What to do The discharge smells like fish. White and other discharge with the smell of fish, other symptoms of gardnerellosis. Why doesn't everyone get bacterial vaginosis?

Women are normal physiological process. But as soon as there is inflammation in the vagina, they change their color and smell. Often these discharges have a fishy smell. Why is this happening, what are the concomitant symptoms should be studied in detail so that this situation does not reappear in the future.

Normally, the smell of secretions has a sour tint, but it is not unpleasant. The main reasons for the appearance of a specific odor are pathogenic microorganisms. Against their background, various gynecological diseases, such as:

It should be remembered that if you have a discharge that has an unpleasant specific fishy smell, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. Only he appoints necessary examination, according to the results of which the specialist will prescribe the necessary medicines.

Discharge during pregnancy

Quite often, discharge from fishy smell observed in pregnant women. Why is this happening? Not always such a sign is. The main reasons for the appearance of such a smell can be:

  • Hormonal imbalance, and this is absolutely natural for any pregnant woman
  • Heightened sense of smell, often in women during this period, some smells are distorted

It is quite easy to suspect an ailment if such a symptom as a fishy smell is accompanied by itching and burning, which may be the result of a sexually transmitted disease or a gynecological disease in a chronic form.

If you have such discharge, then when scheduled inspection the gynecologist should not be hushed up about it. The specialist will refer the woman to laboratory research smear, the results of which will help to identify or exclude the inflammatory process.

Odor removal procedures

If the specialist did not reveal any deviations, then you can get rid of the specific smell in the following ways:

  • For washing, use a special gel or foam for intimate hygiene and perform the washing procedure 2 times a day with warm water.
  • Buy panties exclusively from natural fabrics.
  • Before going to bed, experts recommend taking off your underpants.
  • It should be abandoned such as douching.

If a woman has excessive sweating in summer period, then it is advisable to use a tool such as talc. It perfectly absorbs moisture, which can cause a specific fishy smell.

Treatment of pathological secretions

How to treat such an unpleasant symptom? If this smell is a consequence of the inflammatory process, then in this case it is required complex treatment which includes:

  • Reception. The specialist prescribes various diseases. They effectively remove the inflammatory process and effectively eliminate the cause of the unpleasant odor. Quite often prescribe Doxycycline, Amoxicillin and their analogues.
  • Recovery normal microflora vaginas use suppositories: Livarol, Irunin, Clotrimazole and others.
  • Proper nutrition. We exclude from the diet all fatty and smoked foods. We try to use as much as possible. fermented milk products as well as citrus fruits. And also during such a period, you should try to drink as much water as possible, because it contributes to leaching pathogenic microorganisms.

It should be remembered that all without exception medical preparations can appoint a specialist, and only according to the results of the examination. Do not engage in amateur activities, otherwise the consequences can be much harder.

Traditional medicine recipes

Means will help to eliminate a specific smell traditional medicine. Recipes were collected by our great-grandmothers and carefully kept, passing them from generation to generation:

All of the above funds should be used only as an addition to the main treatment. Before using this or that recipe, it is advisable to consult a specialist.


  1. Washing twice a day and this should not be done regular soap, but with a special gel or foam for intimate areas.
  2. Change underwear every day.
  3. Acquire and wear panties exclusively from natural fabrics.
  4. Change panty liners every 4-6 hours.
  5. During menstruation, hygiene also needs to be paid Special attention. In this case, pads and tampons should be changed as often as possible, every 3-4 hours. At night, it is advisable to use a pad, not a tampon.
  6. Don't get cold.
  7. If you are not sure about your partner, it is recommended to use a condom during intercourse.

The presence of the smell of fish means only one thing - a violation of the microflora of the vagina. Timely appeal see a specialist to help you get rid of it unpleasant symptom, and compliance with all the rules and recommendations will help you not to face this problem in the future.

Do not self-medicate, it is better to seek help from medical institution. Only a specialist will be able to put the right one and appoint adequate treatment which is right for you.

May 28, 2017 Violetta Doctor

Bacterial vaginosis is not venereal disease. His triggers ( Gardnerella vaginalis ) are transmitted during sexual contact. But their transmission from woman to woman is not the cause of the disease, since most women in a small amount these microbes are found in the normal microflora of the vagina. However, unprotected sex does play a role in bacterial vaginosis. And the point here is not the infection - the change of the sexual partner or many sexual partners changes the microflora of the vagina.

Risk factors for bacterial vaginosis:

  • antibiotic treatment;
  • douching;
  • change of sexual partner.
  • contraceptive creams and suppositories that contain 9-nonoxynol (Nonoxynol, Patentex Oval);
  • condoms that are treated with 9-nonoxynol;

Symptoms of bacterial vaginosis:

The characteristic fishy smell of vaginal discharge is exactly the case when they say that the discharge smells like fish. Apart from the smell, vaginal discharge in bacterial vaginosis does not differ much from normal discharge. They are homogeneous in consistency, not abundant, grayish-white in color, do not leave marks on underwear. Only with a long course of bacterial vaginosis, the discharge becomes viscous, thick, acquire a yellowish-green color. Begin to disturb the itching and burning of the vagina.

is that it increases the risk premature birth, inflammation of the uterus and appendages, complications of pregnancy and childbirth.

