Pet law passed

Many Russians - dog lovers, and even more so those who have to coexist with such lovers side by side, are interested in the question, what are the rules for keeping dogs in an apartment building. But what if you have a dacha, and the house is private? After all, unfortunately, not all owners are responsible enough for their pets, and even more so for the rules for keeping animals.

Rules for keeping dogs: law

Usually, pet owners are adequate, but sometimes, due to either an insufficiently developed sense of responsibility, or because of excessive love for the same dogs, they forget about the elementary rules for keeping and raising pets, thereby endangering others, and sometimes themselves.

It was for such cases that the idea arose to regulate how many dogs can be kept in an apartment according to the law and what threatens the owners with a violation of this rule. But so far the law does not limit the number of dogs. He generally bypasses this issue. However, if the animals interfere with the neighbors, and the neighbors complain to the relevant authorities, then it is these authorities who decide how many dogs can be left.

There are several other important rules regarding pet ownership. A complete list of them can be found in the draft law "On keeping dogs in the Russian Federation"

This law imposes certain obligations on the owner, you can get an administrative fine for the death of an animal due to improper care, for cruelty to him, for damage to someone else's property by animals.

In this case, the owner is obliged not only to cover the damage caused, but also to pay an administrative fine.

The same law states that the corpses of pets are subject to mandatory burial or disposal. Simply taking the body to the trash is prohibited.

Dogs in an apartment building

In connection with this fact, more requirements are imposed on the owners:

  • the obligation of the owner to ensure that the pet does not pollute yards and public places;
  • it is strictly forbidden to keep a dog in a communal apartment, entrance, corridor and other places that belong not only to the owner;
  • the pet should not be heard from 21:00 to 06:00 hours;
  • dog walking is allowed only with a muzzle and on a leash. Also, the animal must have a collar with a token, where the contact details of the owner are written;
  • dog walking is prohibited in crowded places;
  • you can not send children under 14 years old to walk with dogs, without adult supervision, as the child may not physically cope with the animal or simply get confused in a difficult situation.


When walking dogs, you should be especially careful. Under no circumstances should a pet be allowed to roam freely.

Secondly, the pet may run away, and it will not be easy to find it.

Thirdly, a dog can attack a person or another pet and injure them in any way, which will entail administrative or criminal liability of the owner.

And although the law clearly states that an animal can be walked strictly on a leash, in a muzzle and with a token containing information about the owner, in practice this rule is very often neglected. And as a result, there are a lot of lost animals, and attacks on people happen.

In addition, the owner is obliged to clean up the feces after the pet on a walk, although this is not common in our country and this rule has been reduced to cleaning up the animal's tracks left on the pavement.

Keeping a loudly barking dog in an apartment, or a pet spoiling public green spaces near the house, shitting on lawns and asphalt, can sometimes lead to conflict with neighbors and even go to court. Therefore, owners who decide to keep an animal in an apartment building should be attentive to any claims of others, and to the behavior of their own pet, so as not to receive administrative responsibility, violating public order.

It is also worth noting that all dogs, starting from the age of three months, must be registered with veterinary institutions at the place of residence. The purchased animal must be registered within a week.

In addition to the above, the bill specifies which breeds cannot be kept in an apartment. These include fighting, service, shepherd, hunting and guard breeds, they are considered potentially dangerous.

What does the law say about keeping dogs in a private home?

For persons living in a private house, the rules are not so strict, since the house and the adjacent plot are the property of the owner, and he is free to dispose of it as he pleases. That is, keeping a dog in the private sector, you can not worry too much what your neighbor thinks about it. But even here, especially unscrupulous owners have a chance to receive an administrative fine, for example, if the animals roam freely around the site and find a way to leave it.

By law, you can keep a dog in a personal area, allowing the animal to move freely in this area, but with the condition that the dog will not have the opportunity to go outside and its behavior will not cause trouble to others. By the way, in this case, at the entrance to the site, you must hang a sign about the presence of a dog inside.

