What is useful blackthorn. Tern: what is a berry, what are the benefits and harms of a garden blackthorn? Turn harvesting and storage

Blackthorn is a shrub that has long been known in many countries of the world. Some people associate it with Jesus Christ (it was from this plant that his wreath was made), but most often the blackthorn is famous for its beneficial properties, which allow it to be used as a medicinal raw material. As a result, questions arise as to whether how to dry the turn and what can be cooked from it.

Calorie content and chemical composition of the turn

Before proceeding to a discussion of the beneficial properties of berries, leaves or flowers of the sloe, it is worth talking about its caloric content and chemical composition. There are only 54 kcal per 100 grams of the product, due to which it can be called low-calorie. The turn also contains 1.5 g of protein, 0.3 g of fat and 9.4 g of carbohydrates (per 100 g).

Blackthorn fruits contain glucose, fructose, fiber, malic acid, pectin, tannins, vitamins A (RE), E, ​​C and B2. Among the microelements included in the composition, one cannot fail to note iron, which accounts for 10.6% per 100 grams of the product. It is also worth remembering macronutrients: potassium (9.6% of the required daily allowance), calcium (3.2%), magnesium (4.3%). The berries of the plant are also characterized by the content of phosphorus, iron and sodium, which also has a positive effect on medicinal properties thorns.

A large amount of vitamins C and E is found in the leaves of the shrub, where they are harmoniously combined with phenolcarboxylic acids, anthocyanins and flavonoids.

Did you know? In many beliefs and legends, the turn is a symbol of suffering, trials and difficulties that fall on the fate of a person. However, having overcome them, he becomes the owner of many benefits. Given the beneficial properties of the shrub, this is partly true.

Useful and healing properties of thorns

As you can see, blackthorn fruits contain a lot of valuable and useful substances for human health: sugars, organic acids, fiber, etc. Due to this, they have a diuretic (diuretic), astringent, diaphoretic and antiseptic effect. This means that such berries are great for normalizing work. digestive system(useful for digestive disorders, diarrhea), relieve nausea, stop vomiting, destroy microbes and bacteria.

In addition to the fruits, the leaves of the bush are also often used, from which herbalists brew teas (act as a home diuretic, laxative and healing agent), infusions (bandages soaked in them are applied as compresses to wounds, which significantly reduces the healing time). Together with berries, the leaves of this miraculous plant are great for the role aid in diseases genitourinary system: cystitis, nephritis, urolithiasis. You can use the fruits of the turn and to increase appetite. In other words, knowing suitable recipes you can safely use any part of the plant for treatment.

The use of thorns for medicinal purposes

Beneficial features berries, leaves, flowers and even blackthorn rhizomes were found wide application in alternative (folk) medicine. So, the turn copes well with edema, dysentery, candidiasis, vaginitis, nonspecific colitis and general intoxication organism. In case of food poisoning, the use of blackthorn berries allows you to quickly cleanse the body of toxins and improve work. digestive tract. A decoction made from thorn branches is great helper in the treatment of gout, and also helps to remove urea salts from the body.

Antioxidants and flavonoids, which are part of the berries, reduce capillary permeability and improve blood circulation, promoting blood clotting. Knowing how useful the turn is, and wanting to test its beneficial properties from your own experience, the following recipes for making teas, decoctions or infusions will come in handy.

Important! The seeds of the fruits of the plant contain a toxic glycoside - amygdalin, which cleaves hydrocyanic acid so you should get rid of them right away.

Blackthorn flower and leaf tea

Blackthorn flower and leaf tea used for cystitis chronic constipation and prostate adenoma. In addition, it has a pleasant taste and aroma, thanks to which this drink can be drunk daily as a general tonic.

It is not difficult to prepare such tea: the dried leaves and flowers of the blackthorn are mixed, and then two full teaspoons of the raw material (with top) are poured into ¼ l of water, after which the resulting composition should be slowly brought to a boil and filtered. Tea is consumed daily, but no more than two cups a day.

