes of hematomas on the hands of men and women:

  • hemorrhagic syndrome. This is a disease in which blood vessels become very fragile. Antibodies that appear in the patient's body repel blood vessels, as foreign bodies. Due to their fragility, they periodically burst and form bruises. Hematomas on the hands of an adult are a consequence of damage to the brain, liver, or other internal organs.
  • With a lack of ascorbic acid.
  • With poor blood clotting.
  • Changes hormonal background, especially during menstruation and pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding.
  • after an infectious disease.
  • With liver diseases.
  • When medications and herbs are regularly taken to thin the blood.
  • With abnormal conditions of the circulatory system.
  • When freezing.

Hematomas on the face

Usually bruises that are not located on the face from a blow or injury occur on the mucous membrane of the lips or under the eyes. Since it is there that the closest location of capillaries is observed.

Causes of causeless bruising on the face:

  • A complete lack of vitamins in the human body.
  • Liver diseases.
  • allergic manifestations.
  • Female sex hormones are deficient.
  • after an infectious disease.
  • During a strong cough, a change in blood pressure is observed and the face begins to become covered with a bluish rash.

Causeless bruising on the face mostly appears under the eyes

Treatment of bruises on the face

  • Heparin ointment promotes rapid resorption of bruises on the face, but is not suitable for patients with poor blood clotting.
  • Balm "Rescuer" is a very effective remedy for bruising on the body, but is not suitable for the lips and eyes.
  • Ointment "Troxevasin" is designed to strengthen blood vessels and quickly resolve bruises on the skin.
  • Ointment "Bodyaga". It is done by mixing a dry mixture with boiled water, but it is most effective in the first hours after the appearance of a hematoma.

Prevention of the appearance of causeless hematomas

Methods for preventing bruises on the body are as follows:

  • It is necessary to protect the skin from damage and any kind of mechanical influences.
  • Stabilize your body weight.
  • Spend more time outdoors.
  • Make sure you have a healthy diet so that it is filled with minerals and vitamins.
  • Massage your feet constantly.
  • Do therapeutic gymnastics for vessels.
  • Watch your clothes so that they do not crush and do not constrain your movements.
  • Be constantly on the move.
  • Avoid allergens.
  • Regularly undergo preventive examinations.
  • Take contrast showers regularly.

Traditional medicine against bruises

  • Calendula flowers are kneaded into a thick slurry and applied to the damaged area. Concentrated calendula infusion also effectively helps in the fight against bruises.

Infusion of calendula is effective in the treatment of hematomas

  • To eliminate bruises on the face, arms or legs, mullein flowers are also used, applying them to a sore spot. But before using them, you must definitely remove the stamens. Leaves mother - and stepmother and burdock are also excellent in eliminating this problem.
  • In the first minutes after the appearance of a bruise on the body, the method of application is considered very effective. inside banana skin
  • It is necessary to dilute potato starch with water to a homogeneous slurry and apply to the site of the hematoma
  • Steamed ones also help well. cabbage leaves from bruises. They need to be dipped in boiling water for a while, and then smoothed out with a rolling pin and can be applied to a sore spot. After 20 minutes, it is recommended to change to a new one.
  • Do the same with comfrey leaves.
  • In the same version, the branches of the bogulnik are also used, and in order to eliminate pain syndrome you need to make a bath with bogulnik branches.
  • Essential oils are very popular in the treatment of hematomas. To prepare the composition, you need to mix two drops of chamomile and myrrh and 5 drops of marjoram and calendula

Among folk remedies for bruises on the body, ointments are also used. medicinal herbs. For example, ointments that include bogulnik, arnica, lavender or calendula are the most effective means in the fight against hematomas. Calendula infusions help very well for applying compresses, and lavender for rubbing.

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Bruises on the body for no reason in women

When bruises, blows are applied to the surface of the body, the skin transfers pressure, hemorrhages form inside with hematomas, better known as bruises. At the site of injury, blood vessels rupture, blood flows out under the skin with further spread around the soft tissues surrounding the damaged area. A substance called hemoglobin, which is part of the blood, affects the color of bruises. At first, they all become dark red, changing shades over time. The color is affected by the degradation products of hemoglobin. We are talking about biliverdin and bilirubin. It is generally accepted that the pressure on the vessels depends on the location of the bruise, if it is located in the lower body, the hematoma will take longer to heal. The above facts confirm that hematomas that have formed as a result of injuries are a completely natural phenomenon. But bruises on the body for no reason in women are quite dangerous phenomenon, signaling that the body is not in order and you should make an appointment with a qualified doctor for advice.

