What is Vacuum Therapy and How Can It Benefit You? What is the essence of this massage? Vacuum therapy technique

Vacuum therapy (also called vacuum massage) is an undeservedly forgotten method of treatment, which for some time was not popular with us and was even considered harmful. In fact, this ancient type of massage has been very popular for many centuries in the east and is recognized as quite effective, especially in combination with. Like any other type of treatment, it can indeed be harmful in the wrong hands, so you should also seek treatment from a qualified specialist.

Of course, traditional oriental "jars" (which could be either glass or ceramic, and in some cases even bamboo) are somewhat different from those that are used now. Moreover, there are more modern type of this treatment method is vacuum gradient therapy, which combines traditional methods and modern technologies for maximum therapeutic effect.

What is this treatment method?

As we know, most back problems are due to various metabolic problems in the area. spinal column. But at the same time, one of key points in development similar diseases is a violation of blood circulation, which disrupts the delivery of necessary muscles and cartilage tissue nutrients. traditional medicine on this moment does not have an adequate solution to this problem, so the treatment of most back problems is purely symptomatic, it does not, in principle, eliminate the cause of the problem.

On the other hand, we see vacuum massage, which successfully activates blood microcirculation. But on unknown reasons, despite the noticeable effectiveness, harmlessness and centuries of history, this method is underestimated by traditional and traditional medicine. This method encounters such stubborn resistance from doctors, but the reason is simple - it is a professional stereotype of thinking.

But if you understand the mechanisms of the occurrence of back diseases, as well as understand the mechanism therapeutic effect vacuum and take into account the positive results of using this method of treatment, it soon becomes clear that this method is practically the only one of its kind, only it makes it possible to directly affect the blood microcirculation system. At the same time, vacuum therapy is the only non-invasive way to restore tissues affected by dystrophic processes.

The procedures provided by this method of treatment are usually quite simple and are carried out manually using special medical jars that act on the patient's muscles along the massage lines of the back. The duration of the procedure is usually about 15 minutes and depends on the characteristics of the patient's skin. Typically, the duration of the massage is determined by the appearance of persistent redness of the skin. If the patient is severely weakened, then prolonged procedures can lead to bruising (subcutaneous hemorrhages), in which case the duration of the procedure should be reduced.

Cupping massage is usually carried out every other day and is combined with other therapeutic measures, in particular with manual massage. The scheme of the course of treatment should be determined by the attending physician, depending on which disease has to be treated.

What are the benefits of cupping massage?

It should be taken into account that this technique treatment is one of the most affordable and, at the same time, effective, both for general health organism, and for the treatment of specific diseases of the back. At the same time, it allows you to do without medicines, which in some cases is quite important. This is an effective and very effective method of preventing various diseases. It is also believed that this method of treatment and prevention allows the body to quickly get rid of accumulated toxins.

But there are more noticeable positive sides this method of treatment. For example, it has been proven that it activates the circulation of all fluids in the body, due to which rejuvenation and tissue renewal occur more actively. In addition, in the treatment of various diseases of the back, this method of treatment allows you to quickly stop pain syndromes that occur when various diseases back. AT this case healing effect It is based on the fact that such a massage causes a serious relaxation of the muscles, due to which spasms are relieved. In addition, it is this type of massage that can tone the muscles, which tightens the skin and dissolves scar tissue.

In addition, during the procedure, the doctor is based on the principles of reflexology, acting not in random places, but precisely in active points, which leads to a healing effect on the entire body, relieving stress and nervous fatigue. And in this case, the appearance of redness on the skin is not a complication, it is quite normal reaction skin for cupping massage, for enough a short time such spots will disappear on their own.

What happens during vacuum massage?

As we have already said, vacuum massage is carried out using special cans, due to which pressure drops are created in certain areas of the skin of the body. During the procedure, the skin soft tissues drawn into the jar due to reduced pressure, due to which there is a sufficiently deep study of tissues over a sufficiently large area.

The action of this type of massage is based on the reflex method, which is based on the appearance of redness (hyperemia) of the skin by a vacuum that appears in the jar, due to which there is an influx of lymph and blood to the skin from tissues that are located much deeper. This has a stimulating effect on the blood vessels. internal organs. In addition, in the area of ​​​​impact of reduced pressure, biologically formed active substances that stimulate recovery and metabolic processes. So, when carrying out cupping massage, the following results are achieved:

  • improves peripheral circulation of interstitial fluid, lymph and blood;
  • in the massaged area, skin respiration and metabolism increase, and stagnation phenomena are eliminated;
  • harmful and under-oxidized substances, as well as toxins, are more quickly removed from the patient's body;
  • the process of rejuvenation and tissue renewal is accelerated;
  • improves the supply of blood to the tissues of the body, nutrients and oxygen;
  • increases elasticity and muscle tone, increases the contractile function of muscles;
  • increases the mobility of the ligamentous apparatus.

