How to treat ulcerative colitis of the intestine. Ulcerative colitis of the intestine (UC) - symptoms and treatment with folk remedies. Nonspecific ulcerative colitis: diet of patients

Treatment of nonspecific ulcerative colitis depends on the localization of the pathological process in the intestine, its extent, the severity of attacks, the presence of local and systemic complications.

The main goals of conservative therapy:

  • pain relief,
  • prevention of disease recurrence
  • prevention of the progression of the pathological process.

Ulcerative colitis of the distal intestines: proctitis and proctosigmoiditis are treated on an outpatient basis, as they have a milder course. Patients with total and left-sided lesions of the colon are shown to be treated in a hospital, since they have more pronounced clinical manifestations and there are large organic changes.

Nutrition of the sick

A diet for ulcerative colitis should spare the intestines, help increase its regenerative abilities, eliminate fermentation and putrefactive processes, and also regulate metabolism.

Sample menu for ulcerative colitis:

  • Breakfast - rice or any other porridge with butter, steamed cutlet, tea;
  • Second breakfast - about forty grams of boiled meat and berry jelly;
  • Lunch - soup with meatballs, meat casserole, dried fruit compote;
  • Dinner - mashed potatoes with fish cake, tea;
  • Snack - baked apples.

Medical treatment

Treatment of ulcerative colitis of the intestine is carried out in three main directions:

  • preventing or stopping internal bleeding;
  • restoration of water-salt balance in the body;
  • cessation of pathogenic effects on the intestinal mucosa.


Infusions of medicinal herbs have a mild restorative effect: they envelop the damaged intestinal mucosa, heal wounds, and stop bleeding. Herbal infusions and decoctions can replenish fluid loss in the body and restore water and electrolyte balance.

The main components of therapeutic herbal teas are:

  1. The leaves and fruits of currants, raspberries and strawberries help the liver fight any acute inflammatory process in the body.
  2. Dried blueberries cleanse the intestines of putrefactive microorganisms and help in the fight against cancer cells.
  3. Nettle improves blood clotting, relieves inflammation, cleanses the intestines from decay and decay products.
  4. Peppermint fights emotional lability, diarrhea, relieves inflammation and spasms, and has a pronounced antimicrobial effect.
  5. Chamomile is a powerful herbal antibiotic that can also relieve spasms.
  6. Yarrow stops diarrhea, has bactericidal properties and cleanses the intestines from pathogenic microorganisms.
  7. St. John's wort stimulates intestinal motility and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

These herbs are used to treat ulcerative colitis in the form of infusions and decoctions. They are combined in fees or brewed separately.

  • Dry leaves and raspberry branches are poured with boiling water and insisted for half an hour. Take a remedy of one hundred milliliters four times a day before meals.
  • A collection of medicinal herbs is prepared as follows: centaury grass, sage leaves and chamomile flowers are mixed in a teaspoon. Then pour a glass of boiling water and leave for thirty minutes. Drink one tablespoon every two hours. Three months later, the intervals between doses of the infusion are lengthened. Such treatment is harmless and can last for a long time.
  • Peppermint leaves are poured with boiling water and infused for twenty minutes. Take a glass twenty minutes before meals. The same effective remedy for colitis is an infusion of strawberry leaves, which is prepared similarly to this.
  • Fifty grams of fresh pomegranate seeds are boiled over low heat for half an hour, pouring a glass of water. Take two tablespoons twice a day. Pomegranate decoction is a fairly effective remedy for allergic colitis.
  • One hundred grams of yarrow herb is poured with a liter of boiling water and insisted for a day in a closed container. After straining, the infusion is boiled. Then add one tablespoon of alcohol and glycerin and mix well. Take the remedy thirty drops half an hour before meals for a month.
  • Mixed in equal amounts of medicinal sage, peppermint, chamomile, St. John's wort and cumin. This mixture is placed in a thermos, poured with boiling water and left overnight. Starting from the next day, take the infusion regularly for half a cup three times a day for a month.

