Icon of the Mother of God of Tashlin “The Redeemer from Troubles. Samara Region: The Holy Spring of the Miraculous Icon of the Mother of God "The Redeemer from Troubles" in the village of Tashla in winter

Those who make pilgrimages to the holy places of Russia will be interested to learn about the Holy Spring in the village of Tashla, Samara Region. In addition to the source, Tashla is famous for the Holy Trinity Church, where the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “The Redeemer from Troubles” helps the parishioners. The holy water of the local source attracts pilgrims even from other states. Many of them change their faith and are baptized in a local church, coming from Germany, Finland, Greece, Australia and other countries.

The history of the village of Tashla and the Holy Trinity Church

  • Mentions of Tashla can be found starting from the middle of the 18th century. The village is located in the Stavropol region, at a distance of 120 kilometers from Samara. Initially, it was owned by Colonel Zubov, and in those days the settlement was called not Tashla, but Tashlama. If you translate its name from the Chuvash language, then the meaning will be - "rejoice, have fun."
  • Shortly after the appearance of Tashlama, a temple was built in it, which was called Holy Trinity. The exact date of construction is 1775.
  • The famous miraculous icon "The Redeemer from Troubles" appeared in the temple in 1917. She was revealed to be one of the cell attendants during a walk. Local resident Ekaterina Chugunova accidentally found the image with her friends and brought it to the temple, where a prayer service was served in honor of this event.

Soon, miraculous healings began for those who prayed in the temple near this one, and a spring gushed at the site of an unusual find. One day the icon disappeared from the temple and found it again at the opened source. The clergyman himself went to return the icon, accompanied by a religious procession. To the sound of the bells, the image was again placed in the kiot, where it remains to this day. Now October 21 is considered a church holiday of the miraculous icon "The Redeemer from Troubles."

In the 20s of the last century, the temple was closed by opponents of religion, agricultural buildings were built nearby, and the blessed spring was filled with waste. Icon of God Mothers saved by believers, for many years passing it from hut to hut secretly from the authorities. The temple reopened during the war years, when the struggle against the church subsided due to political events. Today, the source and the Tashli icon of the Mother of God itself “The Redeemer from Troubles” are one of the most revered shrines in Samara.

Miracles of the Holy Spring

According to eyewitnesses, many of the pilgrims near the Holy Spring experience the appearance of the Mother of God in full growth. She holds the Christ Child in her arms. A rainbow can often be seen above the chapel and the source itself. Believers, without exaggeration, consider this water to be alive. Suffering people from different parts of the earth gather to the source and many find healing here.

This glory people pass on to each other by word of mouth.. They say that the power of the source is so great that it helps even people who profess a different faith. Convinced of this personally, many of them right on the spot, in the Temple, accept the rite of baptism, believing in the power of the source and the icon of the Mother of God. Some who came here recall that they saw this place earlier in a dream, although they did not know anything about it.

Having bathed in holy water, people congratulate each other “With the Holy!”, Feeling the grace descended on them. Healings take place to this day in front of other believers. There are even those who, having received healing, left the city life and moved with the whole family to Tashla, closer to the Holy Place. They tell how they see people in front of their eyes acquired good eyesight, got rid of acute tonsillitis and long-term pain in the legs, cured infertility. Some argue that the Tashli spring, thanks to the blessing of the Mother of God, helped them overcome.

How to get there

The most convenient way to get to Tashla is by private car. The road from Samara on it will take about 2 hours. Driving along the new highway from Samara towards Tolyatti is a pleasure, part of the road is high-speed . You can drive to Tashla through Zelenovka and Vasilyevka, but rural roads are not comfortable, you can lose quite a lot of time there.

It is better to follow the highway to Tolyatti, the city shares only 40 kilometers with Tashla, which is a little more than half an hour's drive. You can also get there by bus. In this case, again, it is more convenient to get to Tolyatti and from there make a flight to Tashla, but a lot of time is spent on transfers and waiting for flights.

Some cities in Tashlu organized pilgrimage tours. In terms of the road, this is convenient, you will be brought to the place. The downside is that when a group visits the Holy Spring, there are queues waiting for you near the spring to take a bath. Tashla is a frequently visited place, it is better to organize a trip on weekdays, then there will be fewer pilgrims.