One of the additional advantages of such a massage is the fact that due to the pressure drop, a kind of “gymnastics” for the vessels occurs, thanks to which it is possible to turn the non-functioning “slump” capillaries back into operation.

What are the indications for the use of vacuum therapy?

Also, vacuum massage is very effective in the treatment various pathologies musculoskeletal system, such as - various pain syndromes in the back, etc.

A similar procedure is also used in cosmetology for premature skin aging, premature aging and cellulite. In dermatology, with the help of such a massage, dermatoses, urticaria, neurodermatitis, etc. are treated.

Positive effect this species massage also gives in the treatment of some internal diseases, for example, pneumonia, chronic, vegetative vascular disease, bronchial asthma, peptic ulcer, hypertension.

In urology and gynecology, this method is used to treat enuresis, impotence, ischuria and stagnant-inflammatory processes in the urogenital area.

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fans Olympic swimming There is a lot of talk about vacuum therapy these days: it's a discussion sparked by the purple spots on the shoulders of Michael Phelps and Cody Miller. The same hickey-like patches have been found on Olympic gymnast Alex Naddur and many other world-class athletes admit to cupping.

Sales of cupping equipment rose 20 percent in three days after big win Phelps.

The International Vacuum Therapy Association also reported a "50 percent increase in practitioners interested in cupping certification" during the same time period. Acupuncturists also experienced an increase in requests for information about therapy.

What is vacuum therapy?

Vacuum therapy is an ancient medical technique; it has its roots in Chinese medicine in 300 or 400 AD. It is also documented in Egyptian and Middle Eastern cultures.

Banks are still regularly used in traditional Chinese medicine in Chinese hospitals and elsewhere. Suction cups attached to the body different sizes and suction draws blood to the surface of the skin. Thus, bruise-like marks are formed.

They say that given treatment improves blood circulation, thereby accelerating healing, reducing and relieving muscle pain. According to Dr. Guman Danesh, a pain management specialist at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, cupping helps "accelerate the body's natural healing process."

Phelps and Naddur strongly recommend this treatment. In a recent press conference, Phelps said he does vacuum therapy before most meetings, and Naddour told USA Today that vacuum therapy is his "secret..., to optimal health. It's the best thing I've spent my money on."

Do jars help with pain?

While some media ridicule athletes for promoting quackery, research tends to support their use. For example, a 2014 review of 16 studies on vacuum therapy suggests that it may indeed be beneficial for pain. According to the authors:

“Vacuum combined with acupuncture was superior to the use of acupuncture alone for severe post-treatment pain... Other separate studies have shown significant benefit from cupping compared to conventional drugs Or regular maintenance...

This review suggests a potential positive short-term effect of vacuum therapy on pain reduction compared to no treatment, heat therapy, conventional care, or conventional medications.”

Vacuum therapy can relieve many painful conditions

In a study published in Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine earlier this year, vacuum therapy was found to significantly reduce chronic neck and shoulder pain, compared with no therapeutic intervention.

In the vacuum therapy group, the intensity of neck pain decreased from a severity score of 9.7 to 3.6. In the control group, pain decreased from 9.7 to 9.5. The study also assessed the measurable physical effects of the therapy, including changes in skin surface temperature and blood pressure.

Both measurements showed statistically significant improvements among those who received vacuum therapy. An earlier study comparing vacuum therapy with progressive muscle relaxation found that both procedures provided similar pain relief in patients with chronic pain in the neck after 12 weeks.

However, those who underwent vacuum therapy reported a significantly greater sense of "well-being" and a higher vomit threshold than those who practiced progressive muscle relaxation. A study published in 2012 also reported positive results for patients with arthritic knee pain.

“A meta-analysis showed that vacuum therapy in combination with other TCM methods is significantly superior to other treatments in increasing the number of cured patients with herpes zoster, facial paralysis, acne and cervical spondylosis. About serious side effects not reported in studies.

Fundamentals of vacuum therapy

Myofascial decompression therapy is the name of vacuum therapy among athletic trainers.

