From the book of P. P. Mikhailichenko “Vacuum therapy: cupping massage. Vacuum wound therapy. What is the essence of this massage

Today one of the oldest types of massage is gaining more and more popularity, which is widely used in Eastern countries. This is the so-called vacuum therapy - highly effective painless method effects on the body with the help of special cans. Especially often this species massage is used to treat back problems. What is this therapy and in what cases is it used? Everything should be sorted out.

What is vacuum massage

This procedure is carried out manual method. With the help of special medical jars, the specialist has an impact on muscular framework patient. This massage lasts about 10-15 minutes, depending on the patient's health. Importance here they have spots that appear on the skin of the patient. The weaker the patient's body, the faster subcutaneous bruises appear and the brighter they are. Both the duration of therapy and the strength of the effect on the body depend on this feature, because it is by the spots that experts determine the processes occurring in deep tissues. Spots form during the first four sessions, and then reverse development begins, which means they disappear and no longer appear.

Massage in progress vacuum jars every other day, alternating with the classic manual massage, and in the case of an existing disease, the doctor prescribes an individual treatment regimen.

When is vacuum massage applied?

Most often, vacuum massage is used for cupping and muscle pain, as well as for general prevention of the body, because thanks to this effect, toxic substances are removed from the body, and soft tissues are released from metabolic products that have accumulated in them for years. It is also important to note that exposure to vacuum cups is one of the most effective methods of non-pharmacological recovery, which uses the body's own resources.

Indications for vacuum massage

Back Therapy:

  • lumbago, myalgia, sciatica and scapulohumeral periarthritis;
  • osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral and thoracic regions;
  • bronchial asthma and chronic bronchitis;
  • cardiopsychoneurosis;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • (during the rehabilitation period);
  • chronic fatigue;
  • posture correction in children.

Abdominal Therapy:

  • peptic ulcer (during remission);
  • obesity;
  • chronic colitis;
  • strengthening the muscles of the press;
  • constipation.

Chest Therapy:

  • chronic pneumonia;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Neck Therapy:

  • osteochondrosis of the cervical region;
  • headaches and migraines;
  • radicular syndrome;
  • cervicalgia;
  • myositis.

As a result of vacuum therapy, the circulation of blood, interstitial fluid and lymph improves, metabolism and oxygen saturation of massaged areas are accelerated, and congestion is eliminated. In addition, the body is cleansed of harmful substances, the process of tissue regeneration is accelerated, the skin becomes more elastic and significantly rejuvenated. But most importantly, vacuum massage returns the mobility of the ligamentous apparatus and increases the overall immune defense of the body.

Contraindications for therapy

Need to know what this massage contraindicated in the following diseases:, benign and malignant neoplasms, skin problems (dermatitis, eczema, fungal and purulent lesions of the epidermis), pathologies of cardio-vascular system, acute infections and blood diseases, myocardial infarction, as well as the second half of pregnancy. Be always healthy!


The most famous and widespread element of vacuum therapy is can massage. But in fact, the range of technologies in vacuum therapy is much wider.
Vacuum technologies, no doubt, can significantly expand the healing and healing effects of holistic massage, and therefore work with different types vacuum means I give great attention in any massage course.

At the heart of the action of vacuum therapy lies physical property any liquid rush out of the zone more high pressure to an area of ​​lower pressure. Moreover, the lower the pressure we have, the more fluid rushes there.
The jar creates just such an area of ​​low pressure (or vacuum), into which, according to the laws of physics, liquids rush: interstitial fluid, blood and lymph.
The stronger we "suck" the skin with the jar, the more blood and lymph is attracted to this place from deep-lying tissues. When I started working with massage jars, then, like any specialist, I encountered such a phenomenon as bruises. Vacuum exposure left bruises, streaks, redness, red-blue-purple "streaks" on the body, which sometimes frightened people, or at least introduced into doubt - is it good or not, is it right or not?

bruise history :)

It turned out that the attitude to bruises in Eastern tradition and western - different.

The West is afraid of a bruise like hell incense :)
But in the east, there are entire systems based on the powerful healing potential of a bruise.

Yes Yes! Exactly like this: THE HEALING POTENTIAL OF THE BLUE! No more, no less!:)

Most of all, this "bruising theme" has been worked out in Chinese medicine- vacuum technologies, shock, scraper (gua-sha massage).
Video recordings of master classes by Chinese doctors show what kind of bruises they leave on the bodies of patients.
Or is it red-blue stains from the scraping technique of gua-sha. Divorces are sometimes just terrible for the pampered glamorous-hedonistic Western eye...

