Olympic Games synchronized swimming free program. Russia has another Olympic gold in synchronized swimming and bronze in water polo. "Prayer": the emotional program of Russian synchronized swimmers

The former vice-governor of the Rostov region, who in 2014 went down a certain status, becoming the head of the administration of Rostov-on-Don, Sergey Gorban did not submit documents to renew his contract with the city. This information was disseminated on October 18 by the Rostov media, and in the evening it was confirmed by the municipality. Sergei Gorban himself, who two weeks ago, during the traditional Saturday detour of the city economy, promised journalists to hold a press conference on October 18 and talk about future plans, is now on vacation until November 7.

According to some information, he solves the issues of his employment in Moscow.

This turn of events was unexpected for everyone who follows the career of Sergei Ivanovich, starting from his arrival in the Rostov region in the summer of 2010. A native of the Azov region, after graduating from school, he entered the Minsk Military-Political School and until 2001 built a military career in various parts of the USSR, and then the Russian Federation. He retired with the rank of colonel, resigning from the post of officer of the Air Force General Staff.

Sergei Gorban began his career in politics as a consultant to the secretariat of the chairman of the government of the Moscow region. After that, he received the post of deputy head, and Vasily Golubev headed that administration. According to Moscow journalists, the only thing that overshadowed the successful tandem of two fellow countrymen was the periodic scandals related to the development of expensive land near Moscow. Every now and then information appeared in the media about the personal interest of Gorban and Golubev in the work of individual companies, among the owners of which their spouses and children were found.

After Vasily Golubev was appointed governor of the Rostov region in 2010, Sergey Gorban received the position of first deputy and took up the management of the region with such passion that sometimes he overshadowed the "first person" with his activity.

Almost from the first days of his work, he had a conflict with the long-term mayor of Rostov-on-Don Mikhail Chernyshev, who, after the resignation of Vladimir Chub, became the personification of the entire Rostov elite, which had greatly "sagged" under the pressure of the Moscow "Varangians".

Four years of desperate confrontation ended in a "water truce": Chernyshev was given the chair of deputy governor for minor matters, and Sergei Ivanovich, having stepped down from the post of vice-governor, began repairing sewers, painting facades, changing heads of districts, and at the end of his reign, he started such a redistribution of roads in Rostov that his refusal to further control the city looked almost like a triumph of justice. Especially when you consider that Rostovites were deprived of the right to directly elect their mayor two years ago and thus influence the situation in the southern capital.

Gorban was suspected of lobbying the interests of large construction companies, which, one after another, suddenly began to enter the city, crowding out local businesses, and for several years built up the Don capital with high-rise buildings, not thinking much about resolving issues of lagging social and transport infrastructure. He was blamed for infringing on the interests of small business for the war declared on tents and kvass points. A black spot on the mayor's reputation this summer was the death of a 14-year-old schoolgirl who, during rain in the city center, was pulled under a car by a stream of water.

At the same time, Sergei Gorban can be safely called one of the most open officials. He surrounded himself with a retinue of public advisers, seriously engaged in the formation of a city public chamber, and even started a regular TV show, where he invited Dmitry Dibrov, a well-known Don TV figure, to discuss the most pressing city problems with the audience. By a strong-willed decision, Sergei Gorban deprived Rostov of many years and, contrary to the skepticism of the townspeople, introduced paid parking in the center.

True, the media regularly got information about significant spending on the "PR" of the mayor: for the publication of the so-called. "socially significant materials about the activities of the Administration of Rostov-on-Don" tens of millions of rubles went to news agencies from the city treasury.

Experts, who have been closely following Gorban's career all this time, noted that the scope that the city manager took was clearly not designed for two years of work. Therefore, the news of his departure was surprising to many.

Rostov political strategist Sergei Smirnov believes that Sergei Ivanovich was nevertheless "eaten up" by the local elite, which, unable to unite, one by one bombarded various authorities in Moscow with complaints about the energetic city manager.

“All these petitions with or without reason, collections of signatures, endless complaints - all this ultimately led to the fact that“ at the top ”, I think, a certain irritation accumulated against Sergei Ivanovich, and an appropriate decision was made,” says Smirnov. “Although I continue to believe that his appointment to the post of city manager of the largest city in the South of Russia was logical and justified.”

Business Quarter's own sources in the government report that, as a result of numerous complaints and denunciations, a delegation from the Presidential Administration visited the city in summer and autumn, the conclusions of which were not long in coming.

