The foot is swollen and it hurts. Swollen leg in the foot area: causes and treatment. Typical signs of swelling of the foot

Why there is pain in the foot from above, swelling and other symptoms - the attending physician will tell about this. Our legs are not only a means of transportation, but also an indispensable part of the human body, which is inherent in the performance of important functions. And if they have pain in the foot from above, swelling, then this not only interferes with normal movement, but can also significantly worsen the lifestyle. Why there is pain in the instep of the foot and swelling appears will be discussed in this text material.

Nowadays, the question is very acute as to why there are cases when a person has a sore leg in the foot and is swollen. There are many such cases, and diseases of the legs and joints came out almost in the first place, they occur at different ages and every year everyone gets younger. What to do if the foot is swollen?

It can arise due to the strongest loads on the foot or wearing uncomfortable shoes. From the initial stage of development, the hygroma does not manifest itself in any way, there are no specific symptoms, but as the parameters increase, pain begins to grow and pain is detected (in particular, after lifting loads). If the tumor increases strongly, then pain appears in the articular tissue.

Ganglion - a formation located in the joints of the tendons. It is nothing but a combination of nerve endings and water. Signs of a similar ailment and the causes of occurrence are almost the same as with hygroma.

Foot injury. Hitting or lifting heavy objects causes injury. Pain is associated with microtrauma. Pain after a certain time when receiving a blow can turn out to be significant in strength and intensity, after which it will become aching and dull in nature, it is distinguished by the ability to increase in case of movement.

Gout disease is the deposition of urea in the articular part. There is a paroxysmal, sharp and sometimes severe pain syndrome, the upper part of the foot is motionless. The cause of the disease can be malnutrition or the presence of failures in the activity of certain systems.

Periostitis is an inflammatory formation of the periosteum with the process moving to other tissue structures. The foot is capable of swelling and pain.

What to do if the foot is swollen on top and hurts? In particular, it is necessary to consult with a specialist, but which one? This aspect is dependent on a particular disease.

The starting step will be a visit to the therapist, and he will issue a referral to the specialist you need. It can be a rheumatologist, surgeon and other specialists. To clarify the exact cause of the pain, diagnostic procedures are prescribed: x-ray, ultrasound, for sure you will need to donate blood for analysis.

Treatment methods in the presence of a problem, various medications and procedures are prescribed by a specialist.

What to do when the foot starts to swell? Arthritis or arthrosis require complex treatment. If we consider arthritis, then it is appropriate to attempt to clarify the causes of the formation of the disorder (virus, weakened immune defense) and eliminate them. In the presence of both diseases, the use of anti-inflammatory drugs (non-hormonal, and in case of complications, hormonal - corticosteroids) will be required. Pain is relieved with painkillers. To nourish the tissue structures of cartilage and joints and their nutrition, chondroprotectors are prescribed, which contain substances similar to those that make up the tissues.

Gout treatment is based on maintaining a specific diet. For example, it is necessary to introduce restrictions on the consumption of meat and fish products, in particular, broccoli, spinach, legumes. But cereals, milk, eggs, fruits and other vegetables are allowed. Alcohol and other alcoholic products are prohibited.

Flat feet - the arch of the limb is deformed, it is very painful for a person to walk. It is possible to correct violations by wearing specially designed orthopedic shoes and using physical therapy exercises. However, it is appropriate to engage in therapeutic measures at the initial stage of the development of the disease.

Why does the leg in the foot hurt from above? Reasons such as foot injuries require you to immediately contact a specialist, because fractures or the presence of cracks that can affect serious complications are not ruled out.

The ganglion and hygroma are disposed of by puncturing and removing the tumor formation with the contents, after which a specific composition is introduced, designed for disinfection and rapid healing. The limb must be fixed in a certain position (for example, for a week). In certain cases, a whole range of procedures is shown, for example, irradiation with ultraviolet rays.

Treatment of periostitis - relief of the inflammatory process. Sometimes antiallergic drugs and calcium-based vitamins are appropriate to strengthen the tissue structure.

Marching foot will require fixation of the foot for a certain time. As an option, physiological procedures are used, in particular, warming up on paraffin and massage.

Swelling of the legs is a fairly common occurrence. They can appear for various reasons, even in healthy people. It happens that in the evening or in the morning after waking up, a person notices pain in the top of the foot and swelling. Sometimes swelling appears without pain. Then you can recognize it by the fact that the foot increases in size and the usual shoes begin to crush. In addition, you can notice strongly pronounced marks from socks or the edges of shoes. And when pressed with a finger, a dent remains, which does not disappear for a long time.

