From the experience of my use of numerical series. Digital codes of hornbeam - treatment of diseases Hornbeam numerical series

When working with the numerical series of Grigory Grabovoi, questions may arise, because the recommendations given in books are not always practiced or remembered, so you can use the results already obtained in practice. What are the results? The results of understanding and many years of practice.

In my opinion, with "Digital Atlas of the Creation of Man and Eternal Life" Grigory Grabovoi - "Digital Atlas of the creation of man and eternal life" - it is better to work separately. It is necessary to work with Atlas for hours, preferably several days in a row, in order to see the development of management exactly according to the technology given by Grigory Grabov for this work. Having gained the practice of management and having understood for yourself how it is better for you to work, you can safely work out all these books.

For book "Number series of psychological normalization"(Number series for psychological normalization) Grigory Grabovoi gave his technologies that are used specifically for those series that are in this work. It is advisable to read the Introduction carefully and work exactly according to the Author's methods. For example, the 6th control method- rejuvenation- given in detail in Russian and English on social networks.

In the book "Numbers for successful business", 2004 - "NUMBERS FOR SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS" Grabov G.P. in general, its own level of management is given, which must be entered according to the recommendations of the Author in the Introduction. Just to take separately some number series from this work, I consider it a waste of time. Can this be compared to what? Suppose you need to sign an agreement, the agreement itself has already been drawn up, there are partners. And you immediately start working with the number series:
CONTRACT - 519 716 718 498514 .
And where are the partners who should hear you and sign this agreement? They are in a space, let's say in a hall where you have not even tried to enter. The fact is that access to this control is given through the numerical series, which are given in the Introduction. And you work, hoping that you will be heard, that all your conditions and wishes will be heard. Do they hear you? After all, the door is closed, you did not take the key and did not open the door to the control space so that you could be heard ... You can take some other example.

A very interesting work with the number series of the Author's work - Grabovoi G.P. "Restoration of human matter by numerical concentrations", 2002. It is possible to work with this book, for example, concentrating simply on "Content". It takes approximately 40 minutes of continuous operation. BUT! Not so simple. Working with the "Content" and reading the number series for all the matter of the human body, which is given in the book, when reading the number series, it is necessary to see that organ in the light of the number series that is being read: the series is read, immediately illuminated, and in this light the manager sees his body is normal. This is not a number of norms, but the person who works normalizes. And the row? This is access to the matter that is normalized by the manager.

And a little about working with the book by Grigory Petrovich Grabovoi "Restoration of the human body by concentration on numbers", 1999.
The simplest what? Numerical series, as Grigory Grabovoi says, are the coordinates of the access of thinking to the desired area. That is why there are so many numbers. It is the numerical series that help to get to the right area of ​​control, to the right level. What's next? And then the thinking in this area works. For example, I have an accumulated number series - from bruises:0156912 . (from bruises).

So, this is not a number series that removes bruises, bruises, and so on, but a number series allows you to enter the normalization area where I look at the tissue and remove cell deformation, cell change, that is, return them to normal. I immediately see that the skin is without a bruise (There is no injury). So it is personally I look and make the norm with my thought, because I got into the control area, which the number series gives me (while not forgetting the level of macro-rescue).
And how does it happen? I concentrate on the number line, it lights up. Be sure to highlight the number row. This light hits the area I need. Here in this light - the light of a number series (Light of a number series) - I work, remove a bruise, for example.
Today, such an understanding, this is how I work.

You can, of course, have a state at the level of the Spirit and know that everything will be fine. But then again - it's the SPIRIT that works, not just numbers. Then the SPIRIT must also be taught to work. It's funny, but the SPIRIT can be lazy. Why? Because no one taught him, did not work out at all. You also need to be able to work with your Spirit.

Grigory Grabovoi today - April 22, 2017 - said that all the subtleties in management are important. Where do these subtleties come from? From practice. Only the practice of management, built on KNOWLEDGE, gives an accurate understanding.

In the light of the material presented, taking into account past experience, I want to show a very simple control that will give an understanding of how to work with number series. The fact is that in the management that will be presented, the Author talks about the concretization of the event structure. It turns out that when working with numerical series, the manager must look at the event picture.

TECHNOLOGY (short version)

according to a lecture by Grigory Petrovich Grabovoi dated May 23, 2002: “Technology of salvation and harmonious development. Methods of control through one's Consciousness, based on the structure of perception for adjusting the macro-catastrophe prevention system and direct access to the structure of the event.

Need to heal, suppose a broken finger . Management lies in the fact that the distant plate is the same in terms of information. The plate, which is closer to the physical body, should be informed to heal the fracture, to relieve pain, swelling, and so on. Further the trajectory of the beam, the form of motion of this internal impulse, the reflection impulse, must be made optimal.

“You can imagine just this finger or a hand there and concentrate on this finger, and move, as it were, directly along this finger, well, as it were, this system of reflected Light. Thus, you can, as it were, more accurately outline positions - in relation to what to do management. That is, sometimes here, well, the treatment or the effectiveness of this method is the concretization of some kind of event structure inside these plates.

Here is another method - in the control, the approximate plate can be changed by color: due to this, control also occurs.
We try not to move the plates, they should stand rigidly, we track the point of origin of the first pulse of the beam, the second plate also participates in this, but only with its light in the formation of the pulse, then they simply worked, brought it to an autonomous mode, so that the rays, reflected, gave a phase of compaction.

“Try not to rush. When the beam moves, you should see how the beam spreads, how it comes from one plate, is reflected according to the laws of ordinary physical optics, and begins to move further. “Work. Well, there is light from the chest, right? .. control, glows optics determined from the heart, there from the work of the brain, from the cells of the body».

Each method must be so perfect that it acts as universal system in any situation , so the method is repeated again for particular purposes:
vthe remote plate is the area of ​​macrocontrol in the system of the Teachings of Grigory Grabovoi;
vthe closer area is your goal;
vbeam must be seen as a segment that goes from one point to another, then reflected in another;
vcontrol is best achieved in the first iteration, that is, in the first segment;
What does it mean to achieve:
vhighlight these two plates as much as possible so that they glow very brightly. An element of diagnostics is the glow of the closest and most distant plate, including;
vdo it in the first iteration;
vif in the first iteration it is clear that the plate is not highlighted somewhere, continue the beam movement. This is the second step.
vWork on the second step, on the third;
vcontrol points begin to appear, they begin to diverge as if chaotically;
vaccording to its own laws, the adhesion of these two plates begins.

Testimony of Kravtsova A.I.:
At the beginning of December 2016 this method healed the knee after surgery(Name withheld due to lack of permission to publish).The fact is that a piece of a needle got into the knee, and it was discovered only a month later. The needle is already stuck in the bone. I had to urgently operate. At the stage of preparation of the operation, controls were also made, but the main thing was healing exactly according to the method of two plates. The result was fast, even students were brought in and shown as a case of rapid tissue healing after surgery. It was a fixation of the result.
Healing was carried out in stages, but this does not mean that slowly. In optics, the knee was placed between two plates. It was just that bone tissue and muscle tissue healed first, the intercellular space, all vessels, and only then the skin were normalized. Removed all consequences of this event. The result is brilliant.
Thanks to all.
Antonina Kravtsova,

Online stores , , , , www and others sell licensed works by Grigory Grabovoi.

APPENDIX or second certificate.
According to the technology of work between the plates, there is another evidence. It's just that the work went in parallel and was not recorded.

So, December 2016, pediatric surgical department, a 10-year-old girl with complex fractures on her leg. The girl is engaged in figure skating and finds herself in such a situation ... she has depression, her mother cannot get her out of this state. I can hear the paramedic talking to her. Most likely, the health worker does not know anything about the Teaching, but she says very right things, finds the right words... but the girl remains depressed, because words are words, but actions are needed.

Her mother comes after a conversation with a doctor - it was about discharge and the question hung: whether they would be discharged home, or not (surgical assistance was provided in full). I ask - do you want to help your child with an irrational control method? - and I call the name of Grigory Petrovich. They have not heard anything about the Author of the Doctrine, but seem to agree. Then I say - you will work yourself, I will only say what needs to be done. Here they both agree.

I show the technology of work, that is, I pronounce in detail what needs to be done - they both do, watch (most likely, for the first time they understand that you can watch like that). The plates glow, and they both sew up broken bones and all tissues. What did I understand immediately? They both mended the girl's bones the way they should, probably on a micro level.

When I see that the bone is completely “smooth” and there is not even a hint of any deviations, the neighboring tissue areas are also normal, which means that additional operations, all the more, are not needed, the control ends (by all rules - with the light on the girl ). Depression disappeared, the girl smiles. After that, the doctor comes and says that she is being discharged home ...

Cure from any diseases with the help of digital series (G.P. Grabovoi) On the basis of this method, people can be cured of any diseases. The question arises: why such a simple procedure as concentration on a sequence of certain numbers is so effective for curing diseases? What's the matter here? The point here is the following. Every disease is a deviation from the norm. Deviation from the norm in the work of individual cells, or organs, or the whole organism as a whole. Curing the disease means returning to normal. So the digital series I have given just provide a return to normal. Concentrating on this particular sequence of numbers, tuning in to this digital series, you are tuning the body to the state that is the norm. As a result, all this is recorded as a cure for the disease. To explain the essence of such treatment, a few words should be said about the vibrational structure of numbers. Our life is permeated with rhythm. The planets rotate periodically around the sun. For the Earth, this means a periodic alternation of winter and summer. The earth rotates on its axis and we have a regular change of day and night. And at the micro level, the picture is the same. Electrons in an atom make regular movements around the nucleus. Each of us, listening, can hear the regular beating of his heart. Every cell in our body has its own rhythm. And in the totality of cells, too, although, of course, already different. And a large set of them, that is, already at the level of an organ, has one more. There is also a rhythm at the level of communication between organs. In this respect, the organism can be compared to an orchestra. The orchestra during the performance of the work should not be out of tune. So is the body. The sound of the body should be harmonious. And if any organ or any connection in its work deviates from the norm, that is, it begins to be false, then this just means the onset of the disease. And then you, as the conductor of your orchestra, must wave your conductor's baton and restore its harmonious sound. Rhythm can also be found where, at first glance, it seems to be non-existent. Let's look at the rainbow that sometimes appears in the sky after rain. We will see magnificent colors, juicy bright colors. But what are these colors in terms of science? Our perception of a particular color occurs under the influence of an electromagnetic wave of a certain frequency. The frequency of vibrations in the violet part of the visible spectrum is approximately twice the frequency of vibrations in the red region. Thus, behind the difference in the perception of color is a different frequency of vibrations. In the perception of numbers, as in the perception of color, it is not at all immediately obvious that there is also a vibrational structure behind them. We found that each color corresponds to a certain frequency of oscillation. Exactly the same is the case here. Behind each number is the corresponding vibrational structure. The same can be said about the sequence of numbers. By the way, each digital series can be viewed as a certain combination of numbers. If for a moment we return to the colors of the spectrum, we can recall that science and technology have a lot of experience in using their combinations. Take color television. All those different beautiful colors that you see on the screen are actually obtained by mixing only three colors: red, green and blue. Each of these colors is taken to the desired brightness, based on the desired image. An orchestra sounds different than one single instrument. Each set of colors in the spectrum has its own effect. The same is true for sets of numbers. An unsuccessful set of numbers in the tail number of an aircraft can lead to unwanted vibrations. And vice versa, a successful or better to say correct set of numbers contributes to a favorable development of events, the establishment of harmony. It is on this property of the correct combination of numbers that this method of treatment is based. ... In the case of any disease, the correct sequence of numbers leads to a cure, that is, brings the body back to normal. However, now that we have learned that behind each number and behind each sequence of numbers there is a corresponding vibrational structure, the healing using this method can be described differently. The fact that a correctly chosen sequence of numbers leads the organism to the norm occurs because, taking into account the vibrational structure behind it, this numerical sequence itself is the norm. It represents the right sound, the right sound. And concentration on this sequence of numbers means tuning. In the same way, musical instruments are tuned according to the sound of a tuning fork. Numeric rows of tumor diseases - 8214351. Sepsis - 58143212. Disseminized intravascular blood coagulation syndrome - 5148142. Diseases of the circulatory organs - 1289435. Rheumatic diseases - 8148888. Diseases of the respiratory system - 5823214. Diseases of the digestive organs - 5321482. 89482. 89482. 89482. 89482. 89482. 89482. 89482. 89482. 89482. 89482. DISEASES OF BLOOD SYSTEMS - 1843214. Endocrine and metabolic diseases - 1823451. Professional diseases - 4185481. Acute poisoning - 4185412. Infectious diseases - 5421427. Vitamin deficiency diseases - 1234895. Children's diseases - 18543218. Obstetrics, female diseases - 1489145. Nervous diseases - 148543293. Mental illnesses - 83454444. Sexual disorders - 1456891. Skin and sexually transmitted diseases - 18584321. Surgical diseases - 18574321. Diseases of the ear, throat, nose - 1851432. Eye diseases - 1891014. Diseases of the teeth and oral cavity - 1488514. The norm some kind of ailment, it will be difficult not only to make a diagnosis, but even to determine the type of disease: "UNKNOWN DISEASES AND CONDITIONS - 1884321". The essence of the method in this case is as follows. The human body is considered to consist of seven parts. I will give them now, and next to each part of the body I will put the corresponding restoring digital series. 1. Head - 1819999. 2. Neck - 18548321. 3. Right arm - 1854322. 4. Left arm - 4851384. 5. Torso - 5185213. 6. Right leg - 4812531. 7. Left leg - 485148291.

