White-pink discharge. Pink discharge and itching

The nature of vaginal discharge depends on many factors: the state of the organs of the reproductive system, the ratio of sex hormones, the presence of endocrine pathologies. A healthy woman is practically not bothered by leucorrhoea. Another thing is if there is a disease of the genital organs. When a patient goes to the doctor, the nature of the vaginal discharge is one of the main indicators by which the diagnosis is made. The appearance of pink discharge in women can be both a norm and a pathology. Examination will help clarify the diagnosis.


In what cases are pink whites the norm

Normal discharge in women is colorless or white with a slight yellowish tint due to oxidation in air. A pinkish color indicates that they have a slight admixture of blood. Its appearance in the vaginal mucus in some cases is not a pathology. Normally, such discharge occurs as a result of natural or artificial changes in the hormonal background. There may also be minor accidental damage to the capillaries in the mucous membranes.

Discharge during ovulation

When ovulation occurs, the follicle ruptures - the membrane in which the egg developed. By the middle of the menstrual cycle, it fully matures, comes out of the protective shell. From the damaged follicle, droplets of blood enter the vaginal mucus, giving it a pink color for a short time (several hours). If it appears regularly in the middle of the cycle, this is normal. On this basis, some women determine that favorable days for conception have come.

Implantation discharge

If fertilization occurs, then the embryo enters the uterus, where it implants into the endometrium. At the same time, the vessels of the mucous membrane are slightly damaged, which also causes a short-term appearance of pink discharge in a woman.

Whites before menstruation and immediately after them

In the second half of the cycle, the level of progesterone in the blood rises, which causes the processes of preparing the uterus to receive the embryo. The endometrium becomes looser. If fertilization does not occur, it begins to exfoliate, menstruation occurs. Detachment can begin as early as 2-3 days before, which will lead to the appearance of pinkish whites. Such discharge also appears when the pregnancy is interrupted as soon as it has begun (the fetal egg could not gain a foothold in the uterus).

The appearance of such whites after menstruation is due to reduced blood clotting, insufficiently strong uterine contractility. Such conditions are not a pathology if a woman does not feel discomfort, does not suffer from anemia.

Beli when using hormonal drugs

Natural causes of pinkish discharge can be:

  1. The action of birth control pills, which is aimed at suppressing ovulation by artificially changing the ratio of female sex hormones. A side effect of such drugs is the appearance of weak bleeding after menstruation. It takes up to 3 months for the body to get used to the change in hormonal levels. If pink discharge continues to appear after that, then you should consult your doctor about replacing the drug. It is usually required to use a product with a higher estrogen content.
  2. Use of an intrauterine device. The appearance of pink whites is possible in the first six months after installation. Blood may also appear due to mechanical damage to the mucosa in the uterus. If the pink discharge does not disappear for a long time, the spiral is removed.
  3. Allocations with blood impurities occur during treatment with hormonal drugs.

Addition: The appearance of pinkish leucorrhea may be the result of mechanical damage to the capillaries of the vaginal mucosa during sexual intercourse, masturbation, and also during a medical procedure that requires the insertion of an ultrasound probe or colposcope into the vagina.

Video: Causes of pink-brown discharge

Causes of pathological pink discharge

The bloody color of whites (faint pink or bright pink, turning into scarlet or brown) may be a sign of endocrine disorders leading to changes in hormonal levels. Often this color appears in various diseases of the genital organs.

When should you see a doctor

Concerns about the nature of pink discharge should arise in women if:

  • they are heterogeneous in consistency and color, green mucus appears in them;
  • leucorrhoea is profuse, becoming scarlet or brown;
  • the duration of their appearance is more than 2-4 days;
  • selections are not related to cycle phases;
  • there are accompanying unpleasant symptoms - abdominal pain, dizziness, nausea, itching in the genitals;
  • bloody whites have an unpleasant odor.

Among other things, a woman must definitely pay attention to regular violations of the cycle.