Possible causes of bruising on the body in women

It cannot be denied that severe ailments cause bruising. In particular, we can talk about:

  • Vasculitis.
  • Varicose veins.
  • Blood flow disorders.
  • Decreased elasticity of the vascular walls.
  • Impaired blood clotting.
  • Insufficient number of platelets.

They provoke a decrease in blood viscosity, bleeding develops, resulting in the appearance of hematomas.

Often similar negative reactions occur in patients taking Aspirin or Cavinton. When you notice that bruises constantly appear, but there were no bruises, then it is necessary to abandon these drugs, otherwise serious internal bleeding may begin.

Also, the appearance of causeless bruises on the body can be affected by a lack of vitamins. If the body lacks vitamins C, K, P, this negatively affects the vessels, they become more fragile.

If bruises regularly form, you should visit a professional hematologist who can determine the cause of the pathology and prescribe the necessary course of treatment.

Bruises on the legs of women

Such trouble can happen in women who have different age. Young girls are the most worried, because they are deprived of the opportunity to wear nude tights and wear short skirts. The answer lies within the body. Bruises can signal the development of dangerous diseases, they should not be ignored. We can talk about a lack of vitamins - hypovitaminosis, which develops after winter, when the body is greatly weakened. If a person has genetic diseases blood, hematomas can also appear unexpectedly, for no apparent reason. but such diseases are diagnosed at an early age and people are more attentive to their condition.

When there is not enough cobalt, selenium or calcium in the blood, this also provokes problems with the vessels, they lose their elasticity and strength.

Bruises on the hands of women

Bruises on the hands in most cases appear after skin injuries. But if visible reasons absent, this is already a cause for concern, because they signal that serious pathologies are developing in the body. If there were no injuries, then, perhaps, the causes of bruising were:

  1. hemorrhagic vasculitis. This disease is characterized by the development of inflammation affecting the smallest vessels under the skin. Capillary ruptures occur, blood enters the subcutaneous tissue zone and bruises appear on the hands.
  2. Lack of vitamin C. This vitamin is one of the main ones in the body, which also takes part in the processes of blood circulation. It depends on him how permeable the capillaries are. If there is too little of it in the body, this leads to internal bleeding, which results in bruising. Pay attention to your gums - if they bleed, then the body feels a lack of vitamin C.

Bruises on the eyelids in women

If causeless hematomas occur in the eyelid area, this dangerous signal warning about the presence of complex diseases. Why bruises can appear on the eyelid?

  • The fabrics have lost their elasticity. As we age, the skin becomes less firm and elastic. The blood vessels also become weaker. In some cases, bruising can also form from your own touch (if you wipe your face very carefully with a towel or rub your eyes sharply).
  • Due to hormonal imbalances. It is this reason that is considered the most common if hematomas do not appear as a result of injuries or injuries. Mostly women suffer from hormonal changes. Bruises appear when there is too little estrogen in the body. Its lack is observed during menopause, provoke deficiency and some hormonal drugs.
  • The development of oncological diseases. Blood cancer belongs to possible reasons hematomas on the eyelids, because the composition of the blood changes significantly, a small number of platelets makes the blood liquid, bruises may appear.
  • Due to the intake of certain medications. Often they appear precisely on the eyelid, because the skin is distinguished by tenderness and sensitivity. We are talking about antidepressants, analgesics, blood thinners, drugs with high content gland. Most likely, their further use will have to be abandoned, because there is a danger not only of external bleeding, but also internal, which is life-threatening.

Bruises on the abdomen in women

The formation of hematomas on the abdomen is not a pleasant phenomenon, it must be treated without fail.

Hematomas - blood formations inside soft tissues or under the skin, leading to ruptures of the smallest vessels. The blood can't leave inner space and accumulate in the abdominal cavity, near the organs, or inside them. When several capillaries are damaged, bruising will be small, and with arterial and venous injuries, there is a significant threat to life, because a person can lose a significant amount of blood. In this case, many bruises may appear. In addition, if you do not seek help, blood formation will begin to press down the insides, preventing them from fully performing their functions.

Bruising on the knees of women

If you notice causeless bruising in the knee area, reconsider your diet, give up strict diets. Remember if you transferred to recent times serious surgical interventions, and what medications you take. Larger hematomas may appear as a result of liver dysfunction. Hepatitis of a different nature, past injuries of internal organs, acute poisoning lead to malfunctions.

Do not forget about the common disease of the legs - varicose veins. Bruising does not always occur, but it is still worth contacting a doctor for advice.

Be sure to contact your therapist for primary diagnosis. They will be assigned a blood test, a coagulogram, after which a decision will be made on referral to specialists of a narrower profile.

