The best ointment for arthrosis. The best ointment for arthrosis of the knee joint: a review of drugs, application features and reviews. Anti-inflammatory and painkillers

Arthrosis is a rather dangerous and serious disease. It is considered chronic and difficult to treat. Complex therapy of the disease includes the use of various creams and ointments that help relieve swelling and reduce pain.

Varieties of drugs used

To achieve the most stable therapeutic effect, complex treatment of arthrosis is used. This includes taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers, chondroprotectors and muscle relaxants. Local treatment is applied with the help of gels and ointments, physiotherapy.

Ointments used in the treatment of arthrosis can be divided into 2 large groups:

  1. Warming and vasodilating, designed to improve the circulation of blood and synovial fluid in the affected joints.
  2. Anti-inflammatory and painkillers that help quickly relieve inflammation and swelling of the joints.

It is impossible to choose an ointment for arthrosis on your own, because. self-medication in many cases exacerbates the situation. The attending physician will be able to choose the remedy.

Ointment for osteoarthritis cannot completely cure the disease, it only contributes to the fastest recovery and prevents the disease from progressing. These drugs have the following properties:

  • reduce pain syndrome;
  • relieve tissue inflammation;
  • eliminate muscle spasms;
  • warm joints;
  • improve blood circulation processes in the affected joints;
  • restore the nutrition of cartilage tissue;
  • have a good antimicrobial effect.

Vasodilating and warming ointments

Designed to stimulate blood circulation in the affected articular elements. They help relieve pain and muscle spasms. At the same time, the saturation of cellular structures with essential nutrients is normalized. Such warming agents are used together with other medicines that enhance their effect on the joints.

Vasodilating and warming ointments are recommended for long-term use. Their effectiveness directly depends on the active substance. Warming properties have bee and snake venom, red pepper. Pepper is able to stimulate blood circulation in the affected areas.

There are some features of the use of such funds:

  • do not use in the presence of skin lesions or allergies to some components of the drug;
  • it is strictly forbidden to use during exacerbations of the disease - in this case, only the doctor should determine the time to start treatment;
  • ointments based on poisons cannot be used for a long time, because. this harms the ligamentous apparatus, due to which the ligaments can be greatly stretched;
  • it is advisable to use warming agents before going to bed - a thin layer is applied to the damaged areas and rubbed well into the skin.

  • Voltaren;
  • Apizatron;
  • Espol;


Non-steroidal drug, the active substance of which is diclofenac sodium. The gel well helps to relieve pain, has an effective anti-inflammatory effect. It is recommended to apply the gel on the affected area of ​​the skin. You can use it no more than 3 times a day. The maximum course of treatment is 2 weeks.


An effective ointment based on bee venom and analgesics such as methyl salicylate and allyl isothiocyanate. It has an analgesic effect in osteoarthritis. This tool dilates blood vessels, thereby increasing the flow of oxygen to the affected area, and warms up the muscles.

Apizatron is applied externally to the area of ​​the affected joint. You need to apply it in a thin layer, rub it with light circular movements until a warming sensation appears. Such rubbing should be done 2-3 times a day, depending on the severity of the symptoms.

Before starting therapy, it is imperative to test for an allergy to bee venom. To do this, the minimum amount of funds is applied to the affected area, after which you need to wait a few minutes. If redness, itching or other allergic manifestations do not appear, it is suitable and can be safely used.

It is forbidden to use Apizatron for violations of the liver and kidneys, in the presence of skin diseases, oncology and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Anti-inflammatory and painkillers

Anti-inflammatory and analgesic ointments are produced on the basis of agents that can quickly overcome the inflammatory process. The duration and frequency of their use is determined by the attending physician, based on the severity of the pathology and the degree of manifestation of the pain syndrome.

The main therapeutic agents of this group: Diclofenac, Fastum gel, Nise and.

Too long use of such ointments harms the body. They are best used in the initial stages of the disease or during periods of exacerbation of arthrosis.


This is an ointment based on nimesulide. It is most often used in the complex therapy of arthrosis of the hip joint. Quickly removes signs of the inflammatory process. The drug is available in the form of a light yellow ointment, which has a specific smell. It is recommended to use it only externally.

Nise is rubbed into the diseased joint until completely absorbed. You need to smear 3-4 times a day, depending on the severity of the symptoms. Do not use this drug for more than 10 days in a row without consulting your doctor. It is often prescribed to athletes to relieve pain in injuries of the ankle, ankle joint, shoulder and shoulder joint.

It is forbidden to use it for pregnant and lactating women, children under 7 years old, with diseases of the skin and gastrointestinal tract, people with hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug.


This is an external drug. The active substance is diclofenac. It has an effective analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. This remedy is most often used for deforming arthrosis and for arthrosis of the knee joint.


The main active ingredient of Dolgit is ibuprofen. This tool contributes to the rapid removal of the inflammatory process. It has a good anti-edematous and analgesic effect. It is used in the complex treatment of arthrosis, sciatica and rheumatic lesions of the joints.

Dolgit should be applied in a uniform thin layer on all damaged areas. Rub into the skin until it is completely absorbed. It is necessary to rub 4 times a day, but not longer than 3 weeks.

Combined ointments

They are considered the best and most effective, because. They are based on capsaicin and salicylic acid. The complex of these components allows you to quickly eliminate pain, swelling and other symptoms of the inflammatory process.

To enhance the effect, components such as snake and bee venom, turpentine, and various essential oils are included in the composition. The result of using such funds is manifested in:

  • vasodilation;
  • normalization of blood circulation;
  • reduction of edema;
  • warming up the affected areas;
  • removal of inflammation;
  • elimination of pain syndrome.

The most popular among such ointments are Hepatrombin in the form of an ointment and gel.


The drug is based on dimethyl sulfoxide and heparin. The ointment relieves swelling, pain and inflammation well. You need to apply it in a thin layer and put on a warming bandage on the affected area. For the best effect, it is recommended to keep such a compress for a couple of hours.

Due to its light structure, the gel is quickly absorbed. Dolobene is contraindicated in patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system, pathologies of the kidneys and liver, skin and allergic diseases; pregnant and lactating women.

Combined drug. It is applied only outwardly. It has antithrombotic and anticoagulant action. Well relieves pain, swelling and inflammation. Made on the basis of heparin, dexpanthenol and allantoin.

Hepatrombin is used most often for inflammation of tissues, exacerbation of articular pathology. It is recommended to apply only on the affected area of ​​the skin 1-3 times a day, depending on the manifestations of the clinical picture. The gel, on the contrary, is applied only to healthy areas of the skin; it is impossible to lubricate the affected areas. Both ointment and gel are applied without rubbing and massaging.


Chondroprotectors are used in order to prevent arthrosis from progressing, and for the speedy restoration of cartilage tissue. They are used for arthrosis of the foot (mainly in the initial stages) or for the joints of the hands. But the effect of the ointment does not appear immediately, but only after the accumulation of nutrients in the tissues. Positive dynamics is noted only a few months after the end of the course of treatment.

For better regeneration of cartilage tissue, the following ointments are prescribed:

  1. . It contains glucosamine and chondroitin, which contribute to the rapid recovery of the joint. In addition, it contains camphor, which helps to increase blood flow and nutrition in the damaged area. Peppermint essential oils relieve pain and inflammation well. This tool has practically no contraindications. It should not be used only in case of intolerance to the components and the presence of damaged skin areas. Teraflex is also used to treat children, but only under the strict supervision of a doctor.
  2. Alflutop. The composition includes an extract from crushed sea fish. It is rich in amino acids, peptides and minerals. The tool is intended to reduce pain and rapid tissue repair. Apply to the damaged area 3 times a day for no more than 3 months. The remedy has the best effect in the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint during remission.
  3. . Includes chondroitin sulfate, acetyl glucosamine and glucosamine sulfate. Promotes rapid regeneration of cartilage, prevents the destruction of the joint. When it is used, the metabolism in cellular structures is stimulated. Treatment lasts for 3 months. The cream is rubbed into damaged joints twice a day. You can not use this medicine with individual intolerance to its components.

Folk recipes for ointments

Treatment of arthrosis of the joints with folk methods includes the use of ointments prepared independently at home. The most widely used folk remedies:

  1. WITH . To prepare such a remedy, take 4 parts of purified linseed oil, 1 part of turpentine and propolis. All this is well mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The prepared composition is applied to the affected joints 2 times a day. The prepared ointment is stored in the refrigerator. But you can use it only in a heated form.
  2. With wax. For its preparation, take 10 parts of wax, 3 parts of horseradish roots, 2 parts of propolis and 0.5 parts of bee venom. All these components are crushed until a homogeneous slurry is obtained. Apply this remedy twice a day.
  3. From herbs. To prepare it, 10 g of sweet clover grass, hops and St. John's wort are well crushed. There also add 50 g of vaseline. All ingredients are well mixed and placed in a glass jar. Insist about 2 hours. The ointment is applied to the affected areas at least 2 times a day. Such a remedy is used at any stage of the treatment of arthrosis and has a good anti-inflammatory effect even with a not too long duration of use.

Folk remedies help to quickly relieve pain and inflammation. They help reduce swelling and improve the general condition of the patient. But folk methods cannot replace medicines prescribed by a doctor. Home remedies are recommended to be used only as an additional therapy to enhance the effect of the use of medications.

