Appendicitis treatment at home. Possible consequences and complications. Dosage and administration

One of the most common causes surgical intervention on the abdominal organs. The disease is an inflammatory process in the appendix appendix. The development of appendicitis forms a characteristic clinical syndrome- his hallmark there is a sharp pain in the lower right corner of the abdomen. The diagnosis can be established both as a result of a physical examination and on the basis of the characteristic complaints of the patient, and confirmed ultrasound or computed tomography.

Appendicitis is essentially an obstruction of the lumen appendix appendix. The appendix in the process of human evolution has lost any vital important features, and therefore the diseases associated with it are allowed exclusively surgically. Among causes of appendicitis called somewhat different. Some scientists prefer the version that appendicitis is the result of enterogenic autoinfection, namely the vegetative intestinal flora (E. coli, Enterococcus). Other colleagues point out that intestinal flora- this is secondary cause appendicitis, and the stagnation of intestinal contents in the lumen of the appendix is ​​of primary importance. Due to disturbances in peristalsis, anatomical features digestive tract(for example, process kinks), diseases and unhealthy image life (which leads to the formation of fecal stones, the development of helminthiasis, obturation of the process with indigestible foreign bodies) the lumen of the process is clogged, and after that ideal conditions for the spread of infection, inflammation with the subsequent risk of suppuration and even necrosis. The third opinion of physicians on the nature of appendicitis centers around the functioning vascular system in this area. Autoinfection occurs with more likely, if there is a vasospasm, hemo- and lymphostasis, malnutrition of the process, and as a result, dystrophic and necrobiotic changes in the tissues of the appendix.

In the course of pathogenic processes in the appendix, it gradually expands, becomes infected and immediately becomes inflamed, then tissue ischemia occurs and, if left untreated, necrosis, gangrene and perforation. The disease tends to develop as in a teenager or young man as well as in adulthood and old age. It is noteworthy that inflammation of the process in the first half of life, and hence the subsequent excision of the appendix, eliminates the risk of developing such pathological conditions as carcinoid, cancer, villous adenoma and diverticulum, which are possible already in old age.

Clinical picture acute appendicitis should be well known to everyone, since the development of the corresponding symptoms should be a reason for urgent appeal to the surgeon. First of all, this pain syndrome in the epigastric or periumbilical region. At acute pain, localized in the lower right corner of the abdomen, it is strongly not recommended to take painkillers, perform any physical exercise, delay in contacting a doctor. Pain syndrome with inflammation in the appendix is ​​characterized by:

  • localization in the right lower quadrant and McBurney's point (the third part of the line leading from the navel to the anterior superior iliac spine);
  • pain sometimes occurs in the right lower quadrant on palpation of the left;
  • the pain intensifies at the moment of a sudden release of pressure on palpation;
  • the pain is aggravated by coughing and any movement;
  • Pain worsens with right flexion hip joint or passive internal rotation of the flexed hip.

The pain syndrome described above may be accompanied by:

  • short-term nausea and vomiting;
  • subfebrile body temperature;
  • constipation, and sometimes diarrhea (with retrocecal location of the appendix);
  • anorexia.

It is important to note that the described pain syndrome, even in the absence of additional symptoms should be the reason for going to the surgeon with a high probability of diagnosing appendicitis.

AT rare cases pain with appendicitis is absent or not localized (in children or pregnant women).

How to treat appendicitis?

Appendicitis is not amenable to conservative treatment, and the operation to remove it, performed in as soon as possible from the moment of inflammation, so simple that preference is given to it. Moreover, it excludes any possibility of recurrence.

Treatment of acute appendicitis is to remove the inflamed appendix, indications for surgery are the results clinical examination, sometimes carried out instrumental diagnostics. Performing CT and ultrasound reduces the prevalence of negative appendectomy, but their number within 10% has always been considered the norm. The surgeon usually removes the process, even if it is perforated.

Appendectomy is considered one of the most simple operations in abdominal cavity, however, sometimes the situation is complicated by the localization of the process. The appendix is ​​somewhat more difficult to excise if it is located:

  • behind the blind
  • behind ileum,
  • behind the mesentery of the right flank of the large intestine.