  • On weekdays, the temple can be visited from 9-00 to 19-00 hours.
  • On weekends, the opening hours are two hours longer - from 8-00 to 20-00.
  • There are no breaks.

Photos (from right to left) :
The place of the appearance of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "The deliverer from troubles" in the village. Tashla
Trinity Church in Tashla, where the icon of the Mother of God "The deliverer from troubles" is located

About Tashla
The small Volga village of Tashla was chosen by the Mother of God herself - here, at the site of the appearance of Her icon "Relief from Troubles", in 1917, he scored a spring of healing water.
It is no coincidence that the icon appeared precisely in 1917, during the period from the February to the October revolution. This, no doubt, became a sign of Her special mercy to Russia. Anticipating the difficult trials that will fall to the lot of our long-suffering Motherland, the Queen of Heaven appeared in those days as the Deliverer from troubles.
In this place, the presence of Heaven is felt, where the mercy of God is manifested so clearly, so abundantly! More and more healings take place at the source.
And the one who has ever been here, felt all the grace of this place, he returns to Tashla again and again.
An endless stream of Orthodox people flows here from all over Russia, near the source you can also meet pilgrims from neighboring countries - Ukraine, Belarus. People are coming from the Baltic states, Germany…
So great is the glory of the holy place that not only the Orthodox visit it, but also people of other faiths. By their faith in the boundless mercy of our Intercessor, they receive healing at the source, and many of them after that receive holy baptism in the Holy Trinity Church.
What attracts so many pilgrims here? They come to bathe in the spring, to collect healing water for themselves and their loved ones. They strive to bow to the miraculous image stored on the left kliros of the Holy Trinity Church, to pour out the diseases of their hearts to the Mother of God, to talk with the rector of the Trinity Church - Father Nikolai Vinokurov, to visit the graves of the righteous - nuns Seraphim(Denisova), Blessed Stepan Nikiforov, recently deceased schema nun Margarita, known and revered by many in the Samara region.
The educational pilgrimage center "Holy Russia" invites you to make a pilgrimage to the village of Tashla, with a visit to the Holy Trinity Church (where the miraculous icon is kept), the holy spring and the necropolis (optional).


Program of the event


Departure from Bishop's Metochion at 7:00 am.

Pilgrimages to Tashla are made regularly.
Departure from Bishop's Metochion at 7-00. Duration - 9 hours.

Arrival at St. source.
Visit to the Holy Trinity Church, where the miraculous image of the Mother of God is kept. Water blessing prayer. Visiting the Tashli necropolis, where the ever-memorable ascetics of the Samara region are buried, lithium for the dead (if possible).
Return to Tolyatti - 16-00.

The story of the acquisition of the icon of the Mother of God "The deliverer from troubles"

In October 1917, before the terrible trials, the Most Holy Theotokos revealed Her icon "The Redeemer from Troubles", reminded of Herself, of Her mercy to the Russian land.

In the autumn of 1917, a native of Tashla, temporarily residing in the neighboring village of Musorka, Katya, the Queen of Heaven, appeared three times in a dream and indicated the place where to go and dig Her miraculous image out of the ground, she was told that if she did not fulfill the request of the Mother of God then it will be punished. The girl told about the vision to her friends - Fenya Atyaksheva and Pasha Gavrilenkova. Together they went to the Tashli ravines. On the way, Katya again had a vision: in front of her, Angels in white robes carried the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. Soon Katya showed her friends the place that Preblagaya Herself pointed out to her in a dream. When they began to dig the earth, the people gathered. Many looked at what was happening in disbelief, even laughed. So, Zakhary Krivoichenkov decided to help and started digging with a shovel, but after digging a little, he said: “Well, what did she think up, what is there to dig in vain.” As soon as he had time to utter these words, he was immediately thrown aside, as if by a wind, and lay in a faint for some time, and when he woke up, he took a shovel in his hands and unquestioningly continued to dig in the indicated place. Paraskeva, in this hole, from time to time pierced with a trump. And then, finally, Pasha felt something solid and pulled out of the ground an icon of the Mother of God, small, the size of a notebook sheet, which was lying face up. As soon as Paraskeva took the icon out of the ground, a spring appeared in that place.

The crowd buzzed when they saw the face
Icons - Queen of Heaven
And then a spring broke out of the pit
Healing moisture wonderful.