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/ // Selected issues of forensic medical examination. - Khabarovsk, 2007 - No. 82. — S. 77-85.

bibliographic description:
Forensic medical significance of the morphology of the mechanism of formation of traces of blood (literature review) / Ananyeva L.E. // Selected issues of forensic medical examination. - Khabarovsk, 2007. - No. 82. — S. 77-85.

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/ Ananyeva L.E. // Selected issues of forensic medical examination. - Khabarovsk, 2007. - No. 82. — S. 77-85.

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Forensic medical significance of the morphology of the mechanism of formation of traces of blood (literature review) / Ananyeva L.E. // Selected issues of forensic medical examination. - Khabarovsk, 2007. - No. 82. — S. 77-85.

/ Ananyeva L.E. // Selected issues of forensic medical examination. - Khabarovsk, 2007. - No. 82. — S. 77-85.

The question of the forensic significance of the form and mechanism of the formation of traces of blood is quite relevant. Many works of domestic and foreign authors are devoted to its study.

Unfortunately, until now, scientists have not come to a consensus on who should be involved in conducting such an examination. Most of them believe that a forensic doctor should establish the mechanism for the formation of traces of blood according to their shape.

IN AND. Shikanov points out that forensic doctors studied the formation of blood traces long before forensic science became a separate area of ​​forensic research. And traces of blood are the object of research by criminologists in the case when they reflect the size, configuration and other features of the structure of an object or part of it. In these cases, the blood is of interest to the forensic expert only as a dye that conveys information about the features of the identified object.

D.P. Rasseikin considers it wrong to limit the forensic physician to the study of traces of blood and to believe that the establishment of the mechanism of their formation "in principle can be entrusted to a forensic expert."

In the literature, one can also find opinions on the advisability of joint production of an examination of blood traces. Thus, the majority of scientists and practical experts believe that the study of blood traces should be carried out by a forensic medical expert of the medical forensic department with the participation of an expert of the forensic biological department, since in the process of conducting an examination, questions can be resolved not only about the nature of the traces, but also about the possibility origin of blood from a particular person.

In our opinion, the examination of establishing the mechanism of blood stain formation should be carried out by one person who has sufficient professional training to fully evaluate and correlate the shape of the studied stains with their group characteristics, thus making a generalized conclusion about the sources and mechanisms of trace formation, confirming or refuting the investigative version.

The study of traces of blood and their form as a result of the action of the victim or attacker is the very first information obtained when examining the scene. P. Jeserich from Berlin devoted his work to this issue by studying the place of the murder at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1939, the French researcher V. Balthazard conducted an original scientific study with experiments to determine the trajectory of the formation of traces of blood and their shape.

Individual cases related to the need to interpret the shape of blood traces were studied.

The study of the shape of blood traces led to the need to create uniform rules for their description. So, in the late 1920s, N.S. Bocarius proposed the following classification:

  1. Blood stains. By them, he meant traces of small and medium size. round shape with radial branches. When studying the number of drops, their frequency and size, it became possible to assume the severity of the injury and the position and condition of the victim. If the latter moved, then the droplets have shoots facing the direction of movement.
  2. Spatters of blood. These are traces in the form of elongated ovals with one or more processes. Most often they are found in large numbers and indicate the gushing of blood from damaged arterial vessels. Given the position, radius of the spray and the direction of the pointed part of the spray, it is possible to assume the location of the victim and his posture at the time of the injury.
  3. Leaks of blood. These traces are formed due to the flow of blood along a vertical or inclined plane.
  4. Smears and blots. They can form when a bloody object comes into contact with some plane.
  5. Imprints. Such traces appear as a result of dense static contact of a bloody object or part of the human body with any plane.
  6. Pools of blood. This is an accumulation of a large amount of blood, which indicates that the victim either lay in this place for a long time, or was killed here.

In the future, this classification was subject to changes and additions.

P. Kirk wrote that "... no other type of blood test provides such great information as the study of the nature of the distribution of its spots ...". In 1955 P. Kirk, in an Ohio state court (USA), under oath, gave an opinion on the relative position of the victim and the attacker based on the results of a blood test on physical evidence.

IN AND. Popov distinguished traces of blood at the scene of two types: clearly visible and difficult to distinguish. To clearly visible traces, he refers to accumulations of a significant amount of blood (puddles) and all other forms of fresh traces of blood located on light surfaces. Hard-to-distinguish traces - a trace of blood of a significant age or traces that have changed their color, as well as located on dark surfaces and accumulated in places that are hard to see.

N.V. Popov in the textbook on forensic medicine distinguishes the following types of traces:

  1. traces of the spreading and movement of blood (spilled spots and puddles, and streaks);
  2. drip marks (single drip marks, multiple drip marks or splashes);
  3. traces of contact with bloody objects (blots and prints) and
  4. combined traces (smeared traces, strokes and compound traces).