What diseases cause pink leucorrhoea

Inflammatory diseases. Their cause is infection from the outside, the development of internal opportunistic microflora or exposure to allergens. Arising in the vulva and vagina, the inflammation spreads to the uterus and appendages. As a rule, in this case, damage to small vessels occurs and pus forms, so the whites have a pinkish-greenish tint, an unpleasant odor, and a heterogeneous composition.

Cervical erosion. As a result of the destruction of the mucous membrane of the pharynx of the cervix, cracks and sores appear on its surface, which bleed, staining the leucorrhoea in a pinkish color. In this case, pink discharge appears after intercourse.

Polyps. They form in the cervix or in the endometrium. One of the characteristic manifestations of polyps is the appearance of pinkish impurities in the discharge.

Fibromyoma. This benign tumor of the uterus appears as one or more nodes of various sizes. If it is formed inside the uterine cavity, then damage to the endometrium occurs, which leads to the appearance of bloody whites, sometimes turning into uterine bleeding.

Endometriosis. The pathological development of the endometrium due to hormonal disorders in the body and scraping of the mucous membrane leads to the appearance of brownish-pink spotting whites between menstruation.

Cervical cancer. In the early stages, the disease is asymptomatic. But as a result of the growth of the tumor and the destruction of the mucosa and blood vessels caused by it, sanious discharge appears - pinkish with streaks of blood.

The reason for the appearance of pink discharge during pregnancy and after childbirth

At the very beginning of pregnancy, pink leucorrhea appears at the moment the embryo is fixed in the uterus. Then for another 3-4 months, on the days when menstruation usually came, meager dark pink discharge appears. A woman takes them for menstruation, not knowing about the onset of pregnancy. This suggests that the hormonal changes characteristic of this period occur gradually.

At the same time, the appearance of an ichorus may be associated with detachment of a small area of ​​the placenta. Therefore, it is necessary to do an ultrasound scan to find out and undergo a course of treatment, otherwise abortion is possible. As a rule, in such a situation, mild pain is felt in the lower abdomen.

If the pain does not stop, it takes on the character of spasms, urgent measures must be taken, otherwise a miscarriage will occur, which is caused by a lack of progesterone in the body. To help maintain pregnancy can only take special drugs.

The appearance of sanious discharge in a woman at the end of pregnancy is a sign of rupture of the fetal membrane, leakage of amniotic fluid, the onset of contractions, childbirth. After childbirth, a woman develops lochia. In the first 3-4 days they consist of blood with clots of placental remnants. Then they gradually lighten, become brownish-pink, and after 1-2 months they acquire their usual color and texture. If pink discharge does not disappear after 2 months, is accompanied by painful sensations, the cause may be pathology - endometriosis or inflammation of the appendages.

When breastfeeding, menstruation, as a rule, is absent, but can begin at the time of the gradual weaning of the child from the breast, adding ordinary foods to his diet. The first monthly scanty, have a slightly pinkish color.

Video: The reason for the appearance of menstruation during pregnancy

Pink leucorrhoea during menopause

During menopause, as a result of hormonal changes in the body, women experience symptoms such as “vaginal dryness”, thinning of the mucous membrane, and lack of lubrication. In this case, damage to small vessels and the appearance of pink whites are also possible.

If sanious leucorrhoea appears in a woman after the complete cessation of menstruation, then the cause is most often gynecological diseases (inflammatory processes, polyps, tumors).

Discharge from the genital tract always remains one of the most pressing problems in women. In general, their presence is quite normal and physiological. Moreover, depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle, their nature and intensity change, which is usually noticed by women themselves. But if pink vaginal discharge appears, is it normal? Or is it necessary to sound the alarm and rush to an appointment with a gynecologist?

Pink discharge: normal

In the middle of the cycle, a woman ovulates - the release of a mature egg from the ovary into the uterine cavity. A hormonal decline occurs, the endometrium (the inner layer of the uterine mucosa) is rejected, which manifests itself in this way - pink discharge with small blood streaks. They are inconsequential and short-lived. A woman observes such phenomena in herself from cycle to cycle.