Blackthorn juice

Useful not only dried turn, but also juice from fresh berries. In particular, it helps to get rid of jaundice, and also acts as antibacterial agent, providing negative impact on Giardia and other protozoa. It is also effective for skin diseases, in the treatment of which appropriate compresses will help.

To prepare juice, the pulp of the fruits of the shrub is separated from the stone, heated to 60-70 ° C and kneaded into a pulp. The juice squeezed out of it can be consumed immediately or rolled into jars.

Infusion of thorn flowers

An infusion made from thorn flowers renders positive impact on metabolism, and also normalizes liver function. In fact, it is prepared in the same way as tea: 40 g of dried flowers are poured into a glass of boiling water and left to infuse for 40 minutes, after which they are filtered and drunk 150 ml three times a day. This recipe is also suitable in cases where you need to get an effective laxative from shrub flowers. In addition, if there are problems with the liver, kidneys, bladder and for colds, the following infusion will be useful: 40 g of blackthorn flowers are poured into a glass of warm boiled water and after insisting for 10 hours, filter. Take the remedy before meals four times a day for ¼ cup.

Prepare an infusion using sloe leaves, very simple: for one glass hot water there is one tablespoon of crushed leaves of the plant, after which the resulting composition must be boiled over medium heat for 15 minutes. After the liquid has cooled, it is filtered and squeezed. Ready infusion is taken in ½ part of a glass (you can also take a full glass) three times a day before meals. This remedy has good diuretic properties, so it is recommended to use it for edema, diseases of the kidneys and organs of the genitourinary system.

The leaves of the blackthorn are also often used to heal wounds and ulcers, in the treatment of which the fresh parts of the bush are simply applied to sore spots, and the dried parts are steamed in boiling water and compresses are made from them.

Blackthorn tincture

For the preparation of tincture from the blackthorn, its berries are also suitable. Pre-harvested fruits of the shrub (it is advisable not to wash them, but simply select good and intact ones) are poured into a jar and poured with vodka, and so that the berries are covered 5 cm above their level. For tincture you need constant control, and as the vodka is absorbed, it must be topped up. After three months, the liquid is drained, and sugar is added to the berries (10 kg of fruit will need 1.5 kg of sugar). After that, the fruits must be kept for another month (until the syrup is formed), and then filtered and mixed with the liquid that was separated at the very beginning. Within six months you will feel just an incredible aroma of tincture.

A decoction of berries

Incredibly helpful and general tonic is decoction of blackthorn berries, for the preparation of which you will need to pour 1 tablespoon of fresh or dried raw materials with a glass of boiling water, leaving it to infuse for 1 hour. Take liquid on an empty stomach (in the morning) for 4 days. A decoction of blackthorn berries can be used to increase appetite, as well as a diuretic, astringent and antiseptic.

Decoction of bark and roots

The roots and bark of the blackthorn, as well as the rest of the shrub, have a number of medicinal properties. Therefore, it is not surprising that various decoctions of them are often used in folk medicine. The roots have been harvested since autumn, for which these parts are first dug up and left for a short time in the sun. At the second stage, the raw material prepared in this way should be placed in a special dryer or in a conventional oven for further drying (in the end, the roots should break easily without changing their color much).

There are several ways to prepare a decoction of the bark and roots of blackthorn. When using the first option, 20 parts of water fall on one part of the dried roots and bark. The resulting mixture is brought to a boil and left to languish in a water bath for 20 minutes. Finished product cool and take 1-2 tablespoons 4-5 times a day. Such a decoction is excellent for the role of antipyretic and diaphoretic.

For the second method, 5 g of crushed root or bark is brewed in 200 ml of boiling water, and then placed on water bath and boil for 30 minutes, and then allow another hour to brew. Ready cooled and filtered broth should be taken three times a day for 1/3 cup (after meals).