General contraindications

The main contraindications for use:

  • chronic failure of the kidneys and liver;
  • necrotic processes in tissues;
  • individual intolerance to the components;
  • ulcerative lesions of the digestive tract;
  • the presence of mechanical damage in the form of abrasions and wounds on the surface of the skin of the affected areas.

In some cases, after applying the ointment, unwanted side effects appear. In this case, it is better not to use this tool. The most common adverse reactions:

  • severe dizziness and headache;
  • dyspeptic disorders of the digestive tract;
  • allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes, itching and dermatitis.

In order to avoid unwanted reactions, you should consult your doctor before using the ointment. The doctor will choose the most suitable remedy, indicate the necessary dosage and duration of treatment.

Ointments for arthrosis of the knee joint are prescribed to all patients without exception, they help to cope with all the symptoms of the pathology. Properly selected ointment will help not only slow down the process of damage, but also restore the structure of the connective tissue.

What are ointments used for arthrosis?

It is worth remembering that arthrosis of the knee joint - a degenerative - dystrophic disease that affects cartilage tissue, is chronic. Therefore, everyone who has encountered this problem knows what knee pain is. usually occurs in a complex and an important role is played by ointments that fight such symptoms:

  1. Pain syndrome. Most ointments can get rid of this symptom, sometimes even faster than pills and injections.
  2. Swelling of the knees occurs due to impaired blood circulation in the tissues. Ointments and gels normalize blood flow and help remove excess fluid.
  3. The inflammatory process is the main symptom that accompanies arthrosis, which liquid and semi-liquid preparations for external use are excellent at fighting.

In addition, they are often used during the rehabilitation period for massages, as well as for the prevention of this unpleasant disease.

Important! Ointments alone will not be enough to treat arthrosis, so you need to consult a doctor about surgery, injections or taking pills and physiotherapy.

Types of ointments

Like all drugs, ointments are divided according to their purpose. They are used at a certain stage and for the treatment of individual symptoms. Most often, such funds are dispensed without a prescription, and they can be used without a doctor's prescription, so patients who suffer from a disease of the knee joints are recommended to keep them in a home first-aid kit, both for prevention and treatment.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments

Such funds are used first after the diagnosis of the disease. Their ability to inhibit the synthesis of inflammatory substances greatly facilitates. Drugs reduce the production of the following substances:

  • prostaglandins;
  • lysosomal enzymes;
  • histamines.

They stop the processes of the disease, which makes them the main drug in the fight against arthrosis.


The active components of this tool are as follows:

  • nimesulide;
  • menthol;
  • capsacin.

They fight pain and inflammation. This synthetic medicine is very safe and has a small list of side effects.


This remedy based on indoleacetic acid will have an analgesic and decongestant effect. It inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins, which suppresses the exudative phase, which means it will help to avoid fluid entering the knee cavity.

diclofenac acre

The active substance of this ointment, diclofenac sodium, a derivative of phenylacetic acid, reduces the amount of enzymes and has a local anesthetic effect. It is actively used in arthrosis of varying degrees to combat pain and hypothermia.

Fastum gel

Ointment based on ketoprofen, thanks to a light gel base, penetrates deep into the tissues and acts directly on the focus of inflammation. It has a cooling property, gently reduces hypothermia and removes redness.


Stops the energy supply of inflammatory processes and reduces their intensity. It improves blood microcirculation and restores tissue nutrition, which leads to cartilage regeneration in arthrosis.

Voltaren emulgel

A non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that effectively inhibits enzymes, which leads to a decrease in pain. It has a long period of action, about 12 hours. Therefore, it can be used only 2 times a day.


Besides the fact that this ointment has analgesic and antipyretic properties, it reduces the likelihood of blood clots. Thins the blood and improves its movement, which greatly speeds up the recovery process.

The price of NSAIDs varies from budget to very expensive, but basically the properties of the drugs do not change. Therefore, when choosing an effective anti-inflammatory agent, it is not necessary to pay more.

Important! Each drug has contraindications and side effects. You need to carefully read the instructions before use.

Warming ointments

Vasodilators stimulate blood circulation in the diseased joint. They perfectly warm the knee, which helps to relieve pain and fatigue. But with such drugs, you should be careful. They have a large number of contraindications and, if applied incorrectly, they can leave burns. Here's what you need to know before using them:

  1. Do not use warming ointments if there are wounds, lesions or rashes on the skin.
  2. You can not use them for inflammatory exacerbations of arthrosis. This may make the situation worse.
  3. It costs a small amount to apply. With severe discomfort or if the area of ​​​​the skin on which the drug was applied burns unbearably, it is better to wash it off.
  4. You need to consult a doctor if there are other inflammatory processes or skin diseases in the body.

The main active ingredients of such drugs are usually substances of natural origin:

  • poisons of snakes and bees;
  • red pepper;
  • camphor and others.

The most effective warming agents:

  • Apizartron;
  • Finalgon;
  • Espol;
  • Deep relief;
  • Kapsikam;
  • Viprosal.

For a vasodilating effect, it is not necessary to buy an ointment. You can find cheap analogues that will also warm up and relieve pain. Such pharmaceutical preparations can be used for chronic arthrosis:

  • turpentine ointment;
  • camphor alcohol;
  • eucalyptus balm;
  • menovazine;
  • balm Asterisk.

Ointment chondroprotectors

Such funds are used after the first signs of arthrosis have been stopped. Ointments of this group rarely fight pain, but are still able to stop inflammatory processes. Their main task is, which is involved in the structure and regeneration of cartilage tissue. They also neutralize the action of enzymes that contribute to the destruction of collagen and hyaluronic acid.


Helps reduce degenerative processes and stimulates the production of intra-articular fluid, which plays an important role in the restoration of cartilage and the functioning of the joint as a whole.

Artro Active

Restores the cartilaginous surfaces of the joints and increases the activity of chondracites in the connective tissue.


Significantly slows down the development of arthrosis, promotes the restoration of the articular bag and stimulates biosynthesis, which affects the metabolism in cartilage.

Do not forget about the existence of homeopathic ointments:

  • Traumeel;
  • Bryony;
  • Fleming's drug.

They will contribute to the restoration of tissue, while they have practically no side effects and contraindications. But it is worth remembering that homeopathic treatment alone will not be effective.

Arthrosis is a very unpleasant disease, and ointments are one of the main types of treatment. Do not forget to take the pills, otherwise the situation will require surgical intervention.

The reasons for the development of arthrosis are not precisely established. The factors contributing to the development of the disease include improper metabolism, impaired blood circulation. To improve blood circulation, warming, doctors recommend using an ointment for arthritis and arthrosis. In the fight against inflammation, NSAIDs are needed, and chondroprotectors and proper nutrition will help restore damaged cartilage fibers.

Articular cartilage damage is a common disease. There are many factors that contribute to the occurrence of arthrosis, arthritis:

  1. Wearing uncomfortable shoes (long-term). Cause discomfort when walking high heels, bad shoe, narrow toe shoes. This factor provokes the inflammatory process in the foot.
  2. Excess weight. Excess kilograms are the result of malnutrition. Due to excess weight, the load on the joints increases.
  3. Sedentary lifestyle. For some people, physical activity is excluded: sedentary work, walking a little. Even in the mornings, people are too lazy to exercise, which takes 5-15 minutes.
  4. professional factor. An occupational disease is arthrosis in dancers, people involved in ballet, athletes, loaders.
  5. High growth. Doctors noted that arthrosis is more often recorded in people of high stature.
  6. Hypothermia of the joints of the arms, legs (frequent).
  7. History of trauma (fractures, sprains, tendon rupture).
  8. Excessive physical exertion that occurs when doing hard work, carrying heavy loads.
  9. hereditary factor.
  10. Inflammatory processes in the body (chronic).

In some cases, the pathology of the joints is explained by physiological features: a wide foot, flat feet, a shortened lower leg, and a non-standard structure of the joints. Polyarthritis accelerates the development of arthrosis.

Reasons for the development of arthritis

There are many reasons for the development of arthritis. Let's list the most common:

  1. Mechanical injuries (fractures of open, closed type, bruises, blows).
  2. Physico-chemical factor (sharp changes in temperature, accompanied by hypothermia, overheating of the compound).
  3. Constant physical activity (jumping, walking, running, lifting weights).
  4. Poisoning, allergies.
  5. Reduced immunity.
  6. Avitaminosis.

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Osteoarthritis and arthritis are diseases that affect the joints. These pathologies differ in etiology, pathogenesis. The end result is the same, which consists in damage to the joints (menisci, cartilaginous fibers, tendon-muscle corset, intra-articular structure), inflammation of soft tissues, violation of physiological destruction, anatomical design.

Arthritis is characterized by an inflammatory process in which a group of enzymes are involved that have a destructive effect on the connective tissue of the joints.

Arthrosis is represented by the destruction of joints and manifests itself in the deformation of the articular components, limiting the biomechanics of the organ. Joint deformity is an irreversible process.

