Mercur homeopathy. Mercurius solubilis (Mercurius solubilis) - Hahnemann's soluble mercury, black oxide

is a precipitate from nitric acid, a - trituration of pure mercury.

Because in normal conditions mercury is not included human body, there is no metabolism of mercury that can be compared with that of calcium, phosphorus, potassium, or sodium. However, mercury has the ability to combine with most metals and non-metals, especially sulfur, and with body ions and disturb the dynamic balance of metabolism.

Mercurius reproduces syphilitic symptoms so faithfully that the effect of the drug is often confused with syphilis. And if syphilitic Mercurius enters into conjunction with the psoric , the result is tuberculous diathesis.

When Mercurius enters into combination with potassium, sodium or chlorine, it causes a pronounced violation of water-salt metabolism. In cases of mercury poisoning, the kidneys are most severely affected, since they regulate the water-salt metabolism. We can observe a similar condition in cases of nephritis, when urine does not pass, or under the influence of mercury diuretics.

Mercurius solubilis is a syphilitic, scrofulous and lymphatic remedy. For patients Mercurius characteristic: pale, earthy and swollen face; red eyelids; chapped, dry lips; sluggish, cold, moist and clammy skin; offensive, oily sweat and bad breath. An extremely unpleasant odor emanates from the body.

Common symptoms are:

Great sensitivity to both low and high temperatures, as if the body itself were a thermometer.

Worsening of all symptoms at night, as in syphilis.

Profuse sweat, which brings no relief and generally aggravates the symptoms.

A fetid, mercurial odor from the breath, sweat, stool, and pus.

Trembling fingers, like in Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis and progressive paralysis.

As for the psyche, for patients Mercurius characterized by dementia, they are extremely restless, speak quickly, but are too timid and embarrassed to answer questions. As with syphilis , Mercurius can affect the cerebral cortex and act on the intellect, leading to dullness, slowness and regression of the personality to a state of underdevelopment. These people feel insecure and out of control, and develop shyness, anxiety, and apprehension. At the sight of a sharp object, there is an irresistible desire to kill or commit suicide. Patients Mercurius they are suppressed by their impulses, they want to hide from themselves, it seems to them that they have already committed a crime and are guilty. Not realizing that the cause of anxiety and fear is in themselves, they look at others as their enemies. They are afraid to be alone, it seems to them that they are going crazy. They are overcome by a crazy desire to kill a person who contradicts them and a desire to hide themselves even from time, which, as it seems to them, flows too slowly.

Anxiety, fear and general restlessness increase at night, starting at 8 pm and gradually increasing until the next morning.

Similar mental symptoms are seen in , And . How aurum, which is an antidote Mercurius, they reproach themselves and feel guilty. But while Aurum thinks of suicide as an opportunity to redeem himself , Mercurius afraid of suicide and thinks only about how to slip away. The defining symptom Mercurius is the desire to kill anyone who contradicts him, as well as the person he loves the most.

Arsenicum so anxious and restless that he jumps out of bed after midnight, wishing to die. His impulses to commit murder are checked by a disturbed conscience, which reacts as if the crime had actually been committed. It is characterized by great restlessness with physical prostration.

Hepar sulphuris- an aggressive remedy, at the slightest irritation these patients fall into a violent rage with an impulse to commit murder. Hepar children sulphuris never laugh or play, their destructive personality is repulsive to others. Adults are vicious, potential criminals who do not recognize moral standards and are the opposite aurum, prone to constant self-criticism and oppression of consciousness.

For Iodum characterized by severe febrile restlessness and anxiety, which decrease only during meals. When forced to remain still, he has manic impulses to kill, break things, or do other wild things.

Nux vomica is a typical workaholic bad habits in a stressful situation. Mental and physical exhaustion can drive him to murder, suicide, or both.

Platinum expresses his irritation with insulting verbal attacks, alternating with bitter weeping and convulsive laughter; he takes pleasure in his own cruelty, sarcasm and destructiveness. He is cold, arrogant and sure of the legitimacy of his dismissive judgments; everyone around him seems small, both physically and mentally. When Platinum left alone with his conscience, he develops a deep depression, reaching suicide, although the fear of death does not allow him to commit suicide . Platinum arrogant always, even when experiencing the strongest despair.

Women Platinum subject to tantrums with tears and convulsive sarcastic laughter, physical symptoms alternating with mental ones. They are cold, arrogant, insult others and, despite their increased sexual excitability and erotic dreams, reject their husbands, Psychic triad Platinum is cruelty, pride and sensuality.

For , Nux vomica And Mercurius characterized by a constant rush, time moves too slowly for them . , And excited, but they do not have an internal sense of the slow passage of time. On the other hand, there are , And , for whom time passes too slowly, but they are not excited. At cannabis indica the sense of space and time is generally changed: a few meters seem to him a huge distance, and a few minutes stretch like hours, in contrast , for which time flies quickly.

Mercurius suffers from severe headaches at night, with a feeling of constriction in the forehead, as if it were tied with a tight bandage, with deep, tearing, sharp and burning pain. While the headaches Syphilinum are linear, headaches Mercurius- compressive. In the morning, the patient feels dizzy, confused thoughts and heaviness in the head. Sensation of fullness and congestion in the head, as if it would explode, worse from both heat and cold.

Patients Mercurius may suffer from syphilitic, rheumatic or catarrhal pains in the head; the pains are aggravated by the suppression of secretions, such as sweat on the legs, colds, coryza, discharge from the ears and vagina; when discharged, well-being improves.

Skull, painful on palpation, sensitive exostoses. The patient feels as if the skin of the skull has contracted and pulled taut. There is a lot of hair falling out at the temples.

Like children , and Sulphur, in children Mercurius there are large hydrocephalic heads, Olympian foreheads, wide fontanelles, open seams, and cold, profuse, oily sweat during sleep, from which the pillow becomes damp in the morning. They may also have rickets, eczema, and impetigo with dry, offensive, yellow crusts.

Inflammation of the mucous membranes in the area of ​​the natural orifices, with copious flow of irritating and offensive greenish-yellow purulent discharges and ulcers.

Patients Mercurius chronic syphilitic conjunctivitis is often observed. Profuse lachrymation causing excoriations. Acrid pus flows from the eyes, accompanied by sharp pains in the orbits and temples, and severe photophobia. Retinitis, choroiditis, iritis, pustular and parenchymal keratitis, pustular conjunctivitis, and erysipelas of the eyelids are also characteristic of this remedy. All symptoms are worse at night and from heat.

Like Apis, Patients Mercurius suffer from chronic suppurative otitis, with thick, offensive discharges and dagger-like, stabbing pains in the ears, which are worse at night. IN ear canal polyps and boils develop.

Like u Arsenic album And Iodine, at Mercurius there is an acute coryza with fever, violent sneezing, and profuse, corrosive, offensive discharge. The nose itches, crusts form in it; nosebleeds in rhinitis and influenza. Congestion of blood, especially in the mucous membrane of the upper part of the nose, including the nasopharyngeal sinuses. Muscular fatigue, sour, profuse sweat at night, which brings no relief. Intolerance to heat and cold.

For Mercurius also chronic rhinitis with fetid breath, greenish-yellow discharge causing ulcers and abrasions, and inflammation of the nasal bones, which Syphilinum corrodes and destroys. Frequent nosebleeds.

This remedy has a deep healing effect on both ends of the digestive tract, that is, on the mouth with pharynx, rectum and anus. Stomatitis with putrid breath is typical of Mercurius, syphilitic and tuberculous miasms.

Tongue swollen, flaccid, yellow, with impressions from teeth; he trembles violently, making speech difficult. At night, plentiful, thick, foamy saliva with a fetid odor and a metallic taste in the mouth. Despite abundant salivation, a violation of water-electrolyte metabolism causes severe thirst.

Gum disease: gums are spongy, loose from teeth, bleed easily; small aphthae and a reddish-violet border around the teeth. Cavities easily form in the teeth, the teeth become dirty gray or even black and stagger in their sockets.

In the acute period, the mucous membranes of the throat and upper respiratory tract become dark red, and, despite abundant salivation, dryness and burning are felt in them. Swallowing is painful, the pain radiates to the ears.

Ulcers and candidal stomatitis with gray films. Enlarged tonsils may suppurate or become covered with a membranous coating. The uvula and fauces are swollen. Profuse discharge of fetid saliva, dryness, thirst, fever, and pains, on swallowing, radiating to the ears. In cases of diphtheria is significantly better than , while in dysentery it is better to use Mercurius solubilis. Foamy, offensive, bloody, irritating stools. As for And , For Mercurius frequent, ineffectual urges caused by spasms of the colon, which can lead to prolapse, are characteristic. Sensation in the rectum that the stool has not passed completely.

It is characterized by both polyuria and dysuria. Characterized by tenesmus with the release of a small amount of urine, sudden frequent urge and incontinence. Urination is accompanied by burning, urine contains a large amount of sediment, it may be dark, brownish red, milky white, containing protein or blood. Jade with albuminuria or uremia with anuria may develop.

The male genital organs have abnormal sensitivity, which is accompanied by frequent erections and ejaculation, and the ejaculate may contain blood. Masturbation in boys who pull on the foreskin all night long.

The medicine may also be useful in case of a cold and flaccid penis. The foreskin is inflamed, ulcers and fetid pus appear on it. Inflammation of the testicles, with a sensation of heaviness.

Profuse perspiration in the genital region, with excoriations in the inguinal folds and in the scrotum. Women are characterized by uterine bleeding with large bloody clots and severe spasms. Scanty menses for several months. Hot flushes before and during menstruation, with great dry heat and congestion of blood in the pelvis.

Profuse, sour, corrosive, greenish leucorrhoea, causing excoriations and severe itching in the genital area. When combing, the itching turns into a burning sensation; better by washing with cold water.

Sterility and heavy menstruation, or, conversely, women become pregnant easily.

Painful nodules and adenomas in the mammary glands during menstruation. Secretion of milk instead of menses. Milk secretion in little girls. Excoriation of the nipples after childbirth; the baby refuses to breastfeed. Rheumatic, tearing, excruciating pains in back and legs, worse at night from warmth of bed and perspiration. Trembling of the limbs, especially of the hands. Trembling paralysis, as in Parkinson's disease. Multiple sclerosis, progressive paralysis. Essential tremor.

Paralytic weakness of the lower limbs, with sensation of heat inside the limb, although the skin feels cold. Cramps and cramps in calves and toes.

The skin is pale and yellowish, covered at night with profuse, sticky, offensive sweat, which stains the linen, but does not improve the patient's condition.

As with syphilis, there are patches of copper color on the skin, which turn red in the cold.

Pustular eruption, with nocturnal itching and flea-bite aggravated by warmth of bed.

Irregular ulcers where the skin is directly over the bones, as in the head of the tibia. Irregular ulcers, indistinct borders, and purulent, offensive, corrosive discharge. In the acute stage for Mercurius characterized by alternating fever and chills. The first chill is more common at night, followed by heat and sweat, which brings no relief to the patient.

Mental symptoms

Dementia, mental decline, poor memory. Idiocy, the patient smiles stupidly. Constantly crying for no apparent reason. The strongest sadness. Does not understand the speech addressed to him; speaks indistinctly. Distracted, easily distracted. Confused, perplexed, upset, confused.

Stupidity and stupefaction, with great drowsiness.

Naughty, destructive, stubborn, spiteful, talkative, interferes in everything.

Delirium with mumbling, delirium tremens.

Desire to kill or commit suicide; aggravated during menstruation.

Desire to commit suicide at the sight of sharp objects or an open window.

Fear of making a mistake that will force him to commit suicide.

The desire to kill a person who contradicts him. Anxiety and restlessness, constantly changing the position of the body. Fear of insanity.

Hot flushes and sweat. Doesn't know what to do; full of fears and gloomy forebodings. Lots of imaginary fears. Worse at night and at dusk. Thoughts of suicide, the desire to die, it seems to him that he is going crazy. Indifference to people whom he loved before. Involuntary crying that brings relief.

Hysteria. Hypochondria. Hysterical melancholy with desire to kill. Aversion to life.

A state of melancholy with great depression. Anxious anxiety, as if he were about to fall ill, or some misfortune befall him. Worse at night, with anxiety in region of heart, then in palms and hot flushes in face, Self-loathing, lack of courage to live; He suspects everyone, considers everyone around him enemies. With the onset of night, a feeling of grief and fear. Feeling like your head is about to explode.

Pangs of conscience, as if he had committed a crime. Great restlessness, does not want to eat, but when he starts to eat, he eats with great appetite. Unbidden thoughts invade my head one after another. Tendency to pull one's nose when walking.

Desire to travel, travel abroad. Anxiety at night accompanied by sweat. The desire to disappear. The anxiety intensifies at night. Not a minute can not remain in one position. Constant anxiety won't let him relax. Fright causes dire consequences, leaving him in a state of great anxiety. The consequences of humiliation, insults, selfishness, accelerated speech. Feeling that time passes too slowly.


The whole head is sensitive and painful to touch. It feels like it has become very large.

Stagnation of blood in the head, sensation of fullness, as if it would burst, Sensation as if the head were bandaged or in a vise.


Darkening in the eyes, sees sparks, insects. Sensitivity to light, lachrymation, suppuration, inflammation of the eyelids.

Epistaxis during sleep, sensation as if a weight were tied to the nose. Coryza with copious, offensive discharge and bone pain. Sensation as if cold water oozes from ears.