R.G. Genbom and N.P. Korneeva-Asadchikh consider this classification to be the most complete and cite it in their book “Forensic Medical Examination of Material Evidence”.

In another vein, he sees the form of traces of blood on the clothes and body of the victim H.-M. Taho-Godi: traces of drops of blood; splash marks; streaks; blots. And already blots can have the character of smears or prints. Such a classification, according to the author, facilitates the expert's task, "since for each type of traces, the conditions for their formation are constant."

Kissin M.V. and Tumanov A.K. an elementary trace of blood meant a trace, morphological features which reflect the method and conditions of its formation. They proposed to distinguish 5 basic forms of elementary traces: a puddle; stain and splash stain; drip; blot; imprint.

I.F. Krylov points out that the shape of traces of blood is associated with the mechanism of their formation. Therefore, four forms are distinguished: puddles and streaks; stains and splashes; blots and prints; smears and combined traces.

Yu.P. proposes to consider the following types of traces of blood. Edel : puddles, soaks, smears, prints, free-falling drops, splashes and streaks. Yu.P. Edel laid down the principle of distinguishing traces according to the dynamics of their formation, taking into account the physical phenomena occurring in this case. Puddles, drops, and streaks are formed under the influence of gravity, smears are the result of friction, prints are traces of static contact, splashes occur when exposed to liquid blood not only weight, but also any additional factors mechanical nature.

In practical work forensic experts the classification of blood traces proposed by L.V. Stanislavsky. It distinguishes between two systems of traces of blood: elementary and complex. Elementary traces are single traces that provide information about the physical factors that formed them and depend on the properties of the surface. Thus, the author distinguishes the following types of elementary traces: 1. Puddles or accumulations. Clusters he calls a small concentration of blood on horizontal surfaces. 2. Impregnation. They form on absorbent surfaces. 3. Leaks. They occur as a result of blood flowing into the gap between two non-absorbent surfaces. 4. Drips. Formed when blood gets on steep or inclined surfaces. 5. Drops. A strictly defined amount of liquid, which, when accumulated, is initially held by surface tension, and then breaks off and falls. 6. Spray. They arise when an additional force is applied to the drops, in addition to the mass. 7. Blots. They are called superficial overlays of blood on various objects. 8. Strokes. They are the result of sliding contact between objects, between which there was a certain amount of blood. 9. Prints. Formed as a result of static contact with a bloody object. 10. Spots. By spots is meant a general term for any trace, when the definition of its type is difficult.

In addition, L.V. Stanislavsky proposed his own classification of complex blood traces, by which he meant the totality of traces that provide information about the dynamics of their formation.

M.V. Kissin and A.K. Fogs under a complex trace of blood mean a combination of various elementary traces formed from a single source of bleeding present on the human body. According to the nature of their occurrence, they are divided into primary and secondary. Primary complex traces arise directly from bleeding from an injury, and secondary ones from the action on an already bloody surface.

In addition, mixed traces are distinguished. This is a collection of complex traces originating from different sources of bleeding. They include elementary traces, their groups, primary and secondary complex traces.

E. Knobloch distinguishes three groups of traces of blood according to the method of their occurrence: 1. Traces formed directly as a result of bleeding. 2. Traces resulting from the interaction of the instrument of crime with a bloody surface or the contact of this surface with various objects. 3. Traces left after attempts to remove them.

IN AND. Shikanov developed a classification of blood traces in relation to the tasks of investigative and judicial practice, which considers their features depending on the objects on which they are found, the properties of trace-perceiving objects, blood belonging to one, two or more persons, regional origin of blood, etc.

After studying 150 examinations on traces of blood, M.M. Botvinnik found that the main reason hindering the investigation of criminal cases and the conduct of examinations. There was an unqualified and superficial description of blood-like marks on the objects surrounding the corpse, or at the site of the alleged murder.

D.P. Rasseikin in his works draws attention to the need for a thorough examination of the scene and the corpse in the investigation of murders. And it only indicates that the level and shape of the location of traces of blood on the wall or on any object allows us to judge the position of the victim at the time of infliction of injuries (in particular, he was standing or sitting or lying), which can also be determined from traces of blood , whether the victim moved and in what direction after inflicting injuries on him. There are also indications that it is sometimes possible to judge from the streaks of blood on the corpse what position the victim was in at the time of the blows. However, the author has no references to studies or experiments that could be of practical importance to the expert.

