What to do if the sciatic nerve is pinched. Pinched sciatic nerve - how to treat? Is there a risk group

Pinching of the sciatic nerve is considered a serious pathological condition resulting from significant compression of the nerve ending, the sheath of which is not damaged in any way. And anyone can experience this. Unpleasant sensations begin to capture the lumbar region, the region of the lower extremities and the sacral region.

Pinching of the sciatic nerve

The disease makes it impossible to move normally and causes severe pain. Develops sacro-lumbar sciatica, which is called sciatica. And if you do not start treating such an ailment in time, then soon a person will have to face serious complications and consequences associated with his health. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize the disease at the initial stages. And for this you need to know the symptoms of pinched sciatic nerve sciatica.

The causes of such a disease

Before moving on to what symptoms appear when the sciatic nerve is pinched, you must first find out the causes that provoke this painful condition. Such a pathology in most cases develops against the background of an intervertebral hernia, and also due to ruptures of the intervertebral discs. Also, nerve pinching occurs when performing active exercises, when sudden movements are performed. Sometimes this happens due to a long stay in the wrong position, due to the restriction of physical activity, and also due to the increased load on the lower back. Just the last factor affects the fact that a pinched sciatic nerve is formed during pregnancy.

In addition to these factors, the disease can be triggered by other reasons. It:

During the period of expectation of a child in women, the sciatic nerve can also be infringed. This happens due to the fact that the enlarged uterus begins to put a lot of pressure on the neighboring organs. The load on the spine increases, as the center of gravity of the whole body changes in pregnant women. Sometimes during pregnancy, a woman takes an uncomfortable position for herself, which leads to sciatica. Another difficult period when female representatives may face such an ailment is menopause.

But in men, the risk of this disease is associated with a passion for alcohol, poisoning with toxic and narcotic substances, overweight and smoking.

Signs of sciatica

The first thing that indicates a pinched sciatic nerve is the symptoms of a spasmodic nature. There is a pain sensation, which can be sharp, shooting or aching, pulling and pulsating.

The pain first manifests itself in the lumbar region, descending to the gluteal muscles. Then it passes along the back of the thigh to the heel and lower leg, giving a pulsation to the base of the fingers of both lower extremities. In some cases, there is partial numbness of exactly the place where the nerve passes. A slight tingling or even burning of the skin surface may be felt. Painful spasms are aggravated when a person takes a sitting position, as well as when laughing or coughing, with tension in a certain muscle group.

In addition to pain, the symptoms of sciatica are characterized by difficulty in normal walking. Also, discomfort is felt when standing for a long time. And if such a disease is not treated on time, then later lameness develops.

This usually occurs with one foot, if it is a unilateral pinch. And with a bilateral illness, a person can begin to limp on both legs at once.

In males, signs of pinching may resemble inflammation of the prostate. Similar symptoms appear. Because of this, time is often missed, and treatment is prescribed at an advanced stage of sciatica. As for women, their symptoms of such an ailment will depend on the degree of damage and on the very cause of this disease. And it is worth noting that it is precisely in the representatives of the weaker sex that these unpleasant sensations in the lumbar region are more often completely absent.

The most common symptom

The most common and most common symptoms of a pinched sciatic nerve are:

  • physical weakness and atrophy of muscle tissue;
  • disturbances with sensitivity, which decreases or increases;
  • the skin becomes drier;
  • on some parts of the body crawling goosebumps may be felt;
  • the occurrence of pathological reflexes;
  • increased sweating of the feet;
  • a restriction of movement is formed, which to a large extent concerns the lower extremities.

If the pinched nerve progresses, then all the symptoms become more pronounced. As a result, the habitual way of life of a person undergoes significant changes, not for the better. Pain is constantly felt, the intensity of which will depend on the cause of the inflammation that has occurred, if such an ailment was preceded by a running flu, serious infections, spondylolisthesis and stenosis, malaria. And in this case, the nature of the pain must be considered. This will help specialists to make the correct diagnosis, which will contribute to the rapid blocking of inflammation. In this regard, it is customary to distinguish three stages that the disease itself goes through:

  • it is difficult for a person to sit down (a symptom of landing);
  • the patient is unable to raise the leg in a straight position (Lasegue's symptom);
  • pain increases with flexion of the foot (symptom of Sicard).

In addition to pain, a person also encounters other signs of pinching, which are associated with impaired conduction of nerve impulses moving along sensory fibers:

paresthesia(deterioration of sensitivity). At the very beginning, such a disorder is manifested by partial numbness of some areas. Tingling may occur in the buttocks and hamstrings. And if the disease continues to progress, then the sensitivity completely disappears.

Functional disorder of the pelvic organs. This happens due to the compression of the fibers of the nervous and autonomic systems. As a result, urination is disturbed, and a person may face such an unpleasant problem as urinary incontinence. In advanced stages, chronic constipation may appear. And such symptoms are observed in severe cases of sciatica with infringement of the roots of the spinal cord.

motor dysfunction. Such a disorder is the result of infringement of the nerve motor fibers. A person may feel weakness in the muscles of the thigh, lower leg, and buttocks. And this affects the gait, which changes, but only unilaterally. Lameness develops on one leg, which is the cause of the pain spasm.

And if all these symptoms are simply ignored and complex treatment is not started, then in the future you may encounter a loss of all sensitivity of the lower extremities.

Features of the manifestation of symptoms

Pain that occurs when the sciatic nerve is pinched is a symptom of varying intensity. It depends on the very cause of such a disease. As a result, the pain can manifest itself as a weak and almost imperceptible tingling, or it can transform into a strong burning sensation or a feeling of dull heaviness. In especially advanced stages, the spasm becomes unbearable and fetters the entire body, because of this, a person cannot move normally.

A distinctive feature of such pain is that it is often localized only on one side of the body. So, if pain sensations of an acute nature occur in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe right leg, then a slight numbness or just weakness is felt in the left leg. If a person is in an absolutely calm state for a long time, then the spasm reduces its manifestation and its intensity. But as soon as the patient gets up, sits down, changes his posture, or bends over, the pain again intensifies its manifestation. Quite often, such spasms appear at night. And interestingly, it can be preceded by a slight tingling and weakness in the body, as well as a decrease in the mobility of the lower extremities, especially in the knee joint and feet.

Symptoms of inflammation of the sciatic nerve

The cause of pinching of the roots of the sciatic nerve ending is lumbago with sciatica, the symptoms of which are localized in the lumbar region. Faced with lumboischialgia and inflammation of the nerve, the patient begins to notice the following signs:

Essential gait disturbance which is characterized as intermittent claudication. This phenomenon is provoked by paroxysmal pain. And when the sciatic nerve is pinched, all the unpleasant sensations increase with movement. In order to somehow ease the pain that arises, a person tries to tilt the body to the other side. While walking, he instinctively chooses a healthy leg as a supporting one. At the same time, you want to bend the sore leg under you. From the side of the surrounding people there is a feeling that a person has an injury, which leads to lameness.

Sensitivity changes. The reaction of nerve endings is disturbed. This usually occurs in the area where the sciatic nerve has been pinched. As a result, sensitivity can be both increased and reduced.

Numbness and tingling. Such sensations are most typical for the thigh area (its back surface), for the gluteal zone, as well as for the feet and lower legs. Fingers go numb quite often. In addition to the fact that sensitivity is disturbed, pain is formed, localized in one side of the body.

Deterioration of general mobility. When such an ailment as a pinched sciatic nerve is diagnosed, a person has difficulty with the mobility of the knee joint and foot. And when there is a change in the position of the leg, this action can be accompanied by palpable pain. The patient cannot calmly and freely perform movements of the lower limbs of a flexion-extensor nature. And also it is extremely difficult for him to twist the foot.

Weakening of muscle ligaments. Severe weakness is felt throughout the body, a person may complain of a complete lack of strength, it is difficult for him to continue to lead a familiar, active lifestyle. And all actions that require muscle tension in the area of ​​the affected areas are given with incredible difficulty.

High body temperature. Sometimes the internal system of the human body reacts in a peculiar way to the pain that occurs when a nerve ending is pinched. And such a symptom may be an increase in temperature. This sign is very serious, and he says that you need to urgently consult a doctor. At the same time, the skin on the back turns red, and the soft tissue visibly swells. Then pelvic dysfunction begins. Discomfort spasms torment the patient during urination, men may develop problems with weakened potency.

