How to kill tobacco smell. Cough drops. Changing the diet of smokers

There are more and more smokers every year. According to statistics, every third is an active smoker, and every second is a passive one. In addition to health problems, smoking can let you down, from an aesthetic point of view. If you don't want to fail a date, an interview, or an exam, then you must know how to get rid of cigarette smell in your mouth.

What should not be done to hide the smell of cigarettes from the mouth?

In an attempt to hide the smell of cigarettes, people often make mistakes. provides a list of wrong methods to deal with the smell of tobacco smoke coming from the mouth :

  1. Do not chew mint or menthol gum. Remember, these chewing gums do not help to hide the smell of cigarettes from the mouth, but on the contrary, only increase it. To eliminate cigarette smell from the mouth, you need to chew fruit gums, not mints or menthols.
  2. The smell of tobacco smoke remains not only in the mouth, but also on clothes. In this case, it is recommended to ventilate the clothes well or perfume them.
  3. The more you smoke, the more difficult it will be to fight the smell of tobacco smoke coming from your mouth.

How to quickly remove the smell of cigarettes from the mouth?

As paradoxical as it may sound, however, the best way to get rid of the smell of tobacco smoke in your mouth is to stop using cigarettes. However, not many are ready to make "such sacrifices."

There are many one-time ways to kill the smell of cigarettes in your mouth.

Consider the most effective:

  • Special sprays. Practice has shown that a spray purchased at a pharmacy allows you to instantly eliminate an unpleasant odor. The short duration of the effect is the main disadvantage of this method.
  • Chew nutmeg powder or cumin seeds. They effectively interrupt even the persistent smell of a cigarette.
  • Chew black tea leaves or acacia, dill or parsley stalks.
  • If you do not know how to quickly remove the smell of cigarettes from your mouth, then here's a tip for you - chew instant coffee. The bad smell will disappear instantly.
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits, especially the pulp of apple and carrots also help eliminate the unpleasant smell of tobacco in the mouth.
  • Clean your mouth with toothpaste. Note that this method does not completely get rid of tobacco smoke, it only temporarily masks the unpleasant odor.
  • Eat a chocolate bar or a few bars of chocolate.
  • Buy one small orange and eat it.

How long does it last and how long does the smell of cigarettes disappear from the mouth?

How long does the smell of cigarettes disappear from the mouth in a natural way? The duration of weathering depends on how often you smoke. Scientists have calculated that it takes 60-90 minutes to completely weather the smell from one cigarette.

How long does the smell of cigarettes from the mouth of long-term smokers last? Over many years of smoking, the tar and toxins in cigarettes penetrate the tissues of the oral cavity so deeply that they can take weeks or even months to be eliminated. In “experienced” smokers, the composition of saliva even changes - it increases acidity, which helps to keep an unpleasant odor in the mouth.

After a smoked cigarette, Nicotine always remains, and flavoring additives always leave their special, recognizable flair. From this article you will learn how to cigarette out of your mouth quickly, outdoors and indoors. There are many ways to do this using proven folk methods and pharmacy products.

Causes of bad breath after smoking a cigarette

Particles of nicotine, tar and flavors settle in the oral cavity. This is what causes the bad odor. After smoking one cigarette, it is easier to get rid of bad breath than for a heavy smoker after several cigarettes smoked during the day. Carcinogenic resins literally eat into the mucous membrane of the mouth, tooth enamel and lips, exuding a cigarette "aroma". This leads not only to unpleasant communication with a smoker, but also to the formation of the following diseases:

  • periodontal disease;
  • gingivitis;
  • stomatitis and caries;
  • purulent diseases of the oral mucosa;
  • erosions and ulcers of the larynx.

Mankind has invented many ways to get rid of tobacco smell from the mouth, on clothes and on the fingers. But all of them have only a temporary, cosmetic effect. Quitting smoking can really help.

How can you get rid of cigarette smell from your mouth?

If it is enough to wash the clothes with a flavored conditioner and the smell is gone, then it is more difficult to deal with the "flavor" from the mouth. Here are the most common ways to get rid of cigarette smell from your mouth:

  • brushing your teeth with a paste with a bright mint or citrus aroma;
  • the use of funds from the series "Antipolizey";
  • chewing a coffee bean;
  • drinking alcoholic, coffee or tart tea drinks;
  • rinsing the mouth with medicinal compositions;
  • chewing gum and lollipops with a strong menthol flavor.

