Ways of infection with HPV. How is the human papillomavirus transmitted. Consequences and treatment of HPV. Are they inherited

Contrary to popular belief that papilloma causes discomfort only in cosmetic terms, it can also provoke health problems.

After all, it tends to increase in size, bleed, cause itching, and in the most unfavorable scenarios turn into a malignant formation.

Papilloma tends to appear in various parts bodies: on the face, eyelids, surface of the tongue, in the armpits, on the mucous membranes, including the walls of the stomach or intestines.

However, one of the favorite places for its localization is in an intimate place in women and men.

Causes and treatment of papillomas - here's what you need to know in order not only to avoid serious problems with health, but also completely prevent a further increase in the number of these growths.

What it is

Papilloma is a benign formation on the skin or mucous membranes of human organs (oral cavity, larynx, sinuses, etc.).

Externally, the neoplasm is very similar to common mole, only has a convex shape and hangs down a little, and therefore resembles, rather, a nipple-like growth. The diameter of the formation varies between 1-30 mm, and its color can be white, flesh or brown.

By its nature, papilloma is of viral origin, and its appearance provokes the penetration of HPV (human papillomavirus) into the body.

It is he who causes intracellular changes in tissues and contributes to their pathological growth.

The virus has about a hundred varieties, and depending on this, papilloma can be either a small, harmless growth or a formation with a risk of developing into a cancer.

More than 90% of the population are carriers of human papillomavirus.

  • Basically, HPV affects people with a weakened immune system, and it becomes most dangerous for women (the human virus in women more often provokes the development of cancer).
  • The virus is transmitted through direct or sexual contact with the patient, as well as during childbirth.

The disease manifests itself under certain factors only after 2-6 months.


Since HPV has many types, papillomas are also divided into several types.

Outwardly, they have slight differences, and this can be seen in the photo.

  1. The simplest or vulgar papillomas. The disease is caused by HPV type 2. Such neoplasms on the skin are hard, rough to the touch growths in the form of bumps. Often they affect a large area of ​​​​the skin, while merging with each other. Occur anywhere, however, most often they can be found on the back of the hands. The spread of growths contributes to the unstable state of the immune system.
  2. Flat warts. Their appearance provokes HPV types 3 and 10. They look like smooth, firm flesh-colored bumps. The shape of such neoplasms can be rounded or polygonal. The disease manifests itself as skin itching and pain in the affected area.
  3. Plantar papillomas. The causative agent of such neoplasms is the human papillomavirus type 1,2 and 4, which provokes deep lesions, mosaic warts, and mild skin lesions, respectively. The formation appears as a small shiny bump and eventually transforms into a typical outgrowth, around which papillomas-vesicles often appear. Growths form on the foot, which causes some discomfort when walking. They are often confused with corns.
  4. Filamentous (acrochords). Such neoplasms affect predominantly the elderly female population over 45 years of age. They appear as small yellowish bumps, later developing into elongated growths. Warts affect the area under the armpits, groin, on the eyelids of the eyes and on the neck, and the treatment in this case has a predominantly aesthetic aspect.
  5. Pointed warts. These are papillary growths on the mucous membranes of the genital organs (in the uterus, on the surface of the cervix). They appear during sexual contact with an HPV carrier. The disease can occur both clinically and latent form. This type of papillomas is quite dangerous, since untimely treatment can lead to the development of cancer.
  6. Papillomas of the oral cavity. Neoplasms in the tongue, throat or trachea occur in children and adults and tend to grow, thereby interfering with the functioning of the respiratory system.
  7. Intraductal papilloma of the breast. It looks like a cyst. It is very easily injured, therefore it requires urgent treatment.

A photo

Places of localization

Depending on the type of pathogen, papillomas can occur on different parts bodies:

  • on the neck and face;
  • in the armpits;
  • on the hands and feet;
  • on the mucous membranes of the genital organs;
  • in bladder and urethra;
  • in the oral cavity and nasopharynx;
  • on the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines.

Causes of papillomas

By and large, a neoplasm can appear only if there is a human papillomavirus in the body.

Another thing is that in the absence of certain factors, the virus does not make itself felt.

However, in the case of the appearance of papilloma on the body, we can talk about a sure sign that some kind of disease, inflammatory process or there is a violation in metabolic processes.

Photo: Infection can occur through close contact

Consider the most common ways that this human virus can be transmitted and the causes of neoplasms on the body.

  1. Sexual intercourse with a carrier of infection. In this case, it does not matter at all whether it was vaginal, anal or oral contact: the risk is equally high. It must be remembered that a condom is not a guarantee of protection.
  2. Transmission of the virus to the child from the mother through the perinatal route. Infection can occur during childbirth. That is why it is so important to undergo a thorough examination before planning a pregnancy.
  3. household contacts. This applies to using someone else's towel, shaking hands, touching door handles after the carrier of the infection, etc.
  4. Visiting public saunas, baths and pools. In these places, high humidity, and therefore there is a risk of infection.

Photo: transmission of the virus from mother to child during childbirth

There are some causes of papillomas that provoke the development of the disease depending on gender.

Among women

  • the use of oral contraceptives;
  • general weakening of the immune system;
  • menstrual irregularities.

In men

  • refusal of condoms;
  • promiscuous sex life;
  • employment in hazardous production;
  • alcohol and nicotine addiction.

Photo: infection through unprotected sexual contact

Risk factors

When ingested, the human papillomavirus remains in the layers of the skin, and does not spread to the blood and other organs.

In the "dormant" state, it is completely harmless to the surrounding people, however, when adverse factors it makes itself felt in the form of papillomas and warts on the affected area.

These factors include:

  • the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • some chronic diseases(bronchitis, tonsillitis, etc.);
  • unhealthy lifestyle (malnutrition, bad habits);
  • weakened immunity;
  • the presence of genital infections (for example, chlamydia, candidiasis, etc.);
  • autoimmune and allergic diseases;
  • exposure to ultraviolet rays (especially for people with fair skin and a large number of moles on it);
  • genetic predisposition;
  • frequent and severe stress;
  • elderly age.

Video: "Papillomavirus as a cause of cervical disease"

Transmission routes

The human papillomavirus is transmitted from the carrier of the infection through personal and sexual contact.

In the latter case, the risk of damage is up to 70%.

  • In addition, infection can occur perinatally, that is, when passing through the birth canal, the virus is transmitted from mother to newborn.
  • Also, quite often, infection occurs in places of high humidity, such as saunas or swimming pools, especially when using other people's towels and other personal hygiene items.


In healthy people who lead a correct lifestyle, very often the virus does not manifest itself in any way.

Do folk remedies for warts and papillomas on the body help?

Should I remove papillomas with a laser? Find out here.

Therefore, many do not realize that they are infected.

When some kind of failure has occurred in the body or a weakened immune system has occurred, the human papillomavirus can manifest itself.

You can suspect the disease by the following symptoms.

  1. The appearance of neoplasms on the body in the form of uneven growths up to 30 mm in size. This is the very first sign and if it is detected, you should consult a doctor.
  2. The formation of genital warts in the genital area. This happens with a weakened immune system a few weeks after infection.
  3. The presence of itching, redness and irritation in the affected areas of the face, body or mucous membranes of organs in intimate places.


It will not be difficult for a competent dermatologist or gynecologist to diagnose papillomavirus. This will require:

  • carry out a visual inspection;
  • do tests of smears and scrapings;
  • perform a biopsy if necessary.


Despite the fact that it is impossible to completely get rid of the virus, it is possible to remove the papillomas themselves, and this will help prevent further development illness.

Modern medicine has many methods for the implementation of the procedure.

Which method to choose, the doctor decides after examination and diagnosis.

  1. Use of a laser. A modern method that allows you to remove tissue even in the deep layers of the skin, while immediately stopping the bleeding. The procedure is more suitable for the removal simple papillomas and genital warts. The recovery process takes about a month.
  2. Cryotherapy (use of liquid nitrogen). Suitable for removing protozoa, flat and plantar papillomas, as well as genital warts.
  3. Radiosurgery. The procedure is carried out under local anesthesia with a radio knife. The advantage of the method is the complete elimination of the reappearance of papilloma.
  4. Diathermocoagulation. This method is based on cauterization of the neoplasm with high-frequency current.
  5. Surgical removal. The procedure is carried out with a scalpel. The method is recognized as the most effective in removing the simplest papillomas.

Photo: excision of the neoplasm with a scalpel

After the removal of the formations, therapy is carried out aimed at strengthening the immune system:

  • taking immunomodulators;
  • vitamin therapy;
  • hardening, healthy eating and walking;
  • antiviral drugs.

With the formation of papillomas in intimate places in women, the doctor will offer gentle methods of treatment in gynecology.

Folk remedies

At home, you can also get rid of some types of papillomas.

However, it is necessary to focus on what types of neoplasms cannot be removed on their own:

  • growths and warts on the face;
  • papillomas with signs of inflammation.

For other cases, it is quite possible to use treatment with folk remedies.