Cracks in the corners of the mouth. Feeling that teeth are loose. Swelling of the tongue. Candidal stomatitis. Sharp pain in the teeth at night with chilliness. Swollen gums that separate from the teeth. Bleeding from the gums at the slightest touch, and pain when chewing. Profuse salivation, fetid breath, white, pale tongue with imprints of teeth, yellow-white gastric coating on the tongue. Bad breath spreading through the room. Salivary glands swollen and painful; profuse salivation. Sweetish taste in the mouth. Salty taste on lips and tongue. Dryness in the throat, great thirst.

urinary organs

Burning sensation in the urethra, constant urge to urinate. Copious excretion of urine, excreting more than the patient has drunk.


Profuse sweat; after sweat the patient feels worse.

Large, bleeding ulcers, painful to touch. Tendency to suppuration and ulcers.


Emaciation after stool.


Pain in the bones, especially in those immediately under the skin, such as the head of the tibia; worse at night, from warmth of bed, from copious discharge; worse after perspiration.

General symptoms

A fetid odor emanating from the body. Sensitivity to both heat and cold. Corrosive, corrosive greenish discharge. Chilliness, weakness and trembling with fear.

We will devote today's lecture to the study of Mercury and its compounds. Mercurius has long been known and used as a remedy by the old school of medicine. The abuse of this remedy, when used in excessive amounts or on inappropriate occasions, has made it very unpopular with the public. There are many physicians in the so-called old school who have tried to replace Mercury with another remedy which, while serving the same purpose, would have no harmful effects. Their efforts were accompanied by more or less success, but still they could not find anything equivalent to this remedy in its real usefulness. IN Lately there are not many allopathic physicians who prescribe those large doses of Mercury which were so common before. This caution in prescribing is not the result of a changed, in the scientific sense, view of the medical world on this drug, but is due only to the fact that doctors were forced to do this by their failures and the murmur of the public. There are physicians who are afraid to tell their patients that they are treating them with Mercury. Eclectics have replaced it with plants such as Podophyllum and Leptandra, especially in liver diseases. We homeopaths are not afraid to use Mercurius remedies because we do so according to a certain law that guides us in applying them to the human body. Therefore, those evil effects that follow an overdose or misuse of this remedy are impossible in our practice. You see that I have placed in the table a number of Mercury preparations. All of them have some medical features, but we have neither the time nor the special need to dwell on each of them in detail. It is especially important for us to study the main actions of Mercurius in general, and to show the most important characteristics which would enable you to take advantage of one of these remedies over another. Suppose, by the general nature of the disease, you find that the patient needs to be prescribed some kind of mercurial drug and you want to know which one. We have two remedies here. Mercurius vivus and solubilis, which I have placed in the same line because, as far as I know, there is no symptomatic difference between them. Although the test of their action is placed separately in Allen's Encyclopedia, but I am not able to establish the difference between them. These preparations are living silver or metallic mercury (Mercurius vivus) and Hahnemann's soluble Mercury (Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni). Mercurius solubilis is not a pure mercury preparation. It contains some ammonia and nitric acid. Though it contains only traces of Nitric Acid, yet these traces must alter its symptomatology in some way. But to what extent, I don't know. The investigations of Mercurius solubilis are excellent and far more complete than those of metallic mercury. The latter are collected more from poisoning events and clinical cases than from actual trials. If, therefore, the symptoms are clearly placed in the Encyclopedia under Mercurius solubilis, then I would advise you to use this last drug. Below Mercurius vivus and solubilis we have on the table two preparations of Mercury with Chlorine (M. dulcis and M. corrosivus). Next comes Mercurius aceticus, for which we have but a few symptoms. After it, two iodine compounds of Mercury, which are very important. Mercury Dvuyodistaya (Merc. bijodatus) - red, and Odnodistaya (Protojodatus) - yellow. Then comes Cyanic Mercury (Merc. cyanatus). Next - Cinnabaris (cinnabar), representing the sulfur compound of Mercury (Mercurius sulphuratus). Below we have Mercury Sulphate (Mercuric Sulfate or Mercurius sulphuricus) and finally Mercurius praecipitatus ruber. There are only a few symptoms for them. Cinnabaris, two iodine compounds, corrosivus (mercuric chloride), solubilis and vivus are the most commonly used mercury preparations.

On the right side of the table you see a whole range of antidotes for Mercury. This list alone shows you the many evil effects that can result from the abuse of this remedy. They are not all equally well shown. As I have mentioned elsewhere, Hepar is the most important antidote for Mercury, as well as many other metals.

About acid. nitricum must be remembered especially in cases of inferior tissues such as the periosteum, bones and fibrous tissues. The patient has pains in the bones, worse at night, soreness of the bones of the lower leg in wet weather, ulcers in the throat; especially if secondary syphilis is complicated by mercury poisoning.

Cinchona is considered an antidote for chronic drooling produced by mercury.

Dulcamara has been used with success against mercurial salivation, especially if it is aggravated by any change of weather to damp.

Kali hydrojodicum or Kali iodatum is a well-known antidote for Mercury; he went into practice last years and is prescribed by both schools of medicine on a very wide scale, whether there is a syphilitic case or not. Like Acid. nitricum, it is especially indicated when syphilis and Mercury together disturb the health of the patient, especially when lower tissues are affected, such as bones, periosteum and glands; when there is a well-known syphilitic coryza, with a thin, watery discharge from the nose, causing soreness and abrasions on the upper lip. Kali hydrojodicum you will find the best remedy we have for recurring catarrhs ​​of the nose following the abuse of mercury. The slightest influence of a humid atmosphere, or even cold air, causes a coryza. Remember that this is a case of mercury poisoning, in which Kali iodatum is the antidote. Eyes hot, watery and swollen. There are neuralgic pains in one or both cheeks, the nose is blocked and swollen, and at the same time profuse, watery, hot mucus is discharged from it. These symptoms are accompanied by a more or less severe sore throat and return with every cold. There is hardly any other remedy that can cure such cases faster than Kali iodatum.

Another Potassium salt that serves as an antidote to Mercury is Kali chloricum. It is a real antidote when the poison has caused the genus scurvy (scurvy) of an aphthous character and bad breath.

Aurum deserves the closest mention. We find it particularly useful in carnivores, especially in the bones of the nose, palate, and others.

Asa foetida is also a remedy to be remembered for in bone affection caused by Mercury. As a characteristic symptom that distinguishes it from other remedies, you find here extreme tenderness around the diseased part of the bone. For example, in the case of an ulcer communicating with an eroded (carious) part of the tibia, the surrounding areas are so painful that the patient can hardly bear the bandage you apply. You will find tissue adherent to the bone at a slight distance around the inflamed part of it. Further, Asa foetida is sometimes indicated in inflammation of the iris (iritis) following mercuarization. And here, to distinguish it from other remedies, you have the same characteristic symptom, extreme tenderness of the bones around the eye.

Staphisagria serves as an antidote for Mercury, and, moreover, in more severe cases, when the body is very strongly oppressed by mercury poison. We find the patient very debilitated and pale, with dark circles around the eyes, with marked mercurial changes in the mouth and throat, spongy gums, flaccid tongue, ulcers on it and in the pharynx, and distinct pains in the bones.

Lachesis is an occasional antidote for certain symptoms, but we have no specific indications for it.

Jodium is an antidote when the glands are affected.

Mezereum is an excellent antidote when mercury poison strikes. nervous system and neuralgia develops. This neuralgia may appear in the face, eyes, or some other part of the body.

Finally, we have Stillingia.

Mercury, as you know, loosely combines with body tissues. It is found in all tissues and can be excreted from the body by almost all routes. It has been found in sweat, urine, bile, feces and saliva. It was found even in a child in the womb, as well as in a nursing baby, if the mother took this remedy. I said that the connections of Mercury with tissues are unstable, and by this I wanted to express that it is easily released from them. If anyone is poisoned by Mercury, this poison will be easily isolated by one of the remedies above. You can only worry about chronic cases, from which you can despair because of the difficulties of their treatment. When mercurialism is combined with other poisons, like syphilis or scrofula, then you will have even greater difficulties.

The symptoms of mercury poisoning are presented as follows: under the influence of this poison, the patient's breath acquires a special kind of unpleasant, painful smell, which is difficult to describe, but easy to remember. There is also a certain kind of metallic taste in the mouth. These are very early phenomena, and show up long before the well-known characteristic symptoms of this remedy appear. The patient feels weak and often suffers from stomach problems. He vomits food for no apparent reason. His face becomes rather pale, with dark circles around the eyes, his lips are usually purple, dark blue. The patient complains of heat, especially in the forehead and at the root of the nose. He cannot bear the warmth of the bed; as soon as he warms up in bed, his suffering and pains return. Then he begins to feel pain in his mouth. The mucous membrane of the mouth is filled, swells and becomes abnormally red. The salivary glands begin to produce their secretion more rapidly, and the mouth fills with saliva, the composition of which, however, remains normal. In more severe cases of poisoning, the composition of saliva changes. It no longer represents a pure separation, because the glands work excessively. The breath becomes more and more offensive, the gums swell and are sensitive to touch, and the teeth become loose. Sometimes a dark red stripe appears on the gums, at the bottom of the teeth. Later, the gums become spongy, yellowish white color, ulcerate and secrete stinking matter. The tongue swells up and teeth marks easily on it. Then the glands are affected, and you find more or less swelling around the ear or neck glands. Other glands are also affected by Mercury. Thus we find the pancreas affected by it. The effect of this poison also extends to the liver. Mercury causes catarrh of the duodenum (duodenum), and this catarrh spreads through the biliary tract to the liver. This is the form suffering which often causes jaundice, and a form in which Mercurius is useful. It also caused and cured inflammation of the liver (hepatitis), especially when one or more boils formed in the liver. Individual susceptibility greatly modifies these symptoms. You will notice that salivation (under the influence of mercury preparations) is more difficult to come on in children than in adults. In some persons, salivation comes from very small doses, while in others it is difficult to achieve the same. Scrofulous, as everyone knows, are very seriously affected by Mercury.

The later symptoms of mercury poisoning are as follows: You notice that your blood is depleted. The protein and fibrin of this fluid are affected. Their number decreases, and instead of them you find some kind of fatty substance, the composition of which I do not know exactly. Subsequently, as a prominent symptom, emaciation and emaciation of the body develops. The patient suffers from a fever of a rather debilitating nature. The periosteum is affected, and then the characteristic group of mercurial pains is obtained: pains in the bones, worse from changes in the weather, from the warmth of the bed, and chilliness during or after stool. The skin becomes somewhat brownish. Ulcers form, especially on the legs; they are stubborn and do not heal. The patient suffers from insomnia and blood disturbance at night; he is hot and cannot sleep; perspiration comes quickly, but this sweat does not bring relief. The whole organism also suffers, and you have two series of symptoms here. First, the patient becomes timid and restless and cannot remain at rest; he changes his position; moving from place to place; he seems to have, especially at night, great restlessness in the region of the heart, precordial anguish, as it is called. Then, in another series of symptoms, there is a tossing of the limbs, giving the patient the appearance of being obsessed with the St. Vitus dance. Or, more often, you notice hand shaking; this trembling is completely out of the control of the patient and gradually spreads to the whole body, presenting you with a resemblance to trembling paralysis (paralysis agitanis).

I have presented you on a board in tabular form with a list of the mercurial salts, together with the parts of the body they affect. Wherever you see a cross, it means that the corresponding remedy is acting on that part of the body that is placed on this horizontal line, under the heading Mercurius vivus. This table is given by me only for convenience: there is nothing practical or scientific in it.

Taking Mercurius vivus as the type of the whole group, we find that it is indicated in scrofulous persons with an active glandular system. This activity of the glands is expressed in two ways. First of all, we can have a state that simulates plethora (plethora). In more advanced stages, Mercurius may be indicated in enlarged glands, with emaciation and insufficiency of blood. We find Mercurius also indicated for scrofulous children, with an unusually large head and open fontanelles, especially the anterior. They learn to walk slowly, the formation of teeth is imperfect and slow, the limbs are generally cold, damp and sticky to the touch. You can distinguish Mercurius from Calcarea, Silicea, and Sulfur by the following characteristic features: Under Mercurius, the head tends to sweat, but this sweat is foul-smelling and oily. It is not so often indicated as Calcarea, Silicea, or Sulfur, and does not show such definite, permanent effects as these last. But Mercurius is useful as a remedy for frequent relief, and may be indicated as an intercurrent, temporary remedy in the treatment of Sulphur, when this latter remedy proves to be weak. You notice that where Mercurius is indicated, the patient is plethoric, associated with restlessness and insomnia; he rushes to and fro, moves from place to place. It is one of the remedies used for nostalgia or homesickness. The patient becomes restless and irritable. This restlessness seems to be due to the state of the blood, for it is always accompanied by a disturbance of the blood. In this Mercurius differs from other remedies.

Flushes of blood from Mercurius indicate this remedy after Belladonna. Between these two remedies there are similar features, which is fully confirmed by clinical experiments. Mercurius often follows Belladonna in inflammations, even in inflammation of the meninges, when there is, as in Belladonna, the same hasty speech and lively nervous talkativeness; the child speaks so fast that one word blends into another. His manner is as lively and nervous as his speech. You will notice a very violent rush of blood to the face, as in Belladonna, but in addition, as a characteristic feature of this remedy, swelling of the glands and a tendency to disease of the mouth.

Mercurius is often indicated in catarrhal or gastric fevers when the face is swollen, the throat swollen inside and out, from glandular and cellular affections; when are sharp pains in joints that are worse from the warmth of the bed and not better from perspiration. Moreover, you will always find a tendency to catarrh of the intestines. It is characterized by slimy, bloody stools, accompanied by intense straining. Moreover, these tenesmus does not stop after a chair. And in these cases, you will notice that Mercurius favorably follows Belladonna.