Each of these methods has its pros and cons. Each of the methods describing how to remove the smell of cigarettes from the mouth quickly will be discussed in detail below. What exactly to choose - the smoker decides.

Cleaning teeth from unpleasant tobacco odor

The most common way. Suitable for home use only. How to remove the smell of cigarettes from the mouth quickly and efficiently, so that even at a close distance it would not be clear if a person smoked? For this you will need:

  • toothpaste with a strong fragrance (for example, Paradontax with fluoride);
  • Toothbrush;
  • professional gum rinse - it usually has the strongest menthol or citrus flavor.

You need to thoroughly brush your teeth, tongue and mouth. Then rinse your mouth and throat. That's all - there will be no trace of the smell. If you clean it superficially and carelessly, the resin particles will remain on the enamel, and the smell from the mouth will partially remain.

Teeth brushing should be carried out in several directions. First - from top to bottom, then - from side to side. Be sure to clean the surface of the tongue, the inside of the cheeks, the palate.

Rinsing the mouth with medicinal compositions

The chemical industry today offers many rinse aids with a powerful fragrance. These are "President", "Forest Balsam" and many others. Simply rinse your mouth and throat.

How to remove the smell of cigarettes from the mouth quickly? At home, the easiest way to do this is by brushing your teeth and rinsing your mouth with a professional medical composition. Particular attention should be paid to the larynx. After all, cigarette smoke is not only in the mouth - it touches the lungs.

Nicotine penetrates through the blood circulation to every corner of our body. Yes, and clothes are also impregnated with an unpleasant odor. A non-smoker will immediately smell nicotine in the apartment. So, you will have to thoroughly rinse your mouth, larynx, wash your hands, change clothes, ventilate the room.

Chewing gum and hard candies with a strong menthol flavor

This method is universal in that it can be used anywhere - in a student audience, at work, at home, in the office, visiting parents. You should choose a chewing gum with the most powerful menthol or fruit flavor, for example, Eclipse or Mentos.

Do not chew gum for more than five minutes - after this time, the aroma completely disappears, and further use does not make sense. Lollipops are simpler in this regard: you can bite them, and they will instantly kill the unpleasant aroma of nicotine and tar.

If we compare which method of getting rid of bad breath is better - brushing your teeth or lozenges, then we can say with confidence that thorough brushing of your teeth is much more effective. To completely freshen your breath, you have to use several lozenges in a row, and after that you can still feel tobacco notes in your breath.

Tablets and lollipops "Antipolizei"

Lollipops "Anti-police" is a professional medical mouth freshener. It was created specifically to eliminate foreign odor from the mouth, whether it be alcohol or cigarettes.

The composition of the drug includes eucalyptus oil, licorice root and gum arabic. These plant components destroy odorant molecules (odor carriers), while at the same time clearing the airways and softening the throat. You can buy a similar drug at any pharmacy. Its cost is about 300 rubles. It helps to get rid of fumes and bad breath after drinking beer and gin and tonics.

Pharmacy sprays and aerosols

How to remove the smell of cigarettes from the mouth on the street? If at home you can afford to thoroughly brush your teeth and gargle, then what to do on the street or in the office, where it is almost impossible to retire? It often happens with office workers that they smoke at lunchtime, and then they don’t know how to get rid of the “flavor” from their mouths.

Pharmaceutical aerosols will come to the rescue in such a situation. Sprays for a sore throat, which are used for sore throat and pharyngitis, are very good - they have a deadly effect on all pathogenic microflora in the larynx.

They aromatize and moisturize not only the oral cavity, but also the larynx, on which most of the tar and nicotine molecules settle. These are Hexoral, Cameton, Grammidin. Aerosols are much more effective than lozenges and tablets.

Citrus fruit peels

How to get rid of bad breath after cigarettes? Take a peel or slice of tangerine, orange, grapefruit. You need to slowly dissolve it in your mouth, savor it for as long as possible. This will take out the cigarette flavor a bit.