Edema is the accumulation of fluid in tissues. Such congestion is most often found in the feet. After all, this area is subjected to the greatest loads. This, with a constant vertical position of a person, makes it difficult for blood circulation and lymph outflow. As a result, fluid accumulates in the intercellular tissue. Sometimes this condition is temporary and disappears after rest. But it also happens that swelling is a symptom of serious diseases. If they occur frequently and do not go away for a long time, this is a reason to see a doctor. After all, only after determining the cause of this condition, you can get rid of edema.

Why do they appear

The causes of swelling in the foot can be different. This happens occasionally even in healthy people, mainly after unusual loads on the legs or a large amount of liquid drunk. Usually in this case, both feet swell, there may be a slight soreness or redness of the skin. But this condition quickly passes after resting with legs raised.

You need to know what factors can cause edema:

  • overweight;
  • narrow, squeezing shoes or high heels;
  • increased load on the legs, for example, during long walking;
  • a large amount of liquid drunk;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun or in a hot stuffy room;
  • the use of alcoholic beverages or salty foods, which causes fluid stagnation;
  • prolonged sitting on a low surface or in a cross-legged position;
  • hormonal changes during menstruation or pregnancy;
  • taking certain drugs - antidepressants, steroids, estrogens, antidiabetic drugs.

Usually, if the legs are swollen in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe foot for one of these reasons, you should not worry. Edema disappears after the cessation of exposure to negative factors or after rest. But if the swelling lasts for several days, the foot hurts a lot, the skin turns red or blue, you need to see a doctor, as this may be a sign of a serious pathology.

Often swelling occurs due to increased stress or wearing uncomfortable shoes.

Diseases that cause swelling

The causes of such tumors may be more serious factors. Feet swell with viral diseases, allergic reactions, insect bites, infectious and inflammatory processes in the body, injuries. All these conditions require special treatment. But even in these cases, swelling is a temporary phenomenon that stops after getting rid of the provoking factor. A more serious condition is when the feet swell constantly. This usually indicates the presence of chronic diseases of the internal organs.

Heart failure

Quite often, swollen feet at the top indicate a violation of the heart. With coronary disease, arrhythmia, heart disease or angina pectoris, it does not cope, and the systemic circulation slows down. This causes stagnation of blood in the periphery, most often in the feet. Edema occurs mainly in the evenings, decreasing after resting in a horizontal position.

A characteristic feature of such edema is their symmetry, absence of pain, bluish coloration of the skin, cold extremities. You can also suspect heart failure by pain in the left side of the chest.

Kidney pathologies

The second common cause of swelling of the foot and ankle is a violation of kidney function. They can not cope with the removal of fluid from the body, so it begins to accumulate in the intercellular space. With kidney failure, edema appears throughout the body, especially on the face. But the top of the foot and toes may also be affected.

The characteristic symptoms of this pathology are also swelling of the eyelids, a decrease in the amount of urine, and the symmetry of the tumor. The skin does not turn red, there is no pain. Such edema most often appears in the morning, but can occur at any time of the day.

Swelling in kidney failure usually affects both feet and is characterized by the absence of redness and tenderness

Vascular diseases

Many women after the age of 40 develop venous insufficiency in the lower extremities. This may be due to varicose veins. The walls of the veins are weakened and cannot provide a normal outflow of blood. As a result of its stagnation, the area of ​​​​the ankle joint swells in the evening. Veins become visible through the skin, the skin turns red, soreness appears, trophic ulcers may occur.

The disease develops gradually, at first edema appears after physical exertion, only with the development of the disease can they become permanent. Characteristic of this pathology is that the leg, either right or left, swells and hurts, and the condition worsens after a long stay in an upright position.

Edema in the feet due to varicose veins appears because there are many small vessels in this place. And as a result of stagnation of blood, hydrostatic pressure increases in them. Therefore, the liquid is squeezed out through the walls of the vessels into the intercellular space.

If the swollen leg turns red, hot and painful, thrombophlebitis may be the cause. In this case, only one foot is also affected. This condition develops due to the fact that a blood clot clogs a vessel and disrupts the outflow of blood. The result is swelling, pain, and a feeling of stiffness. The lower leg, ankle or foot may swell, depending on the site of the blockage of the vessel.

Severe, long-lasting edema may be associated with a violation of the outflow of blood or lymph from the lower extremities

Violation of the outflow of lymph

Lymphatic insufficiency is less common. Pathologies such as lymphedema, lymphostasis have congenital causes or develop after operations or infectious diseases. Their characteristic feature is a high density, the appearance mainly on one side. It is very difficult to get rid of such edema.

