Foil strips treatment. Food foil - a universal remedy for diseases

We are glad to welcome you, dear friends! Treatment of joints with foil may seem like a myth to you. But do not be disappointed, it justifies itself very well, even doctors confirm this.

This method of treatment has proven itself well, it can help not only with joint pain, it is used for headaches and heart pains, for fatigue and pain in the back, for tonsillitis, bronchitis, varicose veins and so on. I am glad that this remedy is generally available, inexpensive and has almost no contraindications.

For procedures, aluminum sheets are most often used (they are more common at home), but sheets with gold or bronze plating may also come in handy. Pieces of foil are applied with a shiny side to sore spots, using the most suitable method. Read about the methods below.

The healing properties of the shiny material are due to the impact on the human energy field. It has long been proven that if a person is sick, often nervous and in a state of stress, the energy field begins to collapse, up to complete disappearance.

The foil reflects this energy, it is able to preserve it and even enhance it several times. The shiny surface directs biocurrents back to where they came from. So it is possible to normalize their pulsation in our body. Also, compresses and foil bridges enhance positive energy, which, of course, has a flattering effect on the state of our body.

Experts advise using foil in combination with traditional methods of treatment. It is used in courses and at a time. She has a huge advantage, she is able to relieve pain almost immediately, so she is simply necessary for the treatment of joints.

Foil for the treatment of joints

There are several ways to use foil to treat joints. You can easily use all of them at home. For some methods, the rolls that we use in the kitchen for baking are suitable. And for some, the foil left over from chocolates.

We present you the most popular methods:

  • The use of bridges, they are often called "silver bridges". Their essence is that an impromptu shiny bridge transmits energy and impulses from a diseased area (organ) to a healthy one, and gradually pain and inflammation subside.
  • Silver compresses and applications, in which case the foil is used to enhance the effect of other drugs.
  • Wrapping joints. Here a silver shiny cloth is wound around a sore joint, like a bandage.
  • Whole body wrap.

Foil is often fixed with the shiny side to the body, but sometimes matte is also used. They fix it with adhesive tape or cotton cloth, bandages, and sometimes they fix it on an adhesive plaster. Most often, one layer is enough, but, for example, to wrap the whole body, you need several layers, which will alternate with paper and fabric layers.

I would like to focus on the "silver bridges" method. Below you will find the algorithm of actions for the procedure:

  • Cut off the patch (preferably wide). Its length will be slightly longer than the area that hurts. Remember that it will be pasted vertically.
  • Attach a piece of foil to the adhesive plaster with a matte side, it should not go beyond the adhesive. The strip can be one or more up to one centimeter wide.
  • Place the prepared “sticker” vertically on the skin.
  • Wear 3 days, if necessary, replace the bridge.
  • If the bridge does not work, hold it for a few more days.
  • After completing the procedure, spread the skin with a soothing herbal decoction or natural vegetable oil.

Treatment of the knee joint

Most often, people have problems with the knee joints. And this is not surprising, because they are simply a global burden, especially if a person is overweight. Foil pads will help relieve pain, and their regular use, especially in combination with traditional treatment, will help to subside inflammatory processes in the joint.

The procedure is simple! You need to attach a sheet of foil and attach it with a bandage, both regular and elastic will do. For convenience, you can prepare the silver sheets ahead of time.

This bandage should be left for 10 hours. The foil breaks quickly, so the best time for the procedure is at night. The complex lasts about 10 days. This method is also suitable for the elbow joints.

Treatment of the hip joint

There is also a lot of stress on the hip joint. For the treatment of hip joints, various compresses and applications are most often used, first an ointment or other compounds are used, and only then a foil is applied, fixing it with a plaster.

Paraffin applications are very popular, it should be heated to a viscous state. This mass is applied to the sore spot and covered with foil. It can be covered with a small piece of cloth or immediately wrapped with cling film. The compress is kept until it cools down. The procedure should be repeated every other day, in a course, only 10 times.