This method is weaker than the above, but if there is no rinse aid, aerosol, Anti-Policeman at hand and there is no way to brush your teeth, then the citrus zest method may well help.

Freshly squeezed citrus juice can also get rid of cigarette aroma. In general, citrus smells perfectly fight with cigarette aroma. If a smoker has a car, it is worth buying an air freshener with citrus ingredients. This will help to always keep a light veil of freshness in the cabin without notes of tobacco and nicotine.

Strong tea and coffee beans

The aroma of coffee and black tea has notes in common with cigarette aroma. If you drink a cup of espresso or Ceylon tea immediately after smoking, it will not be clear whether your breath smells like coffee or cigarettes.

A good way with coffee beans. Some heavy smokers even carry a few foil-wrapped coffee beans with them for emergencies (suddenly they have to meet with their boss or parents). It is necessary to split the grain with a tooth, and slowly dissolve the pieces, the aroma of cigarettes in the mouth will quickly change to coffee.

No wonder most coffee shops have rooms for smokers: the aroma of coffee interrupts all the others so much that nicotine and tar are simply lost. Only if the smoke is too strong - the smoke becomes visible to the naked eye. Unless, of course, the coffee shop does not use professional equipment and hoods in the smoking area.

Alcoholic drinks as a way to kill tobacco smell

This method of how to remove the smell of cigarettes from the mouth is the most unfortunate of all. However, many teenagers and young people, trying to hide their addiction from relatives and friends, after a cigarette try to drink more beer or gin and tonics. As a result, the smell of alcohol is mixed with tobacco, and it turns out just a terrible combination. Such fumes and cigarette notes are felt for a couple of meters.

Adults understand that the aroma of beer is not able to kill the smell of cigarettes, but teenagers often try to “disguise” their bad habits from their parents in this way. The best way to get rid of bad breath caused by smoking tobacco is to give up your addiction completely.

Ginger, cloves and bay leaf

Ginger root is an excellent remedy to remove nicotine "aroma" from the mouth. This plant has a tart, spicy aroma. Individual notes resemble tobacco, which is why ginger is able to mask the cigarette smell very effectively. Some smokers carry dried ginger strips with them for this purpose. They can be made independently or purchased at a pharmacy. In addition to a refreshing effect on the oral cavity, they are able to reduce appetite and speed up metabolism with regular use.

Spices such as cloves, laurel

Oy leaf and nutmeg can also effectively fight bad breath after smoking a cigarette. You can use this method not only at home, but also on the street - you just need to carefully chew a piece of bay leaf or crack open a clove pea.

A huge number of people are currently smoking. There are statistics according to which approximately every third adult at least sometimes allows himself to smoke cigarettes, or something else. But there are more than enough problems from smoking. For example, oncological diseases, pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, and much more.

But this is by no means an exhaustive list. There are also purely aesthetic problems, which are also very important. For example, bad breath. The infamous smell of a smoker is an extremely unpleasant, repulsive thing. Therefore, it would be good to get rid of it, but as efficiently as possible. Otherwise, it will simply become difficult to communicate with people. If your interlocutor is not personally a heavy smoker, then for sure he will perfectly feel an unpleasant aroma. Therefore, we will consider methods that will allow us to overcome this extremely unpleasant thing.

What is worth considering?

There are a few important points to consider in the first place, in order to get rid of the smells from cigarettes / tobacco, it was quite simple.

  • First, do not try to use mint or menthol gum. She will not be able to remove the unpleasant smell, she, oddly enough, will only strengthen it in a rather negative way. But fruit chewing gums will be just the way.
  • Second, pay attention to more than just your breathing. The fact is that your clothes, your hair are very much consumed by the smell - everything can very much give out the fact that you recently smoked heavily. Follow this closely to get rid of bad breath.
  • Thirdly, and most importantly, by all means stop smoking. Otherwise, the smell from the mouth will appear again and again, no matter how wonderful and effective means you mask it. No cigarettes/tobacco - no problems that come with them, so to speak, in the kit.


