Lose weight with zumba: results in weight loss reviews with dancing. Zumba for beginners - basic dance fitness program for weight loss with reviews

Many people want to have a good figure without extra pounds, but not everyone likes to work out on tiring simulators or perform monotonous exercises day after day. You want to lose weight easily, fun and with pleasure. Zumba fitness is ideal for those who want to get rid of extra pounds, tighten muscles and at the same time get tremendous pleasure and energy.

Zumba is simple, fun and useful!

Zumba is a dance direction in fitness. dance workout effectively help to lose weight, make you more elegant, flexible, figure - slimmer and fit. But in order to get the maximum result, you need to correctly perform the movements, and without stopping, using dance ligaments. Therefore, many types of dance fitness are difficult for beginners. But not Zumba! Ligaments are very simple and do not require special training. It is enough to watch video tutorials or visit an open lesson in a fitness center to make sure that it is easy and fun. Therefore, Zumba is becoming more and more popular, and most of the reviews about it are only good.

I found out about Zumba by accident. Overheard a conversation on the bus between two women whom she helped lose weight. I got on the Internet, it turned out that this is a dance with elements of aerobics, and there are courses in our city. There were a lot of people at the classes, and there were also men, everyone has a different age - the elderly and even children came. Classes are very fun and active! The hour flew by! Although to be honest - after the first dance, I had a T-shirt at least squeeze it out! At first, I even thought that I could not stand the pace, I would quit. But with each lesson it was getting easier and easier, I got involved, and after 15 lessons outsiders began to notice that I had lost a lot of weight.

Marina Sh.

Zumba isn't even really a dance. In fact, this is intensive aerobics, including the movements of Latin American and oriental dances. The ligaments are designed in such a way that during the training all muscle groups are involved, but at the same time there is no overtraining of any of them.

What else is good about Zumba: one person, and twenty, and fifty at the same time can do it. Gender, age and dimensions do not matter. involved arranged in a checkerboard pattern, there must be a large mirror in the hall - the dancers must see themselves. Classes are held with a trainer, he shows the exercises, the rest repeat them.

Although the movements are quite simple, don't be deceived - after the first dance you will feel how intensely your body is working. You have to move a lot, the exercises are performed mostly at a fast pace to the groovy music - you have to sweat! But those who have chosen this type of fitness become its fans very quickly: it is really fun, uplifting and very noticeable. disperses fat mass. And everything else is very beautiful! The gracefulness that appeared as a result of classes is noted by many who have tried Zumba. Fitness, reviews of which are so positive, really helps the movements to become more graceful, relaxed.

Being overweight has always bothered me. I lost weight mainly with the help of diets and various drugs, but it was troublesome, inconvenient and ineffective. I saw an ad for zumba. I am not a very athletic person, but the announcement said that even those who have never done anything can come. Signed up and started going to classes.

Zumba turned out to be an incredibly fun and positive dance, the workouts were held with a smile, and most importantly, I really was able to lose weight! Already in a month I weighed 2 kilos less, perhaps, it seems to someone that this is not much, but it was clear that the fat was leaving, but the muscles appeared, I became much slimmer. How did I get moving? I became more plastic, feminine. Great workout! I recommend!

Larissa K.

Types of zumba

There is several varieties of zumba aimed at different physical fitness and health status. Can choose:

  • classical,
  • continental,
  • tone,
  • aqua,
  • zumbatonic.

Classical Zumba uses elements of Latin American dances. Zumba Continental can be called the dances of the peoples of the world - a mix of Latin American and world dance styles. This is the simplest and most popular type available to most. Zumba tone is aimed directly at losing weight and bringing the figure in order, with its help, not the entire body is corrected, but only problem areas.

Aquazumba - a new direction, it is designed specifically for those who have contraindications to conventional types. Training takes place in the water, they are great for the elderly, children, women who have recently given birth and people with diseases of the joints and the cardiovascular system. Zumbatonic is a workout for children, it includes elements of the game.

There is also a Zumba step - a very energy-intensive interval cardio training using step platforms. In addition, zumba is included in circuit training - classes are divided into regular and zumba, which alternate, which maximizes the use of all muscles.

