Treatment of periodontitis in children. Proper treatment - what is it? Systemic factors and background diseases

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Cases when a dentist, during an examination of the oral cavity, detects periodontitis in children, are becoming more common nowadays. The opinion that periodontitis of teeth and gums in childhood cannot be wrong. And according to the results of research by specialists in the field of detection of inflammatory-destructive diseases oral cavity, at the age of 16 years, periodontitis occurs in 5 - 7% of cases.

Parents of children under 10-11 years of age are most often treated with this disease. And this is due primarily to insufficient hygiene care for the oral cavity.

Even in childhood, a significant layer of plaque can form on the teeth if brushing is not correct and regular. And since after 6 - 8 years, most children brush their teeth without parental control, the consequence improper care behind the oral cavity can be periodontitis. Therefore, in this article we will give answers to all the questions of parents about how to recognize periodontitis in children, what are the symptoms this disease may be, and what needs to be done at the first signs and symptoms.

Periodontitis is a disease in which inflammatory process in the periodontal tissues, the destruction of the elements of the support of the teeth, components connective tissue and bone, which form a hole for each tooth. As a result of a prolonged inflammatory process, pockets can form in the thickness of the periodontium. And the main reason for the defeat of periodontal tissues is the constant presence of a source of infection in the oral cavity.

In children, the most common cause of periodontitis is plaque on the teeth, which is formed as a result of insufficient quality and irregular brushing of the teeth. As a result, the microbial factor becomes the cause of the constant impact of the waste products of microorganisms on the mucous membranes in the oral cavity, on the gums. And thus, the gums first become inflamed, and then the process of inflammation passes to the deeper layers of tissues, and directly to the periodontium. Periodontitis in children can also be associated with impaired endocrine system, diseases of the digestive system or anomalies of the teeth jaw system.

The main danger of periodontitis in children is the risk of destruction of functionally immature tissues and structures of the teeth, while in addition to losing teeth, deformations and changes can occur. dental system.

That is why, when evaluating all causal factors should be considered complete history illnesses and anamnesis of the child's life. In situations where acute periodontitis has been detected in children, treatment should be prescribed by a periodontist dentist only after a complete dental examination and the conclusion of a pediatrician.

Types of periodontitis in children

In the classification of periodontitis in childhood, not only the type and nature of periodontal tissue damage is taken into account, but also the age of the child. Currently, dentists - periodontists distinguish:

  • Depending on the prevalence of the process - localized or diffuse (also known as generalized)
  • Depending on the course of the inflammatory process - acute and chronic
  • Depending on the age of the child - prepubertal or pubertal

Periodontitis in children of prepubertal (from 7 to 12 years old) age is observed during the period of appearance, growth and change of milk teeth. During this period, children may experience weakening immune system, and in the presence of constant sources of microorganisms and pathogens in the flora of the oral cavity, periodontitis can develop. Since this period of maturation and formation of the dentition is very important, with any violations and changes in the periodontal tissues, there is a risk of early loss of milk teeth.

With periodontitis in prepubertal children, due to the active inflammatory process in the thickness of the gums, the supporting structures of the tooth are destroyed, resulting in early loosening of the teeth and their loss. If, during the period of growth of milk teeth, periodontitis was not cured, the risk of damage to the rudiments permanent teeth rises. And along with the destruction and deformation of permanent teeth, pathological changes bite. In this regard, the treatment of periodontitis in children should be mandatory.

Not timely diagnosis and treatment of periodontal tissue diseases can lead to tooth loss! Self-healing doesn't work! Contact PerioCenter specialists!

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Periodontitis in children of pubertal (from 12 to 18 years) age is observed during the period of change of teeth to permanent ones, against which the final formation of the bite occurs. Also during this period there are significant hormonal changes organism, which can also affect the occurrence and progression of periodontitis. Since the microbial factor remains the main factor in the development of periodontal tissue inflammation, adolescence is characterized by the appearance of plaque due to insufficient oral hygiene. With chronic presence pathogenic flora foci of inflammation appear in the tissues and mucous membranes in the oral cavity. As the disease progresses, local inflammation of the gums appears, which can bleed. It may also be observed bad smell from the mouth and soreness in places of swelling and redness of the mucosa.