One of the pathologies of the lymph flow is "elephant's disease". It is called so because of the fact that the legs are very swollen. This is due to the stagnation of the lymph. The swollen skin feels like a pillow to the touch, and the foot expands so much that it becomes difficult to walk.

flat feet

This pathology is typical mainly for children. But sometimes it also occurs in adults who are overweight, spend a lot of time on their feet or wear high heels. Moreover, the disease is most often noticed already at the last stage. A person goes to the doctor when his feet swell, when walking it hurts to step on his foot, and his fingers begin to deform. If you do not start treatment of this pathology, swelling and deformity of the foot can make normal movement impossible.

Joint pathologies

With various articular pathologies, the foot can hurt and swell. After all, in addition to the ankle in this area there are many small joints. The feet are especially commonly affected in rheumatoid arthritis. This disease causes severe pain, swelling, and limited mobility. The affected area may turn red and become hot to the touch.

Arthrosis can also affect the small joints of the foot. As a result of degenerative-dystrophic changes in the cartilaginous tissue, blood circulation is disturbed. This leads to pain, swelling, joint deformity and severely limits the patient's mobility. Also, swelling can be associated with the accumulation of synovial fluid in the joint itself.

Endocrine diseases

Pathologies of the thyroid gland can also be manifested by swollen feet, hands. A characteristic sign of such diseases is swelling of the lower part of the face, tongue, neck. Moreover, the edema is dense, leaving almost no pits when pressing on the skin with a finger.

Swelling in the upper part of the foot is a fairly common occurrence in diabetes mellitus. There is even such a thing as "diabetic foot". Pathology develops due to a violation of normal blood circulation and is characterized by the appearance of ulcers.

Swelling is quite common after an injury.

Other diseases

Very often, the foot of one leg swells and hurts after an injury. It can be a fracture, bruise, sprain - any injury that leads to impaired blood circulation. Edema mainly develops in the first days after injury to the limb. But it also happens that the foot swells after the cast is removed. This is due to damage to blood vessels and a violation of the outflow of lymph.

Gout is a common cause of painful swelling in the forefoot in older people. This pathology is associated with a violation of metabolic processes and the deposition of salts.

When the upper part of the fingers swells, the skin turns red and becomes painful, it can be a panaritium, abscess or phlegmon. The cause of such purulent inflammation is the penetration of bacteria under the skin through small wounds. Most often, the inflammatory process begins near the nail, then spreading further.

The doctor will help to find out the causes of edema and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Swelling on the sole may occur due to injury or heel spurs. In this case, the skin turns red, inflamed, severe pain occurs.

Features of treatment

If the foot is swollen and this condition lasts for several days, is accompanied by pain, stiffness of movements, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible. Usually, edema indicates damage to the musculoskeletal apparatus of the foot or the development of systemic pathologies. In this case, the usual methods of treatment will not work until the causes of swelling are eliminated. Therefore, it is important to be examined by a doctor, after which he will make a diagnosis and be able to determine how to treat swelling correctly.

Most often, the treatment of the underlying disease that caused swelling of the legs is prescribed:

  • in heart failure - these are cardiac glycosides, loop diuretics, diuretic herbs;
  • with thrombosis, anticoagulants are prescribed, the use of elastic bandages is also effective to prevent blood stasis;
  • varicose veins are treated with special means - venotonics, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels, it is also useful to wear compression underwear;
  • in case of kidney diseases, in addition to the main drugs, it is useful to drink diuretic herbal preparations;
  • the most difficult thing is to treat edema associated with stagnation of the lymph, in addition to ointments and venotonics, vitamins, homeopathic preparations, a special diet are prescribed, and externally - physiotherapy and massage;
  • for arthritis and arthrosis, NSAIDs, hordroprotectors, exercise therapy, massage, physiotherapy are used;
  • thyroid pathologies are treated with hormonal drugs;
  • the purulent focus must be opened and washed with an antiseptic.

Wearing compression stockings for varicose veins will help to avoid swelling

How to remove swelling

Often you need to know what to do with swelling before visiting a doctor. It is especially good to use such remedies when swelling appears due to overexertion, uncomfortable posture or narrow shoes. The most common and effective remedy is massage with ice cubes. It’s good if it’s not just frozen water, but decoctions of herbs: sage, yarrow, mint, eucalyptus. To relieve fatigue, you can also make a cool foot bath with sea salt.