Folk remedies

  • Dried watermelon peels in the amount of one hundred grams are poured with two glasses of boiling water and taken one hundred milliliters six times a day.
  • Eight grams of propolis should be eaten daily to reduce the symptoms of colitis. It needs to be chewed on an empty stomach for a long time.
  • Squeeze the juice from the onion and take it one teaspoon three times a day. This folk remedy is very effective in the treatment of ulcerative colitis.
  • The whey obtained by squeezing the cheese is recommended to be taken twice a day.
  • Walnut kernels are regularly eaten for three months. Positive results will become noticeable within a month from the start of treatment.
  • How to cure ulcerative colitis with microclysters? For this, starch microclysters are shown, prepared by diluting five grams of starch in one hundred milliliters of cool water.
  • Microclysters made from honey and chamomile, which are pre-brewed with boiling water, are considered effective. One enema requires fifty milliliters of solution. The duration of treatment is eight procedures.
  • Viburnum berries are poured with boiling water and viburnum tea is drunk immediately before meals.

You probably thought that I had gone crazy and would start offering you some unscientific methods of treating ulcerative colitis ... I hasten to clarify: I personally know people who, being without medical support, for 8-10 years and did not remember their UC . However, as you may have guessed, even after such a long period of time, the disease can manifest itself.

Is it possible to take a ten-year remission of UC for healing? How can you help your body accomplish the seemingly impossible: to exist safely without medication for many years


“I cured UC!” Isn't that what you want to hear in a dialogue with any IBD patient? You may not agree with me, however, here is my opinion. If you manage to stay in remission without medication for at least 6-12 months, then you have somehow managed to balance your immune system. We know that the source of NUC lies in the autoaggression of the immune system (the question is what caused the failure of the immune system, but this is not about that now). Can we assume that after an indefinite time, our body will be attacked by some kind of irritant, and ulcerative colitis will again make itself felt? Of course. Can we extend the time spent in remission, feeling like a healthy person? Of course, but it will take a lot of effort. This is what today's article will be about.

If you, like me, want to fully live the time allotted to you, then everything that you see below in the text must be introduced into your everyday life, because the benefits of all this in NUC have scientific justification.

Manage stress

Stress is not just emotional excitement or nervous tension, as is commonly believed in wide circles. Stress is a universal reaction to sufficiently strong external and internal stimuli. At the same time, every living being has a so-called endurance threshold. That is, in order for the body to start a chain of reactions, stress must overcome this very threshold.

The author of this theory (“stress theory”) is Professor Hans Selye. The concept was approved by many scientists and was reflected in scientific and near-scientific publications. According to canon, stimuli are divided into two types - physical and psychological. The former include extreme environmental temperatures, injuries, illnesses, etc., while the latter include fear, hatred, feelings, etc.

By itself as a mechanism, “stress” can be negative or positive. I am sure that the vast majority of people at least once in their lives had the opportunity to experience the sharpening of reflexes during some kind of extreme situation (I touched on this topic in an article about). This is the "bright side" of stress - eustress. We need to pay attention to distress- the “dark side” of this phenomenon (Luke, I am your father: D).

Distress is a state of a living organism in which it cannot adequately respond to stimuli. Excessive load, unbalancing you, leads to a deterioration in psychophysiological functions. The reserves of the body are not unlimited, and in the case of too long a stay in a state of distress, there is a high risk of adverse consequences.

Causes of distress include:

  • Inability for a long time to satisfy their physiological needs (food, drink, warmth, oxygen).
  • Abnormal living conditions (i.e. different from the usual habitat).
  • Prolonged pain, injury, illness.
  • Long-term negative emotional impacts.

Distress leads to malfunctions in the hormonal, immune, genitourinary, digestive and other systems of the body, as well as disorders in the functioning of various internal organs, including the stomach, small intestine, large intestine, brain, heart, etc. Is it worth telling what this can lead to?

The conclusion from the above suggests itself: you must learn to manage your stress. I highly recommend that you read the translation of the article ““. By the way, there are rumors that by repeating the mantra “I cured ulcerative colitis”, some actually succeeded ;)

Diversify your diet

Our body is a complex system of interconnection of everything and everyone. To keep processes in proper condition, they need power.