In order for the smell to be minimized, in order to remove it, it is necessary to carefully monitor oral hygiene. It is imperative to brush your teeth, and several times a day, after eating or after smoking another cigarette. Mouth rinses must be used. They are often ignored, but they can significantly improve both the condition of your teeth and breathing, and get rid of the smell of cigarettes / tobacco that you do not need. It is also important to clean the tongue. Many people forget about this, but still there is also a considerable amount of smell coming from cigarettes / tobacco. Well, you should also not forget to visit the dentist regularly - it is also an important matter, even mandatory.

One-time methods

And here are a few one-time methods that allow you to quickly kill an unpleasant odor, if one suddenly appeared after smoking, and remove it.

  • Purchase a specialized spray at a pharmacy. It can freshen up the mouth and get rid of the smell better than typical chewing gum or something similar.
  • Carry nutmeg powder, cumin seeds or zira with you. If you suddenly smoked - chew these spices, they will well kill the unpleasant aroma from cigarettes / tobacco, help to remove it.
  • It is recommended to chew a small amount of black tea. Herbs like parsley, dill, bay leaf, or cloves are also good options.
  • Coffee beans are good because they not only mask the smell for others, but also help you get rid of the unpleasant sensation in your mouth personally.
  • Even such simple and familiar things as hard apples and carrots freshen the breath. It's delicious, it helps a lot in the fight against unwanted cigarette/tobacco flavor, it helps to get rid of it.


As we can see, there are methods to combat the unpleasant odor arising from smoking. But does this mean that it is necessary to rely on them and ignore other problems that arise after smoking, even if it is not unnecessarily intense? Of course not. In general, you should not succumb to this bad habit and let it into your daily existence. If you allow yourself such weakness, then everything is far from being limited to just one smell. Everything will get worse and worse. The color of the teeth will change. The skin will start to flake off. There will be shortness of breath. And this is just the beginning. Therefore, you should definitely think about whether the game is worth the candle?

After all, there are so many great things to do besides cigarettes / tobacco, which in no way will negatively affect you and your image. Why not give preference to them, and not a pack of cigarettes? Bad habits are always bad, regardless of the consequences that they entail in the future. So just don't start smoking. This is much easier than making serious efforts in the future to quit this occupation, get rid of it.

Sooner or later, the question of how to remove the smell of cigarettes from the mouth is acute for every tobacco lover. Bad breath is a problem for smokers and the people who interact with them. For the former, adapted to bad breath, the problem comes to the surface when relationships with others worsen. For non-smokers, communication with an avid cigarette lover turns into flour.

Causes of bad breath when smoking

There are several factors that influence the formation of a persistent odor. The main absorption is the absorption of chemical compounds (tar, nicotine, etc.) contained in inhaled vapors by the oral mucosa and tooth enamel. In addition, a specific aroma is formed due to:

A person smells of what he eats, drinks and smokes. It is impossible to freshen your breath completely and forever without giving up the bad habit of tobacco and without bringing the oral cavity and the processes of gastrointestinal metabolism back to normal. To solve the problem, humanity has spent a lot of effort and time inventing ways to drown out the unpleasant smell of tobacco.

How to get rid of the problem?

The only way to resolve the situation once and for all is to give up your addiction, but the way of the ancient king Alexander the Great, who cut the knot that no one could untie, is not suitable for everyone. Those who are dominated by a pack of cigarettes have to resort to both folk remedies and medications.

Daily brushing

This method is effective if you use a toothbrush and a special mint floss after every meal and smoking a cigarette. With the help of such tools you can clean:

It is there that food residues, bacteria, resins accumulate, which cause a bad smell, but the effect of this method is temporary. It does not cleanse the deep parts of the respiratory system, and the effect of the expended efforts gradually fades away.

Use of rinse aids

This option to deal with the consequences of smoking is auxiliary. It does not replace brushing your teeth, but is useful in the "field" or when there is not enough time. Rinses may contain the following active ingredients:

  • phytocomponents;
  • alcohol;
  • thymol;
  • bleaching elements;
  • sodium fluoride and other substances.

Chewing gum and antiseptic lozenges

A well-known way to help a cigarette lover is chewing gum in the form of a pillow, ball, plate, or any other design. If you do not limit yourself to one little thing, you can effectively correct the situation, albeit not for very long. The only caveat is that you need to choose not mint gum, but fruit-flavored gum. Often the use of this method is fraught with disruption of the digestive tract, so smokers are advised to alternate between different ways to fix the problem. For example, pharmaceuticals:

  • Antipolizei;
  • antiseptic lozenges / lozenges.