The primary symptoms of ischial pinching can sometimes be confused with signs of other serious illnesses. Therefore, it is important to know exactly how the symptoms of this disease proceed.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of such an ailment as a pinched nerve is carried out with the help of surgical intervention or in a conservative way. The method of therapy will depend on the stages of development of pathological processes and on the manifestation of the symptoms themselves. At the same time, a versatile approach is important, when taking medications is combined with preventive and health-improving measures.

During the acute period, if the sciatic nerve is pinched, a passive bed rest should be observed. And it is better if the position of the human body is fixed. And for this, it is recommended to use a rigid frame mattress in everyday life. During the period of pain relief, small movements around the room are allowed, and a cane or the hand of a loved one can be used to help.

Therapeutic therapy includes the observance of a special diet. Since the patient spends most of the time lying in bed, the diet should consist of light and low-calorie, but nutritious foods that will not provoke constipation. It can be cereals, milk soups, vegetables in any form (but better in a grated state). But you will have to exclude fried and fatty dishes, smoked meats and pickles, fast food from your menu.

It is not necessary to undergo treatment in a hospital with this unpleasant disease. A pinched nerve is effectively treated in the usual conditions at home, but only on condition that the person follows all the doctor's recommendations.

It is important to continue to engage in physiotherapy exercises with such an ailment. Special gymnastics allows you to develop painful areas of the body. This mainly applies to the feet and fingers. However, it must be understood that all prescribed exercises should be carried out at the time of the "calming down" of the symptoms. During this period, you can walk on the buttocks, do the “bicycle” exercise and simply bend your knees. In addition, you will need to raise your legs in a vertical position, as well as do semi-squats with support and support. And if such gymnastics is carried out correctly, then it will be possible to fully develop diseased limbs and restore their lost functionality.

A massage that is performed when the sciatic nerve is pinched can be quite effective. As an additional remedy, you can use a decoction of aspen leaves, or an infusion of herbs such as St. John's wort. A good therapeutic result can be given by wax compresses and ointments prepared independently from natural ingredients.

One of the causes of lower back pain is a pinched sciatic nerve.


Pinched sciatic nerve is a serious disorder that occurs in the human body. The general symptoms of such a disease cause a lot of discomfort to a person. He constantly experiences pain, his activity and mobility of the body worsens, and the muscular system gradually weakens. And in order to start treatment on time and regain the opportunity to lead a normal life, it is necessary to be able to recognize the symptoms of a pinched sciatic nerve in the initial stages.

If you do not pay attention to emerging signs and do not start timely therapy, then a person may face serious consequences. This can be a significant disruption of the functioning of many internal organs, insomnia and decreased libido, exacerbation of existing chronic diseases, menstruation failure in women and even the development of infertility, a sharp decrease in motor and physical activity, intestinal dysfunction and immobilization of the lower extremities.

However, if a person nevertheless responds in time to all the symptoms that appear when the sciatic nerve is pinched, then the doctors' prognosis is quite favorable. With complex treatment, it will be possible to get rid of such an ailment and forget about all the unpleasant symptoms that torment a person. The main thing is to know all the symptoms, which will not allow you to confuse this disease with another disorder in the body.

Pinched sciatic nerve is a common problem. The main symptom of this pathology is severe pain, which significantly worsens the quality of a person’s life, disturbs him constantly, and prevents him from moving normally. In the absence of therapy, such a violation can lead to unpleasant consequences. That is why many people are interested in additional information about this pathology. What are its causes and symptoms? Is it possible to treat the sciatic nerve at home? Is it possible to prevent the development of such a disease?

What is a pinch?

The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the human body. This fiber is formed from the last two lumbar and all sacral spinal nerves. It is the sciatic nerve that is responsible for the innervation of the knee and hip joints.

Pinching of the sciatic nerve is a pathology for which the term "sciatica" is used in modern medicine. Such a violation is accompanied by compression of the nerve fiber in the musculoskeletal tunnel and its subsequent inflammation. As a rule, nerve damage is unilateral and is most often diagnosed in males, especially when it comes to men whose work is associated with constant physical exertion.

The main causes of pinching

Infringement and neuritis of the sciatic nerve can develop under the influence of many factors. As a rule, such a pathology occurs against the background of other, already existing diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It:

  • intervertebral hernia in the lumbar region (the protruding part of the intervertebral disc at the exit compresses the sciatic nerve);
  • osteochondrosis of the lumbar (due to changes in the thickness of the discs, the nerve is squeezed between the vertebrae);
  • any spinal injury that is accompanied by displacement of the vertebrae, including dislocations and subluxations;
  • degenerative spondylolister;
  • spondylosis of the lumbosacral region;
  • the presence of tumors of the spine, which, depending on the location, can also put pressure on the nerve.

Other reasons include compression of nerve fibers by spasmodic muscles (this is observed with physical overstrain, muscle inflammation or injury). And sciatica can develop during pregnancy, in particular, during the third trimester.

Are there risk factors?

Of course, in addition to the main reasons, there are factors that increase the likelihood of pinching.

  • Hypothermia of the lower back can cause inflammation and pinching. Quite often, people go to the doctor, complaining that the sciatic nerve has “cold”. Exposure to cold can actually aggravate the situation.
  • Sciatica can develop with herpes zoster in the projection of the branches of the sciatic nerve.
  • Being overweight is also a risk factor.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs also contribute to the development of neuritis.
  • Damage to the sciatic nerve often develops in people with diabetes mellitus, since with such a disease the normal nutrition of nerve fibers is disrupted.
  • Also, the list of risk factors includes tuberculous lesions of the spine, brucellosis, polyradiculoneuritis and multiple sclerosis.
  • Excessive physical activity, stressful situations, disturbances in normal blood circulation, disruptions in metabolic processes, alcoholism - all this increases the risk of developing neuritis and, in particular, lesions of the sciatic nerve.

Infringement of the sciatic nerve: symptoms

In fact, sciatica is accompanied by quite characteristic signs. How to recognize the infringement of the sciatic nerve? Its symptoms are severe pain in the thigh. As a rule, discomfort is localized on the back of the thigh, but can also spread to the lower back, lower leg, and even reach the foot.

At the initial stages, the pain may be mild, but as the inflammatory process develops, it becomes sharp, stabbing, cutting. Sometimes the pain is so strong that a person can lose consciousness. Discomfort increases after physical activity, although sometimes even slow walking, sitting and standing aggravate the patient's condition.

Naturally, pain affects a person's mobility. First of all, the gait is disturbed, as the patient tries not to lean on the sore leg. Often there is a burning sensation and tingling in the foot, increased sweating of the legs. As the disease progresses, it becomes difficult for a person to bend the leg at the knee, turn the foot, and move the toes.

What diagnostic methods are used?

In fact, it is quite simple to determine the presence of infringement and inflammation of the sciatic nerve, since the clinical picture here is actually very characteristic. However, some more research is needed to pinpoint the exact cause. If this is not done, then the likelihood of re-pinching is high.

To begin with, an X-ray examination of the spine is carried out, which will help to identify bone pathologies, including displacement of the vertebrae, the presence of osteophytes, etc. Whenever possible, it is recommended to undergo computed or magnetic resonance imaging, as this is a more accurate technique that allows you to register even the slightest changes in the bone and cartilaginous structure of the spinal column. If a tumor is suspected, a radioisotope scan of the spine is performed. If there is reason to believe that the infringement is caused by inflammation of the pelvic organs, then an appropriate ultrasound examination is prescribed.

Medical treatment

The decision on whether the treatment of the sciatic nerve will be carried out at home or in a hospital, under the constant supervision of medical staff, is made by the doctor. Immediately after the examination, the specialist will select the most effective drugs. The main group of drugs is non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, in particular, "Ketanov", "Ibuprofen", "Nurofen", "Denebol". These drugs help slow down the development of the inflammatory process, as well as quickly relieve pain. By the way, you can use the same drugs, but in the form of ointments and creams (Diclofenac, Voltaren, Finalgon).

It also shows the intake of B vitamins, which restore tissue trophism, help restore the functioning of nerve fibers. Neurorubin and Milgamma are considered quite effective.

With a strong spasm of the muscles of the legs, buttocks and back, drugs are used that help eliminate such a problem, in particular, these are Sirdalud and Mydocalm. With very strong sharp pains in the initial stages, novocaine blockade can be carried out.

Other steps in pinching therapy

Medicines help relieve pain. But sciatica requires complex therapy. Patients definitely need special therapeutic exercises that will help restore mobility. The complex of the most suitable exercises will be selected by the doctor.