The appearance of pale pink discharge is also associated with the use of hormonal drugs (contraceptives or drugs) for a long time. The fact is that they affect the production of hormones, and the hormonal background changes. Such discharge can be observed when a woman has an intrauterine device installed. By the way, quite often with hormonal pills and spirals, pink discharge is observed instead of menstruation or after them. This is considered quite normal and should not bother a woman. It is worth sounding the alarm if such a phenomenon is observed in the middle of the cycle - most likely this method of contraception simply does not suit you.

Pink discharge and delay most often indicate the onset of pregnancy. Daubing is the result of the landing of a fertilized egg in the uterine cavity.

Pink discharge before menstruation for one day only marks their beginning.

What does pink discharge mean - possible diseases

Unfortunately, the most likely cause of such secretions are various diseases: infections, tumors, inflammation.

So, for example, if you observe pink discharge after an act with a sexual partner, then this is bleeding erosion of the cervix due to contact with the male genital organ. However, this happens as a result of microcracks in the vagina due to intense sexual relations.

If pink discharge with a smell and brown streaks is found, a woman should also consult a doctor, as she is likely to develop endometriosis, an inflammation of the layer covering the uterine cavity.

The appearance of such discharge often indicates infections of the genital organs. So, for example, whitish-pink curdled discharge with a sour smell, accompanied by a tooth and a burning sensation in the perineum, is possible with thrush, a disease caused by Candida fungi. To clarify the diagnosis, a woman should take a urogenital scraping and a blood test for genital infections.

Pink spotting discharge in expectant mothers, which intensifies over time and is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, usually occurs when there is a threat of termination or ectopic pregnancy. It is necessary to immediately call an ambulance, since untimely treatment can lead to miscarriage and even death.

Allocations of the same color are possible with thyroid diseases.

In the same way, that is, the appearance of pink discharge, papillomas and polyps on the cervix manifest themselves. In addition, if you have a spotting at the beginning, middle of the menstrual cycle, and also before menstruation, its presence indicates benign formations (myoma, fibroma) and even a malignant tumor and cancer of the uterus.

In any case, you should not guess whether your pink discharge is a norm or a pathology. When they appear, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist who will conduct an examination, give directions for the delivery of all necessary tests, which will make it possible to announce a possible diagnosis.

Light pink discharge, what is this phenomenon, why do women appear in this or that period of life? If you notice this in yourself, do not immediately panic. After all, this symptom does not always mean a serious illness.

We will talk about the main causes of light pink discharge, although there are many more of them. It is quite possible that only a doctor can determine exactly what happened in your case, and then after you have passed the examination.

How it should be normal

The main thing is that the discharge should be odorless, not accompanied by itching, burning, there should be no pain in the abdomen and lower back. And during the menstrual cycle, the color and consistency of vaginal discharge may change.

So, at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, the discharge is barely noticeable, not abundant, whitish. By 12-14 days they become liquid, and then mucous. This indicates that ovulation has occurred. By the way, light pink discharge in women in the middle of the cycle is also for this reason. Due to the sharp decrease in progesterone production that occurs when a follicle ruptures, the endometrium may begin to flake off. But this process will be very short, because after the production of progesterone, the corpus luteum formed at the site of the follicle will begin.

There should be no bleeding after ovulation. But vaginal candidiasis may worsen. Women in the second half of the menstrual cycle should especially carefully observe personal hygiene, it is advisable not to wear thongs, since these factors are provocateurs of thrush.

Light pink discharge may appear before menstruation, literally 24-48 hours before them. This is usually a variant of the norm. This feature should not be taken as a symptom of endometriosis if its other signs, such as infertility, intermenstrual bleeding, heavy menstruation, are absent.

But if light pink discharge instead of menstruation goes, while the woman does not take hormonal contraceptives, which can lead to scanty menstruation, it is necessary to check for pregnancy. Unfortunately, such symptoms are typical not only for uterine pregnancy ... Therefore, ultrasound is indispensable. Do not worry, even if the pregnancy is uterine and desired, ultrasound will not adversely affect the embryo.

It is also worth attention such a situation when a daub instead of menstruation appears after cleaning the uterus, performed for diagnostic, therapeutic purposes or to terminate a pregnancy. This happens when the deeper layers of the endometrium are damaged by a doctor with too thorough cleaning. You can see this with an ultrasound examination.