TCM practitioners usually use glass jars. Oil is first applied to the skin to prevent excessive friction and pain as the flesh is sucked inward. Using glass jars a vacuum is created by lighting a cotton ball soaked in alcohol and holding it inside.

The fire burns the oxygen inside the jar, so when the flame is removed and the jar is placed on the skin, the resulting vacuum creates suction. If the suction is too strong, you can ease it by gently pressing your finger near the rim of the jar, letting in some air.

Banks can be left in place or slowly moved, in which case it is called cupping massage; its effect is similar to that of a deep tissue massage. Banks are usually left for three to five minutes. The resulting scarring usually disappears after a couple of days, like a normal bruise.

Vacuum Therapy May Affect Your Innate Immune Response

Leonid Kalichman, Ph.D., senior lecturer at the University. Ben-Gurion in the Negev in Israel, has written over 150 papers on physiotherapy and rheumatology. He believes that by causing localized inflammation, cupping helps stimulate the production of cytokines that modulate your immune system's response.

In a recent review of vacuum therapy research published in the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, Kalichman and co-author Efeni Rosenfeld note that:

“Mechanically, vacuum therapy increases circulation, while physiologically it activates immune system and stimulates mechanosensing fibers resulting in pain relief.

Exists scientific proof that dry vacuum therapy can reduce pain in musculoskeletal system. Because vacuum therapy is an inexpensive, non-invasive, and low risk (if performed by a trained practitioner) therapeutic modality, we believe it should be included in the arsenal of musculoskeletal medicine.”

Unconfirmed speculation

While large quantity research can help explain the exact mechanisms healing power vacuum therapy, many patients are satisfied that it helps them - no matter how and why. As Jessica McLean, Acting Director of the International Vacuum Therapy Association, noted:

"When people get treatment and they recover very quickly, they don't need scientific evidence - they just need the treatment to work."

The following unverified success story was reported by Desert News Utah:

“Therapy helps 33-year-old Maria, who was with Master Lu ... on acupuncture and cupping therapy for several hernias intervertebral discs in the lower back. She said she has tried many options, but the pain becomes unbearable at times. "Once I got into therapy, I felt immediate relief," she said, "I never went back to anything else."

Maria... hurt her back lifting and moving a lot of boxes. She said that in addition to providing immediate and long-term pain relief, the acupuncture and vacuum therapy procedure is "relaxing," in the process. Lou said she would have about three treatments in a week and then no more cupping until the pain returned.”

Are you ready to try vacuum therapy?

Vacuum massage is easy to do on your own, and vacuum kits can be purchased online for as little as $30. However, I highly recommend contacting a trained TCM practitioner. Licensed TCM physicians have a minimum of 3,000 hours of training and know how to perform vacuum therapy safely and effectively.

Excessive absorption should be avoided when treating certain areas of the body. While the back and hips can handle heavy suction safely, vacuum therapy is risky in certain areas of the neck if you don't know what you're doing.

Vacuum therapy is also not performed on the head or face, so if you have, you need to treat the muscles of the neck, shoulders and / or back; cans are NOT placed on the temples or on the forehead. Cupping is also contraindicated in certain serious medical conditions.

So, can vacuum therapy help you? You just have to try it before you write it off. Research and anecdotal evidence suggest that vacuum therapy may be a useful adjunct to other pain treatments. In some cases, it may even work as self-treatment although this is not the norm. The good news is that if it works, you will notice a difference. And if not, it won't do you any harm.

The procedure itself is usually painless (unless excessive suction is applied), and bruising, which indicates that stagnant blood has been expelled from the tissue to the surface, usually disappears within a few days. If you don't have blood stasis, you won't have any bruising at all.

Various diseases in humans can be cured or prevented through regular physiotherapy. Exists big number physiotherapy methods used in therapeutic practice doctors. One of these procedures is vacuum therapy, which allows you to exert pressure on the patient's body. positive effects, ensuring its recovery or reduction of severity clinical symptoms. It is important to note that similar treatment carried out as in the conditions medical institution, and at home, after preliminary training.

About method

Vacuum gradient therapy by Mikhailichenko is modern method treatment in medicine. Similar procedures are based on positive influence physical vacuum to biological tissues. In this case, local rarefaction of air can be carried out various methods- Oriental banks or special devices. The additional movement of cups enhances the benefit of this therapy.

Vacuum massage or vacuum gradient treatment is always auxiliary in relation to other therapeutic methods for any diseases in the patient.