If desired, you can prepare a decoction only from the bark. To do this, pour 1 teaspoon of dry crushed raw materials with a glass of boiling water and simmer for 15 minutes over low heat. The finished product can be used instead of tea. For douching, one glass of decoction should be diluted with boiled water in a 1: 1 ratio.

Thorn root decoction can be used for diarrhea and during respiratory diseases and also improves general state a patient with malaria.

Decoction of young shoots and branches

Another good diaphoretic is a decoction of finely chopped, pre-dried sloe branches(in its action, such a remedy is not inferior to raspberries and has antipyretic effect). To prepare such a decoction, pour 1 teaspoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water and leave to simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. You need to use the product in a warm form, but there are no requirements for dosage.

Methods for harvesting and storing raw materials from sloes

Whatever you decide to cook from berries or sloe leaves, in any case, they must first be sorted out and washed. If you picked the fruits yourself, you can simply rinse them, while the purchased berries are washed more thoroughly, changing the water several times.

Flowers are being prepared during their budding period, and the leaves immediately after flowering. Young shoots are to be collected and harvested in May or June. At this time, they can be well dried on fresh air, in the wind or in the shade, as well as placing in a ventilated area. The bark can be removed from the tree before it blooms, and the roots are best dug up in the fall. In the future, having slightly dried them in the sun, you can dry them in ovens.

The fruits of the blackthorn can be harvested as they ripen, but it is better after the first frost. They are well suited for making compotes (you can roll them up in jars for the winter), wines, tinctures, syrups, marmalades and even pickles. Every product will be different. attractive color, pleasant smell and original sweet and sour taste.

Freezing can also be used to preserve fruits, however, in this case, do not forget that Before packing the berries, the seeds must be removed from them.

Did you know? Blackthorn fruits can be dried in a nylon stocking, but after that they will not stand for a long time, therefore, in order to extend the shelf life, it is better to spread them on straw.

Shelf life of flowers, leaves and sloes must not exceed 1 year, while the bark and roots can be stored for more than three years.

Blackthorn berries in cooking

Not all housewives know that blackthorn berries - excellent raw material for the preparation of various drinks, jelly, jam, juice and even porridge. And what delicious jam from the turn, it is only necessary to cook it correctly. In this case, the fruits of the shrub are first washed and put into an enamel bowl, covered with sugar on top. Then they are poured with water, using as much liquid as necessary so that the sugar is completely dissolved. It is necessary to cook the jam over low heat until it is fully cooked, often removing the foam and shaking the bowl. When the jam is completely ready, the berries are selected and laid out in prepared jars, and the syrup is allowed to boil for about an hour. After the end of the specified time, you need to pour the fruits with syrup and close them. To improve the taste and aroma of the workpiece, you can add a couple of drops of rose oil to it.

Blackthorn (prickly plum, blackthorn) is a small thorny shrub or undersized tree of the Pink family with edible fruits. It is a good honey plant. It grows almost everywhere in Europe, is found in Asia and North Africa. The turn is also cultivated in horticulture, usually for the formation of decorative hedges. Almost all parts of this plant are used in traditional medicine, and the fruits are popular in cooking.


Flowers, leaves, fruits, bark, twigs and roots of the plant are used as medicinal raw materials. In early spring, before flowering, the bark is harvested: it is cut, dried in the air and dried in an oven. Flowers are harvested during the flowering period: they are collected and dried in a place where scattered sunlight. The leaves are harvested and dried after the flowering period. In May-June, young branches of blackthorn are harvested, which are dried in a well-ventilated room or in the fresh air. In early autumn and as they ripen, the fruits are harvested and dried in an oven, dryer or in direct sunlight. Harvesting of the roots of the turn is carried out in the middle of autumn: they are dug up, cleaned from the ground, dried on outdoors and dried in an oven or electric dryer.
Harvested flowers, leaves, branches, fruits do not store more than a year, bark and roots - within three to four years.