Actually, in Russia the most diverse medical technologies associated with the artificial creation of a bruise. For example, such technologies are described in most interesting book P. Thoren, "Folk Medicine and Psychology", which describes the traditions of folk medicine in the early twentieth century. - even before the "medical era". And there is such a technology: when a peasant tore his stomach, they put him on his back in straw, covered with straw so that only his bare stomach was open. They poured millet on the stomach and let the chickens in here. Chickens, plucking millet, created a continuous hematoma on the stomach. And very soon the peasant restored his working capacity.
The same applied to tearing off the back, only in this case the person was placed in the straw on the stomach, and the back remained open. Chickens pecked millet from the back, leaving a continuous hematoma on it. And it also led to quick recovery performance.

One can imagine how tough this technique was and how "impressive" such a hematoma on the stomach or back was - any vacuum technique rests :)

Apart from this original technology, the most famous different variants spanking, percussion, gouging, quilting- both simply by hand, and using various accessories - from wooden spoons to logs. And the essence of all these technologies is the same - the creation of an artificial hematoma.

And finally, the topic closest to us from the "history of a bruise" is our own medical glass jars from childhood, which were put to us every time we had a cold.
They also left bruises - sometimes even some, and which for everyone around were completely in the order of things. And then it didn’t even occur to anyone to even hint about this, saying that the doctor or nurse who bruised the child with her jars was unprofessional and incompetent ... o tempora, o mores as they say in our village :)

So, a study of the history of the issue showed that the bruise is good in itself, though for this you need to strictly position yourself not as a classic medical massage therapist, but as a representative of the oriental school of massage. Thank God, my holistic massage was already safely based on the Eastern principles of a holistic approach to healing.

Now it was necessary to find out what, in fact, is the mechanism of the therapeutic effect of a bruise? The techniques described by Thoren and in Chinese sources are just empiricism. The same Chinese have a normal attitude towards a bruise so natural and so common from childhood that no one there has a need to delve into the mechanisms, it is quite enough that it has actually been working for more than a thousand years ...
It turned out that this is already well known in our Russian medicine.
And - in science!
It’s just that the dominance of the West forced these things out of real medical practice (oh, this West ... it’s no coincidence that the word itself is consonant with the word “trap”, and even “zapadlo” :))

General bruise theory :)

The origins in understanding the powerful healing potential of an artificially induced bruise are in the so-called autohemotherapy, which was described as early as the beginning of the 20th century. but was especially widely used by Russian and Soviet doctors during the First and Second World Wars.
Medicines were then sorely lacking, and this therapy was used everywhere at the fronts and saved the lives of many Russian and Soviet soldiers.

At present, this technique is well known and is also quite widely used in clinical practice although, of course, not to its full potential. The technique is so powerful and so cheap that the current "rulers of the world" - transnational pharmaceutical companies - will never allow such a disgrace! :)

What is the essence of the method?

Blood is taken from the patient's vein and immediately injected subcutaneously in the region of the diseased organ.
It is injected subcutaneously - just to create such a hematoma, a bruise.
Terminologically, this is called "to prick with blood" or "to prick up blood."

And this is what happens: the appearance of blood in this - inappropriate! - location is perceived by the body in exactly the same way as it would be a direct wound when blood flows.
And it is known that any wound with bleeding includes in this place the most powerful protective and recovery mechanisms: hormones, antibodies, specific nervous and immune response, many other specific factors.

This is an automatic system. So programmed by nature itself.
This is similar to the automatic fire extinguishing system installed in many rooms.
As soon as smoke enters the sensor, pre-installed atomizers immediately turn on and the room is flooded with water.
At the same time, there are cases when this system works without a real fire: there are pranksters who, purely for fun, light some object and bring it to the sensor (or something else that agents do in action movies, leaving the chase :)). And the fire extinguishing system, "deceived" by this smoke, works, plunging the entire office into a cheerful water treatment. It cannot fail to work, because the smoke was real ...

And when we inject blood, we perform approximately the same feint.

We provoke the inclusion of this whole mechanism of protection-regeneration without any real danger for the body!

Blood is one's own. There is no real wound with bleeding. And the regeneration mechanism turns on automatically.

As a result, there is a powerful regeneration of all tissues in the area of ​​blood injection - including internal organs - which has healing effect even b about greater than the use of some artificial medicinal products.

So, it turns out that the bruise left by the jar has exactly the same mechanism of therapeutic action!
The only difference is how blood enters the interstitial space (intercellular).

When creating a vacuum, blood squeezed out, squeezed out from the capillaries through their thin walls, and ends up in the intercellular space (I emphasize: it is squeezed out through the walls, and no "capillary rupture" that ignorant people often talk about (of which, by the way, there are many among doctors) does not happen here!