Separately, periodontitis in adolescent children should be distinguished in the presence of some anomalies or deformities of the dentition. abnormal short bridle tongue or lips can also cause inflammation of the periodontal tissues, since such changes cause atrophy and inflammation of the areas subjected to tension.

Also, the cause of periodontitis in adolescent children may be an incorrectly formed bite, the absence of some teeth or the presence of supernumerary ones. The result of an insufficiently evenly distributed load may be an inflammatory process in the periodontal tissues. Due to such a variety of reasons, when diagnosing periodontitis, it is necessary to take into account not only the data of a dental examination, but also the entire medical history of the child. That is why only experienced doctor periodontist on the basis of all the results of the examination and accounting general condition health, can make the correct treatment of periodontitis in adolescent children.

Principles of treatment of periodontitis in children and adolescents

The main reason why dentists detect acute periodontitis in children is late visits to dental clinics. On the early stages There may be no symptoms of periodontitis of the teeth and gums, and therefore only a dentist during an examination of a child can see signs of inflammation and damage to the tissues and structures of the oral cavity. And since at home, without the results of examinations and doctor's prescriptions, the treatment of periodontitis in children can be completely ineffective, the main condition for prevention and timely therapy is regular monitoring by dentists.

When a periodontist diagnoses periodontitis in children, treatment includes a set of measures to eliminate the pathogenic flora of the oral cavity and foci of infection and restore the affected periodontal and periodontal tissues. To remove a layer of plaque from the surface of the teeth, a professional hygienic cleaning and physio procedures.

In the presence of significant foci of inflammation and pockets in periodontal tissues, the oral cavity is sanitized, followed by the introduction of antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs. If necessary, decayed teeth are removed. Periodontitis in children is treated by dentists, therapists, orthodontists, surgeons and periodontists together, since in childhood it is very important to prevent destruction and deformation of the dentoalveolar system at the stage of growth and formation.

For mild treatment degree of periodontitis in children, preparations based on herbal ingredients, herbs and vitamin products. In the treatment of moderate and severe damage to periodontal tissues, antibacterial drugs, ointments or gels for application to the area of ​​​​inflamed tissues, and also drugs in tablet form. Action, all used for the treatment of periodontitis medicines, consists not only in the removal of microbial sources from the oral cavity, but also in the restoration, regeneration of periodontal and gum tissues, elimination of foci of inflammation and edema. Also, in the prevention of periodontitis in children, it is important to teach every child older than 3–4 years to independently thoroughly brush their teeth.

Where to get tested for periodontitis in children

In childhood, regular follow-up with dentists is mandatory. If you are unsure of your choice dental clinic We are ready to help you in this difficult matter.

AT dental center PerioCentre you will be able to be regularly observed at the best doctors– pediatric dentists and periodontists. If periodontitis is detected in a child, qualified doctors will help not only to understand the methods of treating periodontal diseases, but also answer all questions about the principles of therapy and recovery options.
Contact PerioCentre and you will appreciate the European quality of our clinic.

This is what periodontitis looks like in children: photos in which you can notice inflamed periodontal tissues, gums

Untimely diagnosis and treatment of periodontal tissue diseases can lead to tooth loss! Self-healing doesn't work! Contact PerioCenter specialists!

  • 044 337-93-60

periodontitis is serious dental disease, which, unfortunately, often occurs in childhood. As a rule, children at the age of 9-10 face a similar problem. Most common causes the development of pathology become poor oral hygiene, trauma to the gum tissue at the time of growth of permanent teeth and disruptions in the hormonal background in adolescence. According to statistics, periodontitis in children is observed in 3-5% of cases. O characteristic symptoms and features of the treatment of the disease, read on.