Contraindications to the removal of the appendix are considered inflammatory diseases intestines involving the caecum.

Removal of the appendix should be preceded by intravenous antibiotics, preferably third-generation cephalosporins. Uncomplicated appendicitis does not require further antibiotics.

If the development of appendicitis has led to perforation, then antibiotics are taken until the body temperature returns to normal and leukocyte formula. On average, postoperative antibiotic therapy lasts 5 days.

If execution surgical operation impossible, antibiotics, although not a treatment, significantly improve survival. Without surgical treatment or antibiotic therapy, mortality reaches more than 50% (in general, it is estimated at 1%).

In case of detection of a large inflammatory mass formation, which includes both the appendix and distal ileum, and the caecum, resection of the entire formation and ileostomy are prescribed.

In even more advanced cases when a pericolic abscess is formed, it is drained with a tube under ultrasound control or prescribed open surgery. when the abscess is eliminated, the process is excised.

What diseases can be associated

Appendicitis is not one of those diseases that are based on specific primary diseases. At the same time, appendicitis is sometimes associated with other diseases, for example, it turns out to be involved, or, or.

The risk of developing appendicitis is higher if the amount of pathogenic intestinal microflora in the body goes beyond the normal range. For example, it is normally present in healthy person, however, is suppressed by beneficial microflora intestines, strong immunity, compliance with hygiene standards. When does poisoning and the growth of the number coli, against the background of such a disease, the risk of appendicitis also increases.

Symptoms characteristic of appendicitis are important to differentiate from other causes.

Complications of untreated appendicitis are usually intra-abdominal abscesses, and. The risk of their development will be practically reduced to zero if the operation to remove the appendicitis is performed. qualified specialist under appropriate conditions in a timely manner - usually the first day after diagnosis.

Treatment of appendicitis at home

If the patient is diagnosed with appendicitis, he is sent to surgical removal, where he is hospitalized with subsequent surgical intervention. Since the only viable method of treating appendicitis is surgery, there is no treatment at home.

If the operation went without complications, then they are discharged from the hospital on the third day, but at home, the patient is advised to rest and have a sparing diet.

What drugs are used to treat appendicitis?

Conservative therapy with appendicitis is inappropriate, however, during the operation and in postoperative period antibiotics are usually used a wide range actions. Most often, these are third-generation cephalosporins, check with your doctor for specific names.

Treatment of appendicitis with folk methods

At the slightest suspicion of appendicitis, it is strongly not recommended to resort to methods traditional medicine, since the solution to the problem is possible only surgically. Low efficiency is not only folk remedies, but also pharmacological preparations. Anesthesia acute abdomen or attempts to act on the appendix with anti-inflammatory drugs are not successful.

Treatment of appendicitis during pregnancy

Appendicitis often develops during pregnancy. Future mom should be attentive to any pain syndromes in the abdomen. Often, abdominal pain is not severe, non-localized. It may be pain moving from the upper to the lower abdomen, and vomiting and nausea are confusing and disguise appendicitis under food poisoning. The degree of soreness is largely determined by the duration of pregnancy. For example, the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the appendix when a woman lies on her right side.

The risk of appendicitis for a pregnant woman is associated with the likelihood of developing intestinal obstruction, increasing the likelihood of infection of the fetus, placental abruption and premature birth.

Treatment of appendicitis during pregnancy is a little different from general recommendations. Appointed surgical intervention predominantly laparoscopy. This is a minimally invasive method that allows you to remove the inflamed process and leave a minimal trace of the operation. In the postoperative period, a woman needs special attention on the part of physicians, however, if the operation was performed in a timely manner, the risk of complications and negative influences to the fetus is minimized.

Which doctors to contact if you have appendicitis

Appendicitis in the predominant number of cases is diagnosed clinically, that is, on the basis of patient complaints, physical examination. Conducting instrumental examinations is usually regarded as a factor delaying the operation, which means that the risk of complications of appendicitis increases.