In a private house, you can keep, including dogs of potentially dangerous breeds, but for this you will need to first obtain a license to purchase and keep such a pet. The owner of such a dog must also meet certain requirements, for example, to learn at least the basics of training.

Sanitary standards and how to comply with them

Regardless of whether you keep animals in an apartment or in a private house, you must comply with sanitary and hygienic standards.

The dog must be healthy and have all the vaccinations prescribed by age (especially the rabies vaccine, as this is a very dangerous disease for both animals and humans), and also periodically undergo veterinary control.

Where to complain if the neighbors dog constantly barks

If you are annoyed by dog ​​barking, then first of all you should talk with the owner, because he may not be at home at such moments, which means that he is simply not in the know. If the peaceful negotiations did not bring any result, then it is worth contacting the district police officer, who will conduct an explanatory conversation, and can also issue a fine after several complaints. There are also higher instances that are obliged to influence unscrupulous owners - Rospotrebnadzor and the regional administrative court.

Penalties and liability for violation of the rules

For dishonest attitude to the content of his pet, the owner may incur disciplinary, administrative, civil and even criminal liability. ⇐

The type of liability may be determined by the court.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that owning a dog is a big responsibility that must be accepted and fully realized. After all, this animal can carry a potential danger to others and even to its own owner. Therefore, in no case should you leave your pet unattended while walking, when he, one way or another, interacts with other creatures of the world around him. It is strictly forbidden to let even a small dog off the leash in crowded places.

The government will approve two lists of animals. The first will include animals, which the owners will be required to register in a special state register. The second will indicate those animals who, under no circumstances, can be kept at home.

Such innovations will be spelled out in the future law on the responsible treatment of animals. Now the document is planned in the State Duma for the second reading, it is included in the exemplary program of work of the parliament for May. And the government is actively preparing amendments that will give the project its final form. The draft amendments have already been sent for approval to the concerned departments.

Promotion of cruel, inhumane treatment of animals and calls for cruelty to animals will be prohibited. So such sites will be blocked. And for the distribution of creepy shots of animal abuse, it is proposed to establish administrative responsibility.

It is assumed that from next year it will be necessary to supply pets with a chip with a personal number.

But one of the most resonant norms concerns human relations with pets. For the registration of animals, it is planned to create a state information system "Registry of Animals", the procedure for the formation and maintenance of which will be determined by the government of the country. So there are still no answers to many questions, for example, who will keep the register, how to submit information there, whether all animals will need to be registered. Everything will be decided in due time, the law will only give the government the appropriate powers.

Nevertheless, information has already appeared in the media that by February 15 a "Road Map" should be developed for the introduction of a system of unique identification numbers for domestic and farm animals in Russia. It is assumed that from January next year, Russian farmers and pet owners will have to provide them with chips, a tattoo or a brand with a unique identification number. Under this number, the animal will be listed in the state information system, and some vital information about the animal itself can be stored in the electronic database. According to the plans, horses, cattle, deer, camels, poultry, dogs and cats, pigs, rabbits, fur-bearing animals and some other animals will be subject to marking. If the owners do not register the animal, they will be subject to administrative liability. An administrative penalty will also be introduced for keeping animals included in the prohibited list at home. Fines will also be introduced for the creation of animal shelters in residential premises, in non-residential premises in apartment buildings.

Marking, as conceived, will take place in several stages. Cattle are likely to start being tagged from 2018. Chips for dogs and cats will be introduced from 2019. But here, too, everything depends on whether the State Duma will have time to pass a law on the responsible treatment of animals, and whether the technical base will be prepared. Recall that the draft was adopted in the first reading in 2011.

Direct speech

Alexander Khaburgaev, naturalist journalist:

This law has been long overdue. Today, housing and communal services have departments of urban fauna. But none of them can say how many dogs live in a city, district, house. And we are talking not only about homeless mongrels, but also about quite thoroughbreds. After all, the breeder received, for example, a pedigree in the Russian Cynological Federation, but wants to participate with the dog in other exhibitions. And so he gets another pedigree, but in a different association. And then another club. As a result, there is only one dog, and judging by the pedigrees, there are three of them.