How to recognize periodontitis in a child

The childhood form of the disease is similar symptoms as in the case of adult patients. Pathology extends to the periodontal tissues that surround the tooth and provide it secure fixation in the hole. As a result, the ligaments weaken, and the tooth begins to stagger. If a we are talking about milk teeth, their premature loss can not only cause serious physical and psychological discomfort to the child, but also negatively affect the growth and formation of the entire jaw system. In addition, if treatment is not started on time, inflammatory processes will pass to the rudiments of permanent teeth and provoke even greater dental problems in the future. You can assess the potential degree of damage by looking at the photo below.

Photo of advanced periodontitis in a child

Given that children usually have rapidly progressive periodontitis, it is important to catch on in time and show the child to a specialist. Remember the main signs of pathology that signal the development of a serious problem:

  • unpleasant and pain in the gum area after eating, the appearance of characteristic irritation on soft tissues,
  • bleeding, which is especially pronounced in the process of brushing your teeth and biting off solid foods,
  • the formation of purulent neoplasms on the gums.

To others accompanying symptoms experts include fever, toothache, and general weakness organism.

Risk factors

Many parents are concerned about the question: at what age does periodontitis usually appear in children? As mentioned above, most often this disease manifests itself at the age of 9-10 years, but in recent times Increasingly, there are cases when the disease begins to develop in children from 2 to 5 years. The thing is that by the age of 10, children usually begin the transition phase. temporary teeth for permanent ones. This period characterized increased risk injury to the delicate tissues of the gums, which inevitably increases the risk of infection and inflammation.

“At one time, we had such a misfortune - at 2.5 years old, when the teeth began to be cut on the side, the gums became very inflamed. I have always been very attentive to my son's oral health, so I could not understand what happened. At the appointment with the dentist, they explained to us that most likely the tissues were very inflamed due to the fact that they were injured at the time of teething. In short, all our gums were treated, special rinses were prescribed, and now there are no signs of inflammation. I hope it doesn't show up."

Marina_ 89, Moscow, fragment of a message on the forum

Another common cause of periodontitis symptoms is low level. Children usually take a less responsible approach to the implementation of everyday hygiene procedures, eat a lot of sweets and drink soda, thereby ensuring ideal conditions for fast breeding pathogenic bacteria in the oral cavity and, accordingly, the development, pulpitis and direct inflammation of the gums, i.e. periodontitis.

Inflammation of the gums in a child with milk teeth

In adolescence, changes in the hormonal background become a fairly common cause of the disease. AT this case destructive processes in periodontal tissues manifest themselves especially acutely. The child has an unpleasant characteristic odor from the mouth, and periodontal pockets with purulent contents are also formed. Also, periodontitis can be the result of a congenital predisposition.

How is pediatric periodontitis classified?

As for the classification of the disease, experts in the field of pediatric dentistry distinguish several options dividing pathology into different types. Depending on the intensity of the course of the pathology, chronic, acute and aggravated periodontitis are distinguished. Also, the disease can be localized and generalized. In the first case, we are talking about tissue damage near one or a group of teeth. In the second, the disease spreads along the gum of the entire jaw.

But all of the listed forms are characteristic of the disease as a whole, but in children it is customary to distinguish two more categories of pathology:

  • prepubertal: in this case, the disease manifests itself during the growth of milk teeth or immediately after this process. There is a pronounced weakening of the ligaments between the tooth and the gum, as well as violations in the structure bone tissue. This form can lead to a very early loss of a whole group of teeth at once. In this case, inflammation inevitably affects the rudiments of the permanent elements of the series. Key reason problems often becomes weak immune defense the body of the child, as well as the presence in the oral cavity of a separate category of bacteria, the carriers of which are usually parents,
  • pubertal (teenage): the disease develops in adolescents, and the reason for this is often an insufficient level of oral hygiene, as well as neglect of elementary hygiene procedures. Changes in the hormonal background can also provoke the disease, wrong growth and positioning of teeth and other malocclusion. The patient develops itching, gingival tissues swell, there is a characteristic odor from the oral cavity. Further, periodontal pockets with purulent masses are formed. The teeth begin to loosen, and if no action is taken, they may fall out altogether.