They decided to send to the village of Musorka for a priest, Father Vasily Krylov, in order to transfer the revealed icon to the Holy Trinity Church in the village of Tashla. On the way to the temple, the first healing happened: Anna, who had been ill for thirty-two years, kissed the icon and suddenly felt a surge of strength. Great joy seized the people.

The rumor about the appearance of the miraculous icon very quickly spread throughout the surrounding areas, and whole crowds of people constantly went to worship the icon. A well and a chapel were equipped at the source, where prayers went to serve from the church in procession. From the moment the icon appeared, all this time was accompanied by many miraculous healings of the sick, but despite this, in the rector of the church of the Holy Trinity, the priest Fr. Dmitry Mitekin, all the time there was some kind of doubt, lack of faith in the appearance of the icon. And then a miracle happened: on the night from Saturday to Sunday (from December 23 to 24), the icon disappeared from the closed church. At the same time, the church watchman of the Trinity Church in the morning saw lightning flashing from the temple towards the source. In the morning the icon was not found in the church.

After the Liturgy, they went in procession to the spring and served a moleben there, but the icon was nowhere to be found. Catherine, with tears, told Theodosia Atyaksheva that the icon was gone, and asked her to immediately go with her to the source. As soon as they approached the chapel, Catherine joyfully exclaimed: “Look, look, the icon is shining over the chapel!” Believers gathered at the holy spring. One of those present ran after the priest to the temple. When about. Demetrius arrived, he happily scooped up an icon from the well with a bucket. But the icon was not given into the hands of Fr. Dimitri. Then the priest fell on his knees and began to repent with tears that he had doubts, to ask the Mother of God for forgiveness. Then the icon surfaced again and it was taken by the same Pasha Gavrilenkova. Since then, the holy image has not left the village. The news of what had happened in Tashla spread throughout the region. People walked and walked to the source. This place has become one of the most revered in the Volga region. The icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "The Redeemer from Troubles" is still located in the Trinity Church in the village of Tashla.

There are many holy springs in the Samara region, but perhaps the most famous is the Holy Spring of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "The Redeemer from Troubles", where not only pilgrims and believers come from Russia, but also from other countries.

There are a lot of people's stories about miraculous healings from various ailments taking place at this source. I will not discuss this topic, I know for sure that VERA can really work miracles.

The spring of holy water is located at the place where it was found miraculous icon of the Mother of God "The deliverer from troubles" .

The story of the appearance of the icon of the Mother of God

On October 21, 1917, Ekaterina Chugunova, a native of the village of Tashla, in a dream, the queen of heaven indicated the place where her miraculous image was located. On the way to this place, Catherine saw how two angels carried a luminous icon of the Most Holy Theotokos and disappeared into a ravine. At the place indicated by the angels, a small icon of the Mother of God was found in the earth. From the hole immediately scored a source. The revealed icon was placed in the Tashli Trinity Church, but the priest at first did not believe in the miraculous appearance of the icon, and two months later the icon mysteriously disappeared from the closed church, they only saw how bright lightning flashed from the temple to the holy spring, there on December 24 of the same year, when the local priest believed in the miraculous power of the icon, it was found again - floating in a well on the surface of the water.

The icon of the Mother of God "The deliverer from troubles" is the greatest shrine of the Samara region and the entire middle Volga region.

At present, the icon of the Mother of God "The deliverer from troubles" is located in the northern part of the village of Tashla in the Holy Trinity Church.

The village of Tashla is located in the Stavropol district of the Samara region, at a distance of about 120 km from Samara.

If you go from Samara to Tashla, then turning left you can get to the Holy Trinity Church, and right - to the holy spring.

October 21 is the day of the appearance of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “The Deliverer from Troubles” and on this day, believers make a procession from the temple to the source, a distance of about 1.5 km. A service is held at the source, and then they return to the temple in a procession.

Holy spring in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "The deliverer from troubles"

The entrance to the territory is through the gate, in front of which there is a sufficiently large parking lot for cars.

On the day of our trip to the source it was cloudy and rainy, so we can say we were lucky, there were few people. Although they say that on weekends there are usually a lot of people.

To the right of the entrance is the Orthodox refectory.

The holy spring itself is outside the territory. on which is located

Around the temple there is a very well-groomed and beautiful area, on the right there are gazebos for relaxation.