Composition and properties

Blackthorn fruits are rich in: tannins, fiber, ascorbic acid, vitamins B2 and K, PP, A, E, pectins, organic acids and sugars. The leaves contain tannins and bitterness, the flowers contain hydrocyanic acid glycoside.

Due to its composition, the turn has: anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, astringent, antiseptic, laxative, diuretic, diaphoretic, antipyretic and expectorant effects.
In folk medicine, preparations prepared on the basis of blackthorn are recommended for:

  • a cold;
  • inflammations oral cavity;
  • pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis;
  • bronchial diseases;
  • indigestion, food poisoning, colitis, dysentery;
  • chronic constipation;
  • helminthiasis;
  • diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • dropsy;
  • beriberi;
  • hypertension;
  • diseases nervous system;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • prostate adenoma;
  • painful and prolonged menstruation;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • inflammation, ulcers on the skin, dermatitis.


Laxative infusion:

  • 1 tbsp thorn flowers;
  • 1 tbsp. warm boiled water.

Fill the flowers with water and leave to infuse for 40 minutes. Strain and drink.
Diuretic infusion:

  • 2 tsp crushed sloe flowers (fresh or dry);
  • 1 tbsp. cold water.

Fill the flowers with water and leave for 8 hours. Strain. Take 1-2 tablespoons 4-5 times a day. This infusion has a diuretic effect and is recommended for diseases of the liver, kidneys, as well as for acne, boils and allergic rashes on the skin.
Fruit infusion:

  • 1 tbsp blackthorn fruits (fresh or dry);
  • 1 tbsp. boiling water.

Pour the fruits with boiling water and let it brew for an hour. Strain. Drink on an empty stomach in the morning for 4 days.

Infusion from hypertension:

  • 2-3 tbsp dried thorn flowers;
  • 1 tbsp. boiling water.

Pour boiling water over the flowers and let it brew for half an hour. Strain. Take 100 ml morning and evening. At sharp rise pressure, you can drink a glass of infusion. This infusion will help with chronic constipation, diseases of the nervous system, and also contributes to the normalization of metabolism.
Decoction (general recipe):

  • 5 g of bark or sloe root;
  • 200 ml of boiling water.

Pour boiling water over the turn and boil in a water bath for half an hour. Strain the finished broth. Take 1/3 cup three times a day after meals. Also, this decoction can be used for douching with whites, previously diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1.
Cold decoction with high temperature bodies:

  • 2 tbsp thorn bark;
  • 1 tbsp. boiling water.

Pour boiling water over the bark and heat in a water bath for 10 minutes. Then cool the broth and strain it. Drink 50 ml 2-3 times a day. Also, this decoction is recommended for malaria. It can also be used externally - in the form of lotions for dermatitis and skin rashes.

Decoction for bronchitis:

  • 3 tbsp thorn flowers;
  • 500 ml hot water.

Fill the flowers with water and boil for 4-5 minutes over low heat. Cool the broth and strain. Gargle with them several times a day, adding warm water. This rinse will also help with tonsillitis, sore throat and other throat diseases.
Vitamin tea:

  • 2 tsp flowers and leaves of thorns;
  • 250 ml of water.

Pour in water, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Strain. You can drink two cups of this tea a day. Tea not only saturates the body with vitamins, but also has a general strengthening effect on the human body.
For the treatment of jaundice and other liver diseases, it is recommended to drink 50 grams of blackthorn juice in the morning and evening before meals. To prepare the juice from the fruit, the seeds are removed and the pulp is heated to 60-40°C. Then the pulp is kneaded, squeezed out the juice and poured into jars.

Also, juice is used for the speedy healing of wounds - externally.
A decoction of the bark for external use:

Pour boiling water over the leaves, let it brew and strain. Use to prepare compresses and lotions for the speedy healing of wounds.


A contraindication to the use of blackthorn is individual intolerance. With caution, the fruits of the blackthorn should be consumed by people with hyperacidity stomach, ulcers and gastritis. Excessive passion for fresh fruits can lead to indigestion.
Attention! Blackthorn pits are poisonous!