We find Mercurius indicated in hemorrhages. It is often called for in nosebleeds (epistaxis), especially if the blood coagulates and hangs from the nostrils in the form of ice icicles. This is a useful sign. Suppose that a full-blooded patient, for example a boy, at the age of 15-16 years, when flushes of blood are so often noticed, or a scrofulous child, has a nosebleed. You have given the patient Belladonna, Hamamelis and Erigeron, but the bleeding does not stop. The blood is very bright in color, flows in a stream and is not stopped by these medicines. Then comes the indication for Mercurius. You give this remedy and you not only cure this attack, but you prevent the return of others. The same indications take place in uterine bleeding or menorrhagia, when the discharge is copious, dark in color and coagulates. In these cases, if other symptoms are appropriate - swellings of the glands, diseases of the mouth, etc. - Mercurius will probably be a suitable remedy.

We find Mercurius often indicated in inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia). Here it is called for when the right lung is affected, and when there are also icteric symptoms. The skin is yellow. There is a sharp, stabbing pain in the lower part of the right lung. In this case, there may be other symptoms that are common with pneumonia, but they do not need a separate characteristic.

We find Mercurius indicated in inflammation of the peritoneum (peritonitis), and here it follows Belladonna when suppuration sets in, the abdomen becomes tympanic, there are signs of effusion into the cavity of the peritoneum, which will be here partly serous and partly purulent, and perspiration, chills, etc.

Mercurius is suitable here and it prevents the further development of the suppurative process.

Another condition in which we can use Mercurius is inflammation in which there is suppuration, whether it be a boil, inflammation of the tonsils, or some form of inflammation. Here we find Mercurius, together with an interesting little group of remedies, which you will use very often; these are Belladonna, Hepar, Mercurius, Lachesis. To these we may add Silicea and Sulphur. We prefer Belladonna at the onset of inflammation, such as inflammation of the tonsils. The throat is bright red and swollen, swallowing liquids is difficult, and there are sharp pains in the tonsils.

You must go to Hepar when sharp, stitching pains and chills indicate the onset of suppuration. It can prevent suppuration if given at the beginning of this process.

Mercurius comes in a state further advanced, when the pus has already formed and you wish to remove it. If you give it too soon, you will only hurt the cause. Mercurius does not prevent the formation of pus, rather it favors it. In the nail-eater, if given in low divisions, it usually promotes the rapid formation of pus.

Silicea follows Hepar better than Mercurius if pus continues to flow and the wound does not heal. In some of these cases, the favorable course under the influence of Silicea may cease. Then one or two doses of Sulphur will set off a reaction, and Silicea may complete the cure.

Lachesis is indicated when the pus degenerates (changes) and becomes dark, thin and smelly.

Mercurius vivus we find indicated in inflammations in and around the eyes, usually of scrofulous or syphilitic origin. We notice that the patient cannot bear the brilliance and heat of fire, so he avoids fire and warm rooms. You will sometimes find this remedy indicated in inflammation of the eyelids in people who work near fires, such as foundry workers. The pains are usually worse at night. The eyelids are thickened, especially on their tarsal (cartilaginous) edges, and a liquid, acrid, mucopurulent matter is discharged from the eyes. It causes cheek problems and you find pimples scattered across the cheeks. Ulcers may form on the cornea. These ulcers are usually superficial and have an opaque appearance, as if pus were trapped between the layers of the cornea. Mercurius solubilis will sometimes be indicated in syphilitic iritis when there is hypopyon (accumulation of pus in the anterior chamber of the eye). Let us now define the difference between this and other Mercury preparations.

Mercurius bijodatus is indicated for inflammation of the eyes. Its symptoms are very similar to those of metallic mercury (M. vivus), but the swelling of the glands is more pronounced in Merc. bijodatus.

Mercurius protojodatus is more often indicated in eye diseases than Merc. bijodatus. It is required for corneal ulcers that look like they have been scratched with a fingernail. This remedy is usually curative when there is a thick yellow coating on the base of the tongue, while the anterior part of it is clean and red.

Mercurius dulcis or Calomel is more often chosen for its general symptoms, namely, it is indicated in scrofulous children with pale color face and tumors of the cervical and other glands. The skin is rather flaccid and poorly nourished. This languid puffiness and pallor are indications for Calomel.

Next to it we have Mercury dichloride or Mercurius corrosivus (sublimate). No Mercury remedy produces such intense symptoms as Mercurius corrosivus. It causes burning, excruciating pains with severe photophobia and profuse, acrid lachrymation, producing soreness of the cheeks, on which the skin almost comes off, these tears are caustic. There are tearing pains in the bones around the eye. There is an ulceration of the cornea with a tendency to perforate it. In such cases, you will of course observe hypopyon. Mercurius corrosivus is almost specific for syphilis of the iris. If the symptoms of the case do not point to any other remedy, then you must give Mercurius corrosivus in that disease. If you think it necessary to apply Atropinum topically, then do so to prevent adhesion, which otherwise will almost inevitably occur in this disease. You will also find Mercurius corrosivus indicated in albuminuric inflammation of the retina (retinitis albuminurica).

Next comes Cinnabaris. It is a remedy for various kinds of inflammation of the eye. I will give you only one symptom for it: it is a pain that shoots through the eye from one corner of it to another, or else it seems to go around the circumference of the eye.

Let us now turn to the consideration of the action of Mercury on the nose. Mercurius vivus is indicated for catarrhs ​​of the nose and throat caused by damp, cold weather or damp, cool evening air. Nose itches, hot and stuffy; with a runny nose. Throat feels sore and sore. Pain in various joints. The symptoms described will point to Mercury both by the cause that produced them and by the nature of the symptoms present. Together with them you can observe the feeling of heat. Blood rushes to the face and it turns red, perspiration appears, but it does not bring relief. Another form of coryza in which you can give Mercurius is when the coryza is said to be "ripe" - when the discharge from the nose becomes yellowish-green, thick and mucopurulent.

Here it is rivaled by Pulsatilla, which is also useful in this thick, yellowish-green discharge from the nose. Pulsatilla, apart from its other symptoms, differs here in that the discharge is never irritating.

You must also distinguish Mercurius from Nux vomica, which is useful in coryza due to dry, cold weather, and in which there is pain, rawness, and an unpleasant scraping sensation in the throat. Under Mercurius there is always a feeling of burning pain or rawness.

The throat symptoms of Mercurius vivus may sometimes lead you to think of it in diphtheria. Think about it all you want, but only to give it up. It is not indicated for diphtheria. But there are drugs that can be used in such cases. We will point out, first of all, Mercurius bijodatus. Mercurius bijodatus and protojodatus are both indicated in diphtheritic sore throat. Merc. bijodatus is used when a plaque forms on the left side, when the left tonsil is inflamed and a yellowish-gray film forms on it. The cervical glands swell. The fiber in the circumference of the pharynx also gets sick. The patient may have thick, sticky mucus in the mouth and throat. The symptoms are worse from empty swallowing. Simply trying to swallow saliva causes more pain than swallowing food.

Mercurius protojodatus is more suitable when the deposit begins on the right side of the fauces and is accompanied by swelling of the cervical glands and an accumulation of the same viscid mucus in the pharynx. There is almost always a thick, yellow, dirty coating on the base and back of the tongue, while the top and sides of this organ are red.

Then turn your attention to Mercurius cyanatus, which is a combination of Mercury and Hydrocyanic acid. In it we have one of the best remedies for diphtheria, especially when it is of the present adynamic or malignant type. Due to the content of hydrocyanic acid, this remedy is indicated in cases where the patient has a very significant decline in strength from the very beginning. Pulse is fast; it can reach 130-140 beats per minute and have almost no volume at all. The film is white at first and covers the velum of the palate and tonsils. Soon these glands begin to swell, and then the film darkens, threatening to become even gangrenous. Weakness extreme; the breath is fetid. Lost appetite. The tongue is covered with a brown coating, in some cases even black. Is bleeding from the nose, which, as you know, is a dangerous symptom.

You will notice the resemblance of Mercurius cyanatus to Kali bichromicum in diphtheritic croup. It consists in the location of the disease, i.e., in the larynx, and in the existence of a thick, viscous, difficult to expel sputum. The difference is as follows: in Mercurius cyanatus there is great debility. This weakness is not a simple breakdown (prostration) due to the child's efforts to breathe. It depends on the poisoning of the blood, which is revealed by the blue of the surface of the body, the coldness of the extremities, and the accelerated weak pulse. If these symptoms are absent, then Kali bichromicum should be preferred.

Cinnabaris is a remedy not often remembered in catarrhal diseases. It is indicated in nasal catarrh, when there is great pressure at the root of the nose, a feeling as if something heavy were pressing on the nose, like heavy glasses. We often also find throat symptoms in connection with this form of catarrh. The throat is swollen, the tonsils are enlarged and redder than normal. There is great dryness in the throat; she worries the patient more often at night, causing him to wake up. Remember this feeling in the region of the nose and the nature of the throat symptoms associated with it. These symptoms may appear in syphilitic, scrofulous, or catarrhal persons. We have found Cinnabaris useful in inflammation of the pharynx in scarlet fever, which is often of a diphtheritic character, when there is a great accumulation of fibrous mucus in the posterior nasal openings (choanae). If this symptom is prominent, then Cinnabaris will be the appropriate remedy for this complication.

I have used Mercurius corrosivus with success in a buildup of very thick, almost like glue, mucus in the nose. In some cases of syphilitic disease of the nose you will find Mercurius corrosivus indicated on the grounds that the ulcers pierce the nasal septum. In these cases there are burning pains, the discharge is acrid, ulcerating the tissues through which it flows.

The throat symptoms of Mercurius corrosivus are very severe. The uvula is dark red, swollen and elongated. down the throat severe burning, as intense as in cases requiring Arsenicum album, Arsenicum jodatum, or Capsicum. This burning pain is made unbearable by external pressure. It is accompanied by violent constriction in the throat. Any attempt to swallow liquid or solid food causes a violent spasm in the pharynx, with immediate eruption of the swallowed.

In the spasmodic character of these symptoms, a resemblance to Belladonna is noted, but Mercurius corrosivus (sublimate) immediately differs from it in the inflammatory tendency of its symptoms, manifested by these extremely burning pains. Therefore, it has the contracting properties of Belladonna plus the most intense destructive (accompanying tissue loss) inflammation of the pharynx. Further, it is easy to distinguish these two remedies by the pulse. The pulse of Mercurius corrosivus is fast, weak and irregular, not full and strong, under Belladonna.

Mercury preparations have long been used in the treatment of syphilis. Mercurius solubilis and vivus are shown in primary syphilis with the so-called soft chancre or chancroid. The ulcer extends more on the surface than in depth, and the bottom of the ulcer has a dirty, greasy appearance. Mercurius solubilis caused a similar ulcer, and therefore he must cure it. The sore throat which often begins syphilitic fever, six to seven weeks after the initial lesion, is also seen in Mercurius solubilis.

Iodine preparations, Mercurius protojodatus and bijodatus, are preferred in Gunter's or chancre. This is the form of ulcer that these two iodine preparations of Mercury caused, and therefore both of them will cure it. There is no need here for any external remedies, such as cauterizing, for a suitable internal remedy, if not completely preventing the onset of secondary symptoms, will at least reduce their intensity.

Mercurius corrosivus should be preferred to any other remedy mentioned for syphilitic symptoms, if the ulceration is of a very destructive nature. The ulcer is serpiginous (spreading); it is irregularly shaped and corrodes and destroys in a few days almost half of the penis.

Secondary syphilis may be treated with one or other of the remedies mentioned, provided the remedy has not been abused in the primary stages. Mercurius solubilis helps very quickly against syphiloderms (syphilitic inflammation of the skin) on the palms of the hands. They are red, slightly itchy and flaky.

Returning to Mercurius vivus, I want to say a few words about its use in diseases of the liver. The tongue is covered with a dirty, yellowish-white coating and bears the imprints of the teeth. There are often scurvy symptoms. The gums ulcerate and become spongy. From a mouth an unpleasant smell. The skin and connective membranes of the eyes have a pronounced icteric or icteric color. There is a tendency to rush of blood to the head. The region of the liver is painful to touch. The abdomen is usually tympanic and swollen, especially in the epigastric region and in the hypochondrium. The patient cannot lie on the right side. The liver you will find enlarged and often hardened. The stools are either clay-colored due to the absence of bile, or they are yellowish-green, bilious, and come out with strong straining. Mercurius is indicated in dysentery.

Nux vomica has some resemblance to Mercurius in its action, but differs in that with it, at the end of the stool, pains and lodging usually cease, while with Mercurius they continue after.

Another remedy to be mentioned in connection with Mercurius in bilious affections is Leptandra. Both have the same stools that are yellowish-green or black as pitch and have a terribly foul-smelling stool. The difference between them is this: in Leptandra there is an urge to go down, contractions continuing after stool, but no lodging. With Leptandra there is often a dull, sore, burning sensation (pain) in the back of the liver.

Merkur (according to Vithoulkas)

The study of Mercurius is the first example of how the concept of the essence of a remedy can elucidate a mass of data that seems to overwhelm the student. Mercurius is one of the widely tried and widely used Materia Medica remedies and is a solid array of symptoms to be studied by the beginner. This is a real textbook. pathological conditions. However, after repeated and prolonged study of the Materia Medica and reflection on it, one gradually manages to discern a thread, a theme that runs through this entire preparation. When it is understood, all "data" falls into place in a single unique image.

For Mercurius, there is no single word or phrase that would adequately describe this thread. The main idea is the lack of reaction force combined with instability or inefficiency of functions. A healthy organism has a defense mechanism, a reactivity, which allows it to create a stable effective balance after being exposed to many physical and emotional stimuli in the environment.