The temple itself is small, but you feel peace and tranquility in it. There is a small church shop at the entrance.

To the left of the temple are the utility rooms of the ministers of the church, and I think this is the place for pilgrims.

Descent to the source

On the way to the source, to the left of the path, there is a monument in honor of the appearance of the icon, on which angels are depicted with a miraculous image and a story is given about the appearance of the icon.

The place where the icon was found

Now it is undergoing reconstruction, but you can swim in the baths and draw water.

The chapel and well domes removed for the period of reconstruction stand on the sidelines.

Now and before reconstruction

There are two fonts, one for men and one for women. The water in the holy spring is the same temperature in summer and winter, plus 4 degrees.

The holy spring did not dry up during the drought in the 1920s and was the only source of water for all the surrounding villages.

Travel to the holy spring

You need to go from Samara along the M-5 Ural road, then turn onto the Tolyatinsky bypass highway, then turn towards Vasilyevka and then go straight to Tashla

Springs located near Tashla

On the way to the holy spring in Tashla, I advise you to stop by the holy springs in Piskali. The distance is only 17 km.

The village of Piskala was formed in the 30s of the 18th century, which stood on the banks of the Piskalka River. Over time, the river dried up, but the springs that filled it continued to beat.

In 1871, the Church of the Great Martyr Dmitry of Thessalonica was built in the village, which was closed in 1930, and completely destroyed in the 1960s.

For a long time, the only holy place in the village was the spring, consecrated in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, where people came not only for water, but also to pray. During the time of Khrushchev, the spring was not filled up. It was cleared again in 2006 and re-consecrated.

Now, through the efforts of local residents, the source looks like this.

Spring in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Kazanskaya"

Located nearby
These are special places where they come at the call of the soul, when they feel the need for it!

So it was with me. I have been living in Samara for twenty years, I heard about this source, but then there was no time, then there were some other circumstances. And this year I definitely had to go, I was drawn there and immediately found the time and everything else. And I am sure that I will come to these places more than once.

Report of Atyaksheva Theodosia Davidovna, a native of the village of Musorki, Stavropol district, Kuibyshev region, 1885, about the appearance of the icon of the Mother of God, which was in 1917 on Sunday, October 8 (old style) in the village of Tashla.

“I, Atyaksheva Feodosia Davidovna, lived in the village. Garbage bins in a separate house, as in a cell, and the girl Chugunova Ekaterina Nikanorovna, a native of the village of Tashla, lived with me, 1885.

I, Theodosia, before the Cross and the Gospel, I assure you how this phenomenon happened: on the morning of October 21 (new style), when we woke up, Catherine told me that she would go to mass in the church with. Tashla, and left, and I decided to go to my temple with. Garbage cans. When I returned from the temple, Ekaterina came and said: “There was no service in Tashla, because the priest left for Samara and did not return; but here's what I have to tell you. The Mother of God appeared to me tonight in a dream for the third time and said sternly that if I did not fulfill Her order, I would be punished. Each time, appearing to me in a dream, She said that I should dig out an icon from the ground of Her in the indicated place. This morning, when I was passing to the village of Tashla, I saw two angels above the ravine carrying the icon of the Mother of God, illuminated by a bright radiance, and when they sank to the bottom of the ravine, this vision disappeared, and I fainted. When I woke up, I went to my relatives and told them about all this, and they told me that some people heard church singing there, in the ravine. I beg you, Fenya, let's go together to that place right now, maybe you will see what I saw. We went together to Tashla, and when we came to this ravine, Catherine cried out: “Look, look, here again the angels are carrying the icon in radiance, heading to the same place, and now everything has disappeared again ...”. After these words, Catherine fell unconscious.

I was very frightened, not knowing what to do with her, since the place is deserted, no one can be seen. Thank God it didn't last long. Ekaterina woke up and asked me if I saw anything, but I didn't see anything. We went to Gavrilenkova Paraskeva, who lives not far from the ravine, and begged her to go with us to the ravine. Pasha took the trump and we went. When we approached the ravine, Catherine again shouted: “Look, look, here again the angels are carrying an icon and disappear in the same place,” and she again fainted.

Waking up, Ekaterina went to the place where she saw the disappearance of the vision three times, and showed where to dig. Pasha began to dig in this place with a pick, and the boy Petya, who was standing there, was sent for a shovel. Soon Petya came along with his father, Zakhary Krivoichenkov, who began to dig with a shovel, but dug a little and said: “Well, what did she think up, what is there to dig in vain.”