Blackthorn is the fruit of a shrub called blackthorn. It is the closest relative of the plum, but with a pronounced "prickly" character and a less delicate taste.

If the plum tree looks quite civilized and cultured, then the blackthorn is its complete opposite.

It is a "shaggy" thicket of elastic thin twigs, covered with long thorns, capable of fringing the clothes of a daredevil who decided to storm an obstacle course in the form of overgrown thorns.

The plant always grows in a heap, forming impassable areas in the sunny clearings of forests. It often appears as a result of self-seeding, like a weed.

However, gardeners who are not confused by the unfriendly appearance of the blackthorn plant it on their plots on purpose, because they know that a huge healing potential is hidden behind a prickly appearance that can heal a person from many ailments.

Turn - hidden virtues

Despite the fact that the turn is unpretentious and grows everywhere without special care and agricultural practices, they should not be neglected.

Its taste is rather for an amateur - sour before frost, with noticeable astringency, and after the first sub-zero temperatures it becomes soft, tender, sweet and sour. At the same time, the flesh of blackthorns changes its texture along with the taste: from elastic to puree.

The turn is not as easy to harvest as the plums - the thorns interfere, but this disadvantage is more than compensated by the high yield of the shrub. If desired, for a short time you can collect more than one basket of small (two to three times smaller than plums) fragrant, very healthy berries.

The turn has a thin, very pleasant aroma. Excellent sauces for duck and veal come out of it. Especially popular among housewives is pickled blackthorn, which tastes like olives..

It will enrich any drink, goes well with sweet apples, both in compote and in pies. On occasion, the turn must be collected or bought, such a universal berry in autumn period you can't find.

It is very inexpensive but as medicinal product indispensable for many diseases.

Turn is listed medicinal plants included in the encyclopedia. In folk medicine, flowers, fruits, leaves, twigs and even blackthorn bark are used!

Raw materials are harvested at the time of greatest bioactivity - during flowering and fruiting, and then dried in the sun or in special dryers. The uniqueness of the turn lies in the fact that part of ripe berries remains hanging on the branches until the very next harvest.

They spontaneously dry out under the influence of wind and sun, while retaining all their strength and benefits. Therefore, if in the fall you did not have time to make preparations of the turn, then you can go for twigs and berries even in winter or spring, if there is an urgent need for them.

Turn - Chemical composition

Among the elements that make up the blackthorn berries, which, in comparison with all parts of the plant, have the widest use in medicine, contains an impressive set of vitamins, minerals, and active compounds.
Many of the B vitamins.
A large amount of ascorbic acid.
Vitamin of youth - E.
Steroid items.
nitrogenous compounds.
Fixed oils.
Fiber, carbohydrates and others.
Due to the abundance of various components, blackthorn berries are used to solve many health problems in adults and children.

Turn berry - benefits

Although the turn cannot be called a delicacy in the usual sense, it can and should be eaten fresh. it lovely way vitaminization of the body. It is also used for compresses, preparation of tinctures and decoctions.

1. Gruel from blackthorn berries, untouched by frost, effectively helps to get rid of dry corns, corns.

2. Turn is a recognized remedy for kidney diseases. It has diuretic properties, inflammatory processes, removes sand, prevents stone formation.

3. A good immunostimulant. Increases the body's resistance during epidemics, accelerates the recovery period.

4. Has antipyretic properties. In the form of compote, it is given to both children and adults during hyperthermia.

5. Accelerates the removal of urea from the body, is used to treat any form of salt deposition and gout.

6. Turn - natural antiseptic. He oppresses pathogenic microflora when it enters the gastrointestinal tract, in the oral cavity, on wounds. Mouthwashes are prepared from thorns, which are used for stomatitis, gum disease.