Treatment of bacterial vaginosis

Drugs used to treat bacterial vaginosis local action as vaginal suppositories or cream. Often 3 days is enough for a cure. Partners also need to be treated, even though they are asymptomatic. After local application antibiotics carry out the restoration of normal microflora in the form of the appointment of vaginal suppositories and capsules with lactic acid bacteria. There are reasons to believe that bacterial vaginosis appears in the background hormonal disorders. Indeed, the mucous membrane of the vagina is covered with cells squamous epithelium that contain glycogen. Glycogen serves nutrient required for the growth of lactic acid bacteria. If the formation of glycogen in the cells of the vagina is disturbed, this causes oppression beneficial bacteria. Glycogen stores in the cells of the vagina are controlled by the level of estradiol, a female sex hormone that is produced by ovarian cells mainly in the first phase. menstrual cycle. Therefore, any factor that affects the production of estradiol can potentially create a shortage of this hormone and affect the composition of the microflora of the vagina. Therefore, despite the sufficient ease of treatment of bacterial vaginosis, it is necessary to provide conditions for the normal regulation monthly cycle. bacterial vaginosis can be regarded as a manifestation of hormonal disorders. In order to cure it completely and forever, sometimes serious efforts are required to normalize the hormonal background. An essential role in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis is played by the normalization of nutrition. Excess consumption of confectionery and flour products, eating in fast food predisposes to an increase in blood levels, which creates suitable conditions for the development of microflora disorders.

Excess weight also negatively affects the condition of the vaginal mucosa due to its effect on hormonal background. An appropriate diet during and after treatment is to limit fatty meat dishes, dairy products, confectionery, canned food. Most preferably, simple meals with minimal cooking. Fermented foods are very useful, as they contain a lot of lactic acid ( sauerkraut, soaked apples, pickles). Seafood such as seaweed, lean varieties fish also have a very good effect on the microflora. In order to be sure of the success of the treatment, it is necessary to control the treatment process. The criterion for cure is the absence of subjective and objective symptoms of the disease, a normal microscopic picture and the absence of pathological microflora in the vagina confirmed by laboratory tests.

For female body a slight smell from the vagina is normal, although it causes concern for many of the fair sex. It is quite difficult to distinguish natural processes from pathological ones on their own. Unfortunately, most women are in no hurry to address this problem to a specialist. It is impossible to self-medicate with such a diagnosis, since the smell of whiter is a consequence of the inflammatory process.

AT healthy condition in women's reproductive organs is up to 1.5 ml of liquid. The secretions appear due to sweat from the lymphatic and blood vessels and mucus produced by the mucous membrane of the genital organs. Mucus has a whitish color, an acid reaction, a specific light odor caused by trimethylamine. It is with this substance that the heavy smell of the external genital organs is associated.

What symptoms should be of concern?

Are considered dangerous the following symptoms: any excessive discharge (cheesy, watery, mucopurulent), as well as itching and pain. These symptoms may be a sign acute inflammation). Colpitis appears due to infection with staphylococcus aureus, coli, gonococci, trichomonas, chlamydia, etc. Weak discharge without a pronounced odor often indicates chronic inflammation.

The problem may be caused genetic disorders metabolism, these disorders lead to the release of a large number trimethylamine - a substance responsible for the specific smell from the vagina. This condition of the body is called vaginosis.

What are the signs and symptoms of bacterial vaginosis?

The disease is accompanied by a decrease in beneficial lactobacilli that produce lactic acid. Without lactic acid, opportunistic pathogens begin to develop in the vagina. That is, microorganisms that can cause disease under a certain set of circumstances (stress, reduced immunity). As a result, waste products accumulate in the vagina harmful microorganisms, including trimethylamine, and there is a characteristic fishy odor to the vulva.

The main symptom of the disease is the smell of herring from the vagina. Discharge, itching, and pain may also occur. When contacting a gynecologist, it will be revealed conditionally pathogenic microflora and lack of lactobacilli. The disease can be compared to a time bomb. It does not manifest itself for a long time, and with a decrease in immunity, it becomes activated and begins to affect the mucous membrane, causing inflammation.

What can cause vaginosis:

  • Frequent vaginal douching, which removes lactobacilli and causes an increase in opportunistic microbes.
  • Application of outdoor contraceptives with antiseptics.
  • Regular use vaginal suppositories and tablets.
  • The use of antibiotics without a doctor's prescription.
  • Use of antibacterial condoms.
  • Treatment with drugs that reduce immunity (hormonal, antitumor, antifungal).
  • . Chronic form diseases are reflected in reproductive function, complicates the course of pregnancy, makes it difficult to conceive a child, provokes. To avoid this, you can not delay visiting a gynecologist or venereologist.