And now about how to use this data. Suppose a person has a headache. Then he can use the digital row intended for the head. If a person experiences some painful sensations in two or more parts of the body at once, then one must consistently concentrate on the rows corresponding to these areas. A few words about series with different numbers of digits. Let's compare sequences consisting of 7, 8 and 9 numbers. If the sequence consists of 9 numbers, then, as a rule, it provides a cure for one or two specific diseases. If there are 8 digits in the digital row, then it cures an average of five diseases. If the digital series consists of 7 numbers, then it can cure ten or more different diseases. That is, a digital series of 7 digits has great potential, the scope of its applications is much wider. That is why I mainly used such number series in the reference book. I already spoke about the practical work with number series in Chapter III, when I explained the eleventh method of resurrecting people. You can go through the numerical sequence from beginning to end. And you can start from the extreme numbers and gradually come to the center. When working with digital series, you can act in different ways, and in what respect. It is possible, moving from one number to another, to concentrate on each number for the same time. And you can linger on some numbers for one time, and on others for another. You can even focus on each of the seven numbers for different times. Here we need to return to color television for a moment. As I said, only three colors are used to build a color image: red, green, blue. The combination of these three elements gives a new color. The resulting color can be changed by changing the intensity of these three components. By changing the duration of concentration on any number, we thereby change the intensity of the action of this number. Consequently, when the duration of concentration on individual numbers of a given sequence changes, a slightly different sound arises, and therefore it acts somewhat differently. In practical work, rely on your intuition here, although the restorative effect is achieved with any duration of concentration. I draw your attention to the following. Concentrating on numbers, you must at the same time be aware of yourself, feel your body, see it inwardly, see it as absolutely healthy. This is important for a quick recovery to a normal state. This method can be used to treat other people as well. Based on ten numbers: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, you need to be able to cure any disease and then maintain the resulting normal state of health. To acquire normal health, restorative moods are often used, that is, certain texts consisting of only a few phrases. Properly composed moods are very effective. It is somewhat similar in form. For in the moods a certain sequence of words is used, and in the method that we are discussing, a certain sequence of numbers is used. The word is also a symbol. Indeed, if we take any object, for example, a table, then it is easy to find that among different peoples this object, the same one, is denoted by completely different words. However, although the word is a symbol, everyone is well aware of the power it has. This is explained by the fact that behind each word there is a corresponding spiritual and energy vibrational structure. Let's get back to the number. If we now speak at a fundamental level, then we must say that behind every number, as well as behind every word, there is also a spiritual-energetic vibrational structure. This is what makes them effective. Based on this approach, it would be possible to analyze the most diverse phenomena of our life. Take, for example, music. Spiritual-energetic vibrational structure stands behind every sound. This is why music can have such an amazing effect on listeners. As you understand, since there are digital series for curing diseases, then, naturally, there must be digital series for solving other life problems. And indeed it is. In life, decisions must be made at every step. Well, for example, to agree to the proposed job or not, whether this work will turn out to be an activity that will help your development or not, whether the current situation is favorable for some enterprise or not, whether you have chosen the best way to solve the problem you are facing. problems or not, whether the partner that has appeared on your horizon is suitable or not, whether your desire coincides with what you really need or not, and so on ad infinitum. For any type of life situation, you can give an optimizing number series that will help you solve the problem you are facing. At the same time, digital series perform the task of structuring consciousness to manage events. This is where their usefulness lies. Digital series can help you to cope much better with many tasks and, in general, to navigate much better in the manifested world. Additional number rows Work with the future: -148721091. When planning an event, throw a bridge from the digital row of the future there. Working with the current time: 71042 or 718884219011 (the row closes with the numbers 0 and 9, since the current time is running and can go to infinity). You need to mentally repeat the digital series of the current time, remembering your current goal. You can put a number row in a sphere. Universal SYSTEM: 14854232190. Applies to everything, anytime, anywhere. For weight loss (OBESITY TREATMENT). 4812412 enter into a small sphere, squeeze the sphere to a point and enter into the stomach. 1823451 inject into another small sphere and inject into the pituitary gland. visualize a lilac-violet sphere 2.5 meters in diameter (From the book of Elena Kaplan.) Additional information: skin regeneration 0156195171110 Prevention of skin aging 74511160461510 193751891 - fills the problem with knowledge that it is solvable 915777918934198 - this series forms a new collective consciousness, where the factor of eternity, undying is the norm, it synchronizes time and space, time is always as much as necessary


Method of G. P. Grabovsky

Despite the large number of technologies and methods for managing concentration on the number series, you can choose two or three methods and apply them successfully in your events, harmonizing them in the past, present and future, as well as restoring health.

If the diagnosis is unknown, the number series 1884321 is applicable. It can simply be repeated or written and looked at if the condition does not allow for a more extensive concentration.

If some part of the body hurts, and the diagnosis is unknown, then you can apply concentration on the number series that restore this specific part of the body:

1.Head 1819999

2. Neck 18548321

3. Right hand 1854322

4. Left hand 4851384

5. Trunk 5185213

6. Right leg 4812531

7. Left leg 485148291

Concentrations are carried out for the purpose of restoring a specific part of the body. Since the diagnosis is unknown, the entire tissue located in the area of ​​the specified area of ​​the body is restored.

If the concentration is carried out for rejuvenation, both for aesthetic reasons and for clinical indicators, it is possible to carry out a complex concentration on recovery by body systems.

To do this, the concentration is carried out alternately on the following numerical series.

1. Muscular system 8148888

2. Skin 18584321

3. Skeletal system 1418518

4. Cardiovascular system 1289435

5. Nervous system 148543293

7. Respiratory system 5823214

8. Digestive system 5321482

9. Genitourinary system 8941254

10. Organs of vision 1891014

11. Diseases of the teeth 1488514

In old age, it is often found that a person has many diagnoses and disorders. You can work for a while by concentrating on these number series. And then it will be easier to refine specific diagnoses. Restoring number series used in complex critical health conditions when there is a threat to human life

1. 1258912 - Critical conditions associated with a threat to life.

2. 1257814 - Acute respiratory failure.

3. 1895678 - Acute cardiovascular failure.

4. 8915678 - Cardiac arrest.

5.1895132 - Traumatic shock and shock-like conditions.

At the moment of manifestation of such critical states, it is necessary to illuminate the number series and enter it into the heart or respiratory organs, constantly repeat, concentrate on the problematic organ, illuminate it at the moment of concentration.

Here are some number series, the concentration on which allows you to harmoniously solve some social problems.

For example, the number series for solving the housing problem is 975198931.
This number series is pressed in, pushing through the problem of housing. Here is the treatment and cleansing of toxins. This number series is just a salvation for people whose status is completely humiliated.

398 is a very strong number series that solves many problems at the same time. Enter the problem information and this numerical series into a sphere 5 cm in diameter.

Concentration rests for some time on this particular area, until it disappears. The number row, at high speed from the inside, gives a projection of light onto the problem, and the sphere sharply decreases in size and disappears. After all, this is the scope of your problems, in fact. Her disappearance shows that the problem is no more. And at the physical level, you will simply receive events where there are no problems.

71427321893 - a number series of normalization of the financial situation.

This number series can be entered mentally into all events related to the replenishment of your wallet.

There is an excellent technology for working with this number series. You simply place it in huge silver-white numbers on the horizon. The horizon can also be physical. Placed, presented, and then, the entire view of the blue sky, above the number series, lower into this number series. The sky stays the same. It's as simple as symbolizing the infinite amount of information you put into a number line. At this time, see which figure, from the central figures of the number series, lit up brighter. You quickly give it an impulse of dynamics, just twist it in place, but with a movement away from you, and instantly a beam of light appears from above. Like a spotlight that casts this figure down. In this beam, you need to instantly see an event or an object for the purpose of management, or the required amount of money in a number, getting money in the bank. Everything depends on your desire. But here, keep in mind that this is a number series of improving your financial situation. So use financial management.

285555901 - harmonization of relations in the family. Here is the normalization of all events involved in the structure of living together.

8137142133914 - the solution to all social problems. Raising the social status of a person.

189317514 - the number series solves all problems for 10 years ahead. Concentrating on this numerical series, mentally send an impulse of Love to all events for 10 years ahead. You will be sure of the success of all your undertakings and actions.

71381921 is a number series that raises your consciousness to the level of the central point of coordinates, to the level of absolute freedom. To the level of the center, where all tasks have already been solved. If you manage from this point, then problems are immediately solved for all your tasks. All controls must begin precisely from the exit to this point. This is your center of the coordinate system, where you do not depend on anyone or anything. The number sequence is repeated several times. You need to track your condition at this moment. It is changing. This is a state of mind.

9788819719 - the number series is entered vertically from top to bottom into the sphere with the problem. It's like a column of Light is placed exactly on the target, the numbers, transforming into Light, solve all problems, there is a universal action.

813791 - concentration on this number line builds an ideal future. You can help your family and friends with this. To any person.

978319575148179 - this number series immediately starts working as soon as you look at it. He immediately harmonizes everything, brings it back to normal.

9371857195 - the number series prevents all kinds of explosions of aggression, scandals, taking into account outdated problems.

9187758981818 - the number series protects even one person, even one cell. In the concentration zone, not a single element will be destroyed or damaged.