  1. Celandine juice. It is necessary to squeeze the juice from the stem of the plant and evaporate it to obtain an extract. With the resulting mass, you need to lubricate the problem area 3-4 times a day until the papilloma disappears completely.
  2. Garlic. A freshly cut plate of garlic is applied to the papilloma, and the top must be sealed with a plaster. The procedure should be repeated for 2 weeks.
  3. Potato juice. Freshly prepared juice should be taken orally 100 ml 2 times a day for 2 months.
  4. Castor oil. They need to lubricate the place around the papilloma. A positive result can be achieved after a month of use.


It is impossible to completely protect yourself from the penetration of papillomavirus, but by following simple recommendations, you can significantly reduce the risk of infection:

  • maintaining a healthy lifestyle;
  • minimum stay in public saunas and pools;
  • personal hygiene;
  • timely treatment of chronic diseases;
  • avoidance of stress;
  • exclusion of casual sexual contacts.

What to do if the papilloma on the neck is inflamed?

Can papilloma be removed on its own? Find out here.

How to cauterize papilloma at home? Read on.
So, we examined the main types of papillomas, their causes and methods of treatment.

Drawing conclusions, I would like to note that, despite the fact that papillomas in many cases do not cause discomfort to their owners, under certain adverse factors, the disease may begin to progress.

To avoid serious consequences, it is enough to monitor your health, and if neoplasms are found on your body, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe competent treatment.

Video: "Causes of genital warts"

Ways of transmission of the human papillomavirus (HPV)

The human papillomavirus is a highly contagious virus and, according to statistics, from 50 to 70% of the population are infected with it. However, clinical manifestations of infection are not so common, in about 1-2% of cases. A person does not even realize that he is a carrier of HPV until there is a decrease in immunity and activation of the virus. By knowing the main ways HPV is transmitted, you can protect yourself from unwanted symptoms. So, HPV - how is the disease transmitted? All possible transmission routes will be discussed below.

Papilloma: how is it transmitted and what is it?

Currently, about 100 different varieties of the virus are known. Among them there are both harmless to humans and dangerous in terms of development. oncological diseases. The following facts can be encouraging: viruses, causing education warts and papillomas, belong to 6 and 11 subtypes, which have a low carcinogenic risk. Oncogenic subtypes include strains 16 and 18, which provoke cell mutation and cervical cancer.

The papilloma virus multiplies exclusively in the cells of the skin and mucous membranes, causing their uncontrolled division. As a result, a person has the following clinical manifestations:

  • various warts (common, flat, plantar);
  • papillomatosis of the mouth and larynx;
  • papillomas of internal organs.

The role of the virus in the development of cervical cancer in women and penis cancer in men has been proven, so it is important to know how papillomavirus is transmitted in order to prevent infection.

Human papillomavirus: ways of transmission

It is impossible to detect the presence of a virus in the body on its own if there are no characteristic growths on the skin or mucous membranes. Specialized medical tests will allow identifying a sleeping pathology. The absence of symptoms does not guarantee that a person is not dangerous to others.

How is papillomavirus (HPV) transmitted? Physicians distinguish several ways.

Contact household way

HPV is transmitted household way. It is worth noting that infrequently, but this option for obtaining human papillomavirus infection (PVI), nevertheless, has the right to exist. You can get infected by shaking hands, using common household items - towels, slippers, wearing someone else's clothes, especially underwear. Often infection occurs when visiting the pool, fitness center. The microscopic organism has such a high activity that HPV is transmitted through saliva, a kiss.

The risk of infection increases if the skin has abrasions, scratches, microcracks, and various wounds. Particularly contagious are people with characteristic manifestations diseases - warts and papillomas.

A fairly common question: Will washing your hands regularly reduce the risk of infection? Of course, clean skin is more protected. However, hygiene measures do not protect against infection with papillomavirus.

Is papillomavirus (HPV) transmitted sexually?

One sexual contact is enough to infect a person. HPV is transmitted through oral, vaginal and anal sex.

More often, the infection comes from a man, but the opposite situation is also possible, when reverse infection of HPV is recorded - from a woman to a man.

Predisposing factors are:

  • early intimacy at a young age;
  • frequent change of sexual partners, because do not forget that papillomavirus is sexually transmitted;
  • the presence of genital warts on the genitals.

Papilloma is also transmitted sexually through homosexual relationships, during which minor injuries of the skin and mucous membranes of the anal area occur. This greatly increases the risk of infection, especially if one of the partners has external manifestations diseases - anogenital warts.

Is the human papillomavirus transmitted through protected sex? Unfortunately yes. HPV is transmitted through a condom, since warts invisible to the eye can be located in an unprotected product inguinal region. Using a condom greatly reduces the risk of infection, but does not provide a complete guarantee of safety. Despite this, the use of a condom is recommended for all people who have multiple sexual partners.

HPV is easily transmitted through oral sex. This increases the risk of developing tonsillar cancer, especially if a person has become infected with oncogenic strains.

Papillomavirus: transmission from mother to child (vertical method)

Many pregnant women worry - is HPV transmitted from mother to child? Unfortunately, such a route of infection does take place, and infection can occur both transplacentally (in the prenatal period) and during childbirth. If the first option is an incredible rarity, then when a baby passes through an infected birth canal, a child can get papillomavirus with a high degree of probability.

Possible infection of the larynx, bronchi and trachea in a newborn. The virus is introduced into the mucous membranes and stimulates the formation of growths. Laryngeal papillomatosis can lead to stenosis and suffocation of the child, especially if the vocal cords are affected. Any infection, cold leads to swelling of the mucous membranes respiratory tract, and in the presence of concomitant papillomas, this ends with difficulty in inhaling and exhaling.

A logical question arises: is it possible to protect the baby from infection with a caesarean section? The operation is not a guarantee of the baby's health, since the papillomavirus is transmitted from mother to child in this case as well. You should not resort to caesarean section without special need, although this method is also used for multiple warts.

Members of the same family often have warts or papillomas on the body, but the hereditary factor has nothing to do with it. Can HPV be transmitted to a child through close contact between parents and children? The fact is that people living under the same roof become infected from each other. However, parents should be reassured: HPV is not inherited.

Self-infection (autoinoculation)

Is papillomavirus transmitted through self-infection? Definitely yes. Infection occurs during shaving, cutting nails, epilation. Toddlers often pick at warts, they can tear them off, scratch them. In this way, the HPV transmission process spreads to neighboring tissues and causes the virus to multiply in them.

Papillomavirus (transmission routes can be quite non-standard) can be transmitted by airborne droplets. But this is an extremely rare option. To date, only a few cases of infection of hospital medical staff during HPV surgery and while caring for patients have been recorded.

HPV: features of transmission depending on gender

HPV in women - how is the infection transmitted in this case? Most often, human papillomavirus infection enters the female body through sexual contact, including oral and anal sex. PVI, many ladies get already at the first sexual experience.

How is HPV transmitted to men? To belong to male gender in no way becomes a barrier to getting the disease: PVI in men is also diagnosed very often. The only difference is for a long time pathology proceeds in a latent form and hence the hidden carriage.

Risk factors

Even if a person is infected with papillomavirus, this does not necessarily mean that he has genital warts or warts. The virus is insidious in that it can long time to exist in the body without giving itself away. When favorable factors come, namely, a decrease in immunity and others, the activation of virions begins. The factors provoking the awakening of the virus include:

Antiviral protection weakens in the presence of other infections with sexual transmission: chlamydia, ureplasmosis, erased form of gonorrhea, trichomoniasis. The knowledge that human papilloma (how the virus is most often transmitted was discussed in sufficient detail) is contagious, helps protect yourself and your loved ones from the "uninvited guest".

The following factors predispose to the disease:

  • childbirth at a young age;
  • deficiency of folic acid and antioxidants;
  • low economic standard of living;
  • social maladjustment.

As practice shows, women from dysfunctional families are less likely to seek help from a gynecologist, so cervical cancer in this population group is detected already at a later date. If women were informed about the dangers of HPV types 16 and 18 (many people know how the disease is transmitted), then they would be more careful in choosing a sexual partner.

Diagnosis and prevention of PVI

Usually, a doctor, knowing how the human papillomavirus is transmitted, can make a diagnosis already during the initial examination of the patient. However, the presence of skin growths and genital warts require additional examination.

Prevention of the human papillomavirus (as you know the infection is transmitted) is quite possible. And, above all, it is the practice of protected sex. As in the case of contracting an infection from the STD category, both partners should be treated for papillomavirus, since the likelihood of spouses having it is more than 70%. In addition, vaccination can protect yourself from infection.

Is papilloma transmitted by household route? Yes, and this must be taken into account. That is why when visiting public baths, saunas and swimming pools, you need to be extremely careful. In conditions of high humidity, the virus can exist for quite a long period of time.

Studies show that no matter how the infection occurred, there is a risk of developing oncology: low, but, nevertheless, you should not forget about it. To protect against infection will help the observance of the simplest rules:

  • use only personal hygiene items;
  • sexual life with a regular partner;
  • A varied diet and hardening procedures help maintain strong immune defenses.

It is also important to regularly visit a doctor, take tests, and do not forget to treat places skin lesions antiseptic solutions.

Why do warts appear on the body

Most people have ever encountered warts in their lives that appeared either on the fingers or on the feet, someone suffered from unaesthetic growths on the face, and others were hindered by rough papillomas on the feet.