7. Turn in the form of compresses significantly accelerates the healing of any skin lesions: injuries, ulcers, burns.

8. Turn and products based on it remove nausea, stop vomiting, which is important for pregnant women during the period of toxicosis and people who get sick in transport.

9. Berries quickly neutralize, bind and remove a variety of toxins. The turn is indispensable for poisoning, with vomiting caused by infectious diseases, with intoxication by chemical and other agents.

10. The product is effective for neuralgia.

11. It has a good effect on the condition of the skin.

12. Improves appetite, improves digestion.

13. Accelerates metabolism. Used for weight loss and overeating.

14. The astringent properties of blackthorn are used to treat diarrhea (by the way, plum is known to have the opposite laxative effect).

15. Turn improves blood composition, makes it cleaner, healthier.

16. Used as a diaphoretic.

17. Blackthorn berries are very useful in diabetic retinopathy.

18. Provides excellent prevention of glaucoma, is used for its treatment. Improves vision, helps with eye fatigue.

19. Relieves swelling.

20. Strengthens the walls blood vessels, reduces their penetration, is recommended for all cores and healthy people for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

21. Prevents the development of adenoma, normalizes the functioning and condition of the prostate gland.

22. Smoothes the manifestations of PMS in women, prevents the development of neuroses.

23. Fruits and other parts of the plant can relieve insomnia, irritability, apathy, loss of strength, shortness of breath, dizziness and other conditions caused by a decrease in vascular tone.

24. Tern treats non-specific colitis.

25. Promotes the outflow of bile, which is good for the gallbladder and liver.

26. Used in cosmetology as a remedy for oily skin, acne, acne.

Here is such a rather impressive list of the properties of the turn, and it only applies to berries. But there is still bark, flowers and leaves, which also have impressive healing properties.

Blackthorn berries - harm

The turn should not be consumed on an empty stomach, it contains a lot of acid and can irritate the stomach lining.

Accordingly, it cannot be fresh eat ulcers, people with gastritis, high acidity of gastric juice.

Berries can cause allergies, so they are not given to children and allergy sufferers. Be healthy.

One of the underestimated plants today is blackthorn. Often, people, having noticed the growth of this amazing, and most importantly medicinal shrub in their area, for some reason seek to get rid of it faster. For them it common weed and no benefit can be expected from it, but in this, as it turns out, they are deeply mistaken.

One of the underestimated plants today is blackthorn.

Many nations glorify it as a sacred tree for its thorns and resistance to external adversity. It is customary for many to plant this plant near the house or hang a twig over the door in order to scare away evil spirits. And according to the Romans, it is able to protect the house and its household from adversity and adversity.

Since ancient times, the thorn bush was considered very valuable plant, and not only its fruits are useful. For the preparation of various medicinal tinctures and decoctions people used the roots, stems, leaves, flowers and young shoots.

Description of the blackthorn

It is a shrub capable of reaching 4 meters in height. Under certain circumstances, the plant reaches and high altitudes, so it looks like a tree. Its branches are very massive and they mostly grow in a horizontal direction. Most of The branches of the blackthorn are endowed with thorns, which is why the people often call it a prickly plum or a black thorn.

Teren is distinguished by its high resistance to any environmental conditions. He, unlike his brothers, is not afraid of even the most severe frosts.

Blackthorn leaves are presented in an oval shape and endowed with a bright in green, and the fruits are round small blue berries.

It is customary for many to plant this plant near the house or hang a twig over the door in order to scare away evil spirits.

Blackthorn is a plant that often blooms in March or April. What is most interesting, his flowers bloom even before the leaves appear.

As for the fruits, the berries of this unusual, but useful plant very sour in taste and have some unusual viscosity. That is why this fruitful shrub is not included in the ranks of berries preferred by people. However, the “unloved” taste and aroma of blackthorn is compensated by its invaluable and great benefit for the human body.

Proper plant collection and storage

It should be noted that all the beneficial properties of a wild shrub can disappear if its fruits or berries were not harvested quite correctly and at the wrong time. It all depends on how the collected fruits, roots or flowers were harvested.