How to cure a disease

We have dealt with the main forms of periodontitis, which occurs in childhood. Now it's time to figure out how to treat this pathology. Since one of the main causes of the development of childhood periodontitis is insufficient hygiene, then when plaque appears on children's teeth, as well as supra- and subgingival calculus, the baby should be immediately shown to a specialist. For children in early age gentle manual cleaning of plaque and accumulations of bacteria can be carried out. For older children, you can apply the method of ultrasonic hardware cleaning, as well as air-abrasive Air flow. They allow you to more thoroughly clean the surface of the teeth, remove not only visible plaque, but also subgingival deposits.

In some situations, there is a need for surgical intervention, for example, to correct the shape of the frenulum. Put accurate diagnosis, determine the form of pathology and choose optimal treatment only a professional pediatric dentist can, and therefore, when the first signs of a child’s disease appear, you first need to show a specialist. It is extremely important to find out the true factors that led to the development of the disease. A prerequisite is the child's education basic rules maintaining oral hygiene and proper brushing technique. Your doctor can also give you advice on choosing the right toothpaste and brush.

The main reason for almost all dental problems is poor hygiene, and in this matter a large share of the responsibility for the health of the oral cavity of young patients falls on the shoulders of their parents. Therefore, make sure that your child brushes his teeth regularly, try to limit his consumption of sweets and chocolate, and do not forget to bring him to preventive examinations to pediatric dentist 3-4 times a year.

  1. Based on information obtained from WHO research.

Periodontal disease is a dental disease that until recently occurred mainly in adults. However, over the past few years, pediatric patients, schoolchildren aged 9–12 years old, have increasingly turned to the dentist with this problem. Experts attribute the increase in the incidence of periodontal disease in children with an increasing deficiency of certain trace elements and minerals, an abundance of food and drinks rich in easily digestible carbohydrates, in which there are practically no such nutrients like proteins, fats, unsaturated fatty acid, vitamins. As a result of the lack essential minerals the nutrition of the tissues surrounding the tooth, that is, the periodontium - the gums and the bone tissue of the jaws, is disrupted.

Parodontosis in children is a rare but dangerous disease.

Over time in the gums and in alveolar processes jaws, dystrophic-degenerative processes develop, which, if left untreated, lead to loosening and loss of teeth, as well as to rarefaction and destruction of the jaws themselves. Another complication running process there may be an inflammatory process in the mentioned tissues - periodontitis, which is manifested by hyperemia, bleeding and painful sensations in the gums.

Causes of periodontal disease in children

The most common causes of childhood periodontal disease, in addition to alimentary (malnutrition), can be called a weakening of local immune factors as a result of a violation of the integrity of tooth enamel, ineffective treatment of other dental diseases, allergic reactions for medicines that come into contact with the oral cavity. Contributes to the development of periodontal disease poor oral hygiene, lack of habit of brushing your teeth before going to bed, the habit of feeding a child late in the evening or at night. As a result of the constant presence of bacterial plaque on the teeth, tartar is formed, which damages the gums and disrupts the nutrition of tooth enamel. Plays a significant role genetic predisposition, which manifests itself in the structural features of tooth enamel, blood supply to the oral cavity, as well as in the efficiency of work salivary glands. That is, if one and even more so both parents developed periodontal disease, then the risk of getting sick in a child is much higher than in the general population.

Lack of solid food is one of the causes of periodontal disease

The following factors predispose to the development of periodontal disease:

  • violations in the work of immunity, including local;
  • allergic reactions involving gum tissues;
  • glandular dysfunction internal secretion and salivary glands;
  • common diseases occurring with generalized dystrophic lesions
  • various organs and tissues child's body, diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus, rheumatoid arthritis and other connective tissue pathology;
  • neurological pathology;
  • insufficient hygiene measures;
  • previous inflammatory diseases gums and periodontal tissues;
  • low level of dental care;
  • genetic predisposition.