Hand joint treatment

People who perform painstaking and monotonous work with their hands often experience pain in the phalanges of the fingers. And in this situation, foil will help us. For the treatment of fingers, it is permissible to use "silver bridges" or wraps.

Wrap sore fingers with the matte side of the sheet, leaving it for an hour. Next, let the fingers rest for 2 hours and repeat the procedure. In total there should be 3 repetitions per day. The complex lasts a week.

Video - aluminum foil pain treatment


The use of foil in the treatment of joints is widely used and currently has no contraindications. However, where an increase in body temperature is required, there are restrictions. For example, wraps that create the effect of a sauna. Contraindicated in:

  1. high blood pressure;
  2. pregnancy and during breastfeeding;
  3. disorders and diseases of the skin;
  4. diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Be careful and do not violate contraindications. In any case, before using the foil in the treatment of joints, consult your doctor about the methods.

Add foil joint treatments to your piggy bank. This is an inexpensive and effective tool that is popular in famous Russian and foreign clinics. Let the joints be healthy!

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foil treatment

A very interesting method of treatment with foil, which is practiced by Chinese healers.

Its essence is that foil is applied to biologically active points.

In this case, the radiation emitted by the body will return back to the meridian and have a very beneficial effect on the organ with which this meridian is associated.

foil treatment was successfully applied and described in his works by Wilhelm Reich, a psychotherapist, a student of Freud.

We take ordinary aluminum food foil (although the literature describes methods for using copper foil and other types), it was previously recommended to take foil from chocolate or from tea.

Effective foil treatment with a cold.

To do this, you need to wrap the feet with several 3 to 7 layers of foil, and paper or cotton fabric should be laid between each adjacent layer.

You can keep the foil on your feet at one time for an average of 40 minutes, but no more than 2 hours. The procedure can be repeated in two hours.

During the day, you can do 2-3 procedures. The duration of treatment is up to 1 week.

Foil treatment is also used for other diseases: sciatica, cervical osteochondrosis, myositis, spurs. In this case, the foil is applied to the sore spot and fixed.

There are good treatment outcomes. gout using foil. The thumb should be wrapped in foil and secured with a bandage.

I met prescriptions for treatment ankylosing spondylitis with copper foil.

Be healthy!

What we just do not treat now - and various herbs, and metals, and clay, and even hot bricks. And not because it's cheap, but because it's "cheap and cheerful." That is, it helps a lot. Foil treatment can also be attributed to similar methods of alternative medicine.
How, in fact, is it supposed to be treated with foil? Yes, there is nothing complicated here in general. Usually it is superimposed on a sore spot. It is better to start a session with a short time: up to 5 minutes. And gradually increase to about half an hour.
There are times when you need to harmonize, remove the “grabbed” for the day. Then you can use as much as a whole "blanket" of foil. For 10-20 minutes, a person rests no worse than during a relaxation session, and even cleans up at the same time. In general, foil is used to treat many conditions. It has a powerful anti-inflammatory and resolving effect. For example, it heals wounds, bruises, boils, gout, dissolves salt deposits in the joints, points that grow on the foot. Some guides advise: to get the effect of treatment, the foil should be put on a sore spot for the night or all day, and with spurs, wrap the heel and fasten it so that it does not fall off. Foil also cures coughs when placed on the chest; relieves toothache if applied to the cheek; pain in the ear if properly tied to the ear. True, it is hardly worth going out into the street with foil on your ear ...

- The foil reflects the thermal energy that accumulates in the tissues over which the foil is attached. That's all the magic.)

- Although, I read that it is possible to block geopathic zones with foil. That is, if you have found a geopathic zone above the bed with a pendulum, then at the level of this place under the mattress you need to put the foil with the reflection down. Allegedly, this action blocks the negative effect of such zones.

- And in Feng Shui, foil is used if the door to the toilet is opposite the front door. Then, on the outside of the toilet door, at eye level, a piece of foil is glued the size of the piece in which chocolate is usually wrapped. Mirrors are not allowed opposite the entrance, but foil is possible - it reflects without repeating images.