By restricting ourselves in one or another food, we deprive our body of the opportunity to receive the necessary nutrients (clearly, I do not mean fast foods and other obviously harmful products). Read more about the benefits of vitamins in the articles “” and ““.

Focus on protein-rich foods such as eggs, chicken, turkey, oily fish, cottage cheese, and the like. Protein is the basis for the synthesis of new cells and the restoration of damaged ones.

Follow the regime

You must teach your body to live “on schedule”. Waking up and going to bed at the same time, going to the bathroom, eating, exercising, etc. – that's what I mean.

With the current rhythm of life, it can be very difficult to develop the habit of “compliance with the regime” due, for example, to an irregular work schedule or frequent business trips. However, what about the fact that, for example, eating at a set time reduces the risk of occurrence and exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases?

As for myself, I can say that for 2-3 years now I have been going to the toilet in the morning, around 6:30-6:40. I don’t know, to be honest, how it happened, but this need taught me to wake up around 6:30 in the morning, even on a weekday, even on a weekend. In the gym I train from 18:00 to 19:00. Meals.

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis (nyak) is a complex gastrointestinal ailment in which ulcers form on the intestine (colon). If the disease is running, then a long and complicated treatment will be required. Complications of colitis make it difficult to live and sleep freely. It is worth thinking about what symptoms of ulcerative colitis of the intestine are treated with folk remedies, and what are the forecasts for recovery. After all, if a person was cured of a nyak, he almost certainly used folk methods, including using aloe.


Patients with this disease talk about frequent stools. In this case, the feces are interspersed with blood, pus or mucus. With advanced colitis, the number of trips to the toilet can reach 12 times a day, the increase occurs at night, disrupting sleep. In addition to problems with the stool, pain in the epigastrium worries, fever appears. A person with ulcerative colitis experiences weight loss. If you do not see a doctor in time, the following negative consequences are possible:

  • there may be bleeding in the intestines;
  • possible rupture of the colon (its walls);
  • fistulas + abscess may appear;
  • the intestinal lumen narrows.

In order to prevent the transition of the disease to another stage (chronic), it is necessary to take timely measures for healing.

Treatment with folk remedies

Treatment of ulcerative colitis with folk remedies is an excellent method in the fight against the disease. With this disease, folk methods are considered more effective than medication. To alleviate the patient's condition, you can choose the right herbal medicine, combining it with a diet. This is the best option. In ulcerative colitis, treatment with folk remedies can be extremely diverse - not only remedies such as aloe, but even hydrogen peroxide can be used.

Treatment of nyak with herbs is an excellent method that occupies a middle place between drug treatment and surgery.

Effective plants for non-specific ulcerative colitis

Medicinal herbs should aid in the healing of ulcers and help in stopping bleeding. The water-salt balance of the body is also very important when nonspecific colitis reigns in the body.

  1. Blueberries are an excellent assistant-cleanser of the intestines from putrefactive substances, contributes to the fight against cancer cells.
  2. Strawberry and raspberry leaves are also able to overcome the disease, or rather help in the fight against it.
  3. Nettle leaves help improve blood clotting function.
  4. Chamomile flowers have the ability to fight germs and bacteria.
  5. To stop diarrhea, yarrow is perfect, it will also cleanse the intestines of harmful microorganisms.
  6. Potentilla will help heal ulcers.
  7. A gout remedy can be a panacea for: inflammation, pain, constipation.
  8. Celandine will help to overcome inflammation, destroy harmful microorganisms, normalize the nervous system.
  9. The drug from St. John's wort will help in restoring bowel function.
  10. Alder has three actions at once: heals, stops blood, has an astringent effect. It is worth preparing an alder broth.
  11. Aloe with colitis will help get rid of ulcers, due to its composition. Aloe contains polysaccharides and has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body. Taking aloe helps to fight intestinal cramps, which cause a person to feel pain in the abdomen.
  12. Cones are also useful in the fight against the disease. You need to collect them at the end of winter and freeze. Next, defrost and chop them. It is possible to add alder bark and honey. Take all the components in different proportions and make tea out of them.
  13. Zhimka cedar is a storehouse of useful substances (vitamins B, E), it contains iodine. Zhimka is indispensable for colitis, it should be used as an additive to food. (1-3 tablespoons / day). Cedar milk is prepared as follows: take a squeeze (1 tbsp. L), honey, hot water, beat everything and use it for gastrointestinal diseases.
  14. It is also worth using a Tibetan mushroom for healing. His "kefir" contains a lot of nutrients, restores the microflora, kills the microbes of the gastrointestinal tract. If diarrhea occurs with an illness, then you need to prepare a medicine according to the following recipe: take 1/2 tsp. on about 5 l. milk (if there is no diarrhea, then take a spoonful of the mushroom).