Most often, such neoplasms appeared in adolescence or in childhood.

But where do they come from, and what causes them to occur?


All warts are benign skin neoplasms that form from the cells of the epithelial layer of the dermis.

Such a rapid division provokes papillomavirus, which has settled in the human body.

Today, more than 100 types of HPV are known, and different types can cause the following types of warts to appear on the skin and mucous membranes:

  • ordinary (vulgar) papillomas are rounded nodules on the skin, the surface of which is rough. They are firm but painless and can grow up to 1 cm in diameter. Localized on the body anywhere, but most often grow on the hands;
  • plantar and palmar- a subspecies of vulgar warts, in appearance resemble corns. With constant rubbing deliver severe discomfort, can hurt, sometimes become inflamed;
  • flat (youthful) the growths look like small nodules that practically do not rise above the level of the skin. There are flesh, yellow and Pink colour. Most often, such formations occur in children and adolescents. May affect the skin of the face, hands and legs;
  • filiform (acrochords) papillomas look like a spherical growth on a thin stalk. Sometimes they resemble a thin thread, so they are very easily injured. They grow in places with thin skin: in the eyelids, in the groin, under the arms;
  • mainly affect the perianal region and the genital area. May be localized in the oral cavity. The growths grow rapidly and are prone to the formation of papillomas, resembling cauliflower in appearance;
  • senile keratomas appear only in the elderly as a result of skin seborrhea. Dark-colored spots have clear boundaries, over time they rise more and more above the surface of the skin. Localized on the face, back, neck, but may appear on other parts of the body.

A photo

Why do

Many people are interested in questions about why warts appear and whether their location depends on provoking factors.

The cause of most warts is the human papillomavirus, which infects more than half of the people on the planet.

In some, the virus can "sleep" for a lifetime, without making itself felt by warts that appear on the legs, arms or other part of the body. This means that the HPV carrier has strong immunity.

Infection most often occurs in childhood, but the virus manifests itself during puberty, when immunity is most labile.

The only type of warts that are not caused by HPV are senile keratomas.

Their appearance is associated with natural age-related changes in the skin.

On hands

In this area, papillomas appear most often, since the virus enters the body through micro-wounds and abrasions on the hands.

  • With hands, a person touches handrails, door handles, common items.
  • Quite often, HPV is transmitted through a handshake, so do not be surprised that the first wart has grown on the fingers, palms or hands.

Photo: you can get infected through a handshake

Other causes of papillomas on the hands:

  • excessive dryness of the skin;
  • sweating of the palms;
  • frequent hand injuries;
  • neglect of gloves in the cold season (blood flow in the fingers slows down).

Often warts appear in people engaged in butchering meat.


  • This subspecies of papillomas appears due to increased sweating of the legs, due to wearing tight, uncomfortable or unnatural shoes in which the skin of the legs is not able to breathe.
  • The second common reason for their occurrence is walking barefoot in baths, saunas, pools and other similar places. If you step on the place where a person with plantar warts previously stood with a bare foot, then the same growths will soon appear in a previously healthy person.

Photo: wearing tight shoes can cause pimples

Other reasons why warts on the sole appear in children and adults:

  • frequent wearing rubber shoes, because of which the legs sweat and are constantly in a humid environment;
  • dry skin of the legs;
  • fungus.

Provoking factors

Understanding why warts appear, you need to understand that incubation period virus in the body of an infected person can be from several weeks to several years.

In others, clinical signs of papillomatosis will never appear at all.

Photo: pregnancy is a factor provoking the formation of warts

The occurrence of warts on the body depends not only on the fact of infection, but also on provoking factors that contribute to the activation of the virus in the body of its carrier:

  • reduced immunity;
  • diabetes;
  • HIV infection;
  • pregnancy;
  • puberty;
  • the use of hormonal medications;
  • severe stress, regular overwork;
  • severe genetic diseases;
  • increased sweating;
  • unprotected sex;
  • non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.

All these factors contribute to the fact that the virus in the body begins to multiply intensively, affecting the epidermis of the skin.

Its cells begin to rapidly divide, causing growths in the form of warts to appear on the surface of the skin.


Photo: visual inspection and dermatoscopy

  • A dermatologist can diagnose papillomatosis at the initial examination, based on the external characteristics of the neoplasm, as well as by conducting dermatoscopy - an examination of the wart under a special magnifying device.
  • For confirmation viral origin skin growths can be prescribed PCR diagnostics. Only in rare cases, a biopsy of the tumor tissue is needed. This procedure is prescribed if the doctor suspected malignancy of the neoplasm.

Since the growth on the skin, at first glance resembling a wart, may be the initial stage of a malignant tumor, you should consult a doctor at the first manifestations of papillomatosis.

In rare cases, self-treatment of skin neoplasms without prior consultation with a specialist can cause their malignancy.

Video: "Laser wart removal: procedure details"

How to recognize

If there is no certainty that it was warts that appeared on the body, and not other skin neoplasms, it is forbidden to self-medicate.

In such cases, a consultation with a dermatologist is needed, sometimes such patients are additionally referred to an oncologist.

Only a doctor can reliably determine the type of neoplasm. You need to see a doctor immediately if:

  • the growth began to bleed;
  • he began to grow rapidly;
  • a change in its shape and color is clearly visible;
  • there was discomfort or pain in the area of ​​​​the location of the skin formation.

Such signs may indicate its malignancy.

What to do if there is a large wart on the arm?

What are warts on the legs? Find out here.

How are they different from other diseases?

To understand what a wart looks like, you need to know distinctive features such innovations:

  1. the wart grows in the form of a growth, a small bump or a hanging papilla;
  2. there is no skin pattern on its surface;
  3. papillomas never itch, do not hurt and do not disturb their owner with any other unpleasant sensations. Discomfort such growths can deliver only with regular injury or rubbing;
  4. young warts have a smooth shiny surface, and old ones are covered with hard horny layers;
  5. black dots can be seen on an old formed wart - these are thrombosed capillaries;
  6. usually one wart appears first, and over time, daughter formations grow near it.

How to get rid

When warts grow on the skin, the only question arises - how to treat them?

Today, many hardware techniques and medications have been developed for these purposes, and folk remedies also help some people.

Photo: in some cases, folk remedies can be effective

But doctors are wary of the latter option, since uncontrolled treatment can be fraught with serious complications.

So what to do if warts appear on the body?

The first step to getting rid of these ugly growths is a visit to a dermatologist.

Photo: only a doctor can choose the right treatment

Only a specialist will be able to assess the nature of the neoplasm and select the most best option his treatment.

Medical treatment

Most people resort to the drug removal of papillomas, since a wide selection of drugs allows you to find the best remedy in terms of price and effectiveness.

The first thing you should pay attention to is immunomodulatory and antiviral drugs.

With their help, you can defeat the root of the problem, due to which warts are rapidly spreading across the skin.

Photo: immunostimulant with antiviral action

Such medicines include:

  • Kipferon;
  • Isoprinosine;
  • Viferon;
  • Acyclovir.

Particular attention should be paid to immunomodulatory therapy if it is necessary to remove warts from a child.

In the vast majority of cases, the provoking factor in their appearance in children is precisely the decrease in the body's immune defenses.

To make papillomas disappear faster, they can be treated with cauterizing agents that contribute to the death of pathological skin cells.

  • Super cleaner;
  • Verrukacid;
  • Salicylic acid;
  • pencil Lapis;
  • Cryopharm;
  • Ferezol;
  • Solcoderm.

Only complex drug therapy will defeat papillomas in the shortest possible time.

Removal Methods

When warts appear on the body, many clinic patients are interested in how to get rid of them in one procedure.

This opportunity is provided by modern hardware techniques, which in a few minutes are able to remove the wart along with its root.

These methods include:

  • laser therapy– burning a wart with a high-precision laser beam, which evaporates pathological cells without touching healthy ones. After such a procedure, the skin recovers the fastest;
  • cryotherapy- freezing of the neoplasm with liquid nitrogen. At the site of the papilloma, a bubble forms, under which healthy skin is formed;

Photo: blister formation after cryodestruction

  • photodynamic therapy- a procedure based on the ongoing chemical reactions in the wart, from which it dies. During the session, the neoplasm is exposed to a photosensitizer that accumulates in papilloma cells, and then the growth is exposed to light with a special wavelength. As a result, a photochemical reaction occurs, in which oxygen is released and the wart dies;
  • electrocoagulation- burning of papilloma with the help of a special loop, which is supplied with high-frequency current. After the procedure, a scab forms at the site of exposure, which disappears after about a week;

Photo: scab formation after burning

  • removal by Surgitron- a technique based on the action of radio frequency waves. During the procedure, there is no contact between the device and the skin, so the risk of infection or other complications is reduced to zero.

In rare cases, when the wart is large or it is suspected to be malignant, it is excised with a scalpel under local anesthesia.

But after surgical excision, a scar remains.

Questions and answers

Along with the appearance of warts on the body in patients with papillomatosis, some questions arise related to their distribution, treatment and other nuances.

There are even some myths about warts that are passed down from our grandmothers and used to frighten young children. Consider the most common questions about papillomas.

If you touch a toad, warts may appear on your hands.