The foil has a great heat-reflecting effect, due to which it can be used in the treatment of injuries and diseases of the spine and joints.

What is foil

Foil is a sheet of metal rolled out quite thinly (from thousandths to tenths of a millimeter): tin, aluminum, bronze, copper, silver, gold. It can be safely compared with a paper sheet - it has the same qualities: it is plastic, flexible, able to take on different shapes, due to which it is often used for wrapping.

There are two types of foil: technical and food. They differ from each other in that food foil is made of aluminum alloys. Also, food foil tends to be much thinner and stronger.

Often aluminum is used for the production of technical foil. This is due to the fact that this material has a high resistance to corrosion and a fairly high reflectivity.

Aluminum, even under normal conditions, can form a thin oxide film on its surface, which prevents its destruction and makes it difficult to react with other chemical components. Noble metals are characterized by higher anti-corrosion properties, but, as a rule, are not used in everyday life because of the high price.

The benefits of foil for joints

It is generally accepted that the impact of aluminum begins during contact with biologically active points on the surface of the skin.

Aluminum film:

  • enhances, reflects the overall energy of the human body.
  • renews the human energy field.
  • beneficial effect on cells and their membranes.
  • restores the physiological pulsation of organs.
  • warms the tissue.
  • has a hypoallergenic effect.
  • does not harm the skin.

It's important to know! Foil sheets can be used to eliminate headaches, depression, colds. With a lack of vitality and poor health, you can wrap yourself in foil like a blanket and lie down like this for 10-20 minutes - the accumulation of energy and stress relief is provided.

Medicinal properties of foil

Foil, and specifically aluminum, does a good job of reflecting thermal (infrared) radiation coming from both inside and outside, so that an object wrapped in foil keeps its temperature much longer.

This foil effect has found its application in one of the types of physiotherapeutic intervention - heat treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and other organs of the human body.

Foil is used in two ways: alone or together with warm lotions or applications. Wrapping a warm compress with foil helps to save heat much longer, and a lotion from foil alone, especially when folded in several layers, significantly reduces the process of heat transfer to the affected area of ​​​​the body.

An alternative theory of treatment is also known, which explains the healing effect from a completely different angle: as if metal has the ability to reflect certain biotics that come from the energy meridians, thereby positively affecting the entire body.

But there is no special scientific evidence for this theory: neither the location of these meridians with biotics, nor the healing properties of anything on “energy points” have been proven by modern scientists.

The healing properties of the foil, as well as a large list of other folk remedies, also increase in people susceptible to suggestion of patients due to the well-known placebo effect - blind faith in the positive effect of such therapy, which develops its own protective, regenerative and adaptive mechanisms of the body.

Video. Treatment of painful symptoms with foil

Indications for use

Foil is used in thermotherapy, and heat acts on the human body in this way:

  • reduces the sensation of pain.
  • relieves spasm.
  • blocks the inflammatory process, increasing blood circulation and lymph flow, dilating blood vessels and increasing the rate of metabolic processes in tissues.
  • helps to regenerate damaged tissues.

Accordingly, heat is used in the treatment of certain injuries and diseases of the joints and spine, accompanied by inflammation and pain:

Based on this, heat is used for the therapeutic treatment of diseases and injuries of the joints and spine, which are accompanied by pain and inflammation:

  • gout.
  • heel spurs.
  • other diseases of the joints, which are accompanied by deformation (arthrosis) and inflammation (arthritis).
  • radiculitis and osteochondrosis.
  • dislocations, sprains, bruises.

Treatment with foil in particular and heat in general in a number of situations (for example, with osteochondrosis, arthrosis) does not remove the causes of the disease, but significantly improves the patient's life by eliminating pain.

Foil treatment also has its contraindications:

  • benign and malignant tumors - thermal procedures provoke their activation.
  • purulent and acute inflammation - heat in such situations increases pain and swelling, promotes the growth of suppuration.
  • diabetes mellitus complicated by ischemia or polyneuropathy of the foot (even without noticeable bruises of the skin of the feet).
  • new injury - heat can only be used a day after injury or sprain.
  • bruising of the skin in the area of ​​application of the compress - the possibility of infection.
  • an allergic reaction, which is accompanied by itchy redness with severe pain, blisters, swelling on the skin in the area of ​​contact with the foil.