The total duration of one massage is determined by the attending physician and depends on the diagnosed condition and the need for course therapy. As a rule, when primary holding vacuum therapy, the duration of the procedure is reduced to 10 minutes, since the patient needs a certain amount of time to adapt to such treatment.

Cupping massage, widely used in clinics, is always carried out in courses of 7-10 treatments, since maximum effect observed only after a series of exposures. The optimal duration of the course and the duration of one massage is determined by the therapist, based on information about the person's health.

Effects of the procedure

Vacuum therapy is additional method treatment, which should always be used simultaneously with other therapeutic procedures. By itself canned or hardware massage unable to provide recovery. Such procedures have a certain range of biological effects:

  • promote relaxation of the striated and smooth muscle, which, for example, allows you to get rid of pain in osteochondrosis and other diseases;
  • improves blood flow and outflow of lymphatic fluid, thereby improving the condition of internal organs and reducing the severity of edematous syndrome;
  • under the influence of vacuum, the nutrition and regeneration of biological tissues, primarily the skin, is significantly increased, which leads to the use of vacuum therapy in cosmetology;
  • an experienced massage therapist and a full-length cupping massage procedure allows a person to relax and reduce the severity of negative emotions.

The complex effect on the body determines the popularity of this method and its widespread use as an additional therapeutic procedure.

Indications and contraindications

Vacuum therapy in dentistry and other areas of medicine has strict indications and contraindications for its implementation, which allows you to select those patients who will benefit from the procedure. maximum benefit at high level security. Cupping massage and other vacuum treatment methods are indicated for the following conditions:

  • degenerative diseases of the spine, such as osteochondrosis, scoliosis, manifested by pain and neurological symptoms;
  • neuritis and neuralgia of any causation, pain, neurotic states and other neurological problems;
  • chronic diseases of internal organs: bronchitis, infectious and non-infectious asthma, hypertonic disease, gastritis, etc.;
  • diseases in the field of urology and gynecology, including functional disorders;
  • skin diseases in the form of neurodermatitis, dermatosis;
  • improvement of the skin condition (as a cosmetic procedure).

In the process of examining a person and diagnosing any diseases, the attending physician may find contraindications to this physiotherapy in him:

  • neoplasms of any nature: benign, malignant;
  • inflammatory lesions of the skin in the places of the proposed vacuum therapy;
  • disruption of the hemostasis system;
  • history of epileptic seizures;
  • acute period of infectious pathologies;
  • decompensated diseases of the heart, lungs and other internal organs;
  • second and third trimester of pregnancy.

If any of the contraindications is identified, the doctor should refuse to conduct vacuum therapy, since in these cases possible risk for a person exceeds the benefits of the procedure.

Carrying out treatment

Vacuum gradient therapy is carried out in several stages. At the first stage, the massage therapist performs general massage, aimed at warming up soft tissues and relaxing the muscles of the back. In addition, the patient creates a certain positive attitude towards the procedure. After the preliminary stage, the specialist proceeds directly to the vacuum gradient treatment, which can be kinetic, static or mixed. The last option is used most often.

When any discomfort in a person during a procedure that brings significant discomfort, massage should be stopped, as this is fraught with the development of local side effects.

Special vacuum cans are installed on the patient's skin, while the points of their setting are determined in advance by the massage therapist. The arrangement of cans allows you to create a horizontal-vertical vacuum gradient both on the skin and in the underlying tissues. The intensity of the vacuum varies in individual patients, depending on the purpose and duration of therapy.

The kinetic effect involves the manual movement of cans along the skin of the back, and the static effect is associated with their long stay at one point. When studying the history of the development of the method, the predominance of a separate method of influence is traced. However, when conducting therapy according to Mikhailichenko, the massage therapist is recommended to combine them to obtain the greatest effect from physiotherapy.

At the end of the vacuum massage, the specialist strokes the skin. Within 10-30 minutes after the procedure, a person is recommended to rest in a horizontal position.

home treatments

achieve good therapeutic result it is also possible with home vacuum therapy. In this case, the person carrying out this procedure, it is recommended that you first be instructed by a masseur or physiotherapist.