Gymnastics to relieve swelling

When the leg is swollen from above and hurts, of course, there can be no talk of any gymnastics. But with frequently recurring edema outside the acute period, special exercises will help improve blood circulation. Exercises that strengthen the muscles of the foot and lower leg are necessary:

  • rise on toes from a standing position, walk on toes;
  • walk on heels, roll from heel to toe;
  • squeeze and unclench your fingers, spread them apart;
  • rotate the feet, bend and unbend them in different directions;
  • pick up pencils, small balls with your fingers.

Special exercises for the feet, performed regularly, will help to avoid swelling.

Common Medications

It is best that the necessary medications are prescribed by the attending physician. After all, the choice of drug depends on the cause that caused them. Most often, ointments are used that strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve blood circulation:

  • Heparin ointment relieves inflammation, prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • "Essaven" improves blood circulation, strengthens the walls of capillaries;
  • "Venitan" based on horse chestnut extract improves venous outflow;
  • "Troxevasin" relieves pain, improves blood circulation.

It is especially important than to treat edema caused by heart or kidney failure. Your doctor may prescribe diuretics. Most often, they are selected depending on the cause of edema, sometimes a combination of several drugs is prescribed. The most common of them are Hypothiazid, Veroshpiron, Lasix, Furosemide. Sometimes the doctor also prescribes phlebotonics to strengthen the walls of the veins, as well as blood thinners.

Folk remedies

Reddened and swollen feet are best treated under the guidance of a physician. But as an aid, you can use folk recipes. They will help improve blood circulation and strengthen the stacks of blood vessels. The most effective means are:

  • foot massage with a mixture of turpentine and castor oil;
  • instead of ointment, you can mix the yolk with turpentine and apple cider vinegar;
  • in case of kidney pathologies, it is recommended to apply a towel soaked in a strong saline solution to the lower back;
  • it is useful to apply fresh, slightly rumpled cabbage leaves to the feet;
  • to remove fluid, you need to take 3 tablespoons of astragalus decoction after meals for 2 weeks;
  • decoctions of elderberries, birch buds, bearberry, lingonberry leaves, knotweed or horsetail have a diuretic effect.

The use of folk remedies will help strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve blood circulation.


For people prone to swelling of the legs, it is very important to follow some rules that will help prevent this condition. The most important thing is to protect your legs from overload and injury. Shoes should be comfortable, if you have to wear heels, it is better that it is no longer than a few hours a day. Orthopedic insoles are recommended for people with flat feet. And with varicose veins, it is imperative to wear compression stockings.

When working on your feet, it is recommended to periodically warm up. You need to try to sit down for at least a few minutes, massage your shins. At home in the evenings, it is recommended to do foot baths, massage the feet. It is advisable to lie down and raise your legs above the body.

In addition, the drinking regimen is very important. It is advisable not to drink a lot of liquid after 7 pm. Alcoholic drinks, soda, coffee and strong tea are especially harmful. You should also avoid foods that contribute to fluid retention in the body. These are salt, smoked meats, canned food, spicy dishes.

Swelling of the feet is a fairly common and unpleasant phenomenon. Especially dangerous is that they can be the first symptom of serious health problems. Therefore, with frequently recurring edema, it is very important to consult a doctor in order to start treatment in a timely manner.

Swelling of the lower extremities is a sign of fluid accumulation in soft tissues due to the presence of various disorders in the body. Accompanied by an increase in the size of the feet, swelling, physical discomfort and unpresentable appearance. Everyone is susceptible to swelling of the feet, regardless of gender and age.

What is edema and why does it occur

Swelling of the feet is formed due to a violation of some processes in the body responsible for the timely removal of excess accumulation of fluid. The work of the smallest capillaries is to absorb fluid from the intercellular space and its further movement through the veins. The following factors can have a negative impact on these interaction mechanisms:
  • vascular permeability due to thinning of their walls;
  • changes in blood pressure in the peripheral vascular system;
  • quantitative changes in sodium, protein in the blood.
Any changes in the chemical composition of the blood, malfunctions in the vascular system lead to the accumulation of fluid in the feet and the formation of puffiness. The reason for this may be temporary and permanent factors of negative influence with a short-term and long-term effect.