Little is known about the further fate of Sergei Gorban: some media report on the chair of the head of one of the districts of Moscow, which is already waiting for the former Rostov city manager; there is a version about the return to the office of the governor of the Moscow region Vorobyov. But connoisseurs of nomenklatura laws cannot be deceived by this.

“Gorban was the owner of a million-plus city, an independent political figure. In two years there will be a World Cup here. - And now he will again become a figure of the second order. Yes, perhaps from the point of view of "income" the office near Moscow or Moscow is much more attractive, but Sergei Ivanovich had political ambitions, and this is not a cold, it does not pass. Apparently, he really was "asked. Politely and according to the laws of the game, which he himself, apparently, sacredly observed. If he had not observed, they would have been asked "impolitely": with a criminal offense and other matters."

As a new city manager of Rostov, the candidacy of the current Minister of Transport Vitaly Kushnarev, whose career is also directly related to the personality of Vasily Golubev, is being discussed: Kushnarev comes from the area where the governor was born, Tatsinsky. After graduating from the NPI, he worked at the mine for several years, and then went to the municipal service in the administration of the Belokalitvensky district. From there, from the position of the 35-year-old head of the department in the summer of 2010, immediately after the inauguration of Golubev, Kushnarev moved to Rostov to the post of assistant to the governor. He took over the ministry of transport in 2014. A few days ago, the Prosecutor General's Office brought to court the case against two of his subordinates, who are suspected of fraud during a competition among applicants for intercity passenger transportation in the region.

According to those who worked with Kushnarev, he has enough experience to lead the millionth Rostov.

“I came across him as the Minister of Transport and I can say that there were no such moments that would allow me to criticize our interaction,” says Andrey Ivanov, city manager of Volgodonsk, former head of the Department of Consumer Market and Services. “Calm, pragmatic, everything does without too much fuss. I think that as a minister, he gained enough experience in dealing with federal structures to lead the municipality."

In the work of any city manager, according to Ivanov, the most difficult thing is the selection of a team. “This is the first and main problem that he will have to solve. It is very important to create a team of like-minded people,” says the municipal official, who experienced all the “charms” of the fate of the “Varangian” himself, moving from work in the government to the post of head of the administration of Volgodonsk. there should be no "us" and "them". There are people who are ready to work for the benefit of the municipality, and others. You need to work with those who can do it with you at the same pace."

For decency, several people will traditionally participate in the competition for the position of head of the administration of Rostov-on-Don, but Kushnarev's candidacy is considered agreed and suits all interested parties, primarily the regional governor. However, after the resignation of Sergei Gorban, Vasily Golubev is unlikely to be able to feel calm and confident against the backdrop of the ongoing activity of the old Rostov elite, for whom he has not become his own in 6 years.

On June 30, a 14-year-old girl died in Rostov-on-Don due to heavy rains, 11 people turned to hospitals for help. A wall collapsed near a residential building. The city has a very old storm sewer, in some places it simply does not exist.

Rostov-on-Don is one of the cities set to host the 2018 FIFA World Cup. Rostovites began collecting signatures for the resignation of the mayor Sergei Gorban- People believe that the authorities did nothing to prevent what happened. Meanwhile, the interests of the family of the governor of the Rostov region and the mayor of Rostov-on-Don are in Moscow and the Moscow region, where, as Co found out, they have new business assets.

Whether there is a "stormwater" or not

“In Rostov, there are 100 km of storm drains. We need 10 times more!” - says the former deputy governor of the Rostov region Alexander Ishchenko. The mayor of the city, Sergei Gorban, says that 5 billion rubles are needed to build storm sewers and pumping stations, but there is no such money in the city budget. This important object of urban engineering infrastructure has not been updated in the city for 24 years. However, the next day after the downpour, Gorban, at a meeting with local journalists, said that the “storm drain” was normal, it just could not cope with the strong flow of water due to clogging with sand.

The authorities complain that there is no money for storm sewers, but this year in the city, where flooding has been occurring since May, only about 13 million rubles have been allocated for its maintenance, and for example, 74.5 million rubles for road markings. The latter disappeared on several roads of Rostov-on-Don along with asphalt after the flood due to the fact that the drainage system could not cope with the strong flow of water. About 2000 sq. m of pavement and sidewalks. In some places, the water level reached 70 cm. In 2014, the Rostinprom company examined the condition of storm sewers in Rostov-on-Don and found out that there is not a storm drain everywhere in the city. For example, it is not available in the private sector, which is about half of the city. Individual houses still do not have domestic sewerage. This has led to many illegal intrusions of household wastewater into storm drains where available, and consequently dumping of household waste and sewage into rivers.