91753217819719 - this number series transforms human thinking, translates it into eternal development and all technologies begin to work with acceleration.

97317819 - concentration on this number series makes it so that everyone's future will only be happy.

97132185191 - the number series enhances the inner kindness of a person, works in any social sphere, the action immediately becomes universal from one control.

91738919 - number series rigid fixation of the result

Numerical series work according to the control goal even with their simple visualization or repetition or pronunciation. It is imperative to achieve results. In view of the fact that a large number of objects and connections that need to be canonized can be involved here, the implementation depends on the strength of concentration or the time spent on it. Both past and future events are normalized at once.

The human body has an infinite number of reactions, both in the external space and inside the body. They are expressed in an infinite number of levels of vibration. Each element of the Macroworld and the Microworld has its own level, including vibrations of various abnormalities in the cells, organs and systems of the body, which are manifested by diseases.

Numerical series also have an infinite number of reactions. Each number has its own level of reactions, both inside and outside. Each reaction of the area of ​​the number series will transform an infinite number of universal connections of the World according to your goal. And when these numbers are connected in a certain order, they also have highlighted reactions to each other. And here, the number of reactions increases even more. Here already the reactions of the norm, which give certain numerical series, completely disband those reactions that are produced by diseased organs. These organs perceive the normalized reactions of the World, as if they absorb them into themselves and the normalized functionality of cells, organs, systems and the organism as a whole is built. All information is changing, all connections on your task are changing back to normal.

Exactly the same principle of working with numerical series by events. There is no difference here. The laws of the Creator are the same for everything and everyone. For the Creator, all objects are equal.

When concentrating, it is necessary to present only the final positive result, it is not necessary to stretch the receipt of the result in time with wordings such as “I want ...” It is necessary to put management at the final stage of the result. Like "I'm healthy" or "I received the amount of money ..." and so on.

In general, it is possible to digitize any human event or any problem, get a number series. To do this, you need to ask the Creator for a number series for a specific problem. And by concentrating already on an individual digital series, you get the result faster.

You need to work without attracting other people to your information. You should not allow people to touch with their thoughts your information of the future, which you are building with your concentrations.

You need to try to get out of all past events that led to illness, or to negative life events. You can't be in the past, it creates the same events for you in the future. You are building your future with your thoughts.

Focusing your attention on past negative events creates exactly such events in the future. This is the law. As we think, so we live. What we think is what we get.
When a person prays to the Creator, asks for his help, he enters vibrations that are much higher than his usual level. And he definitely gets help. But there are numerical series that allow a person to immediately raise vibrations so much that turning to the Creator instantly solves his problems, the problems of a person.

11981 - an appeal to the Creator

12370744 - connection to the Creator's Light, the Creator's help to man. We go through this numerical series to the Creator, keep our attention on our task through the task of saving everyone.

14111963 is a number series that, through the task of saving everyone, harmonizes the space of a person, the space of a person's life. Instant help to a person. Let's apply as unified, in critical states, at a bite even of strongly poisonous snakes. Removal of pains of any origin with simultaneous high-speed recovery of the physical body.

741 - a number series of an instant solution to the problem at the present time. It is also possible to materialize the required amount of money. But through the events of life.

811120218 - number series for working with plants. Eliminates any problem.

718884219011…0…9 – restoration of a plant from any level of damage. Restoration of a dried plant - a tree or a home flower.

55514219811 ... 0 - work with animals in any situation, even correcting the character of the animal.

In any case, you need to know for sure that concentration will solve your any problem, never quit the work you have started, always bring everything to a specific result. Only then can you relax. You can simultaneously set the solution to several problems, but in this case, you consistently, for a certain time, concentrate, then on one number series, then on another.

The task of the Creator is for a person to live Eternally and Eternally develop in infinity, manifesting himself as the Creator of his own reality.

This task of God and man is united in the technologies of Eternal Life and Eternal Infinite harmonious development of all Micro and Macrosystems.

1489999 is the number series of Eternal Life!

You work with other systems and organs in the same way as you work with the skeletal system. Each system of the body is connected to work in a clearly observed sequence and is worked out daily. You can work with systems in the following sequence.

1. Skin, number series 18584321

2. Muscular system, number series 8148888

3. Skeletal system, number series 1418518

4. Circulatory system, number series 1289435

5. Nervous system 148543293

6. Endocrine system 1823451

7. Lymphatic system 1823451

8. Respiratory system 5823214

9. Digestive system 5321482

10. Urinary system 8941254

11. Reproductive system 8941254

12. Organs of hearing, nasopharynx, mouth area, teeth, hair, nails.

"In connection with the unfavorable environmental situation in the European part of Russia, associated with a large number of fires, it is necessary to constantly work to normalize events, minimize the consequences and restore the ecological balance on the planet.

You can use any technologies known to you for control, as well as number series for protection against defeats that were given earlier:

Protection against poisonous gases: 99817
- Protection against toxicological damage: 918879189147
- Protection against any hazardous impact: 71931

All technologies end with the number series 741.

By tuning in to a particular number series, you heal yourself of the corresponding disease.

The question arises: why such a simple procedure as concentration on a sequence of certain numbers is so effective for curing diseases? What's the matter here? The point here is the following. Every disease is a deviation from the norm. Deviation from the norm in the work of individual cells, or organs, or the whole organism as a whole. Curing the disease means returning to normal. So the digital series I have given just provide a return to normal. Concentrating on this particular sequence of numbers, tuning in to this digital series, you are tuning the body to the state that is the norm. As a result, all this is recorded as a cure for the disease.

To explain the essence of such treatment, a few words should be said about the vibrational structure of numbers.

Our life is permeated with rhythm. The planets rotate periodically around the sun. For the Earth, this means a periodic alternation of winter and summer. The earth rotates on its axis and we have a regular change of day and night.

And at the micro level, the picture is the same. Electrons in an atom make regular movements around the nucleus.

Each of us, listening, can hear the regular beating of his heart. Every cell in our body has its own rhythm. And in the totality of cells, too, although, of course, already different. And a large set of them, that is, already at the level of an organ, has one more. There is also a rhythm at the level of communication between organs.

In this respect, the organism can be compared to an orchestra. The orchestra during the performance of the work should not be out of tune. So is the body. The sound of the body should be harmonious. And if any organ or any connection in its work deviates from the norm, that is, it begins to be false, then this just means the onset of the disease. And then you, as the conductor of your orchestra, must wave your conductor's baton and restore its harmonious sound.

Rhythm can also be found where, at first glance, it seems to be non-existent. Let's look at the rainbow that sometimes appears in the sky after rain. We will see magnificent colors, juicy bright colors. But what are these colors in terms of science? Our perception of a particular color occurs under the influence of an electromagnetic wave of a certain frequency. The frequency of vibrations in the violet part of the visible spectrum is approximately twice the frequency of vibrations in the red region. Thus, behind the difference in the perception of color is a different frequency of vibrations.

In the perception of numbers, as in the perception of color, it is not at all immediately obvious that there is also a vibrational structure behind them. We found that each color corresponds to a certain frequency of oscillation. Exactly the same is the case here. Behind each number is the corresponding vibrational structure. The same can be said about the sequence of numbers.

By the way, each digital series can be viewed as a certain combination of numbers. If for a moment we return to the colors of the spectrum, we can recall that science and technology have a lot of experience in using their combinations. Take color television. All those different beautiful colors that you see on the screen are actually obtained by mixing only three colors: red, green and blue. Each of these colors is taken to the desired brightness, based on the desired image.

An orchestra sounds different than one single instrument. Each set of colors in the spectrum has its own effect. The same is true for sets of numbers. An unsuccessful set of numbers in the tail number of an aircraft can lead to unwanted vibrations. And vice versa, a successful or better to say correct set of numbers contributes to a favorable development of events, the establishment of harmony. It is on this property of the correct combination of numbers that this method of treatment is based.

I have already said that in the case of any disease, the correct sequence of numbers leads to a cure, that is, brings the body back to normal. However, now that we have learned that behind each number and behind each sequence of numbers there is a corresponding vibrational structure, the healing using this method can be described differently. The fact that a correctly chosen sequence of numbers leads the organism to the norm occurs because, taking into account the vibrational structure behind it, this numerical sequence itself is the norm. It represents the right sound, the right sound. And concentration on this sequence of numbers means tuning. In the same way, musical instruments are tuned according to the sound of a tuning fork.

After the title of each chapter, immediately after it comes a restoring number series, which applies simultaneously to all diseases placed in this chapter. It can always be used, and especially when the exact diagnosis is not known, but it is only known that the disease belongs to this section. If the diagnosis is known, then the number series immediately following the name of this particular disease is used. You can additionally use, as I said, the general series of the chapter. The material in the book is presented in such a way that immediately after the name of the disease there is always a number that cures this disease.

How to use number lines

It may also happen that in case of some ailment it will be difficult not only to make a diagnosis, but even to determine the type of disease, that is, to indicate specifically the chapter to which this disease could belong. In order to be able to cope with the situation in this case, I have placed in the book another chapter, the 26th: "UNKNOWN DISEASES AND CONDITIONS - 1884321".

The essence of the method in this case is as follows. The human body is considered to consist of seven parts. I will give them now, and next to each part of the body I will put the corresponding restoring digital series.

1. Head - 1819999.

2. Neck - 18548321.

3. Right hand - 1854322.

4. Left hand - 4851384.

5. Torso - 5185213.

6. Right leg - 4812531.

7. Left leg - 485148291.

And now about how to use this data. Suppose a person has a headache. Then he can use the digital row intended for the head. If a person experiences some painful sensations in two or more parts of the body at once, then one must consistently concentrate on the rows corresponding to these areas.

A few words about series with different numbers of digits. Let's compare sequences consisting of 7, 8 and 9 numbers.

If the sequence consists of 9 numbers, then, as a rule, it provides a cure for one or two specific diseases.

If there are 8 digits in the digital row, then it cures an average of five diseases.

If the digital series consists of 7 numbers, then it can cure ten or more different diseases. That is, a digital series of 7 digits has great potential, the scope of its applications is much wider. That is why I mainly used such number series in the reference book.

When working with digital series, you can act in different ways, and in what respect. It is possible, moving from one number to another, to concentrate on each number for the same time. And you can linger on some numbers for one time, and on others for another. You can even focus on each of the seven numbers for different times.

Here we need to return to color television for a moment. As I said, only three colors are used to build a color image: red, green, blue. The combination of these three elements gives a new color. The resulting color can be changed by changing the intensity of these three components.

By changing the duration of concentration on any number, we thereby change the intensity of the action of this number. Consequently, when the duration of concentration on individual numbers of a given sequence changes, a slightly different sound arises, and therefore it acts somewhat differently. In practical work, rely on your intuition here, although the restorative effect is achieved with any duration of concentration.

I draw your attention to the following. Concentrating on numbers, you must at the same time be aware of yourself, feel your body, see it inwardly, see it as absolutely healthy. This is important for a quick recovery to a normal state.

This method can be used to treat other people as well.

The meaning of the entire reference book is as follows: based on ten numbers: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, you need to be able to cure any disease and then maintain the resulting normal state of health.

To acquire normal health, restorative moods are often used, that is, certain texts consisting of only a few phrases. Properly composed moods are very effective. It is somewhat similar in form. For in the moods a certain sequence of words is used, and in the method that we are discussing, a certain sequence of numbers is used.