Gynecological diseases

If the spotting is not cyclical, for example, light pink or pale pink discharge after menstruation may appear or at the end of the cycle. The temperature is at subfebrile values, the stomach hurts and there are other unpleasant symptoms - you need to see a doctor.

On examination, he will certainly be able to see exactly where the blood is oozing from, this will be useful in diagnosis. The doctor takes a swab for analysis of the purity of the vagina, sometimes immediately an analysis for hidden sexual infections. After all, infectious pathogens can affect the cervix and even the endometrium. A symptom of this is blood smearing. In case of a bacterial infection, antibiotics are prescribed.

If the inflammatory process on the cervix is ​​excluded, the doctor takes a Pap test, a cytological smear. This type of examination is recommended for all women, and especially for those who are over 30 years old and are carriers of oncogenic human papillomavirus types. Pap test shows the presence of atypical cells on the cervix. If the result is unfavorable, confirmed by a biopsy, a small surgical operation is performed to remove part of the cervix.
Not every medical worker can correctly take a smear for cytology. To obtain a reliable result, it is necessary to use special disposable cytobrushes to collect the material. At the same time, it is wrong to use simply discharge from a gynecological mirror as a material for analysis, as some nurses do, for example, so as not to injure the cervix of expectant mothers.
Expectant mothers rarely take a PAP test, only if there are clear indications, which include blood smearing. And according to the standards, once a year, starting at the age of 21, or 3 years after the onset of sexual activity, depending on which event occurs first.

But it can also bleed with a normal Pap test result. True, in this case we are talking about contact bleeding that occurs after using a hygienic tampon, sexual intercourse, gynecological examination. So erosion can bleed, or, more correctly, ectopia of the cervix. In some cases, its treatment, "cauterization" is necessary. But more often than not, anti-inflammatory therapy is sufficient.

If an ultrasound of the uterus, and it is always prescribed, if there is bloody discharge from the vagina, shows a pathology, for example, a polyp or endometrial hyperplasia, a woman is prescribed a diagnostic, and sometimes therapeutic, curettage of the uterine cavity, with the technical capability of the hospital - hysteroscopy. The obtained histological material is checked for good quality. Sometimes this procedure is enough for there to be no more discharge. For example, if their cause was an endometrial polyp that was removed.

Information for expectant mothers

Light pink discharge in early pregnancy occurs with small detachments of the endometrium and the fetal egg. This is considered a threatened miscarriage. Especially dangerous is the situation when, in addition to secretions, pain is also present. Doctors are trying to save the pregnancy with the help of progesterone preparations and reducing the tone of the uterus. But first, the woman does an ultrasound. Indeed, before “saving”, you need to make sure that the pregnancy is uterine, and the embryo is developing. Doctors look at the presence of a heartbeat in the embryo. This is the main sign that the pregnancy is progressing.

In the middle of pregnancy, a similar symptom may appear with isthmic-cervical insufficiency - a dangerous pathology that often causes a miscarriage for a long time. Light pink discharge during pregnancy in this case is combined with a shortening of the cervix, which is clearly visible in an ultrasound examination using a vaginal probe. If the length of the cervix is ​​less than 3 cm, it is advised to suture the cervix, and in case of a long term, a pessary ring.

Abundant spotting begins with placental abruption, which is very dangerous for both the child and the mother. In this case, you need to urgently go to the hospital for treatment.

For longer periods, pinkish discharge is considered a harbinger of childbirth if it comes out in the form of veins in the mucus. This is a mucous plug that leaves the cervix a few days, and sometimes hours, before the onset of active labor.

But sometimes a slight discharge does not indicate some imminent event and problem, it may just be a minor injury to the vaginal mucosa, for example, after the administration of a drug in the form of a vaginal suppository. Or a reaction of the mucosa to this very drug.

Changing the nature of the vaginal secretion can occur under the influence of many factors. So, both psychogenic and physiological reasons are capable of provoking pink or pale red discharge. But their occurrence is also characteristic of many infectious and inflammatory diseases that require urgent treatment. And how to understand whether the discharge in women is a sign of pathology or not, you will now find out.