Temporary (physiological) causes of swelling:

  • Passive vitality. The presence of sedentary work, the absence of physical loads can provoke the appearance of swelling of the lower extremities with the development of varicose veins in the future.
  • Sprain. Swelling of the feet for this reason self-destructs within a few days, especially if the damaged areas are tightly bandaged with an elastic fabric.
  • Abuse of salty foods. Frequent meals with a high salt content provoke heavy drinking. The inability of the body to cope with such volumes of fluid leads to edema.
  • Alcoholic drinks. Excessive intake of alcohol-containing drinks negatively affects the whole body and, in particular, the feet, causing them to swell in the morning.
  • PMS. The end of the period of menstruation is marked by the disappearance of puffiness.
  • Using uncomfortable shoes. Heels and tight shoes negatively affect blood circulation and microcirculation due to squeezing of blood vessels.
  • Excessive exercise. Overloading the legs, especially with a lack of active life, immediately leads to swelling.
  • Pregnancy. The change in the hormonal background has a dilating effect on the vessels and retains sodium. After childbirth, the swelling subsides.
  • Hot weather. Overheating causes peripheral vessels to expand, provokes a decrease in pressure and a violation of microcirculation.
  • Excess weight. Extra pounds and endocrine disorders adversely affect the feet, creating favorable conditions for the formation of puffiness.
Permanent causes of swelling (due to internal pathologies):
  • Varicose disease. Impaired circulation in the legs due to vasodilation contributes to swelling.
  • Renal pathologies. The slow removal of fluid from the body is reflected in the external component of the patient. His face and limbs are swollen.
  • Heart failure. Diseases that provoke swelling: arrhythmia, atherosclerosis, hypertension. Due to high pressure, tissue microcirculation is disturbed, leading to swelling of the feet.
  • Liver problems (cirrhosis). Failures of the immune system lead to a protein imbalance in the blood, disrupting the process of removing excess fluid from the tissues.
  • Diabetes. It leads to endocrine disorders, incorrect activity of other mechanisms that ensure the excretion of fluid, lymph outflow.
  • Lymphostasis. The accumulation of excess lymphatic fluid in the tissues provides dense in structure and painful edema.
  • vein thrombosis. Deterioration of blood circulation due to narrowing of the vessels of the legs or their blockage.
  • Infectious inflammation. After an insect bite, redness on the skin, swelling occurs.
  • allergic edema. It is caused by damage to the joints after complications or prolonged stay on the legs.
  • Medicines. Hormonal or high blood pressure medications can cause swelling in the lower extremities. The problem is solved by selecting other drugs.

Causes of swelling of the legs (video)

How to identify swelling of the feet. The main reasons for its occurrence. Ways to fix the problem. Folk methods for eliminating swelling of the feet.

Typical signs of swelling of the foot

The most important symptoms of swelling of the feet:

  • footprints from socks, shoes;
  • noticeable swelling;
  • the formation of a hole when pressed with a finger;
  • discomfort when wearing familiar shoes;
  • heaviness in the limbs;
  • asymmetric edema, soreness with varicose veins;
  • pain, burning, redness of the skin with;
  • pallor of the skin in renal pathology;
  • dense, elastic swelling with problems with the thyroid gland.

If you have one / more symptoms, you should undergo a medical examination by contacting a specialist.

swollen feet during pregnancy

Expectant mothers often suffer from swelling of the feet. This happens due to a sharp change in hormonal levels. There is a multiple increase in progesterone, which protects against miscarriage. The hormone causes fluid retention, which affects swelling. In addition, in pregnant women, the water-salt balance is disturbed, provoking adverse vascular changes. This can disrupt the outflow of blood, lymph fluid, allowing it to accumulate in the lower extremities.

From the 1st to the 12th week of pregnancy, edema is formed very rarely. But from the 2nd half of pregnancy, the skin of the extremities begins to lose elasticity and firmness. And at week 25, edema of the feet often forms, leaving pits after pressing a finger on the skin. An increase in body weight (especially sharp) contributes to swelling of the lower extremities. Therefore, it is necessary to control the weight.

According to doctors, swelling during pregnancy is the norm if there are no concomitant factors:

  • high blood pressure;
  • the presence of protein in the urine.

If severe swelling occurs, immediate treatment is necessary to prevent the development of preeclampsia (preeclampsia).

In order to prevent edematous conditions in pregnant women, it is recommended:
  • Drink 1.5 liters of water daily, not including juices, milk, soups, etc.
  • Refusal of foods that provoke thirst.
  • The use of boiled, stewed food.
  • Dose salt intake (maximum 8 g per day).
  • Balanced diet.
  • Diuretics only with the permission of a doctor (usually diuretics are prohibited during pregnancy).
  • Active lifestyle (regular physical education for pregnant women, swimming).
  • Raise legs while lying down.
  • Avoid heat.
  • Wear pantyhose high at the waist (from the second trimester it is recommended to wear compression stockings, regardless of the presence / absence of vascular problems).
  • 20 minute cool baths.
  • Foot massage.
  • Drink lingonberry tea or fruit drink.
You can get more information about edema during pregnancy.

