The specificity of adolescent drug addiction. Teenage drug addiction is the scourge of modern society

It's no secret that transitional age is associated with certain difficulties. During puberty, all problems seem to pile on the fragile psyche of children en masse, which often becomes the cause of aggressive behavior and excessive secrecy of teenagers. It is at this difficult time that children can “break wood” and make the most difficult mistakes in life.

Drug addiction among adolescents is a very common phenomenon that requires increased attention, especially from the older generation.

By itself, adolescence, of course, is not capable of being the cause of deviant behavior. Drug addiction in adolescents is a consequence of obvious or hidden problems, most often associated with factors such as:

  • Lack of understanding in the family.

Bad relationships with loved ones significantly affect the psycho-emotional background of a person. Adolescents are especially nervous and worried about this (they blame themselves for the troubles that arise, feel rejected, etc.). A persistently negative situation in the house depresses and leads to internal conflicts; the child begins to withdraw into himself and is in a deep depressive state. In such cases, adolescents try to find a way to escape from reality - sometimes through the use of narcotic and psychotropic substances.

  • Strict parental control.

Teenagers make better contact if adults talk to them on an equal footing, without going to extremes. This age does not accept strict restrictions. When parents constantly dictate their demands to their already grown-up child, he becomes not only bored and dreary: he begins to protest. Excessive pressure from parents can lead to a desire to break any restrictions and secretly do everything that could be prohibited.

  • social indifference.

"White crows" do not feel their connection with society, they behave quietly or emphatically aggressively. They do not stay long in one company and are always looking for new interesting connections. Very often, such teenagers fall into the company of drug addicts, who are always happy with neophytes. Moreover, newcomers in such circles usually serve as sources of money for "experienced" for new doses of drugs, and are not initially considered as friends.

  • Strong desire to join the team.

In adolescence, the company of like-minded people is especially important for insecure young people. Such a child longs to find friends who will certainly understand him, and with all his might wants to assimilate in a mini-society; and if new friends use drugs - well, he does not want to stand out. In addition, the company usually presents the use of drugs as fun (often drug addicts convince themselves of this).

  • Banal interest in the unknown.

Parents should promptly debunk the "romantic" veil that envelops drug addiction in some films and books. It is important that a child from an early age be aware of what sad results the use of narcotic substances can lead to. As a preventive measure, teenagers can be shown dark video confessions of former and current drug addicts.

It should be noted that one of the basic causes of teenage drug addiction is the irresponsibility of adolescents. The lack of a responsible attitude to life among the representatives of the younger generation is in some cases associated with errors in parental upbringing. After all, many caring parents take all the responsibilities on themselves, finishing for their child everything that he started and could not (or did not want to) complete. A youth who has learned such a message in early childhood may be powerless in the face of many life problems. Even knowing about the dangers of drugs, an irresponsible young man is able to start using them without hesitation, because he does not feel responsible for his own life and is well aware that no matter what happens, relatives will definitely solve the problem.

The world of a growing person is always full of secrets, and even the most sensitive parent may not be aware of what is going on in his beloved child's head. That is why it is important for adults to be gently and unobtrusively interested in the lives of their children, timely identifying difficulties and showing participation if necessary.

Teenagers sometimes behave strangely, but sometimes these oddities can indicate problems that are actively emerging. Parents should be concerned about:

  • Inappropriate behavior of the child.

The young man is either in a long depression, or laughs and enjoys life. Nervousness and irritability appear for no particular reason. Perhaps the emergence of paranoid states.

  • Lethargy, decreased concentration of a teenager.

Beginning drug addicts find it difficult to wake up in the morning. Academic achievement in these children falls sharply. A teenager skips classes and is rude to teachers, even if he used to be quiet and balanced; he loses his sense of time and responsibility.

  • Excessive secretiveness of a son or daughter.

A teenager loses interest in old friends and constantly communicates with new ones, but parents do not know their names, and can only see them occasionally, with rare chance meetings. The child calls up to his comrades too often, secluded for conversations; he abruptly cuts off communication when someone close to him approaches, and also often leaves the house after the end of telephone conversations.

Access to the computer can be password protected and the room permanently locked. At the same time, strange smells can be periodically caught in the child’s bedroom (pleasant aromas should also be alarming, since many drug addicts mask narcotic smells with incense).

  • The appearance of slang words in the child's speech.

When a teenager speaks on the phone, words such as “salt”, “Afghan”, “ganja”, “lyapka”, “coconut” and many others may periodically slip through his speech. These are symbols of narcotic substances, and a clear sign of addiction.