In addition, many trees have been cut down in the city center in recent years, mainly for paid parking lots. The root system of the trees held back the streams of rainwater, but now the water rises faster to the surface and floods the streets. On one of the central thoroughfares of the city, Gorky Street, they carried out reconstruction, but forgot to make a drainage system. During the reconstruction of Gorky Street, the drainage system was preserved,” Mayor’s press secretary Maria Davydova disagrees, “but the city has recently been under intensive construction, and the area of ​​lawns that hold back storm flows has decreased.” It is worth noting that previous mayor Mikhail Chernyshev currently works as Deputy Governor of the Rostov Region. “Storm sewers were rolled up along all the central streets,” said Yevgeny Bessonov, deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Rostov Region, head of the Communist Party faction. “This is the legacy of the previous mayor, but the current mayor Sergei Gorban did not raise the issue of bringing his predecessor to justice.”

Maxim Gorky Street runs perpendicular to Budennovsky Prospekt and Bratsky Lane - they were flooded the most. On Budyonnovsky, the ground sank so that holes formed on the road into which cars could fall; a house collapsed in Bratsky Lane. Wastewater treatment plants have been purchased, but they still do not work. For example, in the area of ​​the railway station, the water rose so high that for some time there was a threat of stopping the movement of trains. The general director of the Rostinprom company, Evgeny Krashennikov, believes that only 20 million rubles are needed for the first stage of arranging the "storm water" - cleaning rainwater from household waste so that it does not pollute water bodies. And the unitary enterprise “MSUP for RS and EIS” responsible for arranging the “storm water” and preparing for it has this money: in 2014, according to various sources, they did not spend from 2 to 20 million rubles. Krashennikov does not know exactly how much is needed for the second stage - the actual construction of the "storm drain", but he thinks that it is less than 5 billion rubles. “It seems that the city's leadership simply does not want to deal with this problem,” adds Krashennikov. The head of MSUP for RS and EIS Evgeny Pikin assured that the storm sewer in the city is equipped, it just gets clogged in some places, and the precipitation rate in June was doubled. But today Pikin is no longer working, and the new director of the enterprise, Boris Pryadukhin, and his press secretary were not in touch. Rostov journalist Elena Romanova is sure that in order to avoid the tragedy, “it was enough just to clean the already built stormwater drainage system. The mayor's office built high-rise buildings for two decades, no one cared about communications. Those people who cleaned the wells themselves saved their homes from flooding.” Yevgeny Bessonov notes that “all this is happening because we have irremovable power. There is money for storm water, Vodokanal’s tariffs are growing, they include an investment component.”

A similar situation is with the sewerage systems in Sochi, which is regularly flooded with showers. The fact is that a new storm sewer and pumping stations were built on the eve of the 2014 Olympics only in the Imereti Valley, where the Olympic Village is located. More than 5 billion rubles were allocated to the company Inzhtransstroy of Arkady Rotenberg and Efim Basin. As a result, Sochi was left without a modern storm drain, Inzhtransstroy went bankrupt, and Rotenberg left the capital of this company in advance.

Moscow assets of the mayor's family

Sergey Gorban

Perhaps the leaders of Rostov have no time to deal with "rainfall" - they are distracted by the family business. Although Governor Vasily Golubev and Mayor Sergei Gorban were born in the Rostov Region, they arrived in the city relatively recently. Vasily Golubev, the former head of the Leninsky district of the Moscow region, became the governor of the Rostov region in 2010, and Sergey Gorban, his former first deputy in the administration of the Leninsky district, became the mayor of Rostov-on-Don in 2014. Interestingly, since November 2015, according to information from the Kontur.Focus database, Elena Yuryevna Gorban, the wife of the mayor of Rostov-on-Don, has been the owner of 25% of the developer LLC Vidnoe City - XXI century. Another 25% of this company belongs to daughter of the governor, Svetlana Golubeva. The city of Vidnoye is the administrative center of the Leninsky district of the Moscow region. The Vidnoye City - XXI Century company appeared in 2005, at that time Vasily Golubev and Sergey Gorban just headed the Leninsky District Administration, and it directly depended on them whether this company would build in Vidnoye or not. "Vidnoe City - XXI century" has built and leases an office and business center with a total area of ​​more than 5,000 sq. m. m, the tenants of which are, in particular, "Mosoblsvet" and "Moscow Regional Energy Grid Company".