The first one actively fights odor carrier molecules. Sugar-free oral antiseptic "clogs" the smell well, and at the same time destroys bacteria, the result of which is bad breath. But it is also impossible to overdo it with this tool.

Spray freshener

If the breath is stale, then the spray will help. It is easy to purchase at any pharmacy and carry in a bag, purse, pocket. The method is fast, reliable, but the effect of it is unstable. The freshener, unlike chewing gum, does not remove plaque on the teeth, tongue, cheeks, which exudes staleness. This method is used mainly as a palliative (temporary way to cover up a bad smell) and has little effect on the cause. If the spray contains an antiseptic, it destroys bacteria, thereby reducing odor. The problem of using this remedy is alcohol that dries up the mucous membrane or a “violator” of its biocenosis - an antiseptic.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies include products of natural origin: food, drinks that can be quickly chewed or swallowed, easy to carry, convenient to use, and this does not cause rejection by others. Most often, this method is also temporary. But it allows not only to remove an unpleasant smell, but also a taste, some products even give vivacity.


The effect of chewing any citrus fruit (preferably with zest) is about the same as from fruit chewing gum. Essential oils mask the smell of tobacco quickly and effectively, but briefly. Unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of unpleasant breath with this method - only to hide, but you can improve the sensations in the mouth.


Ginger root works according to the following principle. Essential oils hide an unpleasant smell, spicy taste provokes salivation. Standing out, saliva abundantly wets the oral cavity, which leads to the desired effect. You can chew a piece of ginger in any form (fresh, in sugar). With inflammatory diseases of the stomach or intestines, this method is considered not the best.

Drinking tea and other drinks

Any tea (green, black, herbal), mineral and ordinary drinking water moisturizes the mucous membrane, mechanically removes odor carrier molecules and bacteria. This explains the effect. But carbonated and non-carbonated, but sugar-containing drinks should not be consumed. Pathogenic bacteria are very fond of such an environment and multiply rapidly, exacerbating the situation.


You can get rid of repulsive breath in a pleasant way. Any nut perfectly acts as a fighter with the consequences of smoking a cigarette:

However, it is best to kill tobacco amber with Muscat. Affordable seasoning for meat dishes perfectly masks the smell from the mouth.

Coffee beans

This option is perfect as a refresher after one or more smoked cigarettes. After chewing a few grains, you can not only replace bad breath with a pleasant aroma of coffee, but also eliminate the disgusting aftertaste in your mouth. This method also returns cheerfulness. Many shops at gas stations sell such grains in special packaging for motorists.


Many spice plants are good at defeating or masking the smell of a smoker due to their antiseptic properties and the ability to accelerate regenerative processes in the oral cavity. They eliminate some of the causes of bad breath. At the first place.

Cigarette smoke contains many carcinogens. When in contact with oxygen or mucous membranes, they begin to exude a strong odor. Gradually, they accumulate, an unpleasant cigarette smell is constantly felt from the mouth. It is not audible to its owner, but others immediately perceive it. How to remove the smell of cigarettes from the mouth?

The reasons

The main reason for the appearance of an unpleasant odor from cigarette smoke is the introduction of smoke into the mucous membrane. This leads to a change in acidity, the surface of the epithelium and an increased formation of microbes. Gradually, the balance of the mucosa is disturbed, a violation of the microflora occurs.

There are many dental diseases that cause bad breath, but this is not the case with cigarette smoke.


The smell in the mouth of a smoker is specific. It intensifies when you go outside, when there is freshness around. With constant smoking, it is impossible to get rid of cigarette amber forever. Temporary disguises are applied. There are many products that give an instant cosmetic effect. They will have to be used constantly after each smoked cigarette. Unfortunately, the tobacco "aura" will haunt a smoking person all the time. The smoke is very caustic, immediately eats into hair, clothes, hands and other things.

Ways to get rid of odor

Complete hygiene

Teeth cleaning is carried out after eating and smoking. Ingredients in toothpaste can block cigarette smell for a short time. After a while, the unpleasant odor will again come from the lungs. The greatest accumulation of toxic substances is noted in the gaps of the teeth and on the tongue. The organ must be washed with a special plastic spatula.