  • External manifestations characteristic of drug addiction.

The pupils of the child are often dilated or severely constricted. The teenager looks stunned, too relaxed, staring into nowhere. Sometimes, on the contrary, there is a running glance along with overexcitation. A young man develops an unhealthy shine in the eyes and (or) redness of the sclera. Speech changes: the rhythm is slowed down, words or word endings are “swallowed”, there is no clear articulation. In the evenings, there may be signs of alcohol poisoning in the absence of the smell of alcohol itself.

The teenager has a deterioration in the condition of the skin and hair. On the body of a young person, parents can accidentally see small wounds, cuts, needle marks (usually drug addicts hide them under plasters or long sleeves).

The child’s insomnia alternating with long hours of sound sleep, the appearance of bouts of brutal appetite, followed by a prolonged refusal to eat, the boy’s requests for an increase in pocket money, periodic loss of money and other material values ​​should also alert adults.

No matter how aggressive and strange the child behaves, it is necessary to understand that he may be in desperate need of help. His future, and possibly his life, may depend on the speed of the reaction of his parents!

Suspecting that a teenager is addicted to drugs, loved ones usually panic and lose their temper. And this can be understood. Meanwhile, in such cases, it is important to control your emotions and act consistently.

First you need to find out if the teenager is really suffering from drug addiction. If there are no obvious signs, but there are suspicions, it is necessary to try to bring the child to a calm, frank conversation. Talk to him and let him know that you are concerned about his condition. Find out what happened, if the child is in any trouble, and offer help. Not the fact that the truth will emerge immediately, but be patient! If drug addiction occurs, then perhaps the child himself admits that he has problems (however, many drug-addicted adolescents do not find the strength for such recognition).

It would be no less expedient to purchase an express drug test at the nearest pharmacy. If the result of the test is positive, and also in cases where the child honestly admitted his addiction or the signs of drug addiction are too obvious, you should immediately call the drug helpline or contact the drug treatment center directly.

Do not jump to conclusions, do not despair and keep yourself in control. After all, the child needs the support of loved ones. Don't yell at your teen and try to figure out why he started using drugs. Gently try to find out how long the child has been using drugs and what they are called. The conversation should have a calm, constructive character, and in no case should it resemble an interrogation. Be firm, and at the same time consider the feelings of the young family member. Clearly state the position: “I will always love and accept you, but I will never accept drug use.” Your task is to try to make the teenager want to get rid of the addiction himself, because in this case, rehabilitation will be faster.

And remember: drug addiction requires specialized complex treatment. Do not try to solve this problem yourself.

One of the most common fears of modern parents is to find out that the child has long and firmly depended on drugs. However, there is always a way out, in no case should this problem be ignored. We provide high-quality and effective drug addiction treatment for adolescents.

Have you noticed that your growing child's behavior has changed? Did you see injection marks on your arms or legs? These are the most common signs of drug addiction in adolescents that can be visually identified.

Primary consultation of a drug addict and relatives

We offer an initial consultation, during which an experienced psychologist and a narcologist will conduct an initial conversation with a young drug addict, with close relatives, to determine the problem, a further plan of action.

It is during this initial period that it is necessary to very carefully start a conversation with a teenager, to identify the reason that prompted him to start taking drugs, to understand his inner feelings. And most importantly, stimulate the desire to start treatment for drug addiction.

Diagnosis of drug addiction in a teenager

Drug addiction is a very complex disease that requires careful diagnosis. First of all, your child will be fully examined (all the necessary tests will be taken, an ultrasound examination and more will be performed).

With the help of special laboratory tests in our clinic in Moscow, you can find out exactly what drugs a teenager has become addicted to (cannabinoids, spice, psychostimulants, opiates, etc.), as well as its degree.

The examination will also identify concomitant diseases that could develop as a result of chronic intoxication of the body. In addition, our psychologists will work with your child in order to identify the causes that provoked drug addiction. Problems of juvenile drug addiction can have many different causes, which are important for successful treatment to address.

Individual treatment of teenage drug addiction

Treatment of teenage drug addiction is not an easy, but surmountable path. To successfully overcome drug addiction for each patient, we develop an exclusively individual treatment plan.

A comprehensive drug treatment is carried out, which is aimed at removing signs of intoxication (if necessary), as well as maintaining a young body and resuming its normal functioning.