The main provoking factors

The appearance of pink discharge can be provoked by various reasons, for example:

  • psychological;
  • physiological;
  • inflammatory;
  • infectious.

Conventionally, they can all be divided into two main groups - pathological and non-pathological. Let's consider in more detail.


Pale discharge can occur at various times in the menstrual cycle. They are able to be observed immediately after menstruation, a week after their end and a couple of days before the next menstruation. This is due to constant hormonal fluctuations. So, about 4-7 days before the onset of the next menstruation, active production of estrogen occurs, as a result of which a woman can observe pink or brown discharge before her period. And after their completion, the production of progesterone, which is responsible for the maturation of the follicle, increases. And when ovulation occurs (the moment the egg is released), the uterus becomes loose and this can also provoke the appearance of pinkish discharge in the middle of the cycle.

After the end of the ovulation period, if fertilization does not occur, estrogen production rises again and a pink daub appears before menstruation, which gradually becomes abundant and contains more and more menstrual blood, then menstruation begins.

All these processes are completely painless. In addition to the bloody vaginal secret, the woman does not notice any changes in her condition. However, the discharge may be the result of:

  • Antibiotic treatments.
  • Use of OK (oral contraceptives).
  • Frequent stress.
  • Changes in climatic conditions.
  • Abuse of alcoholic beverages.
  • The use of vaginal suppositories (for example, Zalain or Diflucan).

Allocations when taking contraceptives occur due to hormonal changes. And this happens, as a rule, only the first 1-2 months of admission. Further, the body adapts to new conditions for it and the discharge immediately stops after the second menstruation.

Moreover, pink mucus from the vagina can also be released in small quantities on days 8-11 of the cycle or later against the background of mechanical damage to the vaginal mucosa resulting from:

  • Instrumental gynecological examination.
  • Rough intercourse.
  • Incorrect insertion of sanitary tampons.

An allergic reaction caused by wearing tight underwear, using cosmetics containing a large amount of fragrances and fragrances, lubricants, etc. can also provoke the appearance of spotting discharges in the middle of the cycle or at the end. A sign of the development of an allergy is swelling of the labia, which can be supplemented by itching and rash. As a rule, when it occurs, a daub is observed for two to three days, provided that antihistamines are taken all this time.

Or maybe pregnancy?

Speaking about the non-pathological causes of discharge a week before menstruation, it cannot be said that quite often they appear during pregnancy. In this case, the vaginal secret acquires a pale shade and does not have a specific aroma. For some women, for the same reason, discharge occurs instead of menstruation. Moreover, they can go for 4-5 days or more, which is also a completely natural process. In this case, a daub instead of menstruation occurs against the background of increased synthesis of progesterone in the body and is accompanied by:

  • Nausea.
  • Headaches.
  • Frequent mood swings.
  • Insomnia.
  • Increased irritability.
  • Swelling of the mammary glands, etc.

If suddenly the daubing stopped abruptly a week before menstruation and bleeding began instead (in this case, scarlet blood is released from the vagina in large quantities), accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen, then you need to call an ambulance. The reason for this may be a spontaneous miscarriage.

It must also be said that in those situations when the pink mucus released from the vagina acquires a brownish tint, this is also a sign of a threat to pregnancy, since the presence of dark thick discharge indicates placental abruption.

Important! With the appearance of a pink-brown vaginal secretion, pulling pains in the lower abdomen and an increase in temperature, you should immediately go to the doctor. All these symptoms indicate the development of an ectopic pregnancy requiring immediate surgical intervention!


Despite the fact that many women experience discharge in the middle of the cycle and the reasons for their appearance are different, do not forget that pathologies can also provoke the presence of a vaginal secretion 10 days or more before menstruation. As a rule, their occurrence is often accompanied by burning and itching in the vagina, the appearance of a specific smell and pain.