Moreover, in this case we have another wonderful healing effect. The fact is that in a normal, healthy state, the capillaries are very elastic, and therefore they are able to stretch with almost any vacuum force - at least the one that can be created by banks.
In this way blood is squeezed out only from inelastic capillaries.

But the loss of elasticity of the capillaries is accompanied by stagnation of blood in them. Blood stasis is clogging of hardened red blood cells.
As you know, erythrocytes themselves are larger than the lumen of the capillary, and they can pass through the capillaries only by changing their shape from a flat disc-shaped: to a "bullet-shaped" or "torpedo-shaped":

If a person’s blood is acidified (which you can read about in more detail), then the erythrocytes harden, cease to be elastic, get stuck in the capillaries, creating in them stagnant process, which leads to capillary stiffness. Capillaries also become inelastic.

And so we create a vacuum jar. Elastic capillaries - through which blood flows normally - stretch, and inelastic capillaries - in which there is stasis of blood, under the influence of vacuum force, they are released from the "dump" of dead erythrocytes accumulated in them. These are not even erythrocytes anymore, but poikilocytes - strictly speaking (this term refers to deformed red blood cells that are no longer able to perform their function - this is actually just "garbage")

The vacuum force pushes, squeezes these poikilocytes out of the capillaries into the interstitial space, and now we have practically the same situation as in the case of autohemotherapy.

Accordingly, as soon as the stagnant blood was in " wrong place", the same protection / regeneration mechanism is activated in the body as in autohemotherapy. There is a powerful jump in local immunity, all tissues are renewed and regenerated.

As practice shows, if a person does not have stagnation of blood in the capillaries, then it is almost impossible to leave a bruise after a cupping effect.

The power of the vacuum when placing cans is limited because the volume of the can is limited.
So even with the highest possible vacuum, after removing the cans, only redness remains, which disappears within 15-30 minutes.

If there are a lot of clogged capillaries, blood stasis is strong, then after removing the cans we will have red, purple-red, purple, purple-blue, blue and even black-blue spots - bruises.
The difference in color is due to the nature of the material that is squeezed out of the capillaries.

In conclusion, this our general theory bruise ":), I can also offer to listen to a fragment of Professor Ogulov's lecture, where he talks about the mechanism of action of bruises.

Vacuum technologies

For a long time I practiced only one element of vacuum therapy - cupping massage, until I got to the second stage of training in visceral therapy at the school of Professor Ogulov.

This training enriched me with the widest range of vacuum techniques, of which a lot has already been developed at Ogulov's clinic.

The training was led by a wonderful master, vice-president of the Russian Association of Visceral Therapists Oleg Khazov

Even when we entered the auditorium and saw the variety of devices for vacuum therapy, we were very impressed, because basically we all knew about the same set of cans that are sold in pharmacies - just the set that I described on the page about cupping massage. Here, everything was much more diverse.

At first, we were told in detail about vacuum therapy in general, about the principles of the effect of vacuum on the body, where, among other things, everything that I described above was analyzed in detail.

Even though I was quite informed about all these principles, I was deeply impressed by the scale of knowledge accumulated in the Russian school. visceral therapy.

The theoretical part was followed by practice.

The main type of jars used in the Ogulov center are jars with valves, air is pumped into them by a very convenient pump with a rubber nozzle.
Moreover, there is a whole set of such cans. This set includes jars of various diameters - from the smallest - for use on the neck or face, to quite large - for use on large surfaces of the body or on the mammary gland.

It should be noted that Russian Association Visceral Therapists works directly with the manufacturers of these cups and maintains constant contact with them, working on their improvement.

Of course, the use of this particular type of cans was the most interesting for all of us.

And get it :)

What kind of schemes and options for setting cans Oleg did not show us !!!

Since this text is intended for clients, and not for specialists, I will talk about the essence of all these canning schemes here, but I will limit myself to photographs - to give an idea of ​​​​what awaits us in our healing and healing process :)

Adherents of Western massage standards - too.

Of course, I did not miss the chance to experience the "master's hand" on myself :)
Moreover, he tried to get to different types jar settings.

Wow, unforgettable, vivid sensations! :)
So, I tested vacuum therapy on my own carcass! :) And therefore, you can’t be afraid of me in this regard - in my client work I try to be as careful as possible in this really very radical discipline :)

I was very impressed by the author's development of Oleg, in which banks are placed on short span 1-2 minutes, and quickly rearranged so that the next position of the can overlaps half of the zone involved in the previous position. As a result, the body is then so beautiful:

And here is the setting of cans of small diameter around the neck:

No less interesting was the section devoted to the combination of vacuum therapy with a variety of other wellness techniques- like gentle massage techniques...

So it is with more rigid techniques, for example, shock-dynamic massage.