In addition, various methods of physiotherapy are used, including phonophoresis, paraffin applications, magnetic laser therapy, UHF and electrophoresis with novocaine, noshpa or other drugs. A course of therapeutic massage will also positively affect the patient's condition. Outside of exacerbation, patients are recommended, if possible, to undergo spa treatment from time to time.

Treatment of the sciatic nerve at home

Of course, successful therapy requires an appropriate regimen. Treatment of the sciatic nerve at home should include proper nutrition. It is necessary to give up spicy, smoked, fatty and fried foods for a while. It is advisable to use sparing liquid foods, in particular, milk porridges, vegetable and meat soups - this will help to avoid constipation, which only exacerbates the situation.

In the acute phase of the disease, bed rest must be observed. The number of movements should be kept to a minimum. Only after the pain subsides, you can start walking and gradually, under the supervision of a doctor, return to the usual rhythm of life.

Alternative treatment of the sciatic nerve is also possible, but only with the permission of a doctor. Creams and ointments containing horse chestnut extract are considered quite effective, as they help relieve pain and relax muscles. Good compresses from beeswax. First you need to warm it up, form a cake, which then put on the thigh. From above it is recommended to cover it with polyethylene, cotton wool and a towel or a warm shawl, leaving it overnight. Procedures can be repeated every day for a week.

Rubbing with infusions of dandelion, spruce and pine buds helps very well - you can buy them at a pharmacy or cook them yourself. Cupping massage is also considered effective, which can be easily carried out even at home. Under the jar on the skin, it is recommended to apply an anesthetic or anti-inflammatory ointment.

Are there effective preventive measures?

Today, many people are interested in questions about whether it is possible to protect oneself from damage to such an integral part of the nervous system as the sciatic nerve. Treatment, injections, physiotherapy - can all this be avoided?

In fact, there are no specific precautions. Optimal prevention lies in the timely detection of various diseases at risk and their high-quality treatment. In addition, experts recommend sleeping on a hard orthopedic mattress and monitoring body weight. You also need at least minimal, but regular morning exercises. Heavy physical activity requires appropriate sports training.

What is sciatic neuralgia?

- This is a protective reaction to the action of an irritant, manifested in pronounced painful sensations in the lumbar region, buttocks and legs.

The sciatic nerve is one of the largest in the human body. It is he who has increased sensitivity and inflames more often than others. Its function is to be responsible for the movement of the lower limbs.

A nerve is a bundle of nerve fibers that are covered with a sheath called endoneurium. Endoneurium, in turn, is penetrated by the smallest blood vessels - capillaries. Below it is the second layer, which is called the perinervium. It also has vessels, but they are larger. Each vessel is covered with a layer of connective tissue, which protects the sciatic nerve from various kinds of damage, acting as a kind of shock absorber.

The nerve itself is located in the neural tube, which is very dense, as it is also covered with a connective tissue called the epinervium.

According to statistics, inflammation of the sciatic nerve most often affects people over the age of 30. A quarter of the population suffers from back pain, with 20% of cases due to inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

In medicine, you can also find the term -, sciatic nerve neuropathy or sciatica, which characterizes the same condition. It should be understood that inflammation of the sciatic nerve is not a separate disease, but a symptomatology that signals problems in the lumbar and sacral region.

Where is the sciatic nerve located?

This largest nerve originates in the pelvic region, in the lumbar spine. Its length is great, so it covers most of the lower body. From the sacral region, a branch of the nerve enters the pelvis through a special hole called the piriformis. Further, the nerve stretches under the gluteal muscle and branches into smaller processes that penetrate all the gluteal and femoral muscles. In addition, it affects all the joints in this area.

Going down to the popliteal fossa, the nerve branches into a pair of large processes. They are called the tibial branch and the fibular branch. Thanks to these branches, the sensitivity of the skin of the lower leg and foot, as well as all the joints and muscles in the lower extremities, is ensured.

The sciatic nerve stretches along the entire length of the leg, thereby causing pain throughout the lower limb during inflammation and any other damage to it.

Symptoms of inflammation of the sciatic nerve

Symptoms of inflammation of the sciatic nerve cannot go unnoticed by a person.

You can suspect this condition by the following signs:

    Pain in the gluteal muscle and back of the lower limb. Pain is most often bilateral, but they are somewhat different. It will be more intense on the side where the inflammatory process occurs.

    The movement of pain is from top to bottom. It captures the buttocks, thighs, lower leg, lower back.

    It is difficult for a person to unbend, especially if he leaned forward. When you bend over, the pain becomes less intense.

    When you try to turn around, the discomfort becomes more pronounced.

    Reliance on the limb in which the sciatic nerve has become inflamed becomes impossible. When you try to step on it, a person experiences acute pain.

    Sometimes inflammation is accompanied by defecation or urination, which occurs involuntarily.

    Body temperature most often rises, but does not exceed 38 ° C. This symptom occurs against the background of spasms and muscle pain. Moreover, both the body temperature in general and at the site of inflammation in particular rise.

    Physical activity becomes impossible.

    The skin along the inflamed nerve becomes red and swollen.

    Injury to muscles or organs located in the pelvic area.

    Gynecological and urological diseases.

    Birth trauma.

    Pregnancy can cause inflammation of the sciatic nerve. This is due to the fact that the enlarged uterus presses on it, causing pain in the lower back and legs. Especially often, sciatica develops in the third trimester and intensifies when the baby moves inside the womb. Moreover, the symptoms of inflammation of the sciatic nerve may be present after childbirth, for 3 months.

    Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, Reiter's syndrome.

    Poisoning the body with toxic substances, such as mercury and arsenic.

Diagnosis of inflammation of the sciatic nerve

Although the symptoms of sciatica in most cases clearly indicate the occurrence of this condition, in some cases they masquerade as signs of another disease. Therefore, doctors perform a clinical and neurological examination of the patient. It boils down to determining a person's hypersensitivity to pain. For this, the patient is asked to lie down and lift the leg up without bending it.

If pain occurs along the course of the nerve, which subsides when the person lowers the limb, then this makes it possible to suspect sciatica. This diagnostic technique is called the Lasegue test. Do not assume that this is the only way to determine inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Doctors have a whole set of similar techniques, for example, determining the symptoms of Lerrey, Firestein, etc.

The Valsalva maneuver is indicative. The person is covered with a nose and mouth and offered to create forced breathing. The result will be an increase in pressure not only in the chest, but also in the abdominal cavity. Pain in the lower extremities disappears, but other neurological symptoms appear, indicating compression of one or another root. For example, a violation of sensitivity from the side of the calf, a weakening of the knee jerk, a violation of the motor function of the foot or fingers, etc.

Doctors also come to the aid of such modern research methods as computed tomography, MRI, x-rays. An additional diagnostic method is electroneuromyography, which allows you to evaluate the speed of nerve impulses during nerve stimulation.

However, it is not only important to determine that a person is suffering from nerve inflammation. It is necessary to establish the cause that led to this state. This is what will make it possible to conduct effective treatment and save the patient from the problem.

Treatment of inflammation of the sciatic nerve

Therapy primarily consists in eliminating the pain symptom and relieving inflammation. For this, a person is prescribed anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs. After the pain is stopped, you can begin to eliminate the cause that caused sciatica.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are often used, in particular electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, UHF, etc. Also, modern conservative methods include the use of fixing belts, muscle stimulation with electrical impulses, acupuncture, and manual therapy.

If the inflammation was caused by infectious pathogens, then the person is shown antibacterial and antiviral treatment of inflammation of the sciatic nerve. When the cause lies in diseases of the pelvic organs, the underlying disease should be eliminated.

When the cause of sciatica is a herniated disc or a neoplasm, it will not be possible to avoid surgical intervention. So, microdiscectomy is an effective and modern way to get rid of many pathologies of the intervertebral disc that cause sciatica.

A doctor who deals with the treatment of inflammation of the sciatic nerve is a neurologist or neuropathologist. If necessary, a person is sent to other specialists - to a gynecologist, urologist, oncologist, etc.

Whatever the cause leading to inflammation of the sciatic nerve, a person needs complete rest. Bed rest is indicated until the acute period has passed.

The prognosis for recovery directly depends on the cause of the inflammation and the timely visit to the doctor.