So, curdled discharge, which depletes the sour aroma, occurs as a result of active reproduction of Candida fungi in the vagina and the development of thrush. At the same time, women often have periods with mucus, which is caused by damage to the mucous membranes of the cervical canal due to excessive fungal activity. And after menstruation, the discharge becomes almost invisible. However, given that thrush is chronic, when exposed to negative factors, 4–5 days after the end of menstruation, curdled discharge in women reappears.

The negative factors that can provoke repeated manifestations of thrush are:

  • Frequent douching.
  • Climate change.
  • Taking antibacterial drugs.
  • Stress.
  • Wrong nutrition.

Discharge before menstruation, about 3-4 days before, can also occur against the background of diseases such as cervicitis and endometriosis. In the first case, light red discharge occurs due to inflammation of the cervical canal, against which its small capillaries are damaged. As a result of increased production of estrogen, inflammatory reactions increase and in addition to the fact that women complain of a change in vaginal secretions a few days before menstruation, they also often complain that they have:

  • Pulls the lower abdomen.
  • Blood streaks appear in the vaginal mucus (pink mucus becomes reddish).
  • Pain is aggravated during sexual intercourse or after intense physical exertion.

Endometriosis is a disease in which there is a pathological growth of the uterine epithelium beyond its limits. And since after ovulation, the walls of the organ lose their tone and become loose, as a result of which women have pink discharge before menstruation. At the same time, they are scarce and do not have an unpleasant odor. However, as in the previous case, pink daub can be replaced by red discharge or scarlet blood, and pulling pains periodically occur in the abdomen.

(click to enlarge)

Important! Endometriosis and cervicitis are very similar in their symptoms. And in order to make an accurate diagnosis and understand why the secret coming out of the vagina acquires a pinkish or scarlet hue, it is necessary to do an ultrasound.

At the same time, it must be said that if a girl or woman noticed a creamy discharge from the vagina before her monthly period, and then there was a normal menstruation, this does not mean that you can postpone going to a specialist. Endometriosis and cervicitis are characterized by frequent remissions and exacerbations, as a result of which the symptoms sometimes subside, then begin to “beat” with renewed vigor. And the longer a woman delays treatment, the worse it is for her health.

There is another disease in the development of which women have a pink daub outside of menstruation. And this is bacterial dysbacteriosis. With its development, opportunistic microflora begins to predominate in the vagina, resulting in symptoms such as:

  • Irritation in the intimate area.
  • The appearance of an unpleasant odor.
  • Swelling of the labia.

If a woman does not have periods, instead of them a brown or pinkish daub appears, the test is negative, during the day there are pulling pains in the abdomen, then this may be a sign of a polyp in the cervical canal. These are benign formations that are treated only surgically. And it is necessary to get rid of them as soon as possible, since if they are present, blood during menstruation cannot normally pass through the cervix and it begins to accumulate in the uterine cavity, provoking the development of congestion.

Important! It is not worth hoping that the polyps will resolve on their own and after some time normal menstruation will begin. These formations rarely disappear on their own and, if not adequately treated, can provoke the development of cervical cancer.

Scarlet discharge also occurs as a result of an erosive lesion of the cervix. In this case, a woman can notice the appearance of scarlet discharge throughout the entire cycle. However, they often increase after sexual contact and a few days before menstruation.

In order not to torment yourself with the question of why pink or scarlet mucus appears after menstruation and what they mean, you must immediately visit a doctor and undergo a complete examination. If during it any violations in the work of the reproductive organs are revealed, you must immediately undergo a full course of treatment. If this is not done, the consequences can be adverse.

Allocations can be observed in every healthy girl or woman. It is thanks to the secretions that the vaginal mucosa is cleared of dead cells, bacteria and mucus. It's okay if your selections are:

  • Clear or whitish, creamy or slightly yellowish in color
  • Liquid (watery) or slightly stretchy (like slime)
  • Have no smell
  • Allocations are not plentiful: no more than a teaspoon per day

What discharge is not normal?