Here, first, a powerful percussive dynamic massage, and then, from above - cupping massage:

After that, from above, there is also a static setting of cans:

This is the most radical technique we have come across. And, of course, the result was quite impressive in appearance... It's certainly not for the faint of heart...

But an even greater discovery for me (and, in fact, for everyone who had not seen Ogulov's seminars on the Internet before) was the technique of working with the mammary gland.

Breast Therapy

The mammary gland in the Western system is generally a fetish. You can't call it otherwise...

No one, except for a mammologist, can even come close to her. And the masseur - a mile away must bypass ...

And now it becomes clear why breast cancer is the leader of oncology!

In my massage development, I was very lucky: my first teacher was well versed in the techniques of breast massage, and therefore, at the very beginning of comprehension of the massage art, I learned it in detail - under the direct supervision of the master. Therefore, I knew and always did the massage of this zone - both in a cosmetic and in a wellness way.

But I did not know vacuum methods of working with the mammary gland.

In Ogulov's clinic, they have been working with the mammary gland for a long time and successfully. Of course, not only vacuum techniques. Experience from almost all over the world is collected here.
But at the heart of everything, of course, is science. And so the first thing we did was study all kinds of breast problems.

And after this theoretical part, we studied the methods of working with mol. iron, including through vacuum therapy.

Moreover, work with the mol. iron begins from the periphery, i.e. from all those zones that are responsible for the innervation and blood supply of the mammary gland.

We were shown the richest arsenal of techniques for working with the mammary gland.
How recently it was fashionable to say on the Internet - respect and respect!

Of course, here one cannot be mistaken and fall into illusions, they say, it is enough to surround the mammary gland with banks once and everything will pass, up to the oncological process. Reality is harsh. All these techniques are actually a lot of work and painstaking work. Sometimes - even a huge work, both for the specialist and for the client.
By and large, it is not possible to correct the situation only with massage techniques - even if they are so powerful.
Nothing can be achieved without significant lifestyle adjustments. And this is just a job about person: and nutrition, and hygiene, and independent procedures, and the rejection harmful products, and the restoration of psychological balance, and the elimination of hypodynamia and breathing practice.
The range of causes that cause breast diseases is wide. And without eliminating the causes that affect each specific case, it is very difficult to achieve success with these techniques alone.
But this is another topic, and as for vacuum technologies in breast health, I can say that all the techniques that I learned there have already been tested in practice and work great.

Medicinal properties

The impact of vacuum therapy is well studied and described.

Improves peripheral circulation of blood, lymph, interstitial fluid.
The phenomena of stagnation are eliminated, metabolism and skin respiration in the massaged area of ​​the body are enhanced. The skin becomes elastic, its resistance to temperature and mechanical factors increases, the contractile function of muscles improves, their tone and elasticity increase.
In the area where the vacuum effect occurs, biologically formed active substances called enzymes. They launch a variety of metabolic and recovery processes.

In addition, thanks to the vacuum, toxins and many other harmful substances are literally “sucked out” from the body through the skin.
Under the jar, an extract of the sebaceous and sweat glands is released, which, in addition to salts, includes urea, acetone, fatty acids, which are toxic to the body in excessive concentrations. Efficient excretion them during vacuum massage, makes it possible to compare this method with the effect of a bath.

If the amount of slags and toxins in the organ, which is connected with the area where the jar is located, is too large, then the organ literally ejects these slags from itself in the form of specific bubbles filled with a clear liquid that appear under the jar:

When this liquid was examined, it turned out that, among other things, it contains especially a lot of the herpes virus!

A feature of the herpes virus, as you know, is its amazing vitality and adaptability.
He can settle anywhere in the body and live quietly there for years.
The fact that it often comes out on our lips gives us the impression that herpes is associated with the lips. Not at all. He can "sit down" on any organ and significantly complicate his life.
And now it turns out that through vacuum exposure, the body can very effectively get rid of herpes that "sits" on this body.

If a person on the background of such therapy immediately switches to proper nutrition and will hold the alkalinity of the body, the herpes will not return.

In addition to direct physiological effects, vacuum therapy also works as a reflex method based on irritation of skin receptors by the vacuum created in the jar.
The vacuum causes a local rush of blood and lymph to the skin, which has a reflex effect on the vessels of the internal organs and stimulates the strengthening of their immunity...