To protect the rights of animals, each of them must be registered and have their own passport. For example, if a lost dog is found in London, then its owner will be found quite quickly. She is usually chipped. The veterinarian can easily determine the name, surname and address of the owner using this chip. And the latter will have to pay a fine.

We don't have that. All large animals must have such veterinary passports. This will help not only to search for them, but also to treat and maintain health. Data on which vaccines were used and when can be up-to-date at any time.

However, the law does not establish any draconian measures against pet owners. Guardsmen will not go from house to house to punish the owner of cats for vaccinations that were not done on time.

Neighbors can be understood. No one wants to breathe in an unpleasant smell, stumble upon animal excrement while walking in the park or on the playground, or deal with an aggressive dog.

What rules should dog breeders follow to avoid these problems? What conditions must be created for cats and dogs for their normal existence in an apartment or a private house? Does the Russian Federation have a law on walking dogs, and on keeping animals in the private sector or in an apartment building? Let's try to figure it out.

Animal in the house

A pet in the house is, first of all, a great responsibility, and for violation of the rules for keeping dogs and cats, their owner is waiting administrative punishment.

They are alive, requiring constant care, attention, care.

They cannot be pushed aside, forgotten for a while, or thrown out into the street. A pet is always dependent on its owner.


The owner of the dog is responsible for the life of his ward.

It is important to take care of your dog's health. In time vaccinate to prevent the spread of the disease, treat as needed.

Veterinary assistance must be provided immediately.

If a case of dog infection with rabies is detected, the owner must report this to the veterinary services in order to prevent the spread of the disease.

Also not suitable are rooms where:

  • radioactive radiation;
  • excessive chemical radiation;
  • the level of dust is above sanitary standards.

The owner of the dog does not have the right to set his pet on other animals or people, except when there is a real danger to the health and life of a person.

The contract of sale should always be kept. In cases where someone tries to dispute the ownership of the animal, this document will become proof of ownership.

A pedigree passport is not needed for ordinary life. It is required to participate in various contests and competitions.


A cat is more socialized than a dog and its content does not present any particular difficulties.

They are usually quite clean animals, independently taking care of the condition of their body.

But physical and mental discomfort can completely change her behavior. Therefore, you should immediately be wary if the cat drastically changes its usual way of life.

A balanced and healthy diet is the key to your pet's health. The cat needs in special food and not in scraps from the table.

Content Violations

The main legal act regulating the appearance of a pet home is Civil Code, where the dog or cat passes as the subject of the transaction.

The Criminal Code provides for liability for ill-treatment. Article 245 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for punishment for those who, by their hooligan actions, sadistic inclinations, selfish motives, injure animals or bring them to death.

Article 245. Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Animal abuse

  1. Cruelty to animals that caused their death or injury, if this act was committed out of hooligan motives, or out of mercenary motives, or with the use of sadistic methods, or in the presence of minors, is punishable by a fine in the amount of up to 80 thousand rubles or in the amount of wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to six months, or by compulsory labor for a term of up to three hundred and sixty hours, or by corrective labor for a term of up to one year, or by restraint of liberty for a term of up to one year, or by arrest for a term of up to six months.
  2. The same act committed by a group of persons, a group of persons by prior agreement, or an organized group, is punishable by a fine in the amount of 100,000 to 300,000 roubles, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period of one to two years, or by compulsory labor. for a term of up to four hundred and eighty hours, or by forced labor for a term of up to two years, or by deprivation of liberty for the same term.

Article 241 of the Civil Code protects animals from inhuman treatment. If the owner does not properly care for his pet, he can be removed by ransom after a court decision.

Article 241. Civil Code. Redemption of pets in case of mistreatment

In cases where the owner of domestic animals treats them in obvious contradiction with the rules established on the basis of the law and the norms of humane treatment of animals accepted in society, these animals can be seized from the owner by buying them out by a person who has filed a corresponding claim with the court. The redemption price is determined by agreement of the parties, and in the event of a dispute - by the court.