Zumba is not only beautiful and simple, it has many positive properties. Most fitness workouts get boring after a while, become boring because of their monotony, interest in them disappears, and with it the results. And if you still want to lose weight, try Zumba - if you like it, it will enter your life for a long time.

it great way to lose weight- and even having a lot of fun! For a couple of years I have been actively taking care of myself, going to different types of fitness, yes, it is effective, but you force yourself to walk, there is no joy, only the understanding that you need it, that it is hard, but necessary work. And so I tried zumba. Before that, I read reviews, but did not believe that this works.

Now I'm her fan! Yes, she exhausts, but after a workout, everyone comes out red, wet - and happy! Classes are so positive that they cannot be perceived as work, it is a pleasure, but for me it is already necessary. The first classes are hard if there is little endurance, but no one forbids taking a break, skipping the dance. But then you get into the rhythm, and the body responds, the movements become smooth, graceful, the muscles tighten, the plasticity improves, the coordination of movements improves, and, of course, the extra weight goes away. Thanks to whoever invented the zumba!

Ekaterina M.

Zumba includes aerobics, strength training and energetic dance, all combined with movements in Latin American rhythms. Such a load allows you to acquire a good figure with graceful lines in a fairly short time. During class all muscle groups are worked out. After a few sessions, you will notice that your body has tightened up and even cellulite has become less pronounced. Thanks to training, you will become more flexible and plastic, stretching will increase.

Zumba has an anti-stress effect. Despite the intensity of the workouts and the tracksuits wet with sweat, they leave the gym with high spirits and a supply of energy, and well-being is one of the keys to effective weight loss. In addition, the dance gives the body the necessary cardio load. With active breathing the body is saturated with oxygen and gets rid of excess moisture, improves metabolism. Zumba also has a positive effect on the internal organs, especially the pelvic organs.

Of course, it is best to study with an experienced instructor. By the way, Zumba is a patented fitness program, trainers receive an official certificate and only in this case they have the right to conduct Zumba classes. However, if you do not have the opportunity to attend classes in the hall, there is a wonderful opportunity to practice at home. It is enough to find a video on the Internet, where basic movements are explained in detail, ligaments are demonstrated and whole training courses are given. A lot of space is not required for such an activity, and reviews say that home workouts are also good for weight loss.

How to do zumba the right way

Although Zumba is considered a dance, in fact, it is a full-fledged workout that lasts about an hour and is divided into blocks:

  • warm-up,
  • learning basic and new movements,
  • the dance itself
  • stretching.

The first two and the last block last 10-15 minutes. The rest of the time is left for the dance itself.

Please note that the first and last block are required, as in any other form of fitness and sport. You can not start the dance without a warm-up, you must first warm up the muscles and enter the rhythm. You should not complete a workout without stretching and recuperation exercises, otherwise you can get injured.

As for clothing, there are no special requirements for it, as long as it is comfortable and does not interfere with movement. Since training is energy-intensive, it is better if the clothes are from natural fabrics. Shoes should also be comfortable, light, with non-slip soles and fit the size of the foot. However, some prefer to dance barefoot.

To make the lessons comfortable, do not worry that you cannot learn the whole dance at once. What is the plus of Zumba - it allows you to improvise, the main thing is that your movements are active and match the rhythm.


As with any other form of fitness, before you try Zumba, find out if it is right for you personally. In this case, it is worth considering not only whether you like activities of the type, but also the state of your health. Perhaps in the reviews you will read that this dance is safe and suitable for absolutely everyone. But it's not.

There are a number of diseases, in which it is better to refrain from Zumba: for example:

  • heart failure,
  • hypertension,
  • varicose veins,
  • tendency to thrombosis.

You should not practice if you suffer from diseases of the joints and the musculoskeletal system or if you have injuries. And, of course, it's better to skip a workout if you're not feeling well or have a high temperature.

If your health worsens right during the session (severe pain, nausea, dizziness or dark eyes), the training should be stopped immediately. The best thing see a doctor immediately.

Do not neglect contraindications, losing health in pursuit of a beautiful body. Moreover, you don’t need to completely abandon the zumba, it’s enough to choose a more gentle option, for example, aquazumba.

But if there are no obstacles to dancing, be sure to try it! An ocean of positive and positive emotions is guaranteed to you, not to mention the lost kilograms, which you will be happy to lose.

Lose weight with zumba

Hello, friends! We all know that in order to lose weight and keep the body in shape, it is necessary to devote time to physical activity. Today we will tell you about Zumba fitness, as well as show video tutorials and explain why it is worth mastering this sports direction.