If we talk about harvesting blackthorn flowers, then it is best to start this process during the greatest flowering of the plant. For drying, it is preferable to choose well-ventilated areas, but for storage - dark places. As for the container itself, where the prepared product will be stored, it should be glass or tin dishes with a tight-fitting lid.

Blackthorn leaves are harvested somewhere in the middle of summer, and this should be done after the bush has completely faded. Drying and storage conditions for leaves are exactly the same as for flowers.

The right time to harvest blackthorn bark is spring period before the plant starts flowering. The collected bark is first dried on the street, and then it can also be dried in the oven.

Collection of young shoots and branches occurs in May-June. To dry them, they are placed in a dark and well-ventilated room. For preservation, shoots and branches are collected in bundles, only they can be stored for no more than one year.

Blackthorn berries are collected and harvested in early autumn. But it would be better if you start doing this after the first frost.


Blackthorn (blackthorn, prickly plum) is a shrub with a height of 3.5 to 4.5 m. The trunk is covered with thorns, grows in the steppes, forests, near lakes and rivers. Distinguish between a wild plant and adapted for cultivation in summer cottages, garden plots.

The fruits are small, dark in color, sour in taste. Contains vitamins, amino acids, essential oils. It is used in jams, compotes and other varieties.

About how garden and wild thorns are useful for the body and human health, about the benefits and harms of berries for various categories people (including those with diabetes), as well as contraindications to its use, you will learn by reading our material.

How to choose a good product and check its quality

When buying fruits of wild or garden blackthorn, pay attention to their condition. They should not be too elastic, but you should not take too soft, they will quickly deteriorate.

For the same reason, do not acquire damaged fruits. The turn can be wormy, there's nothing wrong with that.

It ripens in late August - early September, if sold in early August, the fruits are still unripe. The garden turn is larger than the wild turn, sweeter. Ripe pulp is difficult to separate from the stone.

Bones should not be consumed: they contain substances that cause severe poisoning.

Composition, caloric content, nutritional value, fruit glycemic index

The composition includes the following components:

  • Tannins.
  • Vitamins A, E, PP, C, B.
  • Monosaccharides.
  • Essential oils.
  • Pectin.
  • Cellulose.
  • Alimentary fiber.

Also present are calcium, phosphorus, copper, cobalt, sodium, magnesium. Caloric content is low - from 50 to 55 kcal.

If you cook compote, you get about 100 kcal per 100 g, maybe less or more, depending on the amount of added sugar.

People with diabetes are allowed to eat the fruit. The glycemic index is 30 units. But it is better to consult with your doctor additionally.

Features of influence on the human body

Eating prickly plums in reasonable amounts is beneficial for the body.

Allowed to be taken by pregnant women, women during lactation. Harm appears when a large amount is eaten or the fruits were originally spoiled.

The negative impact, regardless of who uses the product (adults, children, the elderly or pregnant) is the likelihood of disturbances in the work of the stomach.

Teeth stained dark blue It will only take a few days to get rid of it completely.

Possible set excess weight, if the fruits are used as a component of jam, marmalade and other types of preservation with the addition a large number Sahara.

At certain diseases the possibility of consumption is determined by the attending physician, based on the severity of the case.

What is useful for men and women

Fruits have the following beneficial properties:

  • restore normal work intestines, contribute to the normalization of microflora;
  • remove toxic substances from the body;
  • improve sleep, reduce excitability, irritability;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • eliminate sore gums.

Strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce blood pressure, cholesterol levels. Decrease in women during menstruation pain. In men, it normalizes the activity of the prostate gland.

Shrub flowers cleanse the liver, eliminate skin problems, have a diuretic property, increase sweating. Reduce discomfort with exacerbation of neuralgia, restore metabolic processes.

A decoction of the shoots reduces fever, eliminates inflammation, is used in the treatment colds.