Articles 230-232 of the Civil Code protect stray animals.

The owner of the dog must always ensure the safety of others.

In the adjacent territory, in the room where the animal is kept, it is necessary to maintain cleanliness and order.

Otherwise, the owner can be held administratively liable on the basis of articles 6.3. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which addresses issues of sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population.

Article 6.3. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Violation of legislation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population

Violation of legislation in the field of ensuring sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population, expressed in violation of existing sanitary rules and hygienic standards, failure to comply with sanitary and hygienic and anti-epidemic measures -

shall entail a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one hundred to five hundred roubles; for officials - from five hundred to one thousand rubles; for persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity - from five hundred to one thousand rubles or an administrative suspension of activities for a period of up to ninety days; for legal entities - from ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles or an administrative suspension of activities for a period of up to ninety days.

Rules and norms of content


A city apartment is not the best place for a dog. Limited space has a serious impact on the mental state of the pet. This problem is most relevant for large breeds, dogs with fighting skills.

animal needs in daily walk. A five-minute outing once a day is not enough for a dog.

But the owners, when leaving the apartment, often lock their pets on the balcony, further narrowing the possibilities of their movement.

The barking of dogs disturbs the neighbours.

Having got an animal, you need to remember that the owner must do everything necessary to ensure the peace and quiet of those around him.

Common areas not intended for keeping dogs.

In the town

Allowed only in muzzles. It is forbidden to walk with animals on children's, sports grounds.

When walking, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Children under 14 cannot walk a dog weighing over 15 kilograms.
  2. One person can walk at a time only two dogs.
  3. Distance from entrances over 30 meters. The same distance should be from the crowd of people. It is forbidden to walk the animal closer.
  4. Crossing the roadway, walking along the sidewalk, the animal is kept on a leash.
  5. Entering public transport, the dog is placed Add to cart either imprisoned on a leash.

In the private sector

A country house is preferable for an animal. Whether the dog will move freely or sit on a leash is up to the owner.

But it must be borne in mind that if the pet’s walks are not limited, dangers can lie in wait for it at almost every step.

At the same time, an unattached dog, especially an aggressive one that has not been trained, is a danger to others.

If it injures a person, the owner will be held responsible and pay a fine.

Features of content in Russia

In the Russian Federation, dogs and cats are the subject of a civil law transaction. They are also bought and sold like any movable property. It turns out that there is no difference in the sale of the same TV or dog. From a legal point of view, they are equal.

In many countries, unlike Russia, dogs are subjected to compulsory registration. This practice is especially common in the USA.

A vaccination card is also not required. Although without it, travel to many countries will be closed.

We have no limit on the number of animals that can be kept in a residential area. They cannot be taken away, even by a court decision, only redeemed.


In an apartment building (in an apartment)

Cats are usually cleaner than dogs and cannot cause serious damage to a living space.

Their residence rarely interferes with neighbors, as they do not make much noise.

But with improper care of the animal, the smell of urine, feces spreads outside the living quarters. Especially if the cat is not toilet trained.

Problems with tattered furniture are also quite frequent.

In Russia, it is not defined how many cats can be kept in one apartment.

But to turn a living space into a nursery for breeding animals is still not worth it. Apartments are not designed for this.

In the town

  1. A cat unaccompanied in a public place subject to capture.
  2. Can't breed cats for their meat or skins.
  3. If a cat scratches, bites a person, the owner is obliged to deliver the animal for inspection on suspicion of rabies.
  4. Carrying a cat on public transport in a special box.

In the private sector

Cats in a private house are presented to themselves. They freely walk around the territory, go into other people's possessions. An untrained cat sometimes attacks small livestock of neighbors.

The owner will have to repair the damage in cash or in kind.

In the private sector, cats are rarely spayed, which causes a problem with offspring. What to do with numerous kittens is the business of the owner. But the decision must be humane.