The Dance Fitness or Zumba program first appeared 17 years ago. Its author is Roberto Perez, a Colombian choreographer. It is dancing to incendiary Latin American music, during which the girls manage to lose extra pounds, tighten their skin and make their muscles elastic. Classes can be held at home or in the fitness center by enrolling in a group.

Pros and cons

What it is? This is a type of aerobic exercise. A full workout lasts at least an hour. During this time, it will be possible to break down body fat and work out all muscle groups. To master this dance fitness program, you do not need to have any experience or skills. All you need is a good mood, comfortable clothes and the desire to change your figure for the better.

Zumba-style training will allow you to develop flexibility and plasticity, endurance, improve coordination and develop a sense of rhythm. Thanks to systematic exercises, it is possible to:

  • normalize the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • burn calories and lose weight;
  • strengthen the muscular skeleton and musculoskeletal system.

Intense and positive training flies by. It's very fun and interesting to do. Performing dance exercises allows you to relieve stress and get rid of the negative effects of emotional overstrain. You can learn the basics of technology and the basic steps at home if you watch a video in Russian online.

This awesome fitness program has almost no drawbacks. An important disadvantage is that not everyone can withstand an intense rhythm for an hour. For beginners, training should last 30-40 minutes. As the body adapts, the time of classes should be increased.

It is important to remember that Zumba fitness video lessons do not talk about contraindications, but we will say who is forbidden to do it: people with heart problems, diseases of the spine and joints, respiratory disorders, pregnant women and people in the postoperative period.

Types and directions

Anyone can learn Zumba. The program has many directions, focused on different ages and levels of physical fitness. The most popular types of Dance Fitness are:

  • Zumba Kids. The complex is designed for children, the video lesson can be viewed below. The direction is available for children over 4 years old. Classes allow you to strengthen your health, muscles, throw out excess energy. Toddlers learn to control their body, listen to it and get positive emotions from physical activity.
  • Complex Basic and Basic These are complexes consisting of a set of standard movements and basic steps. It is better for beginners to start in this direction. Once you get the basics down, you can move on to more advanced versions of Zumba.

  • The Gold program or, as it is commonly called, the “golden age” complex. The program is aimed at people with low physical activity and limited mobility. This is a great solution for an older person who wants to stay active, cheerful and healthy for many years.
  • Zumbatomic. The direction is intended for family training of parents and children aged 12-14 years.
  • step. Step Zumba is an energy-intensive interval workout that allows you to focus on the legs and gluteal muscles, strengthen the heart and develop endurance. During the lesson, it is possible to use the maximum number of muscle groups.
  • Aqua zumba. A relatively new direction in which exercises are performed in the pool.

Each direction has its own advantages and disadvantages, features. Before choosing the right program, you should study the specifics of each version, as well as the reviews of those who already practice this incendiary type of aerobics.

Training features

Zumba is different. Standard basic movements are constantly intertwined with new ones. The lesson is always built according to a certain scheme, and consists of the following steps:

  • warm-up;
  • repetition of old lessons;
  • learning new movements;
  • consolidation and complete repetition of the dance.

During training, try to breathe as evenly and measuredly as possible. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Choose the right rhythmic music for classes. An excellent solution would be the compositions of Don Omar, a Puerto Rican artist.

Control your body when performing dance moves. The press should be tense all the time, and the back should remain straight. During training, you can not take breaks. If you are very thirsty, you can drink the liquid in small quantities in small sips. Make a workout schedule and stick to it.

If you are unable to master some movements or techniques from the first lesson, do not panic. The best thing you can do is give yourself time and don't stop exercising.

We hope that our article will inspire you to train in such a bright and positive style, and you will succeed. If you appreciated the work of our team, take a minute of your time and share the article on social media. networks with friends and acquaintances. We will be extremely grateful. Good luck with everything, and see you soon!

Do you think that pulling dumbbells in the gym or squirming in yoga is boring, but dancing is fun? Then Zumba - a dance variety of aerobics - is exactly for you. But is Zumba effective for weight loss?

What is zumba

People love to dance and don't like to strain. So why not combine training and flamenco? This is exactly what Colombian fitness instructor Alberto Perez argued. The result of his reflections was the zumba. The name suggests "rumba", elements of which are also used in training, as well as some figures of salsa, reggaeton, merengue and other dances. Recently, a new direction of fitness is gaining popularity. Usually our girls go in for sports to lose weight. So is Zumba effective for weight loss?