Other means of combating the disease

Shilajit with ulcerative colitis is a permitted food supplement, it is prescribed at 0.4 g / day. Subject to the diet and scheme: 10 ml of mummy (1%) - 2 r / day, the disappearance of the disease is noted. Shilajit has regenerative properties, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic. Remember that when using any remedy, complex treatment is also needed, these most complex preparations are mummy. For different types of colitis, different schemes are used.

Cahors can become a cure for an illness, as it contains rubidium (a rare trace element), with its help, harmful radionuclides leave the body.

The chronic stage of the disease is characterized by problems with the stool. Therefore, in the treatment of the disease, you need to focus on this point, so you need to stock up on herbs that have fixing properties.

The traditional way in this case is the preparation of infusion. You will need one part of the collection: chamomile, nettle, St. John's wort, wild rose and 5 parts of yarrow. It is necessary to mix all the ingredients and pour them with water, heat them in a water bath for 15 minutes, then leave for about 2 hours. Drink a glassful before meals. This infusion has antibacterial and hemostatic properties + helps to get rid of diarrhea.

For constipation, on the contrary, laxative plants should be used. Here is one of the recipes for such a medicine: take chamomile, nettle, blueberries, mint, valerian root, gout, take herbal collection in equal proportions, pour boiling water and leave for 1 night. Drink before meals in a glass.

Treatment of the acute stage

The easiest option is to drink brewed tea (green), which has an antimicrobial effect. It is better to drink loose leaf tea.

Insist chamomile as follows: you need 4 tbsp. l. pour the product with water and soak for half an hour in a water bath, then strain. For treatment, you need to drink 1/2 stack. after meal.

For acute attacks of diarrhea, a decoction of St. John's wort is perfect. Recipe: take 1 tbsp. l. plants and add stack. boiling water, leave for half an hour, drink a third before meals.

In the relapse period, you need to use herbs that help the healing of ulcers and good blood flow. You will also need plants that improve the function of blood clotting (for example: yasnotka, St. John's wort).

Applying an enema

Enemas are used to treat any stage of the disease. Sea buckthorn (its oil) is perfect for this process. Sea buckthorn oil regenerates wounds. In the "pear" for an enema, you need to collect oils (about 50 ml) and inject it into the intestine (rectum) before going to bed. Then go to the toilet and go to bed, in the morning on an empty stomach you need to take a spoonful of oil.

Raspberry leaves are also effective in combating the disease. They need to be poured with boiling water, insist for half an hour and drink 100 ml (4 r / day). Or take mint according to the same principle, only insist it for 20 minutes. and drink a glass before meals.

You can prepare pomegranate medicine: take 50 gr. pomegranate seeds, pour a glass of boiling water and heat over low heat for half an hour. Drink 2 tbsp. l. (2 r / day).

Getting rid of the disease with the help of bee products

It is possible to treat nyak with the help of propolis. It occupies a special place, as it has a wide spectrum of action. Propolis therapy has a number of significant advantages: gastrointestinal motility improves, constipation disappears, the gastrointestinal tract works without "misfires", immunity increases. The forces of the body are stimulated and an intensified fight against infections and bacteria begins. Propolis has anesthetic properties, when taking drugs based on it, the pain syndrome decreases. To eradicate colitis, tinctures, solutions, and other drugs containing propolis are used. You can use propolis in its original form, 9 gr. per day (for 3 g - 3 times) half an hour before meals, you need to take bee "glue" and chew it, it is useful not only for nyak, but also for other ailments.