Sanitary standards

All veterinary, sanitary and epidemiological requirements are mandatory:

  1. do not throw animal carcasses into the general trash;
  2. remove all excrement in time;
  3. carry out timely vaccination to prevent the spread of infection;
  4. provide silence;
  5. do not walk sick animals;
  6. keep animals in specially designated areas.

In case of improper keeping of animals host exposed administrative, criminal or civil liability.

Punishment and responsibility for breaking the rules

It must be remembered that the responsibility for keeping dogs and cats is always carried by their owner.

If suddenly a dog attacks a person, then its owner can be attracted and claim compensation for the harm done.

And not only material, but also moral. In addition, the dog breeder will be forced to pay for all treatment of the victim.

Initially, liability was provided for violation of the rules for keeping dogs and cats. as a warning. For more serious offenses fine. The amount of fines has not yet been approved, since the law still exists only in the form of a draft.

The full content of cats and dogs in residential premises will eliminate possible problems with neighbors. Trouble with the law by following the rules of care can also be avoided.

But the improper maintenance of any pet is fraught with problems for its owner. Let there be no bills regulating this issue in full measure yet. Discussions are ongoing. The draft passed the first reading. This means that soon the cat ladies, who keep 10 pets in their tiny apartments, can be reined in.

Useful video

About the old and new rules for keeping pets, see the video below.

This concerns not only the provision of all necessary conditions, but also the observance of the rules for its maintenance in relation to the residents of the apartment and neighbors.

The Federal Law on Responsible Treatment of Animals takes into account the rules of behavior and treatment of a pet, the rights and obligations of the owner of a particular breed of dog.

The law is based on respectful treatment of the pet. The owner must perceive him as a creature who can be scared and hurt and who claims to be treated appropriately and meet his needs.

The law defines the owner as the owner or other person who keeps the pet. At the same time, the rules for dog breeds that are potentially dangerous are prescribed in a separate paragraph.

Compliance with these regulations is monitored by any organizations or associations that take on such responsibility. A list of such organizations can be found on the website of local governments.

Registration rules

Pet registration is offered to owners of all dogs, but if this is not a requirement for companion dogs, then registration is a mandatory measure for dogs of fighting breeds. This procedure is also useful because if the pet is lost, organized searches will be arranged.

In the case of the purchase or sale of a dog, it is necessary to report this to any veterinary institution nearby, which belongs to the place of residence.

If the animal is missing, the veterinary institution will help organize the search. If the puppy is purchased or taken by the homeless for support, it is registered.

To do this, contact the house management organization at the place of registration and draw up a document by writing in the form:

  • Type of pet and its breed;
  • Nickname or several options for which the dog will respond;
  • Age, features and gender;
  • Coloring and type of wool;
  • Data on sterilization and growth of the animal at the withers.

After receiving the form, the applicant is issued a certificate of ownership and a pet token. Registration takes a few minutes and does not require any financial investment from the owner of the dog. But for the maintenance and ownership of a pet, you must pay tax.

Registration of dogs of potentially dangerous breeds takes place according to a different scheme. This will require additional documents.

The owner of the animal must attend a course of lectures on the rules for raising, providing and breeding dogs in the PMC "Spetskommuntrans" or a cynological organization with the status of a regional or republican.

At the end of the lectures, the owner is given a certificate or certificate. If such documents are not available, it is possible to take an urgent three-month course. Otherwise, registration will be denied.

Registration is also not granted in cases where the registered animal is not provided and if the veterinarian has not made preventive vaccinations, for which a medical certificate is issued. It is necessary to show the dog in order for the responsible person to be convinced of the compliance of the information entered in the form.

At the request of the owner, a microchip can be introduced to the dog, which will contain information about the owner, the dog and the rules for handling it.

Maintenance in an apartment building

From a legal point of view, a dog is the property of a person. That is, in fact, the same legal laws apply to the dog as to any purchased item.

Even if the pet is kept in an apartment, it should not pollute the common areas in the house, that is, flights of stairs, entrance, house territory, attic or basement.