This statement is nothing but a popular invention, thanks to which children are intimidated by these innocent amphibians.

Warts are caused by the human papillomavirus, not by an insect, animal, or other earthly creature.

Photo: toads have nothing to do with the appearance of warts

Therefore, the toad cannot in any way be a carrier of the human virus, so you should not be afraid of them.

What to do if they grow

Any wart is prone to growth, this process occurs especially quickly in genital warts.

But if the increase in size is clearly visible from day to day and symptoms such as soreness, changes in shape, size appear, it is better not to risk it and go to a dermatologist.

Only a doctor can give a qualified assessment of such rapid changes.

Infectious or not

Yes, warts are contagious.

How to get rid of warts on the foot at home?

How to remove a wart in an intimate place? Find out here.

From a person who has warts on his body, papillomavirus can be transmitted to a healthy person by contact, household or sexual contact.

At first, HPV will be in the infected person's body in a "sleep" mode, but with the next decrease in immunity, papillomas will grow on his skin.

Can they disappear on their own?

Yes, such a development is possible.

  • It is believed that up to 90% of warts disappear on their own within three years.
  • In a shorter time, the growths can go away on their own if the immune system quickly recovered and was able to overcome the virus.

When warts appear on the body, you should not talk for a long time about the cause of their occurrence.

It is better to go to a specialist and get an appointment for a suitable treatment that will get rid of ugly growths in the near future.

Are hand warts contagious?

No one will argue that the seller, hairdresser, teacher, who has growths on his fingers, causes anxiety among others.

Even though this is not fatal disease, the danger of infection scares no less.

What is it

Warts, common vulgaris, and some other varieties are an external manifestation of human papillomavirus infection.

They are located on the skin, representing pathological growths of its upper epithelial layer.

Reasons for the appearance

The source of the appearance of pathological growths is human papillomaviruses (HPV), and not toads, as popular belief has long believed.

This is an extensive family, numbering about a hundred representatives.

HPV that causes warts and condylomas are non-oncogenic or low-oncogenic subspecies.

The pathogen is extremely widespread in nature. More than 80% of the world's population is infected with one or another of its varieties.

However, not all infected people develop a clinic.

The appearance of obvious clinical symptoms contributes to the weakening of the body's resistance and hormonal changes.

Distribution methods

Almost all varieties of warts are transmitted through household contact when bodily contact: shaking hands, hugging, sexual intercourse, as well as when sharing personal items.

Photo: contact route of transmission of papillomavirus

  • HPV is highly resistant, especially in conditions of high humidity.
  • Contaminated integument (not always) contributes to the spread of the virus.

Are warts contagious?

Unfortunately, almost all types of warts (vulgar, papillomas, genital warts) are contagious.

Often the disease affects entire families.

Are warts on the hands contagious, or is there another reason?

Because the virus is resistant to environment, you can become infected not only during direct contact.

  • That is, a clear hereditary factor has not been confirmed.
  • Viral particles can remain on household items: door handles, in clothes and shoes that a sick person tried on.

A photo

What are

The most common types of the disease are:

  1. - nodular growths on the face and hands of children and adolescents;
  2. common papillomas- papillary formations on the leg, usually located in the folds on the body or other places with increased sweating. Accumulations of many papillomas are called papillomatosis;
  3. - the name itself says that they are located on the soles of the feet;
  4. - These are formations similar to cauliflower. They are located in intimate places around the entrance to the vagina and anus. Such growths make it difficult sexual life and create barriers to normal flow childbirth. Can cause papillomas of the larynx in children.


Modern medicine has a sufficient supply of techniques to permanently get rid of warts.

The therapeutic complex includes:

  1. medicines. These include immunomodulatory and antiviral drugs (panavir, interferon, viferon). Interferon preparations increase the body's resistance to infections. Antivirals destroy the actual viruses. They are prescribed when immunity is weakened or there are no other contraindications for use;
  2. traditional removal with the help of agents that have a softening or corrosive effect on warts ("Celandine", salicylic patch);
  3. surgical methods. These are ordinary surgical interventions produced with a scalpel, as well as modern hardware methods (cryodestruction, electro-, laser coagulation).

Photo: surgical excision of neoplasms

Removal of plantar

Most modern wart removal methods allow you to quickly get rid of growths on the foot on an outpatient basis.

Each method has its own characteristics, but one thing unites them - the ability to quickly, with the help of a physical factor, get rid of warts:

  • freezing with liquid nitrogen. Liquid nitrogen is a cryogen, that is, being in a liquid state, it has a temperature of about -200°C. With local exposure, the tissue freezes due to the transformation of the intracellular fluid into ice. After 1.5 - 2 weeks, the wart dies off. A small trace may remain in its place. The procedure is generally painless;
  • laser electrocoagulation. Thanks to the properties of laser radiation, the excision procedure is quick and painless - small vessels coagulate and wart tissues gradually die off. The method allows you to remove formations to a predetermined depth, which reduces the risk of recurrence. This method is applicable even on the face;
  • simple surgical removal used when the growths are multiple or there is no way to get rid of them in another way.

Simultaneously with hardware treatment, immunotherapy is used.

For this purpose, interferon preparations are administered according to specially designed schemes, so they are not suitable for self-treatment.

At home

There are home remedies for treating warts on the legs:

  • with caustic liquids;
  • pharmacy cryogens;
  • mechanical removal by improvised means.

Photo: pharmacy products for removing growths at home

With the help of liquid

You can try to remove plantar warts on your feet using pharmaceutical preparations, which include acids that have a cauterizing effect.

  • For successful elimination warts, they must be used in strict accordance with the instructions.
  • In order not to damage healthy areas, it is recommended to treat the skin with a greasy cream or petroleum jelly.
  • Do not use the medicine more often than recommended.

Natural apple cider vinegar has a softening effect.

Photo: application of applications with vinegar

  • Applications with the agent are applied to the warts several times a day.
  • After softening, the growths are removed with a pumice stone.

You can try to remove warts with iodine.

  • The site of the growth is treated with iodine several times a day until it disappears.
  • This must be done carefully so as not to cause a burn of healthy tissues.


In addition to liquids, the pharmaceutical industry offers patches based on salicylic acid.

Photo: application of salicylic patch

  • Such a patch is applied to the affected area.
  • Under the influence active substance warts soften and are easily removed with a pumice stone or other abrasive.


"Wartner", "Cryopharma" - means for home freezing.

They are applied using a special applicator.

The effect is the same as when using liquid nitrogen.

improvised means

There are folk home methods.

You can try to tear them off with tape or tie them with a thread at the base.

  • It is hardly possible to remove flat warts, which have a fairly wide base.
  • It is more expedient to use it to combat papillomas on the leg.

Apart from long-term treatment, exists high danger relapses, up to the formation of multiple growths - papillomatosis.

Video: "How to quickly and painlessly remove warts"

Prevention of reappearance

The reappearance of warts is the result of unskilled removal when primary focus removed incompletely.

  • There are structures that give life to a new growth.
  • Against the background of reduced immunity or hormonal disruptions, this is fraught not only with a relapse, but also with more abundant growths.
What to do if warts on the hands itch?

How much does it cost to remove a wart with a laser? Find out here.

Based on this, you should carefully choose a clinic for the excision of warts.

  • Read reviews not only on sites medical institutions, but also on forums where the chance to see more truthful reviews is higher.
  • The word of mouth of your city will work even better. These will be real impressions of patients who survived the operation.

Destruction external signs infection does not destroy the virus in the body.

  • A person remains a carrier even with confluence adverse effects may again become the owner of warts.
  • Therefore, immunocorrectors should take their rightful place in the complex of preventive measures.

By the way, if you have more than one sexual partner, then there is no guarantee that you will not acquire another type of HPV.

Questions and answers

Are they inherited

  • The fact that venereal warts occur in family members, parents and children suggests that the problem has hereditary causes or there is a genetic predisposition.

  • However, we are talking about a highly contagious infectious disease, therefore, in the cases described, we are talking about the usual infection of people with close contacts.

The source of the infection is most likely one of the adults.

Can they cause cancer

Simple warts themselves are benign neoplasms.

Photo: malignancy of the neoplasm

However, there are special varieties related to tumor diseases. For example, basaliomas, which under a number of conditions (trauma, insolation) can become malignant.

Is it possible to cure folk remedies

  • Undoubtedly, folk remedies, on the one hand, have the right to exist, especially those that have proven their effectiveness in the treatment of friends or relatives.
  • On the other hand, these drugs also have their contraindications and side effects.

Therefore, before using them, especially when it comes to medicinal herbs, it is advisable to read information regarding contraindications and their effect on the body.

Efficiency folk remedies mostly unproven modern science so the doctors official medicine they are rarely prescribed.

Do they appear after treatment?

Relapse of the disease is quite common.

  • Usually this is due to insufficiently radical removal of the roots and the warts themselves.
  • Contribute to it general state organism, reducing its reactivity.

The disease is easier and cheaper to prevent than to treat.
Is it possible to remove a wart on the eyelid of the eye with folk remedies?

Which doctor treats warts in intimate places? Find out here.

This will save physical health, will relieve a number of psychological problems.