The difference between arthritis and arthrosis lies in the method of treatment:

arthritis is treated with medication. The disease manifests itself after a mechanical injury, stress, long walking. With proper treatment, inflammation is eliminated, the affected cartilage fibers are restored;

arthrosis is treated with medication, but in advanced cases, surgery is necessary. The destructive damage to the joints is stopped after the cure of the underlying disease, the restoration of the hormonal background, and the correction of metabolism.

Symptoms of arthrosis, arthritis

Arthrosis, arthritis differ not only in the causes, methods of therapy, but also in the clinical picture. For convenience, we write out the symptoms of pathologies in the form of a table.

Symptom Arthritis Arthrosis
Inflammatory process Present. There is local redness, swelling. Inflammation affects the affected joint, the soft tissues around it, the anatomical design of the joints is disturbed.
Connection Mobility Restriction Temporary, may be complete, partial. Permanent. This pathology is characterized by sparing, facilitating positions. The last stage of the disease is manifested by the immobilization of the connection.
Pain Appears when walking, at rest. The character is pulsating. Quiet in a certain position. The character is varied, it can be aching, sharp, pulsating.
Temperature increase Observed over the diseased joint. There is an increase in body temperature (37 - 38 degrees) with infection, pinched nerves. Elevated temperatures are recorded at night.
Reaction to weather conditions Absent. Present.

The difference between the diseases under consideration also lies in the fact that after therapy for arthritis, the damage to the joints is eliminated, the biomechanics is restored after rehabilitation. In the case of arthrosis, the situation depends on the degree of damage to the joint. Biomechanics is partially restored through surgery.

The main ointments in the treatment of arthrosis

Arthrosis is treated comprehensively to achieve a healing effect. This includes taking NSAIDs, painkillers, muscle relaxants, chondroprotectors, local agents, physiotherapy, spa treatment. As for local agents (ointments), 2 groups of medicines are used in the treatment of arthrosis:

  1. Vasodilating, warming - improve microcirculation in the affected tissues.
  2. Painkillers, anti-inflammatory - relieve tissue inflammation, pain syndrome.

Medicines are prescribed by the doctor after examining the patient. To prevent the disease from progressing, self-medication should be abandoned.

The use of ointment will not cure arthrosis, arthritis. The medicine will help speed up the recovery of the patient, prevent the exacerbation of the pathology. Ointment for arthrosis has a number of medicinal properties:

  1. Removal of pain syndrome.
  2. Reducing inflammation.
  3. Elimination of muscle spasm.
  4. Joint heating.
  5. Improvement of blood circulation in the area of ​​the affected joint.
  6. Restoration of nutrition of cartilage tissues.
  7. Antimicrobial action.

Ointments are convenient to use in the treatment of lesions of the joints of the upper and lower extremities.

Vasodilating, warming ointments

Ointments from this group have the following actions:

  • activation of blood circulation in the area of ​​the affected joint;
  • saturation of cartilage cells with nutrients;
  • elimination of pain;
  • removal of spasms;
  • improving the effects of other medicines.

Ointments from this group are used for long-term therapy. The effectiveness depends on the type of active substance. For warming, the following components are used:

  • bee venom;
  • snake poison.

Rarely used red pepper. When using such ointments, it is important to pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. It is forbidden to use ointments for exacerbation of inflammation.
  2. Do not use ointments in the presence of wounds, allergies to the components of the drug.
  3. Do not use a long period of ointment with poison. Such means "stretch" the ligaments.
  4. Warming ointments are rubbed at bedtime, a small amount of the drug is taken for processing.

Popular medicines in this group:

  1. Apizartron (Apiriven, Ungapiven). The main component is bee venom.
  2. Voltaren (Vipratox, Viprobel) - medicines based on snake venom.
  3. Espol made from red pepper.
  4. Gevkamen. It contains cloves, menthol, eucalyptus essential oil, camphor.

Anti-inflammatory, analgesic ointments

Ointments from this group are made on the basis of substances that help relieve inflammation (ibuprofen, diclofenac). The attending physician will tell you about the duration of the course of therapy with anti-inflammatory, painkillers and indicate the frequency of applying the medication to the affected area. In this case, the doctor takes into account a number of nuances (intensity of symptoms, the patient's condition, the presence of contraindications).

From this group, doctors often prescribe such medications:

  1. Fastum gel. The drug is based on ketoprofen, which has a strong analgesic effect.
  2. Diclofenac (ointment). Based on diclofenac, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substance.
  3. Longevity Includes ibuprofen + warming agent.
  4. Nise. Includes nimesulide, a strong analgesic, anti-inflammatory substance.

These ointments are not used for a long period. Drugs can harm the body. Doctors advise using ointments from this group during exacerbation at the beginning of the development of pathology.

Ointments for arthritis

In order for the active substance to be delivered as soon as possible to the focus of inflammation, doctors use ointments. These medicines eliminate pain, inflammation, swelling from such areas of the body:

  • upper back, shoulders, neck;
  • elbows;
  • wrists, hands;
  • ankle;
  • small of the back;
  • hip joints;
  • knees;
  • hips;
  • caviar;
  • ankles, feet.

Often doctors prescribe such ointments in the treatment of arthritis:

  1. Voltaren Emulgel. The active ingredient of the drug is diclofenac. Analogues of the drug - Ortofen, Diclofenac, Bioran gel.
  2. Fastum gel based on ketoprofen. Analogues - Ketoprom, Bystrum gel, Febrofid gel, Ketoprofen, Fort gel, Oruvel gel, Valusal gel, Ketum gel.
  3. Deep relief. Active ingredients - levomenthol, ibuprofen. The drug has an anti-inflammatory, distracting effect. The action of the ointment is similar to Dolgit cream.
  4. Indomethacin.

Also use ointments prepared at home:

  1. Mustard-honey rub. A remedy is prepared from honey (1 part), liquid mustard (1 part), salt (0.5 parts), soda (0.5 parts).
  2. Fat-based herbal ointment (butter, melted fat). For cooking, take sweet clover inflorescences (2 handfuls), St. John's wort flowers (2 handfuls), hop cones (2 handfuls), oil (50 g).

Traditional medicine

Traditional medicine recipes are effective in the treatment of articular lesions. The popularity of such home-made ointments:

A remedy is prepared from linseed oil (4 parts), propolis (1 part), turpentine (1 part). These components are thoroughly mixed until the mass becomes homogeneous. Apply to the affected joints 1 - 2 times a day (no longer recommended). The ointment is stored in the refrigerator, but heated before use.

Ointment with wax. For cooking, they take wax (10 parts), horseradish root (3 parts), bee venom (0.5 parts), propolis (2 parts). These components are crushed to the state of slurry. Use to treat compounds twice a day.

Herbal ointment prepared from sweet clover grass, hops, St. John's wort (only 10 g), pharmacy vaseline (50 g). We mix the components, let it brew in a glass jar. Affected joints are treated a couple of times a day. This tool helps to eliminate inflammation and is used at any stage of the development of arthrosis.

5 best ointments

Many ointments are used in the treatment of arthrosis. A number of drugs are ranked among the best remedies for arthrosis.

  1. Diclofenac. The drug was recognized for its strong analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect. Ointment is used in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  2. Indomethacin. It is used for inflammation, swelling.
  3. Ibuprofen. Indispensable for damage to the shoulder, knee joints.
  4. Nimesulide. The drug is widely used in medical practice and has few contraindications.
  5. Ketoprofen. It has a strong analgesic effect.

Contraindications to the use of ointments

Ointments accelerate the recovery of a patient with arthrosis, arthritis. But the use of such medicines is not always possible. Before using the medicine, you should read the instructions for it. There are a number of contraindications to the use of ointments:

  • renal, hepatic insufficiency;
  • tissue necrosis;
  • intolerance to substances in the composition of the drug;
  • ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the presence of abrasions, wounds.

In some cases, patients experience side effects:

  1. Disorder of the functioning of the stomach, dyspepsia.
  2. Allergic reaction, manifested by contact dermatitis, burning, itching, rash.
  3. Headaches, dizziness.

To avoid undesirable consequences, before using the drug for diseased joints, it is necessary to consult with your doctor, who will prescribe the appropriate medication, indicate the desired dosage, and draw up a therapy plan.

Ointment for the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint can be purchased at a pharmacy or made at home. Depending on the composition, such drugs have various dominant actions: elimination of inflammation, inhibition of degenerative processes of cartilage tissue, warming up.

Ointments and gels for arthrosis of the knee joint have a good effect: their topical application contributes to the rapid penetration of medicinal substances through the skin to the site of inflammation. Good results in the treatment of arthrosis can be achieved if such drugs are included in the overall course of treatment.

Do you think that joint diseases can be cured without a visit to the doctor?


The effectiveness of ointments and gels in the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint

Ointments and gels that are designed to treat this pathology have the following therapeutic effects:

  • have a short-term analgesic effect, which is especially necessary for acute pain syndrome;
  • have a warming effect on the area affected by the pathological process;
  • relieve spasm;
  • have an antiseptic effect;
  • reduce the severity of the inflammatory process;
  • restore blood circulation in the tissues that are located near the lesion;
  • improve the mobility of the affected joint;
  • relieve excessive pressure from the affected articular structures;
  • relieve puffiness;
  • have a beneficial effect on the condition and elasticity of muscles and ligaments;
  • stimulate the process of supplying nutrients to cartilage tissues by accelerating blood flow to them.