Dogs are usually walked early in the morning, at six or seven o'clock. At the same time, it should be remembered that the law prohibits a pet from barking and whining on the street or in an apartment from 22:00 to 8 in the morning. Again, neighbors can complain to the district police officer about a violation of law and order.

Walking rules

To regulate the rules of walking, the federal law of the Russian Federation allocates an entire article, the provisions of which can be used both by dog ​​owners to prove their case, and by residents of an apartment building if there are complaints.

You can walk your dog in a muzzle and with or without a leash, depending on the breed and height. But if a dog of a fighting breed is kept, it is necessary to walk it with the use of security measures, regardless of where the walking is carried out.

In public places, you can walk an animal only with a leash, and for fighting breeds with a muzzle. A public place is a walkway, curb, squares, territory near the house. Walking without a leash can be done at least thirty meters from the house, but for fighting dogs, again, only with a muzzle.

A puppy under three months old can not wear a muzzle, as well as decorative breeds that are less than 25 centimeters tall at the withers.

When crossing the road and moving along the sidewalk, the dog must be kept on a short leash. On beaches near rivers, lakes and seas, you cannot bathe a pet, as this violates the ordinance on harming natural objects. If a dog pollutes common areas, the owner must immediately clean up after the pet.

On the territory of clinics, clinics and hospitals, playgrounds and cultural and developmental institutions, walking is prohibited. However, the territories of cultural institutions do not include city parks, forests and squares.

Under the influence of alcoholic or narcotic substances, it is impossible to walk a pet, just as a child under 14 years old cannot be entrusted with walking two dogs at the same time.

As far as fighting dog walking is concerned, it cannot be done unless the owner has a dog behavior training certificate or registration has been made. It is also impossible to entrust walking to minors, incapacitated and disabled people.

Thus, the dog must be taken out of the apartment on a leash and it can only be released outside the territory of the house. If she is a fighting breed, then even let go and go out with her with a muzzle. And when crossing the road or city streets, use a leash and bring the dog as close to you as possible.

Host Responsibilities

The pet's living conditions and the owner's obligations are regulated by the third chapter of the federal law of the Russian Federation. The owner is obliged to provide an area corresponding to the size and needs of the pet. The room should have a source of daylight. This means that you cannot provide a dog with a pantry or a corner in a common room.

The owner is obliged to provide the animal with good nutrition, clean water, physical activity and sleep. This means that the dog must be let off the leash at least in the apartment, it should not be limited in food and water if this will damage its physical health.

In case of any deviations from the norm, the owner should immediately contact the veterinary service. Also, the owner must take care of preventing unwanted offspring by sterilizing.

The law defines the normal place of residence of a pet if it is provided with optimal temperature and humidity conditions, well lit and ventilated, protected from any harmful effects. The owner must comply with security measures in relation to third parties, not allowing the dog to go outside without permission.

If the owner is contacted by the state control authorities for the treatment of animals, he is obliged to provide the dog for examination and show certificates indicating that the animal is registered and vaccinated.

The burial of the body of the deceased pet is carried out in a specially designated place, or the body is transferred to organizations specializing in the burial of animals.

Owner's responsibility

Cases of violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation on keeping dogs are widespread, while the owners presumptuously believe that it is impossible to convict them of this and this responsibility is small.

Here are some examples of the administrative responsibility of the owner:

  • Violating these rules for keeping a pet, the owner will pay a fine of up to 1000 rubles;
  • In case of pollution of the property of the common house fund in an apartment building and the adjacent territory - up to 1000 rubles fine;
  • Violating the rules of walking, the owner will pay a fine of about 1000 rubles;
  • When a dog attacks another animal with injury or death as a result - up to 2,500 rubles a fine, on a wild animal - up to 3,000 rubles;
  • Assault on a person is often considered a criminal offense by negligence. In some cases, it is regarded as an attempt and a threat to the life and health of the victim. In other cases, the owner of the dog is fined up to 2,500 rubles.