G.N. Nazarov and G.A. Pashinyan notes that the study of the location, shape and other features of blood traces allows us to establish the mechanism of their formation, to clarify some of the circumstances of the incident (for example, to determine from what height drops of blood fell, in what position the person was bleeding, etc. ). The shape and other external features of blood traces, as well as the localization of these traces, are strictly dependent on the intensity of bleeding, blood viscosity, the relative position of the source of bleeding, and the trace-receiving surface, physical and chemical properties materials of clothing and various items, the height and angle of incidence of blood particles and a number of other conditions.

In their work, they describe a method for establishing the localization at the scene of the source of bleeding (the victim) by projecting the angles of the meeting of blood drops with the plane. At the same time, they note that “... an injury to the abdomen or chest can very often be insignificant, so the blood does not go out, but accumulates in the corresponding body cavities. The fabric of clothing, when soaked with blood, makes it difficult for blood to flow out of the wound. External bleeding depends on the position of the body. So, the wound of the posterior surface of the chest, when the body of the victim is in the prone position on its front surface, bleeds to a small extent. If the body is turned over on its back surface, then from chest cavity there will be heavy bleeding.

The blood on the victim can come from both the perpetrator and the victim himself. V.V. writes about this in detail in his monograph. Prutovs. Ed. Hoffmann and a group of German researchers believe that attention should be paid to the presence of so-called situational errors. So, for example, streaks on the body do not run vertically, the folds of the material do not coincide with the deposition of blood on garments, etc. The authors point out the need to indicate on which side of the clothing there is blood. Often, damage caused by the victim to the perpetrator is found. Therefore, you need to carefully examine the fingers, especially the nails of the suspect. As a result of various manipulations with the victim, the offender can transfer traces of blood from damaged areas on the owl's face and hands to other areas of clothing. Therefore, it is necessary to turn Special attention on blood smears on all items of clothing, both from the front and from the wrong side. Moreover, the main places are the chest, abdomen and armpit. It should be borne in mind that in the folds of clothing, the blood remains moist for a rather long time.

Expert practice convincingly shows that according to various types traces of blood can be judged on the mechanism of their formation: N.S. Bokarius, E.R. Hoffman, M.V. Kissin and A.K. Tumanov, Yu.G. Korukhov, Yu.P. Edel, E. Knobloch and others.

Nazarov G.N. and Pashinyan G.A. in their work, they give in detail the data of a number of researchers on the features and conditions for the formation of various types of elementary and complex traces of blood, which, in their opinion, will make it possible to clearly present the mechanism of their formation in specific cases of expert practice.

So, traces formed from the fall of drops of blood were studied by many experts. Most researchers studied the shape of traces depending on the height and angle of fall of drops, as well as on the nature of the trace-receiving surface: E. Hoffmann, O. Prokop and a group of German researchers, Dietz, Hering and others. At the same time, they changed the drop height and surface material, on which the drops fall. The authors concluded that traces of blood can have a different shape depending on the height of the fall of drops, their mass, speed of movement, angles of incidence and meeting on the surface, its features, physicochemical properties of blood and other factors. Dietz studied the shape of the traces that occur when a wounded person moves.

HM. Tacho-Godi experimentally proved a certain relationship between the shape of the trail from blood drops and a number of conditions for their formation. The shape of the spots depends on the viscosity of the blood, the nature of the object and the angle at which its surface is located, on which the blood falls, the height of the fall of the blood. If blood drips from the wounds of a person in motion, then the shape of these traces will also depend on the speed of the person's movement. Thus, according to the shape of the spots, it is possible to determine whether a person was running or walking.

E. Knobloch points out that the blood flowing from the nose, mouth or ears flows according to the law of gravity to the underlying parts of the body and forms streaks of different widths, which depends on the width of the wound and the amount of leaked blood. Blood streaks are most often rectilinear or curved, depending on how the flow flows around various elevations and irregularities of the body surface. On hairy and slightly hairy parts of the body, blood drains more slowly than on smooth surfaces. As a result, streaks on hairy parts are much shorter than on areas without hair. The unequal length of blood streaks could lead to an erroneous conclusion when establishing the order in which the injuries were inflicted, as well as when judging the depth of the wound.

According to Muller, as a result of examining blood traces, one can determine whether blood flowed during life or after death. Blood flowing out during life coagulates and adheres tightly to the edges of the wound and the body. With post-mortem bleeding, the blood does not clot, but dries up and is easily separated from the surface of the skin.

H.L. McDohell and T.L. Laber studied the volume of individual drops of free-falling blood. It has been experimentally proven that when a drop of blood with an average volume of 0.05 ml falls freely onto a hard smooth cardboard, traces are formed with an increasing diameter depending on the increase in the height of the fall. With the free fall of blood drops from a source in a stationary position, complex traces are formed as a result of the superimposition of drops on each other.