Video: "Causes of warts and consequences"

How is the human papillomavirus transmitted? This is a common question. Let's look into it in more detail.

One of the most common infections in the world. According to research data, more than 95% of all mankind is infected with one or another type of this virus. To date, there are more than 60 types of this infection, but only a small part of them poses a health hazard and is the object of close attention of researchers.

HPV belongs to a type of papillomavirus that belongs to the papovavirus family. The main source of infection is considered to be a sick person, as well as a virus carrier, that is similar infection transmitted exclusively from person to person.

How is the human papillomavirus transmitted?

It is known that more than 40 varieties of papillomavirus can affect the genitals of people. One of the main features of HPV is that this disease is not a sexually transmitted disease in the usual sense of the term.

Is the human papillomavirus sexually transmitted? This is just one of all existing methods of infection, but far from the only one. That is why doctors note that the use of barrier methods of contraception can not always protect a person from the papillomavirus.

Papilloma virus: methods of transmission

In general, about 140 varieties of papillomavirus are known to medicine. But only about 50 of them have the ability to affect the genitals. Most of these 50 types enter the genital tract, which is the only way into the human body.

Let's discuss how the human papillomavirus is transmitted, causing warts of the genitals, anus, and sometimes cancer of the genital organs.

Sexual and contact routes of infection transmission

HPV can be transmitted sexually in the presence of any type of sexual intimacy - traditional, anal or oral contact.

In order to become infected, any such contact of the damaged mucous membrane or skin area directly with the papilloma is sufficient. HPV can be obtained through kissing - if a person has a papilloma in the mouth, and the partner has a wound on the tongue or on the inner surfaces of the cheeks or lips.

Most high risk infection - through anal contact, since this type of sexual intimacy is the most traumatic. Other options are not so dangerous, but are also possible. It is important to understand the following: Normal close contact with an HPV carrier can lead to infection even when there has been no sexual penetration. How is the human papillomavirus transmitted?

Household ways of transmission of papillomavirus

In addition to sexual transmission, HPV can be transmitted from person to person through the household route. This virus can survive outside human body for approximately 3 hours on surfaces such as damp linen and towels. However, you need to understand that not every type of virus spreads in this way - its individual strains "prefer" different zones of the human body and organs.

Thus, the anal-genital varieties of this virus are very rarely transmitted by household routes. But, for example, a strain that can cause plantar warts is transmitted, as a rule, in a domestic way, most often by contact with someone else's shoes, personal hygiene items, clothing, or surfaces on which elements of the virus could linger.

Is the human papillomavirus transmitted through kissing? For sure.


The papilloma virus cannot spread throughout the human body beyond the area where it originally settled. However, people can infect themselves on their own - in cases where they touch damaged skin or mucous membrane to papilloma.

It is always important to remember about such situations in the domestic sphere - when performing, for example, procedures such as shaving, epilation, scrubbing and other processes that can injure the skin. In addition, contact with damaged areas of the skin with papillomas should be avoided, and also not damage them directly.

Viral transmission during pregnancy and childbirth

Is the human papillomavirus transmitted to a child? Until recently, in cases of detection of this virus in newborns, it was assumed that children could become infected only through the only way - during the birth process, when there is close contact with the mother's birth canal. In this way, infection occurs in about 7-10% of all cases.

Whether the human papillomavirus is transmitted is interesting to many.

But today, researchers are seriously working on studying the likelihood and other ways of infection in infancy, for example, directly through the placenta, while still in the womb.

Doctors had suspicions about the possibility of such situations even when they began to detect the presence of HPV in children who were born by caesarean section. It seemed very strange - the children could not come into contact with the birth canal of their mothers, but they were infected. This meant that the strain of the virus could be transmitted to children during fetal development through the placenta.

In 2008 in scientific journal VirologyJournal, and in 2012 - in the international medical publication The Journal of Infectious Diseases, it was written about studies through which the presence of the virus in the mother's placenta was established. Previously, this fact was refuted, because this virus is not able to circulate in human blood. How exactly the infection penetrates the placenta is not yet known. However, such cases have already been registered. The fact how high the risk of infection of a child before birth can be cannot be precisely determined, since there is still too little data on this topic.

Now it is clear how the human papillomavirus is transmitted.

What disruption does it cause?

The virus enters the human body through microscopic lesions in the skin and mucous membranes. The wounds can be so tiny that it is sometimes not possible to visually see them.

Penetration occurs as follows. The skin is the largest and most complex human organ. His the main task- protect the body from various external influences. In addition to skin cells, other elements also participate in such protection - bacteria that live on the surface of the skin, as well as cells responsible for immune resistance to any kind of danger (for example, macrophages and leukocytes).

However, they all work only in cases where the skin barriers remain impenetrable. Any, even the most insignificant violation of the integrity or inflammation of the skin, violates this barrier, and an infection can enter the body, especially when it comes to a tiny virus.

After all, even through a kiss, the human papillomavirus is transmitted.

Having penetrated the body, it begins to invade the cells of the upper layer of the skin (epithelium) and mucous membranes. This microorganism affects only these cells - it cannot live in internal organs and in the blood.

The epithelium usually consists of several layers. The papilloma virus is introduced into young skin cells that are created in its lower layer. There, the infection is latent for a certain time. It is impossible to say exactly how long this process of "sleep" lasts - it can be weeks or even years. However, after awakening, HPV begins to actively multiply.

Since the layers of the upper layer of the skin are constantly being updated, all new cells are gradually "raised" to its surface. Together with such cells, the virus rises - layer by layer. It eventually reaches the very top and begins to grow, taking the form of a wart.

The word "reproduce" doesn't exactly apply to viruses. Since they are not full-fledged living organisms, they are not able to reproduce on their own, but simply provoke the host cell to produce young viral particles. This process is called "replication" in medicine.

Not everyone knows how the human papillomavirus is transmitted to a man.

Varieties of papillomas

Very often, human immunity is able to completely cleanse the body of viruses of this nature. The time it takes for him to do this may be different: it depends on the type of virus and the strength of the immune defense, but it is usually 1-2 years. HPV lingers for a long time in the layers of the skin. In such cases, experts talk about the chronic course of this infection.

The cells of the body that are damaged by the virus can also respond to its activity in different ways. Some of them simply die, the body replaces them with new ones. In other cells, complex processes of changing their structure and functional qualities begin, for example, oncological changes occur in the cells of the cervix in a similar way. Others - under the influence of the papillomavirus, begin random reproduction and can cause tissue proliferation. In this way, papillomas develop, as well as condylomas.

Another variant of the development of diseases has been described and proven - when the papillomavirus enters the body, but does not cause any changes, and after a certain time completely disappears.

We looked at how HPV is transmitted and how HPV is transmitted. Why is he dangerous?


For the papillomavirus, and especially for those of its strains that can be sexually transmitted, there is another property - high oncogenicity, that is, the ability to develop cancer. Scientists around the world are actively exploring HPV, as well as its role in the development of such diseases, but to date, all studies have been unsuccessful. The risk of getting cancer caused by the papilloma virus is still very high.

Is the human papillomavirus transmitted to men?

It turns out that the likelihood of contracting HPV strains depends on how virulent they are. So far, researchers have very little data to compare the virulence of all strains of papillomaviruses.

Probability of infection

Indirectly, they can be judged by how often a particular type of this virus occurs in humans. Fortunately, the most contagious types of virus cannot have high levels of oncogenicity.

For example, among the "sexual" varieties of HPV, the most common are viruses of the 6th and 11th types, which account for over 90% of cases of the disease with the onset of genital warts. These types belong to the group of strains with low oncogenicity. And, for example, the HPV 16 and HPV 18 viruses, which in the course of studies were found in 75% of women with cervical cancer, can be relatively rare.

In general, the likelihood of contracting one of the types of HPV that affects the genitals is approximately 80% - even after a single sexual contact. In this case, the most frequent infection occurs after anal sexual contact.

The risks of infection through the household route have not yet been reliably established, however, it is known that they are not entirely high.

Disease prevention

Unfortunately, today it has already been found out that a strong immunity to the papillomavirus cannot be developed in humans. Antibodies to this virus cease to appear after 2-5 years. This means that after given period time a person can get sick again. In addition, even this short immunity can only be formed to a certain type of virus, which means that infection with other strains of a pathological organism is possible at any time, regardless of the fact of recovery.

HPV very rarely causes the most dangerous consequences for humans. However, given that this still happens, it is necessary to think about the prevention of such a disease. It is important to remember that the human papillomavirus is sexually transmitted.

Daily HPV Prevention Methods

It doesn’t matter what kind of virus we are talking about, the prevention measures for all of them are the same. These include:

  1. Strict adherence to hygiene rules, which significantly helps to maintain the protective barriers of the skin, as well as mucous membranes. Thus, by keeping oneself clean, a person helps his immunity to work correctly and easily, and he, in turn, copes more effectively with any attempts to invade from outside.
  2. The use of condoms during sexual intercourse significantly reduces the risk of transmitting these viruses. However, unfortunately, the condom cannot guarantee absolute protection against the penetration of the virus. Recall that this infection can get inside even through skin-to-skin contact. In this regard, those areas that are not covered by a condom are the most vulnerable to the penetration of viruses into the body. It is known that oncological changes in the cells of the cervix occur much less frequently in those women whose sexual partners use condoms.
  3. Inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system significantly weaken defense mechanisms those organs in which they manifested themselves, so such diseases should be treated in time.
  4. Women who have virus types 16 and 18 are required to see a doctor regularly, since infection with even these types of viruses is not a sentence. From the moment HPV damages the body to a cancerous condition, sometimes more than one year passes. If regularly examined and tested at least once a year, this can help in detecting changes dangerous to health and start timely treatment.