If the patient's complaints are atypical or doubtful for appendicitis, instrumental examinations he is appointed, but in a very short time, without delay. It is advisable to perform contrast-enhanced CT, which allows to identify other causes of an acute abdomen. Another diagnostic method used for suspected appendicitis is ultrasound with dosed compression - faster to perform, but less informative in relation to other causes of an acute abdomen.

Laboratory studies are not highly informative, however, they can show leukocytosis, the presence of erythrocytes and leukocytes in the urine. An increase in the concentration of leukocytes is not considered solid for the appointment of surgical intervention.

Instrumental diagnostics for suspected appendicitis without characteristic clinical picture necessary to reduce the number of laparotomies when they are not needed. It is noteworthy that earlier, when the expediency additional diagnostics was not rated so highly, the excision of the non-inflamed appendix with the started laparotomy was carried out in preventive purposes. Moreover, laparoscopy, which is currently used to eliminate the appendix, also has a diagnostic character.

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The appendix is ​​a appendix that is involved in immune protection digestive system. When the body is attacked by pathogenic bacteria, the organ is the first to take the hit. This means that there is always a high risk of inflammatory processes in the process. But when people are faced with abdominal pain (the first symptom of an illness), many choose to endure or find alternative ways treatments other than surgery. Here the question arises, is it possible to relieve inflammation and treat appendicitis without surgery?

Any sharp, stabbing, or other pain that occurs should be investigated by a doctor to rule out complex diseases and complications.

Not yet fully installed today objective reasons the appearance of inflammatory processes in the process of the caecum.

Therefore, it is impossible to prevent the disease in advance. But two conditions have been identified under which a diagnosis of appendicitis is made:

  1. Blockage of the lumen of the appendix due to ingestion of feces.
  2. Availability pathogenic bacteria, contributing to inflammation and suppuration inside the process.

There are many reasons for the appearance of appendicitis in a patient, as well as symptoms. main feature the fact that the patient has pathology is pain in the abdomen with a gradual shift towards the location of the appendix, to the right. Often the process is accompanied by:

  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Urine becomes dark;
  • Body temperature rises and can reach 40 on the thermometer;
  • Dry mouth.

There is such a type of appendicitis in the medical dictionary as chronic.

Its appearance is preceded by an acute inflammatory process, but not reached the operating table. At the same time, the symptoms gradually disappeared. disease chronic type tends to periodically become inflamed and remind of itself constant pain in a stomach. If the condition worsens, then a doctor is needed and surgical method sprout removal.

The disease proceeds individually. Determining the necessary therapy, the doctor relies on the data of a particular patient. Quite a few important role plays a form of illness. Physicians are more likely to cardinal decision appendicitis issue. Latest Research and treatment of the disease have proven that antibiotic therapy is effective and helps to reduce the inflammatory process, as well as leave the abdominal area intact.

It is worth considering that not all forms of the disease are suitable for drug treatment. Such types of appendicitis as gangrenous and phlegmonous, when purulent processes occur in the organ, imply surgery that saves the health and even the life of the patient. The infection causes the walls of the appendix to become thinner. In the absence of help, rupture and the development of peritonitis are inevitable.


Appendectomy (removal of the appendix through surgery) is a risky undertaking. Complications that occur after, relate to the appearance of adhesions, poor bowel function, etc. The surgeon cannot vouch for the success of the operation.

An experiment was conducted to determine the effectiveness of drugs. For the first two days, patients diagnosed with appendicitis received intravenous cefotaxime and tinidazole. Then antibiotics entered the body in tablets for a week. The study involved 7 people and three of them went home, the operation was not performed. But, unfortunately, in the future, these people were not tracked, there is no reliable data about the recurrence of the disease.

Conservative treatment from appendicitis is possible only on prescription and under his supervision! The action of any antibiotic is aimed at defeating pathogenic bacteria that provoke inflammatory processes inside the appendix.