Treatment of the sciatic nerve (drugs)

There are several areas of drug therapy:

    NSAIDs. For the treatment of inflammation of the sciatic nerve, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are primarily used. The most commonly prescribed are aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, ketoprofen, paracetamol, diclofenac, tolmetin, dexibuprofen. In order to minimize the effects of oral administration of these drugs, it is necessary to use them with meals. This will reduce the risk of side effects from the gastrointestinal tract, however, it may slightly reduce the effect of pain relief.

Do not exceed the dose recommended by the doctor, as this increases the risk of complications. The person may experience indigestion, drowsiness, and other symptoms. In addition, taking only NSAIDs will not affect the cause of inflammation, and their long-term use increases the risk of development.

Another effective pain reliever prescribed for inflammation of the sciatic nerve is Tramadol. It does not cause persistent dependence and addiction, like NSAIDs. It is indicated when it is impossible to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. A drug such as Ultraset, which combines tramadol and paracetamol, allows you to quickly achieve the desired effect and relieve pain as soon as possible.

    Steroid anti-inflammatory drugs. Steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are also used, among which hydrocortisone, dexamethasone, cortisone, prednisolone can be distinguished. In some cases, epidural steroid injections are used. They are inserted into the epidural space, which contributes to the immediate relief of pain.

    Antidepressants. Antidepressants will help normalize sleep and calm a person. They are used in combination with other medicines and strictly under medical supervision.

    Vitamins. It is obligatory to take vitamin complexes that can accelerate the recovery of damaged nerve fibers and normalize the functioning of the nervous system as a whole.

    Local anesthetics. Various ointments are used as local anesthesia agents, for example, Voltaren, Nise gel, Nurofen, Finalgel, Dolbene.

If it is not possible to deliver a person with sciatica to the hospital, then it is worth giving him first aid on the spot. First of all, it must be laid on the stomach on any hard surface. Place a low pillow under your chest. You can warm the patient with a blanket. But at the same time, it is strictly forbidden to apply any warm compresses or heating pads to the site of inflammation, as this can increase swelling and increase the intensity of pain. After that, you need to call a doctor or take the person to a medical facility on their own. Do not knead the sore spot or apply ointments to it. All therapeutic measures are permissible only after consultation with the doctor.

Exercises for inflammation of the sciatic nerve

Therapeutic gymnastics is another effective way to treat and prevent inflammation of the sciatic nerve. It is important to perform them daily, which will allow you to train various muscle groups and avoid pain in the future. The load should be gradual, as you train, it must be increased. However, you can not overexert yourself, gymnastics should not cause discomfort, let alone pain. Its goal is to maintain muscle tone, normalize their blood supply, and relieve inflammation. Any set of exercises can be supplemented with other feasible loads, for example, swimming, cycling, hiking.

However, do not assume that gymnastics does not allow you to achieve an effect. This is one of the ways to treat inflammation of the sciatic nerve, so you should approach it responsibly. It is important to work out the muscle groups that caused the compression of the sciatic nerve. Need exercises for the legs, buttocks, outer and inner thighs. It is worth starting to do them carefully. If pain occurs, you need to take a break and rest. In the event that the pain does not go away or even intensifies, it is worth completely stopping the implementation of the complex and consulting a doctor. When choosing the most effective exercises, it is necessary to take into account the presence of other diseases so as not to provoke their exacerbation.

It is desirable that the complex be compiled by a doctor or exercise therapy instructor. He will tell you how to move and breathe correctly. After that, you can begin to implement exercises at home.

    Lying on your back, always on a hard surface, you need to raise your legs and pull them to your chest, while holding your buttocks with your hands. In this position, you should hold out for at least 30 seconds, then straighten your legs. You need to repeat at least 10 times.

    Staying on the floor, you need to roll over to one side. Bend your legs and press them to your chest, while stretching your socks. Then the legs return to their original position. The number of repetitions, as in the first exercise. If you perform it at a fast pace, then this will warm up the muscles and prepare for further classes.

    Without getting up from the floor, you need to roll over on your stomach and raise your upper body as high as possible. The legs do not bend. Since the exercise is difficult to use for beginners, 5 repetitions will initially be enough. Then they can be gradually increased.

    Get up off the floor and sit on a chair. The leg must be placed crosswise. The back should be straight and the arms should be behind the head. From this position, you need to make turns with the body in different directions, you should generally make 10 turns.

    Then from the chair you need to move to the floor, while kneeling. Hands are located above the head, fingers are clasped in the castle. From this position, a forward bend is made with the maximum extension of the arms. After the palms touched the floor, you can go back.

    After a little rest, you need to sit on the floor. Raise your arms to shoulder level and spread them apart, and stretch your legs. Then the hands with light springy movements are retracted as far back as possible and come back. Repeat at least 5 times.

    Remaining sitting on the floor, you need to spread your legs wide apart, then lie on your back, and raise your limbs. In this case, put your hands behind your head. Press the shoulder blades to the floor. Stretching your legs to the ceiling, you need to reach the maximum height and fix, then return to the original position, repeat at least 5 times.

    After a short rest, you need to rise from the floor and spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Lower one hand, and stretch the other up and lean in her direction. Then change hands and tilt in the opposite direction. In this case, you need to bend as low as possible. In general, the number of slopes is 10.

How to relieve inflammation of the sciatic nerve in 2 minutes:

Ointments for inflammation of the sciatic nerve

There are a huge number of ointments used for inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

They can be divided into five large groups, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages:

    Ointments that help relieve pain. Their effect is based on increased blood circulation, oxygenation of problem areas. Such ointments well help to cope with inflammation of the nerve, which was caused by decompression and hypothermia. This group includes such means as Nikoflex, Kapsikam, Apizartron, Finalgon, Efkamon and others. Active ingredients can be both synthetic and natural origin (pepper tincture, bee venom, etc.). Ointments from this group should not be used in childhood and during pregnancy, as well as in the presence of wounds and other damage to the skin. Do not exceed the therapeutic course for more than 10 days.

    Ointments chondroprotectors. Effective in inflammation of the nerve caused by osteochondrosis. The active ingredients that have a therapeutic effect are glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate. You can choose one of the following products: Honda cream, Chondroxide, Teraflex M, Sophia, Chondroitin gel. However, it is worth considering that they are quite difficult to penetrate into the affected area, so they have a minimal effect, and they can also cause local allergic reactions.

    Ointments for pain relief, which include NSAIDs. These remedies are highly effective for inflammation of the sciatic nerve, however, they should not be used without the advice of a doctor. The maximum period of use of such ointments is 4 days. These funds can not be used in childhood, during pregnancy, in the presence of diabetes, stomach ulcers, skin diseases. These drugs include: Voltaren, Butadion, Diclovit, Diclofenac, Fastum gel, Dolgit, ibuprofen and some others.

    Ointments combined. They have both anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Strengthen the recovery processes of tissues. With inflammation of the sciatic nerve, Dolobene is often prescribed. This ointment can be used for injuries, edema, neuralgia. However, you should not use it during pregnancy, in the presence of diseases of the kidneys, lungs and heart.

    Another group of ointments is homeopathic remedies. Among them, Traumeel S, Zeel T can be distinguished. They are able to improve tissue metabolism, relieve pain, increase. However, the evidence base for the effectiveness of these ointments has not yet been fully collected.

It should be understood that each of the listed ointments can be freely purchased at a pharmacy. However, this does not indicate their safety and the possibility of uncontrolled use. Before you begin to treat sciatica, you must first consult with your doctor.

Massage for inflammation of the sciatic nerve

Massage for inflammation of the sciatic nerve can be used for treatment only when the acute phase of the disease is over. However, it must be performed by a qualified professional. Self-massage can be hazardous to health.

Massage is prescribed by a doctor and is performed in courses that will not be effective if they are not completed completely. The minimum number of sessions in one course is 11 visits to a massage therapist. With a therapeutic purpose, neurologists prescribe acupressure, which allows you to influence specific areas. It allows you to eliminate pain, speed up blood circulation, improve the general well-being of the patient, remove all the unpleasant symptoms characteristic of sciatica.

At the same time, it is precisely acupressure that will allow you to purposefully influence the focus of inflammation, relax one muscle group and strain another, increase blood flow to the problem area. Acupressure used for inflammation of the sciatic nerve is called acupressure.

Prevention of inflammation

Neuropathologists say that preventive measures aimed at preventing the development of inflammation of the sciatic nerve can reduce the risks of its primary and recurrence by 80%.