At skin diseases(eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, fungus), purulent inflammations, calluses, small abrasions and wounds;
with reduced blood clotting;
in the treatment of steroids;
in the first half of pregnancy, since the immune system is already at its peak and additional stimulation can be harmful;
at elevated temperature;
with bleeding

Independent practice of vacuum therapy

It is possible and necessary to practice many vacuum therapy techniques on your own.
Technically, there is nothing complicated about this.
It is enough to try a couple of times, and the skill is already formed.
Or you can take a lesson or two from a specialist.
Let's say that my clients and I often take the time after a session for me to show them the basic techniques of working with banks. In order to tell and show these techniques, half an hour is enough. Well, or a few of these half-hour mini-lessons.
I have clients who, like this, "on the sly", have mastered such a range of canning technologies that not every professional in a massage parlor knows ...

You can buy high-quality cans right in the center of Ogulov. Banks there are reliable - checked.

On the same page you can also find visual videos about how to use these cans.

Moreover, the set of these cans also includes a special nozzle - a hose, with which you can put the can on your back yourself. Very comfortably!

The more we all have the skill of working with banks, the less will be the need for "chemistry" - both ourselves and our children. Fortunately, banks are now available, and it is now much more convenient to use them than in the days of our childhood, when it was necessary to light alcohol.

In short, a set of cans - in every home! :)))

fans Olympic swimming There is a lot of talk about vacuum therapy these days: it's a discussion sparked by the purple spots on the shoulders of Michael Phelps and Cody Miller. The same hickey-like patches have been found on Olympic gymnast Alex Naddur and many other world-class athletes admit to cupping.

Sales of cupping equipment rose 20 percent in three days after big win Phelps.

The International Vacuum Therapy Association also reported a "50 percent increase in practitioners interested in cupping certification" during the same time period. Acupuncturists also experienced an increase in requests for information about therapy.

What is vacuum therapy?

vacuum therapy is an ancient medical technique; it has its roots in Chinese medicine in 300 or 400 AD. It is also documented in Egyptian and Middle Eastern cultures.

Cupping is still regularly used in traditional Chinese medicine in Chinese hospitals and elsewhere. Suction cups of various sizes attach to the body, and suction draws blood to the surface of the skin. Thus, bruise-like marks are formed.

They say that given treatment improves blood circulation, thereby accelerating healing, reducing and relieving muscle pain. According to Dr. Guman Danesh, a pain management specialist at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, cupping helps "accelerate the body's natural healing process."

Phelps and Naddur strongly recommend this treatment. In a recent press conference, Phelps said he does vacuum therapy before most meetings, and Naddour told USA Today that vacuum therapy is his "secret..., to optimal health. It's the best thing I've spent my money on."

Do jars help with pain?

While some media ridicule athletes for promoting quackery, research tends to support their use. For example, a 2014 review of 16 studies on vacuum therapy suggests that it may indeed be beneficial for pain. According to the authors:

“Vacuum combined with acupuncture was superior to using acupuncture alone for intense post-treatment pain... Other separate studies have shown significant benefit from cupping compared to conventional drugs or routine care...

This review suggests a potential positive short-term effect of vacuum therapy on pain reduction compared to no treatment, heat therapy, conventional care, or conventional medications.”

Vacuum therapy can relieve many painful conditions

In a study published in Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine earlier this year, vacuum therapy was found to significantly reduce chronic neck and shoulder pain, compared with no therapeutic intervention.

In the vacuum therapy group, the intensity of neck pain decreased from a severity score of 9.7 to 3.6. In the control group, pain decreased from 9.7 to 9.5. The study also assessed the measurable physical effects of the therapy, including changes in skin surface temperature and blood pressure.

Both measurements showed statistically significant improvements among those who received vacuum therapy. An earlier study comparing vacuum therapy with progressive muscle relaxation found that both procedures provided similar pain relief in patients with chronic pain in the neck after 12 weeks.

However, those who underwent vacuum therapy reported a significantly greater sense of "well-being" and a higher vomit threshold than those who practiced progressive muscle relaxation. A study published in 2012 also reported positive results for patients with arthritic knee pain.

“A meta-analysis showed that vacuum therapy in combination with other TCM methods is significantly superior to other treatments in increasing the number of cured patients with herpes zoster, facial paralysis, acne and cervical spondylosis. No serious side effects were reported in the studies."

Fundamentals of vacuum therapy

Myofascial decompression therapy is the name of vacuum therapy among athletic trainers.

TCM practitioners usually use glass jars. Oil is first applied to the skin to prevent excessive friction and pain as the flesh is sucked inward. When using glass jars, a vacuum is created by lighting a cotton ball soaked in alcohol and holding it inside.

The fire burns the oxygen inside the jar, so when the flame is removed and the jar is placed on the skin, the resulting vacuum creates suction. If the suction is too strong, you can ease it by gently pressing your finger near the rim of the jar, letting in some air.

Banks can be left in place or slowly moved, in which case it is called cupping massage; its effect is similar to that of a deep tissue massage. Banks are usually left for three to five minutes. The resulting scarring usually disappears after a couple of days, like a normal bruise.