Ointments and gels against arthrosis have a different composition: some contain hormones, others contain natural ingredients (for example, bee or snake venom). The type of drug used is determined by the attending physician.

Funds classification

There are the following main groups of external drugs for the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Ointments and gels that belong to this group have an analgesic effect and help accelerate the recovery processes in the affected areas. The principle of action of such drugs is based on the ability of their active ingredients to inhibit the production of inflammatory substances.

NSAIDs are one of the main components of therapy for pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Ointments and gels from this drug group help restore joint mobility, reduce swelling and reduce the severity of pain, and also reduce local temperature in the affected area.

NSAIDs include the following ointments and gels:

  • Diclofenac;
  • Fastum gel;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Long;
  • Ketonal;
  • Nise;
  • Ketonal gel;
  • Deep relief.

Warming preparations of local action

Such ointments and gels contain substances that create a burning effect. Due to this, such drugs reduce the severity of pain and stop the inflammatory process. In addition, the use of warming drugs contributes to the restoration of damaged tissues. These funds eliminate aching joint pain, especially after sudden changes in temperature.

Warming drugs dissolve swelling, improve blood circulation in the affected tissues.

These medicines include the following:

  • Finalgon;
  • Nyatoks;
  • capsin;
  • Kapsikam;

Products with salicylic acid

In diseases of the joints, topical preparations containing salicylic acid are also recommended. Such ointments and gels have a pronounced analgesic effect. Salicylic acid is characterized by high anti-inflammatory performance.

Ointments with salicylic acid fight the feeling of heat in the damaged joint, cope with swelling.

This group includes the following drugs:

  • Viprosal;
  • Bom Bengue;
  • Efkamon.

Preparations based on salicylic acid should not be used in violation of the integrity of the skin, as well as in case of hypersensitivity to this component.

homeopathic remedies

Homeopathic ointments and gels have a natural composition. They are also prescribed as part of complex treatment for arthrosis. They warm up and anesthetize, allow you to achieve a lasting effect.

The advantage of homeopathic medicines is the almost complete absence of contraindications.

The group of homeopathic remedies for external use, which are used for arthrosis of the knee joint, includes:

  • Target T;
  • Traumeel;
  • Pianpin.


These are special tools that contribute to the restoration of the affected cartilage tissue. Their main task is to restore cells, reduce the inflammatory process and stop the destructive process.

Chondroprotectors have a weak analgesic effect, promote the mobility of affected joints and improve metabolic processes in cartilage tissue.

Drugs that help restore damaged cartilage tissue include:

  • Chondroxide;
  • Artro-Active;
  • Chondroitin.

All described ointments and gels are used as directed by a doctor, since most of them have a number of contraindications. The specialist also prescribes the frequency of the procedure and the duration of the course of treatment.

TOP 10 best ointments / gels

We offer a list of the most effective drugs that significantly improve the general well-being of a patient with arthrosis of the knee joint.

Dolobene is produced in Germany and belongs to the group of anti-inflammatory drugs.

The preparation contains the following substances:

  • sodium heparin;
  • dexpanthenol;
  • dimethyl sulfoxide;
  • isopropanol;
  • rosemary and mountain pine oils.

The drug Dolobene for topical use has the following properties:

  • has a local anesthetic effect;
  • removes the inflammatory process;
  • promotes the regeneration of connective tissue;
  • has an antithrombotic effect;
  • relieves swelling.

You need to use the tool as follows:

  • apply a thin layer on the skin over the affected area 2-4 times a day;
  • if necessary, apply a sterile bandage on top;
  • before applying, make sure that the skin is cleaned of cosmetics and any chemicals;
  • when applying the gel, you need to make sure that it does not get on the mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth, nose.

Contraindications for use:

  • age up to 5 years;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • hypersensitivity to any component of the drug;
  • severe impairment of kidney and liver function.

The cost of the drug (50 g) is about 350 rubles.

Espol ointment

This medicine is produced in Russia. Espol belongs to the pharmacological group of warming local irritants.

The composition of the ointment contains the following components:

  • capsicum extract (the main active ingredient);
  • essential oils of lavender and coriander;
  • petrolatum;
  • solid paraffin;
  • lanolin.

This drug is characterized by warming, locally irritating, distracting, resolving, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

In the process of using the drug, an expansion of superficial small vessels and an improvement in blood circulation are observed. Due to this, the drainage of the focus of pathology is enhanced and the products of inflammation are removed.

It is necessary to use the drug in this way: apply 2-3 g and rub into the skin 2-3 times a day. To enhance the effectiveness, it is recommended to apply a dry warming bandage on top.

Do not use if there are such contraindications:

  • children's age up to 2 years;
  • damage to the skin;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

The cost of Espol ointment (30 g) is 170 rubles.

Dimexide gel

The drug for local use Dimexide is produced in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. It belongs to the group of homeopathic remedies.

The gel consists of dimethyl sulfoxide. The composition of the gel includes from 30% to 70% of this substance. As auxiliary components, the preparation contains an emulsifier and polyethylene oxide gel.

The main component of the Dimexide gel has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. It quickly penetrates deep into tissues through the skin and mucous membranes. A distinctive feature of the drug Dimexide is the ability to enhance the penetration of other drugs into the body.

The gel is used 2-3 times a day. A small amount of the drug is rubbed into the affected areas.

Contraindications to the use of the drug are:

  • intolerance to the active components of the drug;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • angina;
  • glaucoma and cataract;
  • acute violation of blood circulation in the vessels of the brain.

The cost of the drug (25%, 30 g) is 170 rubles.

Bom-Bengue ointment

The drug Bom-Bengue for the treatment of arthrosis is produced in Russia. Belongs to a group of drugs with salicylic acid, which have a local irritating effect.

The composition of the tool includes:

  • menthol;
  • methyl salicylate;
  • paraffin and vaseline as auxiliary components.

This is a combination drug that has a pronounced analgesic, anti-inflammatory and local anesthetic effect. The effect is achieved by inhibiting inflammatory mediators and irritation of nerve endings.

Use this medication should be up to 3 times a day. At one time, you need to use about 2-4 g of ointment. The agent should be rubbed into areas in which pain is localized. Do not use Bom Bengue for more than 10 days in a row.

Contraindications to the use of this ointment are:

  • hypersensitivity to the components that make up the drug;
  • violations of the integrity of the skin;
  • age up to 6 years.

The cost of the ointment (25 g) is about 35 rubles.

Chondroxide ointment

Chondroxide local agent is produced in Russia. Ointment belongs to the group of chondroprotectors.

The main active ingredient of the drug is chondroitin sulfate. Dimethyl sulfoxide, isopropyl alcohol, propylene glycol, carbomer are used as excipients.

Chondroxide has the following properties:

  • inhibits the destruction of cartilage tissue;
  • inhibits enzymes that contribute to the breakdown of cartilage tissue;
  • contributes to the restoration of the articular bag and cartilaginous surfaces of the joints;
  • contributes to the restoration of the matrix of cartilage tissue;
  • reduces the severity of pain syndrome;
  • slows down the progression of arthrosis, osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis;
  • increases the range of motion of the injured joint.

The drug Chondroitin is applied to the affected areas with a thin layer 2-3 times a day. The product should be lightly rubbed for 2-3 minutes until it is completely absorbed. The course of treatment is determined on an individual basis - it all depends on the severity of the pathology. It can last from 2 weeks to 3 months.


  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • acute inflammatory processes in the areas of application of the agent.

The cost of Chondroxide in the form of an ointment (5%, 30 g) is 330 rubles.

Bystrumgel, which is often prescribed for arthrosis, is produced in Russia. The drug belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The active substance of the drug is ketoprofen. Additional components of the product: lavender oil, trometamol, ethyl alcohol.

The main effects of the drug Bystrumgel local action include the following:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anti-exudative;
  • analgesic.

The action of Bystrumgel is manifested within 20-30 minutes after the first application.

Apply Quickgel in the following way:

  • For adults and children over the age of 12, apply 3-4 cm of the drug to the inflamed area and gently rub, distributing in such a way that a thin layer is obtained. You can use the drug 2-3 times a day.
  • Children from 6 to 12 years old can use Bystrumgel 1-2 times a day. Single dose - no more than 1-2 cm of the drug.

This medicine should be used no longer than 2 weeks. If there is no effect, contact your doctor.


  • periods of pregnancy and lactation;
  • dermatoses;
  • eczema;
  • hypersensitivity to substances that are part of the drug.

The cost of the ointment (2.5%, 100 g) is about 410 rubles.

Nikoflex ointment

Nikoflex ointment is produced in Hungary. The drug belongs to the group of warming drugs.

The main active ingredient of the drug is capsaicin. Also included are ethyl nicotinate, ethylene glycol salicylate, white petrolatum, ethanol, lavender oil and liquid paraffin.

Nicoflex has the following therapeutic effects:

  • has a resolving effect;
  • increases the lumen of blood vessels, contributing to increased blood circulation in the affected area;
  • exhibits anti-inflammatory action;
  • soothes and warms.

Before applying the ointment, clean the skin with warm water and soap, then dry. After that, apply a thin layer of ointment. You can use Nikoflex no more than 1-2 times a day. If only heating of the affected areas is required, then the drug should be used in small quantities.