As soon as Zakhary had time to utter these words, he was immediately thrown aside, as if by a wind, and lay in a swoon for some time, and when he woke up, he took a shovel and unquestioningly continued to dig in the indicated place. Paraskeva, in this hole, from time to time pierced with a trump. And so, when the hole was a arshin deep, Paraskeva felt something hard with her trump, she began to tear the earth with her hands and took out of the earth an icon of the Mother of God, a small format, which was lying face up. As soon as Paraskeva took the icon out of the ground, a spring of water appeared in that place. By this time, a lot of people had already gathered, and Catherine was lying in a relaxed state, and she was sent to her sister.

They decided to send a priest to the village of Musorka in order to transfer the revealed icon to the church in the village of Taschla.

Father Vasily Krylov, a priest, came from Musorka. He took the icon and carried it to the temple.

When approaching the temple to meet the icons, to the sound of bells, they came out with banners and icons. From the crowd there were cries of the well-known sick Anna Torlova (a native of the village of Tashla), who shouted: "... A small icon is coming, coming and will drive us out..". This woman was healed and had been ill for 32 years. The icon was brought into the temple, put under glass along with the icon of the Holy Trinity, and placed on a lectern in the middle of the temple.

Priest Fr. Vasily Krylov immediately served a prayer service, and the temple was open all night for access to the icon. At this time, there was a case: one Tashli woman did not believe the appearance of the icon and began to shout: “These are all inventions ...”. After her words, she ran out of the temple, jumped off the high porch, jumped over the fence and ran home, and after that she fell ill.

On Monday, October 22 (new style) came from the village. Trash priest Fr. Alexey Smolensky. He served the Liturgy and a prayer service in the church, and in the evening his priest Fr. Dimitri Mitekin. He saw that there were a lot of people in the church, and he knew that the icon of the Mother of God “The Redeemer from Troubles” had appeared, and served the vigil. On Tuesday, October 23, the Liturgy was served, and after the Liturgy, they went in procession with the icon of the Deliverer from Troubles to the place of the apparition, and a prayer service was served there.

There were also many healings during this time. The rumor about the appearance of the miraculous icon very quickly spread throughout the surrounding areas, and entire crowds constantly went to worship the icon. A well and a chapel were equipped at the source, where they often left the temple to serve prayers.

The well was deepened and cleaned, and in the dry years of 1920-1922. he was almost the only one supplying water to the village. From the moment the icon appeared, all this time was accompanied by many miraculous healings of the sick; but despite this, in the rector of the church of the Holy Trinity, the priest Fr. Dimitri Mitekina always had some kind of doubt, lack of faith in the appearance of the icon.

And then a miracle happened: on Saturday, December 23 (new style), the all-night vigil was served in the Church of the Holy Trinity, during which the icon “The Redeemer from Troubles” was in the temple, and on the morning of December 24 on Sunday, they discovered that the icon was not in the temple. The icon disappeared from the locked church.

At the same time, the church watchman Efim Kulikov informed the priest about. Demetrius that when he went to the temple in the morning, he saw, as it were, lightning flashing from the temple towards the source.

After the Liturgy, they went in procession to the spring and served a moleben there, but the icon was nowhere to be found. On the same day, December 24, I, Theodosia Atyaksheva, heard a rumor about the disappearance of the icon, and as soon as I came from the church, I went to the village of Tagila. When I met Ekaterina, she told me with tears about the disappearance and begged me to immediately go with her to the source. As soon as we saw the chapel, Catherine joyfully exclaimed: “Look, look, the icon is shining over the chapel.” We returned to the village, came to the headman of the temple, Ivan Efremovich, who had the key to the chapel, he called some more old people, and went to the source. When the chapel was opened and the well was being created, it seemed to our eyes: the ice in the well had melted a little, and in that place the icon of the Mother of God was floating face up. We were all seized with the greatest joy, and one of those present ran after Father Fr. Dimitri. When about. Demetrius arrived, he gladly scooped up an icon from the well with a bucket, took it in his hands, lifted it in front of him and said that they should immediately go to the temple and with banners and icons go to the source, and he himself stood in the same position with the icon until the arrival procession and prayed.