  • Clindamycin. The drug has a negative effect on pathogenic microorganisms, inhibiting their development. As a result, the reproduction of bacteria stops, the size of their colony decreases and leads to a gradual decrease in inflammation. Available in tablet form and injection solutions. The drug is not prescribed to patients under eight years of age. It does not spread throughout the body, complete disintegration occurs in the liver. Excreted with urine.
  • Together with antibiotics, drugs are taken to restore and maintain a balance between pathogenic and beneficial bacteria in intestinal tract. Strong antimicrobial drugs destroy all types of microorganisms. As a result, disturbed microflora and deterioration of the patient's condition. With the restored microflora, the healing of the sutures is faster and less painful.
  • Medicines containing the necessary enzyme compounds for better digestion of food.

Cases when drug method therapy for appendicitis is limited and is allowed under certain conditions:

  • The disease is at an early stage.
  • The disease has a mild form.
  • Diagnosis of the disease is difficult.
  • After an appendectomy. Antibiotics are prescribed to prevent secondary infection internal organs in the peritoneum.

Folk remedies

In the treatment of appendicitis, the use of folk remedies at home should not become the predominant therapy. Consultation with a doctor is necessary.

The appendix fully reflects the state of the intestine. If the inflammation occurs in the colon, this process goes to the appendix. An infection in the intestine that forms can provoke discomfort.

What folk remedies support the body, than treat the disease:

  1. Recovery and work assistance immune system. The root of the white step is cut and infused with vodka for 5-8 days. When the first symptoms appear, take a maximum of three drops at intervals of 1.5 to 2 hours. Can't be diluted. Then increase the dose to 6 drops. Can be diluted in liquids.
  2. We need a European hoof. Its leaves are crushed and poured into boiling water. The mixture is infused from an hour to an hour and a half, then filtered. It is taken every day three times - 60-70 milliliters. It is worth carefully monitoring the state of your health, if after 3 days the condition has not improved, you need to go to the hospital.
  3. You will need an ordinary cuff, blackberries, strawberries. Plant leaves are used. The mixture is poured with boiling water, boiled over low heat for 3 to 5 minutes. Then let it brew for 12 minutes. Drink in small sips throughout the day, 1-2 tsp.
  4. The infusion is made from bitter wormwood and mistletoe leaves. Everything is crushed and poured hot water. Insist 2-2.5 hours. Take at intervals of 2 hours, half a cup.
  5. As an anesthetic, take a decoction made from yarrow. It helps to relieve pain during exacerbation of the chronic form of the disease. Additionally, raspberries and strawberries (leaves of plants) are taken. The mixture is poured with boiling water and over high heat is up to 20 minutes. Drink throughout the day.

In this article, we will look at how to properly treat appendicitis in adults.

Treatment Methods

The main method of treatment acute form Appendicitis is a surgical operation on the abdominal cavity, by removing the inflamed appendix (appendix). It is highly recommended not to treat appendicitis various methods traditional medicine, so as not to provoke a significant aggravation of the disease.

At home, before hospitalization, the patient is strictly forbidden to eat or drink a large amount of liquid, apply to the place inflammatory process various heating pads or hot water bottles, it is also not recommended to take antispasmodic drugs(spasmalgon, but - shpa). Before the arrival of the ambulance, the patient must comply with strict bed rest.

AT surgical department, before the operation, the abdominal cavity of the patient must be examined by the surgeon in order to compare the main complaints with possible signs appendicitis.

In addition, the patient must definitely do an ultrasound, as well as pass laboratory tests (general analysis blood and urine), which in appendicitis confirm the presence of an acute inflammatory process in the body, by a significant increase in ESR and leukocytes. Before the operation, the patient is given 1 or 2 enemas to cleanse the intestines. As a rule, the duration of the operation takes no more than 30-40 minutes. using general anesthesia. Operational removal acute appendicitis today is quite effective and fast way treatment of the disease.

Surgical treatment of appendicitis is carried out with a small (no more than 5 - 7 cm) incision in the right iliac region abdomen, after which the surgeon makes a minor suture, which heals quickly enough. In the event that the appendicitis in a patient had a chronic (long-term) course with further development complications (suppuration), then the surgeon at the suturing site can additionally temporarily put a drain in order to suction the pus from the abdominal cavity.