Vacuum Therapy May Affect Your Innate Immune Response

Leonid Kalichman, Ph.D., senior lecturer at the University. Ben-Gurion in the Negev in Israel, has written over 150 papers on physiotherapy and rheumatology. He believes that by causing localized inflammation, cupping helps stimulate the production of cytokines that modulate your immune system's response.

In a recent review of vacuum therapy research published in the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, Kalichman and co-author Efeni Rosenfeld note that:

“Mechanically, vacuum therapy increases circulation, while physiologically it activates immune system and stimulates mechanosensing fibers resulting in pain relief.

Exists scientific proof that dry vacuum therapy can reduce pain in musculoskeletal system. Because vacuum therapy is inexpensive, non-invasive and low risk (if performed by a trained practitioner) therapeutic method, we believe that it should be included in the arsenal of musculoskeletal medicine.”

Unconfirmed speculation

While large quantity research can help explain the exact mechanisms healing power vacuum therapy, many patients are satisfied that it helps them - no matter how and why. As Jessica McLean, Acting Director of the International Vacuum Therapy Association, noted:

"When people get treatment and they recover very quickly, they don't need scientific evidence - they just need the treatment to work."

The following unverified success story was reported by Desert News Utah:

“Therapy helps 33-year-old Maria, who was with Master Lu ... on acupuncture and cupping therapy for several hernias intervertebral discs in the lower back. She said she has tried many options, but the pain becomes unbearable at times. "Once I got into therapy, I felt immediate relief," she said, "I never went back to anything else."

Maria... hurt her back lifting and moving a lot of boxes. She said that in addition to providing immediate and long-term pain relief, the acupuncture and vacuum therapy procedure is "relaxing," in the process. Lou said she would have about three treatments in a week and then no more cupping until the pain returned.”

Are you ready to try vacuum therapy?

Vacuum massage is easy to do on your own, and vacuum kits can be purchased online for as little as $30. However, I highly recommend contacting a trained TCM practitioner. Licensed TCM physicians have a minimum of 3,000 hours of training and know how to perform vacuum therapy safely and effectively.

Excessive absorption should be avoided when treating certain areas of the body. While the back and hips can handle heavy suction safely, vacuum therapy is risky in certain areas of the neck if you don't know what you're doing.

Vacuum therapy is also not performed on the head or face, so if you have, you need to treat the muscles of the neck, shoulders and / or back; cans are NOT placed on the temples or on the forehead. Cupping is also contraindicated in certain serious medical conditions.

So, can vacuum therapy help you? You just have to try it before you write it off. Research and anecdotal evidence suggest that vacuum therapy may be a useful adjunct to other pain treatments. In some cases, it may even work as self-treatment although this is not the norm. The good news is that if it works, you will notice a difference. And if not, it won't do you any harm.

The procedure itself is usually painless (unless excessive suction is applied), and bruising, which indicates that stagnant blood has been expelled from the tissue to the surface, usually disappears within a few days. If you don't have blood stasis, you won't have any bruising at all.

Vacuum therapy is a treatment with cupping and cupping massage. Vacuum therapy refers to the classical methods of Chinese medicine and has big story, the effect of its application significantly exceeds the traditional setting of cans. This is explained, first of all, by the fact that cups are placed not in an arbitrary way, but in biologically active points on the meridians of the body. By acting on these points with a vacuum, you can directly influence the work of the organs and systems associated with them. Since there are bioactive points of all organs on the surface of the body, with the help of cupping, a doctor in a Chinese medicine office can successfully treat a wide range of diseases and almost any functional disorder.

Another vacuum therapy technique of the Chinese medicine doctor's office is sliding cupping massage. This procedure is preceded by an oil massage, after which the jar is sucked and vigorously moved over the surface of the body. Thus, the doctor accelerates the blood and lymph, stimulating the work of the circulatory and lymphatic systems, improving blood circulation, cleansing tissues of toxins and toxins. This procedure helps to effectively relieve muscle spasms and muscle tension (hypertonicity), improve metabolic processes in the skin, subcutaneous and muscle tissues. In combination with acupressure, acupuncture and moxibustion, cupping massage shows excellent results in the treatment of diseases of the spine, back, neurogenic and vascular pain.

The combination of two vacuum therapy techniques in the Chinese medicine practice makes this method one of the most effective non-drug treatments. Here are just some of the effects of vacuum therapy in a Chinese medicine doctor's office:

  • treatment nervous disorders and depression, relieving the effects of stress, psycho-emotional stress, improving sleep quality,
  • removal of muscular, discogenic (verteborogenic) and neurogenic pains,
  • elimination of stagnation of blood and edema.