In Mercurius, this reaction force is weakened, becomes unstable and does not perform its functions. Almost all stimuli are absorbed by the patient without sufficient protection, resulting in a pathological condition.

Absence protective force makes the Mercurius patient sensitive to everything. In studying Materia Medica, we find that the Mercurius patient is WORSE from everything - heat, cold, outdoors, in damp weather, when the weather changes, from the warmth of the bed, perspiration, stress, different foods, etc. On the contrary, there seems to be very little improvement. The patient can absorb very little that would make him comfortable, because the system cannot properly adjust to anything. As an interesting demonstration (although not recommended as a general method of study), one may look through the "General" section of the repertory looking for the many rubrics where it is listed in italics or bold as a remedy aggravated or ameliorated by physical influences. There are only 7 places with improvement (5 of which are related to the situation when the patient lies down) and at the same time 55 rubrics describing aggravations. Because of this extreme vulnerability, we see that the Mercurius patient has a very narrow range of tolerance for everything; for example, such a patient feels comfortable only in a very narrow range of temperatures and begins to feel discomfort at the slightest heat or cold.

Intolerance to heat and cold illustrates the instability that characterizes particular weakness Mercurius. As Kent said, the patient is a "living thermometer". At one moment he suffers from cold and longs for warmth, and when warmed up, he is aggravated by heat. This happens not only during a fever, but also chronically. There is also weakness and instability of emotional expression, alternating crying with laughter. Unlike Ignatia, in which this symptom is a manifestation of hysteria from uncontrollable emotion, the weeping and laughter of Mercurius is due to more mechanical instability. While weeping, Mercurius feels a certain mood arise, which leads to a deviation to the opposite extreme - laughter. Mechanically, laughter and weeping are often very similar, and thus Mercurius' madness makes the patient move very easily from one state to another.

The instability and inefficient functioning of Mercurius can be nicely illustrated by thinking about physical condition mercury. If you break a mercury thermometer, it turns out that mercury exists in a state between a liquid and a solid. It flows like a liquid, but usually retains its shape to some extent, like a solid. If you try to pick it up with your fingers, it will seem that it avoids you: it does not allow itself to be grabbed like a solid body, and does not stick to your skin like a liquid. In his physical form, Mercurius exhibits unstable functioning, just as he is unstable and inefficient in his pathological state.

Thus it is easy to see that the weakness of Mercurius is not like that of other remedies. Arsenicum may show debility in the form of prostration, but this is quite unlike the unsteadiness of Mercurius.

Of course, Arsenicum has many specific pathological symptoms in common with Mercurius, but cold intolerance in the Arsenicum patient is mitigated by heat; of course it is also true that psychically Arsenicum shows a much greater capacity for reaction - anxiety, incessant working of the mind, insight. In addition, remedies with very little responsiveness, but without the instability and ineffectiveness of Mercurius, are Stannum, Helonias and Baptisia.

This weakness of the Mercurius response is not a sudden event. This is a slow and insidious process that can be difficult to understand in the early stages for the patient and therefore for the homeopath. It develops so slowly that the patient barely mentions vulnerability to stimuli. By the time the patient consults a homeopath for any particular complaint, most of the symptoms are forgotten and are no longer considered abnormal. Having learned to adapt to a narrow range of tolerance, the patient reports only the immediate symptoms that brought him to the consultation. In the early stages, patient, skillful, and thoughtful questioning is required to identify homeopathic symptoms that may not be known to differ from other people's experiences.

Since the mental state is the center of the personality, we will describe in detail the stages of development of pathology at the mental level. The first observed effect is the slowness of the Mercurius mind. The patient responds slowly to questions (like Phosphorus and Phosphoric Acid and other remedies). He slowly becomes aware of what is happening or what he is being asked. At first, this is not confusion or poor memory, but real slowness, incomprehension, a kind of stupidity. Slowness of mind is, of course, inherent in Calc. carb., but Calcarea - clever man; once understood, Calcarea can use it effectively. Mercurius has both slowness of mind and weakness of understanding.

The Mercurius mentality is characterized by some inefficiency. Mercurius is one of the remedies characterized by haste and restlessness, but it is a haste in which one does nothing. A task that takes half an hour to complete will take a Mercurius patient one and a half. Such remedies as Tarentula, Acidum sulphuricum, Nux vomica and Natrum mur. pathological degree but their work is nevertheless productive and efficient.

The second stage is characterized by impulsivity. Due to its vulnerability to stimuli both from outside and from within, the Mercurius mind is unable to focus solely in one direction. A healthy person can focus his mind on some subject or task, despite the many chaotic thoughts and ideas that may try to interfere. The mind of Mercurius has no strength for such concentration. Every random thought that comes into his mind becomes an event to which the patient finds it necessary to react. This trait refers to the inefficiency of the mind, but becomes even more extreme as the pathology develops. Eventually the Mercurius patient becomes susceptible to every impulse imaginable. He may have an impulse to hit, break things, kill someone for a slight offense, or even kill a loved one (Mercurius, Nux vomica and Platinum are the only remedies indicated for this impulse).

However, it is not easy for the interviewer to see these impulses. The Mercurius patient feels the urge but controls it. This is a closed person, slowly responding, reluctantly revealing his feelings to Others. He is quite aware of his position, and aware of his vulnerability to stimuli and impulses. Realizing that this susceptibility can bring him trouble, he simply keeps them inside, preventing them from being socially visible. This is a fragile strategy; a person is just as vulnerable and must expend considerable energy to maintain control over himself.

As the pathology progresses into the third stage, mental inefficiency, poor understanding, impulsiveness, and vulnerability create, ultimately, a paranoid state. The patient feels so vulnerable that he begins to consider everyone as his enemy. The fragile control mechanism has not worked, so that the patient inevitably perceives everyone as an adversary, as a person from whom he must defend himself.

By this time the patient is not really insane, but sometimes feels he is going crazy and has a fear of insanity, especially at night.

In the final stage of mental pathology, we do not see the development of overt psychosis, as with many other remedies. Mercurius' lack of reaction power is so strong that he can't even generate a psychotic state. Instead, imbecility develops. It seems as if the mind has softened and is unable to react at all. All stimuli are absorbed but are no longer conscious.

The sequence of events in the development of the Mercurius disease on the physical and mental levels is one of the classic examples of the development of pathology, well understood by the science of homeopathy. Although Mercurius can affect any organ system, most often we see that its "final target" is first of all the skin and mucous membranes, then the spinal column, and finally the brain. The slow and insidious development of the disease in these organs suggests a possible particular predilection of Mercurius towards structures of ectodermal origin. As is well known in biology, the embryo differentiates into three tissue derivatives: ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. Each of these tissues performs its function in a mature organism. Ectodermal structures include, in particular, the skin and mucous membranes near the surface of the body, the eyes, and the nervous system. These are the structures that Mercurius is prone to.

Weakness defensive reaction evident in all the physical symptomatology of Mercurius. As stated before, of all remedies, the Mercurius patient has one of the narrowest ranges of heat and cold tolerance. Due to the weakness of the defense mechanism in the Mercurius system, there is a large instability. This is evident in the many physical symptoms for which Mercurius is well known.

Mercurius is known for the ease of perspiration and lack of relief from it. Sweating is a normal function designed to cool the body when overheated, as well as to expel toxic products. In Mercurius, however, the slightest stimulus or exertion causes perspiration due to his oversensitivity. It is an overreaction to a minimal stimulus. Sweating itself then becomes a source of aggravation for a person with such a narrow tolerance range.

Lack of reaction power is the main cause of the characteristic aggravation of Mercurius from suppression of discharges, such as discharges in otorrhea and other suppurating diseases. In Mercurius this suppression comes very easily under orthodox treatment. Unlike healthy defenses, which ultimately have the power to restore the secretions in the same form or another, the Mercurius system simply absorbs the disease influence, allowing it to cause pathology at a deeper level.

There is a tendency to chronic suppuration of all kinds, which may persist for many years. There simply isn't enough defensive power to eliminate the infection, and so a stalemate occurs that persists until the homeopath intervenes and suppresses the infection to a deeper level.

Mercurius has many ulcers, especially on the skin and mucous membranes (aphthae). These are phagedenic ulcers that the body cannot get rid of, and therefore allows them to insidiously spread over ever larger areas.

When Mercurius suppurates or ulcerates, Mercurius is not strong enough to deal with them, and so there is progressive decay. This is best seen in the destruction of the gums. The gums are destroyed, which leads to loosening of the teeth, the formation of sinuses with pus and the appearance of a very disgusting smell. The foul odors characteristic of Mercurius are the result of decomposition, which is inevitable in a system that does not have the strength to react.

Just as we see sweating due to oversensitivity of the system to any burden, we can also see a similar process leading to excess salivation in Mercurius. The stomach is torn from almost any influence, and then even the slightest upset in the stomach causes excessive salivation. Salivation can be seen at any time of the day, but is most pronounced at night, which is the typical time of Mercurius aggravation. With this low reactivity, the patient is constantly weakened during the day by all influences, until at last the debility becomes most evident at night: bone pains, inflammatory symptoms, complaints of the nervous system, fear of insanity and salivation are worse at night.

As an intermediate stage on the way from the surface of the body to the brain, the pathology of Mercurius affects the spine and peripheral nervous system, causing a tremor, especially observed in the hands. Such a tremor is often diagnosed as a consequence of Parkinson's disease or arteriosclerosis, but in the case of Mercurius, its more fundamental cause is the weakness of the defense and the resulting instability of functions. The patient finds that he cannot hold a glass of water in his hands without spilling it unless he leans on his elbow or forearm. This tremor is symbolic of the essence of Mercurius. Insufficient reactivity - weakness in front of all stimuli so easily absorbed by the system - leads, in the end, to the instability of normal functions. Just as the temperature control mechanism oscillates back and forth between mild extremes of heat and cold, constantly and inefficiently trying to compensate, so does the hand oscillate back and forth in an inefficient attempt to fulfill its purpose. normal function which causes tremor.

Having understood the essence of the image of Mercurius, one can re-read the various Materia Medica and find that the ocean of data now fits into a single coherent picture.

Merkur (according to Berike)

Mercurius - Hydrargyrum Mercury (metal)

Any organ or tissue of the body, to one degree or another, experiences the action of this powerful remedy: it turns healthy cells into decrepit, inflamed and necrotic "fragments of its former greatness", destroys the blood, causing deep anemia.

This malignant medical effect can be turned to benefit and salvation, to the preservation of lives, under the homeopathic use of Mercurius, if clear symptoms are used.

The lymphatic system and all the membranes and glands are especially affected; all internal organs, bones, etc. The lesions caused by mercury are similar to those caused by syphilis.

Mercurius is very often indicated in the secondary stage of syphilis, in the presence of febrile chloranemia, rheumatoid chest pains, joint pains, etc.; ulceration of the mouth and throat; hair loss; rashes and ulcerations on the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat, etc.

Can be called special conditions and the conditions under which Mercurius is homeopathically suitable and under which the D2 dilution has a striking effect.

The manifestations of hereditary syphilis are also within the scope of this remedy: blisters, abscesses, nasality, insanity, stomatitis, or some destructive inflammation. Trembling all over. Weakness, along with frenzied excitement and trembling at the slightest exertion. All the symptoms of Mercurius are worse at night, from the warmth of the bed, from dampness, from cold, from rainy weather; worse during perspiration.

The symptoms are worse from perspiration and at rest; are associated with great fatigue, prostration and trembling. "Human thermometer"! Sensitivity to heat and cold.

Parts of the body are very swollen, sore and sore; and profuse, sebaceous sweat brings no relief. Unpleasant, putrid odor of breath, secretions and whole body.

Tendency to form pus: thin, greenish, putrid, streaked with liquid blood.

Psyche. Answers questions slowly. Weak memory, willpower is reduced. Tired of life. Distrust. Thinks he's losing his mind.

Head. Vertigo when lying on back. Sensation of a tight band around the head. One-sided tearing pains. Tension of the integuments of the skull, as from a tight bandage.

Catarrhal headaches; intense heat in the head. Stinging, offensive eruptions on the scalp. Hair loss. Exostoses with painful sensation.

Tension of the integument of the skull; sebaceous sweat on the head.

Eyes. Redness of the eyelids; thickening and swelling. Copious, burning, acrid discharge.

floating dark spots. The condition after being exposed to the glare of a flame or molten metal. Parenchymal keratitis of syphilitic origin, with burning pains. Iritis with hypopyon.

Ears. dense yellow highlight; fetid and bloody. Otalgia worse from warmth of bed; stitching pains at night. Boils of external auditory meatus (Calc. pic.).

Nose. Sneezes frequently and violently. Sneezes in the sun. Rawness of nostrils, ulceration; nasal bones swollen. Yellow-green, offensive, pus-like discharge. Coryza: discharge is acrid, but too thick to run down the lip; worse in a warm room. Pain and swelling of the nasal bones, their caries with greenish offensive discharge and ulceration. Nocturnal nosebleeds. Copious discharge of corrosive mucus. Coryza with sneezing; sensation of soreness, soreness, burning pain; worse in damp weather; coryza copious, fluent.

Face. Pale, earthy shade, as if dirty, puffy. Pain in the facial bones of the skull. Syphilitic pustules on the face.

Mouth. Sweet metallic taste. The secretion of the salivary glands is greatly increased; saliva bloody and viscous. Saliva offensive, with a taste of copper. Speech is difficult due to trembling of the tongue. The gums are loose, lagging behind the teeth, and bleed easily.

Soreness on touch and chewing. The whole mouth is wet. Destruction of crowns of teeth.