Chronic colitis, as well as acute ones, can be cured with tinctures (with alcohol). The daily norm of propolis is 10 grams (maximum), with an exacerbation, the norm should be reduced, with a chronic course, lowered. Do not forget about the occurrence of allergic reactions to the bee product, so you need to start healing with small doses. To prepare the tincture, you need alcohol - 100 ml (96%) + 10 g of the bee ingredient. "Glue" must be crushed and poured with alcohol, insist 3 days, strain and drink 35 drops dissolved in water before meals (40 minutes). You need to store the leftovers in a glass container in the dark and drink the tincture daily for 2 months. This tincture is a great option for increasing appetite.

Perga is also used in ulcerative colitis of the intestine to eliminate symptoms and treat as a folk remedy. Pergu is consumed directly from fresh honeycombs in small pieces, can be mixed with honey. Recipe for cooking with honey: mix 1 tsp. bee bread and half a glass of honey and drink 2 tsp. (2-4 r / day).

Of all the herbs that were described in the article, you can prepare medicinal infusions and combine them into fees. Each plant has its own effect, you need to choose the one that is necessary in a particular case and prepare a decoction. You can prepare a tincture from the collection, taking a certain amount of each herb, to achieve a certain effect (its increase), take the desired plant and increase its amount.

Be attentive to your health, never think that everything will disappear by itself. Remember that it is better to prevent the disease than to treat it, and even more so to allow the development of complications and get exacerbated. Look at the reviews on the Internet, find out who was cured of nyak, select a possible treatment regimen that suits your form of illness.

Now manta (steamer) is useful on the farm, because there is a need to follow a diet.

You do not need to inject anything yourself, the treatment should be prescribed by the attending physician.

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis is one of the most mysterious gastroenterological diseases. The exact causes of its development have not yet been determined, but effective methods of treatment that maximize the quality of life of a chronic patient have already been developed.

With nonspecific ulcerative colitis, the mucous membrane of the large intestine suffers. It becomes inflamed, causing severe pain to the patient. Unlike viral or infectious diseases, when the pathogen enters the body from the outside, NUC is an autoimmune pathology. It originates inside the body, with a certain failure of the immune system, the exact nature of which has not yet been determined. Accordingly, there is no way to develop preventive measures that guarantee 100% protection against NUC. There are only theories that allow us to talk about risk factors:

  1. Genetic. Statistics revealed that the disease is characterized by a family predisposition.
  2. Infectious. Some experts suggest that UC occurs as a result of the body's reaction to the action of certain bacteria, which under normal conditions are non-pathogenic (safe). What exactly contributes to the modification of bacteria into pathogens is not yet clear.
  3. Immune. According to this theory, UC occurs as an allergic reaction to certain components in the composition of foods. During this reaction, the mucosa produces a special antigen that enters into a "confrontation" with the natural intestinal microflora.
  4. Emotional. A less common theory is that UC develops against the background of prolonged deep stress.

The diagnosis of "nonspecific ulcerative colitis" is rapidly getting younger. More than 70% of cases, according to statistics of the last twenty years, are teenagers and people under 30 years old. Senior citizens suffer from ulcerative colitis much less frequently. According to the latest statistics, the incidence is 1 case in about 14 thousand people.

Is it possible to heal permanently?

This question worries many who hear their diagnosis for the first time. Unfortunately, no doctor who calls himself a professional can guarantee a cure. The fact is that NUC is a chronic disease, which means that the disease can only be “healed”, but not completely eliminated. Colitis is characterized by a cyclic course, that is, relapses (periods of exacerbation) alternate with months of stagnation, when the disease almost does not manifest itself. The goal of therapy for NUC is to delay the onset of relapse as much as possible, and when it occurs, to reduce the severity of symptoms.

Some patients, having learned their diagnosis, panic, believing that they will have to spend the rest of their lives on a strict diet. Meanwhile, the emotional state of the patient is an important factor determining the success of therapy. Therefore, you should never give up. Strict dietary restrictions are necessary only in the acute phase of the disease; during periods of remission, the diet is much softer.