That's why it's so important:

    Avoid overloading the spine and its injuries. If a person is not involved in professional sports, then his spine is not prepared to lift weights. Once having violated the structure of the sciatic nerve, in the future the person will constantly suffer from bouts of pain. Therefore, before lifting an unusual load, it is worth considering the consequences of such an act.

    Avoid hypothermia in the lumbar region. The sciatic nerve becomes inflamed from exposure to a stream of cold air, and not from general hypothermia of the body. Therefore, it is so important to cover the lumbar region with clothing and keep it warm.

    The muscular and ligamentous apparatus of the back must always be kept in good shape. This can be achieved through regular exercise. This is especially true for people leading a sedentary lifestyle. Excellent allows you to train your back muscles regular swimming and running.

    It is necessary to monitor posture from childhood. It is worth sitting with a straight back, so that it is parallel to the back of the chair. In addition, any asymmetrical back positions and carrying weights on one shoulder should be avoided.

    If there is a suspicion of inflammation of the sciatic nerve or diseases that cause it (first of all, it is osteochondrosis and tumor processes), it is necessary to seek medical help without trying to cope with the problem on your own.

Which doctor treats inflammation of the sciatic nerve?

There are two doctors who treat sciatica. This is a neuropathologist who prescribes pharmacological symptomatic therapy, and a chiropractor who eliminates the very cause of the pathology.

Education: In 2005, she completed an internship at the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov and received a diploma in Neurology. In 2009, she completed her postgraduate studies in the specialty "Nervous Diseases".

Severe pain in the buttock area, which radiates to the lower back and affects almost the entire leg, may signal a pinched sciatic nerve. Pathology arises spontaneously and has such a force of influence that a person is not able to stand upright, cannot sit, and each step is accompanied by acute pain. Why is there such a crush? Why is it dangerous and how to deal with pathology?

Description of pathology

The sciatic nerves are the longest in the human body. They start in the lumbosacral area, then pass through the central part of the buttocks, go along the back of the thighs, pass through the calves, go down to the heels and end in the toes.

Pinching of the sciatic nerve (in medicine, the pathology was called) is its pathological compression, in which the outer protective sheath is not damaged. But at the same time, irritation of nerve endings and fibers occurs, which is accompanied by characteristic acute pain. Most often, compression is observed in the region of the lower vertebrae, in the region of the sacrum, or in the articulation of the gluteal muscles.

The sciatic nerve originates from the lower vertebrae, passes through the buttock, back of the thigh, calf, descends to the heel and ends at the toes

If the pinched nerve is caused by an inflammatory process, then the pathology is called sciatica.

The reasons

Most often, the pathology is based on such factors:

  • Intervertebral hernias. This disease is characterized by compression of the vertebrae, resulting in a protrusion of the fibrous ring. Such a hernia, as it grows, begins to compress neighboring nerves and blood vessels. If the sciatic nerve is located in this zone, then it is likely that it will be infringed.
  • Osteochondrosis. The vertebrae begin to ossify. Pathological growths appear on them. Unsuccessful movements or rotations of the spinal column can lead to a pinched nerve.
  • Physical exercise. Incorrect loading can provoke a displacement of the vertebra, spasm of muscle tissue, which leads to pinching of the nerve.
  • Spinal injury. Falls, bumps or other mechanical damage can cause the vertebrae to move. In this case, they are able to compress the sciatic nerve.
  • infectious diseases. Pinching can develop as a complication of infectious processes occurring in the pelvic organs (syphilis, gonorrhea).
  • tumor processes. The appearance of neoplasms in the region of the sciatic nerve can lead to its compression.
  • Violation of metabolic processes. When the nutrition of bone tissues deteriorates, they are destroyed. In some pathologies, growths begin to appear that compress the nerves and blood vessels. Pinching most often develops against the background of diabetes mellitus,.
  • Piriformis Syndrome. To provoke such a pathology can be an incorrectly made injection in the buttock, as a result of which there is a tension of the piriformis muscle. The latter compresses the sciatic nerve. There is a sharp characteristic pain.
  • Pregnancy. A pinched nerve can be caused by a growing uterus. Most often, this picture is typical for the late terms of bearing a child.

Most often, pinching of the sciatic nerve occurs as a result of an intervertebral hernia or protrusion.

Once I had to observe sciatica, so to speak, "in all its glory." We worked out in the fitness room. One of the women who had recently started attending classes was trying her best. She really wanted to lose weight in a few months, and therefore she loaded her body too much. The coach recommended that she loosen her "grip", but the advice was not successful. And one day the body of the unfortunate simply could not stand it. She screamed, grabbed her waist, then bent forward. Her hands slid over her buttocks and settled on her thigh. She couldn't even take a step, she just moaned.

Predisposing factors

Sometimes a pinched nerve is caused by the following factors:

  • gynecological diseases;
  • hypothermia;
  • fibromyalgia;
  • poisoning with toxins (eg, arsenic, mercury);
  • Lyme disease;
  • urological diseases;
  • spinal stenosis;
  • blood infection.

Hypothermia can lead to a pinched nerve

Who is at risk

Doctors believe that the following categories of people are most susceptible to pinching of the sciatic nerve:

  • the population abusing alcohol, smoking;
  • patients suffering from beriberi;
  • people whose weight is significantly higher than the norm;
  • employees whose field of activity is associated with a long stay in one and often uncomfortable position (PC operators, drivers, carpenters, turners);
  • movers.

The risk group for the occurrence of sciatica includes people working in a monotonous, uncomfortable position.


When the sciatic nerve is pinched, the patient is faced with severe discomfort, which makes the unfortunate person immediately turn to doctors for help. They usually complain about the following symptoms:

  • sharp aching or throbbing pain;
  • discomfort that extends to the entire length of the nerve from the lower back to the foot;
  • periodic acute attacks of pain (they are called "lumbago"), which penetrate the problem area from top to bottom;
  • increased discomfort during coughing, sneezing, when trying to sit or stand up, as well as during any movement of the body;
  • loss of sensation in the leg, buttock, feeling of "running goosebumps", tingling;
  • muscle weakness, and discomfort is felt even when lying down;
  • deterioration in the ability to move, characteristic lameness, in which the body leans forward (in severe cases, complete immobilization of the patient can be observed);
  • temperature increase, but not higher than +38 °C.

Pain occurs in the lumbar region, spreads to the buttock, back of the thigh

In severe cases, urinary incontinence may occur. Sometimes patients complain of the development of constipation.

Distinctive signs of sciatica

A pinched nerve may have symptoms that resemble other pathologies, such as osteochondrosis. In order not to be mistaken with the diagnosis, doctors pay attention to the following signs, which are typical only for sciatica:


In case of pain syndrome in the region of the lower back and legs, the patient is recommended to consult a neurologist. It is this doctor who treats sciatica. Initially, the doctor will listen to the patient's complaints, conduct a neurological examination, evaluate the symptoms of Lasegue, Bonnet, Sicard. In most cases, this is enough to make sure that the sciatic nerve is pinched.

In order to understand the causes of sciatica, and, accordingly, to choose an adequate treatment, the neurologist will prescribe the following studies:

  • Radiography. Pictures are taken in two projections. X-ray allows you to determine the violations in the bone and joint structures. The study reveals the displacement of the vertebrae, the formation of bone growths, makes it possible to diagnose osteochondrosis.
  • Ultrasound procedure. If the patient is forbidden to take an x-ray (for example, during pregnancy), then the doctor prescribes an ultrasound scan. This study serves as an analogue of radiography, but is considered less informative.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging. It allows you to accurately visualize the condition of bones, muscle tissue, blood vessels. MRI reveals intervertebral hernias, detects tumors and determines their nature.
  • Laboratory research. If inflammatory processes are suspected (), the doctor will prescribe a blood test. To exclude the presence of infectious diseases, it is necessary to conduct a biochemical blood test. Urinalysis is required to diagnose inflammation in the urinary system or metabolic disorders.

MRI is the most accurate method for diagnosing spinal pathologies

How to treat sciatica

If a nerve is pinched, you should definitely consult a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to accurately determine the causes of sciatica and prescribe adequate therapy.. Most often, pathology is treated at home under the supervision of a doctor. In severe cases, hospitalization is possible.

The doctor develops a treatment aimed at performing the following tasks:

  • relief of excruciating discomfort;
  • getting rid of the inflammatory process;
  • restoration of habitual mobility;
  • protection against recurrence of sciatica.