Also "Vidnoye City - XXI century" was an investor in the construction of three residential buildings in Vidnoye. Alexander Bolomatov, a partner at the law firm Yust, does not see corruption in the fact that family members of the former leaders of the Leninsky district entered the capital of the developer: “The most important question that arises here is what funds were used to acquire shares in this company. If there are no answers to it in the declaration of the mayor of Rostov-on-Don, then we can talk about corruption.” The daughter of the governor of the Rostov region is 25 years old, and according to the law, information about adult children is not indicated in the declaration of an official. Mayor Gorban, according to the declaration, earned 3.058 million rubles in 2015. Nothing was known about the business and income of his wife until now. According to local media, Elena Gorban is "a chemist, works as an engineer." And if 3 million rubles. - this is the entire annual income of the family of the Rostov mayor, then it can only be enough for an apartment in Vidnoye with an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 30 square meters. m. Meanwhile, "Vidnoe City - XXI century" is much more expensive - its revenue in 2013 reached 36.2 million rubles. (more recent data is not available), there is no information on debts. Only one office center owned by Vidnoe City - XXI Century, according to Georgy Novikov, head of the analytics and consulting department at Miel-Novostroyki, costs about 400 million rubles. Mayor Gorban, to the question of "Ko" about the sources of funds for the acquisition of a share in "Vidnoye City - XXI CENTURY" by his wife, said that he was divorced from his wife. Ko did not find any information about the divorce of the Rostov mayor. The absence of data on the wife's income in the 2014 declaration suggests that the divorce could have occurred in 2014.

Governor's interest

The family of Governor Vasily Golubev also has other business assets. The daughter of Svetlana has five companies involved in the sale of pharmaceutical products, the revenue of one of them - "Investments and Technologies" (a network of pharmacies in the Leninsky district of the Moscow region) - 243.5 million rubles. Svetlana became the owner of pharmacies when she was only 18 years old.

The governor's son, Alexey Vasilyevich Golubev (born 1982), worked for the company TNK-BP Holding head of the sales department of light petroleum products, and today owns a stake in the wine-producing company Tanais JSC and 50% in the vineyards of Konstanta LLC - both companies operate in the Rostov region, and Constanta is one of the five largest vineyards in the region with 80 ha of vineyards. JSC "Tanais" owns the winery of the former state farm "Donskaya Chasha" in the Ust-Donetsk region, which was reconstructed in 2012. But, in addition to wine, "Tanais" produces bottled water, and in 2015 the company planned to increase its share in the bottled water market. water of the Rostov region from 5% to 6.7%. The cynical truth is that if Rostov-on-Don there will be a normal "storm water" and runoff will not fall into the Don and other rivers, the demand for clean water, which is produced by the enterprise of the son of the Rostov governor, will not be so high.

"Ko" found in the materials of the arbitration court that the Rostov governor and his wife also own an apartment in Moscow in an elite residential complex on Novy Arbat. In the declaration of the Golubev spouses, an apartment of 268 sq. m. Such apartments in this residential complex cost from $ 1.5 million, and their rent is about 800,000 rubles. per month. Golubev, according to the declaration, earned 6.3 million rubles in 2015, and his wife - 29.9 million rubles. This apartment alone on Novy Arbat is worth more than three of Olga Golubeva's annual income, and the family has several houses, land and a car. Alexey Golubev also has real estate in Moscow and business assets.

Among the business assets of the wife of the Rostov governor, according to the Kontur.Focus service, there is also a small stake in Stroytransgaz (the controlling stake belongs to Gennady Timchenko), as well as to her, together with her daughter Svetlana and Sergei Korchmidt owns a store-warehouse with a total area of ​​more than 6,000 sq. m in the village of Bitsa, Leninsky district. State Duma deputy Mikhail Yemelyanov spoke about the corruption of Governor Golubev. From February to August 2013, according to him, the head of the region made 23 flights on business aviation aircraft in the company of Ali Uzdenov (general director of Gazprom's marketing subsidiaries in the Rostov region, creator of the Bashneft-South holding) and Konstantin Kuzin (owner of the Megapolis group).

Obviously, at the time when Golubev and Gorban were in charge of the Leninsky district of the Moscow region, their families became rich, overgrown with property and business assets, and now they have business interests in the Rostov region. And there is no money for "rainfall".