Lichte T., E. Knobloch and J.E. Geguzin studied the general mechanism of the formation of traces from drops of blood falling freely under the influence of gravity on a solid surface. Moreover, Geguzin made experiments with liquids varying degrees viscosity. Experimental studies using blood normal viscosity were also carried out by Yu.P. Edel. He also considered the shape of the tracks depending on the height of the fall of the drops of blood.

E. Hoffman with I.F. Krylov note that when drops fall from a height at an angle, traces of blood, depending on the angle of inclination, acquire an elongated, often club-shaped shape, and dentate and radiate processes are formed only in the lower part of the trace.

L.V. Stanislavsky also described a more complex picture of the formation of traces in cases where the victim has a wound on a non-protruding part of the body and moves independently in vertical position. Then some drops come off at the level of the wound, others first roll down the surface of the body and clothes, then come off at different levels with the inevitable occurrence of splashes from the collision of the drops between themselves and with the body. The totality of these spots are called traces of rolling drops.

Thus, traces from falling drops of blood are an indicator of bleeding, movement of a person, or transfer of a corpse. These traces allow you to determine the direction of movement of the victim, set the pace of movement and stop points.

ABOUT. Levkovich and co-authors believe that if an expert needs to resolve issues related to establishing the conditions for the formation of blood traces, then he must first determine the type of traces. For example, when describing splash marks, one should note the size of the area with splash marks, its shape, the approximate number of marks, the direction of the length of the oval or pointed end, and the point element. When studying a group of traces localized on the same part or surface of material evidence, there is no need to state the conditions for the formation of each trace separately if, judging by their appearance and location, they have the same source of trace formation. In such cases, one can confine oneself to indicating the conditions of formation for the entire group of traces as a whole.

Taho-Godi notes that blood does not have to be used to conduct the experiments. It can be replaced by a liquid having a similar viscosity (4.9 for normal blood and 15.0 for thickening) and colored for contrast in one color or another (for example, a mixture of water with glycerin, colored with methyl blue). As a vessel for receiving drops, they are recommended an ordinary dropper or pipette with a tap.

In 1983, the "Association of Investigators of the Form of Blood Marks" was organized in New York. It currently has over 200 members from the US and Canada. It publishes a quarterly magazine on the specified topic.

The sources of literature available to us indicate that the issues of forensic examination of blood stains are quite relevant. The study of the mechanism of formation of traces of blood makes it possible to establish the place of the crime, the location and posture of the victim and the attacker at the time of the onset of bleeding, the trajectory of movement, the direction of movement, etc. At the same time, in the literature available to us, there is data on the dependence of traces of blood on the physique, gender differences of the victims, as well as the type and properties of clothing fabric. Thus, the issues of studying the mechanism of blood stain formation require further comprehensive study.

List of used literature:

  1. Bokarius N.S. Initial external examination of the corpse. Kharkov, 1925, 186 p.
  2. Bokarius N.S. External examination corpse at the scene or discovery of it. Kharkov, 1929, 188 p.
  3. Botvinnik M.M. The value of the inspection of the scene for the examination of traces of blood // Proceedings of the expanded scientific-practical conference of the Belarusian-Smolensk-Bryansk scientific societies of forensic doctors: Abstracts. Smolensk, 1977. S.240-241.
  4. Geguzin Ya.E. A drop. M., 1973. 156 p.
  5. Genbom R.G., Korneeva-Asadchikh N.P. Forensic medical examination of physical evidence. M., 1972, 203 p.
  6. Hoffman Ed.R. Guide to forensic medicine / Per. from the 11th German edition. M., 1933, S341-364.
  7. Kissin M.V., Tumanov A.K. Traces of blood. M, 1972, 86 p.
  8. Knobloch E. Medical criminalistics. Prague, 1960, 419 p.
  9. Korukhov Yu.G. Forensic significance of traces of blood on clothes. Candidate's abstract. dis. M., 1957, 16 p.
  10. Criminalistics / Ed. prof. I.F. Krylov. L., 1976, S.176-178.
  11. Krylov I.F. Traces at the crime scene. L., 1961, 131 p.
  12. Krylov I.F. Forensic doctrine of traces. L., 1976, 195 p.
  13. Levkovich O.B., Gusakov Yu.A., Gedygushev I.A. Forensic medical assessment of the mechanism of blood spatter formation // Identification problems in the theory and practice of forensic medicine: Materials of the IV All-Russian Congress of Forensic Physicians, part 1. M. -Vladimir, 1996. P. 151-153.
  14. Nazarov P.N., Pashinyan G.A. Medical forensic examination of traces of blood. Practical guide. N. Novgorod, 2003, 258 p.
  15. Popov V.I. Inspection of the scene. M., 1959, 231 p.
  16. Popov N.V. Forensic Medicine. Textbook for students of medical institutes.
  17. Prutov V.V. Forensic medical examination of the corpse at the scene. Khabarovsk, 1999, 112 p.
  18. Rasseikin D.P. Inspection of the scene and the corpse during the investigation of murders. Saratov, 1967, 152 p.
  19. Rasseikin D.P. Investigation of crimes against life. Saratov, 1965, 115 p.
  20. Stanislavsky L.V. To the question of the classification of traces of blood depending on the conditions of their occurrence // Topical issues of forensic traumatology: Scientific works. M.. 1977, S.61-64.
  21. Trasological study of traces of blood on clothes: methodical letter / comp. Takho-GodiKh.M.M., 1970, 24 p.
  22. Shikanov V.I. Comprehensive examination and its application in the investigation of murders. Irkutsk, 1976, 230 p.
  23. Shikanov V.I. Forensic significance of traces of blood. Irkutsk, 1974, 143 p.
  24. Edel Yu.P. New data on intersecting streaks of "live" and cadaveric blood on the surfaces of absorbent and non-absorbent materials // Sat. Proceedings of the IV All-Union Conf. Court. Medics. Riga, 1962. S.517-519.
  25. Edel Yu.P. On traces of freely falling (from stationary and moving objects) drops of blood on a horizontal plane // Materials of reports and recommendations of the scientific conference of the society of forensic doctors of Kazakhstan. Alma-Ata, 1968, pp. 404-405.
  26. Die Suche und Sicherung von Spuren. (Autorenkolektiv). Teil 11. Naturwissen-schaftich-kriminalistische Spuren. ministerium des innern. Publicationsab-teilung. Berlin, 1974. 352 s.
  27. Dietz G. Gerichtliche Medizin. Leipzig, 1963. 203 s.
  28. Hering E. Untersuchung von Blutspuren: Med. Dissertation. Leipzig, 1940.
  29. KirkL.P. Beseitung von Blutspuren durch Waschen. Kriminalistik, 1954. 327 s.
  30. Laber T.L. Diameter of a bloodstain as a function of origin, distance fallen and Vumeofdrop//I.A.B, P.A. New, 1985. V.2. Nl.P.12-16.
  31. Lichte T. Dtsch.Z.gerichtl.Med. 1939. N22. 387s.
  32. McDonell H.L. Interpretation of Bloodstains: Physical Considerations. Legal Medicine Annual, Cyril Wecht, Ed. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1971. P.91-136.
  33. Prokop O. Lehrbuch der gerichlichen Medizin. Berlin, 1960. 611 s.

Some pathological formations on the skin can alert anyone. And small dots, similar to rashes, painted red, are quite frequent occasion to contact a dermatovenereologist. But in fact, such a symptom has a different nature, so pinpoint hemorrhages on the skin make themselves felt, the causes of which, let's look at www ..

Pinpoint hemorrhages on the arms, legs and face can look like flat, as well as dotted spots of a rounded shape. They are painted in a rich red color and can reach one to two millimeters in diameter. They cannot be detected by palpation, such formations do not protrude at all skin surface. Sometimes the size pinpoint hemorrhages reaches the pea. The main feature that distinguishes such a pathology from bites is the inability to consider the central point.

About why there are point hemorrhages on the body (the reasons are different)

Pinpoint hemorrhages on the skin are usually classified by doctors as petichias. Their appearance is explained by capillary hemorrhages (small hemorrhages) inside skin and also in mucous membranes.

The main cause of petechial hemorrhages is some kind of physical injury, for example, a strong blow to the surface of the skin. Petichias can form in all patients. age categories both in adults and in children.

Quite rarely, petechial hemorrhages on the skin of the face occur in response to a strong cough, vomiting. In this case, strong tension leads to rupture of capillaries near the eyes. Most often, this disorder occurs in children. With the strongest intestinal infection vomiting can lead to a petichial rash on the face and chest, as well as in the region of the anterior wall of the neck.

Petichias can form after pressure has been applied to the skin tissue. Such hemorrhages disappear on their own, after about a few days, they are not considered as a dangerous phenomenon. So, for example, spot bleeding on the skin may appear when wearing improperly selected underwear (small in size), golf, stockings, etc. In this case, the elements of the rash are localized in areas that have been subjected to pressure.

In certain cases, hemorrhages on the skin occur as a symptom of thrombocytopenia. This ailment develops when the number of platelets in the blood decreases by an order of magnitude. A similar condition may occur after consumption medicines It is also a complication of some infections. With thrombocytopenia, the patient has impaired blood clotting, in which any cut or abrasion bleeds and does not heal for a very long time.