The algorithm for conducting physiotherapy at home is as follows:

  1. A warm shower before the procedure allows you to achieve relaxation and prepare the skin for vacuum procedure making it more flexible and soft.
  2. A special massage oil or any greasy cream is applied to the skin in the area of ​​the intended impact, which makes it possible to further soften the skin and reduce the risk of damage during the vacuum therapy process. When carrying out physiotherapy on the back area, the application of oil or cream should be carried out by another person.
  3. Banks are carefully placed on the skin in areas adjacent to each other. They should always be moved in the direction of the outflow of lymphatic fluid. With a foot massage - from the feet to the pelvic area, and with a back massage - from the lower back to the cervical spine.
  4. The duration of the first procedure should not exceed ten minutes, as unusual exposure can cause pain or bruising on the skin.
  5. Subsequently, the duration of the massage can be increased to 20-25 minutes in the absence of negative feelings at the patient.

Home use of vacuum therapy has an additional therapeutic effect in a wide range of diseases. Before using this method, you should consult with your doctor, who will conduct an examination and give recommendations for treatment.

Rational home vacuum therapy or its gradient version is indicated for most patients with pathology of the skin or internal organs. This method of physiotherapy provides a large number of biological effects, causing an improvement in blood flow, relieving muscle spasm, pain, etc. It is important to note that self-medication should not be done, since in this case the progression of the underlying disease or the appearance of side effects is possible.

Vacuum therapy is a painless, highly effective method therapeutic effect on the human body with the help of special vacuum cans. This method of treatment is characterized by the following features:

1. a method that allows you to quickly and safely stop pain syndromes, especially with osteochondrosis and sciatica.

2. one of the most effective and physiological methods of non-drug recovery and rehabilitation of the body, which operates through the mobilization of its own resources.

3. one of effective ways prevention of a wide range of diseases.

4. a method that activates the microcirculation of all liquid media in the body, which is especially important for the renewal and rejuvenation of tissues.

5. a method that allows you to quickly and efficiently cleanse the body of the accumulated waste of interstitial metabolism "slags".

Vacuum jar effect

Under the influence of cans, quite strong pressure drops are created that affect liquid media (blood, lymph, interstitial fluid). The skin and soft tissues are drawn into the jar, where a sufficiently deep study of soft tissues takes place over a large area. The circulation of blood and lymph improves, which leads to the elimination of congestion, the natural drainage of tissues is accelerated, which leads to more rapid withdrawal toxins and harmful fragments of macromolecules, metabolism improves, tissue regeneration processes are accelerated. The body is supplied with blood, oxygen and nutrients. The role of spots that appear after exposure to vacuum is very important. Diapedesis (sweating) of red blood cells through vascular wall, enhances the strength of the nonspecific immune response. We can say that the substances contained in the spots have an exceptional and multidirectional therapeutic effect on the body. With the help of spots, it is possible to accurately assess the processes occurring in deep soft tissues. The process of stain formation occurs during the first three to five sessions. In subsequent sessions, their development reverses, that is, the spots completely dissolve and no longer form.

Vacuum therapy is performed on different areas of the human body. The choice of treatment area depends on the diagnosis and related methods treatment.

Indications for vacuum therapy

Back vacuum therapy.

Indications: osteochondrosis of the thoracic and lumbosacral region, back muscle tension, myalgia, humeroscapular periarthritis, radiculitis, lumbago, chronic fatigue, Chronical bronchitis, bronchial asthma, bronchiectasis, hypertension Stages I-II, cardiopsychoneurosis, peptic ulcer stomach, postoperative and post-traumatic period for the purpose of rehabilitation, myogelosis, posture correction.

Vacuum therapy of the abdomen.

Indications: constipation, chronic colitis, peptic ulcer without exacerbation, obesity, strengthening of the abdominal muscles.

Vacuum therapy of the chest.

Indications: intercostal neuralgia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, chronic tracheobronchitis, chronic pneumonia, congestion in the lungs, osteochondrosis thoracic spine.

Vacuum therapy cervical.

Indications: myositis, migraine, headaches, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, cervicalgia, radicular syndrome, cervico-brachialgia with muscular-tonic or vegetative-vascular manifestations.

Take care of your body so that your soul wants to live in it!

vacuum therapy- (lat. Vacuum- emptiness) therapeutic local application air at a pressure below atmospheric. Synonyms - local decompression, can massage, vacuum massage, endomassage.

Vacuum therapy in cosmetology is represented by:

  • vacuum;

Vacuum massage and lymphatic drainage are used both in and. is a gentle way to cleanse the skin pores. Local decompression in cosmetology is most often used in complex procedures correction of the shape of the breast.

Effects of vacuum therapy

Vacuum therapy is therapeutic method, which can be used to solve medical and aesthetic problems.

The emerging skin-visceral reflexes change the blood supply to the internal organs, segmentally associated with the impact zone.