Foot swelling in the elderly

Often the legs swell in people in old age. This is due to the natural physiological changes that occur in the body due to its aging. These include failure of metabolic processes, functional weakening of organ activity.

Swelling of the lower extremities causes a lot of inconvenience. Walking is not without painful, itchy sensations. And the adoption of a lying, sitting position is accompanied by a long search for a comfortable posture. The issue of choosing special shoes becomes relevant. With edema, weakness, physical fatigue, mental impotence, and general malaise are acutely felt.

Edema of the lower extremities in the elderly is accompanied by damage to the ankle joint, rarely moving to the sole, fingers. With a long stay in a horizontal position, swelling from the foot can spread to the lumbar region. This can provoke cardiovascular diseases, as well as cause pulmonary edema.

To avoid swelling of the legs, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Wearing comfortable shoes.
  • Limit your salt intake.
  • Drink enough liquids.
  • Give up a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Get enough rest and sleep.
  • Take medication as directed by your doctor.

What to do if the feet are swollen

There are several therapeutic methods that can eliminate the swelling of the feet.

Special exercises:

  • In a sitting or standing position, raise your toes without lifting your heels off the floor. Then lift the heel without lifting the toe. Perform daily for 3-5 minutes.
  • 2 minute toe walking.
  • Spreading and squeezing of the toes.
  • Picking up small objects from the floor using your toes.
  • Left and right foot rotations.
  • Put the left foot on the right, lift the toe. Repeat with the other foot.
  • Perform sharp flexion and extension of the toes.
  • Stand on your toes, and after 10 seconds, jump on tiptoe.
Medical therapy:
  • "Essaven gel". Strengthens capillary, venous walls, eliminates microscopic blood clots, restores blood circulation.
  • "Heparin" ointment. Normalizes blood circulation, dissolves blood clots, relieves inflammation.
  • "Venitan". Cream with horse chestnut extract strengthens venous and capillary walls, well eliminates puffiness.
  • Lyoton. The substances included in the gel (heparin, rutin) improve the functioning of the capillary system.
  • "Troxevasin". Ointment of cooling, analgesic, vasoconstrictive action.

Before using medical products that remove swelling of the legs, you should consult a doctor.

  • Warm up 20 ml castor oil and add 10 ml of turpentine. Rub your legs, put on socks (cotton).
  • A decoction based on the astragalus plant. Pour 10 g of grass with a glass of boiling water. Strain after cooling. Take 2 weeks three times a day for 3 tbsp. l. The course of treatment is six months with 3-day breaks.
  • Massage using pieces of ice based on herbs (eucalyptus, mint, sage).
  • cold bath. Soak swollen feet in sea salt water. Massage with light pinches.
  • Contrast bath with salt and herbs. 5 minutes alternately lower your feet into cold and warm water, lingering up to 10 seconds.
  • For varicose veins elderberry helps. Steam the leaves and apply to the feet.
  • Taking diuretics(horsetail, knotweed, birch buds). Take the ingredients in a volume of 1 tsp, mix and pour 3 cups of boiling water. Arrange a water bath for 15 minutes, insist half an hour, strain. Take a decoction after a meal three times a day, 1 tbsp. l. The course of treatment is 3 weeks. Take a day break after a 3-day intake.
  • A decoction of dried apricots with the addition of honey.
  • Dill seed infusion. 1 tbsp pour 1.5 cups of boiling water, place in a thermos. Drink one half in the morning and the other before bed. Take infusion for 3 weeks.
  • pumpkin juice. Squeeze 100 ml of juice from a pumpkin. The same amount to squeeze out of carrots, apples and celery. Mix and take in small amounts.
  • watermelon rinds dry, grind. Add 40 g of powder to a saucepan with 2 cups of water, cook for 5 minutes. Take 0.5 cup every 6 hours.

We remove swelling of the legs (video)

How to remove swelling of the legs. Special exercises to eliminate puffiness. Features of massage movements. Existing indications and contraindications.

In the process of life, a large load is placed on the legs, and the main part extends to the joints and the foot. This explains the frequency of diseases of the musculoskeletal system of the lower extremities. Depending on the degree of damage and the cause, the type of swelling and its localization change.

Not always swollen foot indicates the presence of problems with the joints or soft tissues in the area of ​​​​edema. On the feet are projections of organs and systems. Timely diagnosis and proper treatment tactics will avoid serious health problems.