The teeth are loose, sensitive and seem elongated. Groove along the upper surface of the tongue. The tongue is heavy, dense, covered with a wet coating; yellow coating on flabby tongue, bearing imprints of teeth; sensation as if the tongue were burned; ulceration on it.

Bad breath; one that can be felt throughout the room. Alveolar abscess, worse at night. Violent thirst with wet mouth.

Throat. Bluish-purple swelling. Constant desire to swallow. Putrid painful pharynx; worse on the right. Ulcers and inflammations at every change of weather. Tingling in the ear when swallowing; swallowed fluid returns through the nose. Angina with difficulty in swallowing after an abscess. Soreness, soreness, burning in the throat. Complete loss of voice. Burning in the throat, as if a hot vapor were rising there.

Stomach. Putrid burps. Great thirst, desire for cold drinks. Weakness of digestion with constant feeling of hunger. The abdomen is sensitive to touch.

Hiccups and regurgitation of gastric contents. Feeling of fullness and contraction.

Stomach. Dagger pains with chilliness. Boring pains in right groin. Flatulence with pain. Liver enlarged, painful to touch, hardened. Jaundice. Insufficient secretion of bile.

Chair. Greenish, bloody and slimy, worse at night; with pain and tenesmus. Constant feeling of incomplete emptying. Defecation is accompanied by chilliness, pains in the stomach, cutting colic and tenesmus. Off-white stool.

Urinary system. Frequent and persistent urges. Greenish discharge from urethra; burning in the urethra at the beginning of urination. Urine dark, scanty, bloody, albuminous.

Male reproductive organs. Bubbles and sores; chancroid. Genitals are cold.

Irritation and itching of the foreskin. Nocturnal emission of semen, stained with blood.

Female reproductive organs. Menses profuse, with pain in abdomen. Leukorrhea, causing excoriations, greenish and bloody; sensation of soreness in the genitals.

Stinging pains in ovaries (Apis). Itching and burning; worse after urination; relieved by washing with cold water. morning sickness with profuse salivation.

The mammary glands are sore and full of milk during menstruation.

Respiratory organs. Soreness extending from throat to sternum. Cannot lie on right side (on left side - Lycop.). Cough with yellow mucopurulent expectoration. Attacks of coughing and expectoration are worse at night and from the warmth of the bed. Catarrh with chilliness; fear of fresh air. Stinging from lower lobe of right lung to back. Whooping cough with epistaxis (Arnica). The cough is worse from tobacco smoke.

Back. Pain in the small of the back as if bruised, especially when sitting. Tearing pains in coccyx; relief from pressure on abdomen.

Limbs. Weakness of the limbs. Pain in the bones, worse at night. Hypersensitivity to the cold. Fat sweat. Trembling of the limbs, especially of the hands; shaking paralysis. Tearing pains in the joints. Cold clammy sweat on legs at night. Swelling and swelling of the feet and legs.

Leather. Almost always wet. Constant dryness of the skin is a contraindication for Mercurius! Profuse offensive sweat; stronger at night. General tendency to sweat profusely without relief. Vesicular and pustular eruptions. Irregular ulcers with jagged edges. Pimples around the main area of ​​the rash. Itching, worse from warmth of bed. Milk scab; yellow-brown crusts, significant suppuration. The glands swell after a cold. Buboes. Orchitis (Clemat.; Hamam.; Puls.).

Fever. General gastric or bilious fever, with profuse night sweats; weakness, slowness. Alternating heat and chill. Sweat yellow. Profuse sweat without relief. Chilliness with crawling sensation; worse evening and night. Alternating flushes of heat in individual limbs.

MODALITIES. Worse at night; in damp damp weather; when lying on the right side; from sweating; in a warm room and warm bed.

RELATIONSHIPS. Antidotes: Hep.; Aur.; Mez.

Additions: Badiaga.

Similar: Mez.; Phosph.; Syph.; Kali mur.; Aethiops.

Compare: Capparis coriaccea. Polyuria, glandular lesions, mucous diarrhea, influenza. epilobium. Chronic diarrhoea, with tenesmus and mucus. Salivation, dysphagia. Exhaustion of the body and great weakness. Children's cholera. Kali Hyd. Chancre.

Mercur. acet. Congestion with stiffness, dryness and heat in the affected limbs. Eyes inflamed - burning and itching. Dry - lack of moisture. Zev dry, difficulty talking. Pressure in the lower part of the sternum. Chancre in urethra. Favus of the scalp, with sore edges of ulcers.

Mercurius auratus. Psoriasis and syphilitic catarrh. brain tumors. Syphilitic affections of the nose and bones. Ozen. Swelling of testicles.

Mercurius bromatus. Secondary syphilitic lesions of the skin.

Mercurius nitrosus. Especially indicated for pustular conjunctivitis and keratitis. Gonorrhea and spotted syphilis on mucous membranes, with stitching pains; syphilis.

Mercurius phos. Nervous diseases due to syphilis. Exostoses.

Mercurius praecipitatus ruber. Attacks of suffocation at night, when he lays down and begins to fall asleep - at this moment he is forced to jump up, which brings relief. Gonorrhea - urethra feels like a taut string; chancroid. Phagedenic ulcer and bubo.

Pemphigus, spotted syphilides on mucous membranes, eczema with ragadas and fissures. Barber itch. Blepharitis, internal and external. Lead heaviness in occiput with otorrhoea.

Mercurius tannicus. Syphilis in patients with gastrointestinal diseases or hypersensitive to conventional mercury drugs.

Erythrinus. Exfoliative dermatitis (pithyriasis red) and syphilis. red rash on chest. Pityriasis.

Lolium temulentum. Trembling of hands and legs. Mercurius cum kali. Chronic colds. Acute paralysis of the facial muscles.

Henchera. Gastroenteritis, vomiting with bile and foamy mucus; stools watery, copious, like silt, with tenesmus; constant feeling as if "not fully released."

BREEDINGS. From the second to the thirtieth.

Mercur (according to Kent)

Mercurius vivus / Mercurius vivus - elemental metallic mercury.

The pathogenesis of mercury is found in the trials of Mercurius vivus and Mercurius solubilis, two slightly different remedies, but not so much as to distinguish between them in practice.

The ordinary thermometer is filled with mercury, and to the same extent the constitution of Mercurius vivus is changeable and sensitive to heat and cold. The patient is worse from both too low and too much high temperature. Both the patient's condition as a whole and the individual symptoms are aggravated in warmth, in open air, in cold. The complaints of Mercurius vivus are sharp enough to put the patient to bed, but they are worse from the warmth of the bed, which makes him open; but after uncovering and cooling, he becomes worse again, so that the patient cannot be made comfortable. This applies to pains, fevers, ulcers, eruptions, and the patient as a whole.

The patient exudes a stench. This is the so-called mercury smell. The breath is especially fetid, the stench is already felt at the entrance to the room; the stench fills the whole room. Fetid sweat; with a strong, sweetish, corrosive smell. Everything is stinking: urine, stool and sweat; unpleasant smell from the nose and mouth. When using mercury in significant doses, the patient increases salivation, and saliva acquires a characteristic odor. Anyone who has ever smelled a patient with salivation will remember the mercury smell forever. I remember how, as a student, I felt this mercury smell in almost every room. Mercury then treated everything, up to the defeat of the gums and hypersalivation. Such an odor is often indicated for Mercurius vivus.

The patient gets worse at night. Bone pain, joint damage and inflammatory processes increase at night and decrease somewhat during the day. Pains in the bones all over the body, but are most pronounced where the bones are just under the skin. Pain in the periosteum, boring, worse at night and in the warmth of the bed.

Glands and lymph nodes inflamed and swollen; damage to the parotid, sublingual glands, cervical, inguinal and axillary lymph nodes; swelling of the mammary glands, inflammation and enlargement of the liver. This is a bright remedy for lesions of glandular tissue. A common symptom is also induration - the inflamed parts of the body become indurated. If the skin becomes inflamed, it becomes dense. Inflamed glands and lymph nodes are also hardened. Consolidation is combined with ulceration.

The tendency to ulceration runs through the remedy. Ulcers are found everywhere: in the throat, nose, mouth, on the lower extremities. The ulcers burn and sting, they are located on a greasy base, have an ash-white color, as if greased. The ulcers are covered with a diphtheria-like exudate, and in the pathogenesis of Mercurius vivus there is a diphtheria discharge over the inflamed areas. This type is, in particular, ulcers in the pharynx. The mucous membrane can sometimes become inflamed without ulceration, with only exudation, so Mercurius vivus is effective in diphtheria. Ulcers look exactly the same: when the body becomes less and less able to heal, the ulcers become covered with a greasy gray or ashy coating. Chancres take this form, with whitish cheesy deposits at the base. If you remember that the complaints of Mercurius vivus are worse at night, think of bone pains, inflammation of the periosteum, etc., you will not be surprised to hear that Mercurius vivus sometimes cures syphilis. In this respect, it is significant that allopaths have had some success in using mercury in the treatment of this disease, since, by virtue of its semblance, Mercurius vivus cures or suppresses syphilis in a sufficient number of cases, which is why it has been used for so long. Mercurius vivus, rightly administered, cures the disease.

Another striking sign of the drug is the tendency to form pus. When inflammation occurs, burning and stinging pains, rapid suppuration, the local state of the tissues worsens both from heat and from cold. Burning and stinging pain in abscesses; inflammation of the joints is accompanied by suppuration; inflammation pleural cavity- filling it with pus. Yellow-green purulent discharge. The discharge of Mercurius vivus in gonorrhea is thick, greenish-yellow, and is accompanied by stinging and burning pain in the urethra.

The symptoms of rheumatic inflammation of the joints and catarrh of the mucous membranes run through the whole remedy, which is associated with sweating, and it is a remarkable feature that sweat does not bring relief, even aggravation occurs during sweating. Rheumatism in patients with old syphilis, gonorrhea and gout. In many cases Mercurius vivus is similar enough to act on psora, syphilis and sycosis. The medicine combines the nature of all three miasms.

When the subjects took Mercurius vivus, they lost weight. The same emaciation was noted in those who were treated for syphilis with mercury for a long time. This is an excellent tool for similar condition: constant emaciation with trembling, worse at night and from warmth of bed, great restlessness, inability to find comfortable position and calm down. These are unfortunate people with a broken organism, burdened with psora, syphilis or sycosis.

An unusual symptom is recurrent swelling or abscess formation without fever. Whether an abscess is maturing or a joint swells - the patient is sweating from head to toe, he is worse at night, he is losing weight, he has tremors and weakness, but there is no fever against the background of the forming abscess. Abscesses form against a background of such weak vitality that there is no capacity for healing; pus is formed slowly and for a long time, the abscess irritates the surrounding tissues, granulations are not formed, the abscess opens, but the discharge continues, as if all the tissues have long since died. Mercurius vivus will return the missing warmth, eliminate sweating, and accelerate healing.

Superficial ulcers tend to spread, become phagedenic, they do not spread in depth, but expand. Such open sores are especially common in persons with old syphilis; they have a fatty base; the process is sluggish, even numbness is noted, greenish-yellow pus is released; false granulations appear. An even stronger remedy for superficial, corrosive, phagedenic ulcers is Mercurius corrosivus. Sometimes Mercurius vivus corresponds to a gangrenous condition. Gangrene can develop anywhere, but especially on the lips, cheeks, and gums. Chancre on the oral mucosa. Gangrenous chancre, offensive and black; sites of gangrene appear on the chancre, which are then rejected. All these conditions are worse from heat. The patient with the characteristic abscess of Mercurius vivus often refuses poultices, which aggravate his suffering.

Trembling runs through the whole remedy, the patient trembles like a leaf. Mercurius vivus has been used successfully in parkinsonism. The tremor of the hands is so pronounced that it does not allow you to take anything, eat or write. Mercurius vivus is good for epileptiform seizures in children, twitching and movement disorders. It helps children get rid of uncoordinated angular movements in the hands and feet. Twitching, trembling and trembling. Lack of coordination of tongue movements does not allow the child to start speaking. Seizures. Involuntary movements, which can be restrained for a while by an effort of will. The strongest anxiety.

Trembling, weakness, sweating, stench, suppuration and ulceration, aggravated at night, from heat and cold, these are the main things that catch the eye in patients with Mercurius vivus.

Mercurius vivus has many mental symptoms that point to the deeper nature of the remedy. A striking sign that runs through the whole remedy is haste; constant haste, restlessness, anxiety, impulsiveness. In cold, cloudy or damp weather, slowness and lethargy of thinking, forgetfulness occur paroxysmal. This is typical for patients who gradually fall into dementia. The patient cannot immediately answer the question, he looks at you and after much thought finally understands the meaning of the question. Dementia and softening of the brain are characteristic features of Mercurius vivus. The patient becomes foolish. Delirium with acute complaints. The patient seems to be losing his mind. The patient has a desire to kill those who object to her. impulse to kill or commit suicide; sudden anger with urge to violent behavior. The patient is afraid that she will lose her mind and will no longer be able to control these impulses. Paroxysmal insanity is typical of this remedy, but dementia is more common than insanity. These impulses are the leading features of Mercurius vivus. The patient will not tell you about his impulses, but they are connected with the evil will in the back of his mind, they just make the person do something. If the patient has any impulses that he is trying to control, Mercurius vivus should definitely help him. Great anxiety, sadness during menstruation. Anxiety and restlessness, as if something bad is coming; worse at night, with sweating.

All the symptoms described are characteristic of patients with old syphilis, whose health has been undermined by treatment with mercury and the use of sulfuric baths, suffering from pains in the bones, having glandular affections, sweating, catarrhal inflammations and ulcers all over the body.