Petichia can be caused by a violation of the functions of blood clotting. Also, capillaries can burst due to the consumption of certain drugs.

So, for example, when consuming acetylsalicylic acid Influenza virus patients may experience a widespread multi-spotted rash over almost the entire body. Drugs intended for the treatment of varicose veins can cause hemorrhage on the skin, as they can worsen blood clotting by an order of magnitude.

With colds viral ailments, patients may develop such pathological condition as disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome. Such a violation is manifested just by petichias in different parts of the body.

There are a number of rather serious diseases, one of the symptoms of which can be hemorrhages in the skin. They are represented by lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, Wegener's granulomatosis, infective endocarditis, scurvy, periarteritis nodosa, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Also on this list is hypercortisolism, purpura, typhoid fever, smallpox, Werlhof's disease and septicemia.

The appearance of hemorrhages on the skin can be explained even by such a life-threatening condition as sepsis, which develops against the background of long-term inflammatory diseases. This disease requires immediate hospitalization.

It is believed that the appearance of a similar symptom can be observed with allergic reactions. They make the vessels somewhat more permeable, due to which blood can ooze through their walls, going under the skin. Actually, just such a picture is typical for the autoimmune diseases already mentioned above.

In the event that even a slight physical impact on the skin of a child becomes the cause of a hemorrhage, it is worth considering, perhaps he has some kind of disturbance in the activity of the blood coagulation system. The most famous and at the same time dangerous disease This type is hemophilia.

In old age, people often experience the appearance of large hemorrhages under the skin. These are petechial hemorrhages on the legs and also on the hands. Similar situation observed with the loss of the fatty pad, due to which the blood vessels become more vulnerable. Such local hemorrhages do not indicate the possibility of internal bleeding.

Sometimes under the point hemorrhages under the skin, patients mean the appearance spider veins. These pinpoint hemorrhages on the face and legs look like a red mesh. Such formations are not at all dangerous to health, they are considered solely as cosmetic defect. Most often they appear with hormonal failures and with varicose veins.

When pinpoint hemorrhages appear on the skin, it is worth making an appointment with a therapist or a cosmetologist.

Hemorrhage under the skin usually easy to recognize. For example, if you hurt yourself and the blood from the damaged vessels seeps into the surrounding tissue, you will see a bruise. If you have been bitten by an insect and you are constantly scratching this place, then it is clear what causes local bleeding. If every time during your period you notice small hemorrhages under the skin you probably know that this happens to many women, and do not worry.

But if you suddenly bleed under the skin for no apparent reason, you have to think about the following.

Reaction to the drug. Anticoagulants or aspirin thin the blood, making it easier to bruise or bleed when injured or cut. Suspect any drug (quinine in tonic when you mix it with gin or take it in pill form to prevent leg cramps; quinidine for the heart, antibiotics, diuretics) if you start to bleed under your skin and bruise more easily than usual.

Allergic reaction can make your blood vessels more permeable, allowing blood to seep through their walls and out under your skin. Many autoimmune diseases also give this effect.

Leukemia(blood cancer) affects the bone marrow, replacing healthy cells, which help control blood clotting, to tumors that do not.

viral disease may reduce the number of platelets, platelets (blood components that play an important role in clotting), causing hemorrhage under the skin and, more importantly, internal bleeding.

If your child has from a light blow there is a superficial bruise, then, perhaps, he has a hereditary defect in the blood coagulation system. But if the hemorrhage is deep under the skin and comes from the slightest injury, it is possible hemophilia.

Bleeding that happens all the time in the same place, such as from the nose or intestines, may reflect a hereditary pathology of specific small blood vessels. Conversely, when the bleeding is widespread but most noticeable on the legs, you probably have some kind of general disorder of the blood or blood vessels.

Heredity is very important. If you suspect a hereditary disease such as hemophilia or weakened walls of small blood vessels, it is very important to know if your relatives have had such symptoms. If you marry a close relative, you greatly increase the risk that your children will have hereditary abnormal bleeding.

If you started easy bleed under the skin and, moreover, turned yellow - you probably have liver disease: it does not form enough vitamin K to clot your blood properly.

In the elderly sometimes there are large purple spots superficially under the skin, mainly on the arms and legs.

This happens when aging skin loses its fatty pad and makes adjacent blood vessels more vulnerable to damage. These hemorrhagic areas in the skin do not mean that you also have internal bleeding.

Sometimes purple spots are not the result of aging, but Cushing's syndrome caused by excessive production of cortisone in the adrenal glands. The disease can be localized in them or in the pituitary gland of the brain. Similarly, if you take too much cortisone for a long time, you may experience bleeding; the body is not able to distinguish cortisone in the pill from the one that it itself excessively forms.

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