    The solution to the problem begins with the identification of pathogens. To do this, a blood test, smear, bakposev and PCR diagnostics are performed to detect hidden infections. After processing the results of the studies, the patient is prescribed a course of appropriate antibiotics, external preparations, lactobacilli, immunomodulators, vitamin complexes. The smell of the vagina is eliminated in 2 weeks. Illness in chronic stage treated for several months.

Any woman in her life sooner or later faces such a problem as vaginal discharge With bad smell. Discharges in women with an unpleasant odor cause constant anxiety, refusal to intimacy with a sexual partner and, as a result, irritability and feelings of discomfort.

Normally, every woman always has a characteristic smell and discharge from the genitals, because the vagina has its own microflora - a number of bacteria "permanently living" there. They prevent the reproduction of harmful microorganisms, thereby protecting the body of a woman from the development of a particular infection.

If you have an unpleasant vaginal odor ( rotten fish, sour smell), as well as unusual discharge (more abundant, greenish, grayish-white, frothy, curdled, watery or purulent), this means that the balance of the natural microflora of the vagina has been disturbed. Discharge in women with an unpleasant odor is often accompanied by itching, redness, pain in the lower abdomen.

Causes of discharge in women with an unpleasant odor

Such disturbances of the natural microflora may be the result of inflammation in the vaginal area. These inflammations cause various kinds vaginal infections (both around and inside), or its dysbacteriosis.

The presence of an infection indicates that, in addition to beneficial bacteria, pathogens are present in the vagina. It is as a result of their vital activity that bad smell and vaginal discharge.

List infections that cause similar symptoms, does not make sense, because it is possible to determine the disease only by passing the necessary tests for the presence or absence of certain dangerous microorganisms, as well as an examination by a gynecologist.

The causes of dysbacteriosis (bacterial vaginosis) can be: douching (irrigation inside the vagina), change of sexual partner, use contraceptive suppositories or vaginal tablets.

What to do?

First of all, you need to make a visit to the gynecologist. After the examination, he will give you the necessary directions for the tests. During the second visit, when all the test results are ready, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment for you. After you drink the medicine, you will need to take tests again to confirm your recovery - this will be your third visit to the gynecologist. During the third visit, you will be given a number of recommendations to avoid relapse or re-infection.

What Not to Do

Of course, there can be no talk of any self-treatment. As mentioned above, put you accurate diagnosis only your attending physician can and only after passing necessary analyzes. Self-medication can only aggravate the disease.

It is worth noting that some infections that cause foul-smelling discharge can lead to such serious consequences like inflammation of the cervix, appendages and infertility.

Each specific infection with the above symptoms requires a specific treatment that will be effective for her, but completely useless for another infection. That is why it is so important to seek help from professionals in a timely manner.

Normal vaginal discharge- an integral part of natural process functioning reproductive system organism. By the nature and consistency of mucus, one can judge the phase of the menstrual cycle, deviations in work genitourinary system, development inflammatory processes or systemic disorders. So, discharge with the smell of rotten fish clearly indicates a pathological etiology of their occurrence.

Why does discharge smell like fish? The natural microflora of the vagina consists mainly of lactic acid bacteria and Doderlein's sticks, opportunistic microorganisms (streptococci, staphylococci) and bacterial sticks (gardenella, prevotella, bacteroids, etc.) are present in small quantities. AT normal condition lactobacilli inhibit the reproduction of pathogens and give the secretions a slightly sour smell. But with a decrease immune protection organism, sour milk sticks are replaced pathogenic microbes- gardnells. Their waste products are volatile amines and cause the fishy smell of discharge in women.

Causes of Bacterial Vaginosis

Gardenerelosis (bacterial vaginosis) develops as a result of reproduction pathogenic microflora in vaginal mucus, which causes discharge with an unpleasant smell of fish. Among the factors provoking the development of the disease, the following are distinguished:

Symptoms of bacterial vaginosis

With the multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms in the vaginal mucus, a woman begins to notice that the natural vaginal discharge smells more and more like fish. Wherein female discharge become more abundant, especially after sexual contact. In addition, unprotected intercourse with ejaculation in the vagina increases the unpleasant odor due to the sharp release of volatile amines in alkaline environment sperm.

Discharge with a fishy odor outward signs and consistencies practically do not differ from natural whites: not abundant, uniform, light gray or light yellow.

White discharge with a smell, as a rule, increases after the end of menstrual flow.

With a primary lesion of the body, fish secretions appear after 7-10 days from the moment of infection.

Treatment of bacterial vaginosis

Danger untimely treatment gardenereleza is to create favorable environment to join secondary infections, the development of inflammatory processes on the vaginal mucosa, which can lead to:

  • premature birth;
  • complications after childbirth, abortion, operations;
  • the development of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs (cervicitis, endometritis, salpingitis, parametritis).

Successful treatment of fish odor spotting is based on complex diagnostics and appointment effective therapy depending on the etiology of pathogenesis.

Complex medical procedures consists of three stages, which are aimed at:

  1. Elimination of the source of pathogenesis in the pelvic organs.
  2. Normalization of the natural microflora of the vagina and intestines.
  3. Restoration of local / general immunity.
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