An integral part of the treatment is the work of a psychologist with a teenager. Since the complete overcoming of drug addiction is almost impossible without work on the patient's consciousness. The psychologists of our clinic in Moscow are doing their best to correct the behavior of a teenager, thus eliminating the root causes of drug addiction.

Rehabilitation is an important part of securing success

Juvenile drug addiction is often characterized by relapses and relapses. In order to forever forget about the problems associated with drugs, an important role is assigned not only to direct treatment, but also to the rehabilitation stage.

Our clinic for adolescents also develops special rehabilitation programs, after which adolescents in 90% of cases do not have a desire to return to drug use.

We work for the benefit of our patients. Hundreds of teenagers have already passed through our clinic, who were able to successfully cope with the problem of drug addiction. Give your child a chance to recover, contact our clinic!

The cost of medical services

Service Price
Addiction treatment 1300 rub./day
Rehabilitation of drug addicts from 35000 rub. month
Rehabilitation center in Thailand from 5000 rub./day
VIP class drug treatment (VIP services) from 2500 rub./day
Removal of withdrawal symptoms (withdrawal syndrome) 3000 rub.
Dropper at home 3000 rub.
Addiction Treatment Clinic 1300 rub.
Services of a narcologist (Psychologist) 3000 rub.
Compulsory drug treatment (Motivational brigade) from 10000 rub.
Treatment of drug addiction in a hospital 1300 rub./day
Ubod (Detoxification) 25000 rub.

About 80,000 Russians become drug addicts a year. Although the average age of a drug addict is 28, there are many children and teenagers among addicts. The problem of teenage drug addiction and addiction treatment is relevant and complex, because the unformed psyche of the child is subject to constant changes and requires a special approach.

The rate of development of addiction in adolescents is higher than in adults: one single use of illicit drugs is enough to start the start of damage to the body. In some advanced cases, even professional treatment is useless.

Addiction Development Factors

Reasons for the development of drug addiction in adolescents

Many medical experts argue about which factors are the main factors in the formation of addiction in a teenager.

During adolescence, the body and consciousness undergo tremendous changes, and the dynamics of the development of the disease becomes uncontrollable. There are 2 main reasons that increase the likelihood of developing drug addiction in adolescents.


The results of many experiments indicate the existence of a genetic predisposition of some people to the use of narcotic substances. In conditions of free access to psychoactive drugs, one group of people is marked by a high level of consumption, and the other by a lower level.

The presence of genetic conditioning implies an increased speed of brain reactions that are responsible for strengthening dependence on narcotic drugs. Certain psychiatric illnesses also increase the risk of teenagers becoming involved in drug use (schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression).


Belonging of the child's family to an asocial group increases the risk of developing teenage drug addiction. Lack of supervision and communication from parents can end badly for the offspring. The presence of bad habits (alcohol, smoking) in the child's parents also increases the risk of drug addiction.

The period of puberty implies a global restructuring of the teenage organism. Raging hormones start a series of chain reactions that a person is not able to cope with. Sudden mood swings, lack of life guidelines, as well as individual character traits push the child to teenage drug addiction.

The notorious teenage maximalism plays an important role in the formation of addiction. Seeking thrills within familiar company leads to an interest in illegal substances. Personal immaturity forces some teenagers to establish themselves in this way among their peers.

Signs of illness

It is always easier to prevent the emergence of drug addiction than to conduct competent treatment of a long-standing addiction. There are certain signs of drug addiction in teenagers that should alert parents:

  • change in drinking regimen and daily routine;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • pallor and swelling of the skin;
  • unnatural pupil size;
  • constant runny nose;
  • acceleration or deceleration of behavioral responses;
  • the appearance of extraneous paraphernalia.

Changes in appearance

Signs of drug use

Taking drugs affects the appearance of the addict. One of the informative signs of teenage drug addiction is the condition of the eyes. A change in pupillary reactions is one of the characteristic signs of taking narcotic drugs. The deviation from the normal pupil size should be regarded as a key external indicator.

You also need to pay attention to your hands. The appearance of injection marks on the hands, wearing long-sleeved clothes in the hot season is a direct indication that a teenager is using psychoactive substances.

Stages of disease development

Teen addiction develops in 4 stages.

First stage

A single use of drugs may not cause the desired positive sensations. But do not underestimate this one, since it is at this time that a person ceases to consider the narcotic substance potentially dangerous. Unsuccessful intake of substances weakens the boundaries and internal prohibitions.

This period is characterized by the fact that the child first experiences a feeling of euphoria. The desire to "escape" from reality and expand consciousness pushes the child to reuse the substance. The drug becomes an excellent relaxant and an easy way to have fun.