What is aerobic exercise

Dance itself is an aerobic exercise, just like running, walking or swimming. It used to be that aerobic exercise that was done at moderate to light intensity for quite a long time was very effective in burning fat. Recently, however, more and more often hear something else. Exposing ourselves to high aerobic loads, we burn not only fat, but also muscles. And if you do not strengthen the muscles, the growth of new adipose tissue will not take long.

So is Zumba effective for weight loss or not?

Zumba is conceived as a dance to very different rhythms. If the coach correctly understands the essence of the program, he will build a workout with varying degrees of intensity. And this is not the same as the usual aerobic exercise. Zumba for weight loss can be useful if the dances are done at a “jerky” pace based on the principle of interval training. The effectiveness of such training has been proven by American and Canadian scientists. People who simply cycled the bike for 30 minutes lost weight more slowly than those who cycled as fast as they could for 30 seconds and then rested and again gave themselves a short but intense workout.

How many times a week should I go to Zumba to lose weight

People from the experiments of Canadian physiologists participated in interval training just once a week. This was enough to lose weight in four months. Success with the right approach of the coach will be able to achieve you.

From our article, you will learn what Zumba fitness is, as well as get information on how you can lose weight with it.

A beautiful and slim figure is a pipe dream for many people. And most often the reason that a person cannot reduce their volumes is the unwillingness to engage in heavy physical exercises. For such lazy people, a sports and dance program called Zumba was invented.

The best part is that this dynamic dance not only helps to reduce weight, but also has a very positive effect on the entire body as a whole. If you regularly engage in Zumba fitness, then in the end you will improve body coordination, tighten your abs, restore skin elasticity, and, of course, get a lot of positive emotions.

What is Zumba?

Zumba for weight loss

As you probably already understood, Zumba is nothing more than dancing. Of course, in the literal sense of the word, this cannot be called dancing, but nevertheless this program is built precisely on dance movements. Just in this case, you will not dance, for example, rumba, but will make movements to the music in a certain rhythm that will tighten your legs, arms and reduce your waist. So what is the secret of the popularity of this fitness program?

Firstly, not only young and healthy people, but also those who have already exceeded 50 can quite easily go in for this kind of sport. Due to the fact that Zumba does not involve the use of any strictly regulated movements, the trainer can develop a program in such a way that that it will be easy to cope with it even for those who previously did not do physical exercises at all.

Secondly, regular classes in this type of fitness give a noticeable result already in the third week, of course, provided that a person does not eat fatty snacks and muffins after dancing. Yes, and if you decide to try this method of losing weight on yourself, then it’s better not to try to choose a program for yourself. You definitely won’t be able to do it right, as in one lesson, as a rule, several different dance styles are used at once.

In an hour of training, you can feel what samba, hip-hop and even belly dancing are. It is clear that all these directions are danced with a different rhythm, so only a specialist will be able to arrange your movements in such a way that they do not harm your body.

Varieties of Zumba:

  • classical(ordinary dances)
  • Tone(one zone is being worked out)
  • Aqua(classes are held in the pool)
  • Circular(dance alternates with simple physical exercises)
  • Continental(program for beginners)
  • Children's(individual program for the little ones)

Dance fitness Zumba - dance and lose weight: benefits, harms and contraindications for health and figure

The benefits of Zumba dance fitness

If you carefully read the first paragraph of our article, you probably realized that with dance fitness you can lose weight with pleasure. As practice shows, literally after the third session, the emotional state of men and women improves and there is a desire to move even more. But still remember that this type of sports, like any other, puts a strain on the body.

Therefore, it is not necessary to engage in dance exercises all day long, especially if you have never played sports before. If you greatly overload the body, then in the end you may, in general, lose the desire to continue working further and, of course, a strong strength will appear, which for some time will not allow you to fully engage. This state of affairs will lead to the fact that all the results obtained will be canceled and after recovery you will have to start your weight loss and recovery from the very beginning.