Thus, vacuum action on tissues causes the following effects:

  • reflex-therapeutic;
  • draining;
  • defibrosing;
  • microcirculatory;
  • immunomodulatory.

Stains after vacuum therapy

Pinpoint hemorrhages (petechiae) very often accompany vacuum therapy.

This phenomenon has been studied and described in detail in P. Mikhailichenko's book Vacuum Therapy.

“What are the spots that form after exposure to vacuum cans? Many researchers agree that spots are dosed hemorrhages on the skin, including the following substances: shaped elements blood, protein substrates of blood plasma, endogenous, that is, of internal origin, physiologically active substances such as histamine, prostaglandins, neurotransmitters, hormones, and others.

All this combination of substances in microdoses has a powerful stimulating effect on the entire body, and on a certain area, powerfully “shakes up” soft tissues. And such an influence lasts for several days - until the stain resolves "...

“Substances, the release of which occurs immediately after exposure to vacuum and which cause the appearance of a spot, initiate an increase in blood and lymph microcirculation in the capillaries, normalize the flow of interstitial fluid and, in general, stimulate the entire immune system of the body.”

"There are very interesting features the occurrence of spots. Usually, after a session of vacuum massage, even with minimal degrees of vacuum, small-point microhemorrhages form on the skin - spots, sometimes with swelling along the edges. They occur already in the first minutes and even seconds after exposure to vacuum. Sometimes the appearance of spots goes more slowly, 1-2 hours after a vacuum massage session, even with high degrees of vacuum. In most cases, the appearance of spots on the skin coincides with areas of pain or pain syndrome.

“The process of stain formation occurs, as a rule, during the first four sessions of vacuum massage. In subsequent sessions, their development reverses, that is, the spots completely dissolve and no longer form. This indicates the disappearance of conditions for their development: normalization of capillary blood and lymph flow occurs, activation of the processes of structural and functional restoration in tissues, signs of stagnation in tissues disappear. All this is accompanied by an improvement in general well-being, pain syndromes disappear.

“Thus, spots can be considered as a kind of indicator of the state of tissues and the movement of fluids in them.”

Indications for vacuum therapy

Neurological disorders and pathologies of the musculoskeletal system:

  • osteocondritis of the spine;
  • myofascial pain in the neck, back, limbs;
  • myositis;
  • radiculitis of vertebrogenic and discogenic origin;
  • sciatica;
  • arthrosis;
  • scoliosis;

  • neuritis and neuralgia;
  • headaches of a vertebrogenic nature;
  • diseases associated with impaired blood and lymph circulation: endarteritis, elephantiasis;
  • initial manifestations of insufficiency cerebral circulation and their consequences;
  • neck and shoulder syndrome.

Internal illnesses:

  • chronic tracheobronchitis;
  • chronic pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • chronic constipation.

Traumatology :

  • post-traumatic and postoperative rehabilitation.


  • premature;
  • double chin;
  • cellulite;
  • obesity;
  • breast reshaping.


Since vacuum therapy is used not only in cosmetology, we present an extended list of contraindications for various age categories patients.

Absolute contraindications:

  • tumors of any nature and localization;
  • sharp depletion of the body;
  • sharp infectious diseases and feverish conditions;
  • severe vascular sclerosis with a tendency to thrombosis and hemorrhage;
  • neurosis and psychosis with affective states and convulsive seizures;
  • diseases of cardio-vascular system: sharp inflammatory processes in the myocardium, endocardium, pericardium, heart defects in the stage of decompensation, hypertension III degree, myocardial infarction acute period, frequent attacks of angina pectoris, acute cardiovascular insufficiency;
  • varicose veins II-III degree, thrombophlebitis;
  • purulent and fungal infections skin;
  • second half of pregnancy.

Relative contraindications:

  • unclear diagnosis;
  • conditions after heavy physical exertion;
  • chest or senile (over 80 years) age;
  • state of alcoholic intoxication;
  • mental disorders.

Attention! You can not carry out vacuum massage on the heart, eyes, ears, pregnant women on the abdomen. On the area of ​​the mammary glands, vacuum exposure is carried out only in special procedures.

Special contraindications in cosmetology:

  • It is impossible to carry out vacuum massage within 2-3 days after the session, (except for and).
  • During the course of injection ozone therapy, vacuum massage is contraindicated.
  • A contraindication for vacuum exposure on the face is gold reinforcement.
  • The action of drugs based on
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