During this period, the psychological and physical dependence on substances is consolidated. Prolonged withdrawal from illicit substances can lead to a serious disorder. Now immersion in a drug state is perceived not as a fun entertainment, but as a necessary and only way to solve problems. At this stage, it is recommended to start compulsory treatment of the drug addict.

At this stage, all the characteristic symptoms appear, toxic damage to all systems of the teenage body occurs. In case of long-term disuse of the drug, "" may develop. A person does not hide his addiction. Often there is an emergency hospitalization of a drug addict and further treatment.

Damage Estimation

The range of consequences resulting from teenage drug addiction is extremely wide - from damage to individual body systems to death. The devastating effects of narcotic drugs on human health have long been proven, and some of the consequences are untreatable.

As a result of drug abuse, the following consequences can occur:

  • brain diseases;
  • damage to internal organs;
  • pathological changes in the psyche;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • the appearance of suicidal tendencies;
  • myocardial diseases.

Treatment of the disease

Building relationships in the family with a teenager is one of the best medicines

Parents' unwillingness to believe that their child uses drugs, and "hushing up" the problem, is the biggest mistake they can make. Establishing communication with a teenager and building a trusting relationship is one of the best methods of treatment that can be subjected to a drug addict.

There are specialized medical institutions that professionally deal with the treatment of teenage drug addiction. In case of refusal of treatment, you can call a medical team and isolate the addict in a forced mode. In narcological clinics, a person is taken out of a state of intoxication, and they are also engaged in the removal of a drug syndrome.

Read on this page:

Speaking about the disease of drug addiction among adolescents, it is worth understanding that it has its own specifics. This is expressed in the causes of drug use, during the course of the disease and the formation of addiction, in the impact that the disease has on the entire subsequent life of a teenager. And the attitude of today's children and teenagers to drugs does not make it possible to build joyful illusions on this topic. Anonymous testing of schoolchildren showed that sixty percent of them would be willing to try drugs if given the opportunity. The result of the survey also suggests a way out of the current situation - active prevention of drug addiction and promotion of a healthy lifestyle are necessary.

Teenagers are influenced

Teenagers often do not realize the true state of affairs. They want to experience something new, to have fun, to have fun. For some, this is an opportunity to feel more mature, or to do something forbidden "in spite" of the elders. This is usually what causes drug addiction in teenagers.

At the same time, adolescents and young people often do not understand the full danger of drug addiction. They know nothing about the characteristics of the disease, about the impact drugs have on human health, about the fact that even 2-3 uses can cause irreparable harm to the body.

Ignorance needs to be removed

It turns out that in order for a teenager to be more protected, not to become a victim of experiments with prohibited substances, he must be informed in a timely manner. Reliable information, conveyed in an adequate way, can be the factor that leaves the development of teenage drug addiction.

How do you know if a child is using drugs?

Any drugs affect the human body and throughout his life. Gradually, changes in behavior begin, in social life, health deteriorates. If you notice at least one of the signs of drug use, which will be listed below, then there is reason to be wary. If you find two or three signs, then you should urgently seek help from specialists. Delay is inappropriate here.

Changes in behavior

  • The teenager's social circle has changed a lot. Old friends come and call less and less. With new comrades, he tries not to speak in front of adults.
  • The coordination of movements has changed. They have become too sharp or, on the contrary, too slow, an unsteady gait may be observed.
  • You see your child less and less. The teenager disappears somewhere, and when he returns home, he closes himself in the bathroom or in his room for a long time.
  • The mood during teenage drug addiction changes dramatically, fun can be replaced by sudden unmotivated aggression. Of course, adolescence implies some instability of the mental state, but if this goes beyond the norm, then you need to think about the reasons.
  • The teenager begins to ask for more money, may steal money or valuables.

Changes in physiology

  • Sudden changes in appetite: a teenager can eat nothing at all, and then start eating a lot. All this is accompanied by various digestive disorders from diarrhea to constipation.
  • There are problems with sleep, sleep and wakefulness may be completely disturbed. For example, a teenager does something all night and then sleeps all day. There is insomnia, lack of sleep for several days in a row.
  • The child may develop a cough that is not relieved by drug treatment, as well as bad breath.
  • The eyes of a teenager may have a strange expression, unusual brilliance and pupil size.