The word is also a symbol. Indeed, if we take any object, for example, a table, then it is easy to find that among different peoples this object, the same one, is denoted by completely different words. However, although the word is a symbol, everyone is well aware of the power it has. This is explained by the fact that behind each word there is a corresponding spiritual and energy vibrational structure.

Let's get back to the number. If we now speak at a fundamental level, then we must say that behind every number, as well as behind every word, there is also a spiritual-energetic vibrational structure. This is what makes them effective.

Based on this approach, it would be possible to analyze the most diverse phenomena of our life. Take, for example, music. Spiritual-energetic vibrational structure stands behind every sound. This is why music can have such an amazing effect on listeners.

As you understand, since there are digital series for curing diseases, then, naturally, there must be digital series for solving other life problems. And indeed it is.

In life, decisions must be made at every step. Well, for example, to agree to the proposed job or not, whether this work will turn out to be an activity that will help your development or not, whether the current situation is favorable for some enterprise or not, whether you have chosen the best way to solve the problem you are facing. problems or not, whether the partner that has appeared on your horizon is suitable or not, whether your desire coincides with what you really need or not, and so on ad infinitum. For any type of life situation, you can give an optimizing number series that will help you solve the problem you are facing.

At the same time, digital series perform the task of structuring consciousness to manage events. This is where their usefulness lies. Digital series can help you to cope much better with many tasks and, in general, to navigate much better in the manifested world.


Acute cardiovascular failure - 1895678

Cardiac arrest - 8915678

Traumatic shock, shock and shock-like conditions - 1895132


Malignant tumors of the oropharynx - 1235689

Malignant tumors of the small intestine - 5485143

Malignant testicular tumors - 5814321

Skin lymphomas - 5891243

Mesothelioma - 58912434

Melanoma - 5674321

Neuroblastomas - 8914567

Malignant bone tumors - 1234589

Tumors of the uterus - 9817453

Tumors of the brain (head and spinal) - 5431547

Tumors of the adrenal gland - 5678123

Tumors of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses - 8514256

Tumors of the nasopharynx - 5678910

Tumors of the parathyroid gland - 1548910

Tumors of the pancreas from the islets of Langerhans - 8951432

Cancer of the major duodenal papilla - 8912345

Lip cancer - 1567812

Stomach cancer - 8912534

Gall bladder cancer - 8912453

Cancer of the extrahepatic bile ducts - 5789154

Skin cancer - 8148957

Breast cancer - 5432189

Liver cancer - 5891248

Cancer of the esophagus - 8912567

Pancreatic cancer - 8125891

Cancer of the penis - 8514921

Kidney cancer - 56789108

Cancer of the ureter - 5891856

Prostate cancer - 4321890

Salivary gland cancer - 9854321

Rhabdomyosarcoma in children - 5671254

Colon cancer (colon and rectum) - 5821435

Thyroid cancer - 5814542

Ovarian cancer - 4851923

Kaposi's sarcoma - 8214382

CHAPTER 3. SEPSIS - 58143212

Sepsis (acute) - 8914321

Sepsis (chronic) - 8145421


DIC - 8123454


Aortic aneurysm - 48543218

Heart aneurysm - 9187549

Heart arrhythmias - 8543210

Arterial obstruction - 81543213

Arterial hypertension - 8145432

Arterial hypotension (hypotension) - 8143546

Atherosclerosis - 54321898

Heart blocks - 9874321

Varicose veins - 4831388

Systemic vasculitis - 1894238

Vegetative-vascular dystonia (neurocirculatory dystonia) - 8432910

Hypertensive crises - 5679102

Hypertension - 8145432

Myocardial infarction - 8914325

Ischemic (coronary) heart disease - 1454210

Cardialgia - 8124567

Cardiomyopathy - 8421432

Cardiosclerosis - 4891067

Collapse - 8914320

Pulmonary heart - 5432111

Myocardial dystrophy - 85432104

Myocardiopathies - 8432142

Myocarditis - 8432110

Neurocirculatory dystonia (NCD) - 5432150

Pulmonary edema - 54321112

Pericarditis - 9996127

Congenital heart defects - 9995437

Acquired heart defects - 8124569

Rheumatism - 5481543

Cardiac asthma - 8543214

Heart failure - 8542106

Vascular insufficiency - 8668888

Vascular crises - 8543218

Angina pectoris (angina pectoris) - 8145999

Thrombophlebitis - 1454580

Endocarditis - 8545421


Joint diseases - 5421891

Infectious arthritis - 8111110

Arthritis microcrystalline - 0014235

Rheumatoid arthritis - 8914201

Psoriatic arthropathy - 0145421

Osteoarthritis deforming - 8145812

Periarthritis - 4548145

Gout - 8543215

Rheumatic diseases of perivascular soft tissues - 1489123

Reiter's syndrome (urethrooculosynovial syndrome) - 4848111

Ankylosing spondylitis (Bekhterev's disease) - 4891201

Tendovaginitis - 1489154

Systemic vasculitis (SV) - 1894238

Wegener's granulomatosis - 8943568

Hemorrhagic vasculitis - 8491234

Giant cell arteritis - 9998102

Goodpasture syndrome - 8491454

Takayasu disease - 8945432

Thromboangitis obliterans - 8945482

Diffuse connective tissue diseases - 5485812

Lupus erythematosus systemic - 8543148

Dermatomyositis (polymyositis) - 5481234

Systemic scleroderma - 1110006

Mixed connective tissue disease - 1484019

Sjögren (Sjögren) syndrome - 4891456

Rheumatism - 5481543


Aspergillosis - 481543271

Bronchial asthma - 8943548

Bronchiolitis - 89143215

Acute bronchitis - 4812567

Chronic bronchitis - 4218910

Lung infarction - 89143211

Candidiasis of lungs - 4891444

Pleurisy - 4854444

Pneumonia - 4814489

Pneumosclerosis - 9871234

Pneumoconioses - 8423457

Silicosis - 4818912

Silicosis - 2224698

Asbestosis - 4814321

Talcosis - 4845145

Metalconioses - 4845584

Carboconioses - 8148545

Anthracosis - 5843214

Pneumoconiosis from organic dust - 4548912

Lung cancer - 4541589

Sarcoidosis - 4589123

Tuberculosis of respiratory organs - 8941234

Hamman - Rich syndrome - 4814578

Emphysema - 54321892


Alimentary dystrophy - 5456784

Amoebiasis - 1289145

Amyloidosis - 5432185

Arteriomesenteric obstruction, partial - 5891234

Atony of the esophagus, stomach - 8123457

Achalasia cardia - 4895132

Achilia of the stomach functional - 8432157

Bauginite - 58432148

take-take - 3489112

Bronze Diabetes - 5454589

Bulbit - 5432114

Gastritis - 5485674

Acute gastritis - 4567891

Chronic gastritis - 5489120

Gastrocardial syndrome - 5458914

Gastroptosis - 81234574

Gastroenteritis - 5485674

Gastroenterocolitis - 8431287

Hemochromatosis - 5454589

Hepatitis - 5814243

Acute hepatitis - 58432141

Chronic hepatitis - 5123891

Hepatosis - 9876512

Acute hepatosis - 1234576

Chronic fatty hepatosis - 5143214

Cholestatic hepatosis - 5421548

Hepatolenticular degeneration - 5438912

Hepatosplenomegaly lipoidosis - 4851888

Hepatolienal syndrome - 8451485

Functional congenital hyperbilirubinemia - 8432180

Hyperbilirubinemia post-hepatitis - 8214321

Essential hyperlipemia - 4851888

Hypovitaminosis - 5154231

Functional gastric hypersecretion - 5484214

Diabetes bronze - 5454589

Diarrhea functional - 81234574

Intestinal dysbacteriosis - 5432101

Dyskinesia of the digestive tract - 8123457

Spastic dyskinesia of the esophagus - 5481248

Dyspepsia - 1112223

Liver dystrophy - 9876512

Duodenitis - 5432114

Acute duodenitis - 481543288

Chronic duodenitis - 8432154

Duodenostasis - 8123457

Eunit - 8431287

Jaundice - 5432148

Functional jaundice - 84514851

Constipation - 5484548

Ileit - 8431287

Cardiospasm - 4895132

Carcinoid (carcinoid syndrome) - 4848145

Intestinal lymphangiectasia - 5214321

Intestinal lipodystrophy - 4814548

Colic intestinal - 8123457

Colitis - 8454321

Acute colitis - 5432145

Chronic colitis - 5481238

Cardiac sphincter insufficiency - 8545142

Insufficiency of digestion syndrome - 9988771

Prolapse of the stomach - 8123457

Acute atony of the stomach - 5485671

Chronic pancreatitis - 5891432

Pneumatosis of the stomach - 54321455

Liver failure syndrome - 8143214

Food allergy - 2841482

Diarrhea (diarrhea) - 5843218

Portal hypertension syndrome - 8143218

Posthepatitis syndrome - 4812819

Skorbut - 5432190

Sprue non-tropical - 8432150

Sprue tropical - 5481215

Tuberculosis of the digestive system - 8143215

Whipple's disease - 4814548

Phlegmon of the stomach - 4567891

Acute cholecystitis - 4154382

Chronic cholecystitis - 5481245

Scurvy - 5432190

Cirrhosis of the liver - 4812345

Pigmented cirrhosis of the liver - 5454589

Esophagitis - 54321489

Esophagospasm - 8123457

Enteritis - 8431287

Acute enteritis - 54321481

Chronic enteritis - 5432140

Enterocolitis - 8454321

Intestinal enteropathy - 8432150

Enteropathy gluten - 4891483

Enteropathy disaccharidase-deficient - 4845432

Peptic ulcer of the esophagus - 8432182

Symptomatic stomach ulcers - 9671428

Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum - 8125432


Amyloidosis - 4512345

Anomalies of the urinary system - 1234571

Hydronephrosis - 5432154

Glomerulonephritis - 4812351

Acute glomerulonephritis - 4285614

Pyelitis - 5432110

Pyelonephritis - 58143213

Polycystic kidney disease - 5421451

Renal colic - 4321054

Kidney stone disease - 5432143

Renal failure - 4321843

Acute renal failure - 8218882

Chronic renal failure - 5488821

Kidney tuberculosis - 5814543

Acute uremia - 5421822

Chronic uremia - 8914381

Cystitis - 48543211

Renal eclampsia - 8149141


Agranulocytosis - 4856742

Anemia - 48543212

Anemia posthemorrhagic acute - 9481232

Anemia hereditary associated with impaired synthesis of porphyrins (sideroahrestic anemia) - 4581254