The presence in the body of metal inserts (implants) or implanted stimulants - the working state of the latter may fail, and the progression of an allergic reaction to the foil will provoke rejection.

It's important to know! Foil wrapping of the torso cannot be carried out with respiratory and cardiovascular insufficiency, and leg wrapping with phlebothrombosis and thrombophlebitis.

How to use foil for treatment

Usage Guide:

  • you need to choose aluminum foil - it does not matter, technical or food - with a large (97-99%) composition of aluminum in the alloy - this will reduce the possibility of negative skin reactions.
  • foil applications should not be left for a long time (no more than 7-8 hours at night and no more than 2 hours in the daytime): the foil does not transmit not only radiation, but also sweat-fat secretions from the inside and oxygen from the outside - together with high temperature, this leads to skin irritation and forms a good breeding ground for pathogenic microbes.
  • between the application and the compress with the preparation and foil, it is imperative to give a layer of cellophane - some components (even saline solutions) cause metal corrosion, which is accompanied by a negative effect on the body.
  • you need to work with foil in special gloves - it is easy to damage the skin on its sharp ends.

Food foil differs on both sides: one surface is shiny, and the other is matte. It does not matter which side to apply it to the sore spot, their physical abilities do not differ.

Miraculous foil strips

Often there are situations when it is impossible to apply small foil plates to the areas where the source of pain is hidden, in such cases it is necessary to fix them somehow. To do this, use the "silver bridge" - these are thinly cut strips of aluminum foil, which are glued to the patch and, according to the recommendations, are applied to the sore spot.

They are easy to prepare at home: cut out long strips with a width not exceeding 1-1.5 cm, and a little longer than the area to be treated. They take a wide plaster, cut off the desired length, stick cut strips of metal paper along it and apply it to the focus of pain.

It's important to know! It is necessary to glue such bridges only in the vertical direction!

Foot and hand treatment

The course of treatment of diseases of the joints and injuries of the limbs requires wrapping with foil. The elbow and knee joint must be wrapped with foil (you can use layering), which is fixed with a knee pad or an elastic bandage.

Sciatica - pain in the legs, which are caused by a bruise of the sciatic nerve (often the result of a disease of the spine), is treated by wrapping the diseased limb with foil - at this moment the foil can not be fixed with additional methods (or the sections at the bottom and top can be glued with adhesive tape), she and so it will be kept.

Leg wraps and joint bandages are best used at moments of rest - all night or before bedtime. During the day, the foil will not hold during activity, especially since there is a risk of injuring the skin.

For the treatment of pain in gout, a foil is usually wound on the diseased joint and big toe, fixed on top with a plaster.

The treatment of pain caused by a heel spur is done with foil insoles or a piece of aluminum sheet attached to the heel with adhesive tape.

The mentioned wraps and dressings can be done up to 3 times a day (50-120 minutes in the morning, afternoon and evening), if there is time to organize a quiet hour, or apply all night. Treatment continues for 1-3 weeks.

It must be said that foil is not a way to cure all diseases, but it removes pain well and relieves the inflammatory process. Many women are not satisfied with the pain in the legs, namely, in the bones themselves.

Try to give your feet some time after a hard day's work: wrap food foil around the damaged areas, put on a thin sock on top, or wrap a sore leg with a bandage. It is better to do this procedure at night.

The duration of the course of treatment is about 10-12 days. Pain in the bones is possible due to the large amount of salt in the human body. You need to change your diet, include only diet food in your diet. Only foil wrapping and diet combined will give a positive result.

Also, it will not be superfluous to wear orthopedic shoes, which will significantly reduce the load on the bones.

Spine treatment

For the treatment of pain in the back, it is necessary to use not wraps, but a belt or pieces of adhesive tape glued together with thin strips of foil.