Returning to the story with the woman in the gym, it is worth paying tribute to the coach. She didn't get lost. The trainer, who has a medical background, examined the woman and immediately recognized the pinched sciatic nerve. The unfortunate person was given an anesthetic injection. Literally after 5–10 minutes, the woman said that the pain had decreased slightly. Then the trainer recommended some simple exercises to the sufferer to relieve the spasm. Such gymnastics, performed under the supervision of a specialist and in a very slow form, allowed the victim to finally return to normal. The woman was even able to change clothes and get home.

Approximate treatment regimen

The treatment regimen most often consists of the following steps:

  1. Initially, the patient is prescribed drug therapy. It is aimed at stopping pain, eliminating unpleasant symptoms and combating the underlying disease that provoked sciatica. In case of severe injuries or injuries, the issue of surgical intervention is decided.
  2. When the patient becomes a little easier and he can already move, physiotherapy and massage are included in the therapy. They are aimed at restoring nerve conduction, improving tissue nutrition.
  3. After complete elimination of discomfort, the patient is recommended special sports activities. For a person who is faced with sciatica, a complex of exercise therapy is selected, which prevents relapses of the pathology.

With the right treatment, an attack of sciatica can be quickly stopped.

Video: what to do if the sciatic nerve is pinched

In order for the treatment prescribed by the doctor to bring significant relief, a number of rules must be observed:

  • Bed rest. In the first days after a pinched nerve, it is necessary to minimize the load on the affected area. Therefore, doctors recommend spending 2-3 days in bed.
  • Minimum movement. Do not get out of bed often or constantly toss and turn. Such movements create additional load and increase pain.
  • Hard bed surface. When a pinched nerve is allowed to lie only on a hard surface. Otherwise, the spinal column will sag along with the soft mattress. And this will lead to increased discomfort. It is strictly forbidden to sit on a soft sofa or in an armchair with sciatica.
  • Exclusion of drafts. It is very important to protect the body from hypothermia. Cold or draft can cause increased pain and delay the healing process.
  • Refusal to lift weights. When a nerve is pinched in the acute phase, it is strictly forbidden to lift any objects or practice physical activity.
  • Warming belt. A special corset or warming belt will relieve muscle spasms and reduce the severity of pain. But such events are allowed to be carried out only on the recommendation of a doctor.

In inflammatory processes, it is forbidden to warm the affected area. This will lead to an immediate deterioration in the condition.

If the sciatic nerve is pinched, doctors recommend lying in bed for the first few days.

Video: how to help yourself at the first sign of a pinched sciatic nerve

Features of the treatment of pregnant women

Expectant mothers quite often develop a pinched nerve. The growing fetus creates an additional load on the spine. In addition, in pregnant women, the center of gravity is greatly shifted. And if a woman had problems with her spine before giving birth, then the risk of sciatica increases significantly.

A mother-to-be should never self-medicate. At the first symptoms, it is necessary to contact a gynecologist, with whom the woman is registered.

The tactics of treating pregnant women differ significantly from the treatment of all other patients. Drugs aimed at relieving pain, expectant mothers are categorically contraindicated. Most often, treatment includes the following areas:

  • Manual massage. With the help of manual pressure technique, it is possible to reduce the pain syndrome.
  • LFK complex. For each period, special exercises have been developed to relieve the load from the spine and significantly reduce discomfort. Yoga and swimming are very helpful.
  • Wearing a bandage. A special belt allows you to reduce the load on the spinal column and reduce pressure on the pinched nerve.
  • Physiotherapy procedures. To reduce discomfort, the doctor may prescribe some procedures. But such decisions are made on a case-by-case basis.

Only a doctor can select the treatment for a pregnant woman

Medical therapy

Medical treatment is the first aid for pinched sciatic nerve. The selection of drugs is carried out by a doctor, depending on the severity of the pathology, the causes of sciatica and the patient's condition.

If the pinched nerve is based on infectious processes, then the course of therapy includes antiviral drugs and antibiotics.

Use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

When a nerve is pinched, a neurologist must prescribe NSAIDs. This is the main group of drugs that can quickly stop unpleasant symptoms. NSAIDs provide:

  • elimination of pain syndrome;
  • reduction of puffiness;
  • reduction in the severity of the inflammatory process.

When performing injections on your own, it is important to remember that the injection is performed only in the upper outer square of the buttocks.

Depending on the degree of pain syndrome, drugs can be prescribed in the following forms:

  1. Oral. These are tablets, capsules, powders intended for internal use. Such drugs have an extremely negative effect on the food tract. To reduce their harmful effects, it is recommended to use drugs immediately after meals. Usually prescribed:
  2. Nimesil;
  3. Diclofenac;
  4. Nurofen.
  5. Injectable. For severe pain, the doctor will recommend NSAIDs in the form of intramuscular injections. If injections are done on your own, then it is very important to remember the correct execution technique. The following medications may be prescribed:
    • Dicloberl;
    • Meloxicam;
  6. Local. With minor discomfort, you can limit yourself to applying special anesthetic ointments, gels, creams. Assign the following means:
    • Voltaren;
    • Diklak;
    • Ortofen;

With severe discomfort, a combination of oral or injection therapy with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with local therapy is possible.

NSAIDs are contraindicated in diseases of the digestive system, since such drugs destroy the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract.

Photo gallery: NSAIDs for sciatica

Ibuprofen helps relieve pain quickly Movalis quickly relieves inflammation and relieves pain Cream Dolgit will provide local anesthesia and elimination of inflammation

The use of muscle relaxants

Sciatica is often accompanied by muscle tension, spasms. In such conditions, muscle relaxants will help. They provide the following effects:

  • reduce the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscles;
  • promote tissue relaxation;
  • relieve pain syndrome.

Muscle relaxants can be given orally or by injection. The most commonly recommended medications for sciatica are:

  • Mydocalm;
  • Baclofen;
  • Tizanidine;
  • Thezalud;

Muscle relaxants are contraindicated in peptic ulcers, liver failure and myasthenia gravis.

One day my neighbor's husband (he works at a construction site) came home from work with severe back pain. She turned to me for help, knowing that in my first aid kit you can find medicines for all occasions. Of course she wasn't wrong. The sufferer took an Ibuprofen tablet. In order not to provoke discomfort in the stomach, I gave him an Omez capsule. And the final stage of my treatment was the injection of Mydocalm. The next day, when I was making coffee for myself, my neighbor's happy husband rang at the door. He assured me that this treatment brought him back to normal overnight.

Photo gallery: muscle relaxants for pinched sciatic nerve

Mydocalm in the form of injections allows you to quickly relieve spasm Sirdalud provides relaxation of muscle tissues Tolperisone relieves pain caused by muscle spasms

The use of vitamin complexes

If the nerve is pinched, the patient will be prescribed vitamin complexes. Preference is given to those drugs that contain large amounts of B vitamins. Such drugs provide the following effects:

  • improve the condition of the peripheral nervous system;
  • activate the regeneration process;
  • compensate for the deficiency of nutrients in the affected tissues;
  • restore conduction in the sciatic nerve.

Usually the neurologist prescribes the following drugs:

  • Combilipen;
  • Neurobion.

Such drugs are contraindicated in individual sensitivity and severe forms of heart failure.

Photo gallery: vitamin complexes for sciatica

Vitamins Milgamma can be prescribed in tablet or injection form. Trigamma strengthens the peripheral nervous system Neurovitan improves nerve conduction


Main indications for surgery

The operation is prescribed for:

  • spondylolisthesis of the spine (pathological displacement of the vertebra forward or backward);
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • degenerative changes in the lower discs;
  • spinal stenosis;
  • progressive weakness in the legs and impaired urination, defecation.

With spinal stenosis, the patient is recommended surgical treatment

Types of surgical interventions

The method of intervention is selected by the surgeon based on the patient's condition and the cause of the pathology. When a nerve is pinched, the following operations can be performed:

  • Microdiscectomy. This is a gentle technique for removing an intervertebral hernia. With this operation, a small incision is made, so that the scar becomes invisible in the future. During surgery, the integrity of bone tissue is not violated, and the operation itself takes an average of 10-30 minutes.
  • Laminectomy. Such an operation is prescribed for pathological narrowing of the canal, as a result of which a pinched nerve has occurred. This is a complex intervention that involves the removal of bone tissue located above the nerve ending and a fragment of the intervertebral disc under the root.
  • Classic discectomy. With this surgical intervention, the complete removal of the intervertebral disc is performed. This volume of operation is recommended if the intervertebral hernia is accompanied by stenosis. If necessary, the removed discs are replaced with grafts.
  • Radio frequency thermal annuloplasty. This is a new method of treatment of intervertebral hernia. After making a small incision, using endoscopic equipment, the doctor places the electrode on the problem disc. The affected area is exposed to high temperatures. Thanks to this technique, all defects are “welded”, and the fibrous ring acquires greater strength.