Anemia due to lead poisoning - 1237819

Anemia megaloblastic - 5481254

Hemolytic anemia - 5484813

Anemia immune hemolytic - 5814311

Aplastic (hypoplastic) anemia - 5481541

Sickle cell anemia - 7891017

Gaucher disease - 5145432

Extramedullary hemoblastoses - 54321451

Paraproteinemic hemoblastoses - 8432184

Hemorrhagic diathesis - 5148543

Hemorrhagic diathesis caused by vascular pathology - 54815438

Dysprothrombia - 5481542

Leukemoid reactions - 5814321

Leukemia - 5481347

Lymphogranulomatosis - 4845714

Radiation sickness Acute radiation sickness - 481543294

Myelemia - 5142357

Hereditary stomatocytosis - 4814581

Neutropenia hereditary - 8432145

Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria - 5481455

Thalassemia - 7765437

Thrombocytopathies - 5418541

Thrombophilia hematogenous - 4814543

Favism - 54321457

Chronic radiation sickness - 4812453

Cytostatic disease - 4812813


Acromegaly - 1854321

Congenital disorders of sexual differentiation - 5451432

Viril syndrome - 89143212

Hyperinsulinism - 48454322

Hyperparathyroidism - 5481412

Hyperprolactinemia - 4812454

Hypogonadism - 48143121

Hypoparathyroidism (tetany) - 4514321

Hypothyroidism (myxedema) - 4812415

Pituitary dwarfism (dwarfism) - 4141414

Diabetes insipidus - 4818888

Diabetes diabetes - 8819977

Youthful dispituitarism - 4145412

Diffuse toxic goiter (Graves-Basedow's disease) - 5143218

Goiter endemic - 5432178

Myxedema - 4812415

Adrenal insufficiency - 4812314

Obesity - 4812412

Tumors - 4541548

Precocious sexual development - 4814312

Thyroiditis - 4811111

Pheochromocytoma - 4818145


Occupational diseases caused by exposure to chemical factors - 9916514

Occupational diseases caused by exposure to physical factors - 4514541

Occupational diseases caused by overstrain of individual organs and systems - 4814542

Diseases caused by the influence of biological factors - 81432184


Acute poisoning:

(oral poisoning) - 5142154

(inhalation poisoning) - 4548142

(percutaneous poisoning) - 4814823

(injection poisoning) - 4818142

Psychoneurological disorders - 9977881

Kidney damage - 5412123

Liver damage - 48145428

Exotoxic shock - 4185421

Acute poisoning due to snake bites and poisonous arthropods - 4812521

Snake bites - 4114111

Scorpion stings - 4188888

Bites of karakurt - 8181818

Wasp and bee stings - 9189189


Amoebiasis - 1289145

Balantidiaz - 1543218

Rabies (hydrophobia) - 4812543

"Cat Scratch Disease" - 48145421

Botkin's disease - 5412514

Brill disease - 514854299

Botulism - 5481252

Brucellosis - 4122222

Varioloid - 4848148

Viral hepatitis A and B (Botkin's disease) - 5412514

Helminthiases - 5124548

Alveococcosis - 5481454

Hookworm infections - 4815454

Ascariasis - 4814812

Hymenolepiasis - 54812548

Diphyllobothriasis - 4812354

Clonorchiasis - 5412348

Metagonimiasis - 54812541

Opisthorchiasis - 5124542

Strongyloidiasis - 54812527

Teniarinhoz - 4514444

Teniasis - 4855555

Trichinosis (trichinosis) - 7777778

Trichostrongylidosis - 9998888

Trichuriasis - 4125432

Fascioliasis - 4812542

Cysticercosis - 4512824

Enterobiasis - 5123542

Echinococcosis - 5481235

Hemorrhagic fever - 5124567

Herpes infection - 2312489

Influenza - 4814212

Dysentery - 4812148

Diphtheria - 5556679

Yersiniosis - 5123851

Campylobacteriosis - 4815421

Whooping cough - 4812548

Measles - 4214825

Rubella - 4218547

Legionellosis - 5142122

Leishmaniasis - 5184321

Leptospirosis - 5128432

Listeriosis - 5812438

Q fever - 5148542

Marburg fever - 5184599

Giardiasis - 5189148

Malaria - 5189999

Meningococcal infection - 5891423

Mycoplasmosis - 5481111

Infectious mononucleosis - 5142548

Ornithosis - 5812435

Chicken pox - 48154215

Smallpox natural - 4848148

Parapertussis - 2222221

Parotitis epidemic (mumps) - 3218421

Pediculosis - 48148121

Food poisoning with bacterial toxins - 5184231

Pseudotuberculosis - 514854212

Erysipelas - 4123548

Rotavirus disease - 5148567

Salmonella - 5142189

Anthrax - 9998991

Scarlet fever - 5142485

Tetanus - 5671454

Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) - 5148555

Typho-paratyphoid diseases - 1411111

Typhus typhus - 1444444

Tick-borne typhus - 5189499

Toxoplasmosis - 8914755

Tularemia - 4819489

Cholera - 4891491

Plague - 8998888

Enteroviral diseases - 8123456

Tick-borne encephalitis - 7891010

Escherichiosis - 1238888

Foot and mouth disease - 9912399


Vitamin deficiency:

(avitaminosis) - 5451234

(hypovitaminosis) - 5154231

Vitamin A deficiency - 4154812

Vitamin B1 deficiency - 1234578

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) deficiency - 1485421

Nicotinic acid deficiency - 1842157

Vitamin B6 deficiency - 9785621

Vitamin C deficiency - 4141255

Vitamin D deficiency - 5421432

Vitamin K deficiency - 4845414

Hypopolivitaminoses, polyavitaminosis - 4815432


Allergic rhinitis and sinusitis - 5814325

Allergic bronchitis - 5481432

Fetal alcohol syndrome - 4845421

1-antitrypsin deficiency - 1454545

Anemia - 48543212

Iron deficiency anemia - 1458421

Aspiration of foreign bodies - 4821543

Bronchial asthma - 58145428

Acute bronchitis - 5482145

Hemorrhagic vasculitis (capillarotoxicosis, Shenlein-Genoch disease) - 5128421

Galactosemia - 48125421

Hemolytic disease of the newborn - 5125432

Hemorrhagic disease of the newborn - 5128543

Hemophilia - 548214514

Hepatitis - 5814243

Glycosuria renal - 5142585

Hypervitaminosis D - 5148547

Hypothyroidism - 4512333

Histiocytosis X - 5484321

Diffuse glomerulonephritis - 5145488

Diabetes diabetes - 4851421

Renal diabetes insipidus - 5121111

Renal salt diabetes (pseudohypoaldosteronism) - 3245678

Allergic diathesis - 0195451

Hemorrhagic diathesis - 0480421

Diathesis is lymphatic - 5148548

Dyspepsia simple - 5142188

Dyspepsia parenteral - 8124321

Respiratory distress syndrome in newborns - 5148284

Newborn jaundice - 4815457

Croup false - 5148523

Leukemia - 5481347

Malabsorption syndrome - 4518999

Cystic fibrosis - 9154321

Jade hereditary - 5854312

Pyloric stenosis - 5154321

Pylorospasm - 5141482

Pneumonia is small-focal - 4814489

Neonatal pneumonia - 5151421

Polyarthritis chronic nonspecific - 8914201

Rickets - 5481232

Vomiting - 1454215

Rheumatism - 5481543

Sepsis of newborns - 4514821

Spasmophilia - 5148999

Staphylococcal infection - 5189542

Stenosing laryngitis - 1489542

Subfebrile condition in children - 5128514

Convulsions - 51245424

Subsepsis allergic Wissler-Franconi - 5421238

Toxic Syndrome - 5148256

Tuberculosis - 5148214

Early tuberculosis intoxication - 1284345

Phenylketonuria - 5148321

Phosphate-diabetes - 5148432

De Toni-Debre-Fanconi syndrome - 4514848

Celiac disease - 4154548

Exudative enteropathy - 4548123

Surgical diseases in childhood - 5182314

Angioma - 4812599

Appendicitis - 9999911

Biliary atresia - 9191918

Atresia of the small intestine - 9188888

Atresia and stenosis of the duodenum - 5557777

Atresia of the anus and rectum - 6555557

Esophageal atresia - 8194321

Hernia of the umbilical cord embryonic - 5143248

Diaphragmatic hernia - 5189412

Meckel's diverticulum - 4815475

Invagination - 5148231

Cephalhematoma - 48543214

Gastrointestinal bleeding - 5121432

Sky cleft - 5151515

Chemical burn of the esophagus - 5148599

Pyloric stenosis - 5154321

CHAPTER 17. Obstetrics, female diseases - 1489145

Fetus and newborn asphyxia - 4812348

Uterine pregnancy - 1899911

Pregnancy ectopic - 4812311

Pregnancy and childbirth, determination of the term - 1888711

Pregnancy overdue - 5142148

Bleeding (obstetric) - 4814821

Polyhydramnios - 5123481

Childbirth pain relief - 5421555

Treatment of the umbilical cord of a newborn - 0123455

Presentation and prolapse of the umbilical cord - 1485432

Placenta previa - 1481855

Premature detachment of a normally located placenta - 1111155

Premature birth - 1284321

Bubble skid - 4121543

Toxicosis of pregnant women - 1848542

Narrow basin - 2148543

Anatomically narrow pelvis - 4812312

Clinically narrow pelvis - 4858543

Amniotic fluid embolism - 5123412

Women's diseases - 1854312

Adnexitis - 5143548

Algodysmenorrhea - 4815812

Amenorrhea - 514354832

Anovulatory cycle - 4813542

Apoplexy of the ovary - 1238543

Bartholinitis - 58143215

Beli - 5128999

Infertility - 9918755

Vaginitis (colpitis) - 5148533

Vulvit - 5185432

Vulvovaginitis - 5814513

Gonorrhea in women - 5148314

Itching of the vulva - 5414845

Ovarian cyst - 5148538

Ovarian cystoma - 58432143

Menopause. Menopausal neurosis - 4851548

Colpitis - 5148533

Kraurosis of the vulva - 58143218

Bleeding uterine dysfunctional - 4853541

Leukoplakia of the vulva, cervix - 5185321

Uterine fibroids - 51843216

Oophoritis - 5143548

Omission and prolapse of the uterus and vagina - 514832183

Parametrite - 5143215

Premenstrual syndrome - 9917891

Cancer of the female genital organs - 5148945

Salpingitis - 5148914

Tuberculosis of genital organs - 8431485

Chorionepithelioma - 4854123

Endometriosis - 5481489

Endometritis - 8142522

Endocervicitis - 4857148

Erosion of the cervix - 54321459


Brain abscess - 1894811

Cerebral aneurysm - 1485999

Arachnoiditis - 4567549

Asthenic syndrome - 1891013

Athetosis - 1454891

Lateral amyotrophic sclerosis - 5148910

Hydrocephalus - 81432143

Headache - 4818543

Dizziness - 514854217

Infantile cerebral palsy - 4818521

Stroke of the brain - 4818542

Spinal stroke - 8888881

Coma - 1111012

Meningitis - 51485431

Myasthenia - 9987542

Myelitis - 4891543

Myelopathy - 51843219

Migraine neuralgia - 4851485

Migraine - 4831421

Myotonia congenital Thomsen - 4848514

Mononeuropathies - 4541421

Narcolepsy - 48543216

Trigeminal neuralgia - 5148485

Neurorheumatism - 8185432

Neurosyphilis - 5482148

Fainting (syncope) - 4854548

Shingles - 51454322

Brain tumors - 5451214

Tumors of the peripheral nervous system - 514832182

Ophthalmoplegia - 4848532

Parkinsonism - 5481421

Periodic familial paralysis - 5123488

Peroneal amyotrophy Charcot-Marie - 4814512

Polyneuropathy - 4838514

Polyradiculoneuropathy demyelinating Guillain - Barre - 4548128

Poliomyelitis acute epidemic - 2223214

Sleep disorder - 514248538

Radiculopathy discogenic - 5481321

Multiple sclerosis - 51843218

Syringomyelia - 1777771

Spinal amyotrophy - 5483312

Tremor - 3148567

Phakomatosis - 5142314

Chorea - 4831485

Adie Syndrome - 18543211

Epiduritis - 888888149


Alcoholism - 148543292

Amnestic (Korsakovsky) syndrome - 4185432

Delusional syndromes - 8142351

Hallucinatory syndrome (hallucinosis) - 4815428

Mental defect - 8885512

Intoxication psychoses - 1142351

Hysterical syndromes - 5154891

Obsessive conditions - 8142543

Drug addiction (substance abuse) - 5333353

Neuroses - 48154211

Negative (defective) states - 5418538

Oligophrenia (dementia) - 1857422

Stupefaction - 4518533

Presenial (presenile, involutional) psychoses - 18543219

Psychopathy - 4182546

Reactive psychoses - 0101255

Senestopathic-hypochondriac syndrome - 1488588

Senile psychoses - 481854383

Symptomatic psychoses - 8148581

Substance abuse and drug addiction - 1414551

Schizophrenia - 1858541

Epilepsy - 1484855


Vaginismus - 5142388

Hypersexuality - 5414855

Impotence - 8851464

Masturbation - 0021421

Sexual perversion - 0001112

Sexual disorders - 1818191

Imaginary sexual disorders - 1484811

Neurohumoral sexual disorders - 1888991

Mental sexual disorders - 2148222

Disorders of the ejaculatory component of the copulatory cycle - 1482541

Frigidity - 5148222


Actinomycosis of the skin - 148542156

Alopecia (baldness, baldness) - 5484121

Angiitis (vasculitis) of the skin - 1454231

Atopic dermatitis - 5484215

Balanoposthitis - 5814231

Warts - 5148521

Skin vasculitis - 5142544

Vitiligo - 4812588

Gonorrhea (male) - 2225488

Fungal mycosis - 4814588

Dermatitis - 1853121

Ichthyosis - 9996789

Candidiasis - 9876591

Skin itch - 1249812

Genital warts - 1489543

Urticaria - 1858432

Lyell syndrome - 4891521

Leprosy - 148543294

Lymphogranulomatosis inguinal - 1482348

Ringworm red flat - 4858415

Lichen pink - 5148315

Mastocytosis - 148542171

Microsporia - 1858321

Neurodermatitis - 1484857

Skin tumors - 1458914

Pyoderma - 51432149

Scabies - 5189123

Psoriasis - 999899181

Pemphigus - 8145321

Rosacea - 518914891

Rubromycosis - 4518481

Seborrhea - 1234512

Syphilis - 1484999

Stevens-Johnson syndrome - 9814753

Trichophytosis - 4851482

Skin tuberculosis - 148543296

Acne vulgaris - 514832185

Favus - 4851481

Scabies - 8132548

Chancre soft - 4815451

Eczema - 548132151

Epidermophytosis - 5148532

Erythema nodosum - 15184321

Erythrasma - 4821521


Surgical diseases of adults - 5843215

Abscess - 8148321

Actinomycosis - 4832514

Aneurysm - 48543218

Heart aneurysm - 9187549

Appendicitis - 54321484

Atheroma - 888888179

Bronchiectasis - 4812578

Varicose veins of the lower extremities - 4831388

Dislocations - 5123145

Gangrene gas - 45143218

Gangrene of the lung - 4838543

Hemarthrosis - 4857543

Hemorrhoids - 58143219

Hydradenitis - 4851348

Gynecomastia - 4831514

Hernias - 95184321

Dumping - Syndrome - 4184214

Diverticula - 48543217

Colon diverticulosis - 4851614

Gallstone disease - 0148012

Mechanical jaundice - 8012001

Urinary retention acute - 0144444

Foreign bodies of the bronchi - 5485432

Foreign bodies of the stomach - 8184321

Carbuncle - 483854381

Breast cyst - 4851432

Median cysts and fistulas of the neck - 4548541

Coccygeal epithelial passage - 9018532

Clubfoot - 485143241

Torticollis - 4548512

Cryptorchidism - 485143287

Bleeding internal - 5142543

Bleeding external - 4321511

Crohn's disease - 94854321

Leiomyoma - 5514214

Lymphadenitis - 4542143

Chapter 23. DISEASES OF THE EAR, THROAT, NOSE - 1851432

Adenoids - 5189514

Angina (acute tonsillitis) - 1999999

Antrite (otoanthrite) - 1844578

Atresia and synechia of the nasal cavity - 1989142

Aerosinusitis - 514854237

Hematoma of the nasal septum - 5431482

Hypertrophy of palatine tonsils - 4514548

Laryngeal diaphragm - 148543283

Eustachitis - 18554321

Retropharyngeal abscess - 1454321)

Foreign bodies - 54321545

Labyrinthite - 48154219 ..