A patch measuring 10×15 cm with metal strips 81-10 mm wide applied to it through a gap of 15 mm can be used for the course of treatment of any part of the spine. For better fixation, you will need to leave one to two centimeters wide areas empty of foil around the edges.

In case of pain, a belt will cope more effectively with a patch, the front side of which is made of an elastic material with a clasp, and the back is made of a dense, non-stretching material in two layers, on the lower of which foil strips are glued in the same sequence as on the adhesive plaster.

The back should be treated in the same way as the joints of the limbs.

Like any other method, foil treatment will require prior consultation with the treating specialist: since metal contact with the skin and heat treatment is not always useful and desirable.

For example, the use of some products inside may be a contraindication to foil applications.

Alternative methods of treating joints with foil

Many patients believe very much that the foil gives relief from pain in the joints.

Full body wrap. It is used when the bruised area is large - it is allowed to wrap the body in up to seven layers with large sheets, placing sheets of paper between each layer, thus strengthening the entire structure with adhesive tape, plaster and bandage.

Applications in large sheets. It is used in the course of treatment of the spinal column.

Wrapping the inflamed area. A very popular procedure used. Sheets of foil are applied to the sore spot with a shiny surface. Thus, the treatment of the knee joint or other joints of the limbs is carried out. The duration of the process is about 10-40 minutes. There are times when a session can take up to 2 hours.

Silver bridges- the most popular and convenient method of applying aluminum film. Its purpose is that because of the strip of the thinnest aluminum plate, the affected area is connected to a healthy place, information and energy are transferred to it.

To make a bridge, you will need to cut off a strip of adhesive plaster 5-6 cm wide, long in the diseased area, stick metal strips up to 6 mm wide at the same distance from one another.

So that the strips can be glued to the body, 1 cm is indented from the edges of the patch.

The resulting strips must be glued to the body vertically to the spine, along the meridians for 3 days, sometimes the procedure drags on longer.

After reducing or completely blocking the pain, the strips can be peeled off, the skin can be wiped with mineral water or herbal decoction. After some time, the process can be repeated.

It's important to know! The sheet is applied to the human body with a shiny surface.

Hello dear friends! Today I want to talk with you about an amazing therapeutic method that came to us from ancient times - about foil treatment. Did you know that almost any disease can be treated with the simplest food foil, even the one you find as a chocolate or tea wrapper?

I think for some of you such a tool will raise doubts about its effectiveness. And yet the principle of foil treatment is very interesting and somewhat unique. According to scientists, there is an energy field around each of us. This field begins to change, and may even collapse, when we are stressed or even tense about some problem. Foil is able to reflect and amplify energy.

Each human organ emits electromagnetic waves of a certain frequency and has biologically active points on the body. If you apply foil to them, you can get a therapeutic effect on these organs, since the foil will reflect and return the emitted radiation. This technique was described in detail by the psychotherapist Wilhelm Reich.

Adherents of foil treatment believe that the regular use of this remedy helps to completely get rid of the need to treat diseases with drugs and restore one's health, freeing oneself from ailments.

What diseases does foil treat?

Alternative medicine claims that foil treatment is effective for headaches, bruises, wounds, and more serious pathologies:

  • heel spurs and
  • problems with the genitourinary system (including inflammation of the ovaries, bladder),
  • varicose veins and thrombophlebitis,
  • , joints of the arms and legs, fractures, with severe headache and toothache,
  • osteochondrosis,
  • , tumors and scoliosis,
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels,
  • with a cold, sore throat, inflammation of the bronchi and lungs, cough and otitis media,
  • as well as colloidal scars left after the surgery.

Treatment of joints with food foil

Most often, aluminum foil is used in the treatment of problems of the musculoskeletal system. To do this, the required size is cut out of it, glued onto a large adhesive tape, all this is superimposed on the damaged area and fixed with adhesive tape. The foil must be applied to the diseased area with a shiny side.

At first, the material is applied for only a few minutes, gradually the time of the therapeutic effect increases. In most cases, it is not recommended to go outside with foil, it is better to do this procedure at home, in a calm state.