  • age up to 6 years;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

The price of the drug (50 g) is about 220 rubles.

Indomethacin ointment

Ointment Indomethacin is produced in Moldova. It belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The main active ingredient of this drug is indomethacin (10%). Also, the ointment contains such auxiliary components as white wax, dimexide, cholesterol.

Ointment has the following pharmacological properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • decongestant;
  • local analgesic.

When applying the product, there is a decrease in the severity of the pain syndrome, a decrease in swelling of the joints in the morning after waking up, and a decrease in swelling.

Children over 14 years of age and adults should apply this drug in a thin layer and rub it into the skin over the affected joint. Dosage - 4-5 cm ointment (single). Ointment can be used 2-3 times a day. It is not recommended to apply dressings over a layer of Indomethacin ointment.

Contraindications to the use of the drug are:

  • age up to 14 years;
  • intolerance to the substances that make up its composition;
  • periods of pregnancy and lactation;
  • ulcer of the stomach or duodenum.

The cost of Indomethacin ointment (30 g) is about 60 rubles.

Traumeel S (ointment)

The drug Traumeel S is produced in Germany, belongs to the group of homeopathic remedies.

The ointment is made on the basis of natural ingredients. These are extracts of plants such as:

  • belladonna;
  • daisy;
  • St. John's wort;
  • mountain arnica;
  • chamomile officinalis;
  • aconite.

Auxiliary components in Traumeel are solid and liquid paraffin, alcohol, water.

The ointment has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiexudative effects. Traumeel also accelerates the process of repairing damaged tissues and improves immunity at the local level.

Ointment should be applied to the skin over the affected joints 2-3 times a day. A small amount of the product (about the size of a pea) should be used. In acute traumatic processes, six times the use of the ointment during the day is allowed.

The duration of treatment with Traumeel is from 2 to 4 weeks.

Contraindications include:

  • severe autoimmune diseases;
  • HIV and AIDS;
  • skin tuberculosis;
  • allergic reactions to the components included in the product;
  • collagenoses.

The cost of the drug (50 g) is about 480 rubles.

Viprosal ointment

Ointment Viprosal is produced in Estonia. It belongs to the group of locally irritating drugs with salicylic acid in the composition.

The tool has a combined composition, in the ointment there are several active ingredients: salicylic acid, dry poison of the common viper, racemic camphor, turpentine. Paraffin, petroleum jelly, cetylstearyl alcohol act as additional substances.

The tool has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, healing, local irritating effects.

The average daily dose of the drug for adults is 5-10 g. It is necessary to apply the ointment to the skin once a day, but with severe pain this can be done 2 times a day. It should be rubbed into the skin for 2-3 minutes until completely absorbed. The average course of treatment is 5-10 days.

Contraindications to the use of Viprosal ointment:

  • general depletion of the body;
  • periods of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • angiospasm; hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

The cost of the drug (30 g) is about 250 rubles.

Methods for preparing homemade ointments for arthrosis of the knee joint

Medicinal formulations in the form of an ointment can be prepared independently at home. The most common and effective are the following formulations.

Honey ointment with mummy

For the preparation of such an ointment, it is necessary to use only a natural bee product. In 100 g of honey, add 3 g of mummy, mix. Apply to the area of ​​the affected joint every evening, before going to bed.

There is also a simpler recipe: it is enough to melt honey in a water bath and rub it into sore joints once a day.

mustard ointment

To prepare this medicinal composition, you need to take 100 g of dry mustard powder, 200 g of fine table salt and a small piece of wax that should be melted. Grind all components until a paste-like consistency is obtained. Leave the finished ointment for 12 hours.

Apply to the area of ​​the affected joints before going to bed.

Ointment with comfrey herb

You will need 2 tablespoons of grass and 200 g of solid fat (lard). Mix all the ingredients and melt in a water bath for 10 minutes. After that, cool the composition.

Treat the affected areas with the resulting ointment before going to bed. A tight bandage can be applied on top.

Camphor ointment

You need to take 3 chicken eggs, 100 g of pure alcohol, 50 g of mustard powder and camphor. Eggs need to be beaten with a blender or mixer into foam, combined with the rest of the ingredients.

Apply the resulting ointment at night.

Ointment with bodyaga

To prepare this ointment, 200 g of bodyagi should be diluted in such an amount of water that a mushy state is obtained.

Lubricate sore knees, apply a layer of cling film on top and warm with a thick towel. Leave for 40 minutes.

Ointment with turpentine

Take 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and turpentine, as well as raw egg yolk. Mix the ingredients and apply immediately to the affected area.

You need to do this in the morning and evening, before going to bed. Each time you need to prepare a new composition.

Vaseline ointment with essential oils

This is a very simple recipe: just add 3-5 drops of mint or rosemary oil to a jar of petroleum jelly or baby cream, mix. Apply 1-2 times a day to the affected areas.

Herbal ointment

To prepare the product, you need to take 10 g of hop cones, sweet clover inflorescences, leaves of St. John's wort. Mix all the listed herbal ingredients and add 3 tablespoons of petroleum jelly, mix well again. Leave covered for 3 hours.

Apply to the area of ​​the affected joints 1-2 times a day.

Ointment from rye crackers with curdled milk

This recipe calls for black bread crumbs. A few pieces need to be ground in a coffee grinder or passed through a meat grinder to get a crumb. Pour this mass with yogurt so that the crackers are thoroughly saturated. Add a little boiled water so that the mass acquires a creamy mass, leave for 5-6 hours in a warm place.

You need to apply the ointment on a cotton cloth and wrap it around the diseased knee joint. The ointment should be used throughout the day, the next day it can not be left.

Ointment with nettle and berries

You will need stinging nettle leaves and green juniper berries, as well as sheep's oil. All components must be prepared in equal parts. Crush the leaves together with the berries, combine with softened butter.

Rub daily into sore joints, morning and evening. Store the medicinal composition in the refrigerator, in a dark glass container.

Ointment with baked honey and radish

You need to take 280 g of natural bee honey and melt it in a water bath. Add here 350 ml of juice squeezed from radish, as well as 120 ml of red wine and a tablespoon of ordinary table salt. Mix all the ingredients, cool to a temperature of +10 degrees.

Rub into the affected area before going to bed, wrapping a towel on top. Leave the mixture on for 30 minutes, then rinse. The prepared mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

Ointment with egg and apple cider vinegar

To prepare this composition, you should combine raw egg yolk and apple cider vinegar in equal proportions.

Apply immediately after preparation, before going to bed. Such an ointment is not required for every day: the frequency of applications is three times a week.

The use of ointments is an integral component of the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint. These drugs do not cure the disease completely, but effectively relieve pain and prevent further progression of the inflammatory process.

The whole truth about: ointments for arthrosis of the knee joint and other interesting information about the treatment.

In the modern world, such a disease as arthrosis of the knee joint is not uncommon among the elderly and young people. The disease is accompanied by pain, which significantly affects the health and usefulness of human life. Modern medicine offers many tools that help to successfully deal with this pathology. Everyone can choose the right medicine for themselves, for example, an ointment for arthrosis of the knee joint. However, the choice here is huge, depending on the mode of action of the drug. Find out what's right for you.

What ointments help with arthrosis

Ointments are medicinal substances of a viscous consistency that penetrate the skin layer and gently act on the affected area. But it is a mistake to believe that only one ointment can completely cure one or another ailment. Doctors use an integrated approach in the treatment of arthrosis (or gonarthrosis), sometimes even with surgery and bed rest. But ointments play an important role in this process:

  • relieve pain;
  • warm the area affected by gonarthrosis;
  • remove inflammatory symptoms;
  • maximize blood flow to affected tissues;
  • are antiseptics;
  • improve the access of nutrients to the affected joints with cartilage.

Healing ointments that alleviate suffering in this disease may contain natural ingredients such as snake or bee venom, plant extracts. These include Ungapiven or Apizatron. There are many ointments based on shark oil. They help relieve pain, have a beneficial effect on the elasticity of muscles and ligaments. The negative point of such soft dosage forms is the high risk of allergic reactions.

Other ointments for the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint contain other chemical components. These drugs help to significantly alleviate the course of the disease. To distinguish between ointments, depending on the mode of action, they are classified into the following subgroups:

  • Preparations with non-hormonal anti-inflammatory substances (ibuprofen, ketoprofen, diclofenac, etc.). They have an analgesic effect, relieve swelling. This subgroup of ointments includes drugs such as Ketonal, Finalgel, Nise.
  • Ointment from the joints of the legs with a burning effect (capsaicin has such an effect). These include Espol, Finalgon, Kapsikam, Nakorflex, Kapsin.
  • With salicylic acid. Ointment with this component relieves inflammation well. Such drugs include Bom-Benge, Efkamon, Viprosal, Ben-Gay, Nizhvisal, etc.
  • With a complex composition of homeopathic substances. For example, Dimexide.

The best ointments, gels and creams for the treatment of knee arthrosis

If you want to get the best effect, it is important not to self-medicate, but to immediately contact the appropriate doctor. You will be given an accurate diagnosis, which will increase the guarantee that you will receive qualified, effective help for knee gonarthrosis. In most cases, doctors approach the treatment in a complex way and prescribe several anti-inflammatory ointments for arthrosis of the knee joint. These drugs are designed to:

  • remove pain;
  • improve the mobility of the affected joint;
  • to nourish the articular cartilage as much as possible in order to accelerate the recovery processes;
  • activate blood flow to the affected tissues and joints;
  • remove pressure from the affected articular areas;
  • increase the elasticity and elasticity of the muscles that are in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe diseased joint.