Symptoms of periodontal disease

When the disease is at an early stage of its development and only affects the lower periodontium, the child may not feel any discomfort in the mouth. Clinical manifestations in the debut of the disease, most often, they are absent or erased, so the beginning of the process goes unnoticed. The first sign that can alert parents to the development of periodontal disease in a child is an increase in the sensitivity of teeth to hot and cold, as well as sour foods, discomfort or even pain when exposed to cold air on tooth enamel.

The initial stage - whitening of the gums

The course of periodontal disease in children is usually acute, in contrast to adults, in whom this pathology of the oral cavity has a chronic, long-term course.

Exposing the neck of the teeth - the second stage

Therefore, if the onset of the disease still goes unnoticed and periodontal disease progresses, the following symptoms will quickly develop in a child:

  • discoloration of tooth enamel, which becomes yellowish or grayish, with the appearance of spots;
  • dim, pale color gums;
  • itching or burning sensation in the gums;
  • bad breath;
  • exposure of the neck of the tooth root from under the gum tissue: the teeth seem to lengthen, the gaps between them increase;
  • loosening of teeth with their subsequent loss.

Divergence of teeth in periodontal disease

Diagnosis of the disease

At the first suspicion of a disease in a child, parents should immediately contact a specialized specialist, since periodontal disease progresses rapidly with rapid development irreversible complications - atrophy of the gums, destruction of the bone tissue of the jaws and loss of teeth. In addition to the characteristic complaints, an examination of the oral cavity, which reveals the pale color of the gums, their friability, yellowish or gray shade, thinning of tooth enamel, exposed roots of teeth that look like elongated or wedge teeth X-ray method is used for final diagnosis.

Acute course of periodontal disease in a child

On the x-ray clearly visible rarefaction of the bone tissue of the jaws, the presence of tartar, a change in the position of the teeth in the alveolar processes of the jaws.

Given that the cause of the disease can be various dysfunctions of the body, in addition to examining a dentist, consultation with an endocrinologist, neuropathologist and pediatrician may be recommended.

Proper treatment - what is it?

The symptoms and treatment of periodontal disease in children are similar to those in adults, with the only difference being that the process in childhood develops very quickly and it is recommended to start therapy immediately after the diagnosis of the disease. Revealed on early stages, periodontal disease is successfully treatable due to the high ability of the child's body to regenerate. At timely treatment the structure of the bone tissue of the jaws, gums and tooth enamel is restored almost completely, since the pathological process extends to immature tissues, which will certainly be updated. That is why the treatment of periodontal disease in children is more promising than in adults. However, at all stages of the disease, including the initial ones, it is necessary to be treated by a qualified specialist.

At home, parents can still apply additional therapeutic measures:

  • gum massage, during which the blood supply to tissues improves: massage should be carried out very carefully due to the increased fragility and vulnerability of the gums, especially with developed tooth mobility;
  • rinsing the mouth with special rinses prescribed by the dentist.

Treatment by a specialist - periodontist, complex. It includes a thorough sanitation of the oral cavity and physiotherapy aimed at improving blood circulation in the tissues surrounding the tooth. AT initial stage these measures are enough for a complete cure.

The following physiotherapy treatment may be prescribed:

  • gum massage;
  • darsonvalization or exposure to impulses of various frequencies on the oral mucosa;
  • sanitation of the oral cavity, during which hardware or mechanically tartar and plaque are removed.

Pledge successful treatment- maximum sanitation of the oral cavity, elimination of all foci of inflammation in the oral cavity. After hardware cleaning from tartar, the roots of the teeth usually remain bare, so a varnish containing fluorine is applied to them.

Additional medical treatment is needed, which may include immunomodulatory drugs, drugs containing hormones, as well as vitamin complexes, including vitamins of group B, vitamin A, PP and C.