Mercurius vivus is indicated in rheumatic affections of the scalp, neuralgias, and affections of the brain, when there are burning, stinging pains; when the pains are closely related to the weather; in ailments of the head when they result from suppressed discharge, such as suppressed discharge from the ear after scarlet fever, and also when ailments relating to the head occur during scarlet fever. Think of Mercurius vivus if you see a child with head sweat, dilated pupils, head rolling on the pillow, worse at night, and recent scarlet fever or ear suppression. Mercurius vivus is effective in prolonged typhoid-like febrile conditions caused by suppressed discharge from the ears. I have cured cases caused by treatment of the ears with boric acid, iodoform, etc., after which the patient developed first a relapsing and then a persistent fever. It may last for five or six weeks and is only relieved by the resumption of discharge after a dose of Mercurius vivus. I remember one such case. The patient had cerebrospinal meningitis; the head was thrown back and turned to one side. It all began with an inflammation of the middle ear, while the discharge was suppressed. Two or three doctors called before me could not do anything. Already at night they sent for me, and from the anamnesis and symptoms I saw that it was Mercurius vivus. Within a day Mercurius vivus resumed the discharge, eliminated the torticollis, the fever subsided, and the child recovered completely. And there were many such cases.

Tension in the scalp, as from a tight bandage. Headache over the bridge of the nose and around the eyes in nervous girls, as if the head were tightly bandaged, or a tight hat pressed on the head. Pressing, tearing pain in the eyes. Burning pains in temples, better sitting and walking up and down, worse at night. The pains in the periosteum are worse in cold, damp weather in rheumatic and gouty patients, with soreness of the eyes and ears, sore throat and swollen glands. Headaches in mercury-overloaded patients with old syphilis; these people are like a barometer - they react so sharply to the weather. Extremely annoying headaches connected with catarrhal discharges; headache in patients suffering from chronic catarrh with thick discharge. A thick discharge is replaced by a watery one, and there is unpleasant pain forehead, face and eyes. These headaches are very severe. Headache of rheumatic origin and chronic character from suppression of discharge from any part of the body or from suppression of perspiration of the feet; alternating sweating of the feet and headache. When the sweating of the feet stops, there is pain and stiffness in the joints. This symptom is found in Silicea. Silicea and Mercurius vivus are not likely to be given one after the other, if rightly chosen; but the effects of long-term use of material doses of mercury are well cured by such remedies as Silicea and Nitricum acidum, if the symptoms coincide.

All headaches are accompanied by intense heat in the head. Bursting headaches, sensation of fullness in the brain, constriction, like a hoop. Feeling of pressure in the head, it is like in a vise. Sensitivity to airflow with headache. This applies to all the symptoms of Mercurius vivus. The patient is better in a room, but the condition is worse if the room is too hot or too cold, and terribly bad from a draft. Desire to cover head, but worse from heat. Sensation of a hoop squeezing the head, worse at night. Mercurius vivus is excellent remedy to eliminate the symptoms of acute hydrocephalus that occurred after measles and scarlet fever; the child tosses his head on the pillow and groans, his head is covered with sweat. In this it is similar to Apis mellifica, for it is just as good at preventing or curing hydrocephalus following scarlet fever.

Exostoses in patients with chronic syphilis. Cutting, tearing pains in the periosteum of the skull. The whole scalp is painful to touch. Soreness and tension of the scalp. Offensive, oily sweat on head. Wet eczema in children, irritation, fetid eruption.

Mercurius vivus - amazing eye remedy, especially with "cold" eyes. In gouty and rheumatic patients the eyes are affected by every cold. The catarrh of the eyes is aggravated by looking at a fire, or still more by sitting close to a fire; radiant heat causes burning pain. Eyelids seem to fill with lead, as if a person has not slept for a long time. Fog or haze before the eyes. Mercurius vivus cures syphilitic iritis. It is now customary to use mydriasis agents for iritis to prevent adhesions. I have treated many such cases and have never had the need to dilate my pupil. I don't think there is much need for this. The homeopathic remedy will quickly cure the iritis so that adhesions do not occur, and if they do, the remedy will remove them. Tearing and burning pains around the eyes, in the temples, etc. Tension of the scalp, as if the head were squeezed by a tight cap or bandage. Ulceration and inflammation of the cornea. Expansion of the vessels of the cornea; inflammation, especially within the cornea, sometimes pustular, sometimes diffuse. Copious lachrymation accompanies all eye symptoms, tears are irritating, causing red stripes on the cheeks. Greenish yellow or green discharge. Compression VK acquires a spastic character. Strong photophobia. Inflammation of all eye tissues: eyelids, conjunctiva and deeper structures. The cold settles before one's eyes, like Dulcamara.

Sometimes you may see a small neoplasm on the iris that grows across the pupil and has a stalk. This is a real syphilitic condyloma. Mercurius vivus will cure it in a few days. Inflammation of the retina, choroid and optic nerve. All types of visual impairment. Mercurius vivus helps in purulent ophthalmia, with swelling of the eyelids. This remedy is necessary for two types of constitution: syphilitic and rheumatic-gouty. The patient cannot open his eyes; the eyelids are spastically compressed, there is a strong swelling.

Ear diseases. Foul-smelling greenish discharge. Green, thick, acrid pus is discharged from the ears, as well as from the nose and other parts of the body. Fetid otorrhea. In inflammation of the middle ear with perforation of the tympanic membrane, Mercurius vivus is often necessary. Many cases of otorrhea occur in cold, damp weather in the spring, after a long and cold winter; this condition occurs almost exclusively in large cities. If the medicine restores the health of the patient, then the eardrum will overgrow in the same way as any other formation. If a healthy state is not returned due to improper treatment, a hole will remain in the membrane. Inflammation of the ears, with convulsive pains. Mercurius vivus has stinging pains like Apis. Those who think in a pattern always give Apis mellifica for stinging pains, although such a patient often needs Mercurius vivus. Purulent, offensive otorrhea. Enlargement of the parotid gland and cervical lymph nodes with inflammation of the ears. parotid glands painful and swollen, stiffness in the neck, sometimes the head is thrown back. Furuncles in the external auditory canal. Fungal growths and polyps.

Describing diseases of the nose can take a long time. Infection of the nasal bones in patients with old syphilis, with thick, greenish, yellow, acrid, offensive discharges. Nosebleeds and bloody discharge from the nose. Acrid, watery coryza, with pressure in the bones of the face, worse from heat or cold, at night; the patient is sensitive to any draft; he has to get out of bed and walk around the room. The coryza, with much sneezing, may, on the contrary, be relieved by lying down, but not at night in bed, but only during the day. Inhalation of warm air improves the condition of the nose, but heat leads to a deterioration in the condition of the body as a whole. Continuous sneezing, bleeding, scales, redness of nostrils. Old catarrh in nose. Rawness, burning and swelling. Burning, irritating pain inside the nose. Aching, tearing and pressing pain in the bones. Soreness in the bones of the face, sensation as from pressure from within outward, the patient wants to press on the painful parts, but this causes pain.

Mercurius vivus is not deep enough to completely correct the psoric constitution in cases of persistent colds. It cures a cold once, but adds a part of its nature, and the patient catches more often. Mercurius vivus should not be given frequently, not more than twice in the winter. In the same burning face, fluent coryza, aggravated by heat and warmth of the bed, Kali iodatum is better, which will cure the coryza during the night, although Mercurius vivus is technically more suitable. Kali iodatum also serves as an antidote for Mercurius vivus. Do not give Mercurius vivus frequently in psoric cases; look for a deeper remedy.

Syphilitic eruptions and neuralgia of the face, with or without catarrh. It is a good remedy for the treatment of mumps; routine remedy for this condition, which in itself indicates that in this condition Mercurius vivus must be given frequently, naturally when the symptoms are consistent.

Scurvy gums in patients with salivation. Riggs disease; purulent discharge along the edges of the teeth. Toothache; all teeth ache, especially in patients with chronic gout or patients treated for a long time with material doses of mercury. The teeth are loose. Red, soft gums. Black, dirty-looking teeth. Blackening and early decay of teeth in children with congenital syphilis, as in Staphisagria. Profuse salivation. Soreness of the gums when touched. Pulsation in gums and roots of teeth. Gums cyanotic red or purple at the edges of the teeth, loose, bleed easily. The teeth are behind the gums, it seems that the teeth have become longer. The teeth are so painful that it is impossible to chew. Abscesses of gums and roots of teeth.

Characterized by symptoms relating to taste, tongue and mouth. When the tongue is protruded, it is seen that it is flabby, has a whitish surface and is often pale. Teeth marks are visible along the edges of the tongue. The tongue is swollen, like a sponge, close to the teeth, and their impressions remain on it. Inflammation, ulceration and swelling of the tongue are bright signs Mercurius vivus. In patients with an old gouty constitution, the tongue is swollen. It swells up at night, and the patient wakes up with the feeling that the whole mouth is filled with it. Perversion of taste. The tongue is covered with a yellow or white coating, like a layer of chalk. Halitosis; putrid smell from the mouth, mercury smell in a patient with salivation. The tongue becomes clumsy; articulation is difficult; the patient is difficult to understand. Speech like a drunk. flat ulcers; corrosive ulcers; fistulas form in the cheeks. Destruction soft palate, often extending to the bones hard palate. Accumulation of pus in the maxillary sinus, fistulas between the sinus and the oral cavity. In such fistulas, Fluoricum acidum and Silicea are most often indicated, especially when the bones are affected. Profuse discharge of offensive saliva. Stomatitis in children and nursing mothers; small aphthous spots in combination with a mercury smell, the oral mucosa and tongue are flabby, spongy. General diffuse inflammation of the oral cavity. The whole mucous membrane is sensitive and painful; burning, stinging pain; dryness, with and without aphthous spots. Candidal stomatitis in children. Scurvy gums.

A sore throat. Mercurius vivus is good for inflammation of the throat with a spongy surface of the mucosa, for general diffuse swelling, swelling of the parotid glands, with swelling and stiffness in the neck. Ulcers on a greasy base; flat, spreading ulcers. Great dryness in the throat. The swelling disrupts the movement of all the muscles involved in the act of swallowing. Difficulty swallowing : with pain and paralytic weakness, when trying to take a sip, food bolus pushed into the nose, fluid flows out of the nose. A mercurial odor is characteristic, although Mercurius vivus often helps in its absence, as it has a marked affinity for the throat. Mercurius vivus has chronic diseases pharynx, syphilitic ulcers and spots. The inflammation spreads up and down, red and pale spots appear, redness, as in the beginning of suppuration or ulceration. The red patches become purplish, but the more purplish they become, the more in keeping with Lachesis. Dark red tonsils with stinging pains in them. Purulent tonsillitis after pus has formed. Mercurius vivus is effective in diphtheria, when in most cases there are diffuse, broad spots in various places, a spongy appearance of the mucous membrane, but there is no ulceration. Swelling; exudate is located on the edematous basis. Rigidity of the neck. Erysipelas in the throat. Dark, sloughing, corroding, destroying ulcers in the throat.

Aversion to meat, wine, brandy, coffee, fatty foods, oil. Milk is poorly digested, causing sour belching. Sweets are also hard to digest. Aversion to favorite beer. Chronic indigestion; belching, regurgitation, heartburn, etc. Food in the stomach turns sour or rotten. Nausea with vomiting and regurgitation of food. Food lies in the stomach with a heavy load. Bad taste; bitterness in the mouth; food seems sour. All this is accompanied by constant salivation. As food is digested, the condition does not improve. Vomiting of half-digested food. This is similar to the state of those who upset their stomach by overfilling it with liquors, beer, wine and whisky.

Lots of liver problems. From year to year, every spring, our ancestors took "blue mixtures", supposedly to normalize the functioning of the liver. Every spring they "purged" the liver in this way; as a result, the condition of the liver became worse, and it would be better if the doctors giving such advice never left the house. Constipation, biliousness, indigestion. Feeling of fullness in the region of the stomach, which occurs in attacks, worse in cold, damp weather and in hot, damp weather, worse in spring; icteric discoloration of the skin, indigestion, aggravation at night and from warmth of bed, nocturnal fever and halitosis, all give us the picture of Mercurius vivus. Stinging in the liver. The hepatic symptoms are aggravated by lying on the right side. Many of the complaints of Mercurius vivus are aggravated by lying on the right side. On the right side, pulmonary symptoms worse, cough, liver, stomach and intestinal symptoms worse.

In the abdomen we find colic, rumbling, flatulence, discomfort, pain, burning. This remedy has many stools, and diarrhea and constipation. Clearly visible dysenteric condition. Mucous, bloody stools, with much straining, feeling as if the stool would never end; even if nothing else comes out, it seems to the patient that he "can never get off the toilet." The dysentery symptoms of this remedy are very different from those of Nux vomica and Rhus. With these two remedies, a small amount of stool is ameliorated, while Mercurius vivus and Sulphur continue to sit and push, and the same is true of all mercury salts. In Mercurius corrosivus, the attack is more pronounced, with a violent urge to stool and urinate, causing great distress to the patient, with burning and discharge of clear blood. Mercurius vivus, Ipecacuanha, and Aconite are often indicated in hot weather dysentery epidemics, while Ipecacuanha, Dulcamara, and the same Mercurius vivus in cold weather dysentery. You must go to the bedside of a patient with dysentery with a repertory in hand, or pick up the medicine at home and send it to the patient. In epidemic dysentery, your very first prescription should cure the patient, and if you work carefully, you will cure every case. This is a mild enough condition to show the effect of treatment, but if you confuse the picture of the case, you will greatly complicate your life. Do not give Arsenicum just because it is "indicated for dysentery", as it will not cure, but will only confuse the picture. Do not hesitate to give Arsenicum in dysentery until you are absolutely sure of its necessity. A few days ago I saw a patient who could not lie down because of pain in the hypochondrium; he had continuous vomiting, inflammatory rheumatism of the ankles, hands and shoulders, purple spots on the arms and legs, gastritis - a whole bunch of diseases. He had already taken Phosphorus and Arsenicum album, and many other remedies in very high potencies, all seemed to be well chosen, but it was only after taking Cadmium sulphuratum that the patient fell asleep within fifteen minutes. The point was that the patient wanted absolute rest, and that ruled out Arsenicum, even though all the rest resembled the symptoms of Arsenicum. A striking feature of Cadmium sulphuratum is the desire for rest, as in Colchicum and Bryonia alba. For many years I have used this remedy in similar cases. I have seen another case of a woman with cancer who vomits coffee grounds; when Cadmium sulphuratum stopped vomiting, the patient was able to eat until she was swept away, after six weeks. Her doctor gave her Arsenicum album and Phosphorus and then morphine, after which he did not know what to do.