Changes in appearance

  • Among teenagers, it is customary to dress fashionably and take care of yourself, but suddenly the child stops paying attention to his appearance. The appearance becomes sloppy, clothes sometimes do not change for several days. The wardrobe is dominated by dark colors and models with long sleeves. They are necessary if the drug is injected to hide injection marks.
  • The appearance of the skin changes, it becomes an unhealthy color, a rash, wounds, bruises may appear. The appearance of hair with drug addiction also deteriorates, they become faded.
  • Items of incomprehensible purpose appear in the apartment: foil, burnt spoons, syringes.

How to deal with teen drug addiction?

Prevention of drug addiction among adolescents is of great importance, even not very rich countries are trying to allocate funds from state budgets for it. Because reliable knowledge about the disease of drug addiction is actually the only reason a teenager can say no to drugs.

For this, work is underway to prevent teenage drug addiction in educational institutions: special lessons, trainings, lectures, classes. It is important that the right negative attitude towards drugs is instilled in teenagers and in the family.

Unfortunately, the distribution of drugs has now taken on very active forms, no one has guarantees that a child will not become a victim of drug addiction. Modern synthetic drugs are very cheap and available; in fact, every teenager can buy them without even leaving home. Often the first dose of the drug is offered free of charge.

You need to tell your child that the first doses can really bring pleasure, but after the drug takes power over a person: the pleasure becomes less and less, and the suffering grows. On the one hand, adolescence is complicated by the fact that a young person is still subject to outside influences. But this feature of age can be used for good to prevent drug addiction in a teenager. You still have great authority for him, take advantage of this.

What to do if a teenager has tried drugs?

If it so happened that a teenager started using drugs, and you found out about it, then it is worth remembering that addiction is not formed immediately - no need to panic, you have a chance to fix everything. But you can’t hesitate here either, unfortunately, modern synthetic drugs are created in such a way as to cause addiction as quickly as possible. The formation of teenage drug addiction can occur transiently due to the characteristics of the drug, as well as due to the specifics of adolescent physiology.

What to do with drug addiction in teenagers:

  • Eliminate the psychological causes of addiction in a teenager. Such reasons may also include social factors: poor quality of life, poverty, violence from loved ones, including psychological. Rehabilitation, restoration of the psyche and personality of a teenager is carried out in a specialized rehabilitation center. Narcological clinics and dispensaries have special rehabilitation departments specifically for children and adolescents.
  • It is necessary to carry out medical treatment of teenage drug addiction. This is done in a drug treatment clinic or state dispensary. Treatment of minor patients is carried out with the consent of their parents or other legal representatives.

Features of teenage drug addiction

Adolescence has its own characteristics. The body of a young person reacts differently to taking drugs than a fully formed adult body. Distribution of drugs among teenagers is especially dangerous because they cannot resist the temptation as much as adults can. Even the law punishes such a crime more severely.

Of course, drugs are dangerous for everyone, and drug addiction is a deadly disease that leads to death if it is not cured. But a person who started using in adolescence causes especially noticeable damage throughout his life:

  • A teenager develops an absolutely distorted system of values ​​and priorities. He does not acquire the skills of healthy communication with near and far surroundings. Later, it will be difficult for him to build personal, friendly, working relationships.
  • Adolescence is the best time to acquire knowledge and professional skills. A teenager, using drugs, loses it in vain.
  • A teenager is going through puberty. At this time, the formation of the reproductive system of the body is completed. Drugs cause irreparable harm to her, later a teenager may have problems with the birth of offspring.

Development of addiction in adolescents

The teenage psyche is not very stable in itself. A teenager has little life experience, there are no such strong memorable impressions as an adult, so psychological dependence is formed very quickly and can be intense. The drug experience becomes one of the strongest impressions.

Physical attachment in a teenager is not usually accompanied by withdrawal in the same way as in an adult drug addict, the reason for this is the physiology of age.

Teenage drug addiction as a social problem

Today, the problem of drug use by teenagers has become not only a medical, but also an acute social problem. It has assumed alarming proportions. The age of drug addicts is constantly decreasing. Now we can already talk about child drug addiction, because cases of drug use by children of nine years old have been recorded. More than half of the boys have tried drugs at least once in their lives. Among girls, this percentage is less; every fifth girl has tried drugs.

Of course, in our country the problem of teenage drug addiction arose later than in the West. So in the United States, drug testing of all schoolchildren has long become the norm, while in Russia there is no such mandatory testing yet. But at a rapid pace, we are catching up with other countries in this deadly race.