If you are tormented by cervical, sciatica or myositis (inflammation of the skeletal muscles), try applying a large piece of foil folded in several layers to the problem area. The foil will need to be secured with a bandage made of cotton. So it will be necessary to do 10-12 days in a row. Then a break is made for 14 days and the course, if desired and necessary, can be repeated. Each time for the procedure it is desirable to use a new piece of material.

For the treatment of joints and the spine, foil can be used in a different way: small circles are cut out of the foil and glued to problem areas with adhesive tape.

Foil treatment can also be used with the accumulation of uric acid in the body - gout. Those who have this problem know how annoying pain is in the affected joints. So, pieces of foil, fixed with a bandage on the limbs and sore fingers, will help you relieve this pain.

Treating a cold with food foil

Not everyone likes to swallow pills and tablets for colds. That's just for such "unlovers" you can use this amazing tool.

If you have any inflammation in the nasopharynx, use the foil as a foot wrap. The material is rolled up in three to seven layers, each layer of foil alternates with a piece of cotton fabric or plain paper. Do the procedure for 40 minutes. and no more than two or three times a day. There should be at least two hours between treatments. Treatment, if necessary, is carried out for seven days, no more.

From otitis media, you can also be cured by foil, well fixed in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sore ear.

And if you put a piece of aluminum foil on your chest, you can cure a cough.

Treatment of varicose veins with aluminum foil

Cut three or four strips of seven to eight millimeters from the foil and stick them vertically on a wide adhesive tape or patch (five to six centimeters wide). Remember that the foil is applied to problem areas with a shiny side. The patch prepared in this way is applied in a vertical position to the lower leg with varicose veins.

It is best if you wear this healing patch all day long with a compression garment over it.

Chinese healers claim that foil treatment should be carried out for no more than 2 weeks, then it will be necessary to take a break.

Instead of stripes, you can cut out circles from foil and put them on varicose veins.

Treatment of various diseases with food foil

Just as with varicose veins, foil can be used as a "silver bridges"- strips glued to adhesive tape. Such "bridges" can treat diseases of the heart, bladder, liver, and so on. Take a piece of hypoallergenic adhesive plaster measuring 10x15 cm, after one and a half centimeter intervals, stick strips of foil one centimeter in size with the shiny side out. Make sure that the foil strips do not completely seal the adhesive plaster and that there is a little sticky side on all sides for the subsequent gluing of the adhesive plaster to the body (approximately 1-1.5 cm).

At first, the “silver bridge” is glued for no more than 10 minutes. The procedure can be extended daily by 5-10 minutes. For a variety of problems (except for tumor diseases and getting rid of wrinkles), the “bridge” is worn on the body for three days, no more, then it changes to a new one. You can take a shower without removing the plaster from the body. After removing it, wipe the skin with vegetable oil and wash with a decoction of herbs, tea or mineral water.

The course involves the use of such "bridges" for 10-14 days, after which a break is made for 15-20 days and it will be possible to repeat the treatment. "Bridges" on the affected area are glued only vertically!

You can stick these "silver bridges" on any part of your body. They help with bruises, ulcers and wounds, including they can be used for the healing of postoperative sutures.

It is also alleged that foil can treat tumors of the pelvic organs and the thyroid gland, neoplasms in the mammary glands in women, swelling of the arms and legs, heart failure, thrombophlebitis, osteoporosis, pancreatitis, colitis, knee pain, scoliosis, burns, wounds, boils and suppuration , diseases of the liver, adrenal glands and kidneys.

Radiculitis - the "silver bridge" also helps from this disease. Fold the foil in several layers and make a belt out of it, alternating layers of foil and plain paper on the adhesive tape. In this belt it will be necessary to lie for 40 minutes. three times a day. Pain will disappear after a few days from the start of this procedure, the muscles will become more relaxed, and after 10-15 days, attacks of sciatica will completely disappear.

With wrinkles, "bridges" are superimposed on the face at night. And in case of tumors, the “bridge” is impregnated with ingitril with silver and glued to the localization site for no more than one day, after which it will need to be changed.