Periodontal disease in children can occur in extremely severe forms and in these cases surgical treatment is prescribed.

It is necessary in situations where tartar cannot be removed either by hardware cleaning or mechanically. Then resort to surgical incision gums and tartar are removed with specialized instruments.

After recession surgery for periodontal disease

Surgical intervention is prescribed if the processes of atrophy in the tissue of the tooth and in the tissues surrounding it are very pronounced. In this situation, part of the gum is removed, tartar is removed, the neck of the root of the tooth is polished and covered with special protective agents, and then the removed part of the gum is sewn back, restoring the function of the gum and cosmetic defect. The meaning of this surgical manipulation is that the fixation of the tooth in the alveolar socket will be restored and the destruction of the jaw bone tissue will be prevented.

In the course of treatment, a medical examination is carried out for all patients, which involves regular visits to the dentist to prevent the progression and recurrence of the disease.

What should be the preventive measures

To prevent the development of periodontal disease in a child, oral hygiene should be carefully observed. Parents need to monitor the cleanliness of their teeth already with the advent of the first baby tooth. Hygiene measures include brushing your teeth twice a day with special children's toothbrushes and age-appropriate toothpastes. It is important to take care of the child's nutrition, make sure that the diet is complete, enriched with trace elements and vitamins, limit refined, simple carbohydrates, especially at night, to give preference to solid, and unpasted food.

Teeth cleaning - prevention of periodontal disease

Approximately from the age of two years, it is worth visiting the dentist regularly, which will allow in the early stages to detect not only periodontal disease, caries, but also other dental diseases, carry out sanitation in time and avoid unpleasant complications.

Periodontitis is an inflammation of the tissues that surround the tooth: gums, periodontal gap, tooth ligaments and jaw bone. Unlike gingivitis, periodontal disease disrupts the gingival junction. This disease is rare but serious. It is cured in the early stages, so it is necessary to diagnose and treat periodontitis in time.

Periodontitis happens:

  • localized and generalized (according to the spread of the process);
  • acute and chronic (according to the duration of the course);
  • mild, moderate or severe (according to severity).

In addition, rapidly progressive periodontitis is isolated. This disease occurs when imbalances in the development of the jaws are combined with disharmony of the functions of the endocrine system and has an autoimmune nature. The disease proceeds rapidly, causing early loss of teeth and complications, and requires immediate treatment.

Causes of children's periodontitis

Periodontitis in children is caused by the same local reasons, which and . The occurrence of the disease contribute to:

  • weakened immune system;
  • insufficiency of factors of local immunity in saliva;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • avitaminosis;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

It should be noted that localized periodontitis occurs mainly from local annoying factors, and generalized from common diseases organism.

Symptoms of periodontitis in children

Symptoms of periodontitis in the early stages:

  • feeling of swelling of the gums;
  • bleeding;
  • bad breath;
  • the formation of plaque and tartar.

As the disease progresses, there are:

  • tooth mobility;
  • gaps between teeth;
  • periodontal pockets;
  • bleeding gums;
  • excretion of exudate.

In children, the symptoms of periodontitis in the early stages may not be expressed and not noticed in time. So, loose gums are found only after a high-quality hygienic reading. That is why it is important to adhere to oral hygiene in the prevention and diagnosis of the disease.

Localized form

At mild degree disease, catarrhal gingivitis occurs in the area of ​​1-2 teeth, there are dental deposits and a traumatic factor (filling, short frenulum, dental anomalies). Retraction of the gums in the affected area is also possible.

At medium degree localized periodontitis, catarrhal or hypertrophic gingivitis occurs in the area of ​​1-3 teeth, pockets in the periodontium up to 5 mm, tooth mobility of 1-2 degrees occurs, resorption of the interalveolar septa.

In severe cases, gingivitis is observed, periodontal pockets of more than 5 mm are filled with exudate, tooth mobility of 2-3 degrees, loss of teeth is possible, resorption of interalveolar septa for more than 2/3 of the root length.