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    Swollen foot: causes

    Swelling of the foot rarely occurs without additional manifestations. Usually associated with pain, redness and loss of sensation. If the leg is swollen in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe foot, then this may be:

    • acute and chronic renal failure;
    • chronic heart failure;
    • thrombosis of superficial and deep veins of the lower extremities;
    • chronic venous insufficiency due to failure of the valves of the veins;
    • cirrhosis of the liver and chronic infectious hepatitis;
    • various cardiomyopathies;
    • pregnancy;
    • taking medications, where swelling of the feet occurs as a side effect;
    • obesity;
    • traumatic injury;
    • joint diseases, including gout and rheumatoid arthritis.

    If additional symptoms such as shortness of breath, shortness of breath, chest pain or traumatic injuries increase, seek medical attention immediately.

    Features of edema for various reasons

    Knowing the above features of foot edema, it is possible to determine a preliminary diagnosis at home, choose further tactics of behavior and assess the risk of disease progression:

    DiseaseCauseFeatures of edema
    The cardiovascular systemMyocardial insufficiency disrupts natural blood flow. Pressure drops in the vessels, blood is deposited in the lower extremitiesPredominantly both legs swell symmetrically. In rare cases, with an increase in heart failure, the left leg swells. The skin is shiny, possibly percutaneous fluid. Fingers become numb, redness is replaced by cyanosis
    RheumatismBlood microcirculation is disturbed, inflammation of the joints and articular bag occursEdema is localized around the joints, their palpation is painful
    Varicose veinsEdema increases as a result of failure of the vascular wall and valves inside the veinsFeet swell not symmetrically, when pressed with fingers, dimples remain. They appear in the evening and after prolonged sitting or standing. The skin is hot and tight to the touch
    kidney diseaseInsufficient circulation in the renal tubules. Inability to pass enough blood for a certain period of timeEdema of the legs is uniform, along with them, swelling of the face is determined. Places of swelling are pale compared to the rest of the skin
    Endocrine disordersEdema is caused by a violation of metabolic processes, against the background of a change in the hormonal composition of the bloodFoot edema is localized in the area of ​​the ankle joint. Additionally, puffiness of the face is determined. When pressed with a finger, the pits do not remain, the skin is elastic, of a normal color
    Allergic reactionImmune response of the skin to exposure to a foreign agent: topical application of a drug or chemical, insect bite, etc.The swollen area of ​​the skin has additional symptoms in the form of itching, severe redness and a rash of a different nature.
    Liver diseaseOccurs as a result of violations of metabolic processes in the liverEdema is symmetrical, localized mainly in the ankles
    GoutAccumulation of uric acid in the joints of the footThe tumor is projected in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe joints, usually it is the big toe, which hurts a lot. A sharp soreness, pronounced redness is determined, the skin is hot to the touch. It hurts to stand on the affected foot
    traumatic injuryInflammation increases at the site of damage, the outflow of fluid from the tissues is impairedPuffiness is accompanied by severe pain, redness increases, the separation of ichor, blood and even pus when the process is neglected. The tumor is preceded by trauma, skin damage, bruising, etc. If the skin turns red, an infection could join
    Lymphatic disordersLymph accumulates in the feet as a result of a violation of its physiological outflowPuffiness increases with time, first the legs swell in the evening, then there is discomfort, soreness, as a result, the person loses the ability to move independently. The skin becomes dull, fluid may be released through the skin. In the people, this condition was called "elephant disease"
    Mono-diets and vegetarian cuisineProtein deficiency occurs in the tissues, the fluid is pathologically retainedFirst of all, the fingers swell. The skin does not change color, soreness is extremely rare

    Visual examination and preliminary diagnosis must be confirmed by laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods.

    Basic principles of treatment

    Based on the cause of foot edema, the tactics of therapy are determined. Drug treatment without medical supervision is strictly prohibited. You can use only traditional medicine on your own.

    Joint diseases: arthritis, arthrosis and gout

    Treatment is outpatient. In case of deterioration of the condition, its progression and in moments of severe exacerbations, hospitalization is required in a hospital - in a rheumatological or therapeutic department.

    The basic principles of therapy include a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition with limited fatty and salty foods, regular physical therapy and gymnastics. For prevention in the period between exacerbations, the patient should take vitamin complexes based on B vitamins.