For the health of pregnant and lactating

The fruits are useful for toxicosis. Unwanted Consequences occur if a woman is allergic to the components. When any unpleasant symptoms stop taking.

It is better to consult a doctor before eating fruits or other parts of the shrub: he will determine all the risks and give his recommendations.

Useful properties for children

It is allowed to drink compotes, eat jam. For problems with the gastrointestinal tract, teas and decoctions based on flowers are used.

Is it harmful in old age

Adding fruits, decoctions, teas based on flowers, bark or thorn branches to the diet improves health. Frequent problems in the elderly there are disturbances in the functioning of the heart, heart rhythm.

Blackthorn reduces high blood pressure, restores the walls of blood vessels. Reduces negative manifestations glaucoma, retinopathy. Possible manifestation of an allergy.

Special categories

Prickly plum can cause allergies in any category of people(from children to the elderly). If it appears, take anti-allergic pills, if the condition worsens, call an ambulance.

The fruits have glycemic index equal to 30 units. The turn will not harm people with diabetes.

Potential danger and contraindications

From dangerous signs it is worth noting the occurrence of allergic reactions.

Use is contraindicated for people with the following problems:

  • Gastritis.
  • Gastric ulcer.
  • Increased acidity of the stomach.

For such people it is special diet aimed at preventing the development of the disease.

Before eating, the fruits are washed with running water, moved, strongly wormy and spoiled are thrown away.

It is better to consume in the afternoon or in the evening, in the morning - it is undesirable (digestion is possible). It is used mainly boiled, the flowers and bark are brewed as a tea.

Application in cooking

In cooking ripe fruits blackthorn is used for cooking jams, compotes, jams, decoctions. Exist different recipes.


One way to make jam looks like this:

  • Rinse 1 kg of prickly plum, remove the seeds.
  • Boil syrup from 1-1.5 kg of sugar and 200-400 ml of water.
  • Add fruits to the syrup, bring to a boil, remove from heat.

Cool to room temperature, boil again until fully cooked, periodically stirring the jam with a spoon.
Arrange in sterilized glass jars, cork with tin lids.


To prepare compote, you need to take:

  • 200-300 g of blackthorn;
  • 1.5-2 liters of water;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • half a teaspoon of citric acid.

Add fruit to the water citric acid, bring to a boil, add sugar, wait for it to boil again, cook for another 20-25 minutes. Then strain, cool, pour into jars for the winter or drink in the coming days.

In folk medicine, it is used to treat various diseases, reduce inflammation.

A decoction of the fruit is useful for rheumatism, gout, cystitis.

To prepare it, take 2 tablespoons dried fruits, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. 10 minutes simmer on low heat, filter. Take 100 ml 4 times a day before meals.

The infusion is used in diseases of the liver, kidneys, allows you to get rid of skin diseases, acne.

2 tablespoons of flowers and leaves are poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for 8-10 hours. Filter, use 50 ml 3 times a day.

Before use, you should consult with your doctor in order to avoid the appearance negative consequences. Recipes traditional medicine will not replace traditional treatment.

Several Yet interesting facts You will learn about the healing properties of wild thorns from this video:

In cosmetology

The fruits are used to moisturize and nourish the skin. For cooking nourishing mask grind 3-5 fruits, add 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese and 5 drops of lemon juice.

All ingredients are mixed, the mask is applied to the face for 20 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

To moisturize the skin you need:

  • crushed fruits (3-5 pieces);
  • 1 tablespoon of sour cream;
  • 1 teaspoon honey.

Mix everything, apply on face for 15-20 minutes, rinse with water. The composition is used to eliminate high fat content, heals minor wounds, removes redness of the skin, acne.

Blackthorn is widely used in conservation, cooking, and cosmetology. Included in the recipes of traditional medicine.

Strengthens the body, improves immunity. AT rare cases an allergy appears, with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, use is prohibited, in other cases, the turn will only benefit.

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