Ways of treatment

The search for effective methods of treating NUC has been going on since the 80s of the last century. Currently, the best results have been achieved with an integrated approach to therapy, combining different ways of treatment:

  • taking medications;
  • diet;
  • psycho-emotional correction.

Surgical treatment of UC is also practiced, but in recent years there has been a tendency to replace surgical therapy with conservative one.

The treatment plan is developed based on the individual characteristics of the organism (gender, age, presence of other chronic ailments, etc.). Therapy of NUC according to the general scheme has long proved to be ineffective. Therefore, before prescribing certain drugs or surgery, the patient must undergo a long examination.

If it is impossible to completely cure, the therapy of nonspecific ulcerative colitis sets itself the following tasks:

  • reduction of symptoms of the disease;
  • relapse prevention;
  • improving the quality of life.

Video - Nonspecific ulcerative colitis: symptoms and treatment

Drug therapy for NUC

The main group of drugs prescribed for the treatment of ulcerative colitis are anti-inflammatory drugs. Their goal is to stop the inflammatory process in the mucous membranes of the large intestine.

An analysis of the effectiveness of a particular anti-inflammatory agent is carried out within a week from the moment of administration. If stabilization of the patient's condition is not observed, the drug is replaced with another one.

Reducing inflammation of the mucosa is the main, but not the only task that the UC treatment plan should solve. In addition to anti-inflammatory drugs, the attending physician may prescribe medications from the following groups:

Depending on the form of the course of the disease and individual sensitivity to individual drugs, the gastroenterologist can prescribe both all of the above drugs and drugs of 1-2 groups.

When is surgery needed?

Currently, surgical intervention is prescribed in 10-15% of all cases of UC. At the beginning of the 2000s, this figure was at least twice as high. The operation is recommended in extreme cases, when conservative treatment has failed and the patient's condition worsens. Against the background of UC, a malignant tumor of the intestine (colorectal cancer) can develop. Then the operation is necessary already to save the patient's life, and not to improve its quality.

The following types of surgery are currently practiced:

The choice of one or another method of surgical intervention, as in the case of conservative treatment, depends on the patient's condition and the presence of concomitant diseases.

Features of the diet for NUC

Nutrition for ulcerative colitis involves strict control of the balance of nutrients in consumed foods. Exceeding the norm of carbohydrates or fats during remission can lead to relapse. Therefore, visits to a nutritionist who will adjust the menu during different cycles of illness are mandatory.

With NUC, it is recommended to completely remove foods containing coarse fiber or milk protein from the diet. Flour increases intestinal peristalsis, which, with inflammation of the mucous membranes, is fraught with sharp paroxysmal pain. As for the ban on dairy products, it is due to the increased sensitivity of the body to the protein contained in them. If in healthy people the allergy to this protein is suppressed by the immune system, then in UC the body cannot cope with this task. Also under the ban are sweets with a high content of lactose (chocolate, sweets, various syrups, etc.). The consumption of vegetables and fruits during the period of exacerbation should be minimized. Baked apples and pears are allowed only with stable remission, it is better to exclude citrus fruits altogether.

The basis of the diet of a patient with nonspecific colitis during the acute phase should be cereals and broths. Meat and fish are allowed only boiled or steamed, without a crust. Of the side dishes, in addition to cereals, mashed potatoes of a soft consistency are recommended. Eggs are also allowed, but only in the form of a steam omelet.

The main principle of the formation of the menu during the period of remission is to assess the body's reaction to the addition of a particular product. Diet correction is carried out only under the supervision of a gastroenterologist.

A properly selected UC treatment regimen and dietary compliance provide a stable, long-term remission, in which dietary restrictions are minimized. The example of thousands of patients has shown that it is possible to lead a bright, fulfilling life with ulcerative colitis, the quality of which depends primarily on the desire to comply with the treatment plan.

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis is a complex disease that can destroy human health and cause a lot of harm. It is often accompanied by bleeding, fever,. This disease is often referred to with the help of an abbreviation - NUC.