With a warming effect

Effectively relieve painful warming creams, they create a pleasant feeling of warmth in the area of ​​application. These drugs have a good vasodilating effect. These ointments improve microcirculation in the affected area, normalize the nutrition of cartilage and bone tissues. They are well used in combination with other drugs that enhance their effect. Study the instructions and characteristics of various ointments, creams, gels with a warming effect below.


  • Ingredients: menthol, benzocaine with procaine.
  • Indications: menovazine is used as a topical drug for pain relief and elimination of itching symptoms.
  • Application: the ointment is intended for external action, so it should be applied to the affected area. Rub the area well until a cooling sensation appears. For the treatment to be effective, it is recommended to use the remedy at least two to three times a day.
  • Cost: from 12 rubles.


  • Ingredients: clove oil, paraffin, vaseline.
  • Indications: used as an anesthetic for arthritis, neuralgia, etc.
  • Application: for external use. A small amount of ointment is easily rubbed into the painful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin until completely absorbed. The procedure is repeated two to three times a day.
  • Cost: from 25 rubles.
  • Ingredients: The drug contains capsaicin, which causes a burning sensation.
  • Indications: widely used to eliminate pain during radiculitis, history of joint pathology, sprains and ruptures of muscles, dislocations.
  • Application: applied to the skin in the area where there is pain. A small amount of ointment should be rubbed until a warm sensation appears. Apply two to three times a day. The maximum treatment period is 10 days.
  • Cost: from 137 rubles.


  • Ingredients: capsaicin, salicylic acid, ethyl nicotinate.
  • Indications: used to relieve pain during neuritis, arthrosis, muscle and ligament injuries. It is widely known among athletes as a drug that warms up muscles before and after sports loads.
  • Application: apply a small amount of ointment to the area of ​​pain and rub. After use, it is recommended to wash your hands thoroughly so that the product does not get on the mucous membranes.
  • Cost: from 220 rubles.

Based on bee venom

Ointments containing bee venom produce an irritating effect in the affected area of ​​the joints. They have a good effect on the elasticity of ligaments and muscles. Despite the huge number of positive reviews about such ointments, doctors still use them with caution due to possible severe allergic reactions and inflammation. Before choosing a remedy, make sure that you do not have sensitivity to the components used. Familiarize yourself with the characteristics of ointments, which include bee venom, and their prices.


  • Composition: the main active substances of this drug are bee venom and analgesics (methyl salicylate, allyl isothiocyanate).
  • Indications: well relieves pain during osteoarthritis, rheumatism, neuralgia.
  • Application: Apizatron ointment is applied in small amounts to the area of ​​the affected joints. It needs to be rubbed lightly until warming sensations appear. To check for an allergic reaction, leave a small trace of the drug on the affected area and wait a few minutes. If there is no sensation of itching or other inflammatory reactions, the remedy can be safely used.
  • Cost: from 160 rubles.


  • Composition: the main active substance is bee venom.
  • Indications: effective for arthritis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis and other neuralgic diseases.
  • Application: apply to the skin where there are pain symptoms. Use a small amount of ointment, rub the product into damp skin for about three to five minutes up to three times a day. Treat for no more than 4 weeks.
  • Cost: from 45 rubles.


  • Ingredients: the main active ingredients are bee venom, viper venom, salicylic acid.
  • Indications: used for effective treatment of arthritis, myositis, neuralgia.
  • Application: apply to the place of pain in an amount of up to 10 grams. Rub up to 2 times a day until the pain disappears.
  • Cost: from 183 rubles.

Based on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances

Drugs based on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances are non-hormonal medicinal NSAIDs. They are designed to eliminate pain and remove inflammation in the joints. These drugs do not have a therapeutic effect - they only relieve some of the symptoms of the pathology. They are not recommended for long term use. Here are descriptions of such ointments and their prices:


  • Composition: indomethacin has an active effect in this preparation.
  • Indications: use the remedy during inflammatory processes in arthritis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis, sciatica, etc.
  • Application: Apply a small amount to intact areas of the skin in places of pain. Frequency of use per day - up to three times and no more than two weeks.
  • Cost: from 43 rubles.


  • Composition: contains one active substance - phenylbutazone.
  • Indications: well removes inflammatory processes, anesthetizes, relieves fever. Its action is effective for rheumatism, various arthritis, burns, insect bites.
  • Application: Apply a small amount to the affected area. Repeat up to three times a day for acute symptoms and gradually reduce the dose as the condition improves.
  • Cost: from 75 rubles.
  • Ingredient: ibuprofen
  • Indications: the active substance of this drug well contributes to the removal of inflammation, swelling and anesthetizes. It is used to treat rheumatism, sciatica, arthritis, etc.
  • Application: Apply a small amount of Dolgit on the surface of the skin in the area of ​​pain. Rub until product is completely absorbed. Repeat the procedure up to four times a day for up to three weeks.
  • Cost: from 85 rubles.

Voltaren gel

  • Composition: active substance - diclofenac sodium.
  • Indications: Voltaren-gel effectively relieves pain, has an anti-inflammatory effect, lowers fever. It is widely used in neuralgia, osteoarthritis, rheumatism, migraine.
  • Application: Apply the gel externally to the affected area. Apply up to three times a day, the maximum treatment period is 14 days.
  • Cost: from 116 rubles.
  • Ingredients: Ketoprofen.
  • Indications: used during various diseases of the joints, muscles, skin. Effectively relieves pain in the affected areas.
  • Application: squeeze out a little gel and rub in the area of ​​inflammation. The maximum duration of treatment is up to 14 days.
  • Cost: from 235 rubles.

Many ointments or rubbings are made using various medicinal herbs and components that grow in nature. Such means have long been prepared by our ancestors. In the modern world, effective medicines at home are also possible. Watch an interesting video that details an effective recipe for creating an ointment for arthrosis at home:

Feedback on the results after treatment

Anna, 45 years old: I have been suffering from arthrosis for 5 years now. I used a lot of funds. Recently I have been using Viprosal, it helps especially well after a hard day at work. The legs become much easier, and the joint hurts much less. This is a relatively cheap fast-acting remedy that has a warming and analgesic effect.

Katerina, 55 years old: I know firsthand how important it is to treat arthrosis in a complex way. The doctor prescribed me the painkiller Dolgit. I bought its analogue at the pharmacy - "Advil", which did not help for long, the pain returned. Later it turned out that I had arthrosis of the second degree, and the doctor advised me to undergo treatment with Viskoplus (this is an injection with hyaluronic acid directly into the joint). Since then, I have not complained about pain and arthrosis.

Nadezhda, 39 years old: More recently, I began to suffer from pain in my knee, sometimes it is even impossible to step on my foot. A doctor friend suggested an ointment called Voltaren-gel. I began to apply, and the pain immediately stopped. But I know that you should not rely on this ointment alone, so I'm going to undergo a full examination so as not to start the disease to more serious stages.

Osteoarthritis is one of the most common articular pathologies, most often diagnosed in the knee area. The essence of this disease is reduced to a degenerative-dystrophic process, which results in thinning, disruption of the normal structure and subsequent destruction of cartilage and bone tissues with concomitant involvement of surrounding muscles, tendons, etc. in the process.

Ointments for arthrosis of the knee joint

The treatment of arthrosis involves an integrated approach, including the use of medications, methods of manual and physiotherapy, etc. To improve the effectiveness of treatment and more quickly eliminate local symptoms, the use of topical agents in the form of ointments is indicated. They will be discussed in the course of further narration.

Creams, gels and ointments for external use

Ointments to alleviate the condition of a patient with arthrosis are available at all pharmacies and are relatively inexpensive. Along with this, doctors strongly advise against engaging in uncontrolled self-medication. We fully support them: any information about ointments for arthrosis is provided purely for information. Before buying and starting to use the drug, be sure to consult on this matter with your doctor.

The doctor will write a prescription for a suitable drug

The ointment penetrates under the skin, affects the foci of the pathological process, eliminates or significantly reduces pain, spasms and inflammation.

The ointment penetrates deeply, relieves inflammation and pain.

The advantage of the ointment over injections is the utmost ease of use: to apply the product, you do not need to be a specialist and possess any special skills. Unlike tablets with a similar effect, the ointment is characterized by a much lower tendency to provoke various side effects.

Ointments have few side effects

Along with this, ointments cannot be considered as a replacement for drugs taken orally or by injection - the active active ingredients of agents for external use penetrate the skin in an amount of no more than 10% (on average 3-5%), which is why they are much less effective and help only when combined with other drugs.

Treatment must be comprehensive.

To increase the effectiveness of the use of ointments, a specialist may recommend using them in combination with physiotherapy, for example, phonophoresis - this is a common physiotherapeutic procedure, during which problem areas of the body are exposed to ultrasound, which helps to improve their condition.

Varieties of ointments

Depending on the components underlying the ointments, the latter are classified into several main groups. About them in the table.