Generalized form

A mild degree of the disease can occur without symptoms. Sometimes children complain of pain and bleeding gums. There may be acute catarrhal gingivitis, periodontal pockets up to 3 mm, soft plaque.

At moderate periodontitis, the depth of pockets reaches 5 mm, gingivitis is more pronounced, teeth can be displaced, periodontal pockets are filled with serous or purulent exudate.

In severe periodontitis, all symptoms increase, deep periodontal pockets are formed filled with granulations and exudate, and abscesses may occur. The teeth are very mobile and there is a risk of tooth loss.

Diagnosis of periodontitis in children

During the examination, the patient's complaints, anamnesis of life and disease are taken into account. First, the dentist assesses the situation in the oral cavity, using tests and an index assessment of tissue inflammation. It is mandatory to conduct x-ray or orthopantomography to assess the condition of the bone tissue.

Carry out cytological and microbiological research contents of periodontal pockets. Assign consultations of other specialists: therapist, endocrinologist, gynecologist, neuropathologist.

Treatment of periodontitis in children

For mild periodontitis:

  • remove dental deposits;
  • treat the periodontium with antiseptic solutions (miramistin, chlorhexidine);
  • make applications with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial gels, ointments;
  • prescribe rinsing and oral baths with decoctions of herbs (oak bark, calendula, St. John's wort, chamomile, nettle leaf, yarrow grass). Read about.

With an average degree of the disease, local anti-inflammatory procedures are supplemented with general therapy:

  • remove subgingival dental deposits;
  • carry out curettage (cleaning) of periodontal pockets;
  • in addition to applications, bandages are made from medicines on teeth and gums;
  • perform splinting of teeth and orthopedic treatment.

With severe periodontitis after therapeutic treatment surgical methods are used:

  • extraction of teeth of 3-4 degrees of mobility;
  • perform a gingivotomy;
  • open the formed abscesses;
  • carry out the plasticity of the frenulum and the vestibule of the oral cavity.

General treatment generalized periodontitis includes:

  • antibiotic therapy;
  • antifungal drugs;
  • anti-inflammatory, hyposensitizing agents;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • sedative drugs.

Pathogenetic treatment

Aimed at the impact of the mechanism of occurrence of the disease in periodontal tissues. To do this, use drugs that affect the permeability of the walls of blood vessels and:

  • groups B, PP, K, A, E;
  • vikasol;
  • ascorutin;
  • tocopherol;
  • trental.

Additionally, physiotherapy is prescribed:

  • ultrasound;
  • electrotherapy;
  • phototherapy;
  • vacuum therapy;
  • electrophoresis;
  • darsonvalization;
  • massage.

Periodontitis is rare but very serious illness which is difficult to treat and can lead to early tooth loss. Therefore, timely diagnosis and initiation of treatment are very important.

Liana Mokhtari, dentist, specially for the site

Useful video

Periodontitis (inflammation of the periodontal tissue) in children occurs in 5% of cases. The disease can be generalized and localized according to the degree of localization, and children's periodontitis is also divided into pubertal and prepubertal. According to the form of development, periodontitis has an acute or chronic form.

The prepubertal form of childhood periodontitis is characterized by the presence of a destructive process in the bone and gum tissue. Periodontitis develops during the eruption of milk teeth. The development of periodontitis in children is often associated with heredity or a general decrease in the child's immunity. The causes of the pubertal form of periodontitis are discharge from periodontal pockets, thick saliva, itchy and loose gums, loose teeth and bad breath.

The inflammatory process in the periodontal tissue or periodontitis is characterized by the development of a destructive process in the bone tissue, the destruction of muscle ligaments, damage to the gum tissue, loosening and loss of teeth.

In children, periodontitis can develop between the ages of 9 and 10 years. This dental disease is detected in 5% of children. The inflammatory process in the immature periodontal tissue is fraught with serious consequences: the dentition shifts, pathological changes occur in the structure of the periodontium.