In addition to the "silver bridges" for treatment, they also use foil blankets. You can wrap yourself in such a blanket with your head for 15-30 minutes. Helps with stress, infectious disease, heart attacks. According to reviews, after only 10 minutes. after such wrapping with a “blanket” of foil, a feeling of cheerfulness appears, a person feels rested and healthier. Some do not make any special products, but simply take a large piece of foil and cover it for 10-15 minutes. They say it relieves fatigue.

You can even do rugs from 5-7 layers of foil, shifting each layer with an additional sheet of paper. It will be convenient to put your feet on such rugs and get a healing and relaxing effect through your feet.

Cosmetology has also recently begun to actively use foil as an effective tool for smoothing wrinkles, eliminating skin problems (scars, bumps) and losing weight.

With scars, the “silver bridge” is made of such a length that it will completely cover the seam. The adhesive side should not be glued to the seam, but next to clean skin, while the foil is applied to the seam itself. If the seams and scars are large, stick two more in parallel on both sides of the main "bridge". All three strips should be pasted at a distance of one centimeter from each other.

In this video you will be able to see how to properly use foil to treat various problems:

aluminum foil and weight loss

Those who have used foil know that its effect is similar to that of a sauna. This material has heat and moisture insulating properties, which means that its use will help remove excess fluid and toxins from the body, as well as expand pores and improve the absorption of anti-cellulite products, as well as various masks and creams.

Initially, foil for cosmetic purposes was used to combat cellulite. However, as it turned out, this material can reduce volumes by several millimeters in one procedure, which means that foil wraps can also be used for weight loss.

If you go to a spa for this procedure, you will pay a lot of money there. Nothing prevents you from doing foil wrapping at home and save a lot on it. That's just for carrying out such wraps, you must be prepared for a large consumption of material. It will also be necessary to prepare the skin by cleaning it with a gel or scrub. However, it is important to take into account contraindications, since often the desire to lose weight at all costs turns into serious health problems.

Contraindications for foil wrap

You should not wrap your body in aluminum food foil if you have such problems:

  • skin diseases,
  • elevated body temperature,
  • kidney and heart failure,
  • varicose veins,
  • tumors,
  • gynecological diseases,
  • as well as during pregnancy.

These contraindications relate to foil wrapping, all other methods have practically no contraindications, except that there may be an individual intolerance to aluminum.

As you can see, foil treatment can be used for almost any health problem. If you have experience using this unique tool, please share it with us in the comments. After all, your personal experience is more useful than all the declared medicinal properties of aluminum foil.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

The use of food foil to eliminate joint lesions is an alternative treatment method that is gaining more and more popularity today. Despite the fact that this method of therapy belongs to alternative medicine, many doctors also confirm that it is effective and, with regular use, really helps to improve the condition of cartilage tissue. Most patients who have tried the technique speak of the treatment of joints with foil only in a positive way.

Numerous clinical studies have confirmed that the use of foil to combat various pathologies is indeed very effective. Representatives of alternative medicine claim that the positive effect of this product on the body is due to the fact that it protects the human energy shell and strengthens it several times, which favorably affects not only the psychological, but also the physical condition of the person.

During foil wrapping, for pain in the joints, biocurrents return to the areas from which they left. This effect has a positive effect on cells and membranes. Healers also claim that screening of biocurrents helps to regulate pulsations in internal organs and systems.

Foil treatment of knee joints and other joints is recommended only as an adjunct therapy. In order to achieve the effect and prevent the progression of the lesion, the patient in any case must take the medication prescribed by the doctor and, if necessary, attend physiotherapy.

Almost all patients who have used this method of treatment claim that it really helps to reduce pain and eliminates all types of pain (not only articular, but also headache). Foil can be used to treat the following types of pain syndromes:

  • the occurrence of pain in the internal organs;
  • soft tissue damage;
  • damage to the musculoskeletal system;

Representatives of alternative medicine also claim that the foil helps to speed up the healing process of the skin in case of various injuries or after surgery.