With the active intervention of doctors at the initial stage, it is possible to overcome the disease. The advanced form becomes chronic, its treatment is difficult, and as a result, it can end fatally.

Dangerous alternating exacerbations and remissions. During an exacerbation, the intestinal walls can burst. A long-term illness sometimes leads to oncological diseases of the colon. If life-threatening complications begin, an operation is performed. In order not to start the disease, it is necessary to start treatment in a timely manner. The most effective folk remedies, practice shows that drug therapy gives little results.

Ulcerative colitis can be acute or chronic

It is not clear why some people develop ulcerative colitis. Doctors could only identify a number of areas that lead to such an ailment. These are:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • disruptions in the immune system;
  • psychological aspect;
  • harmful effects of the environment;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The disease progresses in stages. At first, problems affect only the rectum. Next comes the spread along, and the submucosa, the mucous layer is affected. In the end, the surface of the intestine ulcerates. The calmer and more balanced a person is, the less danger for him from this disease. Stress, nervousness, on the contrary, complicate the course, so the treatment of the disease includes the restoration of emotional stability.

Features of the disease

To determine the appropriate treatment, you need to know what form of the disease, at what stage the patient is. Therapeutic manipulations should be carried out in the direction of restoring the mucosa, submucosa of all parts of the intestine. For this, they are used, endowed with an enveloping effect, capable of healing, relieving inflammation.

NUC has several stages:

  1. Acute. It . When symptoms first occur.
  2. Chronic.
  3. Recurrent. The exacerbation replaces the periods of a normal state.

NUC has several forms:

  • Mild (characterized by the normal condition of the patient, whose stool occurs no more than 5 times a day, blood blotches may be present in loose stools).
  • Medium severity.
  • Severe (worries more than 8 times a day, blood, pus, mucus in the stool). Requires mandatory hospitalization.

You can learn more about ulcerative colitis from the video:

Phytotherapy in the fight against ulcerative colitis

Phytotherapy is an excellent tool in the fight against ulcerative colitis.

Not always medications can cope with UC. If it does not work, you can turn to the gifts of nature to delay the operation. What medicinal herbs can help?

These are plants, infusions and decoctions of which gently affect the affected areas, enveloping them, healing. Taking decoctions is also useful in that their intake allows you to make up for the loss of fluid characteristic of this. The list of herbs that have proven themselves in the treatment of this ailment is given below:

  1. Dried blueberries (berries) - a remedy that prevents putrefactive processes, protects against oncological neoplasms.
  2. Strawberry, raspberry, currant leaves support the liver.
  3. Nettle decoctions help improve blood clotting, prevent inflammation, relieve inflammation, and free the body from pus.
  4. Chamomile relieves inflammation, eliminates spasms, has an antimicrobial effect.
  5. Peppermint calms, balances the emotional state, reduces spasms, produces an antibacterial effect. This is a tool for correcting the state at.
  6. Yarrow relieves diarrhea, due to the presence in the composition of substances that have a bactericidal effect.
  7. Snyt relieves inflammation, heals the affected surfaces, removes pain. It has a laxative effect, helps with constipation.
  8. Potentilla has a healing effect, helps to fight.
  9. Pomegranate (peel) is considered a reliable remedy for diarrhea. Able to relieve inflammation, destroy harmful microorganisms. For reception prepare infusions.
  10. Celandine has healing, anti-inflammatory properties, destroys pathogenic microflora. It has a beneficial effect on the emotional state, relieves nervous tension, anxiety.
  11. Wormwood removes all dangerous microorganisms from the intestines.
  12. St. John's wort improves motility, removes pus, reduces inflammation in the intestines.
  13. Highlander bird is a good antispasmodic, it also has a healing, anti-inflammatory effect.
  14. Alder helps in the treatment of ulcers, has astringent properties, so it can stop bleeding.

The herbs listed above are good in infusions and decoctions, both by themselves and in combination with each other. You can take them in equal amounts or use one herb in a larger quantity than others in the total collection. This will help to vary the desired effect.

If the decoction is enriched, then the beneficial properties of the drug will increase.