Also, for 3-5 days after the operation, the patient is prescribed antibacterial drugs to prevent possible infection and development secondary infection at the site of the appendectomy.

If necessary, before the operation, the following medications can be administered to the patient:

  • analgesics (baralgin, analgin), contributing to the removal severe pain in a stomach;
  • cardiac (corglicon, strophanthin, verapamil, digoxin) are administered in cases of emergency in order to relieve a heart attack;
  • antispasmodics (but - shpa, platifilin, spasmalgon) are used in cases of severe spasm and pain in a stomach;
  • antihistamines (diphenhydramine, dexamethasone, prednisolone) drugs, help to relax muscle fibers;
  • sedatives (sedatives) - valocordin, barboval.

Attention: after removal of appendicitis, during the first 12 - 24 hours, the patient must comply with bed rest until full recovery former well-being.

What to do after the operation?

After 20 - 24 hours after the operation, the patient is already allowed to slowly get up, sit, and also walk around a little. In the early days, it is recommended to eat only liquid broths, milk porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat), you need to drink boiled water, green tea is allowed.

are very useful dairy products(milk, kefir, yogurt), which should be eaten daily to increase the body's immunity in the postoperative period, thanks to a large number beneficial vitamins contained in them. It is strictly forbidden to eat spicy, fatty, as well as fried foods. During the first week, you should not drink carbonated drinks that seriously affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

After 5 - 7 days, the patient is allowed to eat boiled meat, steamed cutlets with a further transition to the previous food intake. For about 8-10 days, it is necessary to remove the stitches, as well as the drainage, if installed. For 2-3 months, it is recommended to abandon heavy physical activity.

In this article, we found out how to properly treat appendicitis.

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Patients who are faced with the problem of appendicitis and do not want to go to the hospital dream of learning how to relieve the inflammation of appendicitis on their own. You should not engage in self-deception. The unwillingness to see a doctor in most cases ends very sadly. AT best case, the patient will be taken by ambulance directly to the operating table. And at worst...

For any suspicion of appendicitis and sharp pains you need to see a doctor, self-medication is dangerous

However, do not immediately talk about the bad. Although any pain in the abdominal cavity require medical attention, because the causes of similar diseases a huge variety - from pancreatitis, appendicitis, to ectopic pregnancy and oncology.

In this article you will learn:

Is it possible to conservatively treat the appendix?

The appendix is ​​also enough important organ in digestive system. It develops bacteria involved in digestive process and that's why necessary for the body. The appendix has recently been found to be part of the immune system. Therefore, its removal is not so harmless to the body.

But appendicitis, that is, the development of an inflammatory process in the process, forces physicians to resort to surgical intervention by removing. To understand when and why conservative treatment of appendicitis is not possible in practice, it is necessary to consider what happens in the course of the disease.

Appendicitis is a fairly common condition.

The appendix is ​​a small process with a diameter of 5-7 mm, attached to the caecum by its outer walls and connected to it by a small hole. The diameter of this hole is much smaller than the internal diameter of the process. The hole is blocked by a small fold and it is believed that this fold prevents the penetration of intestinal contents into the process.

There are cases when the blockage of the lumen turned out to be secondary. In other words, they got into the process pathogenic bacteria and began to do destructive work. The pus formed in the appendix clogged the lumen, thereby preventing the exit of pus from the appendix into the intestine. In this case, doctors managed to save the process from surgery by intravenous administration antibiotics. After the exacerbation was removed, the treatment continued oral medications to fix the result. The effectiveness of antibiotic treatment was 80%, and showed that the treatment of appendicitis without surgery is possible if it is started in a timely manner.

When the appendix is ​​on the verge of rupture, antibiotics may not have time to change the condition of the organ.

There is also a type of appendicitis, in which exacerbations are not observed. This is chronic appendicitis. It is characterized by intermittent pain, especially when exerting, lifting weights, emptying the intestines.