Laryngitis - 4548511

Laryngospasm - 485148248

Acute mastoiditis - 514832186

Meniere's disease - 514854233

Mucocele (pyocele) of the frontal sinus - 5148322

Runny nose (rhinitis) - 5189912

Neuritis cochlear (neuritis of the auditory nerve) - 1488513

Tumors of the larynx - 5148742

Laryngeal edema - 2314514

Othematoma - 4853121

Otitis - 55184321

Otomycosis - 514832188

Otosclerosis - 4814851

Paresis and paralysis of the larynx - 1854555

Nasal polyps - 5519740

Sepsis otogenic - 5900001

Sulfur plug - 48145814

Sinusitis - 1800124

Scleroma - 0198514

Stenosis of the larynx - 7654321

Stridor congenital - 4185444

Acute tonsillitis 1999999

Ear injuries - 4548515

Tuberculosis of the larynx - 5148541

Pharyngitis - 1858561

Pharyngomycosis - 1454511

Fibroma of the nasopharynx - 1111122

Furuncle of the vestibule of the nose - 1389145

Chapter 24. EYE DISEASES - 1891014

Amblyopia - 1899999

Asthenopia - 9814214

Astigmatism - 1421543

Optic nerve atrophy - 5182432

Blepharitis - 5142589

Spring Qatar - 514258951

Dislocation of the lens - 25184321

Eyelid eversion - 5142321

Hemeralopia - 5142842

Glaucoma - 5131482

Dacryocystitis - 45184321

Hyperopia - 5189988

Congestive optic disc - 145432152

Irit - 5891231

Cataract - 5189142

Keratitis - 518432114

Conjunctivitis - 5184314

Strabismus - 518543254

Pterygoid hymen - 18543212

Optic neuritis - 5451589

Obstruction of the central retinal vein - 7777788

Eye burns - 8881112

Retinal detachment - 1851760

Panophthalmitis - 5141588

Presbyopia - 1481854

Retinitis - 5484512

Light ophthalmia - 5841321

Sympathetic inflammation - 8185321

Trachoma - 5189523

Uveitis - 548432198

Chalazion - 5148582

Choroiditis - 5182584

Exophthalmos - 5454311

Endophthalmitis - 514254842

Barley - 514854249

Chapter 25

Alveolitis - 5848188

Dislocation of the temporomandibular joint - 5484311

Dislocation of the tooth - 485143277

Gingivitis - 548432123

Hyperesthesia of teeth -1484312

Enamel hypoplasia - 74854321

Glossalgia - 514852181

Glossitis - 1484542

Tartar - 514852182

Tooth decay - 5148584

Jaw cysts - 514218877

Xerostomia - 5814514

Leukoplakia - 485148151

Osteomyelitis of the jaws - 5414214

Acute toothache - 5182544

Papillitis - 5844522

Parodontosis - 58145421

Periodontitis - 5182821

Tooth fracture - 814454251

Jaw fractures - 5182148

Pericoronitis - 5188888

Apical periodontitis - 3124601

Pulpitis - 1468550

Chronic dental infection

Stomatitis - 4814854

Phlegmon maxillary - 5148312

Cheilite - 518431482


Chapter 27

Blood system - 148542139

Urine - 1852155

Intestinal contents - 1485458

Saliva - 514821441

Gastric juice - 5148210

Bile - 514852188

Biochemistry of blood - 514832189

Indicators of the activity of neuroendocrine systems

regulation - 518432121


Prostate adenoma - 51432144

Adrenogenital syndrome - 45143213

Allergic pneumonia - 51843215

Allergic laryngitis - 58143214

Respiratory allergies - 45143212

Aneurysm - 48543218

Anemia - 48543212

Anomalies of labor activity - 14891543

Appendicitis - 54321484

Atherosclerosis - 54321898

"Cat Scratch Disease" - 48145421

Bartholinitis - 58143215

Bauginite - 58432148

Bronchial asthma - 58145428

Bronchiolitis - 89143215

Bursitis - 75184321

Varicose veins of the spermatic cord - 81432151

Viril syndrome - 89143212

Dislocation of the lens - 25184321

Galactosemia - 48125421

Gangrene gas - 45143218

Hemorrhagic diathesis caused by pathology

vessels - 54815438

Extramedullary hemoblastoses - 54321451-

Hemorrhoids - 58143219

Acute hepatitis - 58432141

Hepatocerebral dystrophy - 48143212

Hydrocephalus - 81432143

Hymenolepiasis - 54812548

Functional hyperbilirubinemia - 84514851

Hyperinsulinism - 48454322

Portal hypertension - 45143211

Hypogonadism - 48143121

Enamel hypoplasia - 74854321

Chapter 16

Chapter 21. Skin and venereal diseases - 18584321

Chapter 22. Surgical diseases - 18574321

Chapter 3. Sepsis - 58143212

Hernias - 95184321

Dacryocystitis - 45184321

Diverticula - 48543217

Dyskinesia of the biliary tract - 58432144

Intestinal dyskinesia - 54321893

Eustachitis - 18554321

Breast disease - 48123147

Diseases caused by exposure to biological

some factors - 81432184

Foreign bodies - 54321545

Foreign bodies of the esophagus - 14854321

Lung infarction - 89143211

Itsenko - Cushing's disease - 54321458

Candidiasis (candidiasis, thrush) - 54842148

Catatonic syndromes - 51843214

Cephalhematoma - 48543214

Ovarian cystoma - 58432143

Colitis nonspecific ulcerative - 48143211

Kraurosis of the vulva - 58143218

Nasal bleeding - 65184321

Crohn's disease - 94854321

Pterygoid hymen - 18543212

Labyrinthite - 48154219

Leukemoid reactions - 581432

Lichen multi-colored (pityriasis) - 18543214

Mastopathy - 84854321

Interhypophyseal insufficiency - 48143214

Mesothelioma - 58912434

Meningitis - 51485431

Metagonimiasis - 54812541

Myelopathy - 51843219

Myocardial dystrophy - 85432104

Uterine fibroids - 51843216

Narcolepsy - 48543216

Hereditary ovalocytosis - 51454323

Neuroses - 48154211

Insufficiency of intestinal absorption syndrome - 48543215

Circulatory failure - 85432102

Occlusion of the main arteries - 81543213

Shingles - 51454322

Tumors of the spinal cord - 51843210

Lowering of the upper eyelid (ptosis) - 18543121

Chicken pox - 48154215

Osteomyelitis epiphyseal - 12345895

Acute respiratory diseases - 48145488

Pulmonary edema - 54321112

Otitis - 55184321

Parodontosis - 58145421

Pediculosis - 48148121

Nodular periarteritis - 54321894

Pyelonephritis - 58143213

Pyoderma - 51432149

Pneumatosis of the stomach - 5432145

Chronic pneumonia - 51421543

Liver damage - 48145428

Congenital heart defects - 14891548

Postpartum period (normal) - 12891451

Postpartum period (pathological) - 41854218

Presenile (presenile, involutional) psychoses - 18543219

Progressive muscular dystrophy - 85432183

Psychoorganic syndrome - 51843212

Cancer of the vagina and external genital organs - 12589121

Bladder cancer - 89123459

Kidney cancer - 56789108

Multiple sclerosis - 51843218

Soft tissue sarcomas - 54321891

Sulfur plug - 48145814

Stenosis of the outlet of the stomach - 81543211

Strongyloidiasis - 54812527

Convulsions - 51245424

Toxic hemolytic anemia - 45481424

Chronic tonsillitis - 35184321

Traumatic encephalopathy - 18543217

Fissure of the anus - 81454321

Favism - 54321457

Phlegmon - 48143128

Phlegmon of newborns - 51485433

Cystitis - 48543211

Traumatic brain injury - 51843213

Schistosomiasis (bilharciosis) - 48125428

Esophagitis - 54321489

Adie Syndrome - 18543211

Emphysema - 54321892

Acute enteritis - 54321481

Enteropathy exudative - 48123454

Viral encephalitis - 48188884

Erythema nodosum - 15184321

Erosion of the cervix - 54321459

Small intestine ulcer simple - 48481452


Perimaxillary abscess - 518231415

Adrenogenital syndrome - 148542121

Actinomycosis of the skin - 148542156

Alcoholism - 148543292

Allergic tracheitis - 514854218

Amenorrhea - 514354832

Ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint - 514852179

Temporomandibular arthritis - 548432174

Aspergillosis - 481543271

Atheroma - 888888179

Esophageal atresia - 518543157

Affective syndromes - 548142182

Aerosinusitis - 514854237

Multiple pregnancy - 123457854

Myopia (myopia) - 548132198

Brill disease - 514854299

Spring Qatar - 514258951

Dropsy testis and spermatic cord - 481543255

Congenital diaphragmatic hernia - 518543257

Congenital cholangiopathy of newborns-948514211

Dislocation of the tooth - 485143277

Prolapse of the rectum - 514832187

Hemophilia - 548214514

Gingivitis - 548432123

Pituitary-adrenal system - 514831299

Chapter 18

Chapter 25

Glossalgia - 514852181

Purulent-inflammatory diseases - 514852171

Dizziness - 514854217

Laryngeal diaphragm - 148543283

Dyspepsia toxic - 514218821

Vegetative-vascular dystonia - 514218838

Diencephalic (hypothalamic) syndrome - 514854215

Acute duodenitis - 481543288

Disease of the musculoskeletal system - 514218873

Congestive optic disc - 1 45432152

Tartar - 514852182

Foreign bodies of soft tissues - 148543297

Deviated septum - 148543285

Carbuncle - 483854381

Keratitis - 518432114

Side cysts and fistulas of the neck - 514854214

Jaw cysts - 514218877

Strabismus - 518543254

Clubfoot - 485143241

Cryptorchidism - 485143287

Bleeding after tooth extraction - 8144542

Laryngospasm - 485148248

Leukoplakia - 485148151

Leprosy - 148543294

Lymphangitis - 484851482

Radiation sickness. Acute radiation sickness - 481543294

Manic-depressive psychosis - 514218857

Mastitis in newborns - 514854238

Acute mastoiditis - 514832186

Mastocytosis - 148542171

Meniere's disease - 514854233

Myotonia dystrophic Kurschmann-Batten-Steinert - 481543244

Mollusk contagious - 514321532

Runny nose vasomotor, allergic - 514852351

Neuropathy of the facial nerve - 518999955

Necrotic phlegmon of newborns - 514852173

Obstruction of the central retinal artery - 514852178

Ozena (fetid runny nose) - 514854241

Orchiepididymitis - 818432151

Osteomyelitis traumatic - 514854221

Otomycosis - 514832188

Tooth fracture - 814454251

Pyopneumothorax - 148543299

Pneumothorax spontaneous - 481854221

Polyps of the body and cervix - 518999973

Post-puncture syndrome - 818543231

Progressive paralysis - 512143223

Pseudotuberculosis - 514854212

Psoriasis - 999899181

Ruptures of the genital organs - 148543291

Wounds of the eyeball - 518432118

Disorders of the erection component of the copulative cycle - 184854281

Sleep disorder - 514248538

Rosacea - 518914891

Overvalued ideas syndrome - 148454283

Senile psychoses - 481854383

Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome - 148543295

Syndrome of sclerocystic ovaries (Stein-Leventhal) - 518543248

Blood system - 148542139

Scleritis, episcleritis - 514854248

Chronic dental infection - 514854814

Teratoma of the sacrococcygeal region - 481543238

Toxicoderma (toxiderma) - 514832184

Trauma intracranial generic - 518999981

Tracheoesophageal fistula - 514854714

Skin tuberculosis - 148543296

Bone tuberculosis - 148543281

Uveitis - 548432198

Acne vulgaris - 514832185

Funicular myelosis - 518543251

Cheilite - 518431482

Surgical diseases of newborns - 514218871

Eczema - 548132151

Pleural empyema - 514854223

Endophthalmitis - 514254842

Epiduritis - 888888149

Erythema exudative multiforme - 548142137

Erythrocytes - 518432127

Corneal ulcer - 548432194

Trophic ulcers - 514852154

Digital health codes.

Treatment of rheumatism 8 4 5 8 8 repeat 66 times
back pain treatment 8 4 5 1 0 0 0 repeat 66 times
Treatment of pain in the knee joint 8 4 1 5 0 0 0 repeat 66 times
Treatment of pain in the legs 8 5 8 0 0 0 repeat 66 times
Treatment of joint pain 1 5 0 0 0 repeat 66 times
Treatment of cholecystitis 9 1 8 0 1 repeat 66 times
Treatment of atherosclerosis 3 8 1 5 0 1 0 0 repeat 66 times
Treatment of gastric diseases 5 8 0 1 0 repeat 77 times
Treatment of duodenal ulcer 8 1 5 1 0 repeat 66 times
Treatment of neuralgia 8 0 1 0 repeat 66 times
Migraine treatment 3 8 1 5 0 0 0 0 repeat 77 times
Treatment of tracheitis 0 8 1 5 0 0 0 0 repeat 66 times
Treatment of heart disease 3 5 3 3 repeat 66 times
Treatment of cardiac arrhythmia 3 5 3 1 3 repeat 66 times
Treatment of hypertension 8 4 5 1 0 1 0 0 repeat 66 times
Treatment of dermatitis 9 9 1 1 1 repeat 66 times
Treatment of anemia 3 8 5 1 1 0 repeat 66 times
Cold treatment 8 0 1 5 1 1 1 repeat 66 times
Treatment of arthritis 8 4 5 1 0 0 0 0 repeat 66 times
Treatment of toothache 9 1 9 9 repeat 66 times
Cataract treatment 8 3 1 5 0 0 0 repeat 66 times
Treatment of glaucoma 3 8 0 1 0 0 0 repeat 66 times
Treatment of hemorrhoids 0 8 0 0 0 0 repeat 66 times
Health promotion 9 9 1 1 repeat 66 times
Strengthening physical strength 9 8 9 9 9 repeat 66 times

This is taken from the texts of G. Grabovoi. But I decided to post them, believing that knowledge belongs to everyone. Yes, and I think Grabovoi did not invent them himself, but took them from higher spheres.

I checked 8451000 on myself - it works!
I did this while walking, for each step - one figure. Account - pinching fingers.

Here is the instruction "Concentrating on the numbers, you must at the same time be aware of yourself, feel your body, see it internally, see it absolutely healthy. This is important for a quick restoration of a normal state."

Numbers create a certain vibration.

This is only a small part.
If you go on the Internet at the address "digital health codes" you can find a lot of interesting things there. I wish you success.

Numerical series corresponding to groups of diseases

Critical conditions (this includes acute respiratory and cardiovascular failure, cardiac arrest, shock conditions) 1258919
Tumor diseases 8214351
Sepsis 58143212
DIC 5148142
Diseases of the circulatory system 1289435
Rheumatic diseases 8148888
Respiratory diseases 5823214
Diseases of the digestive system 5321482
Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract 8914254
Endocrine and metabolic diseases 1823451
Occupational diseases 418548
Acute poisoning 4185412
Infectious diseases 5421427
Diseases of vitamin deficiency 1234895
Children's diseases 18543218
Obstetrics, women's diseases 1489145
Nervous diseases 148543293
Mental illness 83454444
Sexual disorders 1456891
Skin and venereal diseases 18584321
Surgical diseases 18574321
Diseases of the ear, throat, nose 1851432
Eye diseases 1891014
Diseases of eubs and oral cavity 1488514
Unknown diseases and conditions 1884321
Norm of laboratory indicators 1489999

"Because the simplicity of the method is its great advantage, I used this approach as the basis for writing a reference book for curing any disease. This book has already been written. It is called "Restoration of the human body by concentration on numbers." It has more than a hundred pages. thousands of names of diseases and for each is given a corresponding numerical series of seven digits.Tuning to any specific numerical series, you heal yourself from the corresponding disease.

The question arises: why such a simple procedure as concentration on a sequence of certain numbers is so effective for curing diseases?
What's the matter here?
The point here is the following. Every disease is a deviation from the norm. Deviation from the norm in the work of individual cells, or organs, or the whole organism as a whole. Curing the disease means returning to normal.
So the digital series I have given just provide a return to normal. Concentrating on this particular sequence of numbers, tuning in to this digital series, you are tuning the body to the state that is the norm. As a result, all this is recorded as a cure for the disease.

To explain the essence of such treatment, a few words should be said about the vibrational structure of numbers.
Behind each number and each sequence of numbers there is a corresponding vibrational structure, then the healing using this method can be described differently. The fact that a correctly chosen sequence of numbers leads the organism to the norm occurs because, taking into account the vibrational structure behind it, this numerical sequence itself is the norm.
It represents the right sound, the right sound. And concentration on this sequence of numbers means tuning. In the same way, musical instruments are tuned according to the sound of a tuning fork.

When using this method, you need to concentrate on a sequence of numbers, or on each number from this sequence separately in turn.
Instead of sequential reading of numbers, you can act as follows. You concentrate first simultaneously on the first and last numbers of the digital series, then on the second and penultimate, then on the third from the beginning and the third from the end, and finally on the central number.

When working with digital series, you can act in different ways, and in what respect. It is possible, moving from one number to another, to concentrate on each number for the same time. And you can linger on some numbers for one time, and on others for another. You can even focus on each of the seven numbers for different times.
By changing the duration of concentration on any number, we thereby change the intensity of the action of this number. Consequently, when the duration of concentration on individual numbers of a given sequence changes, a slightly different sound arises, and therefore it acts somewhat differently. In practical work, rely on your intuition here, although the restorative effect is achieved with any duration of concentration.

I draw your attention to the following. Concentrating on numbers, you must at the same time be aware of yourself, feel your body, see it inwardly, see it as absolutely healthy. This is important for a quick recovery to a normal state.

Rtprtpr (251x201, 7Kb)By tuning in to a specific number series, you heal yourself, your loved ones, children, etc. from the respective disease.
If you are helping another person, then at some distance from yourself, imagine the image of this person.
Somewhere between you and the image should be the desired number series. You can simply write these numbers on a piece of paper and put between you. In concentration, your contact with the image should be in a straight line through the numbers. It is very important to remember that when you concentrate on numbers, you should constantly have a thought about the health of this person.