Chronic NUC. How to normalize the situation?

Manifestations of nonspecific ulcerative colitis are constipation.

Manifestations of nonspecific ulcerative colitis are diverse. It can be constipation, diarrhea, pain and other unpleasant sensations. The specifics of treatment directly depends on those that are present at the moment.

If the disease is accompanied by diarrhea, then herbal preparations include components that can stop diarrhea. As a basis, you can take yarrow, chamomile. There also add a little nettle, St. John's wort.

An infusion prepared from such a mixture will stop diarrhea, bleeding, reduce inflammation, and help get rid of decay. One spoon should be brewed with a glass of boiling water. The tool will cook better if you hold it in a water bath, and then insist it for a while. The best option is to leave it in a thermos overnight. Take it in a glass before meals.

If you suffer from colitis, then you need to be treated a little differently. First, you need to restore motor skills. You will need herbs that can stimulate the functioning of the intestines, relieving inflammation. You can mix goutweed, chamomile, valerian, blueberries, mint, nettles. The proportions of preparation are similar: for a collection spoon - a glass of boiling water. the remedy is infused in a thermos overnight. Drink a glass before meals.

Acute colitis. Methods of treatment

We begin the treatment of acute colitis with a cup of green tea.

Start treatment with plain green tea. You just need to boil it harder. Its antimicrobial properties are able to eliminate negative factors in a short time. Only you need to buy not bags, but normal large-leaf tea.

You can alternate the intake of tea with a decoction of chamomile. He, too, must be strong. 4 tablespoons are poured into a glass of boiling water. this mixture is kept in a water bath for about 20 minutes. when strained, they drink it in half a glass after a meal.

An acute attack of colitis can be stopped by taking St. John's wort. It is brewed according to the classical scheme (a glass of boiling water per spoonful of the mixture). For a long time it is not necessary to insist. Half an hour is enough. The remedy is drunk 3 times a day, for 1 time they use a third of a glass.

Fighting relapse

Highlander bird will help in the fight against relapses.

The soonest normalization of the situation will contribute to the healing of ulcers, improving blood circulation in this area. In order not to increase bleeding, it is necessary to take herbs that increase the level of blood clotting.

This is a mountaineer bird, yanetka, nettle, St. John's wort. It is better to take them not separately, but to include them in healing cathedrals. It is advisable to use local treatments, for example, with sea buckthorn oil. This is an excellent healing agent.

Enemas are done lying down late at night before going to bed. The volume of injected oil is 50 ml. For the procedure, take a small pear. After waking up, you need to drink the same oil 1 - 2 tablespoons.

Homeopathy remedies

Often. Trying to get rid of, people try different methods. Homeopathy is one of them. Only self-treatment is unacceptable here. You need a qualified homeopath.

A professional will never approach a matter lightly. In order for his treatment not to harm, he must know everything about the patient. Therefore, a banal survey at the reception can take several hours. The scheme of the prescribed course of treatment may include medicinal plants, acupuncture, massage.

Bolotov-Naumov effect

We use a little meat, cottage cheese, fish and normalize the situation.

This disease has its own nuances. Malfunctioning of the pylorus valve is thought to lead to ulcerative colitis. It separates the stomach and duodenum.

If it cannot close in time, the contents of the duodenum are also mixed. This phenomenon provokes the development of many diseases of the digestive tract.

It has been found that it starts to work worse in case of frequent intake of alkaline food. It was these conclusions that were called the Bolotov-Naumov effect. Dr. Naumov has developed a number of recommendations that can help normalize the situation:

  • Half an hour after eating, dissolve large salt crystals.
  • At the chronic stage, use vegetable cakes.
  • Meat, fish, mushrooms, cottage cheese, kefir should be consumed little by little.
  • An infusion of wormwood is drunk after a meal in half an hour.
  • Kvass is prepared from kvass on whey. It is drunk 2 sips every 2 hours constantly.

These recommendations help to restore the tone of the pylorus and correct the situation. You can not be indifferent to this disease. After all, every 10 patients with ulcerative colitis, according to statistics, dies.

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