Under the ringing of bells, they returned with the icon to the temple.

Father Dimitry Mitekin immediately served a thanksgiving service in front of the icon of the Mother of God “The Redeemer from Troubles”, and he himself tearfully prayed and repented that he personally takes this disappearance of the icon for his guilt, for his doubt and lack of faith shown towards this appearance of the icon of God Mother "Deliverer of Troubles".

The icon was again erected in the church of the Holy Trinity in the village of Tashla, and again a stream of prayer books from different places began to worship the icon of the Deliverer from Troubles, and many who flowed with faith to Her received various healings.

Signature (Atyaksheva)

All of the above about the appearance of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "The Deliverer from Troubles" in the village of Tashla, we confirm and testify, assuring before the Cross and the Gospel, the mother of Father Vasily Krylov: Anisiya Dimitrievna Krylova, born in 1876, who lived in the village of Musorki, Stavropol District from 1900 to 1920 G.

Signature (Krylova)

And Andrina Evdokia Romanovna, born in 1896, a native and resident of the village of Tashla.

Signature (Andrina)

I certify the signatures of the indicated persons

John, Bishop of Kuibyshev and Syzran, 1981

How little I still travel in my small homeland! It seems that she has visited many places in the Samara region, but in reality it turns out that apart from Samara, Syzran, Koshki, Shiryaev, Tashla, she has never been anywhere. Although at the dawn of her pedagogical activity she went on excursions around the region with the guys. But...

Today, once again, I visited the village of Tashla, which is known not only in Russia, but also in the world, which is located no more than 30 km from Tolyatti.

"The village of Tashla (translated from Turkic -stone, rock, hill) was founded in the 20s of the XVIII century as a Mordovian settlement. During the colonization of the region by Russian peasants and the missionary activities of the Orthodox Church, the Mordovian population was converted to Orthodoxy. The village received a second name - Trinity, because. in 1775 an Orthodox Church of the Life-Giving Trinity was built in Tashla.

Upon entering the temple

Gate to the temple

Entrance to the temple
The population of Tashla at the beginning of the 18th century was 231 people, the priest of the village was Ivan Andreev. (

In the temple there is an icon of the Mother of God "The Redeemer from Troubles", whichwas acquired a few days before the October Revolution of 1917.

Since photography is prohibited in the temple, I could not take a photo of the icon myself.


"On October 21, 1917, a native of the village of Tashla, cell attendant Ekaterina Chugunova, temporarily residing in the village of Musorka near Feodosia Atyaksheva, the Mother of God appeared in a dream at night and indicated the place in Tashla where you need to find the icon of Her image. Katerina told her friend about this unusual dream, and they went to a neighboring village, but since the road led through ravines, they called for their friend in Tashla, Paraskeva Gavrilenkova, and the three of them went to the indicated place.

On the way, Catherine again had a vision of how two angels in white robes carefully carried through the air the icon of the Mother of God, illuminated by a bright radiance. And when they sank to the bottom of the ravine, that vision disappeared. However, her friends did not see anything.

Finally, they came to the place where Catherine saw the disappearance of the vision three times. Paraskeva began to dig in the indicated place with a pick, although the crowded people watched their undertaking with distrust. And suddenly Paraskeva felt something hard under the pick. In fright, crossing herself and already tearing the ground with her hands, she took out of the ground an icon of the Mother of God of a small size, lying face up. As soon as the widow took out the icon, a spring of water gushed out of this hole...

The rumor about the appearance of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “The Redeemer from Troubles” and about the healing of the sick quickly began to spread in neighboring villages and villages. And soon whole crowds began to come to Tashla to worship the icon. Then together they equipped a well at the source, where prayers began to be served. And at this time, miraculous healings of the sick began to occur.

But, despite this, in the soul of the rector of the church, Father Dmitry, there was still some kind of distrust towards the appearance of the icon. Once, on December 24, the icon miraculously disappeared from the church, and the church watchman explained that at night he saw lightning flash from the church towards the ravine.

Every day, many pilgrims come to the source, not only from Russia. Near the source there is, of course, a font. But we didn’t get into it: the queue, yes, probably, we weren’t ready for such a procedure. But they drank some water, washed themselves.
You always leave these places inspired. Of course, I will return to Tashla again. But I will also travel to other places in the Samara region.

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