We now know how the human papillomavirus is transmitted. Ways and methods of transmission are described in detail by us.

The probability of the presence of human papillomavirus infection in the body of each person exceeds 50%. Knowing how HPV is transmitted can help you take effective preventive measures against infection.

HPV classification

Today, few people know whether the human papillomavirus is contagious. Given the high infection rate of the population (70-80%), it is easy to give a positive answer. However, not all strains of the virus are equally dangerous to humans. Experts divided the known types of viruses into several groups depending on the degree of risk of developing oncological pathologies:

  • high-risk oncogenic viruses,
  • oncogenic medium risk,
  • oncogenic low risk,
  • non-oncogenic.

Types of skin growths in papillomavirus infection

The clinical manifestation of HPV is the formation of growths on the skin. Depending on the location and external characteristics, these are:

  • warts (hardened growths mainly on the face, arms and legs);
  • papillomas (softer skin neoplasms on the skin and mucous membranes);
  • flat and genital warts (a type of papillomas in the anogenital region).

It is necessary to pay close attention to such symptoms of the manifestation of infection. All growths are contagious because they are the focus of infection.

How is papillomavirus transmitted?

The main ways of HPV infection are known:

  • contact-household (with a kiss, handshake, use of common hygiene items);
  • sexual (with intimacy);
  • parenteral, through the blood (with infusion donated blood);
  • vertical way (from mother to child during childbirth);
  • self-infection (when shaving, epilation).

The virus is not inherited.

There have been isolated cases of infection of medical staff by airborne droplets during excision of growths, but how papilloma is transmitted in such a situation is still being investigated.

The use of poorly sterilized instruments in a medical or cosmetic establishment (dentistry, nail salon) is also dangerous.

Contact household way

You can get HPV through the household route from your loved ones. If someone in the family has skin growths, he is a carrier of the infection. Therefore, it is important not only to treat the sick person, but also to take preventive measures in relation to the rest of the family: use separate personal hygiene products (towels, toothbrushes, razors), do not spare dishwashing detergents.

Some people have no idea how you can get papilloma from a sick person through a kiss. Very simple. In the presence of warts on the oral mucosa, the human papillomavirus is transmitted through the saliva of an infected person.

The contact-household transmission of HPV includes infection when visiting public places. While in the pool, sauna, gym or public bathroom, try to protect yourself as much as possible - do not use other people's towels, rugs. It is possible to become infected with papillomavirus even when shaking hands with a sick person, especially if there are untreated wounds or scratches on the hands. They provide unhindered access to the virus to the cells.

sexual way

The chance of transmission of the human papillomavirus during sexual intercourse is very high. HPV belongs to the group of genital STIs (sexually transmitted infections). Moreover, a condom does not fully protect against HPV infection, because the foci of infection may be outside the closed area. And yet, doctors strongly recommend practicing safe sex, which significantly reduces the possibility of contracting the human papillomavirus and other sexually transmitted diseases.

They become infected with the human papillomavirus and during unprotected anal sex: the inner surface of the rectum is easily injured, which opens up the possibility for the penetration of the virus. The result will be the appearance of anal warts.

HPV is also transmitted through oral sex, resulting in warts in the mouth and larynx.

Until recently, it was believed that the virus was mainly transmitted from a man to a woman, but this is not so. The carrier of the virus is identified not so much by its belonging to a certain gender, but by the style of sexual activity.

For infection with the human papillomavirus, one contact with an infected person is enough.

Through the blood

HPV is transmitted parenterally. AT medical practice there have been cases of papillomavirus infection during blood transfusion. But since the human papillomavirus primarily infects epithelial cells, and even a blood test for HPV is considered by physicians to be of little information, it can be assumed that in these cases the infection occurred more likely from a poorly sterilized instrument. Although the possibility of transmission through the blood is not excluded.

vertical path

How is papilloma transmitted to children? There is a vertical route of infection when the virus is transmitted to the baby during childbirth. If a woman has warts on her cervix, they will not only complicate childbirth due to their injury and bleeding, but will also cause reinfection female body and infect the child. The infection will manifest itself in the form of neoplasms in the oral cavity and nasopharynx of the baby, which will lead to difficulty breathing and problems during feeding. Such neoplasms must be removed.

If cervical warts cannot be removed before the baby is born, gynecologists recommend a caesarean section. This approach reduces the risk of infection of the baby, but does not guarantee 100% safety.


Human papillomavirus infection also occurs by self-infection. Most often this happens during shaving or epilation, when, as a result of microtrauma, the cells become vulnerable to the virus. This especially happens when existing growths are damaged, which are foci of infection. Transmission of papillomavirus through the blood is unlikely.

Are papillomas and warts contagious when touched?

Untreated wounds, scratches, all kinds of damage epithelial tissue How can you get infected with the human papillomavirus. Any, since this is where the infection lives and multiplies. But from person to person, papillomas are transmitted only if the body of the second “lets in” the virus to itself. The risk of infection increases when “doors” open on the body - a violation of the integrity of the skin or a decrease in immunity, as a result of which the skin becomes unable to perform its protective function.

When the infection appears

The period of time after infection until the appearance of a clinical picture is called the incubation period. The virus reveals itself after a few weeks, months or even years. The duration of this period depends on the state of health of the person after the infection has occurred. A strong immune system prevents the development of the virus, so the disease may never manifest itself.

If the body is no longer able to fight, growths will appear on the skin and mucous membranes caused by HPV activation.

Do I need to take tests and which ones?

To prescribe effective HPV treatment, it is necessary to pass tests. Diagnosis of papillomavirus is carried out using:

  • biopsy - sampling of cells or tissues for cytological or histological studies, respectively;
  • colposcopy - examination of the female genital organs using special device;
  • PCR - a high-precision method that determines the strain of the virus and allows predicting the development of oncology;
  • additional tests to detect other STIs.

Should both partners be treated?

Mostly papilloma is transmitted sexually. The question of whether it is possible not to become infected with HPV again if only one partner has been treated is highly doubtful. The course of treatment for HPV doctors advise to go together.

Papillomavirus - this microorganism has many variations and can be transmitted from an infected patient to a healthy person in various ways. Some of its strains are considered potentially dangerous to humans, as they often cause a violation of the structural structure of cells and the appearance of dysplasia. This phenomenon often leads to various tumors benign or malignant.

Clinical symptoms of infection are manifested in the form of growths that form on the surface skin and mucous membranes. quite common and contagious to others. That is why, today we will talk about how HPV is transmitted, and whether it is possible to protect yourself from such an ailment.

Transfer Methods

Currently, the number of adults infected with papillomavirus reaches 60-65%. How, then, is this unpleasant disease transmitted? Infection with some types of this microorganism occurs as a result of household contact with a source of the virus. After hitting the epidermis of a healthy person, HPV penetrates into its deeper layers through microscopic skin lesions - wounds, abrasions, scratches, cracks. But the sick do not appear immediately after infection, so many patients become asymptomatic carriers of papillomatosis, without even knowing it.

Are there other ways to get this infection? HPV is transmitted sexually, and it is as a result of sexual contact that you can get the most dangerous types of it. This way of transmission of papillomavirus is the most popular and widespread not only in our country, but also in other states.

The time interval from the moment of infection to the manifestation of symptomatic signs of the disease in different patients can vary significantly. Scientists speculate that big influence the duration of the incubation period of the papillomavirus is affected by the state of the immune system of the infected organism. AT different situations this process can take from 2-3 weeks to 10-14 years. Often, the very fact of HPV infection remains unattended even when contacting a doctor, due to the absence of characteristic symptomatic manifestations of the pathology. AT special occasions even bright clinical picture papillomatosis does not prompt the patient to visit a qualified doctor.

Regardless of how the papilloma was transmitted to the patient, the human body itself can get rid of such a microbe. This phenomenon occurs due to the activity of the immune system, but it is far from always possible to completely eliminate harmful viral particles. Therefore, each patient must be aware of how the human papillomavirus is transmitted, and be aware of all the risks associated with such a disease. The penetration of infection into the thickness of the skin causes the appearance of growths different nature- warts, warts or papillomas.

But this is not all the information about how HPV infection occurs. There are the following ways of transmission of papillomatosis:

  • Vertical mode of infection - the infection passes from mother to child during childbirth.
  • Sexual method - involves infecting partners during sex. The disease can be transmitted from male to female and vice versa. Moreover, it is possible to become infected with papillomavirus during traditional and non-traditional types of sexual intercourse.
  • Contact way - in this situation, the transfer infectious agent occurs as a result of contact of the skin and mucous membranes of a healthy person with the epidermis of an infected person. It follows from this that it is possible to acquire such an ailment even through a kiss.
  • Household method - the transmission of HPV is often facilitated by wearing someone else's clothes, using personal hygiene items that belong to a carrier of the papillomavirus.
  • Self-infection is actually the transition of the pathogen from the affected area of ​​​​the body to a healthy one. In this case, an already infected patient infects himself during shaving or other hygiene procedures.