    Varicose veins and thrombophlebitis

    It all depends on the severity of the disease. Varicose veins are an incurable pathology, therefore, it requires constant attention from the patient. The progression and development of varicose veins will require surgical intervention, so prevention and ongoing measures to maintain the health of the veins will be key. Thrombophlebitis is an emergency condition requiring immediate hospitalization in the vascular or surgical department.

    The purpose of preventive measures is to strengthen the vascular wall. The main thing is wearing compression underwear. Stockings and tights with increased density will provide compression from the outside. With intense physical exertion, the imposition of compression bandages is recommended.

    kidney disease

    Newly established diagnoses and exacerbations with severe pain require inpatient treatment in urology or nephrology. Chronic pyelonephritis is treated under the supervision of a polyclinic therapist. Total violations of glomerular filtration in the kidneys lead to hemodialysis.

    To relieve symptoms of foot edema, diuretics, drugs that improve microcirculation in the kidneys, and other vitamin complexes are used. It is recommended to use herbal preparations and herbal tea.


    Pregnancy can lead to leg swelling due to an enlarged uterus. In the later stages, it puts pressure on the kidneys, the condition of the vessels of the lower extremities and other organ systems. Edema increases blood pressure and leads to placental abruption.

    Puffiness disappears within the first week after childbirth. To improve kidney function, you need to take herbal teas and fees, drugs to improve blood circulation in the kidneys (Canephron). Gynecologists often recommend the knee-elbow position - this way it is possible to relieve pressure on the kidneys. To unload the veins of the legs and improve the outflow of blood from the feet, it is necessary to reduce physical activity, limit fluid and salt intake.

Such a phenomenon always causes reasonable concern. Foot swelling is a nuisance that can be caused by various reasons. A person has the right to suspect even a serious disease of diabetes mellitus. A swollen foot is often a symptom of the disease. It happens that the outer part of the foot, the sole, is deformed, sometimes there is an accumulation of fluid between the fingers.

Early diagnosis becomes the key to a successful cure for the disease that caused the symptom in the form.

The occurrence of tumors on a regular basis becomes an unequivocal message to visit a doctor. Consider the approximate factors that cause swelling of the feet.

The reasons vary: from too much salty food to a combination of symptoms that herald diabetes.

If a person has, one should not panic and suspect the development of a serious illness. Perhaps the edema was provoked by a random factor. It is not difficult to remove such one-time damage by taking immediate action. No injections, long-term treatment, hospitalization are required. Analyze previous events, perhaps the edema is due to a very simple reason.

The origin of edema due to illness

The worst-case scenario should also be taken into account. It happens that it is impossible to cope with the tumor, the deformation constantly returns until, finally, it becomes chronic. The explanation is quite logical - edema is caused by the development of the disease.

More often, the legs swell due to lesions of the blood vessels and lymph nodes. The pain is unilateral or symmetrical (one or both legs swell). Paying attention to the signs will help the doctor examining you to establish an accurate diagnosis and understand the cause of the swelling.

The defeat of these internal organs can cause such pronounced tumors:

The causes of swollen feet are varied, the list below shows the most common. The doctor will consider your case individually, prescribing the appropriate treatment.

Everything is important: starting from heredity and ending with the localization of the tumor - on the right side or on the left, from the outside or inside, whether fluid accumulates between the fingers or on the sole. Pay attention to the body and possible manifestations of diseases.

How to get rid of swelling

Self-treatment of edema is fraught with the development of complications, especially in cases where a person does not suspect where the violation came from. It is especially important to be careful with diabetes, during pregnancy.

If you need to get rid of the edema immediately, you may be advised to use a warming ointment or gel, take a pill. Most drugs are prescribed by a doctor, the remedies are struggling with the symptom and cause itself. Antibiotics are prescribed for infection, anti-inflammatory drugs for inflammation, following the main spectrum of action.

When using the ointment, it is recommended to apply the agent directly to the place of edema, from the outer or inner side of the right, left leg, starting from the bottom, rising up the limb. Spread well between the toes, do not forget about the sole.

If you don't see a doctor on time, the swelling-causing fluid can accumulate, creating more problems in your leg. In complicated diabetes mellitus, for example, the amount of water can reach several liters.

Alternative medicine

Sometimes taking medications and attending physiotherapy (such measures are provided by modern treatment that relieves the patient of edema and its original cause) are not enough measures for a complete cure. Doctors often advise proven folk remedies to help relieve foot swelling.

The main cause of a tumor is an excessive amount of fluid in the body. To remove excess moisture, watermelon, which has a diuretic effect, will serve as a tasty medicine.

Taking diuretic products in diabetes should be careful: do not forget about a special diet. Stay on guard of your own health!

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