In a few years, teenagers who are now drug addicts will become adults. Someone will remain a drug addict and die. Others will be able to overcome addiction, but for many years to come, the distortions of the psyche and health problems resulting from this disease will spoil their lives. This is how the nation's health, its intellectual and spiritual potential suffer. Therefore, the problem of drug-addicted teenagers is essentially a problem of the state, of all its citizens.

Today, federal programs, social initiatives and volunteer movements are being created that are designed to rectify the situation. In specialized medical institutions, special attention is paid to the prevention and treatment of teenage drug addiction.

Finding out that your child is a drug addict is one of the biggest tragedies for parents. Perhaps that is why many of them try to deceive themselves in every possible way and convince themselves that this is impossible in their family, that these are all coincidences and so on. The result of such auto-training is usually drug addiction in the later stages, which is incredibly difficult to treat.

Therefore, we will discuss the main signs of addiction in adolescents depending on the drugs used. Let's make a reservation right away that the most reliable way to identify the fact of drug use is to conduct an express urine test. Similar tests are sold in pharmacies, they are as simple as possible to use and allow you to determine the use of alkaloids, opiants and amphetamines, and will also motivate a teenager not to start using drugs, since he will understand the presence of parental control. But if for some reason you do not want or cannot conduct the test, then you should rely on other signs. After all, if you look closely, you can always notice changes in the behavior and appearance of your child.

Also, the site "Defender of Bagheera" recommends that you read about another teenage difficulty in the article " The problem of child alcoholism". And get acquainted with the list of existing drugs, methods for detecting them in a teenager and the symptoms corresponding to them in the review "The main signs of drug addiction by drugs used."

Identifying Signs of Addiction in Teenagers

Common signs of addiction

Obvious signs include:

  • Traces of injections or cuts on the veins. Usually on the arms and legs, but sometimes drug addicts inject themselves in the throat or groin.
  • Found syringes, spoons, needles and hollow tubes.
  • Found foil, self-rolled cigarettes or cigarettes (possibly empty "cartridges"), and they can lie in any boxes, including in a pack of ordinary cigarettes.
  • Found densely compressed lumps of brown color, as well as brittle pieces of brown gauze or brown cakes.
  • Found a suspicious-looking herb, powder or remains of mushrooms, or some kind of pills (possibly multi-colored with squeezed out images), capsules, ampoules, vials from under chemicals or drugs, aerosols.

By indirect signs of the condition, it is far from easy to identify drug use by a teenager, since drug addicts have learned to more or less hide them. Here are the main features:

  • Brilliant eyes, dilated or constricted pupils almost unresponsive to light. Be aware that some drug addicts have learned to hide this symptom by using special eye drops.
  • The behavior of a teenager at some points may resemble a state of alcoholic intoxication, although there will be no smell of alcohol or it will be very weak.
  • A teenager has inappropriate behavior: strange motor activity (excitation or apathy), impaired coordination when walking or sitting (swaying of the body, which intensifies when eyes are closed), a sharp change in mood that does not correspond to the situation (laughter, aggression or talkativeness).
  • Speech is interrupted or slowed down.
  • Profuse salivation or dryness with hoarseness.
  • An unexplained cough is possible.

Behavioral signs of drug addiction in adolescents:

  • Valuables and money are missing from the house. Extortion or theft of money on the street or at school is possible.
  • The teenager lost interest in his former hobbies, school performance fell sharply.
  • A teenager walks with a suspicious group of dysfunctional children.
  • The teenager is deceitful and dodgy in communication, hides his eyes and stumbles.
  • The behavior is secretive and at the same time long absences from home are frequent.
  • Frequent telephone conversations in "secret" mode.
  • A teenager falls asleep late, and gets up in the morning with great effort.
  • Appearance becomes untidy, although this is not necessary.

Signs of addiction - a fact confirmed. What to do now?

First, do not panic and do not throw tantrums, you are unlikely to help. Drug addiction can be cured, it's not a sentence. Secondly, immediately contact a narcologist. Only the timely help of a doctor will be able to preserve the health of the child and return him to normal life.

If you only suspect a teenager of using drugs, then watch him and his environment for a while, then have a calm and frank conversation, find out his life position in relation to drugs, convince the teenager of the need to undergo an anonymous examination. Give reasonable arguments against drugs, their short-term effect and the life spoiled due to this.

Drugs lead to:

  • To impotence.
  • mental degradation.
  • Infection with serious diseases, including AIDS.
  • Destruction of internal organs and nervous system.
  • Loss of friends, inability to build a career and achieve success.
  • To complete social isolation and constant problems with law enforcement agencies.
  • Serious addiction and the associated “withdrawal”.
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