Important! Many people wonder: "Is it possible to get papilloma as a result of unprotected sexual intercourse, and how likely is the transmission of the virus in such a situation?" If sexual intercourse was not accompanied by the use of a barrier contraceptive, then the risk of partner infection is 70-75%.

Where is the easiest place to pick up this disease?

How can you get papilloma? The infection can be transmitted from person to person in various ways, which are detailed above. But that's not all possible ways pathogen transmission.

Papillomavirus can be contracted when visiting public places for swimming - various pools, neglected reservoirs. Also, papillomas on the body can appear after relaxing in a sauna or bath, which was visited by the carrier of the disease. In the same establishments, infection by the household route already known to us is not excluded - when using a common bed linen and towels of an infected patient. In the presence of traumatization of the skin, the probability of being affected by this virus is extremely high.

Until now, some information about how papilloma is transmitted remains unknown. So, it is impossible to completely refute the possibility of infection with this microbe through biological fluid- blood or lymph. A proven fact is only the ability to infect HPV through the patient's saliva, but such a transition mechanism is feasible only if the carrier has symptomatic manifestations of oral papillomatosis. In such a situation, the cause of infection should be sought in the use of a toothbrush, dishes or other items that belonged to strangers.

Patients suffering from viral infection oral cavity and larynx. This is very important for parents to know, as adults can infect their children in a similar way. If such dangerous disease transmitted little child or a baby, the immunity of the crumbs may not withstand the onslaught of papillomavirus. In this case, the clinical signs of pathology will not be long in coming.

How can you get infected with the human papillomavirus? Another method of transmission of such a disease is the airborne route. A similar mechanism of infection has not been fully proven, although in medicine there are some cases of acquiring papillomatosis in this way. So, after performing an operation on patients infected with HPV, some surgeons subsequently noted the onset of symptoms of this disease. And this despite the fact that there was no contact with the patient's skin, because the intervention was carried out by coagulation or laser therapy.

How to prevent the penetration of human papillomavirus into your body? All methods of pathogen transmission are considered potentially dangerous. You should try to limit communication and not allow sexual intercourse with those people whose skin is covered multiple warts or other growths. Even the normal epidermis surrounding such formations can cause infection. To protect yourself from the penetration of harmful microorganisms, experts advise following these recommendations:

  • do not walk barefoot in public places;
  • avoid shaking hands with suspected carriers of the virus;
  • always follow basic hygiene standards, wash your hands thoroughly after coming home from the street;
  • treat injuries and abrasions with antimicrobial agents.

Attention! Viral particles live on the epidermis of an infected person and can remain on household items used by him. This infection it is not transmitted exclusively through sexual contact, therefore, when HPV is detected in a sexual partner, you should not immediately accuse him of infidelity.

What can contribute to infection?

Are papillomas transmitted by any contact with a carrier? No, one interaction with an infected person is not enough to infect. In order to freely enter a healthy body, an entrance gate is necessary - these can be various damage to the epithelial tissue covering the skin and mucous membranes.

HPV is sexually transmitted, so special care must be taken when choosing a partner. There may be scratches or abrasions on the skin of the inguinal region and on the genitals themselves, which can also cause infection. The use of contraceptives does not always protect against infection.

The depressed state of immunity further reduces the natural protection of the mucous membrane and skin. The appearance of growths on the genitals can be triggered by the activity of other pathogenic microbes, fungal or bacterial nature. Significantly increases the likelihood of transmission of papillomavirus, the presence in the patient of diseases transmitted during sexual contact. A violation of the intestinal or vaginal microflora can also lead to a decrease in the body's natural defenses.

Sequelae of sexually transmitted infection

The human papillomavirus in women most often affects the mucous membrane of the cervix and vagina. The pathogen multiplies in the deep layers of the epithelial tissue, gradually infecting an increasing number of cells. When struck structural elements become too much - the fabric ceases to cope with the function assigned to it. Cells become atypical - they can have a different structure, shape. Such elements multiply very quickly, since nothing restrains the process of their division (the result of damage to cellular DNA by the virus).

Over time, the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe epidermis grows strongly, taking the form of genital warts. These growths occur simultaneously and cover the entire infected surface. Such neoplasms can be single from 2-3 to 10, in severe cases they cover fairly wide areas of the skin, located on them in the form of rashes. Are papillomas contagious? Yes, these are very dangerous skin outgrowths that contain great amount viral particles.

How is papillomavirus transmitted to men? Do they have papillomatosis? For the stronger sex, such a disease can be transmitted from a sexual partner. That is why they have condylomas on the penis, in the region of the frenulum or coronal sulcus this body. The defeat of the urethra, body and head of the penis is extremely rare. If papillomas have formed in the patient's urinary tract, then the main clinical signs of pathology may be a violation of the urine output process, a change in the shape of the jet. Genital warts of medium or large size are determined in women and men, even with palpation.

The carrier of the infection in such a case is more often the representatives of the stronger sex. The transmission of the virus from a woman to a man and vice versa is carried out if one of the sexual partners has symptoms of papillomatosis. With non-traditional types of sex, you can also become infected with HPV. In this case, benign growths can subsequently appear in the anus and rectum, mouth, throat of an infected person.

Good to know! Some strains of the virus cause severe damage and alteration of healthy cells and tissues of the body. If such a violation was not detected in a timely manner, then after a certain time, benign growths can turn into malignant form. Therefore, you should carefully monitor the condition of your skin and, in case of pathological outgrowths, immediately consult a doctor.

Who needs to be treated, infection prevention

Many people to this day do not know whether this virus is contagious. Most patients claim that HPV is transmitted only through sexual contact. It is this misinformation of the population that leads to widespread this disease. People begin to be interested in such a topic only when the infection has already occurred. Now medical scientists note that the susceptibility of the human body to all types of papillomavirus has increased significantly.

Treatment in case of detection of papillomatosis must be completed. If, as a result of the next examination, such an infection was detected in your sexual partner, a course of therapy is prescribed for both patients. Since it is impossible to fully protect yourself from the pathogen, care should be taken when sexual contact with carriers.

Avoiding contact with all people infected with this virus is simply unrealistic. Only a complex will help prevent infection in such a situation. preventive measures which includes:

  • vaccination;
  • balanced diet;
  • timely treatment of infectious and inflammatory pathologies;
  • use of personal hygiene products;
  • maintaining an active lifestyle;
  • the use of contraceptives;
  • sports, hardening;
  • the presence of a permanent and proven sexual partner;
  • removal of pathological growths (especially important for women in pregnancy, because genital growths can infect a child during childbirth).

After reading this text, our readers have learned about how the virus is transmitted. Now you understand how important timely prevention disease, because the possibility of effective treatment of papillomatosis is still in question. The human papillomavirus can negatively affect your health and life in general, so you should try to avoid infection with such a pathology by any known means.

An HPV carrier may not be aware that they are infected. Symptoms do not appear immediately and only in the form of papillomas different localization:

  1. Vulgar. Appear in the form of a small hard bump with a diameter of about 1 cm, most often on the hands.
  2. Filiform. Small lumps in the form of bumps yellow color often change and expand.
  3. Plantar warts. Often confused with calluses.
  4. Flat. Itching before the manifestation, similar to the manifestation of an allergy. Then they become rounded, light.
  5. Pointed warts. They are found in intimate places, on the mucous membrane.

In women with formations on the genitals, accompanying signs may appear:

  • heat;
  • violation of the cycle;
  • pain, blood at the sites of neoplasms.

In men, HPV manifests itself in the form of genital warts rarely, they act as carriers of the disease.

Modern methods of diagnosing papillomavirus

In order to detect the presence of such a serious disease as HPV, today several fairly effective diagnostic methods are used, namely:

  1. PCR diagnosis.
  2. Colposcopy.
  3. Biopsy of tissues of the cervix, vagina.
  4. Cytology.

PCR diagnosis is enough modern method polymerase chain reaction, which can detect DNA virus in the human body. In order to carry out this procedure, you need to special device in the form of a probe, take a microscopic scraping from the cells.

Using this method, you can identify 12 different types of diseases that can provoke the formation of cancer cells.

It is interesting that this method is one of the highly sensitive and shows the result in real time. This means that it is possible to determine the most accurate amount of DNA that is affected by HPV. The efficiency of this diagnostic method is approximately 98%.

Colposcopy is performed using a special microscope called a colposcope. With it, you can very carefully study the appearance of the cervix of a woman.

It increases the surface of this organ to such an extent that small papillae with a capillary inside become visible. In order to determine the presence of HPV, it is necessary to treat the surface with a solution of acetic acid (3%).

As a result of this, spasm of the capillaries will occur, and the warts will still have a white color. Before acid enters the cervix, it looks like a pink spot, after exposure to acid, you can notice all the pathologies that are associated with papillomavirus.