Natalya Kuznetsova

Sergei Gorban's refusal to participate in the competition for the position of city manager of Rostov-on-Don sounded like a bolt from the blue for everyone who was not immersed in the secrets of palace intrigues. Since 2010 - that is, since the appearance of a new governor's team in the region - Gorban has been considered the strongest figure in Vasily Golubev's circle, in many ways his right hand. We can immediately state that the region has lost one of the most powerful managers of the current team, the Golubev-Gorban tandem has collapsed. But questions about how this could happen, who actually made this decision, what problems played a decisive role, require reflection.

Already at the time of his appointment to this position, it was clear to everyone that for Vice-Governor Gorban, the position of city manager is an obvious formal demotion, which, in principle, cannot cause delight in him. But he is a team man, a principled "second number", who specializes not in politics, but in manual control. And at that moment, Governor Golubev had to finally take on Rostov, a city that by that time had been led by Mayor Mikhail Chernyshev and his administration, which had lost any vitality, for 21 years. Sergey Gorban was needed in order to bulldoze all this age-old ossification and build a new infrastructure for the functioning of the city manager as such.

Sergei Ivanovich in this capacity was brilliantly resolute: several dozen resignations in the very first days of work - the municipal government has not experienced such stress since the occupation of the city by the Nazi troops. The work proceeded at a completely different pace. At the same time, many preferred not to notice that in the very first winter - Gorban stepped in in November - for the first time in many years in Rostov there were no problems with clearing the streets from snow. Gorban quickly managed to get even those who formally did not obey him to work. Repairs and the creation of landscaped areas in the city have begun: pedestrian crossings, squares, Soborny Lane. It is also symbolic that by the time the city manager left, the renovation of the mayor's office had just been completed, which as a result changed its visual image quite a lot. Gorban left behind a repaired city administration in every sense. This structure today is able to work without it. The next city manager - whoever he is - will only need cosmetic adjustments, like a secretary to taste.

A number of media outlets, commenting on the departure of Sergei Gorban, see this as the merit of public critics who allegedly received support in Moscow. This version is very weak. After all, it was not so much Gorban personally who was the object of criticism, but the appointed city manager, to whom the public was not yet accustomed. Meanwhile, in the field of interaction with this public, Sergei Ivanovich was much more active than his predecessor - both in terms of the number of meetings and the number of public advisers from among influential Rostovites specially invited in this capacity. Gorban really tried to discuss decisions with the townspeople - for example, he clearly yielded to the public during a discussion about the fate of the tram on Stanislavsky Street. The tram, contrary to the opinion of the city manager himself, was left, but the instructive case of democracy is as follows: an attempt to discuss a real problem with the townspeople resulted in a group of staunch critics who were not ready for their opinion to be heard, but not accepted. Petitions calling for Gorban to be dismissed began to appear regularly, but the criticism was rather emotional and even largely derived from the activity of the municipality itself. It is absolutely impossible to believe that the presidential administration is excited over such trifles.

No, the decision has matured within the region. Moreover, I think that it was fully accepted by Sergei Gorban himself. He, in fact, lost the status of the second person after the governor. The distance between Golubev and Gorban became more significant, a new economic bloc of the government stood between them, hierarchical conflicts appeared within the team. Meanwhile, Gorban completed the minimum program and then it was necessary to harness it for a long time - to take on a strategy for the development of the city, to engage in serious urban planning, which means to become in many respects an independent figure promoting an ambitious city with its own interests. All these are areas in which Sergei Gorban did not improve - and it was difficult to expect otherwise in the first two years. Another question is whether a city manager, with whom the contract is concluded for such a short period, can act in such a capacity at all? Perhaps most of all, Sergei Gorban was criticized for being, in principle, beyond the power of a city manager, and then it is logical to assume that he left precisely because he understood this. The next logical step was to turn into the same politician as Golubev himself, stop being offended by criticism and work with everyone. But for a man of military training who convinced himself that he was "number two", this seemed to be an unacceptable scenario - it would be the same as openly challenging Vasily Golubev. And not taking any steps means getting bogged down in a routine and enjoying regular petitions for your resignation. Colonel Gorban decided to change the front. The fact that the front was not offered to him in time inside the Rostov region suggests that his contact with Golubev was indeed worth a little.

Some time ago, the Rostov branch of the November 4 club conducted an expert survey on which of the regional figures most resembles the role of a city manager. Gorban in this poll scored 80 points out of a hundred possible and had a serious lead. That is, it was the best city manager that could be in this place at that time. But he, having worked for two years, did not want to continue. It is possible that this is the time to raise the question that the mayor should still be at the helm of an ambitious million-plus city. This role at least gives the illusion of independence and a horizon that allows you to strive for greater goals.

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