Your discharge is abnormal and is a symptom of an illness if:

  • Discharge that is yellow, green, brown, or other color
  • The discharge is very thick, looks like foam or looks like cottage cheese
  • The discharge has an unpleasant odor (sour, rotten, smells like rotten fish, smells like onions, or something else)
  • The discharge is copious: more than one teaspoon per day
  • Any discharge, if against their background you have itching, redness in the genital area, a feeling of dryness and discomfort in the vagina, abdominal pain, fever, pain and burning during urination and

Why do abnormal discharges appear?

The main cause of abnormal vaginal discharge is inflammation. Inflammation of the vagina or uterus occurs as a result of sexually transmitted diseases, as well as in violation of the composition of the microflora of the vagina (). Unusual discharge may be caused by non-compliance.

Is it possible to determine their cause by the color of the discharge?

Unfortunately no. Gynecologists know more than 100 causes of vaginal discharge and many of these causes show the same symptoms. That is why, only on the basis of the appearance of the discharge, even the most experienced gynecologist will not be able to make a diagnosis.

How to determine the cause of the discharge?

Only with the help of a smear on the flora. - This is a smear from the mucous membrane of the vagina, which is stained and examined under a microscope. Under a microscope, most of the bacteria and fungi that cause the discharge become visible.

I have abundant clear or mucous discharge, what is it and what should I do?

In some situations, completely normal clear or mucous discharge becomes excessively abundant (more than a teaspoon per day). These are normal discharges if:

  • Discharge appeared as a result of sexual arousal
  • Discharge appeared a few minutes or hours after sex
  • The discharge appeared in the middle of the menstrual cycle and lasted no more than 3-5 days

Contact your gynecologist if:

  • Abundant discharge occurs at the beginning or end of the menstrual cycle and lasts more than 3 days
  • You are over 40-45 years old and have copious watery or mucus discharge
  • In addition to clear discharge, you have the following symptoms: appear regardless of the menstrual cycle and after intercourse, menstruation lasts longer than usual, you have back pain, weight loss. The symptoms listed above can occur with.

I have white discharge (leucorrhea), what is it and what should I do?

White discharge may be normal, or may indicate inflammation of the vaginal mucosa.

Normal white discharge appears in small amounts shortly before menstruation and a few days after menstruation.

When yellow discharge appears, you need to contact a gynecologist. The gynecologist will take a smear on the flora and establish the cause of the discharge. Each of the diseases that cause yellow discharge is treated differently. Until you find out what is the cause of the yellow discharge, the treatment will not be effective.

I have green discharge, what is it and what should I do?

Green discharge is always a sign of infection. Healthy women do not have green discharge.

Green vaginal discharge is found in sexually transmitted diseases:, and some others. Such discharge appears soon after unprotected sex and is accompanied by itching, pain when urinating, dryness and discomfort in the vagina.

If you are not sexually active, then green discharge may indicate.

When green discharge appears, you need to visit a gynecologist as soon as possible. The gynecologist will take a smear on the flora and, based on the results of the smear, recommend treatment.

I have pink discharge, what is it and what should I do?

The pink color of the secretions is given by the smallest droplets of blood. Pink discharge may be normal if:

  • Appear (appear) a few days before the onset of menstruation
  • You are taking , and pink discharge appeared in the middle of the menstrual cycle
  • Pink discharge appeared after rough sex
  • Shortly after the appearance of these discharges, you found out that you were pregnant

Pink discharge that appears frequently or every time after sex may be a symptom or even.

If you have an unplanned period shortly after the appearance of pink discharge, then most likely this is a failure of the menstrual cycle.

If the pink discharge has an unpleasant odor, you experience pulling pains in the lower abdomen and your body temperature is elevated, then you may have endometritis (inflammation of the inner lining of the uterus).

Pink discharge can also be a symptom of more serious diseases: such as ovarian rupture,. With these diseases, pink discharge is often accompanied by very severe pain in the abdomen.

If pink discharge does not fit the description of normal discharge, then you need to visit a gynecologist. The gynecologist will examine the cervix, take a smear on the flora and, possibly, prescribe. All these tests will help determine the cause of pink discharge and prescribe treatment.

I have brown or black discharge: what is it and what should I do?

Dark-colored discharge (brown or black) is bloody - that is, contains blood. This issue is covered on our website.

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