Vacuum therapy promotes better sputum discharge in case of illness respiratory tract, facilitates breathing, cleanses the bronchi and lungs, has a tonic and rejuvenating effect, improves immunity, helps cleanse tissues of toxins and toxins, helps physical and emotional relaxation in case of neurosis, overwork and chronic fatigue.

The physical meaning of vacuum therapy

The essence of vacuum therapy is to create a local pressure drop. Under the action of vacuum, blood from the deep layers moves to the surface of the body. This allows you to deeply muscle tissues– deeper than with any type of massage. Under the action of a vacuum, the lymph flow improves, which provides the effect of lymphatic drainage - cleansing tissues of toxins, toxins, excretion of metabolic products.

The impact of pressure drop on the reflexogenic zones allows you to regulate the work of the internal organs associated with them. In this case, as a rule, special cans with a magnetic core are used. When setting the jar, this core is pressed into the bio active point acting like acupuncture and acupressure. Thus, vacuum therapy allows you to optimally combine the effects of reflex and physiotherapy.

By creating a local zone of rarefied air, vacuum therapy causes additional blood flow, improving local blood supply and tissue nutrition. Therefore, the setting of cans is successfully used in complex treatment diseases of the musculoskeletal system - osteochondrosis, disc protrusion, intervertebral hernias(including radiculitis, lumbago, lumbalgia, sciatica), joint diseases. Static vacuum therapy also helps with pain syndromes - myalgia, dorsalgia, myofascial syndromes.

Therapeutic effect

With the help of vacuum therapy, muscle spasms are removed and congestion is eliminated, additional blood flow is provided and local blood circulation is activated. Thanks to this, the processes of healing, regeneration (renewal) and tissue repair are stimulated.

With the outward simplicity of this procedure, the effect of vacuum therapy to a large extent depends on the experience and knowledge of the doctor. Proper use of vacuum therapy provides:

What diseases can be treated with vacuum therapy?

Vacuum therapy is used in the complex treatment of osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernias and disc protrusions, radiculitis, myalgia, arthritis, periarthritis, arthrosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system and nervous system.

Highly nice results are achieved with the help of vacuum therapy in "Tibet" with chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, bronchiectasis, congestion in the lungs, chronic constipation, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, diseases of the urogenital area (urological, gynecological), immunodeficiency states, skin diseases(neurodermatitis, dermatoses).

Equally effective is vacuum therapy in the treatment of chronic fatigue, stress, neurosis, insomnia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, intercostal neuralgia, and headaches.

How are vacuum therapy procedures performed?

During cupping massage, the surface of the body is preliminarily lubricated with oil. After that, the doctor puts the cans and massages the body with them (without tearing them off the surface and keeping a vacuum under them). The cans are moved along energy meridians or other massage lines, taking into account the direction of blood and lymph flow. This can be gentle movements or vigorous rubbing, depending on the indication. Cupping massage usually lasts 10-15 minutes and is part of a comprehensive treatment session.

Vacuum Therapy (Vacuum Massage) in modern medicine better known as cupping massage. This is a universal healing and aesthetic technique that is used to treat various diseases, some injuries and for the prevention of diseases.

Medical vacuum massage, carried out with the help of special cans, is able to strengthen muscles, relieve pain syndrome of various origin, remove cough. Vacuum therapy is of great importance in cosmetology, since this technique allows you to adjust the figure, fight against overweight and eliminate cellulite.

The practice of vacuum therapy is based on reflex mechanism, which begins with the stimulation of skin receptors due to the vacuum formed in the jar. Thanks to this vacuum, a powerful local inflow is created. arterial blood to tissues (140 times stronger than a normal tide), which causes an increase in the intensity of metabolic processes, tissue regeneration and the body's defenses by several tens and even hundreds of times. But at the same time, a significant part of the immune forces, activated by the reflective influence of vacuum, focuses on eliminating the consequences of vacuum therapy.

From the history of vacuum massage

There is an opinion that the technique of using cans for therapeutic purposes appeared in ancient times in Chinese medicine. Oriental doctors have always believed that the disease can flare up in that part human body where there is congestion of blood.

Therefore, it is necessary not to let the blood stagnate, to disperse it and thereby induce the internal organs to function with a vengeance, only then will the pain disappear and the disease will recede. In the traditional oriental medicine Cupping massage was used to treat diseases of the joints (arthritis, arthrosis, etc.), relieve colic, eliminate sharp pains, for the treatment of pneumonia, as well as for other types of diseases.

For this, in ancient times, healers used special “vessels of health”, which were hollow bamboo sprouts, and much later, tall cups for tea were used instead.