At chronic form appendicitis drug treatment should be strictly controlled by a doctor

Treatment for chronic appendicitis may include:

  • radical, that is, go through surgical removal;
  • conservative, with the use of drugs.

It all depends on whether the remission will be maintained or the disease will go into an acute phase. But conservative treatment should be under the supervision of a physician. Even if it is performed on an outpatient basis, the patient undergoes regular examinations.

Comparison of characteristics and symptoms in acute and chronic stages appendicitis is presented in the form of a table.

SymptomsAcute stagechronic stage
Pain focusStarts in the stomach or umbilical cord, but gradually shifts to the right and downImmediately appears in the lower abdomen. And it can be perceived as a gynecological problem.
Strength, intensity of painIncreases in stages, does not spontaneously disappearThe attack can subside without the use of drugs.
As shown by the LCD systemIntestinal disorders, vomiting with nausea are almost always observed.May be accompanied by nausea with vomiting and diarrhea
General signs of self-poisoningHeart rate increases, body temperature risesSometimes the temperature rises slightly.
Change in blood compositionWhite blood cells increaseLeukocytes can rise, but not so intensively and not for everyone.
If left untreated, it ends with a rupture followed by peritonitisMore often the attack stops on its own. But sometimes it goes into a critical phase.

Drugs to treat inflammation

The practice of non-surgical treatment of appendicitis with antibiotics has not yet found wide distribution among doctors. It is much easier for them to cut off the appendix once and for all, as an unnecessary body and a useless organ. Therefore, drugs for appendicitis are used, as a rule, in the postoperative period for the healing of the external suture and the internal wound left as a result of the ectomy.

Antibiotics are prescribed to prevent the spread of infection

Antibiotics are taken orally, which are administered intravenously or orally, in order to avoid infection wound surfaces. Staphylococci and some other forms of cocci that have managed to adapt to antiseptics and antibiotics are especially dangerous for operated patients.

Preparations for relieving inflammation from the appendix are macrolides, fluoroquinolones, tetracyclines and others. Outside seam treated with healing ointments containing anti-inflammatory agents.

The next step after antibiotics is the restoration of the intestinal microflora, depleted as a result of the use of antibiotics. The patient is taking a course of probiotics.

Preparations are also needed to restore microflora

Folk recipes for appendicitis

Inflammation of the appendix is ​​not a pathology that healers should treat. At the first sign of pain in the abdomen, you should definitely consult a doctor to make a diagnosis.

If you know for sure that you have chronic appendicitis, then you need to regularly undergo examinations and courses. drug therapy so as not to miss the transition of the disease to the acute phase with all the ensuing consequences.

Although herbs can alleviate the condition of the patient, folk treatment appendicitis should also be discussed with your doctor. For example, not the most pleasant taste of wormwood, known as a remedy for gastric disorders, has a powerful bactericidal property and is able to relieve exacerbation in some cases chronic appendicitis. The decoction is prepared at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon for 1 liter of boiling water. It is advisable to prepare the infusion in a thermos or wrap the dishes with a towel and let it brew for an hour. It is recommended to drink 50 grams, in one gulp, like vodka. The tincture is very bitter.

Wormwood tincture is considered very effective.

Yarrow decoctions are also able to act on some representatives pathogenic microflora. In addition, yarrow has some analgesic properties and is able to relieve the symptoms of an exacerbation if the pain is the result of tension.

For cooking medicinal decoction you can take only yarrow, or you can make tea with the addition of raspberry and strawberry leaves, popularly known as a remedy for various inflammations. Such an infusion is brewed at the rate of 1 tbsp. collection spoon for 1 liter of boiling water. It is better to insist on a water bath for 15 minutes. The broth should be distributed throughout the day, drink warm, 1 glass per dose.

From this video you will learn what symptoms are characteristic of appendicitis:

When to See a Doctor Urgently

It happens that this is a small hole that separates the cavity of the appendix from internal cavity the caecum is blocked by the fecal contents of the intestine, bones and seeds that have fallen into it. There are cases when the lumen was closed due to varicose veins. Swollen veins block the lumen in the same way as they do fecal stones. And this condition is no less dangerous.

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