Urine causes burning and tingling. Frequent urge to urinate, dripping urine; hematuria, severe burning. Bleeding from the urethra. Itching, aggravated by contact with urine. Gonorrhea present for a long time; discharge thick, greenish-yellow, offensive. Stinging and burning in the urethra when urinating. Loss of sexual power. Voluptuous excitement with painful erections. Ulcers on the foreskin and glans, which makes Mercurius vivus a valuable remedy for chancre and chancroid. flat ulcers; fatty ulcers. Inflammation of the inner surface of the foreskin. Balanitis, offensive pus. In chronic balanitis, when pus accumulates behind the glans penis and under the foreskin, in patients with gonorrheal or psoric aggravations, think of Jacaranda caroba.

Serious ailments in women. Burning, stinging pain in ovaries. The patient screams in pain. Stinging, tearing, cutting pains in ovaries; the patient is covered with sweat. Profuse, irritating leucorrhoea, causing soreness, soreness, inflammation and itching in the perineum. Stinging pains, itching, boring pains in uterus. Pain in uterus and ovaries during menstruation. The secretion of milk from non-pregnant women during menstruation. Milk flow instead of menses. I once observed a sixteen-year-old boy who began to secrete milk. I cured him with Mercurius vivus.

Menses light red, pale, acrid, clotted, copious or scanty. Menses are sometimes suppressed. Women who are in the habit of taking mercury in case of “bile spillage” remain infertile. (Infertility is also not uncommon in coffee drinkers; you must insist on not drinking this drink.) Amenorrhea with flushing. Chancres on the female genital organs. Older women have sores on the genitals with rawness, soreness, false granulations, these places constantly bleed. Burning, throbbing and itching in the vagina. Itching in the genitals on contact with urine; they need to be washed all the time. In children, urine causes a burning sensation after urination, the child constantly holds his hands on the genitals. Acrid leucorrhoea in little girls, with burning and itching, causing severe discomfort. Phlegmonous inflammation of the genital organs. The appearance of boils and abscesses during menstruation; small abscesses, elongated along the edge of the mucous membrane and skin, painful, with deterioration when walking; they form during menstruation and open after it ends. In addition to itching, this causes severe discomfort.

Nausea in the morning. Edematous swelling of the genitals during pregnancy. Diffuse inflammation, soreness and feeling of fullness in the genitals and pelvis, troublesome when walking, the patient is forced to lie down. It is a valuable remedy for parametrial inflammation in the first months of pregnancy. Recurring miscarriages due to weakness of the pelvic muscles are perfectly cured by Mercurius vivus, if properly administered. Long lochia. Milk is not enough, it is bad.

Mercurius vivus is one of the best palliative remedies for uterine and breast cancer. It retards growth and sometimes cures epithelioma. I know of one case that was cured by Mercurius iodatus flavus, it was a hard ulcerated nodule in the mammary gland, the size of a goose egg, with enlargement of the axillary lymph nodes, cyanosis of the affected parts, when there was no hope left. The hundredth dilution, which the patient took whenever severe pain appeared, eliminated the knot, and the patient recovered.

The Mercurius vivus cold is not limited to the nasal symptoms we have already discussed. Most cases of Mercurius vivus begin in the nose and then go down the throat, causing soreness and scratching in the larynx, soreness and soreness in the chest; laryngitis, tracheitis and bronchitis. Loss of voice, complete aphonia. The Mercurius vivus cold extends downward, even causing pneumonia, with perspiration, restlessness, and aggravation from the warmth of the bed. Of course, in many cases, a cold is limited to a runny nose.

Various painful conditions in the chest. Cough; colds settling in the chest, lack of resistance and slow recovery. In the end, the cold settles in the bronchi; there is a feeling in the chest as if it were bursting, the cough is worse when lying on the right side. I have seen many patients take colds from hypothermia and have a sickly, yellowish appearance, they have a terrible cough and rattling in the chest; every change of weather brought on a new cold; the sick could not lie on their right side; they had a tendency to develop mucous tuberculosis or fulminant consumption. Cough worse from night air. The remedy has various pains in the chest. Patients with a rheumatic constitution, constantly perspiring, aggravated by perspiration, extreme heat or cold. Stitching, stabbing, rheumatic pains in chest, with night sweats. Bloody, thick, green sputum. Suppuration of the lung, with the formation of a large amount of pus. Violent cardiovascular paroxysms, feeling of fullness and flushes of heat in the chest. Sore throat, rheumatism, and stiffness of the neck accompany many complaints; stiffness in the neck, swelling of the glands and lymph nodes, goiter. Stiffness in the neck with every cold; more often it is expressed on one side and on the back of the neck. Thickening and soreness of the cervical lymph nodes, in combination with other complaints.

Mercurius vivus is characterized by joint involvement; inflammatory rheumatism with great swelling, worse from warmth of bed and uncovering. It is difficult for the patient to choose clothes according to the weather. Rheumatic affections with perspiration, worse at night, from the warmth of the bed and perspiration, with a sickly expression. The upper extremities are more commonly affected, but the lower extremities may also be affected.

Trembling in the limbs, as in parkinsonism. Trembling of the hands, with great weakness in them. Paralysis of the lower limbs, with spasms, twitching and trembling in the paralyzed regions. Twitching of the muscles of a paralyzed limb also has Argentum nitricum, Phosphorus, Stramonium, Secale, and Mercurius vivus.

Soreness between the thighs and in the genitals. Ulcers of legs; abscesses. Foot swelling. Cold sweat. Profuse sweat during sleep. As soon as the patient settles down in bed, he has pain and sweat; bone pain. The patient wraps himself up because he is cold, but as soon as he warms up, the pains increase.

Mercurius vivus is full of feverish symptoms. However, this fever is actually rarely idiopathic, permanent. It is not a very valuable remedy in persistent fevers, but it is particularly indicated in surgical fevers, which begin remittently but later become constant, like that which comes from suppressed discharges. The Mercurius vivus patient begins to shake with chill before the temperature rises, he begins to be chilly before the chill comes on; it is sensitive to air movement in a warm room; very sensitive to draft. Cold hands and feet. Profuse and offensive sweat. In general, the complaints are aggravated by perspiration, and the more the patient sweats, the worse he becomes. Sweat profuse, the patient's worst sufferings are associated with perspiration. Mercurius vivus has no marked intermittent fever. Between attacks, he has liver disorders, diarrhea, fever. In surgical fevers, bilious fevers, helminthic fevers in children, relapsing fevers, there are severe dull pains in the bones, great sensitivity to air, worse at night in bed when the temperature is at its highest; mercury smell and yellowness of the skin. The fever is not as intense and the skin is not as hot as in Belladonna. Coating of the tongue and bilious fever disappear after taking Mercurius vivus. It is a valuable remedy for hectic fever in final stages consumption, in wasting diseases with hectic fever, in cancer with pains, offensive sweat, etc. secretions of the whole body. Mercurius vivus is suitable for post-relapsing quasi-typhoid fever, for symptomatic typhoid fever, with jaundice, lethargy, prostration, trembling, muscle twitching, great emaciation, and fever of a persistent nature.

There are numerous skin symptoms: scaly eruptions, vesicles, rash with purulent discharge. Burning and stinging pain in the vesicles, irritating discharge, especially on the head. Violent, violent itching of the skin, in all parts of the body, as if bitten by fleas, especially at night in the warmth of the bed. Eruptions and spots on the mucous membranes of a copper color, as in syphilis. Peeling rashes are especially characteristic. Ulcers in places where the bone is covered only by the skin. Fetid forms of eczema. Most of the eruptions are weeping, with copious discharge. The medicine cures herpes zoster. Yellowness of the skin. Irritation in places where two parts of the body are in close contact. Rawness between thighs, between scrotum and thighs. Eruptions in these places. Cracks along the edges of parts of the body, in the corners of the mouth and eyes; rawness and bleeding in the perineum, making it difficult to walk.

Everything we have just discussed underlies the symptoms of all mercury salts.

Mercurius vivus solubilis (according to Grangeorges)

Mercurius solubilis (thief)

In ancient mythology, Mercury is the messenger of the Gods. He is to spread the heavenly message among the people. But he is tempted to use this message to his advantage... which makes him the God of merchants and pores! In our modern society, the very type of "Mercury crime" could be represented by the crime of a stockbroker. But in fact, this medicine is suitable for many people. Who hasn't ever been tempted to snatch a good bite?

Mercury is found primarily among precocious, gifted, class-jumping children, or among the leaders of a group of adolescents on the verge of crime. This is a child whose acquaintances parents need to closely monitor. He is alive, touching everything he sees, a joker, bold, plastic, but he can also be self-centered, indifferent to loved ones, even have an impulse to kill.

On the physical plane Mercurius angina is known, with fetid breath, profuse salivation, with white films, coated tongue with teeth marks, with sweating and feverish state with trembling. As for the skin, it is not healthy (boils, suppuration...).

Finally, it is interesting to take revenge that Mercurius loves bread and butter… and money!

Roger, 9 years old, touches everything in my office, while his parents, obviously tired, explain to me that he often has tonsillitis, otitis, boils. At birth he had a cephalohematoma (Calcarea, Fluoricum acidum, Mercurius, Silicea). He loves butter, which he eats by the spoonful, and has discipline problems at school. In addition, examination reveals bad breath. Mercurius 15 and then CH 30... Three months later, my secretary reminds me of his past arousal. Now he is obedient as a lamb and has no health problems.

Mercurius solubilis is a homeopathic preparation of mercury. Its effect on the body has been studied yet. The doctor of medical sciences took for research mainly soluble mercury or its black oxide. As a result, it was found that the effect on the body of both is absolutely identical, so both can be prescribed. The first three dilutions are done in rubbing. The pathogenesis of Mercurius solubilis can be found in the work Pure Pharmacy.

How does Mercurius solubilis affect the patient's body

The main effect of large doses of mercury on the human body is expressed in inflammation of the oral cavity, abdominal pain and dysentery. Abundant salivation begins, the gums swell and fester. The tongue is covered with a white coating, sometimes there are ulcers. The tonsils and pharynx also become inflamed. Submandibular glands swell.

Abdominal pain is the next thing that a person who has poisoned with mercury experiences. Painful sensations accompanied by vomiting. The large intestine is covered with ulcers, profuse diarrhea begins. The liver increases in size. In addition, the excretion of urine decreases or stops.

Chronic mercury poisoning shows slightly different symptoms that differ from symptomatic picture acute poisoning. The first and most important is mental disorders. Patients become more impressionable and irritable. Then the mental faculties weaken, the memory loses its sharpness. Gradually comes dementia. Some patients eventually cannot even stand and eat on their own, as well as speak intelligently.

Another symptom of chronic poisoning is trembling, a sort of vibration. various parts body. Often, along with trembling, paralysis is observed.

Finally, with chronic poisoning, a rash on the skin appears much more often than with acute poisoning. Her appearance can be very different. Sometimes the periosteum becomes inflamed.

Indications for the use of Mercurius solubilis

Homeopathic medicine Mercurius solubilis is recommended for certain groups of ailments. Let's list them. The first category is diseases of the digestive system, including various and. Further, mercury helps in dysentery, which is accompanied by greenish bloody stools. Severe pain and a large amount of blood is a sign that Mercurius solubilis will be especially effective in the treatment. This homeopathic remedy is even used to treat children.

To combat liver diseases, it is good to take small doses of Mercurius. For respiratory ailments such as the common cold, mercury also helps. They write it out with various kinds.

It is worth adding to the above that Mercurius solubilis is a very good remedy for local inflammatory processes. Finally, a homeopathic remedy is prescribed in the case, at the same time as blood and pus are released and hearing is dulled.

Synonyms: Mercurius solubilis, Mercurius solubilis hahnemanni

Mercurius solubilis is a preparation of mercury, the action of which was studied by Hahnemann. The MD researched soluble mercury or its black oxide. This made it possible to find out that the impact of the above is identical. Therefore, both can be written. Breeding is done in rubbing.

Currently, mercury in homeopathy is used only by appointment of a specialist. It is also important to take into account the latest analyzes of the patient, and the indicators of all parts of the body. Self use Mercurius solubilis 6 forbidden. This is due to the presence of toxic components in homeopathic preparations. Therefore, the wrong dosage is fraught with deterioration.

Today, several variants of the aforementioned homeopathic remedy are provided. They differ in concentration. This can be homeopathy Mercur 30 or Mercurius solubilis 6. Each of the presented remedies is used depending on the identified ailment, its stage, as well as the affected area. In most cases, doctors recommend a minimum concentration of the drug.