The tactics of the operation depends on the cause of sciatica

Folk methods of treatment

Significant help with sciatica will bring folk remedies. But before practicing such methods of treatment, they must be discussed with the doctor.. These recipes can help:

  • Radish rub. This remedy reduces pain. Apply it like this:
    1. Grind black radish on a grater.
    2. The gruel is wrapped in gauze and the juice is squeezed out.
    3. The resulting liquid (3 parts) is mixed with honey (1 part).
    4. Rub the problem area with the finished product.
    5. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day until the pain disappears completely.
  • Infusion of aspen leaves. Helps repair damaged tissue and relieves pain:
    1. To prepare the drug 1 tbsp. l. aspen leaves are steamed with 1 liter of boiling water.
    2. The product should be infused for about 1 hour. Then the drink is filtered.
    3. Drink the infusion throughout the day, always on an empty stomach.
    4. Treatment lasts 10 days.
  • Rye flour compress. The remedy eliminates inflammation. Apply it at the moment when the stage of exacerbation has passed:
    1. A little water is added to the rye flour. A dense cake should form.
    2. The resulting "pancake" is placed on a painful place.
    3. From above, the cake is covered with a film and wrapped with a woolen scarf.
    4. Hold the compress for 3-5 hours. You can leave it all night.
  • Pine bath. Water procedures are also practiced after stopping the stage of exacerbation. Coniferous bath allows you to reduce the inflammatory process and can relieve even severe pain:
    1. 1 kg of needles are lowered into 5 liters of boiling water (you can take young pine or spruce shoots).
    2. Boil on fire for 20-25 minutes.
    3. The cooled agent is filtered.
    4. The resulting liquid is poured into a warm bath.
    5. In coniferous water, you need to lie down for about 30 minutes.
    6. Such baths are recommended to be taken daily 1 time per day.
    7. Continue treatment until the pain subsides.

Photo gallery: components of folk recipes for sciatica

Black radish juice is used to rub the painful area An infusion is prepared from aspen leaves for internal use. Pine bath relieves inflammation and relaxes muscles Rye flour is used for analgesic and anti-inflammatory compresses


Massage for a pinched nerve is prescribed only during the period of remission. It provides:

  • activation of blood flow;
  • improved nutrition of damaged tissues;
  • removal of spasm;
  • elimination of tissue tension.

The patient can be assigned from 10 to 15 procedures. Massage should only be carried out by a qualified specialist. Otherwise, instead of the desired improvement in the condition, the pathology can be aggravated.

With sciatica, the following massage techniques are in demand:

  • Classic. Allows you to remove muscle tone and achieve relaxation of clamped tissues:
    1. The procedure begins with a light stroking of the back.
    2. Warming up the muscles, the specialist works them out in a circular motion, carefully bypassing the painful areas.
    3. Then they move on to the legs. The specialist gently strokes the limb from the buttock to the heel. In this case, the painful areas are not affected.
  • Spot. This technique involves pressing your hands on the acupuncture points. Acupressure is one of the most effective methods of treating displaced vertebrae, spasmodic muscles, inflammatory processes of a non-infectious nature.

Massage is prescribed to the patient only outside the period of exacerbation


After removing the pain syndrome, the patient is recommended exercise therapy. They are aimed at:

  • muscle strengthening;
  • fixation of the spine;
  • improved tissue nutrition;
  • activation of blood circulation;
  • metabolism stimulation.

The following sports are very useful for people who have experienced a pinched sciatic nerve: walking, skiing, swimming.

With sciatica, doctors recommend swimming to the patient

At home, you can practice the following complex, which prevents the recurrence of sciatica (all exercises are repeated 4-8 times):

  1. Lying on your back. The legs are bent at the knees and pulled towards the body. The limbs are clasped with hands and pressed harder to the stomach. In this case, you should not make sudden movements. In this state, they linger for 30 seconds and return to their original position.
  2. Lying. Hands lie freely along the body, socks "look" up. It is necessary to stretch as much as possible, trying to stretch the spine. In a state of stretching, they are held for 15 seconds, then the body is completely relaxed.
  3. Lying. Bicycle exercise.
  4. I'm on all fours. Emphasis on the knees and palms. It is necessary to arch your back as much as possible. Then gently bend over.

All exercises are performed smoothly and slowly. Performing gymnastics, you need to control your condition. Exercise therapy shouldn't hurt. If discomfort appears, then the exercise should be abandoned for a while.

Video: two useful exercises for sciatica

Forecasts and possible consequences

When a nerve is pinched, the prognosis depends entirely on the cause that provoked an attack of severe pain.. If the source of the problem is muscle tension, then sciatica is easily and quickly treatable. Pathology passes without leaving behind unpleasant complications.

With osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia or other severe diseases of the spine, the prognosis is less joyful. Sciatica will periodically recur. Attacks, as a rule, occur after a load on the spine.

Complications of sciatica

Severe consequences can develop against the background of improper treatment or lack of therapy. These are the following complications:

  • chronic pain syndrome;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • decreased libido;
  • changes in the menstrual cycle;
  • the development of infertility;
  • violation of the emptying of the bladder and intestines;
  • deterioration of mobility (complete immobility is possible).

In addition, against the background of sciatica, various diseases of the internal organs located in the small pelvis can develop.


To protect your body from sharp pain penetrating the lower back, buttock and descending directly to the toes, you must adhere to the following prevention rules:

  • refuse to lift excessive weights;
  • avoid bruises, injuries;
  • do not overload the body with excessive activity (sports, physical work);
  • give up bad habits (smoking, alcohol);
  • practice healthy eating;
  • avoid hypothermia, protect yourself from drafts;
  • sleep on a hard orthopedic mattress;
  • exercise regularly (yoga, swimming, cycling are preferred);
  • be sure to do morning exercises that support muscle tone;
  • do not practice traumatic sports, avoid sharp jerks, jumps;
  • Get outdoors every day by walking.

To protect the body from recurrences of sciatica, doctors recommend taking daily walks.

Pinching of the sciatic nerve is one of the most painful pathologies. At the same time, sciatica responds well to treatment. In most cases, adequately selected therapy allows you to forget about excruciating discomfort forever. Patients suffering from various pathologies of the spine, unfortunately, experience relapses of sciatica on a regular basis. But even in these cases, with the right treatment tactics, it is possible to quickly stop a painful attack and increase the period of remission. And at the same time significantly improve the quality of life.

The sciatic nerve, given its length and massiveness, is the largest in the human body. It originates in the lumbosacral spine and descends, branching in the pelvis, becoming paired, running along each leg and ending in the foot.

It is precisely because of its length and magnitude that pinching of the sciatic nerve is a fairly common pathological process that provokes a mass of various factors.

Pinching can happen for a wide variety of reasons. At the same time, a person feels severe pain, suffers from constriction of movements and neurological disorders. In addition, due to infringement in a certain area of ​​​​the sciatic nerve, an inflammatory process may begin, which will aggravate the situation.

It is important to know the causes of pinching of the sciatic nerve, because the speed and success of treatment largely depends on their understanding. Consider the most common causes and factors of this pathological process:

  • Physical damage. These are all kinds of back, pelvic or leg injuries. These include not only fractures, infringement occurs during blows, falls, bruises, sprains, dislocations. Of particular danger are injuries of the spine, which lead to displacement of the vertebrae.
  • Pathologies of the spine, the most common of which is lumbar osteochondrosis. In the lumbosacral region, a hernia, displacement of the structures of the spinal column, sacral sciatica, as well as other diseases of the joints and spine can form.
  • Infringement of the nerve with its further inflammation can be triggered by an acute inflammatory process in the pelvic area. Inflammations are infectious and non-infectious, localized in organs or damaged tissues (soft, bone, etc.), sepsis is of particular danger.
  • Sometimes problems with the sciatic nerves are provoked by infectious diseases like influenza, whooping cough, tuberculosis.
  • You can not write off the development of gouty processes.
  • Piriformis Syndrome.
  • Infringement occurs due to systemic diseases, one of the most common is type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

The last thing worth mentioning is acute intoxication. Mostly we are talking about poisoning with heavy metals or poisons, but serious degrees of alcoholism can cause nerve damage from toxins.