In addition to paying an administrative fine, the owner can pay moral damages and any other compensation if the victims go to court and the decision is made in favor of the plaintiffs. In case of a systematic violation, the dog may be withdrawn or placed in quarantine for a certain period of time.

How to fix violations

If you are sure that the owner of the pet regularly violates the rules of keeping or other animals or people suffer from his actions, you can fix these violations and contact the district police officer.

Loud barking can be detected by a noise meter. The maximum limit values ​​are 45 dB at night and 55 dB during the day. The appeal will fall under the law on violation of public order.

If the dog pollutes the environment, the entrance or rushes at people, it is enough to take it on a photo or video medium, involve witnesses and write a statement to the district police officer. In the event of an attack, it is necessary to urgently contact the clinic and obtain a certificate indicating damage.


The rules for living animals in an apartment and their maintenance are taken into account by federal law. If these rules are violated, neighbors can collect evidence and contact the police. In case of cruel treatment of the owners and systematic violations, the dog will be confiscated from the owner.

For fighting and other dangerous breeds, the law prescribes a procedure for documenting and preparing the owner for keeping. Registration at the place of residence does not require money and time, but it guarantees that the owner is able to manage the pet and has all the rights to it.

Violated rules of ownership and circulation threaten the owner with administrative, and in cases of attack, criminal liability. Therefore, before buying a pet, you should carefully consider whether you are ready to treat him with humanity and provide him with a full content.

Moscow Government

dated 07.10.2008 N 900-PP)

1. General Provisions

1.1. These rules apply to all owners of dogs and cats in Moscow, including enterprises, institutions and organizations, regardless of their departmental subordination.

1.2. It is allowed to keep animals both in apartments occupied by one family and in rooms of communal apartments in the absence of medical contraindications (allergies) from neighbors.

1.3. An obligatory condition for keeping an animal is the observance of sanitary and hygienic, veterinary and sanitary rules and norms of the hostel.

1.4. It is not allowed to keep animals in common areas: kitchens, corridors, stairwells, attics, basements, as well as on balconies and loggias.

1.5. Dogs owned by citizens, enterprises, institutions and organizations are subject to mandatory registration, annual re-registration and vaccination against rabies from the age of 3 months, regardless of breed, in state veterinary institutions at the place of residence of citizens, the location of enterprises, institutions and organizations - owners of animals. Newly acquired animals must be registered within 2 weeks.

1.6. When registering dogs, the owner is issued a registration certificate and is familiarized with these rules.

1.7. When selling and transporting dogs outside the city, a standard veterinary certificate is issued, which indicates the date of vaccination against rabies.

1.8. It is allowed to transport animals by all types of land transport, subject to conditions that exclude the anxiety of passengers. Dogs must be muzzled and on a short leash. Small animals are allowed on the subway in closed bags.

1.9. It is not forbidden to settle in the hotel of the owner with a dog or a cat in agreement with the administration and subject to sanitary and hygienic rules.

1.10. It is forbidden to appear with a dog without a leash and a muzzle in shops, institutions, playgrounds, markets, beaches and transport, as well as walking dogs on the territories of healthcare institutions, kindergartens, schools, other educational institutions and institutions working with minors.

(clause 1.10 as amended by the resolution

1.11. It is prohibited to breed cats and dogs for the purpose of using the skin and meat of an animal, as well as for the purpose of conducting animal fights.

(as amended by the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated 07.10.2008 N 900-PP)

1.12. When a dog or cat bites a person or animal, pet owners are required to report this to the nearest state veterinary institutions, deliver animals for examination and quarantine, if necessary, to veterinary institutions within 10 days.

1.13. Dogs and cats that are in public places without accompanying persons, except for those left by the owners on a leash at shops, pharmacies, consumer services, clinics, etc., are subject to capture at the request of interested organizations.

2. Responsibilities of the animal owner

2.1. The owner of the animal is obliged to keep it in accordance with its biological characteristics, to treat the animal humanely, not to leave it unattended, without food and water, not to beat it, and in case of illness of the animal, to resort to veterinary care in time.