In addition to the standard classification (acute and chronic form), as well as localization (generalized and localized), children's periodontitis can be pubertal and prepubertal.

Prepubertal form of periodontitis

Prepubertal periodontitis is characterized by the presence of a destructive process in the gum and bone tissue. The inflammatory process develops during the eruption of milk teeth. The consequence of the disease is the early loss of the dentition, consisting of milk teeth, as well as the spread pathological process on the rudiments of permanent teeth. The main factors leading to the development of periodontitis in the prepubertal period are the presence of specific periodontogenic microorganisms that are transmitted to the child from his parents, as well as a significant decrease in local immunity.

Pubertal form of periodontitis

The pubertal form of childhood periodontitis develops due to factors such as anomalies in the structure of the oral cavity ( malocclusion, anomalies of the frenulum, small vestibule), systemic diseases, change hormonal background, improper care of the oral cavity. The main causes of teenage periodontitis are:

  • discharge from periodontal pockets;
  • loosening of teeth;
  • putrid smell from the oral cavity;
  • itching and looseness of the gums;
  • thickening of saliva.

Etiology of childhood periodontitis

In childhood, the occurrence of periodontitis is associated with changes in the child's body. To local factors that provoke the development of childhood periodontitis include:

  1. Anomalies in the structure of the frenulum and vestibule. Gentle frenulums and a small vestibule provoke the development of an inflammatory process, as they affect the ability of the oral cavity to self-clean. You can fix the problem with the help of plastic correction.
  2. Incorrect chewing of food. Quite often, children chew food only on one side, as a result of which soft plaque and calculus form on the side that is not involved in the chewing process, which provokes the development of a destructive process in periodontal tissues.
  3. Incorrect development of the jaw system and dentition. The irrational distribution of the load on the dentition can also provoke the development of children's periodontitis. Functional overload can result from structural anomalies, such as malocclusion, or incomplete dentition (deciduous teeth have already fallen out, but the permanent ones have not yet grown).
  4. Injuries of the jaw and teeth. Children often have bad habit gnaw pens, nails, hairpins and other objects, as a result of which the periodontal tissue and teeth are injured. Periodontal and dental tissue can also be damaged incorrectly. installed seals and bracket systems.
  5. Food. An excess of soft food leads to an insufficient load on the dentoalveolar system. In the child's diet without fail, must be present solid food(carrots, apples, kohlrabi, Jerusalem artichokes, etc.), when chewing, the natural mechanical removal of dental deposits is carried out.
  6. Poor hygiene oral cavity. Poor-quality care of the oral cavity, the use of adult toothpastes provoke the growth of periodontogenic microorganisms, the waste products of which destroy the periodontal tissue and provoke the development of the inflammatory process.

To identify children's periodontitis will allow a simple dental examination and palpation of the submandibular lymph nodes. In the presence of the disease, there is pain in the regional lymph nodes during palpation, the formation of periodontal pockets, swelling and looseness of the gum tissue.

To identify the cause that provoked children's periodontitis, you may need to consult other specialists, such as an immunologist, endocrinologist, pediatrician, allergist, and others.

Treatment of periodontitis in children

Pharmacological treatment children's periodontitis consists in the treatment of affected areas of the periodontium with antiseptics. To suppress periodontal microflora, it is prescribed antibiotic therapy. To restore the load on the dentoalveolar system will allow correct prosthetics and treatment concomitant diseases oral cavity (caries, gingivitis and others) and removal of mobile teeth. Efficiency drug treatment, as a rule, is enhanced by physiotherapy procedures.

In particular advanced cases resort to surgical intervention which consists in the removal of periodontal pockets. Surgery it is also advisable in cases where the child has anomalies in the structure of the vestibule and frenulum ( plastic surgery). Elimination of anomalies in the structure of the dental system surgically allows to stop the destructive process and restore the protective properties of the periodontium.

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