Doctors believe that foil treatment of the hip joint and other joints is extremely effective due to such effects:

  1. The product helps to remove salt deposits.
  2. Foil minimizes pain.
  3. Elimination of puffiness.
  4. Breakdown of excess urea and salts.

Reference! Thanks to such a complex effect, such therapy is used to eliminate a variety of pathologies; the treatment of gout and arthrosis with foil has proven itself very well.

How to use foil for joint treatment

There are many ways to treat joints with food foil, and most of them can be done at home. If you use this technique regularly, the pain will decrease after 7-10 days.

The following methods have the greatest number of positive reviews:

  • the use of silver compresses;
  • applications in circular sheets (often prescribed to restore the spinal column);
  • application of bridges;
  • wrapping the affected areas.

Regardless of the chosen treatment tactics, it is recommended to wrap the foil in several layers (at least 2-3) and apply it to the body with a shiny side, and then fix it with a patch or adhesive tape.

To achieve the maximum effect from above, such a “compress” is recommended to be wrapped with a cotton cloth.

How much to apply aluminum foil in the treatment of joints depends on the affected area. If the patient needs to cure the knee joint, the foil should be left to act for 30 minutes, but if it is necessary to restore the hip joint, the compress should be left to act for up to 2 hours.

Silver bridge

This method of treatment is considered the most popular, most patients prefer it. The essence of the technique lies in the fact that when a healthy part of the body is attached to the affected “bridge”, energy is transferred, due to which, after a few days, the affected area stops hurting and causing discomfort to the patient.

Action algorithm:

  • it is necessary to cut off a wide strip of adhesive tape (the width should not be less than 6 cm). In this case, it must be borne in mind that the strip should completely cover the affected area;
  • sheets of foil should be glued onto the patch (matte side to the sticky layer), the distance between the strips should be equal to their width.

After that, the "bridge" needs to be glued to the affected area ( it is very important that it is vertical to the spine) and leave it to act for 3 days. If the patch starts to come off, it needs to be replaced with a new one. When the treatment is completed, the patch is peeled off, and the epidermis underneath is wiped with herbal decoction (alternatively, olive oil can be used).

Treatment of finger joints

More than 60% of the population suffers from recurrent pain in the fingers caused by monotonous work. In this case, food foil can also help.

All that needs to be done is to take a sheet of foil, cut off pieces of the required length and wrap them around each finger (matte side to the sore limbs).

The sheets must be left to act for 60-90 minutes, after which they can be removed. After 2 hours, the procedure must be repeated again.

To achieve the best effect, the procedure is recommended to be carried out 3 times a day, this will help to fully normalize the energy flow.


It is necessary to use foil, like any other folk remedies, with caution, since illiterate use can also provoke side effects. The main contraindications to the use of foil:

  • high blood pressure;
  • bearing a child;
  • lactation period;
  • severe forms of damage to the cardiovascular system;

Patient opinions

Below are testimonials from patients who have used foil for the treatment and restoration of joints.

Victoria, 38 years old: “I have been suffering from knee problems since I was 34, my joints are constantly sore, regardless of physical exertion. I found information about the beneficial properties of the foil quite by accident, and decided to try it, despite the fact that I was sure that the method was useless.

I wrapped my knee in foil every evening and left it to work for about 2 hours. About a week later, I noticed that the pain really became less pronounced, and I can afford longer walks.

Anton, 32 years old: “I am a programmer by profession, so I know perfectly well what pain is in my fingers. A few months ago, my grandmother suggested that I try using foil for pain relief.

Since then, I have been doing this treatment almost daily, because the foil really helps. Now I advise all colleagues to use this technique, since foil is really the best tool that I have used.


Despite the fact that many patients are skeptical about this treatment method, numerous positive patient reviews confirm that the therapy is indeed effective and helps to alleviate the condition with destructive changes and inflammatory processes in the cartilage tissue. But you need to understand that the method is auxiliary and it is not recommended to ignore drug treatment in any case.

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