The benefits of dancing Zumba:

  • Reduced waist and hips
  • There is a gradual weight loss
  • Restores joint mobility
  • The elasticity of the skin is restored
  • All metabolic processes in the body are accelerated (including those responsible for the breakdown of fats)
  • Increased muscle tone
  • Improved mood and reduced depression
  • Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system
  • Endurance develops
  • Improves the functioning of the respiratory system

Harm of dance Zumba:

  • May slightly increase blood pressure
  • There is a risk of limb injury
  • Untrained people may develop breathing problems

Contraindications for doing Zumba:

  • Third trimester of pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding period
  • Too high BP
  • Fractures and dislocations of limbs
  • Spinal injury
  • Pathologies of the heart and blood vessels

Clothes for Zumba fitness: how to buy on Aliexpress

Zumba Fitness Clothing

Since Zumba fitness is a kind of sports aerobics, then clothes for such classes should be worn as comfortable as possible. That is, in this case, it is best not to wear classic tracksuits, consisting of baggy trouser sweaters. It will be better if you choose more suitable clothes for these fun activities that will not interfere with your intense movement. As the top of such a set, it is best to choose a sports T-shirt or a natural T-shirt.

For the bottom, shorts, leggings and capris are perfect. When it comes to shoes, there are no hard and fast rules. But if you want to feel as comfortable as possible, then opt for lightweight sneakers or sneakers. If you don’t know where you can quickly, and most importantly, cheaply buy all these things, then take a look at Aliexpress. Here you will find the goods you are interested in in different styles and colors of the highest quality.

If you wish, you will quickly pick up on the resource both monophonic calm models, as well as very bright and original ones. If you want to look spectacular even during sports, then turn your attention to printed products. The catalogs of the resource contain T-shirts, t-shirts, shorts and leggings with floral, geometric and abstract prints.

Zumba Fitness Program

As mentioned a little higher, Zumba fitness is a kind of aerobics, so this activity cannot be done without additional training. And this means that regardless of whether you are a beginner in this business or an amateur athlete, before proceeding to the main stage, you must definitely prepare the muscles for the upcoming loads.

If you do not do this, then in the end you will not be able to do complex movements correctly and, as a result, will not get the desired effect. Therefore, when you come to the gym, do not immediately start dancing, but do a standard warm-up first, which will help warm up the muscle mass and help speed up all the processes in the body.

And, of course, remember that in order for the lesson to benefit you, it must last at least 1 hour. Therefore, if you understand that the program chosen by the trainer exhausts you at the very beginning, then it is better to immediately ask him to ease the training a little. As your body gets used to the loads, you can complicate the movements and move quite dynamically for an hour.

Lesson program:

  • After a warm-up, as a rule, people are asked to remember the movements that were learned in the previous lesson.
  • If everyone gets it right, the coach can suggest some new moves (maybe even more difficult).
  • At the next stage, all movements are combined into one whole and a dynamic Zumbo dance begins (while all dancers must keep the rhythm set by the coach).
  • The training ends with exercises aimed at ensuring that the whole body can relax (stretching).

Zumba: description of basic, basic movements

Zumba: description of movements

As a rule, Zumba consists of completely different movements that are correctly connected in one chain. And not always the lesson can begin with calm and smooth movements. If the coach understands that his wards are quite well prepared physically, then he can immediately start the lesson from more complex Latin American dances or even from belly dancing.

But still, the fact that dances of different styles can be used in one lesson does not mean that you can dance them any way you like. There are several basic movements that must be used during training.


  • Wide and small steps with a turn of the torso
  • Tilts to the right and left accompanied by swings of the hands
  • Turns of the body, in which a person stands only on his toes or only on his heels
  • Leg lunges followed by jumps
  • Hand clapping while moving

Zumba: tips for beginners
  • Try not to overload your body during the first 2-3 sessions. It will be better if you start your acquaintance with fitness from the simplest sports and dance movements.
  • Never miss a dance class. If you want to achieve a visible result, then go to Zumba at least 3 times a week (after some time it will be possible to do dance exercises only 1-2 times a week).
  • After you learn the basic exercises well, you can try to conduct additional classes at home. In order to do everything correctly, use the video tutorials that are on the Internet (you can see a couple below).
  • Be sure to follow the correct drinking regimen. If the body lacks moisture, then this can slow down the process of losing weight.
  • And, of course, remember that although Zumba is a physically easy gymnast, it is undesirable to do it when you are sick. It will still be better if you recover and only after that start the fight against excess weight.

Zumba dance fitness: how many calories are burned?

Zumba burns up to 500 calories

As for how many calories you can burn in one dance class, if you look at the available sources on the Internet, you can find the figure of 500 calories. Seeing it, many beginners are upset because they think that this is the limit of what the body can spend.