For this type of diagnosis, Lugol's solution can also be used. Thus, it is possible to more clearly define the boundaries of the spread of the virus, because this solution can only stain cervical cells, but not dangerous neoplasms.

The cytological diagnostic method implies a thorough examination of cells, during which even minimal changes in them can be noticed. For this study, you need to take cells from the cervix, as well as from the cervical canal.

The cytological method is used only at an early stage of the development of the disease or in order to exclude the presence of diseases that can cause cancer. Therefore, as a rule, for many women, specialists can prescribe a cytological examination at least once a year.

During the examination, the doctor, using special tools, takes several cells and then they are examined for the presence of any specific changes in them.

During a biopsy, not cells are taken for study, but a small piece of tissue. In this case, not only the study of the structure of the cells takes place, but it is also established whether the layers of the tissue are correctly located, which plays a very important role. important role in the diagnosis of oncology.

The process is quite complicated, but it will allow you to learn not only about the presence of HPV but also about other diseases, if any. Diagnostic accuracy in this case is almost 100%.

Absolutely all experts recommend that people who are sexually active or are over the age of 19 years have a cytological examination once a year. Many factors (not necessarily sexual intercourse) can cause the appearance of HPV, and later oncology.

As practice shows, only one diagnostic method is practically not used. If there is at least minimal suspicion of HPV or another pathology, then several different examination methods and many tests are prescribed that will help to cure the disease in the future.

Symptoms of HPV Infection

As a rule, papillomavirus can be transmitted sexually. It does not matter what type of sex you practice: oral, anal or regular genital. More often you can meet situations when a man infects a woman, but as the practice of recent years shows, reverse cases have become no less rare.

There is an opinion that most often the human papillomavirus is transmitted through sexual contact. This is true, but there are other routes of infection as well. The incubation period for human papillomavirus can be up to 10 years. Papillomas on the body can form through a simple touch or through the saliva of another person.

There are over a hundred strains of HPV, most of which are transmitted through different kinds close contact.


HPV is transmitted sexually. This reason is considered the most common and insidious, because often girls and guys are not aware of the presence of an infection in the blood. Popular protection methods do not provide 100% security against the virus, especially if it is not a barrier method.

A condom gives a person little protection against HPV. It all depends on the type of infection and the person's immune system.

The human papillomavirus is a highly contagious virus and, according to statistics, from 50 to 70% of the population are infected with it. However, clinical manifestations of infection are not so common, in about 1-2% of cases. A person does not even realize that he is a carrier of HPV until there is a decrease in immunity and activation of the virus. By knowing the main ways HPV is transmitted, you can protect yourself from unwanted symptoms. So, HPV - how is the disease transmitted? All possible transmission routes will be discussed below.

Papilloma: how is it transmitted and what is it?

Currently, about 100 different varieties of the virus are known. Among them, there are both harmless to humans and dangerous in terms of the development of cancer.

The following facts can be encouraging: viruses that cause the formation of warts and papillomas belong to 6 and 11 subtypes that have a low carcinogenic risk. Oncogenic subtypes include strains 16 and 18, which provoke cell mutation and cervical cancer.

The papilloma virus multiplies exclusively in the cells of the skin and mucous membranes, causing their uncontrolled division. As a result, a person has the following clinical manifestations:

  • various warts (common, flat, plantar);
  • genital warts;
  • papillomatosis of the mouth and larynx;
  • papillomas of internal organs.

The role of the virus in the development of cervical cancer in women and penis cancer in men has been proven, so it is important to know how papillomavirus is transmitted in order to prevent infection.

Human papillomavirus: ways of transmission

It is impossible to detect the presence of a virus in the body on its own if there are no characteristic growths on the skin or mucous membranes. Specialized medical tests will allow identifying a sleeping pathology. The absence of symptoms does not guarantee that a person is not dangerous to others.

How is papillomavirus (HPV) transmitted? Physicians distinguish several ways.

Contact household way

HPV is transmitted through the household. It is worth noting that infrequently, but this option for obtaining human papillomavirus infection (PVI), nevertheless, has the right to exist.

You can get infected by shaking hands, using common household items - towels, slippers, wearing someone else's clothes, especially underwear. Often infection occurs when visiting the pool, fitness center.

The microscopic organism has such a high activity that HPV is transmitted through saliva, a kiss.

The risk of infection increases if the skin has abrasions, scratches, microcracks, and various wounds. Particularly contagious are people with characteristic manifestations of the disease - warts and papillomas.

A fairly common question: Will washing your hands regularly reduce the risk of infection? Of course, clean skin is more protected. However, hygiene measures do not protect against infection with papillomavirus.

Is papillomavirus (HPV) transmitted sexually?

One sexual contact is enough to infect a person. HPV is transmitted through oral, vaginal and anal sex.

More often, the infection comes from a man, but the opposite situation is also possible, when reverse infection of HPV is recorded - from a woman to a man.

Predisposing factors are:

  • early intimacy at a young age;
  • frequent change of sexual partners, because do not forget that papillomavirus is sexually transmitted;
  • the presence of genital warts on the genitals.

Papilloma is also transmitted sexually through homosexual relationships, during which minor injuries of the skin and mucous membranes of the anal area occur. This significantly increases the risk of infection, especially if one of the partners has external manifestations of the disease - anogenital warts.

Is the human papillomavirus transmitted through protected sex? Unfortunately yes. HPV is transmitted through a condom, since warts invisible to the eye can be located in the inguinal region unprotected by the product.

Using a condom greatly reduces the risk of infection, but does not provide a complete guarantee of safety. Despite this, the use of a condom is recommended for all people who have multiple sexual partners.

HPV is easily transmitted through oral sex. This increases the risk of developing tonsillar cancer, especially if a person has become infected with oncogenic strains.

Papillomavirus: transmission from mother to child (vertical method)

Many pregnant women worry - is HPV transmitted from mother to child? Unfortunately, such a route of infection does take place, and infection can occur both transplacentally (in the prenatal period) and during childbirth.

If the first option is an incredible rarity, then when a baby passes through an infected birth canal, a child can get papillomavirus with a high degree of probability.

Possible infection of the larynx, bronchi and trachea in a newborn. The virus is introduced into the mucous membranes and stimulates the formation of growths. Laryngeal papillomatosis can lead to stenosis and suffocation of the child, especially if the vocal cords are affected. Any infection, a cold leads to swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, and in the presence of concomitant papillomas, this ends with difficulty in inhaling and exhaling.

Papillomavirus infection (PVI) is included in the group of anthroponotic pathogens (transmission is carried out exclusively from person to person). If we talk about how you can get infected with papillomavirus (HPV), then mainly through sexual contact with an infected partner. In addition, the virus can remain active in dead skin cells for a certain time period (relatively short), therefore, in certain situations, infection with the human papillomavirus is carried out by household means. Now a little more about how to get HPV and what methods of infection exist.

Contagious papillomatosis

First of all, it is worth answering the question: “Is papilloma contagious?” Undoubtedly. And the appearance of warts requires complex treatment, including not only the removal of formations, but also the intake of necessary medications.

Is latent HPV contagious? Another frequently asked question by patients. The answer to it will also be positive. It is worth knowing that even the practice of protected sex is not a full guarantee against infection. The virus can be based in the groin and the surface of the genitals, not protected by a condom.

Human papillomavirus: sexually transmitted infection

The main mode of transmission of papilloma is sexual intercourse with an infected partner. This type of transmission is typical for most varieties of the virus with high oncogenic activity.

The risk of getting the disease is especially high in men and women who are promiscuous when choosing a sexual partner. People with homosexual inclinations should also be included in the risk group. The practice of anal sex is accompanied by trauma to the skin and mucous membranes, which greatly facilitates the process of introducing HPV DNA into the human body.

Should both partners be treated?

To date, many experts note the fact that susceptibility to such a disease as the papillomavirus has increased several times in humans. Cases are becoming more common. In this case, the incubation period for the development of HPV can be either one or five months. It is worth noting that a partner can become infected with this problem in almost 70% of all cases.

Therefore, if one of the partners is sick with HPV, then, as in cases with other sexually transmitted diseases, both should be examined.

Remember that a condom cannot protect against papillomavirus, and therefore you need to be extremely careful.

HPV is very serious illness, which not only has an extremely negative impact on human health, but also on his life in general. Besides, this disease greatly increases the risk of developing cancer, especially for women.

Therefore, do not have promiscuity, eat right, use personal hygiene products. Compliance with simple rules will help you avoid such a common disease as the papillomavirus.

In order to prevent the disease from starting in case of infection, regularly check with a doctor and take tests. At the first manifestations of symptoms, treatment should be started immediately if the disease has not been detected earlier.

Risk factors

So, the factors that can provoke the further development of the human papillomavirus disease and the direct manifestation of all symptoms include the following:

  • weak immunity after a person has had an inflammatory or infectious disease;
  • too long a period of taking hormonal type of contraceptives;
  • a person suffers from urogenital infections that contribute to the more rapid development of HPV;
  • varying degrees of beriberi, especially lack of vitamin A;
  • smoking;
  • drinking alcohol in large quantities and very often;
  • permanent stressful situations or excitement.

An interesting fact is that there is a very high risk of contracting HPV, because about half of the entire sexual population has this disease. varying degrees development.

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