In fact, there are several more causes of infringement and inflammation of the sciatic nerve, these include blood clots, multiple sclerosis, and even banal external factors, such as hypothermia of the back or hip area.


As mentioned earlier, the infringement of one of the longest nerves in the human body threatens to develop very unpleasant symptoms. The clinical picture is saturated with neurological and physiological symptoms, but pain is the main clinical sign.

In order to see a doctor in time, you need to have a complete understanding of what are the symptoms of a pinched sciatic nerve:

  • The main symptom is pain, which differ in nature, character, specificity. In 80% of cases, the pain is extremely intense and acute. They are classified as stabbing, cutting, stabbing so hard that some patients faint. At the same time, the pain that comes and goes, appears as slightly as it disappears.
  • However, in some cases, the nature of the pain is dull, aching. In such situations, they are always less acute, but often permanent. Due to pain, a person’s mobility is severely limited, the pain syndrome intensifies with intense exertion, careless and sudden movements, and sometimes even interferes with sleep.
  • In addition, the pain often radiates, for example, if the infringement manifests itself in the lower back, the pain radiates to the pelvis and thigh. If we are talking about pain in the leg, they can spread throughout the lower limb.
  • Painful sensations are accompanied by a tingling sensation on the surface of the skin along the course of pinching, numbness, or a feeling as if goosebumps run along the skin.
  • A clear sign of neurological disorders caused by impaired innervation is a decrease or increase in sensitivity in certain areas.
  • As the pathological process develops, control over the leg from the damaged sciatic nerve may be lost. Initially, it looks like minor problems in the control of the limb due to muscle weakness, then complete paralysis can take over.
  • One of the signs of neurological abnormalities is dry skin. In addition, many patients complain of excessive sweating of the feet.
  • There is a fading of reflex functions in the leg on the side of the body where the infringement occurred.
  • Disorders of the functions of the pelvic organs associated with compression of the nerve canals of the sciatic nerve, related to the peripheral nervous system. Such a development of pathology is accompanied by problems in urination, defecation, etc.

It is important to understand that, according to statistics, in women, pain in the lumbar region is diagnosed less frequently. At the same time, men may experience symptoms of inflammation of the prostate gland. There is another curious fact - in the representatives of the weaker sex, pain is more often localized in the right buttock, while men often suffer from pain in the left buttock.

In addition to the mentioned clinical signs, it is important to mention more specific ones:

  • Landing symptom - it is difficult or painful for the patient to squat, or this action is impossible.
  • Symptom Lasegue - the patient is not able to independently raise the leg, the action responds with severe pain in the lumbosacral spine.
  • Sicard's symptom - in this case, an attempt to bend the leg in the foot responds with a strong pain attack.

Due to the fact that in the pelvic region the sciatic nerve branches into 2 processes, rushing to the left and right legs, in most cases the symptoms are one-sided. That is, when infringement occurs, inflammation of one process occurs, or the pinching itself occurs only on the left or right. Cases of mutual nerve damage are extremely rare, but still occur in medical practice.

In addition, with infringement in the lumbosacral region of the spine, in the case of progression of the pathology, it threatens with neurological problems in both lower extremities.

Diagnosis of pinched sciatic nerve

Infringement of the sciatic nerve can be recognized by a characteristic clinical picture. However, some symptoms, in addition to pain, are not always manifested and special diagnostic measures are required to confirm the diagnosis. Diagnostics is as follows:

  • Primary examination by a doctor, necessary to collect an anamnesis, establish complaints, as well as clarify the nature, localization and intensity of painful sensations.
  • Radiography is a mandatory procedure that allows you to determine and confirm the exact location of the infringement, to identify the inflammatory process. This method also excludes damage to bone tissue and the connection of the disease with the spine.
  • Computed tomography is one of the main diagnostic methods, as it makes it possible to obtain more detailed information. CT is done in the lower back, pelvis, legs.
  • - an even more advanced examination method, which is necessary in cases where there is a suspicion that the cause of the disease is damage to the spinal cord and its roots. These lesions cannot be determined by the behavior of CT, so they resort to the use of MRI.

Ways to treat a pinched sciatic nerve

Pinching of the sciatic nerve is a complex pathological process that excludes any attempts at self-treatment. To combat pathological processes, be sure to consult a doctor who, based on diagnostic data, will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

In addition, treatment for pinched sciatic nerve always involves an integrated approach, it includes predominantly conservative methods. Consider the treatment regimen in more detail, paying attention to each method of therapy.

Treatment with medication

Drug therapy is the main method of dealing with the disease. First of all, we are talking about the suppression of the main symptoms and, above all, pain. For this, painkillers, analgesic tablets, ointments and special solutions for external use are prescribed, which reduce pain and suppress the inflammatory process (Diclofenac and Menovazin). Some anesthetic injections are carried out, this is necessary to relieve pain of particular intensity.

Gels, creams and ointments are mainly used for lesions of the musculoskeletal system, joints, spine, they also help relieve pain. In most cases, these are drugs of the NSAID group. They must be rubbed with light massaging movements into the area of ​​​​the sacrum or the damaged joint.

The program of drug therapy necessarily includes vitamin complexes with vitamins of group B. These can be injections from pinching the sciatic nerve, aimed at restoring innervation.

The doctor may resort to the help of muscle relaxants, in this case having a beneficial effect on the functioning of the peripheral nervous system ("Mydocalm").

Physiotherapy methods

Physiotherapy - along with medicines and drug treatment, physiotherapy is required. In the course is, application, and other methods. The attending physician must decide on the appointment of procedures, he also determines the duration of the course of treatment and the frequency of procedures. Only a full course of treatment, at least 10 sessions, will quickly and effectively get rid of pain and inflammation.


To restore a damaged nerve, massage is one of the most effective methods of treatment. To cure infringement, massages should also be carried out in a course, their profile specialist does. Massages improve the patient's condition, the therapeutic effect is achieved by stimulating blood circulation in the area of ​​damage, relaxing the muscles, and the procedures will relieve pain.


Exercise therapy is used mainly for rehabilitation after the main treatment. At first, classes are held under the guidance of a physiotherapist, who monitors the correct execution of movements. Then the exercises are performed at home.

It is very important that the patient does not feel pain during charging, initially the intensity of the loads is low, but it is gradually increased.

Treatment of a condition such as a pinched nerve requires the mandatory intervention of a doctor. Remember, any medicines, physiotherapy and other methods of combating pathological processes are prescribed only by a specialist.

Otherwise, you risk aggravating the disease or facing a number of complications due to improper treatment. These may be problems in the work of other organs, loss of sensitivity, or even paralysis.

It is also worth noting that in especially severe cases, for the treatment of pathology, one has to resort to surgical intervention.

Pinched sciatic nerve during pregnancy

Oddly enough, but pinching the sciatic nerve in pregnant women is quite common. Pregnancy can even be called one of the causes of the discussed pathological process or sciatica.

The fact is that as the fetus grows, the load on the lumbosacral spine, pelvis and legs increases greatly. Especially often the disease develops closer to the third trimester and throughout it, as the fetus reaches a large size.

Even if we exclude the possibility of developing problems with the pelvic organs when pinched, there are a number of other dangers. Constant severe pain threatens the health of the mother and child, can provoke developmental delays, increased uterine tone, and even miscarriages.

The difficulty lies in the treatment of nerve infringement in pregnant women, since some drugs are contraindicated for the expectant mother. In such situations, contact your doctor immediately.

Possible complications and consequences

In the absence of proper treatment for a long time, there is a risk not only of the development of the inflammatory process. This pathological process is fraught with the following complications and consequences:

  • The so-called fixation of the pain syndrome, while it becomes chronic, the pain is intense.
  • There is always a risk of dysfunction of the internal organs of the small pelvis. This threatens with erectile dysfunction, uncontrolled urination, frequent constipation, women have a risk of infertility.
  • Infringement of the saddle nerve is dangerous for women with menstrual irregularities;
  • The disease threatens with a decrease in libido.
  • Often, due to systematic bouts of pain, serious sleep disturbances and chronic fatigue begin.
  • The main complication is loss of sensitivity of the lower extremities and paralysis.


The treatment of such a disease is a long and methodical process. In addition, the pathology is accompanied by really severe symptoms and threatens with severe complications. For this reason, it is important to try to prevent the development of the pathological process by following simple recommendations.

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