Various vacuum massage techniques

As mentioned earlier, vacuum therapy is special kind massage, during which the impact on the patient's body is made thanks to specially formed compressed air, which is created using special cans with thickened edges. In modern life, different variations of cupping therapy are practiced.

    Heated cupping treatment. In this case, the procedure is performed with glass jars, which are preheated by fire, as a result of which the air is rarefied and a vacuum is formed.

    Massage with cold cups. Here, jars made of glass or plastic are used, and the air is removed from them with a hand pump. Also, silicone cans are used to carry out the procedure: they are applied to the patient's body, after which they are squeezed and released with force - a vacuum is created and the can is sucked to the skin. Then the specialist performs sliding massage manipulations, which can be zigzag, spiral or have a direct direction.

    Therapy with magnetic cups, inside of which a nozzle with a magnet is placed. With this treatment, a sharp magnetic cone made of metal stimulates the biologically active point like a medical needle in acupuncture, but without damaging the skin. Magnetic banks combine healing effect as well as aspiration.

Vacuum massage technique

Cupping massage helps in the treatment of a wide range of diseases, due to the fact that when stimulating the reflexogenic areas of the body, the internal forces of the body are activated. Under the influence of vacuum, not only skin receptors give a response, but also acupuncture points directly related to activity different systems and internal human organs.

The rarefied air that appears during vacuum therapy accelerates metabolism, improves blood circulation, and enriches tissues with oxygen. Due to this, the lost sensitivity returns, the mobility of the joints and spine normalizes, the stiffness of the limbs and spinal muscles weakens.

As for the use of vacuum therapy in cosmetology, the result of cupping anti-cellulite massage can only be compared with the effect of a sauna. With this therapy, muscle tissue acquires elasticity, as is the case with sports, adipose tissue disappears over time, and its excess is removed from the body with the help of excretory system skin. The body becomes smooth, elastic, sagging and the effect of "orange peel" disappear.

When is vacuum therapy indicated?

Indications for the use of vacuum therapy are quite wide:

    pain of various genesis (including chronic);

    diseases of the peripheral nervous system;

    diseases of the musculoskeletal system;

    polyetiological syndrome;

    frequent colds;

    various respiratory diseases;

In addition, vacuum therapy is shown as a general tonic and as a prevention of many diseases. Besides recent times Vacuum massage is actively used in cosmetology, with the aim of:

    obtaining a good lymphatic drainage result;

    treatment of local cellulite and the effect of "orange peel";

    resorption of scar tissue and removal of scars;

    corrections overweight and figure modeling;

    eliminate acne, acne and their visible effects;

    correction of mimic wrinkles;

Of course, vacuum therapy can be used as independent method treatment, but more often it is part of medical complex, where it is perfectly combined with other practices, for example, treatment homeopathic remedies etc.

How is the cupping massage procedure carried out?

The duration of each procedure and the length of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor individually, based on the history of the disease, age and general condition patient's health. In most cases, vacuum therapy sessions are carried out either every day or every two days. Average cycle treatment is five to ten days.

Before starting the procedure, the massaged surface of the patient's body is treated with a greasy cream, sterile vegetable oil or petroleum jelly. After that, pre-disinfected jars are sucked to the skin in the desired part of the body, dosing the vacuum force. Here the doctor must take into account the sensitivity of the skin of each person.

Further, with an already attached jar, sliding massage movements are performed, which can be circular, rectilinear or zigzag in nature. At the end of the session, the jars are gently and gently removed from the patient's body, and the patient is wrapped in a blanket, and he rests for another half an hour in a room where the air temperature is at least 18 degrees Celsius.

During a vacuum massage session, the patient may experience a feeling of warmth, muscle relaxation, drowsiness, and the existing painful syndromes will ease. These symptoms will persist throughout the procedure and for several hours after the session.

Bruising in the affected area is not a complication or a serious side effect. it natural reaction bodies for vacuum therapy, all bruises will pass on their own in a short period of time.

Contraindications to can massage

Before carrying out the vacuum massage procedure, you need to know that in no case can banks be installed on the spine, on the area chest, where the heart is located, in the areas of the kidneys and on the mammary glands of the fair sex.

There are a number of contraindications when cupping massage is not recommended. It:

  • benign and malignant formations;
  • pulmonary bleeding and tuberculosis;
  • acute inflammatory processes of internal organs;
  • various acute diseases skin;
  • the presence in the area of ​​influence of birthmarks, papillomas, fatty tumors;
  • hemophilia, anemia, leukemia and other diseases of the circulatory system;
  • urolithiasis and cholelithiasis;
  • high blood pressure;
  • cardiac arrhythmia and the presence of a pacemaker in a patient;
  • severe exhaustion of the patient
  • recurrent thrombophlebitis.
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