2.2. Pet owners are required to maintain the sanitary condition of the house and the surrounding area. Dogs are prohibited from contaminating entrances, stairwells, elevators, as well as playgrounds, paths, sidewalks. If the dog has left excrement in these areas, it must be removed by the owner.

2.3. Pet owners are required to take the necessary measures to ensure the safety of other people and animals.

2.4. Owners of dogs and cats are obliged to provide them at the request of the state veterinary inspector for examination, diagnostic studies, preventive vaccinations and therapeutic and prophylactic treatments.

2.5. When walking dogs and in residential areas, owners must ensure silence - prevent dogs from barking from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m.

(as amended by the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated 07.10.2008 N 900-PP)

2.6. It is forbidden to walk dogs and appear with them in public places and in transport to persons in a state of intoxication and children under 14 years of age.

2.7. Take the dog for a walk on a leash with a token attached to the collar, which indicates the dog's name, owner's address, phone number. You can let your dog off the leash only in sparsely populated areas. Vicious dogs should wear a muzzle.

2.8. Owners of dogs who have a land plot in use may keep dogs free-range only in a well-fenced area or on a leash. A warning notice must be posted at the entrance to the site about the presence of a dog.

2.9. When crossing the street and near highways, the owner of the dog is obliged to take it on a leash in order to avoid traffic accidents and death of the dog on the carriageway of the streets.

2.10. If further maintenance is impossible, the animal must be transferred to another owner or handed over to a veterinary institution.

2.11. The owner reports the acquisition, loss or death of the dog to the housing maintenance organizations at the place of residence.

2.12. When an animal dies, its corpse is handed over to a veterinary institution. It is forbidden to throw away the corpse of a dead animal. The registration certificate of the dog is handed over to the veterinary institution where it was registered.

3. Rights of the animal owner

3.1. Any animal is the property of the owner and, like any property, is protected by law.

3.2. The animal may be confiscated from the owner by a court decision or in another manner in cases provided for by applicable law.

3.3. The owner has the right for a limited time to leave his dog tied on a short leash near a store or other institution (a large dog - in a muzzle).

4. Responsibility of the animal owner

for compliance with these rules

4.1. For non-compliance with these Temporary Rules, the owners of dogs and cats are liable in accordance with the procedure established by law.

4.2. Harm caused to the health of citizens, or damage caused to property by dogs and cats, is compensated in accordance with the procedure established by law.

4.3. For cruelty to an animal or for an animal thrown into the street, the owner bears administrative responsibility, if his actions cannot be regarded as malicious hooliganism and are not subject to criminal punishment in accordance with applicable law.

5. Monitoring compliance with these rules

5.1. Housing maintenance organizations:

Ensure the maintenance of sanitary condition in the territory of households;

Ensure the maintenance of basements, attics and other utility rooms in accordance with the rules and regulations for the technical operation of the housing stock;

Notify organizations engaged in catching about the presence of stray dogs and cats on their territory;

Provide assistance to veterinary service employees in carrying out anti-epizootic measures, allocate free premises for preventive vaccinations against rabies in the winter-spring period;

Hang out in a conspicuous place for familiarization of citizens "Temporary rules for keeping dogs and cats in Moscow", addresses and telephone numbers of veterinary institutions that carry out registration, re-registration and treatment of animals; an organization that catches stray dogs and cats, and the Public Inspectorate for the Protection of Animals in Moscow.

5.2. Bodies of veterinary supervision:

Carry out control over the fulfillment of veterinary requirements by animal owners and carry out explanatory work among the population in order to prevent animal diseases;

Carry out registration and re-registration of dogs, as well as the issuance of registration certificates.

5.3. Public Inspectorate for the Protection of Animals in Moscow:

Explains and promotes the implementation of these Temporary Rules;

Provides assistance to owners in the maintenance of animals, if necessary;

Together with law enforcement agencies, he is holding pet owners accountable for violating the "Temporary Rules for Keeping Dogs and Cats in Moscow".

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