Indications for use

Before practicing homeopathy, the indications for the use of which are best checked with a doctor, it is advisable to read the instructions. As a rule, Mercurius solubilis is used as part of combination therapy as a symptomatic agent for different states or ailments. It is mainly recommended if the patient has:

  • Stomatitis and multiple ulcers in the oral cavity, which are accompanied by an unpleasant odor and severe bleeding;
  • Inflammation of the salivary glands;
  • Dysentery with blood, green stools, great tenesmus (pain in the rectum);
  • Parotitis, which is much worse at night;
  • Ulcerative colitis with increased sweating, pus, swollen tongue, imprints of teeth directly on it;
  • Coryza, with redness and swelling of the nose, and copious discharge;
  • Hepatitis with decreased appetite and disturbed stools;
  • Scarlet fever and tonsillitis with ulcers, as well as necrosis of the tonsils, an unpleasant odor, a bluish throat, profuse salivation;
  • Nephritis accompanied by the presence of protein in the urine;
  • Purulent otitis, which irritates the skin;
  • Rheumatism that worsens at night;
  • Inflammatory ailments of the skin that cause wet discharge;
  • Eczema with itching and burning;
  • Adnexitis;
  • Neuritis, which is accompanied by severe pain at night, is worse from heat or cold.

The indications for use in children are also identical, but there are a number of nuances. The amount of the drug in each case is selected individually. For children, only the minimum dosage is suitable.

Instructions for use

Mercury in homeopathy is used for the constitutional type thin people the weak mentally and physically. Such patients are characterized by rheumatic pains and catarrhal ailments. These patients sweat a lot, mostly at night. Most Effective Mercurius solubilis hahnemanni for women. Meanwhile, the drug is considered left-sided.

In various cases, high or low dilutions of mercury are used, depending on the specific situation. If we consider the granular version, it is used differently. Three or four times a day, eight granules are used before meals. The granules dissolve under the tongue. Duration of use Mercurius solubilis is 3-4 weeks. However, in the future, the patient is often recommended to take several maintenance courses, after a certain break.

Possible side effects

homeopathic remedy Mercurius solubilis hahnemann may provoke an allergic reaction. This is due to the intolerance of the components.
In some cases, the symptoms that were detected earlier, before treatment, worsen. Then you need to take a break for 5-7 days. If therapeutic effect not achieved, and side effects are detected, it is advisable to rush to the doctor. It is possible to combine Mercurius solubilis with other medicines, but only after consultation with an experienced specialist.

Symptoms of an overdose

The main effect of a large amount of the drug is expressed in dysentery, abdominal pain, inflammation of the oral cavity. There is profuse salivation, the gums swell and fester. A white coating and ulcers appear on the tongue, the pharynx, tonsil become inflamed, the submandibular glands swell. Abdominal pain accompanied by vomiting. The large intestine is covered with ulcers, there is profuse diarrhea. The size of the liver increases, urine output decreases or stops altogether.

In chronic intoxication, mental disorders can be noted. Patients become irritable and more impressionable. Their mental abilities weaken, memory sharpness decreases, dementia sets in. The body trembles, vibrates, paralysis occurs, a skin rash occurs, the periosteum becomes inflamed.

Drug analogues

To replace Mercurius solubilis, homeopathy offers monocomponent remedies from the same group. Among them are peppermint, rod-like eucalyptus, bird mountaineer, Rhodiola rosea. Patient reviews say that such funds are no less effective. However exact dosages, frequency of administration, duration of use in each case must be agreed with the doctor.


Although Mercurius Solubilis is a homeopathic remedy, patients do not like it, and experts do not advise it. Judging by the reviews that are available on various forums and sites, the drug has a large number of side effects. Patients who tried to cure skin and immune diseases complained of indigestion, insomnia, swelling, shortness of breath and heart palpitations. Pregnant women cannot use this drug, as experts prohibit it. Often there are fainting, increased toxicosis, vomiting.

But there are improvements in the form of stopping bleeding and stopping pain. It should also be taken into account the fact that the drug can not be used with all drugs. Some medications enhance the effect, and some suppress it. Therefore, those who wrote about the lack of effect should consult a specialist, since the interaction of drugs may be weak or absent. With proper treatment, improvements were visible after a month.

Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni

Mercury was tested by Hahnemann mainly in the form of soluble mercury, or its black oxide. Its symptomatology and metallic tinder are the same, so both are prescribed indifferently.

The first three dilutions are prepared in rubbing.

The pathogenesis is found in Pure Pharmacy.


Zlatorovich, a professor at the Faculty of Medicine in Vienna, giving a lecture in 1845 on the effects of mercury, noticed that his description was so similar to syphilis that one could be mistaken. This thought so struck him that he could no longer continue his course and took up the study of homeopathy, about which he had a vague idea. Later he became one of the luminaries of our school.

Mercury poisoning by mouth is characterized by three main symptoms: inflammation of the mouth, abdominal pain (gastralgia), and dysentery.

In the oral cavity, there is a very profuse salivation. Breath extremely offensive, gums swollen, ulcerated, teeth exposed. Swollen tongue, covered with a whitish coating, sometimes with ulcers; it shows deep teeth marks. Inflammation sometimes spreads to the pharynx and tonsils, which become covered with ulcers. The submandibular glands swell; parotid sometimes suppurate.

gastralgia. After taking the poison, patients complain of intense pain in the pit of the stomach, and almost immediately bilious, greenish, bloody vomiting begins. Inflammation of the stomach is very quickly followed by symptoms of extremely severe inflammation intestines: the stomach swells, very strong pains appear; pain is aggravated by pressure, especially in right side. The stool is initially bilious, mucous, then bloody 20-30 times a day, often with fragments of the intestinal mucosa: there are tenesmus resembling dysentery. The large intestine, which is almost entirely covered with ulcers, is most affected.

The liver enlarges and presents a picture of parenchymal hepatitis, with granular atrophy in some areas.

The kidneys are also affected in acute mercury poisoning. The excretion of urine decreases and may stop altogether; it contains a large amount of protein, sometimes several grams. Microscopic analysis reveals all kinds of cylinders, indicating deep damage to the kidneys. At autopsy, acute paranchymal nephritis is found.

In professional chronic poisoning, other equally important symptoms are observed. First of all, mental disorders: at the beginning of chronic poisoning, before the appearance of any other symptoms, Kussmaul noted an increase in mental activity, in addition, patients are extremely impressionable, easily angry, crying and laughing for no reason; they can work if someone is looking at them. This is followed by a weakening of the mental faculties, and the memory suffers especially; patients are not capable of normal thinking. This condition gradually increases and can reach dementia; Tardieu demonstrated patients who, on their own, could not stand on their feet, dress and eat, instead of words, they emitted meaningless muttering.

Trembling is a very common occurrence in chronic poisoning. In the beginning, it is observed on the lips and tongue: trembling - in the form of small twitches, which Charcot called vibratory trembling; then the forearms and shoulders are affected: rapid, regular twitches, various stretchings, often localized on one side. In more severe cases, the trembling extends to lower limbs and the whole body. Mercurial trembling, as well as trembling in multiple sclerosis, increases with voluntary movements and unrest. At rest, trembling noticeably decreases and may stop completely during sleep.

This trembling is often accompanied by paralysis.

Paralysis is incomplete, flaccid, sometimes limited individual groups muscles.

Skin rashes are more common in chronic poisoning than in acute poisoning. They are extremely diverse: papular, scaly, vesicular, sometimes they look like urticaria, measles and scarlatinal rash. Ditterich claims that inflammation of the periosteum is not uncommon with prolonged use of mercury, and Grav says that it can be observed in people who have never had syphilis, but who have taken a lot of mercury.

Mercurius solubilis, says Test, is especially suited to people who are lymphatic, emaciated, physically and mentally weak; chilly, subject to catarrhal and rheumatic pains, on the slightest exposure to cold and dampness, with slight perspiration, chiefly at night, in women rather than men.

Dominant side: left.


Violence at night.

Torrential, not ameliorating sweats, coming on at night, very profuse, with a sour smell.

Profuse and offensive salivation.

Tongue swollen, moist, with imprint of teeth.

Chilliness with goosebumps at the onset of inflammatory diseases.

Bad smell from whole body.

Tenesmus before, during and after stool.

Painful tenderness and hypertrophy of the liver.

Stitching pains in the region of the lower lobe of the right lung, which is predominantly affected by Mercury.

Pain. Shooting, tearing, stitching, worse evening and night from heat in bed, from perspiration.

Chair. Incessant, sudden, urgent urging, with very frequent pains and tenesmus.

Diarrhea: watery, greenish, glutinous, bloody, worse at night with tenesmus and feeling as if the stool would never run out.

Menses. Too profuse and too painful with large clots. During menstruation, restlessness which prevents sitting in one place. Greenish leucorrhoea, especially at night; burning, corrosive. During menstruation the breasts are sore and filled with milk.


DIGESTIVE. Inflammation of the mouth. The mouth is very moist with frothy and profuse saliva, but at the same time thirst is felt. Strong smell. Gums swollen, loose, bleeding. Syphilis or other ulcers on the buccal mucosa; mercury cures them completely, and only in rare cases is the administration of acidum nitricum. It cures idiopathic salivation. This is the main remedy for inflammation of the salivary glands.

Dysentery: greenish, sticky, bloody stools, great tenesmus before and after stool; feeling like it will never end. How more blood and the stronger the pains, the more Mercury is indicated. Diarrhea in newborns and young children. A few remedies are indicated for this disease - more often mercury. Stools of various colors, frothy and smelly, sometimes corroding the anus. Mercury Corrosivus is indicated when the diarrhea is more inflammatory in children, and generally when it takes the form of dysentery.

Liver. In small doses, Mercury is a very useful remedy in diseases of the liver with insufficient bile production, resulting in colorless, sparse and offensive stools and loss of appetite.

RESPIRATORY. Runny nose. When the discharge is mucus: "B initial period, says Jusset, the most reliable treatment is mercurius solubilis 6 alternately with sulfur 6, on the advice of Espane. In later coryza, Mercury is indicated by a brilliant redness and swelling of the nose, and a copious and corrosive discharge.

ANGINA. It is inevitable in malignant toad. An expression with a tendency to gangrene, which is characteristic of the action of Mercury in all tissues and is a sign of scarlatinal angina, one of its main areas of action.

DIFFERENT. Nephritis. Mercurius corrosivus is truly homeopathic for nephritis and albuminuria. Elinic trials have not yet finally determined its place in the treatment of these diseases in a series of cantharis terebentina and arsenicum. Acute articular rheumatism. Mercury is specifically indicated by two important characteristics: worse at night and torrential non-relief sweats.

SUPPURATION. Mercury is a very useful remedy for local inflammations. Given initially alone or alternately with belladonna, it may promote suppuration. When pus is formed, it helps to expel it, and then it can be alternated with hepar sulfur (high dilutions are prescribed to prevent suppuration, low dilutions to enhance).

EAR PAIN with discharge of blood and pus, dullness of hearing, inflammation of the auditory canal with abscess.

Mercury acts on the lymphatic system in the same way that aconite does on the arterial system. Aggravation at night, sweats that do not relieve, a wide soft tongue with teeth marks on the sides, rashness, a tendency to haste, restlessness are the main characteristic symptoms of this powerful remedy.

From the book Practical Homeopathic Medicine by Gilbert Charette

Calcium carbonicum Hahnemanni Carbonated lime. In homeopathy, carbonic lime obtained from oyster shells is used. The carbonic lime obtained in this way is not chemically pure, but, nevertheless, cannot be replaced by any other preparations, since

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MERCURIUS Case history 61 A CASE OF THE MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS TYPE A pretty girl, outwardly cheerful, not at all timid, very mobile and somewhat immodest to boot, said that she was 15 years old and that because of her relatively full appearance she was always called a lymphatic. In childhood suffered

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Chapter 25 MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS (1955) Mercurius solubilis is a precipitate of nitric acid, and Mercurius vivus is a trituration of pure mercury.

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Mercurius vivus Mercurius vivus / Mercurius vivus - elemental metallic mercury. The pathogenesis of mercury is found in the trials of Mercurius vivus and Mercurius solubilis, two slightly different remedies, but not so different as to make a difference in practice. An ordinary thermometer is filled with mercury, and in

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Mercurius corrosivus Mercurius corrosivus / Mercurius corrosivus - sublimate The main dosage forms. Homeopathic granules C3, C6 and above. Drops C3, C6 and above. Indications for use. Same as Mercurius solubilis. In addition, it is used in the pathology of the cranial nerves. Acts on

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Mercurius cyanatus Mercurius cyanatus / Mercurius cyanatus - mercury cyanide Mercury cyanide should be used for the main symptoms of Mercurius and diphtheria, with greenish films and spread into the nasal cavity, with a large surface affected. Exudation of the drug is expressed

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Mercurius sulphuricus Mercurius sulphuricus / Mercurius sulphuricus - mercury sulfate Mercurius sulphuricus can sometimes help in case of hydrothorax with rapid and short breath and burning in the chest. In case of long-standing hypostatic congestion with edema or in the presence of shortness of breath

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34. Mercurius solubilis AXIS: STOPPED + HOT + THIRST INDICATIONS FOR THE PURPOSE: - Recalcitrant - Strong thirst - Salivation OPTIONAL: - In constant motion, restless - Rough behavior, protests against everything that is said to him, disobedient - Early

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37. Mercurius solubilis AXIS: PHYSICAL ANXIETY/ACTIVE + CHILLY or HOT + THIRST (see also Mercurius solubilis 34)

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52. Mercurius solubilis AXIS: ANXIETY + HOT + THIRST (see also Mercurius solubilis

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Mercurius dulcis Mercury chloride (calomel) Has a pronounced effect on catarrh of the ear; indicated for catarrh of the Eustachian tube, deafness. Diarrhea with sore anus. Prostatitis. Relapsing bile attacks. Paleness, flabby puffiness and

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