In fact, this indicator depends not only on the time spent on training, but also on its intensity. The more difficult your activity is, the more energy your body will spend on it. If you exercise to the maximum, then just spend even 1 thousand calories.


  • First level(during the class you will be able to sing) - burned on average up to 500 calories
  • Average level(during the lesson you will be able to talk) - burned up to 700 calories
  • Difficult level(during the class you will only be able to breathe heavily) - burned up to 1000 calories

Zumba: video tutorials for beginners

In order for you to have a complete understanding of what Zumba fitness is, we offer you a couple of video tutorials that you can later use for homework.

Zumba - reviews, results

Zumba - reviews, results

Marina: My weight problems started right after giving birth. The most unpleasant thing in this situation was that nothing helped me lose those extra pounds. Since I was breastfeeding, I could not limit myself in food, so I tried to focus on power loads. Realizing that they did not help me, I supplemented their cardio, but they did not help me return to my previous form.

I probably would still suffer from an inferiority complex if one mommy on the playground had not told me about dancing Zumba. Literally the next day I went and enrolled in a group of beginners. And about a miracle! A month later, my waist noticeably decreased, and after another two, I again looked like a slender and beautiful fairy.

Ksyusha: In principle, I started doing Zumba, as they say, for the company. At first, for some reason, I didn’t like it, but since the subscription was paid for a month in advance, I decided to endure it to the end (the money shouldn’t be wasted). But around the end of the third week, I began to catch myself thinking that I was looking forward to the day when I would meet my beloved girlfriends and have fun dancing to cool music.

And when I began to notice how dramatically my figure had changed, I could not be stopped. I immediately increased the number of classes from 2 per week to 4, and also dragged my sister with me. At the moment I have been doing this amazing gymnastics for more than six months. My weight has already decreased by more than 10 kilograms and, best of all, I feel like a real woman.

Video: Zumba fitness. Complete Workout

Good day dear friends. The long-awaited summer has come and everyone wants to look beautiful. Some go to the gym, some go on a diet. And someone at home is engaged in a simulator. But what if you don't like monotonous workouts? And it's so difficult to follow a diet ... Zumba fitness video lessons for weight loss are ideal for such people. I will show you most of those that I myself have gone through ... i.e. danced 🙂

This is an energetic training program that will not let you get bored. And most importantly, she will not get bored. Since the "dance for weight loss", as the zumba is also called, has many variations. You can learn new movements, combine them. Overall, it's fun to train.

The ancestor of this wonderful direction is the Colombian choreographer Alberto Perez. He developed dance-type workouts. You are required to actively repeat the incendiary movements after the coach. The program includes salsa and merengue rhythms, samba, flamenco. Today, even hip hop and belly dance are included in this workout.

Do not think that you need to have dancing talent in order to practice. The main thing is to catch the rhythm, how beautiful your movements are, it doesn’t matter. After all, you do not dance on stage. Your goal is to lose weight. And that means you need to move long and hard. The session lasts at least an hour. And believe me, seven sweats will come down from you during this time.

The greatest results can be achieved by working in a group with a trainer. But if this is not possible, you can dance at home.

The main advantage of incendiary dances is that they do not bother and do not tire like a regular workout.

Moreover, classes of such a plan perfectly cheer up. They have an important psychological aspect. Zumba fans note that thanks to the classes, they have become more self-confident. I experienced it myself 🙂

Modern Zumba is more suitable for young people. They can easily jump for an hour or more to incendiary rhythms. And for older people today there is a set of exercises Zumba Gold. It has a calmer rhythm, so the load is gentle. At the same time, it is designed in such a way that the effect of losing weight is still there.

There is even a children's direction - Zumbini. In addition to active dancing, the training is filled with game moments.

What is losing weight and how many calories are spent

Zumba is a cardio workout. During active movements, blood circulation improves. And like any other workout, the muscles are loaded. A huge plus of incendiary dances is that they involve all the muscles. During classes, you need to move your arms, legs, do lunges, bends, etc.

This means that the muscles of the legs, arms, abdominals, back and chest will be loaded. By doing Zumba regularly, you will tighten your figure. Other than that, get good flexibility. Thanks to jumps and lunges, you will work out the quadriceps muscles well, as well as the hamstrings.

Different intensity of the program allows you to burn 350-500 calories in one hour. That's more than you could lose on cardio kickboxing or step aerobics.