Table. Varieties of ointments against arthrosis

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances

These are mainly ibuprofen and diclofenac, the possibility of using ketoprofen is not excluded. On sale, products based on the listed components are most widely distributed under the names Nise, Finalgel, etc.


The component obtained from red pepper helps to warm up the treated areas, reduce the severity of inflammation and the intensity of pain. An example is such ointments as Nikorflex and Finalgon.

Salicylic acid

Ointments based on it show high efficiency in the fight against inflammation. The most popular are Efkamon, Viprosal, etc.


Mostly these are homeopathic remedies that have a powerful complex effect on the disturbing parts of the body. For example, a homeopathic ointment on a complex basis, known under the trade name Dimexide, is very popular.

The most popular and effective ointments against arthrosis

A qualified specialist will recommend a specific tool that is best suited for your particular case. We will give general information and excerpts from the instructions of the most popular ointments.



This ointment is known to almost every person who has had to deal with diseases of the joints. The product is applied to the skin of the affected area in a thin even layer. It is recommended to use 2-3 times a day.

diclofenac gel

The ointment is made on the basis of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory components. It is not recommended to use for longer than 2 weeks in a row - the risk of side effects is high. If you do not feel any improvement within the specified time period, consult your doctor about choosing another adjuvant.

Ortoflex diclofenac ointment

Among the contraindications to the use of Diclofenac, the following points should be noted:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the agent;
  • acute ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • asthma.

Open tube of diclofenac

Regarding the possibility of using the ointment during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, you should individually consult with your doctor.

The composition of the ointment

Important! Diclofenac should not be applied to skin that has any kind of external damage. After using the product, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.


No less popular drug. Most common in cream/gel format. Effectively fights the pain associated with joint diseases.

White ointment

It is applied in a small amount to the skin and rubbed a little. Recommended for use 2 times a day. Wash your hands thoroughly after applying Ortofen.

The scheme of use is the same as in the case of Diclofenac - the drugs are developed on approximately the same basis.

Composition of Ortofen

This tool, as well as in general any drugs for local external use, give the greatest positive effect when used in the initial stages of the pathological process.

Ointment can not be used for compresses

Important! Ortofen must not be used for compresses, i.e. it is impossible to wrap the treated areas with gauze, a towel or any other things.


It perfectly fights pain, but, like other ointments, it does not have any clinically significant effect directly on the causes of arthrosis.

For a suitable dosage, consult a specialist - it is impossible to give universal recommendations in the case of this remedy. Only a doctor can determine how often the ointment should be used and how much to apply.

Transparent ointment on the hand - photo

Important! Ketorol is contraindicated for use by pregnant women and young mothers during breastfeeding.

Also, patients with ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, asthma, and kidney disease should refrain from using this ointment.

Ketorol gel 2% 30g.


The ointment contains non-hormonal components. The tool is characterized by a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. The only subjective drawback is the fact that the first positive results of using Nise are noted on average a month after the start of its use.

Gel Color Nise

The total required duration of treatment, as well as the frequency of use of the ointment, is determined by the doctor. The decision regarding this moment is influenced by many factors, the main of which are the characteristics of the individual reaction of the patient's body to the drug and the intensity of the manifestations of the pathological process.

Annotated gel packaging

It is important to take into account such a moment as individual intolerance to the drug. It can cause various side effects. Mostly this is peeling of the skin and itching, manifestations such as urticaria and even a change in the normal color of the skin are also possible. In such conditions, the decision on the possibility of further use of the ointment is made by the attending physician.

Photo of Nise anti-inflammatory gel

In some situations, the use of Nise leads to a change in blood counts. If this happens, the drug is canceled and another remedy is selected.

About combined ointments

Effective preparations made mainly with the involvement of capsaicin and salicylic acid. A mixture of components allows you to quickly deal with painful manifestations and reduce the severity of inflammatory processes.

For a better effect, in addition to the substances mentioned, other elements are also included in the composition of ointments, for example, bee and snake venom, turpentine, various essential oils, etc.

Cobratoxan (snake venom ointment)

The result of using combined ointments is manifested in the form of the following changes:

  • expansion of blood vessels and normalization of internal circulation processes;
  • a significant reduction in existing puffiness;
  • high-quality useful heating of the affected areas;
  • getting rid of muscle spasms;
  • decrease in the intensity of the severity of inflammatory processes;
  • elimination of painful sensations.

Gel with bee venom

Remember: ointments for arthrosis, as well as any other medications, should be used with caution, according to the results of a medical appointment and under the supervision of a treating specialist. Be sure to consult your doctor before using any medication. He will assess your general condition and select the most effective and safe ointment, minimizing the risks of unwanted side effects.

Be healthy!

Video - Ointments for arthrosis of the knee joint

Ointments and gels are the first remedy that patients take when pain in the joints occurs. Unlike tablets, local preparations act quickly, are well tolerated and have practically no contraindications. To combat knee arthrosis, both ready-made pharmacy forms and home-made products are used. How effective are all these tools, and how should they be used correctly?

Pharmacy preparations

The entire range of pharmaceutical anesthetic ointments can be reduced to 4 classes of drugs:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs),
  • chondroprotectors,
  • homeopathic remedies,
  • warming "rubbing".

Each of these groups has its own specific uses.

  1. External NSAIDs effective in acute attacks of arthrosis. By suppressing the activity of inflammatory enzymes in the joint cavity, they contribute to the rapid elimination of pain, swelling and redness.

Currently, the range of such drugs is very large, largely due to the release of the same active compounds under different trade names. For the treatment of joint diseases, experts recommend the use of drugs based on ketoprofen, diclofenac or ibuprofen. They exhibit the highest analgesic activity, moreover, unlike other NSAIDs (indomethacin, phenylbutazone), they do not cause destruction of cartilage tissues.

The preparations are applied daily 3-4 times a day for 2-3 weeks. Their longer use can lead to the development of systemic negative reactions characteristic of internal nonsteroidal drugs (dizziness, nausea, discomfort in the stomach).

Topical NSAIDs come in three forms: ointments, creams, and gels. Ointments and creams begin to act faster (within a few minutes after application). But the gels are better absorbed and have a stronger and more lasting effect.

A brief overview of modern external agents with NSAIDs:

Trade name Active substance Side effects Contraindications
Ketonal creamFastum gelBystrum gel

Febrofid gel

Flexen gel

Artrosilene gel

Ketoprofen Possible redness of the skin at the site of application. Wounds on the skin at the site of application, eczema, age up to 12 years, individual intolerance.
Ortofen ointmentVoltaren gelDiclofenac (gels, creams and ointments)

Diclac gel

Naklofen (gel and cream)

Diclovit gel

diclofenac Increased skin sensitivity to UV rays, allergic reactions (itching, redness, peeling). Exacerbation of peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract, hematopoietic disorders, age up to 6 years, pregnancy, lactation, skin damage at the site of application.
Dolgit (cream and gel) Nurofen gel Ibuprofen Allergic reactions are possible at the site of application (burning, redness). Aspirin "asthma", childhood. Use with caution during pregnancy, lactation, with diseases of the liver, kidneys, digestive tract.

General rules for the use of drugs with NSAIDs:

  • can not be applied under a bandage,
  • can not be rubbed into damaged areas of the skin,
  • if an allergic reaction occurs, the drug should be washed off and not used in the future.
  1. Chondroprotectors are used both for the treatment and for the prevention of knee arthrosis. Ointments and gels of this group contain natural ingredients (glucosamine and chondroitin), which are involved in the construction of cartilage tissues. Their use helps to reduce pain, restore joint mobility and prevent further deformation.

However, compared with NSAIDs, chondroprotectors have a less pronounced analgesic effect. Therefore, it is desirable to use them in the final stage of exacerbations or during periods of calm of the disease. The course of treatment is from 3 weeks to 2 months. Multiplicity of application - 2-3 times a day.

Of the side effects in rare cases, the development of skin allergic reactions (urticaria, itching, peeling) is noted. Contraindications are:

  • violation of the integrity of the skin in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe diseased joint,
  • individual intolerance.

The most popular local chondroprotectors include the following ointments and gels:

  • Chondroxide,
  • Chondroitin-Akos,
  • Kondronova,
  • Artro-Active,
  • Sustavit Forte.
  1. Warming preparations have a local irritant and vasodilating effect. Due to this, there is a decrease in pain sensations, blood flow in the knee joint improves, and recovery processes begin to proceed more actively.

The active components of such funds are:

  • bee venom (Apizartron),
  • snake venom (Nayatox, Viprosal B),
  • capsicum extract - capsaicin (Kapsicam, Espol, Nicoflex, Efkamon),
  • derivatives of nicotinic acid (Finalgon),
  • turpentine, camphor, essential oils (Gevkamen, Ben Gay, camphor and turpentine ointments).

Warming preparations should not be used in acute conditions, otherwise stimulation of blood circulation in the focus of inflammation can lead to increased edema. They should be used no earlier than 3-4 days after the onset of the attack.

For the first time, the drug is applied in a very small amount and the skin reaction is observed. If the remedy is normally tolerated and does not cause allergies, then it can be applied to the entire joint.

The ointment or cream is applied in a very thin layer, then wait 1-2 minutes until a feeling of warmth appears, and only then rub it thoroughly into the joint. If the burning sensation becomes too strong, some of the drug can be removed with a cotton swab soaked in vegetable oil or petroleum jelly.