Important to know: The gaps between the teeth are well disinfected with mint dental floss.

chewing gum

This is a great odor control product. Thanks to the increased production of saliva, the washing of the oral cavity occurs. Together with the secret, a large number of bacteria enter, and the smell is washed off. After smoking a cigarette, rinse your mouth with plain water, then immediately chew the gum. To enhance the effect, you can chew one plate, and after a few minutes use a fresh one.

Important to know: In removing the smell of tobacco, fruit fillers have a better effect than mint ones.

Cough lozenges

They are used not only to prevent a viral infection of the throat, but also to eliminate various odors. The lozenges contain strong aromatic and refreshing ingredients. They can be alternated with chewing gum. It is better to use antiseptic lozenges, which do not contain sugar. This will save the enamel from the harmful effects of glucose and the development of caries. Special lollipops "Antipolizei" are especially popular. They belong to the biologically active freshener.

Important: The composition contains eucalyptus oil, licorice root and other components. Thanks to them, the destruction of molecules - odor carriers.


Some products help to quickly eliminate odor. Citrus fruits - lemons, oranges, tangerines, grapefruit have this effect. The pungent aroma acts instantly and for a long time. A small piece of orange or lemon is enough, but only with zest.

Interesting: It is in the peel that there is an increased content of acids and oils, which give a sharp aroma.

Coffee beans

Coffee has a thick and tart aroma. If it is used in finished form after smoking, then it does not cope with the smell much. It is recommended to use a fresh product in grains. Chewing whole halves of coffee should not be done, this can lead to microscopic damage to the enamel. It is necessary to grind a handful of seeds in a coffee grinder. For one oral treatment, half a teaspoon of coffee powder is enough. Fresh ground coffee is chewed for about 20 seconds, then the mouth is thoroughly rinsed with plain water.

Important: Do not abuse coffee to eliminate cigarette smell. Gradually, the enamel from the content of the pigment darkens and becomes covered with an unpleasant yellowness.

Sunflower seeds

This product has a mass of saturated fatty acids. They give a persistent and specific aroma. Seeds perfectly clog the smell of cigarettes after the first handful. After their use, the oral cavity must be rinsed with plain water. This will prevent small particles of the product from getting between the teeth.

It is worth noting: Many nuts have the same effect, but nutmeg is used with caution. This product contains toxic acids, which may cause an allergic reaction.

dried cloves

The buds of the clove tree are used in cooking to give dishes a specific flavor. They have a spicy taste thanks to eugenol essential oil. Smokers only need to chew on a few pieces of cloves to wash down the smell of smoke.

Interesting: Cloves can be replaced with bay leaves. Even when dried, it retains a persistent aroma. After its use, it is not recommended to drink and eat for some time, then the effect will be maximum.

ginger slices

The product has a tart, spicy taste and is excellent for fighting bad breath after smoking. First, the root is cut into small slices and folded into a jar. Under a tight lid, it is stored in the refrigerator. After each smoked cigarette, ginger is carefully chewed.

Important: Use ginger with caution if there are diseases of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. The components of the root lead to its irritation, can increase the symptoms of gastritis and ulcers.


Breath freshness can be maintained with special refreshing sprays. They are sold in pharmacies. It is better to use natural fresheners without the addition of alcohol and sugar. After smoking a cigarette, two injections are enough, but before that it is better to rinse your mouth with plain water.


Ordinary dairy products do a good job with cigarette smell. Components and milk fats instantly absorb odor molecules. It is enough to eat a small jar of yogurt or rinse your mouth with regular milk. Also, lactic acid products are necessary to maintain the microflora of the oral cavity. This will avoid the development of anaerobic bacteria that cause other odors.


Natural homemade wine has a delicate taste and smell. This low-alcohol drink easily eliminates various odors. If you spill a certain amount of wine indoors, then the vapors will be in the air for a long time. To eliminate the smell of cigarette smoke, wine is not drunk. They rinse their mouth for a few seconds and spit.

Important to know: Only a natural product made from pure grapes without alcohol will help in eliminating cigarette smell.

How to get rid of the smell of cigarettes in the apartment - video

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