For classes, it is better to choose loose clothes, but not baggy. Since if you do everything right, you will actively sweat. To improve the effect, you can also use breeches for weight loss. You can put water and a towel next to you. Don't be discouraged if things don't work out right away. I remember my first classes. The first time it took me only 15 minutes 🙂

The workouts were just exhausting. I didn’t have time to do anything, my legs and arms lived their own lives. It seemed that I would not learn to move as a coach at all. But after 5-6 lessons, I began to easily copy his movements. I was able to practice without a break for 40 minutes or more.

To date, there are several different directions of Zumba. You can choose based on your physical fitness and preferences in music.

Zumba in Russian for beginners

I found a very interesting video for you. It shows the basic meringue rhythm steps. This is the basis of the classic Zumba program. You can use these exercises in the morning exercises. Or in the evening. The training is conducted by a wonderful master-trainer, zes instructor of Russia - Natalia Bull.

In the next video you can get acquainted with the basic elements in the dance. Repeat after the guys and do at least an hour. As you can see, hands are actively involved in this video. To many, it may seem that the workout is too easy. Believe me, for the first time it is very difficult to withstand even 30 minutes. But over time, you will be more enduring and be able to jump for at least an hour.

Master class from Beto Perez

This is a video with the founder of Zumba himself. He is familiar with many stars and put on dances for many of them. It was he who showed the world this weight loss program and continues to actively promote it. The main difference between his workouts and those that were above is that they are interval. He alternates more relaxed dance moves with intense ones. As a result of such dances, it is possible to tighten the hips and stomach well.

For the first time I got acquainted with Zumba under Beto Perez's video. Look how big his audience is. With what pleasure people repeat his movements. I also could not resist and began to study Zumba on my own. This program is great for beginners.

And here Beto slowly shows how you can learn the movements in a few minutes. And turn them into a full-fledged "dance for weight loss."

I want to give advice to newbies. Don't try to watch too many videos at once. I did that too. Jumping from one video to another. I tried to try both this and that, and all at once 🙂 I need to learn the basic movements. Then you can choose any dance. Of course, if possible, go to the coach. Then you can practice at home. By the way, look for discounts on classes with a trainer at Biglion and groupon- I often find interesting options there and inexpensively.

Basic movements

Any workout should consist of 4 parts:

  • Warm-up - necessary to prevent injury during dancing;
  • Learning new movements;
  • Fixing new elements;
  • Stretching exercises to relax muscles;
  • The workout itself.

I have selected for you a video with basic zumba movements. Don't be put off by the fact that the classes are in English. The main thing is to follow the movements of the coach and repeat after him.

Strength program from Tanya Beardsley

You should move on to this type of program after you learn the basics. This trainer conducts very active workouts. What is the huge plus of training with her - power loads. She combined classic fitness with zumba movements. If you want to tighten your abs and arms, watch the video: Zumba Aqua

This is a variation of the classic Zumba, but the classes take place in the water. Efficiency increases many times, as more calories are lost in water. The load is evenly distributed on all muscles. Which is very important for people with sore joints or heart. Training is more gentle, but no less effective. I have seen only positive reviews about this program.

Pros and cons of the Zumba program

The main advantage of such fitness is the feeling of dancing, and not exhausting classes. Zumba gives positive and does not bother. Although the load is in no way inferior to classical fitness. After class, you will be squeezed like a lemon! In addition, the program has a great healing effect. It allows:

  • strengthen the cardiovascular system;
  • increase immunity;
  • lower blood sugar;
  • speed up metabolism and lose weight;
  • reduce bad cholesterol and increase good;
  • relieve stress and tension.

However, such aerobics does not allow you to pump up muscles. If the goal is to make the body embossed, there is no escape from the simulators. If you just want to lose weight, make your figure slim - this program is for you.

But, like any workout, Zumba has contraindications. Since the loads during training are quite serious, it is not suitable for everyone. People with diseases of the heart and blood vessels should train according to a special course, which should be developed by an experienced trainer.

Also, for problems with the spine and joints, this type of fitness is not suitable. People who are very obese are also not suitable for "incendiary dances." Unless you can try aqua zumba. In all other respects, the program has no analogues and has already gained popularity all over the world.

I hope it will help you stay in shape and give you a good mood. Be sure to subscribe for updates. Looking forward to meeting you all.

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