Warming agents should not be used:

  • with dermatoses,
  • in the presence of wounds, scratches.

The preparations are applied 2-4 times a day. The duration of treatment is 10-14 days.

  1. Action homeopathic ointments(Target T, Traumeel C) is due to the presence of natural components in their composition, which, with prolonged use, have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-edematous effects.

Ointments are rubbed into the knee joint daily up to 3 times a day for 1-2.5 months. It is possible to apply funds under the bandage, as well as their introduction using electrophoresis. The effect of the application develops no earlier than 3-5 days from the beginning of the course. Of the adverse reactions, the development of skin allergies is possible.

home remedies

At home, you can prepare such painkillers ointments:

  1. 2 tbsp. Melt tablespoons of unsalted butter in a water bath. Add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of crushed meadowsweet leaves. Cool down. Store in the refrigerator for up to 7 days. Lubricate the knee joint daily up to 5 times a day. Salicylic acid, which is part of meadowsweet, has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Pour 100 g of alcohol into a cup, add 2 tbsp. spoons of camphor and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of dry mustard. To stir thoroughly. Add 2 beaten egg whites. The resulting liquid ointment is applied to the diseased joint daily at night. In the morning, the dry film should be washed off the skin with a cotton cloth. Camphor and mustard increase blood flow in the joint, reduce pain, and have a positive effect on the regenerative processes in cartilage tissues.
  3. Another recipe for a warming liquid ointment. Mix 1 teaspoon of pharmacy bile, ammonia and formic alcohol. Add 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of glycerin Rub into the joint at night, wrapping a warm scarf on top. Repeat the procedure daily for 2 weeks.

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint can cause a lot of inconvenience to a person. The patient cannot walk properly due to constant pain.

Ointments for arthrosis of the knee joint are an effective way to cope with discomfort and restore leg mobility.

How does the ointment

This is a soft dosage form. It has a sticky texture. Medicinal substances are evenly distributed throughout the entire volume of the drug. They penetrate the skin and gently act on the affected area.

Ointments and gels:

  • reduce pain and inflammation;
  • improve blood supply to the joint;
  • warm;
  • relieve muscle spasms, promote relaxation;
  • dilate blood vessels;
  • improve cartilage nutrition;
  • have antiseptic properties.

However, ointments alone cannot defeat the disease. They are good only as a symptomatic therapy. To cure gonarthrosis, complex therapy is required.

Classification of ointments

For active substance:

  • based on natural ingredients such as snake or bee venom, plant extracts;
  • based on non-steroidal (non-hormonal) anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • with salicylic acid;
  • complex homeopathic;
  • with a burning effect.

By way of influence:

  • anti-inflammatory and analgesic, they include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances: indomethacin, diclofenac, ibuprofen, etc.;
  • warming and vasodilating (stimulate blood flow), they can be based on both plant and chemical components;
  • chondroprotectors, i.e., agents that promote the regeneration of cartilaginous tissues of a damaged joint.

Composition of ointments

The composition of the funds differs depending on what type a particular drug belongs to.

So, in the composition of the first above-mentioned group, the main active ingredient, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent, will necessarily be present. Excipients may also be added.

For example, in the ointment "Indomethacin" the main active ingredient is indomethacin, its content is 10%. Sometimes in the recipe, in addition to it, you can see dimexide. Another manufacturer adds lavender oil.

Be sure to use binder components and substances that improve viscosity, allowing the drug to be better applied. NSAIDs include Dolgit, Indomethacin, Diclofenac, Nise, and others.

Vasodilator ointments contain biologically active substances. They stimulate blood flow in the affected area. Poisons of bees and snakes, extract from hot pepper (capsaicin), camphor, menthol, essential oils (for example, eucalyptus) have this effect. Of course, in the preparation the main active substances are diluted to the required concentration.

This group includes Espol, Voltaren, Kapsikam, Gevkamen, turpentine ointment, etc.

IN the composition of chondroprotectors includes substances that stimulate the regeneration of cartilage. For example, in the ointment "Chondroxide" it is chondroitin and dimethyl sulfoxide. In addition to them, excipients are also added. This group includes drugs such as Artra, Dune, Chondroxide, Teraflex, etc.

Method of application and dosage

The method of application of all gels and ointments is the same: they take a small amount and begin to rub it into the affected area. Movements should be soft, light, careful. You can massage the affected joint a little while applying the remedy.

The dosage is selected individually. If the product is squeezed out of the tube, it is usually limited to 1-2 cm per joint. Sometimes a dosage in grams is used. In this case, it is usually not recommended to use more than 3-4 g at a time. The drug can be applied 2 to 4 times during the day.

Duration of treatment

Much depends on the type of drug. So, NSAIDs are not recommended for longer than 7-10 days. Then you need to either take a remedy with a different active ingredient, or switch to something that works on a different principle.

The same applies to funds based on poisons, especially bee. With prolonged use, it can adversely affect the condition of the ligaments and tendons.

Warming agents are also used for a short time. They are very helpful in relieving acute pain. Prolonged warming up can cause increased inflammation and further progression of the disease.

Chondroprotective ointments, on the contrary, must be used for a long time, up to 3 months, since tissue regeneration takes a long time.

Also, for a long time (usually 2 to 4 weeks), herbal preparations and remedies prepared at home can be used.

In any case, do not self-medicate. It is better to select the drug and the duration of its use on the advice of a doctor.

When to expect the effect of the use of ointments

Much depends on what is meant by the “effect”: relief of pain during an acute attack, removal of inflammation, etc.

So, to relieve acute pain, warming and anti-inflammatory ointments are used. It takes 20 to 60 minutes for noticeable relief to occur. It all depends on the drug and the severity of the disease.

To relieve inflammation, a minimum of 5-7 days is required. In some cases, the drug must be used up to 2 weeks.

In order for chondroprotectors to be able to show their effect, it takes several months, because tissue regeneration is very slow.

Benefits of using ointments

The use of ointments for the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint is fully justified. It has several advantages over other methods:

  • gentle effect on the body;
  • topical application, i.e. exposure only to a specific affected area;
  • ease of use;
  • most soft drugs are sold without a prescription and are easy to obtain;
  • a small number of side effects and contraindications;
  • no destructive and irritating effect on the stomach and the entire digestive tract;
  • affordable price;
  • 1 tube is enough for a long time;
  • gentle effect on the affected area.


Ointments have some contraindications for use:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • renal or hepatic insufficiency (a certain percentage of the drug is absorbed into the blood);
  • skin diseases in the affected area;
  • the presence of abrasions and cuts at the place where the gel will be applied;
  • tissue necrosis.

Side effects

Side effects of ointments are few and rare. The bulk is made up of a variety of allergic reactions: skin rashes, urticaria, skin redness, swelling, etc.

Less common reaction from the digestive system: indigestion, dyspepsia. Reactions from the autonomic nervous system are also possible: dizziness or headaches.

When is it better not to use ointments without consulting a doctor?

Any gels and other external preparations should not be used without first consulting a doctor, as there is a risk of choosing the wrong remedy, which at best will be ineffective, and at worst will cause various side effects.

Particular attention should be paid to the selection of drugs during pregnancy. Many anti-inflammatory drugs are contraindicated for expectant mothers, because even when used externally, they can affect the health of the baby.

It is also difficult to choose the right remedy for allergy sufferers.. You need to know exactly which chemicals or plant components can cause a negative reaction.

How to choose an ointment for gonarthrosis correctly? First, in any case, you need to consult a doctor, if necessary, take tests.

The most effective ointments

The list of remedies for knees is quite long. Many drugs are interchangeable, have the same active ingredients, have a similar effect. List of the most effective drugs for arthrosis:

  • Diclofenac;
  • Ortofen;
  • Vishnevsky ointment;
  • heparin ointment;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Ketorol;
  • Nise;
  • Traumeel ointment;
  • Fastum-gel;
  • Voltaren;
  • Gevkamen;

How to store ointments

Different products require different storage conditions. Most over-the-counter medications, especially NSAIDs, can be stored simply in a room or a cool place rather than refrigeration.

Products made on the basis of natural ingredients require a certain temperature regime. Usually it is not higher than 15-20 degrees. Therefore, it is advisable to put them in the refrigerator.

Homemade ointments also deteriorate faster in heat. Therefore, it is better to store them in the refrigerator.

All products do not like direct sunlight. Therefore, it is advisable to keep the ointments in a dark cabinet, in a jar of tinted glass (if it is a home remedy).

Pharmaceutical preparations should be stored so that the expiration date is always visible. Expired medicines should not be used.

Which is better: drugstore or homemade?

The question often arises, which ointments are better: home-made or pharmacy? It is definitely difficult to answer it, but you can compare the drugs with each other:

  • Pharmacy products are sold ready-made, no need to spend resources on their creation. It will take time to prepare a home remedy. Some still need to "mature" and infuse for several days.
  • But having prepared the ointment on his own, a person can be sure that he is using a real, genuine product.
  • The effectiveness of many pharmaceutical products has been proven by clinical trials, which cannot be said about "grandmother's" recipes.
  • Drugs cost differently. However, home remedies are often cheaper.
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