The book consists of 27 chapters. Each chapter deals with a set of specific diseases. In the first 25 chapters, almost all known diseases are covered.
In the 26th chapter, concentrations are given for the cure of unknown diseases and conditions.
After the title of each chapter, immediately after it comes a restoring number series, which applies simultaneously to all diseases placed in this chapter.
It can always be used, and especially when the exact diagnosis is not known, but it is only known that the disease belongs to this section.
If the diagnosis is known, then the number series immediately following the name of this particular disease is used. You can additionally use, as I said, the general series of the chapter. The material in the book is presented in such a way that immediately after the name of the disease there is always a number that cures this disease.

As an example, I will give the beginning of the first chapter.
HEART STOP (clinical death) - 8915678

Further, I will give here only the titles of the following chapters with the corresponding restorative numerical series.
CHAPTER 3. SEPSIS - 58143212.
CHAPTER 17. Obstetrics, female diseases - 1489145.

It may also happen that in case of some ailment it will be difficult not only to make a diagnosis, but even to determine the type of disease, that is, to indicate specifically the chapter to which this disease could belong.
In order to be able to cope with the situation in this case, I have placed in the book another chapter, the 26th: "UNKNOWN DISEASES AND CONDITIONS - 1884321".

The essence of the method in this case is as follows. The human body is considered to consist of seven parts.
I will give them now, and next to each part of the body I will put the corresponding restoring digital series.
1. Head - 1819999.
2. Neck - 18548321.
3. Right hand - 1854322.
4. Left hand - 4851384.
5. Torso - 5185213.
6. Right leg - 4812531.
7. Left leg - 485148291.
And now about how to use this data. Suppose a person has a headache. Then he can use the digital row intended for the head. If a person experiences some painful sensations in two or more parts of the body at once, then one must consistently concentrate on the rows corresponding to these areas.

COLOR THERAPY can enhance the healing effect of numbers.
To do this, you need to write numbers or see the right color.

Abscess - blue, blue-violet
Alcoholism - yellow, indigo
Allergy - light orange, indigo
Alzheimer's disease - blue-violet, azure
Anemia - red
Appetite loss (anorexia) - lemon, yellow
Excessive appetite (gluttony) - indigo
Arthritis - purple, blue-violet
Asthma - orange, blue
Bronchitis - blue-green, blue, turquoise
Blister - milky, milky blue
Inflammation - blue
Hemorrhoids - dark blue
Hypertension (high blood pressure) - green, blue
Hypotension (low blood pressure) - red, red-orange
Headache - green, blue
Flu - purple, turquoise, dark blue
Breast disease - red-purple, pink
Dyspepsia - lemon, yellow
Vision impairment - azure, indigo
Toothache - blue, blue-violet
Infections - purple
Intestinal disorder - yellow-orange
Colic - lemon, yellow
Bone disease - lemon, purple
Skin diseases - blue-violet, lemon
Bleeding - blue-green
Leukemia - purple
Fever (high temperature) - blue
Menstrual disorders - light red, blue-green
Bladder disease - yellow-orange
Muscle pain - pale orange
Nervous diseases - blue-green, green
Burns - blue-green, blue
Tumors - purple, blue-violet
parkinson's disease - indigo
Liver disease - blue, yellow
Pneumonia - red, indigo, red-orange
Kidney disease - yellow, yellow-orange
Swelling - blue, light blue
Cold - red
Cancer - blue, blue-violet
Hay fever - red-orange
Disease hearts - pink, green
AIDS - purple, indigo, red
Rash - turquoise, lemon
Nausea - pale blue
Anxiety - green, blue
Acne - red-violet, red
Ear disease - turquoise
Eczema - lemon
Epilepsy - dark blue, turquoise
Ulcers - green

From reviews on treatment by this method:
1. "My blood pressure was constantly around 160/100. Once it jumped to 200/140. They dictated two rows of numbers to me and said that the first of them (1289435) would improve the functioning of the circulatory system, and the second (1489999) would normalize the main indicators of the body: pressure , composition of blood, urine, temperature, sugar level. The method of treatment is extremely simple. You need to write down the number series on paper and in silence focus on them, repeat or consider. There was no strict time for treatment in her notes. I immediately began such an easy treatment and honestly worked with numbers every day for about a month. You won’t believe it, but I didn’t have any more attacks of hypertension. Not immediately, but the pressure crept down. " P. Markova, Ivanovo.

2. "I myself have been doing this teaching for about a year. And I'm not alone - there are several people united by a common interest. And so, this year we managed to cure 3 people, our acquaintances, using Grabovoi's methods. I don't even want to name diseases - Doctors are surprised that their patients are alive, despite the traditional course of diseases.We apply these methods to the common cold or flu, neuralgic pains, fevers, etc. And always successfully, because diseases disappear within an hour or two. their strength, and then there is either a quick recovery, or - the disease proceeds in a very weak form.
Did you ask if there are people cured by these methods? I answer - yes.
Are there cases where these methods did not help? The answer is also in the affirmative." Vasily F. Kiev


Concentration can be carried out both by the person himself for self-healing, and you can concentrate by putting into concentration the thought of restoring another person through a given concentration.
You can concentrate on the numerical series corresponding to the chapter, immediately, covering all the diseases that are included in a particular chapter, if the disease belongs to the title of the chapter, but there is no exact diagnosis.
If the diagnosis is known, then it is necessary to concentrate on the numbers corresponding to a specific diagnosis.
With concentrations, you can move from one concentration to another and thus understand how to arrange a sequence of numbers in order to create control in the direction of complete restoration of health.
Try to find your own concentration.
This approach extends to the general control system through concentration by numbers. In this case, the concentration can be done sequentially, that is, for example, from the first to the seventh number, or by choosing numbers.
Thus, the concentrations are different and the methods of concentration can be individualized depending on how they are applied. You can apply concentrations at any time, either by memorizing or writing them.


Acute respiratory failure - 1257814
Acute cardiovascular failure - 1895678
Cardiac arrest - 8915678
Traumatic shock, shock and shock-like conditions - 1895132

Malignant testicular tumors - 5814321
Malignant bone tumors - 1234589
Tumors of the uterus - 9817453
Tumors of the brain (head and spinal) - 5431547
Stomach cancer - 8912534
Skin cancer - 8148957
Breast cancer - 5432189
Bladder cancer - 89123459
Liver cancer - 5891248
Cancer of the esophagus - 8912567
Pancreatic cancer - 8125891
Cancer of the penis - 8514921
Kidney cancer - 56789108
Prostate cancer - 4321890
Colon cancer (colon and rectum) - 5821435
Thyroid cancer - 5814542
Ovarian cancer - 4851923

Heart arrhythmias - 8543210
Arterial hypertension - 8145432
Arterial hypotension (hypotension) - 8143546
Atherosclerosis - 54321898
Heart blocks - 9874321
Varicose veins - 4831388
Vegetative-vascular dystonia (neurocirculatory dystonia) - 8432910
Hypertensive crises - 5679102
Hypertension - 8145432
Myocardial infarction - 8914325
Ischemic (coronary) heart disease - 1454210
Cardialgia - 8124567
Cardiomyopathy - 8421432
Cardiosclerosis - 4891067
Collapse - 8914320
Myocarditis - 8432110
Circulatory failure - 85432102
Neurocirculatory dystonia (NCD) - 5432150
Congenital heart defects - 9995437
Acquired heart defects - 8124569
Rheumatism - 5481543
Cardiac asthma - 8543214
Heart failure - 8542106
Vascular insufficiency - 8668888
Vascular crises - 8543218
Angina pectoris (angina pectoris) - 8145999
Thrombophlebitis - 1454580

Joint diseases - 5421891
Infectious arthritis - 8111110
Gout - 8543215
Rheumatism - 5481543

Bronchial asthma - 8943548
Acute bronchitis - 4812567
Chronic bronchitis - 4218910
Pneumonia - 4814489
Pneumosclerosis - 9871234
Lung cancer - 4541589
Tuberculosis of respiratory organs - 8941234
Emphysema - 54321892

Gastritis - 5485674
Gastroenterocolitis - 8431287
Hepatitis - 5814243
Dyskinesia of the biliary tract - 58432144
Constipation - 5484548
Colitis - 8454321
Chronic pancreatitis - 5891432
Food allergy - 2841482
Diarrhea (diarrhea) - 5843218
Acute cholecystitis - 4154382
Chronic cholecystitis - 5481245
Cirrhosis of the liver - 4812345
Enteritis - 8431287
Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum - 8125432

Glomerulonephritis - 4812351
Acute glomerulonephritis - 4285614
Pyelitis - 5432110
Pyelonephritis - 58143213
Polycystic kidney disease - 5421451
Renal colic - 4321054
Kidney stone disease - 5432143
Renal failure - 4321843
Cystitis - 48543211

Agranulocytosis - 4856742
Anemia - 48543212
Leukemia - 5481347
Lymphogranulomatosis - 4845714

Diabetes insipidus - 4818888
Diabetes diabetes - 8819977
Myxedema - 4812415
Adrenal insufficiency - 4812314
Obesity - 4812412

Viral hepatitis A and B (Botkin's disease) - 5412514
Helminthiases - 5124548
Ascariasis - 4814812
Herpes infection - 2312489
Influenza - 4814212
Dysentery - 4812148
Giardiasis - 5189148
Acute respiratory diseases - 48145488
Erysipelas - 4123548

Headache - 4818543
Dizziness - 514854217
Infantile cerebral palsy - 4818521
Stroke of the brain - 4818542
Migraine - 4831421
Narcolepsy - 48543216
Trigeminal neuralgia - 5148485
Shingles - 51454322
Brain tumors - 5451214
Tumors of the spinal cord - 51843210
Sleep disorder - 514248538
Traumatic brain injury - 51843213

Alcoholism - 148543292
Drug addiction (substance abuse) - 5333353
Neuroses - 48154211
Epilepsy - 1484855

Impotence - 8851464
Frigidity - 5148222

Warts - 5148521
Vitiligo - 4812588
Gonorrhea (male) - 2225488
Dermatitis - 1853121
Urticaria - 1858432
Microsporia - 1858321
Psoriasis - 999899181
Trichophytosis - 4851482
Acne vulgaris - 514832185

Adenoids - 5189514
Angina (acute tonsillitis) - 1999999
Laryngitis - 4548511
Runny nose (rhinitis) - 5189912
Runny nose vasomotor, allergic - 514852351
Otitis - 55184321
Acute tonsillitis - 1999999
Chronic tonsillitis - 35184321

EYE DISEASES - 1891014
Astigmatism - 1421543
Myopia (myopia) - 548132198
Glaucoma - 5131482
Hyperopia - 5189988
Cataract - 5189142
Strabismus - 518543254
Corneal ulcer - 548432194
Barley - 514854249

Gingivitis - 548432123
Tooth decay - 5148584
Acute toothache - 5182544
Stomatitis - 4814854


The answer is unequivocal - Of course he could! And a lot of crooks do just that all the time.
That is what they are doing to fool people.
And even more so, having mastered the methods of manipulating the psyche and consciousness.
yes, there are some crooks out there..
Entire states (through the media), such as the United States, Britain, Germany, France, lie to entire nations, and you doubt that one person could lie.

I remember how he, or someone like him, resurrected a person - conjured something, cast spells, and so on. and then he says - Everything, I resurrected. Now wait, he can appear anytime, anywhere, whenever he wants. maybe time will pass, maybe he doesn't want to, maybe you will see him in the crowd and so on. But he has already been resurrected.

This is such noodles on the ears of people who have immense grief, and they believe in any nonsense in such a state.

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